Photo Club receives new darkroom ingymnasium byJimParker darkroomhas not yet beenremodeled. "They Ina move whichallowsUCIstudentsnearly couldconceivably haveusedit for another six 24 hour access to a photographic darkroom, months,"shesaid. Sports Departmentofficials agreedlast week Jesse saidthat recentpersonnelproblemsin toshare their darkroom withthePhotoClub, the Sports department hampered the search according to club President Steve Leichter foradarkroom. andRecreationSupervisorCarolJesse. "I think the problem was that Tom (Cash, Exceptfor certainhours when recreationde- former RecreationSupervisor) was wrapped partment classes will have a priority use of up inhis personalproblems with theUniver- the darkroom, Jesse said, Photo Club mem- sitysomuch thathe wasnot devoting" asmuch bers willhave access to the darkroom at all timewiththeclubsaspossible. hoursofthedayandnight. The Sports Department darkroom, located The agreement to share the Sports depart- directly off the Crawford Hall stage, is less ment's facilities brings to an end thePhoto than 50 feet from the temporary facilities in Club's search for a decent darkroom. InSep- the dressing room which the Sports depart- tember,club members were forced to vacate mentlent theclub. — their darkroom in the track buildingbecause Leichter told the New University last Octo- NOT IN THE DARK Photo Club President Steve Leichter ber has indicated that Sports departmentofficials have agreed to the Sports department wanted to convert the that the dressing room was a "pile of share darkroom facilities with the club. The darkroom is lo- spaceintoaFirst-Aidroom. shit." He said it wasn't light proof, wasn't catedoffofCrawfordHall. Jesse indicated that the Photo Club could available to student 24 hours a day, and photo byHIDEIGAWA have remainedinthetrackbuilding since the continued onpage3 New University UNIVERSITYOFCALIFORNIA,IRVINE VOL.9/NO. 35/FRIDAY,FEBRUARY 25,1977 Financial aidcutback inPresident's budget Carter's drastic on university w» _" allocations*-** could have effect ■ ■ ■ ■ byRichard A.Clucas have detrimentaleffects on all campuses through- around President Jimmy Carter's recommendation to out thecountry. According |p Reyer if the BEOG is raised from theCongress for the cutback of financial aid to stu- Reyer,however, does not expect the Congressto its current maximum allotment of $1400 per stu- dents could have drastic effects on the University approvethese recommendations. dent to $1800 then UCI would not have any pro- ofCalifornia. "If the recommendations are okaved it will des- blems. According to Otto Reyer, Associate Director of troy all colleges across the United States," Reyer "If BEOGgrows to $1800 Ithink wehave enough UCI's FinancialAid, ifthebudgetrecommendation said. money to cover it." "If the NDSL goes out what is approved by theCongress without changeit will InCarter's 1977-78 budget nomoney is alloted to continued onpage3 the National DirectStudentLoans (NDSL), which in the 1976-77 year was allocated $333 million. Car- ter alsocalls for thecuttingback oftheSupplemen- tal Educational Opportunity Grants from the $240 million it received in 1976-77 to $130 million. Col- legeWork/Study has been cut from $390 million to $250 million. "Carter's budget is cutting the NSDL down to zip," Reyer said. "With the SEOG what Carter is saving is that we willhave everyone on SEOG in '76-'77 befundedfor 77-78,but we willadmit nostu- dents." Reyer thinksthat if thebudget isapproved with- out change it would change the University of Cali- fornia's wholeprocedure for distributing financial aid. "UCI will not be destroyed by the cutbacks. If they are approved we will tighten up and take a good look at the awarding of financial aid to stu- dents. Universities with 70% or more of their stu- — dents onNDSL willbe the ones hurting.Only 30or DRASTICEFFECTS Otto Reyer, Associate Di- 35% of our studentsareonNDSL." CALL FORINPUT-UCI'sstudent lobby Richard rector of UCI's financial aid office, said that if Reyer indicatedthe problemscausedbythe stop- Tapia is asking for student input to help deal with President Carter'sbudgetis approvedbyCongress pageof fundingto theNDSL couldbesolvedifmore the problems of financial aid. Tapia can be without change, it could "destroy all colleges a- money was allocatedby the Congressto the Basic reached on the first floor of Gateway Commons in cross theUnitedStates." Educational Opportunity Grant (BEOG). The theASUCIoffices pho«o bygordonchang photoby HIDEIGAWA. BEOG is the grant all theother fundings arebased Regents okay nuclear research by Frank Gibbs arrangement, and investigation of possible Social Science majors, particularly those of The Regents of the University of California plans for a total conversion away from arma- ThirdWorld students." have votedtorenew