Bicentennial Regional Mass “Shine like stars in the world, as you hold fast to the word of life” (Philippians 2:15–16)

The Most Reverend Barry C. Knestout Bishop of Richmond, Presider

Saturday, the Twenty Sixth of September Two Thousand Twenty Ten-Thirty in the morning

Saint Andrew’s Roanoke, January 18, 2020 This Mass, celebrated at Sacred Heart in Norfolk, inaugurated the bicentennial of the Diocese of Richmond; it commemorated the arrival in Virginia of the Right Reverend Patrick Kelly, first bishop of Richmond; and it recognized the Catholic presence in the Eastern Vicariate.

July 11, 2020 This Mass, celebrated at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Richmond commemorated the founding of the Diocese of Richmond; it recognized the Catholic presence in the Central Vicariate; and two men were ordained to the priesthood and one to the diaconate.

September 26, 2020 This Mass is celebrated at St. Andrew’s in Roanoke to commemorate the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul, patron of the Diocese of Richmond, and to recognize of the Catholic presence in the Western Vicariate. BICENTENNIAL PRAYER ORACIÓN DEL BICENTENARIO OF THE DIOCESE OF RICHMOND DE LA DIÓCESIS DE RICHMOND (1820–2020) (1820–2020)

Father of lights, Padre de las luces, the radiance of your Son el resplandor de tu Hijo has guided the advance of the Gospel ha guiado el avance del Evangelio across the Diocese of Richmond for two centuries, a lo largo de la diócesis de Richmond por dos siglos, strengthening our Church fortaleciendo nuestra Iglesia from the Eastern Shore to the Cumberland Gap. desde la Orilla Oriental hasta el Paso de Cumberland. Grant that the nearness of your Son Concede que la cercanía de tu Hijo may dispel the darkness of our sins, disipe las tinieblas de nuestros pecados, so that as our love increases more and more, para que mientras se aumente nuestro amor we may dare more than ever cada vez más, to fearlessly proclaim the word. nos atrevamos más que nunca Holding fast to the word of life, a predicar la palabra sin temor. may we shine like stars in the world. Agarrándonos a la palabra de vida, We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, brillemos como estrellas en el mundo. who lives and reigns with you Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo one God for ever and ever. y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos.

Imprimatur: Imprimátur: +Barry C. Knestout +Barry C. Knestout Bishop of Richmond Obispo de Richmond

©2019 Catholic Diocese of Richmond ©2019 Diócesis Católica de Richmond



To Our Beloved Son Patrick Kelly, Priest of the Diocese of Ossory in Ireland, elected as the New Bishop of Richmond Pope Pius VII Beloved Son, Greeting and Apostolic blessing Among the multiple and weightiest responsibilities of Our Apostolate, that which concerns the status of Dioceses spread throughout the whole world holds no small part. For indeed it pertains to our supreme power and judgment to regulate them and to set or change their boundaries as We determine leads to the benefit of the faithful, taking into account the times and circumstances. Since now for a long time it has been implored of Us that the State of Virginia in North America, which was enclosed in the Diocese of , be erected into a new Diocese separated from it, and since it seems to be very expedient for the extinction of the schisms which have arisen in it that a Bishop of its own be established in it; even more because the State of , which is subject to the Archbishop of Baltimore and which is filled with a very large number of Catholics, furnishes the same Archbishop with such ample matter for pastoral zeal that he can with difficulty extend his care to other States, We, upon the advice of Our Venerable Brothers the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church set over the affairs of the Propagation of the Faith, have established and decreed that, after the separation of the said State from the Diocese of Baltimore, a new Episcopal Church, suffragan of Baltimore, should be erected at Richmond, which is the capital city of Virginia, and that it should embrace the whole State of Virginia, not including [the District of] Columbia, as by Apostolic Authority and the tenor of the present decree We separate and erect it as a new Episcopal Church of Richmond, suffragan of Baltimore, with all the rights and prerogatives belonging to these kinds of Churches according to the Sacred Canons. We also, intending with paternal and solicitous zeal, in which no one besides Ourselves could or can inject himself, to provide quickly and felicitously for the aforesaid new Episcopal Church thus erected, after a diligent and fruitful deliberation that We have had with Our aforesaid Venerable Brothers the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church in charge of the affairs of the Propagation of the Faith about appointing a person for the same new Church, have directed the eyes of Our mind at last to You, who have been procreated from a legitimate matrimony and are also of legitimate age and of whose purity of life, probity of conduct, as well as piety, assiduity, and learning and zeal for the Christian Religion and the Catholic Faith, and foresight in spiritual matters and caution in temporal matters trustworthy testimonies are furnished, all these things having been considered with due reflection, absolving you and believing that you will be absolved from any sentences of excommunication, suspension, or interdict, and from any other ecclesiastical sentences, censures, and penalties imposed by law, or by man on any occasion, or serially, We provide this same new Episcopal Church of Richmond with your person acceptable to Us and the named Cardinals because of the claim of your merits. And by the advice of the same Brothers, by the afore-mentioned authority and tenor, We set you over it as Bishop and Pastor, fully committing to you the care, government, and administration of the Church of Richmond in spiritual and temporal matters, trusting in Him, who gives grace and bestows gifts, that as the Lord guides your actions the aforesaid Church of Richmond will be beneficially and prosperously directed though your diligence of foresight and zeal and will experience pleasing increases in spiritual and temporal matters. Accepting therefore with ready devotion of spirit the Lord’s yoke laid on your shoulders, may you so faithfully and prudently carry out the aforesaid care and administration that the Church of Richmond may rejoice that it has been committed to a prudent governor and productive administrator. And may you, besides the reward of eternal retribution, more copiously merit to attain therefrom also Our and the Apostolic See’s blessing and favor. Given at Rome at St. Mary Major under the ring of the Fisherman, the Eleventh Day of July in the year 1820, the twenty-first of Our Pontificate. H. Card. Consalvi2

1 Rev. Msgr. Robert Trisco, professor emeritus of Church history at the Catholic University of America (Washington, DC), made this translation (2018), which is based on the collated transcript that he also prepared.

