Volume XX Number 43 January 18, 1980 Price 25c Pope to Bishops: Guard Truth VATICAN CITY -(NC) -"To be chosen to be leaders of their people. a and bishop of souls means Not just spokesmen for the pope's to protect the word (of God) to watch views. over the truth," Pope John Paul II Quoting a 1969 speech by told the Dutch bishops at a con- Cardinal Bernard Alfrink, former celebrated solemnly opening of Utrecht, Netherlands, the Particular Synod of the Dutch Pope John Paul said, the bishops Bishops at the Vatican. "cannot be content with echoing the The synod is running now voice of their people but must also through Jan. 26 to try to resolve the place the word of the Lord in front of divions that, in the words of the them." synod's working paper, "threaten to " The bishops must make their paralyze ecclesiastical life" in the own voices heard," he said. "They Netherlands. . must not only be like one believer The pope's homily did not spell in the middle of the crowd, but like a out any of the problems the Dutch man in charge of the mission, church faces or offer concrete marching at the head." solutions. It was a kind of religious Discussions at the synod are pep-talk encouraging the bishops to expected to center on liberal- assume their obligations with a trust conservative differences in the in the Holy Spirit.. Dutch : Two of the *. The day before, in a letter to seven Dutch bishops are considered Dutch Catholics asking them to pray to be conservatives, while the other for the synod's success, the pope five are known as liberals. emphasized that the bishops were In his homily to the bishops, the pope urged them to place them- selves under the guidance of the U.S. Cardinal Gospel, the Holy Spirit and the teachings of the Second Vatican Baum Gets Council. "In our difficult age, in our 20th Vatican Post century, the church has given, in the VATICAN CITY -(NC) - Car- teaching of the Second Vatican dinal William Wakefield. Baum of Council, a particularly full ex- Washington has been named prefect pression of the truth about itself," of the Vatican's Congregation for the pope said. Catholic Education. "THIS TEACHING ought to be The appointment, announced the measure of thought and action Jan. 15 by Pope John Paul II, makes for all those who make up the church Cardinal Baum, 53, the highest- of Christ. In particular it ought to be ranking U.S. churchman in the the measure of our own thought and Vatican. our own action for us, who are the The post puts him in charge of teachers and of the church," the department that handles church he said. policy on the world's Catholic "It ought to be the measure of educational institutions, par- our thought and our action." he ticularly Catholic colleges, added. universities and seminaries. The pope noted theunusual nature of the synod, callint it "an THE ANNOUNCEMENT ended event without precedent." months of speculation by Vatican There have been periodic IN-VITRO LAB— Dr. Jack Rary, a geneticist at Eastern Virginia Medical School in insiders, who long ago focused on general synods of representatives of Norfolk, Va., works in the laboratory at Norfolk General Hospital that will become Cardinal Baum as the leading the first test-tube baby clinic in the . Virginia pro-lifers have protest- the world's bishops since synodal ed the project and say they will take the matter to court. Bishop Walter Sullivan (Continued on Page 17) (Continued on Page 3) of Richmond also has objected to the clinic. Florida Bishops' Letter on Abortion The following is a Pastoral letter new family becoming part of our people. For the agricultural people God's grace we are bountiful in of the Bishops of Florida com- extended family. The love one feels of an earlier age, wine had a special bringing forth new wine from the memorating the Anniversary of the is not diminished but enhanced by meaning. It is a gift, a blessing from branches. The new wine of loving Supreme Court's abortion decisions: the additions to our circle of love. God brought to reality through the service is a continuation of the work Joyous celebrations are a part of This is what Isaiah's descrip- cooperation of man's labor. of the Kingdom. When the branch is our human experience: holidays, tiopn of the covenant relationship It is the culmination of God's cut off, however, it withers and dies. reunions, anniversaries, etc. Family between God and man arouses in us. creative love and man's loving We live in a time of dryness. On weddings are a special time, filled It is exciting and delightful. It is service. God's love and man's January 22, 1-973, the Supreme with joy-filled activities and a similar to the experience St. John response are joined in this fruit of the Court of the United States declared feeling of identity with loved ones. gives us of Jesus at Cana, turning vine. unconstitutional all laws protecting We gather from various parts of the water into wine at a family wedding Jesus uses the symbol of the life of the unborn child. The country and for a time become one feast. Himself as the Vine and we as Court was reflecting a mood in this again and our unity is enhanced by In a way, wine seems to be a branches. the inclusion of a new member, a country, in this world, that we do not special symbol of our life as God's When there is an openness to (Continued on Page 14) ALLEN PEST CONTROL, INC. Regular • Home • Commercial Lawn Spraying • Termite Control News At A Glance) FREE ESTIMATE Lie. & Ins. 1875 N.E. 149 ST. N.MIAMI 940-0400 regulations governing Catholic-Jewish marriages. The 'Proclaim the Gospel' guidelines would permit a rabbi to be present and offer CHARLESTON, S.C. -(NC) —"Proclaim the Gospel to prayers and a blessing at a marriage officiated by a priest the people of today," Bishop Ernest L. Unterkoefler said in or deacon, and would allow a public ceremony recognized in AID THE POOR marking the 160th anniversary of the Diocese of Charleston civil law provided the Catholic party has obtained a by donating resalable furniture Jan. 1. In a pastoral letter on evangelization, the bishop of dispensation from the canonical form of marriage. plothing, etc. to Charleston said that Religious and laity have a "shared responsibility for making the teaching of Christ heard and The St. Vincent acknowledged in our~society." Msgr, Hlggins: Back Israel de Paul Stores Week of Prayer for Unity WASHINGTON -(NC) - American Catholics should 2647 OLD DIXIE respond to the Iranian crisis with solid support for the state GRAYMOR, N.Y. -(NC)-The 1980 Week of Prayer of Israel, Msgr. George G. Higgins told a distinguished RIVIERA BEACH for Christian Unity —with the theme "Your Kingdom audience in Washington Jan. 9. At a dinner he termed his 2560 WEST GATE AVE. Come" —sounds a call for Christian prayer and action on "pre-retirement party," Msgr. Higgins said the "com- behalf of world justice and peace, the two marks of the pulsive tendency on the part of the Ayatollah Khomeini and WEST PALM BEACH kingdom of God, said its sponsors. The week begins Jan. 18. his followers to blame the present Iranian crisis on Zionism and, in effect, to call for the destruction of Israel 538 24th ST. Soup Can Funds Canned makes it all the more timely for Catholics to recommit WEST PALM BEACH themselves, without qualification, to the defense of Israel." ST. PAUL, Minn. -(NC) — In the last six years elementary schools have collected and exchanged Camp- bell Soup labels for $10 million worth of educational and Cooperate With the Census or call athletic equipment. But for some schools the labels soon 845-0562 coud represent a sacrifice for social justice. The Farm NEW YORK -(NC)-The Dioceses of the New York (Riviera Beach) Labor Organizing Committee, a farm workers union, began Metropolitan area have agreed to a uniform policy of a boycott of the Campbell Soup Co. and Libby, McNeil and limited cooperation with the 1980 census in regard to for a free pick up. Libby Inc. products last January with $39,000 in financial Tax receipts given. illegal aliens, according to Msgr. Anthony J. Bevilacqua, support from the Campaign for Human Development, the director of the Brooklyn diocesan Migration and Refugee U.S. bishops' anti-poverty program. Our Profit Office. "Basically, the policy is one of cooperation to a limited extent without being guarantors of confidentiality," Goes To The Poor Bp, Kelly Praises King he said. WASHINGTON -(NC)-In a statement marking the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., on Jan. 15, Bishop N.J. Sex Education Thomas Kelly, general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference, said racism retains a strong hold on many TRENTON, N.J. -(NC)—The New Jersey legislature Americans and on society. "Great movements in history approved bills allowing parents to withdraw students from are born in the souls of great human beings. Martin Luther public-school sex-education classes on moral and religious King Jr. is the American prophet of racial justice, a cause grounds, and expanding the requirements for establishing for which he lived and tragically died. The anniversary of "combat zones" for sale of pornographic material. The his birth each year is like a tolling bell that calls us to look legislature failed to override the governor's veto -of again on the progress of the work he began," Bishop Kelly legislation to regulate abortion. said. Liberation Theologian Condemned Energy Is 'Justice Issue' PETROPOLIS, Brazil -(NC) -Some of the writings of a WASHINGTON -(NC)-Energy was called "the pre- Franciscan theologian, Father Leonardo Boff, have been eminent social justice issue of the 1980s" by Bishop condemned by the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine William M. Cosgrove of Belleville, 111., during a day-long of the Faith, according to several Brazilian cardinals. Washington conference Jan. 10 on "Religion and Energy in Father Boff, 41, is considered one of the key contributors to the'80s." Signalinga major new effort by religious groups the theology of liberation in Latin America. * to have ah impact on the energy debate in the United States, the conference included a breakfast at the White House and CLERGY Peace Eludes N. Ireland a 15-minute address by President Carter. BELFAST, Northern Ireland -(NC) - Britain's first APPAREL peace initiative in Northern Ireland since 1974 got off to a Bp. Kelly Praises Meany stormy start as Protestant and Catholic delegations presented differing approaches for achieving long-range WASHINGTON -(NC) -The United States was greatly & Supply, Inc. peace. The British-sponsored constitutional talks began enriched by the life and career of labor leader George 7 South Andrews Avenue, Jan. 7. The Catholic delegation advocated a sharing between Meany, and it is poorer as the result of his death, Bishop the two religions of government, but the Protestants want Thomas Kelly, general secretary of the National Con- Downtown Fort Lauderdale Protestant majority rule and won't discuss unity with ference of Catholic Bishops, said in a message to Meany's 764-6645 Ireland. - successor as head of the AFL-CIO. Bishop Kelly joined Memorials, Religious Articles Gas for Religion Ministers other religious and political leaders in praising Meany after he died Jan. 10. Church goods, vestments, WASHINGTON -(NC)-A U.S. Catholic Conference rabats, outfitters for the official has urged that ministers of religion be given special seminary.... in stock! consideration in regulations for the stand by gasoline Pope Reminds Nuns rationing plan in recognition of their service to the public. CASSOCKS Regulations should also treat parochial and public school To Keep Their Vows Made to Measure children alike in regard to school transportation, said VATICAN CITY 4NC) -Pope John Paul II reminded Open 9:30 5:30 SAT 10 to 3. George E. Reed, USCC general counsel, in hearings before the Department of Energy. nuns to remain faithful to their vows, especially that of | BLACK SUITS I poverty, during an audience with members of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. "Have eyes Subsidiary of Renzetti Catholic-Jewish Guidelines and hearts only for the poor, as your founders did...never Clergy Apparel, Philadelphia . NEW YORK -(NC)-The Diocese of Brooklyn has ceasing to stimulate them to contemplate our Lord 'Jesus I revised its Catholic-Jewish guidelines, including Christ," the pope said in his French-language address. Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy Tlh® Voice President. The Voice Publishing Co. Inc. If not, clip off this corner with Gerard E. Sherry (USPS 622-620) label on other side - and mail it to Average weekly paid circulation Executive Editor 51,000 Archdiocese ol Miami Robert O'Stt -NawsEdHor RobartA.Wrtght.AdWtMng Weekly Publication THE VOICE, P.O. Box 1059, Miami 33138 Distributed to the home by mail George Kemon-Features J. Herbert Blais-Creative Director Allow 2 to 4 weeks for change on Friday and bought in 132 Tony Garnet-Photographer June Meyers-Classified Advertising MAILING ADDRESS churches on Sunday,o0 weeks in Jose P. Alonso, Spanish Editor Edith Miller-Bookkeeper P.O. BOX 38 1059 the year. ' Joyce McPeak-Executive Secretary Miami, Fla. 33138 WRITE CORRECTIONS HERE TELEPHONES Second class postage paid at News - 758-0543 Miami, Florida. Subscription rates Advertising - 754 2651 Voice Pastors' Board CtaM*fi«i 7S4-M62 $7.50 a year. Foreign $10. Single Circulation - 754 2652 copy 25c. Published every Friday Rev. Vincent Sheeny Rev. Xavier Morras Ft. Lauderdale - 525 5157 except weeks including Christmas Rev. David Russell Rev. James Reynolds W. Palm Bch. - 8331951 and Independence Day. Rev. Michael Devaney, OMI Mr. Arnaldo Lopez

Page 2 [Miami; Florida /THE VOICE / Friday, January 18,1980 Pope Tells Bishops To Guard The Truth (Continued from Page 1) stance in church history in which a nation's hierarchy structures were set up after was asked to meet with the Vatican II. But the Dutch pope to resolve its problems. synod marks the first time a The seven Dutch bishops, special or particular synod, headed by Cardinal Jan composed of the bishops of a Willebrands of Utrecht, and single country and devoted to other synod officials in- their particular problems, cluding five cardinals from has been called. other nations who are par- ticipating in the synod, A Vatican historian told concelebrated the Mass with NC News Service that he the pope in the Apostolic could think of no other in- Palace. The total number of Ecumenical participants in the particular synod is 19, including the Service Set pope. at St. Mary's Cardinal Willebrands, A Christian ecumenical president of the Dutch service, to which the public bishops' Conference and of is invited, will be held Vatican Secretariat for Pope John Paul II shakes hands with George Meany, president of the AFL-CIO, during the Friday, Jan. 25, at 5 p.m. at Promoting Christian Unity, pope's Oct. 6 visit to the White House. Meany, who retired from the post a month later, died St. Mary Cathedral. said the current problems Jan. 10 in Washington. Archbishop Edward A. facing Holland "are not McCarthy will be host of the essentially different from the service which will mark the problems which other Week of Prayer for countries face, notably those West German Bishops, Christian Unity. of Western Europe and Several denominations America." were involved in planning Only 10 of the 19 synod the service, said Fr. Gerald participants are Dutch —the Theologian Hit Fr. J Kung Grace, director of the Arch- heads of the seven Catholic BONN, West Germany the theologian's charges that congregation, and, even diocesan Ecumenical dioceses in the Netherlands, -

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Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 18,1980 / Page 3 ife Catholic Women Set Seminar The Miami Archdiocesan National' Right to Life Council of Catholic Women Committee will address the will open its legislative year Human Life Amendment and with a seminar to be held at the Hyde Amendment; St. Anthony's Parish Hall, Rosemary Gallagher, of 901 N.E. 2nd . St., Ft. Tallahassee, Florida Catholic Lander dale, on Feb. 2. Conference will speak on Registration is at 9:00 Women's Role in Govern- a.m. and the program will ment; Marie Palmer of run until 12:30 p.m. Miami, of the Florida Council Areas to be covered are: of Catholic Women — ERA ERA, with Senator Vernon C. Chairman will report on Holloway of Miami as Tallahassee Lobbying Trip speaker; Representative and the 1980 elections. Ercel Tom Bush of Ft. Lauderdale Hanley, of Jacksonville, will speak on A call for a Florida Council of Catholic Constitutional Convention to Women — Legislation Com- oppose a Human Life mittee will wind up the Amendment, Florida's morning meeting. Medical Practice Act, and a Theme for the Seminar is family planning bill. "Catholic Women in the 80s: Jean Doyle of Orlando, "Emphasis on Life and Chairman of the Board, Family." St. Vincent's Dedication Set Archbishop Edward A. registered families presiding McCarthy will dedicate the in the parish. New St. Vincent Church of Margate, on Saturday Jan. The old church seated 380 When you're the best, you're the best? So judges of the Broward County Fair awarded Blue 26, 19&0 at 6:00 p.m. people, the new church will Ribbons to all 28 of the children in St. Coleman's kindergarten class for the bird cages they had have a seating capacity of made. A spokesman for the Fair said "The judges were so charmed by the workmanshiD they St. Vincent Church was over 900 plus a cry room. gave a blue ribbon to each child." established in 1960, with a registration of 163 Father Gunther and parishioners. Joseph Father Frank E. Cahill Beaumont of St. Vincent de associate pastor and a Paul Parish, Holiday Springs, number of priests from the Fla. was the founding pastor.. Archdiocese will join Arch- Fr. William A. Gunther, the bishop McCarthy in the present pastor, announced dedication ceremony with a there are now 2,212 Liturgy at 6:00 p.m. Nick De Martino Specializes in office leasing and commercial & industrial properties. SOUTHEAST INVESTMENT REALTY CORP Coral Gables t 446-8500

\bu CarTt Preach To Empty Stomachs Feeding a young Asian refugee, this Sister follows the example of the Lord. He first fed them with bread and fish — Wen taught the multitude. A missionary's task is to preach Christ. But often he or she must first provide for people's most basic physical needs. "You can't preach to empty stomachs. So when we beg for missionaries providing food, medicines or shelter, we ask you to help preach the Gospel thie way Our Lord did. Joseph, Alexander, Patricia, Alexander Patrick... The KOLSKI Family

By actions! As individuals and as a family, we are active in the affairs of the Archdiocese Yes, I wonldlike to help missionaries preach the Good News as Our Lord and deeply involved in the Catholic community. did. Enclosed is my sacrifice of : So we are as personally concerned • $1,000 D$5O© D$200 D$100 Q$50 D$20 Q$5 • Other $ as you, when we lose a member of our community. Name It should ease your grief substantially Address to know that you will be served not only far beyond City considerable professional abilities, but with the . State sensitivity of a family-minded Catholic Funeral Send your gift to: 1/80 Director and staff. THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH Msgr. John J. Donnelly BESS, KOLSKI 1 COMBS National Director OR: Archdiocesan Director Dept. C, 366 Fifth Avenue 6301 Biscayne Boulevard New York, New York 10001 Miami, Florida 33138 Funeral Home 10936 N.E. 6 Avenue, Miami Shores * 757-0362 Page 4 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 18,1980 People Helping People

By GEORGE KEMON "People Helping People" —the theme for this year's ABCD Drive covers much territory in denoting the range of needs which the ABCD covers in our archdiocese each year. Such is the gist of remarks made by Fr. Neil J. Flem- ming as he makes the curcuit speaking of the needs of the Arch-Bishops Charities Drive for this year. A MAJOR portion of the donations to the annual fund drive are used by Catholic Charities in a variety of ways which emphasizes how "People Helping People" comes to fruition. Hundreds of South Floridians have heard various members of the ABCD fund-raising staff speak on the programs of the archdiocese and its almost myriad number of services all calculated to assist the needy in many dif- ferent ways. Another dinner was held at Key West last Thursday at the Holiday Inn and dinners are also slated for Ft. Lauderdale on January 21, 22, 23, 24 , at Williamson's Restaurant. • THESE DONATIONS and pledges go to support such programs as education in the seminaries for priests of the archdiocese, for social services, child welfare services, emergency aid to our needy in many different forms. To relieve suffering and privation where found.

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Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 18,1980 / Page 5 Mills Addresses Clergy At Alcoholism Meet SOUTHERN EUROpE By GEORGE KEMON More than 150 members of the National Clergy ANd holylANd Council on Alcoholism,— priests, counselors —and case workers — met at Barry college for their 32nd annual Spain, Italy, Israel and Athens convention, Jan. 8 trhough (Plus Optional 4-day Greek Island, 12. Turkey Cruise Extension) Each day was packed with workshop sessions led by guest speakers and members of the Council. According to Fr. Michael P. Hogan, O.S.A., consultant in alcohol service for the Catholic Service Bureau of Miami, and director of the Alcohol Outreach Program, and also Convention Chairman, the five-day meeting was a great success and the culmination was a banquet at which the Honorable Wilbur Mills was Ex-Rep. Wilbur Mills, is greeted by members of the National principal speaker. Clergy Council on Alcoholism. Fr. Michael Hogan, chairman MILLS, former of the convention, stands behind him. congressman for 38 years, him," said the former some wonderful facilities for and a recovering alcoholic for Senator. "He can recover and motivating people." the past 5 years, told the live a full and complete life in Mills believes that assembly that without doubt, sobriety —if he chooses to," motivation of the alcoholic if "Alcoholism is a progressive said Mills. a paramount importance disease —a killer disease." Mills said there are over and he believed that the TOUR CHAPLAIN Father Robert C. Lochner The retired legislator went on 3 million alcoholics under the recovering alcoholic can best Holy Name Parish, Lake Park to state that he would rather age of 21 in the United States be helped by another Hiave Alcoholism than cancer and he cited cases of children alcoholic who has been since he knew there was as young as 6 years and 9 drunk and is recovering —be 18 Days-April 18 to May 5 something he could do about years old who were already they workers in the field, or his alcoholism himself, but classified as alcoholic. just recovering alcoholics. most cancer was more dif- "IT IS, without doubt, The convention wound up TOUR ARRANGEMENTS BY ficult to treat. the most devastating problem on Sunday Morning with CATkJiC TRAVEl CENTER " If the alcoholic can be in the U.S. today,"said Mills. Liturgy and a board meeting, motivated, there is help for "But,- we are developing seating the new officers.

