THE Pamteis' and Artists' Supplies, 1366 and 1368 BROA»T1^AY, Between 37tlt and SSth Streets. ARE MADE : m EVERY CONCEIVABLE FORJ^, AND OF THE 1193 Broadway, Apollo Building, MOST EFFECTUAL CQNSTBUCTION. Importer of the best and heaviest grades of Are now, in nse on many of the finest Buildings in and other Eastern cities. Illustrated Sheet and Catalogue on appli­ HOUSE PAINTERS, PORTLAND CEMENT. cation. The attention of Architects, Engineers, and Builders is H)£corator0, etc. called to this superior Cement, SPECIAL DESIGNS FOR Church Furniture, etc. •^ 75 EIGHTH AVENUE. M. A. J. LYNGH & HUGH N. GAMP, IB sto A. »VP" ATT, WTew Tf k. .lillllllliilgillllllllilllllllij. ABRAHAM DOWDNEY, A. N. HANt*,IW§OW, CONTRACTOR, Union Carpet-Clea ung Machine. EEAL ESTATE BEOKERS, 9 Bast 19th st., bet Broadway .; ^ Fifth .ave.. New York. Kos. 205 and 207 East 6ist Street, (Established in 1861.) Carpets - '.nup, cleanerl, and re- 106 35X10JLI>TVA.T^, Will estimate for the exca-vation of Rock and Earth, and laid. Every Carpetcleaned by thir- taohine is cleaned under the filling of sunken lots. Building Stone and Sand fru-- the personal supervision of the 1 iprietor. Carpets are CORNER OF FINE STREET. nished, thoroughly beaten by this Machint -ee from all dust and motlis. Carpets carefully packed a -i preserved from tho NATHANIKIi ROS, moth and kept on storage on reasonable terms. No char{3;e Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage. for Cartage to any part of fche citv. Orders by post proraptly Real Estate and Insurance Agent, attended lo, A. N. HAINKINSON, Proprietor. .; 200 VARICK STREET. Houses let and rents collected in all parts of the city. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS AND ARCHITECTS &c. Prize Encaustic and Mosaic Tiling. The undersigned begs to call attention tothe Tiles manu­ Embossing Establislinientj; factured by T, & B. BOOTS,, Bnrelem, Staffordshire, Eng­ land, for which they have been awarded Prize Medals in 1366&13a8BK- all the World's Fairs ever held, Between 37th and 38(fi^ streets,' " T, & R. BOOTE, by their patent process, are making NBW ANT) ELEGANT DESIGNS OF EMBOSSED BNCAUSTIO AND PLAIN FLOORING-. TILES of the hardest texture and the finest tints (ecLual to Enamel tints), WORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. which can be inlaid any depth, ensuring durability, and at Also, Samples of Ground, Cut, Stained, and a much cheaper rate than hitherto charged," Enamelled Class. "For Churches, Entrance Halls, Vestibules, &c., &c," Designs and Estimates supplied without charge, and ex­ GLAZING- PROltPTLY ATTENDED TO. perienced Pavers sent to suit purchasers. A large assorted DAVID N. SMITH & BRO., Proprietors. stock always en hand. Samples can be seen at the offlce of EDWARD BOOTE, G.B. SANFORD, TS Mlu-x-ray- Street, Ne-w "STorlv. Marble men supplied at low rates. PLAIN & ORNAWIENT&L PLASTERER, 17tli Street and. 7tli Ave., Kew Yorfe. Centre Flowers, Trusses, Pendants, ilodaUions, Cornice and N9 48 E/VST l4It!S' Panel Enrrchments, etc. -SOUTH.UNION SQUARE, Contracts to any extent taken in all parts of tho country. Wells' Patent and all other kinds of Copper and Gal­ N.B.—All country orders boxed and carefully packed. vanized Iron, Not an accident in 36 years, Americau Jobbing and repairing of every description done at the Fence Co. Fence; H. B. Brown's "Al-vv.iys Cool;" Stove shortest notice.. Lifters and Stove Dampers at wholesale .and retail. Brtx.169,. MEcriANiCS AND TaXiJERi^' EXOITAXGE, MARTIK WELLS Ss CO., Qeneral Agents, LUMBEE AT WHOLESALE, 55 Dey St., New Yorkror, 36 Elison St, Paterson,.N.J.

' ALSO, LARG-B MAJfUFACTURERS. ''" Orders fiUed direct Jrom Canada, Michigan, Chicago, LIBIBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOlSr, FOK and Oswego, via water or rail, - SHIPPDfG OE DOIVIESTIG USE,

.KT WIIOI.ESALE OR RETAIIj. PENNSYLYANIA LAND AG^ENCY.- CORNER OF WEST 29TII STREET & llTH AVENUE, NO, 62 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. No. 311 Walnut St,, j _^^ JTc!. 1 Albany Terrace, ,14 SOUTH WILLIAM STREET. .""tPliiial-i !l..-ii"i ',i V - - /London. Special attention given to .pa^ and sale of Pennsyl­ MAlJUFACTTiaERS' AND BUILDERS' vania Lands. G-eologitial Eejiorts'aSd Surveys made. Tax­ FIRE mSTJRAlfCE CO. . es paid. Titles exanjihcai"' ' CASH CAPITAL, . . . $200,000. Principal Offlce, No! 20~ BROADWAY, Brfinoh Offlcos, No, 890 Third Avenue, and Avenue C, eor. Tth St, Insures against loss or damage bv fire on the inost MANnFACTUKERS OF ' • reasonable terms. EDWARD V. LOEW, President, Steanfi Sflarbla&larbleizing Works, J, JAT NESTELL, Secretary. B.ron2e. Door-Knobs, Buffs and Locks, wos. 134 AND 136 EAST- 18TH STHEET, AKD DEAI.EES IN • New Tork, JTOHIV TRIBIBI^IS & SON, BET. THIRD AVlii,. AND IRVINa FLAOE, :H: ^ El. 33 "^^.^a. I=L !ES, Mantels, Grates and Fenders, Monuments, Head-stones, Mahogany & Lumber Dealers, 339 THIRD AYE., NEW TORE", Floor-Tiles, Marble Counters, and Wainscoting tor Hotels llTH AVENUE, COR. 34TH STREET. and Banks, etc., etc \^jpslimates^yiven.^ ^ Walnut," Oak, Aah, Cherry, Ceolar, Bntteruut, Maple. KEAL ESTATE RECORD.

3B1 and 3B3 East 61st, AND 342, 344, 346, 348, and 350 EAST 62d STREET. STRAIGHT, CIRCULAR; AND ELLIPTIC

EEs^^v^ii^G, PL^Niisra,

Turning, Balusters, Street Awning and Line Posts. TONGTJEING, GMOOVING,

BUILDERS^ MATERIALS. '^FHE BIGELOW BLUE STONE COMPANY, J- A. B, KELLOGG, AGENT, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. MiNEKS, MANUFACTUKKKS AND WHOLESALE DEALEES in CHARLES COWEN, NOKTH RIVER BUJE STONE, ALLEi^ & BROWiy, DE.:VLER IN MALDEN, ULSTF.R CO., AND 14 PINE ST., N. T. NORTB RIVEB BLVE STONE ANB FLAGGING Fliigging, Curbing, Gutters, SiUs, Lintels, Tiling, etc,, REAL ESTATE BliOKEES A^D of every description^ Water table, sills and lintels, pier and chimney caps, shipped to all parts of the & South America. AUCTIONEERS, curb and gutter, coping and basins. - 96 BROADWAY. NEW TORK, Also Grranite water table, bases and pier caps. PECK & WAE^ DELL, JONATHAN W, ALLEX, JOSIAII TV. BROWN, iioiiATio IIENHIQI;E.S. W. 21st St., bet. IOth and llth Aves., New York. SnccESBOKS TO W. J. & J, S, PECK, N. B.—Particular attention given to Loans on Bond and Residence, 142 AVest 24th Street, DEALERS IN ALL KIKDB OF Mortgage. MASONS' BUILDING MATERIALS, BUILDEES' SUPPLY DEPOT, LIME, LATH, BEICK, CEMENT. PLASTER, HAIE, &c E. DUNCAN SNIFFEN, OCTATIJ§ J. NORRIS, FOOT OP TIIIKTIETH STREET, NORTH EIVEK, G3 JiItOJiJ>WjLY, Jtoom No, 10. FOOT OF SPRING STREET, N. E., EEAL ESTATE and MOETaA&E FOOT OF 47TH & 48TH STREET, E, E., AND MECHANICS' Agent for AUSTIN & OBDYKE AND TRADERS' EXCHANGE, No. 27 PARK PLACE, BOX 38, COMMISSIONER. CORRUaATED EXPANDING WATER-PIPE and NEW YORK. Insurances eilected at very iow rates, in the best of FASTENINGS. J, S. PECK. Companies, J, C. WANDELL. 8 PINE STREET, XEW TOKK. Liberal terms to the Trade, 1 HE MOEN ASPHAI.TIC CEMENT T COMPANY. E. S, VAUGHN, Treasurer, 103 S. L. MERCHANT & CO., Maiden Lane. ASPHALTIC CEMENT PATENT CEL­ FRANK G. k DAVISON BIIOWN, IMPORTEES OF LAR BOTTOMS, Asphaltic Cement applied to Wet Cel­ lars, Damp Basements, Vaults, Arches, Brick and Stone English and Scotcli Fire Brick, Walls, Pacldng House and Stable Floor.?, &c., &c. Dealers REAL ESTATE BEOEEES in FELT ASPILU/TIC CEnrBST and GRAVEL BOOI.'ING CHALK, FIRB CLAY, RETORTS, CHINA MATKRIALS, ROMAU, PORTLAND, AND EOSHNDALE CK- lOO BROADWAY, MENT. ROOFS put on in the best manner at reasonable CLAY, PARIS WHITE, AND PORT­ rates, and guaranteed for a term of years. LAND CEMENT. 76 SOUTH ST. (Cor. Maiden Lane), New York. THE Refer to MESSES, BROWN BROTHERS & CO., and WM, E, DODGE, ESQ. JAMES BROOKS, BUILDERS' EXCHANGE, MANUFACTIIKEB.„OF 930 Fulton Street, Corner of St. James' Place, BROOKLYN. REAL ESTATE, INSUEANCE AND iSHELL LIME. S. H. HANFORD, Proprietor. FACTORY, 05th street & llth Avenue, "Hew York. Piping, Roofing, Leaders, IVIARBLE MANTELS, OFFICE.:! 9 PINE STREET. S^^ Masons and Fanners supplied, .j^ Ranges, Heaters, Furnaces, Grates and MEW TOEK. EWMAN & CAPON, MANUFAOTURERS Fenders, Frames, Summer Fronts, J. Johnson, Jr., Auctioneer. OF BIJILPERS' HARDWARE, PATENT HOTEL ANNUNCIATORSN , PATENT SLIDING-DOOR SHEAVES, Registers, Plumbing and TOHNSON & MILLEE, AUCTIONEERS &c. Offlce and Wareroom, 1172 B'way; Factory, 157 West ^ AND REAL ESTATE BROICERS, No. 25 Nassau 29th Street, Painting. Street, comer of Cedar, New York. All work warranted fii-st-class and executed at Maniifac- turers' Prices. ^^W City and Country Real Estate at Publio a:id Pri­ L. ANDERTON, METAL SASHES FOR vate Sale. » STORE FRONTS, AND CHURCH PEW PLATE Mortgages and Eeal Estate taken in payment. R Loans on Mortgage negotiated. MAJSrUFACTURER, 210 GRAND STREET, New York, Building Loans negotiated on reasonable terms, . Auction Sales of Eumiture, Stocks, Merchandise, &c. STATE KEGORD AND BUILDERS' GUIDE.


Publifhed Weekly by _ 3 HENRY ST., W. S. (NO, 95), Michael KINGS COUNTY. Harrison agft. Francis Meehan 50 00 TIIE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. 4 HAiiiLTON ST,, N, S. (NO. 31). Mc­ TERMS, Kinley & Smack agt, James Cos­ Nov. 4 TWENTIETH ST., N. S., 135 E. FIFTH Ono year, in advance §6 00 tello 368 00 6 SAME PROPERTY, T. P. Galligan agfc. av., 2 houses, 40x100. W. Keegan All oommunications. should he addressed to same 350 00 agt. James Barry $251 00 C. T^. SWEET. 8 JACKSON ST., N. S., 3 HOUSES, KUN- 4 OAK ST., N. S., 370''E. FRANKLIN ST,, ning vr. Fronfc st. The Williams­ 25x100, D, Jones efc al, agt, Abra­ 7 AND .9 WARREN STRKET, burgh Mill and Lumber Co. agt. C. ham Van Velsor . 338 11 A. Buddensinck 1,042 15 6 PENN ST,, N, S., 364 vr. BEDFORD [8 LEXINGTON AV,, E. S. (NO. 643). AL- av., 130X100, 6 houses. P, McCor­ No receipt for money due the RB.:VL ESTATE RECORD len & Stevens agfc. Dr. Salvafcon mick agt, Mary J, Bryant 720 00 will be acknowledged unless signed by one of our regular Caro 418-06 4 THOMPKINS AV.," Wj s., 60 s. STOCK- 8 MONTGOMERY AND WATER STS., N. ton St., 20x100, G. M. Granger collectors, HENRY D. SMITH or TirojiAS F. CUJUIINGS. agt. T. Deacon 985 00 All bills for collection will be sent from the office on a regu­ e. cor., 4 houses on Water st. The Williamsburgh Mill and Lumber 2 BALTIC ST., N, S,, 219.6 E. FIFTH") larly printed form. Co. agt. C, A, Buddensinck 1,447 16 av,, 16.8x100 I 9 M.ADISON AV., E. S., 5 HOUSES, KUN- BALTIC ST,, N, S.', 252,10 E. FIFTH j ning n. 79th st. J. J. and C, M. av., 10.8x^00 J Bowes agt. Daniel Green 3,059 00 P, Connolly agt. W, F. Goodwin MECHANICS' LIENS. 2 NINTH AV. AND 51 ST ST., N, E, COR. and J. D.Willis 7,075 00 William Corey agfc. John Schmidt, 320 12 8 JEFFERSON ST., S. S., 180 E, PATCHEN 3 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SECOND av,, 80x100, 4 houses. J. W, NE-W YORK. St., s. 3., com, 125 e. Gth av., run­ Sprague agt. Timothy B. Weeks.,. 390 00 ning 25. Samuel ThornhUl agt, 4 HERKIMER ST., N. S., 100 E. TROYAV., Henry P, Hunt 175 00 4 houses. D. H. IBrown agt, Chas, Nov, A. Mushlit and C. Barnkamp 125 00 3 BowEEY, vr. s. (No. 2GS). JOHN 8 SAME PROPERTY, JOHN KNOX AGT, same 40 25 3 FIRST ST., N, S., 250 E. SIXTH AV.,' Brettsclineider agfc. —. Brookman., $100 00 100x100, 5 houses 4 SAME PROPEKTY. G. W, BARNES 8 OAK ST,, S, S. (NO. 39) J. C, CHRIST agt. S. Waggoner 86 00 MACOMB ST., S. S., 250 E. SIXTH AV,, agfc. Jacob Brookman 282 08 100x100, 5 houses 6 SAME PROPERTY. GEO. HAYES AGT. 9 ONE HUNDRED AND TWELFTH ST,, N. s., com. 570 w. 3d av., running 25. Joseph BeU agt, Henry S, Rapalye, 3,000 00 the same G77 00 2 MACON ST, AND THOMPKINS AV., S.W. 7 SAME PROPERTY. G. I, MACKENZIE Joseph Coar agt.William Sparks,.. 1,514 00 9 ONE HUNDRED AND TWELFTH ST., ' cor., 35x100. John Larabee agt, 100 00 George Rose., 96 00 7 SAME PROPERTY. OWEN MUKPIIY s. s. coin. 105 w, 4th av, running 208 6 CLINTON AND- NELSON STS,; S. vr. agfc. the same 840 00 cor., 80x90^4 houses,, C. Graham 7 SAME PROPERTY. NOLEN & STEERS ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVENTH ST. , n. s., com. 155 w. 4th av,, running i et al. agt. Ffancis Lasette 350 00 1,800 00 3 GWINNETT.ST., N.S,, 304 E. HARRI- 7 SAME PROPERTY. GARRETT L. 113 J Samuel P, Westervelt agt, J, M, son av,, 20x100, H. Leffler agt, Schuyler agt. the same 2,100 00 HenryLeffler 188 50 8 BowEi.w,\ (No. 2B6). GILBERT Fielder 3,800 00 4 SIXTEENTH ST, N. S.(NO. 435). G.A. 4 BER5EN ST,, N, S., 100 E. BOND ST,, W. Barnes agt. Mr. Wilatus 103 00 75x100, 4 houses. T. Louther et al. 9 BOWERY (NO. 268). COSTIGAN & Davis agt. Mrs, Bishop 85 00 6 SEVENTH AV, AND 52D ST, , N, W, COR. agt. John T. and Mary E. Robins Steele agt, Jacob Brookman 328 57 et al 2,000 00 8 ELDRIDGE ST., vr. s. (No. 123).. THE Chas, John, & Thomas Graham agt, Ferd. Mayer 226 50 8 DEVOE ST,, N, S., 135 E. LORIMER ST., Williamsburgh Mill and Lumber 25x100. B. Jacobs agfc. Henry R. Co, agt. C. H. Buddensinek 260 94 6 SAME PROPERTY. SAME AGT. SAME. 500 00 6 SAME PROPERTY, G, W, BARNES AGT Chamberlin 1,117 50 . 3 FORTY-SEVENTH ST., S. S., 4 HOUSES, 8 DEKALB AV,, S, S, (NOS, 1006, 1008, bet. Broadway and Sth av. Chas, same 268 50 7 SAME PROPERTY, NOLEN & STEERS 1010,1012), 5 houses w. Stujfvesant Maltby agt. Mr, Korn 20 00 av., 100x100. R. Shippen et aL 3 FIFTY-THIRD ST., S. S., ABT. 200 E. agt. same 4,000 00 7 SAME PROPERTY. G. A, HAIJGERTY agt, J. W, Munzer ,300 00 IOth av, Theo. Westmg agt. M, 3 MACON ST,, S. S„ 25 vr. THOMPKINS 277 36 agt. same , 103 56 7 SAME PROPERTY, GEO, MACKENZIE av,, 20x100, J, Larabee agt, Geo, 3 FIETY-FODRTH ST., ;N. s., 4 HOUSES, Rose 46 00 com, 350 e. Gth av. James Martin agt, same 100 00 7 SAME PROPERTY, BENJ. GILLESPIE 6 HOWARD AV., vr. s,, 80 N, PUTNAM agt. Wm, McCormack 2,025 00 av,, 20x80, T. Larkin agt. David 3 FIFTY-THIRD ST., N. S., ABT. 2.54 E. agt. same 400 00 9 SAME PROPERTY. AVILLIAM GUSSOW S. MaUory etal 33 28 1st av., running 20. Smith, Sco­ 2 BALTIC ST., N. S., 319.6 B. 5TH AV., "l field & Co. agt. M. Talmadge 160 80 agt. same 130 00 8 SiXTY'-EIGHTH ST., S, S., COM, 475 W. 16,8x100, 1 house j 4 FIFTY-THIRD ST., S, S, (NO. 426, W.). BALTIC ST., N. S., 353.10 E. 5TH AV,, j J. P, & W, R. BeU agt. Patrick 10th av., running 85, Allen & Ste­ vens agt 139 39 1 house , J 292 34 Patrick ConnoUy agt. Joseph D. G FIFTY-THIRD ST,, S. S., BET. 9TH & 8 SECOND A v., E, S, (NO. 1C46). HENRY Goldsmith agt. Linna Bleyert 480 00 WiUis & W, F. Goodwin...... 7,075 00 lOth avs. Moses Samelson agt. 3 ATLANTIC ST., S. S. (No. 428), A, 572 45 8 SIXTEENTH ST,, S, S., 4 HOUSES, COM, 343 from Av. C. The WilUams- Brown agt. D. B. Fowler 200 00 6 FIFTY-NINTH ST., N. S., 3 HOUSES. 8 JEFFERSON ST., s. S.,180E. PATCHEN com, 425 w. 10th av. Wm, Fet- burgh MiU and Lumber Co, agt, C, A, Buddensinck 476 27 av., 80X100. J. W. Sprague agt. trech agfc. John Glass 799 00 Timothy R, Weeks 390 OO 6 SAME PROPERTY. SAME AGT. S.AME 175 00 9 SIXTY-EIGHTH ST., N. S., COM. 100 vr. 8 FIFTY-THIRD ST., S. S. (NO, 442 W.), 4th av,, running 175. A, T, SERRBL . Henry Templer agt, Margaret &, Son agt. J. C, Thompson 14,000 00 596 00 3 TWENTY-SECOND ST,, N, S, (NO. 233 8 FIFTY-THIRD ST., s. s., 200E, 10TH AV. WO- Charles, John, and Thomas JUDG-MENTS. Moses Samelson agt. Ignatius Breit- Graham agfc. Charles Knox 225 00 .572 45 8 TWENTY-NINTH ST. , s. s. (No. 422 W.). - NEW^ YORK. 8 FIFTY-FOURTH ST., S, a., COM. 422 E. Marfcin Houlahan agfc, VVm, Fick- lOfch av,, running 28. Same agt. John. inger 253 00 In these lists of judgments the names alphabetically 4 THIRTY-NINTH ST,, N, S. (NO. 305 W.). 600 00 arranged, and lohich are first on eac/i line, are those of 8 FIFTY-SECOND ST., S. S. (NO. 1.58 W.), Lewis Lehmen agt. L. N, Oppenhei­ Alien & Stevens agt. Thomas Loch- mer , 18 36 the judgment debtor. 411 99 8 THIRTY-NINTH ST, (Nos, 407 and 409 Nov, 8 FRANKFORT ST,, S. S. (NO,1.53, THE W,), Allen & Stevens agt. Leopold 3 Aupoix, Hortense—Wm. Muir $227 65 Williamsburgh Mill and Lumber Co. Leight..., 532 31 4 Arnold, Ira—J, & J. Eager 820 29 agt. G. W, MatseU.....,',...... 475 44 8 WATER ST., E, S,, HOUSES, RUNNING N, 4 Algie, Peter—G. N. WiUiams . 833 93 8 FRONT AND JACKSON STS,, N: w: COR.. Montgomery st. The Williams­ 3 Barclay, —,—E. C, Hussey 79 15 . 3 houses on Jackson st. Same agt. burgh MiU and Lumber Co, agt, C 3 Benning, John B.—A, WoK 459 51 C, A. Rndd^^naiTif.k 1,043 15 A. Buddensinck 1,447 16 3 Bell, Wm: H.—J. A. Clarke 333 38 204: REAL ESTATE RECORD,

