Newspaper Articles
APPENDIX J Newspaper Articles THE DAILY FREE PRESS, the city, as follows: Gough Street to Winooski; thence to BURLINGTON, AUGUST 24, 1850 North St.; North to Champlain, Champlain to Pearl, Pearl to St. Paul, St. Paul to Main, Main to corner of Church, THE NEW FRENCH CHURCH where the lines were broken and all repaired to City Hall, The Ceremony of the Benediction of the Corner Stone of to listen to an oration by Mod. Lanctot, Esq., of this city, the French Church, on Goff Street (North Prospect Street), a gentleman whom we have never had the pleasure of hear- took place on Thursday, in the presence of a large assem- ing in public, but who is described to us as a polished and blage of our citizens. The Very Rev. Mr. Mignault, Vicar fluent orator. General of the Diocese of Montreal, performed the impres- The programme of the day concludes with religious ser- sive services, and pronounced an appropriate discourse in vices at St. Joseph Church this evening. French and English. The Rev. Messrs. Larocque Titular The procession was quite large, and the members, wear- Canon, l'Lamondon and Hubeedault, Chaplains, of the ing badges of their respective societies, and bearing the Bishop of Montreal, and Rev. Messrs. Gravel, Curate of St. French and American flags side by side, presented a highly Athansee, Leclere, Curate of Stanbridge, and Hardy, Cur- creditable appearance. Everything was conducted in an ex- ate of St. Louis de Gonzague, were present, with Rev. Mr. ceedingly orderly manner. The weather was all that could Quevillon, Missionary Priest to the French Catholics in be desired and the whole proceedings passed off in the Burlington and vicinity, were present and assisted at the in- most satisfactory manner.
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