Photo Club receives new darkroom ingymnasium byJimParker darkroomhas not yet beenremodeled. "They Ina move whichallowsUCIstudentsnearly couldconceivably haveusedit for another six 24 hour access to a photographic darkroom, months,"shesaid. Sports Departmentofficials agreedlast week Jesse saidthat recentpersonnelproblemsin toshare their darkroom withthePhotoClub, the Sports department hampered the search according to club President Steve Leichter foradarkroom. andRecreationSupervisorCarolJesse. "I think the problem was that Tom (Cash, Exceptfor certainhours when recreationde- former RecreationSupervisor) was wrapped partment classes will have a priority use of up inhis personalproblems with theUniver- the darkroom, Jesse said, Photo Club mem- sitysomuch thathe wasnot devoting" asmuch bers willhave access to the darkroom at all timewiththeclubsaspossible. hoursofthedayandnight. The Sports Department darkroom, located The agreement to share the Sports depart- directly off the Crawford Hall stage, is less ment's facilities brings to an end thePhoto than 50 feet from the temporary facilities in Club's search for a decent darkroom. InSep- the dressing room which the Sports depart- tember,club members were forced to vacate mentlent theclub. — their darkroom in the track buildingbecause Leichter told the New University last Octo- NOT IN THE DARK Photo Club President Steve Leichter ber has indicated that Sports departmentofficials have agreed to the Sports department wanted to convert the that the dressing room was a "pile of share darkroom facilities with the club. The darkroom is lo- spaceintoaFirst-Aidroom. shit." He said it wasn't light proof, wasn't catedoffofCrawfordHall. Jesse indicated that the Photo Club could available to student 24 hours a day, and photo byHIDEIGAWA have remainedinthetrackbuilding since the continued onpage3 New University

UNIVERSITYOFCALIFORNIA,IRVINE VOL.9/NO. 35/FRIDAY,FEBRUARY 25,1977 Financial aidcutback inPresident's budget Carter's drastic on university w» _" allocations*-** could have effect ■ ■ ■ ■ byRichard A.Clucas have detrimentaleffects on all campuses through- around President Jimmy Carter's recommendation to out thecountry. According |p Reyer if the BEOG is raised from theCongress for the cutback of financial aid to stu- Reyer,however, does not expect the Congressto its current maximum allotment of $1400 per stu- dents could have drastic effects on the University approvethese recommendations. dent to $1800 then UCI would not have any pro- ofCalifornia. "If the recommendations are okaved it will des- blems. According to Otto Reyer, Associate Director of troy all colleges across the United States," Reyer "If BEOGgrows to $1800 Ithink wehave enough UCI's FinancialAid, ifthebudgetrecommendation said. money to cover it." "If the NDSL goes out what is approved by theCongress without changeit will InCarter's 1977-78 budget nomoney is alloted to continued onpage3 the National DirectStudentLoans (NDSL), which in the 1976-77 year was allocated $333 million. Car- ter alsocalls for thecuttingback oftheSupplemen- tal Educational Opportunity Grants from the $240 million it received in 1976-77 to $130 million. Col- legeWork/Study has been cut from $390 million to $250 million. "Carter's budget is cutting the NSDL down to zip," Reyer said. "With the SEOG what Carter is saving is that we willhave everyone on SEOG in '76-'77 befundedfor 77-78,but we willadmit nostu- dents." Reyer thinksthat if thebudget isapproved with- out change it would change the University of Cali- fornia's wholeprocedure for distributing financial aid. "UCI will not be destroyed by the cutbacks. If they are approved we will tighten up and take a good look at the awarding of financial aid to stu- dents. Universities with 70% or more of their stu- — dents onNDSL willbe the ones hurting.Only 30or DRASTICEFFECTS Otto Reyer, Associate Di- 35% of our studentsareonNDSL." CALL FORINPUT-UCI'sstudent lobby Richard rector of UCI's financial aid office, said that if Reyer indicatedthe problemscausedbythe stop- Tapia is asking for student input to help deal with President Carter'sbudgetis approvedbyCongress pageof fundingto theNDSL couldbesolvedifmore the problems of financial aid. Tapia can be without change, it could "destroy all colleges a- money was allocatedby the Congressto the Basic reached on the first floor of Gateway Commons in cross theUnitedStates." Educational Opportunity Grant (BEOG). The theASUCIoffices pho«o bygordonchang photoby HIDEIGAWA. BEOG is the grant all theother fundings arebased Regents okay nuclear research by Frank Gibbs arrangement, and investigation of possible Social Science majors, particularly those of The Regents of the University of California plans for a total conversion away from arma- ThirdWorld students." have votedtorenew a fiveyearnuclear armsre- ment researchatUCfacilities. Freshman Paul Levin,Fine Arts councilman search contract with the federal government Eric Lampel, ASUCIExternalAffairs Direc- was approved for appointment to membership despitestrong studentopposition. tor andSocialEcology councilman,represented on the ASUCI Communications Board. The In a report to the ASUCI council on Tuesday UCIat the SBPCandRegents'meetingofFebru- Communications Board overseesall publication night,President CreightonMills relatedthat the ary 18. He said that UC President John Saxon proceduresof the ASUCI,includingtheNew Uni- Regents voted to renew a contract that was not arguedheavily against the student's stand after versityand KUCI. InsupportofLevin's appoint- due to expireuntilAugustof1977. Mills said that a representativeof SBPC gave testimony to the ment,Dave Westrup, ASUCI Vice President for the Regentsrejected avery resonable" request Regents. "Saxonsaid it would be ridiculous for Student Services andchairmanof theCommuni- to delay the renewal one month pending hear- theUniversity not to engageinnuclear arms re- cations Board, said, "Paul was by far the most ingsopento studentsandthegeneralpublic. search because," 'if we don't do it,someoneelse qualified and enthusiastic" applicant. He was "They really don't give a damn," Mills said willanyway,' saidLampel. also theonly applicant. about the Regents' lack of concern regarding Saxon refused to seriously address the ques- The council also requests by various campus studentopiniononthenuclear armsissue. tionof aonemonth delayanddismisseditas un- groups for funding from the ASUCIspecialpro- At the February 17th meeting of the Student necessary, according to Lampel. The Regents jects account. The groups included the Irvine Body Presidents' Council (SBPC) a decision to voted to approve the contract renewal with two Environmental Coalition which asked for sup- request delay of the contract renewal process dissentingvotes including one from Student Re- port of their "Earth Week," planned for Spring was reached. Based on resolutions passed by gentDaranPeeples. Quarter,andtheSaturdaySchoolproject foror un- student councils at several UC campuses, the The AS Council also filled the vacant Social derpriviledged school children. The UCI Cyc- SBPC requested three things of the Regents: Science seatat Tuesday'smeeting. Theappoint- lists asked for $75 in support cost for their at- full open hearings on the pros and cons of the ment of Robert Tillman,a junior Social Science tempt at breaking the world's record for self- contract renewal, consideration of a one year major andmember of the position, Tillman ex- propulsion by a human being at Ontario Motor contract instead of the present five year presseda desire to "...representthe views of all SpeedwayinMay. 