
Jo Mills Director of Planning and New Communities South Cambridgeshire District Council Local Plan Consultation [email protected]

Dear Madam,

NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/parliamentary-archives/archives-highlights/archives-stamp-act/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_constituency

Objection to South Cambridgeshire District Council’s ‘Locals’ Plan’ .

Added information to my Cambridge City Council ‘local’ plan objection which is i ii coordinated with the other ‘local’ District Councils ‘local plans’ whose lowest tier of authority is the PARISH COUNCIL (1894 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parish_councils_in_England).This is hardly ‘local’ elected MAYORS of the French COMMUNES, whose boundaries do not change with the political wind, which are the 5th tier of CENTRALISED French Government based in Paris, whose city structure has QUARTIERS. Where is the iii ‘Quadrant’s centre as in QTSQ ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communes_of_France http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_Quarters iv Shouldn’t it be Great St. Mary’s from where all distances are measured? Francis Burkitt should know that. v

vihttp://qtsq.org.uk/ From my 1902 copy of The \Purgatorio of Dante Aigheri. Ideal date of vision 1300 .

We do not have as our capital city anymore (It is a financial capital and does not cater for nationals’ who vote in national elections. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1nxTEUSIdo Switzerland hosts the World Economic Forum, to which the unelected great and the good of the capitalist non-profit-making-world can attend on their skiing holidays whilst Global Warming is a burning issue . http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/switzerland-to-vote-on--2-800- monthly-‘basic-income’-minimum-for-adults-181937885.html ) So if Cambridge sets precedents in the PLANNING SYSTEM, which is actually about LAND ECONOMY, http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/obituary-professor-donald- denman-1117697.html and not about LAND USE, OXBRIDGE was actually established by Act of Parliament in 1571. So why is Cambridge not looking at the global issues if it is a World Class University instead of being ruled by Estate Agents? Charles Bidwell worked for the Bishop of Ely. Francis Pemberton worked for Bidwells. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bidwells

However, PARIS influences both planning and conservation for a variety of reasons, which are cultural, but also religiousvii and historical. (attached Historic Houses- Stafford Cripps was The (Labour) Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1950 at the time of the Holford Report. ) This is reinforced in 1975 when the World Heritage


Convention adopted a raft of recommendations. Paris is referred to by Leon Krier in 1988: http://zakuski.utsa.edu/krier/godsave.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6ZyQJln2l4 http://www.environment.gov.au/heritage/about/world/convention.html

Compare La France Patrimoine Mondiale with the list for the UK. http://whc.unesco.org/en/statesparties/GB/ WHERE IS CAMBRIDGE ON THE UNESCO LIST IF IT SETS PRECEDENTS IN ‘THE COMMONWEALTH’ ? viiiAND MORE TO THE POINT WHERE’S ST. PAUL’S CATHEDRAL OR BANKS OF THE THAMES ?ix

I AM OBJECTING TO PAYING COUNCIL TAX TO DECIDE ON ANYMORE ‘PLANNING and NEW COMMUNITIES’ when I LIVE IN AND MAINTAIN A LISTED BUILDING THAT WAS LISTED IN 1974 UNDER CONSERVATION LAW x, the same time South Cambs. started as a District Council as opposed to being a Rural District Council with planning conducted by Cambridgeshire County Council.

CAMBRIDGE is our ‘local’ TOWN / CITY/ COUNTY BOROUGH xi ( CITY COUNTY because of the 1945 UN Conference? http://sfgsa.org/index.aspx?page=1085 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco http://www.un.org/en/aboutun/history/ http://faculty.history.wisc.edu/sommerville/361/361-19.htm ) , which was to be protected with a green belt BEYOND ‘the five mile limit’ (attached Mott Report) , not CAMBOURNE, which is an anomaly, appears to be expanding outwards, so creating the Nine Circles of Hell. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferno_(Dante) What else is the QTSQ other than the diagram by Dante that coincides with Rupert Brooke’s poem: And stands the church clock at ten to xii three ‘,written in Berlin about GRANTCHESTER, http://www.bartleby.com/232/701.html whose District Councillor is Francis Burkitt.

