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Maritime-Saaremaa.Pdf Maritime Saaremaa Their strenght is in their ships Important Phone Numbers Sea-rescue 1524 Emergency 112 Police 110 Kuressaare Hospital, +372 452 0040 Distance emergency medicine from Kuressaare Car assistance +372 697 9188 Kuivastu 76 km Saaremaa Information Assistance +372 453 6363 Leisi 42 km Kuressaare Tourist Information +372 453 3120 EM Kihelkonna 33 km AR A Centre A A S Tuule Laevad (ferry tickets), +372 14204 Sääre 50 km information +372 452 4444 Orissaare 53 km Kuressaare Bus Terminal +372 453 1661 Triigi 45 km Kuressaare Airport +372 453 0313 Panga 40 km Kuressaare Taxi +372 453 0000 Valjala 26 km Arensburg Taxi +372 454 5333 Arensburg Taxi +372 453 3333 Kaali 19 km Saaremaa county: area 2922 km² (6,5% of the area of Estonia); in total 710 islands Biggest islands: Saaremaa, Muhu, Ruhnu, Abruka, Vilsandi Total length of the coastline: 1414 km; longest river – Lõve jõgi (31 km); biggest lake – Mullutu-Suurlaht (1440 ha) Highest peak: Raunamägi – 54,2 m Administrative division: 15 rural municipalities, 1 city Population: ca 34 000 Kuressaare City: area – 1495 ha, of which forests and parks make – 197 ha; green areas – 74 ha; total length of streets – 75,8 km; coastline in Kuressaare– 20,5 km Population: ca 13 000 On the map, Saaremaa looks small. Still, on these couple of thousands of square kilometres everything needed, can be found. Here are ancient burial places and strongholds, mediaeval churches, manors and Kuressaare fortification, a city and villages, forests and fields, harbours and lighthouses. And, of course, people – the islanders themselves. An island does not end where you reach water as water inevitably belongs to an island. The islanders have for centuries been considered kind and helpful. This may be a common feature of all people living on islands – the sea has always meant arrivals and departures. The sea is a natural road, allowing to go anywhere desirable. In their thoughts, people are often looking for their island. For those who desire to come to an island, we wish to offer everything worth to see and experience on the island of Saaremaa. We wish every visitor to find his own island, his dream, his spirit and the desire to return here again and again. Welcome! Kaido Kaasik / the County Governor of Saaremaa History Sensational discovery: Maasilinna boat Explorers of distant The beginning of a regular boat oldest Viking boats in During the expedition by the lands from West- connection the world Estonian Maritime Museum in 1985, Saaremaa The Riga-Petersburg liners started stopping on century a mediaeval schute-type boat wreck the roadstead of Kuressaare port in the spring of In the autumn of 2008, in Salme 1820 Pilguse Manor has been 1857 century th th village a rare boat from the first was found in the substratum near the starting point to the 1857. The increase in the number of visitors to 7 half of the 7th century was found. 16 Maasi. That kind a 16 m long and famous seafarer and mud treatment establishments and migration This is the oldest finding of a 5.5 m wide vessel was widely used founder of the Antarctic, of workers laid basis to the establishment sailing boat in the Baltic Sea area for coastal sailing in Estonia at the admiral Fabian Gottlieb of local boat connection and in 1875 a new and in the world ever. In the time. The cargo capacity of the vessel von Bellingshausen merchant and passenger ship “Konstantin” was course of further excavations, a was about 50 tons. The single-masted (1776–1852). Also the navy ordered from Germany. After Estonia gaining its wreck of another, even bigger vessels of this type also sailed from lieutenant Karl Pontus independence, Kuressaare had a boat connection boat of 17.5 m was found. In the Saaremaa to Riga and Pärnu. The uisk- Nolcken (1800–1846) who to Tallinn, Pärnu, Riga and Stockholm. For boat there were skeletons and type vessels that were used to sail has twice sailed round the the connection between Saaremaa and the arms of 36 warriors of apparently across the straits of Muhu in the later world has had his home mainland, the uisk-type vessel was replaced by Scandinavian origin. The location period of history, were quite similar here. steamers in 1903. The-year-round transportation of an exceptional boat-burial has to these vessels as for their measures to the mainland of cars and passengers with the been marked with a memorial. and way of building. ice-breaking type of ferries started in 1956. 