The Famuan September 12, 1996 The Voice of Florida A&M University - Tallahassee, Fla. Vbt.. 4, No. 1 Policy transfers cost of excess hours to students

BY NIAMBI BROWN I or example, a student in a 120-hour the incoming freshmen but are now being extra credit charge leaves very little room Staff Writer Policy degree program can earn up to 138 occupied by students taking too many for student discovery. But he said the ben- hours before being penalized. Any classes excess hours. efits should be worth the end result. Florida's state universities no longer including those withdrawn from. failed or This also means students have virtu- "Ithink it's going to put pressure on will loot the entire bill for students taking repeated will be factored into the 138 ally no room to double major, or take students to make decisions and it should an excess amount of credit hours. hours. courses that may interest them but are not make academic advisement more critical," Instead, first-time freshmen and But on the 139th hour, there will be course requirements. Lockamy said. transfer students not holding Florida asso- an extra credit hour charge. The charge - "This is really not to stop some one "We, as faculty, have to now make ciate degrees will pay 33 percent of the $38.90 per credit hour - will pay for pro- from discovering themselves in college, it sure you don't take a course three more cost of teaching those excess hours. lessor salaries and building maintenance is to help them exercise some type of times because it's costing both you - the Information has been sent to parents costs. responsibility," he said. students - as well as the university," he of students attending this summer's orien- Alan Stoncipher, director of public Sid Credle, director of academic pro- said. tation program and seminars will be pre- relations for the Board of Regents, said the grams, agrees. Rachel Wade, a freshman from sented today and Monday in Lee Hall new rule is designed to make students fig- "This policy was meant to help raise Jacksonville, said she intends to live up to Auditorium. ure out what they want before they come the standard of the university, improve the responsibilities of college, but she Under the new excess credit hour to college. upon the students performance and clean doesn't see a need to make a policy to charge policy students entering this year "This was passed in hopes that it out all the frustrations by making the rule enforce something that 'simple'. are allowed to take up to 115 percent of would encourage students to take more consistent for everyone," Credle said. "When you make a decision to come their degree requirements. hours and to get on a good track in the "Students can now become more academ- to a university you should have some Any extra hours taken over that beginning," he said. ically focused and can play to win." inkling that you have to buckle down," she amount will be subject to a per-credit-hour Stoncipher said the policy is meant Archie Lockamy, vice-president for said. "I look at it like this: You come to penalty. to help free seats that should be empty for academic programs, admits the excess college correct or don't come at all."

I ICs set Time! 1VIU mourns gospel choir founder, 4 sociate dean at engineering college

BY JAMES COLE BY ARETHA FRISON Siaff Writer Correspondent

- FAMI " eI rVI ospei Dr. J. Willard Toliver, 57, associ- Choir founder and ate dean in the FAMU/FSU College of Jona' D. Olds aliser Engineering, died this summer in died Sept. 3. He was Houston. Toliver served as the associate A neighbor department chair and professor of electri- noticed Olds car hadn't cal engineering at the FAMU/FSU College mosed in a while and of Engineering in 1987. He also was direc- called Tallahassee tor of the Minority Engineering Program police. He was found from 1988-1993. dead in his home. Olds worked for FAMU At the college of engineering, Toliver was responsible for the admission since 1960 and was director of fiscal and recruitment of all minority students affairs for the College of Pharmacy and and was part of the office of administra- Pharmaceutical Sciences for the last25 tion for student Services, Placement, Pre- years. He is widely known for establishing Oteman Sampson plays for his friend, College Programs and the minority engi- the First Renowned FAMU Gospel Choir, neering program. He oversaw the success as well as for a championship season the first black collegiate choir in the coun- of the Engineering Concept Institute, a try. summer bridge program for the enrich- EBY MICHAEL LEE That's how ecdo it,Home team!" Family and friends remembered Olds ment and retention of incoming freshman Staff Writer Sampson said, nodding his head and as a proud and dedicated member of admitted to FAMU. Slaughing. Triumph The Church and Kingdom of Shelly Robinson, 21, an electrical Shortl after OTEMAN He seemed to reminisce God in Christ athis funeral engineering student, said Toliver was more leading FAMU to SAMPSON about the time they spent service held than just the dean of the school, a depart- its first victory of together playing Sept. 7 at Bethel A.M.E. Church. Olds was sandlot ment chair and a professor - he was a the season, junior football. active in his church holding such positions shooting hoops friend. q uarter-back at the park as shepherd, presiding elder and national or hanging "I just felt comfortable talking to Oteman Sampson out at neighborhood par- superintendent of the Advanced School of him. He always gave me advice on my col- stepped out of the ties. Barnes Wisdom . a religous and training school. But lege career and education," said Robinson. locker room wear- Sampson grew up he is best known for his work with the "He was very interested in help- ing a baseball cap The-together in the rough FAMU gospel choir. ing students," said 25-year-old Tongela with the number 56 -nFamuan/ The stitched in orange . h..Miami Liberty City He saw the choir travel the country,. Davis. who was Toliver's office assistant. titched in orange DEREK J. housing community. c. participate in a Coca-Cola commercial. "They [students] would come to him with green.hnd eDODD Scott-Carver projects. open concerts for artists such as Shirley personal problems, and he would help S With little Memories of Barnes are Caesar, James Cleveland and Vicki them academically and personally." motion. Sampson answered questions all Sampson can cling to. Last April, ii Winans and release its first CD. Toliver also served as pastor of about an impressive Rattler debut in which Barnes' life was cut short after he was "The the Innovation Baptist Church where he S'he blitzed the Tigers for three touchdowns beaten to death in a dispute at his UM Choir and J.D. Olds is synony- had a membership of more than 200 peo- aand 303 passing yards. But when he campus apartment. mous. You just can't think of one without ple. He was ordained in 1978 by lescribed the reaction his good friend, for- Sampson. 21, heard about his friend's the other." said Frances Stallworth. a Brentwood Baptist Church and the ner University of Miami Hurricane line- death one week after edging FAMU English professor. She was one out senior of Houston Missionary Baptist Association backer Marlon Barnes would have about quarterback Damian the first Slaughter in spring members of the gospel choir. in Houston. hisperformance. Sampson's cool monoto- practice. "1957 was the year I finished at "He was a very special person, ie changed. "Here I am, about to earn the FAMU and that was the year the choir was and no one can replace Dr. Toliver," Davis "He would've said. 'Way to go. said. "I'll just miss Dr. Toliver, period." PLEASE SEE SAMPSON/12 PLEASE SEE OLDS/2 2 The Famuan/September 12, 1996 FAMU grad charged in assault Wsindhoma alieedis londled het BY LEON M.TUCKER Pt easts genital area and buttocks, and later Contributing Editor drosve her home- A\ lAMU era-- In the days fol low~inrg the alleged uate and dean of the assault, the girl said Windhorm repeatedls Second Chance alterna- made sexually suggestive phone calls t use school on Plant her home. prompting her to file a Stieet has been arrested swith Tallahassee police. in connection 'a ith a Polic said \\indhom called her sexual assault on a 14- the report waas tiled, and asked her to meet~ sear-old female student. him at the Winn Dixie store on South F[ r r o0 I Monroe to plan a trip to Jacksonv ile or Windhom vWindhorn, a27-sear-old Panama Cits. Tatllahasseceiresident At the meeting. insvestigators said they and LAN'slelementary education gradu- recorded Windhom saving he wsanred to ate. wxas jailed August 30) and charged have sex with the minor. When police with sexual batters. arrested Windhom, he denied making the I .4 Windhom waas arrested after the girl statements. reported the alleged incident to police. Second Chance's principal Tom Dunn Police said Windhom had gisen the female declined to comment, citing that the case MY DEGREE GOT ME THE INTERVIEW. student, and several male students from is still under investigation by police and Second Chance, a ride home because ot the Leon Counts school hoard. ARMY ROTC GOT ME THE JOB. school bus delays. The girl told police Windhom waas being held in the Leon responsibility, self-disci- Windhom took the male students home County Jail on 5100,000) bail, although a Things got pretty competitie for taught me this job. tm sure my college degree pline and leadership. Those are an undisclosed area Friday bond hearing had reduced his bail and then drove her to and good grades kept me in the thungs you just can'ttlearn from a text- o1 FAMU's campus. There, she told to S50.000. running. But in the end it was the book. I don't know where I'd be right leadership and managemfent experi- o::' if I hadn't enrolled in Army OLDS/FROM 1 ''At first it was a lot of emotions, a lot ence I got through Army ROTC en~a ROTC, but I do know one thing of tears and a lot of sorrow." said Derrick won them over. Army ROTC ) for sure ... I wouldn't be here. started," she said. that McRae a senior architecture student and Up until his death, Olds w'as waorking president of the Gospel Choir. diligently on projects for the choir. McRae said he wil miss Olds buo is "At a Homecoming meeting lhe was dedicated to continuing his legacy throug'h ARMY ROTC fired up about the Annual Gospel hard wxork in the choir. THE SMARTEST COLLEGE COURSE YOU CAN TAKE Extravaganza." said Res. Lawrence "We are dedicating this entire year Barner of the F-AMU Campus Ministries. Forde: J.s visit R .:.203 Ho :cc Ham: o cal Mr. Olds," said McRae. He and O7az 'The Gospel Choir is a very important part 599-3515 planned the entire semester. ot Homecoming" ''He laid a solid foundation. [k News of Olds' death brought tears atnd he prep-are , or this.'' McRaic said. disbelief to choir members.

