- J X o m o O J Schools Expect 30,000 z C/) dcniaer ^catholic It's Tim e OJ «C CD 3 C/J 33 rv3 r For S tu d y By Jack Bacon m o COLORADO'S LARGEST WEEKLY X o and church, Thirty-thousand children are expected to enroll in 33 X ir to this is Catholic elementary and high schools in the Archdiocese 3p asking it Thursday, August 25, 1966 VOL. LXI No. 3 of Denver this month — a total that would reverse a slight loss in enrollment last year and establish a record », in family, high. belongs also They will register Aug. 29 at 67 elementary schools he bulk o f and 18 high schools, a list that includes one new sch(»l ich the arts Pope Urges Canon Law — Notre Dame in Denver, being opened this fall for an t time, estimated 240 pupils in grades one through four. r is an im- Another elementary school. Holy Trinity, Westmins­ ilism which Trudy Fulugrudy: "I think ter, is expected to enroll 250 in grades one through six od cornered you should talk to me while To 'Stay U p to Date' for the first time. Holy Trinity has operated only a kin­ Supervisor »r.** I sew.” dergarten the past four years. Ernie: "Why don't you "W e must be careful to 'stay up to date,’ an they say, Rebuking those who would abolish law becau.se it is sew to me while I read?” concerning innovations in Church law” explained Pope opposed "to spontaneous expressions of their own special IF E N R O LLM E N T hits 30,000 a.s- predicted, it will Of Schools Paul recently. charisms,” the Pope urged instead that, as regards the exceed the previous record of 29,398 set in 1964-65. Last Lost Friend . . • In address to the Aug. 19 general audience at Ca.s- laws o f the Church, "w e try to understand their spirit, year, 1965-66, the total slipped by 593 to 28,805. Both telgandolfo, the Pontiff exclaimed that the post-conciliar to observe their precepts, and appreciate their pastoral It is noi the end, this slccp- elementary and high school enrollment dropped slightly Appointed iti;; period is "the beginning of a new and grand legislative convenience.” last year — elementary from the 1964-65 record of 23,- Beneath the green, mended period in the history of the Church.” 280 to 22,785, and high school from 6,118 to 6,020. Sister Mary Patrick of sod. Decrying the past abuses of "juridicism” within the Stressing that negativism ’’demolishes the More than 1.600 teachers — Religious and lay — are I shull find him and keep him Church, the Pope said that the first remedy for the Church in practice,” the Pope maintained that the Cure d'Ars parish commu­ employed by the Archdiocesan schools. nity, has been named as forever situation is "not the abolition of ecclesiastical laws, but new epoch of law was initiated by the Council. In its annual report issued last month, the Archdio­ So help me God. the substitution of better formulated canonical prescip- "The aggiornamento demands it. Plans for the re­ successor to her colleague, cesan school office made special note of the economic Sister Mary Carmencita, as tions for those which are imperfect or anachronistic.” vision of the Code of Canon Law necessitate it.” impact o f the system on the state. Dur­ When the bugles rouse for re­ Denver archdiocesan ing the 1965-66 term, 36,637 children attended Catholic schools’ supiervisor. union The Holy Father deplored the .spirit of antipathy schools in Colorado (7,832 in the Diocese of Pueblo). We shall meet where the old Nuns, Girls Risk Lives Sister Carmencita was for law; he illustrated that, since the Church is elected third councilor of teams play "bound to a mission of salvation which admits only in Heaven, in football weath­ "Based upon a cost average of $550 per student the Precious Blood Sisters’ er. of a univocal and determined realization,” the Jungle Hike Proves if they were to be educated in the public schools of congregation, at its moth- ('arissime. Church is in need o f laws. the state, the Catholic schools saved the taxpayers erhouse in Dayton, O. dur­ Interest, last year more than 20 million dollars in operating’ ing the past week. lily, with The laws are to be "law.s which are drawn with con­ Viet Cong Liars expenses,” the report said. Announcing the appoint­ The chief assertion of sistency from Revelation and from the con.stantly arising ment of Sister M. Patrick, nds. And "T h is does not take into consideration the cost of religious m orality is that needs of (the Church’s) own life, both interior and ex­ Tan Mai. South Vietnam Small babies were left be­ capital construction that would be needed to house this the Rt. Rev. id carries white is a color. Virtue i.s terior." — Vietnam ese nuns and hind with some of the additional group.” William H. Jones, superin­ not the absence of viees or chbishop, The spirit motivating law’s formulation must never eight handicapped young nuns; two nuns headed In a special message "to the friends of Catholic educa­ tendent of schools for the the avoidance o f mitral dan­ he one o f a simple servility to law; rather, said the archdiocese, said; of a Re- gers: virtue is a vivid and women who help them run south with 10 orphan girls tion” included in the annual report. Archbishop Urban J. Pontiff, "W e must school ourselves to recognize in the "Sister Mary Patrick Catholic separate thing, like pain or a an orphanage near U.S. — crippled and blind. Vehr of Denver hailed the "parents who sacrifice so legislative activity of the Church a congenial manifesta­ army headquarters here generously” to maintain the school sy.stem. has been for several la t prin- particular smell. Mercy does not mean not being cruel or tion o f its mission." are living proof of the They were forced to "The presence of Catholic schools within the commu­ years an administrator and teacher. She has ] be paid sparing people revenge or Vietnamese people’s desire flee in secret, because nity is a living witness to the generosity of our Catholic acted as assistant to Sis­ }. For a punishment: It means a to be free from the Com­ the Communists, con­ laity who graciously bear the burden of constructing and plain and positive thing like m u n ists. T h e nuns and ter Carmencita for the z Church trary to promises made (Turn to Page 2} past three years, and is the sun. which one has ci­ girls proved it at the risk n below. in the Geneva accord, fully familiar w'ith the ther seen or not seen. Chas­ of their very lives. tity does not mean absten­ were using a’l means to programs established by tion from sexual wrong; it keep Vietnamese from her predecessor.” 1 which the T H E N U N S had inher­ m oving to the South. may legally means something flaming Women’s Retreats Boston-born Sister M. tike doan of Arc. In a word, ited an orphanage founded Patrick was raised in (•od paints in many colors, some 90 years ago by The nuns and girls dis­ A special supplement on w'om- Phoenix, Ariz. She was l>ut He never paints so gor­ Spanish Dominicans at Bui guised themselves as beg­ en’s retreats held at El Pomar re­ professed in the presence of geously — 1 had almost said Chu in the north. When gars and traveled mostly treat house, Colorado Springs, ap­ the then superior general so gaudily — as when He the Communists took over, at night. After covering 50 of the congregation, the pears in this edition. Information paints in white. the Reds seized part of the miles in several weeks Rev. Mother Mary Aqui­ — Trfiin*r»dou* Trifle* facilities for military head­ they reached a camp, and on retreats, purpose of the laywo- nas, at the motherhouse of quarters, pushed the al­ then made their way to men’s retreat movement, and pic­ the order, in 1956. Very few men are wise by ready crowded orphanage Haiphong, where they tures highlight this section. (Turn to Page 2) their own counsel, or learned into half its original space. boarded a boat headed by their own teaching: for he It was then the nuns de­ that was only taught hy him­ south. self had a fool for his master. cided to move to the South. — .Johniton SISTER Barbara, one of Sr. Carmencita Elected to High Post the nuns who escaped, is Uncle Gus had gon«> to one o f four directors of the the funeral of a friend and, orphanage. The other Sis­ Top Educator Leaves after the ceremony, sat in Q m i n a k u ter is now one o f four gen­ the chapel of the undertak­ eral counsellors of the con­ B y C. J. Zecha tion. This, o f course, she ing parlor until the crowd vent which sponsors it. An outstanding worn- emphasizes, is included : had thinned out. The mor­ Sister Barbara is aided by in the youth’s right to : tician sat beside him and >•; an ed u cator who has eight of the girls who fled ; devoted more than 12 live as a human being. began passing the time of The Denver Archdiocesan w ith them; they are now i No one is more aware : day. § years to the cause o f Chancery office reports a adults and help care for : education in the Arch­ than Sister Carmencita ; *'How old arc you?” he total o f $50 donated toward th e 100 children in the | asked Uncle Gus. il: diocese of Denver will that youths must be • seminary burses during the orphanage. no longer be on the taught how men live i "Eighty-nine,” chirped the past week. old man. scene. reasonably so that in **Eighty-ninc. eh?” mused Donations for the St. In contrast to w'hat the : ;• Sister Carmencita, a time they may live effi­ the undertaker, **Hardly Jude Burse were received Communist soldiers did ; :• member o f the Sisters of ciently and reasonably. worth going home, is it?” from D e n v e r, H.B., $5; in the North, the U.S. : the Most Precious Blood The process by which Greeley, K.E.S.. $5; Colo­ GUs are contributing i •ijof Dayton, O.. was youths acquire skill in rado Springs, A.M., $10; time and money to help. ■i; elected th is week as reasonable living is edu­ Pride is a masculine vice; Denver, Mrs, B.A.B., $5; The current project is : third councilor of the cation. Denver, R.L., $5; Sterling, construction of an vanity is a feminine vice. :J; Precious Blood Sisters’ In a way Sister Car­ r 'Ho-Hum, Summer's Over' M r. and M rs. J.S., $5; orphanage chapel. Which one predominates in congregation, a high mencita is ever the stu­ vour life? Some JJO.OOO students are expected to register Denver, R.G.O., $10; Den­ •: post in the order that dent herself. An avid in parochial schools in the Archdiocese of Denver ver. L.D., $5. The experience of the • •: deserves the warmest Sister Carmencita reader, she is a seeker beginning Aug. 29. Somewhat non-committal All offerings toward the Tan Mai orphanage is a •. ■: congratulations. of knowledge. This she A1 Riede, listening to his about whether or not they are happy that sum­ various burses are used to rebuttal in deeds to those j: :• U ntil this announce- pals to adopt the teach­ imparted to her stu­ young son scratch away on mer IS over are two first grade pupils of St. Phi- educate young men for the who claim the Communists jiment she had been er-aide program under dents, enabling them to his violin while the dog lomena’s school, Denver, Meryanne Leuschner priesthood. They may be are working for the Viet- :■ howled dismally nearby, Ti- :• serving as a supervisor which experienced lay open new avenues of and :? I •week of school in the Arch r " Schools . . . Eight More Longer - ~ _ , I i (Continued From Page 1) maintaining elementary and secondary schools dedicated to the interest of the whole person.” the Archbishop Students Face Longer Term said. Schools of the Arch­ assigned to Catholic the Colorado State Depart­ "N E W SCHOOL facilities are heeded in many parts classes begin; full day ses­ diocese of Denver will be schools — another reason ment o f Education. of this fast growing state. Fortunately, two new elemen­ sions. in session 180 days in for making the calendars Holidays during the tary schools will open in the Denver metropolitan area 1966-67 — eight days conform. Monday. Sept. 5 — La­ year, in addition to Labor this September. It is our fond hope that other schools lon ger than in 1965-66, For the first time. Cath­ bor day. no classes. may be established as soon as funds and personnel are D ay. include Oct. 24-25. and holy days of obligation olic schools in the arch­ Teachers Institute; Nov. available.” no longer w ill be school diocese will hold classes on Tuesday, Sept. 6 — The Archbishop’s comments on the increasing needs 11. Veterans Day; Nov. holidays. three holy days of obliga­ Classes resume. 24-26, Thanksgiving; Dec. are borne out by the record of growth of the system Officials said the school tion - Nov. 1. All SainU The archdiocesan school 23-Jan. 2. Christmas; during the past decade. Enrollment in 1955-56 totaled calendar for this year was Day; Dec. 8, feast o f the calendar has been extended March 20-24, Easter; May 21.066. showing a jump of 7.739 in a 10-year period. revised to conform to regu­ Immaculate Conception: from the traditional 172 30, Memorial Day. The The growth also has been complicated by a shift lations of the Colorado and May 4. Ascension school days to 180 days to school year ends Friday. in population density to suburban areas. Cathedral State Department of Edu­ Thursday. All three were conform with regulations of elementary school, to cite the most graphic ex­ June 2. 1967. cation. designated "special days” ample, closed at the end of the 1964-65 school year. The major factor in the in the school calendar. Its enrollment had declined from 395 in 1955-.56 to change was the U.S. Ele­ Adoption of the revised T e B o c k h o r s t c o 77 during its last year. mentary and Secondary calendar also puts the L E I B A A y V I M , C . The annual report of the school office also made note Education act and the schools in operation a week of a new economic factor - the Elementary and Second­ standards it requires for earlier than usual this fall. ary Education act atht channeled special federal aid qualification for federal funds into Catholic schools. aid. Under Title I of the SCHEDULE for the The report said about nine per cent of the students To Leave for Iraq act. m aking funds avail­ opening week of school in in the elementary schools benefited last year from Title able for anti-poverty pro­ the Archdiocese of Denver. I of the act, which linked educational needs to the ad­ The Rev. John P. Teeling, S.J., of Regis col­ grams o f education, some DGECIQBQU lege, Denver, and Mary Lanius curator of Oriental o f ministration’s anti-poverty programs. public school teachers are Monday, Aug. 29 — art at the Denver Art Museum, review historical fro In addition, the report said every school in the Arch­ Registration for all stu­ aspects of Iraq, where Father Teeling will be th< diocese received funds for purchase of library books and dents in elem entary and teaching during the coming year. The wall frag­ Consecration Set pre instructional materials under Title II of the act. secondary schools. Ch The report said the effect of the act on the educa­ ment in the background is from the Palace of For Bishop Flaherty Assurnaspiral II (883-859 B.C.) at Nimrud. tional program "has l>een noteworthy.” Tuesday, Aug. 30 and >HN E ZOOK GERARD R. Mention o f the benefits derived from the act was Richmond. Va. — Auxi­ Wednesday, Aug. 31 — PARTNER TeBOexHORST, CPCU /{ particularly pertinent in the light of the several current liary Bishop-designate J. Teachers meetings; no PARTNER attempts in various parts of the country that threaten Regis Priest-Teacher Louis Flaherty of Rich­ classes. QnAuhartoL a u u jl 1897 the participation of Catholic schools in such federal mond w ill he consecrated 1 1 3 0 PUBLiC SERVICE BLDG. programs in any way. in Sacred Heart Cathedral Thursday, Sept. 1 and L Legal action has been brought against such programs To Be on Iraq Faculty here Oct. 5. Friday, Sept. 2 - Regular for parochial schools in Ohio, by the Protestants and Other Americans United for Separation of Church and The Rev. John P. Teel­ university, and a Ph.D. in State (POAU). ing, S.J., assistant profes­ modern literature at the St. Gabriel's Guild 7 sor of English at Regis University of North Carol­ Our A F E D E R A L P O V E R T Y program for parochial college, Denver, will serve ina. jshi.one school pupils in Milwaukee was threatened by interpre­ as a visitin g professor of Father Teeling taught at Will Honor Chaplain have tation of the Wisconsin state constitutional, guarantee of English on the faculty of Regis college in 1956-57 its prcj Church-State separation. A New York judge ruled a the University of Baghdad. and rejoined the faculty in and. ii state . xtbook aid program for parochial school children Iraq, during the 1966-67 1962-63. He has served as The Rev. Richard Hani- held in Cathedral high cade*, i violated that state's constitution — in a decision that school year. Director of the Division of fen, spiritual director of school’s cafeteria. Wives of fiOinmc: raised the same doubt about legality of federal aid. Father Teeling expects to Humanities and Chairman the St. Gabriel Guild, will members have been invited F atlu A case involving Catholic colleges in , dir­ leave Denver this week for of the Department of Eng­ be honored by the Catholic to attend. 3ian, pji ectly related to a state aid program, also was seen as a Iraq. As a part of a self­ lish at Regis the past two postal w orkers’ group at nn im threat to the federal programs. orientation for his new as­ years. the monthly meeting on inodeli The alleged principle cited in all the protests against signment. he visited the T h e Rev. R ichard F. Sunday. Aug. 28. at 7 p.m. ^Avahsel an. aid to Catholic schools is that any aid to any student Denver Art Museum where Bocklage, S.J., assistant co'nstru of a church-related school violates the Constitution be­ Mary Lanius. curator of professor of English at Re­ The Rev. Roger Mollison KITCHEN guaranteed interest on ’the froj cause it aids the church itself. Oriental art, briefed him gis. has been named chair­ has been appointed as the W’ith in Defenders of the program hold that the aid is for on various aspects of the man of the English de­ new spiritual director. your money in s t r e e t partment during Father students, not institutions, and that all U.S. students arc ancient country. Featured at the meeting REMODELING pews, f Teeling’s absence. th an tl entitled to the aid on the same basis — whether en­ Father Teeling is one of will be the film. The P ar­ “Free Estimates’ investment certificates pacity, ’ rolled in public or private schools. 20 American experts being able. The meeting will be that evi sent to Baghdad to teach Speed Kills ■ 5% interest on SI,000 or m u ltip les of S1.000. lull viev S u p e r v i s o r under a program directed Speed kills, says the by the University of Texas State Patrol. Slow down DREAM CENTER ■ Maturities at 90 days to one /ear. A N N (Continued From Page W inklejohn, vicarcss gen­ and supported by a Ful- before you reach a curve ■ Insured to $10,000 by the F.D.I.C. eral, and first general bright grant. or an intersection. Take the expj Her range of studies has it easy and live longer. ■ Interest may be paid quarterly, or deposited o v e o f included courses at the councilor; Sister Mary Leonita Westerheide, sec­ A N A T IV E o f Denver, to your account. on n iver Universities o f Dayton, San nihan .w Diego, Caif., Colorado ond general councilor; Sis­ Father Teeling is a gradu­ ter M ary Clarita Hudson, ate of Regis high school .pa.stdr S' State, and Regis college, E ntra Denver. fourth general councilor, and attended Regis college. NATIONAL BANK and secretary general; and He holds the A.B. degree dooi*s oi She has full accreditation no'w 'wir. and certification, as ad­ Sister Mary Fidelia Kam- from St. Louis university, tl*ance tc ministrator and teacher. merer, treasurer general. an M.A. from Marquette Sister Carmencita. PRESIDING at last daughter of Mr. and Mrs. •week’s elections in Dayton, Leo Voisard of St. Mary's O., was Archbishop Karl J. parish, Rusoia, O., had Alter of Cincinnati. taught in Cincinnati arch­ L a i New superior general of diocesan schools before she was assigned to the Denver the Sisters of the Precious **Give Blood, o f Dayton, O., is archdiocese. of Life” ii Sister Mary Anthonita a n n u a l Hess, succeeding Mother' campaign Mary Aquinas Stadtheer who had held the office for brosis F( 12 years. d a y peril The new superior general A u g . 15 is to retain the title "Sis­ claim ed ter” in accordance with the L o v o as current updating among Alonth. religious congregations. Mother Aquinas will leave for Santiago, Chile, For in October to help the com­ munity there set up a re­ D( gional government, and Aup also to implement the work X I of the congregation’s gen­ A fte eral chapter. * S t . Others elected at the Strasbui'ii general chapter were: •* M is j Sister Mary' Irenaea. with, an s h a v e 13 I s i t i o n o: Sucramen Hours*. NEV WILL i WEEKS.. ELS CRfi L Y REDi " P IC K / W I L L o n

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\ 4 ( Thursday, August 2 5 , 1966 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 3 U.S. Campuses To Get Over Million Catholics

