S~lvation Arm Red Shield Cam j . . ' . U.S. PERSONNEL· ' . STATESIDE PRICES NOW AVAILABLE ON PONTIAC AND BUICK, NEW' SEE THE DAILY rra Nova Motors Ltd. &~~ Vol, 65. No. 106 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1958 lPriee 1 eents) Charles Hutton &Sons

Rescue Besieged ! Prepare For

DHAL •• young British~!~~ official and.. -~!?!fi.:~~ 30 the siege of the official... Fitzroy";,;,,May . Day Troubl.e.. ; loyal Arab soldiers, besieged for Somerset, and the loyal troops. i ~ .. eight d~ys by'rebel tribesmen in . Som~r.sct. 34, an assistant Brit· I vALLETTA. 1Ia1ta · lJnion and party leat!crs " I mountnmous country near the tsh pohllcal agent, and the troops · .. I Aden· Yemen border. were res· were trapped by at least 300. ( Reuters)-Bntl:;h troops ~m·e a.isuranccs that no ~.r 1 1 ~ued Wednesday night by a Bl-it· 1 r.ebels who ~~rrounded their 90>~· i and police prepared for a disturbances would tak£ ; t~h·led force a.ftcr sereral hours ;!lun-a forllfiCd .summer hou~e: huge Maltc-c Mav Do\' Jllace. · o: hea1·y flghtmg. ncar Fort Assam·. Othrt· rebels I 5 • ~ l Jhe British commander ot spread out ol'er a wide area of! celebration here today· i\'1intoff's resignation II.!'ries - loe11l soluirrs - and the barren mountainous countr)'· ·after a state of public l·,r-t \\"'n], let! ' his company of turbaned troops sidr. : ...... ·l· . . " ... , • to prqtest ' ;' rou~ht for more than 12 hours un· British infantr~· ~uppm·trd ·ly. emelgenc:r \\a!i ptoc atm- demonst;·ations agains1 1 f.er. hca1·y gtmlirc and ad I' anced planes and armored cars laun· ' ed Wcdncsday. lo\vard 1 two miles to r~ac h th c bes1egc · d 1 ch.. e d a dawn attac k· \\' cd nesuay.•I 1, GO\'CI'llOr Sir Hobc,'t Britain's. . policy . r.. \. L. Stone. agent-operator for the Cannclian National Railwa~· at Deet· Lake. \\'iJS presented ll'ith a part)'. \\tth t;;o naure troo••s. they he· . . tim i\'Iediterranean ts1anc • 1 I c 0! ~~Ill! on April :!2nd by Mr. Cyril I. Jl•ll'rner. ~upcrintendent of the line. for his alertncs~ . .i\lt The Lrrie~ r~ta~J~bhcn tt~em· • ~an fighting their w~y up .a I.·, La~·eocl' ga\·~ p~mmswn colonv. Lpending public. :,[:·. :-: ·'-'!;r.·~ sU«J:!.estion for more efficient serd~c. The impro1·ed sen·icc climinntes the ne~essit.'· o[ ·lu.av 11( I~tt!islt protectoral~ ncar the tel maktn,., the cmcl,.,cnc .• meeting:· and demonstra· t> J '\ cmrn bordct·. deehntion · ~ · 1 <1\I.•~ wa,\' freights through the Gnff Tnp~~ils during the sercre ll'itttcr snow conditions. The G 'L I At the ~arnr timr. inlrlli~en~·.~ A ' ' ... · · lton:, for three months. •.. 1 i l'::u: .·i•u\\':; 1\h·. Slllll{\ tcenter\ rr.cei\·inrr the cheque frum i\lt'. Merrer ;left'· Lookill:! on is i'dr. A R. i rcat a \CS report~ said a \'cm~ni ~llllOIY ('Ol·; 1l( mt~Sifltl to former ' . " . • . : umn was on its. wa.r from· r.lat· :prime minister Dom ll1m- L• \1' 1r •lar\.y presiden I . . , right), chief•tr:lin dcspiltrhcr. · t t t 1 t · t S "k 5 ' l ------..... ------···------··----··--·------··------. - ---- I tri e . .~,;·,0~~!~;1 l:;c di:~~::t::·i ::e~~nC· i ~off's "~riva~e meclin~" Lcli Tabone ~ai~. L~ycock t . al.' ·( l'lllC·\''lJ "' , . . . Yemrn. newly federated mth 111 Empire Stndtum \l'dl etdcd "tlle6ally 10 as· . " ,.,.. ,_,,a~1 or Rtch. II S. ·. E". t' U ., I >\ hI b b I 1 . 1 ' . I J, ·~ ani Dalr\' of Chkago announcer!' le ~~tan· .,~ ~ wn 111 cr : ra ' e Y mem JCt's 11p care s ·sum tng con tro . He urged ~.~ tl t \ •• ' rl . rr· . I IHepuhhc. r.laml' ~0\'Ct'CI~ntv I· h' 1 I t tl ' I t d 1 Netherland's .. 