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PEMOcR4CY 3 101 The Famuan/September 12, 1996

.cw+aTM._ -- err-*.q,"74h w ar:ti:w+.r x.-rw to.".iti": , "xx Lesson Party runoffs set for Oct. 1 one: Young Democrats want you Local candidates will face off in Oct. 1 runoffs to determine who will represent BY JOY BAILEY 178 voted in the Sept. 3 primary, he said. their parties in Nov. 5 general elections. John Livingston, the FAMU College Correspondent The run-off races: time to vote Democrats coordinator, said the organiza- Maggie B. Lewis tion's volunteers will go door-to-door in Wylie J. Dassie 'School superinten- 'Statehouse, 7th dent Student Democrats are forming a the dormitories to sign up voters. They've District William J. Montford Jamey Westbrook and be heard also been registering voters on the Set, he Richard L. Merrick FAMU branch of their party's college out- David Warriner reach organization. said. 'County commission, *U.S. House, 2nd The FAMU club, a branch of the 1st District District BY PETER McKAY About 25 students held the first meet- William Proctor Allen Boyd College Democrats of America, is urging Curtis Richardson Staff Writer ing of the FAMU Young Democrats orga- Anita Davis students to get involved in Democratic County commission, nization Tuesday in the student activities 2nd District For more than a year, FAMU sopho- building. Organizers say the group hopes campaigns now so that they can help to Jane G. Sauls 'School superinten- form the candidates' platforms. " Sean A. Pittman dent more Kim Blanding "didn't have the time" to make its voice heard in upcoming elec- 'School board, 2nd Frank Voran to register to vote. tions through registering voters on cam- "Once the agenda is set, it is very District Bob Nudelman important that we all support it," Tom Young *U.S. house, 2nd She could have registered on or after pus, increasing voter turn-out and, most said Daryl Parks, a FAMU graduate and former COnnie Evans District her 18th birthday in August of 1995, but importantly, rallying students behind School board, 3rd Bill Sutton she said a recent voter registration drive Demrocralic candidates, both national and student government president who attend- District Carole Griffin on the Set sponsored by the Florida local. ed Tuesday's meeting. To rally student Democratic featured speaker. Also, Pierce Democratic Party was more convenient. "The biggest opponent of this cam- support, told the "I was going to register before. I just paign is voter apathy," said Eric Pierce, the the Democratic National Committee will group that Republican presidential nomi- never found time," Blanding said. Tallahassee youth vote director for the sponsor HBCU Day Sept. 23, Livingston nee Bob Dole's economic plan would hurt In light of Nov. 5's general election Clinton-Gore campaign. said. He said the day will include voter student financial aid programs. day, local political organizations and Pierce said that only about 1,600 of registration drives and Democratic rallies The FAMU organization, still in its FAMU's Student Government FAMU's 11,000 students are registered to at more than 40 historically black colleges, infancy, has yet to elect officers, form Association will periodically register vot- vote in Tallahassee. Of those registered, including FAMU. committees or ratify its constitution. ers on campus. Local runoff elections At Tuesday's gathering, Parks was the Livingston said that there isn't a stu- will be held Oct. 1. rvrrr To be eligible to vote in Leon County, students must be U.S. citizens who are 18 years of age or older and must be able to provide a local address. Seventeen-year-olds can even pre-regis- ter. Nkenge Harmon, SGA's director of C" ''",

4 student lobbying, is coordinating the stu- ... 4: " LoeigTeCos dent government's efforts. She said she's

finalizing a list of dates and times when "+++ .. Hier E'du~catioEducation... SGA workers will register voters. Other organi- zations, such as To register... the NAACP and the Democratic The office of Ion party, have con- Sancho, Leon Eety Da tacted her about County's supervi- 1a registering voters sor of econs, is located at the on campus, she Leon County said. Courthouse, Suite i Harmon and 301. Phone num- FAMU's office of ber: (904) 488- student activities 1350. At the 'ff1 say the Republican office, local voters Party hasn't con- can: tacted them about the registering voters first"Register time. for on campus. *File changes of DEPOT banks and schools *Request absen- are also voter reg- tee Leon County istration sites, ballots. where voters may also change their party affiliation or address. * Computers & Accessories Students say the question of where to reg- ister - in their hometowns or in * Software Tallahassee - is often important. Christopher Lynch said he prefers to 9 * School Supplies stay registered in Atlanta, his hometown. "I know most of the people that have been in office there," said Lynch, a senior * Printers, Fax Machines, Calculators chemistry student. and Other Business Machines Lynch, 20. said that while interning this summer in Washington, he voted in * Furniture Atlanta's primary election by getting an absentee ballot by mail from the city's VL elections supervisor. Plus, check out the in-store Blanding, who's from Orlando, said Business Center for all your she registered in Tallahassee because she spends more time here. printing and copying needs She was among morethan 100 voters the Florida Democratic Party registered Sept. 4 on the Set. Lora Jackson, a Call 1-800-557-3376 FAMU student interning with the party, said the democrats set up registration sites for the store nearest you on the Set four times during the first two weeks of classes and that the organization will probably have more on-campus dri' ves.

