Vol. 463: 215–230, 2012 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Published August 30 doi: 10.3354/meps09842 Mar Ecol Prog Ser

Large-scale distribution analysis of Antarctic echinoids using ecological niche modelling

Benjamin Pierrat1,*, Thomas Saucède1, Rémi Laffont1, Chantal De Ridder2, Alain Festeau1, Bruno David1

1Biogéosciences, UMR CNRS 6282, Université de Bourgogne, 21000 Dijon, France 2Laboratoire de Biologie Marine (CP 160/15), Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

ABSTRACT: Understanding the factors that determine the distribution of taxa at various spatial scales is a crucial challenge in the context of global climate change. This holds particularly true for polar marine biota that are composed of both highly adapted and vulnerable faunas. We analysed the distribution of 2 Antarctic echinoid species, Sterechinus antarcticus and S. neumayeri, at the scale of the entire Southern Ocean using 2 niche modelling procedures. The performance of distribution models was tested with regard to the known ecology of the species. The respective contributions of environmental parameters are discussed along with the putative roles played by biotic interactions and biogeographic processes. Depth was the parameter that contributed most to both distribution models, whereas sea ice coverage and sea surface temperature had significant contributions for S. neumayeri only. Suitability maps of the 2 species were mostly similar, with a few notable differences. The Campbell Plateau and Tasmania were predicted as suitable areas for S. antarcticus only, while S. neumayeri was restricted to the south of the Ant arctic Polar Front. However, numerous sampling data attest that S. antarcticus is absent from the Campbell Plateau and from Tasmania. Different hypotheses are formulated to explain the mismatch between observed and modelled distribution data. They stress the putative roles played by both oceano- graphic barriers to dispersal (Antarctic Polar Front), biotic factors (species exclusion patterns) and biogeographic processes (ongoing dispersal).

KEY WORDS: Habitat suitability map · Sterechinus · Echinoidea · GARP · Maxent · Southern Ocean

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INTRODUCTION Prior to any future predictions, the first step in understanding the distribution of a species is using Understanding what determines the distribution of distribution models that identify factors controlling taxa at various spatial scales is a crucial challenge in its current distribution. This can be appraised by using the context of global climate change (Botkin et al. 2 types of distribution models. Niche models identify 2007). This is of particular importance for endemic habitat requirements from the correlation between species, as these species may be more susceptible to environmental data and species occurrence data additional environmental stress due to climate (Phillips et al. 2006, Tsoar et al. 2007), while mecha- change if they are unable to overcome the barriers to nistic models also consider ecophysiological per- their dispersal (Ben Rais Lasram et al. 2010). In this formances when modelling distribution ranges context, an accurate and precise knowledge of both (Buckley et al. 2010). The comparison between ob - the realized and potential distribution of the species served occurrence data and modelled, predicted is a prerequisite to assess their latent vulnerability. distributions might then help estimate species vul-

*Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2012 · www.int-res.com 216 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 463: 215–230, 2012

nerability to changing environmental conditions. the environmental conditions within which a species However, identifying the set of determinant factors can survive and persist indefinitely (Hutchinson that controls species distributions is not straight - 1957). The potential niche corresponds to the projec- forward, as it usually includes several covarying tion of the fundamental niche in the actual environ- physical and chemical parameters, along with biotic ment; it covers the area potentially suitable for the and biotic−environment interactions (Guisan & Zim- species considered. The constraints induced by mermann 2000, Phillips et al. 2006). Moreover, the human impact and biotic interactions (predation, control of environmental parameters on the distribu- competition or symbiosis), or resulting from Earth’s tion of taxa is scale-dependent (Austin & Van Niel dynamics and biogeographic processes lead to the 2011). At regional (>1 km) and local (<1 km) scales, reduction of the potential niche to the realized niche biogeographic studies actually analyse patterns of where the species is actually present (Guisan & population dispersion within taxa distribution ranges Thuiller 2005, Phillips et al. 2006). Procedures of eco- that are influenced by many environmental para - logical niche modelling aim to identify environ - meters over short periods of time (Lomolino et al. mental conditions that are suitable for a species or a 2006, Chatfield et al. 2010, Gogina et al. 2010). community (Guisan & Thuiller 2005), as an appro - Large-scale analyses are rare (Cheung et al. 2009, ximation of the fundamental niche (Phillips et al. Ready et al. 2010) but essential to understanding 2006). wide patterns of species distribution. Large-scale The Southern Ocean shows a rich and diversified patterns result from the complex interplay between marine fauna, despite harsh environmental condi- Earth’s dynamics and biogeographic processes, tions (e.g. negative water temperatures, ice distur- name ly speciation, extinction and dispersal, that bance in benthic habitats). Its marine life is distin- have worked together over long periods of time guished from that of other regions by peculiar life (Lomolino et al. 2006). At such a large scale, the strategies (e.g. high rate of brooders over broadcast- effect of local ecological conditions may not prove ers) and unique physiological features (e.g. adapta- determinant (Anderson & Martinez-Meyer 2004), tions to very cold water temperature; Poulin et al. where as the impact of past or ongoing global climate 2002). Specific adaptations observed in Antarctic change will appear more clearly. As an example, sce- marine biota also reveal their potential vulnerability narios of future distributions would forecast the to environmental change (Pörtner 2006) in view of concentration of invasive non-polar species at the global warming (Dierssen et al. 2002, Quayle et al. poleward tips of continental margins only if distribu- 2002). Many species have evolved adaptations to the tion models are performed at the ocean basin scale cold over a very long period of time and are unable to (Cheung et al. 2009). Finally, a number of environ- cope with current rates of global warming or com- mental variables such as temperature can prove pete with new encroaching species, further restrict- important in both regional- and global-scale studies ing their distributions to just the coldest Antarctic (Cheung et al. 2009). This indicates that large-scale areas (e.g. the Weddell and Ross Seas). Deep-sea studies make it possible to assess how ecological and environments could provide potential refuges for historical factors have worked together to determine these species, if the candidate species are eury- current biogeographic distributions of taxa. bathic. Therefore, the Southern Ocean provides a In the last 2 decades, many procedures have been promising framework to explore the potential distrib- developed to model species distributions as a func- ution range of endemic species. tion of environmental data (Guisan & Zimmermann Most recent studies investigating the distribution 2000, Elith et al. 2006, Marmion et al. 2009). Model- of marine invertebrates and fish have been carried ling species distributions as a linear response to eco- out at regional or local scales, studying space-limited logical parameters has proved inappropriate, and inshore areas (MacLeod et al. 2008). Most have several methods are now available that integrate the stressed the importance of few environmental para- interrelated influences of environmental variables meters such as water depth, salinity and sediment (Chatfield et al. 2010). Biological mechanisms that characteristics (Chatfield et al. 2010, Gogina et al. drive the environmental sensitivity of species are not 2010). This also holds true for the Antarctic marine easily accessible for marine species. Therefore, dis- fauna, which has been frequently studied at local tribution models based on the ecological niche and regional scales (see Griffiths et al. 2009 for a approach correspond to the best available procedure review). The Antarctic echinoid diversity is charac- for marine species. The fundamental niche of a spe- terized by a high level (ca. 70% of species) of cies is a theoretical concept that can be defined as endemism (David et al. 2005b), and species distribu- Pierrat et al.: Ecological niche modelling of Antarctic echinoids 217