1.a s nrnml! an umon o tela s 0,.er thft western ·Arlorn protector· I m IS a JOI' par y or 1e : t 1e gm·ernor o ec are a l1irtee11 Adrift On ! nll flv to Montreal \\' d d · " · ' ·I 1: l ·. : ' e nes .RY 1 alt and is renurted to hare sup.: General \Vorkers Union state of emeroency and • • T nt~lll 111 an effort to em! a strtke 1. 1 ~· .0 .b 1 · "' ' I Pr1nce 0 \•,:hkh. h<~;~ tied lip foreign ship·: ~l~~: .. arms to uiS~I en( tn CS•: Wh.ich S(Hged i1 genera) . :iUSpen~l the C~11Sti~Uti0!1 J pm~ m Great Lakes pnrts. : stnke Mondav. :to recbfv the SitUation. I :• lazing Trawler I Vl.sl"t Ottawa .llpoi~le1·t~~~h~~~ ~:~~~:~rrh\l~a:n;~;: Tl S • V . . . ·-----·---···· .. ·:x ·l'~·-Tin<<' R<>l' .1~11 :'llulgnwc. :-. ..s ... l;~tc Tnc;dn::: tlw trnwll•t• h;; l'~tlar. Twn ~thrr. I~.o~·le, dircetor. a~d past !lr.~s.' Ie ovtet eto N . c f '. flom (,rr<'I'''•">•.!. :-i.S, mght for the ftshmg grounds.; mrcra(t-a Dakot<• ami canso-; OTT·\\'>·\ •CPl- Prince Bern.' 1oent of the Sh1ppmg Federation: assei.. on ers •. g !Cherluicd I•• iull a lJomber, Skippered by Capt. Uriah Hillier, I circled the area above the ceiling hard ~f 1:he Keth•rland· arril'es or Canada. · ' UNITED :-lA'fiONS. N.Y. !CP1 · ::· 1 . ·' W F••M't•t· t·m: at 'J'or!lay,l of l\lulgrave, the vessel is owned I of fog. They carried lifesa\·ing 1 her Snturda~ to ~pen asnine·day The announcement came afler l gthe United Stales. Britain. · J .' at dawn today as the by Acadia Fisheries. 1 equipment to be dropped if the i ,.i i~ to C nada a two - hour meeting bet1xeen IFrance and Canada conferred · w• th R d L d Tt!llmt~ for the trawler I Her distress signal Wednesday i Sheila Patricia was located. 'l'hev I ~I . ~· . d'. ct f tn th union and shipping represcnta- Wednesday on how to meet the' . I e ea er '.i Paltici& with ~ crew of 13/ \;·as relayed to shm·~ slnlion by . were ordered bacK lo base wheit 'Nell~t•r~nd~ 1 ~ M~~~rea\'~0 Don·ni j lives in the mayor's office. j threat of a S01•it•t wto in the · ~ 1 . r~n.e.l~ alirc \\'edn~sday . anothet' Vt'SSL'I. '!'he trawler's life·) vi~ibility d~(·reased from th·e : ~ir 101.1 at;~ a ftc:; a bt:ief st~ 1 . Attending .wer~ reprtfl_til>latil'l·~ 1 ~~·ruri.ly Council. of tl•e. t nitfd . , . 1 • • . ; • • • . • • • • • , • • _. sot.rltP~.,I ut Capt> Can:;o. ; boats appm·entll' could not be mtles to zero. Two Cnnsos and : , 1. , ··u , n . Ott . 1. I u! the stnkm~ lnt~rnatwnal Or. · Slates pl~n for mternahonal m· ~IO~l Oil lleutu'' ·- II''' l\hlthhchc\ ,al(t he cono1den 11 1 1 0 1 1 ' i IDwet·cd, and her steering gt•m·: a ]lakota will lean• Gn•enwood 'H<'·\"F \l~irc:·~ft ~~\w~uledu~,~ a~ i ganizution of ;\lasters. ~Iates and • 'lll'ttinn or Uw Ardi 1•. • •I.<·I~t Gam:tl .\hdt'l :\as~ar oi Ill'~ th•: hest way ul ol.tro· 'SOiwt lead(•t·s. tndudmg l'rcmter. o, mutual Interest. 11 · ere forced back to has•' · · ' \I'll wr raw''"' m lr HI'L'a · 1 tl 1e 1·a1 11·t· 3 I h1 · 11··ll ·1 tl •11 d :. · · ·. · I · ··· ·· · · ''ltrtt·l 1"il ·1 · 'l'l · S ·· 1• d f · ed e\'enin w .· ..' ·. • suutht•a>l of the south enlr:mce , art aiding in thf' hunt. Tlll'l' art• . n . . : ' ' ' • a 1 21 to force foretgn shiPs to usc po~ed mspect10n techmquc talks . " . s ' ' · . . w • O\ let ca L'r re Cl r . !o t1 h~n \lslbtl· ·of the Sll'uit of Canso 'fonv 1\'il· · tl A r F' 1. .