.. 4 The Famuan/September 12, 1996

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~t LP ob.n O;vo:i ^nl' ID *T The Fawmuan What's Going On Rattler Employment Network program runs through Dec. 11, meeting Get prepared for the Career Expo by plac- each Wednesday from 8:15 a.m. to 9:15 ing your resume over the World Wide Web a.m. To volunteer contact Dr. Gale for hundreds of companies to see. Call the Workman at 561-2764 or on line at work- We cover your world. Rattler Employment Network at 513-4789 mang@ or 551-2943 for information. Orientation Workshops HI Graduate Feeder There will be a Career Center Orientation Students with a 3.2 g.p.a. or higher who Workshop today at 3 p.m. and Friday at 10 are interested in graduate studies at Purdue a.m. in the Career Center. For information or Georgia Tech may call Linda N. call 599-3700. Hudson at 599-3315 or 3505 for informa- tion. Deadline is Sept. 15. Coast Guard Recruitment The CGRIT program includes full tuition, The Feeder Program will hold a Graduate textbooks, monthly pay of $980, and a Opportunities Seminar October 21 from 2- standard allowance. Each student must be 4 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom. Thirty rep- at least 17, but must not reach the age of resentatives will recruit students Oct. 22 22 by July 1 of the year admitted as a from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Grand cadet and must be a U.S. citizen. Call Ballroom. Call Linda N. Hudson at 599- Rudolph V. Slaughter at 599-3512 for 3315 or 3505 for information. information.

Career Expo Bethel Missionary Baptist The FAMU Career Center will hold the All FAMU students are invited to Bethel Career Expo Tuesday, Sept. 24 at the Missionary Baptist Church for Tallahassee-Leon County Civic Center FAMU/TCC Sunday. The service will be 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Shuttle service will held Sunday Sept. 21 at 11i a.m. in the be provided. For information call the church sanctuary located at 224 North Career Center, Student Union Plaza Suite Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. For informa- 118 at 599-3700. tion call 224-8440..

Internship Program College Emphasis Sunday will be held in The Leon County Volunteer Services can the church sanctuary Sept. 28 at 11 a.m.