^Sl^iSs'w. |M.J.Keveny... 283 04 6 Leland, Sherman—W, n •. ,.~,. .r • Jones, Edward M.—J, A. Van Brunt 337 63 way Bank 5,023 93 Kroft, W.—L, Althorf et al 333 82 * Ferrara; Severino M. f J-E. RusseU 1,673 54 6 Thorp, J. Harry—W. L. Baker 4,516 94 8 Fogarty, Edward—P, D, Casey 4,182 85 Kelly, B. D.—D, R. Briggs 143 •; 3 6 Tunno, WiUiam M. et al.—Charles Klein, John B.—Otto WaUott et al.. 110 31 8 Freeman, Wm, W,—Excelsior Life Ins. Green et al, 92 469 27 Co 868 61 Loveridge, Henry—Eugene Kelly 13,030 91 3 The N. Y. and Troy S. B. Co.—Char- ' the same the same 737 13 3 Gleason, John H.—Thomas Lynch.. 175 09 lotte Price 246 69 3 Graham, Peter—Winfried Post 695 09 Jefferson, James B,—Austin Corbin. 130 34 3 The Amer. Met. Ammunition Co.—J. Lynch, Thomas—L L. Hasbrouck... 1,727 .55 3 Guggenheim, Wm.—E.& T. B. George 269 43 A. Spooner 4,629 GS 4 Gibbons, Michael T.—H. L. Hoguefc, 179 11 Morrey, WiUiam—D, M. Koehler 83 24 6 Galwey, W, T, et al,—W. R. Kirk­ 3 thesame F. A, Goddard,., 1,243 65 Mott, C. A.—S, Linnington et al 321 93 land efc al 79,195 S3 3 The Central Amer, Transit Co,—A. J, Martens C,—A. J. Palmer GO 80 8 Garretty, James—P, D. Casey 4,183 85 HamUton 8,788 79 Murnane, Michael, et al.—J, J, Pitz­ 4 The Amer. Tontine Life and Sav, gibbon 480 59 8 Gage, Amos—J. G. Butler et al 235 35 Ins. Co.-S. Benedicts 34 44 8 Griswold, Sextus N.—S. B. Sevain.. 198 63 Marvin, Daniel—The BrookUn Union 47 73 4 The Nat. Pat. Wood Preserving Co. Mahony, John—D. Colden, Murray 2 Harris, Maria J,—Emily Sedgwick,, 630 38 —John McGreeiy l 544 .55 3 Haight, Henry M.—C. G. Wilson 122 89 et al 226 00 4 The Bartlefcfc Reversible Sewing Ma­ MiUer, Adam—G. Deistler 49 60 3 Hersey, Ira—M. M, Scudder 178 16 chine Co.—G. H. Seeley 726 63 6 Herron, James M.—A. F, & J, C. Plunkett, Thomas—J, Alwill 133 OS 3 V/iUiams, Orlando S., Jr.—M. J, Ke- Patrick, H. L.—G. R Raymond etal, 164 84 MuUer,.,, 93 94 veny ; 283 04 6 Heslin, James—M. Novate 153 99 Pecan, W. W,—E. S. Smith et al... 37 91 C the same the same 153 99 3 WUliams, Orlando T., Jr.—Donovan Roe, Richard, et al—J.L. Hasbrouck 1,737 55 7 Herwig,-Francis—A. L. Geschudt,.. 96 13 and Sweeney 1 296 31 Roberts, Richard R.—G. A. Baker 7- Harris, Jacob—J, O'Brien (Sheriff),. 304 88 3 WUson, Wm. H.—C, D, Rust,...... 1.55 19 efcal 716 43 8 Hitchcock, Charles B,—John Quarry 122 69 3 Waterman, S.—J, D, Gutfcenberg,,.. 101 00 Roes, John—W. Spannahan SO 36 6 Imboden, John D,^B. A. Quintard,. 2,613 78 3 West, Theodore—P. C, HubbeU 839 43 Smith, R. S.—Emma Louisa Smith.. 44 20 8 Ireland, Bradford—S, M, Eldridge,.. 129 55 3 Weston, Cornelius H.—Reuben Ross, Skinner, Richard, et al.—J. Eager... 830 29 2 Jones, Edward M.—J. A. VanBrunt, 237 63 , Jr, 356 99 Streib, Martin, et al.—J. Schlitz 125 46 6 Jenning.s, David—Charles Green et al. 93,469 27 4 Williams, Orlando S., Jr.—G. N. the same John Schlitz 126 34 8 Jones, Walter—W, H, Carr 172 85 WUUams,, 833 92 Schliz, Jacob, efc al,—Konrad Klos,. 324 95 3 Kelly,' Frank—John GUlman 266 06 4 WaddeU, Robert J.—W, H, AUen,.. 134 66 Seeley, WUliam H., et al.—A. Brown 330 71 3 Klein, Anthony—F, Herrlein 345 75 6 Wight, Zenas D.—W, & P, Vrooman 256 26 Schlier, C, S.—B. O, Andrews 4,389 58 6 Kelly, Margaret—L, Waefelaer 380 18 6 Wisewell, Moses N.—W. D. Abbott.. 746 63 Schmidt, PhiUip—John Pfalsgrass,. 35 03 6 Kirkland, John L.—W. R. Kirkland. 79 495 83 3 Young, John S,—Augustus Marsh... 171 57 Stemmerman, W.—it W. Cordts... 331 24 8 Koch, Ernest—T. B. Whitney 89 34 6 Zogbaum, Ferdinand—J. R. Blodgefcfc 637 17 Schoppa, C. A.—I. Ro.=!enberger 219 49 8 Koehler, Jacob—George Phillippi 86 75 Solomon, Michael—J. Wygam 366 14 3 Leland, Sherman—W, & P, Vrooman 778 67 Thorp, W. H, (Impl'd, die.)-D. C. Brown 313 17 3 Leach, George W,—A. C. Angle 849 94 KINGS COUNTY. 2 Lounsbury, Isaac—H, A. Dowe 107 89 VanderwUberke, W,—L. Belt 544 89 3 Laurence, C, B.—G, F. Wellman 329 29 WUson, WiUiam H.—C. D. Rust.... 155 19 3 Leonard, W.—Wm, Bowen 99 85 Nov, Ward, Flora—F, Adams 98 79 3 Lockwood, AH,"—John Boundy ,546 77 1 Anthes, Frederick—Hawley D, Clapp. $386 03 WiUiams, Orlando S., Jr., etal.—G. 4' Ladd, Edward—John KeUy (Sheriff). 314 05 3 Arnold,Ira,—James Eager etal. 830 39 N. Williams'..;...::...... ,.. 833 93 4 Leary, J,—B, C. Bogert 114 60 4 Arnway, L. M.—H. A. LaFetra..... 85 15 WiswaU, Jane T. C—B. P.Brown... 499 68 -REAL ESTATE RECORD. 205

IOTH St., n. s., 04.4 e. Dry Dock st., 41.8x75, h, 59TH St., n, w. cor. 2d av, 230x100 4. Montague CONVEYANOES. i&l. Gerald Pitzgibbon to Nafchaniel BurchiU. M. Hendricks to John Davidson d,nd Wm. P, Nov 7...... ;....:- 14,000 Parsons. Nov. 1 :.....,. ,,,77,500 12TH St. (No. 15 Little ISth st.), n.s., 150 w. 61ST St., n, s., 60.w: 1st av, 40x100, h. & 1. (Ir­ NEW YORK. 9th av., 35x103.1. WUUam Cronkright; Of reg.) J, Bentley Squier to Silas M. Styles, Hackensack, to Henry Mahler. Nov 4.. ,15,500 Nov 2 38,000 13TH St., n. s., 341.8 w. 7th av., 20.10x7,5, h. & 1, 62D St., n. s., 100 w. Oth av, 12.5x100.5 j, November 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7. Frederick Kircheis to Jacob Weiss, Nov, 63D St., n. s., 425 w. 9th av„ 13,5x100,5.,."..... f "BROOME st., n. s., 25 w. Ridge st., 16.8x48..., 2 16,.500 Exr. of Frederick A. Coe. of Yonkers, to BROOME st., n, s., 41.8 w. Ridge st., 16.7x66, 17TH St., n, s,, 144 e, 1st av,, 25x93, h. & 1. Courtlandt Palmer. Nov. 4 ..... ,21,350 h. tfe I James H. Coleman (Ref.) to John Gates. G3D St., s. w, cor, 1st av,, 275x100.5. Lydia wife Balthazer Kissenberth to John B. Beniiin Nov. 3 14,975 of Joseph Foulke to Fernando Wood. Nov. .„^ov.2.. 15°800 20TH St., n. s., 151.1 vr. Isfc av., 1.5.3x93. Fred­ 1 50,000 BROOME st., n. s., 25 w. Ridge st., 16.8x48.. . 1 erick Leonhard to Samuel D. Sewards. Nov. 65Tn St., n. s., 235 e. .5th av., .50x100.5. Abraham BROOME sfc., n. s., 41.8 AV. Ridge st., 16.7x66, y 3 '. 8,500 SchoUe to George J. HamUton, Nov, 6.. .38,000 30TH St., n. s., 240.7 e. llth av,, 16.1x31.6, h. & 1. h. (fe 1 I 70TH St., s. s.. 184.10 e. 4th av,, 19,10x100,5. Mercy G. Widge to George A. Stager. Nov. Christopher Keyes to Violetta A, -wife of Her- . John E Benning "to Julia wife of Isaac Els­ 3 ": 4,000 bach. Nov. 2 16 000 vey C. Calkin. Nov. 7 ,. 37,000 31sTst., n. s., 220 e. 2d av, 20x98.9, h. & 1. Jacob 71ST St., s. s., 325 w. 3d av, .50x100.5, h. & 1. , BROOME st. (No. 30), n. s., 25x7.5.'" Peter "Schat- L. PhUlips to Barclay Watson. Nov. 1 8,500 tmg to Martha wife of John Ruck. Nov. Harriet E. wife of Wm. N. Griswold to Owen -^ 31ST st^(No. 338 W.), s. s., 443 w. Sth av., 20.6 Moran and Launcelot W, Armstrong. Nov, .J- .5,800 xlOO.5 Charles Davies to Johanna wife of 1 33,000 BOULEVARD, n. w. cor. 88fch st., 201.4x325.. \ Joseph L. Strauss. Nov. 3 i 16,100 76TH St., s. s,, 450 vr. Av. A, 3.5x103.3, h. & 1. BLOOMINGDALE road. Boulevard SSth and Ssith !^ 38TH St., s. s., 140 e. Park av,, 20x98.9, h. ^ block.. ^ 2 23,000 Nov. 4 33,500 Exrs. of Oliva De F. Grant to Richard S. LIBERTY st. (Nos. 95 and 97), n. s., 30x119, h. & 1. 50TH St., s. s., 40 e. 1st av,, 30x90, h. »fe 1. Jacob Grant. Nov 4. % part .-. .26,666 67 Alfred E. TUton to Moses Lazarus. Nov. Cohen to Amelia wife of Samuel Schuster. Richard S. Grant to Courtlandt Palmer. ^3 60,000 Nov, 1 28,500 Nov. 4 nom. ORCHARD st. (Nos. 133, 134, 136, 138, and 140), 50TH St., n. s., 520,10 w, Sth av, 19.2x100.5, 109TH St., n. s., 80 w, 4th av,, 87,6x100,11. Per­ e. s., 88. ,5x100.6, United Brethren's Church h. & 1, Lewis G, Reed to John Mahoney. rin Burdick, of Brooklyn, to James W, ColwelL to Leopold Bohm, Nov. 3 43,500 Nov. 3 15,000 Nov, 4 13,000 RIVINGTON st. (No, 235), s. s., 85 e, Willett st., 51ST St., s. s., 363.6 e. 9th av., 13.6xl00.,5, h. &1. lllTH St., n. s., 155 w. 4th av,, 16x100,11, h, & 1. Margaretta Byron to PhiUp Milligan. Nov. John M, Fielder to Joseph Bissicks. Nov. 20x70. Cresenz Merk to Solomon Strauss. 1 14,000 Nov, 1 9 .500 4 9,.500 52D St., n. s., 187.6 e. 9th av., 37.6x100.5x29x 112TH St., s. s., 175 w. 10th av, 100x100.11, SHERIFF st. (No. 34), e. s., 21.10x100, Anna C. 100,9. Clara wife of Gilbert H, Smith to Ber­ Dietz to Joseph and Anna M. Obermeyer. WUUam J, Kane to Joseph H. Mahan (3^ part). „ N'ov, 1 , 12,500 nard Munday, Nov. 6 7,800 Nov 4 2,000 STANTON st. (No. 184), n. s., 20 w. Attorney st., 53D St., n. s., 150 w. 3d av,, 4.5x100.5, Mayor, 113TH St., s. s., 175 w. lOtfa av, 100x100,11 (3^1 20x65.6. Rieka wife of Benjamin Gotz et al. ifec., New York, to Terence Farley, (July 2, part) 1 to Dma wife of Carl Klein. Nov, 1 . 8 400 1866,) Nov, 7 ".8,500 130TH st. (See Nicholson's " Benson's Map No. \ WATER st, (No. 614), n. s., 26.3x6.5, h, ife 1, / 54TH St., n, s., 175 w. 2d av, 25x100.5, h. & 1. 180," May, 1848, Lot 975, bet. Sth and 6tfa WATER st. (No. 616), n, s., 30,6x6,5,11 \ Hiram Whitley to John Schoener, (Mortg. avs. and 119th and 130th sts. (J^ part.) J Amalia wife of Samuel Schuster to Jacob Co- $8,200.) Nov 1 nom, Joseph H. Mahan to WiUiam J. Kane. Nov. , then, Nov. 1 43,000 55TH St., s. s., 225 e. lOfch av., 25x100.,5. George 4...: 5,000 Youngs to John V. Outcalt, Nov, 1 3,250 WASHINGTON st., s, e, cor, W. 13th st., 30x70,2, 113TH St., s. s., 170 e. 3d av., 15x100.10, h, & 1. h. jfe 1, Henry MuUer to Herman H. Heidgerd. 56TH St., n. s., 450 w. 5th av., 3.5x100.5, h. & 1, Gratz Nathan (Ref.) to Amelia Robins, Nov, Thomas Aldridge, of FishkiU, N, Y,, to Helen Nov. 6 14,000 0. wife of James H. Day, Nov,- 3 8,000 2Dst,, s, s,, 191,3 vr. Av. B, 19.4x100,5, h. &1. 1 37,000 Franz KeUbach to Henry Henning, Jr, Nov. 57TH St., s. s., 135 w. Sth av., 37,6x100.5. Grif­ 114TH St., s. s., 196 w. 3d av,, 34x100.10, h, & 1. 4- 10,000 fith Rowe to James A, Roosevelt. Nov. Sarah Ann wife of WilUam C, FeUows to Eliza­ 7 46,500 beth Lahr, Nov 4 3,750 6TH St., B. s,, 130 w. Bowery, 50x97. John KeUy 57TH St., s. s., 163.6 w..Sth av, 37.6x100.5, Grif­ 114TH