tions are usually considered to be mainly controlled Material and data collection by depth and sediment characteristics (Brey & Gutt 1991, Jacob et al. 2003, David et al. 2005b). Primary Of the 30 echinoid genera recorded in the Southern production combined with other parameters of sea Ocean (David et al. 2005b), the Sterechinus water (e.g. temperature, sea ice coverage, salinity, appears as a good candidate to undertake large-scale oxygen and nitrate concentration) may also be impor- distribution modelling. It shows a wide distribution tant (Thrush et al. 2006, Saiz et al. 2008). In the pre- area all around Antarctica, over the Antarctic conti- sent work, 2 modelling procedures based on pres- nental shelf, from the shoreline (few metres deep) to ence-only data, Maxent (Phillips et al. 2006) and the deep slope (2000 m deep), in the Southern Ocean GARP (Stockwell & Peters 1999) were used to model and along the coasts of southern South America the distribution of echinoid species at the scale of the (David et al. 2005a). Sterechinus has been among the entire Southern Ocean. We focused on 2 species of most frequently collected and commonly studied the genus Sterechinus that differ in their distribution echinoid genera in the Southern Ocean, and many range: S. neumayeri is mostly restricted to the shal- data regarding its distribution range and ecology are lows of the Antarctic continental shelf, while S. ant- now available (Brey & Gutt 1991, Barnes & Brocking- arcticus is distributed in deep waters of the Antarctic ton 2003, David et al. 2005a,b, Brandt et al. 2007). continental shelf and extends its range north as far as Five nominal species were assigned to the genus 35° S. The ecology and distribution of the 2 species Sterechinus in the Southern ocean: S. antarcticus have been studied extensively (Brey & Gutt 1991, Koehler, 1901, S. agassizi Mortensen, 1910, S. dia - Jacob et al. 2003, David et al. 2005b), allowing the dema (Studer, 1876), S. neumayeri (Meissner, 1900) identification and selection of relevant environmen- and S. dentifer Koehler, 1926. The 3 species S. dia - tal predictors of their distribution. dema, S. agassizi and S. antarcticus cannot be either Our work aimed to generate a robust and ecologi- morphologically or genetically differentiated (David cal meaningful distribution model at the scale of the et al. 2005b, Diaz et al. 2011); thus identification has Southern Ocean using the most efficient procedure. usually relied on the respective geographic origin: Good model performance and the identification of the Kerguelen archipelago (S. diadema), South Amer- environmental parameters driving large-scale distri- ica (S. agassizi) and Sub-Antarctic and Antarctic bution patterns should help identify the predicted areas (S. antarcticus). In the present analysis, they distribution of species and estimate their potential are all referred to as S. antarcticus. Data regarding vulnerability to large-scale environmental changes. the deep-sea S. dentifer are too sparse and could not The comparison of observed and modelled distribu- be analysed. Consequently, only S. antarcticus (in - tion data should emphasize the roles played by envi- cluding S. diadema and S. agassizi) and S. neumayeri ronmental factors included in the model on the one were considered, as these 2 species are gene tically hand, and the suspected biotic interactions and bio- (Diaz et al. 2011) and morphologically differentiated geographic processes that have influenced the distri- (Brey & Gutt 1991, David et al. 2005b). S. ant arcticus bution of Sterechinus species on the other hand. is mostly a bathyal species (200−1000 m), while S. neumayeri is shallower and quite strictly confined to the continental shelf. MATERIALS AND METHODS Distribution data were taken from the pre-existing Antarctic echinoid database (David et al. 2005a) that Study area integrates most data of the cruises led in Antarctica before 2003. These data were updated by including The study covers a vast area extending between new reports from recent cruises that have been car- latitudes 45 and ~70° S, which is the limit of the ried out in Antarctica since 2003, data from speci- Antarctic continent. This area comprises the whole mens housed in museum collections and from recent Southern Ocean, including the Antarctic continental literature (Table 1). A total of 573 different occur- shelf and Sub-Antarctic islands, as well as the adja- rence data were obtained for the analysis: 332 for S. cent areas represented by the southern tips of South antarcticus and 241 for S. neumayeri (Fig. 1). America and New Zealand (Fig. 1). This large-scale Environmental variables were selected according study encompasses contrasted oceanographic areas to their coverage completeness and large-scale rele- and depth ranges, going from true polar to cold-tem- vance for the entire Southern Ocean, as well as to perate conditions and from shallow to deep-sea envi- their known ecological significance to Sterechinus ronments. species. Ten variables were retained that specify 218 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 463: 215–230, 2012