2 Hercules Cardinalis Consalvi. The name refers to Ercole (Latin: Hercules) Consalvi, a deacon and cardinal of the Church. At the time the Diocese of Richmond was founded, he was the secretary of state (1814–1823), and later became the pro-prefect (1822–1824) and then prefect (1824) of Propaganda Fidei. (Cardinal Francesco Fontana was the prefect of Propaganda Fidei [1818–1822] when the diocese was founded.) 7 SPECIAL ITEMS TO NOTE ABOUT THIS LITURGY

The chalice used in this Mass belonged to the Right Reverend , sixth bishop of Richmond (1889–1911). Originally from Belgium and ordained a priest of Richmond, Bishop van de Vyver continued the diocese’s outreach to black Catholics and oversaw the construction of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (1906).


The crozier used in this Mass belonged to the Most Reverend Walter F. Sullivan, eleventh bishop of Richmond (1974-2003). His predecessor, the Most Reverend John J. Russell, and the clergy of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, gave this pastoral staff to Bishop Sullivan on the occasion of his ordination as auxiliary bishop of Richmond (1970). The crozier resembles the crook used to corral sheep, and therefore symbolizes the bishop’s role as shepherd of the diocese.

For this Mass, the relic of St. Vincent de Paul have been placed in the sanctuary. More information about St. Vincent de Paul can be found on page 43.

9 THE INTRODUCTORY RITES Prelude Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness BWV 654 Sinfonia from Cantata #2 - J.S. Bach

Welcome Very Rev. Kevin Segerblom, Pastor, St. Andrew’s Catholic Church

Please stand Processional Hymn We Shine Like Stars in the WorlWed Shine Like Stars In The World In Commemoration of the Bicentennial of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, Virginia En Conmemoración del Bicentenario de la Diócesis Católica de Richmond, Virginia 1820 - 2020

Refrain / Estribillo

b 4 œ œ œ œ œ Œ & b b 4 œ œ œ œ ˙œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Wœe shine like stars in the world, J as we hold fast to the Word of Life. The Co - mo lu - cer - os bri - lla-mos y se - gui - mos la Pa - la - bra de vi - da. La b j j & b b œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ . œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ light of Christ will guide us on our way in times of peace and strife. From luz de Cris - to nos gui - a - rá en ti - em-pos de paz y lu - cha. Des-de

b œ œ & b b œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙. œ moun-tains to the sea, we shall pro - claim with one ac - cord, the cum - bres has - ta el mar pre - go - na - mos de vi - va voz. Las

bb j j & b œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ w good news of our Sav- ior Je - sus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords! bon - da - des de nu - es - tro Se - ñor, Je - su Cris - to el Re-den - tor! Verses / Estrofas

bb œ & b œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙. œ 1. We gath - er as one bo - dy, to hear your Word pro - claimed. We 2. Por ge - ne - ra - ci - o - nes, he - mos re - za - do. Nu - 3. For all who've gone be - fore us, through sick - ness, war and fear, we 4. Ba - jo tu ben - di - ci - ón, nos vol - ve - mos tus ma - nos. Pa -

bb œ œ & b œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙. share in Christ's Com - mun - ion, sent forth with faith sus - tained. es - tra fe se a - vi - va y si - em - pre es - ta - rá. car - ry on the miss - ion our loved ones held so dear. ra ser - vir al mun - do ha - cer tu vo - lun - tad.

Text (Texto): Philippians (Filipenses)2:15-16; Daniel J. Keeley, b.1960. Spanish Translation by (Traducción el español por) Matthew Sibley. Tune (Melodía): Daniel J. Keeley, b.1960. © 2019 by Daniel J. Keeley All rights reserved (Todos los derechos reservados). Used with permission (Usado con permiso). 10 Sign of the Cross


Penitential Act

Gloria Colin Bromby


Verse Formula:

We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, al-mighty Father. …

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, You take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; You take away the sins of the world, re-ceive our prayer; …

You are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. A - men. Collect

Bishop: Let us pray. O God, who for the relief of the poor and the formation of the clergy endowed the Priest Saint Vincent de Paul with apostolic virtues, grant, we pray, that, afire with that same spirit, we may love what he loved and put into practice what he taught. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

All Present: Amen. Please be seated 11 THE LITURGY OF THE WORD

First Reading/Primera lectura/ Bài đọc 1 Zephaniah/ Sofonías/ Xôphônia 3:14-18 Proclaimed in Spanish by Ms. Joana Torres

ENGLISH VIETNAMESE Shout for joy, O daughter Zion! Reo vui lên, hỡi thiếu nữ Xi-on, sing joyfully, O Israel! hò vang dậy đi nào, nhà Ít-ra-en hỡi! Be glad and exult with all your heart, Hỡi thiếu nữ Giê-ru-sa-lem, hãy nức lòng phấn khởi. O daughter Jerusalem! Án lệnh phạt ngươi, ĐỨC CHÚA đã rút lại, The LORD has removed the judgment against you, thù địch của ngươi, Người đã đẩy lùi xa. he turned away your enemies; Đức Vua của Ít-ra-en đang ngự giữa ngươi, chính là The King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst, ĐỨC CHÚA. you have no further misfortune to fear. Sẽ chẳng còn tai ương nào khiến ngươi phải sợ. On that day, it shall be said to Jerusalem: Ngày ấy, người ta sẽ bảo Giê-ru-sa-lem: Fear not, O Zion, be not discouraged! “Này Xi-on, đừng sợ, chớ kinh hãi rụng rời.” The LORD, your God, is in your midst, ĐỨC CHÚA, Thiên Chúa của ngươi đang ngự giữa a mighty savior; ngươi, He will rejoice over you with gladness, Người là Vị cứu tinh, là Đấng anh hùng. and renew you in his love, Vì ngươi, Chúa sẽ vui mừng hoan hỷ, He will sing joyfully because of you, sẽ lấy tình thương của Người mà đổi mới ngươi. as one sings at festivals. Vì ngươi, Chúa sẽ nhảy múa tưng bừng như trong ngày lễ hội. Những kẻ tản lạc được hồi hương Ta đã cất khỏi ngươi tai hoạ khiến ngươi không còn phải ô nhục nữa. Reader: Palabra de Dios. All Present: Te alabamos, Señor.

