Draaft EIR Appendices Vol 2 April 2021
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DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT APPENDICES: VOLUME NR. 2 LOWS CREEK DAM PROJECT: DEVELOPMENT OF AN INSTREAM STORAGE DAM FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES ON PORTIONS OF REMAINING EXTENT OF ESPERADO 253 JU AND PORTIONS 1 AND 2 OF ESPERADO ANNEX 222 JU LOWS CREEK-KAAPMUIDEN AREA, MPUMALANGA. PROJECT REFERENCE: 1/3/1/16/1E-294 PREPARED BY: RHENGU ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES P O Box 1046 Cell: 082 414 7088 MALELANE Fax: 086 685 8003 1320 E–mail: [email protected] PREPARED FOR: MR. WALTER GIURICICH/RIAAN KOTZE FOR SUBMISSION TO: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOPMENT, LAND AND ENVIRONMENT AFFAIRS, MPUMALANGA PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT APRIL 2021 Copyright Warning With exceptions the copyright in all text and presented information is the property of RHENGU ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. It is a criminal offence to reproduce and or use, without written consent, any information, technical procedure and or technique contained in this document. Criminal and civil proceedings will be taken as a matter of strict routine against any person and or institution infringing the copyright of RHENGU ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CC. DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION LIST ORGANISATION CONTACT COPIES DARDLEA Mr. Xolani Nkosi 1 IUCMA: Nelspruit Mr. Thabo Rasiuba 1 SAHRA: Cape Town Office Ms. Nokukhanya Khumalo 1 MTPA Ms. Khumbelo Malele 1 DAFF Mr. Zinzile Mtotywa 1 DAFF: LUSM Mr. Frans Mashabela 1 Nkomazi Municipality Head Planning Division: Jan Mashele 1 Mbombela Municipality Head Planning Division: Mr. Dumisani Mabuza 1 Applicant Mr. Walter Giuricich/Riaan Kotze 2 Kaap River Valley Major Ronel Oelofsen 1 Irrigation Board Lows Creek Irrigation Board Adri Claasen 1 Rhengu Environmental Services Mr. Ralf Kalwa 1 TOTAL COPIES 13 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 4.5. Specialist Studies: 4.5.3. Ecological/Biodiversity Report: Terrestrial and Aquatic 7 4.5.4. Fishway Study 201 4.5.5. Yield Analysis of the Proposed Lows Creek Dam 220 4.5.6. Heritage Impact Assessment Report 238 APPENDIX 5: Environmental Management Programme 289 ABBREVIATIONS ASAP As Soon As Possible Asl Above sea level BEE Black Economic Empowerment CBAs Critical Biodiversity Areas cm centimetre DAFF Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries DARDLEA Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environment Affairs DWS Department of Water and Sanitation EA Environmental Authorisation EAP Environmental Assessment Practitioner ECO Environmental Control Officer EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ELU Existing Lawful Use EMPr Environmental Management Programme ER Ecological Reserve ESKOM Electricity Supply Commission EWR Ecological Water Requirement GPS Geographical Positioning System ha Hectare HIA Heritage Impact Assessment I&AP’s Interested and Affected Parties IEM Integrated Environmental Management IUCMA Inkomati Usuthu Catchment Management Agency KNP Kruger National Park kPa kilopascal LUDS Land Use Decision Support Tool m metre mm millimeter MTPA Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency m/s metre per second NA Not Applicable NEMA National Environmental Management Act NHBRC National Housing Building Regulations Council OHASA Occupational Health and Safety Act OMPr Operational Management Programme ONA Other Natural Areas PDI Previously Disadvantaged Individual PES Present Ecological State PPP Public Participation Process RES Rhengu Environmental Services ROD Record of Decision ROW Right of Way SABS South African Bureau of Standards SAHRA South African Heritage Resources Agency sqm square metre WULA Water Use Licence Application APPENDIX 4.5.3. BIODIVERSITY AND ECOLOGY STUDY: TERRESTRIAL AND AQUATIC ESPERADO FARM: DEVELOPMENT OF AN IRRIGATION STORAGE DAM ON THE LOW’S CREEK. A specialist ecological study for the Environmental Impact Assessment on the Esperado Farms in the Kaapmuiden area (Mpumalanga) SPECIALIST STUDY: ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT. March 2021 Dr Andrew Deacon (PhD Zoology) Registered with the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (Registration number: 116951) Executive Summary Rhengu Environmental Services were appointed to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) the Esperado Farms in the Kaapmuiden area (Mpumalanga) and this specialist ecological study forms part of the EIA process for the proposed project. The applicants of the Esperado Farms wish to develop an irrigation storage dam on the Low’s Creek near the confluence with the Kaap River. It is proposed to construct the dam on the Farms: Portions of Remaining Extent of Esperado 253 JU and Portions 1 and 2 of Esperado Annex 222JU. GPS Latitude: 25⁰ 35’ 30.6″ Longitude: 31⁰ 18’ 32.2″ Four options for dam sites