Lighting The Road To Freedom Data Zone

Page 8 August Wilson’s Fences

“The People’s Paper” September 23, 2006 40th Year Volume 36 The Soul of New Orleans 100 Days and Counting

The Rebuilding of New Orleans

Page 2


For the Louisiana Primary Elections TrailBlazer | The Ameede Family Saturday, September 30th, 2006 Page 4 Page  September 23, 2006 New Orleans Data News Weekly COVER STORY Ray Nagin and Rebuilding New Orleans: One-Hundred Days and Counting Written By: Edwin Buggage | Photos By: Glenn Summers

Like sand passing through an perceive as apathy on the part housing many residents of Class, Race and the LRA they fighting over who controls hourglass so goes the days of the of every level of government is public housing have voiced Race and class have been at the what when it should be just about lives of many New Orleanians; overflowing. While clearly some concerns about there right to center of the debate about what helping people?” where for many visible signs of progress has occurred; the return to the city. They see a happened in the city during and Months after the mayoral progress is an anomaly and the question becomes is it moving blind eye being turned to their after Hurricane Katrina. Jerome election, a bitter battle as Nagin road home seems one paved fast enough? plight as they’ve staged protests Booker, a displaced New Orleans pulled an upset victory against with obstacles and frustrations. in Iberville and more recently resident from the hollow shell of insurmountable odds, much One wouldn’t be hard pressed to A question of housing the still unoccupied St. Bernard the once vibrant Ninth Ward now of in the political and business say that the lives of many New As many neighborhoods Housing Development. Longtime resides in Houston, Texas and is community is at a stalemate. Orleanians over the past year struggle to recover, housing New Orleans Community activist the host of Nagin doesn’t feel they’re battle have resembled a soap opera with remains a ‘Community scars but think the plans of some all its melodrama. As the city has key issue Affairs’ a were foiled by his victory, “I don’t recently passed the One-Hundred to the city’s radio show feel there are battle scars, but they day mark into the second recovery. In on Houston’s haven’t figured out how I won the administration of embattled New an exclusive KPFT 90.1 election, and they are still trying Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin, i n t e r v i e w FM. He to put their plans in place because continues his attempt to provide with Data hears many there was a big power move in residents comfort and answers to News Weekly of the issues place to reorient resources and many of the questions about the Mayor Nagin that concern now they can’t do that as quickly.” problems that continue to plague talked frankly d i s p l a c e d Additionally as many residents this devastated city. about many N e w desire to come home the Louisiana One year after Hurricane of the issues Orleanians; Recovery Authority(LRA) has Katrina, residents are still scattered facing the he is a vocal become a thorn in the side of about the country with a mix of city as it tries critic of the some New Orleanians. The hopefulness and hopelessness to rebuild. r e c o v e r y Road Home Program has so far about the place they once called “In our one- effort, one provided a bumpy road filled with home. Many of the reports are hundred day that in his roadblocks that’s slowing down not positive: a rising crime rate, plan one of opinion is the recovery in the city of New the continuing problems with the areas mired in red Orleans, one of its most vocal the school system and going to we wanted to focus on was the and child advocate Jerome Smith tape in addition to having racial critics is Mayor Nagin, “I think websites where fuzzy math is housing crunch so we have says, “They want to close down overtones. “This time black the LRA has strategically set up more the rule than the exception. taken adjudicated and blighted public housing and move black people came together and voted another bureaucracy. Starting Reports of calling 1-800 numbers properties and made those people out to Michoud, but I for Nagin, but now what? Now something like this from scratch to find the road home littered with available to developers and feel concentration on Ray Nagin that he’s in office everything he’s with a volume level of 100,000 roadblocks leading to nowhere, individuals so right now we have in these hundred days of the trying to do Governor Blanco is people they’re not going to get and continuously hearing our twenty-five hundred of those in rebuilding is sort of parochial it’s going to veto, and it’s bureaucracy much done anytime soon, also local Commander-in-Chief verbal peoples hands that are now being a narrow vision I think the major and red tape holding up progress the process is too involved and gaffes that constantly put him redeveloped with a specific target crisis is with our black children.” for people to get back.” “Also I overtaxing first you have to get on the wrong side of mainstream of placing low and moderate With fervor in his voice rising think it’s racial, I think the whites fingerprinted, take a photo and go writer’s pens and political pundit’s income persons in these homes.” to a feverish pitch he exclaims could sit around for four years through a three hour interview commentaries. His critics charge “We are also working with HUD angrily, “You look at the Lafitte and do nothing it won’t affect and what have they done thus far his reign in office is a failing and so that when we demolish public Project and you see two-thousand them, if someone white was in awarded four and a half million ailing administration spiraling housing that there is a one for one children disconnected from this office I believe we would see dollars to one-hundred and ninety out of control. Frustration fills replacement and we have those city and if those children were more progress than we have so people divided equally that’s the heart, souls and minds of commitments.” white the country would be in far, and my question would be twenty-three thousand dollars so many, as desperation, despair Although the mayor has stated an uproar this in my opinion is a for those in leadership why are the process is going to discourage he is committed to affordable and disappointment of what many national crisis.” Continued next page. DATA News Weekly Mailing Address: PO Box 5033, Atlanta, GA 30302 INSIDE DATA (404) 223-5958 Fax (404) 223-5491 [email protected] Editorial & Business Office: 170 Northside Drive, Suite 506, Atlanta, GA 30313 State & Local News Health News Terry B. Jones Distribution page 6 page 12 CEO/Publisher Allison Randolph, III Cover Art Direction & Production Glenn Jones Contributors National News Dollars & Sense Edwin Buggage Paul Mainor for VP Advertising Lorinda M. Bullock MainorMedia Story page 7 page 12 & Marketing George E. Curry Lloyd Dennis Asali DeVan Contributing page 2 Data Zone Commentary Edwin Buggage Larry Lucas Photographers Editor-in-Chief Mark Morial page 8 page 13 Renetta Burrell Perry Jamie Jones Newsmaker Noreen Bostick Cheryl Mainor Don Smith Glenn Summers page 5 Opinion Sports Managing Editor NNPA Newswire page 10 page 14 Please call (404) 223-5958 for subscription information. Dated material two weeks in advance. Not responsible for publishing or return of unsolicited manuscripts or photos. New Orleans Data News Weekly September 23, 2006 Page  COVER STORY

Continued from previous page. a lot of people because its not that now so much money is the goals defined in the hundred back in their homes, and there drive the rebuilding process.’ So enough money to rebuild.” coming in the city we can’t get a day plan fails to deal with the is no indication on when or how I have purposely set up processes Many residents have taken larger piece of the economic pie larger human issues. In his view people are going to get back to where people can tell government matters into their own hands with a city with a large African- much of the improvement in the the city.” “At the local, state and what they want to see and people because the government has not American population and majority city has been done by entities federal level people who are in are coming up with plans for provided the tools and access black elected leadership.” outside of government, “In poor or minority communities are their neighborhoods, and we in to resources in an expeditious This troubling trend is terms of gutting peoples homes, being left out of the rebuilding government are going to have to manner this state of affairs has equation and the LRA and the react to that.” frustrated State Representative leadership at city hall are holding Ann Duplessis who represents up progress with their inaction Practical Considerations the devastated areas of New I feel concentration on Ray and lack of decisiveness and it’s As the city evolves during this Orleans East and the Lower the people who ultimately suffer.” recovery and during these one Ninth Ward. Duplessis has her Nagin in these hundred days The criticism of the slow hundred days the inevitability of own dim view of the federal recovery Mayor Nagin says has a smaller footprint that has been government’s response or of the rebuilding is sort of some merit, but he feels that talked about and a smaller and less lack thereof, “I have been very government is important but African-American community is a disappointed with the Federal parochial it’s a narrow vision shouldn’t be solely fueling this possibility; long time community Government’s apathy toward recovery, “I think over the history activist and housing expert Fred rebuilding the Gulf Region.” But of the city, New Orleanians Johnson who was featured in she commends the people and have been over dependent on Spike Lee’s documentary ‘When their own initiative in repairing government to fix everything the Levees Broke’ thinks blacks their homes and trying to bring something Mayor Nagin is also rehabbing homes all these types and do everything and it just and poor people will have to find some sense of normalcy to their trying to address; the problem of things in the recovery the city hasn’t worked. Before Katrina more creative ways to deal with communities, “I am pleased of African-American business has not been perpetuated by the our economy was limping along living in the ‘New’ New Orleans whenever I see a person in my and access, “Right now we are in local, state or federal government. at best but we were headed in the some of which may include district has taken charge of the process of awarding our city People who are back in the city right direction.” Continuing he assistance from the government. their situation investing and re- garbage contracts to two minority are here because the help of non- says, “But for me this is the most “Understanding the dichotomy investing their time and energy owned firms that covers most of governmental organizations.” He empowering moment the city has of America we know blacks into the rehabilitation of their the city’s trash pickup.” “We are continues his criticism of Mayor ever had, and the best advice I make less money we may need home or business.” committed to helping minority Nagin’s leadership, “If I had to got was from the U.S. Conference to become creative. If the cost of businesses but the problem as rate him in this recovery effort I of Mayors Urban Design Team living in New Orleans increases Equality and Access for I see it is the state and federal would give him a three and that they saidNON-BLEED: ‘Mr. Mayor 6.375" whatever then we have to figure out how Small Business government doesn’t have the would generous.” “People are not you do make sure the people Continued page 13. Pre-Katrina New Orleans same level of commitment and was a city where small business they have been awarding most once thrived but now are in of the contracts. We have been a struggle to survive. Some helping minority business as We’re working around the clock to make entrepreneurs see this recovery much as we can, but when they as a great opportunity for African- do get in it’s at the very bottom sure your communications do too. Americans in business. William where profit margins are not that ‘Poppa’ Gant is Owner of the Afro high.” Since Hurricane Katrina dealt a devastating blow to the New House a local beauty salon, and While for some the goals Orleans area, BellSouth’s 2,000 New Orleans area employees ran for Council-at-Large in the last and objectives of the Hundred have been working hard to fully restore our network and to election running on a platform day committee the details were improve our infrastructure to better withstand hurricanes encourraging entrepreneurship sketchy at best former Mayoral and other natural disasters in the future. and empowering small business. Candidate Tom Watson who is “I think everything could be faster a member of the Hundred Day BellSouth is upgrading its network with with the recovery but I’m realistic Commission thinks the goals of fiber optics and elevating key enough to realize this was a very the Hundred Day Commission network facilities. These huge disaster and I think things were clear and partially successful, improvements will are going along pretty swell “I feel it set a tone for where we’re myself, but like everything it going for the rest of this recovery could be better, but I think Nagin season, When I say season I can’t is doing a good job trying to get put years or months to it , but I things done.” “I believe he can be think it has set a tone particularly trusted, when we go to him with in the areas of infrastructure that enable us to bring the plans, actions and ideas that can neighborhoods now have water newest technology and most NON-BLEED: 7" move our communities forward, and utilities, buses are back advanced services to our neighbors he not only listens but he acts on line, although there not the and businesses in the New Orleans area. upon it.” way we want them to be totally As the city is in recovery mode, because of RTA’s problems. And We encourage our customers to review their hurricane and money is pouring into the city of course the health concerns in preparation procedures and to check the helpful hints in contracts many small business terms of hospitals and psychiatric posted on our website: feel left out of this economic facilities are still minimal but there (for consumers) and windfall that has befell the city. are plans to make some things (for businesses). Jafus Smith Jr. is a local general happen so some things started contractor says, “I don’t think our and some things have to continue Our sincerest thanks to our customers for their loyalty to company is doing bad in terms to be worked on so on the one BellSouth as we work together to rebuild our community. of getting work right now, but hand I think it was a success.” when small companies bid on the Stephen Bradberry, Head contracts that’s being awarded Organizer for the community in the city African-American group ACORN see it differently, businesses rarely get them and he believes the city leadership I think that’s wrong that in a city is not doing enough to bring the with this many African-Americans residents back to the city, and that ©2006 BellSouth Corporation.

