FEBRUARY 9, 2020 Our Lady of Divine Providence THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Church

1000 N. Starrett Road, Metairie, LA 70003 Voice of Providence

Rev. Mike Mitchell Pastor Mr. Roberto Angeli, Mr. Dan Cordes, Mr. Roberto Garcia Deacons Steve Morris Business Manager Kathleen O’Rourke Administrative Assistant Earl Gervais Director of Religious Education Jared Croal Director of Youth Ministry Rosie Doll Outreach Director Jim Young Facilities Manager Pat Usner Early Childhood Program Director WEEKEND SCHEDULE

Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Saturday Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. 1st Saturday of every Month Church Office 466-4511 4:00 p.m. English Church Fax 466-4858 6:00 p.m. Español Early Childhood Program 466-0591 Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Website: English www.oldp.org email: [email protected] WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. Mass SICK & HOMEBOUND: Call for a priest to visit or for Commun- Tuesday ion to the homebound. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena INFANT BAPTISM: English: Call Church Office to schedule follows 9:00 a.m. Mass

Seminar and Baptism at least 2 months in advance. RECONCILIATION MATRIMONY: Consult with parish priest first, at least six (6) Saturday months prior. 3:00 – 3:45 p.m. English 5:15 – 5:45 p.m. Spanish Sunday DID YOU KNOW? You can visit Jesus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in 5:15 – 5:45 p.m. English our Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Anytime by request


OLDP updates

Thank you to the Church Office Staff, and those who helped them, for putting together my Birthday Party, after the 11:00 a.m. Mass, on January 26th. It was very nice. Thank you to everyone who came to help me celebrate turning 65. Also, thank you to everyone who gave me cards and gifts. I truly appreciated your generosity and kindness. I prayed for everyone, in our parish, while I was on Retreat, at the Abbey, from January 27th to January 31st. I had a terrible flair up, of what seems to be sciatica, during the retreat, so I spent most of the week in my room trying to rest and not move in a way that would give me any pain. I had a doctor’s appointment on Friday, January 31st, and was sent for an MRI, which didn’t reveal any significant problems (thank goodness), but did show some disk bulging and nerve inflammation, which they are treating with medication and a muscle relaxer. This has helped some but there is still pain. On Friday, February 7th, I will have met with a Physical Therapist to determine what else I can do to - mize the pain in my back and down my leg and in my toes. Hopefully, whatever they come up with will help. Thank you for your prayers. Thursday, February 13th, is our first Spring Fest Booth Captains meeting, in the Bahan Center at 7:00 p.m. and we are still looking for sponsors to help us with our “Fill the Fence for the Fest” campaign as we celebrate the Bayou Bengals and our parish. Special “Thank you” to all who contributed ideas for the Spring Fest theme and all who sent in designs for the T-Shirt. We couldn’t do it without you.

God bless you, Fr. Mike

Prayer line: Joan 237-5760

2020 Stewardship Envelope Boxes Adoration Chapel ~ Just as the body are now in the church office for you to needs nourishment, so does the soul. pick up. Office hours are Monday-Friday The Adoration Chapel is in need of a 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Thank you in committed adorer on Sunday from 1:30 advance for your continued generous p.m.-3:00p.m. If you could consider committing to this or if you have ques- support to Our Lady of Divine Providence. tions, please contact Ann Becker at 887-9209.

THOUGHT OF THE DAY Living Stewardship Now What are your deeds of salt and light? Do you LATER . . . serve your fellow parishioners? Are you involved with local charities or community action? Do you One who waits to do a great deal of good at need to increase or change your involvement? once, will never do anything. Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights re- —Samuel Johnson served.