Not only do I think we are NOT talking about PLANNING, but THEOLOGY as well as LAND ECONOMICS (which are related through ELY being the Diocese where the Cathedral lies). yet we had a referendum in 1994, (attached Banham) when coincidentally The Russell Group of Universities was founded, which includes Oxford and Cambridge. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Group http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotel_Russell

The outgoing Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, said last year that the new incumbent would need the ‘Constitution of an ox and the hide of a rhinoceros’. I presume he was referring to Oxbridge, which is an ENGLISH civil corporation from a 1571 Act or PARLIAMENT, not decided on by the divide and rule of the Diocese of Ely and the Land Economy Department, who appear to have taken on the model of COOPERATIVE INDIVIDUALISM on the one hand and ARISTODEMOCRACY on the other. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/aep/Eliz1/13/29/contents http://tudorhistory.org/primary/janemary/app1.html Since Rowan Williams is now Master of Magdalene College, whilst also being an honorary Druid, I would like to ask the questions with regards the future of Britain, which was once Great Britain, which included Ireland where George Osborne will inherit a Baronetcy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestant_Ascendancy

 Why is Wales ‘another country’, reverting to a mythical past with its own language on a par with English as an official language, whilst also being classified as one of the six Celtic nations?  What is Welsh Planning as a part of Britain, which was once Great Britain, which came under the Welsh Office?  If British Orthodoxy is the original Orthodoxy, is it connected to Russian and Greek Orthodoxy and is Syriac Orthodoxy doing anything about the current war?  Ironically it was the First Earl of Cornwall, from whom Prince Charles has the benefit of a private income from the Duchy of Cornwall, who was KING OF THE ROMANS. He was also KING OF GERMANY, which is completely in accord with Cecil Rhodes’s 1902 Last Will and Testament. http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive- free/pdf?res=9906E5DA1230E733A25756C0A9629C946397D6CFvb  Is Cambridgeshire really helping world peace or economics in the current crises when Cambridge appears to have been run by Oxford alumni? Hence the Greater Peterborough Masterplan the year AFTER the Mott Report, which links Bristol with Hull via Oxford and Peterborough, where Catherine of Aragon is buried. Patrick Geddes would no doubt cringe at th’vision’ of the bureaucrats who are copying Metropolis.

Yours faithfully


Cathy Raven

i http://www.propertyweek.com/news/outsiders-not-welcome/2006096.article

Outsiders not welcome

13 October 2000 | By Christine Eade

The Government Office for the East of wants to consolidate and relocate in Cambridge, but will Cambridge have it? Regulations barring non-locals from moving within its prestigious city limits may prove the undoing of a massive redevelopment scheme.

If this was supposed to a World Class University TOWN/ City that sets global precedents,. why were only the locals allowed in when the city covers the same area as the University Proctors? http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/proctors/ We pay for the police via council tax. Do the Proctors and the Police agree on policy ? Clearly not in the case of 307 Huntingdon Rd. http://www.theguardian.com/education/2004/jan/03/research.highereducation http://www.x-cape.org.uk/critique.pdf And why is the Police Commissioner at Cambourne? And why did we have to vote for him when we can’t vote for any mayors, either in the lowest tier of decisionmaking as in France , in Cambridge, in London, in the , but BRISTOL has an ex-President of the RIBA . Why? http://www.bristol.gov.uk/page/george-ferguson-mayor-bristol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Ferguson_(architect) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Geddes

John Prescott called in one development scheme at the Station I believe. Then Paul Thwaites and Ashwell selected Richard Rogers to do CB1 . http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/35694583/ashwell-wins-cb1-loses-green-belt http://www.richardrogers.co.uk/news/news_list/rrp_to_design_1_million_square_feet_in_cambridge http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthcomment/country-diary/9180724/Country-diary-Democracy-or-shamocracy.html Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano had already worked in Cambridge in 1971 when the A10 was still the main road. PA Technology is at Melbourn on the A10. Why was the A10 actually detrunked ?http://www.richardrogers.co.uk/work/buildings/pa_technology_laboratory Richard Rogers was also advising Ken Livingstone and I complained in 2000 to the RTPI (Royal Charter 1959) about his conflict of interest in wanting everything to be put in cities when the Cambridge plan was to clearly expand carefully outwards. As in the Location of Offices Bureau in the 1960’s. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Location_of_Offices_Bureau See BWP 6 attached.P 27.Richard Rogers also designed the Pompidou Centre in Paris in 1971. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centre_Georges_Pompidou How can architects also be planners when there is no international planning system and nobody is teaching them ‘national differences?

