Radioimmunoassay and Related Techniques to Improve Artificial Insemination Programmes for Cattle Reared Under Tropical and Sub-Tropical Conditions
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IAEA-TECDOC-1220 Radioimmunoassay and related techniques to improve artificial insemination programmes for cattle reared under tropical and sub-tropical conditions Proceedings of a final Research Co-ordination Meeting organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture and held in Uppsala, Sweden, 10–14 May 1999 May 2001 The originating Section of this publication in the IAEA was: Animal Production and Health Section International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramer Strasse 5 P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria RADIOIMMUNOASSAY AND RELATED TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION PROGRAMMES FOR CATTLE REARED UNDER TROPICAL AND SUB-TROPICAL CONDITIONS IAEA, VIENNA, 2001 IAEA-TECDOC-1220 ISSN 1011–4289 © IAEA, 2000 Printed by the IAEA in Austria May 2001 FOREWORD The IAEA and the FAO, through the activities of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture and their technical co-operation (TC) programmes, support isotope-aided research into methods for improving animal productivity in developing countries. This has focused on animal reproduction and nutrition, with emphasis on local small-farm production systems, and has led to the identification and subsequent alleviation of a number of problems related to the reproductive management and feeding of ruminant livestock. Artificial insemination (AI) is widely used for improvement of cattle production in developed countries. Its use in developing countries is less widespread and the results obtained are far from satisfactory. Under tropical small-farm conditions, a number of socio-economic, organizational, biological and technical factors make the service more difficult to provide and also less efficient. If the major constraints can be identified and overcome, this technology would become more widely adopted and contribute to an increased production of milk and meat, leading to better food security and poverty alleviation. The Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture therefore convened a consultants meeting in May 1994 to advise on the applicability of radioimmunoassay (RIA) for measuring progesterone in milk of dairy cattle to identify the major causes of conception failure and reproductive wastage when AI is used under the conditions prevailing in developing countries. The consultants recommended the initiation of a co-ordinated research project (CRP) on this topic, and developed a comprehensive technical document including the sampling protocol and the range of information that needs to be recorded in order to obtain conclusive results. A five year CRP on the “Use of RIA and Related Techniques to Identify Ways of Improving Artificial Insemination Programmes for Cattle Reared Under Tropical and Sub-Tropical Conditions” was initiated in early 1995. The CRP resulted in the development and standardization of methodologies and protocols, including the computer software program termed AIDA (Artificial Insemination Database Application), to determine current status and identify constraints. These methodologies and protocols are now being applied on a wider scale in Member States through regional TC projects in Asia and Africa and country TC projects in Latin America. Contributing to the wider application of progesterone RIA for field level problem solving and provision of diagnostic services of direct benefit to farmers was the completion of a novel “self-coating” RIA system, based on a monoclonal antibody to progesterone, at the FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory at Seibersdorf. This RIA system dramatically reduces the cost of assaying milk samples and facilitates the development of capability to produce the essential reagents in selected national laboratories of Member States. Training and infrastructure development to achieve self-sufficiency in RIA requirements within each geographical region and to promote the sustainability of RIA applications in livestock production are being pursued through regional and individual TC projects. The FAO and the IAEA wish to acknowledge the valuable contributions made by all participants to the successful completion of this project. The IAEA officer responsible for this publication was O. Perera of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture. EDITORIAL NOTE In preparing this publication for press, staff of the IAEA have made up the pages from the original manuscript(s). The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the IAEA, the governments of the nominating Member States or the nominating organizations. Throughout the text names of Member States are retained as they were when the text was compiled. The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries. The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as registered) does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA. CONTENTS SUMMARY OF THE CO-ORDINATED RESEARCH PROJECT ON RADIOIMMUNOASSAY AND RELATED TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION PROGRAMMES FOR CATTLE REARED UNDER TROPICAL AND SUB-TROPICAL CONDITIONS ........................................................... 1 COUNTRY REPORTS AND REVIEWS Constraints limiting the efficiency of artificial insemination of cattle in Bangladesh ........................... 9 M. Shamsuddin, M.M.U. Bhuiyan, T.K. Sikder, A.H. Sugulle, P.K. Chanda, M.G.S. Alam, D. Galloway Use of milk progesterone RIA for the monitoring of artificial insemination in dairy cows................. 29 Cai Zhenghua, Lu Yangping, Shang Zhaorong, Cheng Jinhua, Xian Baihua, Wang Yunheng The use of progesterone RIA to increase efficiency and quality of artificial insemination services of beef cattle in South Sulawesi, Indonesia .................................................................. 37 L. Toleng, H. Sonjaya, M. Yusuf, A. Hamid Improvement of cattle production in Myanmar through the use of progesterone RIA to increase efficiency and quality of artificial insemination services......................................... 45 U. Than Hla, U. Aung Myatt, Daw Su Su Kyi, U. Ye Htun Win Artificial insemination of cattle in Sri Lanka: Status, performance and problems............................... 51 H. Abeygunawardena, P.A.B.D. Alexander, I.S. Abeygunawardena Constraints on efficiency of artificial insemination and effect of nutrition on reproductive performance of dairy cattle in small holder farms in Viet Nam ................................................. 67 Chung Anh Dzung, Le Xuan Cuong, Vuong Ngoc Long, Dinh Van Cai, Dang Phuoc Chung, Pham Ho Hai Studies on the causes of inefficiency in artificial insemination systems in dairy cattle in Argentina ...................................................................................................................... 79 M.E. Mongiardino, L. Rodriguez De Viñals Use of nuclear techniques for evaluation of first service conception rate in dairy herds with artificial insemination in Chile ........................................................................................... 93 N.G. Sepúlveda, J. Risopatrón, F. Rodríguez, E. Perez Improving productivity through the use of artificial insemination in dual purpose farms in Costa Rica................................................................................................................... 101 S. Estrada, E. Perez Factors that affect the quality and efficiency of artificial insemination in oestrus synchronization programmes in dairy cattle ............................................................................. 111 R. Pedroso, F. Roller, N. Gonzalez, N. Felipe, M. Bravo Identification of constraints and implementation of correctives measures for improving the efficiency of artificial insemination services in dairy cattle through the use of progesterone RIA ........................................................................................................... 121 L. Echevarría, W. Huanca, A. Delgado Evaluation of a seasonal-breeding artificial insemination programme in Uruguay using milk progesterone radioimmunoassay............................................................................. 129 D. Cavestany, R. Juanbeltz, E. Canclini, D. Elhordoy, S. Lanzzeri, S. Gama, E. Martinez, C.S. Galina Evaluation of the reproductive performance of crossbred zebu cattle under artificial insemination through the use of progesterone RIA in Venezuela and its improvement with temporary calf removal and progesterone implants.................................... 147 E. Soto Belloso, G. Portillo Martínez, A. De Ondiz, N. Rojas, G. Soto Castillo, J. Aranguren, L. Ramírez Iglesia, F. Perea A sensitive progesterone enzyme immunoassay for cow, goat and llama plasma using a monoclonal antibody and Danazol (17-=-2,4-pregnadien-20-yno (2,3-d) isoxazol-17-ol) as a displacing agent ................................................................................................................. 159 M.A. Aba, M.A. Carlsson, Å. Karlsson, M. Forsberg New perspectives and opportunities for improving reproduction in dual purpose cattle ................... 165 C.S. Galina, I. Rubio Use of a standardized protocol to identify factors affecting the efficiency of artificial insemination services for cattle through progesterone