· ·t · \ · 'Sl'I'Ws nt umners and rccepltons ·its pilots through tilt• entire G1·nat j with the sumnlit meet in" ' :\asscr was a,·complllll('d hy \asser as a hero who had hotsled . ' ae<-r· •·aSI1d to zero. llowcrer .. braham mananer of Acadia Fish· t rwtl cUS(hlO'lalspu;.rl,r't~la~tsacn•r(\ sllllll anr: nltl\:t' a wreath Sunday at! I.akt•s watcrwav instead of o~l\· lnfonrr'd diolomntic ~·,our•·<·- .nwmllt•rs of the r.~R delegation.: the bumwr of lhe struggle for the . 1~nt:ast,er from 'l'orba)· wa · ' o ' • 0• lc et " c · lc tl \ 11 t' a! \''"r '! tnor'tal 1 • • 1 · · ' · · ·' l'hc S\'rt· 311 1' t. I d t·b · f 11 h A b 1 .. - to lc v ' ·cries, said Wednesday second· 1Cape Dolphin operated bl· \'a., , •e · wn '" " e · Ithrough harbor rirer channels. 1 sairl the e.s. delegation was in· : . . ·,. • ·.gyp tan ea cr ar·' I crat10n o a t .e ra. peop cs . -~ at HS a e ~~ih~Vs~rc~ j ha~d rcp.orts from the bm·ni~~; tiona! SLa Pr~ducts Limit~d out' He will l'!sil Montreal Monday. Longshoremen in Chica!lo and structed .hy ~~·~shington to atd no .10111t commumque could . :· ').'rmg \ISI~tlfty was learned how srrious the [il'e was. 1 The missin~ trawl~r wa" bttilt . crcd to Toronto. where he will . _ Russia was not expected to rotc foTCl~n llllnt,tN who took part •n be rxprctcd hcefore May !j. ·' tit late \\edncsday A Xcptune aircralt from RCAF ; in Scotland II ~·cars ago. She wa:; 1 bit ait·ct•aft ;Jlants. On 'l'hurs·l Gimli. l\lan .• and fly the same. f,Jr the l.'.S. resolution. tht• talks. told a ~last'Oil' ra~lio >hortly brforc l'\asser is due lo ...... :Greenwood skimmed over the: formct·ly named the Acadia Pi .. dny. ~~Y 8. he will present wings! day to Vancoul'cr. Aftrr visit· The Sorict rlele~:ation 1·rmainrtl n•porw that "only one •tung return \lome .. · ··!!•nt Shctla Patncta: area at 150 feet trying to locate; ont•cr and Iuter thr Boston ~lOS·· t~ six :-JATO student nilots of the; in~in Vancou\'er anrl Victoria he' silent on its n~xt mo1·r. The coun could bt• omd: Full and complete. ~;a~.,er. ill'lm lunehcon speech. .' -.,------...... ::....:.::~::....:.::.:..::~I quito. 'Royal NPtherlands Airforce, at! will leare May 11 for Scattl~. i f'il is in rrccs~ until fl'idal'. understandmg pre\'atlerl." . satd he wckomcs "the stru;:::Ie -----··· ----·-· · Later at a luncheon fur :\aoscr, . tor 11 ord peace which the U.S. Khrushchcr said Soviet policy ; S.R. is waging with great sin· • aims .at supporting the freedom; cer.ity." He we.komed "the ~viet Jl. R. Firemen NEW BRUNSWICK • ~nd mdependence of the Arab I pobcy of no~·tnterference 1D the ------...o..;....;;..;.;;.;.;;;..;;..;;.;; pcopl~s. I affairs of other countries." .l,. " Ianning .'· Strilie .I • Floods Reach St. John Area Former Soldier \· I ~ nou~:nr RICE. · the results of their 'meeting to· I lln~ ·railway and union presidents lying areas on the Kennebecasis 8 p •J f s men! of B and B Woodworkers lost $176,000 when Aconic Mining i ber, 1956, attended by Mr. Butler neg•·:l.,:c'l'. alr .. adv h· I -brought the two-year·old dis· a~d N~repis Rivers and other I 0 Limited at nearby South B~y c t' k d d I to o•<'r- a st 'k •th 't autld I pute to a head. I tnbutartes of the St. John. I rave I aves was flooded and heavy machm· orpora ton sloe roppe last :and himself, the ex·pilot Pjd lt · • · n e a cou . 1 l'ft d f th fl . year on the Toronto stock mar. I was suggested a change be made tht I'PR f t i CPR prestdcnt N. R. Crump re· B . h fl , I ery was I e rom e oor m ket ~· A . ' bo d f d' t : rom eoas to . !used to give th . . oostmg t e ow of \\ale~ I rom i I d A• It an effort to save it !rom damage. .· m come~ ar o ll'ec ors. Ire e!