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#105045 in Books Jones Steve 2017-01-10 2017-01-10Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.25 x 1.00 x 6.25l, .0 #File Name: 0306824817344 pagesLonely Boy Tales from a Sex Pistol | File size: 27.Mb

Steve Jones : Lonely Boy: Tales from a Sex Pistol before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Lonely Boy: Tales from a Sex Pistol:

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Hilarious but very deepBy Eric BlameSteve Jones' journey through his life with the early success and demise of The . Interesting career with a happy ending. One of the best rock autobiographies ever written.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. All the filth the fury you want to read about a Sex PistolBy Katie MartinThis book was incredible! What an amazing story. Funny. Rock n roll. I felt like I could hear Jonesy's voice reading it to me. In true fashion, he holds nothing back. It's all you would expect to hear about being Sex Pistol! Highly recommend.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. I love Steve JonesBy CustomerI have anticipated this book for a long time. I love Steve Jones. I'm so glad I was able to read his story and I'm thankful he shared his story. I had listened to his radio show for quite some time and I am very excited to learn more about him. There was always kind of a mystery to him and I wanted to know more. I'm glad he finally was able to put out his side of the story and the details about his life and upbringing as horrendous as they are I think he can and has helped people who have gone through similar situations feel like they aren't alone.

Without the Sex Pistols there would be no punk. And without Steve Jones there would be no Sex Pistols. It was Steve who, with his schoolmate Paul Cook, formed the band that eventually went on to become the Sex Pistols and who was its original leader. As the world celebrates the 40th anniversary of punk--the influence and cultural significance of which is felt in music, fashion, and the visual arts to this day--Steve tells his story for the very first time.Steve Jones's modern Dickensian tale began in the street of Hammersmith and Shepherd's Bush, West London, where as a lonely, neglected boy living off his wits and petty thievery he was given purpose by the glam art rock of David Bowie and Roxy Music. He became one of the first generation of ragamuffin punks taken under the wings of Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood.In Lonely Boy, Steve describes the sadness of never having known his real dad, the abuse he suffered at the hands of his stepfather, and how his interest in music and fashion saved him from a potential life of crime spent in remand centers and prisons. He takes readers on his journey from the Kings Road of the early '70s through the years of the Sex Pistols, , and the recording of "Anarchy in the UK" and Never Mind the Bollocks. He recounts his infamous confrontation on Bill Grundy's Today program--the interview that ushered in the "Filth and the Fury" headlines that catapulted punk into the national consciousness. And he delves into the details of his self-imposed exile in New York and Los Angeles, where he battled alcohol, heroin, and sex addiction but eventually emerged to gain fresh acclaim as an actor and radio host.Lonely Boy is the story of an unlikely guitar hero who, with the Sex Pistols, transformed twentieth-century culture and kick-started a social revolution. Radio X, 9/16/16“From being a young oik in Hammersmith to being a sex addicted, burnt out addict in LA, Steve Jones has led a bloody interesting life. He was the man who kick started the Sex Pistols, one of the most influential bands in British music and ended up as one of the least likely guitar heroes in rock 'n' roll.rdquo;

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