The first country on our itinerary is Spain where we will spend three exciting days visiting Madrid and Avila. There is ample time to watch Flamenco and see a Corrida. One of the main events of this trip is a scheduled audience with our new Holy Father. We will explore the Eternal City with the aid of expert FCC Blacks Out guides.

In the Holyland we will attend Mass at the Holy Sepulchre, visit Christ's birthplace in Bethlehem, journey to Mount of Olives and the The Public Interest Garden of Gethsemane and follow the Way of the Cross in Old Jerusalem. We will cross the Sea of Galilee to Capernaum, visit Nazareth and relax on the shores of the Mediterranean. Are you concerned about commer- Radio stations are now required to cial radio's influence on values? Should serve you, in the "public interest, con- To complete our trip, we will visit the wonders of ancient Greece and stand on the very spots where St. Paul delivered his sermons to the radio serve the entire community, rather venience and necessity." The FCC has people of Athens and Corinth. There also will be plenty of time for than just monied consumers? Should proposed to repeal that law and reduce browsing and additional excursions in this country where democracy was born. religious groups and other non-profit your interest in radio to that of a con- charitable organizations be given radio sumer of purchased products. For those with extra time available, an optional four day cruise extension time to send their messages to the to the Greek Islands and Turkey is available. If you think local community stand- community? Should the number of The price of only $2090 includes airface from New York via TWA, first class ards are important to radio broadcasting rated hotels, most meals, tips and a very comprehensive sightseeing commercials you hear each hour be lim- program. and if you don't want the FCC to hand ited? your influence on broadcasting over to Ail tour arrangements are under the auspices of CATHOLIC TRAVEL CENTER. By choosing a CATHOLIC TRAVEL CENTER trip, you will You might think, "Yes!" radio advertisers, write the FCC. get the benefit of many years of specialized experience in serving travelers to the Holyland and the great Shrines of Europe. But the Federal Communications Let your voice be heard. A colorful brochure with details about this trip is available upon request. Commission (FCC) has answered "No" Cite: "Notice of Prpposed Rulemak- to these and similar questions. The FCC Add $175 from West Palm Beach ing for the Deregulation of Radio,".BC proposed Oct. 5 that radio stations be Docket No. 79-219. Address your com- For your brochure call today or mail coupon below. free to broadcast unlimited commercials ments to: Secretary, Federal Communi- and drop all public services. Instead of cations Commission, 1919 "M" St. N.W., local events, public affairs, news, com- Washington, D.C. 20554. CATHOLIC TRAVEL CENTER munity service and other constructive 444 W. Oceah Blvd. Suite #1210 programming, your local radio station If you would like more information LONG BEACH, CA 90802 will be free to spend as much time as it on the FCC's intention to give away the • Please send me the free brochure on Southern Europe and the likes selling you hamburgers, beer and public's airwaves, write the Department Holyland with Father Lochner departing April 18,1980. of Communication, United States Catho- D Also please send me your colorful 32 page tour book laundry soap. featuring all of the over 200 CATHOLIC TRAVEL CENTER lic Conference, 1011 First Ave., New 1980 tour departures. The FCC has proposed to eliminate York, N.Y 10022. * NAME your influence on radio programming as ADDRESS a member of your local community. That sgj This notice is provided as a public ser- CITY/STATE/ZIP _ leaves all program decision-making to ji^pjjj Wee by this newspaper in cooperation My travel agent is advertisers and station owners. ic

Page 61 Miami, Florida I THE VOICE I Friday, January 18,1980 Rite of Dedication Held The new Church of St. Highlights of the interior continuing love for His people. David, in Davie, Fla., was ate the stained windows set dedicated by Archbishop over the altar and side Edward McCarthy this past windows which depict Archbishop McCarthy is week. Shaped in the form of a scriptural references to the shown with Fr. Gabriel cross, the interior has pitched Old Covenant and the New, O'Reilly, pastor, lighting the ceiling beams and sidings of ;the promise of His redemptive altar candles during the natural wood. Stone facing plan and its fulfillment. A blessing and annointing accents the entrance and the viewer finds poignant ceremony, preparatory to the sanctuary. -scenes to Almighty God's concelebration of the Mass.

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"CRESTWORK" CREST RINGS & JEWELRY Everything to ln14Kt.&18Kt. Gold Deal directly with a Clean anything professional engraver FaaMom ft OH* for Man ft Woman - at - Waterford Crystal • Belleflk • Aynsley China*Linens• Tweeds* Aran Knits ENGRAVING CRAFTS, Inc. Handcraftod Fokloric Products 7707 Davie Road Ext. Open 104:30 Mpn. thru Sat Hollywood, Fla. 33024 Phone: 432-5711 BISCAYNE CHEMICAL 3302 HE 33rd Street LABORATORIES INC. Fort Laudwtfri* 33308 1215 N.W. Seventh Avenue • Miami, Florida 305/324-1133 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 18,1980 / Page 7 MATTER OF OPINION m raaomco a* •MM. tkwv mutt ko M creoted ways, m («l- ounttm la tlio *o—»l HMHHHIH of i—MX. «t to Bod » right. (2 CorwrtWM 4:t-2) On Liberals, Conservatives and Doctrine

BY GERARD E. SHERRY we must strive to apply Divine truths to because these opportunities are the EXECUTIVE EDITOR concrete situations rather than try to apply occasion for the spread of the Faith, the I was about to enlarge on the problem them to some non-existing abstracts. Some emotional reaction of the Catholic liberal is discussed last week on tensions existing so-called conservative Catholics seem one of joy, and eager desire to work, to between editors and readers of the Catholic hypnotized by abstractions and show plan and to advance. Because he sees a Press-when a batch of rather interesting genuine fear at current expressions of chance to bring more and more men to the letters came in from a class at Msgr. Edward vitality and questioning within the Church. knowledge and love of the Revealing God, Pace High School. These future leaders They so often wrongly equate a lively, ex- the liberal is very sensitive to the distinction within the Church and the community give pressive Catholicism with some past heresy. between the essential and the accidental, some hope in their charitable and positive Yet, such lively manifestations of faith and he is very impatient with any effort criticism, as well as in their faith that they should be understood as an honest effort to absolutize things which are of their would be heard. to avoid the extremes of both secular lib- nature only relative. Desiring to share the eralism and reactionary conservatism. Faith, he looks kindly upon any pruning This is the key to the reduction of ten- operations, and he actually hopes for adap- sions and disagreements, not only in rela- What makes a Catholic a liberal or a tations. tion to the Catholic Press, but to every area conservative? How is it possible for two of society-we have got to listen and attend persons of equal education and experience Pope Pius XII knew that many people to one another! to arrive at contrary conclusions about a were not going to Communion. With true given problem? Certainly, it cannot be the pastoral concern he looked upon the cen- Quite a number of the Pace High letters Faith. The whole history of the Church gives turies old Law of Communion Fast. He saw deplored (again in a nice way) the lack of abundant evidence to the fact that every that this bulwark had become a barrier, and diversity of opinion within the columns of age has its conservatives and its liberals. so with serenity, he changed the Law. Re- The Voice. And they made it quite clear Each era in the Church bears witness to ception of Communion is much too im- that they were not talking about Doctrine, the dynamic tensions between these two portant-therefore, if the preparation hindered but issues which affect them and their tendencies. the reception, then change the preparation. families. Some used the term "traditionist views," others "modern views." They As far back as the Apostles this life- seemed to want to avoid the semantic giving dialogue was a factor. St. Paul has tangle of liberal versus conservative, but to fight to assure the easy access of the "Because he sees dangers, and really that is what they were talking about. Gentile converts, while some others thus constructs defenses, the con- fought to bind them to the Mosaic law. servative naturally would choose to Just recently a senior in the push the barricades out as far as American Church said we ought to do One factor which cannot be overlooked, possible, and accordingly choose to away with labels like liberal and conser- or at least so it seems to me, is the basic fight for some poorly chosen ground... vative. But the terms won't go away be- emotional approach each person has to He tends to blur the distinction be- cause they are used; the liberal and con- reality. Two people can stand before one tween the essentials and acciden- servative camps have been established, and the same situation: one will be caught tals..." and each side is busy reading the other by the dangers involved and the other will out of the Church. be seized by the opportunities which it pre- sents. Objectively the dangers and the opportunities have a constant value, but While Catholic principles are un- these two persons place a greater emphasis changing, their application has to meet "Because he sees oportunities, on one over the other. Fundamentally, the changing times. The black and white terms and because these opportunities are conservative is sensitive to dangers, and of the conservative must be replaced by the occasion for the spread of the the liberal is sensitive to opportunities. the reality of complexity-to large areas of Faith, the emotional reaction of the greys on the national and international Catholic liberal is one of joy, and Because he sees dangers, and thus horizons, to problems that appear to have eager desire to work, to plan and to constructs defenses, the conservative no solution, and to matters that stubbornly advance. Because he sees a chance naturally would choose to push the barri- refuse to be pigeonholed. to bring more and more men to the cades out as far as possible, and accord- knowledge and love of the revealing ingly choose to fight for some poorly Let me finish up with a quote from God, the liberal very impatient chosen ground. He tends to make absolutes five of the Pace High students: with any effort to absolutize things out* of some perfectly good relatives. He tends to blur the distinction between the "Most of the topics on moral issues which are of their nature only (in the Voice) are quite current, but some- relative." essentials and the accidentals. To defend the Divine deposit, he tends to equate its times the arguments are one-sided... we changeable, human shell with the un- suggest that the writers stress the opinions changeable kernel. the Church offers, but we also think you There has been much confusion and should write on the problems we and others mislabeling in the so-called confrontation The initial condemnation of St. have in trying to follow Catholic teachings between Catholic "liberals" and Catholic Thomas Aquinas was occasioned by the so that readers might have an open-minded "conservatives." There is a tendency failure to distinguish between the Faith view of particular issues and to understand among the latter to challenge the orthodoxy and the Platonic philosophy in which it had the circumstances under which some have of those who disagree with them. Still, the been clothed for so long. Because St. Thomas to try and live the teachings." Divine truths which we espouse, and which wished to enlist Afistotle into the service we must constantly promulgate are un- All right, these are 15-16 year-old of the Faith, he was condemned. Because young people, but they seem to be far changing. They should not be challenged he had in no way endangered the Faith, in the dialogue among Catholics. more concerned about real problems than but had given it a new defense, he was some of our critics-and they want the The rub is the Gospel Message must later canonized. paper to help, not as a monolith, but as a be lived as well as preached". In doing this. Because he sees opportunities, and medium of Christian dialogue. Page 8 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 18,1980 Teens Give Their Views on The Voice