Many talented architects were blacklisted because of a projection of architectural style onto theological argument, most of which had nothing to do with aesthetics.

Downing College for example. ‘Buildings. George III urged that the College should not be a Gothic building. William Wilkins's designs were finally adopted, (fn. 13) and the foundation stone was laid on 18 May 1807.’ http://www.british- history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=66659 (not so mad King George III needed Britain to think and see American, since they had just got rid of the monarchy- and the Bishop of London had lost his see. So why is Brentwood Cathedral , Essex, Roman Catholic yet the same architect designed Downing College? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quinlan_Terry Who tells Prince Charles what is good architecture? Why is there a cathedral at Chelmsford and at Peterborough and Anglia Ruskin has sites in both? In 1964 THE FAMILY IS IN THE CATHEDRAL See BOOK attached: Which, since Cambridge doesn’t have one? ( Frank Lloyd Wright worked with Sir Alfred Bossom in Tokyo. http://outrageousestates.com/bossom-manor-dallas- texas/ )

As for The Regions:

 Go-East was based in Bedford and was the Regional tier of Government that was abolished in 2011 by the Conservatives. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regions_of_England  County Boundaries were changed in 1974- by the Conservatives. http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/Britain.html  The Conservatives took us into the EEC in 1973- via Felixtowe Docks when the Third London Airport would have been at Maplin. http://john-adams.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/-third-airport.pdf (Foulness is the only place mentioned in the 1601 Poor Law which is the basis of Local Government.)


 The 1972 Public Inquiry into the placing of the roads around Cambridge overturned the Cambridge Roads Campaign to put a ring road around the area. This is how the M11 hits the A14 which is the Road to Hell: Birmingham to Cambridge to Felixtowe.  Did the ‘local’ MP’s agree on anything anymore than University MP’s did? Who is giving out the basic facts to the electorate? http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199899/cmhansrd/vo990309/debtext/90309-01.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regional_development_agency



Addenbrooke’s New Hospital site was bought in 1951 from the Pemberton Estate. The Old Hospital Site is now the Judge Business School and was sold in 1985. It was the LOCAL Hospital, now it is a GLOBAL research site. http://www.cuh.org.uk/cuh/services/non_clin/archive/history/history.html

. Cambridge biomedical campus: built on deallocated land Project: A green belt deallocation Organisations involved: Cambridge City, South Cambridgeshire, East Cambridgeshire District and Huntingdonshire District Councils http://www.planningresource.co.uk/article/1157415/it-deallocating-green-belt-land

‘Sara Saunders, the city council's current planning policy manager, says that, although the Cambridge Futures project sat outside the formal planning process, it informed the work of planners preparing RPG6, the regional planning guidance document for the East of England. The document, adopted in 2000, said that development should be sited in various locations near Cambridge, including on the edge of the city, "subject to a review of the green belt".

Saunders emphasises the important role of Cambridge Futures, as well as some informal sub-regional meetings, that brought together council representatives to agree the boundaries of potential development sites. "Some councils faced quite tough political decisions and, of course, there were always going to be differences of opinion," she says. "But there was always a desire to stick with joint working to realise the best solution for the sub-region as a whole."

A further round of detailed studies by the affected councils into development around Cambridge helped to resolve some of the tensions between the councils participating in the process. Saunders says: "Cambridge City Council wanted to see development to the east of Cambridge Airport, but South Cambridgeshire opposed this. One of the studies sided with them, so we reached a compromise.’

Since a planner is a public sector job, I do feel this information should not have to be paid for by subscription since we pay you to plan where we live. I hope you can deal with any copyright infringement if this is broadcast globally.

Where was Cambridgeshire County Council in this deallocation? In 1999 it was Cambridge City Council, South Cambridgeshire District Council and CAMBRIDGESHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL, http://www.docstoc.com/docs/122868833/To-Chief-Planning-Officers---20th-June-1997 Copyright issue here again if I downloaded it and paid them . Why is a firm in Santa Monica USA selling this info? before South Cambs. moved their offices from 9-11 Hills Rd. Cambridge to Cambourne in 2004 and was supposed to be transformed by 2006. Did University Funding methods come into all this? Cambridge Assessment runs out of our old council offices. Microsoft is where the previous offices were and Homerton College seems to have taken over the Station area. How many students are living here now when it was supposed to be 100,000 PEOPLE ?