This Week in Our Parish This Week in Our Parish (Continued) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9  Masses, 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Church  Stroke Scan Plus, 2:00 p.m., Bahan Cen-  Second Collection—Catholic Charities ter  CYO, 3:00 p.m., Youth Building  Vigil Masses, 4:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. (Spanish), Church MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10  Second Collection –Solidarity Fund for the  Come Lord Jesus, 7:00 p.m., Church Church in Africa Office  Emmaus, Come Lord Jesus, 7:00 p.m., St. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Lawrence Room  Masses, 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.,  11:00 a.m. Choir, 7:00 p.m., Church Church  Second Collection –Solidarity Fund for the TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Church in Africa  “Truth”, Come, Lord Jesus, 10:00 a.m.,  CYO, 3:00 p.m., Youth Building Alice Perrien House  “Bread of Life”, Come, Lord Jesus, 12:00 p.m., Kitty Klaus House Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time  School of Religion, 6:45 p.m., Church February 9  Knights of Columbus Board, 7:00 p.m., Ba- Light shines through the darkness han Center for the upright. — Psalm 112:4 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12  Clay, Come, Lord Jesus, 10:00 a.m., Silver Wedding Anniversary Providence Hall Celebration ~ Are you celebrating  Religious Education, 6:30 p.m., Church your Silver Wedding Anniversary in 2020? The Archdiocese of New Or- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 leans invites you to celebrate your 25th Anniversary on Sunday, March 22 at 3:00 p.m.  Women at the Well, 10:00 a.m., at St. Joseph Church in New Orleans. The celebra- St. Lawrence Room tion will not be a Mass, but a Prayer Service.  First Communion Parents Meeting, 6:30 Please call the Church Office at 466-4511 as soon p.m., Church as possible to register.  Spring Fest Booth Captain’s Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Bahan Center  Ven Senor Jesus, 7:00 p.m., Providence Golden Wedding Anniver- Hall sary Celebration ~ Are you celebrating your Golden Wedding  RCIA, 7:00 p.m., Cuccia Center Anniversary in 2020? The Arch- diocese of New Orleans invites FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14 you to celebrate your 50th and  HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY beyond Anniversary on Sunday, June 7 at 3:00 p.m. at St. Philip Neri Church. The celebration will  TMIY, 6:30 a.m., St. Lawrence Room not be a Mass, but a Prayer Service. Please call the  Witness Come Lord Jesus, 7:00 p.m., Church Office at 466-4511 prior to March 16 to reg- St. Lawrence Room ister.


We offer our sincere

condolences to the families of John Brown

Saturday February 8 Gil Gonsoulin 4:00 p.m. Phyllis L. Begault, Armond Eitmann and Catherine & Peter Ciaccio Ashley Canova Teasley Jake & Weddel Eitmann John & Jane Eitmann, Linda Lemoine Maurice Manix, Jerry McGuinness Second Collection– February 15-16 ~ Through Rita Olivio, Vera Paddock the Pastoral Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Mike Tarantino, M. Wilson provides grants to finance pastoral projects that Sunday February 9 support the maintenance and growth of the Church 9:00 a.m. Lillian Bourchreau, Bill Friedman in Africa. Congregations of religious sisters in ten Althea & Vincent DeSalvo English speaking countries of eastern Africa— including Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Elaine Hale, Jerry McGuinness Zimbabwe— are training senior members and su- Chuck Mesman, Rita Olivio periors to lead their congregations’ general assem- George Rafferty, William Schilling bly meetings so that their orders might successfully Intentions of Emma Davis and sustainably live out their missions. Through two sessions in 2018 and 2019, 15 senior sisters from 11:00 a.m. Frances Ackermann, Theresa Barnes congregations in the region gathered at the Associ- Phyllis Begault, Mignon Caronna ation of Consecrated Women in Eastern and Cen- Eileen LaPorte Mustacchia tral Africa (ACWECA) headquarters near Nairobi, Douglas Plauché, Gladys Russo Kenya, to attend workshops on how best to facili- tate, evaluate, and implement the mandates of their Rev. John Russell, O. Carm. own orders. Because of your support, these sisters Ron Shannon, Sr., Ron Shannon, III are better equipped to lead their communities in Marilyn M. Volk, Lois Winton their mission to evangelize, teach, and pray—now 6:00 p.m. FOR ALL PARISHIONERS and into the future. Support the Solidarity Fund be- cause strong communities of religious sisters are at Monday February 10 the heart of the Church’s call to make disciples 9:00 a.m. Harold & Naomi Veith throughout the world. Your gifts to the Solidarity Intentions of Christine & Brian Hall Fund make a difference; please be generous today. Tuesday February 11 To learn more about the Solidary Fund for the Church in Africa, visit www.usccb.org/africa. 9:00 a.m. Jerry McGuinness Intentions of Sr. Enda Eileen Byrne Archdiocesan of New Orleans Men’s Conference Wednesday February 12 On March 7, the Archdiocese of New Orleans is 9:00 a.m. Intentions of Helen Cyprian Byrne hosting a life-changing Archdiocesan Men’s Confer- Intentions of Tanya Thomasie ence from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at St. Catherine of Thursday February 13 Siena in Metairie. All men aged 18 and over are highly encouraged to make plans to be there and to 9:00 a.m. Brett & Hymel Families bring all of their closest friends, teammates, broth- In Thanksgiving to St. Anthony ers, fathers, men's groups, etc. We are expecting Friday February 14 over 1,000 men! Meet fellow men seeking holiness 9:00 a.m. Kenny Margavio and hear inspiring talks from Focus CEO Curtis Mar- tin, Catholic evangelist Peter Herbeck, and former In Thanksgiving to St. Anthony Saints player and current NFL coach Jack Del Rio. Registration is available at www.nolacatholicmen. com.