The letters on this page were student's views on the newspaper. We are Pace high-school sent to The Voice from Following are excerpts from some of We are students from Pace High students and we frequently read Pace High School's 10th grade them: School and we enjoy reading The your newspaper The Voice. We find Religion classes, giving the Voice in our religion Class. We the paper informative nevertheless discuss about the articles we have we feel that being your readers we read. We have debates on such could suggest how to improve your articles as, abortion, birth control newspaper. relationships and how the Church as the Sahara dessert. Please try to and pre-marital sex. We get better Most of the Topics on moral feels on these issues. find a more reliable source and if knowledge of what the church and issues are quite current but Onidia Valez not refrain from having any. people in society think about it. sometimes the arguments are one- Daisy Cruz I can say that your artciles are We suggest that you write about sided, writing only the Church's Milly Castillo very interesting because they in- teenage situations such as drug views. We suggest that the writer volve problems faced by young abuse, unwanted pregnancies and stress the opinions the church offers. people, faced by ourselves. Keep up drop outs. We'd like to know the But we also think you should write We're not putting down the the good work in the Voice, and church's opinions on these situations the problems one might face in Voice. But we would like to see more please try to stay away from the bad we also enjoy reading about trying to follow Catholic teachings, attractive subjects; something that jokes. religious crisis in other parts of the (in other words like a point and a we or younger students can relate to. John Autore world. counter point type-thing) So that the Also speak of other people's point of Carlos Melchor Would you try to write articles readers might have an open-minded- view along with the Church. But not Noel Diaz on high schools, and high-school view of that issue, and to accept always the Church alone. sports? We'd like to read about an different circunstances. Maria Llorca athlete from one school who best Sandra Ortiz Sandra Tamargo We would like you to write about succeeds in that sport and do a Monica Hoyos Luis Fajardo more sports, more student activities special article on him. Gina Flora LuisAguilar of all the high-schools, and please 10th grade students Tom as Gomez Manuel Lorenzo put more effort into your jokes. Religion Class - Period 3 Margie Gans Marcia Perez Your jokes should be made to be Peter Benitez Please try to lessen the ads funny, they rarely make sense. Luz Rodriguez Another suggestion that concerning funeral homes and try We also suggest you should would benefit the newspaper would to make the jokes so that we can include some articles pertaining to be to change the format a little. For understand them. Thank you for. the younger generation. We also find that your weekly example add a Catholic high school your time. PS. Some of' your articles are jokes should be improved, in the sports section and give more movie Camilla Loro and television reviews. Marta Moreno John Cassinelli Charmaine Chin Anthony Gardner Reinaldo F. Portella . Xiomara Sotolongo / We are students at Monsignor Pace High School. We read your More stories concerning teenage newspaper weekly in oUr religion problems (drugs, pregnancy, \ class. Some of your articles are very suicide), better sports articles, more v interesting which start discussions. information on abortion, more ar- Some other articles are too-long and ticles on family planning, and better frankly boring. jokes that are easier to understand. Our opinion is that you should Beatriz Manero keep vour articles briefer if possible Patty Abdulla also very interesting they help us to sense that sometimes they seem and try to write about interesting Julie Trella make decisions which will affect our some what difficult to understand. things going on now like Catholic Manon Hagan future. Thank You. John Wheeler Athletes and Catholic of the week. The Sophomore Class at Pace High Sue Turchy Tony Moreno Most of your articles are cen- Jessica Tusino Cali Plasencia tered around the Pope and older Carlos Alberti Ron Mansouri people. You should have a variety of Even though the Voice is a Peter Vasallo articles pertaining to younger religious newspaper, we would like people. to have more interesting articles. Armando De Feria With more interesting articles We hav«? only one suggestion for We think better lines would help. Jane Reifsnyder we think that it might call the at- your paper, that is to write more Your jokes are terrible because Keith Stibler tention of a younger generation. We about what is happening in our they are dry. There is a lot of things Tiffany Cabassa would also like a more variety of Catholic Schools today. The paper happening in .Catholic High Schools. articles with a more variety of informs us what is happening In We think you should have a section important people. religion, nation wide and our local for articles concerning high schools Some of your artciles are Another thing that might help parishes etc. This is why we suggest are more separate articles about lengthy, even though their subject would be a better comedy editor. that you write, maybe about a them. Students from Pace High School particular person, or group of people matter is of importance. of a particular school, that par- Jim VanEtten We think that most of the ar- ticipate in our Catholic community. TonyMarciano ticles are very up to date. But what Eben Morales about the REAL religion — The Many of your articles are a bit Patty Becerra history of it, its background. There too long. We believe that you could Eddy Del Torro are many questions about that. It let a message shine through without Felix Sosa. would be nice to see some of these using so many words. We would enjoy reading stories questions answered in the future In our opinion the article written about local high school sports and by Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy We the 10th grade students at activities especially among the editions of the Voice. Catholic Schools. Most of your articles are in- entitled, "Devotedly Yours," was a Monsignor Edward Pace High teresting but with a few exceptions. very good idea except that he could School, who read your Voice very Rollie Castineyra For instance there is too much write more articles pertaining more often in class, Thank you, for BethElfrey emphasis on the meetings of the to the interest of the younger publishing this paper. Tammy Balz Clergy. generation. At this time, we would like to tell Michelle Perez We remind you that this is in no you the different articles we like in Valorie Marshall way any form of derogatory your paper. Such as News at a We would like to suggest that Martha Liyoa criticism. These are our opinions. Glance, Official, Matter of Opinion you would improve your jokes and And we hope you take them into and Letters to the Editor. Here are obtain more articles dealing with the consideration. some suggestions that we have teenage high school students and Things that are more Up to date George L. Sedano thought of. A special section on their problems. We like the articles in the world not necessarily religion. Nannette Suarez Catholic High School sports, and which are frequently in your paper. Some of the articles we've read are Rafael J. Guerra maybe a small comic section, I hope Lourdes Medina of our interests. We would like to Maria Diaz these ideas may affect your paper. Marilyn San Juan see more issues on abortion, Tim McCarthy Yannie Rivero homosexuals, birth-control, pre- Dave Williams Martha Gil marital sex, suicide and family First of all your jokes are as dry Ricky Torres Elizabeth Pando Miami Florida I THE VOICE /Friday, January 18,1980 / Page 9 Should I Adopt a Child? By ANGELA M. have just wanted to get away he felt. She had tried to treat delightful young couple couple, but if all that was SCHREIBER from her. their news as lightly as bought a house next door to stopping Michelle and Duane By the time he returned possible to keep him from Duane's parents. They had a was the waiting period and Michelle walked out of three hours later, she had knowing how she really felt. three-year-old boy. Mrs. red tape, that was not reason the doctor's office, got into regained her composure. "Honey, we could adopt a Faulkner soon learned that enough to decide against it. her car and drove home. She They made a pretense of baby," Duane suggested, their child was adopted, She "As for an adopted child had never before experienced watching TV, then went to "No," she replied, "that's told the young woman about being just as much yours as such hurt. As she pulled up in bed. When he kissed her, she such an awful procedure and her daughter-in-law and how one you give birth to," Marie front of her new home, she did not return it, but told him it takes forever. Somehow, I she felt about adoption. The said, "there really is no looked up to the second floor she was tired. Michelle cried just don't think we could ever young woman, Beth, said she problem. Maybe she never window. It was to have been a silently. Duane tossed. When think of somebody else's child and her husband would like to has known a couple who have nursery. Now there would he thought she was asleep he as ours." meet Duane and Michelle. adopted. At any rate, they never be a child to look out put his arms around her. It When they told their Both the younger and the seem to need someone who is that window. She was doomed was then he realized she was parents, adoption was older woman agreed that it there to let them in on the real never to be a mother. crying. As they talked, they brought up again. When they would be best if the subject of facts. We waited four years Finally she went into the found that each had been found out how Michelle felt adoption came up naturally. for a baby, but it was worth house and started preparing trying to hide the hurt from about adopting a child, both Neither of them wanted to the effort and the time. We dinner. Duane would be home the other. Duane had taken a sets of parents dropped the push the idea off on Michelle. have Catholic Charities to soon . His disappointment walk alone because he didn't subject. Beth stressed the fact that thank for our little Steve." would be as great as her own. want her to know how badly A few weeks later, a adoption was not for every It wouldn't do to cry, she Duane and Michelle thought, that would only ususally stopped by the make it harder for both of Faulkner's house on Sunday them. after Mass. On a Sunday When she heard Duane's shortly after the two' cheerful greeting, she women's conversation, the managed to smile. He asked Catholic Charities two young couples met. Their her right away what the friendship developed. doctor had said. ".It's not Adoptions Office Through the other young good news, darling," she couple, Duane and Michelle said, and then turned away began to view adoption as an from him and continued answer to their prayers. quietly, "We're just not going Three years have passed to make the parent scene. Dr. and Duane's and Michelle's Jacobs has some long ex- baby girl just celebated her planations of why but it boils first birthday. They had had down to the fact that there misconceptions about isn't any hope." adoption, but through the Duane was silent for what sensitivity of Duane's mother seemed an interminable time and the young couple who to Michelle. Finally she felt lived next door to them, those his arms around her and he misconceptions were drew her to him. "What I corrected. want to know is, are you all They had found out that right?" first evening that they "Yes, I'm not sick. I just learned Michelle would not be can't ever get pregnant." able to become pregnant that "The main thing is that expressing their own deepest you're well." He held her feelings to one another was close, then he broke the paramount in their marriage moment and suggested they relationship. Their sensitivity get on with dinner. to each other grew in the Neither of them really months that followed. They ate. They attempted light ministered to one another and conversation without much were ministered to by a success. Afterwards, Duane sensitive mother and a neigh- said he was going to take a borhood couple. Eventually, walk. She suggested joining they discussed adoption with him and he replied that he their parish priest and would rather go alone. Catholic Charities. The chain When he left, Michelle of ministry surrounds us in disolved into tears. She felt When the subject of adoption was brought up by Duane, Michelle replied "No, that's such our everyday life, not only in that as a woman she was a an awful procedure and it takes forever. Somehow, j don't think we could ever think of such a situation as this one, complete failure. He must somebody else's child as ours."Through the friendship of another young couple.Duane but in many other daily ex- I feel that way, too. He. must and Michelle later changed their minds and saw adoption as an answer to their prayers. periences. /Moses: An Adopted Son by Janaan Manternach He was a beautiful baby. The mother took a strong walked along the river bank "Would you like me to get one imagined. Their baby boy His parents loved him very covered basket made of enjoying the sun. A few of the Hebrew women to would surely not be killed now much. But they would not let papyrus. She smeared it with minutes later, the Pharoah's nurse the baby for you?" she because the Pharoah's own anyone see their baby. They pitch to make it waterproof. daughter noticed the basket asked Pharoah's daughter. daughter wanted him. were afriad the Pharoah's She gently placed her small among the reeds. She was "Yes, " she answered soldiers would discover their son in the basket, closed the curious and had one of her with a smile, "that is a good The boy grew up at home baby and kill him. cover and carried it to the maids bring it to her. idea. Plase find me one of the under the protection of the river bank. The baby's older Wondering what was in Hebrew women." So Miriam princess. When the baby was, They were Hebrew sister, Miriam, went along. the basket, the princess lifted ran back home and told'her old enough, his mother took slaves. They worked in the up the cover. To her mother what had happened. him to the home of the brick factories in Egypt. The At the river the mother amazement she saw the baby. The two of them ran back to Pharoah's daughter. The Pharoah, Egypt's cruel ruler, carefully placed the water- had just made a law. The baby began to cry. "It's the river bank. princess was delighted with proofed basket in the water one of the hebrews' The princess handed the the boy. She adopted him as According to his law all among the reeds near the Hebrew boy babies were to be children," she said to her baby to the Hebrew woman her son, took him into her river bank. She quickly maids. She felt sorry for the (not guessing that she was the home, and raised him as one thrown into the river and returned home. Miriam drowned. beautiful baby and wanted to baby's real mother)." "Take of her family. stayed by the river. She hid a care for him. the child home with you. She called him "Moses." For three months the short distance away to see Meanwhile Miriam had Nurse him for me and take To her the name meant, "I what would happen to her good care of him. I will repay drew him out of the water." Hebrew mother and father baby brother. joined the maids of the were able to hide their baby princess. She ran with them you." She said. Moses grew up in the boy. But it became more and She didn't have to wait to see what was in the basket. So the mother took her palace of the Pharoah and more difficult as the child long. She saw the daughter of She saw how much Pharoah's baby home. Her husband became an important person grew. Finally they decided the Pharoah coming down to daughter liked the baby. could hardly believe his eyes. in Egypt. But he never forgot on a way to try to save the the river to bathe. The maids Miriam made a bold Their plan had worked his real mother and the baby's life. of the Egyptian princess suggestion to the princess. better than they could have Hebrew slaves. Page 101 Miami. Florida I THE VOICE I Friday January 18,1980 Adoption is an Adventure By MARY KENNY Again witness these newborn's first cry. It is not a portunity. Whether one has children. Most adoption words by a genetic counselor better experience; it is not a difficulty hearing or 20-20 agencies hold group meetings As a four-time adoptive in a recent issue of second-rate experience. It is vision, all persons are han- periodically for prospective mother, I would describe "Psychology Today " : a different kind of joy. dicapped in some way. The adoptive aprents. It is a good adoption as an adventure. "Some couples choose Adoptive parents are real parents who choose a I way to meet others with the Adoption changes your life adoption, fully aware of how parents. As some parents hard-to-place child focus on same fears and hopes and to and leads you down difficult a process that may have explained to their his potential rather than the learn more about adoption. mysterious paths which ' be, because they feel that adopted children, every child weakness. They welcome the You make no commitment previously you can scarcely parenthood matters enough has two sets of parents, the challenge and adventure of when you attend such a imagine. to them. They are willing to biological parents and the raising such a child. meeting. For me, our adoptive undergo the rigors of an forever parents. The forever Adoptive parents A positive alternative to children provide one of the adoption agency's home parents are the ones who recognize, perhaps more biological parenthood, an richest sources for study, or the expense of a nurture and raise you, who clearly than biological adventure, adoption is also a meditation on the wonder and private lawyer's fee; to wait pass on their habits and parents, that children are not surrender to God's plan, goodness of God. As with as long as five years for a values. In most cases both possessions. Whether adopted allowing him to lead us along most adoptive children, ours healthy newborn baby of any sets are one and the same. In of biological, children belong new, unknown paths. I watch were hot conceived and born race; they may agree to adoption they are different. to themselves. Parents are two of four adopted children under ideal circumstances. handle the problems and Adoptive parents are forever their stewards, not their sleeping arm-in-arm beside Yet I look at our beautiful expenses involved in adopting parents, a real and awesome owners. each other in the same bed, Matthew, and Annie-with-the- a child from abroad, or a calling. How can you decide and I reflect, "There are no wide-smile, and I think, "Out child with a physical or Parents who choose a whether to adopt and how can blood ties between them or K of pain and evil have come mental handicap, or an older child who is hard-to-place for you develop positive feelings between either of them and these beautiful human child who may come from a social, physical or in- toward adoption? Get to know me. Without adoption, none of beings. They are living proof background of serious tellectual reasons view their families with chidren, us would ever have crossed that good will triumph over emotional deprivation or choice positively. The genetic especially families with paths in our lives. Yet here N evil. What greater symbols of physical abuse." Sounds counselor pictures them as adoptive children. Expose we all are, truly united, in- hope could surround me! pretty awful, doesn't it? people so desperate for a yourself to real children, not timate as only family can be What greater testimony that In a contrast to these child that they will accept just the image of golden curly intimate. What a marvelous we live in a world full of negative attitudes, couples anything. This is not so. heads asleep on a pillow.• direction our lives have wonder and mystery!" who have had a happy Parents who choose a hard- Babysit, for your friends. taken! Adoption is a living Rarely does a couple adoption experience view to-place child focus not on the Assist with teaching or youth symbol of the wonderful and contemplating adoption hold adoption positively. Adoption burden, but on the op- programs to get to know older mysterious ways of the Lord. W a positive view. In an infertile is not a second-rate way to marriage, one or both part- become a parent but a positive ners may hold deep feelings alternative to biological that something is wrong with parenthood. The adoptive them. They feel inferior. mother never experiences the Adoption seems like a second- excitement of carrying a Y rate way to become parents. child within her. Yet her Our culture often en- experience can never be dorses these negative at- enjoyed by the biological tidues. "Do you have mother. No adoptive parents children of your own? " ever forget the moment they someone asks, implying that first meet their child. It is a adoptive children are some monumental experience, just 13 sort of boarders. as profound as hearing your R A Prayer Answered F Even as a girl, she had By MARRIANNE STRAWN dreamed of being the mother of a large family populated The case worker leaned with hoards of children, some over the crib to pick up the of them adopted. baby who was to be their She and her husband adopted daughter. For agreed that adoption had I Kathleen and John Brink- been a very positive ex- miller, it was the longest perience even though the moment of their lives. process required a great deal "It couldn't have been of patience and anxiety. T more than a few seconds," As she shopped for baby Kathleen recalls, "But it clothes, Gretchen recalled "a seemed like an eternity." feeling of sadness that I didn't Those momemts seemed carry the baby in my body. longer than the years the But the waiting experience couple had waited for the was a good one. It brought us adoption. closer through a special kind they.were finally accepted, "I great deal during our long come until after Christmas," "First we were on a pre- of sharing." prayed that God's will would wait." she said. waiting list. Then it took us 22 Adrianne Lee had given be done in the adoption. I But, during the in- At 5:20 one evening, the and a half months to get to the birth to a daughter but lost even prayed that the adoption terviews with the adoption agency called and told them top of the waiting list. Ten her. Soon after the baby's would fall through if it wasn't agency, Kathleen recalls they could pick up their four- months later, the case worker death, she suspected she his will." being very tense. "I prayed I month-old girl the next called to begin the home might have trouble getting She admits that after her would say the right thing. I morning. They rushed out study," Kathleen explained. pregnant again. So she began last interview with the know now that there are no and bought a box of diapers As surely as a baby grows thinking of adoption agency, she wanted the an- 'right' ansers, but I was so and a few shirts. in the body of its natural seriously. swer to be "yes" so badly, it afraid we wouldn't get a The Brinkmillers mother, it grows in the hearts "I felt God might have a would have been difficult for child." primarily had thought about and minds of parents who special purpose for us since her to accept a "no" from It was October when the names. The dark haired baby wait to bring an adopted child my husband, Ralph, is God. couple learned that they girl was called Doina, into their home. adopted." For .Adrianne, the "I wanted God'swill to be would get a baby. "I went to meaning gift of heaven. Gretchen and Richard path to adoption had been "yes." I also prayed that God Mass that evening and of- For each of these Eick had to wait only nine agonizing. She had had three would give us the specific fered a prayer of families, adoption was a months for their infant pregnancies, a premature child that he wanted, and this thanksgiving, we knew it was prayer answered. As they daughter. birth, taken a fertility drug has been answered." a matter of time. From then waited for the children who "We felt God's presence for two years, and still had Kathleen Brinkmiller had on, our whole world would complete and enrich through being an expanded no child. spent a short time in a con- relaxed." their lives, they walked with family." Gretchen smiled as Adrianne called each of vent with the Sisters of Divine Kathleen and John had a God discovering new depths she recalled the details that the 20 agencies listed in the Providence. "The trust I crib and little-else. "I was and dimensions in surrounded the adoption. Chicago phone book. When learned there helped me a convinced our baby wouldn't spirituality. Miami, Florida /THE VOICE / Friday, January 18,1980/ Page 11 Ayatollah's Revenge and Jesus' Love

.By MSGR. JAMES J. WALSH. So Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini We are born -with the tendency to always pain in the soul, until the However, if we are sincere in hates the Shah with a blind hatred resent wrongs. Baptism gives us the person with the help of God's grace living the Christian life, conscience and seeks total revenge. Nothing means to overcome these violent could go against the vindictive ten- is uneasy in mangling the truth like short of the Shah's humiliation and inclinations, but does not remove dency. The saints, especially the this. We may remember that "two death will appease him, even if it them. The grace of prayer and the martyrs, could bless and forgive wrongs do not make a right." Even means his own death. sacraments places man in command their persecutors with a smile and more important, we must live daily Whta a profound and prolonged of his passions, but does not destroy genuine love. with the desire to model our con- lesson the world has had for more his nature. THIS IS ONE of the most dif- duct on the teaching of Christ. If than two months in the guideline of The urge to "get even", ficult aspects of our life. We are put there is anything dramatically hate, "An eye for an eye, a tooth for therefore, will be found even in the on the spot so often. Daily life is taught in the Gospels it is the gentle a tooth." saint. But giving in to the urge is certain to cause friction. Different attitude of Jesus towards those who WATCHING THE ugly drama something else. Is this common? temperaments are sure to clash, abused him, He could flay the unfold from day to day, you can You know it is. We all are painfully unless one keeps on guard. Pharisees in their hypocrisies, but almost taste and smell the odor of aware of vindictiveness among Misunderstanding happens even to he poured the warm balm of bitter hatred in the strange old man "practicing" Christians. people who love each other dearly. forgiveness over the screeching with the dull eyes and his thousands You do something harmful to Circumstances at work and at home betrayers at the foot of the cross. of fanatic followers who scream for me, whether deliberately or can set the stage for the urge to All during the three years of his vengeance night and day. thoughtlessly, and I immediately render abuse for abuse. How easy it public ministry, he was the victim of I wonder if the repulsive sight have a meeting with myself and is to make a habit of returning evil slander. And as the Evangelist says, has made us realize a little more draw up plans how I can hurt you to for evil. "He went about doing good." forcefully that we ourselves can also the same degree. A tooth for a tooth. Part of our trouble is self Of all the things in which he live by Khomeini's deadly principle. This principle has become the deception. We rationalize that we might have urged us to imitate him, In our homes, in offices, in neigh- breeding ground of suspicions, are acting fairly, that after all "this he chose this, "Learn of me because borhoods. Part of our wounded jealousies, family hatreds, loss of is different." If I don't rebuke this I am gentle and humble of heart." nature is to be inclined to seek an friendship and a score of evil effects. repulsive person, he will hurt others. THE LORD'S example along eye for an eye. St. Peter wanted the It has tended to keep people on edge, Moreover, it's kind of cowardly to with a host of good people who first-Christians in the fervor of their to kill off generous impulses, to ignore wrongs which have disturbed control themselves offers us the conversion against the practice of create the decaying spirit of us. It's even hypocritical to smile inspiration needed to be convinced "rendering evil for evil, or abuse for revenge. when you feel like cursing. we too can subdue this ugly trait. It abuse, but contrariwise, blessing." One of Christianity's most ad- So we twist out thinking enough must be aided by prayer and the Apparently in the Ayatollah's mirable triumphs was its success to make it seem "natural" when we sacraments. We cannot do it alone. strange religion, there is no word or throughout history in enabling so "tell off this person, or isolate that Khomeini is doing some good place for forgiveness. And in many of its followers to refuse to live one so it will be noticed by others, or in showing us so clearly what a Christianity there is no inherited by that dreadful rule of revenge. to whisper something to people to revolting, ugly thing revenge is. spirit of peace and pardon. There was always a struggle, make sure that idiot's reputation What a beautiful contrast the life of gets what it deserves. Jesus is. KRAEER FUNERAL HOME Fort Lauderdale' Pompano Beach Sample Road Deerfield Beach 565-5591 941-4111 946-2900 427-5544 Palm Beach Lawyers Hold Red Mass A committee of Catholic been conducted annually by the courts to seek Divine Boca Raton R. Jay Kraeer Margate: 395-1800 972-7340 Lawyers in Palm Beach Guilds of Catholic Lawyers Guidance for the members of Funeral Director County — The Guild of throughout the United States the judiciary and legal Catholic Lawyers will for the past fifty years, profession, and for those sponsor a Red Mass for the beginning in St. Patricks associated with both. Its FUNERAL HOMES first time in the county on Cathedral in New York City name derives from the fact Sunday, Feb. 3, at 9:00 a.m._ in 1938 , and are celebrated that the vestments worn at FT. LAUDERDALE Such undertakings have each year in Miami and the Mass are red. RON P. FAIRCHILD-L.F.D. Tallahassee. A family breakfast will ESTABLISH 1930 The Mass will be 299N.FEDERM.HWY. 3501 W. BB0WARD BLVD. follow the Mass in St. 763-WM 511-6100 Becker celebrated at St. Edward's Edwards' Parish Hall. Msgr. Catholic Church, Palm Jeremina P. O'Mahohey, a 95 Funeral Home Beach, Msgr. Bernard J. year old priest-lawyer will be McGrenehan, V.F., Pastor. the special guest of honor Archbishop Edward A. with Joseph M. Fritzgerald, PARISH McCarthy, J.C.D., Arch- founder of the Catholic Ron E. Becker bishop of Miami, will be Lawyer's Guild for the Arch- Celebrant and Homilist. diocese of Miami, as the PHARMACIES Funeral Director Although its precise In time of sickness, and for better Phone (305) 428-1444 keynote speaker. The health, you know you can depend origin has been lost > in an- program will conclude with 1444 S. Federal Hwy. . tiquity, the Red Mass on your pharmacy. The quality the presentation of an Out- DEERFIELD BEACH historically has been standing Catholic Laywer prescription experts in this section celebrated at the reoDenin&r of recognition to Sen. Phil Lewis are listed by parish location for By the Guild. your convenience. The cost is $7.50 per adult Holy Family Parish and $3.00 for children under fum 12. For reservations and STONE'S Pharmacy Funeral Homes additional information Drive-in Window Service • Russjll Stover Candies 5110 North Federal Highway 326 East Las Olas Blvd. contact Charles A. Nugent, 11638 N.E. 2nd. Ave. (Near Barry College). 759-6534 Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33308 Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33301 771-7$03 4fi7-t421 Jr., at 655-9100. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs %PSCO DRUG MUTUAL Family Run • Hudson Vitamins - Russell Stover Candies - Gift & Card Op; 2790 W. Davie Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale 581-1114 T. M. Saint Rose of Lima Parish PLANTATION FUNERAL HOME PARK SHORE PHARMACY Quality-Courtesy Service Thomas M. Ralph 10898 N.E. 6th Ave. - Miami Shores - PH: 754-9508 FUNERAL HOMES Judith C. Ralph Owners £r Directors Our Ladyof Perpetual Help Saint Philip CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Keen, Alert, Accurate Prescription Specialists. SINCE 1927 ... SIX CHAPELS PRIVATE FAMILY ROOMS OPA-LOCKA DRUGS SPACIOUS FORMAL CHAPELS 681-3122 401 Opa Locka Blvd. 33054 Dietetic Candies Luncheonette & Store 7001 N.W. 4tbSt. Open 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Cookies 'The Plummer Family Plantation, Florida -Sundries Photo Supplies Film Developing Money Orders Blue Stamps Jos. L., J.L., Jr., Lawrence H.

Page 12 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 18,1980 Pops Concert at St. Clements Members of the Ft. Broadway showtunes. A Lauderdale symphony and champagne reception will the Broward community follow in the parish hall. college Youth Symphony will perform in concert with Dr. Proceeds will be used to James A. Brooks conducting aid the Youth Symphony at St. Clement Catholic Scholarship Fund and the Church on Saturday evening, parish Development Fund. Jan. 26th, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. Seating is $3.50 per Selections for the evening person. Tickets are available will include works by Bizet, at the church rectory, 2975 N. Brahms, Nehlybel, special Andrews Ave., Ft. Lauder- arrangements by conductor dale or may be reserved by Sal Recchi, and a variety of. phone 566-5877 or 566-3633.