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Trio brinigs their inudtiplatinum hip-hop sound to cross-culturalaudience . BY DAWNIE WALTON 'ou must hav e a competitive edge and comec to events Contributing Editor like this." Although he didn't have ati exact number of stu- Wshen C heron Reed ssalked into the Tallahassee dents vxho got interns hips. co-ops and johs from last L eon County Civic Center two Nears ace tir the FA\MU BY HERMIONE MALONE year's expo. Hay nes said the expo is wsorthwxhile for all she was a freshman wxith little work experi- Staff Writer "_,ic like reggae. rap. hip-hop." said the 14-year-old student Career Expo. students. Freshmen can come and hone their networking \fliclas School. whose favorite song is "Fu-gee-la" off of ence competing with upperclassmen for internship oppor- skills, and upperclassmen can make valuable contacts as tunities. Isout -ut-f h-w o'kI A 7:30) p nm.tFriday night. appruxiiiito I,ces' second . "The Score." they begin searching for ajob. But she'd alreads visited FAMU's Career Center. Stillswal king into a Cisic Center teeming with peo- "'0)) people awsaited entrance to the Tallahasse - and signed up for si\ intervies swith recruiters before ILeon County Civ ic Center for the Fugees con VVho rocks the house? ple and lined with booths representing various companies walking through the Civ ic Center door. She carried a cert. The late 'tart didn't seem to make any difference to the can be initimidating for students, said Hav nes. Larger stack of resumes under her arm, and passed them out to By 7:4(0 p.m.. the line stretched from the crowd. who rushed the stage when a call was made for. "all companies like Coca-Cola have huge booths at the Expo any one she met. doors, across the plaza, dow n the steps and into hip-hop heads to come to the iront." wsith free samples. music, telexvisions airing commercials. BY GREGORY LAMONT FIELDS Reed, now a junior business economics student. the parking lot. \vsclef started the shows with a combination of his guitar and swarms of students clamoring for brief interviews. Contributing Editor came away with an internship-an indirect result from Fans came with their college roommate- .1 the DJ's turntable. At one point calling on the guitar tech- The bright lights and competitiveness often scares stu- one of her interviews. Amid East Coast and West Coast hip- their parents and friends. The clothing range. man to tune his guitar. and calling on the crowd to boo. dents. Reed said. I happened to be wxaiting for an interv iew wxith a hop conflict the South may be the saxvior of the from muddy green-colored army fatigues to satin and Lauren made their entrance about 15 minutes into So hows can y'ou set yourself apart from the rest of company and began a conversation with a media repre- rap industry. skirts. sundresses and jeans. ' \ clef's routine to hype up the crowsd. the crowd' sentative from another company." said the Champaign. Outkast's ness album "ATLiens" is a Make no mistake about it. the Fugees. MI( But this wvas one crowd that needed no help in feeling the Preparation. said Reed. Ill., native. "I gave him my business card. and he called jewel straight fromn Georgia. Verbally and pro- sold over 3 million copies of their second album. sihe. From the first down beat of "How Many Mics." to the "Being prepared is the way to avoid nervousness." File phut me later and offered me an internship. I guess he was duction-vwise. the entire project is on point. ''The Score." ha've bhaltheir onlsuer "I told htni vs nn tnaile which included a treestyle contest with mcs from the she said. Asking good questions is one of the best meth- impressed I started a conversation. Organiized Noise Productiotis coits div erse fun,,. Aboee Lauryn we wsere coming swe'd audience, Tallahassee showed it's lose for the Fugees. ods for impressing recruiteirs. said Reed. "Make questions Reed secured an internship with Electronic Data through w ithi their trademark sound. The eerie Hill Left, Wyclef probably be the old On their feet from start to finish, nearly' two hours, the interesting so they'll grab the interviewser's attention. And Systems in Plano. Texas, wxhere she helped set up com- melody of Joi. Whild Peach. aiid Trina on "Jazzy Div.ersity equals sound success strums during crowd sung along with song after song, hands in air. feet on fire. look professional." she said. Belle" makes it definitely one of the tightest For some in the audicnce, the I ueces se Friday's show inl est and youngest puter systems in elementary schools around the Plano Hayntes and Dean stress the importance of bringing T NMake no mistake about it- the Fugees rocked the house. allahassee. here" sa i he.ein area. soings on the album. "Mainstream" shosscases of ancestral pride is what draws them to i- * l And if you weren't there, no doubt sou'se heard about it at least 50 updated resunmes arid wearing business attire. the talent of Kliujo and T-Bu of Goodie Mob. group. Thomas. Success stories like Reed's are common every year Three thing~s that should be on every resume include Special to The f'rom those who experienced the trio settling the score. The acoustic guitar incorporates a symiphony of "I'm Haitian and I like the fact that there Thomas, a student at the Expo. said Dr. Thomas Haynes, director of The skills the student has, how the student has demonstrated Famuan/ "A thought it was excellent. They mixed in a lot of reggae gumbo resent. Theyre like the Career Center. "We have companies makinig offers on the the results the studenit has gottetn from futiksvhile the combination of rhythm first Haitian rappest n WENDY at Florida DRS and a lot of stuff not on their album. [There] was a lot of ener- those skills, and guitar and the bass in "Millennium" sets the stage the industry." said LaShaune Jeune. 25, a FAMU spot." said Haynes. "Students from all areas of the uni- using those skiffs. Haynes said. LON GLADE School, has been a Everyone seemed to have a good time." said Denise gy. versity can come and have success." for an apocaly ptic look at the world around us. graduate student. Fugees fan since the Richardson. 24. a graduate student at ESI. Men and wotmen should wear black or navy blue About 250 recruiters will attend this year's Expo. Usually self-production on sophomore For others like Remi Davis and Sandra Nlorno. sMho son in t ulhuri: Blunted On Reality." His favorite song is. "Killing "I would definitely come to another one [Fugees concert]. I business suits, said Haynes. Anyone with questions con- Tuesday. Sept. 24, 9:30 am. to 4:30 p.m. A welcome cerning proper business attire should call the center at projects proves fatal. but Andre Benjamin tickets on WAMF-90.5 FM, the sound of the group. in particu- Me Softly." don't think you'll find anyone that wvould say no." she said. reception for the recruiters will be heal at the Civic to have interviews with the (Dre) and Antw'an Patton (Big Boi) don't let the lar the voice of Lauryn H.'II are what keep them listeninig. " 1 esen like the original [by Roberta Flack]." said his father. "It w'as awesome. Once they told us to come to the front, it 599-3700. Students who want Center Mionday, Sept. 23. with the career ceerr locat- niusic drop off'. The progranmming and drum "They haxe good vocals. can really sing," said was the bomb. They' just mixed everything up. They got the companies must also register Expo coordinator Delores Dean said most of the Plaa, across from McGuinn arrangements are intricate and involved. "Wheel, Davis, 20. a psychology student at FSU. Leaving the typical for the original crowd involved. That shows they care about the crowd and their ed in the Student Union recruiters volunteered to come. "We don't do much resume. of Steel," "Ova Du Wudz," and the astounding Hill, a member of the trio that includes and The Fugees have a way of telling a story and putting you in support," said Isis Zometa, 18, an FSU pre-veterinarian medi- Hall, by bringing in a current recruiting," said Dean. "They've heard of FAMU and they Reed plans to go to the Expo again this year. Her "Elevators," are tracks not to be slept on. Prakazrel "Pras" Michel, dominated the screen in "Sister Act 2: their shoes. That storytelling, without aid of profuse profanity, cine student. want our students." at a Outkast's songs are more complicated than the Back in the Habit." That incredible role is a key element to the multiple references to Versace and gangsta vibes, is a welcomed Would that kind of caring bring Zometa to another Fugees trip last year resulted in another internship, this time Despite the fact that the FAMU Career Expo is one pharmaceutical company in Jacksonville that had previ- typical Organized Noise sound. Dre and Big Boi group's success. change for the world of hip-hop. concert'? of the largest recruitment events held at a university in the 1994 expo. even surpass the production of the famed "I was more interested in her [after] her last movie, hut after So, aside from the tremendously powerful vocals of Hill, "Hell yeah!" she said. ously interviewed her at the nation, not enough students attend, said Haynes. Students Organized Noise at some points. the last album was when I really got into them." said Maurice the ethnic pride of the entire group and their bucking of tradi- The Fugees have uncharacteristically transcended age, race, Lindsay, tional hip-hop style, what who don't take advantage of the opportunity will lag Outkast has been unmatched when it 24, a FAMU environmental science student. makes the Fugees a household name'? background and class - all for the love of music. behind others who do, he said. comes to lyrics, so this album is no different. Big Anticipating the arrival of the Fugees in between sets of "They've got straight up lyrics dealing with today's issue, Ready or not, here they come, you can't hide. If the Fugees "They'll look up one day and be seniors and see Boi and Dre bring the pain throughout South Side Pride and Nonchalant, were Alto Thomas, Jr., 42 and what young people are all about," said Jennifer Dorough, 25, haven't found you yet, chances are they will. "ATLiens." For example Big Boi rhymes on his son Alto Thomas, III, 8. who drove nearly three hours from Fort Walton Beach to see the they haven't done much. How do you assure yourself that "Elevators" "One two! One two! Brothas in the roncert you get a good rate of return on your college investment" Cadillacs they call us! Went from players ball! to bailers/ Puffin' tha South up on the map! Just like Little Rock to Bangin'" This album could easily be limited to beats and outstanding poetry, but Outkast's intel- Freshmen vary intheir opinions about going to FAMU Clinkscales electrifies group lectual messages won't allow that to happen. "Decatur Psalm" explores the New World Order Deseaux said he thinks this attitude of being special concept, while "Wailin"' begs for racial unity. BYJACKIE CUNNINGHAM department heads, rather than others in that department or other and doing extraordinary things prevails throughout the fresh- departments. at 68th SGA inauguration The best cut on "ATLiens" has to be "Growing Contributing Editor man class. In his English class the professor made group project Old." This song compares blacks and the struggle "Try to go straight to the person as often as possible. More than 2.900 freshmen have descended assignments for literary presentations. He said each group was they face to the ancient Israelites. The message Although others mean well, sometimes they do not have all the upon FAMU's campus this fall. This, the class of 2000, is the trying to come up with the most creative presentation. Vibe chief digs deep to talk about what FAMU means to him. is heeded: the time has come to stop talking and information the students need. That way students won't get as class that will take FAMU into the new millennium and they "We were competing for the best grade. We were ready start atoning. frustrated or discouraged." said Caswell. have lot's to say about FAMU. to win. We're ready to win everything FAMU has to offer," he Outkast's album is one of the best to Caswell's office hosted a week of orientation the week Eric Deveaux, a freshman pharmacy student from said. drop from Laface Records. There aren't any prior to the start of classes. Caswell said she wished all students BY GREGORY LAMONT FIELDS -ever Minneapolis, sees FAMU as a welcoming haven after attending Morrisa Banks, a freshman business economics std- could have Clinkscales stressed slips or inconsistencies to be found. But there is attended because students had an opportunity to the urgency of a black eco- the University of Minnesota (UM). Deveaux attended UM for dent from Tampa, does not feel as "welcomed" at FAMU. She Contributing Editor a message. Hopefully the listener won't let that meet key FAMU administrators. Still. Caswell insvites students nomuic revolution. "You need to be the best businessmian one quarter, was unsatisfied with the school and transferred to found it difficult to resolve her administrative affairs the week message pass by like the next "Elevator." who are having problems to come to her office for assistance. FAMUj's 68th Annual Inauguration of SGA possible, not just the best black businessman." He FAMU this semester. With 65.000 students enrolled at UM. prior to the first day of class and finds the organization at the up* penetrates the listener like sweet nothings in "We will try to assist anyone who needs direction. If I President Eugene T. Waiters and Vice-President Terrence stressed the importance of leaving a mark on the world, Deveaux said he never received the nurturing and care that he Foote-Hilver Administration Center confusing. Banks has one's ear. don't have the answers students need. I will direct them to Murray, proved to be the beginning of a new era in lead- by also emphasizing the direction for the 21st century is receives here at FAMU. He said he was pleasantly surprised to found it particularly hard to appreciate the Office of Student someone who does because certainly someone on campus has ership. The highlight of the occasion was clearly Keith capitalism. find professors who were willing to take time with individual Financial Aid and Student Accounts. She said she would like to those answers," said Caswell. Clinkscales' Inaugural address. "Young blacks set the trends for the world," said students. see the fee-paying process made easier for freshmen. If you enjoy music or *'UM's classes Banks said she had learned from her fledging experi- Clinkscales, president and CEO of Vibe maga- Clinkscales. "Props to them (the civil rights movement). were so big. the professors had student "I had to pay my fees So I went to financial aid. They ence in FHAC. She has plans to volunteer for FAMU's Student zine graduated Magna Cum Laude from FAMU's School They did their thing. But we have to lease our mark." If assistants to help them teach. If you had a problem you had to like to read, and you enjoy told me to go to student accounts. They sent me back to finan- Government Association and run for office next year. Banks of Business and Industry in 1986. Clinkscales served as the urban black youth isn't supporting a certain style. then talk to the professor's assistant's assistant's assistant. You can't cial aid. Then when I went to student accounts again. I found said she may be able to help make the improvements she sees president of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. and became rural America isn't either. get anything writing, maybe you should done that way and they know it," said Deveaux. out I had to get in another line to actually pay." said Banks. necessary if she were in a leadership position. the very first student speaker in SBI's Forum Series. Clinkscales kept it real. His speech meant so "But here, my biggest class has about 50 people in it. I like "Why should I have to stand in three lines for almost "There were a lot of us [freshmen] in line that day. Clinkscales spoke to the audience about down- much to all Famuans who aspire to achieve the same work for The Famuan. Call FAMU because it's smaller and my teachers really care." four hours'? It should be centralized, especially for freshmen Lots of people were just whining. But some of us were already to-earth issues. He made it clear how important FAMU level of accomplishment. Another success story, another When Deveaux was asked how he felt about being part since we're so new at the game." planning to write complaints and send them in. I think my class was to his success. "The most powerful thing I took from idol, to be looked up to. 599-3158 or stop by Tucker of a historical class, he replied, "I can't really speak for the R.R. Caswell, director of the Office of New Student is ready to make changes for the better." said Banks. FAMLI was the sense of self," stated Clinkscales. entire class, but I know my years here Hall, room 309 for informa- at FAMU will be record- Orientation, said there are ways that students can alleviate such The speech dismantled old cliched alumni Gregor' Lamiont Fields, a 19-year-old newsspa- breaking for me. I'll be breaking records in my' studies and m stressful situations. She advises students to go to the source of The Office of New Student Orientation is open weekdays from myths. "Work smart, not hard." said Clinkscales. "The per journali smi major, is the assistanit features editor goals for my future." tion. their problem directly. That is. take up issues with the particular 8 a.m. to 5 p.m For information call 599-3869 money will only come if you work smart." 8 The Famuan/September 12, 1996 New parking spaces means paying more for adecal

