1905-1906 Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University
OBITUARY RECORD OF GRADUATES OF YALE UNIVERSITY Deceased during: the Academical Year ending in JUNE, /9O6, INCLUDING THE RECORD OF A FEW WHO DIED PREVIOUSLY, HITHERTO UNREPORTED [Presented at the meeting of the Alumni, June 26, 1906] [No 6 of the Fifth Printed Series, and No 65 of the whole Record] OBITUARY RECORD OF GRADUATES OF YALE UNIVERSITY Deceased during the Academical year ending in JUNE, 1906 Including the Record of a few who died previously, hitherto unreported [PRESENTED AT THE MEETING OF THE ALUMNI, JUNE 26, 1906] I No 6 of the Fifth Printed Series, and No 65 of the whole Record] YALE COLLEGE (ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT) 1831 JOSEPH SELDEN LORD, since the death of Professor Samuel Porter of the Class of 1829, m September, 1901, the oldest living graduate of^Yale University, and since the death of Bishop Clark m September, 1903, the last survivor of his class, was born in Lyme, Conn, April 26, 1808. His parents were Joseph Lord, who carried on a coasting trade near Lyme, and Phoebe (Burnham) Lord. He united with the Congregational church m his native place when 16 years old, and soon began his college preparation in the Academy of Monson, Mass., with the ministry m view. Commencement then occurred in September, and after his graduation from Yale College, he taught two years in an academy at Bristol, Conn He then entered the Yale Divinity School, was licensed to preach by the Middlesex Congregational Association of Connecticut in 1835, and completed his theological studies in 1836. After supplying 522 the Congregational church in
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