By Jim Sena who will enroll in the o f religion and others. across the .country follow: time (more than 60 Sis­ Washington, 'D.C. — hundreds of trade and ters are now attached to More than ono million other specialty schools ALSO , she noted that 73 — 100 n e w ch aolains Newman centers on a s Depart­ C atholic student.s are ex­ acro.ss the nation. o f the institutions allowed are expected to be as­ part-time basis). pected to flood into state, In contrast to the figure formal credit for students^ signed to Newman cen­ in g the and other non-Catholic expected in the fall is the work in religion, either at ters in the 1966-67 school ~ 272 full-time New­ to Labor colleges and universities 450,000 Catholic students the school itself, a New­ year. man chaplains arc as­ 24-25. when school starts this who enrolled in non-Cath- man center course, or by sisted b y 876 on a part- te; Nov. fall. olic institutions of higher accepting the transfer of — 16,000 Catholic pro­ ' time basis. ly; Nov. The figure comes from learning in 1959. credits from Catholic fessors will be teaching ng; Dec. the national office of the Mrs. Joan Orlosky, ad-' schools. on non-Catholic cam­ — 215 N ew m an centers istm as; Newman Apostolato in ministrative assistant to puses. and, or, chapels are now ,er; May Washington, headed by Father McDonough, told Other interesting statis­ in operation and 36 new ay. The Father John T. McDon­ the Register an Apostolate tics indicating a booming — 10 new Sisters will ones are on the drafting Friday, ough. survey had revealed that trend in Newman Aposto­ be assigned to Newman boards. 75 per cent of the non- late work at non-Catholic centers, in addition to According to an Apos- Catholic institutions-in colleges and universities the 26 now assigned full tolate spokesman, the question teach some kind 1,000,000 figu re does n ot o f religion courses — his- include Catholic students tory of religion, philo.sophy k a o r e p e o p l e lOfOOOth Student Due ARE TYING TO How It Will Look Fraternities At Loretto Heights AURORA A handsome new facade of stucco and ornamental brick and a doubled seating capacity will result from a major remodeling project at Our Lady NATIONAL of (iruco church, Denver. This architect’s sketch shows the new church Disappearing? Loretto Heights college, Aug. 29; upper classmen front, with its side entrances. Now set back in the center of the property, Denver,.expects to register will begin registration at 9 BANK its 10,000th student when the church will come within nine feet of 4Hth street when the building By Sue Roethelo convention to the memory a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 30. project is completed. The sketch shows the planned statue of Mary on the o f the late Rev'. Laurence the fall semester begins, Classes begin at 8 a.m., Church’s front, w’here the present doors are located. In an attempt to refute Hender.son, S.J., former Aug. 29. The total number Wednesday, Aug. -31. The recent statements that the national moderator o f the of students who have at­ semester ends Dec. 21, fraternal way of life is tended the college since it Jicmodcliug Project — ISIore Room organization who died ear­ Iri addition to the new vanishing on American lier in Augu.st. became a four year liberal college and university cam­ arts institution in 1918 graduate school program, a Chief Justice Leonard B. new area o f concentration puses,. delegates of Alpha Sutton, of the Colorado Su­ reached the high nine Delta Gamma (ADG), a thousands during the in the behaviorial sciences Lady of Grace Church preme Court, addressed the w ill be'.offered and the national Catholic college delegates at the fraternal 1965-66 academic year. social fraternity, gathered Approximately one thou­ theology program has been luncheon on Wednesday. A expanded. at the Denver Continental representative of the Air sand students are expected To Be Given New Look hotel for tho 35th anniver­ Force academy, Colorado for the first semester. Loretto’s business office sary Mass which opened Springs, will deliver the Loretto freshmen are w ill be open Sunday, Aug. Our Lady o f Grace par- relievo congestion before sanctuary, w’ith the com­ the ADG convention now main address at.the scheduled to begin regis­ 28, for the convenience of i.shi.oners, Denver, w ill soon and after Mass. The solid munion rail moved forward being held at the hotel awards banquet to be held tration at 9 a.m., Monday, students and parents. h ave *a chuich w ith twice cliurcli front, facing 48th, a yard. Two cdniessionals through Saturday, Aug. 27. on Saturday evening, Aug. its present seating capacity will be graced by a statue w ill bo added in the new Celebrant o f the Mass was 27 at the Continental hot­ and. u new hand.some fa- •of parish patron, Mary un­ portion of the church. the Rev. Terrence Van el. Announcing.... cude; air conditioned for der her title Oui* I..ady o f Orshoven, national moder­ The fraternity, while sOmmer comfort. Grace. THERE are 300 families ator of the fraternity. prim arily a social organi­ Father Jam'es F'. Moyni- ' The project will also in the parish. Father Moy- Representing the Iota zation,- also sponsors sever­ Mr. Russell C. BuerWe han, pa.stor, has announced •double the capacity of the nihan reports that comple­ chapter of ADG at Regis al philanthropic activities formerly Manager of Sonotone a.n immediate major re­ basement hall. A sound­ tion o f the raised sujxjr- college, Denver, are Mike through its local chapters. modeling project for the proofed section will allow liigliw ay two blocks south Bonafede and Bob Dunn. Io ta chapter at Regis col­ ^Avahsea area church. The Also attending the session NOW ASSOCIATED WITH the’ conducting o f Confra­ of the church interstate lege,. Denver, annually is Joseph Downs, son of construction will advance tern ity o f Christian Doc­ 70) has had no unhappy conducts an Archdiocesan ’the front of the church to Mr. and Mrs. John P, n trine cIu8.sos at the same results. In fact, says Fa orphans’ party and St. within nine feet of -18th Downs o f Wheatridge, rep­ LIPPINCOTT time parish meetings are thor iMoynihan, it seems to Patrick's day events which street. Wider, all-new resenting Xi chapter of being held. Sisters of have had a stabilizing ef include shamrock cam­ pews, seating 500 rather J'ect, iwssibly the result of Bellarmine college, Lou­ HEARING AID CENTER Charity of Leavenworth paigns throughout the than the present 240 ca­ from neighboring Annun­ rou tin g traffic th at once isville. Ky. area. Proceeds of the drive Mr. Buerkle w ill be available s pacity, will be. arranged so ciation parish hold classes came directly through the UNDER banners pro­ are donated to various loc­ for service and consultation that everyone w ill have a fur 350 parish youngsters. parish over it at high claiming the fraternal’s a l children’s agencies and lu ll view of the altar. sjjeed. motto, ''A Man is Known in your home, at your convenience. An auxiliary heating institutions, including St. . The building project will by His Friends,” Bonafede, His new affiliation will place system w ill increase the V in cen t’s home fo r boys, ANNOUNCEMENT of in effect give the parish its ADG national steward, comfort o f the church and Denver. at his disposal the very newest the expansion came on the first permanent church. basement in the winter, welcomed to Denver more • SCHEDULED for the in electronic hearing instruments, by eve of the parish's 15th Tho original’ structure was than 200 delegates o f the and air conditioning will closing days of the conven­ anniversary. Father Moy- designed for possible use as extend to the basement as f r a t e r n it y ’s 15 chapters tion are election o f nation­ nihan .was installed as lii'st well as the church proper. a liall if’ another church from throughout the coun­ a l officers, general business Tie your boat to a firm dock. •pastor Sept. 1, 1951, New lighting w ill show tho building were ever con­ try. Also welcoming the a u d i v o x meetings, an awards ban­ Do as others are doing, Entrances with double church interior to its best structed. representatives was Ben­ tie to Aurora National for FULL. quet, and the convention whose hearing aids are licensed under pafents of doora on each -side o f the ad\*antage. The enlarged church w ill jamin Aranda, national SERVICE banking. COMPLETE ball to be held F’riday eve­ the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, now wing and a third en­ The remodeling will end the major problem of president of Alpha Delta ning, Aug. 26. Western Electric Company, Inc., BANKING FACILITIES trance toward the rear will bring enlargement, of tho accommodating all-the Gamma, who dedicated the and Bell Telephone Laboratories, Ina can help keep your financial parishioners and visitors Third Order to Hold Mr. Buerkle w ill also be able boat steady. o n Sunday, To do so, six Meeting Aug. 28 to provide repairs and supplies Cystic Fibrosis Unit Ma.sses have been held ev­ ery Sunday, and seven on Members of the Third for SONOTONE as well as for O rder o f St. Francis, St. h o ly days. Even so, there all other makes of hearing aids. Launches Fund Fhrive Elizabeth fraternity, Den­ AT NO EXTRA COST have been "standing room DAVE LINDQUIST Owner He invites you to call Upon him ver, w ill meet Sunday, only at some o f the Mass­ 19 Years On The Job Experience **Give a Child a Breath Colorado chairman o f the A u g . 28, 3 p.m., in St. On Three Continents at his new address es. 71t 17th Street o f L ife” is- the theme o f the drive is Mrs. Adolph Coors Elizabeth’s school, Denver. 23rd FI. New Western Fed. SUITE 616 REPUBLIC BUILDING Savings Blag. annual fund-raising, lU. THE BASEMENT hall Plans have been com­ SIXTEENTH & TREMONT STREETS / \ u r o r a campaign of the Cystic F i­ has been nearly as con­ pleted for the annual day DENVER, COLORADO 80202 National Bank REFERRING to the of recollection to be held LINDQUIST brosis Foundation. A 30- gested, with games, tho TRAVEL SERVICE Telephone 266-0983 day period, which began theme; Mrs. .Coors said: Sunday, Sept. 25, at St. Hours: 9:30 a.m. til 4:15 p.m . Noon Saturday CCD classes, and meetings Tel. 825-7175 Aug. 15, has been pro­ 'Rarely has a phrase been of scouts. Altar Society, Clara’s orphanage, • Denyer, 1 Hour Free Parking La Shells Other times by appointment LCOltAX AT IRONTOR PHONE m-nn claim ed by Gov. John A . so appropriate, since chil­ Men's Club, etc. The high­ at 10 a.m. ______1725 CalHornia______Love as Cystic Fibrosis dren w ith Cystic Fibrosis ly active parish presented Month. literally stru ggle for the a real scheduling problem very breath of life. Born according to Father Moy- with an unknown chemical nihan. The double base­ Forty Hours' abnormality their bodies ment now will allow produce a thick mucus simultaneous meetings Devotions which clogs the lung. This and/or classes. Spend Only What Your Family August 28, 1966 same tenacious mucus also Bill Monroe is architect XIII Sunday - blocks the ducts of the and William Guy Law con­ After Pentecost pancreas, creating digestive tractor I’or the remodeling, * St, Gertrude, problems.” which is expected to be Strashurg . Funds raised through the completed in about two * Missions marked annual appeal help support months. Can Afford •with an asterisk (*) may a network o f 30 regional The plans for tho remod­ have 13 Hours* of Expo­ Cystic Fibrosis care, re-, eled church wore viewed sition of the Blessed search and teaching cen­ by parishioners at a meet­ Sacrament instead of 4U ters thi-oughout tho "United ing two weeks ago. Hours*. States. NEW 1967 RAMBLERS. W ILL BE ARRIVING IN NEXT FEW WEEKS....MEANWHILE....OUR NEW 1966 MOD­ ELS CRAVE YOUR ATTENTION...AT GREAT­ LY REDUCED PRICES, COME IN NOW AND "PICK A DEAL" "YOU PICK A CAR"...WE W ILL GIVE A DEAL". Our more than 46 years as a recognized leader in funeral services, in Denver, is our guarantee of your complete satisfaction. » a m b le r Your Friendly Giant Killer mortuaries FEDERAL BLVD. AT SPEER 1091 SO. COLORADO BLVD. at AAISSISSIPPI • S K Y L IN E 7-1238 P.S. OUR NEW CAR LOT NEEDS 5700 W. COLFAX • G R A N D 7-1625 TO LOOK LIKE THIS AD - DO IT NOW...BUY SOMETHING 233-6595 “Denver’s Catholic Mortuaries”

i j A Page 4 DFNVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thursday, August 25, 1966 Whafs Wrong With Being SO? V 1

movement. I remember (What*8 wrong with Happy birthday to me! I the statement becomes However you put it, I have lived 50 years, and I when dark-skinned people P i 8A C A ^70$C //00l,.S //£A /^P A /A /FO /eS O A ^i^.,.S ^S A /eJO yFO /eoW S ^. being 50 years old? am 50 years old, and by that "Old age is 20 years were "niggers," and now I Nothing, whatsoever, the time you read this, I older than you are.” hope there are 50 more ahead. With all the have friends whose skin claims Monsignor M. C. will be past 50. There are many adages color makes no difference. Deason, editor of the Fifty is a nice round to be recalled as these changes that have come to this world in the years So many things have T( Austin, Tex., **L.one Star number, and by the time significant birthdays click changed in these 50 years. off; "You are only as old that I have known it, I R egister.” On his some people get to be 50, Give me fifty more. as you feel.” "You are would surely like to stay Reli birthday, July 29, he they are nice round As I celebrate this 50th wrote the following people. Fifty is half a only as old as your around to see what visior happens in the next 50. birthday, I only wish that break editorial. Because of its hundred. I have lived half ideals.” "Age is relative.” I were celebrating the "Too soon old, too late morni refreshing approach and a century, and when it is 25th as a priest. It could inspiring manner, we put that way, it seems to sm art.” "Youth Is’ too I C A N remember horses prime be that way if there had be a long time. But the wonderful to be wasted on and buggies because I am audier present it to our not been other things to readers—Editor) older one gets, the truer young people.” old enough to remember direct! them, but I am young do when I finished high castin enough to appreciate school, but perhaps it was Denve • Strings to the Bow sports cars. I remember best that there were other Fat: when not very many things to do. Perhaps all thews homes had telephones and that is part of what has tive s( when our family got the made life so livable, but I olic A first radio in the know that no part of it T e le v Strange Allies neighborhood, and now I ever compared with the (C A R ' marvel at colored TV. I priesthood. w ay i By Frank Morriss rem em ber the great days b rin g of the railroads and IF I HAVE done ming i In mid-summer 30 years the cost were the loss o f La Pasionaria claim ed Railway Express horses anything right in these 50 standa ago the Spanish military that which makes national the friendship of Catholics that were the most years, I hope most of it cial bre attacked a government existence worth while? and even nuns during the beautiful animals in town, has been during these past " I a I that had admitted Commu­ This is granting e.en that Civil War in Spain. The and now 1 love to fly by 13, that is since I became ought nists, and was in fact far Communists had the key question is, how did such jet. a priest. God knows. God c ia l c< down the road toward set­ to economic betterment, friendship survive the bru­ I was born during a knows, too, where this th e va ting up a little Kremlin in which all experience shows ta l and savage attacks — war, served in q war, and Church of ours is going th is fi Madrid. The Communists they do not. yes, bestial attacks — vis­ would do it again if my during the next 50 years. thews i to this day admit only a ited on priests, monks, country needed me. I lived I hope I can be a part, of E c u t temporary defeat, and look THOSE young priests, nuns; the destruction of through a depression, and it as long as He waiits stressei forward to an ultimate re­ La Pasionaria cites as be­ churches, the desecration of everytim e 1 hear someone me, as long as I can move benefit turn to power in Catholic lievin g in both God and relics? say, "What this country with it and love the tions, ’S Spain. socialism are selling God needs is another people who make it. the plui Guess I will never look On the 30th anniversary short — for the triumph o f WHERE has Commu­ depression,” I shiver. back to the good old days. of the revolt, Communists Marxism means the defeat nism ever shown a simple, I remember adults THE It’s the good new days that claim that they • will even­ of the right to educate democratic concern for talking about all the menical tually win out with the one’s children as believers. people’s welfare — all "flappers” and "jellybeans” count. one pha help of Catholics — in Thus, as sincere as such people, believers as well as who were going to hell, the Seco contrast to the opposition priests may be, they are at n on -beli.evers,. and now I hear other th at sh o f Catholics in 1936. There war with God’s revelation, anti-Communists as well as adults talking about all A u g u s t broadcas is no reason to believe helping to guarantee His Communists? the "new breed” on the said. He they are lying. words w ill be officially When one answers that way to hell, and I am I n t e n t i o n s .the emp banished from the land. To question truthfully, he glad to know that even in of the la The Apostleship of FIRST, the claim is be with the Commimists in must next conclude that the time o f Socrates adults mission. made in the pages o f the the economic struggle is there can be no sharing of talked about the younger Prayer general intention " I f tl inevitably to be with them New York (communist) aims with Marxists. generation that way. for August is: **Lay p lace fc W orker, where it could in their atheistic struggle. Listening In Listen, if you will, to I was a Catholic when Apostles in Non-Chris­ the Chu benefit them little or noth­ You cannot hold up a rob­ these who say we have a not many people in these tian Countries.” ficltl.” 1 ing were it false. Listen to ber’s arm out of humani­ common cause with the parts were Catholics. The mission intention should the words, o f Dolores Ibar- tarian motives, and not Communists. But if you Other kids used to call us ■for August is: "Conver-- prepare! ruri, known as "La Pa­ share the blame of the The Desert K night want to share their cause "catlikkers.” And now we sion of India Through he's goii sionaria.” It was she who bullet that cuts down the — then be willing to share are all Christians together the Gospel’s Social ful. By Bishop Robert J. Dwyer headed the Communist innocent. their shame! in a great ecumenical T eaching.” Party in Madrid, and who What, though, of the saw it grow from 30,000 in case in which Catholics The cliches, poor things, have all ponderous inefficiency of J a n u a ry , 1936, w hen it and Communists are said • Comment for Today been exhausted. He was the Padre on governmental redtape. Small comfort came to political power, to to share common goals? Lore Horseback. He was the solitary that he could occupy his time by 100,000 in July, when Are we to forsake support knight-errant riding over the Rim of entering into an amiable scientific Franco led troops from A f­ of reforms that Commu­ Christendom. He was the classic image debate with his Jesuit confrere, rica to free Spain. Her nists support? One Life^ One Kopeck of the bronzed, weather-beaten Siguenza y Gongora, on the nature of boast of the half-year Do ■ not be misled. Com­ frontiersm an, shading his eyes to peer the comet of 1680, "which was seen growth in party member­ munists never share com­ By Paul H. Hallett into the Land of Far Distances, his all over the w orld.” He was ship is proof enough that mon goals w ith Catholici­ beloved Pimeria Alta. He was easily the preparing to study the stars of the Spain was snatched back ty. I f Communists support About the only time the o f life and death. Its title that produce violence in King of the Cattlemen, counting his desert. from the brink of full Com­ some particxilar reform, it name o f the Russian coin. is A Sign for Cain, by the our society’ we are uncon­ herds in the thousands along the Altar munism by Franco’s action. is because they have care- kopeck, occurs in Eng- renowned psychiatrist. Dr. scious of. The wide-spread and the Magdalena, or over the ranges A t tedious last the company breasted H ere is the siuation as fu lly calculated their ac­ lish is in the cynical Frederic Wertheim. fear o f a population explo­ o f San Xavier del Bac or Tucumcari. the ramparts of the Valley of Mexico she sees it today: "Commu­ tion w ill advance the phrase, "one life, one ko­ In this book Dr. Wer­ sion is a case in point. and caught sight o f the proud towers o f nists, Socialists, and Cath­ triumph of the atheistic, peck.” It alludes to the theim explores the causes And yet they create a cli­ Few missionaries or pathfinders in the great Cathedral. Henceforth his olics are fighting together. classless society. Therefore, time, during the Bolshevik o f violence in our society. mate in which violence ea­ all the American story ranged farther transitions would be much more rapid, The Catholics are our best any Catholic support for revolution, when life was A man heavily influenced sily occurs. or performed more valiantly than m ore purposeful. The firs t assignment allies today. We disagree the same reform must be cheap. by Marxism, he is not one Eusebio Kino, priest of the Society of was to Lower California. As we look with them on scientific given in such a manner A kopeck is worth one- with whom I agree in all SO M E people may hon­ Jesus. When he came to die, in 1711, back, it is incredible how much energy, questions, but we work to­ and to such a degree as to hundredth part of a ruble, points, but his general estly believe that the kill­ at the little pueblo of Magdalena, in persistence, and dauntless courage were gether for the people. And avoid the danger of such which at par value was thesis I heartily endorse: It ing of an unborn child is what is now the State of Sonora, they worth 25 cents in the days poured over the devouring sands of that the Catholics tell the triumph. Catholic support­ is that violence is a social nothing more than a mis­ buried him in the chancel of the of the Tsars. This would inhospitable land. With what prodigality people that *we are with ers of reform owe it to phenomenon, having its demeanor, which should be adobe chapel, "on the Gospel side.’* make the kopeck .25 o f a o f manpower and talent, not to speak of the Communists in econom­ truth to be vocally and ac­ roots in the attitudes of legalized. But they cannot The chapel has long since vanished, •cent at the time the phrase royal funds, did Spain strive to secure a ic struggles.’ Many young tively anti-Communiat. the people who make up deny that it is an act of but now, 255 years later, they have originated. foothold on that rocky, barren, backbone priests say, *We are for Merely taking the attitude society. violence. Only 9,000 born discovered that hallowed spot and The value of a human of land, where even the rattlesnakes Socialism, and we believe that reform itself is suffi­ Although he does not persons were victims of identified the remains of the hero. life could be less than that, found life a tough proposition. Partly, of in God.’ ” cient anti-Communism is mention abortion. Dr. .homicide last year, but one course, it was the missionary instinct to La, Pasionaria, you may playing into Communists according to the Colorado Wertheim indicts as one o f Kino was bom in Segno, a village in statute which punishes the and possibly two million, ferret out the hardest assignments, be sure, is no fool. And hands. History proves thal the social attitudes that unborn people were killed the v a lle y o f Nonsburg, not fa r from when she says certain misdemeanor (not felony) of partly the anxiety of the royal — look at Cuba. lead to violence Malthusi­ in that time. It is not pos­ Trent, in the Tyrol, August 10, 1644, Catholics are her best al­ abortion by a fine of not government to secure the whole length o f The myth o f the crusad­ anism, the doctrine that sible to have that many 1 and was baptized Eusebio. The family less than $100 or more the California coast against the rapacity lies it would be well for us ing Communist fighting for the world is in danger name was spelled, variously, as Chini, than $2,000, or a jail sen­ lives taken without terrible of British pirate, French corsair, or to listen. social justice is so far­ from absolute overpopula­ Quino, or Kino, depending on linguistic tence of not less than a repercussions on the cli­ Russian dream of colonial There is a great deal of fetched that one wonders tion, and that anything we utility. For he was a man of the month or more than a mate of violence, which aggrandizement. There, at San Bruno, a speculation at the present why otherwise intelligent do to reduce the number o f borderlands, he who was to spend his year, or both. makes killing and all sorts little to the north o f La Paz, Kino found time that we can enter persons give it credence. people coming to the world mature years.on the Spanish A Boulder man reported­ o f other crime that much his first missionary experience. It was at collaboration with Commu­ One cannot find any jus­ is a positive good. As he T H E CC borderlands; his Tyrol was half-German, ly told authorities that he easier. once his great love. nists in the cause of social tification for the’ myth in says, this theory "devalu­ W e had better do some no area of < half-Italian, and remains so today, had performed as many as W ild rev o lt among the Tarahumara reform and economic jus­ history. ates human life as such serious studying about the th e o lo g y , though the bitterness o f nationalism is 5,000 abortions in five courses tht Indians of lower Sonora dictated the tice. Some believe we can­ v,'uCommunism iiixii u 111 a 111 '—— osup- M11- _ - _ and debases human sexu­ value o f an unborn life, or now exacerbated out of all reason. His fo r the ba temporary abandonment of California and not afford to do otherwise. posedly vitally interested released on ality.” the lives of those who are rearing and culture, however, were $2,000 personal recogni­ program, a concentration on the mainland. Two If, however, it is true as in the welfare o f the com­ As Dr. Wertheim points born will bo at kopeck wholly German, and it was hardly zance bond. tives in Cl years of exploration of the GuT had La Pasionaria says, that mon people o f Vietnam — out, many o f the attitudes value. surprising that he should be directed to equipped Kino for his next tas c, the such collaboration leads to proves itself interested only I f found guilty, this man Scripture, li the Jesuit foundations at Ingolstadt and evangelization of the Pimeria Alta, that Communist victory, how can in the promotion of Com­ could be punished by as Freiburg, bastians of the Baroque vast empire of northern Sonora and we afford it? For Commu­ munism. Anti-Communists little as a fine of $100 N e w s D e c which would work out at THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Revival. Th ere he made his university southern Arizona, stretching over to n is t Victory means forfei­ — whether they are help­ The dead .20 of one cent for each studies and succumbed to that where the mystery o f California, island ture of basic freedoms. less nuns, b lin d orphans, President ...... Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, D.D. stories anc unborn life. fascination with geography which was to or peninsula, lay hidden in the brackish What would it profit a na­ courageous village chiefs — Editor ...... Rt. Rev. John B. Cavanagh a p p e a r in serve him in such admirable stead and swamps. Here, in the rare river valleys, tion if it in fact gained are treated b ru ta lly and Associate Bus. M a n a g e r...... Rev. Daniel J. Flaherty Catholic I to qualify his most thrilling adventures in the occasional vegas, dwelt the Pimas economic betterment — i f shamefully. WE WERE aghast at Mfmaging Editor ...... Miles F. Porter M onday at in exploration as practical scholarship. the killing of eight .nurses Denver News Editor ...... Clement J. Zecha and the Papagos, the Yumas and the sp on d en ts He was not a man to waste his talents. in Chicago, and when a Associate Editors ...... Frank Morriss, Cocomaricopas and the Sobaipuris. They have their He was profe.ssed as a member of the sniper killed 17 people in Riordan, • Paul H. Hallett, would be his people, and his God their the "Regisl Society on Nov. 20, 1665, at the God. It was March, 1687, when Padre Austin we thought civiliza­ James R. Walsh, Chris Hemon, novitiate at Landsberg, Upper Germany. Great Sayings tion was breaking up. W e this time to K ino arrived at the frontier pueblo of Jack Bacon, and Ernest E. Sanche.” ication in i At the time the ferment of the think so little of the Cucurpe to begin his conquest. W hat a piece of work is we are eternal. — Baruch Production Manager ...... Robert W. Lynch missionary apostolate was boiling in this Thursday ist Nuestra Senora de los Dolores, not a man! How noble in rea­ Spinoza (1632-1677). charge that one man took Advertising Director ...... John J. Murphy heart-land of European Catholicism. many m iles-off, was his first mission son! How infinite in facul­ 1,000 unborn lives each Circulation Director ...... Julia M. Boggs Germans and Northern Italians, foundation; it would remain his official ty! in form, in moving, year since 1961 that th is ...... Hungarians and Poles, the Sedlemayrs homo until he died. In eight years’ time how express and admir­ story, prominently featured in the News for Aug. 19, Published Weekly by and the Salvatierras, the Grashofers and he had established a mission chain able! in action how Ike an Almost all our misfor­ the Ripaldinis, were all chafing for their did not appear in that THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (INC.) stretching up the valleys of the Altar angel! In apprehension how tunes in life come from the 938 Bannock Street, Denver, Colo. 80204 commissions to carry the Gospel to the wrong notions we have paper next day, or was and the Magdalena, and by 1700 he had lik e a god! the beauty o f Telephone, 825-1145 P.O. Box 1620 ends of the earth, inspired by the penetrated as far as San Xavier del Bac, the world! the paragon o f about things that happen to buried. example o f their own Jesuit patron, St, near modern Tucson. The endless land us. To know men thor­ A safe prediction is that, animals! — Shakespeare Subscription: $4.00 a year. Francis Xavier, in whose honor Kino by then was criss-crossed by his trails, if anything comes of the (Hamlet, II, ii). oughly, to judge events Canada, $5.50 a year per subscription. would add Francisco to his name. twice to the Colorado river, over to the sanely is, therefore, a great Boulder case, it will not be Throwing up what promised to be the a tigh tening o f the abor­ Foreign countries, including Philippines, $7.00 a year. Gulf, in tireless search for a land-route step towards happiness. — makings of a brilliant university career tion law but its abolition Second Class Postage Paid at Denver, Colorado. to what he knew now (he had always I am a citizen, not of Stendhal (1783-1842). in mathematics, the young priest sought or liberalization. The argu­ known it) as indeed a peninsula. Mostly A thens or Greece, but of 42 CHURt his marching orders for the Far East, for ment will be that, since so he traveled alone, unafraid of the the world. - Socrates g o o d : Malacca or the great hope of the natives, though on several occasions, (469-399 B.C.). many abortions are now Manchu Emperors o f China. Instead, he when the flame o f revolt swept over the * * * To realize that God is being . . performed by ama- OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER was perforce consoled by the obedience tribes, it w’as touch and go whether they Wonders are many, and fa r beyond an yth in g we teurs, they should be done The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial which sent him off in the opposite would kill him or spare him. Under his none is more' wonderful think, that is the mind’s by professionals. This is approval. We confirm it as the official publication direction, to the New World and the dynamic leadership the missions than man. — Sophocles achievement. — St, Thom- rather like saying that, of the archdiocese. Whatever appears in its columns 1633 fabled Viceroyalty of New Spain. nourished, and the mission herds, staff o f (495-406 B. C.). as A q u in a s: E x p o s itio n since so many murders are over the signature of the Ordinary or those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. life in this desert land, waxt^i fat. The * * * of the De Divinis Nomi- committed nowadays, they We hope The Register will be read in every surplus would be shipped across the Gulf We feel and know that nibus. should be made legal for Three mortal years idled by in the home o f the archdiocese. process of getting there, years spent to feed Padre Salvatierra and his men like Oswald and W e urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cult, in Seville and Cadiz, delayed by neophytes, in the revived field o f Lower Whitman, who knew how to handle a gun. vate a taste in the children o f the archdiocese for storms and shipwrecks and the California. the reading of The Register. Persuasion, ^ A hook has just appeared ^Minds in our day are to be governed by respcicting that T regard as the best +U R B AN J. VEHR their freedom, not by restraining it, and men in author- treatment yet of one of the Archbishop of Denver Rt. Rev. Matthew J. Smith, Ph.D. Founding Editor, Register System o f Catholic ity must be more ready to convince than to command.” most v ita l issues o f our Feast o f St. Francis de Sales Jan. 29, 1960. ______Newspapers 1913-1960 — Orestes Brownson. time — literally a matter" T Poor Religious Thursday, August 25, 1966 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 5 Jesuits Moving Info Mainstream rem em ber ned people Programs Need and now 1 Of Life; Open, TV, Film Office hose skin difTerence. ig s h a v e Detroit — The past hence it is important that realize that they could that have such depart­ To Be Upgraded president and now chan­ ! 50 years, people can live at ease and n e ver keep up with the ments and build them cellor of the University of effectively in such a ire. Religious radio and tele­ of any size in the coun­ load if they insisted on where they arc not. And Detroit will move to Wash­ world.” conventional teaching this 50th vision broadcasting should try, there are qualified, we hope that these ington next month to head methods. "Television is one schools’ graduates will wish that break out of the "Sunday creative laymen . . . On the latter point, he the national office o f the of the new methods we get into the field.” ttin g th e m orning ghetto" into the ready and willing to asserted that the national Commission for Television, must not only develop but .. It could prime time periods when help, to give their talent, Film and Radio of the office of the commission u tilize to its utmost," he In his new post, the there had audiences arc greatest, the if they could be assured Society of Jesus. would not confine itself to said. Jesuit, who once said of things to director of the U.S. broad­ their talent will be used The appointment o f Rev. the J e s u it colleges and :hed high professionally.” universities but that it his appointment as presi­ casting apostolate said in Celestin J. Steiner, S.J., Father Steiner told the ps it was CARTA’s function is to would become involved in dent of the U. of D. that "I Denver recently. was announced last week R egister some of his ideas fere other Father Francis J. Mat­ make grants, on matching On Regis College Faculty by the Very Rev, Peter all phases o f Jesuit activity started at the top,” will regarding his new post: $rhaps all thews of St. Louis, execu­ funds basis, to help finance Arrupe, superior general of in North America where chair the executive com­ Two recent additions to the staff of Regis col­ Everything about this what has various Catholic broad­ the Jesuits in Rome. knowledge and practice of m ittee of radio, film, and tive secretary of the Cath­ lege, Denver, are Mrs. Elfriede von Glinski, left, program in regard to the ble, but 1 casting programs. Its first radio, film, and television television delegates from olic Am erican Radio and instructor in German, and Michael R. Turner, media is positive — in art o f it awards were made recent­ might be valuable.. the 14 provinces o f the Television Apo.stolate mathematics instructor. Mrs. Von (Jlinski, a na­ F A T H E R Steiner, 68, education as well as com­ w ith the (CARTA), said the only ly , and totaled $52,000. w ill leave U. of D. after 17 Jesuits in North America. tive of Berlin, Germany, has served part-time on mercial operations.” He also will represent w ay it can be done is to The organization’s goal is years in top administrative The Jesuit moves into the faculty. Turner comes from Oklahoma City, the United States and bring religious program­ an eventual annual budget "positions at the motor city the new post with good Okla. "S u rely images as well Canada on the Internation­ E d o n e ming up to the professional of $750,000. school. In his new post he qualifications. He pioneered as knowledge shape these 50 In effect, CARTA’s mis­ w ill lead the American and in the establishment of al Commission for Social standards of the commer­ people,” he observed, "so if ost o f it cial broadcast industry. sion is encouragement of Canadian operations o f the Channel 56 and the De­ Communication of the im ages shape the lives of hese past quality, professional broad­ society’s work in the radio, troit Educational Television Jesuit Order. "1 also think that there Fr. James Courneen people why cannot people 1 became television, and film media. Foundation in the motor ought to be more finan­ casting. shape images.” aws. God Father Steiner told the city. cial cooperation among "T h e aim is to update FRESH • BEAUTIFUL e re this fho various religions in our concept of religious "National Register” that Given Bolivia Post He said, "We hope to FLOWERS is going this field,” Father Mat­ programming,” Father "the first thing we hope HE A LS O established a strengthen FAST DELIVERY )0 years, thews said. Matthews said. to do is to bring about communications arts de­ PHONE & CHARGE communications arts de­ i part, of Ecumenism should be After one year at the who have been spirited out an awareness of the im­ partment including televi­ partments in our schools e warlts stressed, he said, for the SUBSTANTIAL M aryk n oll house in Den­ of Communist China pact of these media, sion as a formal course in an move benefit of broadcasting, sta­ progre.ss has been made in ver, the Rev. James Cour­ through Hong Kong which have caused a po­ 1952 at the U. of D. In L A K E S ID E COIN SHOP 'v e th e tions, "which must exist in recent years, he said. neen, M.M., will return to through assistance from litical, cultural, and so­ that same year, he spoke t. to a convention of broad­ For quality service and top buys the pluralistic society.” "I think program quality the missions in Bolivia, the World Council of cial revolution.” In coins, stamps and supplies. Ev- ver look is on the upswing because where at one time he spent Churches. He said, "We live in an casters in Columbus, Ohio, erything for ine collector. We also )ld days, THE NEED for an Ecu­ more and more Bishops are many years, before return­ * Santa Cruz is a booming image-saturated world, on the subject of educa­ buy coins. Special I2J Lincoln lays that tional television and cents—all different dates and mint menical approach is only beginning to think of the ing to the United States in center of oil-fieid develop­ Serra Conference m arks, from 1909.fo 1965, only one phase of the spirit of Church’s place in commun­ 1961. ment, sugar mills, cotton swelling enrollments and S15.00. LAKESIDE COIN SHOP told them that they had to King Soopers Concourse, Lakeside' the ^con d Vatican Council ications as a necessity Father Courneen, who farms worked by migrants To Hear Shopping Center. that should pervade the rather than a luxury," he worked in Denver, and from the highlands, and tra ve led to areas in New rice plantations cultivated Atlantic City, N.J. — broadcasting apostolate, he said. Serra club members in the said. He said the other is Fifteen’ years ago, only Mexico, Wyoming, Kansas, by Japanese and Okina­ IS Nebraska, Utah, and oth­ wans. Gradually these agri­ New York-New Jersey- the emphasis on the place eight dioceses in the coun­ Eastern Pennsylvania area of the laity in the Church’s try m aintained radio and er states on behalf of cultural enterprises are h ip o f Maryknoll support and vo­ w ill conduct a conference mission. television offices. Now swinging the national itcntion cations, will leave Denver Sept. 23-25 at Haddon Hall ”lf there ever was a there arc more than 50, economy from importation Sept. 1 for the Maryknoll hotel here. Several prelates * *L a y place for the layman in and Father Matthews said to exportation of such headquarters at Ossining, staples as sugar and rice. are scheduled to address -C hris- the Church, it is in this there has been a corre­ N.Y. From there he will the conference. field,” he said. *'A man sponding appreciation of depart in early October to tention should he professionally the importance "of hiring his mission post near San­ iJonver-’ prepared for this field if DENVER'S OLDEST AND FINEST MUSIC STORE and p a y in g W’e l l ” "the ta Cruz, Bolivia. tro u gh he’s going to be success­ professional* laymen needed > o c ia l ful. for qu ality programming. REPLACING him at ” ln every community (Jack Bacon > the Denver house will he the Rev. J. David Sullivan M.M., o f Indianapolis, Ind., Loretto Heights Names who has been stationed since his ordination six L m g i t * C am years ago at the Maryknoll house in Chicago. r Theology Professor Father Courneen will 3llett N e w assistant professor ism, and the history of stationed in the east- Back-to^School of theology at Loretto religion. ern 'lowlands »--J- of-r Bolivia, nee in Heights college, Denver, is Other members of the an area of poverty and uncon- Sister Elaine Marie Pre- theology department in­ need. Nearby Santa Cruz spread ' vallet, a native of St. clude Sister M. Simone and is a frontier-style town. P I A N O S A L E explo- Louis, Mo., F. Gerard Varlea. Most of Santa Cruz UmilEIISin Kills BIHK people are descendants point, who recently U S E D G R A N D PIANOS a d i­ received her Allaby Aid of Spaniards who ar­ ce ea- Ph.D. degree rived half a century be­ WAS N O W celebrates the completion from Mar*» fore the first Englishmen Conover 6’ - 1” (Professional) . . $2495 $1890 q u e t- t e settled in North America. of its expansion and remodeling Project Has A m o n g some of the re­ ■ hon- university. At Ellington 5' - 5” (Baldwin Built) $1095 $ 740 cent immigrants. Father 5 kill- one time sho Howard 4’ - 8” (Baldwin Built) $ 645 $ 490 Courneen said, are those ivith a ild is taught at St. Area Contact Kimball 5 ’ - 3 " ...... , $1050 $ 790 . mis- M a r y ’ s ild be a c a d e m y , The work o f the late Dr. Lester 5' - 3” (Cabinet Bad).. $ 495 $ 325 annot I Denver. Ernest E. Allaby of Denver STILL Knabe Player Grand . $ 2 3 9 5 $ 1 7 9 0 ict of Hr. Kinine M a rie She join S in caring for the needs of born the theology department, the Tarahumara Indians in NEW AND USED PLAYER PIANOS as o f which has been expanding Mexico has gained atten­ GROWING! t one its faculty and curriculum. tion again through a story WAS N OW illion According to Sister M. written by the Rev. Lee NOW Francis de Sales, chairman Kaspari, assistant pastor of Kimball Walnut Console (new) . . . $ 1 4 8 5 $1150 dlled OVER pos- of the department, courses Our Lady o f Fatima par­ Pianola (Used) ...... $ .945 $ 720 . . . and you get the gifts! nany have been chosen and con- ish , Lakew ood, that ap- Baldwin Upright ...... $------$ 595 Tible structed to incorporate the peared in the July 21 issue Knabe Player Grand .. $2395 $1790 ! cli- rec en t d evelop m en ts in o f the Register. 7 , 0 6 0 hich Scripture and theology foi- Many persons have in- sorts lowing Vatican IL quired about assisting the SPINET AND CONSOLE PIANOS CARS SOLD! - auch program o f material aid in FREE GIFT FOR YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT - T H E C O L L E G E offers the form of medicine and SINCE MARCH 1, 1963 Quality Rental Returns— Floor Models Your Choice of Any One of These Item s When You Open a New Savings Account no area of concentration in >omo clothing for these Indians', (with New Guarantee) for $100 or More—or Add $100 or More to Your Present Savings Account theology, but schedules the who are being cared for courses that are required WAS NOW 3, or under a-program originally ED TYNAN'S for the bachelor of arts are set up by Dr. Allaby. Group 1. Spinet Pianos ...... •. $ 590 $481 program, and other elec­ )eck Spearheading the project Group 2. Spinet Pianos $675 to $ 695 $540 tives in Church history. in the Denver area is Mrs. £ t u L C o if a x Scripture, liturgy, ecumen- Group 3. Spinet Pianos. $845 to $ 925 $640 Lois Allaby, the doctor’s CHRYSLER widow, whose present ambi­ Group 4. Cons. Pianos . $895 to $1075 $690 News Deadline! PLYMOUTH 2 R tion is to see the realiza­ INC. The deadline for news tion of the Dr. Ernest E. USED SPINET& CONSOLE PIANOS i.D. stories and pictures to Allaby Memorial Rehabili­ NEW igh appear in the "Denver tation Center, to be built » Uncirculated 1883 • British Commemorative • Mint Set of U.S. Coins rty 1966 VALIANT Catholic Register” is in Creel, Mexico. WASNOW Stiver Dollar Churchill Crown Including 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar ter M onday at 9 a.m. C orre­ Persons desiring to $1,795 :ha Hardman Spinet (Poor Cond.)...... $____ $145 spondents are asked to give donations of any Please, only one item to an account. iss, Lester Spinet...... $ 495 $360 have their material at amount or who seek in­ 3tt, the "Register” office at formation on the project Lester Spinet ...... $ 525 $390 this time to assure publ­ can contact Mrs. Allaby, 6225 E.C0UFAX Story & Clark Spinet ...... $ 575 $490 ication in the following r d . 3 9 9 -0 6 3 0 ich 2065 Newcombe street, Thursday issue. Lakewood, Colo. Winter Spinet...... $ 575 $490 hy Wurlitzer Spinet ...... $ 495 $420 Wurlitzer Spinet ...... ' ------$ 445 $390 Unlock Our Treasure Chest Kimball Spinet ...... $ 545 $470 HUNDREDS OF GIFTS Kimball (Artist Console) ...... $1395 $895 Select a key. and try your luck at our Treasure Chest. If you open the chest, you will receive one of hundreds of worthwhile gifts. 20 C O M E V ISIT -PLUS- SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNTS ON THE ALL NEW ALL ^ SEE THE “INSIDE STORY” NEW PIANOS & ORGANS IN S T O C K Let one of our guides take you through the bank—and behind the scenes—so you can see and hear the full story of how our bank safeguards your moneyl CHURCH RELIGIOUS DENVER'S OLDEST AND FINEST MUSIC STORE GOODS ARTICLES

1633 Tremont 534-8233 Open Monday thru Thursday until S pm, open Friday until 8 pm (FORMERLY CLARKE'S CHURCH GOODS) InTgi-t^Campii the growing

- COMPLETELY BLiviODELED STORE UNIVERSITY (In Denver’s ytuaic Cetiler) 1617 CALIFORNIA STREET 534-7131 H I L L S r \ H K HOURS: Open Monday 'til 8;30-Tue$. thru Sat. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 4201 EAST YALE AVENUE Mon. Thru Fri. 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. C U S T O M E R P A R K IN G - 1630 C a lifo r n ia S tre e t Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Sat. 9:00 A.M . to 4 P.M. or at any Go-Downtown Parking Lot Page 6 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thursday, August 25, 1966 Bethlehem Guild Workers Benedictine Sister To Be H o n o re d A u g . 28 Marks 50th Jubilee Sister Alcuin Seer of Enti The Bethlehem Fathers 1959 to assist the Bethle­ V. R. Fortin, was succeed­ Benet Hill priory, Colorado hem Fathers in their w ill honor the workers in ed by Mrs. Chas. M. M ill­ Springs, recently renewed foreign mission work, the Bethlehem Mission er, and the incumbent is her religious vows in cele­ boasts of a citywide guild at a garden party at Mrs. Raymond Mutz. bration of the 50th anni­ membership. The mem­ their hoome, 5630 E. 17th The V ery Rev. Anton J. versary of her profession as bers’ principal activity is ave.. Parkway, Sunday, Borer, S.M.B., who was a Benedictine Sister. the collecting and sort­ Aug. 28, from 2 to 4 p.m. named superior of the Attending the ceremo­ ing of medicine to be Bethlehem Fathers in the Present will be the Rev. nies held in Holy Trinity C lem ent Schaefer, S.M.B., used In Formosa. They United States in the spring P church, Colorado Springs, also have a corps of an accomplished guitarist. of 1959, is a resident of w ere Bishop Charles Bus- volunteer office workers, the Bethlehem mother- Mrs. Paul K. Graves is well of Pueblo, Mother a telephone committee, house. chairman in charge o f ar­ Liguori Sullivan, members and other workers. Persons interested in be­ rangements. of the community, and The first president, Mrs. The guild, organized in coming a member of the guests. Bethlehem Mission guild are asked to telephone Sister Alcuin, daughter Denver Native Recites DU8-3322. of the late Emil and Au­ gusta Seer of Frankfurt- Vows in California on-Oder, Germany, entered Sister Alcuin Archbishop’s the mission Benedictines at members o f the community Final vows in the Sisters Tutzing, Bavaria, and pro­ to the daughter house in of the Holy Names of Je­ nounced first vows at Mt. Colorado Springs. sus and Mary were taken Guild St. Scholastica a convent, During the past 40 recently by Sister M. Eliz­ Atchison, Kans., in 1916. years, she has tuaght in abeth Katherine Kirk at St. James circle will MRS. EDWARD M. MRS. JAY J. COAK- When Benet Hill priory W alsenburg, Monte Vista, MRS. RICHARD W. WE­ the College of the Holy meet in the home of Verna G E R IT Y , the former Bar­ LEY, the former Nancy w as erected in 1965, she Capulin, Conejos and Den­ BER, the form er Madine bara Gail Hellhake, is the Names in Oakland, Calif. Dowling Aug. 24 and Don­ Patricia Carr, is the transferred with 77 other ver. Ann H a b erk o rn , is the Celebrant of the Mass na Swaider will entertain daughter of Mrs. Fritz daughter of Mr. and Mrs. daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hellhake of Denver, was Bishop Floyd L. Begin St. Michael circle. David W. Carr o f Denver. George F. Haberkorn of and the late Mr. Hellhake. of Oakland. On Aug. 25 St. Therese Canadian Speaks Bridegroom is the son of Denver. Bridegroom is the Bridegroom is the son of Sister Elizabeth Kather­ Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah J. son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. ine is a native of Denver, home of Ann Vestal; St Coakley of Skokie, 111. At Benet Hill Priory Weber, Jr., of Denver. G erity o f Lakewood. The a graduate of St. Catherine Ann circle w ill attend the Double-ring ceremony was Ceremony was performed double-ring ceremony was of Siena grade and Holy play at Elitch’s Aug. 29, Colorado Springs performed Aug. 20 in Aug. 13 in Holy Rosary performed Aug. 13 in St. Family high school, and and St. Francis circle will Doctor Thomas Francoeur, Christ the King church, church, Denver. Vincent de Paul’s church, the daughter of the late dine out. Morning Star professor at St. Joseph Denver. A reception was Denver. Following the Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Kirk, circle will entertain Jessie college, Montreal, Canada, held. Following the wed­ wedding trip, the couple longtime St. Catherine Merloin at a party in the was guest speaker at Benet d in g trip, the couple will parishioners. Her new as­ home of Florence Chou- H ill Priory, Friday, Aug. will reside in Denver. reside in South Bend, In. Sr. M. E lizabeth signment is as assistant quette, and Immaculate 19. treasurer of Holy Names John R. Kirk, Boise, Ida., (Conception circle