7th century 1215 16th century 16th century 1820 1832 1857 New port (portus novus) Kuressaare merchant The first tourist trip In June 1215, cog-type vessels with ships – the biggest ones It is known that the first tourist two bishops and many crusaders in the Baltic region during trip on board of a wheel- on board were sailing from Riga to century steamer from Riga to Kuressaare 1215 the Swedish era 1832 Gotland but had to take a shelter th Already at the end of the 16th century, (Arensburg) and Pärnu took in the new port on Saaremaa. The 16 the merchants of Kuressaare might place on 12–16 August 1832. islanders surrounded the vessels of have owned merchant ships to cover The shipowner Schröder the enemy but after a two-week siege, long distances through the Danish from Riga arranged to some the vessels managed to escape to the straits to West-Europe. Written wealthy people a voyage to get open sea. This new port has for a long records prove that in 1665–1674 grain acquainted with attractions time been searched for but its precise cargoes were taken from Kuressaare on the Riga-Jurmala liner “Graf location is unknown yet today. Most to as far as Spain with the ships Cancrin” (could accommodate probably, it had located on Lõmala “Duke Magnus Gabriel de la Gardie”, 20 passengers, 8 crew members, coast, the Toomalõuka inlet which at “Margareta” and Kohl”, the first two a cook and a servant; steam that time was called Lecko. Mediaeval ones being the biggest in the Baltic engine of 36 h.p., speed 7 knots). maps also show the name Abberburg. countries at that time. The beginning of sailing sports The biggest sea-landing Saaremaa Shipping On the initiative of the numerous Right before the end of WW I, in 1917, the general Company merchants and industrialists of German staff of Germany decided to conquer Saaremaa in was founded in 1992. In 1994 it origin living in Kuressaare, Arensburg Yacht order to protect their Northern Front in Latvia. An started operating the state-owned 1891 1917 1992 Club was established in 1891. The following operation called Albion was prepared in Liepaja ferryboats between the islands and year, sailing competitions for yachts and port in Latvia to send the navy to the Tagalaht Bay the mainland. Soon, new and more boats were organised where also boat- in Saaremaa where a considerable amount of the capacious ferries were taken into use owners of Estonian origin took part. Before Russian army, cannons and warships were located. that allowed increasing the quality WW I, the club involved 15 yachts and even On 12 October, in the Tagalaht Bay 181 different and frequency of trips. In 2008, new some long-distance sailing boats were ships, 127 motor boats, 24 600 soldiers and officers, and modern ferries were ordered and built here. In 1926, another yacht club was 5 000 horses, 1 400 wagons, 150 machine guns, since 2011, all new ferries have been established – the Association of Saaremaa 54 cannons, 100 planes and provisions for 3 days in operation. Maritime Sports for Estonian hobby were gathered. The main force was made up of sailors, the activity of which has for current 10 modern “König” and “Kaiser” type warships time raised a generation of sailors with and 8 cruisers. The history of sea warfares had numerous members. never known gathering fire of that power to one direction. Saaremaa was taken in five days. 1891 1891 1892 1917 1986 1992 1994 First years of maritime Roomassaare Port “Saare Kalur”, the biggest company The Association of education The city port in the Tori inlet bringing together fishing industry, Saaremaa Maritime In connection with the growing had become a hindrance to the ports and coastal villages Culture boat building and expanding ship traffic due shallow waters, 1891 1892 1986 In 1986, the fishing collective farm had 3 000 1994 was founded in 1994 as a non- of coastal villages, interest in a the earth crust uplift and the members and 2 300 people were employed profit organisation with the aim sailor’s profession also grew among increasing draught of ships. The there. The company owned 350 coastal fishing of preserving and introducing peasants. Landlords and merchants new port was built 4 km away boats, 25 small trawlers and 8 big trawlers. The maritime culture on the island, to had been interested in founding from the city, on Roomassaare number of fishermen was about 600 and the highlight the value the maritime a school of navigation near home cape in 1892–1894. fish-catch was about 30 000 tons. 135 different history of the island. The biggest- yet in 1860s but navigation classes production units were in operation. After the scale event of the organisation is a were opened in Kuressaare olny in collapse of the Soviet Union, “Saare Kalur” yearly thematic conference during 1891 whereas the exams had to be became a shareholders company that was Kuressaare Maritime Days. taken at Riga Navigation School. divided into 23 different smaller companies of Kuressaare Navigation School which today seven are still active.
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