International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 119 No. 12 2018, 13195-13202 ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version) url: Special Issue

Scalar and Wireless Transmission 1C. Jeeva, 2Sumit Saroha, 3Aditya Prakash Singh, 1,2 Assistant Professor- SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India 3 B. Tech. SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India

ABSTRACT- A , an energy or just a signal, there is a wide confusion on the existence of the “ waves”. These waves have some very special characteristicsin terms of their practical use for information and energy technology. In this paper we have explained that these waves are actually the longitudinal waves. In this paper everyderivation whether it is a mathematicalorphysical are supported by the experiments that are done in practical. The final results will show the wirelessly transmission of scalar energy in the form of electricity, the reaction in the receiver by the effect of the transmitter, low input high energy transmission and the incompetency of using Faraday cagefor shielding scalar waves. KEYWORDS- Electrodynamics, Electromagnetic waves, longitudinal waves, Scalar waves, potential.

I.INTRODUCTION The Scalar wave which remained unnoticed in the past years are actually very interesting in the practical use. Is that what is discussed in this paper. And how this wave can be used for the wireless electricity transmission. These waves were originally discovered by James Clarke Maxwell, a mathematical genius. But it remained just as a theory only when Nikola Tesla, who was born in Yugoslavia maybe around1856-1857 demonstrated the existence of this form of energy. However, it took another fifty years after Maxwell's Discovery to prove the existence of scalar energy. Still this fact remained questionable and there were doubts in the ability of scalar waves. This is why in this paper we have studied the characteristics of the scalar waves and proved its existence. Listening about scalar waves the first thing that came into mind is that I found that in the Maxwell theory the potential vortex has been put to. Thus I tried to find the answer to what will happen if this vortex would exist.And thus we have found out the results in many examplessuch as our brains, they use these vortex to store the memory, cells use these vortex in factthe DNA also uses this same condition.By the end of our experiment we will be able to prove that there are other wavesthat exist apart from Electromagnetic waves. The wireless transmission of electrical energy as scalar wave radiation takes us backto Nikola Tesla. It was unfortunate that his equipmentwere of very large size and also expensive and this is why we don’t have any copies of that and this is the reason that this indispensable technology remained isolated from the area of vision and the also from the consciousnessof everyone. A new technology will only be understood or accepted by the public only when it is carried to the places where people could study it like the scientific facilities or the educationalcenters.

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Before getting into this problem in detail, we get to understand between Scalar waves which contains some bits of ordinary electric and the magnetic fields and such waves which don’t and therefore are not very common to see. It is very often that scalar waves are considered as longitudinal waves. But still in ordinary Maxwell equations of electrodynamics such fieldsdo not exist and therefore electromagnetic radiations are always known to be transversal. In modern integrated edge in like Einstein-Cartan-Evans theory, however, it was observed that the direction of the polarization of electromagnetic fields do exist in every direction of four- dimensional z-space. So, in the direction of the transmission, an indifferent electromagnetic wave has a magnetic component which is longitudinal, which is also called the Evan’s . This field can be detectedby the so called inverse Faraday effects which is known since 1960.

II. EXISTING There were some experimental setups in the past years on scalar waves, the very first example was the Coloradomagnifying transmitter experimentby Sir Nikola Tesla or the experiment doneby Konstantin Meyl , claims to employ these longitudinal components. The experimental setup wereconsidered that itconsistsan extended resonant circuit in which the capacitor spheresbeen placed to the top of the transmitter and also to the receiver side in the same way. An usual capacitor (or ahollow resonator), has a very higherfrequency wave which leads to significant running time effects of the signal this is because the quasi-static electric or magneticfield could be contemplated to be divided into pulses. Thisrepresents nearby-field ofan electromagnetic wave and that can be consideredas longitudinal. For the low frequency, the electric fieldin between the plates of the capacitor, it remainsin a quasi-staticstate and thus longitudinal too. After1890 the inventor Sir Nikola Tesla carried his experimentto the transmitting by the methods of coupling by both inductive as well as capacitive couplingby using the spark- excited enabled with the radio frequencies, resonating transformers, which is well known as the Tesla coils, it generates higher output of AC voltages. Earlier, he made an attempt to built a wireless system of lighting which was based on nearby-field generated by capacitive and inductive coupling, which was mentioned above, and also conducted a plenty of public demonstrations at which once he got succeeded to lit Geisler tubes and also the incandescent bulbs on a stage. What he found later that he could also increase that andlight a lamp using a LC circuit receiver which istuned by the resonance along with the transmitter which is also a LC circuit using resonant inductive coupling. Nikola Tesla wanted to build a commercial product from his findingsby his experimentsand theresonance inductive coupling along with capacitive method it got widely used in power electronics and also currently in use and applied as a short-range wireless electrical power transfersystem. Later, Sir Meyl also came with his theoretical assumptions and experiments to prove the existence of scalar waves. He brought the kind of same experiments as of Tesla but this time the kit was really very small as compared with that of Nikola Tesla, though the setup was same and thus he was able to provethe propagation of the scalar waves.