~ecled to announce,. . . • e um~~ a repneve upriver was a 4.48 inch rainfall I cYIPP • e lfCra . . . d The followmg January Mr. Fau· m the rat.hlny s deciSion to start from 6 p.m. 1\londay to 9 P m I '!'he provincial measuring sta. Mr .. F~uqmer. former n.roup Iquier was given one share of , ~!ay 11 with 0 long·term program Tuesday. The heariest (all oc~ur: • . . . 1tion said- Wednesday the Lower captam 10 t~e famed P~thfmdcr stock and elected vice·president. 1~1mcd at erentually dropping all red from 3 p.m. to u p.m. 'rues- ·• ~Bl~ENT, Tex. tA.Pl-A. young The na\·1gator ~nd ptl~t balled 1St. John River had inrreased I~quadron, sat~ he was :·tee·pres· j Later, 1\Ir. Fauquier said, he Fu II er If~re~en fro~ diesel cngmes on day when 1.48 inches fell. At it ~.s. Alr For~e CO•ptlot, hiS B-47 ou~ but o?enauf s ejection scat Ifive points from Tuesday to 14.6 td?.nt of_ Ac~mc. at" the lime .• I • was sent 50.000 shares of Aconic , ~nr1. and.fretght work.. p.m. 't'uesday. wind gusts up to' Jet bomber aftre and the top r.an- failed t.o work. . feet above summer !oil·. 11 was 1 I lost. e1er~th1.,g I had. Ic; roting trust stock which he later umon promptly 1 miles an hour were ·cp rted opy blown off.. bra1•ed sub • On his to the nose he diS· the highest reading in the area , Donald Graham. 1began trading through 1 Th~ a~n~unced 62 1 0 I ze~o w~y ~.old !\la~1strate variou.~ , a. stn~.c. could start "wtth~n two • 1y·eather and wmd !hat scared hts covered. M~J .•J~mes E. Maxwell, in 20 years. I Accordmg '.? the accountants I IToronto stock brokers. Ht uid _. __ __ i :~eeks tf the CPR holds ftrm to A 52·foot gap was torn in a : eyeballs to land the plane here . 32. nav1gal10n mstructor. uncon· ! lost $17~.000. . the sharees were· sent with a let- •:.h _ F R : tts. i\l,ny. II lar~cl date. But the road·dyke on a :l:i·acre marshland i Monday night r~ther than aban·! scious and his oxygen mask off. j Fauqmer, now .a resnlcnt. of! tcr in which Mr. Butler said he :~vrrn,or \1 ormcr C· 'umon s mternallonalleader, H. E. reclamation 11rojcct at nearby Idon a fellow officer. I Unable to get Maxwell through. nearby Port Credtt, was testify. i would "personally guarantee any . 1 1 •.. a• 1 · ran T. Fuller IGilbert of Cleveland, held out Emerson's Creek flooding the Lieu! James E. Obenauf 24 the hatch, Obenauf returned to his NEW JET COMPLETF:D ing at the preliminary hearing of, losses .. ' Ho w~~ 8 ~led Wednesday last minute hope o[ further nego. highway and making it impass-1 made ~ perfect landing whil~ nv: co.pilot' s position. The controls BERLIN (Reuters l - East Clifford H. Butler and Joseph ; · ~(~\'td '1, • • , tiations before. returning \Vedncs· able. The dyke gale itself held ing from the blind co·pilot's seat, there were th~ only ones working. Germany. has complet~d t.he Beau~ry, both facing trial on: r• • ---·- frt•ll• ~25° terms as l:OI·I· day to the Umted States. firm a~tltough the wall a few feet j something the Strategic Air Com. f!c pew hlmd with t1.1e wind con~tructwn or the. l1rs~ Jet I conspiracy a.nd fr~ud c~a1:ges. ! \ JSllOr 1 10 From hE . 1929. . 