OLDP SPRING FEST CELEBRATES THE BAYOU BENGALS The Spring Fest will have a Booth Captain’s meeting on Thursday, February 13th at 7:00 p.m. in the Bahan Center.

Check out our Facebook page:

Our Lady of Divine Providence

Daycare and Early Childhood Please like us on Facebook & Share


Left - Baby Everett just had his bottle and now he’s ready to listen to some classical music and take a nap. Gettin’ ready for the weekend.

Right - The crawlers are on the move .

The rain might be gone.. but we're having fun learning about the letter of the week "U" and all about umbrellas.


Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario IN THE SPOTLIGHT

Our society loves celebrity. We love it so much that we’ve created a whole social class of them, peo- A LA LUZ ple who are celebrated: celebrities. The place we often Nuestra sociedad le rinde culto a la celebridad. find them is “in the spotlight.” But in one of his usual Tanto la apreciamos que hemos creado toda una clase twists on our usual assumptions about what is right social de gente notoria: las celebridades. A éstas las and good, Jesus today informs us that we shouldn’t be encontramos a menudo “a la luz” pública. Pero Jesús, in the spotlight, we should be the spotlight. Paul under- haciendo una torcedura de nuestras suposiciones, stood this when he was writing to the Corinthians. He como frecuentemente lo hace, nos dice que nuestro did not come to them as a celebrity, as the one to be afán no debe ser ése, estar a la luz pública, sino ser la celebrated; he came weak, fearful, and trembling so luz del mundo. Pablo entendió esto bien cuando that the light of the gospel, and not his own, might escribió a los corintios. Él no fue a ellos como una ce- shine. Isaiah gives us a bit more information about lebridad, como alguien a quien hay que celebrar, sino whom we should shine our light upon: the hungry who que vino débil, tímido y tembloroso, para que brillara la need to be fed, the homeless who need shelter, the luz del Evangelio y no la suya propia. Isaías nos dice oppressed who need a voice. Our own little spotlight, aún más acerca de sobre quiénes debemos dejar bril- then, becomes the very light of the dawning day, as we lar nuestra luz: los hambrientos que necesitan ser ali- build lives and communities that live in charity and mentados, los desamparados que necesitan abrigo, justice. los oprimidos que necesitan una voz. Así, al edificar vidas y comunidades que viven en amor y justicia,

nuestra pequeña luz personal se convierte en la mis- WHOSE LIGHT IS IT, ANYWAY? ma luz de la aurora. But if we are to be that spotlight, or the beacon on a hill as Jesus states it, our light needs a source of power. Paul informs us that the Spirit and power of AL FIN Y AL CABO, ¿DE QUIÉN ES LA LUZ? God are what we need to energize the light we shine Mas, si hemos de ser esa luz o el faro sobre el for all to see. Even though Jesus says that people see cerro, como dice Jesús, nuestra luz necesita una our light, it must first be the light of God, to whom the fuente de energía. Pablo nos dice que necesitamos el glory truly belongs. Our individual and community lives Espíritu y el poder de Dios para poder dar esa luz que need to be placed in a curious kind of “loop” wherein ilumine a todos. Si bien Jesús dice que la gente ve we receive the power to shine from God alone, so that nuestra luz, primero que nada debe ser la luz de Dios, we might shine it on the poor, weak, and lowly, the a quien verdaderamente pertenece toda la gloria. “little ones” whom Christ will one day call to our atten- Nuestra vida personal y comunitaria necesita estar tion. And so we place God, the one we celebrate, back entrelazada, de manera que brillemos conforme a la into the spotlight. It is through this continual “loop” of luz recibida de Dios y así dejar que esa luz brille sobre our turning and re-turning again and again to the Lord los pobres, los débiles, los humildes y los “pequeños” that we walk the path of the Christian disciple. Today, que un día Cristo nos mostrará. De este modo, Dios as we near the season of Lent, we can get a head start será siempre el centro y motivo de nuestra cele- on the journey. bración. Es en ese continuo circuito de volver una y otra vez al Señor, que caminamos por la senda de los Copyright © 2007, World discípulos de Cristo. Hoy, al acercarnos al tiempo de Library Publications. All Cuaresma, podemos comenzar la jornada con una rights reserved. gran ventaja.

