The Challenges of Myth Based Coexistence Between Christian and Muslim in Kendahe, Sangihe Islands, North Sulawesi Province

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The Challenges of Myth Based Coexistence Between Christian and Muslim in Kendahe, Sangihe Islands, North Sulawesi Province Jurnal ETNOHISTORI, Vol. 1, No. 1, Tahun 2014 The Challenges of Myth Based Coexistence between Christian and Muslim in Kendahe, Sangihe Islands, North Sulawesi Province Nur Widiyanto Inter-Religious Studies, ICRS-Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada Abstrak Paper ini mengeksplorasi sumber bagi kerukunan antarpemeluk agama di Kendahe, Kepulauan Sangihe, Sulawesi Utara. Teori dari Jayne Seminare Docherty digunakan untuk menganalisa bagaimana penduduk Kendahe menjaga tradisi damai di antara pemeluk Kristen dan Islam, melalui dimensi simbolik dan material simbolik. Dimensi simbolik muncul melalui eksistensi Mawu, sebutan lokal untuk Tuhan masyarakat Sangihe, yang berperan penting dalam mitos lokal yang disebut Mitos Maselihe. Pesan utama dari mitos ini adalah agar menghindari pelanggaran perkawinan sedarah (incest) atau akan dihukum oleh Mawu. Hal ini membuat penduduk Kendahe membangun sistem perkawinan tertentu yang akhirnya mendorong seluruh klan/marga terhubung melalui garis perkawinan. Sedangkan dimensi material yang muncul melalui alat produksi dalam bidang pertanian dan penangkapan ikan di laut juga memainkan peran penting untuk mendorong penduduk dari agama berbeda untuk bertemu dan saling membantu. Akhirnya, pada perkembangan terakhir, modernitas tak terhindarkan telah membawa beberapa perubahan baik dalam bentuk positif maupun negatif, khususnya pada generasi muda. Beberapa perubahan ini secara langsung memberikan tantangan bagi eksistensi kedua dimensi di atas di Kendahe. Kata Kunci: Koeksistensi, Mitos Maselihe, Dimensi Perdamaian, Modernitas Abstract This paper explores the source of religious harmony in Kendahe antarpemeluk, Sangihe Island, North Sulawesi. Theory of Jayne Seminare Docherty used to analyze how the population Kendahe tradition of keeping peace between Christians and Muslims, through the symbolic material and symbolic dimensions. Symbolic dimension appears through the existence of Mawu, local designation for God's people Sangihe, which plays an important role in local myths called Myth Maselihe. The main message of this myth is to avoid infringement of inbreeding Nur Widiyanto – The Challenges of Mith Based Coexistence between Christian and Muslim 29 in Kendahe, Sangihe islands, North Sulawesi Province Jurnal ETNOHISTORI, Vol. 1, No. 1, Tahun 2014 (incest) or be punished by Mawu. This makes the population Kendahe establish specific mating system, and encouraged the whole clan / clan linked through marriage line. While the dimensions of the material that appears through the means of production in agriculture and fishing in the sea also plays an important role to encourage people from different religions to meet and help each other. Finally, the recent developments, the modernity inevitability has brought some changes both in positive and negative forms, especially in the younger generation. Some of these changes are a direct challenge to the existence of two dimensions above in Kendahe. Keywords: Coexistence, Myth of Maselihe, Dimensions of Peace, Modernity Sangihe, The Islands in Between Pigafetta, a Portuguese voyager wrote on his note on 28 October, Kendahe is the name of villages 1521 he sailed from Mindanao to the and a sub district in Sangihe Islands, southeast direction and found the North Sulawesi Province. These island of Sangir Besar. He noted villages, Kendahe I and Kendahe II there were four kings rule the people located on the northern part of the of Sangir which are King Matandatu, mainland of the islands, Sangir Laga, Bapti and Parabu”. Hundred Besar, near an active volcano years before Pigafetta, an old namely Awu. The regency, Sangihe Majapahit’s scripture, Islands located on eastern part of Negarakertagama written by Sulawesi Sea or between Sulawesi Prapanca noted Sangihe-Talaud was Island and Mindanao, Philippines. claimed as the north border area of Lapian (2009) poses that Sulawesi the Majapahit empire namely Uda Sea’s and its people living in Sangir- Makatraya (Ulaen, 2003). Spain, Talaud, Mindanao and East Borneo Ternate and Dutch also arrived to the people are culturally and islands hundreds years after. From economically connected. Velasco those evidences, in the past the area (2010) poses “Nusa Utara” as “the was the busy path for spice trading islands in between” including and the arena of contestation among Sangihe, Talaud and Sitaro Islands1, foreign power over local people, far has very strong connection in before Tsing (2005) offers the term of kinship, culture also trading. “frontier” for similar situation to South Borneo Meratus. 1 Nusa Utara is the popular name for the area Statistically, the inhabitant of including Sangihe Islands, Talaud Islands and Sangihe Islands are 205.326 people Sitaro Islands regency which previously which about 67% of them are known as Sangir-Talaud. This term introduced Christian, 35% are Moslems and the by one of local scholar which also a lecture at Sam Ratulangi University, Manado : Alex rest are members of other religion Ulaen. groups, including local religion Nur Widiyanto – The Challenges of Mith Based Coexistence between Christian and Muslim 30 in Kendahe, Sangihe islands, North Sulawesi Province Jurnal ETNOHISTORI, Vol. 1, No. 1, Tahun 2014 namely Masade2. They live in around geographical character of Kendahe 26 inhabitants’ islands, which Sangir which is like “five fingers” or sub Besar is the biggest. There are 15 villages3. Factually, there are four sub-districts in Sangihe Islands, river separating five villages in including Kendahe. Kendahe’s sub Kendahe, and uniquely, two district, which located about 17 Christian