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 112

12 Second Reading/Segunda lectura/ Bài đọc 2 1 Corinthians/ Corintios/ Thư Côrintô 1:26-31 Proclaimed in Vietnamese by Ms. Quang Tran

ENGLISH ESPAÑOL Consider your own calling, brothers and sisters. Hermanos: Consideren que entre ustedes, los que Not many of you were wise by human standards, han sido llamados por Dios, no hay muchos sabios, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. ni muchos poderosos, ni muchos nobles, según Rather, God chose the foolish of the world to shame the los criterios humanos. Pues Dios ha elegido a los wise, and God chose the weak of the world to shame the ignorantes de este mundo, para humillar a los sabios; strong, a los débiles del mundo, para avergonzar a los fuertes; and God chose the lowly and despised of the world, a los insignificantes y despreciados del mundo, es those who count for nothing, decir, a los que no valen nada, para reducir a la nada to reduce to nothing those who are something, a los que valen; de manera que nadie pueda presumir so that no human being might boast before God. delante de Dios. It is due to him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, En efecto, por obra de Dios, ustedes están injertados as well as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, en Cristo Jesús, a quien Dios hizo nuestra sabiduría, so that, as it is written, nuestra justicia, nuestra santificación y nuestra Whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord. redención. Por lo tanto, como dice la Escritura: El que se gloría, que se gloríe en el Señor. Reader: Đó là Lời Chúa. All Present: Tạ ơn Chúa. Please stand Gospel Acclamation Proulx

Gospel/Evangelio/ Phúc Âm Ga Matthew/ Mateo/ Thánh Mátthêu 9:35-38 Proclaimed in English by Rev. Mr. Mike Ellerbrock

Deacon: The Lord be with you. All Present: And with your spirit.

Deacon: A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew. All Present: Glory to you, O Lord.

ESPAÑOL VIETNAMESE En aquel tiempo, Jesús recorría todas las ciudades y Đức Giê-su đi khắp các thành thị, làng mạc, giảng dạy los pueblos, enseñando en las sinagogas, predicando trong các hội đường, rao giảng Tin Mừng Nước Trời và el Evangelio del Reino y curando toda enfermedad chữa hết các bệnh hoạn tật nguyền. y dolencia. Al ver a las multitudes, se compadecía de ellas, porque estaban extenuadas y desamparadas, como Đức Giê-su thấy đám đông thì chạnh lòng thương, vì họ ovejas sin pastor. Entonces dijo a sus discípulos: “La lầm than vất vưởng, như bầy chiên không người chăn cosecha es mucha y los trabajadores, pocos. Rueguen, dắt. Bấy giờ, Người nói với môn đệ rằng: Lúa chín đầy por lo tanto, al dueño de la mies que envíe trabajadores đồng, mà thợ gặt lại ít. Vậy anh em hãy xin chủ mùa gặt a sus campos”. sai thợ ra gặt lúa về.” 13 Deacon: The Gospel of the Lord. All Present: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Please remain standing until the Book of the Gospels is reverenced and placed on the stand. All are seated for the homily.

Homily Most Reverend Barry C. Knestout

Profession of Faith Please stand

Prayer of the Faithful

Bicentennial Prayer See inside front cover Please be seated THE LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Offertory Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life

Preparation of the Gifts Please stand Bishop: Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father. All Present: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands, for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church.


Bishop: The Lord be with you. All Present: And with your spirit.

Bishop: Lift up your hearts. All Present: We lift them up to the Lord. 14 Bishop: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. All Present: It is right and just. Sanctus Mass of Our Lady, Hope of Christians

Please kneel Memorial Acclamation Mass of Our Lady, Hope of Christians

Doxology and Amen Mass of Our Lady, Hope of Christians

Please stand THE COMMUNION RITE The Lord’s Prayer

The Rite of Peace

Bishop: The peace of the Lord be with you always. All Present: And with your spirit.

Deacon: Let us offer each other the sign of peace.

Lamb of God Mass of Our Lady, Hope of Christians

15 Please kneel Bishop: Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb. All Present: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.

Communion Hymn

16 Communion Hymn

17 Prayer after Communion Please stand

Bishop: Let us pray. Renewed by this heavenly Sacrament, O Lord, we implore that, just as we are prompted by Saint Vincent’s example to imitate your Son in his preaching of the Gospel to the poor, so, too, we may be sustained by his prayers. Through Christ our Lord. All Present: Amen.


Bishop: The Lord be with you. All Present: And with your spirit.

Bishop: Blessed be the name of the Lord. All Present: Now and for ever.

Bishop: Our help is in the name of the Lord. All Present: Who made heaven and earth.

Bishop: May almighty God bless you, the Father, X and the Son, X and the Holy X Spirit. All Present: Amen.


Deacon: Go forth, the Mass is ended. All Present: Thanks be to God

18 Recessional Hymn The Spirit Sends us Forth

Postlude Finale Jubilante – Healey Willan

19 Saint Vincent de Paul, vintage engraving


Back in the Fall of 2018, the Office of Worship, in collaboration with the Bicentennial Planning Task Force, began to coordinate a 2020 Bicentennial Hymn Competition for the Diocese of Richmond to commission a hymn that expresses the history of our diocese and commemorates our 200th anniversary.

