Chapter 4 Construction Impact Assessment and Mitigation
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E209 Volume 9 Guangfo Connecting Road, Guangzhou Public Disclosure Authorized Environmental Impact Assessment Public Disclosure Authorized MM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y.v Public Disclosure Authorized 7 GUANGZHOU ENVIRQNMENTAI L--S C] ITUIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE Public Disclosure Authorized CERTIFFi(j7EdI~34 IAC NO.2802 December 2002/ Guangfo Connecting Road Environmental Impact Asscssment THIS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT HAS BEEN PREPARED BY THE GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE. THE INSTITUTE HAS BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE ST-ATE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY OF CHINA WITH A CLASS A CERTIFICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT. CERTIFICATION CREDENTIALS OF THE INSTITUTE ARE SHOWN BELOW: CERTIrFICATE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENCT CERTIFIED: GUANGZHOU ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE CATEGORY: CLASS A CERTIFICATE NO: GB No.2802 I LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Constructor: Guangzhou Public Utilities Buureau - u,. Author: -: Guangzhou Environmental Scie tific 1gesearch Institute -birector: H. Gong Chief Engineer: K. H. Yu Project Manager: G. P. Xu H Y Contributors: G. P. Xu, H Yu, J. H. Zhang, J. Shi, X. S. Huang, X. A. Gu, Participants: X Cui, Guanigfo Connecting Road Environmental Impact Assessmncit Guangfo Connecting Road, Guangzhou ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Table of Contents !.0 Introduction I 1.1 Project Background I 1.2 EA Objectives 3 1.3 Applicable Regulations and Basis 3 1.4 Function Zoning 4 1.5 Environmental Assessment Standards 5 1.6 Primary Environmental Protection Target 7 1.7 Scope of Assessment and Pollution Parameters 7 2.0 Project Description and Engineering Analysis 8 2.1 Project Alignment and Orientation 8 2.2 Engineering Scale and Technical Specifications 8 2.3 Drainage System 9 2.4 Landscaping , 2.5 Traffic Volume Forecast 10 2.6 Major Pollutant I1 3.0 Environmental and Socio-Economic Baseline 16 3.1 Physical Setting 16 3.1.1 Land Form and Geology 16 3.1.2 Meteorology and Climate 16 3.1.3 Hydrology 17 3.1.4 Aquatic Life 17 3.1.5 Groundwater 18 3.1.6 Vegetation 19 3.1.7 Existing Roads 20 3.1.8 Natural Resources 20 3.1.9 Visual Aesthetics 21 3.2 Social and Economic Baseline 21 3.2.1 District Population and Economy 21 3.2.2 Cultural Property 22 3.2.3 Sensitive Receptors 22 GESRI September, 2002 Gualngfo Connecting Road Environmiental Impact Assessment 3.3 Fxisting Ambient Air Quality 23 3.4 Noise Baseline 24 3.5 Water Quality Monitoring 25 3.6 Impacts of Other Major Urban Road Projects 26 4. Construction Impact Assessment and Mitigation 32 4.1 Soil Erosion 32 4.2 Community Impacts 32 4.3 Construction Noise Impact and Mitigation 33 4.3.1 Scope and Standards of Assessment 33 4.3.2 Construction Machinery Noise Intensity 33 4.3.3 Predicted Noise Levels and Impact 34 4.3.4 Construction Noise Impact Mitigation 36 4.4 Air Impact and Mitigation during Construction 37 4.4.1 Air lImpact Assessment 37 4.4.2 Air Emission Mitigation 38 4.5 Water Impacts and Mitigation during Construction 39 4.5.1 Impact Assessment 39 4.5.2 Water Impact Mitigation 39 4.6 Solid Waste Impact and Mitigation during Construction 40 4.6.1 Solid Waste Impacts 40 4.6.2 Solid Waste Impact Mitigation 41 4.7 Ecological Impacts and Mitigation 41 4.8 Public Access to the Parks 42 5. Operation Impact Assessment and Mitigation 43 5.1 Air Quality lmpact 43 5.1.1 Assessment Factors and Emission Intensity 43 5.1.2 Climate Characteristics 43 5.1.3 Air Quality Impacts Assessment Prediction 46 5.1.4 Air Pollution Mitigation 53 5.2 Noise lImpacts 56 5.2.1 Noise Prediction Modeling and Model Coefficient/Factor 56 GESRI September, 2002 Guangfo Connecting Road Environmental Impact Assessment 5.2.2 Model Coefficient Determination 61 5.2.3 Noise Prediction Results 63 5.2.4 Noise Mitigation 67 5.3 Water Environment Impact 73 5.3.1 Impact Assessment 73 5.3.2 Impact Mitigation 77 5.4 Resettlement and Relocation 77 5.4.1 Applicable Laws and Policies 77 5.4.2 Land Acquisition and Impact Assessment 78 5.5 Sunshine Impacts 81 5.6 Safeguards 82 6. Analysis of Alternatives 85 6.1 Alternative Alignments/Layouts 85 6.2 Elevated Viaduct vs Surface Road 86 7. Public Consultation 87 7.1 Objectives 87 7.2 Approach 87 7.3 First Round Public Consultation Results 88 7.4 Second Round Public Construction Results 90 7.5 Information Disclosure 93 8. Environmental Management and Monitoring 95 8.1 Environmental Management Organizations 95 8.2 Environmental Management 96 8.3 Personnel Training 97 8.4 Environmental Monitoring 98 9. Summary and Conclusions 102 Appendix I Air Quality Modeling Results 108 Appendix It: Modeling Results for Water Pollutants Dispersion 120 GESRI September, 2002 GUangfo Connecting Road Einvironmental