Sub Villages are located kilometers north side of Tahuna, is between Moslems Sub Villages: Soa divided to 8 villages led by a head of Moslems in the East and Sahabe in village called Kapitalaung. Kendahe I the West side of Kendahe area, near and Kendahe II are two of eight the sacred Maselihe’s bay. Kendahe villages, located only about 5 II as the Christian’s majority houses kilometers from Awu Vulcano which looks like located on the ‘enclave” has been erupted sixteen times since area surrounded by Moslem houses, 16 century and killed about 7377 Sulawesi Sea and Awu Volcano. people, mostly Kendahe’s resident ( Similar to other Sangirese, Balai Vulkanology, 1985). Kendahe people use patriarchy Before 1970, there was only one system marked by family name Kendahe Village until the government coming from father’s line. Almost all decided to divide into: Kendahe I for clans have family connection Christian and Kendahe II for encouraged by a local rule Moslems. Located near a rich sea forbidding intra-clan marriage. Even and fertile land, mostly people more, if between two different clans making their life as farmer and already have family connection; they fishermen, but fishermen will go to are allowed to marry each other’s the farmland on the hill when the after four lineages below. This rules season of nutmeg (Myristica comes from the story of Maselihe fragrans) and coconut (cocos Myth telling int the past one of the nucifera) come. Data from the local Kendahe’s king namely government shows about 2034 Samensiarang forced to marry his people live in Kendahe I and own daughter, Doroweli. Few hours Kendahe II. In Kendahe I, from 818 after wedding party conducted at his people or 243 household only 16 palace at Maselihe, about 4 household or 36 people who are kilometers west side from present Moslems. Meanwhile from 1216 Kendahe, several natural disasters; people or 373 household in Kendahe tsunami, volcano eruption and II, only 10 household or about 37 earthquake struck at the same time people are Christian. There are three churches in Kendahe I and three mosques in Kendahe II. People give an illustration to describe the 3 Kendahe II is divided into 3 sub villages (Soa Muslim, Sahabe and Pondole) , meanwhile 2 Sangihe dalam Angka 2012, Biro Pusat Kendahe I is divided in to 2 sub villages (Soa Statistik Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe Kristen and Potto) Nur Widiyanto – The Challenges of Mith Based Coexistence between Christian and Muslim 43 in Kendahe, Sangihe islands, North Sulawesi Province Jurnal ETNOHISTORI, Vol. 1, No. 1, Tahun 2014 as the punishment from Mawu4 for idea of cultural ecology, environment the breaking of taboo incest done by is divided in two types; natural and the king. Thousands people died and modified environment. There are two mostly the palace area sank to the different roles of myth, which can bottom of the sea. The feeling of fear explain its function toward society. for the punishment from Mawu leads Firstly, as the way traditional people developing certain rules as communities interact and adapt to social mechanism to avoid the their natural environment because breaking of taboo incest. It is shown they do not have yet any kind of by forbidding intra-clan marriage and scientific explanation. it. Secondly, applying selective inter-clan give the presents generation certain marriage. knowledge from the past. Kendahe people can recognize some of The Root of Coexistence in natural disasters in the past and its Kendahe certain characters. As long as Maselihe Myth is still reproduced There are many scholars paying across generations, Kendahe people attention to role of myth toward will have knowledge about certain society. Van Baal (Daeng, 2000) natural disaster that can hit them poses that myth as a set of stories anytime. assumed and believed as the truth Regarding to the existence of by certain communities which, peace tradition between Christian referring to De Saussure can be and Moslem’s
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    Press Release ILC FORUM 2018 “INDONESIA TOWARD DIGITAL PARADISE” Net1 Indonesia Ready to Support Implementation of Broadband Internet in Rural Area Jakarta, 24 May 2018 – Net1 Indonesia is ready to support the government in accelerating the provision of internet connections in rural areas, especially in frontier, outermost and least (3T) developed regions of the country. Net1 Indonesia's mission to spread the internet access in the rural area is in line with the government nine agenda priorities or often referred to Nawa Cita, which mentions developing Indonesia’s rural area within the framework of Republic of Indonesia. One of the pillars of those points is realizing the availability of telecommunication infrastructure and network connectivity in the regions. Currently, the Government, through the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, is spurring the availability of internet network for rural areas. According to data from the ministry, currently 73% of villages/sub-lower districts already have internet connection based on 3G technology. Meanwhile, the LTE 4G network only 55%. By 2019, the government is targeting to provide 3G-based internet for more than 83,000 villages. Another target for the upcoming year is covering total of 514 districts/cities by 4G LTE network. So far, only 64% of them have access to 4G LTE. "The advantage of Net1 4G LTE network is running at 450 Mhz frequency, which is perfect for rural area geographic character, with large area but low density. The characteristic of low-frequency is not pursuing the access speed, but covering the larger area," said Larry Ridwan, CEO of Net1 Indonesia, in a discussion forum on Universal Service Obligation (USO), held by Indonesia LTE Community (ILC), at Balai Kartini Exhibition and Convention Center, Jakarta (24/05).
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