were considered, however, following on site evaluations, it was found that three options would flood into neighbouring properties, thus rendering Dam 2 the preferred option. This project is prepared for a Specialist Study for the EIA of the proposed Low’s Creek dam. The Environmental Evaluation refers to the riverine aspects of the project area during the construction- and operational phases for the proposed dam. This specialist report is based on the EIA guidelines provided in the Mpumalanga Biodiversity Sector Plan (MBSP). The Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA), as custodian of the environment in Mpumalanga, is the primary implementing agent of the MBSP for the province. During the study, a total of three vegetation units consisting of transformed vegetation/habitat and one unit consisting of untransformed vegetation/habitat were identified. These four units are listed below as the following vegetation units and land cover type: Untransformed vegetation/habitat 1. Untransformed Riverine – Riparian and aquatic Transformed vegetation/habitat 2. Agriculture - Current cultivation 3. Infrastructure 4. Dams The fieldwork component of this study was conducted during the period January to August 2020. In the vegetation surveys, a total of 83 indigenous plant species were recorded during fieldwork, as well as 17 exotic species, some declared alien invaders. A list of plants of special concern that have distribution ranges and habitat preferences that overlap with the study area (Grid: 2531CB) were compiled from the MTPA threatened species database in order to recognise these important species in the field. None of these were recorded during the surveys, however four protected trees were observed in the project area. Aquatic macro-invertebrates were sampled according to the SASS5 method. Habitat scores for these invertebrates were moderate and categorized as “Fair”, mostly due to the lack of deep-water habitats and fast flows. However, the presence of shallow riffles and good overhanging vegetation, reflected well in the macro-invertebrate scores, resulting in “Good” SASS scores and a relative high number of families. Eleven fish species will be able to reach the sampling site in the Low’s Creek study area, which means that they currently can migrate up to the proposed dam site during periods of high flow, and probably can pass through the system higher up in the catchment. The relative integrity score of 91% at this reach in the Low’s Creek was placed within the limits of an ecological state category Class A/B (>87.4 and <92.01%), which means this reach is rated as “Unmodified, or approximate natural conditions closely.” During surveys of the frog species (January to August 2020), 9 of the 19 expected species were encountered in the Low’s Creek project area. Most of the expected species will be present in the riverine habitat of the Low’s Creek drainage system since the rest of the surrounding area is transformed by agriculture. Using distribution maps and habitat quality, no endemic or threatened frog species are expected to occur in the Low’s Creek project area. Ten of the 62 expected reptile species were recorded in the riverine habitat of the project area during surveys. According to the South African Reptile Atlas, there are 3 endemic reptile species, one threatened species (Nile crocodile) and one South African Threatened or Protected Species (Southern African python) expected to be present in the region. A total of 52 out of 203 expected riverine bird species were observed in the Low’s Creek project area during the study. Using comparisons with expected bird lists, a total of 11 bird species expected to be found in the area are listed as “Species of Special Concern”. If available habitat types in the Low’s Creek riverine area are evaluated, only 51 mammal species are likely to occur in the project area. During the 2020 surveys, signs and/or sightings of 8 mammal species were recorded or reported by the staff on the farm. Seven of the species which have distribution ranges overlapping with the project area, and suitable habitat available, are listed as Species of Special Concern, most of which are considered threatened. Critical Biodiversity Areas: By overlaying the BGIS Critical Biodiversity Areas map onto the Low’s Creek Project Area, we found that the project area falls into the following sensitive areas: • Terrestrial: o Ecological Support Area: Protected area buffer o Vulnerable Ecosystem status: Granite Lowveld Most of the area has been totally transformed by agriculture (“Heavily Modified”), with only small patches of Other Natural Areas in between. However, the entire farm is situated in an ESA: Protected Area Buffer (Boondocks Bushveld Reserve). According to the desired management objectives for an ESA: Protected Area Buffers, these buffers are areas around protected areas where changes in land-use may affect the ecological functioning or tourism potential of the adjacent protected area. The purpose of