will meet Doctor Francoeur, lec­ college. Oakland. Mrs. Richard McGrath, at the home of Isabelle turer and counselor at St. Present at the cermony A rv a d a , and M rs. Anna McNamara. Peter Seminary, London, of final profession were May Martelon, Denver, On Aug. 1 Blessed V ir­ Ontario, Canada, speaking brother and sisters of the gin Mary circle will meet on "Modern Man: Confu­ Orientation Set newly professed. Also pre­ in the home o f Rose Raitz, sion in Horizontal Growth,” sent were Richard L. Mc- and Our Lady of the Rock­ stressed the need of un­ For Pink Ladies Garth and Andrew J. ies circle w ill meet in the derstanding, tolerance and Martelon, husbands o f the home o f Rosemary Tichey. trust in every man’s de­ St. Anthony hospital, nun’s sisters and Mr. and Helen Scavo is the hostess velopment, and emphasized T o Hospita* Denver, will have its fall Mrs. Andrew B. Martelon for Our Lad y o f Sorrows the necessity of genuine Beginning a one-year Pink Lady orientation pro­ o f Denver. circle and St. Joseph circle love in the Christian re­ gram Sept. 8, from 10:30 new al given new impetus residency at St. Joseph’s w ill meet in the home of hospital, Denver, is Sis­ a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This ses­ ACeW Board Frances Barnum. by the Vatican Council. sion is intended to train Dr. Francoeur was one of ter Mary Adrian, above, a Dominican Sister from new volunteers for Pink Announces Events Bank Advisor's Job the guest lecturers at last Lady hospital service. The A program of future week’s Biblical -Liturgical Grand Rapids, Mich., Goes to Catholic Nun who received her mas­ women w ill be guests o f activities was announced at institute at Holy Cross ab­ MRS. ROBERT J. DUF­ ter’s degree in hospital MRS. DONALD WIN- the hospital for lunch. a board of directors meet­ bey, Canon City. DHOLZ, the former Linda FY, the former Anna Mae Washington — (NC) — and bsincss administra­ The training program is ing of the Archdiocesan Sister Alice Clement, trea­ Lee Galterie, is the daugh­ Udry, is the daughter of MRS. ROBERT E. MUR- tion at Xavier university, without charge and is open Council of Catholic Women surer of Trinity College ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. PHY, the former Mary The deadline for news Cincinnati, O. to any woman who is in­ when members met re­ here, has been named to stories and pictures to Fred G alterie o f Denver. Udry of Denver. Bride­ Bernadette Fitzgerald, is terested in serving her cently in Boulder. the advisory board of a appear in the "Register” Bridegroom is the son of groom is the son of the the daughter of Mr. and community through hospi­ A handbook, containing branch of the D.C. Nation­ is Monday at 9 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Bonaventure late Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Bernard Carlin tal volunteer work. an outline of each com­ al Bank. Dr. James P. Gray Windholz of Arvada. Cere­ T. Duffy of Chicago, 111. Fitzgerald of Denver. For further information mittee program, was dis­ mony was performed Aug. The ceremony was per­ Bridegroom is the son of A graduate of Trinity, and reservations, persons cussed by a panel o f five OPTOMETRIST 20 in St. Catherine’s formed July 16 in Blessed D r. and Mrs. Joseph A. she worked in real estate may call Mrs. Mary Capps, Eyes examined church, Denver. Following Sacrament church, Denver. Murphy of Alton, 111.' Cere­ archdiocesan committee in P h ila d e lp h ia .fo r 10 volunteer services director, the wedding trip, the Following the wedding trip, m ony was performed July chairmen under the direc- years. Visual Care 825-9011, Ext. 2120 or Ext. couple will reside in Den­ the couple w ill reside in 30 in St. John the Evan­ tion of Mrs. BAKERIES Contact Lenses ver. Denver. gelist’s church, Denver. 2119. Reservations should M. A. Shoeneman, vice be made by Sept 7. president of the ACCW : HUNT CLEANERS Home o f Fine Pastries 213 Colo. Bldg. Presenting the program 66 So. Broadway 1615 Calif. Engaged were Mmes. Robert Hes- 1619 So. Colorado Blvd. Jesuit To Conduct seck, Herbert Edmond, 1550 Colorado Blvd. .For Appointment Call: Mr. and Mrs. John E. Herman Atencio, Hilbert 2410 East 3rd Ave. 825-8083 Garcia of Welby have Bridges, and Fred Star- Talks A t Retreat announced the eng^em ent buck.'P^eridrng was M rs’ of their daughter, Rumona, Raymond D. Nixon, presi- TRY The Rev. John Walshars, C o l o r a d o The Cali from Beyond to Sp/4 Rodney L. Vigil, dent. S.J., will conduct the con­ Springs. The and Splendor and Shad­ son of Mr. ferences at the Catholic r e t r e a t , ow s. and Mrs. A l­ Jalbij!dL. Nurses retreat Sept. 9-11 sponsored by Denver area nurses in­ fonso S. Vigil at El Pomar retreat house. t h e A r c h ­ terested in making the o f B u e n a FIRST d i o c e s a n retreat can make reser­ Park, Calif. MAR-LEE Fiesta Dislirs - Oiicn Slock Council of vations with Betty Mori- Bride-elect is Gifts - Hardware • Paint . RESTAURANT LOUNGE (ila.ss - To.ys iC a t h o 1 i c a r it y , 825-8975, by S e p t a graduate of 1M|)C Thrcndiiig iNurscs, is 7, or write to Sister Su­ M a p 1 e t o n Where An Window Slindrs - Key [open to all perior, El Pomar Retreat high school. Irish Welcome Duplicating j C a t h o l i c House, 1661 Mesa 0|>cn Friday Fvcnlngs Her fiance is Is Waiting For You Fr. W alihars nurses and Avenue, Broadmoor, serving with 32 Broadway 733-2910 professionals. Colorado Springs. t h e U .S . S e rv in g Father Walshars was MIm G a rc ia Army at Fort born in V ienna, Austria, Sill, Okla. A December Complete Luncheons and educated at the Uni­ Paramount Club wedding is planned. versity of Innsbruck. He And Fine Dinners PHIZ concluded his studies for Mass on Aug. 28 the priesthood in Shanghai, TRY AUGIE'S and was ordained by a Members of Paramount SPUDNUTS MAR-LEE Chinese Bishop. In 1945 he Club, Denver, will attend o v i r »172,OOOS*™ was assigned to missionary M ass at Guardian Angels (KING OF THE RESTAURANT & LOUNGE work in Communist Terri­ church on Sunday, Aug. DONUTS) 4359 W. Florida 28, at 10 a.m. Breakfast (IN KING SOOPERS CONCOURSE) tory in North China, and Lakeside Shopping Center Phone-93S-6440 served as an interpreter w ill follow. with the American Peace All New 2nd Series Mission during the war BONUS 9S3S V/. 58TH AVE. • 424-7723 Retreat League between the Nationalists Program # 111 and the Communists. WESTMINSTER At present teaching at The Rt. Rev. Monsi­ WEDDINGS 2895 W. 72NO AVE. • 428-5097 Start Playing Today gnor Michael Harring­ Cranwell school, Lenox, 1 HR. BINGO ton, above, pastor o f St. Mass., he is the author of CANDIDS Paul’s parish, Colorado In either Color or Black DRY CLEANING 810 E. 68TH AVE. • 287-5586 and White become trea­ Springs, is spiritual sured heirlooms when tak­ I DAY en by WHEATRIDGE director of the El Pomar JIM'S ENCQ SERVICE LAUNDRY 7393 W. 44TH AVfe. • 422-1438 W IN UP TO $ 1 0 0 0 Retreat League, which 1495 So. Federal Blvd. coordinates programs RORK RADIO PICK-UP PHOTOGRAPHERS and gives assistance to DISPATCH Open 24 H n. & DELIVERY 9 2 9 - 1 5TH ST. • 2 4 4 - 4 4 9 3 the retreat home. A spe­ Dick Bcttingcr V Ph. 934-9M2 1053 So. Gajloid Ph. 733 6076 2915 SPEER BLVD. • 433-6259 cial supplement on wom­ . £ n c o LEE O'CONNOR Get Your New Game Book BOINTXJS Jim Wining en’s retreats at El Pomar Member: Sis. Peter Ac Paul FORT COLLINS NEW SLIPS.... NEW BOOKS.... B I I\rC3rO Ed Poi retreat house, Colorado Parish 2215 SO. COUEGE • 462-0996 ! -(■RIZE S L IP Sales cor NEW GAMES.... NEW CASH PRIZES PROGRAM #111 Springs, is featured mount coi this week’s edition. Dr. JOHN R. COYLE, Optometrist NO 0BLIGATI0N....N0THING TO BUY w ill spot schools, 1 EYES EXAMINED - CONTACT LENSES Join a HAPPINESS “JOURNEY OF A m ong ANDERSON-HALL Coyle Building, 9355 E. Colfax, Aurora, Colo. ^ EULFILLMENT’’ TOUR One free prize slip per store visit. No purchase re­ color cont CMD ' days - See the Splendour of quired. Purchasers not favored. No need to pass sions, foi Complete Visual Service P'or Appt. Call 366-3981 EUROPE and participate in the Centennial Year through checkstand. Secure your free prize slip at ei­ and 10 bo' of our Mother of Perpetual Help- Weekly depar- ther end o f checkstand or from any employee other than in meat dept. Adults only. Bonus numbers may be tures uritil October - from $628 to $1522 from copied either from this ad, or from the poster displayed 6TH A V L N e w Y o rk . in our stores. Copying must be "hand printed” in plain block letters on a plain piece o f paper. a OLIVER'S: Other Catholic interest tours; Cruises and (c) W.J. J e ffery 1964 - A ll rights reserved. Strategic MARION Tours and Independent arrangements every­ Merchandising, 90 Park Ave., N ew York, N.Y. AAeat Market where; Wonderful selection o f Cartan, Tauck, ^‘Serving Denver Since 1923 With .Quality M e a t s ’ *^ Cooks, American Express and Berry " S e e Homeownars, America, Hawaii & Alaska.’* A uto, and CHOICE STEAKS - ROASTS ORDER' C om m trcla l HANRAHAN’S Iniuranca Fresh rouUiy Fish Phone 75G-0G3C - office 9 Pradwstaeat AAaat C iniars te serve Veu UNIVERSITY HILLS TRAVEL 333-9547 - res. Pkeec m -«m iiii ■. Ave. 2721 So. Colorado Blvd. - Ph. 757-7493 2330 So. Colorado Blvd. Denver, Colo. 80222 I ,■4 Thursday, August 25. 1966 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 7 Highlights I C Y O A c t iv it ie s CYO Dance Presentation The Archdioce.san CYO Enter Convent F irst V o w s 1845 Logan. Dr. William The CYO of Presentation will sponsor a dance on parish, Denver, will hold a Duunc A. Braunagel, E. Rhodes, executive direc­ Friday. Sept. 9,.at the car wash at 5th and Sher­ FSC, son o f Dr. and Mrs. tor of the Colorado Council Jefferson County Fair Magnus V. Braunagel of on the Arts and the Hu­ idan on Sunday, Aug. 28. grounds. Shirt and toe or Cost is $1 per car. St. M ary’s parish, Little- manities, will be the mas- school dress will be the ton, w ill pronounce first ter of ceremonies and will attire for the event. Ad­ .vows o f reli- present awards to the win­ mission is $1 per person. Guardian Angels g i o n as a ners and certificates of Music w ill be provided by The CYO of Guardian :C h r i 8 t i a n participation to all en­ the Daniels. Angels parish, Denver, will B r o th e r on trants in all categories. sponsor an ice cream social Aug. 22 at The program is open to the on Sunday, Aug. 28 from 2 the pro- public. Christian Living Weekend to 5 p.m. in the church V i n c i a 1 a t c hall. chapel in B e n e t H ill Miss Jean Anne Zeman, Lafayette, La. Final registration for Held By Leaders of CYO Saint Rose of Lima daughter of Dr. and iHe is a grad- students attending Renet Mrs. Anton C. Zeman. St. [uate o f Mul- T h e St. Rose o f L ima Hill academy, Colorado CYO is planning a bike B ernadette’s pari.sh, l.ake- Ie n h ig h Springs, w ill be held at hike to a surprise destina­ wood, and Janet Marie Duane liraui school, 2570 Chelton road, Colora­ The first ’’weekend of THE COMMUNITY de­ a rt do we h a v e in the tion on Aug. 28 from 11 community Rosera, daughter of Mr. Denver, and will continue do S p rin gs , on Aug. 29 Christian Living” spon­ velopment of working, Mystical Body?”, "What a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Riders and Mrs. Earl A. Rosera, college studies at the Col­ r house in from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. sored by the CYO was praying, singing and play­ is the lay apostolate?” are to be on the school o f St. Bernadette's parish, lege of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, s. Students will purchase conducted recently at the ing together gave the W’ere discussed com­ grounds by 11 a.m. Those 5 p ast 40 will enter the Sisters of N. Mex. Jefferson County Outdoor group an opportunity to pletely and effectively. Charity of Leavenworth, books, receive schedules of participating in the event tuaght in Investiture clas.ses and meet new and School of Education in Ev­ actually practice the The Archdioce.san offi- arc asked to bring their Kans. Miss Zeman i.s a ergreen. Thirty CYO lead­ Christian virtues so neces­ ante Vista, f Two Denver natives were returning teacher.s. Mem­ ci.'^ls hope to conduct the own lunch. Beverages will graduate o f Marycrest high ers including the Archdio­ sary for involvement in the t and Dcn- invested with the brown bers of the academy guild program in all area.s of the be provided. school, Denver. Miss Ros- cesan officers participated world. garb of the Order o f Friars will handle lxx>k and uni­ Archdiocese on a regular A general planning eru is a 1966 graduate of in the discussion and pro­ basis. Individual parish Cathedral high school. Minor on Aug. 15 in cere­ form exchange.s in the field meeting will be held Sept. htnise. gram designed to develop The Rev. Robert Syri- units should contact CYO Miss Jeanette Marie monies at St. Anthony No­ 2 in the school auditorium Sister .Mary !*ius Siem- a greater sense of Chris­ ancy. Archdiocesan headquarters for directions at 7:30 p.m. Haywood, the daughter vitiate, Cincinnati, O. They ann, principal, has sched­ tian involvement on the director of the CYO, and before holding a "week­ are Friar Hans (Robert) Michael John Domeni­ tof Mr. and uled Aug. 30 and 31 for part of the high school the Rev. Donald Prose, end.” Only two pronrams 1/entz, son o f Mr. and Mrs. co, above, son of .Mr. Mrs. James faculty orientation, and student. moderator o f the CYO o f officially sponsored by the I H a y w o o d , Robert I.x?ntz, Sr., Denver; and Mrs. Nick Domenico Sept. 1 as first full day of The "Weekend” program St. M ary’s parish, Little­ Archdiocesan office have laundry V a k e w o o d , and Brother Orlando (El­ o f L a k e w o o d , has been clas.ses. is an adaptation o f the na­ ton, worked with the been given ecclesiastical dry cleaning f will enter the mer) Lopez, son of Mrs. tionally adopted' "Search team which led and dir­ awarded a scholarship Although the million approval. Sisters of M aria Baca and the late for Christian Maturity” ected the discussions. through the University dollar building is not yet Charity of Santiago Baca, Denver. project of the Catholic of Colorado in recogni­ " U V ir r e the charm of ready for u.se, the admin­ Such questions as "W hat C uA CBlebrofeS Cincinnati in Friar Lentz and Brother Youth Organization. Christian?”, "What tion o f superior academ­ neiftiexi in rentored” istration has provided fa­ Pueblo. She Lopez now begin one year Anniversary ic achievement. He will lis a graduate of spiritual formation at cilities, including a mobile enter his senior year this M e m b e r o f: the novitiate. A t the end of unit, to handle all the • National Institute of ■of St. Berna­ The first anniversary of fall as a psychology ma- dette grade this training they will classes ofiered at registra­ Dry Cleaning tion last May. the Catholic Daughters of • American Institute school, make Ihcir first religious America troop St. Margaret News D e a d lin e ! vows. of Laundering Lakewood, and Cathedral Englewood Scouts M ary Alacoque, was cele­ high .schlee Club. S’ lC was award­ is a graduate of Alameda nic at Genese park. Re­ Utilizing the C.D. o f A. is M onday at 9 a.m. and delivery in Denver ed an hono' scholarship to Senior high school. Brother freshments were served by motto, "Be Useful,” the Mt. St. J'’-.-eph, Cincinnati, Lopez attended Cathedral and alt suburbs. one-year the I’ ack. Cub Master and girls participated in many '^1.. ui>o-. graduation. grade school and is a 1963 Mrs. Gerry Weld super­ activities throughout the Piano Joseph’s THE St. Mary Academy graduate of Cathedral high vised the arrangement for year. These projects were is Sis- school. 1, above, Students of St. Marys the event. geared to the spiritual and Lessons ter from academy, Denver, will re­ Teaching Grant Boys eight years or older cultural growth of the all-round junior. M ich ., c e iv e schedules and pu­ Kathy Lane, a Loretto who would like to join the In cultivating an ap­ ^ H a rm o n y er mas- rchase hooks on Monday Heights college junior, has group can call Gerry Weld, preciation of beauty in art, T ra in in g hospital moining, Aug. 29. accord­ won a ma.ster of arts 781-1924 or Roger LAUNDERERS ing to Sister Berenice, Thompson, 781-0659. music, and nature — pic­ Mrs. Norma Sands B.A, m Mosic AND ninistrn- teaching grant at the Uni­ C L E A N E R S principal o f the high school, Den meetings will begin nics. skating, hikes, con­ 6 Years experience. Formerly on iversity. versity of Denver. Miss certs. and group singing Sralt oi Wisconsin Conservatory of Phone M A . 3-428) and Si.ster Helen Terese, Sept. 13. Wel>eU will begin Music. 2500CURTIS iLa ne . who were planned to teach the principal o f the elementary Sept. 16. A I A meeting a reputation maintained jlivcs in Mo- teens to be good citizens school. !rri 11, Neb.. is scheduled for Sept. 30 in 121 Jackson 355-7065 since 1905 the parish hall. and homemakers o f the fu­ High school students w ill begin ture. will assemble in the for­ Iher studies at P o s t u la n t um at 8:40 a.m. and will .th e U n i ­ Members of the group Miss Catherine Louise receive their schedule of versity of Presentation CYO Officers are Terry Doyle, Sharon Bishop, Dowd. LeEdna Custer, Jo classes in their home­ Denver this daughter of New officers of the Presentation parish. Den­ .Marie Cocozzella, Cece rooms at 9:30 a.m. Books year. The Mr. and Mrs. ver, CYO are, left to right, Susie McDoygaJ, Eddie •McCloskey, Gerianne will be purchased be­ grant is fi­ Glen Bishop Wise, Mary Kay Dufficy, .Mike Hendricks and Bruno. Doreen Primavera, tw e e n 10 a.m . and 12 n a n c e d by of Fort Col­ Carol Conte. .Mary Pollock, .Mary Kay dg. noon. Grade school stu­ t h e F o r d Mino I.H lins, will en­ Schneider. Peggy Reilly, dents may purchase Foundation. ter the Sis­ and troop counselor, Con­ tC a ll: books and receive Youth Art Display ters of Lor­ nie Cocozzella. schedules anytime dur­ etto on Aug. Cathedral Club Lists f ing the morning, be­ The art objects entered in the Creative Arts Fes­ 28. She will tween 9 a.m. and 12 begin noon. tival by the youth o f Den­ ver are on display at the training at Candidates for Office Half-days of school will First National Bank, 17th the Loretto be in session on Tuesday, Candidates for offices of league. and Welton, Denver, Education center in Little­ Aug. 30, and W’ednesday, ton. A member of St. Jo­ the Cathedral club The organization is open through Aug. 26. Aug. 31. Students will be seph’s parish. Ft. Collins, announced recently at the to single Catholics over 21. The winning entries in in class from 8:40 until she attended St. Joseph’s August meeting are Jonny Interested persons may at­ the categories of music, 12-noon. A full day of grade school and is a Broderick and Tom Burns, tend the meeting on Sept. drama, creative writing, school, from 8:40 until graduate of Ft. Collins presiden t: Ed Ryan and 7 for more information or and oratory will be pre­ 3:10, will he in session on high school. Ron W olf, vice president: contact Miss Liz Krasinski, sented in a program on Friday. Sept. 2. and regu­ Eileen Hanrahan, secre­ ho.spitaliiy chairman, at lar classes will resume on Sunday evening. Aug. 28 tary; and Barbara Clark. 623-6347, or Sheila Moffat, at 7:30 p.m. at Malo Hail, Tuesday. Sept. 6. Patty Hajek and Marge publicity chairman, 424- Wenzinger. treasurer. 9185. Members in good stand­ ing will elect officers at the club meeting Wednes­ NORTH DENVER day, Sept. 7. Chairmen of PRIZE CLASSIC committees and editors of OPTICAL the Cathedral Call will be Seofing North Denver 22 Years appxiinted by the executive Complete officers to take office in Optical Service October. OPTICIAN THE CATHEDRAL Club is sponsoring a laibor Day D E W A Y N E weekend outing near W in­ IN G R A M PICK UP A P A D ter Park. Other September 477-5759 a ctivities include football 4022 > ,, LOOK UN THE EA. and pizza parties, a tour of T E N N Y S O N ST, Coors Brewery, Denver, the V o u Delegate n jiU IY SCHOOl SUPPU orphans’ benefit, and the Joseph Downs, above, formation of a bowling JOHNSON STORAGE & MOVING CO. son of Mr. and Mrs. Sister Ann Monica 221 BROADWAY John Downs, Denver, local a lon g Dttlanco Enjoys Monicker will represent Bcllarmine MOVING college, Louisville, Ky., Louisville. Ky. — (NC) at the National Alpha — Students of Ixirotto high Delta CJamma convention school here have a nick­ being held in Denver name for Sister Ann Mon­ Aug. 23-27. Downs, a Contest for Schools ica. She teaches music, so. 5 junior at Bcllarmine, is n a tu ra lly , she has been DIAL 722-285S president of the Xi chap­ O Ed Porter, above, vice president of Rockmont nicknamed "Sister Har­ A g,nt for UNITED VAN LINES ter. IP Sales company, has announced that the Rock- monica.” And she likes it. mount company, manufacturers of school papers will sponsor a contest for students, classes, schooLs, teachers and other interested persons. TRADITIONALLY ri THE FINEST IN | a t t e n d e v e n i n g c l a s s e s a t Among the 404 prizes to be awarded will be a PHOTOGRAPHY ^ color console televi.sion set, four portable televi- sion.s, fo u r p o rta b le stereophonic phonographs in REGIS COLLEGE and 10 boy’s and girl’s bicycles. DeCRecE Stidiio I 4iSS E. Colfax West 50th & Lowell Boulevard EVENING CLASSES FOR MEN AND WOMEN SECOND SEMESTER REGISTRATION y Monday, Tuesday, Aug. 29, 30 - 5:30-9:00 Classes Start Tues. Sept. 6 Courses ofiered toward Bachelor’s and Associate Degrees. OfTering courses in Accounting, Business Administration. Economics, Education. English, History, Philosophy, Science, Psychology, Sociology, Speech, Mathematics, Languages. For Further Information and Catalog Contact: I Stewart Lloyd Bowen, Evening Session Director Regis College, Phone 433-6565, Ext, 48 :l OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST SALESMEN Page 8 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER , Thursday, August 25, 1966 I For Non-Public School Children

The Day Buses Came to Ohio A I