Shortstop Tim Foli of the world champion Pittsburgh Pirates goes for the double play after putting out Bob Watson of the Huston Astros during a regular season game. Foli, who calls the Bible his "play book" attends the charismatic Mass with his wife, Jeanette, Sun- day evenings at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Daytona Beach. ^*** 0N THIS GREAT YOUTH ACTIVITIES ^ PILGRIMAGE Dade Youth Federation Meets To the Holy Land By GEORGE KEMON Youth Group Leaders will be From 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 held March 7 at Christ the p.m. in South Dade, at St. Visiting ISRAEL and ITALY The South Dade Youth King Church. It will start on Catherine of Sienna, Jan. 22 Federation met on Jan. 11, at Friday Night, and end on and 29; Feb. 5 and 12. St. Bernard Parish St. Catherine of Sienna. Since Saturday morning. Two North Dade — at St. and Fr. Michael Hourigan the last meeting four com- youths per parish will attend - Lawrence, Feb. 20 and 27; mittees were formed highschoolers only. March 5 and 12. Invite You to Join Us following the total Youth A Search for Christian Broward County — St. Ministry model. Each one Maturity Week-end will be Clements, Jan. 23 and 30; March 11-27, 1980 reported and the following held March 21-23. Location is Feb. 6 and 13. events will be taking place pending. A Kerygma Week- Palm Beach —St. Luke's 17 Day - 16 Nites throughout the Federation in end will be held April 18-19, Feb. 19 and 26; St. Vincent's INCLUDES: HOTELS the coming months: location to be announced. March 4 and 11. MEALS Search is for 11-12 graders, BEYOND SURVIVAL: SIGHTSEEING-ADMISSIONS SERVICE COM- Kerygma is for 9-10 graders. SKILLS FOR THE YOUTH MITTEE: Project Haiti (For Contact person is Fr. Shamus MINISTERS: those Haitians here and O'Shaughnessy, Christ the Dade County: Christ the LAND $8bO plus AIR there.) King Parish, 238 -24 85. King, Jan. 14 and 21 The Haitian Mission Then there is a Vocational Broward County: St. OPTIONAL TOUR TO LOURDES AVAILABLE Drive kick off will be held on Awareness Week to be held at Helen's Feb. 7and 141; Feb. 21 Feb. 3, and end on Feb. 24.A11 St. John Vianney Seminary. and 28 . . l» A L L . McMichael's Travel Agency, Inc. parishes in the Federation Dates to be determined. Palm Beach County: St. 1520 E Commercial Blvd. will be participating through SPORTS COMMITTEE: John Fisher, Feb. 11 and 18 ; Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334 collections, medicine and A Jamboree - Mixed Feb. 25 and March 3. Broward 776-4340 Miami 944-0569 goods donations, through Basketball will be held For more information bake sales, car washes, etc. Sunday Jan. 27, 1980, at please call' Fr. Murphy or On Feb. 24, the effort will Boystown. Contact Kim Maria at the DYA, 757-6241- come together at Epiphany Patrick at 279-1722. in the Palm Beach area call Church. The outcome of the Also discussed at the Barbara Straley at 884- drive will be channeled Friday Night meeting were 3906. through the Haitian Refugee proposed plans for the Committee for those Haitians Summer —suchas a camping here and Love in Action for trip, a Youth Rally, and a those in Haiti. Contact person Latin American Mission —to Retirement is Don Tilson, 598 -1809. gain a greater vision of the ..CULTURAL COM- Church as a whole, by helping MITTEE: There will be a others just like ourselves. Living... O, UUU joyous Spiritual Celebration Night The next Federation IN HOLLYWOOD held on Feb. 2, at St. Theresa Meeting will be held on May • 3 Excellent Meals Daily of Little Flower. A Dance, 2, 1980, at 7:30 p.m., at St. • Medications Controlled Weddings Poetry, songs, etc., will be Catherine of Sienna. • Planned Activities held at the Coral Gables • Doctor Visits Weekly will be church. For information • Near all Transportation, contact Ism ay Hernandez, Hospitals celebrated 551-4243. • Maid Service SOCIAL COMMITTEE: The Archdiocesan Youth in Catholic A Beach Party has been Activities Office is sponsoring fcinrnln fKanor scheduled for May 4, and a series of training sessions Lincoln Manor Churches of more details will be an- for both teenage leaders and. 2144 Lincoln St., 922-1995 nounced later. for Youth Ministers LOW, LOW RATES. South Florida WORD WORSHIP throughout the archdiocese: Please have lunch with us and in 198O RETREATS: Training-Parish Teenage inspect our premise Pilot Lock-In Project for Leadership:

r r r ~- ™ -^r H --w- -^ w w w H ^r ~^^ ~^^ - —^^ —'^^r ~^^ ~-^^ —m^ ~^^ ~^m~ —^^ ^^^ ~*^m" ~-^^ ~^r ^^ ^^^^r ^^^^ ^^^^r ^^^^r Sanctify your home with fine religious statuary and paintings. The VOICE'S 13th Annual ALMACEN FELIX GONZALEZ, tac BRIDE IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF RELIGIOUS ARTICLES. & Custom Picture Framing ui u . «• ,.„•• n^ 2610 S.W. 8 Sue-* c/v504"2 West 12 Ave. 8788 S.W. 8 Street GROOM Hialeah, B. 33012 We Honor aH Maior Credit Cards Miami Fl 3313 Miami, Fl. 33144 A Most Beautiful Supplement 558-1991 552-5660 • 642-5666 To be published February 22 1980 CHALICES • BAPTISMAL FONTS * CANDELABRA * CHURCH METALWARE

Miami, Florida I THE VOICE I Friday, January 18,19801 Page 13 Florida Bishops Letter on Abortion (Continued fromPage 1) We, God's people, are the fruit ot powering us to be disciples and render more human the lives of our need the vine. We can do it on our love, the new wine given through indeed His brothers and sisters. fellow human beings, wherever they own. Jesus for the salvation of all men In defending the inviolability of may be." This is a time of decision when and women. human life at all stages, we are We pray we will all come to the we —who believe ->mustjbe witnesses Our Holy Father went on to prophets announcing the value and fullness of eternal life in Christ for life. This means, at the very reiterate the need to "stand up every dignity of that most precious gift of a Jesus. minimum, that the Supreme Court's time human life is threatened." loving God, the gift of life; not Edward A. McCarthy decision must be reversed. Now, in This is a task we bear with separate and apart, but a life that is Archbishop of Miami January 1980, the necessity for the Jesus, whose death and resurrection shared with our Lord and thus points Thomas J. Grady adoption of a Human Life Amend- is the life blood of the branches, to a more-to-come that is fulfilled in Bishop of Orlando ment to the United States Con- giving us the consolation of His the Kigndom of God. stitution becomes ever more clear. loving presence in Word and Let us pray with our Holy Rene H. Gracida In his homily on Oct. 7, 1979, Sacrament and the challenge to be Father: Bishop of Pensacola-Tallahassee "Respect Life Sunday," in witnesses to a view of life that "We are confident that Mary, W. Thomas Larkin Washington, D.C., Pope John Paul II rejoices in our covenant the Mother of God and the Mother of Bishop of St. Petersburg stated: relationship with our heavenly life, will gives us her help so that our John J. Snyder "Human life is precious Father. way of living will always reflect our because it is the gift of God, whose The Bread an& Wine of the admiration and gratitude to God's Bishop of St. Augustine love is infinite; and when God gives Eucharist are not just signs of Jesus gift of love, that is life. We know she John J. Nevins life, it is forever. Life is also among us, but rather they are our will help us to use every day that is Auxiliary Bishop of Miami precious because it is the expression food, our sustenance, our sharing in given to us as an opportunity to Agustin Roman and the fruit of love." the life of the Lord of Life, em- defend the life of the unborn and to Sisters Name Superior Auxiliary Bishop of Miami NEWARK, N.J. 4NC) -Sister Doris Ann Bowles, 47, a member of the Sisters of St. Dominic of Caldwell and a Urges Update Of Diocese Histories native of Rhodesia, has become the first nun named to head Comparing the history of Daughters of the Americas dioceses of Charleston and the school system of the Newark Archdiocese. the Catholic Church in the Chair in Catholic Church Mobile." United States to "a newly History at Catholic Writing in the current discovered and incompletely University, says some of the issue of "Share," national explored continent," a largest dioceses in America publication of the Catholic prominent church historian still lack scholarly histories. Daughters, Fr. Trisco says has called upon dioceses, Works on the arch- histories of religious orders of religious communities and lay dioceses of and men and women are also organizations to be aware of Chicago are in progress, Fr. essential to our knowledge of their past accomplishments Trisco says, "but research the development of the church, and to preserve them through should also be undertaken on in the U.S. scholarly treatises. the important archdiocese of "Although histories of a Fr. Robert Trisco, current New York, Newark, few Benedictine monasteries occupant of the Catholic Louisville, Milwaukee, San and of several smaller Francisco and Los Angeles; congregations of men have on the populous dioceses of been published in the last two 11300N.E. 2AVE Catholic Brooklyn, Buffalo and Pitts- decades, little has appeared on MIAMI SHORES Co-Educational. 7583392 burgh; and on the old the largest — the Society of Jesus — and almost nothing on the Franciscans, Dominicans, Vincentians, Mame Barry •College Holy Cross Fathers and —Since 1940 — Paulists. "Women religious have FLORIDA'S FIRST CATHOLIC been more- productive," Fr. FOUR YEAR COLLEGE Trisco says, "but the founding Over 300 Courses in dozens of graduate and undergraduate programs and growth of many of their to select from. congregations are still un- chronicled." You can depend upon "The American Catholic Press can also boast of a flourishing past which remains largely buried in PARKING 101 libraries," Fr. Trisco says. '365 MIRACLE MILE ADJACENT TO 915 E. LAS OLAS CORAL GA8LFS BOTH STORES FORT LAUDERDALE

Wedding Invitations and Announcements ., "Sensational" "A Joy" j Business & Personal Stationery • Booklets S.E. Pastoral Institute $ "Splendid" "A Winner" J ^ORAL^ABLES PRINTING Miami. Florida. C "• • • • just sensational .... lots of razzle-dazzle .... a dandy holiday H-. SERVICE INC. ..." Christine Arnold, Miami Herald *T 208 ALMERIA • CORAL GABLES SPANISH LANGUAGE & . vivacious very good ***!4" Sam Hirsh. TV 4 and WKAT J^ . an evening of fun and frolic .... a splendid, rousing evening" ji. 448 5350 Friendly Courteous Service, Reasonable Prices CULTURE INSTITUTE Herbert Swope, TV 12 and WPBR ^ July 28th - August 17th, 1980 10 Undergraduate Quarter Credits ^^ .... an aifaiu-iriinisaward-winneri foIUrI surHIIBe ..... a tribute to her (Jan McArt) n •yC acting, dancing and tinging abilities. Cost $450.00 Boarders Thelma Newman, Palm Beach Post &400.00 Day Students L,". . . . Jan McArt IS 'Mame' . . .. brought to life with all-around Specially created & designed for * exuberance and consummate skill." mm TBEATEE pastoral purposes. Course pro- •^f David Hinds, Palm Beach Times JjL Preview performances vides necessary skills to com- Jf • ". ... a joy to see .... has appeal that cuts through all age categories."^ Jan. 23 & Jan. 24 municate in Spanish Language as £'.;,-..•• Skip Sheffield, Boca Raton NewsT Gala Opening well as knowledge of Hispanic Final Week-thru Jan. 20 Friday. January 25th * "Like John Wayne was to True Grit', Jan McArt is to 'Mame' " )^ Moss Harf s hit culture. Recommended for edu- f£ Pat Mascola, Leisure Times'^ cators, administrators, pastoral ministers, missionaries and social c workers. Registration deadline June 25th *4j££Rpya( Palm Winner ^ . For further information write to: **^*^ ^ 303 Golfview Drive Royal Palm PUna u R«v. Mario Vizcaino Sch. P. Boca Raton. Florida 33432 426-2211 J 2900 S.W. 87th Ave. Wednesday A Saturday Miami, FL 33166 426-2211 (Broward & Dade) yL or call (305)223-7711 * 832-0262 (Palm Beach) yL 739-1800 •••••••••••••••••••••• Page 141 Miami, Florida f THE VOICE / Friday, January 18,1980 ' ..Wouldn't You Abort the Deformed?' The words of Pope John Paul II specially chose that word 'least', By FR. DAN KUBALA echoed in our nations' capital. He meaning the powerless, the Director, Respect Life Office reaffirmed the Church's teaching on dependent. Respect Life! the sacredness of human life —a Is there any stage of humanity There is a very prominent teaching we can be proud of. more least among us today than the Jewish lawyer who teaches law and Pope Paul VI, speaking to unborn whose very lives are commercial science at Northwesten pilgrims on April 26, 1978, just a threatened? This weekend, a special University. Victor Rosenblum and few months before his death, stated: collection is being taken in the Arch- his wife have nine children; the "The time has come when we diocese for the Respect Life ninth child is seriously retarded. pupils of Christ, both teachers and apostolate. These funds will be used disciples, must remember, and not to educate the Catholic community,; One night on a TV special on only remember but observe, this as well as the general public to the abortion, he was asked, "Dr. fundamental Christian law: human great need we have now to respect Rosenblum, if you knew that a baby life is sacred. What does sacred life, in light of the powerful forces was going to be deformed, you'd mean? Itmeans that is is put beyond that exist in our society that certainly allow for an abortion, the reach of man's power, but threaten human life. •wouldn't you?" And this beautiful protected by an authority superior to The funds will also be used to man responded, "Oh no, never. I that of man, and defended by the law help those women who choose life for thougbtyou and Iweretryingto build of God. Human life, over which man their unborn children and need our a human family of love. And if we're exercises his authority in so many assistance. Please be generous, really serious about this, about what ways, for reasons of kinship, or for remembering that real love is shown we are trying to do, we would say to reasons of social superiority, is as in deeds. Please too, above all, that little baby, 'Little baby, you're such, put beyond the reach of man's remember daily in your prayers this not going to have arms. But, with all authority...our thought goes in the important apostolate: promoting of our advanced technology and with first place to abortion. Poor and the sacredness of all human life, our bioengineering, we're going to PRAYER FOR innumerable lives about to be born born and unborn. make you arms. And if they don't UNBORN CHILDREN AND swept away in your weakness, in work, little baby, we will be your THEIR PARENTS your innocence! arms because we love you. You don't Heavenly Father, "How can a civil society, and HUMMEL have to pass any physical you sent your son into the world what is more —a Christian one, examination with perfect marks. to bring life authorize and remain impassive, You're already one of us. We love in unsurpassing abundance: dry-eyed, in the presence of such a you and we'll take care of you' " may we who share in your life "slaughter of the innocents?'' The panel members looked welcome the unborn into our lives The Holy Father's question is an astonished and said to him, "After and may we offer generous support awesome one. A question we cannot enough people have abortions, the to parents evade, put off. A question that Florida's Largest furor will die down, won't it?" Dr. and to all those who care for demands an answer. What has Rosenblum lowered his head and little children. Hummel Dealer happened to us? Why was Christ's HUMMEL For The Holidays said, "Ye s. And that's going to be the Grant this through Christ our Lord. Vicar constrained to speak such saddest day in all of American Amen. All figurines and plates' 119711979) words just weeks before he died? It In stock 1978-1979. history, the day when the fur.or dies Committee tor Pro-Life Activities seems the very stones of Hummel Bell, Nativity. Available open National Conference of Catholic Bishops stock We ship anywhere in U.S. down." 1312 Massachusetts Ave N W would have cried out had he not The above is recorded by Father Washington, D C 20005 given voice to the terrible anguish. John Powell, S.J., the well known Drawing by David A Sampson. Atlanta. GA His question haunts our hearts. speaker for the Respect Life cause. Jesus came to us as the Way, the This u Thqt Dr. Rosenblum's words of wisdom Truth and the Life. He tolds us that, Gifts • Party Goods • Greeting ring very loudly as we approach the Cards • 3830 W. Broward Blvd. message that Sunday, also stated: "Whatsoever you do to the least of seventh (7th) anniversary of the my brethren, you do to me." He Ccr. Rt. 441. Ft Lauderdale infamous Supreme Court decision "When the sacredness of'life Phone: 583-6019 allowing abortion on demand in the before birth is attacked, we will United States. stand up and proclaim that no one We, as Christians, must not let ever has the right to destroy unborn the furor die down when we hear life. When a child is described as a that since Jan. 22, 1973 some 10 burden or looked upon as a means to million lives have been snuffed out. satisfy an emotional need, we will ONE QUALITY OF SERVICE The furor must not die down as we stand up and insist that every child hear that there were over 1 million is a unique and irrepeatable gift of God with the right to a loving and We offer only one quality of service - the best we abused children last year. (The united family. When the value of the figures are that there were 3,000 know how to provide-and which we think is un- who died as a direct result of child family is threatened because of abuse). The furor must not die social and economic pressures, we equaled in quantity or quality in this area. Through- down as long as we hear daily of the will stand up and reaffirm that the out our 55 year history in Miami we have always senseless murders that happen in family is necessary not only for the our communities. The furor must private good of every person, but given full attention to the needs of every family also for the common good of every regardless of the complete funeral selected. not die down as long as we hear of society, nation and state." the poor treatment of our mentally 40 regular funerals, including casket, handicapped. The furor must not die pallbearers, hearse & limousine, from: down when we hear so often of the inhuman living conditions of many $595 - $657 - $777 - $847 - $896 of our elderly. Nun Heads Catholic Pope John Paul II, in his homily Schools in Newark on October 7, 1979 in Washington, D.C. on Respect .Life Sunday, OmOuM stated: NEWARK, N.J. -

Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 18,1980 / Page 15 (S. Florida Scene