Impact Assessment List of Tables Table 1-1 Functional Zoning For Project Area 4 Table 1-2 Air Quality Standards 5 Table 1-3 Vehicle Emission Standards 5 Table 1-4 Noise Standards 5 Table 1-5 Standards for Noise border of Construction Site 6 Table 1-6 Surface Water Quality Standards 6 Table 1-7 Standards for Wastewater Discharge 6 Table 1-8 Sunshine Obstruction Standards 6 Table 2-1 Project Scale of Guangfo Road 8 Table 2-2 Major Guangfo Road Design and Engineering Specifications 9 Table 2-3 Vehicle Fleet Composition on Guangfo Road 10 Table 2-4 Peak Hour Traffic Volume Forecast 11 Table 2-5 Motor Vehicle Emission Coefficients for Guangfo Project 12 Table 2-6 Motor Velhicle Noise Intensity 13 Table 2-7 Construction Camp Wastewater Characteristics 14 Table 2-8 Contaminant Concentrations of Surface Runoff from Road 15 Table 3-1 Plant along the Guangfo Road Alignment 19 Table 3-2 Sensitive Receptors along the Project Area 23 Table 3-3 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results 24 Table 3-4 Baseline Noise Monitoring Results 25 Table 3-5 Surface Water Quality Monitoring Results 26 Table 3-6 Monitored Annual Average NO2 Concentrations 28 Table 3-7 Monitored Annual Average CO Concentrations 29 Table 3-8 Monitored Annual Average TSP Concentrations 29 Table 3-9 City Wide Ambient Air Quality 30 Table 3-10 Monitored and Modeled Noise in Selected Sensitive Receptors 30 Table 4-1 Construction Site Boundary Noise Standards 33 Table 4-2 Noise of Different Construction Machinery 34 Table 4-3 Noise Levels of Construction Machinery 35 Table 4-4 Dust Concentrations near Construction Sites 38 Table 5-1 Wind Direction Frequency 44 Table 5-2 Wind Speeds Frequency of Occurrence in Winter and Summer 44 Table 5-3 T1emperature Inversion Characteristics in Guangzhou 45 Table 5-4 Pollution Index in Project Area 45 Table 5-5 Frequency of Occurrence of Atmospheric Stability 46 Table 5-6 Measured Air Dispersion Coefficients in Guangzhou 48 Table 5-7 Guangfo Road Air Emissions Pollutant Concentrations 50 Table 5-8 Fangcun Interchange Air Emission Pollutant Concentrations 52 Table 5-9 Air Pollutant Concentrations at Sensitive Receptors 53 GESRI September, 2002 iv Guangfo Connectinig Road Environmental Impact Assessment Table 5-10 Traffic Volume in Different Timeframe 61 Table 5-11 Noise Modification Factor for Road Slope 62 Table 5-12 Predicted Noib'lievels of Guangfo Road *P4 64 Table 5-13 Predicted Noise Levels at Sensitive Receptors 66 Table 5-14 Measured Vibration from a Similar Viaduct on Inner Ring Road 67 Table 5-15 Comparison of Common Road Noise Mitigation Measures 68 Table 5-16 Summary of Noise Mitigation and Residual Impacts 73 Table 5-17 Rural Land Acquisition Statistics 78 Table 5-18 Impacts of Cultivated Land Acquisition 78 Table 5-19 Affected Houses and Compensation Rates 79 Table 5-20 Estimated cost of Resettlement and Relocation 81 Table 6-1 Comparison of the Alternative Alignment/Layouts 85 Table 6-2 Comparison of Elevated Viaduct vs Surface Road 86 Table 7-1 Questionnaire Survey Results 89 Table 7-2 Summary of Public Meetings 90 Table 7-3 Background of People in the Second Round of Public Consultation 91 Table 8-1 Organizations Involved in Environmental Management 95 Table 8-2 Environmental Monitoring Plan 99 Table 8-3 Air Quality Monitoring Analytical Costs 100 List of Figures Figure 2-1 Location of Guangfo Road and the Two Ring Roads and Radial Roads Figure 3-1 Conditions of the Road in Fangcun, Flowers.and Plants. Gardens in Hengjiao Village Figure 3-2 Ecosystem of the Sides and Roadbed of Railway Figure 3-3 Distribution of Sensitive Receptors on Guangfo Road Figure 3-4 Sensitive Receptors along the Road from Datansha to Fangcun Figure 3-5 Sensitive-Receptors and -Cultural Relics and Historic Sites along Guangfo Road in Jiaobiao Village Figure 3-6 Locations'of Air and Water Monitoring Sites Figure 5-1 Schematics of Relocation of Pavilion and Statue at the Li's Family Shrine Figure 6-1 Alternatives of the Project Figure 8-1 Project Management Organization GESRI September, 2002 v Guangfo Connecting Road Environmental Impact Assessment 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Project Background Guangzhou's inner ring road and the affiliated roads development are a key project in the Guangzhou Urban Center Traffic Improvement Plan (the Plan) to alleviate the highly congested urban center area. The project is to meet the demands of the rapid economic development in Guangzhou and will serve as a part of the traffic congestion solution for the downtown area by providing an undisrupted, high capacity flow for the through traffic. Together with the outer ring road, the inner ring road will effectively detour the pass-through motor vehicles from entering and going through the city center. According to the Plan, the outer ring road is to connect Guangzhou with cities in the surrounding area and long distance inter-city traffic, while inner ring road is to provide pathways for the through traffic within the city of Guangzhou.