How can Cambridge set precedents if half the world has been consulted ONLINE before the locals have had an entire new city dumped on them? This isn’t PLANNING, it’s justification for regime change: exactly why the UN is using elections as a means to get everyone on side. Whose side? ii http://www.kings.cam.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/finance/costs.html Who grants planning permission for all this additional college housing in the city and on what basis? No extra college fees to attract more state and EU students ? Or to tie in with a global/English speaking/ American system that ties in with Last Will and Testament of Cecil Rhodes (Oxford)? http://www.hepi.ac.uk/files/44%20Oxford%20and%20Cambridge%20summary.pdf http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive- free/pdf?res=9906E5DA1230E733A25756C0A9629C946397D6CF Hardly International Liberal.



LA CHAMBRE DE COMMUNES IS ‘THE HOUSE OF COMMONS’. From Angleterre et Belgique. Roger Motz. Lindsay Drummond Ltd. 1944. Printed in Britain.in French.

Motz was an INTERNATIONAL LIBERAL. http://www.liberal-international.org/editorial.asp?ia_id=1003 http://www.liberal-international.org/editorial.asp?ia_id=535 In the same book, Churchill’s attitude to the design of the House of Commons is described: He did not want a hemispherical chamber which allowed people to move to the centre and rise to become tyrannical. The British system is two party, adversarial, Whig and Tory until Socialism was seen as being more humanitarian. Edward VII’s tutor when he lived at Madingley Hall was a CHRISTIAN SOCIALIST. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_socialism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridge_University_(UK_Parliament_constituency) The Establishment is the Third Way. That is why precedent requires that good men do nothing. http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/iau/cornford/cornford7.html .

THE HOUSE does not mean a literal family house as in X marks the spot of the family house as the base for a future individual economy., as if people were some kind of appellation controlee like Rothschild invading French soil by cultivating their vineyards there. http://streettelevirtuelle.wordpress.com/2013/02/11/france-deux-banquiers-de-chez-rothschild-dans-le- gouvernement-hollande-video/ http://vimeo.com/channels/465223/44929330 It is the Chinese who want the good French vineyards. http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/food-wine/article/1313060/wine-opinion-all-manor-styles-rothschilds-lair http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Rothschild,_3rd_Baron_Rothschild Do we really deserve to be sold out to China by George Osborne, who is Irish anyway? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-24561325 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2462881/George-Osborne-welcomes-Chinese-internet-giant-Huawei-UK-despite- security-fears.html http://www.zdnet.com/nokia-siemens-networks-to-cut-150-jobs-in-swindon-3040093627/ (If planning is about land-use and not about global economics, how many eco homes could be build around Bordeaux on vineyards where RICHARD 11 WAS BORN ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_II_of_England

THE HOUSE refers to PARLIAMENT as written by Sir Alfred Bossom, an architect in whose House was married.



. iv v http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Catherine's_Monastery http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Crawford_Burkitt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnes_and_Margaret_Smith Westminster College is yet another building being given a makeover by ‘local’ architects- who are also working on the American Cemetery at Madingley – NATO is mutating into the North Atlantic Tourist Association. Is this really American Independence? When will we be decolonised and the airfields given back to the ‘local’ farmers/ colleges/ communities pre enclosures, instead of allocated as brownfield sites for estates? In the last war all agricultural land was requisitioned for food growing. In 1943 when the University gave Madingley Cemetery to the USA, Britain was unofficially changing enemies – to conform to being Anglo-Saxon? Has the war ended here? Dad’s Army is still on BBC prime time TV for the license fee payers. http://howitreallywas.typepad.com/how_it_really_was/2007/01/noel_annan_chan.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noel_Annan,_Baron_Annan http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1195881/Last-secrets- Queen-Mothers-favourite-traitor-Memoirs-society-spy-Anthony-Blunt-rock-Royals.html http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/393503/Did-True-Blue-blood-run-in-Lady-Thatcher-s-veins http://www.girton.cam.ac.uk/girtons-past/visitors



http://www.henry-davis.com/MAPS/EMwebpages/2055mono.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki//FFile:Crossed_circle.svg

Girton was clearly beyond the pale in being a women’s college: it is located outside the city boundary. So why not go the whole hog and wreck the area with the Girton Interchange?


http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/directions/getting-to-gates.pdf THE GATES OF HELL ON THE ROAD TO HELL ? IF THE ‘CITY IS LIKE A MAN’ – PLATO- DO DOCTORS ENDORSE THIS LAYOUT?