132D st, (Deed—vague description). Cornelia B. KINGS COUNTY. BEYER st,, n. s,, 336.10 e. Uticaav, 20.1x107.3. wife of Geoige S. Drew to Cornelia Austin, of SCHENECTADY av and Wjckoff st., n. e, cor,, Brooklyn. Nov. 4 4,000 October 21th. ,50x100 133D St.,'n. s., 330.3 w 1st av, 100.11x116 Sx ADELPHI St., e. s., 349 s. Mjitle av, 25x124.7. WYCKOFF st,, n. s., 148 e Schenectad-v- av., 24x 153.9 (gore). James Meagher to Walter Roche. G. Sayres to Orville O. Jones. (Q. C.).., ..nom. 13'7,9 ..,.,,.•„.,,,. .,..,,....,. Nov. 1 : 6,500 I SAME property. B. G. Edmonds to Thomas Fa- WYCKOFF st., n. s., 323 e. Schenectady av., 25 125TH St., s. s., 347.6 vr. oth av, 62.6x100.10. I gan....: .5,000 X137.9 , John B. Church, of Ossiniug, N. Y., to Rancil ; COOK st., n. s., 175 w. MorreU sfc., 6.6xl00x40.2x BEKGEN st., s. s., 115 e. Schenectady av., 24x M. Streeter. Nov. 6 32,000 I 105.0. P. Leddy to Patrick McCabe, of New 127.9 1351H ist., n. s., 225 e. 7th av., 75x99.11. Stephen I York 400 BERGEN st., s. s., 213 e. Schenectady av., 75x r W. Jessup to Charles B. Jessup. (Mort. CLINTON sfc., e. s., 60 n. Balfcic .st., 20x103.0, h. & 127.9. (Irreg.) $8,000). Nov 3 nom. 1. (.Irreg.) A. J. Powell to Lydia M. wife of SCHENECTADY av, w. s., 50 s. Bergen st,, 80,7 136TH St., s. s., 305 w. 3d av, 25x>5' block. Charles C. Markham 9,b00 xl.50 WiUiam A. Butler to Hugh H. Craigie. Nov. CoOK St., s. s., 200 e. MoneU st., 2.5x100, h. ife 1. WYCKOFF st., n."s., 100 w. Schenectady av., 6 15,00'J P. Kup-ferschmidt to Martin Koos 1,775 33 2x12.5 127TH St., s, s., 280 w. 3d av, 20x99.11. E.xrs. EWEN st., w. s., 25 n. McKibben st., 25x25. J. WYCKOFF St., n. s., 144.3 w. Schnectady av., of Mary Ann Stead to Gilberfc Robinson, Jr. A. Saal to George Minkler. (Q. C.) nom. 60.3x125 Nov. 6 4,000 FORT GREEN pl., e. s., 124.1 n. Fulton av, 23x BERGEN st., s. s., 170 vr. Schenecfcad-i' av., 40,6 135TH- St., n. s., 325 e. 7th av, 25x99.11. Fran­ 100. H. M. Burtis to Phebe wife of EUas H. 1.30.7,,..,,.,,. ,.... cis P. Osborn (Assgn.) to James H. Coleman. Seaman, of Jericho, L. 1 14,000 H. Hart to Henry B. Hart. (B. & S.) 7,50 Nov. 3 .nom. HENRY st., s. e. s., 40 n. e. Harrison st., 20x83, Ivi' St., n. s., 275 w. Cypress av., .50x100. J. L, 136TH St., n. vr. cor. Sth av., 350x99.11. Mary G. h. tfe 1. W. Hahn to Mary Shiverick, of Edgar- Lefferts to George Molloy. (Foreclos.) 1,367 Pinkney to Darius R. Mangam. Nov. 6. ,'50,000 town, Duke Countv, Mass 8,250 MONROE st. and Marcy av., n. e. cor., 25x100, Av, C, vr. a., 93 n. 16th st., 23x88, h. & 1. Julia HALL st., e. s., 137 s.'Myrtle av., 2,5.\:1C0. Hannah Ellen M. wife of E. W. Hinman to Caeser A. wife of Isaac Elsbach to John E. Benning. Kellnm to David Barnett 3,000 Stefani 13,000 Nov. 3,, 30,200 HALSEY st., s. s., 100 w. Stuyvesant av, 40x100. MESEROLE st., n. s., 125 e. Waterbury st., l.SOx LExrNGTON av,, n. vr. cor., 55th st., .30.5x73, h. & G. Comstock to Fannie E. Butcher, of New 100. Mary S. Schenck to Jno, and Eliz, Dip- 1 SUas M. Styles to Theodore A, Squier, York 3,000 pel 3,900 Nov. 1 25,000 KOSCIUSKO st., n. s., 3.50 e. Reid av., 2,5x78.8. MADISON St., s. s., 4';5 w. Nostrand av., 2,5x100, MADISON av., s. w. cor. 11 Sfch st. 50x75 ) (Irreg.) L. French to Washington W. Isett.'5.3,250 H. A. Weed to Cornelius King ,, ,1,800 11.5Tn St., s. s., 7,5-w. Madison av., 7.5x100.11.,, i Pui-ASKi St., n. s., 130 e. Stuyvesant av., 20x MADISON av, n. vr. cor. 114th st., 100.11x50,,, ) LIVINGSTON St., s. .s., 350.5 w. Smith st., 25x100.3 A. McCue to C. B. Payne-and Francis F. Rip­ 100, h. & 1. Am.inda M. wife of J. Irwin to William H. Bucknam to WUliam Brennan. Bernard and Henry McCann 5,000 Nov, 6 18,500 ley, Jr 20,000 MONROE st., s. s., 175 e. Throop av., 50x200. R. PALMETTO st., n. w. s., lOOn. e. Irving av., 2,5x MADISON av, e, s., 82.2 s. 74th st., 20x80, h, ife 1, K. Delafield to WiUiam Sweeny 3, .500 100. A. Van Nostrand to Jonathan Mason. .200 Peter V. Winters et al. to Fannie E. Lichten­ PENN st-.. s. s., 119.10 n. e. Kent av, S.GxlOO. H. SULLIVAN and Richards st.s., southerly cor., SOx stein, Nov. 2 ,5,5,000 M. Warren to Wm. H. and A. McMUlan GOO 30. J. Dikeman to Hendrick M. Hartung,.OOO MvDisoN av, e. s., 2.5.8 s. SOth st., 2.5.6x100. ) STOCKHOLM st.,n. w. s., 233.3 s. w. Wyckoff av., 80TH St., s. s,, 100 e. Madison av, 2.5x103.2 j" PROSPECT pl., n. e. s., 270 s. c Carlton av, 40x 131. J. Doherty to St. John's Church, of 35x100. Cornelia M. wife of W. Ten Eyck to Mayor,

«.| REAL E S T A T E ' R E C O R I). 207

J.1CKSON and Humboldt ,North Carolina avs., n. w. cor,, Murphy et al. to John Bridgeman .275 21STst., n. s., 100 e. Gth av, 2.5x100 J. W. TOMPKINS av,, w. s., 135 s. Myrtle av,, 3,5x100, SOxlCS.O, J, Altenbrand to John Wahrenber- Murphy to Otto AUmau, of New York 325 h, & 1, C. Kelsey to D. Kerr BuU .6,.500 ger, of New York,, 6,000 BROADWAY and Bennett .av., S, W. cor., SOx WILLIAMS av, w. s., 160 s. Liberty av,.60x100, SMITH av., e. s., 137.6 n. Baltic av., 37.6x100 J, 100..,,,. ,,,,, ,. C, H. S, WiUiams to Helen J, Cortis, ((Fore­ S, Stiger to James C. Partridge, of Nyack, BENNETT av,, w, s,, 12S s. Baltic av., 25x100, clos.) 3,000 Rocldand Co., N, Y. 4,000 C. Beck to August W. Bisel. (Oct. 10.),, ll.'SOO 3D av, w. s., 60 n. Warren st., 30x80. - A P. WILLOUGHBY av, n. s., 300 w. Throop av., 25x - SAME property. A, Kaeser to Charles Beck, Bates to WiUiam W. MerrUl, of New York. lOO J,- P, Rapelyea to Wm. H. Jones 1,250 (Oct, 2.).-. -. 10,,500 (Oct. 5,),..". '.... 10,000 208 REAL ESTATE. RECOR'D".

SAME property, sold Oct, 23. W. W. MeriiU to ORCHARD st. or Union av., e. s,, 438.4 n. Calyer BRIDGE st,, n. s., and 6th av, e. s.,50x100. Na­ Hem-y KenneU 10,000 St., 13.5.6x127,7x42.3x41x83.6x148.8. S. J, than F, Smith to John P. HoUer 400 BROOKLYN and Jamaica plank rd,, s. w. s., 75 n. TUden to John Loughlin 33,000 w, MiUer av,, 31,11x115, R. Goodenough to PALMETTO st,, n, w. s., 13,5 s, w, living av, 35x GREENBURGH. A, M, Jackson SOO 100. Hannah M, wife of E, W. Smith to Stephen N, White, ,, .300 SAW^-MILL River rd, to Hart's Corner rd., s.s,, November 3d. RAPELYE st,, n, s,, bet. Columbia and Hicks .sts., 37 648-1000 acres. WUliam'H. Tompkins to BERGEN st., s, s., 436.7 w. FrankUn av., 30x100, 19.6x100 M, Hays to Laura wife of PhU. Luther W. Frost .13,500 G. M, Stevens to Hubbard Hendrickson, (Fore­ Laubenberger 1,800 LOT No. 7 on Map of Tiffany & Dunham's pro.^ clos,) 3,950 STOCKTON st., s. s., 260 w. Throop av, 20x100, perty, 3 41-1000 acres. Edmund Tweedy to BERGEN st,, s. s., 300 e. Rochester av, 4,5x137,9, h, & 1. H. Funk to Martin Dahlbender.... 7,1.00 Chas. L. Tiffany 14,000 G, Evans to Benjamin Evans 1,800 WARREN st., s. s., 98.6 vr. Court st., 81x99.10. PETER BOUT rd., e. s, John Dutcher and wife to . BOERUM st., n. s., 150 e. Smith st., 25x100. H, H. Spain to Helena J. Wood nom, John Dunn 900 Boerum to John Pohlman. (1850.) 300 WARREN st., s. s., 163.3 e. Bond st., .20x100. TARRYTOWN to -White Plains rd,, adj, J. L. Maria E!'wife of N. Duckel et al, to Andrew Helen Martense to Sarah A. wife of John • Wicker, 125x134, Geo, N, Woodward to Jor­ Beck,- (1871.) 1,800 Elliott 900 dan Storms 1,,500 CL\.RKE and Henry sts., n. w. cor,, 93.6x50, D. 3D St., or Balchen pl, and Smith st., n, e. cor., "1 SECOND st. and Irvington av., s. w. cor,, lOOx S, Draper to Jacob Campbell, of New Ham­ 69.2x23.1x71.1x33". i 1,50 John McCartney to John M. Wright.6,000 burgh, Duchess Co., N, Y 33,000 3D St., or Balcheh pl., n. s. (very indeft., pro- ( B st. and the av., n. e. cor., 100x100, John Mc- CATHARINE st,, e, s., about 138.3 n. Grand st., bable omission), 20x96.6 J CoUough to John D, Wendel 4,000 206x86.4, (Irreg,) M, Wilhelm to Leopold R. Tajdor to Caleb S. WoodhuU 16,000 Bauer... 1,500 4TH and North 5th sts., e. cor., 60x80. Mary J. MORRISANIA. SAME property. L, Bauer to Catharina Wil­ Maloney to Daniel Schafer. ,4,700 GARDEN st,, s. w, s,, 20x100. Ann Kelly to John helm 1,500 SOUTH Sth st,, n, s., 177.8 w. 2d st., 20x100. A, Gannon ; 2,650 DIAMOND St., e. s,, 340.6 n. Van Cottav., 25x7.5.6. Julia B. wife of J. G, Morgan to Richard E. Av. B, e. s., 500 s. Cliff st., 50x200 Levris^ (Irreg.) J. Hges to Nikolans Balzer 2,800 Jarniain 6,000 Lewis to John Deitsch.. 855 DIAMOND st., e. s., 315.6 n. Van Cott av., 25x71, BUSHWICK av., w, s,, 250 s. Flushing av, 50x100, 139TH st,, n, s., 381 e. Alexander av., 2,5x100, (Irregl) J. Hges to John Yonng.,, 3,800 h. & Is. A. D, CoruweU to Ira H, Moore. ,4,500 Margaret Stonebridge to Mary A. Phillips,,7,500 DOUGLAS st., n, s., 135.5 vr. Gth av., 20x100. J. BUSHWICK av,,w, s., 25 s. Jackson st., 26.11x105 BOBBINS av,, w. s., 50x160. Peter H. Beekman -P, Dike to Montgomery W, Whitlock 3,250 (irreg.), J, M, Stearns to Jas, Van de Wyn- and wife to Anna M. E. Harbeck 4,325 DE\OEst,, s, s,,133w. Graham av, 20x70, h, & gand 800 144TH St., n, s., 100 w. Clifton av, 25x100 Hes­ 1, W, L, Savage to James W, Lamb 4,500 CLASSON av,, e. s., 97.10 s. Pacific st., 24x88. F, ter A. Tompldns to Wm. Ryan 1,850 HANCOCK st., s. s., 60 w. Howard av, 40x100x1 Whitney to Mary A, PavUlon. (E'oreclos,). ,1,100 100x25x60x75 " I SPRINGFIELD st,, n. s., 146 w. Cortlandt av, 2()x- DIVISION av,, n, s., 75 w. Van Siclen av., 100. Jacob Muller to John Degen 3,000 LAFAYETTE av., n. s., 26 e. e, Reid av,, 16x j 25x100, h, & 1, J, T. Lamb to Joseph T, FOREST av., e. s., 343 fi-om New st., 36x300. 100, h..&l... , J MUler 1,800 James Ennis to Daniel Ennis ,500 Mr Dinkeispiel to George Canaday, of Albany, :i GATES av, n. s., 275 e, Tompldns av,, 150x100. BOSTON rd., n. w. a., adj. Clinton st,, 50x137, N,.Y '. 12,500 P, Tabb to Saml, T. Tate, of Newark, Esther EeUs to Albert B. Whitney 3,350 MADISON st., n. w. s., about 193.3 s. w. Ever­ N. J 4,000 LOT 5, map of Anderson farm, 1 915-1000 acies, green av,, 25x100, EUz. Reimers (widow) to HARRISON av, n. e. s., 50 n. w. Hew's st., 30x7,5. Wilmofc Johnson to Wm. H. Florence 8,500 WilUam Gave 2,500 F. Adee et al. to Andrew C, Black and Peter 13GTH st. and 3d av., s, e, cor., 25x150. Richard RUTLEDGE St., n. s., 245 w. Lee av., 40.8x100, Deblm .1,400 Ficken to Ezra Quinby 11,000 T. Stinson to John C, Moore 1,800 LAFAYETTE and Bedford avs,, n. w, cor., S()xSO, STATE st,, n. s., 237 e, Boerum st., 81x99.10 G, WASHINGTON av., e. s., 67 n. 1st., 25x100. N. h.-(fe 1. W. H. Shields to Edwin Sher­ B. Saban to Charles L. Reimert e 1,300 M. Stevens to Alexander McCue, (Fore­ man 18,000 clos,). 2,400 SCHUYLER st., s. s., 450 w. Courtlandt av,, S,5x LAFAYETTE av, s. s., SO e. Throop av, 3,5x100. lOO Jacob F, Kohn to Joseph Swatosh,,,, 3,550 STATE st., n, s., 306 e. Boerum st., 31x99.10 G. Adriana wife of C. Bush to Thomas B. Green­ 140Tn St., n. s., 431 e. Alexander av, 35x100. M. Stevens to Alexander McCue, (Fore­ land 1,200 clos.) 1,300 John R. WiUis to Geo. S. Weeks 5,500 LAFAYETTE av., s. s., 75 e. Thi-oop av,, 25x100. CLIFF st., s. s., 133 e. Av. C, 37x100. August STEUBEN St., w, s., 113 n, WUloughby av, 35x Adriana wife of C, Bush to Thomas B, Green­ 100, C, D. Jackson to James Keirnan 600 Bimstiel to David H, Gray 7,000 land. 1,200 CORTLANDT av. and Springfield st., s. cor., 2,5x SOUTH ,5th st., n, s,, 131 w, 6th st., 31x137.4, h. PUTNAM av,, n, s., lOO w. Nostrand av., 300x100. 100. Joseph Brooks and wife to Catharine & 1, L. Donnitzer to Bertha wife of G. H. Eliz, Gray et al, to John H, Atwater 16,500 Gemshyn 10,000 Grenbel 8,,500 MORSE av., e, s., 325 n. Liberty av,, 75x100, H. MACOMB av., s. e. s., 75 s. Main st., 25x100. ISTpl., s, s,, 168,6 e. Henry st., 21.9x133.5, h. & B. Meredith to Asher G. Darwin, of New 1. W. A. Coulter to Joseph A. Hagy 11,135 William H, Hume and wife to Agnes E, York 13,000 Hays nom. 5TH St., e. s., 75 s. North Sth st., 35x100. C. W. WILLIAMS av, w. s,, 300 s. Liberty av,, 40x~| Kennedy et Jil. to Henry C. Richardson nom. 100 j MOUNT PLEASANT. ISTH st.., n. s,, 440 e. 10th av., 20x100,3. R. Stan­ MoNTAUK av, e. s., 400 n. Liberty av,, 75x100, I dish to James C. Campbell, of New York. Exchge. hs. ife Is j HARLEM R. R. and Clinton st,, n, e, cor,, 200x BUTLER av;, w. s,, 100 n, Fulton av, 3,5xl0(), G,M, MORSE av., e. s., 635 n. Liberty av, 75x100, j 30O Samuel Shapter to Geo. H. Wheeler,..720 Henry W. Eastman, (Foreclos.). 1,400 hs, R D, 209