Copyright © 2007, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.



With compassion and concern we pray for those in need of our prayers: TITHES & OFFERINGS Lori Alfano, Michael Alfano, Phil Babin,

Karl Barker, Connie Bassemeir, Tommy January 26, 2020 Bittel, Jr., Harold Bologna, Willie Boye, Renee, Bergeron, Envelopes …………………………………… $ 4,770.00 Carol Boovy, Jolele Canova Brignac, Dan Bristol, Robbie Brown, Reid Butler, Judy Bush, Jeneen Callais, Rev. Ronnie Loose ………………………………………… $ 992.65 Calkins, Kaylee Campo, Nancy Campeaux, Adele Canova, Total…………………………………………… $ 5,762.65 Claire Carbo, Janice Childress, Carson Coen, Casey Coen, Pearl Coli, Carolyn Crowall, Adam Cusimano, Quinn Online Offerings…………………………… $ 525.00 Dantagnan, Emma Davis, Jerry Davidson, Adam Delaune, Llyod Delaune, Nancy & Dennis Eschmann, Sue Estapa, Grand Total………………………………… $ 6,287.65 Jeraldine Fast, Brandon Foto, Monique Foto, Jude Foto, Sr., Marilyn Fekete, William Fekete, Linda Fortado, Leon Weekly Assessment to Giaccone, Bob Gaudet, Darlene Gravis, Donald Gray, Gray, Anna Guale, Jim Halibut, Suzanne Hammel, Wyatt Archdiocese…………………………… ($ 2,052.14) Hawley, Harold Heller, Marie Harrell, Rene Hernandez, Trudy Casualty Insurance………………… ($ 1,113.89) Hodgson, Alexander Howell, Larry Hymel, Joshua Ivy, Harold Juneau, Larry Kangas, Christine Kennedy, Jeanne Kennedy, Shannon Lambert, Catherine Landry, Baby Elijah David Catholic Schools…………………………… $ 1,190.80 Landry, Steve Lemoine, Regina Lussier, Eddie Mahne, George Mazzeno, Patricia Matherne, Lorraine Meehan, Mar- garite Michel, Rosa Millano, Brian Mills, Richard Minton, Kenny Molony, Margie Molony, Paulette Motely, Harland Northcott, Jacob Lopez-Nunoz, Charlene & Marlon Parris, Darryl Patton, Anthony ‘Bubby” Pellittere, George Pritchard, Michelle Pritchett, Patricia Rachel, Jeanne Ricard, Marsha Robert, Robert Rockvoan, Billy Rodriguez, Melanie Rogers, Abbey Roux, Garland Ruiz, Sachatano, Gina Salito, David Slatinsky, Steve Samrow, Rose Maria Santos, Charlie Sapia, Cheryl Schaff, Peter Schaff, Susan Schaff, John Schultz, Luca Scocerria, Erma Scudari, Antoinette Silver, Jackie Sison, Pat Slate, Evan, Karen & Sean Smith, Mary Smith, Seth Smith, Rita Slaney, Joyce Sonnier, Jude Soto, Angela Spencer, Linda Speziale, Jim Stennet, Kathy Stubbs, Don Turley, Jr., Nicholas Dale Tynes, Sherry Vicknair, Candy Volk, Toni Wahl, Rock Whitfield, Foster Wimberly.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13; Ps 132:6-7, 8-10; Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30; Ps 84:3-5, 10- Enthronement of the Sacred Heart ~ 11; Mk 7:1-13 Would you like to have the Enthrone- Wednesday: 1 Kgs 10:1-10; Ps 37:5-6, 30-31, 39- ment of the Sacred Heart in your 40; Mk 7:14-23 Home? Every Catholic Home should Thursday: 1 Kgs 11:4-13; Ps 106:3-4, 35-37, 40; have this devotion. It will help to make Mk 7:24-30 your home a place of prayer and bring Friday: 1 Kgs 11:29-32; 12:19; Ps 81:10-11ab, your family closer together with each 12-15; Mk 7:31-37 other and with Jesus. To find out more Saturday: 1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34; about the Enthronement contact the Church Office 466-4511. Ps 106:6-7ab, 19-22; Mk 8:1-10 Sunday: Sir 15:15-20; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34; 1 Cor 2:6-10; Mt 5:17-37 [20- 22a, 27-28, 33-34a, 37]