By Rev. Francis Governor’s intervention, portation. This problem transportation is unneces­ to implement the new law Th F. B row n and in the dying days of will probably prevail until sary or unreasonable.” fp r various regions subt the assembly legislation late October. throughout the state. The Rou Steubenville. O. — The satisfactory to CEF and its Crippled students who are six Ohio Bishops have also Foun day which most Ohioans membership, representing Meanwhile the respective unable to walk to and from appointed priests to act as Gree; school district still has the only a few short years ago various religious persua­ school must be transported coordinators in represent­ I t ’ i considered would never sions, was enacted. responsibility o f providing even though they live ing the diocesan school of­ men come is upon us. Since Now children attending transporation. which may closer than two miles. fice and working with the than Aug. 15, a non-public parochial or private be effected through use of In addition, local school state coordinators. golf, school child may ride to schools, heretofore forbid­ public transportation or a boards may provide trans­ re lig "parent contract plan,” the school by means provided den by law to be trans­ portation for other students THE N EW legislation is tweer by the local school board. ported on tax-supported latter whereby parents living closer than two considered superior to that provide th eir own trans­ It i It was on Aug. 15 that buses, are entitled to the miles, as well as for high enacted the past year in the Fair Bus Law went portation, and are reim­ IS JU i same service as those at­ school students. Safety is neighboring Pennsylvania. into effect in the state, bursed by the school dis­ peopl tending public schools. usually the determining At present school children even through classes in trict. with the help of state some As a matter of fact, for factor. in the Keystone state are virtually all cases do not funds. gious many years certain school A n y board that has up eligible to be transported It’s begin until Sept. 1. to now been providing districts were circumvent­ only within their own holy Institute Speakers ACCORDING to the transportation under these A Y E A R -L O N G publi­ ing the law, and providing definition of the new law, (Turn to Page 9) are. this service. And since Jan. circumstances for public Sister Anne Carmel, left, chairman of the rciigion department at St. city campaign, spearheaded all elementary school stu­ 1 of this year, school dis­ school pupils must do lik­ Mary’s academy, Denver, was one of the principal speakers at the Ca- by Ohio Citizens for Edu­ dents who live farther IT tricts were permitted, but ewise for non-public school techetics Workshop sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph at Bishop cational Freedom, preceded than two m iles from the to ex] not required, to transport pupils. CARPETS Carroli high school, Wichita, Kans. Sister Jeannine Schmid, center of the introduction of several bills schools which they attend Coordinators have been chippi Glenmary Home Mission Sisters and the Rev. Richard Sneed, O.S.B., non-public school children. Honm Size swing in the Ohio General As­ must be provided with assigned by the state board president of St. Gregory’s college, Shawnee, Okla., were also guest speak­ and Smaller RUGS A t fir sembly in 1965. A mighty In some areas of the transportation, except LargasI salfcllens 'n ttia Oly ers at the three-day institute. political battle ensued, a state sufficient buses are when, in the judgment of iron -! Ciia>MUlira petition bearing hundreds not expected to be avail­ the local school board, and ONE CALL FOR rurniiure in ihc hm.se someo o f thousands of taxpayers’ able for the additional confirmed by the state - . a l l you r opart ManPay and Wtdnattfty cxplani C van ing r TIM l i M P .M . The Bookkeeper's Corner . . . signatures called for the children requiring trans­ board of education,” "such INSURANCE NEEDS Said G olf i; LLOYD A. JEFFRIES E.M.W. Not ne Farm ers Insurance Group where cash talks 6021 W . Alameda Ave. 2M1 So. nrm ulw ay often ; 'Cristero' Revolt Really a Houseful! Bus. Ph. 336-7616 Res. 98S-4186 S llcrm a n 4-2754 bath, " the sa color and subject matter, himself, the writing is so UNSCALED Colorado Springs — It’s literally a his doctorate degree. They have six chil­ that impress the reader not artless that the reader al- FORTRESS, by ANTON­ houseful, but Mrs. Andrew Lachowsky of dren. Kay is the wife of Eugene Fortner most reads over the point. IO Serna Candelaria because they fall instantly Sacred Heart parish, Colorado Springs, is a U.S. Navy, officer. They have 10 chil­ into a comfortable regional I have been purposely Pu (Cloudcroft, N. Mex., enjoying a family reunion with her two dren. WALSH, GILL & SMITH Frank J. Schaaf. $3) berth but precisely because vague about the plot of daughters and their families. Also lending a hand on accommodations they surmount any such The Last Gentleman, be­ Converging on her this week for a is Fortner’s mother, who lives a few A bit of little known but categories by an unexpect­ cause it can be a genuine fam ily reunion are daughters Anne Cu- Cle blocks from the Lachowsky home. significant history is given ed intensity and originali- experience if it is encoun­ sick of Cincinnati and Kay Portner of here in 79 pages. In the ty. tered cold, without advance San Diego. A lo n g with their husbands It’s been seven years since the Portners Est. 1864 Pueb form of a loosely connected So when the mail preparation. The plot is not and a total of 16 children, the Colorado and Cusicks have seen each other. Get­ pointme novel, the author tells the brought his second novel, I the thing. If this is, as has Springs household is a somewhat hectic ting in on the brother and sister family l*ctcr J. Walsh, Afa/ioffi/iff Partner cc n tly story of the Cristero revolt could not wait to read it. been said, an age of the Office ] but happy scene. reunion are Margaret Lachowsky and 1010 GUARANTY against Calles as it devel­ Having now done so, I am fiction o f inner existence Anne is the wife o f Charles J. Cusick, Andrew Lachowsky, Colorado Springs; Aug. 31. oped in the State of Jalisco delighted to report that instead o f social descrip- a professor of biology at Xavier universi­ and another daughter, Mrs. Harry Holli- EIANK BLOG. DENVER MA 3-7245 Mong between 1926 and 1930. this new one is better than tion; if the progress of the ty, Cincinnati, who has been working on gan of Pueblo. Delaney, The Cristeros, whose the first; is, indeed, a nov- novel is steadily introvert- to servf watchword was Vive Cristo el o f the first rank that ed and its climate the rank o f Sacr Rey, long live Christ the defies easy classification. It miasma of the human soul, Gardner King, led one of the very is a "Southern” novel in then this contribution to tion to few revolts that were ani­ that it deals with South- the genre is recommended o f St. W mated solely by Christian erners and in part with a as worth your careful and senburg, principles. Indeed, their Southern milieu, but its immediate attention. — Walsenbi war in Mexico could fairly strength is elsewhere, (Doris Grumbach in The Rt toya, fon be stated as a contest be­ A penetrating and mov­ "America” ) tween dominant and ag­ ing study of one young a t A s s i g ress ive secularism and man, Williston Barrett, Benedictine Nuns Pueblo, is men who wanted a Chris­ clinging to the edge of as admi tian order based on the Anne’s pa nervous coiiap^,,ji^ _storj(, Attend .Retreflt T h e ] natural law. Enlisting rich follows him from Antral* , Barsch, I and poor alike, it was a Park in Niew Yor-k, to Ala- The Very Rev. Columba Vogue. St. Anne grass-roots movement that bam a, to’ ^ jew . M exico. (Dary-Elwes, O.S.B., prior of was inspired from heaven. has been Where h^ goes, Where the St. l^ouis tpriory, St. Louis, U n ite d I Two principal families story is leM i^p-T^imi^d^cted the seven- lead the rebellion against s e rv ic e ; importa^- jwh^t hap- dhy V ^ rea t held recently 1000 so. COLORADO BLVD. three year Calles in this novel, that pens withiB for^ ST ^ i ^ e r s of the Ben- ' T h e ] o f Don 7'ibucio .Salas and has clafm ^ that, the sign. e d i ' c o m m u n i t y at Schmitt, 1 that of Don Antonio Her­ o f a great noded ie that'the ' Benet,HiII>priory, Colorado tra to r ol nandez. 'fh eir chief anta­ reader can live within it; Springs. 4801 NO. COLORADO BLVD. parish, Gi gonist, who is not quite a in Percy’s case one lives Father Columba, an vllain. is General Zeta English Benedictine from OPEN DAILY 9 TO 9 dence at not so much in the novel rectory, P Martinez, who hangs Don Ampleforth abbey, London, as within Will Barrett. We SATURDAY 10 TO 6 HOLIDAYS 10 TO 6 residen cf Antonio and commits many share his terrible deja author of several other atrocities. books. Among them are rectory, ] V U 8 , his compulsive eaves­ Special Budget Term | devote ful The love interest centers the»H istory of the dropping, his peeping U p to 3 Y e a rs as diocesa about Captain Jose Marin, Church in China, Ecu- through his German tele­ FOR THIS SALE ONLY T o P a y ! tor. . who is in the service of scope, his amnesias, his and The Law of — Th e R i General Zeta Martinez but fugues” and his spasmed Liberty and Love. He is Racki, foi who goes over to the Cris­ knee-jerks. We sit behind cu rre n 11 y w o r k i ng j 189.95 3‘ Pc. Danish Modern Living Room teros, and the daughter of another publication, which pastor of his wonderfully polite vier parisi Don Antonio, Isabela. Isa­ will be entitled Monastic $799.95 9-Pc. Spanish Oak Dining Room . . outward, Southern ability "^*** sistant ch bela is originally betrothed to adjust to any way of life $16995 Mr. & Mrs. Chairs and Ottoman . . Diocese of to Nolberto, a hero of the or person that proposes it­ News Deadline! The Rev Cristeros, who is shot by self to him (’’the last The deadline for news $250.00 5-Pc. Dinette "Sanora” by Virtue . naugh, foi General Zeta. gentleman’’), his hatred ol' stories and pictures to pastor of S The story has the au­ groups, his fear o f loss of appear in the "register” $ 99.95 Man-Size Swivel Rockers ...... Walsenbui thentic flavor of the Mexi­ identity. He is a "sentient co of 40 years ago. Partic­ is M onday at 9 a.m. St. Joseph’ engineer,’ which is to say $149.95 7-Pc. Virtue Dinette Set ...... Junction, . u larly affecting are the he is in charge of humidi- descriptions of the old ha­ the Vetera lication of Macy’s depart­ cienda life with its warm $249.95 Mediter’n Bedroom, Antique White Grand June ment store during the DOOR BUSTER hospitality and good food night hours; during all his 2-PC. LIVING ROOM and its simple piety. $359.95 French Provincial Bedroom ...... $299.95 Modern Bedroom by L a n e . *149.97 hours he is an extraordi­ EaUv American Buses Under the wise direction nary receptor for every va­ S319.95 Value of Don Tiburcio, the Crist­ $299.95 Contemporary Bedroom, K|ng Bed . Sofa and Matching Chair $129.95 Elegant Occasional Tables » 49.97 (ContinucL riety of sensation in all Long wearing tweed covers eros successfully ambush Choice of Color school distr kinds of terrible ways. and wear down the Federal $279.95 6-Pc. Modern Dining Room ...... $199.95 Modern Desk by American *99.97 in Pennsylv Barrett moves from ex­ $217.97 troops under General Zeta. pick up ai perience to experience by Only 6 to Sen Calles flees and a measure $119.95 Maple Bunk Bed, O u tfit Complete $799.95 9-Pc. Dining Room Suites by Stanley . . . *499.97 dren only a means of chance encoun­ of stability returns to the routes, whei ters with persons whose countryside. It is in keep­ requires tra w ill is stronger than his. ing with the peculiarly cept where He disintegrates before our Entire Inventory Reduced 10% to 50% Christian tone o f this novel sary or reasi that it ends on a note of horrified eyes as he offers Some 400 to the world his gentle­ forgiveness. General Zeta $ 59.95 Maple Desks, P lastic Tops ...... * 39.97 BEDROOM $199.95 3-Pc. Duo Sleep Group ...... *128.97 dren atter is given Christian burial, man’s politesse, his proper Italian Provincial schools, of clothing, his agreeable $6»9.?S Value without rancour. $279.95 6- Pc. Family Room Suite ..... *167.97 68,000 are manner. Our compassion $279.95 72” T rip le Dresser, F ra m e d Nolberto expresses the Hide-a-way Sofa Sleeper ...... *167.97 M irror, Chest on Chest, King benefit from for Barrett runs parallel to Size Bed and NIte Stand spirit of the Cristeros when $499.95 Marble Top Party Table and Chairs *249.97 his for his fellow men; but Windsor he e x c la im s : "W e must $219.95 Early American Wing Back Sofas . . . $419.97 Democrat his efforts to love others *149.97 1 only change Mexico, not let $599.95 Around the Corner Bedroom Group *299.97 these tyrants change us! are hampered by his disu- Townhouse Homes nified inner self. Our abil­ $119.95 Hold Gro These godless men are Early American Chairs and R o cke rs. . * 67.97 $799.95 9-Pc. Solid Oak Dining Room .... *499.97 ity to understand him trying to leave God Him­ LIVING ROOM knows no bounds; we are Opening self out of the running of $ 59.95 Mattresses or Box Springs ...... $399.95 Value $329.95 Slate Top Party Table Set ...... *197.99 indeed part Barrett, and it *29.97 Traditional Sofas, Beautifully His own world." The Demoi is Percy’s achievement to quilted, 100” long. Choice of This aim is far from fin­ nylon fabrics, large selection 1399.95 3-Pc. Living Room by C ro w n...... *699.97 Colorado will persuade us (even if we $199.95 of colors. ished, in M exico as else­ King-Size Mattress & Box Springs . . *119.97 opening of : are female, Northern and With A where. Unsealed Fortress $299.97 $199.95 9-Pc. Chromcraft Dinette Set . . .. * 9 9 .9 7 paign hcadqu middle-aged) that the ill Outstanding Value is a novel about modern $ 59.95 Twin-Size Hollywood Beds ...... to 5 p.m. Sur ness bugging Barrett * 39.97 man, who is faced with the Heart of Sunshine $149.95 7- Pc. Virtue Dinette Set ..... *89.97 T h e headquf. same problem as that of (m ale. Southern and tew ide office young), the modern dis­ $139.95 7-Pc. Colonial Dinette S e t s ...... DINING ROOM the Cristeros. This story of * 89.97 $599.95 Long Boy Twin Sleeper Sofa .... *398.97 lieutenant g ease, is a generalized, uni­ Contemporary Walnut courage and faith helps A new concept $799.95 Value the offices of him to climb a little fur­ versal disease. No one is in L ivin g. $159.95 Deluxe Swivel Rockers ...... * 95.97 72” Credenza Buffet, Surfboard $119.95 Twin Studio Couch ...... *77.97 county orgar immune, least o f all the style table with 3 leaves, 5-side th er up the fortress. — chairs, 1 arm chair, all with full be at 13th reader. (P.H.H.) $129.95 cane backs. $ 79.95 Maple Dresser and M ir r o r ...... *49.97 Broadway. The writing in the novel Rectiner Chairs w ith Vibrator . . . . * 77.97 Grand Opening, $497.97 Hosts at the is unadorned, straightfor­ 1 only $129.95 Rocker Recliner Chairs ...... $ 59.95 Hollywood Beds, Complete * 3 6 .9 7 ing will incl Moving Story ward and effective, with September 10 and ll * 77.97 Grant, state c THE LAST GENTLE- the force of a goad and the MATTRESSES Dale Tooley, E $399.95 Custom Quality Sofas ...... MAN, by Walker Percy, accuracy of a sewing-ma­ *299.97 BOX SPRINGS f u r n i t u r e chairman, as > value. F a rra r, S tra u s, 409 p., chine needle. Its simplicity — ’ - \/ o f the state ai $299.95 Spanish Oak Bedroom Suite ...... Famous quality, our most pop­ „ $5.96. is its strength, and when, *199.97 ular number, 10-year uncondi­ fices. Special i at the last, Barrett appears tional guarantee, full or twin candidates fo I remember Walker Per­ $269.95 Bedroom Suites fo r Boys and Girls *188.97 sets. to be making a saving hu­ $69.97 governor, attor cy’s first novel, The man connection, to be act­ 1000 SOUTH COLORADO BLVD. treasurer, anc $249.95 French Provincial Curio Cabinet .. You save $50 a set M oviegoer, with affection. ing instead of acted upon, *199.97 4801 N O R T H C O L O R A D O B L V D . erne court, e I remember it was one of to be uniting in a decision state -legisjativ those books. Southern in that reaches out bevond p l e n t y OF FREE PARKING FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN COLORADO j ver county. Thursday, August 25, 1966_ DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 9

Nun Makes Final ayman at^ Large | Knights Planning New Programs Religious Vows Colorado Springs - Sis­ A Hply-ln-One for it and the singleminded better, more honest, more ter Thomas Ann Deats o f Miami Beach, Fla. — devotion with which they sensitive tomorrow than I menism, and community Farge, S.J., was established the largest Catholic lay St. Mary Magdalene Par­ Supreme Knight John W. le new law This probably should be regard it.” was yesterday?’ welfare to counter the to promote conferences of group on the continent. ish, Denver, was one of the M cDevitt announced an charges. r e g io n s subtitled "Religion in the Golf is religious, went on "Status golf: In which leadership for advancement "We must reach out, fiv e Franciscan Sisters to ambitious new program o f state. The Rough” or "How Man the Rabbi, "because the nobody w'ill w orry about Racial prejudice, he of interracial and interre­ with Christ, and seek to [pronounce ecum enical and social ac­ stressed, has been the I have also Found God on the Putting basic idea o f the game is a keeping up with the Jon­ ligious activities. serve the community .,. [final vows at tion for the Knights of basis of the most dam- 1 to act as Green.” spiritually sublime one. eses, but people at all McDevitt said the to try to see the oppor­ e c e n t Columbus as the 1,200,000 Sfjing charges against represent* It’s about these clergy­ "In golf, the object is not times will ask, 'What is K n igh ts’ part in the pro­ tunities to help others,” Jin ve s t itu r e m embers’ answer to 'self- the Knights. The rare gram *'will not be limited school of- men who have a "holier- so much to defeat the oth­ my real level? What’s right he said. I ceremonies at professed prophets” pre­ occasions when it has to financial support” but j with the than*vow” attitude toward er player as to improve for me?’ McDevitt’s iM o u n t S t . dicting the organization's occurred within the w ill encourage active par­ golf. You might say that a yourself, do do better today "Synagogue golf: In announcement of the If r a n c i s , decline. organization, he noted, ticipation at all council "new initiative” served religious golf exists be­ than you did last time. . . which people will rush up McDevitt, making his [ C o l o r a d o ;islation is are merely "isolated levels. as a ready answer to a tween them, or something. You analyze what you’re to the local pro (the Rabbi) annual report at the 84th Springs. She 3r to that sores” that do not reflect call to social action It isn’t enough that golf doing wrong, and try to and ask him urgently, annual meeting of the Su­ "the health of the whole holds a bach- it year in correct the little faults that 'Please tell me what little issued by Bishop Ernest ______|elor degree in is just a game. To some preme Council, described body.” THE Supreme Knight nsylvania. L. Unterkoefler of Char­ Sr. Thoma* Ann people it ’s life itself. To ruin your score.” things am I doing wrong, the program as a "new Science from 1 children ' I wi.sh our organization followed up the report with leston, S.C., in his ser­ some clergymen it’s a reli­ so I can correct them.’ ” initiative*’ for the Knights. could offer an all-embrac­ the University of Albu­ state are an address at the Supreme mon at the Mass opening gious experience. W O U LD N ’T IT be won­ This sort o f commentary ing and perfect virtue . . . querque with a major in •ansported Council’s States Dinner in the convention. It’s amazing how many derful, the Rabbi noted, if tends to support the prayer T H E PR O G R A M is not instant sanctity . . . to its mathematics, and a minor le ir own which he urged members holy duffers there really people would use the same recently delivered by a a change of direction for members, but we cannot,” to recognize the changed in physics, and teaches ge 9) are. philosophy in other activi­ priest to a group o f golfers. the organization, he added, he said. status of the organization Johnson Expected these subjects at St. Fran­ ties o f life that “the goal is It talked about the Great but a development of its But he added that the in the world of today. cis Central Catholic high I T W O U LD seem rough not to outdo the next fel­ Pro and that big Country aims. He emphasized that Knights of Columbus con­ When founded, he de­ To Speak at U.D. school at Humphrey, Neb. to explain how otherwise low but to improve your­ club in the sky, or some­ the K n igh ts of Columbus sistently has endor.sed *'the She is the daughter of Mr. clared, the Knights of Col­ President Lyndon B. chipper reverends would self. thing. record belies criticism that sacred brotherhood of all and Mrs. Claude J. Deats, umbus developed as "a Johnson is expected to be swing to a game like golf. "W ith this in mind,” said sees the organization head­ men” and has acted to Denver. fortress” to preserve the in Denver F riday to ad­ At first it seems .sod and he, "I propose the following W H IC H M A K E S one ed for a 'helpless obsoles-. prevent discrimination be­ ■ In preparation for final > tt)« city Catholic faith and protect dress a special convocation iron-ical. Fore-tunately indoor variations on golf, wonder. Is there salvation cence.*’ cause of race, nationality, its members from p>ersccu- vows the candidates spent very room M cDevitt said the or condition of life. at the University of Den­ 60 days at the mother c hoi'sc someone has offered an suitable for inclement outside the clubhouse? tion as a misunderstood weather when the course is Is parish bowling the Knights have been criti­ The basis of the organi­ ver and to receive an hon­ house at Colorado Springs '■dntsday explanation. and feared minority group. orary degree frm the uni­ > P.M. inaccessible. laity’s answer? cized unjustly for *'do-noth- zation’s new program is a where the Rev. Arthur Said a Rabbi recently: Now, he continued, the versity. G olf is a religious game. "E th ica l golf: In which Can any good come from ingness, social irresponsi­ cooperative effort with the Church has become the Dresen, chaplain, gave in­ f . The time of the Presi­ Not necessarily because it’s people will ask, not *am I bad-minton? bility, and racial prej­ John La Farge Institute of nation’s leading Christian structions on the vows, and niks dent’s talk is expected to often played on the Sab­ any w’orse than my compe­ Please par-don this slice udice.*’ He cited the organ­ New York, he said. body and has new and dif­ Mother Barbara Ann, pro­ Iway be at 3 p.m. The convoca­ bath, "nor even because of tition?’ but rather, 'could I, at those who are hooked. ization’s efforts in behalf of The institute, named for ferent responsibilities vincial superior, gave in­ 754 tion w ill be held in the the sacrifice people make with some effort, be a little Everybody has a handicap. orphans, the needy, ecu­ the late Father John La- shared by the Knights as structions on* religious life. • E Arena at UD. riT i Pueblo Diocese Lists Clergy Appointments