January 19, 1980 for all Miss Miami Colleen Widow(ers) Club students who plan on entering The Erin Society is now The Catholic Widow and the 9th or 10th grade at Arch- accepting applications for Widowers club will hold their bishop Curley High School in Miss Miami Coleen of 1980. next meeting Jan. 2, at- 8:00 September. The winner will reign over the p.m. at the K of C Hall, 3571 The test will end at noon. Second Annual St. Patrick's N. Andrews Ave., Ft. There is a $5.00 fee, all Day Parade which will be Lauderdale. For in- checks payable to Archbishop held in Miami on Saturday, formation call 733-4274 or Curley High School. For March 15th, The Irish 563-8274. further information call the Festival at Bayfront Park on school office at 751-8367. Sunday, March 16th and at the annual Emerald Society Cathedral Women Retreat for Lay Ball on Monday, March 17th. On Jan. 20, following Entrants must be be- the 9:30 a.m. Mass and Carmelites tween the ages of 18 and 23, Communion, the Cathedral On Jan. 25-27, there will single (never married), of Womens' Guild will hold its be a retreat for Lay Car- Irish Heritage, and work or regular meeting in the lower melites with Fr. Howard attend school in south sacristy of the Cathedral. Rafferty, O. Carm., with the Florida. For applications and The women are also Theme of Community. further information, contact sponsoring a membership Registration begins at 7:30 Pat McCormick 681-3179. Coffee to which all women of p.m. on Frtday and concludes Deadline for applicants is the parish are cordially in- on Sunday after Eucharistic Mr. and Mrs. James Flood, married 58 ears, cut cake as February 1, 1980. vited on Jan. 20. The event Celebration. Contact Al Bishop Nevins, Fr. Murnane look on. will be held across the street Freda Tardiff at 446-2883 Women's Clubs from the Cathedral at the or Sr. Elizabeth Ann at St. Bernard's Women's Archdiocesan Hall. 238-2711. Long-Time Marrieds Guild will have a Day of Reflection on Jan. 21. in the Fun-Game Art and Music Eve Honored at St. Helen's Church, Sunset Strip and St. Juliana's Church, University Drive, Sunrise, Fl. nights West Palm Beach, will have Following a tradition of 66 couples, totalling 3168 Registration at9:00 a.m.Ms. long standing, the first years of married life, Two "Fun and Game an evening of art and music repeated their vows with Sue Blum of MACCW will be Night Benefits" will kick off on January 25, at 7:30 p.m. Sunday of January is set the speaker. Luncheon at The Choir will present "Lord aside as a special day at St. Bishop John Nevins 12:00 followed by Mass the Knight of Columbus 1979- Helen's parish. All couples Officiating. Father Patrick 80 pledge to benefit the Jesus" from the Lyric J. Murnane, Pastor, asked celebrated by Fr. John Archdiocese Respect Life Liturgy by Peloquin and "Be who have celebrated40 years O'Leary, of San Isidro Not Afraid" by Bob Duford, or more of married life in the each one of them who had Mission, Pompano. Office. The first is 8 p.m. past year are honored. been blessed with good Jan. 19th at Saint Joseph's S.L.; Fr. Richard S. Vosko, marriages to pray for those St. Bernard's Women's Parish hall, Miami Beach. A will speak on "Church Art just starting out, especially Guild will hold a workshop week later, Sunday, Jan. 27th, and Architecture"; and those getting married this conducted by Rosemary and starting at 6 p.m. a selections from "The Wit- By George: Year of the Family, that in Scharp on Tuesday, January repeat "performance" will be ness" be presented by It's the spot due time they too would be 22, at 8:00 p.m. in the at Miami Council Knights of Jimmi and Carol Owens will tor gala events! standing here with 50 years of Church, Sunset Strip and Columbus hall, 5644N.W. 7th round out the evening. married life behind them. University Drive, Sunrise. All Street. Single admission to officers, Commissioners and either is by advance $5.00 Cambodia Following the Mass Vice-Commissioners are donation and includes free concelebrated by Bishop requested to attend. food and beverages. Call the Relief Nevins, Father Murnane, Respect Life Office, 653-2921 Anyone wishing to send Father Charles Killgoar and or Len Boymer, 883-6377 donations for relief to Supert) facilities, Monsignor William Powers, a The St. Charles (661-5801 weekends and starving Cambodians may reception hosted by St. Borromeo Catholic Women's evenings) for your reser- send them to: moups o« 4 to 400 Helen's Women's Guild was Club will hold their annual Call us today! vation to have an evening of Catholic Relief Services held in the Parish Hall. Each Luncheon-Fashion Show on FUN! Cambodia Fund year the couple married the Jan. 26, at the Parish Hall, at 1011 First Ave. longest has the distinction of 12:00 Noon. Tickets are Lebanese Festival cutting the wedding cake. $6.00 per person. Call Mete New York City 10022 This year the honor went to Sinagria, 454-7646, or Dorothy On January 25, 26 and 27, Mr. and Mrs. James Flood, Powell, 923-5844 , between 1980, Our Lady of Lebanon Boutique Sale Catholic Church, is spon- married Aug. 20, 1921, at St. 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. for Lighthouse Point — A Kilian's Church, Chicago, 111. tickets. soring an authentic Lebanese Festival in the parish hall at "Nearly New" Boutique 2055 Coral Way, Miami. It under the auspices of St. Paul for Gracious Dining. St. Bartholomew Church will be held from 11:00 a.m. Women's Club will be held in HOUSE at 2801 U topis Drive, the parish education building SPECIALTIES to 11:00 p.m. and will feature MAJOR Miramar, Florida will hold a on Jan. 18 and 19 between WIENER SCHNITZEL CREDIT arabic groceries and food, • ROAST DUCKLING CARDS Hfstiiurnnt Family Flea market on Jan. 19, from lebanese folk dancing and 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. • JUMBO PORK HONORED 9:00 a.m. til 3:00 p.m. It is SHANK music, cooking demon- • SHRIMP SCAMPI sponsored by the CCD strations, gift booths, • FRESH FILET Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11 ;30 a.m. 3 p.m. 3ovartar) Program. children and adult games, OF SOLE Dinners Daily 4 p.m. - 11 p.m. Right to Life Sunday From 12 noon Middle East treasures, ENTREES FROM St. Bartholomew Church Miami Right to Life will $4.25 PRIME RIBS • STEAKS • SEAFOOD jewelry and ethnic and SAUERBRATEN • PRIME VEAL in Miramar will hold four educational films and sponsor a special Memorial Restaurant & Lounge leadership sessions for displays. For additional in- Service for the unborn on Jan. 1401 N. Federal Hwy. - featuring - German and teenagers on Jan. 23 and 30, formation call the Church. 22 at 8:00 p.m. at the Torch U.S. 1 Hollywood MARIKRKNALDO American Cuisine and Feb. 6 and 13. These 856-7449. of Friendship, Bay Front 922-7321 At The Organ Si-ll-rl If in.' Us! sessions are for present and Park, Miami, to mark the potential Youth Leaders. If Placement Test seventh anniversary of the you are interested please let Supreme Court decision the Pastor know as soon as There will be a placement legalizing abortion on DISCOVER for yourself possible _^ testat 8:45 a.m. on Saturday demand. For Information call 233-7631. tonight-how Italian tastes 751 -4429 when it's RIGHT! New Address The New Mailing Address for Our Lady of Mercy Church in Deerfield Beach, REAL ITALIAN RESTAURANT FL, is: ISO Giralda, Coral Gables • 448-8294 Rev. Wendel Schenley, TWO BLOCKS NORTH OF MIRACLE MILEI 901 N.W. 4 9th St., COCKTAIL LOUNGE Majar Credit Card! Htmttti Pompano Beach, Fl. • MAINE LOBSTERS 33064 Sumptuous Luncheon Specials. Monday thru Friday 11:30-2 • CLAMS AND OYSTERS • NEW ENGLAND SEAFOOD CLOSED MONDAY" The parish purchased a ALL DINNERS UNDER $5 SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 5-10 P.M. new rectory at the above MIAMI'S OLDEST SEAFOOD RESTAURANT OUR 29th YEAR location in December. Page 16 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 18,1980 U.S. Cardinal Baum Gets Vatican Post (Continued from Page 1) loses NCCB membership. He is also a member of the candidate for the job. He Vatican's Congregation for replaces French Cardinal the Doctrine of the Faith and Gabriel-Marie Garrone, 79, the Christian Unity whose resignation the pope secretariat. accepted Jan. 15 for He was a member of the reasons of age. Catholic education Cardinal Baum, a native congregation that he will now of , has been arch- head. bishop of Washington since THE APPOINTMENT is 1970 and a cardinal since "a great honor" for the 1973. A soft-spoken, scholarly church in the United States, intellectual, he is the according to Archbishop John youngest U.S. cardinal. R. Quinn of San Francisco, Cardinal Baum grew up president of the National in and studied Conference of Catholic philosophy and theology at Bishops. Kenrick Seminary in St. "Cardinal Baum brings Louis before his priestly to this important post his own ordination for the Diocese of distinctive gifts of scholar- Several candidates for the Hispanic Pageant to be held in Belle Glade on Feb. 9. hold a dis- Kansas City - St. Joseph, Mo., ship and his longstanding cussion at a recent retreat at St. Isidro parish. The pageant, or "Reinado," is a festival to uplift in 1951. He also has a doc- interest in academic and the Hispanic values and traditions among migrant and rural workers, and draws candidates torate in theology from the cultural affairs," said Arch- from each of the nine rural missions, selected on the basis of cultural, moral and human values. Pontifical University of St. bishop Quinn in a statement Thomas Aquinas in Rome. released Jan. 15 in He became first Washington. Catholics 18 Per Cent Of World executive secretary of the Archbishop Quinn called newly formed U.S. bishops' the appointment "a great VATICAN CITY - divided into 2,372 ecclesial priests dropped from 2,392 to Committee for Ecumenical loss" for the bishops of the (NC)— Roman Catholics jurisdictions at the end of 2,168. and Interreligious Affairs in United States. He praised made up over 18 percent of the 1977, including 833 in the Some 6,829 preists died in 1965. Cardinal Baum for his past world's population at the end Americas, 688 in Europe, 372 1977,120 less than in 1976. A Because of his chairmanships of the bishops' of 1977, according to new in Africa, 365 in Asia and 64 total of 2,506 left the ecumenical expertise, there ecumenical and doctrinal Vatican statistics released in in Oceania. priesthood, 300 less than the were rumors in 1975 that he committees. mid-November. On Dec. 31, 1977, there year before. would be called to Rome as Also expressing "a The 1977 Annuarium were 1.6 million Catholics "ac- The number of head of the Vatican's mixture of sadness and Statisticum Ecclesiae tively engaged in pastoral seminarians enrolled in Christian unity secretariat to pleasure" at the appointment (statistical yearbook of the ministry," the yearbook said. philosophy and theology replace Cardinal Jan was Dr. Edmund D. church), compiled by the The figure includes 3,700 schools increased by 637 Willebrands, who had just Pellegrino, president of the Central Statistics Office of the bishops, 421,859 priests (of between 1976 and 1977 to been named archbishop of Catholic University of Vatican, said baptized whom 259,965 were diocesan 61,013. Utrecht, Netherlands. Pope America, Washington. As Catholics numbered 739 priests); 4,456 permanent Throughout the world in Paul VI kept Cardinal archbishop of Washington, million among the more than 4 deacons; 1,063,097 Religious Willebrands in the Christian Cardinal Baum has been 1977,4,669 Catholic periodicals billion people in the world. (76,311 men and 986J86 were published with a total unity post, however. chancellor of Catholic women); and 133,673 University. The percentage was printing of 1.8 billion copies. Cardinal Baum has held nearly the same as in 1976, catechists in mission numerous committee "We are saddened by the Pope Paul VI established when there were some 724 territories. the Central Statistics Office of assignments with the U.S. loss of our chancellor, whose There were 6,034 priestly National Conference of leadership has given strength million Catholics in a world the church in 1967. Catholic Bishops (NCCB), but and inspiration to the population of about 4 billion. ordinations in 1977 as a result of his Vatican University for the past seven The yearbook also gave throughout the world, 144 less assignment, he automatically years," said Pellegrino. breakdowns by continent — than the preceding year. The Roman Catholics made up number of men ordained 62.3 percent of the population diocesan priests increased Dominican Retreat House in North and South American from 3,786 to 3,866 while the Merit number of new Religious February 1.-3 WEDNESDAY DAY OF combined; 39.8 percent in CHARISMATIC WEEKEND REFLECTION - (9:00 a.m. - Europe; ' 25 percent in FINP FIIRNlTIIRf INT RETREAT - Friday 7 p.m. 2:00 p.m.) "Turn to me and Oceania; four percent in Unusual opportunities Sunday 11:30 a.m. Sister be safe...I am God, there is no Africa; and 2.3 percent in are •offeree', each and Judith Shield, O.P. Faculty other". (Is. 45:22) Christian Asia. ltd every day for anyone member of Barry College and family living is an op- The Catholic Church was Magnavox wishing quality in Furni- active in Charismatic portunity for reconciliation ture' Lamps and Acces- Renewal in the Miami area TSALES-SERVICE-RENTALV S and renewal. Come to pray, sories for your home or Since 1958 for Eleven years will direct listen and reflect on your own apartment, at a cost the weekend Retreat. Con- family relationships and what tact: Sister Peggy Manning - God is asking of you this Lent. that is no more and 238 -2711. Sister Judith Shield, OP will LINCOLN TV often less than the be the guest speaker. The day "Where SMART shoppers buy" commonplace. February 19 - EVENING will conclude after hrihw.'v OF REFLECTION for 4720 N. Federal Ft. Laud. Eucharistic Celebration. (Opposite Holy Cross Hosp.) 16 blocks south "A flll.inlu; Blvd Separated and Divorced, Pnmp.ino Please contact: Sr. Elizabeth Charlie McCarthy is here. 7 72-3016 Widows and Widowers. Time Ann at 238 -2711. Phone 9-)3-846b 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Contact: Sister Pat for information at BSSSSSSSSS««SSSigSaSSSiSSSS^^ IHBBHBBQBI 238-2711. February 20 - ASH Lease a New 1979 When friends come down on r — — — — — — — — — — i Factory Air Conditioned vacation, treat them royally... MASS at CHEVETTE DISNEY WORLD 36-Month closed-end lease HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH LUXUR Y CARS RENTED 5125 S. Apopfca-Vineland Rd. (Exit 1-4 AT HOMETOWN PRICES at 52&A. Go west to stop sign, north to church). Sat. 5:00 p.m.. Sun. 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. As low as: a month Alpha Convenience: Hotel Mass Schedules 119 We'll pick them up Royal Plan Hotel. Lake Buena Vista at plane, train or hotel! (14 at 535) Sat. 6 p.m. Sun. 8 a.m. Sheraton Towers Hotel Miami, Oowfitown Miami Arport 3»6586 8713432 II4 at 435N) Sun. 9:15 and 11A.M. Miami Beach ft L. Airport 9204500 9200N.W. 27Ave. Broward 6734139 4LPEA F< f Joseph Harte, Pastor 2800 S.W. 8 Street Miami OrUnddAirpDrt Tamp. Tel. 351 1654 642-5100 696-1711 920-2227 8&3100 8W2252

Miami, Florida I THE VOICE I Friday, January 18,1980 / Page 17 Minnesota Priests Offer Post-Abortion Counseling Vr. ST. PAUL, Minn. -

DEADLINE PHONE MONDAY NOON Business Service Guide 754-2651


FRED HOFFMEIER-ACCOUNTANT TAKE A MINUTE MIAMI LAWN MOWER CO. ' JOE ZAM-PLASTERING DANNY'S ROOFING CUSTOM MADE Tax/Bookkeeping/Notary CALL MINNET ELECTRIC Authorized Service and parls. Fertilizes, Sharp- Patching, plaster, stucco, water- Re-Roofing Er Repairs SLIPCOVERS & CUSHIONS Call 565-8787 Established 1964. Experienced. Honesty, integrity ening. Welding, TWO STORES TO SERVE proofing, calking. DEPENDABILITY. REPAIR. REMODEL. YOU. 27 S.W. 27 Ave. Call 642-6515. ALL WORK GARANTEED!! Made with your material or ours. 202B6 Old Cutler Road. CaH 235-5323 .: 865-5869 447-3753 Call 688-2681 24 HRS. CHARLES F. FITZPATRICK 772-2141 CC 161094-9 CALL JACK 861-1482 ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICE WGENERAL MAINTENANCE 756-8422 PETE'S LAWN MOWER W-TILE SERVICE M-PLUMBING ROOF REPAIRS 60-AIR CONOmONINO-DADE Reasonable Rates "Don't Fuss Call Gus" Small Engine Repairs-Rentals Joseoh Devlin. Little Flower Parish Member GUS CANALES CORAL GABLES PLUMBING RON ROSE CERAMIC TILE Factory Method Sharpening! K of C. and BBB of So. Florida Plumbing - Electrical - Carpentry - Painting Complete bathroom remolding Licence- 0932 Reasonable 666-6819 Repairs, remodeling, shower pan A.C. Units - Sprinkler Systems - Installations 8195 NW 17 Ave. 693-0221 •• ARIE AIR CONDITIONING Home repairs leaks. New construction. Complete Work done in your home. Free estimates. Types Water Fitters - Appfence Repairs - Cabinet Work - Tile work. 24 Hr. Service bathroom Remodeling 247-3282 Licensed. Insured 932-5599 932-5783 M-MOVING AND STORAGE NEWI 446-1414 ccNo.0754 446-21157. Pool Service and Repairs. Roof repairs and MITCHELL'S M-TREE SERVKE-DAOE COOLING EQUIPMENT. Room Air paint. ROBERT WILLIAMS MOVING & STORAGE Equipment. Install big or small. All All Work Guarantee. Free Estimates LARGE- SMALL JOBS. ANYTIME . WHITE ROOFS brands. Call Now and Save 681-9930 RIGHT WAY PLUMBING CO., INC. CLEAN $50 PAINT $99 STUMPS REMOVED 325-9681 (Span.) 261-4623 (Eng.) 947-6674 7155 NW 74 St. 885-8948 FREE ESTIMATE INSURED 688-2388 443-2274 TRY SAMMY & WILLOW COMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICE 60-HOUSE PLANTS 6- SOIL • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL (0-TV SALES ft REPAIRS MOVING CO. 6964531 ROOF LEAK SPECIALIST GETS FANCY _W\ PLANTS YOU DONT HAVE TO BE RICH Soil Sand "~TT Greenhouse TO CALL US LIFT GATE TRUCK Phil Palm DOLEMBA ROOFING SALES & SEfV MORE MEMBER BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU Licensed and Ins. Cert. No. 0966 887*716 BUSINESS! Macrame IJ Ceramic Pots Plumbing 9 YRS. SAME LOCATION LOWEST TV PRICES EVERY DAY OPEN SUNDAYS DEEHL MOVING LARGE OR SMALL JOBS REPAIRS & 11611NW7Ave. 685-6073 ALTERATIONS ECHO RADIO & TV 60-AUTO AIR CONDITIONING LIFT-GATE, PIANOS, INSURED 624-3406 DOLEMBA ROOFING 2264465. 816 NW 119 ST. 681-3231 cc-2476 CALL 891-8576 License & Ins. Free Estimate. Roof Repairs of All Kinds AARON AUTO AIR CONDITIONING ALL WORK GUARANTEED Are You Looking READ $22.00 per Hr. RCA-ZENITH Complete line of Repairs and New 887-6716 Parts. GM/Ford/Chrysler Evaporators/ For-Honest RESIDENTIAL SERVICE SPECIALIST Compressors/Clutches Just like &USE Serving Dade County 25 yrs. Reliable W-SEAL COATING SALES & SERVICE Factory in-dash installation. THE CLASSIFIEDS PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERA'S TELEVISION, INC Servicemen? SERVICE 1860NW95St. 691-4991 2010 NW 7 St. 642-7211 Check the KMFRCE MACHINES-DADE GILLETT PLUMBING, INC. Seal Coating (2 coats) Asphalt Patching M-AUTO PARTS DAM Business 592-4128 771-0030 M-UPHOLESTERY-DADE JAUMES OFFICE MACHINE CO. JACK'S IMPERIAL ASPHALT, INC. BOBS USED AUTO PARTS Service Repairs & Rentals. Since 1957 ALADDIN UPHOLSTERY. CUSTOM 9800 NW South River Drive M-REUGIOUS ARTICLES work, Guaranteed to please! Guide IBM CORRECTABLE-Rentals ao-SEpnc TANKS We buy late model wrecks 887-5563 FREE ESTIMATES.Call 6344769 1041 NW 119 St. 681-8741 ST PAUL'S CATHOLIC CONNIE'S SEPTIC TANK CO. M-AUTO SALVAOE-DADE BOOK & FILM CENTER Pump outs, repairs, 24 hr. service M-VENET1AN BUND SERVICE / W-MINTING Books- Bibles- Missals- Refcjous Articles cc-266727 592-3496 WRECKED- JUNK- LATE MODEL Mon.-Sat. 8:30 AM to 6PM CARS WANTED HIGHEST PRICES House & Roof, cleaning & painting. Free —Parking in Back of Building M-SIGNS New Venetian Blinds, PAID 235-7651 Non-Union, fast, neat & reliable. 2700 Bis. Blvd. 573-1618 Riviera 1" Blinds, 28 years experience in Miami EDVITO SIGNS Custom Shades 160-BICYCLES SALES & SERVICE Call Douglas 665-5887 TRUCK WALLS GOLD LEAF 7228 N.W. 56 St. 887-8633 CC-G04552 OLD BLINDS-REFINISHED 60-REFRIGERATION REPAIRED YOUR HOME NORTHSIDE BIKE SHOP Painting interior & exterior, also STEADCRAFT 1151 N.W. 1 i7tn st. 6M-2757 RALEIGH BICYCLES Papering. Quality work at Reasonable M.L.S. REFRIGERATION CO SERVICING ALL BRANDS Prices!!! FREE ESTIMATES!!! Work done on your premises M-WMDOWS 13715NW7AVE. 688-4991 Call A. Monti Eves. 625-3080 FREE ESTIMATES 754-2583 For Fast Results 'PATIO SCREENINOScreen doors glass M-CHATTAHOOCHEE ft CONCRETE «H>APER HANGING 60-ROOFING Sliding Door- Fast Service- Fair Prices ALL- .READandUSE WINDOW CO. _„ „__- 7813 Bird Road «666"333,9 cc1410 - ^ EARL DECOR ,t£a CHERRY ROOFS CHATTAHOOCHEE ROCK *Zj&% SERVICE . i#ffi Est. since 1954. Known for Quality^ HE WANT ADS -WINDOW AND WALL WASHING EPOXY SYSTEMS PA/NT/NG *V PAPER HANGING fiW Roofs cleaned & painted, exterW -Patios* Sidewalks*Driveways*Etc f HANGING QUALITY PAINTINGJSflr painting. Re-roofing & Repairs. WINDOWS WASHED, screens awnings cleaned. C.Miranda . 688-2151 757-3831 <3f DADE 681-7922 cc#0623 EGULARLY! Wall washing. All Dee (Member St. Mary's) (Member of St. James Parish) CALL FOfUWEE ESTIMATES BROWARD 434-0015 754-6179 or 757-1521

Page 18 / Miami, Rorida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 18,1980 1 South Florida Circulation for Leisure Readingi Legal Notices Announcements GALL JUNE Fictitious Names CMSSKD >JDS 754-2651 V' The VOICE readers respond