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III. PROPOSED WORK We can use the Faraday cage or any other metallic cage for the experiment of scalar waves. The transmitter having the bifilar coil with the elevated capacitor connected through a conductor can be kept inside that Faraday cage. The bifilar coil is energized by the function generator or by any other such supply source. Now another receiver having the same circuitis connected to the loads, which is kept outside. When the supply is on the observation that we see is that the secondary coil is energized and the connected loads starts working. Now this is the important thing to note because if we talk about the Electromagnetic waves,the transverse wave gets reflected by the Faraday cage or other metallic cages but here it is observed that these waves do not get affected by the Faraday cages. Now talking about the scalar waves, the term “scalar” it indicates that these waves has the but it doesn’t have anydirection. And thus using the bifilar coil the wave generated is a scalar wave because it gets generated when the two Electromagnetic wave traveling in opposite direction to each othercoincide and then a higher amplitude wave is produced and it don't have any particular direction and therefore these waves are known as “scalar” waves For the experiment for the electricity transmission through the scalar waves we can do some modifications in the present adaptations in the experiment. We can set the frequency on the receivers, the devices i.e. the loads which are to be worked by the electricity transferred by the transmitter in the form of scalar waves so that only a limited amount of energy is absorbed by the device according to the limit of its frequency. The other modification can be done is to focus the scalar waves to a particular receiver so that most of the scalar waves can be utilized. This can be done by using magnets of higher strength through which we could bend the scalar waves and make it directed towards the receiver. And thus, this could be a better way for wirelessly transfer of electricity.

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Fig.2- Circuit diagram of the connections

Fig.3 - simplified diagram of the experiment of transmission of scalar waves.

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IV. HARDWARE REQIREMENTS-  Function generator  Bifilar coils  A long metal conductor  Metallic sphere  LEDs  Loads  Connecting Wires  Electromagnet

V. EXPLANATION Scalar waves or we can say the electromagnetic longitudinal waveshaving some unconventional and formidable characteristics, could be used fortransfer of electrical energy. They are different from X-rays and gamma rays, their wavelengths are finer than compared to either x-rays or gamma rays. As the name suggests they have the magnitude but can travel in all the directions. As the characteristicof the scalar waves, it do not gets affected by any medium kept in its path. No metal could deviate or effect its path and the energy remains unaffected. By the experiment of wireless transfer of electricity through scalar waves we are able to show that though scalar “energy” is not directional but the scalar “wave” can be directional. And thus we have tried to focus the scalar waves to the receiver so that we can extract the most of the energy through it. And now coming to the description of the experiment, firstly talking about the frequency waveform generator it is adjusted to a long range (2000 – 14000 KHz). The waveform generated is purely a sinusoidal waveform. Now this supply is given to the bifilar coil. A bifilar coil is an electromagnetic coil which contains parallel windings and that too very closely placed, it describes the wire made of two fibre or tendril.It is a special type of winding. Due to its structure and arrangement it produces high amount of output as compared to the input, it just magnifies the supply to a higher extent. As in bifilar coil two different wires have windings therefore when the supply is given two sinusoidal waveforms are produced and they both are opposite to each other, since the windings are opposite. Now when the both of the sinusoidal wave coincide to each other then it is observed that a very higher amplitude wave is produced and it doesn’t have any particular direction. This wave produced is known as “scalar waves”. This can be observed by putting the receiver having the same circuit with the load connected to it, at the any side of the transmitter, the observation is seen as the LEDs starts glowing. Thus the experiment works on the phenomenon of resonant frequency. In physics law, the field strength of the electromagnetic waves gets decreased with the square of the distance. But as it is observed from the experiment the scalar waves do not suffer any power dissipation with relation to the distance. This experiment shows a very

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high efficiency method of electricity transmission approximately about. As the scalar waves in previous experiments as done by the previous scientists like Sir Konstantin Meyl and Nikola Teslawere set to travel in all directions and due to that much of the electrical energy were getting wasted, thus, we can do a method to resolve this problem. The best way to overcome this problem is that we can use high strength magnets like high power electromagnets which constricts the scalar wave produced to a particular direction and now we can directly project the scalar waves to the particular receiver, thus extracting the maximum of its energy

VI.FUTURE SCOPE& CONCLUSION Talking about the future scope of the wireless electricity through scalar waves, we can say that it has a wide capacity to replace the current generation and transmission system. The further modification in this system can also lead us to provide free energy across the world. Scalar waveshas some outstanding characteristics as it does not gets deteriorated with the distance and also does not gets affected by any physical material even the metals. This makes it adaptable in any conditions and can be used for the transmission over the very longer . The greatest advantage of this whole process is that it requires very less input as compare to the output and it gives almost the 500% efficiency. In previous years or decades or centuries we were not capable for handling such energies or such experiments but its not the story of today. Today we are quite able to harness such energies and also capable to handle it with the complete safety. The initiations and the funding by the government of different countries for the advancement of technologies has arisen the space for such technologies which are the future of the world.

VII. REFERENCES 1. Nikola Tesla- Apparatus of electrical energy transmission. US-Patent No. 645,576, N.Y. 20.3.1900. 2. Nikola Tesla- transmitting electrical energy through the natural mediums, US- Patent No. 787,412, N.Y. 18.4.1905. 3. Article given by Christi Verismo- Twelve things you should know about Scalar weapons. 4. M. W. Evans- Generally Covariant Unified Field Theory, vol. 1-7( see also, section UFT papers). 5. Horst. Eckardt- A.I.A.S and UPITEC January 2, 2012. 6. U.S. patent 512,340 “coil for electromagnets”, Nikola Tesla (1894). 7. Konstantin Meyl, “Scalar waves: theory and experiments”, journal of scientific exploration. 8. Haramein, N. (2013). “Quantum and the Holographic ”. 9. See the Wikipedia article on theory

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10. James Clarke Maxwell on scalar waves.


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