Public Public of Variety a Includes Brochure *This % Friday
CL HQ DU Michael T. Hensley, Outside In Mural In Outside Hensley, T. Michael Esplanade Eastbank Katz Vera the along RIGGA, , Gate Echo , at Central Library Central at , Stair Garden Kirkland, Larry CN ! GL , at the Portland Center for the Performing Arts Performing the for Center Portland the at , Bollards Folly Otani, Valerie Park Waterfront McCall Tom , Shift River Gregoire, Mathieu in the North Park Blocks Park North the in Bao Bao Xi'an & Tung Da as well. as artworks commissioned by other agencies agencies other by commissioned artworks *This brochure includes a variety of public public of variety a includes brochure *This % Friday. through Monday 8:00-6:00, are IL GQ CN Manuel Izquierdo, Izquierdo, Manuel Ilan Averbuch, Ilan Averbuch, Dana LynnLouis, James Carpenter, Portland Building at 1120 SW 5th. Hours 5th. SW 1120 at Building Portland Art Gallery on the second floor of the of floor second the on Gallery Art or visit the Public the visit or Terra Incognita to go collection, the about more out Spectral Dome Light Metabolic Shift Metabolic Dreamer leading Percent-for-Art programs.* To find To programs.* Percent-for-Art leading County, and manages one of the country’s the of one manages and County, , Pettygrove Park , Pettygrove , Rose Quarter , Rose Multnomah and Portland of City the for art , Pearl District commissions and maintains public maintains and commissions (RACC) , PCPA Regional Arts & Culture Council Culture & Arts Regional The P ORTLAND C ULTURAL T OURS EN J. Seward Johnson, Allow Me, in Pioneer Courthouse Square.
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