55? 'W m si 1 BNCE. ’.ji L Y. (mas with bom* :ibllnger vloltad ft y night. A good ■peat Christmas ^ T>BrO TBtf TO TB B IJVTEKBSTS OF CIIA TS WOK TB AJY'D riC /JV/TT. g vacattou with • > 1 ] *11, o f C hicago, VOLUME XIV. CHATS WORTH. ILLINOIS, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 7, 1887. NUMBER 12. lives here. i Moore and Anna m Wednesday, T if Gardner, spent laou, Mrs. W.'a tSbatmitii flaiudcakr. JAH. A.SMITH, Proprietor. illy, of Cnllom, B. I. PUMPULLY. Local Editor. ■. a n d Mrs. A 1,. CLOAKS subscription r a t e s . X «vVt ■ , If pa'd In 3 mouths II 60; otherwise |2 00 p e r a n n n m . ADVERTISING RATES. a guest of Miss Local business nollces ten cents per line; ral»s for standing ads furnished on applies tlpn ALL advertisements unaccompanied AT COST. AT COST. AT COST. now visiting her by directions restricting them, will be kepi ru to Normal to In nntll ordered out. and charged according­ ly G O l ^ E , n tow n la s t H u n t Communications of a proper character n alter his cousin, Bolialted and Information of looal news n s a s , a n d Is a t- gladly received stall limes EX AMITSTE, ir, la visiting her T H S N B U X . will remain in Trains Leave Ctatsworth as Follows: sand Mrs. Fore­ I ■ ign lo visit their T. P A W Going Enst. I Going West. shurch were good, P a s s e n g e r.....12 52 pm Passenger 12 62 pm med well pleased, P a s s e n g e r 9 55 pm I Passenger 6 20 am leu up by mem- W a y F re ig h t 3 10 pm Way Freight lo 36 am c ® i € ® rw<m s. m « i . was well execul* ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Itli presents, and Going South Going North up on the tree for P a s s e n g e r...... 6 63 pro P a s s e n g e r......It 04 am t-rclses lasted one Way Freight 1 35 pm Way Freight 2 8n pm lines The dls- F re ig h t. 3 (4 am | Block Freight 9 56 pm {" occupied nearly A W © i l l © 1 Doubtless many a Is It Tint*? hluklng he had GOODS OF When you hear an evil whisper. Like the frost wind lilting through, at Tuesday night Stop and m ink —you have a sister— M . rap m , a ^ EL The meei ing was Ask the question. Is ll true? preparaiion were 1 "W hat Is Man?” If Iheevll longue shall stifle lelween Qod and All re m o rse a n d cry •‘th e y s a y ,” ileclded to Rludy Ask wlih scorn If 'Us a in He it from Iasi in Hits Thus to steal a name away? GE1TTS’ F U m SH IN G GOODS, i study the lesson Bl ind upon your manhood s honor, end,and is to pre- Let the truth lull like i he dew , most imimnunt But when evil slander whispers, are to be consld- siernly question. Is It true? s> es. and they are Question and demand—not answer illow ln f w e e k . Merely—but the proof without a flaw; Silk M ufflers and Handkerchiefs, Think ofslsier. wlfe.und mother, I. And apply this ilghteous law. a horses dropped Evil hearts, like poison marshes, -DEALER Breed miasma In the air. nan, Ills.,W ednes- Do not listen to their m outhlngs— BLANKETS, lilo n s. Yon have loved ones—so beware! n. of Gibson City, There are those who strike In darkness e ibis week, Blows which pierce ihe pure heart through; Stop the month ol black-faced scandal ilcago, sunda.ved By demanding, is It true? TR UN ICS, &c„ i-law, Mrs. Mc- ________________ —Ma y M yrtle. —GROCERIES!— wlth bis cornet School Examinations. .H i to for the dance ' The names of those sonolara who passed a —— successful term exam Inal loo in the respec­ day for Charlston, tive departtueuts. together with their aver­ urge of a section age In all •■{ ihe siudles which have been p u rs u e d by th e m are g iv e n b>-low The e x ­ Cathollo chnrch amination covered all Work gone over dur­ ie altar Miss Mary ing the term. The names of all nltidenls i f were united In falling below 75 per cent, are until led, as . P. Owens The they must reach this average in order to A sk to See tiis Sensible Shoe. estimable young pass: Mr J o h n P n re le y , | HIGH SCHOOL. Pnrlle lleald ...........93 n lo all ns "Uncle Prof. C E -chlabach, Oih G rade. (ldusIrloUH farm er, P rin c ip a l. L "e M e-s’e r ............. 97 Boots and Shoes! All the above to be found at the Dry leniber of "llaohe- 3 r. C lass Delia Brown ........... 