Lokfcott GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 30, 1880. 638?

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Lokfcott GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 30, 1880. 638? LOKfcOtt GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 30, 1880. 638? distance of 2 chains, or thereabouts, to the in the parish of Snaith, by a connection with south-west of the gasholder of the Goole line of pipes No. 1, at a point at or near to Gasworks, known as the Bridge-street gas- the northern end of the bridge carrying the holder, in a certain plot or plots of land North-Eastem Railway over the Knottingley belonging, or reputed to belong, to the and Goole Canal, and passing across that undertakers of the navigation of the rivers canal and the Dutch River and terminating of Aire and Calder. in Old Goole, in the township of Goole, in the 3. The Old Goole Water Tower.—A water district parish of Goole and parish of Snaith, tower, with a tank or tanks, and all other at the Old Goole Water Tower, and 2 chains, necessary works in connection therewith, or thereabouts, south-west of the south-west hereinafter called the Old Goole Water end of George-street, which said line of pipes Tower, to be situate in Old Goole, in the No. 4 is intended to pass from, in, through, township of Goote, in the district parish of or into the parish of Snaith, the district parish Goole and parish of Snaith, in the West of Goole, and the townships of Armin (other- Biding of the county of York, at a distance wise Airmyn), Hook, and Goole, or some of of 2 chains, pr thereabouts, south-west of them, all in the West Riding of the county of the south-west end of George-street, in Old York. Goole, in a certain plot or plots of land 8. Line of pipes No. 5.—A line of pipes herein- belonging, or reputed to belong, to the after called line of pipes No. 5, commencing undertakers of the navigation of the rivers in the township of Hook, hi the parish of of Aire and Calder. Snaith, in the Goole Water Tower, at a dis- 4 Line of pipes No. 1.—A line of pipes herein- tance of 2 chains, or thereabouts, south-west after called line of pipes No. 1, commencing of the gasholder of the Goole Gasworks, in the township of Rawcliffe and parish of known as the Bridge-street gasholder, and Snaith, at the Rawcliffe Bridge pumping terminating in the same township and parish station, 10 chains, or thereabouts, to the at or near the junction of Church-street with north-eastward of Rawcliffe Bridge over the Booth-ferry-road, otherwise Murham-Iane, said Knottingley and Goole Canal, and ter- which said line of pipes No. 5 will be wholly minating in the township of Hook, in the situate in the parish of Siiaith, district of district parish of Goole and parish of Snaith, Goole, and township of Hook, in the West at the Goole Water Tower, and 2 chains, Riding of the county of York. or thereabouts, to the south-west of the gas- Together with all necessary and proper pump- holder of the Goole gas-works, known as ing stations, shafts, water towers, wells, tanks, the Bridge-street gasholder, which said line driftways, culverts, tunnels, channels, conduits, of pipes No. 1 is intended to pass from, in, pipes, filter beds, bridges, roads, approaches, through, or into the parish of Snaith and sewers, drains, embankments, engines, machinery, district parish of Gpole, and the townships valves, sluices, meters, and other works and con- of Rawcliffe, Armin (otherwise Airmyn), veniences, of every or any description connected Hook and Goole, or some of them, all in the with the pumping station, water towers and lines West Riding of the county of York. of pipes, and other works aforesaid, and which 5 Line of pipes No. 2.—A line of pipes herein- may be necessaiy. and proper for sinking for, after called line of pipes No. 2, commencing pumping, raising, using, storing, filtering and in the township of Rawcliffe, in the parish distributing the water to be pumped or raised at of Snaith, at the Rawcliffe Bridge pumping the pumping station afoi-esaid, or for otherwise station, and 10 chains, or thereabouts, to the carrying into full effect all or any of the objects north-eastward of Rawcliffe Bridge, over or purposes of the Bill. the said Knottingley and Goole Canal, and To authorize the Company or the Local Board terminating in the same township and parish to use (if thought fit) the bridge or bridges and at a point hi the high road at the south-east viaduct carrying the North Eastern Railway corner of Rawcliffe-green, 5 chains, or across the Knottingley and Goole Canal, and the thereabouts, to the eastward of St. James's Dutch River and intervening land for the purpose Church, in the village of Rawcliffe, which of carrying line of pipes No. 4 across that canal, said line of pipes No. 2 is intended to pass intervening land and river, and for that purpose from, in, through, or into the parish and compulsorSy or by agreement to take and acquire township of Snaith and Rawcliffe, in the the necessary easements over the said bridges West Riding of the county of York. and viaduct, and to enter into agreements with 6. Line of pipes No. 3.—A line of pipes here- the North Eastern Railway Company and all inafter called line of pipes No. 3, commenc- other parties having any interest in such bridge ing in the township of Armin (otherwise or bridges in relation thereto, and to confirm any Airmyn), in the parish of Snaith, by a con- agreements so entered into. nection with line of pipes No. 1, at a point To authorize the Company or the Local Board 3 chains north-eastward of the northern to deviate laterally from the lines of the intended end of the bridge carrying the North-Eastern works within the limits shown on the plans here- Railway over the Knottingley and Goole inafter mentioned, or such other limits as may be Canal, and passing across that canal and provided by the Bill, and also to deviate verti- terminating in the township of Goole, in the cally from the levels of those works shown on the district parish of Goole and parish of Snaith, sections hereinafter mentioned, and to. vary the at a point in the high road at or near the provisions of "The Waterworks Clauses Act, junction of Bridge-street with Vermuyden- 1847," as to deviation in the construction of terrace, in Goole, which said line of pipes works. No. 3 is intended to pass from, in, through, To enable the Company or the Local Board, by or into the parish of Snaith and district compulsion or agreement, to purchase and acquire, parish of Goole, and the townships of or take on lease such lands, houses, springs, Armin (otherwise Ainnyn), Hook, and Goole, streams, waters, and other hereditaments in the or some of them, all in the West Riding of parishes and townships before - mentioned, or the county of York. some of them, and such easements in and over 7. Line of pipes No. 4.—A line of pipes here- such lands, houses, springs, streams, waters, and inafter called line of pipes No. 4, commencing other hereditaments, as may be required for the in the township of Armin (otherwise Ainnyn) purposes of the intended waterworks, or as may F 2.
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