Fig. 1. Sterechinus antarcticus and S. neumayeri. Observed distribution data physical and chemical characteristics of the seafloor for the biogenic component (<60% biogenic content, and sea water (Table 2). The majority of the selected >60% calcareous biogenic content and >60% of variables have direct influence, or correspond to siliceous biogenic content). The value and signifi- potential resources for the echinoids (according to cance of inter-correlations between variables were the classification proposed by Guisan & Zimmer- checked for, as strong correlation values between mann 2000). The first 8 variables correspond to con- variables might hamper the reliability of ecological tinuous data. The 2 latter variables are sediment data interpretations (Phillips et al. 2006). The Spearman that were reviewed according to recent investiga- determination coefficient (RS) computed for pairwise tions (Diekmann 2007). The first of these variables comparisons between the selected variables never was categorized into 4 classes according to grain size surpassed 0.8 with p < 0.001. All selected variables (clay, silt, sand/gravels and undifferentiated volcanic were then formatted to fit (1) the World Geodetic Sys- deposits) and the second into 3 classes that account tem 1984, (2) the 45 to 90° S latitude and 180° E to Pierrat et al.: Ecological niche modelling of Antarctic echinoids 219

Table 1. Sterechinus antarcticus (S. a.) and S. neumayeri (S. n.). ous and categorical variables, whereas GARP Sources and number of occurrence data for both species south of can only process continuous data (Stockwell & latitude 45°S Peters 1999). However, to check for the relia- bility and re producibility of the computed S. a. S. n. Source niche models, regardless of the modelling 6 16 Australian Museum, Sydney (AUS) method used, outputs of Maxent and GARP 31 20 British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge (UK) procedures were compared using Stere chinus 0 4 Deheyn et al. (2005), Chiantore et al. (2006), occurrence data and based on the 8 continu- Gutt et al. (2007) ous variables of our data set. 52 16 Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (GER) 19 12 Melbourne Museum, Melbourne (AUS) 7 12 Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires (ARG) Maximum entropy modelling (Maxent) 28 24 National Institute of Water and Atmospheric researches, Wellington (NZ) Although most recently developed, the Max - 111 100 Antarctic echinoid database (David et al. 2005a) 34 11 Université de Bourgogne, Dijon (FR); Muséum ent procedure has proved efficient in ge n- National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (FR) erating potential species distributions (Elith et 44 25 Universidad de Malaga, Malaga (SP) al. 2006, 2011) and has been used in many eco- logical studies on a wide range of organisms (e.g. O’Hara 2008, Tittensor et al. 2009). Max- 180° W longitude geographical template and (3) the ent has been developed for predicting species distrib- 0.5° × 0.5° cell size using the software ArcGIS 9.3 utions from incomplete presence-only infor ma tion (www.esri.com). (Phillips et al. 2006). It aims to assess a potential dis- tribution by estimating the maximum entropy proba- bility distribution that is constrained by incomplete Data analyses information (this information derives from the envi- ronmental data associated with presence-only data). Species distribution data gathered during oceano- The model converges toward a non-random probabil- graphic cruises or collected from museum collections ity distribution (the maximum entropy probability usually correspond to presence-only data, as true ab - distribution) and yields maps of habitat suitability sence data are usually not verifiable. In wide oceanic (Phillips et al. 2006). The software Maxent v.3.3.2 areas, benthic faunas are usually known through (http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~schapire/maxent/) was incomplete and uneven sampling, carried out at few run using the ‘auto features’ mode and default para- locations so that a number of species that are hard to meters, except for the maximum iteration value (set to estimate might be missed. The absence of species 2000). The robustness of the model was evaluated us- records could thus either result from a true absence ing a ‘10-fold-cross-validation’ procedure and was or from sampling incompleteness. This holds particu- tested as the ability to predict a ‘test subsample’ from larly true in the Southern Ocean, where sampling is a ‘training subsample’. The performance of the model always a challenge and where remote parts still was estimated using the Area Under the Curve remain under-sampled (Saiz et al. 2008), while other (AUC), by reference to the Receiver Operating Char- areas like shallow waters off the Antarctic Peninsula acteristics (ROC) curve, where a value of 1 re presents have a long history of investigation. the best possible fit and a value of 0.5 corresponds to Many methods have been developed for ecological a random model (Hosmer & Lemeshow 2000). niche modelling (see Guisan & Zimmermann 2000 for For each species distribution model, results were a review) and are still debated (Elith et al. 2006, averaged over the 10 runs of the cross-validation pro- Marmion et al. 2009). Among many others (e.g. see cedure. The averaged results consist of the estimated Tsoar et al. 2007), 2 methods have been used for the contributions of each environmental variable to the last decade to analyse presence-only data: the Gen - model along with a suitability map. A probability of etic Algorithm Rule-set Production (software Desk- presence (varying from 0 to 1) is associated with each top GARP - Stockwell & Peters 1999) and the Maxi- cell of the map, expressing the local suitability of con- mum Entropy modelling (software Maxent – Phillips ditions for each species. From this continuous suitabil- et al. 2006). Elith et al. (2011) highlighted the perfor- ity map, a se cond threshold map is derived to better mance of the Maxent procedure, which does not visualize the contrasted areas of species potential dis- require data normality and can process both continu- tributions. Two threshold values were applied. (1) The 220 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 463: 215–230, 2012

