And Builders' Guide
AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. VOL. VIIL NEW YOKK, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1871. No. 176 WILLIAM TUCKER. FETTRETOH & RE^SE^, WHITE & C®., LUMBEE AT WHOLESALE, Have Eemoved to their Now Store, 103G 3d AVENUE, bet. 61st and 62d Sts. j^jLTFiAjs^i^r, :]sr. TT. IK ALL ITS BRANCHES. Houses for sale and to rent. Lots for sale, with and ALSO, LARGE MANUFACTURERS. ' without Loans. Eents collected, and Money to Loan. Orders filled direct from Canada, Michigan, Chicago', 220 I^IFTH AVENUE, JOHN PETTEETCH. I. B. EEMSEN. and Oswego, via water or rail. Above 26tli Street. CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR Kianufaoturers and Builders' Bank, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 5500,000. SALE AND TO RENT. LOANS AND SHIPPING OR DOMESTIC USB, MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED. 9/6 Third Avenue and 55th St., AT -WIIOLESAIiE OB EETAIIj. TRANSACTS A UP-TOWN PROPERTY COENEE OP WEST 29TH STEEET. & ll'TO AYENTJE. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, A SPECIALTY. JOHN DAVIDOOM, Prea't. C. A. WATKRBUKY, Cmliier. 14 SOUTH WILLIAM STEEET. A. KI,ABE MAJniFACTUREES' AliTD BUILDERS' FISE INSURANCE CO. J CASH CAPITAL, . §200,000. NOS. 134 AND 136 EAST 18TH STREET, Principal Office, No. 207 BEOADWAY. Branch Offices, NCAV York. BET. THIED AVE. AND mVING PLACE. No. 890 Thkd Avenue, and Avenue C, cor. 7th St. Mantels, Grates and Penders, Monuments, Head-stones, In.sures against loss or damage by fire on the moat Ploor-Tiles, Marble Counters, and Wainscoting for Hotels reasonable terms. EDWAED V. LOEW, President. and Banks, etc., etc. 3. JAY NESTELL, Secretary. THE 1193 Broadway, Apollo Bmlding, Importer of the best and heaviest grades of AEE MADE PORTLAND CEISNT: IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE FORM, The" attention of Architects, Engineers, and Buildera is AND OP THE called to this superior Cement.
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