2 OPINION FRIDAY,FfflflUARY2M977 NWUNIVERSTY J SATIRE! Line forms at the rear bySteveBretzius Veryfew people know what goes on deciding whogetsinto Medical School and who doesn't. Are admission procedures really fair? Is therereverse discrimination? TheNewUsent me to find out just what does goon. It was my job to get the real story,thebigstory.Igot thisinstead. "Well, Peter, thank God weonly have twoapplications left toconsider. Oneof themisaMr.AlbertSchweitzer. Theother is Sylvia Dorgenberg, a pregnant Jewish Eskimo from the Bronx." "That's- good. Don'tyoujustlovescreeningout these appli- cants decidingfutures,'' determiningfates,playingwith the lives' ofindividuals. '' 'Justgreat.Why don't wegoparttheRedSeaafter work? "Why are youalwayssosarcastic?Relax. Weonlyhave two applicationsleft toconsider.Oneof these twoisgoing tobead- mitted toour Med.School. Becauseof our decision today,one ofthesetwois boundfor a lifeofrewardingwork,virtuousun- byAlanSchoff dertakings,nobleaspirations. Asfor theother..." AsDupert walked outoftheGatepost withafull stomach "He's bound for Med. School. Come on, let's get this over andalighthead,asuddenexpressionofshock removedthe with. TheNew Uis onlyso big.Who doyouwant tolook at fir- slightflushinhischeeks. st? AlbertSchweitzer orSylviaDorgenberg?" Threepeople were passinganti-establishment literature intheplazajustbelowhim. '"GivemesomeinformationonSchweitzer."'' people 'Ok.Fullname:AlbertSchweitzer. Shockdevelopedintoanger whenherealizedthese "Sofarsogood." were passing literature without the authorization of the "Race: white." MinisterofFreedom. "That's bad. We need minorities ... you know, Gov't. quo- The IthadonlybeenayearsincetheMinisterofFreedomhad tas." declaredthenecessity ofselectivefreedom of speech, "un- til the generalpopulation has beeneducatedas to thepro- "Sex:male." be "Toughbreak.That'stwo strikesagainsthim. Threestrikes per use of free speech so''that freedom of speech will guaranteedfor thefuture. andhe'sout." satirical a fu- "Religion: Protestant." Uponrealizing that thiscrime couldcause limit to "Next." ture freedom, Dupert began to wonder if "Big Mother," "Not so fast.He's one of our two finalists. Place ofunder- who wasthepeople'sprotector, would come to preventthe graduatestudy: UCI." campusfrombeingledastray. "University of Cash and Influence? What's with-this Sch- plight Relief came toDupert when hesaw aFreedomOfficer in weitzer? White, male, Protestant,''upper class what a a greenuniform approach, tugging at his holstered pistol, loser!How didhebecomeafinalist? anddirect thedissidentstowardtheConferenceBuilding. guy's exception.He sayshis Althoughnot toomanypeoplehadeverentered thebuild- "Wait. This a rare reason for always conference, applyingtoMed.Schoolisso thathe canlearn''propermedical of ing,since the occupants were in it was techniquesinthehopesofbetteringmankind. generallyacceptedasheadquartersfor "BigMother."Peo- "What doesthat have todowithanything? he want plehadbeen known toenter this buildingandnever return, Doesn't only severalyears, a continued onpage 8 orelse they wouldcome out after with permit to express themselvesfreely, andaccording to the speech defined restrictions. But thesepeople were criminals,as Dupert saw it, and NewUniversity they wouldprobably betorturedby beingforced to attend oneoftheeverlastingconferences. AsDupertstumbled down thelastthreesteps,afeelingof - pride eyes, Editor BillHodge— was reflected in his less than sober and this ManagingEditor JimParker pridesparkedanidea. Why notgoback tothe Gatepostand NewsEditor — RichardClucas drink another litreof Zinfandel to celebrate the continued — speech, FeaturesEditor — ConnieCannon freedomof andtheprotectionof "BigMother?" FineArts Editor— Rand Lubert SportsEditor — PeterShergalis PhotoEditor Gordon— Chang AssistantNewsEditor Peter— Sundquist Assistant Sports Editors Jolie Gutierrez and Frank Cater- nicchio — CopyEditor — PeterGrimes LETTERS CopyEditor SteveManseau— AdvertisingManager— JohnLamb Business Manager Barbara— Dittrick tempted to twist the appoint- are currently on Council,but ProductionManager Sue— Shaw Three brothers ment of Kevin Mills and neither Creighton nor Tobin Ad Production Manager— GertaLind claim, "...Council may be had an influence on the deci- AssistantProduction — LaurieDibble Iwould like to personally shapingup to a body'' with a sionmadebytheCommittee. AssistantProduction Mark— Lipinski congratulate the "New Uni- narrowpointof view. Your editorial on Kevin's AssistantBusinessManager— DeanneHarris versity" for theexcellent edi- When appointing a council appointment states, "While Circulation Manager— LyndallCarvell torial,OhBrother! position, the Rules Com- we don'tbelieve thissituation Proofreader MaggieQuinlan Ican only wish that the mittee is obligated to choose can be called nepotism,..." — ASUCI were as representa- the best candidate. The ap- but, you keep contradicting Staff Writers MaryannAbrahamson,GregAlbers,Gaye Bal- tive'of the studentsat''UCIas pointeemustbefamiliar with this statement.For example, dauf, Jim Bednark, Beth Blenz, Steve Bowen, Frank Cater- the 'NewUniversity. the responsibilities and you used "Oh, Brother!" to nicchio, Fred Dolan, Susan Fenberg, Scott Fier, Doug Our society hasexperienced characteristicsof suchaposi- headline the editorial, twice Frederickson, Frank Gibbs,Emanuel Goldman,CindyGraf,Jolie political farce in Orange tion.Themiddle of a quarter in the AS Council article (2- Gutierrez, Marshall Ingwerson, Stacy Kautz, Laurie Keyson, CountyandIfeelthestudents and schoolyear is no time to 11-77) and Jim Parker's ar- Michelle Mewes, Vicki Munoz,Jody Peterson, NealRobb,Rich at Irvinemust takecare that slow down the workings of ticle