MARCONI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guglielmoo_Marconi IS NO LONGER BUILDING ON THE WEST SITE http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1339789/Marconi-from-boom-to-bust-in-a-year..html WHILST BILL AND MELINDA GATES http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_&_Melinda_Gates_Foundation http://www.gaatesfoundation.org/Media-Center/Press-Releases/2003/02/Cambridge-University-Announces-Gates- Scholars-for-2003 ARE SOME KIND OF GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL PHILANTHROOPISTS WHO MEET UP IN HEAVEN (SWITZERLAND) TO DISCUSS HOW TO DISTRIBUTE MANNA , WHEN TTHE CHAIRMAN OF COTON PARISH COUNCIL BROUGHT THEM HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

PERHAPS THE NHS SHOULD NOW BE CALLED THE IHS. ( THIS JESUIT SIGN IS AT BELTON BEHIND THE ALTAR.) vii After American independence, the Bishop of London http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishop_off_London lost part of his see: The British Colonies in North America. According to Benjamin Franklin, http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=PbQEAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA576&lpg=PA576&dq=benjamin+franklin+archbishop+of+p aris&source=bl&ots=GY1SyGrCdG&sig=cOvsJD_ndFftc2wMvIWz3iBk4Rw&hl=en&sa=X&ei=NSTxUJCGCYjI0AXDoo HwAg&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAjgK#v=onepage&q=benjamin%20franklin%20archbishop%20of%20paris&f=false The Archbishop of Paris ordained priests in America, because Britain was officially Protestant as were France and Ireland within the UK and priests would have to take the Oath of Alllegiance.

RELIGIOUS WARS WERE THE REASON WHY AMERICA WAS COLONISED. Why in 1902 did Cecil Rhodes think the whole world could end up being English speaking? Whyh not also speaking FRENCH since he clearly admired NAPOLEON. http://query.nyttimes.com/mmem/archive- free/pdf?res=9906E5DA1230E733A25756C0A9629C946397D6CF

People were getting out of this sceptr’d isle. Eden was clearly not here. It was in America in tottally different eras. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/culturemonster/2011/11/reading-la-the-olmsted-baartholomew-plan-and-what-might-have- been.html http://www.madingleyamericancemetery.info/history-of-madingley.htm In 1943 thee WEST COAST of America


was the linking factor. http://www.un.org/en/aboutun/history/ http://www.unmultimedia.org/oralhistory/2011/06/lundquist- oliver/ THE EAST COAST of America is where Old Money comes from, from the original colonies, lost to the Bishop of London. Oliver Cromwell’s exiles ended up in Massachusetts http://avalon.law.yale.edu/17th_century/mass03.asp where MIT was linked with Cambridge University in 1998. http://www.technologyreview.com/fromthearchives/429628/churchills-warning/ No doubt this was Churchill’s admiration of MIT. http://mjfenn.hubpages.com/hub/Visiting-Churchill-College-Cambridge- partly-modelled-on-MIT-commemorating-Sir-Winston-Churchill BUT Elizabeth I was Queen of England, France and Ireland. http://internetshakespeare.uvic.ca/Library/SLT/ideas/religion/viamedia.html ) and Ireland was Catholic. The Irish question affects religious and political structure to this day. In ‘The British Way and Purpose no. 6’, Ireland doesn’t even seem to be included on the map. Is Ireland The Third Way to this day? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_University_of_Ireland http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_University_of_Ireland http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Henry_Newman All this affects architecture. The Cambridge Camden Society is founded to create an Anglo-Catholic kind of architecture. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridge_Camden_Society viii Britain refused France membership of the Commonwealth in 1956. The Francophonie overlaps in some areas of the world. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organisation_internationale_de_la_Francophonie The ITU is a French foundation. http://www.itu.int/en/Pages/default.aspx http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Telecommunication_Union http://www.upu.int/en/the-upu/member-countries.html Why sell off the Royal Mail and not the Royal Male’s land? Who will Charles be King of? Presumably he is supposed to be the Greene King. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greene_King_Brewery ix