This advertisement prepared by: GREY WORLDWIDE CLIENT: BellSouth SP/SZ: NB 6.375" x 7" PRODCT: State Sup PUBS: JOB#: BLS-LA-235 ISSUE: 2006 ART DRCTR: CPYWRTR: Page  September 23, 2006 New Orleans Data News Weekly

By: Edwin Buggage

A Family Affair The Amedee Family Shares Their Wisdom with the Community

By Renetta Burrell Perry in the form of a man named Herman Boudreaux at Gulf Coast Bank who was When the Wisdom Reception Center convinced that the Amedees’ vision was on St. Bernard Avenue opened its doors one worth fulfilling. And the rest as they last year, it was both the culmination say, is history. of seven years of hard work and the beginning of something extraordinary The Wisdom, now a gracious site for the Avenue. The project is the group which looms stately on a vacant, once- effort of the Amedee family, locals thriving strip, is a welcome presence to whose old-school upbringing and close blight-weary residents who are in search family ties are the evident catalyst for of a good time. It’s a blatant reminder their success today. Glenn Amedee that this community will survive. With and Annette LeDuff Amedee, General its spacious rooms, impeccable decor, Managers/Event Planners for the ample parking facilities and traditional Center beam with pride as they recall the New Orleans cuisine, The Wisdom is unmistakable bond of the early Amedee bringing back the neighborhood and in family. “We were basically raised out of grand style. Glenn and Annette are proud a sock drawer,” says Glenn, adding that of their state- of- the-art facility which has they were poor, but at the time because exit, but we loved to work and we needed tell them, don’t worry how far away the so much to offer our citizens. “We want of the nurturing given by his parents a retirement plan,” she says. lake is, just keep walking toward and and to get the Avenue back,” says Glenn, Clarence T. and Laverna “Val” Amedee, you’ll get there. This wisdom, along with who along with Annette and the rest the kids did not realize it. “You wore After obtaining some initial funding, the efforts of their extended family, their of the family, has a plan to help attract everybody’s clothes. That taught us to coupled with the fund pool created by friends and those financial institution minority business owners to the area. share,” he remembers. the Amedee siblings and their spouses, who granted them the funds needed to He is in the process of seeking ways to the purchase of what is now The Wisdom complete their dream, gave the siblings help get funding for these ventures. He Therefore, transcending their was achieved; but that was only the the fuel they needed to get to the finish says he believes that if other minority meager roots and transitioning into beginning. Glenn reminisces about the line. groups can own areas of the city, so can young entrepreneurs together seemed early days with pride and gratefulness. we. The Amedees have a clear vision for natural as the young Amedee brothers He recalls how hard it was to accomplish But with the work 95 percent complete, the Avenue - they’d like to see African- eventually ventured into real estate and what people see today as the finished and the opening of The Wisdom clearly American businesses, including theirs, construction, trades that were strong product. “We have worked on this place in sight, one more obstacle would test thrive there. They believe that this is and successful in their family. everyday for seven years,” he says, being the Amedees’ faith. Glenn remembers what if will take to turn our situation of But as Glenn explains, they wanted cautious to give credit to the “40-50” men coming in the building and looking at the poverty, joblessness, crime and the like more. He and his brothers were who stuck with them throughout the unsightly hole that would be the elevator. completely around. He and Annette determined to make a difference in entire process. “They got behind the He says that the challenge was that even quickly dismiss the myth that African- the community while at the same time vision and got excited about it.” Annette though he and his brothers were in the Americans can’t stick together and bettering their own financial situations. chimes in about the sacrifices that the construction business, this was not their accomplish great things. They say that “We were looking for an exit plan from family unit had to undergo to make their area of expertise, and unfortunately, their family is proof that our families construction,” he says, adding that in collective dream a reality. “Throughout there were no African-Americans locally have what it takes to achieve success earlier days, men who made their living in the seven years, you sacrificed clothes, that were experienced in this area either. in business - together. Annette goes construction often opened bars and other cars, etc., because you had the vision,” With SBA and other lending institutions further as she brings up a question that businesses as supplemental income. In she recounts. Glenn says that there were now shying away from the effort, and the she hears too often. “People ask ‘why the Amedees’ case, the notion of owning even times when he wondered when and elevator and parking facility needing to did you put this building here?’ But we a reception/party hall was a dream of if the project would ever be completed. be completed, the siblings were forced to ask, why can’t we have a nice building their mother who in that old New Orleans He remembers a time when a gentleman recall once again those words of wisdom here?” It is that commitment to the area way, loved to throw down-home parties came into the building one day as he from their father. That proverbial lake he that drives the Amedee family to make a in their childhood home. “Mama loved worked and asked when the building spoke of seemed so close this time, but difference. Post Katrina, they utilize the to party,” he states lovingly. However, as would ever be finished. He had to delve so far away. “SBA, Hibernia and Dryades, strength of their family and friends to Annette adds, the family knew that an back into his childhood and recall a would not finance the projects,” says clean the neighborhood from Claiborne exit from one venture meant an entrance quote from his father who would always Glenn. Ultimately their blessing came down Rampart to St. Claude and around into another. “We knew we wanted to The Wisdom on St. Bernard. They have Trailblazer, continued on page 15. New Orleans Data News Weekly September 23, 2006 Page  NEWSMAKER By: Edwin Buggage Dr. Beverly Wright honored with Robert Wood Johnson Leadership Award

suffered from heart disease, for done. In its wake, the storm left on the massive environmental replaced with new topsoil and three weeks. But Wright, who severe environmental problems damage caused by the storm. sod and contaminated dirt was serves as the executive director such as huge amounts of mold, She questioned the methods safely removed as part of the “A of the New Orleans-based Deep debris, and contaminated soil in and pace of debris removal by Safe Way Back Home” project. South Center for Environmental low-lying areas, inhabited mostly both the EPA and the Louisiana The result? A cleaner street, a Justice at Dillard University, looked by minority and low-income Department of Environmental return of residents, and a slew of beyond her personal tragedy people. Everyone was vulnerable. Quality. She challenged state and requests from other communities and loss, and focused instead on Wright set up a temporary office in federal officials to address long- for a similar program. the environmental health issues Atlanta a week after Katrina hit and term pre- existing environmental “In our city, Dr. Wright is known facing the most vulnerable people kept in contact with her staff, who health problems in some New as the “can do” kid, as her work in New Orleans. was scattered in several southern Orleans neighborhoods. reflects her tenacity for justice Because of her health cities. She put together a team In early 2006 she initiated a and vision for change,” said Dr. environmental work on behalf of specialists whose expertise project that involved collaboration Kevin U. Stephens, director of of displaced residents, Wright she could tap. She organized with the United Steel Workers health for the New Orleans Health has been chosen as one of five workshops for and distributed Union as well as with volunteer, Department. “She has made a Dr. Beverly Wright recipients of the Special Gulf fact sheets to evacuees to provide faith-based, and neighborhood difference in our community and Coast Award for outstanding them with important information organizations. It was a pilot clean- because of her, many more will Shortly before Hurricane leadership in the aftermath of on how to protect themselves up effort on Aberdeen Road in return home.” Katrina, Beverly Wright’s mother Hurricane Katrina by the Robert from indoor air pollution and New Orleans East. More than Wright and the four other and only brother died. During Wood Johnson Community Health outside contamination. She spoke 180 volunteers showed up for winners will be honored on the storm, her home and office Leadership Program (CHLP). out in the media and testified at training and work. Tainted soil October 12 at CHLP’s annual were destroyed. And afterwards, ICFE06-04 DataNWkly 10.5x7 8/18/06There 11:32 was AM much Page work 1 to be congressional and other hearings was removed from each yard and meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona. she could not find her uncle, who Continued page 15.