youstated Kevin's rela- Rohan,Alan Schoff, Jeff Schmidt,Chris Seymour,Frank Sowin, thisdoes nothappentoour AS Council so that one person tionship to twomembers,and ThaneThierney,Rick Tyler,Glenn Wilson council. may aquaint himself with you even printed a picture of — The Mills Brothers have new surroundings. This is Creighton captioned "Big Photographers Greg Caille, Joel Charbonnet, Jr., Mitch been exposed in their mani- why wefelt it was important Evans, Fred Gluck, Brother." Charles Crania, Bob Jones, Darrel Mal- pulations and Ihope with to appoint someone with AS I'msorry that some of your lonee, Willie Melton, Diana Poling, Richard Sudek, Rick your support, to correct this experience. nothing Tyler staff has better to do situation. KevinMills was selectedbe- than try to gain exposureby Again may you Unsigned majority opinionof the New Ithank for cause he was qualified and sensationalizingon AS Coun- editorials representa an timely edi- University Editorial Board. All other articles represent the excellent and received themajority of com- cilanditsmembers. opinionsof the writers and not necessarily those of torial. mittee member votes. Thereis nothing wrong with individual Pat theNew UniversityEditorial Board, the ASUCIor theUniversity Bartolic (Therefore, "Few committee three people having an in- of California. members supported Mills," terest and desire to work in Responsiblegroups or individuals may submitletters andar- Three opinions (2-15-77) was aneditorialized AS Council plus being ticles contrary to, or in agreement with, the New University headline centering the true brothers. It's ironic though, editorial policy.However, the editors reserve the right to use picture of the Committee's that this newspaper should discretioninpublishing Letters nolonger Editors: decision.) try to make students feel their letters. shouldbe As aRules 300 may edited for libel or for space con- Committeemem- Why did theNew University threatened instead of bene- than words and be ber, I siderations. findit unfortunatethat exploit the appointment of fited. the New University has at- Kevin? Both of his brothers SusanFenberg NEW UNIVERSITY FRIDAY,FEBRUARY 25,1977 NEWS 3 Financial aid """ MEWS NOTES continued frompage1 putitintothebudget. WE ARE IN the process of forming a foreign lan- UCI will do is like the other cam- "I am not worried. Congress might put guage (The - hallinMesa Court. presentone is inMid- pusesinthe state we will onlygive thestu- themback in.With Nixon theyput themback dleEarth) The hallwillbe for anyone who wishes to dents partial funding. Say we will fund at in.Nixonstarted the BasicEducationOppor- learnlanguages,practicelanguages,or simplybeex- 80%,then if you need $2,000 we will give you tunity Grant to end the other grants. Con- posed tolanguages.Languagemajors willreceive no $1600." gress, however, decided, to keep both of priorities. (Middle Ian-, Earth's hallis principally for Reyer thinks that another possible alterna- them. This has been the,first time financial guagemajors).Many ofthe activitiesplanned willbe tothe problem aid for students has been included in the open tive created by thecutbacksto " to the public. We hope to acquire a unit IIhall NDSL will be if students utilize the College President'sproposal. with its six study rooms (for use in tutoring and con- Work Studyprogram.Heindicated,however, Reyerbelieves theproposal wasincludedin versation groups) and full-sized kitchen (for foreign that thiswouldnot solvethe problem. Carter'sbudgetbecause thereis arising con- dinners). We have using entire cern on increasing also thought of our educa- "Since BEOG throughoutthe country the tionalfundstosubscribe toforeignpapers,magazines and SEOG are only for un- delinquency rateonloai<3. and dergraduatesIdonot think it can takeup all rent foreignmovies. Thereis noendtothepossi- the "Our university runsat a 20% delinquency bilities,givenalittleenthusiasmandparticipation! slack." rate," saidReyer, "but Community'' Colleges We need signatures now in support of the hall. WithoutNDSL Reyerthinks theundergrad- runat70% ofpayments notmade. Thereare petitions in thelanguage lab (HH 213) and uatesandMedical students wouldbeaffected To help solve theproblem of the rising de- intheMesaCourt Housingoffice.Please come inand themost.Hefeels the timenecessarytoputin linquencyrateand toinsure studentloans the signyourname; even if you don'tintend tolive there, for Work/Study is not available to them and UCstudentlobby hasbegunstudyingapropo- your interest may represent that of an incoming stu- they wouldlosetheir sourceoffunding. sal which would make the state act as a dent whohasnever heardof thehall. "NDSLis essential to alot of graduateses- guarantor of Federally Insured Student If youhave anyquestions call Philippe Tusler,752- pecially medical students. TAships and RA- Loans (FISL). FISL are federally supported 0460. ships, who are already working, when will loans which are approved through local Greek at theyfindthetimefor Work/Study? Itdoes not banks. ALPHA CENTAURI,a new organization seemfeasible." UCI,is havingits secondRush Saturday,Feb. 26, at 2 "We are tryingto seeif thestate willact as Reyer, however, thinks that the Congress' a guarantor of these loans," said Richard p.m. in the Cross Cultural Center. Any women in- will place funding NDSL back terested inlearning about orbecoming a member of for into Car- Tapia, UCI's student lobby. "A lot of banks ter's budget.He indicated that this was the are withdrawingtheir support.If thestatebe- AlphaKappaAlphaSororityis welcome toattend. first that any president had " Alpha Centauri consists of women members and time included comes aguarantorthebanks willstayin. AlphaKappaAlpha educational financial aid allocations into the Tapia is calling for student input to help women interestedinbecomingan budget and that inthe past the Congresshad Sorority member the first Black women's sorority solvetheproblemof financial aid. intheUnited States.Sincetheorganization formed,it has been involvedin various community serviceand Photo Club culturalawareness projects, such as a tribute toDr. ...Sports will enable them to obtain a continued frompage1 the department's King Jr., an ongoingpaper drive with MartinLuther wasn't burglar-proof since darkroom. keyto the darkroom fromthe the proceeds to bedonated to theSickle Cell Anemia Police department at any Foundation,andan upcoming danceMarch5, 1977 at too many people hadkeys to "It's a small darkroom and thedressingroom. they already have a time provided no more than 9 p.m. in Mesa Courts LinoleumRoom. For more in- lot of threepeopleareoccupyingit. contact Watts at833-7215. "We