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR NOTICE UNDER Thanks to St. Anthony for a special SOUTH BR0WARDS DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA FtcTrnous NAME LAW favor that was granted. NURSES AIDES NEEDED 1 WILL HELP YOU PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN for all shifts. 200 bed skilled File Number 8O230 M.C. solve your financial problems if you LARGEST that the undersigned, desiring to engage in Nursing Home. Contact Ms. Parrish, Division 03 business under the fictitious name of are willing to work with .me in Asumme $248 Month IN RE: ESTATE OF GARDENS BY SHAN-GRI-LA RN HARRY ROSEN, Thank God and His Most Blessed your leisure time. Call evenings for WH-7111. 2 Bedroom 1 Bath, Fla. at number 887-1565 appointment. Room. Appliances, fenced, sprinkler 4124 N.W. 166th Street, Mother for a favor that was granted. Fair Havens Center NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION in the City of M.C. DOUG 971-6263 system. Assume $26,400 at 9 3/4%. TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR Miami, Florida. 201 Curtis Parkway, Miami Springs No Qualifying. No Credit Check! DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE intends to register the said name with the AND ALL OTHER PERSONS INTERESTED Clerk of the Circuit Court of Dade County, 7-SCHOOLS tr INSTRUCTKMtDADE Asking $39,900. IN THE ESTATE: Florida. Experienced institutional cook READ VOICE CLASSIFIEDS YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the admin- Dated at Miami, Florida, this 2nd day of Experienced in preparing dietary USE VOICE CLASSIFIEDS NO QUALIFYING istration of the estate of HARRY ROSEN, January, 1980. MUSIC LESSONS meals. 300 bed Nursing Retirement WH-7112. 3 Bedroom. Appliances, deceased. File Number 80-230, is pending in JOSEPH FONDEUR-Owner Voice, Piano, Guitar & Organ the Circuit Court for Dade County, Florida, TO/BO 1/11/80 1/18/80 1/25/80 Home. Full time. Salary Open! M-APTS. FOR SALE-MIAMI BEACH fenced yard. Assume $35,600. Probate Division, the address of which is WE SELL INSTRUMENTS AT DISCOUNT PRICES Monthly-$400. Asking $45,900. No 73 West Flagler Street, Miami 33130. The FAIR HAVEN CENTER MUSIK KORNER Credit Check! personal representative of the estate is 2-LEOAL NOTICE 201 Curtis Pkwy. Miami Springs BAL HARBOUR SUZANNE ROSEN whose address is 1110 West 1144W. 68 St. Hialeah.Fla. Contact Ms. Elizabeth: Paul Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. The name Luxury Co-op Apt. Beautifully furn- and address of the personal representative's If you have been denied 821-1167 (Hablamos esparW) 823-5707 Director, Health Care Services ished. 2 BR 2 Bath-Porch, Pool. attorney are set forth below. SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS 887-1565 All persons having claims or demands against Call Mr. Duke 866-2679 the estate are required, WITHIN THREE You should appeal! Former Soc. 9A-CRAFTS CHINELLY ^^*> *^»» -^a» ^^ ^^M> -^»> .«^ MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF THE FIRST Sec. Judge is available to Help (>•«_•»< >^_B>< )' 3S-WANTED-ROOM & BOARD REAL ESTATE, INC. PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE, to file YOUI FREE CONSULTATION! • with the clerk of the above court a written FRAN'S = f Cook needed for week-ends. | 6901 Johnson Street Realtor statement of any claim or demand they may Julius Rich 576-6630: FUN WITH YARNS!! I • St. John Vianney Seminary . Respectable Gentleman from Canada have. Each claim must be in writing and must 963-4100 624-0300 indicate the basis for the claim, the name and 10 AM to 2 PM Mon-Fri. 10-5 PM , I ( 2900 SW 87 Ave. I needs room & board with a OPEN EVES. TIL 9 PM address of the creditor or his agent or attorney, * Sat. 10-3 PM 756-1470* Apply in person, at School Catholic family. Miami Beach Area. SE HABLA ESPANOL and the amount claimed. If the daim is not 3-CEMETERY LOTS I cafeteria. No phone calls, please | Near Church & transportation. Please yet due, the date when it will become due S2-HOMES FOR SALE-MIAMI BEACH shall be stated. If the claim is contingent or call, Mr. Henriques 685-2945 unliquidated, the nature of the uncertainty 1fr.AMUSEMENTS, PARTIES, ETC. shall be stated. If the claim is secured, 2 spaces at Our Lady of Mercy 39 ROOM FOR RENT the security shall be described. The claimant Cemetery. $700 shall deliver sufficient copies of the claim NEEDED-RN'S & LPN'S FOR THE ELITE to the clerk to. enable the clerk to mail Call after 6 PM 836-8206 Geriatrics & Rehabilitative Nursing Lovely room with private entrance. one copy to each personal representative. CARNIVAL DUNK TANK Excellent Benefits. Paid; hospitali- WATERFRONT MANSION All persons interested in the estate to whom 4A HALLS FOR RENT Prefer single working man. Call Over 7500 sq. ft. main residence a copy of this Notice of Administration has FOR RENT zation Life Insurance, holidays, sick 751-9051 or 891-8385. been mailed are required, WITHIN THREE 'With liability Ins. & balls included! time and Vacation. Scheduling to plus servant's quarters, pool, cabanas. MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF THE FIRST K OF C HALL-FOR DANCES meet personal demands. Part-time, PUBUCATION OF THIS NOTICE, to file any TERRIFIC FUND RAISER 40-APARTMENTS FOR RENT Call Anita Patchett Assoc.666-2733 objections they may have that challenges WEDDINGS, PARTIES, ETC. I American Dunk System, Inc.] full-time, all shifts. GENE CHAVOUSTIE the validity of the decedent's will, the By St. Stephens, Hwd. 983-0370 722-5445 LPN SALARIES From $37 to $41 qualifications of the personal representative, JOHNSON APTS. Broker-Salesman 757-774^ or the venue or jurisdiction of the court. Organizations call collect. per day RN SALARIES from $42 227 NE 2 St Near Gesu. Furn. Effc/s Bedroom ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, AND OBJECTIONS to $54 per day Apts. UTILITIES, ADULTS. Eves 26&O986 NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. GABLES K OF C HALL FOR RENT Armer E. White Inc. Realtor Date of the first publication of this Notice FAIR HAVENS CENTER Weddings, Parties or Banquets 40A-RETIREMENT HOME-BROWARD 420 So. Dixie Hwy. Suite 3-C of Administration: January, 18,1980 270 Catalonia Ave. 448-9242 SPORT FISHING 201 Curtis Pkwy. Miami Springs Coral Gables, Fla. 33146 Contact Ms. Parrish, RN 667-1071 - SUZANNE ROSEN "HELEN C" 887-1565 or 883-4630 As Personal Representative of the K of C Hall for rent. Weddings & 947-4081 RETIREMENT HOME Estate of HARRY ROSEN . CAPT. JOHN CALLAN - OPENINGS FOR AMBULATORY LADIES ANC 52-HOMES FOR SALE HOLLYWOOD Banquets. (Miami Council 1726) IMPOSITION WANTED GENTLEMEN. ROOM, 3 MEALS P^RS ENGLANDER 6 BURNETT 5644 NW 7 St. 266-1041 LAUNDRY. #1 Lincoln Road Building, Suite 208 1MIELP WANTED HOLLYWOOD HILLS, by owner. Clerk-typist. Able to use 10 key REASONABLE Miami Beach, Florida 33139 4/3 on extra large corner lot across 1305)538-1443 5-PERSONALS Order selectors & stock-men for adding machine or calculator. 25 923-1726 989-6671 from elementary school. $105,000. 1/18180 1/25/80- ' hardware distributor. Good pay & yrs. experience. Full time. Prefer Assumable $48,000 Mtg. at 9%. full Company benefits. Call Rick downtown area. Call 688-6674 41 DUPLEX FOR SALE N.M. BEACH No Brokers. 987-0867 LEOALS FICTITIOUS NAME LAW Beautiful Music for your special 836-9900 WEDDING CEREMONY 20- HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 2 BR. & 1 BR. Each has own 5MEALESTATE PALM BEACH CO. NOTICE UNOER VOCAL • GUITAR • FLUTE screened porch. Close to pool, FICTITIOUS NAME LAW 232-1231 after 6 PM or 595-5857 Washer, dryer & Stove. Very good tennis & golf. For appt. Call, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 2 Secretaries, must be proficient that the undersigned, desiring to engage in typists, able to speak, read & condition. Warranty. Can deliver. EDITH.SUESS BROKER PHILIP D. LEWIS, INC. 947-1997 business under the fictitious name of VITAMINS, MINERALS, BOOKS write both English & Spanish. 947-8697 Commercial Properties MERCANTILE TAX CENTER Capability of handling dictation at number BREAD, NUTS, OILS, HONEY, by shorthand or Dictaphone 21-MISCELLANEOUS 52-HOMES FOR SALE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTY 660 S.E. 8th Avenue, SEEDS & HERB TEAS. 31 West 20 Street Riviera Beach in the City of would be helpful. . 844-0201 Hialeah, Florida, MURRAY'S LUDLAM RD. NEAR MILLER intends to register the said name with the Painting, print restoration SI-HOTELS 6 MOTELS FOR SALE Clerk of the Circuit Court of Dade County, HEALTH FOOD STORE 1 clerk-typist Bilingual in Spanish. Natural Brick construction. 3 Bed- Florida. Corner N. Miami Ave & 5 NW 75 St. and repair. Oil, water room, 2 Bath, plus loft. On oversized Dated at Hialeah, Florida, this 2nd day of 759-2187 1 Maintenance man. All-around color. Estimates. Call lot. For details, call January, 1980 handy-man. Must have drivers SILVIA BRADSHAW REALTOR ASS0C 10 CBS UNITS- RAFAEL BRITO-Owner license. 757-9531. After 6 PM. EAST OF BOULEVARD 1(4/80 1/11/80 1/18/80 1/25/80 All are full time positions. Mon- PLUS Managers spacious Apt. R-3 If you buy palm crosses made in George Kembn. Zoned. Great home plus income Fri. 9 AM to 4:30 PM. Interested Africa, you help people whose LEGRA $121,000 Total price. Claude W NOTICE UNDER parties please call The Arch- FICTITIOUS NAME LAW income is $55.00 per year to byy 25-TOOL RENTALS Real Estate & Investment Corp. Atkins, Realtors 757-3481 diocese of Miami Chancery NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the bare necessities of life & to 888-8802 EVES. 551-0705 that the undersigned, desiring to engage in Personnel Dept 757-6241 Ext fill health & educational needs. OVER 100 RENTAL TOOLS ., business under the fictitious name of 245. BRICKELLL TEMPORARY SECRETARIAI All work done in this country is SMnTY'S HARDWARE & PAKVTT CO —-MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE-BROWARD SERVICE volunteered. Orders are acknow- 12320 NW 7 Ave. 681 -4481 at number 45 SW 25th Road, ledged & must be received by in the City of March 15 to assure delivery by 27 AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE Miami, Florida. Palm Sunday. Rates based on $6.00 intends to register the said name with tl» y Northwest Parochial School ? per 100; $3.00 per 50, in units HIGHLAND ESTATES Cleric of the Circuit Court ofn Dade County 6 needs 4th Grade Teacher. Good V MIAMI GMC TRUCK CENTER NEW Florida. of 50 only. Individual palm crosses 7 Benefits. Call 9 AM to 2:30 & & used TRUCKS, PICK-UPS, VANS Dated at Miami, .Florida, this 10th day c only are available. Include United 1 January, 1980 V PM. Mon. thru Fri. / DUMPS, TRACTORS. SERVICE Parcel Service delivery address. ESTER MARTINEZ owner & 759-2327 or 757-1993 $ ALL MAKES LARGE PARTS STOCK -1/11J80 1/18/80-1/25/80 2/1/80 AFRICAN PALMS, P.O. Box 575, 3Min to AIRPORT 635-0331. Olney, 20832

Fictitious Name Advertising A Beautiful APARTMENTS WANTED 1. All fictitious Name ads must be paid in advance. ADULT COMMI FOR STUDENTS,FACULTY 4 STAFF 2. The ad will run four consecutive weeks UNIQUE MOBILE HOME SUB. DIVISION. Complete RECREA- 3. At end of 4 weeks we will send advertiser TIONAL facWIes. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, FULLY furnished, DOUBLE Call 758-3392 (Ext. 314) notarized Proof of Publication by mail. MOBILE HOME with air. porch and carport on fully Improved 4. Rate: $25. No charge for Notarized Proof of Publication. lot. BARRY COLLEGE Models now on display at: >^N. Off Campus Housing StrWce Fictitious Name: : N.W. 53rd. St & N.W. 2 Ave. Address. uustw.ofi-m 11300 N.E. 2nd Avenue Owner's Name Miami, Florida 33161 Address— Pompano Beach, Fla. Office of Residential Life _Phone _____ 9464961. Thompson Hall 209 Mail To: P.O. Box 1059, Miami 33138 CONVENIENT TO: St. Ambrose, St. Bbabetti & Our Lady of Mercy.

Miami, Horida / THE VOICE 7 Friday, January 18,1980 / Page 19 World Hunger Situation Seen Growing

ROME -(NC)-The world conference adopted a plan group,, calling hunger the MacDougall Lecture in The conference, FAO's food situation is becoming which, if fully implemented, "gravest and most acute" commemoration of the late highest policy and legislative precarious and the developed would provide for a system of problem in the world today. Australian statesman who body which meets every two and industrial countries internationally coordinated "Millions of persons are was instrumental in the years, re-elected Bukar should provide more but nationally held food threatened in their very creation of FAO. Shaib, ambassador of Nigeria technical and financial aid to reserves to be released in the existence,"; he said. "Many Freedom and peace are to Italy, as chairman of the Third World nations, ac- event of crop failure. The are dying every day because impossible when people are organization's council, which cording to representatives of stocks could also be released they do not have the - hungry, Kaunda said. handles FAO business be- 147 nations. if world food prices jump to a minimum of necessary The people of developing tween j conferences. They/ stated their position high level in an effort to lower nourishment." countries "are no longer In his closing address, at the close of the 20th World the prices. prepared to wait for FAO Director-GeneraV Conference of the Food and It also called on govern- Conference participants tomorrow to eat," he added. Edouard Saouma had at Agriculture Organization of ments to refrain from taking heard a report from FAO "They want to eat now." optimistic assessment of thtr the United Nations. protectionist measures that leaders estimating that in Citizens of those coun- world food situation in* future More than 1,000 would hamper agricultural developing market tries are "in a political fer- years. delegates attended the' trade, unanimously approved economies alone, some 400 ment arising mainly from the "The 147 nations which conference in Rome. They the pledged target for million people suffer failure of their economies to now make - up the mem- approved policies and voluntary organizations to chronically from hunger and develop at a faster pace than bership of this organization programs for the U.N. agency the . U.N. World Food malnutrition. is the case now," the Zam-. have shown, by their words in 1980-81 and adopted a Program for 1981-82 of $1 The conference leaders bian president said. and their actions at this budget of $278,74 0,000. million and decided to also said that production in conference, how truly great "THE CURRENT world establish a World Food Day to developing countries had 'We thus have, as an this organization is and how food situation is again be observed annually starting increased during the 1970s by ingredient for world in- much human potential exists becoming precarious in the Oct. 16, 198 1. Oct. 16 is the an average of three percent stability, not only the 450 among all member nations to view of the continued anniverssary of the founding against a target of four million hungry people but the attack the appalling crime vulnerability to crop failures of FAO. percent. whole developing world against morality and justice of many countries in different Two days after the PRESIDENT KENNETH which is impatient about the that is constituted by regions, the rising import conference opened, Pope Kaunda of Zambia delivered distribution of prosperity in widespread hunger in the requirements of the John Paul II addressed the the conference's 11th Frank the world today," he said. world today," he said. developing countries, the unsatisfactory distribution of food supplies, the absence of an internationally coor- dinated reserve stock system, the prospective decline in world cereal stocks in 1979-80 and the danger that reserves may fall even below SMALL BUSINESS LOANS the minimum safe level for world food security," the conference said in its closing document. In a major resolution, the The Small Business Administration, Now with the help of S.B.A. we are for our money, is one of the better agreeable to receiving applications for Refugees Get governmental agencies that really tries to loans: business loans, that is, from Flagler A New Start help the individual, and their present in- Street to the northern boundary of Dade Kwan Chee is an orphan clination is to guarantee loans that credit- County. This embraces the area where our in Thailand. She has no fam- wise will not stand on their own, up to 90%. ily, bnt she has many friends seven banks and six branches are located. in the United States. Her entire family died So, our loan policy over the years has The S.B.A. tells us they are prepared during the escape from Cambodia several months more or less tied in with the S.B.A. We to give prompt attention to these applica- ago. She was one of four have specialized on loans to small tions to be submitted through us and to be people in her original group of 36 who made it to the business people, but these have been for prepared by someone approved by the safety of a refugee camp. our own customers. S.B.A.


PEOPLES FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MIAMI SHORES PEOPLES LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH MIAMI 9499 N.E. Second Avenue 13490 N.W. 7 Avenue Telephone 757-5511 Telephone 6JB5-2444 Branch: 8900 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami Branch: 163 Street and N.W. 13 Avenue Branch: Turn West at Collins Ave. and 178 St., Miami Beach (Exit N.W. 12th Avenue, Sunshine Park) PEOPLES AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH MIAMI 990 N.E. 125th Street PEOPLES HIALEAH NATIONAL BANK OF HIALEAH Telephone 893-6611 Branch: West Dixie Hwy. at N.E. 127 Street 1550 W. 84 Street, Hialeah Kwan Chee's good for- Telephone 822-9390 tune was made possible by PEOPLES FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH MIAMI BEACH Branch: 7625 West 20 Avenue the people of the United 16051 W. Dixie Highway (Palmetto Expressway, Exit N.W. 138 Street) States. Through Catholic Telephone 945-4311 Relief Services, the overseas aid and development agency PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, MIAMI PEOPLES DOWNTOWN NATIONAL BANK OF MIAMI of American Catholics, they 3275 N.W. 79 Street 405 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Telephone 371-9641 support the refugee camp Telephone 696-0700 Branch: 127 N.E. 1st Avenue where Kwan Chee lives. Through Catholic Relief MEMBERS OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Services, they also provide AND FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM emergency care, language and trade training. Catholic Relief Services helps refugees begin again. IF YOU DON'T FIND YOUR TELEPHONE CALL SATISFACTORY. YOU MAY THEN CALL ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: A descriptive booklet on refugee life is available FREE. Write to Catholic WILMA BERENT or JOHN DeROSA MATT WALSH DOROTHY BOOTH, FRANK WILLER or Relief Services, Love the Stranger brochure, 1011 telephone 371-9641 telephone 893-6611 LEO WALLBERG First Ave., New York, telephone 757-5511 NY 10022. Page 20 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 18,1980 ENERO 18 DE 1980