What people don’t get about Louisiana is that the things that matter — really matter — haven’t gone anywhere. This is still my home. You still smell the gumbo cooking and the coffee brewing. People down here are still friendly. Neighbors still kiss hello and ask about your family. We still argue about the Saints and tell tales about the size of our catch. You know, Louisiana isn’t just the birthplace of jazz. It’s my birthplace. You bet I’m rebuilding.

Homeowners affected by Hurricane Rita or Katrina may be eligible to receive up to $150,000 in compensation for their losses to get them back into their homes. The Road Home Housing Assistance Centers are open and applications are currently being processed. If you have already registered, you will receive an application packet in the mail. To start your application for Governor Blanco’s Road Home program, visit or call 1-888-ROAD-2-LA (1-888-762-3252).


Program Sponsored by:

Program Funded by: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Page  September 23, 2006 New Orleans Data News Weekly STATE & LOCAL NEWS City Committed to Reaching Southern The City Of New Orleans An- Regional Salary Average nounces The Availabilty Of $10m To Commmunity Based And Not- Firefighter Longevity Top Priority

NEW ORLEANS, LA - On all employees, including fire installment of the 2% fire longevity for-profit Housing, Community Monday September 18, The personnel. payment for fire personnel with 3 City of New Orleans received a * During the years of 1990 to 23 years of service for those Development Organizations unanimous vote from the Civil - January 2000, fire commissioned respective periods. Service Commission in support personnel Although firefighters with less Neighborhood 1 is Opening the 2007 Registry/ of the10% across the board salary received a total of 17.5% pay than three years’ seniority are not increase for city employees increase. covered by the state-mandated SuperNOFA (Notice of Funding Availability) effective November 1, 2006 with * June - August 2000, fire longevity raises, Dr. Hatfield Application Process continued implementation of commissioned personnel received assures that the administration firefighter longevity increases. at least a 5% increase and up to a will work with the Civil Service NEW ORLEANS, LA - The City of New Orleans, through Mayor Nagin and his 12.5% hiring rate increase. Commission and the City Council Neighborhood 1, is opening the 2007 SuperNOFA (Notice of Funding administration remain committed * In 2002, the department to allow firefighters at levels 1-7 to Availability) application process and the availability of approximately to meeting the firefighter received the first2 % fire longevity receive a pay benefit also. $10,000,000 for community-based and not-for-profit organizations judgment of February 28, 2003, implemented retroactively for “During the course of this that implement programs and projects addressing priority housing, mandated by the Civil District fire personnel with 3 to 23 years administration, we are committed community development, and continuum of care needs. Organizations Court. of service. to raising all salaries to a level are eligible to receive funding under this NOFA only if they are certified Since 1990, the City of New * From the years of 2003- commensurate with the southern on the Neighborhood 1 Registry of Neighborhood Organizations. Orleans has made it a priority 2006, the fire department received regional average,” to increase the salaries of the second,third, fourth, and fifth Hatfield said. Application packets are available for downloading in MS Word format, beginning Monday, September18, 2006 on the Neighborhood 1 website: Rainbow PUSH Community Meeting Announcement click on “Resource The Rainbow Push Coalition - New Orleans Chapter will host their monthly meeting, Tuesday, October Center”. 3, 2006 at 6 p.m. at New Hope Baptist Church, 1807 LaSalle Street. The meeting is open to the public. Registry and NOFA applications are also available from Neighborhood For more information, call (504) 529-4223. 1 at 1340 Poydras Street, 10th Floor beginning Monday, September 18, Total Community Action, Inc. Participates In Rebuilding A Greater And Better New Orleans

Families Matters! Youth Work Experience Crisis Energy Assistance Head Start Minor Home Repairs Individual Development Accounts (Ida) Job Development Energy Conservation Workshops Energy Assistance Senior Center Tax Preparation Home Ownership Classes Neighborhood Centers

Most Services Provided Are For Income Eligible Citizens. For More Information, Please Call (504) 872-0354 New Orleans Data News Weekly September 23, 2006 Page  NATIONAL NEWS Citing Health Concerns, Black Children are Equal with other Farrakhan turns over children in Vaccination Rates

Control of NOI to By. Lorinda M. Bullock “It is somewhat rates would remain stable or NNPA National e n c o u r a g i n g decrease,” said Dr. Albert Morris, Correspondent that our rates president of the National Medical Administrative Body of vaccination Association, a professional WASHINGTON (NNPA) – For are increasing organization of more than 30,000 the first time in 10 years, children even though we African-American physicians. of all races are equally getting the are in the midst According to the CDC, that By. George E. Curry necessary series of vaccinations, of a number of used a random national telephone NNPA Editor-in-Chief says a survey released by the factors including survey in 77 survey areas, the Centers for Disease Control and uninsured children that would immunization coverage rates were WASHINGTON (NNPA) – RU080606AA_6_37x10 8/1/06 3:03 PM Page 1 Prevention. make you think that the 80 percent for children of multiple Likening his predicament to that of Cuba’s Fidel Castro, Minister Louis Farrakhan says he is facing some serious health challenges, causing him to turn over administration of the Nation of Islam to its executive board and cancel all appointments and personal appearances until further notice. Farrakhan said his illness is related to the heavy dosage of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan radiation he received as a result of having prostate cancer in the carry on in his absence. While many OUR LOWEST late 1990s. He underwent surgery rejoiced – believing and thinking in November 2000 at Howard that, if Fidel Castro and the Cuban PRICE OF THE University and on a recent visit Revolution expired, they could there was found to have an infection move Cuba and the Revolution in SEASON and inflammation. a new direction – his absence from “I have been suffering from the the helm only proved that Cuba will after-effects of an extremely high not fall apart over the absence or dose of radiated seed implantation passing of their illustrious leader. that indeed killed the cancer cells Such a challenge is before us.” that had broken the prostate Ironically, it was on a trip to Cuba ¢ capsule, but over time, these seeds in March that Farrakhan’s current Each have done severe internal damage,” illness was diagnosed. 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While supplies last. relinquished power to his brother The name Office Depot® and the Office Depot® logo are registered trademarks of The Office Club, Inc. The Roush Racing trademarks and and all those who were trained to took away my appetite,” Farrakhan Carl Edwards name and or likeness used by authority of Roush Racing, Livonia, MI. Page  September 23, 2006 New Orleans Data News Weekly DATA ZONE A Journey into the Soul ABCT Presents August Wilson’s Fences

Story and Photos by: Glenn Summers

The Anthony Bean Community Theater Kenneth Brown Jr. played the role of Lyons has positioned itself as one of the premiere the older son of Troy Maxson. He like his theater companies in the city of New Orleans. father and brother was a dreamer, but his life With its latest production ‘Fences’ a play by the as a free spirited musician was getting him no late Pulitzer Prize Winning playwright August where fast. His character embodied a zest for Wilson; Bean’s company has shown it has what life and experiencing it fully through creative it takes to put on a major production and present expression was his main concern much to the it with breadth and depth. The production and chagrin of his father. To Lyons the mundane performances were compelling and captivating. practical everyday grind of surviving seemed Wilbert Williams gave a stunning performance a fate worse than death. In his mind’s eye he as the conflicted lead character Troy Maxson witnessed first hand the slow spiritual death (a role made famous by James Earl Jones conformity brings as it was this that sapped in the original production) a former Negro the joy from the life of his father who insists League Baseball player who found his dream he become more responsible continuously of playing in the major leagues deferred and stressing the importance of sacrificing oneself having to settle for a life as a sanitation worker; for his family. a fate which leads him into a tortuous existence Harold X Evans played Jim Bono the best where he struggles with self-pity, lust, rage, and friend of Troy who is his moral compass as a pre-occupation with death. his life spins out of control into infidelity, and The play centers around him and his family neglecting the one thing that keeps his life and how his self-deprecating attitude has led focused and centered; Rose his ever faithful him into a life filled with despair, desperation wife. Anthony Bean gave an exceptional and hopelessness and how it affects his life and performance as Gabriel, Troy’s brother who as those around him. In one instance he tries to a result of fighting in World War II has a metal protect his son from a life of disappointment plate placed inside his head leaving him in what and unfulfilled dreams and discourages his some would consider a demented state. But his youngest son Cory(Darryl Lutcher) and name as his appearance serves as a metaphor, Stephen Edmond(alternate) who has been for he carries a trumpet ready to blow like the recruited by a college to play football and to biblical Gabriel did to open the gates of heaven think about a more practical career. Although for St. Peter on Judgment Day. But contrary he may see this as an act of love shielding his to what many perceive as nonsensical; in his son from the societal slights that’s the source childlike infantile prattle he is actually wise, and of his bitterness; in his son’s eyes Troy is an full of insight. Throughout the play he proclaims oppressive, contemptible figure who doesn’t his brother Troy who is obsessed with death is have the capacity for love or compassion. going to heaven. In a small role the adorable Throughout the play they have a contentious and precocious young actress Dacia Bell plays relationship that leads to a showdown where Raynell the lovechild of Troy Maxson giving an the bond between father and son has ripped excellent performance. causing resentment and irreparable damage. Bean and company has shown in this Gwendolyne Foxworth and Danielle production that it has the all the elements of Tipton(alternate) both gave amazing putting on a first rate presentation that explores performances as the Rose the faithful, caring complex material in a way that’s convincing, wife of Troy Maxson who served as his rock compelling and captivating. And while Fences and source of protection from a world where lead character Troy Maxson struggled because he felt emasculated and where in his mind he did not make the big leagues; conversely, his race stood in the way of him reaching his Anthony Bean’s latest productions shows that full potential. The talented and charismatic he has what it takes to play with the majors.