BY TACUMA ROEBACK everyone at the core lots on campus." " a 282-space, paved parking lot for student and Staff Writer Starting October 1, FAMU police are going to strict- employee use on South Martin L.uther King near the ly enforce decals, Hall said. Palmetto apartments. "Everybody has to have a decal to park on university " a 180-space, parking lot on Pender Road by the FAMU has added almost 600 new parking spaces to property," said Hall. FAMU Teleconference Center. campus this year- but don't cheer yet. These additions That includes parking at the stadium. " a 110 to 120 space lot, located at the new university come with a price for both students and faculty -~ higher "Illegal parking will not be tolerated," said Hall. welcome center on the northwest corner of Wahnish Way decal costs. Some students don't see why they should pay to park and Gamble Street. This means that students who drive to campus can at F-AM U's lots. FAMU is proposing to build a 400-space parking expect to pay about $40 for their decals, while students "If 1 get a decal, how do I know I'll get a place to garage by 1998 at the southwest corner of Gamble Street living on campus will pay $50. Both are substantial park," said Tisha Hillman, a 20-year-old criminal justice and Wahnish Way. Hall said. increases from the original $12.50, on- or off-campus fee. student who parks in a neighborhood surrounding FAMU *'The university is trying to lessen the vehicular traf- The increase also affects employees- general and instead of on campus lots. fic on campus," said Hall. reserved decals rose by $50 and $100 respectively. Antionette Bryant said the new decal prices are a Those who may not want to drive can look forwxard to The money from the decals goes toward the FAMU major rip-off. riding the Venom Express. the campus shuttle service, Police Department for parking rule enforcement and con- 'You still don't have good parking at the stadium," which has added a second bus to give students another struction of lots, said Al Hall, FAMU's director of busi- said Bryant. The 23-year-old junior elementary education option to get w~here they have to go, he said. Buses are ness, financial and auxiliary services. student. drives to school and parks around the stadium now scheduled to run 10 minutes apart. "FAMLU has kept the same prices for approximately But soon students will have three alternatives to park- 10 years," he said. "Given our growth in enrollment and ing at the stadium. employ menit, FANIL. can't continue to prov ide parking to The three newx lots that are at or near completion are:

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I Editorial Famuan Editorial Board Opinions Editor Associate Editor/Art Editor in Chief Anica Butler Director Jacqueline Love Dawnie Walton Looking forward Parking spaces are welcomed on campus, to many, many save the sudden increase indecal costs more birthdays sti tls cutoftine the camipus deal p1)I 'Students and faculty know hoss es ci I i)nnniues in order to he moire convenient for those who park in the icy, which quite simply means no decal When I was soutig. long it takes to drive to campus. hut new lots. who live in Palmetto North no parking. FAMU's director of bu'a 'mughi I'd only lise to he what the} often forget to take into and South. and for those who park at the ness. financial and auxiliars sers ices. .\ and then I'd die. Sixteen account is how long it takes to find a stadium. Hall. said the price of EAMIA's parking _med to he the magical parking spot. inding a spot now may swhen eserything won- But, the new lots and shuttle decals has remained the same over the he harder than ever because of the tal would happen. The serv ice expansion are being financed by past ten years (in spite of steady studer., increase in the number of new students _toIlte would he down- dJrao tW- inerca e in the prisecof irk- and faculty growth). It doesn't make hill But. hr the time I turned and the disproportionate addition of sense that the administration waited thi. I Ii I was already looking parking spaces. long to raise decal prices in order t orward to my 18th birthday. Two nesw parking lots have build new lots. Soon my 19th birthday opened this semester: A 282-space lot With the increase in the price ANICA BUTLER on MIartin ILuther King Jr. Blvd., near rolled around and I was anx- of decals. suddenly a lot more students ious to turn 21. Palmetto Street Apartments and a 180- will he competing for oft-campus During those years. I neser thought space lot on Pender Road near the 10'\ ota( ..h spaces. That means more students will I A\IU Teleconference Center. A third about the possibility that my next birthday he putting themselves and their vehicles though the possibility of death parking lot, scheduled to open later this wouldn't come, in a potentially dangerous situation. Not is present eserydar. I could get hit bs a TalTran month on the northw est corner of to mention the fact that going trom hav- bus while crossing the Set or suffer an Wahnish Was and Gamble Street. will - Genera ing to come up with $12 last rear, to aneurysm while taking a difficult niath test. But base 110 to 120 spaces. c ,:~ hasving to pay $40 or S50) this rear is one the idea I would lace cancer at the ace ot 20 There used to he 32(X) avail- steep rate of inflationfor a student on a tever occurred to me. able pairkinrg spaces ont campus. Because c-nn budget. W\hen I starred getting sick during the the I .NMt coiruriits comtprises mrore Those o1 us that are lucky spring semester. I didn't think any thing cif it. I than I .0(X) students and faculty, 552 enough to drive cars are gratetul for the attributed my health prchlemns to stress and additional spaces barely make a dent in new parking spaces and commend the unhealtthy earing habits- nothing a summer at the totail numiber of spaces needed. The Famuan,JAMES COLE administration for their efforts in allevi home with miy parents' lull refrigerator could- Students are still fortced to park in the ating this situation. However. better n't fix. But when ims health worsened at hiome. igilhorhoods surrounding campus. mugdecals. planning wilt be necessary before the I worried.NMs doctor couldn't find ansythiric putting their svchicles at greater risk ot Last rear, a studciii parkig situation is under contiol. Many more s.rone sswirli me. hut the pain got worse. tieft and bu re atr . These stuodenlt s atlso decal cost "'12.5(0 per acadeiiic rear. spaces need to be built before campus One day. the pati was so1 excruciating put themiselvses at risk because mans ot This sear, students %ssill par S-4t) tor a parking is asailable for everyone. In the I asked imi parents to take me tcothe emercencs the sirecets outsidte ot caminpus tack side- commuter decal and 50tfor a resident future. the price of parking decals rom. It was there that I was told I had a tumior walnrd adequate l ightinrg after dark. decal. iacutlts decals hasve increased should he increased over a longer period crowing on my riclit ovary. The next das I saw lBnt there mray be light at the trout $26.84 last Near to ans sNhere trout of time. But more important still is siu- a specialist who said the tumor would base to end of the [ANIL parking tunnel. In w as sched- SIlt) to Sit)tthiis sear. And it son wat dents' safety. No price should be too be remosecd right away. Myslirgery addiion to new lots, ile campus shuttle tsso doctor told rie that toi park on campus. you cant asoid get- high to paiy in order to park saly on uiled Idir dasys later. The has expanded its sets ices. The Veriomr it the tumor syeasmatltenant. I swould base to tiii' the decaml. I\\It' Polic.e ssill be campus. 1Lxpress now hais twso hus ,111drun s undergo a hy sterectomiy (the surgical remosal ot all parts of the uterus)t and cancer treatmienit. My first reaction was to cry. The thought of neser being able to hase children crushed rue. The thought that I might not sur- Editorial Police of The Famuan s sc the treatment petrified me. The larnuan's opinion pages express positions taken hy the paper' editorial board. But I had a strong support system to attitude. My Columns and signed letters do not necessarily reflect the Stes 01oThe F-amuan or its staf. help me change ms pessimistic mother was extremely supportive and positise The Faninan welcomes submission ot columns. letters and ideas froni any member of the as was nir boy triends' mother. w ho had experi- FANIL communits.ILetters should be no longer than 250) sords and include the wsriter's enced the same problem. name. signaturre and phone number.tUnsigned letters will not he accepted.'5We reserve the The dais hefore surgery. I was opti- mnistic. I was eons iceed that I would he OK. I riiht to edit all suhrrnssiori. spent that dasytmaking a list of all the things in my tile I was gratefltfor- all the wonderful F'xmuAN STAFF peoiple who had touched li l ile and the many THE Fwtt:& experiences I was fortunrate to hase had. By the Asst. News Editor/G;eneral Assignment Vol. 84- No.1 ime I was in the preparation roonifor sureery. I was scared r et hopeful. \Iertssa (Greri THEFnt.A~is published weekly on Thursdays durtng the fall and The surgery ssent ssell. The tumocr swas A\sst. News Editor/Student spring semesters, except for holtdays, by students at Flortda A&M Assoc. benicn and all I lost ~as imy richt osvary.,imy G;overnment University. We welcome the views and optntons of our readers. Sliautidra L cc appendix, and ot course, the tumor. I ani stilt Asst. News Editor/Politics but reserve the right to edit all material. Deadltne for submittitng able to base children, and I am still alive. But has been torever changed. Peter Mc Kar optnion articles and letters to THE FAMUAN is 2 p.m. Monday for ins ile Asst. News Editor/Cops the following week of publication. Submit materials to THE In the past. I took time, people and experiences for granted. I'd heard the cliche Lean NI. Tucker FAMUAN, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL 32307; to THE about taking time to sniell the rcoses. but never Features Editor FAMUAN office at 309 Tucker Hall (904) 599-31 59: fax number rearlls rook it to heart W\henr I ceftthe hospital. Jackie Cunningham (904) 561-2570. THE FAMUAN ts partially funded by revenues I promiised niysell to try miy hardest to enjtoy .Asst. Features Editor and by activities and service fees paid by all students and admin- ch~I das as it it were ins last. I would be crate- Gre'ors Fields istered through the Student Government Association. THE tul tor each new das. I also swoulcd make time to Sports Editor Omnar Kells FAMUAN was named an All-American college newspaper by the let people know how much I appreciate theni Cops Desk Chief Associated Collegiate Press tn 1991 -92 and 1992-93. So far. I've kept my resolutions, and base con- Gina Accista rined tcotake adsantage'of all ile has to offer. Asst. Copy Desk Chief THE FAMUAN is a member of the Assoctated Press and subscribes to the College Press Servtce. So illI do get hit hr a Pat Train bus. It die with- Kiruberls Moore out reerets and with ai smile on ms lace. Circulation Manager Lslah Salahuddin Dr. Louise Reid Ritchie Production :Manager ADVISER Oman Gardner Voices The Famuan/ September 12, 1996 11