The winning hymn, We Shine Like Stars in the World, commemorates this special occasion, incorporating the bicentennial motto from Philippians. The hymn can be sung by a cantor and assembly, but it can also include a range of instrumentation and choral harmony. In addition, the hymn includes verses in Spanish.

We Shine Like Stars in the World will be performed at various Masses during the upcoming bicentennial year, and parishes are encouraged to incorporate the new Bicentennial Hymn into their liturgies whenever possible. Congratulations to Daniel J. Keeley, the Director of Music Ministries at Our Lady of Nazareth Catholic Church in Roanoke, the composer of the winning hymn.


After a five-month competition, one image was selected to brand the 200th anniversary of the Diocese of Richmond. The winning design pictured above was submitted by Shari Evans, a parishioner at the Basilica of St. Mary of the in Norfolk. It will represent the 2020 celebrations throughout the bicentennial year.

“Just the number 200 is strong. For example, a little kid might not know what bicentennial means, but they know that 200 is a large number, and we’re celebrating a large number of years,” Shari said. One of the most eye-catching elements of Evans’ design is the stained-glass window that comprises the second zero. “Whenever I think of light, faith, and religion, I think of light from stained-glass windows coming into the church during a service. It sticks with me,” she said, explaining that her design mimics what she would see at Mass on Sundays before renovations at the Basilica began. The design of the cross was taken from one of the basilica windows and divides the zero into two window panes. The right pane shows the Eastern Shore of the diocese while the left depicts the mountains that make up the Cumberland Gap, a landmark which is referred to in the bicentennial prayer. The stars in the first zero and the jewel in the center of the cross were taken from the diocesan shield, and the colors used in the bicentennial logo match the red, blue, and gold of the diocesan shield.

For more information on the Catholic Diocese of Richmond Bicentennial, visit: 21 Bishops of Richmond

PATRICK KELLY First Bishop of Richmond Fourth Bishop of Richmond (1820–1822) (1872–1877) Born 16 April 1779 in Kilkenny, Born 23 July 1834 in Baltimore, Maryland County Kilkenny, Ireland Consecrated bishop 16 August 1868 Consecrated bishop 24 August 1820 Died 24 March 1921 Died 8 October 1829

RICHARD VINCENT WHELAN JOHN JOSEPH KEANE Second Bishop of Richmond Fifth Bishop of Richmond (1841–1850) (1878–1888) Born 28 January 1809 in Baltimore, Maryland Born 12 September 1839 in Ballyshannon, Consecrated bishop 21 March 1841 County Donegal, Ireland Died 7 July 1874 Consecrated bishop 25 August 1878 Died 22 June 1918

JOHN MCGILL AUGUSTINE VAN DE VYVER Third Bishop of Richmond Sixth Bishop of Richmond (1850–1872) (1889–1911) Born 4 November 1809 in Born 1 December 1844 in Haesdonck, Belgium , Pennsylvania Consecrated bishop 20 October 1889 Consecrated bishop 10 November 1850 Died 16 October 1911 22 Died 14 January 1872 Bishops of Richmond

DENIS JOSEPH O’CONNELL Seventh Bishop of Richmond Tenth Bishop of Richmond (1912–1926) (1958–1973) Born 28 January 1849 in Donoughmore, Born 1 December 1897 in Baltimore, Maryland County Cork, Ireland Consecrated bishop 14 March 1950 Consecrated bishop 3 May 1908 Died 17 March 1993 Died 1 January 1927

ANDREW JAMES BRENNAN Eighth Bishop of Richmond Eleventh Bishop of Richmond (1926–1945) (1974–2003) Born 14 December 1877 in Born 10 June 1928 in Washington, D.C. Towanda, Pennsylvania Ordained bishop 1 December 1970 Consecrated bishop 25 April 1923 Died 11 December 2012 Died 23 May 1956

PETER LEO IRETON FRANCIS XAVIER DILORENZO Ninth Bishop of Richmond Twelfth Bishop of Richmond (1945–1958) (2004–2017) Born 21 September 1882 in Baltimore, Maryland Born 15 April 1942 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Consecrated bishop 23 October 1935 Ordained bishop 26 January 1988 Died 27 April 1958 Died 17 August 2017 23 Bishops of Richmond

BARRY CHRISTOPHER KNESTOUT Thirteenth Bishop of Richmond (2018–Present) Born 11 June 1962 in Cheverly, Maryland Ordained bishop 29 December 2008

24 A Brief History of the Diocese of Richmond By Reverend Anthony E. Marques

Although Catholics have always been a minority in Virginia, their roots in the commonwealth extend back four hundred years. A group of Spanish Jesuits planted the seeds of Christian faith near present-day Williamsburg but were soon killed by local inhabitants (1570–1571). Their martyrdom foreshadowed the struggles of the Catholic Church in this territory. In the following centuries, the Church grew slowly amid religious and secular hostility, geographic isolation, economic deprivation, and a chronic lack of priests.

The first organized Catholic communities in Virginia took shape around 1794. At St. Patrick’s in Norfolk,a schism or formal division among believers arose over the question of whether lay persons could own Church property and appoint their own pastors (ca. 1794–1821). In an effort to heal the rift, Pope Pius VII established the Diocese of Richmond on July 11, 1820. Formed from the Archdiocese of Baltimore, Richmond became the seventh diocese in the United States.