Table 2. Sources, value ranges and short description of the environmental variables selected for the analysis

Environmental Value Sources Processing notes variables ranges

Depth 0 to 7958 m ESRI® 2005 Global Digital Elevation Model (ETOPO 2) data set with 2 min resolution grid. Pixels above sea level set to “No Data”. Data interpolated from original resolution to 0.5° grid using “Spline with barrier” interpolation (ArcGIS procedure). Slope 0 to 5.69° ESRI® 2005 Calculated with ArcGIS Spatial Analyst (ArcGIS procedure). Sea ice 0 to 100% Spreen et al. (2008) Derived from AMSR-E satellite estimates of daily sea ice coverage http://www.iup.uni- concentration at 6.25 km resolution. Concentration data bremen.de:8084/ from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2009 used. amsredata/asi_daygrid_ The fraction of time each pixel was covered by sea ice swath/l1a/s6250/ of at least 85% concentration was calculated for each pixel in the original (polar stereographic) grid. Data interpolated from original resolution to 0.5° grid using “Spline with barrier” interpolation (ArcGIS procedure). Sea surface −1.83 to 15.77°C Feldman & McClain (2010) Climatology spans the 2002/03 to 2009/10 austral temperature http://oceancolor.gsfc. summer seasons. Data interpolated from original (summer) nasa.gov/ resolution to 0.5° grid using “Spline with barrier” inter- polation (ArcGIS procedure). Seafloor −2.26 to 9.59°C Clarke et al. (2009) Data interpolated from original resolution to 0.5° grid temperature using “Spline with barrier” interpolation (ArcGIS procedure). Seafloor salinity 32.21 to 34.89 PSS National Oceanographic Data interpolated from original resolution to 0.5° grid Data Center (NODC) using “Spline with barrier” interpolation (ArcGIS www.nodc.noaa.gov/OC5/ procedure). WOA09/pr_woa09.html Sea surface 0.09 to 34.85 NODC Data interpolated from original resolution to 0.5° grid nitrogen oxide µmol l−1 using “Spline with barrier” interpolation concentration (ArcGIS procedure). (summer) Sea surface 0 to 16.79 mg m−3 Feldman & McClain (2010) Climatology spans the 2002/03 to 2009/10 austral chlorophyll a http://oceancolor.gsfc. summer seasons. Data interpolated from original concentration nasa.gov/ resolution to 0.5° grid using “Spline with barrier” interpolation (ArcGIS procedure). Granulometry Clay, silt, sand McCoy (1991) Derived from sediment types. Data interpolated from or gravel, original resolution to 0.5° grid (ArcGIS procedure). volcanic deposits

Biogenic Azooic, calca- McCoy (1991) Derived from sediment types. Data interpolated from component in reous ooze, original resolution to 0.5° grid (ArcGIS procedure). sediment biosiliceous ooze first threshold defines the area referred to as the ‘suit- Genetic Algorithm Rule-set Production (GARP) able area’ and encompasses all pixels for which prob- ability is over the minimal probability value assigned Like Maxent, GARP can be run with presence-only to a true presence (100% of true presences are in- data to predict species potential distributions. Basi- cluded in this first area). (2) The second one defines cally, GARP uses rule-sets of logic inferences, se - the area referred to as the ‘highly suitable area’ and lected by means of a genetic algorithm to best predict corresponds to a threshold that excludes the 5% of the the species distribution (see Stockwell & Peters 1999, true presences that show the lowest probability Peterson et al. 2007 for details). It produces maps of values (95% of true presences are still included in this binary predictions. We performed the analysis using second area along with the highest probability values). the 8 continuous environmental variables and the Pierrat et al.: Ecological niche modelling of Antarctic echinoids 221