a lavender and grey shotgun, its dwellers were devoted to keeping them there; left by dragging tour busses and racing patrol cars; 1201 trimmed and eight-foot fenced for beside sidewalks crammed with banana trees and at our address in sherwin williams’ caribbean blue, honeysuckle and sunflowers, fig trees, lime trees we paint red, yellow, turquoise, and orange walls resides at the corner of ursulines mint, gardenia, and night-blooming jasmine bushes, we hang paintings, posters, pictures of indian suits, and instruments and st. claude; inside is high and wide; run streets lush with blood—guts and tyranny we cook fried fish, jambalaya, yat-ka-mein, and cowain when stepping thru the threshold the city signs say tremé we play jazz, gospel, reggae, hip-hop, and spades there is a lull between realities as but the “banquet” defies, cries LIBERTY; we make groceries, furniture, families, and sense you are shelled of your outside self; children feed equally on the fruits we make music, clothes, businesses, and arguments whoever you have to be in the streets to survive of “mispaleaf” and mis-belief; we make drinks, rent, festivals, and clubs, stays on the porch misery often overflowing into households we make jewelry, grass roots institutes, poems, and love; where a sun-bleached red chair sits, and in the flood zone, sometimes and regardless of who is sitting a place of rest for personas; it never stops rising; on the sofa in the front room, be it the rest of you enters into a space so every sunday for two seasons pusher, politician, pastor, or policeman— of unfolding where beauty is pursued the village communes to beat it or any of the good or bad people they oppress— forcefully and gloom is not withstood stomp it dance it jump it sing it all can converse soul to soul; for it is overstood, mood is matter; moan it chant it shout it drum it we make friends with neighbors its crafters were careful to fashion sousaphone trombone trumpet it we make home. doorways tall enough to welcome giant spirits back into the ruts, furrows, and potholes 4HEULTIMATETRIPFORTHEULTIMATECIRCLEOFFRIENDS Pack your bags and go in style with the Girlfriends L.A. Getaway.

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New Orleans observers, in the New Orleans economy Dear Editor, that would mean for every $1,000,000 In our rebuilding efforts, it would spent $20,115 will be payable to minority be wise and most beneficial to have, and female vendors and for every $500,000 among other considerations, some guiding spent, $10,058 is payable to minority and principles foremost in mind. I would like to female businesses. wreaking pain and misery on others. offer four and the reasons for each. In the private sector, the purchasing of To some folk getting the superdome 1. “Begin with End in Mind” (Stephen R. goods and services from minorities and fixed was much more important than Covey); females, other than by individual families, getting folk back in their homes. But 2. “As for rebuilding the shattered metropolis is believed to be less (see Discrimination watch what happens when a superdome the goals should not be just recovery but in New Orleans by National Economic full of people can’t get waited on anyplace transformation. A reconstruction that Research Associates, Inc. for Harrah’s Jazz downtown because the working poor are leaves the region not just like it was but Company, 1994). This pattern holds true locked out. I’m writing this right before the better” (The Brookings Institution); in major industries such as construction Atlanta Monday night game and I hope that 3. “If we had a few thinkers we could expect and services, where there are available I’m wrong, but who’s going to sell the beer, great achievements on tomorrow” minority and female vendors, as well as The Love Dr. and serve in the suites, or cook the food? (Carter G. Woodson); and other industries, such as commodities, The other media will never give credit 4. “Be Proactive/Become an Agent of where there is little availability of minority Data Columnist (in a positive way) to a couple of Black men Change” (Stephen R. Covey); “in his and female vendors, save Asians. who in the face of mounting pressure took present plight, however, does not see Manifestly, this practice alienates courageous stands based on what was right, possibilities until it is too late”/He citizens, seeds apathy and lessen the One of the main reasons that you not expedient. I would never argue that it exercises much “hindsight, and for that competiveness of city and state, as well, and I must support African American would be easier and quicker to rebuild only reason he loses ground in the hotly contributes to the extent and debilitating owned media is because our motives half of the city. It’s a “no brainer”, but as evil contested battles of life” (Carter G. effects of poverty, i.e. low educational and perspectives are different. Take, for as it gets, and comes from a place wherein Woodson). attainment; tax base insufficient to support instance, the “planning” of the “new and saving mine is worth discarding yours. Its The principles are suggested necessary institutions; high crime rates; improved” New Orleans. about the right to live in New Orleans, but because they could be useful in transforming high incidence of uninsured persons; high Those who owned the high ground were again, the lust and drunkenness of wealth some of the most intractable problems in incidence of teen pregnancy; over crowded immediately in a mode to eliminate city has a way of devaluing anything that gets in New Orleans, poverty, voluntary (resulting jails; low labor force participation; and high services and infrastructure responsibilities its way and the miserable meaningless lives from a person’s idleness, choice, or unemployment and underemployment. for the low ground, land settled when blacks of the poor and working and professional fickleness) and involuntary (when someone Thus, the end in mind here is to change finally were able to buy land, empowered black people of the low lands were certainly works and plays by rule and still poor) and these practices. Changing this means by employment possibilities created by the in the way. the shameful underutilization of female make different now as oppose to employing civil rights movement. But like I declared, two black men and minority businesses in both public an incremental approach whereby these Evil is generally justified and popularized stood up and nipped that crap in the bud. and private sectors. Allow me to explain. practices will change over next two or five by expedience. Evil is always done in the Dan Packer of Entergy didn’t hesitate to Prior to Katrina and historically, minority or ten years. Rather, the end is complete name of achieving a popularized goal. Such declare that Entergy New Orleans was and female owned businesses have been transformation without exception. Waiting was the proposed disenfranchisement committed to restore service to all their demonstratively underutilized in both must be treated as the quintessence of of a hundred thousand citizens who are customers. Next, Mayor Nagin refused to public and private sectors in New Orleans all insults and to be asked to wait for constitutionally entitled to equal protection follow the recommendation that there be a and in other parts of Louisiana. (City tomorrow/next year/next decade to be under the law. They had abided by the same moratorium on building permits, until there government purchasing from minority treated as an equal or the way others have building codes, had acquired all the proper was a plan. It pains me deeply to see what and female businesses in the last two years been dealt with since their birth is totally permits, clearances and inspections and it cost these men to make these decisions, has witnessed a moderate improvement.) unthinkable. The young people got this had paid the same taxes as other citizens, and the way many of us allow media to vilify Instructive, here are the findings on one right, change these practices now but to save themselves, half the citizens them in our minds and nasty mouths. Much underutilization of female and minority or yesterday or even better, day before decided that it was ok to turn others’ into of the local media is controlled by the very vendors by the state in a recent review yesterday. spillways or other “green space”. same folk who wanted a smaller “footprint”, by Total Community Action, Inc. (TCA) To make this transformation, I believe, When developers were allowed to create one that didn’t include most of us. of the Department of Natural Resources will require what Carter G. Woodson neighborhoods, and commit peoples’ So that’s what all the dogging out of Ray which shows that of the $32,995,626 described in 1933 as a thinker and what lifetimes of asset building, elected officials and Entergy may be about, Black men who purchased in goods and services, in fiscal Stephen R. Covey’s writing, 10 years ago, and city government committed city dared to stand in the way of our sacrifice year 2004, $663,770 was from minority discusses as a change agent. In Woodson’s services, because all legal requirements for the “greater good”. How can half the and female vendors. Stated another way, work, which every lover of freedom and had been met. The lifestyles of the people people be for the greater good? So two for every $1,000 spent by the Louisiana student of complete transformation should of New Orleans East and Lover Ninth brothers have slain the dragon, and no pat Department of Natural Resources for read and reread, he imputes the plight of Ward were to be sacrificed for Uptown and on the back or nothing, just cheap shots and goods and services $20.11 goes to minority the less than fortunate people, in parts, (yes Algiers. Those who got back first tried to media lynching. We say we want leaders and female businesses or for every $100 there is voluntary poverty) to those of us cut of services for those who had lost the who speak truth to power, and then we say, spent by one of the departments $2.01 is who try to lead without equipping ourselves most. If that is not evil, what is? “he ought to try to get along with those payable to minority and female businesses. to problem solve/triangulate. This would Here is a perspective difference for you. people. I’m sure that the Mayor has learned Unfortunately, these same findings can be mean, assuming one has good intentions To most working class people, saving New that the only thing that works is calling folk generalized to the other 6 departments and is fair, that those of us who accept and/ Orleans is about food, music, historical out. In his mind, I’m sure he ponders that of Louisiana State government save the or opt for a role of leadership should be landscape, family closeness and other if he had cussed out the President a day Louisiana Department of Transportation able to sit across the table with people of aspects of culture. To the rich people, sooner people may not have suffered as which has a better track record, largely due disparate interest and 1) identify a problem; saving New Orleans is about saving their long, because being patient didn’t seem to to imposed federal mandates, however, it is 2) offer solutions and select among options; wealth, and their lifestyle. The parable make a damned thing happen. still a large cry from an adequate record. 3) weigh the value of each option offered; is true, evil loves to hang out with wealth Another thing, we can’t get caught up Assuming this practice is carried over 4) choose the most appropriate option and power, probably because bad things in that “things ought to be” mindset. I’ve to our recovery efforts and assuming a to include ways to monitor, evaluate, and you and I might think about doing, rich begun to challenge people, What’s your $60,000,000,000 infusion for construction tweak effort to ensure getting the end in folk can carry off. The richer you are the frame of reference? Haven’t we heard that projects or more as projected by think- mind, and 5) most importantly, effectively more effective and efficient you can be at nothing has ever happened like this? My tanks, universities, and informed financial horse trade for the good of all. Anything Letters, continued on next page. Letters, continued on next page. New Orleans Data News Weekly September 23, 2006 Page 11 OPINION Pipeline to the People Love Dr., continued from page 10.

