Dungeons & Druddigons
Nova Axe Dungeons & Druddigons Greateaxe, rare (requires attunement) A series of Pokemon turned into items! Since there are 800+ This axe can be modelled after Charmeleon, Quilava, Pokemon, there will be redundancies if I make an item for Combusken, Monferno, Pignite, and Braixen. each Pokemon. Instead, I will be doing unique attacks and Blast Burn. Once per short or long rest, when you attack abilities, and then listing Pokemon the item would cover. with this axe, you can make it explode in 15 foot cone. Any In addition, not every Pokemon will be covered here. With creature within the cone must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving that in mind, a basic weapon for that Pokemon might be a throw. A creature takes 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or solid option! half as much on a successful one. Finally, most items can evolve, as they can in the games. This is detailed at the end. Nova Axe Greateaxe, very rare (requires attunement) This axe can be modelled after Charizard, Typhlosion, Regular Pokemon Blaziken, Infernape, Emboar, and Delphox. Sword of the Vines Blast Burn. Once per short or long rest, when you attack Greatsword, uncommon (requires attunement) with this axe, you can make it explode in 15 foot cone. Any This sword can be modelled after Bulbasaur, Chikorita, creature within the cone must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving Treeko, and Snivy. It can be used for Turtwig, but would be a throw. A creature takes 5d6 fire damage on a failed save, or Maul instead. half as much on a successful one.
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