Parishes were small, far flung, and poor for most of the history of the Richmond Diocese. Developments in transportation (canals, railroads, trolley lines, and automobiles) led to modest growth in the Catholic population. Immigration also contributed to this gradual increase. Various ethnic groups settled in the diocese at different times: French, Irish, Germans, Lebanese (Maronites), Filipinos, Hispanics, Vietnamese, Koreans, and Africans. The Catholic Church experienced growth spurts in northern Virginia and Tidewater as the federal government and military expanded when the United States entered World War I (1917) and World War II (1941), and during the Cold War (1946–1989).

African Americans experienced even greater hardships as Catholics than other members of the Church. The first African slaves in Virginia were likely baptized Catholics (1619). Following the Civil War (1861–1865), the Church took steps to evangelize freed slaves and established separate parishes and schools for black Catholics (ca. 1865–1965). They often endured ridicule from black Protestants and prejudice within the Catholic Church. Most black churches were closed during the civil rights era to integrate parishes (1961–1970), but many African Americans opposed the loss of their distinctive communities.

The relatively small Catholic population in the Richmond Diocese has been spread out over a territory that remained vast even as its boundaries were altered several times (1850, 1868, 1974). Virginia has long been a mission field, as far back as the official prohibition against Catholicism (1607–1786). Even after religious freedom was established in the commonwealth, many Catholics continued to face bigotry and suspicion. They gradually gained social acceptance by accommodating their religion to Protestant surroundings; by advancing professionally, helped by Catholic education; by fighting in their country’s wars; and by carrying out charitable works. The diocese is still missionary country, however, since Catholics are now also a minority that lives in a secular culture with diminished religious practice. The clerical abuse scandal (2002, 2018) has also damaged the Church’s credibility.

Thirteen bishops have governed the Church of Richmond over the course of its two-hundred-year history. Today, the diocese includes 200,000 Catholics (who make up five percent of the total population), 191 priests, 161 deacons, 139 parishes, and 30 schools.

The bicentennial of this local Church (1820–2020) is a testament to the perseverance of Catholics in Virginia. Despite adversity and failures, they have practiced their faith and helped to improve their society.

A more complete narrative of the Richmond Diocese, Sowing Faith in a Catholic Frontier: Condensed History of the Diocese of Richmond, is available at 25 Catholic Diocese of Richmond Parishes by Vicariate and Deanery

Western Vicariate

26 Central Vicariate Eastern Vicariate


The organization of the Church is based on its communion: the bonds that unite members to God and to one another. The local Church or diocese is a group of faithful in a given territory under the leadership of a bishop (from the Greek episkopos, meaning “overseer”). As a successor of the apostles, the bishop is the main teacher, celebrant of the sacraments, and shepherd of the Catholic community. Various administrative structures and positions held by priests and deacons assist the bishop in his mission. Clerical titles express the duties of a bishop, priests, and deacons.

A diocese is divided into regions called vicariates, each of them headed by a priest who is an episcopal vicar, meaning a representative of the bishop with oversight responsibility. Several regional subdivisions called deaneries comprise a vicariate. A priest appointed as dean heads a deanery, and helps to coordinate the work of local parishes. A dean is also called a vicar forane, based on the Latin foraneus (foreign), in the sense of an area outside the city where the bishop lives.

The parish (derived from the Greek paroikos, meaning “sojourner”) is the basic Catholic community. Its leader is a priest who is appointed pastor (in Latin: parochus). An assistant pastor is called a parochial vicar because he is a representative of the pastor.

The basic, formal title of a priest is “Reverend”; the informal title is “Father.” As an expression of his overall leadership role, a bishop uses the formal title “Most Reverend.” The informal episcopal title is “Bishop.” Episcopal vicars and deans, because of their supervisory function, use the title “Very Reverend,” as do priests who occupy higher leadership positions in a diocese, or who are placed in charge of a cathedral or basilica. Deans also use the initials “V.F.” (vicar forane) after their name. The title “” (from the Italian monsignore, meaning, “My Lord”), is an honorific conferred by the pope on certain priests in recognition of their service. Formally, “Monsignor” is used after the title “Reverend”; informally, it is used in place of “Father.”

For their part, deacons use the formal title “Reverend Mr.” and the informal title “Deacon,” which means “servant.”

28 PARISHES OF THE RICHMOND DIOCESE Eastern Vicariate Very Reverend Monsignor Walter C. Barrett, Jr., Episcopal Vicar for the Eastern Vicariate

Deanery 1 Deanery 4 Basilica of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Immaculate Conception, Hampton Norfolk Our Lady of Lavang – Vietnam, Norfolk Blessed Sacrament, Norfolk Our Lady of Lavang – Vietnam, Hampton Christ the King, Norfolk Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Newport News Holy Trinity, Norfolk Saint Jerome, Newport News Sacred Heart, Norfolk Saint Joseph, Hampton Saint Andrew the Apostle, Chincoteague Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Tabb Saint Charles, Cape Charles Saint Mary Star of the Sea, Fort Monroe Saint Matthew, Virginia Beach Saint Rose of Lima & Korean Martyrs, Hampton Saint Peter the Apostle, Onley Saint Vincent de Paul, Newport News Saint Pius X, Norfolk Deanery 5 Deanery 2 Church of Francis de Sales, Mathews Anglican/Roman Catholic Community of Church of Saint Therese, Gloucester Holy Apostles, Virginia Beach Church of the Visitation, Middlesex Church of the Ascension, Virginia Beach Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, West Point Church of the Holy Family, Virginia Beach Saint Bede, Williamsburg Church of the Holy Spirit, Virginia Beach Saint Joan of Arc, Yorktown Saint Gregory the Great, Virginia Beach Saint Olaf, Norge Saint John the Apostle, Virginia Beach Saint Luke, Virginia Beach Saint Nicholas, Virginia Beach Star of the Sea, Virginia Beach