Pueblo — Clergy ap­ Th e Rev. Clarence Cer- pointments, announced re­ wonka, formerly assistant cently by the Chancery pastor o f the Shrine of St. Office here and effective Therese parish, Pueblo, to Aug. 31, follow: assistant pastor of St. '245 Monsignor Howard L. Mary's parish, Walsenburg. Delaney, V.F., is appointed The Rev. Robert F. Finn, to serve as administrator formerly assistant pastor o f of Sacred Heart parish, St. Mary’s parish, Walsen­ Gardner. This is in addi­ burg, to assistant pastor o f tion to his post as pastor the Shrine o f St. Therese o f St. Mary’s parish, Wal- parish, Pueblo. senburg, and dean of the The Rev. Frederick D. Walsenburg deanery. Dean, formerly assistant The Rev. Joseph J. Mon­ pastor of Christ the King toya, formerly in residence parish, Pueblo, to assistant at Assumption parish, administrator of Sacred Pueblo, is assigned to servo Heart Cathedral parish, as administrator of St. Pueblo. Anne’s parish, Pueblo. Th e Rev. Joseph Kuku- The Rev. Robert I. cka, formerly assistant Barsch, formerly pastor of pastor o f St. Peter’s parish, St. Anne’s parish, Pueblo, Gunnison, to assistant has been assigned to the pastor o f St. Mary’s parish United States military Walsenburg. A dillar, a dollar service for a period of The Rev. Eugene J. tiuree years. You'll save like a scholar Sw eeney, form erly assist­ The Rev. Ervin J. When you shop Kings ant pastor o f St. Francis de Schmitt, formerly adminis­ For back-to-school! trator of Sacred Heart Sales parish, Lamar, to parish, Gardner, with resi­ assistant pastor of'the Shrine o f St. Therese par­ dence at St. Anthony’s ish, Pueblo. NOTEBOOK NOTEBOOK TYPING rectory, Pueblo, to live in The Rev. Gennaro Ingen- residence at St. Anne’s ito, formerly assistant pas­ PAPER PAPER PAPER rectory, Pueblo. He will tor of the Shrine of St. 500 sheets. 5 hole. devote full time to duties 500 sheets. 3 hole. 500 sheets. Therese parish, Pueblo, to Wide or medium rule. Vt/ide or m edium rule. Reg. 1,49. as diocesan vocation direc­ Reg. 99c. assistant pastor of St. tor. . Francis Xavier parish, 9 7 ‘ 9 7 ' The Rev. Leonard A. 7 3 ' Racki, form erly assistant Pueblo. • The R ev. William Con­ pastor of St. Francis Xa­ vier parish, Pueblo, to as­ nor, formerly serving a temporary assignment as sistant chancellor o f the BIG CHIEF RITE NICE Diocese of Pueblo. assistant pastor of Our THEME Lady o f Mt. Carmel parish, The Rev. Michael Cava­ TABLET STENO BOOK naugh, form erly assistant Trinidad, to assistant pas­ BOOK pastor of St. Mary’s parish, tor of St. Francis de Sales Has dividers. Reg. 25c each. Walsenburg, to pastor of parish, Lamar, and New­ Reg. 39c. Reg. 79c. St. Joseph’s parish, ’ Grand man chaplain at Lamar junior college. Junction, and chaplain to 2 FOR 3 5 ' 3 1 ' 4 9 ' the Veterans’ hospital in The Rev. Vernon Wood, Grand Junction. formerly serving a tempo­ rary assignment as assist­ 9 7 ant pastor of Immaculate Buses . . . Heart of Mary parish, PENCIL PACK CRAYOLAS CRAYOLAS Grand Junction, to assist- 9 7 (Continued From Page 8) Box of 24. Box of 48. school district. In addition, : nt pastor of St. Peter’s Package of 36 pencils. parish, Gunnison, 'and Reg. 35c. ? 7 in Pennsylvania, buses will Reg. 5c each. Reg. 75c. pick up and deposit chil­ Newman chaplain at 9 7 Western State college. dren only along established 2 7 ' 5 8 ' routes, whereas Ohio’s law The Rev. Daniel Maio, 7 7 ' requires transportation ex­ formerly serving temporar­ cept where it is not neces­ ily as secretary to the ma- sary or reasonable. .ti'imonial tribunal, to as­ 3-RING Some 400,000 Ohio chil­ sistant pastor of Christ the PAPER. BACK STAPLER IBBS 97 dren attend non-public King parish, Pueblo. CANVAS schools, of whom at least DICTIONARY SET 97 The Rev. William Glees- BINDER 68,000 are expected to on, formerly serving as as­ Over 50,000 en trie s. Com plete w ith 1,000 1’ " Rings. benefit from the now law. Over 400 pages. staples. 2 >7 sistant pastor o f St. Mary’s Has clip inside. parish, Montrose, to as­ Democrats W ill 3 9 ' Reg. 98c. >7 sistant pastor o f St. Mary’s 4 7 ' parish, Montrose. 7 7 ' Hold Grand >7 The Rev. Gerald Var- rone, formerly serving as COMBINAT'N COMBINAT'N •9 Opening Aug. 28 assistant pastor of St. Pet­ TOTE-ALL The Democratic Party of er’s parish. Rocky Ford, to BINDER BINDER 7 Colorado will have a grand assistant pastor of St. 3-rtng piano hinge binder FOLDER Mary’s parish, Walsenburg. 3-rlng binder with Index with 100 sheets filler opening of its 1966 cam­ dividers, Webster diction­ 7 paign headquarter? from 2 paper, Webster diction­ Reg. 10c each ary, 50 sheets fille r ary, index dividers and to 5 p.in. Sunday. Aug. 28. Early Sick Call paper, and 12" ruler. a theme book. 7 T h e headquarters for sta­ 2 for1 5 ' tewide offices except for 9 9 ' 1 . 9 9 ------7 lieu ten a n t governor and Saves Girl's Life the offices of the state and 7 county organizations will Plainfield, N.J. - (N O LUNCH be at 13th avenue and — Monsignor George Mur­ FILLER PAPER 6-POCKET 7 Broadway. phy, pastor o f St. Bernard’s BOXES Hosts at the grand open­ parish here, saved a life by being early for a sick call. TABLET PORTFOLIO Complete w ith 10-oz. 7 ing will include William Thermos and box of Grant, state chairman, and Because of a conflict in Medium college rule. Subiect organizer. Reg. 49c. Reg. 49c. 20 Baggies. Dale Tooley, Denver county schedules, Msgr. Murphy Reg. 3.29. made his regular call on chairman, as well as staffs 4 3 ’ o f the state and county of­ 26-year-old Catherine Jor­ 4 3 ' 1 . 9 9 fices. Special hosts w ill be dan an hour early. He candidates for Congress, found her unconscious on a governor, attorney general, burning sofa in a smoke- treasurer, and state supr­ filled room, carried her Congratulations to Notre Dame Parish on the opening of their School eme court, and for the outside and called firemen. state legislative from Den­ She suffered only slight ver county. burns. Page 10 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thursday, August 25, 1966 TV Networks Putting Out 'Lures' Agaii By C. J. Zecha It would seem that the mum interruptions (station it could stand on its have the intelligence to A sign o f worry by the n e t w o r k s w o u ld fa c e breaks only), own. Only the producers leave the set for the entire three m ^ o r television net- f a c t s a b o u t th e au- For instance, we saw a of the Dean Martin summer. The plan, of works m ight be reflected in d ie n c e ’s disenchantment recent E T V presentation of Show are not going to course, is to drum into the recent pouring forth o f w ith te le v is io n view in g A n to n Chekhov’s T h re e take their chances in your brain that Dean announcements of the in general. The past two Sisters, an excellent pro­ losing audience rating, Martin will be back. . .in coming fa ll lineup of seasons have undoubted- duction that might not so they call the program , fact, he really hasn’t been shows. ly been the w orst as far have been the most faith- The Dean Martin Sum- away at all. Radio These previews, or te- as entertainment value ful accounting of the play- mer Show.*' Although This foolish plan asers, o f forthcoming pro- g o e s in the h is to ry o f wright’s psychological dra- Martin does not appear, merely aggravates the Program s | grams are nothing new, o f television. ma set in a small town in the half-dozen inserts of viewers. It will be no course. The end of August In recent years "lures’* Czarist Russia, but it was the title attempt to force wonder if the networks K E L IG IO N I N T H E has been the usual time to h a ve been used by the a production not drenched the viewer to believe lose more and more NEWS pump these blurbs through, networks. One o f the major in se lf-p ity and tears. It that...... Dean...... Martin...... is. still viewers this fall. The KLZ (Denver) — but this year they started lures in recapturing au- was an unsparing account ar^ound*^a*nd,***come*\vh^^^ network presidents, Sundays, 7:15 a.m. in mid-summer, in July, diences is the Hollywood of Russian society as may, this is "his show.” vice presidents, and CATHOLIC HOUR Some announcements o f motion picture. In all fair- Chekhov set it down. * Madison avenue promo­ KOA (Denver) — fall shows came in sports ness, some of the movies A lesson might be The whole aim of the tion chiefs just can’t Sundays. 12:30 p.m, during June, even before from Hollywood have pro- learned by some of the “ Dean Martin Summer seem to wake up to one ASK AND LEARN some o f the regular ’65-’66 vided about the best en- network producers aiming Sh ow ” to ho that fa c t — g iv in g the au KOA (Denver) — series le a the air. terta in m en t on netw ork to p rod u ce dramas t h if L d ir n c e r w 'n ’t dience credit for being Sundays, 10:20 p.m. A L L T H E hullabaloo TV. season by taking a good, knob on Thursday nights intelligent, ■with Monsignor John about next season being THIS YEAR ABC-TV is strong look at some of the during the summer and understanding people. Cavanagh. the best ever is nothing hoping to win viewers and drama currently available will be on tap when the They insist on thinking SACRED HEART more than water running laurels with its accent on (m ostly from England) on great Dino returns in the we are all boohs! PROGRAM off a duck’s back. Although hour-long (and longer) dra- the educational television fall. K F S C XD,e n v e r ) — there are a few hopeful mas and comedies. Some o f network. This type of thinking by Monday through Friday, signs, such as ABC-TV's these will be standard and T ^ V^ promotersu iv u io w ia is getting to 9 a.m. KVOR (Colo. "Stage 67” series of full- proved vehicles o f the past; T H E R E I S n o th in g be more than an average TASTY Springs) — KBOL length dramas, the blurbs oth ers w ill be o rig in a l narmtul about having such v ie w e r can take. It be- (Boulder) — Mon.-Sat.; Mor»ii|. AftemoM or Evwiif we are getting now about works. ABC is recruiting programs as the Ed Sulli- comes an insult to the cao viTAiirY ORARGF iwee 6:15 a.m. KOLR Musical Comedy the new fa ll shows indicate e x p e n s iv e and lit e r a t e van S h o w , Corner Pyle, v ie w e r — as if he didn’t (Iht r*Ai tlHiig, from FloriGs] (Sterling) — Saturdays, Mary Jane Hampton, as a customer, faints in that th e u su al rash o f scenario writers, authors, Green A cres, or Bonanza 8:45 a.m. K R A I (Craig) department store in this scene from "You Can Get inane dom estic comedies and directors, as well as open to viewing. But when out SPECIAL fREItGH TOAST wirn Hor strawberry sauce Sundays. 11:30 a.m. It If You Want It," an original musical production and variety shows will be top names among .actors, the networks gang-up and THE CHURCH TODAY to be presented by Theatre Ten, Inc., Sept. 9-18 at back fillin g the airwaves. The experiment, whether a ^'on o ff a dozen cheap imi- (J.8.D.A. Choice...... 92.35 U.S. Choice Hlrioln WHT NOT TRY IT TODAY? KBRR (Leadville) — Bonfils theatre, Denver. From the left are Dick There’s no question that 'T q re ’’ or not, holds some tations of each and fill the Sundays. 11:15 a.m. U.8. Choice Filel MIg...... 1.55 Chauncey, Dorinda Edwards, and Ralph Dowling. networks are seeking back promise and hope for next network hours with this Center Cut Chops ...... i.io KFML (Denver) — H Sp. Chicken ...... 1.10 Musical score was composed by Tony Pietrafeso, a "lost audience." But how season. type of soup-bone program- Sundays, 9:30 a.m. Hamburger Sleek ...... :..Z. 1.00 they are going to regain N o t to be discounted is lining, then it is no wonder A ll C h ild re n P o rtio ne ...... 75 KGEK (Sterling) — a Denver native. these lost viewers with a National Educational Tele- "why audiences are leaving 6 1-argo Shrimp .. Sundays. 7:15 p.m. vision. Those major cities their sets turned off. Halibut Steak...... i.oo t e GEORGETOWN U. barrel-full o f the same old A ll CJinners Served with Fresh Crisp view in g pap is anybody’s fortunate in having an Salad and a choice of Dressing Fr. FORUM Theatre W To Give Fr. Potatoes or Baked with sour guess. educational television f panic- PANCAKE HOUSE KTLN (Denver) — Cream or Butter. RESTAURANT Tinere h e re hnas a s beenoeen some channel have been offered ** We Serve Only the TOP QUALITY Sundays, 11:10 p.m. r- 1. i. r i.u in M E A T S , U. S. Choice o r P rim e • evident the show that IStS So. Colo B lvd . AVE MA'RIA HOUR Original Musical s.gn m recent years that a some first-rate fare m the rep laced the Dean Mar- , large segment o f television past year - information COLUMBINE STEAK HOUSE MM West Colfax KYSN (Colo. Springs) 3rd & Federal IMS East Colfax — Sundays 10:10 a.m. Theatre Ten, Inc., Den­ rangements are being com- view ers are not, on the a n d n ew s p ro g ra m s o f Lin ed un to 1 Sundays. 9 a.m. KFK A ver, an experimental pleted by Beverly Mango. whole, nincompoops who quality, discussion panels (Greeley) — Sundays, 6 theatre group, will present The singing leads for the will view anything. Even of worth, and very inter- affable comedians named p.m. an original musical pro­ production are Ramona the questionable rating esting dramatization of the M artin Palka, Randy Moman, Dick services are admitting to a classics. Much better is the briirht sinwoi- w ill. FAMILY THEATER duction, You Can Get It If a fu- C h aun cey, and D orinda decline in some o f the most fa ct th at one can view KOSI (Denyer) — You Want It, at Bonfils ture, Lanie Kazan; and Edwards. "popular” shows. ______drama on ETV with mini Sundays, 9:05 p.m. theatre, Denver, Sept. 8-18. comedians Dom DeLuise CHRISTOPHERS A matinee will be held and Wisa D’Orso. The KFSC (Denver) — Sept. 11. KFML-FM Now Airing 24 Hours; program isn’t any great Sundays at 8:45 li.m. The script and lyrics shakes of originality, but LA HORA GUADALUPANA were written by Robert (Rosary in Spanish) Bannister, a sixth grade C. J. Zecha to Host New Program KFSC (Denver) — teacher at Hillcrest junior 'House of Lord' Sunday through high school. Music was KFML-FM Radio, the on classical music, IN THE near future, the Saturday, 4 p.m. written by Tony Pietrafeso, oldest FM station offering O’Connor said, but with station is planning to pre- On TV Aug. 28 Drop these stations a card a native of Denver, and an continuous fin e music in the added F M hours pro- sent a one-hour weekly se- and tell them you appre­ employe of Newstrom-Davis the Denver area, is now grams o f lig h t music, as ries, Scrapbook of Sound, ciate the programs. "Working Women" will Construction Company. broadcasting 24 hours a well as comtemporary and which will be offered on an experimental basis. be the subject o f discussion Additional music and ar- day, according to a state­ jazz, are now being broad- on the House of the Lord To A ir ment from the station’s cast, To be hosted by Cle­ program Sunday, Aug. 28, 'Mademoiselle' owners, O’Fallon-O’Connor K LZ-TV, Channel 7, Den­ Broadcasting, Inc. ment J. Zecha, the pro­ 'Kennedy gram will feature music ver. Representing the The station, which also Catholic faith will be Mrs. Condemned operates on. the AM dial and performers of yes­ terday. Rare and old Margaret Macintosh of St. New York - (NC) - during the day -with Bernadette’s parish. Lake- W it' on TV simultaneous broadcasting. recordings will focus on I n 'a rare television ap- N a ti^ a l Catholic Of- fo rm e rly b ro a d c a s t FM early days of musical wood. M oderator w ill be Mias Dorothy Latson. Oth­ pearance, David Francis Motion Pictures ------programs^ until late...... eve­ comedy, sports (Knute here rated "Mademoiselle," er panelists will be Mrs. Powers, long-time confidant ning. Rockne, Babe Ruth), George H. Curfman, Jr., and associate o f the late “ !■ ^ench-British movie, m vaudeville, politics, the and Mrs. Eugene J. Urban. President John F. Kenne- ? (condemned) This change, said Tim dance band era of the dy, and a White House ad- <^«tegory, characterizing it O’Connor of the broad­ 1930s and 1940s, as w ell as a "sordid story of evil.’ ministrative assistant, w ill casting ilrm, will afford as vintage classical rec­ The NCOM P posted the be a featured guest on the listeners of KFM L to following objection against ordings by Enrico Caru­ "A B C Stage 67 ” presenta­ hear a more varied type so, Grace Moore, Bidu the Lopert-United Artists tion of Jack Paar’s produc­ o f programaning. Sayao, Arturo Toscanini, release: "A n y ironic com- tion, "The Kennedy Wit," "W e are now able to of- ment which this film may ^ „ :r;„j Fritz Kreisler, and oth­ next Oct. 5. . , J , , . f ler a more diversified pro- "Colorado's Most Scenic Mountain Restaurant" intend to make is so weak ------;— »» ers. Powers, a former admin­ gramming schedule," said as not to compensate for GERMAN and AMERICAN FOOD istrative assistant at the O’Connor. The station con­ • Sauerbreten e Wiener Schnittel e Steaks • Seefoodi its sordid story of evil and W hite House, and at pre­ tinues to put the emphasis Tim O’Connor COFFEE SHOP-FIRESIDE LOUNGE-PIANO BAR sent assistant to the Ar­ its frequently offensive treatment. Moreover, the BOB'S PIZZERIA On U.S. 3IS at Conifer Ph. 3u.4i»i Closed Monday chivist for Presidential “Home o f the Little Immittriml Sonduich’ Libraries, is the first guest development of its theme is to be announced to join re­ wrapped in such ambiguity porter-host Paar in his that one could conclude that from the author’s tribute to. the man and his humor.. viewpoint this is a story, "Dave Powers,” said not so much about an in­ F O R O U R Paar, "is the ideal choice dividual woman, but about to help me tell this story, womankind, with the inad­ “SCOTCH-MINDED” 1 because wherever the missible assertion that she President laughed or pro­ is the personification of F R IE N D S i i evil." voked laughter, Dave, too, was present with his witty An exciting addition Irish eyes and ears. Movie to the ever-exciting Whenever JFK was de­ Scotch W ’ Sirloin pressed by the cares o f his Listings office, he would pick up dinner menu. the phone and summon Classifications of mo­ TRAVELING MEN A delicious Dave Powers with his fund tion pictures by the Na­ o f funny observations and tional Catholic Office for Stay at the Irish jokes. Motion Pictures appear It*s the Berries! LOBSTER "From 1946 through this week on Page 13. ARGONAUT HOTEL 1963, Dave Powers was FOR SPECIAL. R E S E R V A T IO N S FOR ...m ’m’m’ Strawberry Shortcake! John F. Kennedy^ shadow. BRIDGE PARTIES. DANCES AND TAIL D IN N E R S H e swam with him, often Sacred Heart Program PHONE A23.3101 ate with him, sometimes Beoutilul Ballrooms Private Dining Rooms with drawn lemon butter, cooked for him, and always "Principle Concern of specially prepared by our master chef kept him on time. Dave tile Vatican Council” will fo r a w ee will supply us with the in­ lie the subject o f an ad­ MAMMA ROSA’S PIZZERIA tim ate details behind the dress by the Rev. Gene .Kennedy campaigns, his Jakubek, S.J., on the HOME MADE ITALIAN DINNERS press conferences, his Sacred Heart Program, speeches, his foreign trav­ Sunday, Aug. 28 at 7:30 • PIZZA • RAVIOLI els, his attitudes toward a.m. on KBTV, Channel • LASAGNA • SPAGHETTI friends and foes, and the 9, Denver. fun he had with his fami­ Table and Carry-Out Service ly. We’ll illustrate all these 1044 SO. FEDERAL BLVD. 936-2336 w ith actual films portray­ DUFFY'S in g the President’s wit in SHAMROCK RESTAURANT action." said Paar. WORLD FAMOUS IRISH COFFEE THi;R.SnAY SPKCIAL Only of Lafflt* ceu you anjoy a I ’ o o p le rt’itd iu*wspit|K‘ r ads Com Href A Cabbage ^ whi*n they are ready to mnke fi C D in n e r 1 Continentel luncheon at moderate ji decisioTi and U> net — when Open Sundays and Holidays prices. Only et Lafffte can you t hey're ready to buy. J«5 TRKMONT order your choice of more than =534-791 8s 30 seafoods. Only at Laffitg can you get the finest in quality blue The Lotus Room ribbon beef. Only at Laffita can you hear the fabulous Jimmy Rob- (Management o( Esttier artd Frank Feng) Ninth Avenue at Speer Blvd. •rfs antarteining nightly. Sui COMPLETE ORIENTAL STAFF T h ere is only one L a fjite . , * FINEST CHINESE AND can AMERICAN FOODS and you afford, it. A Beautiful Lantern Lighted Dining Room in the - SE______Paul Veterans of Foreign Wars Home John S. Stew art P ost No. 1 McDonald^ ® Open to the Public 1) a.m. to IS p.m .-Sat., till 12 Midnight "WHERE aUALITY STARTS FRESH . . . cVERYDAV!" (Closed Tuesdays) LAFFITE 14th at LARIMER U u tt o ff Denver's lamaut lower downtown) Fraa Parklnt For Reservatiansi aaa-aaii COLFAX & PENNSYLVANIA Thursday, August 25, 1966 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 11 Ex-Mullen Coach ♦♦♦ Grid Practice Opens Organizes Youth Grid Program Former Mullen High For Parok Loop Teams School coach Mike Carroll ; ^ ^ ^ f t is organizing a Young DENVER parochial only recently were named America football program league schools opened to handle the reins at Ca­ in the Bear Valley area. TH E A N N U A L Colorado This is important in pre-season football practice thedral and St. Francis re­ Carroll plans to coach high school all-state bas­ view of the fact that pri­ Sessions this week with six spectively. Stevens former­ two of the five teams in ketball game played last vate schools are now el­ of the nine teams lining up ly coached at St. Francis addition to co-ordinating week in Pueblo proved to igible for admission to the with new coaches. where his teams were con­ the program. Boys seven to be a real eye opener for Colorado High School Ac­ Only Regis. St. Mary’s sistent first division finish- fourteen years of age are parochial school athletic tivities Assn. This means and Mt. Carmel have fa­ eligible to compete. The boosters. they will be allowed to miliar faces back at the weight limit is 120 pounds. Turned out the South play in leagues with many helm. Johnny Barone re­ HANCOCK COMES to Registration will be held All-SuTrs, paced by a pair of the state's high-geared turns for his third season St. Francis from Crowley at Bear Creek Park, W. of Catholic High School public schools. at Regis, while Nick Paliz- County High in Ordway, Hampden ave. and South aces, pu'led off a rare And the performance of 21 (M t.- Carm el) and Ed Colo. He was named Pikes Raliegh. on Thursday, triumph ovl*" the Northern Reilly and Socha in last Kintz (St. Mary's) start Peak L,eague coach of the Sept. 1 and Friday, Sept. Stars. 98-82. week’s prep all-star game their second DPL cam­ year in football last year 2. Additional information The fact tha‘ the Johnny lends furth er evidence to paigns. after directing Crowley may be obtained by con­ Rebs from tTie Southern the argument that several New coaches include Bob County to the league title tacting Carroll at 771-5346 part of the state were able of Colorado's Catholic high btevens (Cathedral); Frank and into the state Class or 722-3735. to tumble the Yankees for schools are now able to Messenger (Holy Family); A A playoffs. He also pilot­ Teams in five age-weight only the second tim e in compete with public schools Pat Panek (Machebeuf); ed Crowley County to the divisions will be formed. nine tries was indeed sig­ on an equitable basis. Bob R iley (Mullen); John Class AA state prep base­ Carroll was an assistant nificant. . And the fact IN C ID E N T A L L Y , word Hiincock (St. Francis) and ball championship last coach in football and head that the rout was engi­ has it that Colorado John LaGuardia (St. Jo­ spring. coach in baseball last year neered by two parochial Springs St. Mary’s will seph’s). Mullen’s Mustangs loom at Mullen. He piloted the school graduates made it again be among the top CYO Softball Champs Annunciation, which as pre-season favorites to Mustang baseball team to even more significant. contenders for the Denver H o ly T rin ity , coach ed by Tom Chapman, has w rapped up the Catholic pulled out of Denver Paro­ repeat as DPL champions the Denver Parochial The North, spiked with a Parochial League grid Youth Organization’s girls softball league championship. Holy Trinity won the chial League football com­ despite the loss of Coach League championship last petition last fall, again will rangy group of lads from championship this fall. title by defeating Notre Dame, 7-3. Other teams in the league included St. Bill Hickey. Hickey re­ spring. play an 8-game independ­ the traditionally strong Coach Ed Kintz will M a r y ’ s, St. Therese, Our Lady o f Fatim a and St. Vincent. Members o f the signed to accept a position basketball hotbeds of Den­ have a physically strong championship Holy Trinity team include, top row left to right: Kathy Chap­ ent schedule. The Cards as offensive line coach at still have not named a ver and other up-state squad w h ich should be man, Kathy Rielly, Linda Whitlock, Ellen Rielly, Barbara Chapman, Berta Colorado State University. «y? points, was heavily favored capable of gettin g in its Brady, Ronnie Wilson, Janette Chapman, Kathy DiRito, Janis Laclemburger, successor to Frank Preisner The Mustangs, however, who handled the Annunci­ to continue its cage domi­ share of socks. Jeri Maestai and Pat Hurt. appear to have the horses ation gridders last fall. nance over the Rebs. Adding considerable again and will be tough to S teven s and Hancock BUT W HEN the damage strength to the team will unseat in the coming DPL season. was totaled, the South had be the presence of two Junior Parochial League Soccer indeed risen again — and transfers from suburban Theafines Watch for a complete with a new image. rival Cheyenne Mountain pre-season analysis of all Denver Parochial League A lion’s share of the High School. The two. one To Pronounce i S S i l teams which will be print­ post-game plaudits were a starting quarterback for Clinic Sunday at Regis Coilege ed soon in The Register. heaped upon Guard Jim Cheyenne last year, and Vows Aug. 29 Reilly from Pueblo Catholic the other, a first string Family Theater A soccer clinic to help bly 12 teams will take part program to contact the Pronouncing simple vows High and Tom Socha from end. both are regarded as organize the newest addi­ in league competition, he league. Jn a ceremony to be held Jean Leslie will star in Fits in Colorado Springs^ St. two o f the fin est in the tion to the Junior Paro­ said. The decision to organize at St. Avellin o seminary, A Matter of Potential on Colorado Springs area. Mary s. chial league program will Joe G uenell and Vince the league resulted from a Denver, on Monday, Aug Father Patrick Peyton’s Washroom space! Reilly, a fancy dan ball THE T R A N S F E R , how­ be held at Regis college Family Theater Sunday. Ventimeglia of Denver’s m eeting in July, Father 29, at 8 a m., will be Now you can hove a com­ handler and 2-time A ll- ever, may have rocked the Sunday afternoon, Aug. 28. junior soccer association set Moynihan said. The cjinic Brother Aug. 28. 9 p m., on KOSI plete bathroom in the State Parochial pick, boat in regards to St. Father James F. Moyni- up the clinic. Father Moy- was scheduled both to help A u g u s t i n e Radio. Denver. space of o washroom. drilled 15 points and gen­ Mary’s admittance to the han, pastor of Our Lady of nihan said, and other rep­ schools already planning to Garcia. C.R., erally made himself a p>est Will Rogers League which Grace Church, said the resentatives o f the organi­ participate and those who of St. Augus­ A real space saver, the with his ball stealing ant­ includes several Colorado Kickers, one of the area’s zation will be on hand to tin e’s parish. have not decided whether compact Standish bath fits ics. Springs suburban schools. top soccer teams, would answer questions and aid Antonito. and G.M.C. to try to field a team. in space only 4 2 " x 3 6 " in Socha. 