Data News Weekly asked New George Campfield, 58 year old personal experiences since Katrina is of a Orleanians on the street their thoughts native New Orleanian, retired whole lot of people busting their butts, and on the status of the Nagin Administration resident of Bywater. trying to do it right, but learning as they go. Got following it’s first 100 days. Here are some I just returned to New Orleans from Most of the people working for FEMA never of the responses we received. Arkansas. Nagin ain’t doing nothing. It’s did this stuff before. Don’t get me wrong, something really sad. If I knew he wasn’t gonna do I’m not saying sit back and don’t press, Patricia Jordan, native from New anything for his people, I never would have but press with the clear acceptance and Orleans East. voted for him. I thought, since he was in understanding that its going to be a while, on your In my area, it’s going along pretty well. office before the storm, he’d be the one so getting frustrated is counterproductive People are coming back and cleaning to turn it around. I’m sorry I even voted , stressful and unpleasant, and we already mind? out their houses, putting the debris out for him. The people in the Ninth Ward have enough stress and unpleasantness in and it’s being picked up. That’s in the protesting for water - after all this time our lives. Send your Huntington Park area. But I own a house and they don’t even have water? And all This is not a time to wait for leaders, in the upper Ninth Ward and the debris this debris… We got a mayor just forgot because even the best are simply men or pick up is not good. I call it ‘The Forgotten about his people. The Governor don’t care women. We are blessed that landowners letter to Neighborhood’. But other areas, the nothing about people down here. All they’re among us have our right to return and stores are coming back. It’s a process – it’s worried about is getting big business to resettle in our neighborhoods. the editor gonna take time. come down here. I want to move back. It’s Now we must help one another. Help a where I’m from. But it’s too depressing to neighbor and turn what would otherwise Marvin Cousin, native New be here. have been wasted time into a community Orleanian from the 7th Ward asset. How can an overgrown house It’s going pretty slow. I’m still sitting Dorothy Lofton, 82 year old native between two that are cut exist? Don’t wait datanewseditor in a trailer, but I can’t stay in a trailer. I of Treme, now in Mid City. for others, be a leader, and stop crying about didn’t have any insurance and I sent in my I think (the recovery) is pretty good, leadership. In this way, when we emerge paperwork to The Road Home (program), considering what has to be done. I’m from this experience, we will be stronger but I haven’t heard anything. They keep not complaining ‘cause I tried to do one and more connected to our neighbors, and saying it’s gonna pick up but people are still house and just got that one back up. I’ve that’s an essential ingredient in any recipe waiting on the recovery, waiting on The been back since October and it took me till for a “new and improved” New Orleans. Road Home. March to find a place to live.