Desktop GARP software v.1.1.6 (www.nhm.ku.edu/ tively) than for the GARP procedure (AUC values for desktopgarp/). Presence-only data were randomly the median and ‘best fit’ commission values were split into training and test subsamples (respectively respectively 0.85 and 0.89 for S. antarcticus, 0.91 and 75 and 25% of the total data set) to test the repro- 0.87 for S. neumayeri). Prediction maps showed sim- ducibility and the robustness of the model. One hun- ilar ‘suitable areas’. The ‘best fit’ GARP (Fig. 2C,D) dred maps were produced using the ‘best-subset outputs are very close to the Maxent ones (Fig. 2E,F), model selection’ procedure (Stockwell & Peters although the suitable area computed for S. neu- 1999). This procedure computes maps with 0% omis- mayeri is more extended with GARP (Fig. 2D) than sion value (all pixels with real presence are included with Maxent (Fig. 2F). GARP maps based on the in the potential distribution), among which we ex - median commission value (Fig. 2A,B) also show more tracted 2 sets of 10 maps according to their commis- extended suitable areas as compared to Maxent sion value (extension of the predicted area). The first maps (Fig. 2E,F), but patterns do not drastically differ set includes maps whose commissions are the closest between the 2 models. Suitable areas are either to the median commission value (classical procedure dilated or contracted depending on the model used described for GARP). In order to compare results but the shapes of those areas are not drastically dif- from GARP to those from Maxent, the second set ferent (the difference is a matter of degree rather comprises maps whose commissions are the closest to than of nature). Finally, both procedures ranked the value from Maxent map. For each set, the 10 depth as the environmental variable that most con- maps of binary predictions were summed up to gen- tributes to the models. These similar results indicate erate a ‘total’ map with prediction values ranging that basically, the computed prediction models are from 0 to 10 for each pixel of the map. To assess the not only determined by the modelling method used respective contribution of each environmental vari- and that they are reliable enough to allow biogeo- able, the procedure described by Peterson et al. graphical interpretations. The Maxent procedure (2003) was followed. was preferred as it proved efficient and more flexible to process both categorical and continuous variables with data that are not all normally distributed. There- RESULTS fore, only Maxent results are presented and discus - sed below. Model performance The AUC values of Maxent distribution models computed for the 2 species showed that these models As a preliminary approach, a non-parametric multi - have a significantly better predictive performance variate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was per- than a random model (Wilcoxon rank-sum test, p < formed using the software PAST v.1.93 (Hammer et 0.01; Table 3). The AUC values computed for training al. 2001) to test for the significance of the selected and test subsamples of each run ranged from 0.924 to variables to species distribution (as assessed by pixel 0.97 for Sterechinus antarcticus, and from 0.942 to occurrence and absence data for the entire Southern 0.993 for S. neumayeri. Mean values ranged between Ocean). Results were highly significant for both spe- 0.967 (training data) and 0.952 (test data) for S. ant - cies (Sterechinus antarcticus: F = 30.53, p < 0.0001; S. arcticus, and between 0.979 (training data) and 0.972 neumayeri: F = 10.75, p = 0.0019) using the Euclidean (test data) for S. neumayeri, characterizing outstand- distance and a 10000 replicate permutation test. This ing models (Hosmer & Lemeshow 2000). shows that the 10 selected variables are correlated at least in part to the distribution of the 2 Sterechinus species and can be used for modelling and estimating Species predicted distributions their fundamental ecological niches. Three distribution models were computed for The threshold suitability maps computed for the 2 Sterechinus antarcticus and S. neumayeri, respec- species (Figs. 3 & 4) show strong similarities (56% of tively, using the 2 procedures, GARP (2 outputs using the 2 maps are similar for highly suitable areas; the median and ‘best fit’ commission values) and Fig. A1): highly suitable habitats are mostly pre- Maxent, based on presence-only data and on the 8 dicted all around the Antarctic continent, including continuous environmental variables of the total data the whole Antarctic continental shelf, as well as the set (Fig. 2). Both procedures gave similar results, Scotia Arc and Sub-Antarctic islands (Bouvet Island, though with better AUC values for the Maxent (0.97 Prince Edward Islands, Crozet Islands , Kerguelen and 0.98 for S. antarcticus and S. neumayeri, respec- Islands and Heard Island). Highly suitable habitats 222 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 463: 215–230, 2012 Pierrat et al.: Ecological niche modelling of Antarctic echinoids 223