never even went in necessary equipment," formation Juanita there," Tues- explained. "It's just The Photo Club and the Leichter said Leichter Sportsdepartment THE HANDICAPPED SCUBA program (aproject day. "It wasn't even worth not big enough for all our will share of theVeterans Conspiracy) is sponsoring a dive only larger thedarkroom'sequipmenton boat our time." stuff. It's a'little' equal basis, tobeautiful CatalinaIslandonMarch5th. Thisdive is Leichter instead moved thanabathroom. an Jesse indica-— partoftheocean trainingreceivedbyhandicappedin- some of the club'sequipment ted. "Steve has told -me campus. space Members of thePhotoClub, and Itrust his word that dividuals from on and off There is into friend's homes and the said, available 12 more divers the price $20. de- Leichter will be issued thePhoto Club people are re- for and of rest into the UCIPolice an identification card which coversfoodand wine.For furtherinformationdropby partment's women's bath- liable." the Veterans Conspiracy in T-807 orcall 833-6477 and room. Some of the club's ask for Zeke.Hurry! equipment willremain in the FORTHOSEWHOmissedthe opportunityofhaving poh'ce department and the their photo taken in January, there will be another rest will be transferred into An one dayonly photo sessionfor thegraduaterecord on sj Monday, Feb. 28, 1977 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in CALJET CHARTERS interview Room 109, AdministrationBuilding. No appointment Charter Flights 1977 is necessary.Don't miss this chance to participatein DeparturesforL.A.,S.F. &OAK. to yearbook. \With thesenior London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, ON THURSDAY,March3, th6 SocialEcology Cen- Zurich, Paris,Shannon andLisbon from two to six months as low as teris hostingadebateon "TheMythofRehabilitation V\Dr. $359.00, round trip. and Alternatives to the Present PrisonSystem."Mr. Special long duration summer Willie Holder, the president of the Prisoner'sUnion flights and after summer school from SanFrancisco willgive his views of the system, charters available now. Limited \\Linus as a member who was once inprison anda member Space! workingto bringabout effectivechangefor those still 1.Chicago & Europe Irom$289 (rt) 2.L.A.& NY.trom$178 (rt) \\Pauling in prison. Mr. Burt Lain, from the County Parole 3.LA.& S.F. toHong Kong,$499 (rt) Agency, willrepresent the Parole Agency'spoint of 4.LA. to Hawaiiaslow as $179(rt) view.Thedebate willtakeplaceinthe Caballolounge, Call (415) 922-1434 or write: CAL JET CHAR , TEflS^ISO^regn^^F^Ca^JIJJ^^^^ 9 P.M. inMesaCourt at8 p.m. Allare welcome to thisoppor- \\. . tunity to getbothsidesof theissueandhaveanyques- tionsanswered they mighthave about the ineffective- Monday, VH kuci 1 nessofthe presentprisonsystem. ALittle Bitof _. . 28\\__/O7.T rm 1 ALL APPLICATIONS for Financial Aid for 1977-78 Knowledge About February mustbesubmitted totheFinancialAidOffice by April 15, 1977. The earlier allrequired documents are sub- ACNEtea mitted, the earlier thestudent receivesnotificationof Dangerous Thing : Applications received after April 15 willbe awards. " considered for the 1977-78 Winter/Spring awards I Acne Isnot just a taanaga only. disease I" Dialhas nothing to do with FIELD STUDY ORIENTATIONfor SocialEcology acne students,willbe held on Monday,Feb. 28 at5 p.m. in I"Eating chocolate will not Caballodorm,Mesa Court. causeacne "O"WEEK I> SoapA water will not UCI PREGNANCY COUNSELING GROUP a stu- up " clear acne dent run project in conjunction with the Student I Coamatics actually cause Health Center, is designed to provide emotional sup- acne " Coordinator port andmedical information for UCI women. Abor- I Victims of acneshould control, just avoid (trass tion,birth financial resources; ask and " we'll get the answers. Drop by and talk with us — I Birthcontrolpills may cause acne Monday-Friday, 12-4 p.m. in trailer 503, or call 833- " I Sax or the lack ol it will Applications AvailableNow 6000 for moreinformation. not improve the complexion offering pre- " THE LEARNING SKILLS Center is I Acne is ganatlc Student Support paration sessions for both the verbal and math sec- I" Drugs definitely effect the tionsof the GRE.Themath workshop, whichis meet- acne condition "- Services T-702 ing Mondays and Wednesdays at 1:00 will be a re- I Internal antibiotics are view of the concepts and operations of algebra, geo- not necessary I" Your acne can becontrolled metry,and data interpretation as they relate to GRE II problems. Attention willalso be given to the reduc- within two months YouincordiallyinvUrd |oVWW »ur anxiety." section,meeting V1MKO TAPK SKKIKS "math The verbal our Deadline tion of Of nquNl liUraturrbt mail Tuesdays andThursdays at 4:00 willfocus onvocabu- Dr. Fulton's comprehension, prac- IAcne Health Care Centers Int'l lary improvement,reading and ■Medical Clinic 1,1977 analogies. For more information,contact ISpecializingin thetreatmentaf Acne March tice with I771 W l»ihSl..Suilf T".( u.l.Mia. theLearningSkillsCenter at 833-6451. Call(7141IMA.7AIIIfor appl. 11vMI "BUTLEY" ML!! Abig thingin aLittle Theatre byAlanSchoff lion of both Joey andwife, Anne But- If the size of the audience at last ley,wasinterestinglyplacedinatime Tuesday nights production of "But- of student rebellion and dissent. It ley" in the Fine Arts Little Theater was the explosive second act which had been at all indicitive of the per- brought Butley's problems to a cli- formance, the price of the ticket max, as his relationships failed des- would havebeen better saved.But in pitehissexualexperiments. this case, even Simon Gray would The demandingrole of Butley call- have done well to dish out the dough ed for the qualities of an exceptional toseethisexceptionalproduction. actor, found in the likes of William Gray,inwriting"Butley," seems to Needles, a visiting lecturer at UCI have developed an interestingmeth- and professional actor with several od of combining subtle symbolism Broadway roles under his belt. With Butley with therealities of emotional crisis- thesequalifications, theroleof in the life ofhis main character a was handled with exceptional skill, university English lecturer. Gray Stuart Duckworth, a lecturer in uses thedrab office of Ben Butley to drama withaMFA indrama fromUC offset the excitingcharacters andex- Irvine,left little out in his portrayal plosive conflicts in Butley's life. But of Joey, Butley's lover and teaching its the witty humor mixed with the colleague. seriousness of the play which proves The other performances, including tobemosteffective. Paul Eggington as Reg Nuttall, Ja- Butley introduces the first act with son Croninas Mr. Gardner,Joan Gil- the humorous