11 . from 1t broke and was swepi mand said had been considered wl1tppmg through the cabm al400 passenger plane of tt~ O\ln de· I lllr. Fauqmer said he \las pres·· ''as sen·lng his,. ~cc· 1 • owcver,. no new m~elin~s he· 1away. impossible because the co·pilot !s miles an hour. Ground control sta. sign, the "152," the Ea~t Ger· ident of a construction company: 1\,J · I as ~0\'ernor. Nicola t\\ccn rallW1Y and umon CXCCll•' . lb I' d I'd b lkh d d !lions gave him permission to fly man news a•eney ADN said I in the sprinn of 1956 when he. ll ontrea s:n~:n Oartol~m~o Vanzetti til·~s ~!al'c been. s~t.: nlth.ou~h I 'l'wo hridgc.G in thr Saint ,lohn n~t~ee af~~~ard~l ea an can· 300 miles to Dyess air force Jase Wednesday. ~Work i5 going first met B~tler: then genet· a!, · . . . -h • cc to dte m the elec· each stdc lm~ satd 1t ts wtllfng area were reported under water . I here his home base He made a ahead ol development of 'he manager of Acomc l ~lr. Demus Staa·s, president 1 I. ~~~infor a murder com· to ~is~uss the distmte .· further: forcing motorists into long de·~· The B-47. \\:as ~~ :10.000 feet 1 perf~ct landing. · "153;" a turbo,.prop passen.~cr Mr. Butl~r told .hi~ of :\conic'.; :of the ~ew~oundland Lig~t)nd i . g a payroll holdup. They dtsagree on the ba~1s of any tours. At nearby Garnett Town, when one of tts stx Jet engmes The fire extinguished itself dur. plane now under construchon,j problems m gcttm~: a stock ex· : Powl.'r Co. Is presently \'!Siting ..' appeals for clemency new talks. the west branch ·of the Black caught fire. . lng the flight. . it added. change listing and Fauquier ~aid the cily from Montreal. )lr. Part~ of the world and · · . 1Stairs is a member of the com· Fulltr declined to Inter- THROW o · pany's "30 Year Club" and :Wa> ~nd the pair. was electro· . · OJ THE CAN • OPENER.• present at a dinner meeting of 1n 1927, the club at the Town and Coun· · · trr Restraurant on Tuesday f ! ·~~~~:7lr~~:!:r~:!t~~w:~· Declares• Wives Do Not Want To Work pan~. ! 1 I By HAROLD MORRISON doesn't want to do enough." Mr. MacDonald's contention "propaganda" to buy ,_ertain gested it wasn't but Mr. MaeDon· le1· package that increased sales !.~;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;._ l. !'· Canadian Preas Stall Writer STARTLES COLLEAGUES was that If the housewife took a specific brands and grades. This a1 maintained that some island· of the product at higher prices. 1 1-APl-Doctors Wed· CHARLOTTETOWN ;,,~·, \'C...:an D: "'"""' tolk M tho w"t '"" ood ol WoiH stuot hu ""''· Ho" Pu•"''" - •••· G. I"'""· "''"'' '" "' '"'''" .. ;RESOL",?', d 1th by tho """" "''"''" ol tho M<. "' Mn. Erio Dowo pold P "'''•·C Ill T •:, • ·Wed din~ Bells b~o ~lowod 00 ""'~" ~ '~ • C.E.W .A. orul tho olm• "' ob" o ''""" •i•lt 10 st. 1ob0'• M g;o~o oM c.. oi·o •• ,_, U omo~ol1 mf th' >AY BOBEBTS--A ootrt bot P...tdoot Roooh "'" uUol mll\dod w~lo '''"'" IO< lm· "'""'~· . H. D. Roblu. G. R''""· I ~""'""""" I<""' "'"'"M11 OHio! )I • "'" ""it " •• cb ST. 10OMMISSI 0,1 '""'"' ''"""' "' "'· '"' , '"""· " oho • ., born " Tho di!JI"tt , 1 .,, , d ""'" ''"'" bo "" by th• "''· ''"""· m tho , b""' m tho 11 "'"" D,;ort. ood , "' 1 Tl ON c • . · 'Irs. A. A. Point. i't:::olr)·'s Point and just joined Mr. Milton oNseworthy \'islt· !ng l)orth : Princes of · , gencr;,l public so that people or Mrs. Ayre, the president.: wards held se\'cra! staff appoint· ,®, ancl f 1 ,.-, membelf c 1\e~fl'. Col~)·'s 0 ~e~ Sp~cifications '~h:~h thl' hr1oc of Rohrrt .. son! the association there, where she ed St. John's on Saturday. Street cutting aero s th . at es , could get a better appreciation took the chair and said she ments at the ,\ir :.Jinistry and' tender can be t on beha : ·th ; hecnm~ I 1 ohta~:. ~~ 0 1 "' "•· '"' lin. ·'' m" no''. "' · ptorM tho pnt of • '"' """ '" 0 1, b' •: ;:· · of tbo klod of tht"" =ld b< tho "'"mitt" •"'" ""' F """ c ""'" ,i th, "''"'" • ·,... , . b< ••0 J!