Letters, continued from previous page. short of this, Woodson would say, we lose respect to the initiative; to provide for are culpable, because they lack competent board; 8) affirmative action; 9) perceived ground, particularly in hotly contested eligibility requirements for participation in business and economic analysts—they incompetence of elected officials in New battles as will be the case in purchasing the initiative; to provide for certification of have not assigned staff to the economy Orleans without juxtaposing their abilities goods and services for the recovery effort certain businesses; to provide for reporting; on a continuing basis so that they could with officials in other parishes; 10) murder in New Orleans. to provide for rulemaking; and to provide develop the competence to understand rate; 11) perception of business climate Ladies and gentlemen, the purchasing for related matters. and interpret what they see, hear, and in New Orleans; and 12) corruption. pattern for the $60,000,000,000 projected to Even though the legislature and are told, nor have they regarded the local Arguably, the need to educate our citizens be spent in construction over the coming the Governor acted as change agents by economy and economic conditions on a about the New Orleans’ economy regularly years, not to mention spending in other enacting the law, it has not yielded any par with sports and politics The media, is equal to or greater than any of the twelve industries, will exponentially be no different results to date. More tellingly, with the as a consequence, are not infrequently a recurring topics covered by our media. than pre-Katrina practices unless we have exception of Department of Transportation, victim of their sources, and hence they Equally, it is conceivable that the value of thinkers 24 hours and 7 days a week. neither of the remaining six departments frequently—too frequently—serve as an regular coverage that informs citizens on Moving forward without thinkers will be or Division of Administration has: uncritical vehicle for public relations and the economy could add more value than tantamount to giving fresh legs to business 1) set up ways to implement the vested interest statements thinly disguised the twelve topics combined. as usual which has been abundant of good policy; as economic understanding. They lack a Believers in transformation and those intentions and contributed to involuntary 2) maintained data that allows for comprehensive and systematic method who feel there is a need for transformation, poverty and its debilitating effects. tracking and evaluating the policy; and of covering and reporting the economic I suggest that without a strong commitment The luminously sensible Stephen R. 3) announced a date the departments and economic trends and condition; they and plan to drastically increase the Covey’s change agent, i.e. someone or will start either of the above. uncritically publish economic nonsense; utilization of female and minority services, institution that engages and/or causes Maybe this happened because our end in and as a consequence, the media abet the projected billion of dollars earmarked behavioral changes in social, cultural, mind did not include follow up, monitoring, the perpetuation of pure economic for recovery are likely to accrue to or economic practices, seems to be evaluation, and tweaking of agreements nonsense and not infrequently attribute it the regulars and outside contractors well suited for better ensuring that our (policy). This is particularly needed when to “economists,” who all too frequently are and imported workers. Deductably, reconstruction efforts leave the region not the end in mind is economic parity. Ladies never identified.” there will be no change and surely no just like it was but better, as counseled by and gentlemen, 2 percent out of every To be fair, much has improved since transformation in New Orleans. Thus, The Brookings Institution. Perhaps the purchase of goods and services from Dr. Bobo wrote this insightful piece. The our end in mind must be the converse of Louisiana legislature and the Governor female and minority vendors by our State, improvement, however, doesn’t include business as usual. It must include seeing were assuming the role of change agents without exception, is a most compelling regular accounts of our economy such as the possibilities of a reconstruction effort in the 2005 Regular Session with the reason for immediate change. So much the following twelve frequent and recurring that leaves involuntary poverty behind and enactment of the Hudson Initiative which so, the need warrants everyone and all topics that are given coverage, even though establishment of one of the major missing is aimed at increasing utilization of Small institutions becoming change agents. the coverage is not didactic and abundant of links in New Orleans, an economic middle Entrepreneurships. Specifically, the act This can be done without being an good intensions, 1) agenda of Democratic or class. We cannot get there spending $2.01 provides for certain source selection ideologue. As matter of fact, it can be done Republican party; 2) expected indictments; out of $100.00 with female and minority criteria, contract requirements, and by simply making neutral information 3) percentage of unwed mothers; 4) vendors. To accomplish this all of us must goals with respect to utilization of small available to citizen-at-large, regularly. This advantage /disadvantage of having Saints be proactive, push for transformation, and entrepreneurships in certain procurement would be tantamount to Dr. James Bobo’s and/or Hornets in New Orleans; 5) political be thinkers. This ladies and gentlemen, and public contracts; to provide for admonishment to media 31 years ago when difference between local, state, and federal must be our end in mind regardless of what responsibilities of the commissioner of he impressively stated: governments; 6) uncritical view of the our leadership does or does not do. administration and state agencies with “I suggest further that the news media BESSE Board; 7) diatribes on local school Page 12 September 23, 2006 New Orleans Data News Weekly HEALTH NEWS DOLLARS & SENSE Prostate Cancer Awareness Your Age and Your Finances African Americans and those with a strong family history of prostate cancer, should At different stages of life, different financial begin testing at age 45. In a recent interview with ABC News, Dr. issues may be most important. Isamettin Aral of Staten Island University Hospital said, “I think it is important to share with the patient what you’re finding • Start a retirement fund and make regular in the examination. And also important is monthly contributions, no matter how just because there is a lump or a swelling, small. it doesn’t mean…[that] there is a tumor in the prostate. It just means we are going Marriage Larry Lucas to have to do a little more specific testing, • Examine your joint investment Data Columnist probably a biopsy.” contributions and allocations, taking What happens if a biopsy reveals that you into account your combined income and have prostate cancer? In general, the earlier expenses. the cancer is detected, the more likely it is • Consider opening a short-term Sometimes, ignorance is bliss – like that you’ll remain disease-free. Because investment account specifically to help when it comes to your mother-in-law’s approximately 90 percent of all prostate Donald Smith fund your down payment on your home “secret recipe.” But not when we’re talking cancers are detected in the early stages, and pay closing and moving costs. about your health. As a nine-year survivor the cure rate is very high – nearly 100 Data Columnist “GE-35655 (04/06) (Exp. 04/08) Children of prostate cancer, I’m here to tell you that percent of men diagnosed at this stage will • If you don’t yet have life insurance, now’s when it comes to the health of your prostate, be disease-free after five years, according the time. ignorance can be life threatening. to the Prostate Cancer Foundation. This is Managing your finances is a lifelong • Start a college savings fund. September is Prostate Cancer Awareness particularly remarkable when you consider process. It usually begins with savings— month and according to the National Cancer that in the 1970s only 67 percent of men ideally as a child. Once you have a regular New job Institute, prostate cancer is the second diagnosed with local or regional prostate income of your own and have started saving • Review your investment strategy and most common type of cancer among men cancer were disease-free after five years. on a regular basis, you’ll have to decide how asset allocation to accommodate a new in this country. Only skin cancer is more Before you begin any course of to invest the money you are saving. salary and a different benefits package. common. Out of every three men who are treatment, there are some questions the Investors in their twenties are often • Consider rolling over your previous diagnosed with cancer each year, one is National Cancer Institute suggests you ask advised to put more of their savings in company’s 401(k) plan into your new diagnosed with prostate cancer. your doctor: investments that have potential to grow. employer’s plan or a Rollover IRA. Prostate health is particularly important • What is the stage of the disease? Do any Even though these investments may carry Within 10 years of retirement for African-American men. Death rates for lymph nodes show signs of cancer? Has more risk of loss, a younger person has time • Review your retirement fund asset this cancer are nearly two-and-a-half times the cancer spread? to potentially make up any losses they may allocation to accommodate the shorter higher in African-American men than white • What is the grade of the tumor? experience early on. Conversely, those who time frame for your investments. men, according to the National Institutes of • What is the goal of treatment? What are are investing for more immediate goals are • Increase savings for retirement. Health (NIH), making this disease the most my treatment choices? Which do you often advised to put more of their savings Retirement common cancer and the second leading recommend for me? Why? in fixed income investments. These may • Study your distribution options to cause of cancer death in black men. • What are the expected risks and benefits not grow as fast but are less likely to lose maximize assets and tax benefits. Why is this? One reason suggested by of each kind of treatment? money. • Reallocate your investments to provide the American Cancer Society is African- • How will treatment affect my normal Strategies For Common Life Events the income you need while still potentially Americans are more likely to be diagnosed activities? Everyone lives their lives differently, and offering some growth in capital to help later, with more advanced cancer, which • Would a clinical trial (research study) be everyone has complicated emotions about beat inflation and fund your later years. is harder to treat and is often more lethal. appropriate for me? money, so investment decisions are highly For more help at every stage of your That’s why it is so important to get tested As a prostate cancer survivor, one of the personal and unique to each individual. financial life cycle, talk to your financial regularly – through regular visits to your most common questions I get from others Nonetheless, throughout their lives, most professional. doctor. These screening tests can find experiencing the disease in their own lives investors face some similar situations. AXA Advisors, LLC does not provide cancer early when it’s most treatable. is about the side effects of some treatments Where are you in the cycle? The following legal or tax advice. Please consult your tax Lots of people – especially us men – would – specifically, how it might affect their sex are examples of common life events and or legal advisor regarding your individual rather take comfort in the fact that they “feel lives. You must remember: you have to be some things you might consider when situation. fine” than subject themselves to an annual alive to have a love life! It’s important to making investment decisions. physical. But it’s that annual physical that follow the course of treatment your doctor Don Smith offers securities through AXA Advisors, saved my life; I had no symptoms and recommends given your overall health, Your first full-time job LLC(member NASD, SIPC) 1555 Poydras Street, Suite was enjoying activities like golf with no stage of cancer and other unique factors. • Start a savings account to build a cash 2000, New Orleans, LA 70112 and offers annuity and problem. Through prostate screening tests insurance products through an insurance brokerage More than ever before, medicines offer reserve. affiliate, AXA Network, LLC and its subsidiaries. that are a part of my regular physicals, I hope to those battling prostate cancer. A was fortunate enough to catch the cancer new PhRMA report shows today there in the early stages, before it had spread to are 113 medicines in development to treat lymph nodes or other vital organs. prostate cancer according to ADIS R&D There are two main screening tests Insight. Several vaccines that attempt to doctors use to detect prostate cancer: digital get the body’s own immune system to fight rectal examination (DRE) and a blood test the cancer are currently being studied called the prostate–specific antigen (PSA) as treatments for prostate cancer. One test. Now, I know these screening tests potential vaccine has tripled the survival don’t sound like a day at the park. But your rate of men with advanced prostate cancer doctor is there to help make them as quick, in clinical trials. painless and worry-free as possible. In fact, The Prostate Cancer Foundation reports the DRE exam takes less time than you’ll that one new case of prostate cancer occurs spend reading this sentence. every 2.25 minutes and a man dies from it The American Cancer Society every 19 minutes. Help ensure you don’t recommends that both the PSA and DRE become a statistic by knowing the status of should be offered annually, beginning at your prostate health. In certain instances, age 50, to men who have at least a 10-year ignorance is bliss; in this case, knowledge life expectancy. Men at high risk, such as is power. New Orleans Data News Weekly September 23, 2006 Page 13 COMMENTARY American Leaders Need to Address Poverty

African-Americans, 24.7 percent of whom the national agenda. They were not poverty line. In 2002, Miami Mayor Manny lived in poverty in 2005, compared to 22.5 alone in their concern. They are among Diaz launched a $2-million anti-poverty percent in 2000. Nearly one in three Black many others as worried about poverty in campaign in response to his city being children under 18 years of age is poor, our nation and the world. designated the poorest major city in the compared to 18.5 percent nationwide. As part of its so-called Millennium nation by the U.S. Census. The United States ranked second behind Development Goals, the United Nations Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett recently Mexico has resolved to halve the number of people established an anti-poverty commission of the world’s wealthiest countries living on less than a dollar a day by 2015. to develop practical solutions to lessen with the highest childhood poverty rates, In August, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry the city’s 26 percent poverty rate. And according to UNICEF’s Child Poverty in Paulson made narrowing the divide as the U.S. Conference of Mayors has also Rich Countries report for 2005. one of his department’s top priorities. In set up its own Task Force on Poverty Marc Morial Hurricane Katrina put a face on poverty the U.S. Congress, Sen. Edward Kennedy, and Opportunity, chaired by Los Angeles NNPA Columnist in living rooms across the nation and D-Mass., introduced legislation in 2005 Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. around the world. Nearly half of patterned after the U.N. millennium goals Poverty cuts across all political lines. It Americans believed that the United to reduce child poverty in the United States is not a blue or red issue. It’s, as the CLASP States had become a nation of haves and by 50 percent within a decade. In June, Sen. study notes, a purple issue. Of the 10 states Poverty is alive and well in the world’s have-nots, according to a 2005 poll by the John Edwards, D-N.C., declared poverty with the highest poverty rates, 70 percent richest nation, according to a recent report Pew Research Center for the People and ‘’the great moral issue of are represented by Republican senators by the Washington, D.C.-based Center for the Press. This disparity is particularly our time’’ in unveiling a plan to eliminate and 60 percent led by GOP governors. Law and Social Policy. evident to African-Americans. According to it in 30 years. Connecticut passed a law Of the congressional districts with more The nation’s poverty rate rose to 12.6 a Pew poll in 2004, 81 percent of Blacks calling for a 50 percent reduction in child than 20 percent of their residents poor, 80 percent in 2005, up from 11.3 percent in said they felt the rich were getting poverty by 2014. And similar legislation percent elect Democrats. 2000. Now, one in eight Americans and richer while the poor were getting poorer, in California is awaiting the governor’s With midterm elections on the horizon, more than one in every six children lives compared to 65 percent of Whites. And signature. it’s time to put this issue on the national in poverty, and more than one in every six among 28 developed countries, the United Poverty not only robs the poor of agenda before it tears our nation apart. children. A total of 37 million Americans States stands behind Mexico in terms of opportunity and breaks their spirit, it costs It is in everyone’s best self-interest to are poor, up 5 million from 2000. widest gap between the rich and the poor, our nation money - well beyond direct eradicate poverty before it eradicates our ‘’For the past few decades, ‘poor’ has according to CLASP. services. For every one-percentage point democracy. been nothing more than a four-letter word. Back in June, Princeton University’s rise in the poverty rate, metropolitan areas Not since President Lyndon Johnson Woodrow Wilson School held a forum are forced to spend an additional $27.75 per proclaimed a War on Poverty in 1964 has on urban poverty in which NUL Policy capita on non-poverty related Marc H. Morial is president and CEO of the National Urban League. there been a commitment by American Institute head Stephanie Jones participated services, according to CLASP. leaders to address poverty. Political energy along with New York Democratic Rep. That probably explains why Mayor has focused instead on ending not Charles Rangel and others. A resounding Michael Bloomberg recently announced poverty but welfare,’’ the report noted. consensus was forged -- that poverty must his own war on poverty in New York City, The picture is particularly bleak for be put on where one in five residents dwell below the