antics of an arrogant lis as Edna Shaft, Barbara Leva as and troubled man. The introduction Carol Heaseman and Joan Morris as roommate, of Joey,his homosexual AnneButley, werealso welldone. begins the development of a quick — moving and tense play where Butley But the well rounded production MAKINGTHE GRADE William Needles evaluates anessay whileBar- is confronted with the collapse of could not have been done without an bara Leva looks onina scene from Simon Gray's "Butley." Needlesis a both his short-lived marriage andhis exceptional talent directing these founding member and a regular performer of the Stratford Shakes- fair withJoey. people and blending the required pearean Festival Theatre in Ontario, Canada, and a visiting instructor Itwas Butley'sself destructiveper- operations, which was found in Rob- indrama atUCI. sonality which caused the failure of ert Cohen, UCI Professor and Chair- bispersonal relationships. Therebel- manoftheDramaDepartment. WindEnsemble plays at Concert Hall The University Wind Ensemble, conducted by Dr. CharlesM.Atkinson, willperformFridayandSaturday, Feb. 25, 26 at 8 p.m. in UC Irvine's Fine Arts Concert Hall.Admission is $1general,andfree for students.For ticket informationcall (714) 833-6617 or 833-6614. The first half of the concert program features music for brassandpercussion including, "Sinfonia 'La Pado- Faculty puts on Winter dance vana" from "SinfonieMusicaleaotto voci"by Lodovico Grossi da Viadana; "Divertimento for Brass andPer- Five major works choreo- mation call (714) 833-6617 or steps andmovements in bal- cussion" by Karl Husa; and "Ceremonial Prelude for graphed by members of the 833-6614. let. Organ, Brass,Timpani, and Chimes" composed by Ar- dance faculty at UC Irvine Guest artist Bella Lewitzky thur Bliss on the occasion of the 900th anniversary of anda guest artist willbeper- The program includes "A will offer a modern piece Westminster Abbey. The organ soloist for the prelude formed by 65 UCI dance stu- Choreographer Comments" "Trio for Saki" which pre- willbeJohnOddo,senior musicmajor fromCostaMesa. dents Wednesday through by noted ballet choreograph- miered in 1966. Ms.Lewitzky The secondhalfof the concert opens with "Tunbridge Saturday, March 2-5 in the er Antony Tudor, associate isdirector of theBella Lewit- Fair," an important work for winds by Walter Piston, FineArtsVillageTheatreat 8 director ofthe American Bal- zky Dance Company in Los one of America's most distinguished composers. The p.m. There willalso bea spe- let Theaterand avisitinglec- Angeles, teaches modern programis rounded outby "Huntington,"a little-known cial matinee performance turer at UCI. The work, pre- dance technique, and is the work by Ottorino Respighi, and the "Passacaglia and Sunday, March 6 at 2 p.m. miered in 1960 while Mr. former chairwoman of dance Fifgue in C minor," one of the greatest works in the Tudor was director of ballet at California Institute of the organrepertoire,byJ.S.Bach. Admission is$4.50 general,$2 at New York's Juilliard Arts. for students. For ticket infor- School, isbased on classroom The program will be high- lighted by the premieres of 1 threemodern piecesby mem- ' "»""»" : 1,000 CHARTERS to Europe bers of the dance faculty at , CAM'C«# AND MSTAMANT ' 1 : Contact: ASUCI Out Roads UCI: "Ravens" by Israel /^#UvlANDDOMESTIC FOOD /- ' V /^^*^<^l IMPORTED . ■ (El) Gabriel, / WflyfaP C»ierin|»Food to Go* Putrlei " 1st FloorGateway Commons lecturer in dan- T7^2v ...jJW " Bter and Wine " Homemide Bread !».//* ce; "Quarks, Quirks, and "v^^v 1907-09 harbor blvd.. 833-5373 Things Slightly Askew - costa mesa 548-7822 Sometimes" by James Pen- rod, associate professor of "' * * dance; and "Dance for the CUTINSURANCE COSTS ; -AUSTRALIA* *, Eyes, Ears, Nose and AnyonegoingtoUCIknows collegesurecosts alot. Tui- Throat" choreographed by tion, fees, books, etc.can really wipe youout.And to top it ASIA Janice Gudde Plastino, as- all off, car insurance rates are increasing.For example, , you professor dance. 15%; CIEE STUDENT TRAVEL invites to an Au- sociate of StateFarm's rateshave increasedan averageof All Experience — # Before joining thefaculty at State, 12%; and Farmers Insurance,14%. That can get * dio-Visual Travel A multi-media traveling * UCI, El Gabriel danced pro- pretty heavy. program on to Australia and through fessionally with the Manila Alltron Student Insurance deals withmany different in- " Asia. can shop insurance for you. # Ballet Company, the Ballet surance companies. Alltron - Russe, and Theywillfind the company that gives thebestcoverage at , Monday,February 28 11a.m. til2p.m. * theBolshoiBallet the lowest cost. Company among others,and at the Antrap has a teacher Callyour AlltronInsurance Agentat752-9300. Locatedin » More Info, " been and Costa Mesa contact ASUCI's Outroads,833-5373 choreographer with several ADVERTISEMENT majordancecompanies. NEWUNIVERSITY FRIDAY,FEBRUARY 25,1977 ENTERTAINMENT 5 tB33S3SEMIBEEiBSloe yearsoflife on the road Nothing lasts forever though, and new , seem to be moving The last Thursday's concert featured a Kinks back to the original rock and break frompastKinks'performances rollband. where the group played "Preserva- TheKinks' encore featured a med- tion" or "SoapOpera"in their entire- ley including "" ty. Gone too were the major theatri- and "All of the Day and All of the cal presentations whichhavemarked Night," which are amongThe Kinks' past concerts anddevelopeda bigfol- early hits. "Sleepwalker," although lowingfor TheKinks. another concept album, is performed The cutback in theatrics,however, by the basic five member group, has not affected TheKinks' ability to which implies a return to entertain an audience. The presence of day'sgoneby. ofRaymondDouglasDavies isasim- But yesterday's gone and, though pressive as ever. Davies' renditions the soundisbasically rock,the words of the ever-popular "Alcohol" and reflect theschoolingof 12 yearsonthe "CelluloidHeroes" wereflawless. road of life. The album's theme Parts of "Soap Opera" and seems tobe theculminationofthisex- "Schoolboys in Disgrace" were also perienceinto a realizationof the con- performedadmirably by The Kinks. trary nature of life. Most of us are The best of these was "The Hard sleepwalking while life goes on Way," which featured aroundus,but weareaccutelyaware byBillHodge man's Hermits ("Mrs. BrownYou've dressed as the schoolmaster com- of the pain caused by slighted love, Twelve years ago, Lynwood, Cali- Gota Lovely Daughter").Mostofthe pletewith a switch to remindus allof the impending doom of a stormy sky fornia's Hoslar Junior High School groupshave fadedinto thememories" life's occassional corporal punish- ora