WEST FARMS. SIXTY-EIGHTH ST., S. S., 135 E. 4Tn AV., ONE TENTH AV,, vr^ s., BET. 60TH AND 61ST STS. five-story brick Public Building, 136x60 ; owners. The North American Life Ins, Co. agfc. John MCCOMB Dam rd.,' w. s., 8 7-10 acre, Sophia TRUSTEES OF OLD LADIES' HOME OF BAPTIST Carlm efc al Nov. 8 B, Sharp to Chas. L. Cammann... 13,000 CHURCHES OF NEW YORK. SEVENTT FOnilTH ST., S S , COM 80 E, MADISON WASHINGTON and Webster avs., n, e, cor,, 115x av., running 20, LaMnia Arnold agt. Peter . 410. James Pirsson to Edward McGlynn..4,500 THIRD AV., E,~ S,, 50 N, 83D ST,^ ONE THREE- V, "Winters etal. ..- Nov. 8 FIFTY-EIGHTH ST,, S, S., COM. 130 E. 3D AV., Mary A, PhUlips to Margaret Stonebridge,., .4,000 stbry brick dweUing, 34.6x90 ; owner, EDWARD runnin? 20, Emily A. Sage agt. Abraham DEVOE st., n. e. s., 125 n, w, Highbridge av,37 DUFFY ; builder, M. RUPPERT. Dowdney et al Nov. 8 xlOO Peter Weutzel to^George Wentzel 800 LAFAYETTE av,, e. s., 42x116. Thomas B. Farra ALTERATIONS IN BUILDINGS. and wife to Caroline Lichtenberg. 1,000 One brick theatre, north side of Fourteenth BOSTON post rd,, e. s,, adj, Mary A, Hunt. Mary street, 135 feet west of Sixth avenue, three stories, MARKET REVIEW. A. Hunt to Horace P. Whitney 8,500 75 by 150, extension 50 by 50, 40 feet high, and re­ MADISON av,, s, s., 83 e. Mott st,, 25x100, WU­ modeUed; Chas. Fechter, owner. BUICKS.—^Buidness on North Iliver Hards has not been Uam H. Knapp et al, to David P, Smith 750 very rapid, the election, and the excitement consequent One brick hotel, east side of Fifth avenue, 40 thereon, tending somewhat to check the free movement OLD Post rd., w. s,, 3,5x150, Catharine^A, Hagen feet south of Twenty-seventh street, eight stories, to Isaac Hallen 4,750 of trade in this as well as all other markets. Aside from 43.8 by 50, extension 43.8 by 45, about 40 feet high; this influence, however, the demand has most certainly WEST FARMS to Kingsbridge rd,, 34x138. Maria Chas. P. Livermore, owner. fallen awa3', and the market, as compared with a month or Briggs to WUUam Lieb 6,000 One brick hotel, south side of Forty-second street, six weeks ago, is very dull. As previously noted, a large MONROE st,, n, s,, 84 e, Madison av., 3,5x108. 64 feet east of Fourth avenue, five stories, 40 by 50, number of buildings have now got beyond the bnck work, Andrew Hermann to Williain WUliams 1,600 and new jobs are not commencing with much general free- - one story to be added, with Mansard roof; Jas. E. dom, while the large contractors are not ready as,yet to CHESTNUT aud Centre sts., s. e, cor,, 35x138, Shaw, owner. Thomas G, Walker et al. to Henry Mcll- talk about what they shall want for -winter, and most of tho One brown-sfcone front first-t;lass dwelling, north retail dealers continue to persistently ref use to lay in, sup­ meen 1,300 side of Thirty-seventh street, WO feet east of Sixth plies beyond their ordinary daily wants. This, of course, MADISON av,, w, s., 100x1,50. Hamilton A. avenue, four stories, 30 by SO, extension 30 by 11, makes the accumulation now on hand at this point com- Weed and wife to Elizabeth Rogers 1,800 about 36 feet high; Prof. Daviesy.owner. parativety small, most of the summer purchases having BOSTON road, w. s., 450 n. Julianna st., 115x450, One brown-stone front dweUing, No. 597 Fifth already been consumed, and any sudden reviviil of the Mary L, Benjamin to Sarah M, Benjamin, .5,000 deinand would undoubtedly have a very stimul.atihg eflect; avenue, four stories, 26.5 by 70, extension 11,6 but tho latter is not likely to occur, and should brick really by 12, 36 feet high; Mr, Clowes, owner. be wanted there is a mo-st liberal stock at the points of pro­ WHITE PLAINS. One brown-stone front dweUing, No, 109 West duction, most of which can be made available on short RAILROAD av., n. s., 130 e. Spring st., 30x100. Forty-eighth street, four stories, 20 by SO, one story notice. Prices naturally continue weak and somewhat to be added to extension; Mrs, Trotter, owner. irregular, and a ti-ifle nominal, with a fair range to Debora M, Bogart to Calvin Burr 6,150 cover both extreme.^, standing at about $9@,10.50 per-M, BARKER av,, n, s,, 150 e. Warren st., 50x300, One brown-stone front tenement house, north the latter pretty high, 'and as sellers appear very reticent Jeremiah Johnson, Jr,, et al, to Deborah M, side of Tenth street, 170 feet east of Avenue A, about naming figure-j, we have applied more closely to Bogert 4,000 four stories, 25 by 50,4, one story to be added to buyers, some of whom assert their ability to obtain just as main buUding and extension; John Reichert, good brick as they want to handle at something under ^10, WESTCHESTER, owner. and plenty offered. Reports from np the river continue to One brick dwelling. No. 104 Greenwich avenue, place the amounts in shed and on pier awaiting shipment as ROAD to Westchester village, adj, Wm. Coon­ very large, in many eases in excess of any season for years, two and a half stories, 21 by 36, one and a half but owners, now that manufactnring is over for the season, ey's, 50x100. Ann Kennedy (Exr, of) to EUen stories to be added; M. B, Thompson, owner. Gibbons 8,250 are rather inclined to hold back hopeful oC better call and One brick dwelling. No, 121 Eldridge street, r.ates to correspond. In fact the position now represents a BEAR SWAMP road, w, s,, adj. Peter LorUlard, 4 three stories, 20 by 37, one story fco be added; Mrs, sort of contest between manufacturers and onr retail deal­ acres. Richard Ticken to Nicholas Rod- Kipp, owner. ers, and it ^vill probably require some little time to show lem 8,,500 One brick factory. No, 417 West Eighteenth who is to have the advantage. New Jersey Hards are street, three stories, 31 by 42,6, extension 31 by SO, without important change and still quoted at .|8@9 per M, YONKERS. the latter pretty high. Pale Brick have been somewhat 38 feet high; WilUam Shute i& Co., owners. irregular in price, and the upward turn seems to be MULFORD st., s. s., adj, Wm. Donnelly's, 30x125, One brick stable. No. 145 West Thirty-ninth checked, A few very nice lots reached nearly or quite Timothy Burke and wife to Sarah Hunt.. .6,500 street, two stories, size not stated, extension 19 by §7 per M, but §6.50 is a good price, §6 a fair general quo­ OLIVER av, n, s., 100 s. Brook st,, ,50x100. 29.8, 13 feet high; G. B. W. Reid, owner. tation, and one or two sale.s of rough stock were made at $5.50 per M. Philadelphia Pronts, not very plenty, in Terence Purey and wife to John M. StU­ One brick and frame dweUing, No, 170 Riving­ pretty good demand and firm at §28(^30 per M on pier, weU 1,400 ton street, one and a half stories, 23 by 33, one Croton Fronts we still quote at $12, $14, and $15 per M for WILLOW place, s. s., 275 e, Warburton av, SOx story to be added to extension, 9 feet high; Mr, brown, dark, and red, and the market is dull. The price 100, James F, Boyd to B, T, Burnham.. .6,000 Weis, owner. was said to have been advanced $1 per M, bnt as even BuENA VISTA av,, e, s,, ISO n. Prospect st., 37x half cargoes have since been sold at old figures We retain 13,5, B, T. Burnham to James P, Boyd. .13,000 UNSAFE BUILDINGS. them. ASHBURTON av, n, s., adj. New st,, 150x130, Michael Dearman to "JDhomas Mo wall 500 East Twelfth street. No. 613, Morris O'Brien, owner; unsafe walls, LATH.—^The demand has been fair and has taken the WoRDWORTH av,, w, s,, 875 n. Gold st., 50x100. supplies about as fast as received, vrith the market showing George Moore to Thomas Moore... 7,000 . Bast Thirty-fifth street, Nos. 417, 419 and 431, a continued steady tone during the greater portion of the WAVERLEY st., w,, adj, Ralph Wood's, 35x110, Sarah Hanneman, owner; unsafe buUdings. period under review. Dealers are in many cases holding Mary Scotland to Joseph Perry 775 Third avenue, buUding southeast corner of 110th off, and in various ways endeavoring to force a lower MULFORD st,, s, s., 370 w. Vineyard av., 35x135. street, Hugh Meehan, owner; unsafe walls. range of values; but their success is not very apparent, and Patrick Cantwell and wife to Alexander O, Eldridge street, No. 181, Joseph J. Jennings, any gain on figures wUl not be likely to be long retained by owner; unsafe walls. the buying interest at this season of the year, as there is NeU. 935 not much time to waste in providing for tbe winter 'wants?, PRESCOTT st., w. s., 79 s. w. Webster av, 35x90, West Houston street. No. 814 (rear), Astor estate, StiU, on the other hand there does not appear tO be a Isaac N, WUliams to Henry Bowman 1,,500 owner; unsafe west wall. likelihood "that seVers can gain any very dec ded improve BELLEVUE av,, e. s., 6 341-1000 acres, Charlotte Chatham street. No. 179, James Hannigan, own­ ment as the supply all through the recent free consumptive A. M, BlackweU and James Blackwell to er ; unsafe chimneys. distribution was fully equal to the call, and it i.? believed Michael Delahanty 5,747,70 St, Mark's place. No. 45, Mr. BaUey, agent; im- that there is plenty yet to come forward. Again, an in- safe chimneys. crea.sed cost of any magnitude is likely to induce greater LOTS 60 and 61, map of Chas, Darke prop,, SOx caution on the part of buyer-s, and receivers are not mnch 160 Marion Coles to Robt, Brown 950 inclined to run the risk of checking sales by asking too BRONXVILLE to Yonkers road, s, s,, James P. much money for their goods. The average of quality of Swain to Michael Rouse 1,300 late offered has been fair, thongh some lots from the FORECLOSURE SUITS. Maine coast were not altogether desirable, and were diflicult to dispose of .it regular market rate.s. The market closes ONE H'ONDBED AND TWENTS-EIGHTH ST,, N, S,, with a very fair snpply offering, but the demand pretty com, 200 e, 10th av,, running 100, Henry good and the feeling generaUy quite lirm. Sales have been PROJECTED BUILDINGS. Goldsmith agt, Jacob Pecare etal Nov. 2 made as high as $2.42^@2.45, and .$2.40 is an inside ONE HXJNDKED AND TWENTY-EIGHTH ST., N. S., figure. The foUowing plans embrace all that have been com. 400 e. 10th av,, running 158. Henry considered by the Superintendent of Buildings since Goldsmith agt. Jacob Pecare et al Nov, 2 ONE HUJODBED AND T'WENTY-NINTH ST., S. S., LIME.—The general tone of the market for Eastern has our last report:— com, 200 e, lOfch av,, running 100. Henry been pretty firm and the sales qnick at full figures on all Goldsmith agt, Jacob Pecare et al Nov, 3 grades, including a good many parcels to arrive. The BROOME AND GREENE STS,, S, W, COR,, TWO six- ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINTH ST., S. S., wants of the trade, present and prospective, have increased story iron stores, 50x60,4; owner, WM, H, GUN­ com, 300 e, lOtli av., running 100, Henry somewhat, and most of our dealers showed some anxiety to THER ; architect, GRIFFITH THOMAS. G oldsmith agt, Jacob Pecare et al Nov. 2 secure full cargoes, while at the same time the offering was CHKYSTIE ST., E. S. (LOT 284 ON IVIAP OF JAMES hardly equal to the call, and all orders could not be met. DELANCEY ST, (NO, 276), ONE FIVE-STORY BRICK De Lancy's property, made by Evert Barcker), The production has been pushed forward to the fnllest ex­ store and tenement, 25x61; owner, B, GOETZ ; Kaspar Engert .igt. Louis Mimz efc al Nov. 2 tent possible, but manufacturers are still behind in their architect, A. H, BLANKENSTEIN, SrSTY-ITFTH ST., N. S., COM. 40 E. 4TH AV., KtlN- deliveries. A scarcity of vessels, high rates of freight, and ning 20. Benrimo agt. John Berry­ full cost of cooperage stock are all cited as influences calcu­ WEST 49TH ST, (NO. 138), ONE FOUR-STORY man et al Nov, 2 lated to stimulate the market. The State Lime i&firm and in demand, with hardly enough available to meet all wants, brown-stone tenement, 25x40; owner, P, FITZPAT­ THmTY-FOUKTH ST., S. S., COM, 78 E, IOTH AV, and some agents sold ahead especially on finishing. The RICK. running 21.6, The New York Life Insurance Co. age. Adela Cohen et al Nov, 2 kilns, however, are mostly working np to the average for HENBY ST., NO, 78 "1 the season, and considerable stock will come through before FIFTY-FOURTH ST., N. S., 160 E. 3D AV., ONE the close of navigation. Few concessions are now aUan?ed EAST BROADWAY, NOS. 121. 123, AND 125 I three-story brick stable, 30x63; owners, HOFFMAN on any quantity, receivers storing stock rather than accept «fe MERKEL ; architect. A, PFUND, BROOME ST,. NO. 171-, ( GlilNTON ST., Nos. 140 AND 148 j lower figures. As we close, and, in fact, dnrin.g the week, Henry Palmer et al. agt, Leonora ParseUs the numijcr of cargoes reported shows a pretty large aggre­ MADISON AV. AND 63D ST,, N, W, COR,, FIVE gate, but all buyers were not supplied, and receivers atill four-story brown-stone dweUings, 30x56x63 ; own­ efc al. Nov, 3 call the'market firm at §1.35 per bbl. for common; and ers, jT, G.CHURCHILL & A, SMITH; architect. HAMILTON ST,, NO. 16J^, MEYER S, ISAACS $1.75 do for lump. agfc. Bertha Jacoby et al Nov. 3 GAGE INSLEE, HOUSTON ST.. S. S., COM, 40 vr. PITT ST., R'ON- ^ning 20. Harris Salomon agt. Carl Schlott ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THIRD ST., N. S., LtTMBER.—The general demand afc the yards, while nofc et al Nov. 8 exactly showing anj* great amount of activity, is as'a rule 89 w, 4th av,, nine three-story brown-stone dwel­ RlDGB ST„ W. S., COM, 175 N. STANTON ST,, BUN- fair, and enough stock is moving to keep most of the trade lings, 19.6x.54 each; owner, GEORGE B. KUHN; ning 25, Charles Lendemann agt. Christian pretty busy, and many of the leading dealers continue to architect, WM. JOSE. Hartling et al Nov. 7 report themselves as very well B-itisfied with, the position. 210 REAL ESTATE RECORD