_a~· Rohert~. Th_~ t·~r~mon_,.. members. Her ver)' inte':esting ! 1 ~""marking traff~ ·Jan:s a;~~~d e olic~ done !or the blind. People have ! togetherk~ with good co-operation Other mcmbc~som~od. of the .\rie; Buii~ h~r fnthel', look eel_ rnrlmnt., Stick l'eca\lerl many humorous rom mpJre \re Jlllt~tsect~on,.t~f L ~IDC~ of could help. She ~shed it could appreciated the ef[orts of the Hamilton. 34, of the Enp;lish. . ~1.\X' sci.u\ ''\, ~ extende~ !O the " "'"' btoo bo ttoco"' ''""; ho Pr>miog~ o! tho •:•"" old R :,:• ":.,;< th '· ore "~ bo •bowo lo '"'' thYI..,, oho ""'" "''"''". Thlo, ho ~hi. Coooll· ol D"·'"· . . 0111" )! "·' <,. 'l S~ Jo"" ' " "'h I 0 0 0 1 "'"' wl ""·carried woth whot<" bouquet '"" :ali,.,.,.. In.. wh"hclosing ""she """'read a poem bo TheTHE value COMMONWEALm of Canada's imports ''West • '" should be' ""improved '" oa• ;o H D Robert gav tli nprot I< but, thothe '""'"'"comfort of Pn , 'I" '· . )"'') t;on _withCommco.!,. the Counc ~nri~s. a~d si~e.s. Il!~s 5 ~as 0 vi~~d Dr~art~wnt of dallod1ls. Her only attend I taken [rom her dPceased mot· fron: the Commonwealth increa· by acqu!slUon of property. . ·.• · · e e I ey . . • C d ' T J r ana a. _;termme, and th_e Co ant was DaphnP Parsnnf I her's scrapbOok, the late Mrs. sed to $761 million last year NEW SUB-DIVISION brought my1.2 . -- .lfers the ~li~l'. I~~an~lul t~ero$r: 62~0~5 ~ed ~ear,9 I ~~d ~~e~dsh~rh t~~. ~~ .ana a s raue exclU~IVe "' Coll~t CoMdl'" p«>lY '""''''· tho "'' or '""'' to '"'" Bot· "-'" '" thl• A"'"'· to bo tmowo ' tho • Sh• told 1" Joh"""· .r '"''' ;, '"" "'''"' io · , ··. • \ L••" H, "· Af" the ccrrmon)' Jrr and Sister Stick for their ~the value of imports from"""e' the asEb~both 'Torbay-New Cove Roads" of p1cmcs,~"~"'" parties, ~'"" and of the\ ''"""·-~InF. M, 0 Leaf?• ~- l\lrs. J. R. · 195, aided by a partial 1;: ,,. Mr. Wilham F1tzP; Fo!!owm~ th~! ~l.rs. rclo~xa.' 1 reception was at '"' '""""'' Uoltod ti• ~::.;'" ."" ·o"'"'''" "~ .. :,· ;:·~boll bo "'"'"'" ''"""" ol tho '"' ''. ''" to '"." r oUow'In. A. • · J · : '" '" .loh '"""""" ;, uoo t ' "-'" I "' "' "'' . ·· · ,.r " tho I : " Thr !1nn,.~·mnon w~s ~rent at rcai! b)' Sister Butler. A social British West. Indies they . rose pl&nning officer have also ap·i Baker Club. IBlackler, :llrs. E~. Shmk!e. ~l~s. i latest i~sue1 o£ "Foreign Trade:· q~anuty. or creo~oted "· .n . :. 13) The herl'mt !'"" r. "ll '"· 1h"'' ro n....r whtoh .., .,. """ *" mUh" 10 IRD ""'''"' 0 '""' ol tho ,,bdiWioo. Tbo s. J. Horr"""· "'"· D. B'" "· . '"''"' , ''"""'" ""'", '' " "'"' llml~ rru Pru ' " ' ·., 1"'" "'" hm , "' "' ""· Dol• h" ''"' i•>•d by olt ...... '"' lmporlo !rom A""''"' ,,.. C"'"'" '"' '" "'"'" !M -"'· R. L. i ""· A. "'"'"· F . .,. ., 1l """d hot "" dodt;, h>• ., '"·""". ""'":" Co••·. ';' :· lot•loo •h•tt h•td t~k-n nn r"'"k~r~ nt .Rn'· nnh. ched 129 million. an increase tl[ Ithe dc\'clopment. I ~!mst:r~. A~ow•.\:~~fare, monngdop~ty and ~Irs. ! _!!· Hawkms.·~· Jcn:::·term sign_ificance: it rrstllt· C~ncrptwn11 -~~~ · 7\r:do ·~· :· .. \wo years anrl are ~th wher~ 'lr. J)o1~ 1< ~n tl1~ $3 million over 1956. LIGHTS FOR HIPDITCH'S I H D - -.-·i--- .-- led almost entire\\· from the de- ' 11 be rccc~lecl 2 h)_0 10tl1< "·1-e-appomtmcnt. •••rr nf thr J11nk of 1'\m·~ !'rotia. • Steel pipe and aircraft were\ HILL Remm~ng AU~KLT\~t' ~'In ~A~ESI d crease in sales ~f mil1tarv air· ~lanager untl.l ~ : ' :. ·: -~ :141 The annual 1 """ with thoir man\' Birthdays '"'"' •• tho ''" Tho co ..cll '"''' " "' "" 1\ ) T .'