Cover Story, Continued from page 3. to financially grapple with the of household, and we got 30,000 happening.” An unnamed source in the process of dealing with this that many parts of the city are still price increases, if we can’t then people off the poverty rolls. Now says personality conflicts, egos, issue, “I would say to someone in dire straits, and the words of the we’re out. That doesn’t mean we are going to enhance that and and a struggle for control are who has serious healthcare issues Mayor about the city’s progress all of us are out but some of us.” we’re going to probably raise soft some of the reasons slowing the or is caring for someone who does may not mean much when what Continuing his thought he says, “I seconds to maybe forty-thousand recovery. Jerome Smith feels this this is not a good time to return to you’ve worked for your entire life don’t know the state of the city’s dollars. But right now the big rebuilding should be less about the city I think we need another lies in shambles, and remnants of finances, but affordable housing bottleneck for us is that a lot of personalities and individuals, “Ray three to six months to deal with your life are nothing more than is a key issue and they can at least money is stuck in Baton Rouge.” Nagin is just a link in the chain this issue.” “But in October debris. There is no doubt that take the lead to encourage it or Today Mayor Nagin stands in and our achievements are not to University Hospital is going to rebuilding the city is an enormous figure out legally how they can the crosshairs facing a barrage of be seen in terms of Nagin, but in re-open with three hundred and task. As residents take control of provide incentives, and subsidies criticism as the fall guy for the city terms of tomorrow.” fifty beds which are going to take their destiny forgoing the waiting and they may be already doing state of stasis. And one person For many citizens toxins that care of some of our healthcare game played by the government, some of that but how much they who is spending time lobbying are dangerous to one’s health needs.” Additionally he says they are taking matters into their can do depends on what’s in their for the city is State Representative and access to healthcare has about the struggle to rebuild the own hands is admirable. But budget, but more in this area Juan LaFonta who thinks it’s been one of the reasons some city, “This is pioneering work no firm, decisive, and responsible needs to be done.” premature and unfair to judge have chose to not return to the city has ever been completely leadership working together at According to Mayor Nagin a the mayor given he does not have city. Lisa Williams, a resident of shut down with eighty percent of all levels of government is also program was in place to assist the resources at his disposal to New Orleans East now living in it underwater, so there’s nothing essential to the rebuilding of first time home buyers prior to effectively manage the recovery. Houston Texas says, “I would easy about being in the Big Easy New Orleans; this great yet ailing Hurricane Katrina and he says “I believe the criticism should love to return to New Orleans but right now.” city. One hundred days into Ray will continue to be in place as he is not be leveraged on him until he I have a son with asthma and I’m While the rebuilding of New Nagin’s second term has past, and committed to bringing back every receives the money, and then if taking care of my mother who Orleans is a team effort that will the clock is still ticking like sand citizen that has a desire to return something doesn’t happen with is elderly, but without enough require years to accomplish, passing through an hour glass so but with the added incentive of a the city, then if things aren’t being hospitals open, and my son the first one-hundred days into goes the days of the lives of many better quality of life which includes done then let him be judged, but having asthma I don’t see myself the second administration of New Orleanians dealing with a home ownership. “Prior to Katrina right now he can’t do anything returning to the city anytime Mayor Nagin can be judged in mix of hopefulness, hopelessness, we set up soft second programs because there is not the resources soon.” To those with this dilemma several ways it’s all a matter of and promises; many yet to be for first time home buyers where available and he shouldn’t be held the mayor says he completely perspective. But regardless of fulfilled. we were targeting female heads solely responsible for what’s not understands, but says the city is one’s perspective the reality is Page 14 September 23, 2006 New Orleans Data News Weekly SPORTS Saints gave New Orleans something to cheer about with 23-3 win over Falcons

By: Any hopes of an Atlanta PAUL NEWBERRY comeback were snuffed out on Just 90 seconds into a game the first possession of the second that was a horrific year in the half. New Orleans took the kickoff making, the New Orleans Saints and drove 73 yards in 12 plays, flopped on a ball in the end zone burning more than 7 1/2 minutes - and the party was on. off the clock before settling for The defense beat up Michael Carney’s third from 20 Vick. Tom Benson danced off the yards. field with his parasol. Even “The “Who dat? Who dat? Who dat Superdome Special” worked to say dey gonna beat dem Saints?” perfection. The Saints are home the fans chanted. again. In an earsplitting return to Not the Falcons. Not on this their rebuilt stadium, the Saints night. gave the Big Easy something Alge Crumpler, the team’s to cheer about - an undefeated normally sure-handed tight end, football team that made it look dropped a pass in the end zone easy with a 23-3 victory over with no one around him in the first the on Monday quarter. Andersen, still reviled night. in New Orleans for leaving to This one couldn’t have been sign with the rival Falcons more (UPI Photo/A.J. Sisco) - Photo via NewsCom scripted any better for a team New Orleans Saints owner Tom Benson parades through the Superdome with Rita Benson (L) and Saints owner/executive vice president Rita than a decade ago, had a 25-yard that spent all of last season on the Benson LeBlanc (R) after his club beat the Atlanta Falcon 23 to 3 in the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans on September 25, 2006. It was the chip shot swatted away by Josh road, and it couldn’t have come at first game to be played at the Superdome since it was used as a shelter during Hurricane Katrina over a year ago. Bullocks on the night the kicker a better time for this city that is Benson, the Saints’ once-reviled “As tough as it is to lose a game, After Bono left the stage and became the second-oldest player still struggling to overcome the owner, broke out his parasol when I’d be lying if I said there isn’t a former President George Bush in NFL history. devastation of hurricane Katrina. it was over, bouncing off the field little, little, little piece of me that took care of the coin flip, the Saints Even the referees chipped in, “From the moment I signed to “When The Saints Go Marching didn’t appreciate what this game made sure the party would last all picking up a flag on a dubious with the Saints, I was looking In” and reveling in the cheers of a meant to this city,” said Falcons night. They dominated on special pass interference call that could forward to this,” said quarterback fan base that feared he would take coach Jim Mora, whose father is teams - also blocking a short have extended a Falcons drive Drew Brees, who joined New their team away. the winningest coach in Saints field goal attempt by 46-year-old late in the third quarter. Orleans during the off-season. “It The Saints dedicated a game history. “It meant a lot.” - and shut down About the only thing that was a great night. It’s something ball to the entire city. Of course, a Saints win seemed Atlanta’s feared running game. didn’t go right for New Orleans we’ll never forget.” “It meant a lot to them when the in the stars even before the The Falcons, coming off a was a first touchdown for Bush. After a Super Bowl-like Saints didn’t leave in their time of kickoff. This was intended to franchise-record 306 yards on Still, “Saint Reggie” gave the fans pregame show that included a need,” rookie Reggie Bush said. be a showcase for New Orleans’ the ground against Tampa Bay, several chances to cheer their performance by supergroups U2 “When the people of New Orleans rebirth, as frustrating and halting rookie sensation, rushing for 53 and Green Day, the Saints wasted needed something to look to for as that process has been for so yards and catching four passes no time turning their welcome- confidence and something to many. for 19 yards. home party into Mardi Gras: The be proud of, they looked to the Fans clad in gold and black Deuce McAllister handled the Falcons’ first drive went three- Saints.” strolled around the French bulk of the ground attack, with 19 and-out, and special teams demon The Saints (3-0) poured it on Quarter throughout a brilliantly rushes for 81 yards. Brees was sliced through against the Falcons (2-1), who fell sunny day, ready to look forward 20-of-28 passing for 191 yards. the middle of the Atlanta line to behind 14-3 in the first quarter instead of looking back at those His favorite receiver was rookie smother ’s punt. and never recovered. Devery awful scenes of suffering inside Marques Colston - the fourth- The ball skidded across the Henderson scored New Orleans’ the Superdome in the days after to-last pick in this year’s draft - goal line, where second TD on an 11-yard double- Katrina. who grabbed seven passes for 97 fell on it for a touchdown - the reverse, taking a handoff from Those who had tickets to get yards. first given up by the Falcons (UPI Photo/A.J. Sisco) - Photo via NewsCom “If we had lost, the fans still Bush and cutting inside the pylon inside the 31-year-old stadium Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick this season. Just like that, Saints with help from a gutsy block by found it spruced up with new is sacked by New Orleans Saints Will Smith would have been partying, they sent an emphatic message to the late in the fourth quarter in the Louisiana still would have been happy, quarterback Drew Brees. scoreboards, bright video screens Superdome in New Orleans on September 25, NFL and the entire country: New How could that play not work? and plenty of fresh paint, all part of 2006. It was the first game to be played at because the organization is still in Orleans is open for business. the Superdome since it was used as a shelter New Orleans,” receiver Joe Horn When working on it in practice, a US$185 million renovation that during Hurricane Katrina over a year ago. DeLoatch ran over to the the Saints dubbed their bit of was designed to keep the Saints said. “But we wanted to put the stands and pointed at the crowd chicanery “The Superdome from moving to San Antonio, icing on the cake.” of 70,003, as if to say, “Take that Special.” Los Angeles or some other NFL- managed just 117 yards rushing And what a cake. The Saints Katrina!” Undoubtedly, many John Carney kicked two field deprived city. on the inspired Saints. Vick had seized first place all to themselves more were cheering around goals in the second period, Showing the significance of a miserable game, completing 12- in the NFC South while matching this still-recovering city, some of including a 51-yarder that cleared the game, former commissioner of-31 for 137 yards. their wins from all of last season. them vowing to set up televisions the crossbar as time ran out. The Paul Tagliabue and his successor, “I never in my life heard a Forced to play in San Antonio, outside government-issued Saints trotted to the locker room Roger Goodell, were both at the crowd roar so loud,” Vick said. “It Baton Rouge and East Rutherford trailers that pass for homes more with a 20-3 lead and a rousing Superdome. Signs were hung just goes to show the appreciation because of the Superdome’s than a year after the storm blew ovation ringing in their ears. throughout the stadium, sending they have for having the New massive damage, New Orleans ashore, the levees broke and the The Falcons straggled off in messages such as “Home Sweet Orleans Saints back in the dome, struggled to a 3-13 record as a water poured through. the opposite direction, as if they Dome” and “Thank You America. bringing football back to the city. team without a home. “That set the tone,” Brees said. already knew this wasn’t going to New Orleans & Saints Are Here I commend them for that. They Now, they’re home for good. “That’s when we all knew. This be their night. to Stay.” deserve it.” was our day, our night.” New Orleans Data News Weekly September 23, 2006 Page 15 NEWS

