CURRENT AND PAST AFFILIATIONS  PhD in Political Science;  Expert Advisory Board Member, Center for Science and Social Innovations, Stavropol, ;  Global Energy Associate in Brussels Energy Club, Brussels, Belgium;  Reconnecting , Geneva, Switzerland;  The recipient of various international fellowship awards including William Fulbright Scholarship (USA, 1996), University of California Berkeley Program Grant Award (USA, 1998), Woodrow Wilson International Center’s Grant Award (USA, 1999), Georg Forster Research Fellowship (Germany, 1999), Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship Award (Germany, 2000-2003/2015), DAAD Research Fellowship (Germany, 2005-2006/2014), and Corridors Fellowship (Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Germany, 2017).  Have lectured internationally on post-Soviet Eurasia at a number of respected universities and research institutions, including Columbia University, Stanford University, George Washington University etc.

MAJOR PUBLICATIONS Books | Monographs | Other Contributions (Selected):

 The South at the Crossroads: Conicts, Caspian Oil and Great Power Politics LIT, Berlin, 2007 http://lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-6216-9  Endless Endgame: Whither Russia-West Confrontation? Russia in Global Affairs Journal, April 2018, Moscow, Russia http://eng.globalaffairs.ru/book/-19475  The Other Side of Conict Resolution: Mobilizing Peace Constituencies in the South Caucasus Journal of Conict Transformation – Caucasus Edition, March 2018, Washington, DC, USA http://caucasusedition.net/the-other-side-of-conict-resolution-mobilizing-peace- constituencies-in-the-south-caucasus/  The Black Sea-Caspian Region in Post-Conict Energy Security Cooperation Scenarios: What Role for the Future Global Policy Journal, September 2017, Durham University, UK https://www.globalpolicyjournal.com/articles/climate-change-energy-and- sustainability/black- sea-caspian-region-post-conict-energy-secu  Russia, the EU and the Caspian Pipeline Gambit Journal of Energy Security, September 2015, Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, Potomac, MD, USA http://www.ensec.org/index.php? option=com_content&view=article&id=584:russia-the-eu- and-the-caspian-pipeline- gambit&catid=131:esupdates&Itemid=414 RLASSA  Russia, the EU and the South Caucasus: Forging an Ecient Over-Arching Cooperative Regional Security Scheme Connections, The Quarterly Scholarly Journal of the Partnership for Peace Consortium, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Volume 14, Issue 2, Spring 2015, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany https://pfp- consortium.org/index.php/publications/connections-journal/item/200-russia- the-eu-and-the- south-caucasus-forging-an-ecient-over-arching-cooperative-regional- security-scheme  EU Policy in the South Caucasus: A View from CEPS, Brussels, 2007 https://www.ceps.eu/publications/eu-policy-south-causasus-view-azerbaijan  How the West Helps Putin Fulll His CIS Strategy The Moscow Times, April 6, 2014, Moscow, Russia https://themoscowtimes.com/authors/725  Российско-азербайджанские отношения в современных геополитических реалиях Проблемы национальной стратегии No 1 (6) 2011, научный журнал Российского института стратегических исследований (РИСИ), Москва https://riss.ru/bookstore/journal/2011-2/j6/  Россия заставит Запад играть по ее правилам Новый кризис в отношениях или угроза реальной войны? Интервью, 15 апреля 2018 г. Москва https://svpressa.ru/experts/elhan- nuriev/

PAPERS AT THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AND RESEARCH SEMINARS Active as an international speaker at public universities, think-tanks and international conferences in the USA, UK, Germany, France, Russia and elsewhere in Europe and throughout the world since 1994.

 International Conference – "What a ‘New European Security Deal’could mean for the South Caucasus". 17th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group Regional Stability in the South Caucasus. Vienna, October 2018. Presented a paper entitled "Russia-West Confrontation and the Future of European Security: Global Trends and Regional Consequences".  International Conference – ''Between Fact and Fakery: Information and Instability in the South Caucasus and Beyond,'' organized by Austrian National Defense Academy in cooperation with Partnership for Peace Consortium of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, 9-12 November 2017, Reichenau, Austria. Served as a speaker and presented a paper entitled "Turning Information Warfare into Information Peacefare: Challenges and Opportunities for Change in the South Caucasus."  International Conference – ''Europe’s Dance on the Russian Gas Flame: Challenges and Perspectives for European Energy Security'' organized by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik | German Council on Foreign Relations, 7 July 2015, Berlin, Germany. Served as a speaker and gave a talk entitled "Russia’s Role in European Energy Security: Opportunities and Challenges."  The online version of the conference report is available at https://dgap.org/en/node/27010  International Conference – "Eurasian Economic Union: Chances and Challenges," organized by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik | German Council on Foreign Relations, 4 December 2014, Berlin, Germany. Served as a speaker and presented a paper entitled "Political Dimension of the Eurasian Economic Union: Possible Scenarios and Future Prospects."  International Conference – "Towards Europe?! Straddling Fault Lines and Choosing Sides in the South Caucasus," organized by Austrian National Defense Academy in cooperation with Partnership for Peace Consortium of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, 6-9 November 2014, Vienna, Austria. Served as a speaker and presented a paper entitled "Russia, the EU and the South Caucasus: Trends, Challenges and Prospects." RLASSA MEMBERSHIP IN NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS

 Aliated Expert, European Geopolitical Forum (EGF), Brussels, Belgium  Aliated Expert Member, Regional Stability in the South Caucasus Study Group, Partnership for Peace Consortium, George C. Marshall Center for European Security, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany  Aliated Expert Member, Brussels Energy Club, Brussels, Belgium  Expert Member, Black Sea Research Network at the International Center for Black Sea Studies, Athens, Greece


Russia’s strategic influence areas; Conflict resolution and crisis management in Latin America and Russia, Participation of Latin American countries and Russia in wars and military conflicts; War and peace studies.

E-mail: [email protected]