Rates and Fees

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Rates and Fees J.P. Kleinhans AFRICAN HUNTING SAFARIS South-Africa: Rates and Fees Species Price (USD) Species Price (USD) Blesbok $450 Cape Kudu $1200 White Blesbok $700 Greater Kudu $2500 Bontebok $2000 Waterbuck $2450 Baboon $200 Nyala $2000 Bush Pig $650 Ostrich $700 Cape Bushbuck $750 Mountain Reedbuck $450 Grey Duiker $300 Common Reedbuck $1200 Blue Duiker $1700 Gemsbok $1250 Cape Springbok $300 Cape Grysbok $1400 Black Springbok $550 Fallow Deer $800 White Springbok $950 Red Hartebeest $1150 Copper Springbok $1200 Impala $450 Burchell’s Zebra $1400 Klipspringer $1400 Black Wildebeest $1100 Warthog $700 Blue Wildebeest $1000 Cape Eland $2650 Golden Wildebeest $3000 Steenbuck $300 Black Impala $1500 Vervet Monkey $70 Vaal Rhebuck $1500 Red Lechwe $3000 Sable $5000 Burchell’s Zebra $1400 Lion, White Rhino, Leopard and Elephant are priced upon request. jpkleinhanssafaris.com Join us on Facebook | Call now 011-27-4228-30832 Item Daily Rate (USD) 1 Client x 1 PH $350/day 2 Clients x 1 PH $275/day Observer $200/day Rifle Hire $20 per day Children (under 12) No Charge Dip & Pack SMALL $50 MEDIUM $80 LARGE $110 ALL HUNTS STARTING FROM PORT ELIZABETH AND RETURN TRANSPORT WILL BE INCLUDED AT NO COST ON ALL HUNTS . There is no charge for Dip & Pack if taxidermy is performed by J.P. Kleinhans Studio. 15% VAT (Value Added Tax) is INCLUDED in all prices. Prices are subject to change without notice. We are also a supporter of the Ithemba Family Sup- port Center which services the community of Tokyo Sexwale, Pellsrus and Ocean View. Their mission is to provide a place of hope and safety for children in the local community. If you would like to help us support Ithemba, please consider bringing some much needed items to donate while on your visit to JP Kleinhans Safaris. Click here for information on howou can donate. jpkleinhanssafaris.com Join us on Facebook | Call now 011-27-4228-30832.
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