Aword of caution for the freshmen: WhaISi. \)1n ulvce th1/ feslin 1CU class?

Stay out of harm's way, you hear? r 1hILiOL]!ii5 ic ,i%%a\ troth

\i, h,.sreic ''oln be c'Uv,c niones LOil'nIes ll ,i I5 'iL:1tCtIL ''i Mme. don't lose asking gitrls out on dates, and some fresh- xxith him beinge a ding dealei. 1 on ie "u!nmorale Hi. I'd like to sxlcome man are so eager to leaxve this borne cam- lose that youre .x llin to do art i IU5C 5dottlla all of you back, and I pus that they 'gill conmply. 1don't, havc a including smuggile drugs and hide hi ,,'c iore than tha' °~ hope you had a pros- problem wxith dating. the problem arises vshereabouts trom the police. perous sunimer. It's when date rape occurs. The FBI calls Son up and p.: time to put the fun and I hate to say~this., hut drugs are a trons y ou about someone he murderedodo'telhmh'seftecun! I Lamnes aside and Let prev alent part of society, and this unixversi- serious about our pur- ty isn't excluded. Drugs bave destroyed Now you're on the run too, but finailly Sc pose here at FAIU. tmill ions of lives. Many of you. including you're canght and sentenced to 24.5 .ea, Jimmy Davis I want to send mxself, have relatives whose lises have in jail for conspiracy, drug laundering I out a warning to the been destroyed or bave gone to jail trafficking. lj5Q fun. hut don't freshmen. The type of because of drugs. You might think this xxill ne, r ads antage of campus %%c base allows anyone to walk or Let's say' a guy tnvites you to his happen to you, and that it's just a scena! n:newsfound tree- drive up here and interact with the stu- party, and you're amazed at his material Besides, this may even sound like dents. possessions. He takes you out ev erywxxhere, upcoming movie. Perhaps it could be. This has both advantages and dis- always has plenty' of cash on hand, and Kemba Naimbi Smith. a former student advantages. The advantage is that this you're going to the mall in his tour wheel Hampton U~niversity. nows inmate #26?- allows us to interact with the community. drive. You come back to the dorm and your at the F'ederal Corrections Institute The disadvantage is that sonicindiv iduals friends are so impressed they say "yon go Women in Danbury. Ct.. sells the rights , just conic up here to sce ha thes can rip girl. you really got it gomng on" her story. ( h 'sri,.\l (,ih. r Iv off from students. You neveci question wxheic the Shmu

I'ten to your ' rtnctand don't go hiere the crowd 'c,,. Hirefuntand

)on 't party too hard, id stay focused. fc a set time to adsl and do bone- soik. (;et to know up perc Iassmen, he- ,iuse they can COLLEGE PRESS SERVICE osswyou the ropes.

Buinr. . ii in.rwnn FAMU pride means sporting a rattler, not a Seminole Sophomoiire

Iife is only as bard Welcome hack rather not be here. Yet, this is the school ors. It's because we don't care enou :sou iii keit returning students, and that hopefully most of us will graduate about our own community. welcome new students. from. There was a time when the or This should be a good Meanwhile, we are giving these colors on campus were orange and grec year for all of us. But as schools our money so that they can make Football games were packed for four quar- I look around campus, I their schools better while FAMU struggles ters instead of just two plus half-time. have noticed a disturb- to keep up. Have you ever wondered why we only ing trend. If we are at Does this make sense? What can play four home games per year?Because FAMU, why is there so we expect from each other when we'd we can hardly fill the stadium. We could \1,un c Hrding. 20 oncFSU parapherna- rather watch "Another World" than change be a Division IA school it we could get this one by supporting black candidates 30,000 people to fill the stadium for an ~ Iats'notjust Juni -r who want to work to change the south side entire game. But we can't even get 15,000 %Llam: Flonida State, but Michigan, Notre Dame, of Tallahassee? We would rather run all to come regularly. Georgetown and even Nebraska. It's inter- the way down to Guthrie's for a piece of We know what a football te.: Time is precious. so esting that we would travel from various chicken when Shingles, Sharon's and can do for a school. Just look at FSU - parts of the country to Tallahassee only to Jake's are all within walking distance of used to be a school for women and n, wear another school's colors. our campus. they have one of the top football teams, We are the FAMUI Rattlers, not Once we put it in perspective one the country. But of course, they did it w chameleons! Maybe some of us would can see why we don't wear our school col- our help. Go 'NOLES!

Have opinions you want to share with the world? Know how to draw? Maybe you should Eri ki\1R,I1. be a columnist or editorial cartoonist. Senior For information call 599-3011 or stop by The Famuan office: 307 Tucker Hall Kansas City,. Kansas 12 THE FAMUAN! SEPTEMEBER 12, 1996