The somewhat advanced cost on many grades," especially of ferior to fair schedules; and $17.50@20 for good to prime from the month lasfc year of nearly 12,000,000 feet. -. pine, natur.illy has a tendency to make buyers a little more do. White Pine is in demand, is very indifferently offered, This is owing entirely to the fact of the rough weather that cautious, aind' probably calculations are made with-a closer and the entire market shows'a most decidedly strong and has pre-vailed, and the consequent disasters. An unusual look to positive necessity; but in view of the very stifE tone encouraging tone. The supply available right here is fair, circuinstance was that'during the month, for three sue- . to nearly aU fche lumber markets tliroughont the country ifc but it w^ould be extremely difficult to make any important Cbssive days, there were no arriv.als or clearances reported begins to be understood that this point must follow sooner additions thereto even at full figures, and holders do not at the Custom-house. We give below the .shipments from or later, a,nd those who buy now^ are likely to do better than care about selling. The poorest culls are worth about $21 the port of East S iginaw for the month of October, 1871, those who hold off with the almost ceitainly vain hope of per M: good to prime shipping boards, $22@28 do; choice and the corresponding lime l-ast year :— gaining any further advantage. Our figures reju'esent, as do, $30: picldngs, .$35; and selects, $-45 per M. Yellow Oct 1870. Oct 1871, near as may be, the rates bid and those asked, but it would Pine continues in demand, and the market has a verj' firm Lumber, ft : :36,340,335 24,964,800 be well to remember that scarcel/ anj^ sellers are to be tone generallj'. Random cargoes are a little .slow as usual, Lath, pes 4,.32C,450 2,053,000 found at inside quotations. In this connection, however, it but there is not enough of these offering to depress tho Shingles 1:3,810,500 8,165,000 is only fair to remark that nofc until this week have any of market, and for all orders on special lengths seUers .are still the leading dealers deemed it advisable to put up their asking and obtaining full former rates. We quote at $28 Salt, bbls 16,500 14,100 prices, as having a fair margin for profit already they were ®SS per M for common to choice random; and [email protected] Stiives and heading 125,000 adver.^e to frightening off the little trade moring, by asking for common to very e.xtra special schedules. Staves 130,000 too high rates. Again, the improvement at Albany is Hoops 360.000 something of a nominal one and more in the asking than We note additional exiiorts as foUows:— Pickets 65,000 the gettuig, while some of the sellers at that point are To Hamburg, 40 logs wahiut, value $947; to Liverpool, SAGINAW LUMBEB MARKET, actually quietly seeking customers at old figures. On Pine 86 logs maple, value $1,700; to Havre, 38 log.s do, $580; Sales by cargoes about .is follows;— uppers we make no change as yet. Pew if any complaints to British West Indies, 2 spars, value $250: to British Pirst clear •; $40 [email protected] 00 are made in regard to the assortment offering, and, indeed, Australia, 85,000 lath; to Hayti, 205,000 shingles ; to Ant­ Fourths 38 00@^40 00 there could not be justly, as dealers have undoubtedly werp, 4,800 staves; to Rotterdam, 2,400 do; to London, Box 33 00@35 00 selected their stock with care and wisdom, Avhile the quan­ 2,700 do; to Havre, 14,400 do; to Mar.seUles, 6,000 do; to Three upper grades. - 38 OQ^-IO 00 tity is fully up to all expectations, but the additions com­ Fuuchal, 4,040 do; to Liverpool, 15,200 do, and 2,124 Common 14 00@15 00 mence to fall off somewhat as the .great majority of de­ shooks and heads; to French West Indies, 16,200 staves Shipping culls 7 00®. 7 50 liveries on contract have been made, and onlj' odd and and 400 shooks; to Danish AVcst Indies. 15,000 hoops and Lath 1 95® 2 10 irregular parcels are now expected. The outlet on current 200 shooks; to West Indies, 6,195 shooks : to Cuba, SHINGLES— sales is stiU almost entirely of a local character, though in 3.3,500 hoops and 1,400 shooks: to Porto Hioo, 450 shooks; Sawed Al 4 00® 4 25 a few instances shipments are being made to regular cus- to Bra/.il, 3,709 shooks. Receipts as follows:—From Sawed A3 2 25@> 2 75 - - tomers. Charleston, 150,000 feet lumber; from Brunswick, Ga., Shaved—^None in market. The wholesale market shows a comparatively firm, gen­ 170,000 feet do; from Maine coast, 49 cargoes lumber, 7 do lath: from St John, N. B., 1,177,521 feet lumber, The foUowing is the November price-list for lumber de­ eral tone, and buyers, to operate, miisfc jiay full prices on livered ou car.s, observed bv Chas, Merrill & Co.:— all grades, even coastwise stock, which has for some time 1,471,000 lath, 5,000 pickets, 407 pieces piling; from Le­ preaux, N. B,, ],.530 pes piling; from Two Pavers, N. S., First clear ". $42 00 had a tendcnoj' to a little, showing a befcti'r tone, and Second clear 37 00 anything at all desirable now selling fairly when offered, 430 pis do ; from Goose River, N. S., 425 do ; from Wind­ sor, N.S., 668,000 lath. Third clear 32 00 and a.gents finding that their views as to values are ac­ Select 29 00 Charters as follows;—A Br barque, 497 tons, from Sa­ cepted with much less hesitation than heretofore. It is Clear stock, 12 inch : 37 00 tilla River to Jrontevidco, lumber, $22.50 and primage; a rather late to expect many contracts to be made on either Select .stock, 12 inch 29 00 barque, from Portland, Me., to Montevideo or Buenos Western on Northern goods, except where the supplies are B stock, 12 inch 21 00 Ajres, luniber, $16 and primage; a Cr bri.g, 298 tons, from already at tide water; bnt all fche primary and large distribut­ Common stock. 12 inch 15 00 St. Mary''s to Montevideo or Buenos Ayres, §23, privilege ing markets show such extreme firmness that it appears to Select stock, 10 inch 26 00 Rosario, $26 and primage; a barque, from Pensacola to be very generally accepted that lumber has seen its lowest 36 00 New York, lumber, $12; a schooner from JacksonvUle to Clear .strips. rates for a twelvemonth at least. In some quarters there is Fencing sti'ips 14 00 an inclination to cast doubts on the luioyanfc reports from New York, $13; ono, game voyage, $12.75, privUege FaU River, $13.25, No. 1 Uoorin.g strips 26 00 the interior, bufc tho advices receive too many confirmatory No. 2 flooring strips 21 00 additions from the most disinterested sources to be without MTLL BURNED, AVide select flooring 25 00 pretty strong foundation on fact, and present owners of Select common 22 00 stock have undoubtedly every reason to look for a liberal OTTAWA, NOV, 1.—Skoad's lumber mill was burned this Common boards and plank 15 00 increase ol their margins for profit. The exiiorfc deniand A.M. LOSS $40,000 ; insured $20,000, Coarse common 10 00 is only fair bofch here and on the St. Lawrence, being Scantling, joist .and timber, 12 to 18 ft 14 00 confined in the main to We-st India order.s, most of the From the Saginaio Courier we obtain the following in­ Scantling, and timber, 20 ft J 17 00 . long voyage shipments having been made earlier in the teresting items;— Scantling, joist and timber, 22 and 24 ft 19 00 season, PiXE TIMBER DESTROYED—OPERATIONS DflnrNG THE Pickets .'. 10 00 WINTER—THE MARKET.—The late extensive fires through­ Shingles 4 40 the exports of lumber are as follows:— out the pine timber region of Michigan is Ukely to put a Lath - 2 50 nee Jan, 1, Same time 1870 new phase on lumbering operations durmg the coming m"n- Peet Feet Peet ter. The favorable condition of fche lumber market would SAGE & CO.'B SALT WORKS AND MILL. Africa 477,!508 492.009 doubfcless stimulate increased oiierations, but a stiU greater Since the commencement o£ operations this season, the Alicante 41,700 impetus has been given in the fires, which have burned so niiU of H. W. Sage & Co. has cut, up to the evening of Oc­ Amsterdarh much timber, that it will be necessarj' to cut ifc to save it. tober 26th, 19,667,771 feet of lumber, ninning only twelve Antwerp 959.689 774.100 It would be difficult to estimate the amount of timber that hours per day. They have shipjied from their docks, since Argentine Republic. 523.423 2, .366.615 has been burned. navigation opened, 24,784,032 feet of lumber. The Salt Beyrout, 40,000 9,588 The Ru.sts, it is estimated, had in the neicrhborhood of Works, since operations were commenced, have packed but BrazU 20,425 1,4.30..589 789.684 100,000,000 feet; W. R. Burt & Co. 50,000,000 ; Sage & 13,831 barrels of No. 1 Salt, 12,894 barrels of which has Bremen, 62,500 Co, and other large pine-land owners, large amounts. On been shipped. It is controlled by the Saguiaw & Bay Salt British Anstralia, ,, ,180.000 1,939,393 2,059,226 fche Cass, Ketchum &, Co., out of .30,000,000, had about 20,- Association, British Guiana 20,000 000,000 feet burned. The Tuscola Pioneer says that " the LUMBER SALES. British Honduras..,, 3,002 75.661 101.565 fires have run over large tracts of land belonging fco Mur­ The Bay Citj' Chronicle reports that Shearer & Co. have British N. A. Colonies. 138,081 .37,090 phy & Avery, Page &, Peters, in Tu-scola, Genesee, and La­ made a sale of 750,000 feet of lumber afc $7..50, $15, and Indies... 408.796 318,797 peer comities. We understand that some 211,000,000 of feet $36. to be shipped immediately to Buffalo. Lumber sells Cadiz 38,900 on Murphy & Averj''s tract have been run over by the late readily at $7, $14, and $35, bnt parties who are indiffer­ Canary Islands 100,000 649,303 750,600 fires, much of which is probably killed, and will have to be ent about selling demand $7.50, $15, and $:36, which will Central America worked up soon, or it will .greatly depreciate in value." 133,576 146.762 soon be recognized as the .selling price, Cluli., 69,362 458.023 It has been the policj' of heavy Saginaw manufacturers China.. 53,373 399,654 and lumber dealers to meet the present supply by the pur­ GOING TO THE WOODS. Cisplatine Republic... 1,091,499 825.017 chase of ] from smaller lumbermen, local dealers in the The Iosco (Tawas) Gazette says;—" Our town was full Cuba.,,,,, 38,704 1,535,424 1,071,497 pine districts, and from farmers and others lumbering of mon on Sunday ' lymg' over here for a start toward the Danish West Indie.s,,, • 17,372 1,777 from their own lands, rather than to Inmber extensively woods on Monday. The crews of lumbermen Smith, Beach Dutch East Indies,,, from the large bodies of i)ine lands which of them & Mansfield, Gardiner, and Hill & MUler, were among those Dutch Guiana 6,600 own. The timber on these tracts is held in resei-ve l)y that formed the caravan that wound out of our vUlage on Dutch West Indies,,. 47,004 35,832 those w^hose caijital enables thera to hold it, to meet the Monday morn." Ecuador demand wlien other sources fail, and when a monopol.v will French West Indies.. 126,536 4,215 enable them to control the market and secure their inter­ MUSKEGON LUMBEB. Gibraltar. 1,500 22,500 ests. The late fires, however, have burnt over large bodies From the Muskegon News : Ha-vre 44,444 60,594 81,304 of these pine lands, kiUuig the timber, and making it ne- The journals on the East Shore are a luiit in delaring Hayti 45,000 738.910 cos.sary to cut a great deal that would not othenvise have that the logging season about to commence in the pineries Japan 5.063 been cut, to save it brom decay and the borers. In conse­ generaUy has much better prospects the coming winter Lisbon •. 2,850 3,000 quence it is expected that a full supply for the miUs wUl be for .getting in a full stock than has been the case during the Liverpool., 10,000 54,450 put in from these burnt lands, and the market for logs is past three years. The woods are already alive with men, Mexico .326,155 123.492 thereby niateriivUy affected. Sales can hardly be made now though five weeks earlier than usual. Considerable mone.y New Granada 2,005 146.156 424,154 at anj' price; but ifc is hoped thafc the damage may not be has aheady been paid out, and so many coiifcracfcs made in New Zealand 77,000 89,880 so ,groat as feared. Agents are out looking the wood.? over, the counties of Muskegon. Ottawa, Oceana, Ma.son, Manis­ Oporto and the extent of the " deadenings''''they report wUl de­ tee, and clear up to Grand Traverse, that a number of our Palermo termine the condition of the market for logs. The Gratiot cotemporxries give timely warning to our lumbermen to Peru , 1.440,794 1,.396,298 Journal says, that comiietent judges who have been over I take care and not ovenstock next year's market, and there­ Porto Rico ,., 879,694 140,891 the ground, estimate thafc tliere will have to be at least by depreciate fche real value of lumber, Confcracts amount­ Rotterdam 7.000 2,250 10,000,000 feefc put in from the township of Seville, more ing in the aggregate fco :350,000,000 feefc have already been Yenezuela 93,870 124,115 than would have been cut but for the fire. If the di.stricts made ou the Muskegon River and its tributaries. White north and west have suffered in proportion, it will require Biver will nofc fall shorfc of 75,000,(.;00, maldng a for 14,112,322 14,114,547 but a modicum of the burnt timber to supply the demand. this county of 425,000,000, to say nothing of the small manu­ As the stumpage of these burnt lands will he of little value facturing localities. It is ihe same with our neighboring , Value .$14,595 $463,041 §501,881 ' after this winter, an effort will be made to save as much of coimfcies, and ifc seems as if the of pine had become the timber as possible. mad, and seek to cut dov^'n all that comes within reach iu a For Eastern Spruce there has been a reasonably firm single season. We fear the prosperity of lumbermen dur­ Lumbering operations have ah-eady commenced in earn­ ing the last year will induce them to a suicidal act. After tone, with a slight inclination to buoyancy on prime to est. Large numbers of men are now at work in the woods, choice lots, as these are becoming rather scarce, and the de­ all, ifc matters but little what preparations for logging are and men are leaving daily. The demand for men has creat­ i made, the weather during the winter wUl regulate the log mand if anything is improving. There is no strong upward ed a scarcity. The leading lumbermen will make it a point turn, however, and the trade as a rule look upon the mar­ crop, and the capacity of the booms -wUl prevent a very to cut as much of the burnt timber as possible; but even large overstock. The hauling wUl in niost'cases be a long ket as merely developing the natural better state of affairs then much will be lost. One point to consider is the capa­ almost sure to prevail as the regular season draws to a distance. The extraordinary exeriions on the part of the city Of the booms. The boom faculties will admit of so manufacturers to slaughter pine the coming winter is due to close, but further stimulated just now by the strong prevail­ many logs passing through, and no more. There is a ing tone on all other kinds of luinber. The majority of the the high price paid for lumber, and logs have, advanced limit beyond which they cannot go, and this limit was about $1 already. large dealers are indifferent operators and may refuse to nearly reached in 1870, . This will prove a check-mate to forward goods at current rates—indeed, very few conld if overstocking the lumber market, and- no decline in prices The cutting and shipping season diaws to a close here, .they -would, as they have all they can do to complete need be apprehended in consequence of overstocking the as will be seen by compaiing the last thiee months' figuies, engagements, and anj^thing Uke pressure to realize comes market. as recorded in the books of Mr. Kingsbury, the Custom from agents of small mUls Where money is much needed House officer here. and hoMing out for full figures (jannot be afforded. The LTOfBEB SHIPMENTS. The "amount of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., from July .market,.closes .with a Somewhat larger snpply here, and The shipments of lumber from the port of East Saginaw, 15th last"to October 15th inst., shipped fiom this port, is as prices a little tame, ' We quote at $16@,17 per M for in­ for the month of October just closed, show a f.all&ig off follows, to wit:— REAL ESTATE R E C 0.R D 211