Deanery 3 Church of Saint Therese, Chesapeake Church of the Good Shepherd, Smithfield Church of the Holy Angels, Portsmouth Church of the Resurrection, Portsmouth Prince of Peace, Chesapeake Saint Benedict, Chesapeake Saint Jude, Franklin Saint Mark, Virginia Beach Saint Mary, Chesapeake Saint Mary of the Presentation, Suffolk Saint Paul, Portsmouth Saint Stephen Martyr, Chesapeake Shrine of the Infant of Prague, Wakefield

29 PARISHES OF THE RICHMOND DIOCESE Central Vicariate Very Reverend Monsignor R. Francis Muench, J.C.L., Episcopal Vicar for the Central Vicariate

Deanery 6 Deanery 9 Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Richmond Church of the Sacred Heart, Prince George Church of the Redeemer, Mechanicsville Good Shepherd, South Hill Holy Rosary, Richmond Saint Ann, Colonial Heights Saint Elizabeth, Richmond Saint Augustine, Richmond Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Quinton Saint Catherine of Siena, Clarksville Saint John, Highland Springs Saint James, Hopewell Saint Patrick, Richmond Saint John, Dinwiddie Saint Paul, Richmond Saint Joseph, Petersburg Saint Peter, Richmond Saint Paschal Baylon, South Boston Saint Timothy, Tappahannock Saint Peter the Apostle, Lake Gaston Saint Richard, Emporia Deanery 7 Church of the Vietnamese Martyrs, Richmond Deanery 10 Our Lady of Lourdes, Richmond Crozet Catholic Community, Crozet Saint Ann, Ashland Holy Comforter, Charlottesville Saint Benedict, Richmond Immaculate Conception, Buckner Saint Bridget, Richmond Incarnation, Charlottesville Saint Mary, Richmond Saint Francis of Assisi, Amherst Saint Mary of the Annunciation, Ladysmith Saint George, Scottsville Saint Michael, Glen Allen Saint Joseph’s Shrine of Saint Katharine Drexel, Columbia Deanery 8 Saint Jude, Mineral Church of the Epiphany, Richmond Saint Mary, Lovingston Good Samaritan, Amelia Saint Thomas Aquinas, Charlottesville Sacred Heart, Richmond Saints Peter & Paul, Palmyra Saint Edward the Confessor, Richmond Saint Gabriel, Chesterfield Saint John Neumann, Powhatan Saint Joseph, Richmond Saint Kim Taegon, Richmond

30 PARISHES OF THE RICHMOND DIOCESE Western Vicariate Very Reverend Kevin L. Segerblom, Episcopal Vicar for the Western Vicariate

Deanery 11 Deanery 14 Blessed Sacrament, Harrisonburg Christ the King, Abingdon Holy Infant, Elkton Good Shepherd, Lebanon Saint Francis of Assisi, Staunton Holy Spirit Catholic Community, Jonesville Saint John the Evangelist, Waynesboro Sacred Heart, Big Stone Gap Shepherd of the Hills, Quinque Saint Anne, Bristol Saint Anthony, Norton Deanery 12 Saint Bernard, Gate City Church of the Transfiguration, Fincastle Saint John, Marion Our Lady of Nazareth, Roanoke Saint Joseph, Clintwood Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Salem Saint Mary, Coeburn Sacred Heart, Covington Saint Patrick, Dungannon Saint Andrew, Roanoke Saint Therese, Saint Paul Saint Gerard, Roanoke The Church of Saint Elizabeth of Holy Family Parish, Saint John the Evangelist, New Castle Pocahontas Saint Joseph, Clifton Forge The Church of Saint Joseph of Holy Family Parish, Saint Patrick, Lexington Grundy Shrine of the Sacred Heart, Hot Springs The Church of Saint Mary of Holy Family Parish, Richlands Deanery 13 The Church of Saint Theresa of Holy Family Parish, All Saints, Floyd Tazewell Holy Family, Pearisburg Holy Spirit, Christiansburg Deanery 15 Risen Lord, Stuart Holy Cross, Lynchburg Saint Edward Mission, Pulaski Holy Name of Mary, Bedford Saint Joseph, Woodlawn Immaculate Heart of Mary, Blackstone Saint Jude, Radford Our Lady of Peace, Appomattox Saint Mary, Blacksburg Resurrection, Moneta Saint Mary the Mother of God, Wytheville Sacred Heart, Danville Sacred Heart, Meherrin Saint Francis of Assisi, Rocky Mount Saint Joseph, Martinsville Saint Theresa, Farmville Saint Thomas More, Lynchburg Saint Victoria, Hurt



Blessed Sacrament Holy Infant

DEANERY 11 Elkton

250 Shepherd of the Hills

Saint Francis of Assisi 340 Quinque

Saint John the Evangelist

32 DEANERY 11 Very Reverend Silvio Kaberia, V.F.

Blessed Sacrament Saint Francis of Assisi Harrisonburg - 1906 Staunton - 1844 Pastor: Pastor: Very Rev. Silvio Kaberia, V.F. Rev. Joseph Wamala Parochial Vicar: Rev. Kyle S. O’Connor Saint John the Evangelist Waynesboro - 1946 James Madison Campus Ministry Pastor: Chaplain: Rev. Rolo Castillo Rev. Peter Nassetta, Y.A. Deacon: Rev. Mr. David Kohut Holy Infant Elkton - 1953 Shepherd of the Hills Administrator: Quinque - 1980 Rev. Michael Mugomba Administrator: Deacon: Rev. Michael Mugomba Rev. Mr. Paul Kudrav