Newsmaker, continued from page 5. achieve comprehensive, meaningful and have really stepped up to spread knowledge recommended shots that fight diphtheria, timely change. For more than 30 years about immunizations. tetanus, chickenpox, polio, whooping Besides Wright, recipients of the special the Foundation has brought experience, “Greater involvement of the school cough, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis award are Kimberly Dilosa, Executive commitment, and a rigorous, balanced system to make sure that children are in B and Haemophilus influenzae. Director, YOUTHanasia Foundation, Inc.; approach to the problems that affect the fact vaccinated before they enter the school Long said at her north Philadelphia New Orleans, La; Elise Hough, Executive health and health care of those it serves. system is extremely helpful in making sure hospital with predominately Black patients, Director, United Cerebral Palsy of Greater When it comes to helping Americans lead the rates steadily improve. I think that’s she’s found that cases of Haemophilus Houston, Houston, Tex; Vien Nguyen, healthier lives and get the care they need, really one of the important reasons that influenzae have been eliminated, thanks Pastor MQVN Community Development the Foundation expects to make a difference they are improving,” he said. to a united front of parents, schools and Corporation, New Orleans, La; and Joe in your lifetime. For more information, visit Long said other technological innovations the state of Pennsylvania. Dawsey, Executive Director Coastal Family such as electronic databases kept by a “Before we had that (vaccination) we Health Center, Biloxi, Miss. Each winner number of hospitals and private practices had 60 cases of meningitis due to Hib at will receive $105,000 to further the work of also help doctors know exactly what kinds this institution every year. And we haven’t his or her program and a $15,000 personal Vacine, continued from page 7. of vaccinations their small patients need. had a case of Heaemophilus influenzae for award. The recent data from the CDC is years,” she said. “Last summer’s devastating hurricanes race, 77 percent for Asian children, 76 particularly good news, Long said, The study did reveal some racial brought into focus for all Americans the percent for Black children, 76 percent for considering parents tend to slack off with differences by individual vaccine. The gaping holes in this country’s safety net,” White children and 76 percent for Hispanic doctor visits and vaccinations between six CDC reported that in comparison to said Catherine Dunham, Ed.D., CHLP’s children. and 12 months. White children, chickenpox vaccination Program Director. “It reinforced what we The CDC’s National Immunization “Between six months and a year, you rates were higher for Black and Hispanic know to be true; that local leaders taking Survey reported that all children might loose the child because people get children. As for four-dose vaccinations of the initiative are really the first and best between 19 and 35 months are being out of the habit of thinking (about doctor tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and responders. They deserve this special vaccinated routinely at or near record visits) and all of the barriers that are in our pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, White award as recognition of their extraordinary highs. Researchers also used vaccination systems to getting an appointment,” she children had them in greater numbers contribution to the recovery effort.” records for nearly 17,500 children from the said. than Blacks and Hispanics. CHLP also awards $1.2 million each year households that participated in the survey. “Some of these poor families are not very Long said the CDC’s results make her to health leaders who have surmounted The numbers steadily rose for Black knowledgeable about what they are going hopeful that even more childhood diseases substantial obstacles to improve the children in recent years. In 2002, the rate to do next week, let alone six months…If can eventually be better “controlled” or health of their communities. Since 1992, was about 66 percent the study said. The you can keep them to the 12 months, then even “eradicated.” the program has distributed 140 awards rate for Hispanic children was slightly you can get them at the 15 and 18 months,” She said, “These vaccines are, in my in 47 states, Washington, D.C. and Puerto higher at about 68 percent in 2002. Long said. opinion, miracles and we have to keep Rico. Those chosen are nominated by civic Dr. Sarah Long, a member of the According to the study, as many working that miracle everyday and work leaders, health professionals, government American Academy of Pediatrics and the as 79 percent of children now get the it for everybody’s children.” representatives and others inspired by Chief of the Section of Infectious Diseases their efforts to provide essential health at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children services in the communities they serve. in Philadelphia, said the push of the CDC, For more information, go to www. her organization and schools has helped to make vaccinations more widely available in The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recent years. focuses on the pressing health and health “And (it’s) becoming more ingrained NOW OPEN! care issues facing our country. As the in the culture of children when they’re nation’s largest philanthropy devoted born in the hospital they are visited by a exclusively to improving the health and pediatrician and there’s education that goes health care of all Americans, the Foundation on. Not only about taking care of the baby works with a diverse group of organizations when you go home, but how you take care and individuals to identify solutions and of the health of the baby,” she said. Morris also believes that school systems

Trailblazer, continued from page 4. place. Annette sighs and laughs heartily as she explains what role each of them play behind the scenes and in the forefront: brother Donald is Facility and Grounds Manager, sister Val Ann is responsible for the professional and tasteful decor, brother David (Annette’s husband) is in charge of mechanical engineering and manages the food and beverage Since 1963 department and brother Stephen heads up the bartending Sadie’s Legendary Salon also planted 20 trees along the strip which department. The Amedees also 2301 Jackson Avenue | Hours: Wed - Fri: 9am - 5pm Sat: 6am - 12noon the family has purchased themselves. The employ in-laws, cousins and other relatives. Amedees also donate much of their left- “This is a system,” says Annette, stating Call (504) 522-2563 or (504) 522-8387 over food to Bridge House. “We receive so that great businesses operate with strict for appointments much. We are so blessed,” says Annette. systems. Every McDonald’s, she says, runs a tight system. Even though the Amedee parents have both entered into eternal rest, the fruits of With the charm of the city at their %Off %Off their labor live on through their children. fingertips, the love of friends and family 10 20 Glenn says that with The Wisdom, their surrounding, and a tightly managed system Shampoo & Style any Chemical Service mother’s dream of a party hall has been in place, the Amedees have taken their fulfilled. Her lessons of togetherness and father Clarence’s advice and made their sharing also live on as the siblings all play long pilgrimage toward the lake. They can Our qualifi ed professionals offer a wide range of styles & services. an integral part in the functionality of the now enjoy the breeze. Offer good for a limited time, open to new and previous customers APPLIANCESappliances FREE $25-$150 GIFT CARD by mail-in rebate with purchase of any in-stock or Special Order major appliance $297 or more made with your Lowe's Consumer Credit Card. Restrictions may apply. Can be combined with other manufacturer rebate offers. Offer valid August 24, 2006 through September 4, 2006. See store for details. $ MAIL-IN REBATE 10% OFF 3AVAILABLE IN-STOCK THERMASTAR BY PELLA WINDOWS price range gift card price range gift card $3 Mail-in Rebate on all Filtrete Ultra Allergen 10% off in-stock $ $ $ $ $ $ Filters. Selection varies by market. Offer valid ThermaStar by 297– 496 25 997– 1496 100 8/24/06 through 8/27/06. See store for details. Pella vinyl windows. $ $ $ $ $ Offer valid 8/24/06 497– 746 50 1497 or more 150 through 8/28/06. $ $ $ Price reduction 747– 996 75 taken at register. See store for details. FREE NEXT DAY LOCAL DELIVERY AND HAUL-AWAY Receive free delivery on all major appliances $397 and above! On major appliances via mail-in rebate. Offer applies on major appliance purchases $397 and above via mail-in rebate. Offer valid now through September 4, 2006. Additional fees may apply for deliveries outside 20-mile local area. Rebate values and additional charges may apply. See store for details.

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