Lumber, feet 121.801,000 The rapidly increasmg trade in lumber at Burhugton, .Vt, The St. Louis Bemocrat of Nov. 6 says:— Lath, pieces 20,604,000 bids fair to plaee it m the front rank as a market for that Durmg the past month our market has presented an ani­ Shingles r 2,068,000 commodiTj', .md soon make it equal to its oldei and-more mated appearance. Men and teams have been kept busy Raih oad Ties 6,600 pretentious rivals. The eueigy of it-5 opeiatois, and the hauling and piling lumber, and the dealers were likewise Timber, 220,000 facilities afforded both for the tiansit of Canadian and engaged m waiting on customers and filUng orders. The* Pickets...,..: ,,,,,.. 5,600 Western lumber, cannot faU torender it ultimately a place receipts have been comparatively light, consequent upon. , The Chicago Post reports as.foUows: of considerable commercial importance. The enterprising the low water which has prevaUed this season on the Upper ' The unpleas-ant weather has prevented much business at spirit of its inhabitants, in contributing so largely as they Mississippi and tributaries, the amount of stock held back, ^ the lumber docks this moi-ning, and the few sales made have done towards that important undertaking, the Caughn- and the heavy faUing off in shipments by the lake. whUe were .at substantially tho same prices .as on yesterday. awaga Canal, should have the endorsement of the whole of shipments have been very brisk from the yards and Shingles are steady .at $3.50, and lath at $2.62>^@2.75. the Ne.v England States, whowUlbe equal participators in stocks con.siderably reduced. This has urged the deal­ the benefits arising from this new channel of commvmication. ers to replenish their stocks belore the season closes, We quote the ruling prices as follows:— To form some idea of the rapid growth of the lumber and consequently there has been a heavy demand during Common to fair lumber $18 00((5).20 00 trade in BurUngton, it should be stated that m 1855 the the month for yellow pine. Our lumbermen were pleased Good to choice miU-run 20 00@22 50 total amount of luniber shipped to that place was only with the divergence of tr.ade to this point, which has Joist and scantling 17 00®17 25 fifteen miUion feet; in 1870 it footed up one hundred and of late argely attracted buj'ers, and feel satisfied with Shingles 3 50 'ten mUlions, employing some 1,200 vessels for its transpor- the usual advance at this time of the year instead of liath 2 62@ 2 75 fcition, 'J'his year, however, although the monetary value making any extortionate demands. This has induced ' Pickets 12 00 of the returns wUl be nearlj' the same, there wiU be a faU­ buyers to seek our market from Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Montreal prices as follows:— ing off of some ten per cent, in quantity, owing to two im- and parts of IlUnois, that have heretofore traded elsewhere. ! LUMBER.—There has been a fair degree of activity in jiortant facts not generally known. In the place, the lumber during the week. We do nofc alter our quotations, Michigan crop last year was about twenty-five per cent, The MUwaukee market is reported as foUows':— ' which are as foUows;— below the average, whUst the dry season has not only stop­ The market is quiet and prices firm at our quotations. Business is light, and very few cargoes are- marketed liierei Black Walnut $60 00(??,80 00 por mU. ped manj' niiUs from running in Canada, bnt from the low condition of the streams precluded the possibility of transit, prices in Chicago being materiaUy higher this Birch 16 U0®20 00 " point. Lath and shingles are steady. AJTe quote; ' ' Pine, First and Second 16 (I0((7i20 00 " and many of the vessels that did run carried only half car­ Basswood 10 00@,13 00 " goes. Therefore, the advance in the prices of lumber is not Scantluig and joist ,, $15 50®16 00 Spruce 9 00® 9 50 " mainly attiibutable, as generally supposed, to the Western Strips and boards, common to fair 16 00@17 00 Hemlock.. 8 00®, 8 50 " fires, although that event certainly accelerated the upward Good to choice strips and boards 18 00®20 00 • tendency. This advance varies from ten to fifteen per Pine, 3-inch cull deals 20 00@24 CO 100 pes. Lath, ^m pieces -2 50® 2 SHX cent, there being a large and active demand for the lower Shingles, "A"orStar 3 2.5® 3 40 The WilUamsport (Pa.) Gazette has the annexed ;— grades; necessarily have risen the most, whUst the THE DRY VALLEY BOOM. smaller demand for the select has not caused a rise of more METALS,—^Ingot copper continues in only Umited re­ than ten i)er cent. The proportion of sales of the dift'erent A Sunbury correspondent, writing to tho Miltonuin, savs quest, but prices are steady. Yellow metal and copper grades will be eight per cent., select; twelve per cent, that the firm of Friling, Bowen & Engle, of the larce saw- manufactures are unchanged. We quote ingot ^SX® second qualitj'; twenty-seven, third qualitj'; fortj--two, miU, have transferred the principal p.arfc of their interest in 23%c: new sheathing, 32c; yeUow metal 24c; and old fourth quality: pickings and box, twelve per cent. the boom at Dry Valley, and a firm from WiUiamsport will sheathing 20®21c. The market for Scotch Pig continues: proceed at once to erect a new one at a cost of $25,000. It The whole of this extensive trade is in the hands of some duU, but firm at the lafcetidvance. The demand for Amer­ will be made strong and substantial. The estimated num­ four or five oper.ator.s, viz., Messrs. Shepherd & Da-vis, ican is limited, but quotations continue firm. AVe quote ber of logs in the river above is 40,000,000 feet. In case of Blodgett & Son, Rolfe & Tyler, W. & D. G. Crane, and AV. Glengarnock in yard at $34(540 and from ship at $36 high water part of these may go adrift, and a good boom H. Barnes. The great planing mill at Burlington built by ©39'per ton for No, 1; $35®36 do for No, 2, and at tti". above-named point wUl be readily seen to be a good Mr. Barnes, of the firm of Skillings, AVhitney & Barnes, $33@34 do for forged. Refined bar is quiet but .steady. thing. but now the ])roperty of Messrs. Shepherd & Davis, is a re­ AVe quote from store as follows: Bar Swedes, $107,50 markable specimen of its kind. The building itself is 275 ®120; refined, ordinary size, $85; refined, IH to 6 by The East Saginaw Enteriorise says;— feet !on,g, 100 wide, and is fitted with thirty planing and X and 5-16, $90; refined, 1 and 1% by X and 5-16,'- The movement in lumber was not very brisk during the matching machines, whose united power in June last planed $92.50; refined, 2>^ to 3 round and square, $92.50; scroll^ . pa.sfc monfch. The heavy .smoke which prevailed all through some 5.913,561 feet of lumber. The sha^i^gs from these $102.50®132.50; ovals and half round, $102.50©122,50; > the recent fires made navigation dangerous, and interfered machines are carried, by a series of square wooden tubes, to band, $97.50: horse-shoe, $100®105; rods, 5-8 to .3-16 with business. • The heaviest shipments were made during a reservoir, by the action of McGannan's patent blower, inch, $90®125; hoop, $107.50@150; naU rod, per lb., the past week, and had it not been for the scaroity of ves­ where they are deposited to the amount of some thirty tons 6%. Common sheet is unchanged. AVe quote at 4X® sels, which were nofc to be had undeiP any consideration, daUj'. Tho division of the lumher trade at BurUngton wiU 5%c for single D and T,, and 5X®^X<: for D. and T. from 12,000,000 fco 14.000.000 feet more lumber would have be about as foUows: Messrs. Shepherd & Davis, fifty per Charcoal. Galvanized Sheet is in limited request, but steady. been shipped. When the smoke cleared awaj', the eager­ cent.; Blodgett & Son. twenty-five per cent.: Rolfe & Ty­ AVe quote at 12®13c for 14®20; 12X®13>rf®14c for 2.5'@26; and 15@18c for 27@29, aU less consequently every available craft was brou.eht into .ser­ cent. 27>i®30 per cent to the trade. The market for Russia vice. The great storm, which occun-ed about two weeks The luniber sold here consists almost exclusively of pine; sheetis quiet and prices unchanged. We quote at VXX® ago, which did so much damage to shipping generaUy, the and it is worthy of note that the lumbermen in the pine 18c gold, according to number. The market for Pig Lead heavy smoke, and the scarcity cf vessels, have all helped to forests of Canada have so far outstripped communication is quiet, but prices are steady. We quote at [email protected] for reduce the monthly shipments from this port. with the raihoads, that the expense of transporting their common to good foreign. Manufactured lead continues The E7iterprise says the lumbering interests of Kewau­ provisions is very considerably more than formerly, which quiet and unchanged. We quote at 93^c for bar; lOJi'c' for nee County suffered severely by the late fires. Messrs, likewise greatly adds to the cost of their lumber. sheet and pipe; 15c for tin-lined pipe, aU less 10 per cent, Slauson, Grimmer & Co. had about 20.000.0000 feet of to the trade. The market for Pig Tin has ruled fairly active pine burred over in the town of Montpelier, and 5,000,iiOO The following are the surveys for the week:— under more favorable Eutopean advices, and with lower " feet in Casco. Such of this timber as can be got out dur­ Domestic Lumber, Feet. Domestic Lumber, Feet, price.s, large sales have taken place. AVe quote in coin ing the coming winter will be all right, but it wUl be im­ Pine 717,550 Spruce 2,159,044 at 35®35Xc for English; 3f!@86>^c for straits, and practicable to get it all out,' and what is left over wUl be Hemlock 407,539 So, Pine Flooring.., 51,825 41@4]>^c for Banca. The inquiry is limited for plates, comparatively worthless. So. Pine Pl. & Tim.. 68,056 Hard AVood 45.781 but prices are steady. We quote I, C, charcoal, $8,75 Black Walnut 31,164 Pme Timber & Joist 37,278 ®9; I, C, coke, $7,50®8.50; Coke Teme, $6..37>^@7.50, The Eau Claire Free Press reports that the Eau Claire and Charcoal Terne, [email protected]. Zinc is quiet and un­ Lumber Company has manufactured over 30,000,000 feet Total 3,518,237 changed. AA^e quote Mosselmann sheet 9>^®10c currency, of lumber this season up to the present time, and its mills with sales from store made afc 8>i®8%c gold. are both running in full blast. The Pensacola Zlail reports as foUows:— The Green Bay Advocate says:— TIMBEE,—As we have stiU been deprived of rains, the creeks and rivers are stUl low, and very little timber has NAILS.—Much strength and confidence have been shown, THE EIBES IN THE WOODS. come to market. The timber cutters are, for the most bj' manufacturers and agents on all the leading grades, and The recent conflagration has done more damage to the part, busUy engaged in hauling their timber to the banks, the market generaUy was in a healthy and encouraging con­ timber that stood in its course than was at supposed. so as to be ready to take advantage of the first rise. Quo­ dition during the period under review. The call was not The beautiful hardwood ridges which laj' south and west tations, which are only nominal, are as follows:— very active from any one quarter, but nearly aU classes of of Peshtigo, 'and those west .and north of this place, have buyers were represented to a greater or less extent, and been ruined, .and after a few years will be worse than use­ 60 feet average 10c per cubic feet. they took enough in the aggregate to make quite an impres­ less. Along the two rivers large quantities of pine had 70 " " lie " " " sion on the .stock accumulated. The Western movement has been left standing by the mUl companies as a sort of " rainy 80 " " 12c " " " subsided a little, though stUl reported as fair in several day " provision, left to repair the misfortunes of some un­ 90 " " 13c " " " quarters, and fuU values positively insisted npon for all fortunate season's logging, which must all be put into the 100 " " 14c " " " classes of goods. The production ranges up to about the water during the coming winter, or the worms will spoU it. For Bl good class and upwards deUvered at Ferry Pass. ordinary average, and there is not likely to be an actual Good woodsmen, who'have passed over the pmeries affected The scarcity of freights for sawn timber will rather tend dearth of suijplies, yet some manufacturers report that they on the Menominee, estimate that fuUy two-thirds of the to depress prices, although a few mills have contracted for are behind on orders and gaining very slowly. Prices re­ timber is down, and should tho approaching winter be one a large .supply, AA''e quote as last week: — main very firm at the late improvement noted by us, and afc _ of deep snows, the expense of cutting and hauling will be 25 feefc average 12c,@,14c, per cubic feet, the close the general outgo is fair. We quote per 100 very great. Fortunatelj-, however, no one company has 30 " " 14a@16c, " " " lbs.: cut, I0@60d, $4.65; cut, 8®9d, $4.90; cut, 6©7d, more in this State than they can use for a season's work, 35 " " 16c,@.18o, " •' " $5.15; cut 4@5d, $5.40; cut, 3d, $6.15; cut, 2@3d, fine, and they will not be obliged to overstock in order to pre­ DeUvered at vessel, $6.90; cut spikes, aU size.s, $4.90; cut finishing, casing, serve the timber. Some provision should also be made as box, etc., $5.15® $6.65; cUnch, [email protected]; horse-shoe, LUJroER.—^Flooring boards are in good demand at the soon as possible for cutting the pine on R.R. land, and forged. No, 10 to 5, per lb, 19®33c, Other styles are North, and prices .are tending upwards, so that we think the 0. & N. W. officers should go so far as to obtain an act .selling as foUows; Copper, 37®39c per lb; yellow metal, many mUls wiU turn their attention to this article. AVe of Congress aUowing the pine to be cut if necessary. There 24c do. The exports for the week are 391 pckg.=, valued predict a busy season for our mill men, and quote:— is not so much of it that it can be wasted as well as not. at $2,928; and since January 1st, 14,115, valued a $88,968. A few days since we drove up the River State Road to Floor'g Bds, prime $17 50 to $19 pr m. ft. f. o.b. Ku-by, Carpenter & Co.'s Little River Farm, and found Scantling, ord'y sizes, Cuba & PAINTS AND OILS.—The market has rather an im­ that the utmost desolation had marked the path of the fire Texas 15 00 to IG " " proved tone, and in some cases prices are a trifle higher. in every direction, and in the drive of over twenty miles, Do. special sizes and long The apparently slow movement of the past two or three through a countrj" where every species of wUd animals and lengths 16 00 to 20 " " weeks has in reality been quietly taking off a goodly amonnt birds incident to the climate were to be found in profu.sion Edge Boards, No. 1 10 00 to 11 "- " of stock, a large proportion of which was wanted on Western a few short weeks ago, only one .soUtary chipmonk and a Do. No.2 8 00 to 9 " " account, and the suppUes now are so much reduced that very smaU bird was seen. Corduroys covered with dirt a Deals, S. A. market " 17 00 to 18 " " holders gain confidence, and a few have, as above noticed, foot deep have been burned, great noble pines that have Do. English do 13 00 to 14 " " increased the cost of some of the leading articles. Vermil­ 'withstood the element for centuries have been mown down FREIGHTS.—Coastwise vessels are in pretty good de lion and red lead have shown the greatest firmness, though like hay before a scythe. mand, and command fair, rates of freight, A few can be a good many on the other standard qualities are .stiffly held readily placed to-day for Boston, New York, and PhUadel­ and not easdy foimd. Of foreign productions the additions The Boston Commercial Bulletin reports:— phia, at from $10 to $11,50, and one or two vessels for to the supply do not amount to a large aggregate, and The market for lumber remains steadj', and transactions north side of Cuba, at from $10 to $11 gold. hardly off-set the outlet, but stUl there is enough coming are on an extensive soile for the season. With the return to hand to prevent an actual scarcity. The domestic mann- • of good weather, which greatly facUitates buUding opera- Owing to the fall fleet being late in clearing for this facture is being urged somewhat, and the offerings for early . tions, carpenters and buUders are mostly busy, either in place, vessels now in the Gulf could get extra rates for both futiu-e delivery are fair. Glues still doing weU, and stocks finishing up contracts or making repairs on old work hewn and sawn timber to IT, K. ports. We quote:— in some cases commence to nm fair. Retailers are doing before cold weather sets in. Business at the retail yards is U, Kin.gdom, hewn, orders, per load,,,, 38s to 40s their share of the business, and obtaining fuU' prices in aU . brisk. Arrivals stiU continue Ught from the Eastward, and do. do. direct ports, " 36s 6d to .37s 6d cases, with an advance wherever the wholesale market has the advance in prices, noted a few weeks since, is well sus­ Liverpool, sawn - u ,35s to 363 improved. Linseed oil has been rather more steady since tained. Spruce of desirable quaUty, and of the right length, Cuban ports, lum,. per M sup, ffc $10 to $11 gold the breaic in values noted last week. The demand did "not ia in good demand at full rates; but there has been no im­ Buenos Ayies, " " 21 tb 22 " greatly improve, and buyers displayed bufc litfcle anxiety to provement in shingles and clapboards. Western lumber is Jalveston, " " 10 to — cur. secure stock beyond their most positive wants. Crushers firm, and Canada is quick at current rates. Ports-north of Hatteras 10 to 12 " 212 REAL ESTATE RECOUD

however, deemed the recent concessions aU that could rea­ Sycamore, % inch, !p M 35 00® 38 00 On heavy purchases of the smaU .sizes 20 per cent, dis­ sonably be expected, and few, if any, 'wiU now sell below AVhite AVood, chau- plank, ^ M 68 00® 72 00 count, wath an additional discount for cash accordmg to about 76c, m casks. White AVood, 1 inch, and thick, ^ M, 40 00® 45 00 agieemeiit to the tiade only. ^ Exports as foUows:— Whifce AA'^ood, ;Onch, ^ M 30 00® 40 no This •n'eek, - , Since Jan. 1,1871, Ash, good, ^M 40 00® 43 00 FOREIGN WOODS.—DUTY free. Pamfc:.,..;pckgs. 1.33 value $4,329" 7,691 value $128,232 Ash, second quaUty, ^ M , - 25 Oti®, 30 00 CEDAR. - Linseed oil, galls, 628 " 591 10,635 '• 9,103 Oak,good, f M 40 00® 45 00 Cuba, ^ foot... 0 14 ® 0 15 Oiid6 zinc, pckgs, — " 3,620 " 38,110 Oalc, sucond (jualitj', ^ M 25 00@ 30 00 Mexican, ^ foot '. 13 ® 15 Cherry, good, \^ U 60 00® Floridii, 5 03 8 ?5AT1N VA'ooi). Log, ® bbU, and for the name period year, 15,292 bbls. Shmgles, cedar, mixed. 3J1 M 4 00® 5 00 ^foot Shingles, No. 1, ^ M @ 3 00 17 ® 40 TAR.—The markefc continues quiet, and with a Ught Shinsles, hemlock, ^9 M 3 25® 3 50 Granadilla, ^ ton 22 00 ® 24 00 stock, prices »re firmly held. Washington is held at $4.75 Lath, hemlock, ^, M. @ 2 25 Lignum vitae, ^ ton , IT 50 ® 25 00 as it runs. Receipts for the week, 260 bbls; since January Lath, spruce and pine, ^ M 2 37® 2 50 GLASS, 1st, 20,399 bbls; for the corresponding period last year, 45,945 DUTY : Cylinder or AVindow Polished Plate, not over 10 bbls. Exports for week, 54 bbls: since Januaiy 1st, 8,807 by 15 inches, 2X cents a? sq. foot; larger, and not over bbls, and corresponding period last year, 14,359 bbls. There 16 by 24 inches, 4 cents ^ sq, foot; larger, and not over 18 no AVilmington here, and we omit the quotation. MARKET QUOTATIONS. 24 by 30 inches, 6 cents ^ sq. foot; above that, and not BllIOK.—Cargo R.ates. exceeding 24 by 60 inches, 20 cents ^ sq, foot; aU above that, 40 cents ^ sq, foot; on unpolished Cylinders, Co.MMON HAKD. Crown and Common AA''indow, not exceeding 10 by 15 ALBANY LTJMBER MASKET. Piile, ^1000 $6 00 ® 6 50 inches square, IX: over that, and not over 16 by 24, 2; Long Island, <[8 1000 — @ over that, and not over 24 by .30, 2X t aU over that 3 The Argus'' report for fche week ending November 7,1871, Jersey, " 8 25 @ 9 00 i< as follows:— cents ^ lb, North Eiver, " 9 00 ® 10 50 Penns.vlv.ania mills are sfciU idle, and the demand for FROSTS.— FBENCH AVINDOW- -Per box of fifty feet (Single Thicli Sizes. 1st. 2d, Lumber there is on the increase, with an upward tendency Croton, !ig 1000 12 00 @ 15 00 3d. 4th, 6x Sto 7x10 $5 25 $4 50 in prices, PhUadelphia buj-ers are stiU looking to this Philadelphia, " ... 23 00 @ 8'J GO $4 25 $4 - market for supplies of certain grades of Lumber, and some SxlOtolOxM 5 50 5 — 4 50 4 25 large shipments have j'et to be made there this fall. Prices FlUE BRICK. 10x15 to 12x17 6 25 5 75 5 25 4 75 of Michi.gan Pine are firm at our highest quotations, and No. 1, Arch, wedge, key, &c,, de­ 12x18 to 16x22 6 .50 6 — 5 75 5 25 an indifference on the part of holders to .sell, from the fact livered. ^ M 45 00 ® 55 00 15x24 to ISx29 7 75 7 25 6 75 6 00 that the Lumber cannot be replaced afc the prices it No, 2, Split and Soap, ^ M 35 00 @ 45 00 20 X 2S to 22 x 81 9 75 8 75 7 50 6 75 been scUiag for. All kinds of Pine and hardwoods are held 26 X 28 to 22 x .36 10 50 9 50 8 25 firmly at our quotafcions. The same may be said of Spruce CEMENT. 24x36 to 24x40 11 50 10 50 9 — and. Hemlock, which are scarce, Accoimts from Cleve- Rosendale, ^ bbl 1 60 ® 1 75 28 X :^8 to 20 X 44 12 — 11 — 9 50 Land, Toledo, Buffalo, aud other markets rejiort increased Portland, do 5 OC @ 6 00 28x44 to 30x48 12 75 12 — 10 — activity, •while at Cliieago the receipts are found inade­ 80 X .50 to 32 X 52 14 -^ 13 — 11 — quate to meet the current wants. The stringency in money DOORS, SASH, AND BLINDS. 32x54 to 32x58 16 — 15 — 13 — aud the firm views of holders have checked sales here a 34x58 to 34x60 19 — 17 — 15 — DOORS.— IJ in, thick, li in, thick, IJin. httle. Shipments are limited by wants of freighting facul­ 36x60 to 40x60 21 — 19 — 17 — ties and this also has ifcs effect on sales. Added to this is Size, 2,6 x6.6 $1 90 ®$2 20 $2 40 @$2 70 Double thick English sheet is double tho price of single. the indifference of the trade to sell in view of the general The discount on Prench glass is 30®30 and 5 per cent. expectation ol a further advance in prices. Wifch the ex­ 2,S x6,8 2 05 @ 2 85 2 65 ® 2 95 $3 30@3 60 ception of coarse Lumber the stock, though moderate, is 2,10x6,10 2 30 @ 2 60 2 85 @ 3 15 3 55@3 85 GKEEN-HOUSK, SKYLIGHT, AND FLOOK GLASS, per squar fairly as-sorted. 8.0 x7.0 2 50 @ 3 SO 3 10 @ 3 40 3 90@4 20 foot, net cash. 3.0 x7,6 2 70 ® 3 00 3 35 @ 3 65 4 20®4 50 X Fluted Plate,,.. 50a X Rough Plate.. go The receipts of lumber at Buffalo during the 'week by 3,0 xS.O 3 70 @ 4 00 lake and raU -were 6,559,000 feet. At Oswego, bv lake 4 60®4 90 8-16 " " ,,,, 55 X " .$1 60 8, Sol, 900 feet. SASH, for twelve-light windows X " " .... 65 X " ... 1 75 The receipts at Albany by the Erie and Champlain canals Size, Unglazed, Glazed, X Rough " .... 60 1 " ,,, 2 00 for the first week in November were: — ITx 9 ® 54 $ $110 X " " .,,, TO IX " .., 2 50 Bds. & sctl'g. Shingles, Timber, Staves, 8x10 57® 73 125 ® 1 50 HAIR.—DUTY free. feet M. cubic feet lbs, 9x12 68® 85 170 1 95 Cattle, ^ bushel 25 @ 28 1871.,,,10,3.38,029 41 9,573 370,000 10x12,, 71® 90 180 2 10 Mixed, " nominal. 1870...,12,098,300 54 10x14 79 ® 1 OS 2 05 2.30 ••' — ® 35 Of the boards and scantluig received, 6,036,629 feet 10x16 86 @ 1 18 2 45 2 80 12x16 , @ 1 32 LIME. were by the Erie, and 4,301,400 feet by the Champlain 8-50 Common, ^ bbl 12x18 @ 1 44 $1 35 canal. ® 3 80 Finishing, or lump, ^ bbl — & 1 75 The receipts at Albany by the Erie and Champlain canals, 12x20 , ® 1 58 4 20 LUMBER.—DUTY, 20 per cent, ad val. from the opening of na'vigation to November 8, were:— OUTSIDE BLINDS, Pine, Uppers 65 00 Bds, & sctl'g. Shingles, Timber, Staves, Up to 2.10 wide per foot 2Sc. % 60 00 Pine, Good Box, 1,000 ft 25 00 feet M, cubic feet lbs. " 3.01 •' 31c. % 30 00 Pine, Common Box. 1,000 ft 22 00 1871,,,386,225,029 27,347 9,573 9,988,500 " 3.04 " 34c. ^ 25 00 Pme, Conimon Box, %, 1,000 ft 17 00 1870,,.39:3,285,300 19,414 1,250 16,647,9t0 BLINDS,—Painted and trimmed. a 20 00 Pme, Tally Plank, IX, 10 inch, Lake freights are $6 fco Buffalo, and $9@9,50 to Oswego, Up to 2,10 wide per foot 60® 70c dressed Canal freights from Buffalo to Albany are $6,75®7 on hard " 3.01 " 47 @ 60 70®S0c Pine, Plank, IX, 2d quality . %vood,. and $5,75®6 on soft; from Oswego to Albany, §3,75, " 8.04 " 38 ® 42 75@S5c Pine, Tally Plank, IX, culls 25 @ 28 River and Eastern freights are quoted as foUows: DRAIN AND SEWER PIPE. Pine, Tally Boards, dressed, good, To New York, perM $1 50 (DeUvered on board at New York,)- each 37 @ 40 To Bridgeport and New Haven 2 00 PIPE, per running foot. Pine, Tally Beards, culls, each 24 ® 25 To Norwich and Middletown 2 50 2 inch diam. $0 13 9 inch diam. $0 55 Pine, Strip Bo.ards, dressed, 25 ® 27 To Hartford aud Providence 3 QO 8 0 16 10 0 70 Pme, Strip Plank, dressed, 30 ® S3 To Boston, soft wood 5 00 4 0 20 12 0 80 Spruce Boards, dressed, each 27 @ 80 To Boston, hard wood 6 00 5 " 0 25 15 1 25 Sprace Plank, IX inch, dressed, Staves, per ton, to Boston 2 50 6 " 0 SO IS 1 60 each S3 ® 85 The current quotations at the yards are:— 7 0 35 20 2 00 Spruce Plank, 2 inch, each 47 @ 50 Pineclear, ^? M $55 00® $57 00 0 45 22 2 50 Spruce Wall Strips 22 ® 23 Kne, fourths, ^ M 50 00® 52 00 24 3 00 Spruce Joist, 8x8 to 3x12 20 00 28 00 Pme, selects, ^ M 45 00® 47 00 BUNDS AKD ELBOAVS, KACII. Spruce Joist, 4xS to 4x12 ,,.. 26 00 2S 00 Pine, good box, ^ M 26 00® 28 00 Spruce Scantling 26 00 28 00 Pine, common box, ^ M ® 24 00 2inch $0 40 lOinch $3 00 0 50 12 3 75 Hemlock Board s, each 21 25 Pine, clap board, strips. ^ M ,, 50 00® 52 00 Hemlock Joist, 3x4, each 23 Pine, 10 inch plank, each .38® 44 0 65 15 5 00 24 0 85 18 7 50 Hemlock Joist, 4.x6, each 4S 50 Puie, 10 inch plank, culls, each 26® 27 Ash, good, 1,000 ft 50 00 60 00 Pine, 10 inch boards, each 27® 31 1 15 20 8 00 1 .50 22 Oak, 1,000 ft 55 00 60 00 Pme, 10 inch boards, culls, each 20® 22 .10 00 24 Maple, 1,000 ft 50 00 Pine, 10 inch boards, 16 ft. ^ M.... n 28 00® 30 00 2 00 15 00 2 50 Chestnut boards, 1 inch 52 50 © 55 00 Pme, 12 inch boards, 16 ft. per M.... 30 00® 32 00 Chestnut plank 55 00 ® 60 00 Pine, 12 inch boards, 13 ft ^ M 28 00® 30 00 BRANCHES, Ta\ Black Walnut, good, 1,000 ft 100 00 ® 120 00 Pine, IJf inch sidmg, ^ M ® -34 00 Taps each.* each. On 2 in. Pipe.. Black Walnut, %, 1,000 It. 85 00 @ 106 00 Pine, IX inch siding, select, ^ M 40 00® 42 00 ,$0 .35 $1 00 Black Walnut, selected and season­ Pine, ij^ inch siding, common, i^M.. 22 00® 24 00 " 3" " . . 0 45 1 25 " 4 " " . ed, 1,000 ft ...... ,,. 120 00 ® 140 00 Pine, 1 inch siding, ^ M 36 00® 30 00 . 0 65 1 75 Black Walnut Counters, ^ ft 20 @ 40 Pine, 1 inch siding, selected, ^M @ 40 00 " 5-' " . . 0 65 2 50 " 6 " " . Cherry, good, 1,000 ft SO 00 '@ 90 00 Pine. 1 inch siding, common, ^ M,,, 22 00® 23 00 . 0 75 3 50 White Wood, Chair Plank 80 00 " 7 " " . . 0 85 @ 90 00 Spruce boards, each ,.. ® 21 5 00 White Wood, inch, 50 00 . 1 00 ® 55 00 Spruce, plank, l'^ inch, each 25® 26 6 00 White Wood, % inch 50 00 . 1 15 @ 70 00 Spruce, plank, 2 inch, each 40® 42 ,7 00 Shingles, extra shaved pine, 18 inch, Spruce. waU strips, 2x4 14® 15 10 1 30 00 perlOOO 9 50 ® 10" 00 III Hemlock; boards, each 17® 18 * Main part of Branches will be charged exti-a as pipe. Shingles, extra shaved pine, 16 inch, Hemlock, joist, 4x6, each, 36® 40 HOUSE BRJUJCHES—SEWEK. BRASCIIES, perlOOO 8 50 @ 9 60 Hemlock, joist, •3.x4, each ,... 16® 17 ' per Uneal foot. Shingles, extra sawed pine, IS inch, Hemlbck, 'wall strips, 2x4, each @ 14 12x6 ..,$1 25 12ki., ,$1 50 perlOOO .: .,.:,.. ' 8 00 ® .9 00 Hemlock, 2 inch, eiich 30® .34 15x6 1 75 15 . 2 25 Shingles, clear sawed pine, 18 inch, Black AVahiut, good, ^ if 70 00® 75 00 18x6 2 50 18 . 3 00 perlOOO : 7 00 @ 7 50 Black Walnut, % inch, ^ M,,'. 65 00@" 70 00 20x6 3 00 20 , 3 50 Shingles, Cypress, 24x7, per 1000 .. 27 00 ® - - Black Walnut, X inch, ^ M....,,.... @ 75 00 22x6 3 50 22 , 4 CO 20x6 perlOOO.,, 17 00 @ 18 00 SyOanrorejliHOh,^ M,,.,.,,;,,.... 88 GO® 40 00 24x6 400 24 . 4 75 Lath, Eastern, per-lOOO 2 35 ® 2 40 KEAL ESTATE RECORD. 213