Hot Springs Shrine of the Sacred Heart

Saint Joseph Sacred Heart Clifton Saint Patrick Forge

DEANERY 12 220 81

Saint John the Evangelist

Church of the Transfiguration

Saint Gerard Our Lady of Saint Andrew Perpetual Help

Roanoke Our Lady of Nazareth Roanoke

34 DEANERY 12 Very Reverend Kenneth Shuping, V.F.

Church of the Transfiguration Saint Gerard Fincastle - 1989 Roanoke - 1946 Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Stephen McNally Very Rev. Kenneth Shuping, V.F. Parochial Vicar: Our Lady of Nazareth Catholic Church Rev. José Moran Arce Roanoke - 1914 Pastor: Saint John the Evangelist Rev. Msgr. Patrick Golden New Castle - 2000 Parochial Vicar: Pastor: Rev. Paul Kkonde Rev. Stephen McNally

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Saint Joseph Salem - 1947 Clifton Forge - 1889 Pastor: Pastor: Very Rev. Kenneth Shuping, V.F. Rev. Augustine Kalule Lukenge Parochial Vicar: Rev. José Moran Arce Saint Patrick Catholic Church Deacons: Lexington - 1873 Rev. Mr. John Beach Pastor: Rev. Mr. Eric Surat Rev. Joseph D’Aurora

Sacred Heart Shrine of the Sacred Heart Covington - 1924 Hot Springs - 1922 Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Augustine Kalule Lukenge Rev. Augustine Kalule Lukenge

Saint Andrew Roanoke - 1890 Pastor: Very Rev. Kevin Segerblom Parochial Vicar: Rev. Anthony Ferguson Deacon: Rev. Mr. Mark Allison


Holy Family Blacksburg

Saint Mary

Saint John Neumann Academy

Holy Spirit

Saint Jude Saint Edward Mission


Saint Mary the Mother of God

DEANERY 13 All Saints

Saint Joseph


77 Risen Lord 58

36 DEANERY 13 Very Reverend Anthony O. Senyah, V.F.

All Saints Saint Joseph Floyd - 1973 Woodlawn - 1981 Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Herman Katongole Rev. Herman Katongole

Holy Family Catholic Church Saint Jude Pearisburg - 1965 Radford - 1967 Pastor: Pastor: Very Rev. Anthony O. Senyah, V.F. Rev. Charles Ssebalamu Deacon: Deacon: Rev. Mr. Jose Melendez Rev. Mr. Michael Ellerbrock

Holy Spirit Catholic Church Saint Mary Christiansburg - 1995 Blacksburg - 1938 Pastor: Pastor: Very Rev. Anthony O. Senyah, V.F. Rev. John Asare Deacon: Deacons: Rev. Mr. Jose Melendez Rev. Mr. Michael Ellerbrock Rev. Mr. Richard Furman Risen Lord Stuart - 1972 Virginia Tech Campus Ministry Pastor: Chaplain: Rev. Herman Katongole Rev. David Sharland, Y.A.

Saint Edward Mission Saint Mary the Mother of God Pulaski - 1964 Wytheville - 1845 Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Bernie Ramirez Rev. Bernie Ramirez Deacon: Deacon: Rev. Mr. Charles May, II Rev. Mr. Charles May, II


Saint Elizabeth of Holy Family

Saint Joseph Mission of Holy Family Pocahontas

460 19 Saint Joseph 77 Saint Theresa of Holy Family 23 Saint Mary of Holy Family DEANERY 14 Richlands Saint Mary Saint Anthony 19 Norton Coeburn Sacred Heart Saint Therese Good Shepherd

Big Stone Gap Saint Patrick Saint Paul Saint John

Dungannon Jubilee House Retreat Center 81

Holy Spirit Catholic Community 58 58 Christ the King Saint Bernard Bristol Saint Anne Church & School

38 DEANERY 14 Very Reverend Francis Xavier Musolooza, V.F.

Christ the King Saint Joseph Abingdon - 1983 Clintwood - 1979 Pastor: Pastor: Very Rev. Francis Musolooza, V.F. Rev. Eric Baffour Asamoah

Good Shepherd Saint Joseph of The Holy Family Lebanon - 1959 Grundy - 1962 Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Zaverio Banasula Rev. Eric Anokye

Holy Spirit Catholic Community Saint Mary Jonesville - 1956 Coeburn - 1955 Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Eric Baffour Asamoah Rev. Zaverio Banasula

Sacred Heart Saint Mary of The Holy Family Big Stone Gap - 1902 Richlands - 1962 Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Eric Baffour Asamoah Rev. Eric Anokye

Saint Anne Saint Patrick Bristol - 1903 Dungannon - 1946 Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Christopher Hess Rev. Christopher Hess

Saint Anthony Saint Theresa of The Holy Family Parish Norton - 1938 Tazewell - 2010 Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Eric Baffour Asamoah Rev. Eric Anokye

Saint Bernard Saint Therese Gate City - 1956 Saint Paul - 1954 Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Christopher Hess Rev. Zaverio Banasula

Saint Elizabeth of Holy Family Pocahontas - 1896 Pastor: Rev. Eric Anokye

Saint John Marion - 1974 Pastor: Very Rev. Francis Musolooza, V.F.



Buckingham 60 501 Holy Cross

Holy Cross Regional Catholic School

Saint Thomas More Holy Name of Mary Lynchburg Our Lady of Peace Saint Theresa

460 460


Moneta Saint Victoria DEANERY 15 Immaculate Heart of Mary 460 Sacred Heart Hurt 221 Meherrin Blackstone Saint Francis of Assisi 29 15 501 220