.0 . • ' "' ".. • ... '"' , ..,,, !rom .; mU· .. "•" r•. '"·'· ...... "' Commi;;i< f•irn!l• i~inin wi•hin~ thrm m~ny in the ~"''"''\'alue of goods shipped Light and Power Company that 1T d B o 'P- ~'. t ~ou~gl po::cemen o~t, lion io 19o6 to a fraction of a SrcclflcatiOns ~nd [onP •! • i'rill be paii! in m1 '"" ,, h•"'"'"· . - '""' tho u "It'd Klogdom. • light .. '"""" 00 HI~ I ra e arners ':..·.~~~':,~ .:~~~::;·;,. ~;;,· ,. 'mltH'" ;, ""· """''"' '""' ,,,.,0 h•.'"'Elll~d al 'I:: ·1,~ ;.ments. and sha~l he ----- , . These cannot be regarded as re· ditch's Hill. ! . two items. South African im· • the tel 1 : 0· ·· \Council from I . . 1 '~ce Dl~h ~,me~r llf!~C . C d p BA''l ROBERTS - Birthday curring imports however be· A . The Federation of Rhodes1a 1 on a man ' ho took t.o the ~Ills ports rose about $7 million in 2!1 Ruckmastcr s F " · • '!UCh remuneration ar arty greetings go to ~Irs. Robert cause the large; shipments re· : Mr J~~er1 ~·the c~un~~ !;.om 1and Nyasa!and has in the last \ t~ree yea~s. ago to avm~ byment . 1~57. 1Jf'lm's. :\ewloundland. . .charge against the • Hardy who celebrated her birth· present special orders. Never· I' · n mn. 0 e ?P three years removed many res-1 ° a sma mcome ~;ax e t.8 Ross ' The lowest or any 1<·'"': 'the bus service. - day on Saturday, April 26th. theless, a wide variety of other Bat.tery Road said that th~ bill trictions on dollar imports, ac· A~~mson, 31 • had \1\·ed as her· I Among the Canadian ~oo necessarily accepted. · (5) The Council t B.W BOBEftTS--Tho m< """' guotlogo ""' "'m • B•HI•h '"'"'.,_,""' u ""'· :• m oom~ot "' by ·""' 0 Happy birthday ~trrrtln~~ to smelter~. Import~ of su~ar 1 LOADING DO~R. ~ale of c~pper and chrome ores i . Y port d t e death : thcr and e~pecJa!!~· motor wh1c· ' ,. or management of ~-a~ 11on h'' ~Irs. Cecil Green· Jim Greenland who celebrated j from Jamaica and other West '];he request of Wilham J. ~ 111 the Umted States and Ca1.ada: l~ad~ng ~raman Robert F. Gr~nd~ les .. A _le\\ products su!fcrrd 11 ::,_. : .\ce. tanued new harP been absent from thP mar- Ol[irc 0!anager. nr.l!! 12 · ' for all rmtl!n~r·~ j1 m_ight come ~o some agreement such ?1\'erslfled products as au· identification cards. ,The new kef hecanse of the l"arlirr ;·,•ars noon. - the operati~n of tl ; With the taxi stand next door. tomobiles_. upholstery fab~lcs, ser\'ice card is light beige with . of import controP. it is rxpect· ~1.-\Y r:,. ~~:.s. . anti m~:.o dlochar~· 111 1 This stand is. o~ city-owned cedar shmgles. canned s~rdmes a green border. the cil'ilian card ed that these goods will come Specifications and f~, ~~~' ··' · · 191 The _rnunci prope.rty and It IS .the ~n~er· ~nd salmon, frozen and s~oke~ light red with a light purple bor· in greater Yolume. lndu~rrl nre clrr can b~ o_hlain.ed _a• thr · CommiS>IOII ..standing of . the . CommiSSion 1 der. , 11 machines. rdri;:cra- . o: the Distnrt .. .. I ils~, ma~le syr~i al~d ~efngcra. a~hmg 1 J',ng~ner~·· ,_._~~,.;,;_ ~ FAMILY that no rent Is pa1d, the letter de• tcoun ers. h'b' 0ed t ese ~ro :tors. rotary lawn mowers. sar· ing 29, Ruckmaster s F lh~. Robin Hood said. uc s were _pro I 1t entry mto ly though purchases from the U.j dines, canned salmon, smoked ·John·~. :\lid. agrecmtnt IN'ti\'P!mhoo~, 195i. The Council decided to write the Federa~lon three ye!rs ago. K. ha\'e rem~ined yirtual!y un· 1 salmon. used overcoats. textile~.' The lowest or any tenjr~ 1 real property to the Town Planning Commis· •!'~ruth Afnc~ has e~er,et a.