TeUow Pine Dressed Flooring, M. Pier Stones, 8 feet square, each. $3 00 feet.,.. 42 50 50 00 " 4 " " . 12 00 ESTA18I.ISiIE© 1843. Yellow Pine Step Plank, M. feet,, 42 50 50 00 «' 5 ll .1 _ 25 00 " Girders, " 40 00 50 00 60 00 Locust Posts, 8 feet, per inch.., 18 20 10 " 23 25 TIN PLATES.—DUTY: 25 per cent ad val. • " 12 " " 28 84. 'I . C'". Charcoa~" l• 10xl4perbox(gold)«;3 37>^@$8 50 Chestnut Posts, per foot 4 4X I.C.Coke -10x14 - ' 7 00 ® 7 50 I. X. Charcoal 10 x 14 " 10 .3T>4®10 60 PLASTER PARIS,—Duty, percent, .ad. val.on calcined. I. C. Charcoal 14 x 20 " 8 SIH® 9 00 Lump, free. I. X. Charcoal 14x20 " 10 87>^@il 00 Nova Scotia, white, per ton $4 00 ©4 50 I, C, Coke 14 X 20 " 7 37J4© 7 62;^ Nov.a Scotia, blue, ^ ton 3 50 ® 4 00 I, C. Coke, terne 14 x 20 " 5 87>^© 6 25 Calcined, Eastern and City, ^ bbl,. 2 00 ® 2 25 t, C. Charcoal, terne 14 x 20 " 7 50 @ 7 75 PAINTS AND OILS. ZINC—DUTY : Sheet, S^c. ^ fl), Sheet, ^ ft Chalk, ^ K) 1 @ 1¥ . 9 @ 9^ China Ol.ay, !§! ton, 2,240 lbs 25 00 @ 23 00 Whiting,^ lb....' -X Piiris VVhite, EngUsh, ^ fl) iX® 3 SAAC HONIG, REAL ESTATE BROKER., AVhite American, diy 8 I CITY AND COUNTRT PROPERTT FOR SALE " " " in oil, pure.. 10 @ 11 AND TO LET. MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED. " " " goop, 25 PINE STEEET, NEW Y'ORK. " French, dry " " " in oil, pure... Lead, "• American, dry. 11 © -iX & M. CHAUNCEY, 207 MONTAGUE " " " in oil, pure 11>^® 12 D • street, near Court Street, Brooklyn, Brokers in " " " " good 9 ® 10% Real Estate and Loans.' Salesrooms §04 and i06 Fourth Ave., New York " " Bartlett, in oil 10 AVe have for sale and to rent desirable buildings and build­ (Young Men's Christian Association BuUding), ' Lead Red American ^X® 10 ing sites in all sections of Brooklyn, Litharge, " 9X® 10 Cor. Fourtli Ave. and TAventy-tliird St Ochre, Yellow, French, dry 4 ® 5 .B. ROi^IAlWE BISOWN, " " inoii T ® 9 STEWAKT & CO., ATenetian Red, English 2 © 2h " " in oil 7 © REAL ESTATE, MANHATTAN POTTERY, Spanish Brown, dry, ^ 100 lbs..,. 1 25 © " " in oil 8® 8X 540 to 34:8 "West 19tU Street, and Vermilion, American 22 ® 27 1280 BROADWAY, 537 to 345 West 18tU Street. " English S, E, corner 33d Street, NEW YORK, " Trieste Office, 539 West ISth St,; Depot, 283 Pearl. Loans negotiated. Houses let, and Rents coUected. Chrome Green, genuine, dry 20 ® 21 GLAZED DRAIN & SEWER PIPE. " " " in oil 21 ® 23 Chrome Tellow, " inoii.... 28 ® 30 Smoke and Heat Pipe, Fire Brick, Chimney Tops, &c,, &c. Paris Green, pure dry DRIAN H, MULLER, P. R, WILKINS & 25 ® 35 CO,, AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE "• " " inoii 30 ® 40 A I.. H. RIECKEKBERO, Linseed Oil, in bbls BROKERS, No, 7 Pine street. New Y'ork. 77 ® 79 MANTTFACTTJRER OF " " in casks 76 © 77 Spirits Turpentine, ^[8gall 71 ® 72 TO REAL ESTATE OWNERS. Patent Hard-wood, Inlaid, and Mosaic AMERICAN WIKDOW GLASS, Price per 50 feet. The advertiser ha'ving invented a very efflcient and SIZICS. i 1st 2d. 3d. 4th. economical plan of heafcing and ventilating dweUings, de­ No. SS4: FIJE'TH STRJEJET, sires to meet with parfcies havuig well-located lots, who Comer of Lewis St., NEW YORK. 6x 8 to 7x 9 $7 75 $7 00 $6 50 $6 00 would advance a reasonable buUding loan for fche erection S.xlO to 10.K15 " 8 25 7 50 7 00 6 50 11x14 to 12x18 9 75 9 00 8 00 7 00 of houses with aU modem improvements. 14x16 to 16.\24 10 50 9 50 8 50 7 50 Address Chain and Pulley for Heavy Sash. 18.x22 to 18.X30 12 25 11 25 10 00 8 00 HARRISON, 20.K30 to 24x30 15 00 13 75 11 50 0 00 24.x31 to 24.^36 16 .50 15 00 12 50 10 00 Builders' Exchange, 32x36 to ;:JU.\:44 17 50 16 00 14 50 12 50 930 Pulton St., Brooklyn, 24x56 to :32.x48 •M 00 18 00 15 .50 13 50 F. & L. WNYI MIRSHALL, 30.X50 to 32x56 22 00 20 00 17 00 . 14 50 25 00 23 00 20 00 16 00 48 Warren Street, Discount 60@00 and 5 per cent. JVIANUPACTURERS OP SLATE, NEW YOKK, Purple Roofing Slate, Vermont, ^ sqiiaredeUveredat New York,,, 8 50 ® 9 00 Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, Green Slate, Vermont, ^ square, delivered at New York...' 9 50 @ 10 00 DROP SHOT, Red Slate, Vermont, ^ square, MANUFACTX7EERS delivered at New York .$14 00 ® .$15 00 BUCK SHOT, BAR LEAD, &c. Black Slate, Pennsylvania,^ square, deUvered at New York, 6 00 ® 7 00 No. 60 LUANE STREET, of every descripfcion of Peach Bottom, ^ sijuare, delivered at New York 13 50 ® 14 00 Cor. JElm Street, NETP" YORK. Intermediates, ^ squ.are, delivered at New York 6 OU ® 7 00 JAMES McCULLOUGH, President. BUILDERS' STONE.—Cargo rates, OHN F. TWOMEY, REAL ESTATE AND Ohio Free Stone.—In rough, Ueliv'd ^ c, ft —@1.30 J INSURANCE BROKER, No. 1524 TUIRD AVENUE, Berea " " •• " " —@1,20 NEAK S6TH STREET, Brown stone, Portland, Conn. "• 1.25®1.50 Property of every description bought, sold, and exchang­ HARDWARE, " Belleville, N.J. " [email protected] ed. Houses let and rents collected in all parts of the city. Granite, rough, delivered " " [email protected] Dorchester, N. B. stone, rough, delivered, per ton, gold 11.00 ERRMAIiT KEECHLER, BUILDER, No. Pure Bronzed Metal, BLUE STONE. H 554 Porty-first Street, Between lOth and llth Aves., Flag, smooth 13 " rough 8 ]isrEAV YORK;. Hand-Plated, &c., " smooth, 4 and 4,6 17 " rough, 4 feet 13 Curb, 10 inch.. 18 ONRAD BOLLER & CO., FINE FURNI­ For First-Class DweUings and Pub­ " 12inch 26 C TURE and DECORATIONS. Also, Manufactiurers " 14 inch 28 of BANK and OPFICE PURNITURE. W.arerooms, 36 Uc Buildings. " 10 inch 32 East 14th. Street. Factories, 116 and 118 AVooster Street, " 20 inch 50 and Ave. A, cor. 20th Street, New York. " 20 extra 90 Curb. New Orleans 4 inch, per inch wide 2 AGENCY OH biUs and Lintels 26 " ' quarry axed 65( Valuable Pine Lands, 300 square miles, on one of the " finished 75 largest rivers in Canada. Fu-st growth Pine, with exceUent " rubbed, unjointed 65 cuttmg and logging faciUties, To close an estate. Terms TRENTON LOCK " " iointed 75 easy. For particulars, appty to Gutter 12 Inch -. 16 " 14 inch 20 CHAS. H. MATTHEWS, ' Bridge, Belgian i lo 82 WALL STREET. COMPANY. • " thick ; 70 NATIA'E STONE. ILLIAM NELSON, JR., Importer and Common building Wholesale Dealer in H. RUSSELL & CO., HOUSE-MOVERS . $2 50@4 60 W J • AND SHORERS, Yard, 48 WEST 4Qrm STKKIiT, be­ Base Stone, 2^ ft in length ig Un.ft... @ TO tween Fifth and Sixth Avenues, New York, AU kinds of ll .1 SEWER AND DRAIN iPIPE. " 8 © 90 Shoring and Sheath PUing done on the most reasonable ^X " " ©1 00 Office, 24 Old Slip; Tards, 3.33 to 341 Ea-;t 14fch Sti-eet, N. terms and at the shortest notice. BUILDINC 8 RAISED " 4 " " @1 50 X.; and North 9th and 4th sfcreet.^, WiUiamsburg. Con­ AND MOATED; JACK-SCREAVS TO LET, Boilers 4H @2 00 tractor to Department of PubUc AVorks, and Furnisher to aud Iron Fro Jits Set. J. H. Rus.SELL,rLate " 5 I. u ©2 50 Department PubUc Parks of Now York, aiKUFairmount Sup't for S; AV.. Chadboume; residence, 1,.3T() Broadway. " 6 ®4 00 Park, PhUadelphia, etc. ^" C. F, LOSEY ; residence, 4 Jones Street. 214 REAL ESTATE RECORD