6-3 jumping jack The way we hear it. play an abbreviated game in demonstrations at the The addition of soccer Brother 1966 - Vz Ton Pickups forward, turned in a stout Cheyenne Mountain is and demonstrate plays and clinic. J o s e p h size. With the addition of brings to six the number of Low As gam e on the board as he plenty burned up over this coaching methods at the sp orts sponsored by the G u a d a lu p e the economical Hampton battled the taller Northern bit of "piracy” by the clinic. He urged every school to Romero, C.R., lovotory and Wellworth have at least one repre­ Junior Parochial league. M799. frontliners to a standstill. neighboring Pirates from It is scheduled from 3 to Tennis and golf were added (of Our Lady water closet, you have a Both were starters for .5 p.m. on the Regis play­ sentative of its athletic St. M ary’s. Could be the to the big programs — o f Guadalupe G a te w a y complete bathroom. the South and both were Pirates got caught with ing field, or in the fiel- program attend the clinic. Bro. AuBuatine p a r i S h . He also extended a special football, basketball, and at their best in a wither­ their m itts in the wrong dhouse if the weather is baseball — last year. Colorado Springs. Motor City Come in today or coU ut inclement. invitation to Catholic ing last quarter rally cookie jar this time. "M o re than 1,000 took On the evening before 1910 - 38th St. 623-8731 for a free estimate, no ob- "A surprising number of Youth Organization (CYO) which won the game for O ff hand, we'd say this part in the tennis and golf the ceremony, Sunday. ligotlon. schools have shown inter­ groups. the Rebels. certainly won’t help the programs last May,” Fa­ Aug, 28. a reception will est in soccer," Father Moy- PAROCHIAL SCHOOL private schools in their bid Father M oynihan also ther Moynihan said. be held on the grounds of Kamp King Coaches Specializing in nihan said. "There defi­ follow ers had a righ t to for admittance to public noted there are many in H e said some schools the Theatine seminary Qiialilij Plumbing nitely will be a Junior pop their vest buttons over school leagues. the city who have played plan to enter teams both honoring the two young and Heating Repairs Parochial soccer league." this turn of events. Any school must be in­ soccer elsew here, in Eu­ in soccer and football com­ men who will be professed. War Hawk Campers At least eight and possi- At the same time a farew­ The calibre of athletic vited by other members of rope, Latin America, or petition. and that others e ll reception will be held play within the state’s a league before they can other parts o f the country, would substitute soccer for SLATTERY for the Rev. James Pro­ Catholic prep framework apply for admission to a News Deadline! whose volunteer help is football. He said the switch hens, C.R.. Theatine pro­ Hy-Lo Campers has often been maligned as league. And no one wants The deadline for news being sought for coaching represented no damage to second rate. And often a thief sitting at his table. stories and pictures to or refereeing service. vincial and former re cto r o f & CO M PANY the football program, since St. Andrew’s, who will than not the allegations Let’s hope a word to the appear in the "Register” He asked any former Plumbing and Heating the schools had not intend­ leave for Spain for two GATEWAY Contr,'ictors have been painfully true. wise is sufiicient! is M onday at 9 a.m. players interested in the ed to enter the football But it’s also true that months. 181 V A I.I.C J O ST. league this year anyway. Friends and relatives Motor Camptown some of the state's Catholic Other soccer teams are ex­ 7327 E. Colfax 714-G311 high schools have made have been invited to the 399-0801 JOHN J. CONNOR. Presidcnl Silverton Choo-Choo To Run Until Oct. 2 pected from schools that profession and reception. Robert P. Connor, VIcr Piesideni great strides in their over­ have not been participating Another youth. Brother a ll athletic programs in Durango — How to run 10% ahead of the previous for the same date last in football, he said. John Bowe. C.R., of Min­ recent years. a successful passenger record year of 1965. the year. Father Moynihan pointed neapolis. Minn , will pro­ Colorado Springs St. train in this age o f the su­ only complaint from the The train is running in out so ccer is played on per-highway and the jet nounce his simple vows in Mary's and Pueblo Catholic "home folks” of the area is two sections every day to regular football Gridirons. October. are prime examples. Both planes? that it’s difficult for them accommodate the unprec­ ■ - "T Electric Companq schools have built solid, Use the oldest passenger to get space on the train edented demand, and every sensible athletic founda­ cars still in existence. Op­ because of the swarm of available car — many of Men's Clothing erate on a 15-mile-an-hour tions which have provided visitors, with many ad­ 1880 vintage — has been •ftWuf.W' ^flES-OesTUl the basis for the beginning schedule over a steep and vance reservations up pressed into service. Men's Tailoring winding narrow-gauge of a proud tradition. through Labor Day, MR. FRANZ OF LAKESIDE T H IS F ALL, of course, roadbed bla.sted through a The train will operate MARGARET’S GIFT MANOR King Soopers Mall fi78 STOUT ST. ^^- 222-5733 through Sunday, Oct. 2. the new all-boys school in fantastic wilderness area. Through Aug. 15, a total M So. B 'w a y 733-7377 Lakeside Shopping Center DENVER COLORADO Pueblo will replace Pueblo Power the train with an of 55.096 passengers have Catholic High. The new ancient little cinder-belch­ taken the spectacular trip school, to be called Ron- ing steam engine. through the Animas river calli High, will have an The Silverton train canyon — an increase of SPECIAL of the DAY eventual capacity of some makes a daily round-trip nearly 5,000 over the total during the four-month 1000 boys. The girls will '63 PONTIAC CATALINA continue attending the old tourist season from Duran­ D O N 'T M ISS Pueblo Catholic High go to the old mining town STATION WAGON o f Silverton, high in the which has been renamed HEAR Radio, Heater, Hydro-Matic Trans. rugged San Juan moun­ (§) Seton High. P.S. & Brakes. Other Catholic high tains. ASK and LEARN With patronage running schools such as Mullen and On KOA Radio Regis High of Denver also $ 1 7 9 5 . 0 0 have succeeded in upgrad­ BARBECUE <§> ICOMPLETE CAR SERVICE! ing their athletic programs. 10:20 Every Sunday eve­ AUlS. TRANS. ning. Questions on religion I Your Car Problam — Our Sptelal>y| submitted by the radio au­ EXPERT TELEVISION REPAIR dience answered on the ONEIDA GARAGE archdiocesan broadcast. EIFERT BEEF DINNER <§> •III Kirk im Ontida in-mS PONTIAC . CADILLAC . TEMPEST A Booklet on Catholic l i l l l SATURDAY Church available free of 6201 E. :0LFAX 388-4885 Bacon & Schramm cost to a)) inquiries. • 1255 SO. COLO. BLVD. 388-4884 □ Competition Roofing W R ITE TO Tile Reefing AUGUST 27th Ask and Learn. Station Reef Repairing KOA, Denver 80203, 4020 Brighton Blvd. 4-9 P.M. Colorado 244-6.‘>63 □

DRIVE IN LIQUORS CompUt* ..lection of Wines. Liquors and Beer SACRED HEART □ Op.^n 9 A.M. lo 12 Midnight 1100 So. Colorado Blvd. 750-7524 Harry McCarlhy The Beer with GUSTO RETREAT HOUSE Malt Liquor of Quality D For SRCUS-LRLJLOR Sedalia, Colorado * Insurance ' 5 4 .3 LARIM ER ST. - 830 I7 t m S T . MURRAY BROS. H w y. 6 7 Jarre Canyon Road * Surety Bonds DISTRIBUTING CO. A d u lts $1.25 C h ild re n 75c CALL AWARD GAMES □ Paul T. McGrady WHOLESALERS COME AND JOIN THE FUN!! VAN SCHAACK & CO PLAQUES 62 4 17th Street Robert M. — Paul V . M urray Phone 297-5636 B « O TsI Z B T A B L B T S "©©©(s)©®®®®® □ Page 12 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thursday, August 25, 1966 day. Sept. 3, the First news items o f cming events are ma*l#:d or telephoned to 1 Saturday (devotions in Blessed Sacrament church the parish correspondent of will begin its 18th year. the D enver Catholic Reg­ The 17th anniversary of ister, M rs. Mark Fellino, ' the erection of the Society 1531 Leyden st., 377-2125, of F^paration in Blessed by Saturday o f each week. Sacrament parish was com­ memorated on Aug. 22. It St. Bernadette Lac was on Aug. 22, 1949, with St. Bernadette Parish — 0 \ more than 400 parishioners (Lakewood) — St. Berna- i a h Evelyn Kim ble, Mrs. conference room. Classes attending that the Society deet school, Lakewood, will K n i Pauline Leckem by, Mrs. will be held each Tuesday of Reparation was intro­ reopen on Monday, Aug. Our St. A nne and F rid ay at 7:30 p.m. duced into the parish by 29, et 8:30 a.m. Informa­ Shrine of St. Anne Par­ Ann Thomason, Miss Den’ Diane Nemmers, Mrs. Non-Catholics are invited the late Rev. William J. tion re g a rd in g supplies, a i t£ ish (Arvada) — St. Joa­ to attend to fulfill pre­ Mulcahy, former assi.stant books and tuition will be chim’s Council of the Catherine Harris, Miss Masi Patricia Windholz, and marital instruction obliga­ pastor, who later became sent home with the chil­ fron Knights of Columbus will tions. Interested persons the founding pastor of dren that day. Girls are to hold their annual picnic on Michael Matassa. Subi can call the Rev. Leonard Cure D’Ars purisli. be in uniform on Sept. 1, the f Aug. 28 at Newton park, Urban, 377-5075. Sf. Joseph's The Society fosters First the first full day of school. Gi starting at 11 a.m. There School registration will Women interested in a Saturday devotions in hon- ever will be games and free re- St. Joseph’s (Redemptor- Aug. 29 from 9 daytime bowling league ' or o f Our Lady o f Fatima. 7:30 freshments. isti P a rish (D en ver) - jg noon in the new can call Mrs. Alley at Louis PTA Officers The exercises include the M e Couples interested in R e g is tra tio n fo r grade auditorium, 985-7271. recitation of the Rosary, and joining the bridge mara­ school will take place Sister Jean Michael, New PTA officers for the coming year at St, Louis school, Englewood, Newcomers to the parish Thursday and P'riday, Aug. prayers of reparation and noon thon can contact Norm a principal o f St. Philomena’s are, left to right, front row, Mrs. B. Ibbotson recording secretary; Mrs. H. o f petition, especially the arc invited to attend a tea 25 and 26, from 9 - 1 1 ly at Nordin for further infor­ school has announced the Jensen, president; Mrs. C. Sieberg, corresponding secretary; back row, conversion of Russia. sponsored by the parish mation. The marathon a.m. and from 1 p.m. until teaching assignments for Mrs. G. Wismann, first vice president; Mrs. D. Hamburg, second vice PTA at 10 a.m. Friday, are 1 In 1930 the first circles groups meet once a month. 4 p.m. on both days. the coming year: Sister president; and Mrs. G. Johnson, historian. A get acquainted tea for the Aug. 26, in the school. to 5 to be organixed under the Players need not be expe- Monday, Aug. 29, will be Maria del Rey, kindergar­ faculty, officers, chairmen, and room-mothers will be held in the school 8:30 auspices of the A ltar and riehced. the first day o f school, and ten; Sister Teresa Mary cafeteria, parish center, on Friday, Aug. 26, at 1;30 p.m. St. James tismii Tuition and school at that time uniform pu- Rosary society were eight at 1:; and Mrs. Robert Ertmer, St. James’ Parish (Den­ 1 / be held Aug. 29. Aug. 30 in number, all bridge supplies may be paid for rchases and exchanges will grad es; M iss Julie pal, will sponsor sixth ver) — Boys uniform pants take place in the lunch­ St. Catherine circles, and they are still . on Sunday, Aug. 28, from McCarthy and Mrs. Sannie and 31 are teacher plan­ grade. Sister M. Mnrcianna for the school year should All .1 to 3 p.m. in the school room below the church. ning days and Sept. 1 St. Catherine’s Parish — is fourth grade sponsor and functioning. Schweiger, second grades; be ordered immediately at A1 gym. Sister Georgina, prin­ will be the first day of (Denver) — The Rev. Rob­ Sister M. Bernadine will A t this time there is a Mrs. Marietta Chase, third the Boys S tore to insure ver) cipal of St. Anne’s school, Assumption school. School will re­ ert F. Dore will be guest of sponsor fifth grade. Third total of 24 circles, both grade; Sister Rita Therese. delivery for the first week C a t! w ill be present to answer sume after the holiday honor at a reception, spon­ grade teacher, Mrs. Laura evening and afternoon, Recently elected officers third and fourth grade; of school. with any questions about the on Sept. 6. sored by the Altar and Hurley; second grade, Sis­ comprising bridge, canasta, of the Assumption parish, Mrs. W. H. Coombe, fourth School registration of all A ll 5 school calendar. Sister Ann Patricia, Rosary society and PTA, ter M, Annemarie; first sewing, reading, and study Denver, Altar and Rosary grade; Sister Mary Julia, former and new students to o con Sister Anne Mary (Tecia society are Thelma Pfan- principal, will teach the on Sunday, Aug. 28, at St. grade. Miss Janice Honek- groups. They have a dual fifth grade; Sister Alice be held in the cafeteria on plete< Gaines) and Sister Mary nensteil, treasurer: Delcie primary grades; Sister Catherine’s parish cafeter­ purpose, one, gegting ac­ Monday. Aug. 29. between Kathryn, sixth grade; Sis­ censu Dorothy (Catherine Cox) Runco, secretary; Bernice ter Marie Dolores, seventh Michaela w ill teach inter­ ia, Denver. Refreshments quainted with other par­ 9 and 11 a.m. It is not dicatc recently entered the novi­ Hurtado, vice president; grade; and Sister Jean mediate grades; and Sister will be served from 3 to 5 ishioners, and two, to aug­ necessary for children to mate tiate at Marycre.st Convent, and Emma Sanchez, presi­ Michael, eighth grade. Mary M artin, upper p.m. Father Dore has been St. Rose ment the financial income come, parents are asked to with the parish for ten o f the Society. The funds a d d i Denver. dent. The Rev. Victor Sister Jean Michael. Sis­ grades. A bake sale and St. Ro.se of Lima Parish check the registration and years and was recently ap­ are used to maintain the show St. Anne’s parish will Leonard, O.S.M., is the ter Marie Dolores, Sister food shower was held for (D en ver) — Sister James take care o f the necessary pointed assistant pastor of fees. single sponsor a newspaper drive pestor of the parish. Alice Kathryn, Mrs. the Sisters recently. Ellen, principal o f St. Rose Sanctuary and all neces­ Holy Ghost parish, Denver. ing ii on Saturday, Aug. 27, from Coombe and Miss Lund- M rs. J o h n E vers and sary appointments, such as Th(* parish picnic will bo Registration for school of Lima senool, Denver, the o 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the strom will also do depart­ Mrs. M. A. Shoeneman at­ has announced the follow­ altar linen and its care, iu*Id at M o n tc la ir I’ ark north parking lot of the St. Louis tended the meeting of the will he Monday, Aug. 29 at altar boy cassocks and Sunday. .-\ug. 28 from 2 to lie fat St. Ijouis Pari.sh (Engle­ mental teaching. ing s ta ff members: Sister church. Last month, 57,240 Archdiocesan Council of 9 a.m. surplices, priesLs’ surplices, 6 p.m. The men and wom­ The wood) — St. Louis school The Sisters are in need James Ellen, eighth grade; pounds of paper were col­ Catholic Women in Boulder First Friday breakfast vestments, etc. The balance en of the parish will sell ed b} will begin Monday, Aug. of a cook. Private apart­ will be discontinued for the Sister Marianella, grade •I lected. recently. is given to the pastor, the food and drinks. Per.sons ters t 29. Parents may pay tui­ ment and Social Security seven; Mr.s. Ernest Robin­ A Christian P’amily school children as Mass Rt. Rev. Monsignor Edward may purchase their supper Sisten tion and other fees, pu­ guaranteed. Interested wom­ son, grade six; Sister Eliz­ Movement party will be will be at 8 a.m. instead o f Leyden, for use in the or bring their own picnic both rchase books and register en can call Sister Jean Sts. P e te r abeth Regina, grade five; held on Thursday evening, 7:30 a.m. parish. supper. The picnic is spon­ Cuthc the children between the Michael, 322-6988. Mrs. B. Schuster, grade Aug. 25, at 6:30 p.m. in The formation of new- sored by the PTA. Altar dories hours of 9 a.m. to 12 noon. four; Sister Rebecca Marie, the rectory gardens and St. Anthony's cirlces is under the chair­ and Rosarv Society, Mens are 65 Parents attending the reg­ A n d Paul's grade three; Miss Marie St. Anthony of Padua manship of Mrs. Edward club, and CYO. public patio. Couples intere.sted in istration session are asked R o g g e n Bellmar, grade two; Sister Sts. P e te r and Paul Parish (Denver) — St. O’Hara. Interested persons A retreat for men is 499 c joining CFM are invited to to park in the parking M arie Dolores, grade one; attend. Interested persons Parish — (Wheatridge) ■— Anthony o f Padua school and Mrs. M. E. Edwards, may call 377-0468. planned Sept. 16-18. For public areas adjacent to the Sacred Heart Parish reservations persons may cim call Mr. or Mrs, P'rank (Roggen) - Members of The bridge tournament children are to assemble in office. Heads of organizations Tin school only. Those parking the school building Mon­ call Bob Connell, 322-3054. and tl Gacnik, 421-0467. on streets surrounding the the Altar and Rosary soci­ committee of Sts. Peter Sister James Edward are requested to see that and Paul parish, Whea­ day, Aug. 29, at 9 a.m. to newly St. Anne’s school will school building will be ety o f Sacred Heart parish, also announced that Sister tridge, will sponsor regis­ receive instructions for the paston open with Mass in honor ticketed. Roggen, sponsored a tour Joseph Brian, who taught tration for new members. com ing school year. They YOUR be int: of the Holy Spirit on The parish is in need and dinner recently. Miss grade one at St. Rose last Monday, Aug. 29, at 9 Married couples and single will be dismissed at 9:30. year, is now teaching at FAM ILY and Ra of a part-time custodian Eileen Linnebr.r, president Teachers will be in their PARISH a.m. P'aculty members adults may participate. In­ St. Albert the Great school at 8 p. to work Monday through of the society, directed the classrooms Tuesday and FUN! for the coming year arc terested persons can call in Kettering, O., and that SERVICE Mrs. Friday from 1 to 5 p.m. event. Wednesday, Aug. 30 and Sister Georgina, princi­ Mrs. Joseph Nelson, 424- Sister Nora Williams, who NEW id e n t Interested men can call Attending the summer 31, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. STATIONS pal; Sister M. Bcrnarda, quarterly m eeting of the 2194, or Mrs. Jack Nelson, taught grade three, is now R o sa r the rectory, 781-4114. to receive payment of book PLAYER PIANOS Sister Joelyn Marie, Greeley district Council of 424-1786 for information. plea fo Men interested in em­ fees and tuition. The first teaching at St. Mel school. Charles T.eonard, Mrs, Catholic Women at Brush Mrs. Aldo Notarianni, Cleveland, O. ploym ent as school bus fi‘ 11 day o f school w ill be H e le n Smith, Mrs. Elsie recently were Miss Eileen president of the parish There will be a com­ driver arc asked to call 'I’hursday, Sept. 1, and McGrath, John Schmidtz, Linnebur, president, and P T A , has announced the mittee meeting of scout Sam Chavez at 781-0353. children are to wear their IVfrs. »an ees Huth, Mrs. Mmes. John Evers, Doro- following committee chair- troop 206 at the scoutmas­ The Mixed League uniforms. For information thy Linnebur, John Epple, men: Don Ruterbories, ter’s home on Thursday. Bowlers will hold a meet­ about g irls ’ uniforms call Aug. 25, at 8:.30 p.m. A ing on Sunday, Aug. 28, at Jr., M. A. Sheenman, Dave boys’ activities; Mrs. Wil- 388-1885; for boys’, call Bell, Joe Linnebur, and liam R. Smith, children’s board of review will be Monday 7:30 p.m. in the parish JCRS Penney’s store, Tillie Klausner. symphony; Aldo Notarian- center. Persons interested 237-2771. held Friday evening, Aug. A meeting of the Altar ni, civil defense; Mrs. 26, uL 6:30 p.m. during the Morning in joining the league are The school lunch pro­ Folhk- and Rosary society will be Ward Anthony, field trips; weekly troop meeting. asked to attend. League gram will be in effect on C atholic games will be held on held at the parish hall on Mrs. Martin Dowd, girls’ Troop 206 will hold a court D en ver Deadline! the first day of school. those ap Sunday from 7:30 to 9:30 Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 8 p.m. a c t iv it ie s ; M rs . James of honor in the parish hall St. Francis lie Sales A Farmer’s Union work G a ry, G re a t Books pro- S t e r lin g The deadline for news p.m. at the Belleview Guardian Angels on M onday, Aug. 29 at listings stories and pictures to Bowl. League play w ill be­ and play institute w ill be gram; Mrs. Gerald Malone, 7:30. p.m. E. Alameda Super Serv. Kum ily; h eld a t th e parish hall hamburger lunch program; Guardian Angels’ Parish on ly w it appear in the ’’Denver gin Sept. 11. Complete 'I'lmeiip Aug. 22 and 23. Members Mrs. Lee O’Connor, health; (Denver) — Registration C ondem i Catholic Register** is 6c brake Serv. and children are to partic- Mrs. John Ewert, library; for grades one through six c M onday at 9 a.m. C orre­ rnKK St. Philomena ipate. M rs. Jack W alton , m ilk will begin at 8:30 a.m. _ A Fint spondents are asked to Pickup have their material at The Roggen Knights of program; Mrs. Richard Monday Aug 29 at Socroment M igu el. . Guardian Angels school, Delivery fold , A-:i the ’’Register’* office at St. Philomena Parish Columbus recently spon- Roller, room mothers; Mrs. (Denver) — Classes in Denver. Blessed Sacrament Par- IvOCan at .\laiiietla 7;i:l 9S40 G ian t Sh this time to assure pub­ sored a youth dance for Charles DeBelle, safety; C; Dr. Z Sister Mary Leo, princi- ish (Denver) — On Sutur- Christian Doctrine will be­ youth o f the parish arid Mrs. James G. Johnston, tom B o) lication in the following ST JOHN’S Thursday issue. gin Tuesday, Sept. 20 in guests. ski program; Mrs. William C ; In s lt the St. Philomona’s rectory School registration will K h u rto u P. Brown, sp ring fashion l.e B o n I show; Mrs. Lon Roybal, “Howdy” Iltkiidav, teachers’ aid; Mrs. Frank Bob’s Place A -3 ; M l Loveland Schools to Join Sheehan, typing; Mrs. S leepin g 300 So. Colo. Blvd. o f Musi< Donald Zoellner, uniforms; H a ve You cowrowN, A-3; Stag Mrs. John Rico, Jr., ways COLO. m a n d m e Jr. Great Books Program and means. Istanlkul, Condem n A lw a y s a program o f Thom as Fitzpatrick and an enrichment program of W a lk . D< educational and cultural Mrs. Robert Munroe, mem­ reading and discussion for St. M. Magdalene Reserved A fr a id o1 fir.st.s, the Junior G reat bers of the Archdiocesan the advanced child, was W ild A n g Books jirogram of the St. Mary Magdalene ARROW Neighb JGB training staff. begun in the Denver area Parish (Denver) — On \S/nctairl Archdiocese of Denver has At the completion of the SERVICE A M an in 1959 at Christ the King Monday, Aug. 29 registra­ ■ jrn f announced that, beginning training, the following 14 school. Space STATION A r a b e s q u in September, the public tion for children attending A -2; A nsa trainees had qualified as In September, 1966, the DRIVE IN WITH CONFIDENCE St. Mary Magdalene’s B a tt le o f and parochial schools of leaders for JGB discussion archdiocesan JGB program TUNE UP S BRAKE SERVICE school will be held in the H a n d fo r the Loveland school dis­ groups: B oein g-R < will be in operation in 30 school 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 tricts will participate in a Mrs. Anne Anderson, Mr. tJ et a W grade and high schools in a.m. and from 1 p.m. to NOTRE DAME combined Junior Great and Mrs. Terry Gildea, Boulder, Colorado Springs, hi B rid ge on 2:30 p.m. This registration Cincinnati Books jirogram. Mrs. Beth Moore, Mrs. Greeley, Loveland, and the is for both old and new A-2; Divoi At the request of the Mary Mowery, Mrs. Alma greater Denver area. All students. Schqol will be in I n GREEN Dr. (loldfo Loveland school adminis­ Nugent, Mrs. Virginia chine, A-i discussion leaders for this session starting Sept 1. It MEADOWS tration, members of the Pike, Mrs. Marge Trethew- Fire)>all, & extracurricular program will be a full day session. CONOCO executive board of JGB ey, Mr. and Mrs. Greg P h o en ix, J are volunteers. ny, A-2; I met in Loveland in the COMPLETE Russell, Mrs. Patti White. Anyone desiring infor­ Harp<*r, A- spring to formulate plans AUTOMOTIVE Mrs. Shirley Wilson, and mation on the training SERVICE the Flies, ^ for this unique educational Mrs. MaryBelle McKeown course schedule may con­ Christy King 3t*S So. Sh trld an A - I : M a d e The 6th Annual r ia g e on I vencture. and Mrs. Alberta Peterson Christ the King Parish tact Mrs. Anthony Greco, PRESENTATION PARISH Poppin.s, A In May and June a who will serve as co-chair­ 322-5922, or Mrs. Bernard (Denver) — A mixed training course was con­ jNevadik Sni men. Kelly, 355-9362, both in bowling league will be Cri/zly, A-J ducted in Loveland bv Mrs. J U N IO R G reat Books. Denver. sponsored by Christ the Oir Eipiiti will T»i Style. A-2i King parish,. Denver. u< IlM ir Tnr Eqln H id e B e y o Arc hd i ocesa n Russians A Bowlers will meet every ' I tha lim a lo r a nandoah, A Friday at 9 p.m. starting complata car ehack. Tuna.up lor lummer .Silencers, Friday, Sept. 9 in Monaco h o lid a y!. Take Her, 1 Lanes. 