are also predicted northwards as far as the continen- Table 3. Sterechinus antarcticus and S. neumayeri. Area un- tal shelves of southern Chile and southern Argentina. der the receiver operating curve values computed for each run (for training and test data) with average values for the Suitable habitats include areas from the north of the distribution model of each species. All runs show a signifi- Ross Sea and between Bouvet Island and the Scotia cantly better predictive performance than random (p < 0.01, Arc. Suitable and highly suitable areas extend over a Wilcoxon rank-sum test) depth range from the shore to 1500 m. The main discrepancy between the distribution Run Sterechinus antarcticus S. neumayeri models of the 2 species occurs in the Sub-Antarctic Training Test Training Test and northernmost areas. Highly suitable areas are 1 0.969 0.930 0.977 0.993 predicted for Sterechinus antarcticus south of New 2 0.969 0.942 0.980 0.965 Zea land (including the Campbell Plateau) and Tasma - 3 0.969 0.944 0.978 0.983 nia, whereas the predicted distribution of S. neumay- 4 0.966 0.969 0.981 0.942 eri seems to be limited to the Antarctic Polar Front. In 5 0.966 0.969 0.978 0.981 southern South America, species distributions are ex- 6 0.967 0.954 0.979 0.971 7 0.968 0.924 0.978 0.986 pected over the Argentinean continental shelf and 8 0.967 0.956 0.978 0.983 along the Chilean coast, but highly suitable habitats 9 0.967 0.970 0.979 0.970 of S. neumayeri are restricted to the southernmost tip 10 0.966 0.967 0.980 0.946 of Argentina, whereas highly suitable habitats of S. Average 0.967 0.952 0.979 0.972 antarcticus extend farther northward to 45° S. In sum- mary, the distribution of S. antarcticus is predicted northward as a far as 45° S, whereas the distribution of DISCUSSION S. neumayeri is more limited to high latitudes. Ecological relevance of models

Environmental variable contributions Depth is the environmental factor that most con- tributes to delimiting the distribution areas of both Previous studies have shown the importance of Sterechinus species, with sea ice coverage and sea depth and sediment characteristics to both Stere - surface temperature partly determining the distribu- chinus species distributions (Brey & Gutt 1991, Jacob tion of S. neumayeri as well (Table 4). This is consis- et al. 2003, David et al. 2005b). Out of the 10 environ- tent with what we know about the ecological re- mental variables included in the analysis, depth is quirements of the 2 species (Brey & Gutt 1991, Jacob the variable that most explains the distribution of the et al. 2003, David et al. 2005b). S. neumayeri inhabits 2 species (78.1 and 68.7% of average contribution to the shallows of the inner continental shelf of Antarc- S. antarcticus and S. neumayeri models, respectively; tica (mainly between the shore and 500 m), and is Table 4). For S. antarcticus, other environmental thus influenced by the environmental parameters variables contributed very little (<5%). Regarding that affect the upper water column, such as the sea- S. neumayeri, 2 other variables showed a significant sonal sea ice formation and sea surface temperature. contribution: sea ice coverage (10.4%) and sea In contrast, these latter parameters have almost no surface temperature (9.9%), although these percent- impact on the distribution of S. antarcticus, which ages remain well below the value of the depth con - occurs in deeper areas of the outer parts of continen- tribution. tal shelves (mainly between 150 and 750 m, and down to 2000 m). The importance of depth as a con- Fig. 2. Sterechinus antarcticus and S. neumayeri. Habitat trolling factor of benthic species distributions has suitability maps for (A, C, E) S. antarcticus and (B, D, F) S. been identified in many marine ecology studies (Brey neumayeri generated by (A, B) GARP, using the median et al. 1996, O’Hara 2008, Gogina et al. 2010). This has commission value (area under the receiver operating curve, been well established for the genus Sterechinus, AUC = 0.85 for S. antarcticus and 0.91 for S. neumayeri), (C, D) GARP, using the Maxent ‘best fit’ commission value which includes 2 species with different depth range (AUC = 0.89 for S. antarcticus and 0.87 for S. neumayeri) and distribution (Brey & Gutt 1991, Jacob et al. 2003, (E, F) Maxent (AUC = 0.97 for S. antarcticus and 0.98 for S. David et al. 2005a). In marine habitats, depth is cor- neumayeri). Maps were generated using 8 continuous en - related to many environmental factors such as light vironmental variables. In the GARP procedure (A−D), ‘suit- able’ areas correspond to pixel values ranging between intensity, temperature, salinity, predator or competi- 6 and 10; they include all occurrence data in the Maxent tor occurrence and food supplies (Harris & Whiteway procedure (E, F) 2009). The large scale of the analysis means that the 224 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 463: 215–230, 2012

Fig. 3. Sterechinus antarcticus. Habitat suitability map generated using Maxent and including all environmental variables. (1) The ‘suitable area’ encompasses all pixels for which probability is over the minimal probability value assigned to a true oc- currence (100% of occurrence data are included in this area). (2) The ‘highly suitable area’ corresponds to a threshold that ex- cludes the 5% of true occurrences that show the lowest probability values (95% of true occurrences are still included in this second area). Hatched areas correspond to areas where data are missing for at least 1 environmental variable local environmental control on population dispersion efforts should concentrate on adding new environ- is likely to have less influence, while large-scale mental data and estimating their potential contribu- environmental variations are more likely to explain tion to the modelled habitats. Therefore, depth could broad patterns of species distributions. Depth is typi- also be an indirect estimate, or a proxy for other vari- cally a factor that can control species distributions at ables that do have a direct and significant impact on local, regional and global scales. The large scale of species distributions. However, it has been shown the present analysis partly explains the predominant that depth can have a direct impact on marine life, contribution of depth to distribution models over and niche modelling studies in marine areas gener- other environmental parameters. However, future ally include depth as a full-fledged environmental Pierrat et al.: Ecological niche modelling of Antarctic echinoids 225