a fiveyearnuclear armsre- ment researchatUCfacilities. Freshman Paul Levin,Fine Arts councilman search contract with the federal government Eric Lampel, ASUCIExternalAffairs Direc- was approved for appointment to membership despitestrong studentopposition. tor andSocialEcology councilman,represented on the ASUCI Communications Board. The In a report to the ASUCI council on Tuesday UCIat the SBPCandRegents'meetingofFebru- Communications Board overseesall publication night,President CreightonMills relatedthat the ary 18. He said that UC President John Saxon proceduresof the ASUCI,includingtheNew Uni- Regents voted to renew a contract that was not arguedheavily against the student's stand after versityand KUCI. InsupportofLevin's appoint- due to expireuntilAugustof1977. Mills said that a representativeof SBPC gave testimony to the ment,Dave Westrup, ASUCI Vice President for the Regentsrejected avery resonable" request Regents. "Saxonsaid it would be ridiculous for Student Services andchairmanof theCommuni- to delay the renewal one month pending hear- theUniversity not to engageinnuclear arms re- cations Board, said, "Paul was by far the most ingsopento studentsandthegeneralpublic. search because," 'if we don't do it,someoneelse qualified and enthusiastic" applicant. He was "They really don't give a damn," Mills said willanyway,' saidLampel. also theonly applicant. about the Regents' lack of concern regarding Saxon refused to seriously address the ques- The council also requests by various campus studentopiniononthenuclear armsissue. tionof aonemonth delayanddismisseditas un- groups for funding from the ASUCIspecialpro- At the February 17th meeting of the Student necessary, according to Lampel. The Regents jects account. The groups included the Irvine Body Presidents' Council (SBPC) a decision to voted to approve the contract renewal with two Environmental Coalition which asked for sup- request delay of the contract renewal process dissentingvotes including one from Student Re- port of their "Earth Week," planned for Spring was reached. Based on resolutions passed by gentDaranPeeples. Quarter,andtheSaturdaySchoolproject foror un- student councils at several UC campuses, the The AS Council also filled the vacant Social derpriviledged school children. The UCI Cyc- SBPC requested three things of the Regents: Science seatat Tuesday'smeeting. Theappoint- lists asked for $75 in support cost for their at- full open hearings on the pros and cons of the ment of Robert Tillman,a junior Social Science tempt at breaking the world's record for self- contract renewal, consideration of a one year major andmember of the position, Tillman ex- propulsion by a human being at Ontario Motor contract instead of the present five year presseda desire to "...representthe views of all SpeedwayinMay. 2 OPINION FRIDAY,FfflflUARY2M977 NWUNIVERSTY J SATIRE! Line forms at the rear bySteveBretzius Veryfew people know what goes on deciding whogetsinto Medical School and who doesn't. Are admission procedures really fair? Is therereverse discrimination? TheNewUsent me to find out just what does goon. It was my job to get the real story,thebigstory.Igot thisinstead. "Well, Peter, thank God weonly have twoapplications left toconsider. Oneof themisaMr.AlbertSchweitzer. Theother is Sylvia Dorgenberg, a pregnant Jewish Eskimo from the Bronx." "That's- good. Don'tyoujustlovescreeningout these appli- cants decidingfutures,'' determiningfates,playingwith the lives' ofindividuals. '' 'Justgreat.Why don't wegoparttheRedSeaafter work? "Why are youalwayssosarcastic?Relax. Weonlyhave two applicationsleft toconsider.Oneof these twoisgoing tobead- mitted toour Med.School. Becauseof our decision today,one ofthesetwois boundfor a lifeofrewardingwork,virtuousun- byAlanSchoff dertakings,nobleaspirations. Asfor theother..." AsDupert walked outoftheGatepost withafull stomach "He's bound for Med. School. Come on, let's get this over andalighthead,asuddenexpressionofshock removedthe with. TheNew Uis onlyso big.Who doyouwant tolook at fir- slightflushinhischeeks. st? AlbertSchweitzer orSylviaDorgenberg?" Threepeople were passinganti-establishment literature intheplazajustbelowhim. '"GivemesomeinformationonSchweitzer."'' people 'Ok.Fullname:AlbertSchweitzer. Shockdevelopedintoanger whenherealizedthese "Sofarsogood." were passing literature without the authorization of the "Race: white." MinisterofFreedom. "That's bad. We need minorities ... you know, Gov't. quo- The IthadonlybeenayearsincetheMinisterofFreedomhad tas." declaredthenecessity ofselectivefreedom of speech, "un- til the generalpopulation has beeneducatedas to thepro- "Sex:male." be "Toughbreak.That'stwo strikesagainsthim. Threestrikes per use of free speech so''that freedom of speech will
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