wrongdecision. held a dance. The Junior Red Cross someofuscallthe"goodoledays. ment. Lifegoes on,however,and wemust chapter, which sponsored the event, But one top 10 record, "Tired of Watching The Kinks in concert is accept the good with the bad. While had a gimmick. Chapter members Waiting," was recorded by a band akin to observing a football game. allof thesongs aredonewell,both vo- asked each Hoslar student to list his which just released anew albumand People are prone to watch Ray cally andlyrically, thealbum's sleep- two favorite records so a top 10 rec- is currently beginning another U.S. Davies as the quarterback or ball eris "StormySky." Themusicis well ordssurveycouldbecompiled. concert tour.GodsavedTheKinks. carrier andmiss all thegreat blocks arranged and executed: it backs up And if their "Sleepwalker" album and tackles of the other band mem- the lyrics beautifully with the musi- The results of the voting were an- and the concert tour are an indica- bersas theyslide throughtheir-set. cal crescendo coming at a time ap- nounced at the dance. Among the top tion, TheKinks willbearound inan- Each of thebandmembers Dave propriateto the verse. 10 bands or groups were The Su- other twelve years. Tour dates last Davies (guitar), John Gosling (key- "Sleepwalker," the album, proves premes ("Stop! In the Name of week inL.A.alonenetted threeSanta boards), -(bass) and again that The Kinks are a band for Love"), Freddie and the Dreamers Monica Civic capacity crowds for the (drums) provided all seasons. All of us should save the ("I'm Telling You Now") and Her- band. great sounds and, coupled with the Kinks. : a taste ofParsons by SteveChapman from one of lesser capabilities would assault There isasayingthatbehindevery success- anymodicumof common sense. ful man there stands a woman. Emmy Lou "Luxury Liner" breaks very bttle new Harris,itseems, wouldhaveusbelieve there- ground, as a majority of the songs are by the serve. same songwriters as onher first two . After three albums she continues to carry Itisironic that Harris' weaker momentshave on the legacy of her late mentor Gram Par- been those assorted Parsons' tunes she has sons. Parsons, a former flying Burrito added so religiously. In addition to the title Brother,discovered Harris ina Washington, track,afrenetic up-beatcountry rockerinthe D.C. club and subsequently featured her as traditionof"Amarillo" and"Bluebird Wine," supporting vocalist on his two solo albums. there is "She" an insubstantial diddy that is Their career together was short. It ended, as mundane as the formers are exciting. A along withParsons'life, ina drugoverdose in disparitydue,more thanlikely, to theuneven- theCalifornia desert.Intribute tohismarked ess ofParsons' skill andnot to anylimitation influence on the L.A. based country rock theinterpreter. Fortunately Harris has op- sound, Eagles paid by of the their respects no ted against including another Beatlestune on less than two songson their "Onthe Border" thisalbum. album. On the threshold of her own solo career Harris wrote and recorded on her Adding againto the sense of traditionis an- debut album "Boulder to Birmingham," a other Louvin Brothers song, "When IStop hauntingballad dedicatedtoParsons. Dreaming," that despite the supporting Her second album contained three songs vocals of Dolly Parton never realizes its po- bearing Parsons' name and now her latest, tentialespecially when compared to the ear- "Luxury Liner," takes its title yet an- lier "If ICould Only Win Your Love." Rod- from ney Crowell, other Parsons composition. Despite its ex- leader of the Hot Band which tendedeulogistic undertones"LuxuryLiner" backs Harris in her live performances, con- marks Harris' successful transformation tinuesinhis roleasbright new songwriter by from supporting vocalist to autonomous art- contributing "You're SupposedToBeFeeling ist. Food"and "Tulsa Queen," the latterco-writ- Harris'sofar shortcareer hasbeenalesson ten by Harris. Perhaps the best song on the in moderationandalmost stately determina- album is "Pancho andLefty"a sensitive bal- tion. By surroundingherself with a smallnu- ladabout thedeathof abanditoinoldMexico. cleus of able musicians, and generally ex- There is also an AP Carter tune, "Hello hibiting equal wisdom in her choice of ma- Stranger," that is bound to please mountain terial,she hasdeftly sidesteppedthat prosaic folk ofallages. herd of Ronstadt sound alikes. Even though On the whole, thanks to the production of she records in L.A.,Harris has nevertheless Brian Ahern, "Luxury Liner" represents the gained a more than minor commercial foot- highlevel ofmusicianship and wide rangeof holdinNashvilleas evidenced byher appear- vocalaccomplishment that hascome to beex- ances the 01' Opry there. Country is pected as the Harris It ap- major — on Grand trademark. would nft .» event? LosAngelesTimes her forte but she has provenherself adept in pear that at this time she remains the only severalstyles. one who needs to be convinced,or atleasten- me climax |li trilogy Her compelling vocal command dissolves couraged, to sever the ties linking her with tt^Pcfciss^DUNE generic boundaries as she effortlessly shifts the past and to step out and claim that share from saucy honky-tonk to ballads, and from of the forefront she has convincingly proved torch songs to blue grass with an ease that belongstoher. GOLDEN BEAR Cpk 95_07 \\ > LzV " Flo and Eddie w/ the Turtles r*3i§ Plus Jeffrey Comanor «y^^^ Mar. 2 SEA LEVEL *W* s Ned Doheny Mar. 3-5 Mark Allmond Band Frank Herbert'sNational 306 Pacific Coast Hwy., Huntington Beach Bestseller ! $1 Berkley Dining & Cocktails Across from the Pier (714)536-9600 NoAgeLlmlt Firsttime inpaperback 95 rfcl 6 SPORTS FRIDAY,FEBRUARY 25,1977 NEW UNIVERSITY UCI fieldsgreatest team, hosts top foes tomorrow byGlenn Wilson pics and Miller had a good the man to beat during the "This willbe the best track track record in high school outdoorseason. team UCI has ever fielded," coaching at Laguna Beach At SanDiego, Scott became stated UCI Head Coach Len High School. Miller handled the9thfastest manontheall- Miller. thenutsandboltsofintercol- timeindoor milerun list. Miller'sdefendingNCAADi- legiateathletics - workouts, CoachMiller washappy but vision2ChampionshostUSC, recruiting and day to day not surprised, "Iwasdelight- Long Beach State, and San business so when Toomey ed, but his workouts have DiegoState this Saturday at bowed out to his network TV shown what he could do, I 10 a.m., and have an abun- commitments, Miller was wasn't surprised by his dance of top athletes return- readytofillthegap. race." ing from last years team led Ironically, Bill Toomey's Scott