Fig. 4. . Habitat suitability map generated using Maxent and including all environmental variables. (1) The ‘suitable area’ encompasses all pixels for which probability is over the minimal probability value assigned to a true oc- currence (100% of occurrence data are included in this area). (2) The ‘highly suitable area’ corresponds to a threshold that ex- cludes the 5% of true occurrences that show the lowest probability values (95% of true occurrences are still included in this second area). Hatched areas correspond to areas where data are missing for at least 1 environmental variable parameter (O’Hara 2008, Gogina et al. 2010). One of insignificant (Jacob et al. 2003), and are likely to be the main reasons for this is pressure increase with little impacted by seasonal variation in primary pro- depth. Tyler et al. (2000) showed that in S. neu- duction (De Ridder & Lawrence 1982, David et al. mayeri, water pressure is a limiting factor for the 2005b). This could partly explain the low contribu- survival and dispersal of larvae into deep waters, tion of those parameters describing the sediment bio- which favours the settlement of the species to shal- genic component and the water chlorophyll a rate in low water areas. the distribution models. However, the significance of The 2 Sterechinus species studied here are oppor- sea ice coverage and sea surface temperature to the tunistic feeders, with differences in the diet being distribution of S. neumayeri can be related to the 226 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 463: 215–230, 2012

Table 4. Sterechinus antarcticus (S. a.) and S. neumayeri Biogeographic discrepancies between observed (S. n.). Average contribution (%) of each environmental data and modelled distributions are partly inherent variable for distribution models of each species to the modelling procedure and conditioned by the incompleteness of environmental data and the scale Environmental variable S. a. S. n. of the analyses. These biogeographic discrepancies Depth 78.1 68.7 can also result from the essential differences that dis- Slope 2.7 1.3 tinguish between the fundamental and the realized Sea ice coverage 4.3 10.4 ecological niche. They may indicate the role played Sea surface temperature 2.3 9.9 both by historical events and by biotic interactions in Seafloor temperature 0.8 0.2 the present distribution of taxa. Although historical Seafloor salinity 2 0.7 Sea surface nitrogen oxide conc. 3.7 0.5 factors (e.g. ongoing dispersal) and biotic interac- Sea surface chlorophyll a conc. 2.4 2.8 tions (e.g. competition, predation) were not included Granulometry 1.3 1.2 as parameters in our approach, they can be regarded Biogenic component in sediment 2.4 4.3 a posteriori as causal factors to interpret distribution patterns that are not fully explained by physical and chemical parameters. In the present work, the mod- availability of food supplies. Shallow areas of East elled habitats of the 2 Sterechinus species only dif- Antarctica (<15 m depth) are covered with ice for fered by the secondary contribution of 2 parameters, most of the year, a necessary condition for micro- sea ice coverage and sea surface temperature, as phyte growth that initiates a trophic web. This food compared to depth, the factor that contributed the attracts mobile such as S. neumayeri (Thrush most to both species distribution models. Accord- et al. 2006), which might be partly dependent on this ingly, the 2 modelled distributions differ in their source of food. Our results suggest that further stud- northward latitudinal range while distribution pat- ies in functional ecology might consider the ecologi- terns of both species widely overlap (Figs. 3 & 4). cal implication of sea ice coverage and sea surface However, the comparison of occurrence data shows temperature in population dynamics of S. neumayeri. that the observed distributions of the 2 species only overlap over 8.6% of their total distribution range (26 pixels in common over 302 pixels in all). This sug- Environmental control versus historical gests that the 2 species might partly exclude each contingencies other, while environmental requirements do not dif- fer drastically. To test for the origin of the exclusion Compared to Sterechinus antarcticus, the habitat pattern between the 2 species, a non-parametric of S. neumayeri is shown to be determined by, or at MANOVA was performed with PAST using the least related to, environmental parameters other Euclidean distance and a 10000 replicate permuta- than depth (i.e. sea ice coverage and sea surface tion test. The exclusion did not rely significantly on temperature), and its modelled distribution range is environmental differences (F = 0.032; p = 0.86) and accordingly less extended. In S. neumayeri, the cannot be supported at the scale of the Southern complex interaction between depth and its corre- Ocean so far. It is very likely that the exclusion is of lates is well exemplified. Tyler et al. (2000) demon- biological origin. strated that pressure tolerance of larvae is depen- The comparison between the modelled and ob - dent on water temperature, warmer temperatures served distribution of Sterechinus antarcticus also tending to increase pressure tolerance of larvae. In sheds light on factors that were not included in the a forecasting scenario, a slight warming of bottom model. The potential distribution of S. antarcticus waters could therefore promote the larval dispersal extends northeastward over the Campbell Plateau and the settlement of S. neumayeri in deeper waters where environmental conditions were modelled as and in the most northern parts of the Southern suitable to highly suitable for the species (Fig. 3). Ocean. In the latter case, climate change may have Moreover, dispersal by means of the Antarctic Cir- a direct impact on the distribution of S. neumayeri, cumpolar Current would make the colonization of driving the expansion of its distribution range. Con- the plateau possible for a species that originated in versely, during the Pleistocene, glacial maxima the Southern Ocean (O’Hara 1998). However, no S. could have favoured the contraction of its distribu- ant arcticus has ever been sampled south of New tion range to the shallow areas of Antarctic and Zea land, despite the many oceanographic cam- Sub-Antarctic regions. paigns led in the region. Hypotheses can then be Pierrat et al.: Ecological niche modelling of Antarctic echinoids 227