Publicaci6n oficial catolica de la Arquidiocesis de Miami, 6201 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Fla. 33138, Tel: 758-0543. Carta Pastoral de los Obispos de la Florida en el Aniversario de la decision de la Corte Suprema sobre el Aborto Las celebraciones alegres son parte de nuestra de 1973, la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos mento, nuestro sustento, nuestra participacion en la experiencia humana: fiestas, reuniones, aniversarios. declaro inconstitucionales todas las leyes que pro- vida del Creador de la Existencia, que nos fortalece etc. Las bodas familiares son ocasiones especiales, tegian la vida del nino aun no nacido. La Corte refle- para ser discipulos y, en verdad, Sus hermanos y plenas de actividades alegres y sentido de identifi- jaba el animo del pais, del mundo, que no tenemos ne- hermanas. cacion con nuestros seres queridos. Nos reunimos cesidad de la vid. Que todo lo podemos hacer solos. Al defender la inviolabilidad de la vida humana procedentes de distintas partes del pais, y por un Esta es una epoca de decisiones, cuando nosotros en toda etapa, somos profetas que anunciamos el va- tiempo, volvemos a ser una unidad de nuevo, y esa — los creyentes — debemos dar testimonio en favor lor y la dignidad de ese, el mas preciado regalo de un unidad se realza por la inclusion de un nuevo de la vida. Esto significa que, por lo menos, la deci- Dios amante, el regalo de la vida; no separada y apar- miembro, una nueva familia que se conyierte en parte sion de la Corte Suprema debe ser revocada. Aun te, sino una vida que se comparte con nuestro de nuestra familia general. El amor que sentimos no mas, en enero de 1980, la necesidad de adoptar una Sefior.y, por lo tanto, indica lo que se realizara en el disminuye sino que es aumentado por la nueva adi- Enmienda para la Defensa de la Vida Humana en la futuro Reino de Dios. cion a nuestro circulo de amor. Constitucion de los Estados Unidos es todavia mas Oremos con nuestro Santo Padre: Esto es lo que Isaiah, en su descripcion del con- evidente. "Confiamos que Maria, la Madre de Dios y venio entre Dios y el hombre, suscita en nosotros. En su homilia del 7 de Octubre de 1979, el "Do- Madre de la vida, nos prestara su ayuda para que Nos estimula y deleita. Es similar a la experiencia mingo del Respeto por la Vida," en Washington, nuestra manera de vivir refleje siempre nuestra admi- que San Juan nos brinda de Jesus en Cana, transfor- D.C., el Papa Juan Pablo II dijo: racion y gratitud por el regalo de amor de Dios que es mando el agua en vino en la celebracion de las Bo- "La vida humana es de gran valor porque es el don de la vida. Sabemos que nos ayudara a utilizar cada dia das. Dios, cuyo amor es infinito, y cuando Dios da la vida que nos de como una oportunidad para defender la vi- De cierto modo el vino parece ser un simbolo es- es para siempre. La vida es tambien preciosa porque da del nino aun no nacido y para hacer mas humanas pecial de nUestra vida como el pueblo de Dios. Para es la expresion y el fruto del amor." las vidas de nuestros semejantes dondequiera que es- las personas dedicadaS a la agricultura en epocas pa- ten " sadas, el vino tenia un significado especial. Era un Nosotros, el pueblo de Dios, somos el fruto del Oremos para que todos alcancemos la plenitud de regalo, una bendicion de Dios hecha realidad con la amor, el nuevo vino dado por medio de Jesus para la la vida eterna con Jesucristo. cooperacion de la labor del hombre. salvacion de todos los hombres y mujeres.. Es la culminacion del amor creador de Dios y del Nuestro Santo Padre continua reiterando que te- Edward A. McCarthy W. Thomas Larkin servicio amante del hombre. El amor de Dios y la res- nemos que "hacernos sentir y reclamar cada vez que Arzobispo de Miami Obispo de St. Petersburg puesta del hombre unidos en este fruto de la vid. la vida humana sea amenazada." Jesus usa el simbolismo de El como la vid y no- Esta es la tarea que compartimos con Jesus, cuya Thomas J. Grady JohnJ.Snyder sotros como las ramas. muerte y resurreccion es la sangre vital de las ramas, Obispo de Orlando Obispo de St. Augustine Cuando somos receptivos a las gracias de Dios, quien nos da el consuelo de su amante presencia en la somos copiosos al producir vino nuevo de las ramas. Palabra y en el Sacramento y-nos reta a ser testigos Rene H. Gracida El vino nuevo del servicio amante es la continuacion de una vision de la vida que se compagina mas con Obispo de Pensacola-Tallahassee del trabajo del Reino. Sin embargo, cuando la rama se nuestra amistad con el Padre Celestial. corta, se seca y muere. El Pan y Vino de la Eucaristia no son solo signos John J. Nevins Agustin A. Roman Vivimos en una 6poca de sequia. El 22 de enero de Jesus entre nosotros, sino mas bien nuestro ali- Obispo Aux de Miami Obispo Auxiliar de Miami Obispo Roman "Busco Posada" Previene el Papa Entre Campesinos Contra Nueva Guerra La costumbre espafiola de ban en procesion llevando ve- tos hombres y sus familias ba- CIUDAD DEL VATICA- destruccion podrian reducir a "buscar posada" como conme- las encendidas de casa en casa, jar del arbol cargados de frutas NO -(NO- Si no se logra la montonss de escombros." moracion de la noche en que tocaban a las puertas pidiendo y encontrarse que Mons. Ro- paz mundial, nos espera "una Exhorto a los cristianos a ce- Maria y Jose buscaron al- albergue y con musica tradi- man los esperaba para rezar el destruccion inimaginable de lebrar en 1980 el catorceavo bergue eh Belen para el naci- cional contestaban el "No" Angelus con ellos era una ma- vidas humanas," advirtio el centenario de San Benito, fun- miento de Jesus, y que se acos- desde adentro. ravilla puesto que en su vida Papa Juan Pablo II en una ho- dador de los benedictinos, "cu- tumbra parcticar en las villas El antiquisimo ritual ter- migratoria no les es facil hallar milia sobre el Dia Mundial de yo espiritu es la antitesis de to- y pueblos del interior de Mexi- minaba cuando, ya tarde, una a su "Iglesia Catolica" al paso la Paz, que se celebro por la do plan de destruccion, pues es co, fue tambien protagonizada familia reparaba la poca cari- en su constante moverse. El treceava vez en la Basilica de el espiritu de sanar a las en Indiantown, donde tuvo un dad "de Belen" ofreciendo alo- los abrazo con Pastoral carino San Pedro, ante una audiencia criaturas y fomentar el bien co- significado muy especial este jamiento a "la pareja". y ellos le devolvieron el afecto de 20,000 peregrinos. El Papa mo dispone el plan divino de ano. S.E. Monsenor Agustin con devoto calor. Es emo- agrego: "Tan solo se necesitan salvacion, un espiritu alimen- Parece que este ano habia Roman se preparo para las Na- cionante ver las demostra- 200 de las 50,000 bombas atomi- tado por la oracion y el traba- un exceso de trabajadores vidades haciendo tres dias de cione's de profunda fe, la natu- cas existentes, para destruir la jo." migratorios que "no encontra- "retiro" en Indiantown. Hizo, ral humildad y el calor familiar mayor parte de. las grandes Al celebrar la misa de ano ron albergue" e hicieron su tambien sus propias "posa- con que reciben a "su visitan- ciudades del mundo. Las co- nuevo en la Iglesia de Jesus en "hogar" en los autos esta- das" visitando los hogares de te". sechas de alimentos dismi- Roma, el papa se refirio al cionados a lo largo del canal los trabajadores de la locali- En las tardes, Mons. Ro- nuiran drasticamente debido a terrorismo y a la carrera de ar- St. Lucie. El Sheriff del Con- dad, de quienes dice la revista man, fue su invitado a la mesa. la contaminacion radiactiva. mamentos. "Que podemos de- dado Martin los conmino a- University of Florida Law Re- Aunque algunos de los hogares Se produciran peligrosas mu- cir de las manifestaciones de abandonar el area y citamos view "son el segmento de la eran muy pequenos se taciones geneticas en los seres odio y crueldad disfrazadas su expresion: "No s6 a donde poblacion de EE.UU. mas reunieron hasta 25 personas. humanos, en la flora y la con el nombre de terrorismo in- podran ir estas gentes pero no excluidos economica y so- Un grupo de siete hombres que fauna. La capa de ozono en la ternacional? Que podemos de- pueden quedarse aqui, Ante cialmente". viven en un cuarto lo com- atmosfera sufrira alteraciones, cir ante los arsenales milita- todo, es peligroso". Las pare- En las maflanas se en- partieron con el. Acostumbra- dejando expuesta a la pobla- res, gigantescos y amenazan- jas improvisadas con plasticos contraba a Mons. Roman en dos a dividirse las tareas de cion del mundo a factores des- tes, que llaman la atencion y tape tuvieron que venir aba- los frutales citricos. Para estos "la casa" cada uno cocino su conocidos que podrian amena- piiblica especialmente en jo, las familias mudarse y al- humildes trabajadores jque especialidad para agasajar al zar la vida humana. Una Europa del este y del oeste?... guno tuvo que abandonar su sorpresa resulto encontrarse Sr. Obispo quien estaba senta- explosion nuclear en una El mal que existe en el mundo, sofa, que habia situado bajo un cara a cara con UN OBISPO! do en la unica silla mientras al- ciudad destruye todos los ser- que sumerge y amenaza a arbol como vivienda al aire que los esperaba para darles gunos de ellos corrian a los ve- vicios urbanos y desata el nuestra humanidad y a las na- libre. Esta situacion fue la que los buenos dias o que los visi- cinos buscando sillas presta- terror entre los sobrevivientes, ciones, parece mucho mayor le dio tanta significacion este taba en su sitio de trabajo. das para las Hermanas de la que no podran recibir la mas que ese mal por el cual nos sen- ano a la procesion de "la posa- Habra quien piense que es su mision que le acompanaban. minima ayuda en medio de esa timos personalmente res- da" en Indiantown. funcion de Obispo, pero Mons. Los cocineros y la comida pesadilla espantosa" Pienso,' ponsables cada uno. Es como Durante nueve noches, an- Roman ha estado muy ligado a fueron calurosamente elo- dijo ademas, en "lasciudades y si impulsado por su propio di- tes de Navidad, las familias la gente del campo desde muy giados. Entonces vinieron las pueblos del oeste y del este, namismo, ese mal se escapara campesinas se reunian y anda- temprano en su vida. Para es- (Pasa a la Pag. 4A) que los medios modernos de a las intenciones del hombre." Miami, Florida I THE VOICE / Viernes, Enero 18,1980 / Pagina 1A Garta del Arzobispo jQue No Cese Ese Furor!