Fall season Wilson's record highlights Rattlers' victory

looking good touchdowns, Sampson now shares the BY OMAR KELLY ,nele came record swith Willie Galimore Contributing Editc i 1956 and Chuck Duttes in 1992. He tnished the game rushing for 48 yards ,1n9 carries. FAML's combination ot ,es for football, Also impressive was FAMU's dom- receiver Robert Wilson and junior qu. inating defense. They demonstrated their terhack Otemnan Sampson scenic, ahility to dictate games while collectinc night's 56- Lntoppable in Saturday three interceptions, a safety. torcing volleyball home-openingict S(ory. three tumbles, and holding Tuskegee to a With the no-huddle, shotgL: total ot 80 yards on oftense. Betore halt- oftenlse. the Rattlers pranced on tl, time, the Rattlers held Tuskecee to a a- raMAIYA OLDHAM Yearuud t here k't Tuskegee Golden Tigers, tearing the:: total ot negative four yards. defense apart tor a net gain of SI1(1yard~. Jamie Nails. FAMLIS All-American offen- "We dominated as tar as not letting Rattler tans can hold their before a crowd ot 24.726 at Braggs sive lineman, throws a block against two them score," said Michael Thornton, a heads high this tall, as two Stadium. of Tuskegee's defensive lineman starting detensise tackle. I AMU athletic teams plan to Leading the team's charge was "I'm reliesed there will be no more The win over Tuskegee was the Wilson who caught nine halls for 144 cpresent this university with talk about the record," Robert Wilson largest margin of victory in head coach yards. breaking Terry Mickens' school t v e said, emphasizing the importance of Bills Joe's three-year stint with FAMUl. ith two MEAC champi- career reception record of 147 catches. winning the Mid-eastern Athletic His second biggest win ot 43-0 took Wilson now sits on top of the record by nships under our belts in Conference (MEAC) and being a force place against Bethune-Cookman in last two catches with nine games left in the MapKell ootball and volleyball, this in the playofts. "As long as we win, year's game. regular season. records will come. I just hase to give Coach Joe said that his team played sesnte"i bavecampus tired and sweaty alreadyog"o begun After the game. thanks to Oteman for getting me the well, yet said there is still room tor Wilson to stomp. trom his atternoon performance. ball." improvement. walked over to the end zone where his So you're wondering where to start wit- The receiver and quarterback tag "We were playing a Div ision II His Dad, nessing this abundance of excellence' Well father,James Wilson, stood. team, who happen to be Gibbs dormito- team, I'm holding my opinion of how motivated by pride, was wearing a repro- for starters, the v'olleyball team won the ry roommates, were in tune with each good this team is until we get into a real MIEAC last season- despite of star Nacola duction of Wilson's jersey as he other on the field. Wilson split double competitive game," Coach Joe said. son. Smith's injury. It would be an insult to expect embraced his and triple coverages as Sampson zipped "We're in our third year, they're in their any thing less trom these syoung women. "Tremendous! That's all I could say. passes in his direction. third week." Last season, the team was lessed with Just tremendous," said James Wilson. While only playing three quarters. This week the Rattlers will be native. recollecting excellent tournament play even whlen the sea- the Monticello.,II. Otemnan turned in his second straight preparing for their September 21st road son was on the line. The playecrs stepped up his sons performance. "lt's something mpressive performance. completing 15 game against Southwestern Athletic thei game at prime' time, making the univ er- that he worked hard tryi ng to accom- of 28 passes for 3(X) yards, and two Conterence (SWAC) champions Jackson sity proud ot their accompl ishments. plish" throwing touchdowsns. With tour rushing State. Even though games are free, the team had very little tan support in their pursuit ot a championship. They st managed to pull aayasvictorious. This season, the ladies stand a pretty good chance of repeating their chain pionitship. They 're the teaminto' beat. and hope- tully, with the opening of a new season, a tnew Oteman Sampson plays for his friend, set of Rattlers will be ready and willing to cheer on their lose tomthis geair's squad. Rattlers Will Run All Over MEAC as well as for a championship season F'AMIUtootball continues to hold a respectable tradition among competitors. FAMUJ will be the ream to beat this season with the combination ot Robert Wilson and seem to faze him at all." starting job, then ham"' Sampson said. In his first season of performance ' Sampson. Ernest Perkins. his Oteman ''All my emotion, it just dropped. I felt on the college level, Sampson has quick- Sampson credits Wilson's "Mr Big Time" all the time, at Edison High School hollow." ly taken control of the offense. football coach develop into splitting double coverage to pick up recep- But Barnes' death didn't keep him Tallahassee wttnessed his coming of ace (Miami), for helping him tions. He became the holder of the 'most down. Today. Sampson honors his as he feasted on the Tuskegee secondary what he is today. school days, receptions tn a career at FAMUJ' record. friend's memory through '56.' the num- Saturday for 300 passing yards and three In Sampson's high Saturday. This season he's on his way to has- the salue of academic ber Barnes once wore. touchdowns. Not only did he tear up the Perkins instilled ing a 1,000)-yard receiv ing season. and the importance oh educa- I think about it everyday. I just Tuskegee's secondary by running a no- success Bills Joe's pace, FAMU will be win- to earning all-dis- At keep on pushing.'' said Sampson. wsho huddle, shotgun otfense, but he also tion. On his course ning the Dtvsion I-AA national champi- and all-cits honors on the tootball also has a '56' sticker on the back of his scrambled for 48 yards and a FAMIU trict we know it. Look for this sear's also maintained a B onship before helmet. "'I know he would want me to record-tying four rushing touch- field. Sampson "quad to not onls win the MEAC, but the excel. averace. black college national championship if they "Oteman's the leader out there." "Coach Joe is reaping the benefits made." Sampson can beat Souhern and Jackson. Becoming the Sian said senior Robert Wilson, the team's of what coach Perkins loyalty. WVhatever your sports pleasure this tall, The 6 toot. 175 pound quarterback leading recetver and Sampson room- said. "He taught me discipline, thing there will be more than enough winning to has had to wait a while tor his chance to mate. "He tells us w hat to do. where to boss to train and pretty much every pass around. And I havent even mentioned excel. He was red-shitted his first sear at do it and how to do it. We've just got to about lite." to take lull the other teams with winning traditions. For Albany i(Ga.) State. To escape a quarter- do it like puppies." Now Sampson wants at hand. instance, there's still a lot of winning we wsill back lockjam. he transferred to FAMUJ ''We hase an outstanding quarter- adsvantage ot the opportunity I wake be able to take in swhile watching women's the follow inc sear hack." coach Joe said. "(Sampson) can "Esery night I go to sleep. basketball, softball and tennis. (But here's a Sitting out all of last season throve the ball and he can also run it. We up and I can't watt to play tootball." about the fact warning if sour a new student at FAMU: (because of the NCAA eligibility rule). are very pleased about that." Sampson said. ''I think long to play." Don't get excited about men's basketball. This Sampson viewed all of FAMU's games Esen more than Sampson's sersatil- that you only hase so playing season there'll be no need to use the word from the press box, where he assisted its. what seems to continuously amaze And this season. he's also come and "win" in the same sentence with the words head coach Billy Joe. Sampson's contri- coach Joe is Sampson's character and for No. 56. whose chance has "men's basketball.") bution to the team last season aided in academic record. gone. May. to Rattlers need to come out to the football his development for this season. "He's a very intelligent quarter- "'I want his mom. Charlie Sampson said. "Stay and volleyball games and show tan support. "I got a chance to see it up top. back- He has about a 3.4 to 3.5 GPA. keep her head up:' Let's pick up our teams when their down, and When you get a picture from last year in That's the highest GPA of any quarter- strong for me" cheer them on when their kicking tail. your head, it only helps when you're back I've ever had," Joe said. "He has an We have got to show our love to the "big looking at it from a field perspective.' excellent character as well. I do a lot of dowg's" of this university as they strike, rattle Sampson said. screaming an yelling and that doesn't and slither their way to victory each and eveiy week. We have got to keep our "big dowg's"