6767 Leetsdale OAVE S STUART STAND. za n a n d T drive. There is no size lim­ f3*-3U3 A - 1 ; T e n t Gold Bond Stamps Cha.sr, A- it for the league. All pre­ Directory T h u s e M a j vious bowlers are asked to ST ROSE OF LIMA Thret* O n j join again this year. An sand Clown invitation is extended to A-.3; Trou b l & EDDIE'S V e r y Speci all newcomers to the par­ CONOCO ish and to anyone inter­ G en era l ested in bowling. Further Repairing Enrollmer information may be ob­ State tained from Ralph Gossel- Inspection In Long I Buyers Guide? Station in, 322-7008. 1100 W. Alam eda 733.9361 Tickets may be pu­ Rockvilli rchased at the gate at When the HOLT CROSS (THORNTON) the White Sands Beach begins ne Club, 4801 E. Mississippi meht in avenue, for the parish THORNTON PHILLIPS' 66 here w ill : swim-picnic, Saturday, Sen ’’I more than Program Leaders Meet C a ll N ow ! Norin Valley area Aug. 27, from noon to 7 -1 1 4 5 • CimiUK iitlMltiTl Teaching p Women of the Loveland Junior Groat Books training course mot recent­ Simce p.m. Tickets m ay also be • All «i(k G iir jitite the incre£ ly to formulate plans for Loveland parochial and public school participa­ obtained from Mrs. Dale • Fret PiCkiR 1 about 2, tion in the Junior Great Books program. Thero, 355-2613. Oilitip teachers ( 14th iaA WnMaitii 28»-M4t w one-third o 3 v e n t 8 l e d t o Thursday, August 25. 1966 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER P a g e itl e n t o f R e g - s l l in o , •2125, Guidelines Proposed ^eek. m „ g W i l l . Lady o f Grace United Fund campaign. For Membership in Catholic women are needed ish — Our Lady of Grace Par- Jerna- for the fund drive which ish (Denver) — The will be launched on Oct. 5. I. will OL P u n c h Knighta of the Altar of Those who have already Council of Churches Aug. Our Lady of Grace parish, Washington. D.C. — orma- pledged to work or wish to ment issued jointly by the Denver, have released their By W aller Kranz Suggested procedures for plies, work can call Mrs. Simms Catholic Bishops’ Commis­ altar boy schedule of at 936-1443. Catholic dictceses and par­ sion for Ecumenical Afi'airs ill bo Worry Warts book-of-the-month club; Masses which is obtainable ishes considering member­ chil- i) his urge to visit Eu­ and the National Council from the parish. Joseph All Saints school will A British psychiatrist ship in councils of Church- of Churches. are to Subia is grand knight of start on Aug. 29. Sister rope frustrated by Presi­ says we Americans worry es are contained in a docu- The document recom­ pt. 1, the servers’ organization. Mary Herbert is princi­ dent Johnson’s admonition more than anybody. Ac­ mends an extended period hool. (lam es parties are held pal. The first day's ac­ not to spend money abroad; cording to Dr. Joshua All-Night Vigils' of "mutual preparation” by in a every Tuesday evening at tivities will start with j) the grim realization BitM’or, ihe old assurance Catholic dioceses or parish­ ague 7:30 p.m. Mass at 8 a.m. and be that the more progress y at that "we’ve never had it so Jubilee Scheduled Musses are at 7, 8, 9, 10, dism issed a t 10:30 a.m. Americans make the more es and councils of churches good" is a lot of hunk. He prior to actual Catholic and 11 a.m. and 12:15 Full day classes will they have to worry about; arish says the opjx>site is true. Milwaukee — The first noon on Sundays, and dai­ start on Sept. 1 and caf­ k' the fear that he’s on a membership. a tea Dr. Biercr says the U.S. anniversary of Milwaukee’s ly at 6:30 a.m. Confessions eteria service will be Commissioned treadmill which keeps him But after such prepara­ Irish is a matriarchy because from moving any closer to all-night vigils of repara­ are heard Saturday from 4 available to the children tion and .prayer for the tion, it says, it is possible iday. Thomas A. O’Brien, left, son of Mr. and Mrs. the American mule works peace of mind; to 5 p.m. and from 7:30 to starting Tuesday, Sept. 6. himself to death at a rela­ conversion of Russia and for a Catholic body to "join 8:30 p.m. each week. Bap­ Francis O’Brien, Denver, was commissioned a 1' the suspicion that for whole-heartedly," tively early age leaving a every medical advancement world peace will be ob­ tisms are held on Sundays second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force Reserve served Sept. 2-3 in St. Westminster rich widow. He says the against disease there could at 1:30 p.m. recently at Colorado State college, Greeley. Pin­ John’s Cathedral. THE ARCHDIOCESE Holy I'rinity Parish Am erican man knows his well be a dangerous phys­ Den- ning on his new o ffice rs’ bars is Lt. Col. H. K. The vigils are sponsored o f Santa Fe, N, Mex., is (Westminster) — The w ife will probably outlive ical or mental reaction; lants M o o m a w , com m ander o f the U.S. A FH O T C de­ by the Milwaukee Comiti- the only Catholic diocese All Saints annual H oly Trinity par­ him but he can’t relax be­ ould tachment at the college. m) the knowledge that um of the Legion of Mary. in the country which now ish, Westminster, picnic cause o f the highly com­ over one million Americans y at A ll Saints Parish (Den­ The Rt, Rev. Francis belongs to a Council of will be held on Sunday af­ petitive business climate. sure ver) — A total o f 1,700 Film Review are now mental health pa­ Beres, J.C.D.. vice chan­ Churches. Individual Cath­ ternoon, Aug. 28 at Berk­ So he keeps on driving veek Catholic families reside tients; cellor of the Archdiocese of olic parishes in several eley park. The parish Holy himself in this "age of ni the danger of an im­ within the boundaries of Milwaukee, will celebrate states belong to their local r all Name and Altar and Rosa­ ^Modesty^ Is Fluffy anxiety.” A ll Saints parish, Denver, minent economic recession. the opening Mass. Church councils. In addi­ to a complete census just com­ ry societies will furnish ice Here, according to the i on doctor, are just a few of tion, Catholic priests in a pleted reveals. Prior to the cream and beverages. But Sharp in Her Satire I ’ M S U R E a ll o f us T a k e T im e number of areas have i^een census, the parish rolls in­ Games are planned. the things the American could add a few items to not male ha.s to worry about: If you are traveling in joined local ministerial as­ dicated a total o f approxi­ The Confraternity of By Tom O fficer under lavendar or yellow the doctors already impos­ Colorado to enjoy its sociations. i to m ately 1300 fam ilies. In Christian D octrine grade parasols. Then, in the cli­ ai paying taxes for a war ing list. What to do about i to scenic beauty, the State iiiuiiiiiiiimiiimi tiddition, the census .school of religion will open A bit of tochnicolored max, he rips o ff his wig he doesn’t understJind; it? The Very Rev. John B., and Patrol advises you to show ed th ere w ere 126 on Saturday, Sept. 17. All adult flufl' called M odesty and is a "man of action.’’ hi realizing that his own Colburn, dean o f the Epis­ iary take time to enjoy the St. Anthony's single Catholic persons liv­ students must be registered Blaise is gracing the cine­ The Arabs capture him son may face death in that copal Theological school at war; trip . You can't do it ing in the parish, making by their parents on Satur­ ma this summer and de­ and stake him out in the Cambridge, Mass., advised 1 be c) being rudely den­ traveling at high speeds. the overall total of Catho­ day, Sept. 10. Cost is $2.50 spite the plot being as sol­ desert — with Gabriel prayer. "God is a person SALLY and VERN ark lic families 1826. per child or $3.50 per fam­ id as cotton candy there crying out for champagne, ounced by eggheads for and you should talk to KELLY’S I to The census was conduct­ ily. Four class sessions will are some clever bits of and not water, when he is tuning in football games Him as such. Don’t use am- ed by the Dominican Sis­ be held each Saturday at 8 satire in the film. hot and thirsty. instead of symphony con- stilted language and theo­ PRESENTATION MORRISON ROAD sell ters o f Adrian. Mich. The to 9 a.m.; 9:15 to 10:15 There are some other cerL*>; logica l phrases. Talk to LIQUOR STORE ons To many viewers, it PARISH fine bits of humor — the di not knowing whether (jod as you normally talk per Sisters visited 5,983 homes, a.m.; 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. would appear Modesty villain s and the captured his son or daughter can . . . be honest and natural :nic both Catholic and non- and 11:45 to 12:45 p.m. Blaise is a mere spoof of MEADE ST. Modesty and her right- get into (college; on- Catholic within the l>oun- The address o f the parish­ the James Bond school of . . . express yourself just as FLOWER SHOP hand, Willie, breaking into ei not knowing if he can tar daries of the parish. There ioner determines the ses­ espionage. But alas, there vou are.” Floral arrangements FAQORY, nTTriTYi are 691 children attending sion children should at­ is more to it than that. an opera aria (Mario’s far­ pay the bill once they get for ALL occasions. ans there; Christian Brothers STORE public high school and 1.- tend. A diagram appears in Modesty may be as adapt ew ell from T o sca j before "Open 8 to 5 Daih-” Serving 3 Parishes 499 children attending the Sunday bulletin for with karate and knives as Gabriel plans to execute fi reading that the auto­ Appoint Provincial VERN & ROSIE LEE with mobile on which he still public elementary schools. further information. 007, but she is much pret­ them . . . In a gun battle — Brother ______9.36-7126 Furniture A Appliances owes 18 months’ payments S39S W. Alameda Ave. lay The Kev. Jerry Lamb Persons interested in the tier — and deadlier. And w ith the enemy, Modesty James B. Carey, F.S.C., I ritinniiuiHiomiiimmiiiMii 9 8 6 .7 1 3 1 ______54. and the Rev. Edward Day. married couples’ retreat to she belongs to another film and Willie break into a is probably unsafe at any has been appointed Provin- newly assigned assistant be held Sept. 2-4 at Sacred school — the "anti-her­ love song (shades of the speed; cial of the Christian ST. ROSE OF LIMA iimimiiiiiiiHim pastors at All Saints, will Heart retreat house in Se- oine. ’ musicals of the 1930s and K' the fact that there Brothers’ Baltimore Prov­ ST JOHN'S PARISH be introduced at the Altar dalia can call Ted I^otham- Mile. Blaise is a retired 1940s) . . . And the Arabs may be crab grass in his ince. The president of Cal­ and Itosary society meeting er, 935-8879, for more in­ thief and is just as likely storm ashore a la 7th Ca­ lawn and termites in his vert Hill college in nearby at 8 p.m.. Aug. 31. formation. to double cross her British valry or the Marines in basement; Towson, Brother Carey will REBICH Mrs. Marie Simms, pres­ Persons interested in governm ent employers as the South Pacific in a last g) crab grass in his lawn direct 500 Brothers at in­ she is to make an alliance minute rescue. and termites in his base­ CONSTRUCTION CO. LOWtR SHOP ident of the Altar and joining the Christian Fam­ stitutions in Washington, General Contractors St. P a ul Street Rosary society, issued a ily Movement can call Mrs. with her arch-enemy, Ga­ It is all done in a spirit ment; D.C., and in the states of m 366 4 0 If o f fun — some perhaps a 9 3 6 - 7 3 3 6 Across from Cherry Creek Naiional plea for volunteers for the Bob Brisk at 429-899.1 briel. And in the end Mod­ h) a nagging guilt com­ Florida, Maryland, Penn­ 61.-. So. F.-d.-ral Hlv*!. Bank esty proves that diamonds bit too adult but still in plex at not joining a sylvania, and Virginia. IV n v. r, Colo. Fresh Flowers and Plants ire a girl s best friend. good fun. I THE SLENDER plot B E S ID E S Bogarde the ^yi/]olioii jf^ictured | thread concerns the ship­ others in the fun and c ment o f millions of pounds games are Monica Vitti as PARISH PHARMACY GUIDE in diamonds to a middle Modesty, Terence Stamp as ij: Clossiffcafien by National Catholic eastern ruler. Modesty is W’illie, and Harry Andrews Office for Mellon P ittu ras :•:• CALL YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD DRUG STORE FOR PROMPT SERVICE to make sure the diamonds as a British official who at Following an* ciassiflL'Utions of motion pictures by Uu* National get there. But there are times helps Modesty and at Catholic Office of Motion iMcttires for nimx currently playing in' enough double crosses other times tries to stop MOST PRECIOUS BLOOO - ST. VINCENT OE PAUL Denver firHt-run, nei{;hborhooi{. and drivc*in theaters, as well us along the line to make the .her from stealing the dia­ those appearing on toievi.sion in the Denver, Colorado Springs and Sterling areas. Hatings of movies on TV' arc cheeked against viewer wonder what really monds. listings found in "TV (luide" magazine. Ciassifications are: A-I, goes. A short featurette with Family; A-2, adults and adolescenLs; A>:i. adults only; A-l, udulls But it is the satire that Modesty Blaise at the VILLAGE REXALL DRUG only with reservations; H, morally objectionable in part for till; C, comes through with some C entre theater in Denver Prompt Delivery Service C ondem ned. (C om piled by C^urol G ood) solid jabs. A British gov­ is Of Sea and Ships, a Current Movies Photo Supplies — Liquors — Imported Wines Did You Do In the War Daddy?, ernment official defends tribute to merchant ships, A Fine Madness, It; And Now B; Who’s Minding the Store, dealing with the Arab the text written by Nicho­ U /(<•/(• .\('<'in‘iiri/ ('in in ls Miguel. Al: Hatman. A-l; Klind- A-l; Zebra in (he Kiteheii, A-l. 1425 So. H olly leader who hod overthrown las Monsarrat, a British 756-8343 fold . A-2; lUue .Max. 11; C ast u On Television Giant Shadow, A-.H; Dear .John, his government for the writer and sea-text expert. to SATURDAY, AUG. 27 C: Dr. Zhivago, A>2; G lass B ot­ The Adventure of Mandrin, man is a democrat (with a tom Boat, A-2; High Inlidelity, ALL SAINTS A-2; Alaska. A-2; Human Desire, small 'd.’’) ST ANTHONY OF PADUA C; Inside Daisy Clover, A-3; ALL SOULS. ENGLEWOOD I Khartoum, A-l; K^^aidan. A-2; B: She Devil, H; Thre<‘ Cro«»ked Gabriel (well played by l.e Bonheur. C; Mediterranean M en, A-.2; A T o w n L ik e A lice, Dirk Bogarde in a white ST. PHILOMENA'S "BUD"STEPHENS H o lid a y , A - l; M o d e s ty BluLse. A-2; So Proudly W'e Hail, A-2; wig) parodies the school of CHERRELYN Death in Small Doses, A-2; St*- Rx A-:i; Munster Go Home, A-I; villainry by parading about PARISH DRUG STORE Sleeping Car Murder. B; Sound crel of the Incus, B; Kid Mil­ LINCOLN DRUG In Stdiness and in Health of Music, A-l; South I’aelfle, lions, A-l; Four Guns To The Prescription ) Phone 7S9-2.">61 A-:<; Stageeoaeh. A-2; T en C om ­ Border. H; Gate of Hell, A-2; mandments. A-l; That Man in Dancing in the Dark, A-2; Stale 'Catholic Hour' Betty & Bob's Beauty SERVING ALLSAINTS, NOTRE DAME, BROADWAY at QUINCY l.stanhiil, A-2; This Property is Fair, A-I; Blood of Drucula, B; & B a rbe r Shop R x ' E N G L E W O O D Cim dem ned. H; T orn Curtain. B; Westbound, A-l; Hed Planet "Our Common Christian ST. ANTHONY AND HOLY NAME PARISHES FREE PARKING Mar.s, A-2; Scandal Sheet, A-2. J Specializing in Walk. Don’t Hun. A-l; Who’s Witness" w ill be the sub­ Permanent Wav­ S U N D A Y , AU G . 28 922-1161 A fr a id o f V’irgin ia Wot>ir/, A - l; ject of discussion on the ing and Latest in The Great Mike, A-l; Black FRIENDLY • Free Delivery # Gold Bond Stamps Wild Angels. B. Catholic Hour, Sunday, Hair Shaping Gold, A-l; Green Grass of Wyo­ 2630 E. 12th A ve. E A . 2-4723 Neighborhood, Drive-In ming, A-l; The Detective, A-l; Aug. 28, 11:30 a.m. on DRUG & PHARMACY 2345 So. Fe deral 935-4661 A Man Could Get Killed. A-2; 'I he B itter T ea o f (Jen- Y en , A-2; KOA-TV, Channel 4, Den­ Arabesque, A-2; Art of l.ove, The :IUU Spartans, A-l; Smash 5660 W. ALAMEDA ver, and KO AA-TV, Chan­ YOUR CATHOLIC DRUGGIST DAN CAULFIELD A-2; Assault on a (jueen, A-2; Up. A-2; Lizzie, B; The Shrike, How better to say... ST. CATHERINE'S Battle of the Bulge, A-l; Big A-2; Carve Her Name* With nel 5, Colorado Springs. PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED Hand for the Little Lady. A-2: Prid e. A-2. 677-054? 45S-9904 FOR AND DELIVERED Boeing-Boeing, B; Hoy, Did I M O N D A Y . AU G . 29 BUSY CORNER TRAPPIST CANDIES tJet a Wrong Number, A-2; 'rhundering .Jets, A-l; Our 7 FLAVORS - .39c BAG D R U G STORE Colfax at Oowninq 233-1475 | Bridge on the Itiver Kwai, A-l; Wife, B; Sailor of the King. A-2; CURE d'ARS 722 Cincinnati Kid. H; David AL Lisa. 'Fhc Shrike, A-2; Carve Her 1’M ifL-ssim i.it I’li.irm ai'ists WE HAVE THE EXPERIENCE A-2; Divor«'e Italian Style, A-l; N a m e With Pride. A-2; Duk<*ta HOLY CROSS, THORNTON Dr. (toldfoot and the Bikini Ma­ I-il. B; The Magic Carpet, A-l; / o r g e f W. 38th Ave & Federal Blvd. chine, A-2: Duel at Diahio, B; Till We Meet Again. A-2; All m v ____ I)eii\L*r. (^olo. Firehall. 500. A-:i: Flight of (he The Brothers Were Valiant, A-2: DUCKWALL’S AND SKILLED ^KNOW HOW’ Phoenix, A-l; Frankie Alt .John­ CITY VIEW Girl With a Suitcase, A-2; Mad not ST. M A R Y S. LinLETON I ny, A-2: Grand Canyon. A-l; Little Island, A-2. Denver's Newest Professional Pharmey I Harp4T, A-2; Lady L. II; Lord <*f T U K S D A Y , AU G . 20 Suburban Variety Store flowers Ph. 287-5535 the Flies, A-2: 1.1. K«>hin ( ’rusoe. The Storm Rider, A-l; Texas. DAHLIA SHOPPING CENTER SELL 4 LESS 8796 N. Corona A-l; Made In Paris, A-3; Mar­ A-2; The Sentence, A-:j; Till We I3rd A D ah lia 323.?03S T hornton 29, Colo. riage on tlie Hocks. B; Mary Meet Again. A-2; .Mad Little Is­ 2379 So. Downing See Bob Robles______Pi>ppins, A-l; Naked Prey, A-:i; land, A-2: It Started With a ft sx a t t Nevada Smith, A-2: Night of the Kiss, B; The Man Wh«> Never itiMMiiiiiiiiitiiiim (•ri/./ly. A - l; Paradise. H aw aiian Was, A-l; Thief of Damascus, B; ST. LOUIS, ENGLEWOOD S ty le . A -2 ; H ed L in e 7000. B; F'ear No More, A-2; Windom’s St. Vincent's H id e B e y o n d V e n g e a n c e , A-.'l; W ay, A-2. D R U G STO RE JBABXB'OEUff Russians Are Coming, A-l; She­ WKDNESDAY, AUG. 21 O J I V O QBBKTMM ] nandoah, A-l; Singing Nun, A-l; Twentieth Century, A-2; Pete CECILS SUPER 794-1264 Silencers, B; Stageeoaeh. A-2; Kelly’s Blues. B; The Man Whe> { f. 28S7 W. Himpden 'Fake Her, She’s Mine, A-2; Tar- Never Was, A-l; Windoin’s Way, CECIL MEACHAM. Prop. 2S00 W. M a in Little lon , Colo En|lewDod, Cslarado 80110 zan and The Valley of Gold, A-2: Murder on Diamond H«»w. QUALITY MEATS — FISH — POULTRY A-l; Tenth. Vletim. B; The A-l; The Stratton Story, A-l; I ST AN N 'S. ARVADA Chase, A-:i; The Outrage, B; Bachelor Flat, B; Streets of Nationally Advertised Brands Foods IPEEBLES 'I'hose Magnifieonl Men. A-i; Laredo. A-2; Cargo to Cape­ Save Money Here - 1004 S. Gaylord - 733-73K1 OUR LAOV OF LOURDES Three On a Couch, A-2; Thou­ town, B; l*ve Always Loved ALLENDALE Add a sound base of professional sand C’lowns, A-2; Thunderhail, You, A-2; Storm in Jamaica, PHARMACY A-2; Trouble With Angels, A-l; A-2. "The store of Personal Service" 9N(M) \V . .'59th Pli.Lt* Very Special Favor, A-:i; What THURSDAY. SEPT. 1 Newspaper circulation is Preisser's Superette training to the above, and you know Assignment Paris, A-l; Hogues •*22-2:i‘l7 Wesley Pharmacy known and is comparative­ Regiment, A-2; The Blaek Scor­ Fancy Meats And Groceries .\r\ada. C^oliiradn Prescription Druggists Enrollment Booms pion, A-l; Francis Covers the ly unaffected by daily or FRIC OlUVIRT AND your prescriptions will be filled ac­ Ilig Town, A-l; Storm in Ja­ seasonal change — there’s CHARCt ACCOUNIS MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD G. L. Quinlan Member SI. Vincenf I In Long Island Schools maica. A-2; The Devil at 1 no "summer slump.” 7 7 7 -4 4 4 7 Wesley Ave. Oe Paul Parish O’clock, A-2; House On 'Fele- 71TI r tlkti l, r iS UkK Okll' curately, dependably. See us soon. A t So. Downing 733-943a | graph Hill, B; Cast A Long 11 i f f REXALL 7^ n / g Rockville Centre, L.I. — Shadow. A-I; Strange Fascina­ When the new school year tion, B; Value F or M on ev, B. Prescription Druggists ST. FRANCIS DE SALES ST. PHILOMENA’S FRIDAY, SEPT. 2 ST. CATHERINE'S, COMMERCE CITY begins next month enroll- First ill I’ lL-sL-riplioiis metit in diocesan schools Jack and the Beanstalk, A-l; ALA-DOWN , nP The Impatient Yearn, A-2; F.ist Fri-L* D i-livrry Save-R-Penny here will reach a record of shoot-out At M odicinc B.od. Sales Service 22:ih .So. C^olorado Blvd. PHARMACY Every issue of every news­ more than 94,000 students. A-I; The Glory Brii;a

Classes at the Bergman lessons starting Sept. 14. certificate for local posi­ A coast-to-coast reunion four other priests. the new Madonna high Sister Hilda said, **we were Among those at last 1 Art school. Denver, will from 7 to 9 p.m. tions. of the John B. Gabel fam­ ON A VISIT to the school faculty in Wichita. ab le to v is it our home week’s reunion, the sec­ begin Sept. 6. Also ofTered will be in­ ily, including one priest Register, the Gabel Sister Louise Is the med­ town, and had the pleasure ond in recent years, Twelve lessens during Hylam Shimoda. profes­ structions in "Greeting and two Religious took great-grandparents were ical librarian at St. Francis o f visiting our birthplace, were Mr. and Mrs. Alec day and evening hours will sional illustrator and pro­ Card.” "Design," "Letter­ place in Denver last week. accompanied by Sister hospital, Tulsa, Okla. She and stood on the very spot Gabel and Mr. and Mrs. be offered in "Preparing duction manager of Mont­ ing,” "Cartooning,” "Archi­ Mr. and Mrs. Gabel Mary Hilda and Sister taught school more than 12 where the family farm­ Harold E. Chetelat, Den­ Copy for the Printer.” Stu- gom ery Wards, will teach tectural R endition.” and farmed in Kansas until re­ Mary Louise. years until ill-health house stood. The farm is ver; and Father Emman­ dents will learn the lessons in "Air Brush" "Portraiture.” tirement in 1929. and Sister H ilda celebrated caused her re-allocation to now owned by a brother of uel Gabel, of Stoneham. professional techniques of Mondays from 7 to 9 p.m. came to Denver in 1940. the 25th anniversary of medical librarlanship. Sister Antoninus, C.S.A., Interested persons may advertising production and beginning Sept. 12. Bishop Leo C. Byrne of her religious profession in Sister Hilda completed from Hays. Kansas.” Gerald Chetelat, an em­ will receive a certificate call 733-3161 or 733-8121 Wichita led the Concelebr- 1956, at the provincial her master’s degree in ploye of the Register, and for more information, or upon completion of the A COURSE in "Fashion ated Mass on the Gabels' motherhouse in Wichita, business education this The family tree lists a high school junior in course. and Advertising Art” can write to Bernice Bergman, golden wedding anniversa­ Kans. She has taught summer at Oklahoma State nine children, 14 grand­ Denver, is a member o f a "Interior Design” will be be completed In 11 months Bergman Art school. 1923 ry in 1963 with the Rev. school in many states, and university. children and three musical "combo," in his taught by Tom Johnston in through full daytime work E. Kentucky avenue, Den­ Emmanuel A. Gabel, and is at present assigned to "En route to Denver." great-grandchildren. leisure hours. a series of 12 Wednesday resulting in a portfolio and ver.

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KEU-RINGIIIS RING THE BELL HIMLMA^ Anr STAK'l'S SEPT. r> - APPROVED BY VA AND STATE FOR SAVINGS! ADVERTISING ART - LAYOUT PRODUCTION _ TV ART Smart parents are planning to shop F'ASHION ART - GREETING CARDS - CARTOONING for all their youngsters' back-to- DRESS DESIGN - PORTRAITURE - HOBBY ART INTERIOR DESIGN - AIR BRUSH - school needs .... 'you know you'll ARCHITECTURAL ILLUSTRATION find everything from supplies to 12 LESSONS: Prepare copy f«)r printer - EARN clothing at bargain prices during For all ajjes - Day- eve. — Junior Saturday Classes PLACEMENT - BRUSH-UP COURSES - this event at these leading mer­ MARKETS FOR DESIGNS chants. Call or 733-SI2I for folder 1923 E. Kentucky Ave. — No. 5 bus at door Free Parking

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