CCCIVICIVICIVIC LLLEADERSHIP ANDANDAND THETHETHE BBBIGIGIG DDDIGIGIG BBBYYY DDDAVAVIDIDAVID LLLUBEUBERROFFOFFUBEROFF WWWORORKIKINGORKINGNG PPPAPERAPERAPER 111111 MMMAYAYAY 3 3,3,, 200420 200404 RRRAPPAPORT IIINSTITUTE FOR GGGREREAATTEERREATERR BBBOSTOOSTOOSTONOSTONNN TTTAUBMAUBMANANAUBMAN CCCENTER FOR SSSTATE AND LLLOCAL GGGOVERNMENT JJJOHOHNOHNN FFF. KKKEENNENNEDDYYENNEDY SSSCHOOL OF GGGOVERNMENT HHHARARVVARARDDARVARD UUUNIVERSITY RRRAPPAPORT I NSTITUTE F OR GGGREATERREATERREATER B OSTONOSTONOSTON The Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston, based at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Govern- ment, works to improve the policy and governance in the Greater Boston area by contributing useful and aca- demically rigorous research to inform policy debates, engaging students in public service, strengthening net- works of academics and practitioners involved in public policy work, promoting dialogue on policy matters in forums and on the web, and providing training for municipal officials in the Greater Boston area. Contact the Rappaport Institute at: Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston John F. Kennedy School of Government 79 John F. Kennedy Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Telephone: (617) 495-5091 Fax:( 617) 496-1722 Email:
[email protected] Web: TTTAUBMANAUBMANAUBMAN C ENTERENTERENTER F OR SSSTATE AND LLLOCAL GGGOVERNMENT The Taubman Center for State and Local Government and its affiliated institutes and programs are the Kennedy School of Government's focal point for activities