Saint Joseph

Sacred Heart 58 Church & School Danville

40 DEANERY 15 Very Reverend Salvador Anonuevo, V.F.

Holy Cross Sacred Heart Lynchburg - 1859 Danville - 1878 Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Msgr. J. Kenneth Rush Rev. Jonathan Goertz Deacons: Rev. Mr. Arturo Fernández-López Saint Francis of Assisi Rev. Mr. Charles Mugnolo Rocky Mount - 1984 Rev. Mr. Christopher Murphy Pastor: Rev. Carlos Lerma Holy Name of Mary Bedford - 1874 Saint Joseph Pastor: Martinsville - 1949 Very Rev. Salvador Anonuevo, V.F. Pastor: Deacon: Rev. Carlos Lerma Rev. Mr. William Craig Saint Theresa Immaculate Heart of Mary Farmville - 1939 Blackstone - 1947 Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Stefan Migac Rev. Stefan Migac Parochial Vicar: Parochial Vicar: Rev. Patricio D. Alcantara Rev. Patricio D. Alcantara Deacons: Deacons: Rev. Dr. Emmett McLane, III, D.D.S. Rev. Dr. Emmett McLane, III, D.D.S. Rev. Mr. Peter Menting Rev. Mr. Peter Menting Saint Thomas More Our Lady of Peace Lynchburg - 1978 Appomattox - 1982 Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Michael McCarron Rev. James Gallagher, Jr. Deacon: Saint Victoria Catholic Church Rev. Mr. Lou Burgess Hurt - 1964 Pastor: Resurrection Catholic Church Rev. James Gallagher, Jr. Moneta - 1984 Pastor: Very Rev. Salvador Anonuevo, V.F. Deacon: Rev. Mr. Barry Welch

Sacred Heart Meherrin - 1913 Pastor: Rev. Stefan Migac Parochial Vicar: Rev. Patricio D. Alcantara Deacons: Rev. Dr. Emmett McLane, III, D.D.S. Rev. Mr. Peter Menting 41 42 SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL: PATRON OF THE DIOCESE OF RICHMOND

Often depicted holding the Christ Child, St. Vincent de Paul (1581–1660) is honored for his care of the poor and vulnerable members of society. He was born into a peasant family in southern France and was ordained a priest at age nineteen (1600). Some documents claim that he was abducted by pirates while traveling by ship from Marseilles, and taken as a slave to present-day Tunisia in North Africa (1605–1607).

By some accounts, Vincent escaped captivity and returned to France. He eventually served as a tutor to the influential Gondi family, and as a spiritual director to Madame de Gondi (1612). After hearing the confession of dying peasant on the family’s estates (1617), Vincent turned his attention to the poor, with the support of Madame de Gondi who was concerned for their spiritual welfare. Vincent’s new focus led to his ministering to galley slaves (1622). (Philippe-Emmanuel de Gondi was in charge of the royal galleys.) Again with the backing of Madame de Gondi, he established a religious order of priests that sought to evangelize the French countryside: the Congregation of the Mission, better known today as the Vincentians (1625). Vincent subsequently co-founded the Daughters of Charity, a religious order of women dedicated to serving the poor (1633).

Pope Clement XII canonized Vincent de Paul in 1737. The saint was renowned for his kindness and generosity, but he was irascible. He also went through a period in which he was tempted to abandon the faith (1614–1617).

Vincent de Paul’s commitment to the poor and to those living in rural areas made him an apt patron for the Church of Richmond. This diocese has always been a vast mission field, with Catholics belonging to the working class for much of its history.

There is no document naming Vincent de Paul as diocesan patron, but he was probably selected during the tenure of the Right Reverend Richard V. Whelan, second bishop of Richmond (1841–1850). Whelan had studied under French Sulpician priests in Emmitsburg, Maryland and then in Paris; he was surely familiar with the saint. And Whelan himself had lived a Vincentian lifestyle as a priest circuit rider in what was then northern Virginia (today the northeast panhandle of West Virginia) before his appointment as bishop (ca. 1836–1840). Numerous parishes, schools, and other institutions in the diocese were later named in honor of St. Vincent de Paul.

The Daughters of Charity (originally called the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph in the United States) were the first women religious in the diocese. They opened St. Joseph’s Orphan Asylum and Free School in Richmond (1834), and they educated scores of children and young people throughout Virginia for the next 175 years.

A letter from St. Vincent de Paul bears witness to his devotion to the poor and to the legacy of charity he bequeathed to the Church:

If you consider the poor in the light of faith, then you will observe that they are taking the place of the Son of God who chose to be poor. …Since God surely loves the poor, he also loves those who love the poor. For when one person holds another dear, he also includes in his affection anyone who loves or serves the one he loves. That is why we hope that God will love us for the sake of the poor. So when we visit the poor and needy, we try to be understanding where they are concerned. …It is our duty to prefer the service of the poor to everything else and to offer such service as quickly as possible. …With renewed devotion, then, we must serve the poor, especially outcasts and beggars. They have been given to us as our masters and patrons.

The Feast of St. Vincent de Paul is September 27. He is venerated as the Apostle of Charity and the Father of the Poor. 43

Acknowledgments Special thanks to all those who gathered here for this Diocesan celebration, especially; Most Reverend Barry C. Knestout for presiding; the Deacons and Concelebrating Priests; Reverend Sean Prince, Priest Secretary to the Bishop and Director of the Office of Worship; Mrs. Vy Barto, Administrative Assistant, Office of Worship; Mr. Kelly Wheelbarger, Minister of Music, Organist; Ms. Linda Allison, Cantor; the Ministers of the Word; the Ministers of Hospitality; the Diocesan Seminarians; the Knights of Columbus; the Knights of Peter Claver; the Knights and Dames of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem; the Diocesan Office of Copy Services for the printing of this program; the Diocesan Office of Archives; the staff of Saint Andrew’s Catholic Church; Very Reverend Anthony E. Marques, V.F., Rector of the Cathedral and Chair of the Bicentennial Task Force; and all those whose ministry contributed to the beauty and order of the Liturgy. Video/Photo Advisory Due to the historic nature of this liturgy, video and photographs will be shot throughout the liturgy and reception for use on various media outlets of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, including, but not limited to, the websites of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, the Catholic Diocese of Richmond Bicentennial Task Force and The Catholic Virginian, The Catholic Virginian print edition, and social media platforms of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond.

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