proposed to explain this situation that invoke either nated on the Antarctic continental shelf by allopatric (1) oceanographic barriers, (2) biotic interactions or speciation during the Pliocene, S. antarcticus would (3) historical contingencies. have originated from Subantarcic waters where it (1) The Antarctic Polar Front (APF) is classically would have dispersed to the Antarctic continental regarded as a biogeographic, physiographical bar- shelf during glacial optima of the Pleistocene (Diaz et rier to dispersal, having isolated the Southern Ocean al. 2011). This dispersal process could be ongoing from northern warmer water masses since Drake and may explain the absence of S. antarcticus on the Passage opened (Scher & Martin 2006, Clarke et al. Campbell Plateau. Originating from Sub-Antarctic 2007). Regarding Sterechinus, the APF barrier seems areas on the South American side, the species would to prevent S. neumayeri from expanding its range to not have reached the Campbell Plateau as yet. the north as its potential distribution was modelled beyond the APF over the south of the Argentinean Plateau (Fig. 4) whereas occurrence data do not ex - CONCLUSION tend across the APF (Fig. 1). In contrast, S. antarcti- cus extends beyond the APF over the Argentinean The present work constitutes a first attempt to gen- Plateau as far as 35° S (Fig. 1) and its range does not erate a niche-based distribution model at the scale of seem to be restricted by the APF on the South Amer- the Southern Ocean. Distribution models of Ster - ican side. Conversely, the APF barrier would be par- echinus antarcticus and S. neumayeri were gener- ticularly influential between the Campbell Plateau ated using 2 methods, GARP and Maxent. The latter and East Antarctica (Bargelloni et al. 2000), where it was preferred for providing better predictive perfor- could prevent the larvae of S. antarcticus from dis- mance, as assessed by the high AUC values of distri- persing toward the Campbell Plateau. Dispersal of S. bution models. However, both procedures provided antarcticus could be possible in the future as the APF similar predictive distribution maps, therefore sug- barrier is expected to weaken with global warming gesting the reproducibility of the models. The mod- (Convey et al. 2009). elled ecological niches are consistent with the known (2) Biotic interactions may also limit the distribution ecology of the 2 Sterechinus species, the identifica- of Sterechinus antarcticus and its settlement over the tion of those environmental parameters that con- Campbell Plateau. Another member of the family tribute most to large-scale distribution patterns , Gracilechinus multidentatus, inhabits the showing good agreement with the observed and Campbell Plateau. G. multidentatus is a close rela- modelled distribution ranges. Hence, the endemism tive to Sterechinus species and occupies similar of S. neumayeri to the Antarctic continental shelf can depth ranges and habitats (McKnight 1968). Inter- be explained by depth, sea ice coverage and sea sur- specific competition between these 2 species may face temperature, while depth is the only significant lead to a species exclusion of either the New Zealand factor found to control the widespread distribution of species, G. multidentatus or the South American, S. antarcticus. The difference between the 2 mod- Sub-Antarctic and Antarctic species, S. antarcticus. elled potential distributions could be interpreted to (3) Niche modelling has been criticized for consid- assess the respective potential vulnerability of the 2 ering ecological niches as being at the equilibrium species to large-scale environmental changes of the and for ignoring biogeographic processes such as past and to those expected in the future. speciation, adaptation, extinction and dispersal Regardless of the modelling procedure adopted, dynamics (Austin & Van Niel 2011). Herein, we con- the differences between observed and modelled sidered these processes as causal factors that may be distribution data emphasized the respective roles considered a posteriori to justify possible bio- played by those environmental factors included in geographic discrepancies between observed and the model (depth, sea ice coverage and sea surface modelled distribution data. In the Southern Ocean, temperature), and by putative biotic and biogeo- the re-colonization of the Antarctic continental shelf graphic processes. Hence, species exclusion patterns by benthic species after the glacial maxima of the and ongoing dispersal processes were proposed as Pleisto cene constitutes a recent historical back- likely factors that could determine the mismatch ground that must be taken into account when consid- between the fundamental and the realized ecological ering the present distribution patterns of taxa, as it is niches. Such a modelling approach is recommended not possible to know whether the process occurred in to be applied to other taxa of the Southern Ocean. the past or is ongoing (Brandt et al. 2007). While The identification of recurrent distribution patterns Sterechinus neumayeri is assumed to have origi- with recurrent discrepancies between modelled and 228 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 463: 215–230, 2012

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Appendix. Additional data on potential distribution of 2 echinoids in the Southern Ocean

Fig. A1. Potential distribution showing pixels where Sterechinus antarcticus and S. neumayeri occur together and where only 1 species is potentially present

Editorial responsibility: Lisandro Benedetti-Cecchi, Submitted: February 13, 2012; Accepted: May 24, 2012 Pisa, Italy Proofs received from author(s): August 21, 2012