From ‘Britain and Her people’ Ward Lock. London and Melbourne. 1951 Majestas was the online magazine of Great St. Mary’s from 1997. The Law of Majestas is ROMAN Law. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_majestas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plebs Plebgate? Majestas might be a Christian relief but the Lindisfarne Gospels are supposed to be why the Cotton Collection is so important. This is art and illumination NOT THE PRESS, which includes the global media making up our history since the whole world uses English 1 and 0. . http://www.bl.uk/reshelp/findhelprestype/manuscripts/cottonmss/cottonmss.html http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/translegal/37409/ x Planning presumes in favour of development. Conservation presumes in favour of preservation. CAMBRIDGE PRESERVATION SOCIETY- now PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE- were supposed to PRESERVE THE VIEW OF CAMBRIDGE FROM THE GOGS, NOT BUILD A BIOMEDICAL CAMPUS IN IT. Aren’t council tax payers ‘stakeholders’? http://www.cambridgenetwork.co.uk/news/cambridge-past-present-future-appoints-new-trustees/ http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/News/Using-green-belt-for-homes-would-ruin-citys-ambience-26112012.htm http://www.scambs.gov.uk/sites/www.scambs.gov.uk/files/documents/Local%20Plan%20Stakeholder%20Workshop%20-%20Notes%20(final).pdf.


If France can do it as a post war Modern country, why not Britain/ Cambridge considering the INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS CONFERENCE WAS HELD AT JESUS COLLEGE IN 1948. http://www.landscape.cn/special/ifla/down/IFLA%20News%20June08.pdf


This idea would fit in with PARIS being a Belgic settlement originally. The United Nations follows a Celtic tribal idea because Roman law is the basis of the Napoleonic Code. Paris is this sceptr’d isle just as much as London’s sceptr’d isle, which is St Etheldreda’s, OCTOBER 17TH IS ST. ETHELDREDA’S DAY http://russiapedia.rt.com/on-this-


day/october-17/ the location of Richard II’s speech in Shakespeare. It is the oldest Catholic Cburch in England owned by the Bishop OF ELY. Languages of the United Nations are : English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and Arabic because of the countries under colonial control in North Africa, but also because The Straits of Gibraltar are xi

From The British Way and Purpose no. 9 attached. This was issued by the Army Education

The TOWN is Cambridge. From top left moving clockwise: Huntingdon- Ely-Haverhill-Royston. The cross roads are the A10 London to Kings Lynn via Royston Herts and Ely (Soke). The A604 Colchester to Chester Via Devana. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Via_Devana http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A10_road_(England) The A10 was detrunked in 1972 having been a main highway ( Duke of Norfolk/ Sandringham- Royal Family/Ely) to Enfield (Disraeli. William Morris etc.- Heretics- Solly Zuckerman and Francis Cornford- in different eras. http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~mward/gkc/books/heretics/ http://www.nytimes.com/1993/04/02/obituaries/lord-zuckerman-88-a-scientist-of-scope-who-guided-churchill.html https://ohiostatepress.org/Books/Book%20PDFs/Franke%20Modernist.pdf

IF THE CITY IS LIKE A MAN- PLATO- EVERYTHING IS ‘FOOTNOTES TO PLATO IN WESTERN PHILOSOPHY. xii Rupert Brooke was hardly flattering to the locals and I suggest this ‘grouping’ of villages/ communities is made up from France and its communes.

GRANTCHESTER seems to need to say it has no connection with the Parochial Church Council whilst Francis Burkitt is OUR District Councillor as well. http://grantchester.org.uk/parishcouncil The Parish Council, WI and the Parochial Church Council have gone along with the chaos created from 1956 onwards when the 1956 Church Measures http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukcm/Eliz2/4-5/3 In which case why build a new school in Coton (1967) for (covert) expansion of the 1969 science based industry the sell off the Old School House and School in 1984 WHEN THEY COULD HAVE BEEN LISTED AND USED BY THE SCHOOL to add to a School Project Fund in

The Parish Council is not related to the church and should not be confused with the Parochial Church Council, which is an entirely different body.’ http://info.grantchester.org.uk/main.php? article=parishcouncil http://opencharities.org/charities/1133841 qtsq.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/carpark3.doc 14