Por Rvdo. P. Dan Kubala mo un medio de satisfacer una sociedad Cristiana, autorizar y Queridos Amigos en Cristo: necesidad emocional, nos permanecer impasible, sin Las Sagradas Escrituras muestran las palabras del Victor Rosenblum, un pondremos en pie e insistire- derramar una lagrima, ante tal Profeta: miiy prominente abogado de mos que cada criatura es un "matanza de inocentes?" "He puesto ante ustedes la vida y la muerte, la ben- origen judio, profesor de Leyes ser unico y singular don de Esta pregunta formulada dicion y la blasfemia. Entonces, escojan la vida, de ma- y Ciencias Comerciales en la Dios con derecho a formar par- por el Santo Padre infunde pa- nera que ustedes y sus descendientes puedan vivir." Universidad Northwestern, y te de Una familia unida y vor. Es una pregunta la cual no su esposa son padres de nueve amante. Cuando la familia se podemos evadir ni evitar. Una Como seguidores de Cristo, hemos escogido la vida. hijos, el menor de los cuales es vea amenazada por presiones interrogante que demanda una Proclamamos la dignidad y lo sagrado de la vida huma- gravemente retrasado. Una de tipo social y economico nos respuesta. iQue nos ha sucedi- na desde el momento de concepcion. noche en un programa espe- pondremos en pie y reafirma- do? iPor que el Vicariode Cris- Condenamos el pecado del aborto. Deploramos la cial de television sobre el abor- remos que la familia es necesa- to se ve obligado a hablarnos apatia y la indiferencia en nuestra sociedad ante el sacri- to le preguntaron al Dr. Ro- ria no solo para el bienestar de en esta forma poco tiempo an- ficio de millones de ninos antes de nacer. senblum" Dr. Rosenblum, de sa- todos y cada uno de sus tes de su muerte? Tal parece Al conmemorar el septimo aniversario de la ber Ud. que una criatura ha de miembros sino tambien para el que hasta las mismas piedras increible decision de la Corte Suprema de legalizar el nacer deforme, permitiria Ud. bienestar comun de toda la so- de Roma hubieran clamado si asesinato deninos antes de nacer, yo les pido su ayuda el aborto, ino es asi?" Y este ciedad, estado y nacion." el Papa no da voz a esta an- para la Apelacion de Respeto a la Vida que se celebrara hombre de tan gran corazonres- Las palabras del Papa gustia terrible. Su pregunta el proximo fin de semana a atraves de la Arquidiocesis. pondio, "No, nunca. Tengo en- Juan Pablo II hicieron eco en acongoja nuestros corazones. Esta apelacion beneficia los programas de Respeto a tendido que Ud. y yo luchamos la capital de la nacion. El Papa Jesus vino a nosotros co- la Vida en el sur de la Florida. por formar una familia huma- reafirmo la doctrina de la Igle- mo el Camino, la Verdad y la Agradeciendoles su sincera preocupacion y ayuda a na donde reine el amor. Y si en sia sobre la santidad de la vida Vida. Nos dijo, "Todo lo que la Apelacion de Respeto a la Vida, quedo, realidad tratamos seriamente humana — una doctrina de la hicieras por uno de estos mis este asunto, guiados por este cual debemos sentirnos muy hermanos mas humildes lo hi- Sinceramente en Cristo principio le diriamos a esa orgullosos. ciste por Mi." Jesus escogi6 criaturita, "querido bebe no precisamente "mas humildes" tendras bracitos pero con toda El Papa Pablo VI al diri- refiriendose a los debiles, a nuestra avanzada tecnologia girse,aunos peregrinos el26de Abril de 1978, unos pocos me- los indefensos. <,Existe quizas Edward A. McCarthy fabricaremos tus bracitos. Y Arzobispo de Miami si por acaso, querido bebe, es- tos no funcionan, nosotros se- remos tus brazos porque te iTIEMPO PERDIDO! amamos. No necesitaras pasar La colecta de Respeto a la Vida se realizara el fin de se- examenes fisicos con resulta- iPara qui£n tratamos de proteger el ambiente na- mana de Enero 19-20 en todas las Iglesias de la Ar- dos perfectos. Ya eres uno de tural, si estamos eliminando al ser humano que lo quidi6cesis. nosotros. Te amamos y te vive y disfruta? cuidaremos." Los miembros del panel quedaron atonitos y le dijeron, "Seguramente des- ses antes de su muerte, alguna otra etapa en el de- Enfermera pierde Empleo pues que se lleven a cabo declaro: sarrollo de un ser humano en muchos abortos cesara el furor "Ha llegado la hora en que no- que se encuentre mas debil e en su contra ^no lo cree asi?" sotros, los discipulos de Cris- indefenso que aquellos ante- For No Asistir Abortos El Dr. Rosenblum bajo su ca- to, tanto maestros como rior a su nacimiento? beza y respondio, "Ese sera el discipulos, debemos recordar* dia mas triste en la historia — y no solo recordar sino tam- Este fin de semana se lle- HACKENSACK, NJ. - sus servicios porque se nego a Americana, el dia en que ese bien observar — esta funda- vara a efecto una colecta espe- Beverly Jeczalik, enfermera participar en un aborto. furor cese." mental ley Cristiana: La vida cial en favor del Apostolado de 31 aflos y activista Pro-Vida ElJuez, i puedellamarse humana es sagrada. iQue sig- Pro-Vida. Con el proposito de se ha convertido en un simbolo juez un hombre con tales prin- Este hecho fue grabado nificado tiene? Significa que por el Padre John Powell, S. J., recaudar fondos que seran uti- de La Disicriminacion Contra cipios de justicia? sentencio toda vida humana esta por en- lizados para educar a la comu- Profesionales de Pro-Vida al "que el derecho de una pacien- conocido orador de la Causa cima del alcance de toda auto- Pro-Vida. Las sabias palabras nidad Catolica y al publico en perder en la Corte su caso ini- te al aborto pesaba mas que el ridad humana, es protegida general sobre la gran necesi- cial,contra el Hospital que la derecho de Mrs. Jeczalik a su del Dr. Rosenblum resuenan al por una autoridad suprema, acercarnos al septimo aniver- dad existente de respetar la castigo sacandola de la sala de puesto en la Sala de Materni- muu superior a la autoridad vida humana que tanto se ve Maternidad donde prestaba dad". Lo mas injusto de todo sario de la infame decision de del hombre, y amparada por la la Corte Suprema autorizando amenzada en la sociedad ac- es que Mrs. Jeczalik fue casti- ley de Dios. La vida humana tual. Los fondos tambien seran gada hace un ano por el mismo el aborto por demanda en la sobre la cual el hombre de Union Americana. utilizados para socorrer Diacono Capellan Hospital y por la misma causa muchas maneras ha ejercido aquellas mujeres que optaron cuando la sacaron de su Nosotros, como Cris- su poder y autoridad, bien por por dar vida a sus hijos por na- en Hospital empleo permanente para si- tianos, no debemos permitir razones de afinidad o de supe- cer y estan necesitadas de asis- tuarla en una posicion de "par- que cese el furor, recordemos rioridad, esta muy por encima tencia. Por favor, sea genero- te de tiempo" por su actitud que desde el 22 de Enero de del poder y autoridad del so, recuerde que el verdadero de Ohio antiaborcionista. 1973, diez millones de vidas hombre...nos dirigimos en pri- amor se mide por obras. Y, han sido apagadas. No debe ce- mer lugar al aborto. Tantas mas que nada, tenga presente TOLEDO, Ohio -(NC)- sar ese furor sabiendo que mas pobres vidas a punto de nacer al apostolado de defender la William Vest, Diacono Perma- de un millon de ninos fueron apagadas en su debilidad e ino- santidad de toda vida humana, nente de la Diocesis de Toledo maltratados el ano pasado. cencia. iComo puede una so- nacida y por nacer, en sus ora- ha sido nombrado por el Obis- OFICIAL (Las cifras indican que 3,000 ciedad y lo que es mas — una ciones diarias. po John A. Donovan Capellan ninos fallecieron como resulta- del Hospital Estatal de Lima. Arquididcesis de Miami do directo de abusos y maltra- Vest, de 39 anos fue orde- tos.) No debemos permitir que nado diacono en 1978, es La Cancilleria anuncia cese ese furor mientras sean empleado del Hospital como el siguiente nombramiento y maltratados ciudadanos des- INVITACION Consejero de Educacion y el cambio: ventajados. El furor no cesara mismo Hospital lo contrato co- El Rev. Rafael Bernal, mientras existan ancianos que mo Capellan a raiz de su orde- CM., como Pastor Asociado a vivan en condiciones inhuma- A Todos los Sacerdotes nacion. El nombramiento del la Parroquia de St. Luke, Lake nas. del Apostolado Hispano Obispo lo ratifica en el cargo. Worth, efectivo desde Enero El Papa Juan Pablo II en Querido Padre: Los sacerdotes de la 12, 1980. su homilia del 7 de Octubre, Parroquia de St. Gerard, el Li- La Iglesia de Santa Rita en Domingo de Respeto a la Vida, Tengo mucho gusto en anunciarte que el Padre Vir- ma, Ohio, seguiran prestando Boca Raton, sera ahora Iglesia declaro en Washington: gilio Elizondo nos ofrecera un "taller" titulado sus servicios sacerdotales en el de San Judas, efectivo desde "La vida humana es preciosa Pensamiento Teol6gico sobre el Exilio Cubano. Hospital. Enero 15, 1980. porque es un don de Dios. El Lugar: Ermita de la Caridad amor de Dios es infinite y Fecha: 23-24-25 de Enero - de 10:00 a.m. a 1:30 p.m. cuando El nos da la vida, la da (El "lunch" sera ofrecido por la Ermita) eternamente. La vida es igual- El Padre Elizondo ha tenido mucho exito en un tra- mente preciosa porque es bajo similar dirigido a los sacerdotes que trabajan en la expresion de fruto del amor." pastoral de los Mexicanos. Virgilio es bien conocido entre nosotros y estoy seguro que todos sacaremos RESTAURANTE El Papa Juan Pablo en su mucho provecho de este "taller". profundo mensaje aquel do- Rogandote hagas lo posible por asistir, te bendice, mingo tambien declaro: Autentica Comida Mexicans Tu Affmo. en Cristo, Pruebe nuestras especialidades: Enchiladas de Cangreios, Taquitos "Cuando la santidad de la vida Rancheros al estilo de la Calle Olvera de Los Angeles, Sopa de humana por nacer es atacada, Alb6ndigas, Entremeses; Ceviche, Guacamole, Nachos y Mole nos pondremos en pie y procla- Poblano. maremos que nadie tiene de- recho a destruirla. Cuando un Agustin A. Roman N.W. 27 Ave. MIAMI Tel.642-6961^ Obispo Auxiliar ABIERTO: LUNES a SABADOS de 11 a 11 - DOMINGOS de 4 a' • • If nifio es descrito como carga / inutil o mirado solamente co- Pagina 2A f Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Viemes, Enero 18,1980 Durante el cuarto mes, el nino empieza a crecer de ta- mano con mucha rapidez. Este crecimiento continuara hasta En El Comienzo dos o tres meses antes del naci- Pues tu, Seflor, formaste Una nueva vida se en- miento. Durante el resto de los mis entraflas, me tejiste gendra dentro del cuerpo de su meses que el nino esta en el en el seno de mi madre. madre en un momento oculto, vientre, este continuara per- Te doy gracias por tantas desapercibidamente. Alrede- feccionando sus actividades y maravillas que has ejecutado; dor del quinto o sexto dia el hasta aprende a prepararse pa- en efecto, admirables son embrion empieza a refugiarse ra el dia del nacimiento. A tus obras y mi alma bien lo sa- dentro de la pared del vientre principio del tercer mes sus ac- be. de su madre de donde saca su tividades empiezan a reflejar alimento. Este pequeno ser hu- su propia personalidad unica. Psalm 139:13-14 mano empieza a formar lo que Se mueve con gracia en su se puede llamar su primer 6r- mundo de agua, se levanta y se La vida humana es un don gano, o sea la placenta —su duerme, cambia sus posiciones continuo que empieza en el mo- linea de vida que se extiende y escoge su posicion favorita, mento de la concepcion y ter- hacia su madre. reacciona violentamente al do- mina con la muerte. En cada A los 42 dias de ser humano. lor de una aguja, le da hipos si etapa del ciclo de la vida de ca- Desde el principio, esta traga mucho fluido amniotico, A los 49 dias de ser humano da ser humano es la misma vi- nueva vida es un ser humano En las piernas, que se de- oye la voz de su madre y reac- complejo, dinamico que esta sarrollan mas lentamente, se destruir a otra persona huma- ciona a la musica y a los na, su naturaleza es negar la desarrollandose rapidamente. pueden reconocer las rodillas, ruidos, eventualmente puede Durante el primer mes es so- tobillos y dedos de los pies. vida. ver la luz y la oscuridad a tra- El camino a la violencia metido a mas cambios fisicos Desde este punto hasta la edad ves de la pared abdominal. que durante cualquier otro de adulto, los cambios en el nos atrae porque nos promete periodo de su vida. De la celula cuerpo seran principalmente A los ocho y nueve meses una solucion segura y ligera. viviente original surge un en el aumento de tamano y refi- el nino se va sintiendo muy in- Pero la promesa es falsa y en- embrion con cabeza, tronco y namiento gradual de las partes comodo en el vientre de la ganosa. Trae la muerte, no la vida, desesperanza y no espe^ #< organos elementales. Durante funcionales. madre, por eso ya pronto viene este periodo, el desarrollo es Cuando a la madre le ha el nacimiento. ranza. Debemos rechazar el ca- tan dramatico que los cientifi- faltado el periodo menstrual Sin embargo, la vida es mino de la muerte y escoger el cos han planeado estudiar el por segunda vez el nino ya mas que factores y eventos fi- camino de la vida. desarrollo dia por dia. El enfa- tiene seis semanas. Solamente siologicos. Nosotros valora- La destruccion directa y A los 38 dias de ser humano sis principal es en el desarrollo durante este tiempo es que mos esta vida porque es uno de perversa del nino aun no naci- del sistema nervioso. A los 20 quizas la madre haga su prime- nosotros —es humana. do es indigna de una sociedad da la que se desarrolla y evolu- dias, los fundamentos'del ce- ra visita a la oficina del doctor Ninguna vida humana lle- comprometida a la bondad y a ciona. Por naturaleza, la vida rebro, espina dorsal y sistema para saber si esta verdadera- ga a ser vida por su propia vo- la justicia. Como- un instru- humana tiene un comienzo nervioso han sido estableci- mente embarazada. luntad o designio. Toda vida mento que ayuda a guiar la vi- biologieo, un intermedio y un dos. Este desarrollo conti- Muchas de las estructuras humana es un regalo de da de la sociedad, la ley debe fin. nuara hasta despues del naci- esqueleticas estan primera- nuestros padres, de la natura- de asegurar el valor esencial e El ser humano empieza co- miento. Durante este mismo mente hechas de cartilago y leza y de Dios. Sobre todo el igual de cada ser humano —en mo el organismo de una celula tiempo, el corazon tambien se despues se convierten en nino aun no nacido representa cada etapa de su existencia. viviente original, cuando la es- esta formando. Un corazon pri- hueso. El cartilago es visible la vida en si. Con el tiempo es- Creditos: las fotos de 38 y 49 perma del padre se une al ovu- mitivo esta presente a los 18 en las manos y piernas durante ta vida puede realizar a su vez dias: Landrum B. Shettles, lo de la madre. Este aconteci- dias. Este corazon empieza a las 12 primeras semanas. el regalo de otra vida, pero solo M.D.; el bebe recien nacido: si se le da la oportunidad de James Schaffer. miento se llama concepcion o latir de una forma irregular a En el tercer mes el nino es fertilizaci6n. La celula original los 21 dias. Una semana des- crecer, desarrollarse y madu- National Conference of Catho- muy activo. Su respuesta al rarse. lic Bishops, Committee for se llama "zygota" y contiene pues late continuamente con estimulo durante las sexta y todas las instrucciones que de- contracciones ritmicas. El aborto es un acto de Pro-Life Activities. All Rights septima semanas esta caracte- Reserved. terminaran como se va a de- Los organos que se forma- rizada por un movimiento total violencia. Su proposito es sarrollar y las caracteristicas ron rapidamente estan tam- del cuerpo, pero durante el ter- fisicas que poseera — sexo, co- bien empezando a funcionar. cer mes la actividad fisica del lor de pelo y ojos, tiempo de vi- Durante la sexta semana el nino es mas y mas especifica. da, etc. Estas maravillosas nino puede ser observado mo- Al final de las nueve y diez se- instrucciones de vida son pa- viendose en el fluido amnioti- manas los reflejos locales em- sadas de celula a celula cuando co, aunque pasaran algunas se- piezan a aparecer. Ya el nino la celula original se multiplica manas antes de que su madre empieza a parpadear, frunce el y se convierte ultimamente en sienta tales movimientos. entrecejo y vira su cabeza. Se un organismo completamente Al final de siete semanas, han observado movimientos desarrollado conteniendo el feto se empieza a parecer a espontaneos a las diez sema- trillones de celulas especializa-- un bebe minusculo. Ya se nas. Al final del tercer mes, el das. pueden distinguir las f acciones nino se mueve con gracia y na- Cuando uno se pone a pen- externas y todos los organos turaleza, puede patear, y enco- sar que el desarrollado orga- internos de un adulto. Sin em- ge y extiende los dedos de los nismo humano empezo su vida bargo mide solamente una pul- pies, cierra los punos y se chu- como una sola celula, entonces gada y media. El feto tiene una pa el dedo pulgar. El nino no se da cuenta que ese es un mi- cara humana, con ojos, oidbs y solamente se mueve, pero se lagro de la naturaleza. La iden- nariz, labios y hasta se pueden traga el fluido amniotico y lo tidad genetica de la vida recien notar las raices de los dientes respira para adentro y para engendrada es humana. En de leche. El cuerpo esta bas- afuera de los pulmones. Anti- ningiin instante durante su de- tante lleno, rellenado con mus- cipando el nacimiento, el nino sarrollo se puede transformar culos y cubierto con una piel ensaya los organos vitales de esta vida de una especie a otra. delicada. Los brazos tienen la respiracion, del comer y del Siempre sera humana. manos con dedos y pulgares. movimiento. Recien nacido jRegalo de Vida! El Aborto en los EE.UU. Por Magaly Llaguno precedente en la historia de es- Hoy en dia, nuestros hospita- cuestion a fondo lo fue la "Pri- te pais, y en un dia al que las les americanos presentan esce- mera Conferencia Interna- "La esencia de la bondad personas que aman la vida lla- nas como 6stas: en una habita- cional sobre el Aborto", lleva- 'IMP RENT A es: proteger o preservar la vi- man "lunes de luto" (enero 22, cion vemos un grupo de medi- da a cabo en Washington D.C. da, promoverla, ayudarla a al- 1973), le ha dado a la madre el cos luchando por salvarle la en octubre del ano 1967. A "MARESMA" canzar su supremo destino...el control absoluto sobre la vida vida a un nino prematuro de dicha reunion asistieron principio fundamental de etica y la muerte de su hijo no naci- dos libras, mientra que en otra bioquimicos, profesores de 70 N.W. 22 Ave. - Miami, Fla. es pues el respeto a la vida". do. Ha sido otorgada la priori- habitacion un medico mata a obstetricia y ginecologia, gene- A MEDIA CUADRA DE FLAGLER STREET Albert Schweitzer. dad al derecho de privacidad otro nino de dos libras por me- ticos, etc., quienes representa- iHa olvidado el mundo es- de la mujer por sobre el de- dio del aborto. jEsto es in- ban distintos niveles academi- Gran Surtido de Tarjetas para te principio basico? Alrededor recho que tiene a la vida el nino comprensible , es simplemente cos, razas y religiones. Ellos Bodas, Bautizos, Comuniones, nuestro, en casi todos los que se encuentra todavia en el unalocura! llegaron a la conclusion casi paises del mundo el aborto utero materno. ;E1 aborto es Nadie, ni siquiera los que unanime (19 a 1): "La mayoria Cumpleanos, Recordatorios y esta siendo utilizado como so- ahora legal en la practica hasta favorecen el aborto pueden ne- de los que componemos este Misas. Impresionesal Relieve. lucion a embarazos no dese- el momento del nacimiento! garse a discutir el hecho grupo no pudimos encontrar ados, al amparo de la ley o Es ironico que un bebe cientifico de que la vida huma- un punto o lugar en el tiempo TODA CLASE D£ TRABAJOS fuera de esta. Las Naciones puede ser de'struido un minuto na comienza en el momento de que transcurre desde la union Unidas han declarado: "El antes de su nacimiento y se le la concepcion y que es conti- del espermatozoide y el 6vu- COMERCIALES Y SOCIALES aborto es el metodo de control llama al procedimiento aborto, nua, sea intra-uterina o extra- lo...hasta el momento del naci- AHORRE TIEMPO Y DINERO . de la natalidad que mas se uti- siendo legal. Sin embargo, si al uterian hasta el momento de la miento del nino, en el cual pu- CONFIANDONOS SUS IMPflESOS liza hoy en el mundo". Aqui en mismo bebito se le mata un mi- muerte. La reunion cienfeifica dieramos decir que esa vida no ABRIMOS DIARIAMENTE DE S A.M. A 6 P.M. los Estados Unidos, la Corte nuto despues de nacido, se le mas distinguida de la ultima es humana. Los cambios que Suprema, en una decision sin TELEFONO 64Z-7266 llama asesinato y es ilegal. decada que considero esta (Pasa a la Pag. 4A) Miami, Florida I THE VOICE f Viemes, Enero 18,1980 f Pagina 3A El Aborto Conversion (Viene de la Pag. 3A) Mons. Higgins Rinde ocurren entre la implantaci6n, un embrion de seis semanas, de San Pablo un feto de seis meses, un bebe de una semana de nacido, o un A Meany. La conversion del celoso Saulo, iPor que me persigues? adulto maduro, con simple- judio-romano Saulo de Tarso, Y a la pregunta de Saulo le mente etapas de desarrollo y WASHINGTON, DC. - gente de dignatarios y perso- a la fe cristiana es uno de los contesto la voz: "Yo soy Je- maduracion". (Del libro Ma- (NC)— Con palabras del Libro najes que fueron a despedir al hechos mas relevantes de sus, a quien tii persigues." Je- nual del Aborto). del Apocalipsis, Monsenor Ge- lider obrero. nuestra historia Catolica. sus se le presento a Saulo y lo La prueba principal de que orge G. Higgins, rindio tributo Lane Kirkland, sucesor de Saulo no era un fanatico pro- mando a la ciudad llevado por el aborto priva a un serhumano al viejo amigo y "gigante del Meany, dijo que el tenia fe en piamente hablando sino un fer- la mano de sus acompanantes, de la vida la proporcionan los movimiento obrero" George que mejores dias vendrian pa- voroso amante de su fe judia y quienes quedaron sobrecogi- cientificos que estan utilizan- Meany, quien fallecio el 10 de ra los obreros porque "Meany de sus tradiciones. Precisa- dos al oir la voz sin ver a nadie do a los bebitos abortados Enero en Washington, D.C. esta ahora alia arriba nego- mente por ser un creyente in- y ante la ceguera de Saulo (muchos de ellos todavia vi- Mons. Higgins, Secretario ciando el asunto con Dios.'' condicional del Unico Dios es quien estuvo tres dias en Da- vos) para llevar a cabo experi- para Investigaciones de la que Jesus lo escoge para con- masco sin comer ni beber. Je- mentos y aprender mas sobre Conferencia Catolica de los Mons. Higgins dijo: "Me- vertirlo en un ardiente Apostol sus, entretanto, le envio a el cuerpo humano. Investiga- EE.UU., ofrecio la homilia en any fue, primero y sobre todo, de su Evangelio. Ananias, un cristiano de Da- dores del Centro Medico de la la Misa Funebre celebrada en un hombre de profunda fe sin Saulo perseguia a los cris- masco muy fie.l a El, para que Universidad de Colorado, en la Catedral de San Mateo en la pretensiones, que no llevaba la tianos y los denunciaba a las visitara a Saulo quien "era pa- Denver, han utilizado mas de Capital por el Pastor de la Igle- religion en su vestimenta sino autoridades judias convencido ra El, vaso de eleccion" dijole 300 bebitos abortados para ex- sia St. Bartholomew, en profunda en su vida y su ac- de que asi le daba mas gloria a - Jesus. Ananias le hablo a perimentos sobre el maxilar in- Bethesda, donde Meany era tuacion. El hombre que al reti- Dios. Saulo y cuando le impuso las ferior. (Los bebitos abortados activo miembro. El Cardenal rarse - primero dio gracias a Lleno de ese celo divino, manos recobro la vision. Con habian sido muertos antes de W. Baum de Washington presi- Dios por lo mucho que le habia fue al Sumo Sacerdote para la conversion Saulo tomo el ser llevado a cabo los experi- dio la celebracion. El Presi- guiado y las satisfacciones que le recomendara a las sina- nombre de Pablo. Fue bautiza- mentos.) dente Carter encabezo el conti- que le habia deparado." gogas de Damasco a fin de des- do y se dedico, con mas fervor En Noviembre de 1971, el cubrir a los cristianos que en- que antes, a predicar el Evan- doctor Othersen de la Univer- contrara, llevandolos atados a gelio de Jesucristo por todo el sidad de Carolina del Sur Noche de Alabanzas Jerusalen. Cerca de Damasco mundo conocido entonces. La trasplanto una glandula timo se vio envuelto por una luz ce- conversion de Pablo es fiesta de un bebe abortado vivo, a un lestial y cayo a tierra oyendo de la Iglesia y se celebra el 25 nino nacido vivo. El donante una voz que le dijo: "Saulo, de Enero. humano fue muerto en el pro- ceso. Cada dia aumentan mas los informes spbre experimen- tos con seres humanos diminu- tos cuando aun estan vivos. Aprueban No Mandar Todos los donantes son mata- dos al concluir los experimen- tos. Nines a Educacion Sexual El Dr. Roberto Goodlin de la Universidad de Stanford, en California, segun ha sido re- TRENTON, N.J. -(NC)- con la produccion y la venta de portado, ha estado llevando a La Legislatura estatal aprobo materiales que puedan ser con- cabo experimentos con seres una ley que autoriza a los siderados pornograficos, fue humanos (abortados vivos) en padres a retirar a sus hijos de tambien aprobada pero los le- su laboratorio desde hace al- Mons. Agustin Roman concelebr6 la Misa de la Noche de Ala- las clases de educacion sexual gisladores fallaron en su in- gun tiempo. Estos experimen- banzas con el P. Navarrete quien ofrecid la homilia. por razones morales y reli- tento de rechazar el veto del tos han incluido actos de cruel- giosas. Otra ley que establece Gobernador a la ley que regula dad, tales como el hacer una Una bonita "ceremonia que Misa el Obispo Auxiliar de mas restricciones en relacion el aborto. incision en el pecho de un nino titularon Noche de Alabanzas, Miami, Mons. Agustin Roman para observar el funciona- el nombre lo explica todo, se y el Rvdo. P. Antonio Navarre- miento de su corazon, o en otro celebro el pasado 4 de Enero te. Este ritual de alabanzas y caso, el remover el higado para en la Iglesia St. Timothy. accion de gracias al Senor es- Familias de Nicaragua transplante. Dichas opera- Concelebraron la Santa tuvo muy concurrido. ciones han sido llevadas a cabo sin anestesia alguna. (Del pe- ObispO BuSCa "Posada" (VienedelaPag. 1A) Agradecen Ayuda riodico "The New Human" — Enero de 1973). fotografias que cada uno de exigencias de su modo de ga- Con motivo de la triste situacion dejada en Nicaragua por El doctor Andre Helle- ellos deseaba mandar al hogar narse la vida, empleados por la pasada revolucion, el pueblo de los fieles de Miami, respondio gers, profesor de obstetrieia y distante... patrones, los mas indiferentes; al pedido de nuestro Arzobispo Edward McCarthy con su acos- ginecologia de la Universidad — Padre, mis hijos le extranjeros desvalidos entre tumbrada generosidad. El Senor Arzobispo de Managua, Mons. de Georgetown y director del honraran a usted. Quien sabe nosotros y casi totalmente ig- Miguel Obando, envio una carta a Mons. McCarthy agradecien- Instituto Kennedy para eJ.Es- ellos no le conoceran nunca pe- norados por condescendientes do, a nombre de los fieles de Nicaragua, la ayuda prestada. Es tudio de la Repoduccion Hu- ro su retrato siempre tendra un hermanos catolicos. La vileza muy alentador saber que 701 familias han aliviado su crisis con mana y Bioetica, es uno de los lugar de honor en nuestra ca- opresiva de su trabajo y la mi- la muestra de hermaridad de los catolicfls de Miami. dbctores que se encuentran en sa". 1 serable condicion de sus vi- He aqui el texto de la carta de Mons. Obando: la mayoria, en la opinion de Por la noche la pequeiia viendas recuerdan el Libro La que los experimentos con seres Iglesia estaba repleta cuando Semilla del Odio: "Hay aqui Excmo. y Revdmo. Mons. Dr. humanos en su etapa fetal, no las familias se reunieron con el un crimen que va mas alia de la EDWARD A. MCCARTHY solo indican falta de etica sino Pastor para el "hagan esto en denuncia. Hay una tristeza Archidibcese of Miami. que se asemejan al siguiente memoria Mia". Con su espe- que el sollozo no puede simbo- razonamiento: "Si va a morir cial talento para presentar el lizar. Hay un fallo aqui que Estimado Mons. McCarthy: de todos modos ipor qu6 no Evangelio de manera popular echa por tierra todos nuestros Aprovecho la oportunidad para saludarle cordialmente, y al utilizarlo?" Asi opinaban los Mons. Roman disfruto de una triunfos." mismo tiempo quiero agradecer la fineza que ha tenido para con nazis que hacian experimentos audiencia extasiada. El Saba- Pero viendoles en la Igle- nosotros en los momentos dificiles que atraviesa nuestro Pais, con los prisioneros condena- do ninguno fue a trabajar y los sia, "Su Hogar", guiados por despues de la guerra civil. dos a muerte en los campos de hombres dedicaron el dia a la su Pastor, inmersos en oracion Estoy enviando copia de las 701 familias que atendimos en la concentraci6n alemanes, du- oracion y reflexion dirigidos nacida de la profunda piedad Arquidiocesis, con la ayuda generosa que Ud nos envio, registra- rante la Segunda Guerra Mun- por el Obispo. herencia de su pueblo y no pro- do bajo el numero de proyecto NI 9 EO 11, asistencia para los dial. Ellos son victimas, sepa- ducto de escuela alguna, nos pobres de Managua. iConocen todos estos rados de sus familias por las lleria la certeza de que su ' Esta ayuda tambien sirvio para que estas familias se ayuda- hechos la mayoria de las perso- Padre que esta en los cielos y ran un poco para medio reparar sus viviendas, que quedaron nas? Definitivamente jNo! sus hermanos Catolicos en la destruidas por los bombardeos, esto como Ud. puede imaginarse Muy pocas saben lo que es el por medio del aborto; la deci- tierra no les abandonaran. se hizo poco para tantos damnificados. aborto en realidad, y cuando se sion de la Corte Suprema tam- Nuevamente quiero agradecerle a Ud. la fineza que siempre les muestra la verdad, la ma- bien ha traido como resultados ha tenido para con nosatros, en todos los momentos que hemos yor parte de ellas son partida- que la membresia en la mayor Noche Cubana pasado. rias de escoger la vida, tal co- parte de los Comit6s Pro-Vida Nos hemos enterado que Hacemos propicia la ocasion para reiterarle nuestra grati- mo hicieron los votantes de se haya duplicado, y que se es- en los terrenos de San Juan tud. Michigan y North Dakota en ten tomando pasos decisivos a Bosco, en West Flagler y la Mons. Miguel Obando Bravo un referendum llevado a cabo, traves de todo el pais. para calle 13 se va a celebrar una Arzobispo de Managua donde se rechazo el aborto a la asegurar la aprobacion de una Noche Cubana. No se nos han Presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal orden. enmienda constitucional la adelantado los detalles pero si A pesar de sus efectos tra- cual garantizaria el derecho a sabemos que las papeletas pa- N de R: Deseariamos publicar la lista de todos los 701 recipientes gicos, uno de los cuales es el la vida a todos los individuos ra el evento ya estan a la ven- de las donaciones pero por falta de espacio nos vemos forzados a exterminio de dos millones de' desde el momento de la con- ta. Tambien nos enteramos omitirla. ..;. ninos no nacidos anualmente, cepcion en adelante. que habra muchos premios. Pagina 4A / Miami, Florida / THE VGSCE7 Viernes" Enero 18,1980