took the leadafter six by 3:56.5miler SteveScott. brother Jim, who also coach- lapsandquickly went out toa UC Irvine is stillonly in it's ed track at Laguna Beach 15 yardlead. He held ituntil sixth year of track competi- HighSchool, is the latest ad- Wilson Waigwa of Kenya tion. In these six years, Ir- dition to the UCI track pro- caught him with a half a lap vine has claimed four indivi- gram. Jim the head field to go. Waigwa's time was dualNCAAChampionsand18 event coach, along with 3.55.7. AllAmericanathletes. sprint and hurdlecoach Bob Steve heldonfor secondand Seventeen of those All Maimburg, complete the in theprocessbeat severalof Americans have come within coachingstaff. the worlds top runners. thelasttwoyears,andsix are Millerexpects tobestronger Among them was Eamon returningfor thisyearsteam. in 21 out of 22 events this Coglhan and world record MAKING HIS MOVE — UCI's Steve Scott prepares to pass Bo Roberson,whopicked up year.Thecross country team holderJohnWalker. (right)duringrecentindoor a silver medal in the 1964 has already won this year's After the race Scott said EamonCaglhanandJohnWalker into thelead track meet atSanDiego.Steve willbe runningthisSaturday Tokyo Olympics, was the fir- NCAA title and the distance "After goingout strong Ifelt certain someone would in oneof threehomemeets thisyear. photobyglennwilson stcoachfor trackin1972-73. events should be the LenMiller officially became point tothetrack team. pass me right away,but with the head track coach after Eric Hulst, Ralph Serna, two laps togo iknew I"hada well. HOME OFTHE «, pUDS >, the'75 season whentheOlym- and Don Moses will provide goodchanceto do $7.50 PANTS <$£- pic decathlon gold medalist punchinthe 5,000 and 10,000 The first five runners were %k Bill Toomey left the coach- meterraces. allunder4minutes. ingposition for a leaveof ab- In the Steeplechase,Robert The half milers round out sence. Slick, Ed Ahlmeyer, and this years distance crew. The Toomey-Miller com- DavidBernsteinwillall tryto RichardGrout returns as the / ' ' potent top man with freshman ♥ JfpA *^^"^^71^) "IM get nto ourP'nfo- binationhadbecome a lower Slick's schoolrecord of one when it came tobuilding 9:16. CaseyCoxalso expectedtodo a winningtrackprogram. Steve Scott's recent 3:56.5 well. Toomey was a well known clocking in the mile at San Wilbur Gregory returns as and respected athlete after Diego's Jack in the Box In- the top high hurdler for this eW| 1595 Newport° Blvd. the 1968 Mexico City Olym- doorGamesproves that he is years team. He came on 105 PalmAve. C Sta MeSa strongtowardstheendoflast rfdBfe^. 548-9011 year to clock an official 14.3 BalboaPeninsula andanunofficial14.0. 673-3Q30 Freshman quarter-miler CraigRusselmakes hiscolle- giate debut thisweekendand JEOP&3rdWorldStudents Miller thinks he will be a greatone.Russelran48.2last Want ToImprove yearinhighschool. Mike Sabatino,Irvine's two timeNCAAPole VaultCham- YourGrades? pionwillreturnasIrvinestop man in the field events. Sa- batino has gone over 17'IV and has the distinction of FreeTutorialServices beingthe first UCItrack ath- lete to qualify for the Olym- Basketball player AreAvailableToYou picTrials. Larry Schrader returns in off the week $33-7215 the hammer where he threw Call 166'7" as one of the coun- try'stopfreshman. Decathlon specialist Mar- BRAD CARSON icio Bardales has a good The 6 foot Freshman guard scored16 points against STUDENT DISCOUNTS chance to win the Javelin in Cal State Northridge, 8 points against L.A. Baptist thisyear's NCAA meet.' Bar- and 6 points against University of San Diego.He to- daleshasabestof215'9' . 9 When USC invades Irvine taled assistsInthe threegames. Saturday, they will bring with them history's strong- est collegiate track and field team. LOW-LOW PRICES 1 |j LongBeachState's Olym- pians Don Baird, from Aus- tralia, 18' in the pole vault, AutoInsurance For Less and Brian Saunders from Canada, 44.9 in the 400 Extra Special Discount for 3.0 Students meters, leadthe49'«rs. AUTOS MOTORCYCLES tt If atf m.' IkSlkSkak^ m B' Lots ofTickets? Your InsuranceCancelled? DerlnlWvenewS-pafle guide1*1over150 WE CANHELP YOU! MgNy-rttaU*ctwrttrMghta to Pwit.London. AmeJerclamAJI low-pricedAlonma>oralrlr>e« — Alloperatedtortheacademic communitybyi No Hassle MonthlyPayments loadingatudant travel organizationNo agare- quirement.Reservationformincluded ASUCI's Out Roads GIVE US A CALL.. 1st Floor Gateway Commons Universityof California, FOR YOUR LOW RATES! Irvine 12-5 P.M. -Mon.-Fri. 1 * 549-8161 SPORTS 7 Anteaters attempt to win at Vegas byJimBednark Havingdemolished strongcompetitionintheir lasttwodual meets, UCI'sAqua-Anteaterswilltry tomakeitthreeinarow thisweekendwhen they travelto theUniversity ofNevadaat LasVegas. UNLV isa strongDivisionIteam who shouldbe tough com- petition for UCIafter rebuilding this year by adding a new coachandrevampingtheir squadtotally. Irvine.willface LasVegasat the firstof three ses- sions that conclude withmeets tomorrow morning andafter- noon. — UCI willprobablybe swimming atornear its season'sbest KAPOW! Anteater KevinMastin blocks opponentspiksspikeinrecent action. Captain withalmosttheentire squadtravelingtoLasVegas. Rick Stinehart offers assistanceandJonCapperlooks on.TheUCIVolleyballers playone Coach Vellekamp willhavehismenswimmingin theevents ofthenation's top teamsinCalPolySanLois ObispoatCrawfordhalltonightat 7:30p.m. they willparticipate in when they go to Ohio for the NCAA photobyPARRELMAL1.ONEE Championshipsinthe middleofMarch. Last weekendIrvine handed SanDiegoState University a 75-28 loss. "They weren't particularly strong," commented Coach Vellekamp who hadexpectedstiffer competition from Irvine netwomen host Bruins theDivisionIsquad. UCI was led to victory by impressive performances from in toughest match Tuesday Ken Watson, who tookfirst placeinthe 200and500 yard free- events by Gary Figueroa who in the 50 byPeterShergalis match say Morse, style and took firsts exciting at USC on the 1974 National yardfreestyleand 200yardbackstroke. Thetoughest matchto date, Tuesdayat 2 p.m. which will Runnerup the according to UCI Women's be Watson'stimesof 1:48.7 inthe 200 free and4:52.1 inthe 500 highlighted by the match- UCI also competes in two free his of year. tennis coach Doreen Irish,is up between year's Na- were best the last matches this weekend. The Freshman EvagelosCoskinas also did wellinthemeet, tak- set for thisTuesday whenthe tional Champ Barbara Hall- AnteaterstraveltoUC Santa the Bruins ing firstplacepointsin the200 yardindividualmedleyandthe Anteaters host quistof theTrojans andLind- (continuedonpage8) butterbutterfly. fromUCLA at 2p.m. 200 yard "I feel confident that if everyone plays well, we can beat them," stated coach Irish. Shepointedout that themat- ch will be extremely close and the team which makes the least mistakes should win. Coach Irish also feels that the most exciting matchups to watch will be between Ir- vine's undefeated Lindsay MorseandPaulaSmithof the Bruins, Anteater Jean Na- FOR STUDENTS chand and UCLA's Susan Zaro, UCI's Bunny Stockton and Bruin Becky Bell, and Lindsey Berman of Irvine TRYING Nillson UCLA. TO andKim of The Anteaters have another REGAINTHEIR [Venice Party] FACULTIES. I Band Sierra