84 e will be greatly Phebe Hpelcber..... 95 Oille Cooper .......... 95 11in and his bride a O ra S m ith ............... 98 les-de D ennlger ..... 80 Goods Store of ns life. Lena Itleas ............. 95 Junes Dennlger... 87 A n n a E l f r l n k ......... 96 Emma Itnnlliile .... *97 Middle Class. Mary Donlli He........ 08 n . C-ias. Speer................. 91 Charlie Fraebe ....... Ill w a l : j PAPER ity Tuesday, B ird H a lt................... 9d Henry Klover....... 8i affle his pony to- Tedle M sriIn ........... 07 Mary .Henke ........... 89 H . R osenthal. Bt rile Brown.......... 8? Barry Turner ........ 88 H a rv e y S p e e r.......... 7w Delia Wheaton ......... 9o int to Chicago last Jack Bullard.... ..... 83 Frank Moore ........... 82 ETC., ETC., ETC. I. ROSENTHAL, Manager. M->ry E l f r l n k .............91 SECOND I’RIM A KY & ?by were In Cliata- Lizzie Taggert.......... 94 Miss El zsbelli Cmnp- Til He W rede ........... 94 beil. Teacher. Emma Brobst.......... 89 (lac, was In our 41 h (I rad e. J r Class. Add e Elfrlnk ........ 62 GEM TEAL, D R EG STORE/ Maria Mahood ......... 92 \quila Eniwistle... On 111 m ake It hot for Eddie Gunther .......... 80 \ mella lleppe ........ 04 Charlie C urtis ........ 93 Mary H arry ................ 96 to Peoria Sunday Herman Rless ....... 92 Mary J-.tiea .............. TOf H . B A N G S , Minnie Desmond.. 87 iliotoe M esaler.......... 8*r M. K ite Struckraeyer.. 9" Wllile Held ............ 94 ng man, was In Mudle Blghain ........ 89 I.liens hir e .............. 83 -Dealer In- Jennie Klrle ........... 86 lennle sleetli.......... 8i the cards, and are E tt a I’a r k e r ............ 91 Bertha slcetli.......... 9 > ol. Grace Watson .......... 9i F in n y a e m s .......... 93 - s * T H Z ^ s - ’ertb boys attended A g u es T r u e ................ 91 Jim m ie s m I th .........91 AiiHtlna llopperl... 81 Maitle Taggert....... 94 W CD dug. H Special Students. I h a v e a g lo rio u s Wallle W aisou ....... 88 MEST LIME OF + + Alice Stanford...*.... 93 H al B a n g s ................. 88 DRUGS! m ite r ." John Puffer ............ 8l Si I G rad e, fid! inn and daughter, Nettle Watson ........ 84 Nora Brown ............ 90 C ook's. GRAM D EPT Dick Turner ...... .. 9o and family spent Miss Manervn Doug­ A alter I rank ............ 10 per C ity . lass,' Teacher. C h a rlie Ri w e .......... 94 01 O, ased Mr. K. D. 8lli Grade. Am'iS StaHo, d ........ 84 a 69 MEDICINES, isl Tuesday, Louie Taylor............90 lease Moore..—...... 83 Ira Carson ................ 75 Jim m ie I'li I Oil hi ... 89 & ^ siting with her sle­ Edith Calkins ......... 86 Johnny Carson ...... 75 wing, this week. B die Billings ....... 93 Charlie Itoisey ........ 114 e v a > eic-r in tPItafate iti* fo 0 o 0 Kankakee last Eddie W rede ...........86 Ernest Brown ....... 88 t t . jv44tt3 a t I ® S S M HE ttlDg an Ice plane, Charlie Hearing ..... 86 Ella L'Stou ............. 95 nrla, nrrlved here Robbie Taggert...... 93 Mj m ie Hi n c k m e y - oe {irfi 1 a few weeks with Enoia Carson ......... 79 e r ............................ 96 Jessie Watson ........ 03 P a u lin a U ie - s ......... 07 OILS; Joule Rearing ........ 93 Alice Kill wlsl le ...... 0J to Peoria Monday, Bessie Lamed .......... 02 Jennie Jones ...... ul le doctor's care for 7l h G ra d e Eir.ma Fallberg ...... 8> SL.//, m & Willie Meek............. 82 Fa n n y M i Her .......... he season was last Fred Itleas ................ 94 FIRST PRIMARY w 1 9 3 ’ Dys Stuffs, Soaps, Bier registering 24 Elmer Irwin .......... 87 Mme Minnie M.BrtrW —• 3< ia(ct itv Eddie Megquler...... 86 T e a c u e r ,hat Mr. Fleldcamp •John Waugh ..............86 2d G rad e. II glide over life's G ay B a n g s ................ 95 W CIIe E le n b n r n ..... 88 j Pr Wi WHITE LEAD, \\ Clarence Bangs ..... 92 Mai ry Cowl I n g ........ 95 L n u le H a ll.................. 82 ladl e lleald ............ 88 your olty Monday D on B lg h a m ............ 89 K Pza tv 1 noe ........... 8;2 - i n and ao John took a Creighton Birch ...... 86 Hobble Crumpton..
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