TO LUMBERMEN AND CAPITALISTS. WHOLESALE DEHLER IN AIL KINDS OF MARBLE FOR BUILDING. SILLS. LINTELS, STEPS, PLATF0R3IS, ASHLER AND COIN STONES. ALSO, MONUMENTAL AUD THIN STOCK, TILING, HEARTHS, &c. A VERY VALUABLE PAKTICULA-R ATTENTION PAID TO COUKTKY ORDERS. 788, 790, and 792 FOURTH AVENUE, between 52d and 58d Streets, NEW YORK. MISCELLANEOUS. LITMBER DEALERS. TO WHICH IS ATTACHED AN EAMAN, LOWERRE & COMP'Y, J. H. MAVEMS, S Wholesnle & Retail Dealers in BUILDERS' Extensive District of Timber limits, IIARDAVARE, 301 Spi-iiio; Street, N". Y. LUMBER AND TIMBER DEALER, Comprising from 750 to 1,000 square mileis. nth Av., cor. Ilfti. St., New York. Will be sold cheap,' and on easy terms. Apply to ESTIM ATES GIVEN. An assortment of Pine, Spruce, and Hemlocli Lumber, well-seasoned and planed, and kept under cover. Alsoj CARBRAY & ROUTH, c. H. i,, Shingles, Posts, Pickets, and Lath, 21.3 PEARL STREET, near Maiden Lane, LUMBER COJIMISSION ilERCHANTS, GENERAIi COMMISSION AGENT, Montreal and Quebec, Canada. Iron Railing for Offices, Stores, Window Guards, &c. WM. G. OMAKT & SON, Stables fitted up. Copper AA''eather Vanes and Emblem­ Manufacturers and Dealers in Or to OlSO. E. COOK & CO., 49 Wall Street, atic SigiLS, Lightning Conductors, Galvanized Iron, Copper New Tork, where fuU plans of the property can be seen. Cable, and other varieties put up in the most scientific PINE AND HARD-WOOD LTJMBER manner. Orders punctually attended to. OF EVERY nESCKIPTION, AT WUOLESALE & RETAIL. WALNUT LOGS AND BOX LUMBER CLAEK & LITTLE, POR SHIPPING, LiUMBER & TIMBER MERCHANTS, Foot of East 30th Street, New York. SIXTT-FIRST & SIXTT-SECOND STREETS, EAST ARCHITECT & SUPERINTENDENT, RIVER, NEW TORK. Office, 1227 Broadway, LEAP3DER STONE, S. W. cor. of SOth Sti-eet, NEW XORH. Dealer in W. H. COLWELL & CO., PINE, SPRUCE, AND HEMLOCK LUM­ WHOLESALE & KETAIL nEALERS IK BER AND TIMBER, MECHANICS'S TRADERS'EXCHANGE BLACK AVALNUT, and other Hard Woods, LUMBER, TIMBER AND LATK, OF THE ALSO Cor. 54th St. and First Ave., Neiw York. CITY OW BR,OOK:X.YjSr. PLASTER & CEMENT. ^ A general assortment always on hand at the vards, cor. of Mooms oiJiyosUe the City Mall. rpHOMAS J. CEOMBIE, DEALER IN 3d av. & 12Sth &t, ^t bet. 129th & 130th sts., llarlem River HARLEM, N. T. Office hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. LUMBER AND TIMBER W. H. COLWELL. J. W. COLWELL. OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS. F. & S. E. GOODWIN, Also, Tellow Pine, Flooring and Step Plank. GARDNER LANBON, Jr., & CO., YARD—FOOT OF 92D STREET, E.R., WHOLESALE & KETAIL DEAL'CRS IN {Box No. 103, Mechanics' and Traders'' Exchange^ OFFICE AND TARD, 51T EAST ITTH ST., NEW TORK. LUMBER, LATH, BETWEEN AVENUES A AND 15, NEW YORK. ETC., ETC. Buildings of .all descriptions Moved. Raised, Lowered, and A full assortment constantly on hand at the Tard, Shored up; Girders raised .and their Foundations repaired. A. ysr. i3XJDLO]sra, Oor. 126th. St, and 3d Av., Harlem, and foot of All bad Foundations and weak Buildings properly secured. DEALER IN Iron and Granite, Wood and Iron AVedges for sale. 130th St. and 12th Av., North Eiver. Screws, Hydraulic Jacks, and Derricks to let. XJ XT TWE :]3 £3 IFL . COR. IITH AVE. & 22D STREET, NEW TORK. MANHATTANVILLE, N. Y. Pine, •WMtewood, Hickory, Chestnut, Maple, Basswood, GARONER LANDON, JR, FRANCIS BONTECOU. Cherry, Beech, Oak, Ash, Birch, Butternut, Black Walnut, etc. Terms, cash upon delivery. M. A. WILDER, SON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, STEAM km WATER Lumber and Timber. HURCH E. GATES & CO., Successors to H. H. AJiD MANUKACTUHKHS OV C ROBEKTSON, Esq., Mott Haven, N. T, A large assortment of Lumber and Timber for city and country trade. We cut at from 30 to 60 days' notice large orders for spruce and pme frames, at prices lifty per cent, less Soullicin J^ine, Eastern Spruce, White Pine, Onk, fcc than city mills. Scaffold Poles, etc., etc. /SS Water M. ASt.,. WILBE Rcor. iPine,V. A. \\*ILDI:RJ\'ew . Tork. m JOHN H. BUSSELL & CO., CANADA LUMBER. (GOLD'S IMPEOVED PATENT), LUMBER DEALERS, POR HAVE COXSTASTLT ON H.VND LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANTS; E> 3E1. -y 299 COMMISSIONERS STREET, MONTREAL; wi PINE AND HARDWOOD Also at QUEBEC CHAMBERS, 10 ST. PETER'S STREET, QITBBEO. mm% AID VENIIIAIING Orders solicited for Pine, Spruce, &c.. Boards, Lath, LUMBER. Scantlings Joist, Paving Stuff, Timber, &c., &c.. Promptly and carefully executed. Private Eesidences, Public Build­ COR. 23D STREET AND ELEVENTH AVENUE. Agents for the sale and pm-chase of Mill Property and mi 'Timber Limits in Canada." lijr ings and Institutions, School RUSSELI. .fOH]»§ON, Houses, Churclies, Stores, DKALER IN ill LUMBER, TIMBER, Etc., Etc., Etc., AND SHINGLES, Foot of Broome Street, E. B., Neio York, Yellow Pine Flooring, Step Plank, Gird­ AS ERECTED BY WHOLESALE AND C0^AW11SS10N DEALERS ers, Etc. In every variety of HARD and SOFT WOODS. No. 3 BROOME STREET, CoRNKB TOMPKINS ST,, , .NEW TORK. BELL BROTHERS, SUCCESSOR TO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TIMBER DEALERS, Foot West 22d and SSd Streets (N. R.), New Tork, H. B. SMITH & CO., COUMS ELLOR-AT-LAW, JOrtN p. BEI.l.. Vm. n, BELL. Room 26, Nos. 7 and 9 Warren Street, AJULTON POTTERT, COR, OF BUSH No. 42 DUANE STREET, ATTORSET POR "REAL ESTATE RECORD." AND SMITH STREETS, near PENNY BRIDGE, Mechanics' Liens foreclosed. Titles e.xamined, and all pro­ HSourrr BROOICLYN, JOHN BADUM, Proprietor, NEW YORK. ceedings affecting Real Estate attended to.. STEAM-PRESSED DRAIN PIPES,


DOPES, SASHES & BLINDS. & F. COOK, IRON WORKS, J • NO. 122 WEST THIRTY-PIPTH STREET BUILDERS' WOOD-WORK. NEAR BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Plain and Ornamental Iron Railings, Doors, Shutters, BETHUKE mOULBlNt} MILL, ^ DOOliS, Area Gratings, Vault, Sky, and Floor Lights. NOS. 39 AND 41 BETHUNE STREET NEW YORK. ^^ jm^ ^m :MS::^S ^m^ B^IE,ID-E!.SC-A.I>KS. MOTJLDIITGS OF EYERY DESCRIPTION ON All housesmith's work in general. Repairing and Joh- HAND OR MADE TO ORDER. bing promptly executed, BLIHDS, etc. BASE, DOOR-JAMBS AND CASINGS. NOAH WHEATON, HEALEY IRON WORKS, CIRCULAR AND ELLIPTIC MOULDINGS OF ANY RADIUS. 206 & 208 Canal Street, Corner Nortli Fourtli and Fii'tli Streets, PICTURE-FRAME MOULDINGS MADE TO ORDER. I^fEW TOEK. BROOK LYN, E. D. PLANING, TURNING, AND ALL KINDS OP JOB SAWING. Manufactory of M. MURPnEY. WHITLOCK & CO., lEON WORK FOR BUILDINGS. ILLER, SILLS, LINTELS, COLUMNS, GIRDERS, AND MANUFACTURERS OP EVERY STYLE OF RAILING, 511 and 515 "West SOth Street, DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, J. I. & J. F. HEALEY. Bet, lUth and nth Aves., J^E^V Y ORK. Balusters, JNewels, and Clothes-Posts. OHN J. BOWES &. BROTHER^ WOOD MOULDINGS, &c., TURNING of every description. Also hand-rails of aU sorts. J MANUFACTUEEES OF PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL 254 & 256 .OANAL STREET, IRON RAILING, FIRE-ESCAPES, BALCONIES, .^Oiaaf R. McKEWZIE, C. WniTLOCK, ) VERANDAS, IRON SHUTTERS, VAULT DOORS, c, J, iciiJij, y NEW YORK. IRON COLUMNS, VAULT BEAMS, GIRDERS, C, B, KEOGir. ) Send for Price List. AND ALL KINDS OF Carving, Turning, & Scroll-Sawing, BUILDERS' IRON WORK, CEMETERY RAILINGS, Straight, Circular, and Elliptic Mouldings; Balustrades, ETC. Neioels, Pickets, Columns, 240 West 29th st,, bet, 7th and Sth avenues, N. Y. BUILDERS' lEON-WORK. All orders e.\ecuted at the shortest notice. Stoop, Street Awning, and Line Posts, At Nolen k Steers' Moulding and Planing Mills, HAMMEKSIiETZ" FOUNBK.'K". la M.M. • laAtU n-iifl 13.5tli Sts., Eii-st River. NICHOL & BILLERWELL, MANni^ACTOKERS OV A. S. CHAREES, Manufacturers of FANCY WOOD MANTELS, enOULDINGS AND SCROLL-SAWING. OUNAMENTAL IEON WOBK .] Nos. 42, 44, 46, and 48 West 13th Street, N. T. Piano-Forte Action Moulding and other Hardwoods PLAm & worked into any pattern Moulding, FOE. BXriLDINGS, Mettam's Patent Rolling Iron Shutters, and Castings of all kinds. JAMES HAlVIiON, Nos. 410 ami 4ria BliEECKEK STREET, 220, 222 &. 224 V/est Houston St. New York. Bet, W. llth and Bank Sts., NEW YOBK. IVE^^^osa, ^,2a,ca. jBta.iXc3.eir, Parties furnishing their own Lumber can have it worked HEDENBERG'S FUENACES ANB HEATEES Ko. 38 Macdougal St. and No. 7 East IOth St., New York. at short notice, Barstoio Elevated Oven Banges. Bakers' Ovens, Steam Boilers, Stills, Retorts, Pumaces, IrYAEEAC'E & G©RMA]5if, Grate.?, Ranges, Flagging and Pire Work of all kmds put up Successors to T. BURKOWS, DOME BRIOK-WORK FURNAOE. and repaired. Plastering, Kalsomining, and Whitening. ^g" An experience of twenty years enables me to The above first-classarticle s put up in the best manner and guarantee perfect satisfaction in all cases. at lowest oOst, by RESIDENCE, 30 DOWNING STREET. GEO. A. DUNBAR Sr CO. No. 506 East 19th Street, (Successors to P, L, HEDKNBERG), 676 Bi-oadway, opposite G-RANJ) CENTRAL HOTEL. Between Avenue A and Avenue B, NEW TORK, ENCAUSTIC TILES. I^~ AU orders promptly attended to aud neatly executed, C. VREELAND, URYSBAEE & RAE, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL MINTOH IR©!^" WORKS, RAILINGS, DOORS, SHUTTERS, GRATINGS, EJfCAUSTIC km MOSAIC TILES. And Builders' Iron Work in general. GILBERT ELLIOT & CO., 49 Barclay Street, call the 14:74: BBOADWAY, No, 1.3.50 BROADWAY (Bet. 36Dh and STth Sts.), attention of Architects and Builders to their stock of these Between 49th and 50th Sts., NEW TORK, TUes for Churche.s, IlaUs, Vestibules, &c. D. VREELAND, Superintendent. NEW YORK. Having secured the services of Mr. ZOE LEMAIRE, so PLANS AND ESTIMATES SUBMITTED. well Iniown to the trade, we are enabled to guarantee that Sesiaetice, ^f4. "yKest jOili Street. O'SHAUGMWESSY & SIMPgOlV, all work will be of the very best. To marble-dealers especially we offer a superior quality MtERSTE® & SMITH, of Blue and Black Tiles in all sizes. Manufacturers of GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES, GILBERT ELLIOT & CO., 49 Barclay St, New York. BOORS, SASH, BLINBS, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, MINTON'S ESrCAUSTIC TILES AND Glitters and Leaders constantly on hand. FOR FLOORS OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND WOOD 3IOULDINGS, 429 W. ISth STSEET. DWELLINGS. Nos. 714,716, and 718 Ninth St., New York Garnklrk Cltiniuey Tops, I>rain Pipe, ^kc. Tongueing, Grooving, and all kinds of Sawing, Planing, Tru-ning, Carving, etc, done to order, LEXINGTON IRON FOUNDRY, For sale by MILLER & COATES, . 88tlx St., bet. Lexington and Pourtli Aves., New York, No. 2T9 PBAKL STEEET. New York BRINKERHOFF & SECOR, CHAS. TOOPE & CO. (Successor.? to ISAAC HOLLOWAT), MAinn?ACTUBEBS OF ALL KINDS OF 'MLJi^'W & CO.'S LIGHT AND HEAVY CASTINGS, Columns, Girders, LinteLs, Iron Railing, Stone Breakers 6E0IETRICAL AHD ROIAN MOSAICS, 580 HUDSON STREET, Macliiner3', iSic, "' Between West lltli and Bank Sts., NEW TORK. EUCaUSTlC TILE PAVEMENTS, A1.FI8,E!> PAIMTII^^G, AND TIN, COPPER, & SHEET IRON WORKER. ENAMELLEB WALL DECOHATIOlfS, MANTTFACTUKEBS OF Smoky Chimneys cured effectually, For Entrance Halls, Corridors, Conservatories, Churches, or no payment taken. Cemeteries, Chapels, Baleonie.«, Fire-places, Linings, Pumps, Water-Closets, 588 THIRD AVENUE, Hearths, Exterior and Interior WaU Panels, ANn Bet. 38ih and 39tli streets, NEW" "YORK, Tablets, and String-Courses, PLUMBERS' MATERIALS, FURNACES AND KASTGES. DESIGNED AND AURANGED BT 106,108, & 110 Centre street, cor, of Franklin street. SIR M, DIGBY WYATT, GEORGE GOLDIE, G, ED­ Works at Mott Haven, N. Y. MUND STREET, H, B. GARLING, AND J, P, SEDDON, JACOB SMITH, Prize Medals awarded at London, Paris, Dublin, Oporto, AMERICAN Fire Escape Manufactory Brussels, Ghent, Antwerp, &c., &c, PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILINGS AGENTS IN THE UNITED STATES, CEMETERY RAILINGS, ' METALLIC LAVA CEMENT Iron Doors, Shutters, Gratings, &c. AU kinds of Iron S. Ii. MERCHANT & CO., work. Jobbing promptly attended to. FOR COATINO R O-O FS. 81 EAST HOUSTON STREET, near Bowery. 244 PEARL STREET, A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. ..JAMES TAXIiOR. Between John and Fulton Sts,, NEW YORK. Office, 309 \irest Slst Street. . REAL ESTATE RECORD.


AND PORTABLE HEATERS, FOE, PUBLIC A.'NT) PRIVATE BUILDINaS. VENTILATING ENGINEERS, YEHTILATIS& APPAMTUS, Plain ami Ornainsiital, on tie most ansroyeil plan. All Work Guarautced. Estimates given in City or Conntry. N. P.—State advertisement seen in""Real Estate Record." l-OA/V^?PRESSURD^ IMPROVED HEATING FURNACES, STEAM^^H EATERS Por thoroughly warming Private Hoiise.«, Stores, and Pub­ Registers, Cooking-Ranges, etc. lic Bnilding.s, consisting of a Low Pressure Steam Genera­ tor, arranged for from 21bs. to olbs. pressure, and wronght- iron tubes for Radiators. HI. OS^ETO-^LF', Many examples of the great success of this superior 113 BEEKMAN STREET. heater may be seen in tliis city and its immediate vicinity. THE PROGRESSIVE RANGE See also complete working apparatus at our manufactory Is neatly finished, with bright edge tap, stands higJi, so and store, Nos. 1!)'.) and SOI Centre Street, New York. that the Ovens are accessible; has a small fire-box, large 199 3d. AVENUE, lop surface with sir- boiler opening.s, two large ovens, a Giliit»ill«iSG^N^ large ash-pan, drop door or toastlng-plate, and last, but not least, all the above desirable qualities at a vei'y low price, Hot-Air Furnaces, Banges, I3Xr^S7'E53j!a-»I?'OS«.S' coming -svithin reach of aE who use Ranges witli Waterbacks. FIRE-PLACE HEATERS, ALSO, FURNACES, HEATERS AHD STOVES .S IN LAUGE YABIETX. Tin Roofing, Galvanized Iron Cornices, mCORPORATED STOCK COMPANY, We always guarantee the work wc do ourselves Capital Steele, $130,000. to be perfectly sutlsfactory. GUTTEEE.S, &c. 12 Warren St., New York. P. 0. Bos 4,541 Sole Agent for CARPENTER'S Obtain and dispose of Patents, advise on and develop RICHARDSON, BOYNTOHI CO., BOSTON ELEVATED OVEN RANGE. Inventions, and offer peculiar advantages to Inventors, 234 Water St., and 1314 Broadway, M". Y. Patentees, and Manufacturers, Members admitted. Up-Totvii Depot for BEEBE'S RANGE. INVENTORS' AND MANUFACTURERS' PER­ SEND FOR CIRCULAH. MANENT EXHIBITION Builders and others are invited to call and examine be­ Receives and exhibits Machinery, Models, and Manufac­ fore purchasing. Surveys for Heating made in any part of tured Goods. All particulars in SAK FORD'S PATENT the country. "THE PATENT RIOHT GAZETTE," A monthly paper pubhshed by the Association, in the in. HOT-AIR FURNACES, terest of Inventors, Patentees, and Manufacturers. portable or set in brick; NEW YOEK FIRE-PLACE HEATER; CHALLENGE KITCHEN RANGES, im­ MAXUTACTUKEnS OF Q. A. BUTLER & CO., proved ; and a variety of Cooldng and Heating Stoves. Warren Range, NATIONAIi STOVE AVORKS, Lawson Furnace, Successors to J. W, LANE & CO., 239 & 241 Water Street. Stewart Stove, MANUPACTURERS OP ARRY & LANE, ]\IANUFACTUR- Hot Blast Range, gee Ranges S» Furnaces, B EUS OF FURNACES AND RANGES, Keeps' Side Burner. WALKER FURNACES, No. 985 Third Avenue^ 236 Water Street, NBW YORK. NEW YOEK. Improved Baltimore Fire-Place Heaters, S. M. STYLES & SONS, Morning Glory Stoves and Furnaces. HU 351 VSD 353 EAST 61sT STREET, AND 92 BEEKMAN STBEET, Manufacturers of 342 TO 350 EAST ()2D STREET, Second door from CUff, ErE"W YORK. jMamifacturers and Dealers in Hull's Patent Bfase Burning Furnace, SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS, AND MOULDINGS LESS JOINTS and more Heating Surface than any other, of every description on hand and to order. ADAM HAMPTON.'S SONS, • Also, PATENT CIRCULAR AND ELLIPTIC MOULDINGS OF MANtrlfACTURBKS QV HOT^-A-XI^ Il..<^:Kr€3rlII, ANY RADIUS. GRATES, FENDERS, & FIRE-PLAGE Warranted perfect in its Cooking arrangements; wiU heat PLANING, TOSGUEISG, GEOOVING, and MILL WOBK of all HEATERS, FOtru Booms with, the same fuel used in ordmary Ranges. kinds done to order with despatch. IvTo. 60 GOLT) STI?,P:ET, Send for Circular. (Ret. Fulton and Beekman Sts.) 310 & 312 3d Av., bet. 3.3d'and 24tli Sts., NcW York. FACtE & NEW YORK. AUCTIONEERS, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, • EstablisJied 1826. 33.54 TI-SIE-D AVEKUE, Bet, 122d and 123d Sts., NEW YORK, 76 and 78 Centre Street, Loans Negotiated, Houses Let, and Rents Collected. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds. NEW YORK. CONTRACTOR FOR IRON FORMERLY AT No. 117 BEEKMAN STREET. USED IS THE CONSTRUCTION OP P. H. LYDON 8L BRO. THOMAS J. STEWART, VaiaeMt Union Depot ana lanliattan -Met, • MHITAT^LIO CORNICES MADE. REAL ESTATE BROKER. Manufacturers' Agent for "Wrought-Iron Beams, TIN ROOFING. Angle and T Iron, and Galvanized, and GALVANIZED IRON. Corrugated Sheet Iron. LEADERS AND GUTTERS. TIN WARE MANUFACTURED, NO. 158 WEST 21st STREET. Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of the above; FURNACES, RANGES, AJ5JD HEATERS PUT IN, AL­ also, • TERED, AND REPAIRED, Specialty, Business property and lots. Investments of MERCHANT IRON lOtiU Third A-venue, Cor. 63