"'^ ' BsBPu^kL^^^' *%'*^l' ■ *l ■flftt^'t^J^ffi'ZiBlnrLl fflMjfl*. \ V^^^l Tzip

plus RUSSELLDISCO STUM-NT NKilti SI SDAY \dmissn;n Krcr '' K%- ■*" i / with I.Il. iBv^- »pC 'Vf fib '■* S' '^S&^'Wf^^^B *!$t 's ■/^^~*E '.■/ /^HBL '''J f THURSDAY I Ladies Night THURS. & SUN. Dance Contest WntM v.u.ip i. In ■ * S?OO CASH ff ni^ On thedatelistedbelow, we'llbegiving away free samplesof Alka-Seltzer on your campus. And that'snot all. BreSw Fourof the sample packs we'regivingaway willcontain$25 winning /^pSBRip^^. certificatesgood for a $25prize(booksor cash). " So,if you'relucky, we'llrelieve a few of your financialpainsas well. : c^K05^ SfeA4P mflJ|MKMItf^Bfc Only oneprizeawarded per person... jjM Wr B^^bI It prizevalue$25.No substitutionofprizes Kl P011^^0^-Original prizecertificate must « 9^\^r^Lv ss*~*&&*k IQMySy VBStnW^tF g dfl^f jr^^-yvX^^I mdtmMt Mmmb^t accompany request toclaim prize,and IESJAl^BIF IE^^tfBf^Pcannot bemechanically reproduced. Sunset Strip I 173 6fcO6 I9OJ9 DATE: FEB 25 TIME:10am"2pm LOCATION: CAFETERIA 8 CLASSIFIEDS/SPORTS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25,1977 NEWUNIVERSITY

10)4 in good con I The BWogial Scnmk StudM RKommmM Ear* Shoa,men's 111.0M, 12.5WI Found: one choker-length necklace on 2/11/77. $20. Joe 833-5168 upon Fteully Program requests that anyone having a dition. Color Is pumpkin, Call st will return proper Identification. Contact JV hoopers win recording of Or. Linus Pauling's February 7, 1977 or552-7248. Melissa 1752-5309. public lecture on VrteminC, pleasecontact theSfi- Fao, green For Sake 1971 Opel station wagon. Great gas FP at 833-5314, room 329 SH. We would ike Down jack*by North like new.Dark victory the Poets to $40 Also, Vasque hiking milage,no trouble,runs good.Needs tires andbody byJolieGutierrez 56 over make acopy of your tape for student at The w/stufl beg. Men's large, use work,great deal.Just$200. 631-1141. The JV Cagers finished off from Whittier College last LearningResourcesCenter. boots, men's 9)4 D. Very good condition, $35. Call their 1976-'77 season of bas- Friday night in Crawford Jimat 552-7248. devastating80- Hall. Roommna* natdad to share bedroom in large ketballwith a the shaip-wmed, foxy giri in theRegistrar Since their game on Jan. 4, house in Laguna. Prefer non-smoker, vegetarian, For Sakr. 1975 Honda CB360T. Excellent condition. Would $800 with thelong brown hair please call me? I think Anteaters have compiled good v*es. Yearly least $100/mo. Starting March 2,500 mi., has reer seat andrack. or best of- the you're great Abdullah.675-4274. Netters a13-2 only 15. CallJerry4943532 or Gail.494-0294. fer.CallCarol atX5346or 6424186. ...7) record with losses (continuedfrompage College against Saddleback en lost A green change purse anda blue change pur- Friday Needed:Engineeringstudentneeded to writean Barbara on for a 1 and UC Santa Barbara. The gineering report dealing with stress, earthquake, se with keys inside them. If found call 494-2653 EUROPE-ISRAEL-AFRICA message if home. $5 p.m. match and thentake on lossto UCSB wasasorryone, wind,and structure tests ona sculpture.Fee willbe ILaguna Beachl. Leave not Cal Poly San Luis Obispo at for theAnteatershadwonthe Student CharierFlights paid.Dick,675-1646. reward foreach. 10a.m.Saturday. previous bout against the ISCA- YearRound Irvineremained undefeated team. 1609 WestwoodBlvd.. Ste.103 last weekendas they won the With a half time score of 38- Los Angeles,Calf University tourna- 26, omia90024 GOLDEN BEAR of Arizona the Anteaters maintained (213) 82B-5689,826-0955 ment with19 points. The clo- a leadof at least 20 points at one sest opponent was Southern many times during the sec- March 2 fgjp Methodist University with ondhalf. m m ia> m m * 12tt points. Leadingthe way for theAnt- The singlescompetition fea- eaters in scoring was Steve SINGING tured an all Irvine final in Nelsonwhocompiled 24 poin- ItSEA LEVEL which Lindsay Morse edged LESSONS FEATURING: Jaimoe, Chuck Leavell and ts with Marcel Mason and interpre- Jean Nachand 7-5 and 6-0. Jack Sapp following 12 Voice building, with tation, Lamar Williams of the Allman Brothers However,Jean Nachand had pointseach. professional ac- Band andJimmy Nails. to upset second seeded Stacy Dave Furlong lead the way companist. Bowmanof Trinity 4-6,6-3, 6- in rebounds bringing down Teacher HoldsM.M. i This is themusic that they've wanted 1 and fourth seeded Becky nine to further help the Ant- MemberNATS to play,and this is theband that their Bell 6-2, 2-6, 6-3 to reach the eatersintheir victory. $6 AWeek to.NO AGELIMIT. finals. The JV's met up with the 538-5431 music led them In doubles competition it Trojans from USC but be- 309Pacific Coast Hwy,—HuntingtonBeach inOrange Across from the Pier (714)536-9600 wasthe sameold storyas the cause of press deadlines the » m " " " " lUlffll ofripfNfnct . _^ and success- " DAT % * Z LOaHl voluminous Home 9 * .. PBF study nuUruli I LJB^i IfFTC I/01F I " M|«* Counts tint nt " " nllU^I constantly updited " * ''" Youcan get licoricepizzaprice iip t*1 11 io> " " DCJKTUUTWW )» * ifvu»s ol cuss a PI «k I^DAT !«ssons jndtoi use "« nowat this Ullll ol supplementiry " /I il Iftit jl ■pa B«U mjttrul' I AERJ£&% * rLcA ■ * " rA-MA Makeups"' "lor eCFHIu mi d ie oni " /w EHi iL\ price JHrW^FJJ JNArLMEDBDSJsot-vat " :" Ik John Denver TV Special " 2124 South SepulvedaBlvd. I Jv NH?-J M Los Angeles, Calif. 90025 I f%^/|f |Mar.2 9PM RC/1 MJ^3^| " (213)477-3919 "

_ -JflEATtR LOS ANGELES I*. aP^Mt*jLlB2k S*1* FERNANDO VALLEY ■■Htt Aimowtr 17401BellHower Blvd 8660955 Irjn Put 6559 Topanga Cyn Blvd 884 8234 Dg«my '%D*fl IV CMOM 11215 Lakewood Blvd 862 8414 1 "^Hi* tBiBiin Encino 18055Ventura Blvd 996-4330 uiibbwi " « n» Hotlywoo* 8878 Sunset Blvd 657-4221 V fll*MWV" / "Of* Hollywood 12012 Victory Blvd 985 7900 HURRY! Ra^w^a\a^B^B a "^■^■" Low Buck 245 E Fifth Street 436-2739 '^^jST^T'lI ' / RtMta 18142 Sherman Way 996-6600 ftffitr" C£NT€B I " Set* l»» 16807 Hawthorne Blvd .Lawndale 370-7277 V**PSMSM#fe- X sanGABRIEL valley um IOOCATIONAI Twranet Sdpulveda Blvd 375-5400 " m .. 3822 NSMPIsT?^' WWIWntCariiiiUWiiwiuuo1008 Garvevuirvey AvsAve 962w>