~~ i c~~nged. It IS poss1ble that the 1 food~turrs. sporting gooct~. nylon necessariJ~· accepted. sion for some regulation on the ·!. competitor. c. 1 01 l;m~n may become the Fedcra- 1 hosiery, and a host of othl•rs. :11.\X SVJ.U\'.-\:\ incidental to question of certr.in occupancy ~mgdom fnd Sou~h Afr~ca f10f:· IID_n s num~er one. supplier i~ 1South Africa's industri;~l pro· Office :llanagPr. ~ince acquirf' OF ROLLED OATS of premises on Water Street. cr supp r 70. per c.en ° e l?oB nnd 1\'IU prO\'Ide competl· I ~ress should also lead to expan- . Department of Public \\'or~; ( The rnm HALF HOUR METERS Fede':allon s Imports. Canada hon for Canad~an as well as Bri- dcd sales of Canndian new mat<• . C:.nada a site [f T h e Traffic Commission supphes only 1.5 per cent. South tlsh exporters. . I rials for further proccrd Manufacturing Co. i 1 ing a pedestrian light at the . Ltrl .. Duckworth Street bull; The. picture lAY ROBERTS junction or Adelt-ide Street and chemical storage. ' ; N \\•i~h Hon. l Water Street, and Warbury I Estimated Value-$ , , . : THE WORK OF MERCY NEVER ENDS-SUPPORT THE RED SHIELD CAMP AIG ~-~------.;...c..;...... ;..-__ _;,_.;_ __ ..J \ 1795 150 Club.:-(Dai ·~ 1. '1958 ... I THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1958 ST. JQHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND The .Daily News

Commission Takes Over Bus--~------. Service ,Reorganization Of 11;, I !I.'>K. . .::•d form, c Will Assume I .. :,· .o::wtl at th1 · !".t•: F.n-:;in::'~~ ·n,\ ... ~t·r·~ F' Education Dept._ : •:t~~dland. ' ' lt'nder Control Today ; '1\.\~. ·.' :·n.: ·~,·r .



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Young Men's Cotton Gabardines -Toe LONGS SIZES 26 • 34

• Assorted Colors umps • Self Belts • Zipper Fly ot. .. lout the most ' Belt Loops s2.7s pump; you caD a bi;: r.nll~ctiollo h lailnt•d .. fancY . '"" in l"'lBy (or YOUNG MEN'S DURO-CORD "i••' •J·•·atchert"l • Visco5e and nylon blend fabric 1 s7 .ss· Sl~~~.. ~.~ ... s5.7s ~ Assorted colors I.OSES ARM IN MOWER CONCORD, Calif. CAP) - A little boy crawled under a back· yard fence Tuesday and started His Honour the Lieutenant ~e St. John's Kiwanis Club this week celebrate the 140th anniversary of playing In tall grass. Joseph Governor has appointed Ge Rush-Bagot treaty between the United States and Canada, when the Tosta, 64, unaware of the lad's Lieutenant Colonel W. B. presence, approached with a Tucker, 1\I.B.E., of Grand Falls. U~~at Lakes were demilitat·ized. Guests from the Armed Forces of the 1power mower. He didn't see anrl 1 r. lied States and Canada were special guests, and at the weekly luncheon , the boy until the _whirling I Lieutenant Colonel J 1\!ar· i Thlon~l William Tope of Pepperrcll Air Force Bas~ was the guest speaker. : hladc~ struck. Wednesday the' ~hall, of Cot•ner Brook ' bo~·. Lloyrl r:. Hickry, .Jr.. 21 :•.: to he Honorary Airlcs-dc-Carnp . .· c Ptcture shows Colonel Tope addrcssinl.! the club on Tucsday'at 2 p.m i was reported in !air cnnrlitiuo · Goi·NnnH•nt Hou~c. ~rh lion. S. I. Heffcrton and Mr. James Greene, President of Kiwanis i af1er ~mpulation nl his lclll: St .•John'~. ub.-(Daily News Photo). ' 185 below the shoulder. April 29th, 1958. THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1958 HE DAILY NEWS, 51 ,...... ··- . ·---·-...... , -· . -~--- -· THE 'DAI~Y 1VEWS I Will Fear No Evtl . • • Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper imv-Seven ~ Old The DAILY NEWS Is a morning paper In The News c~tabllshed In 1894, and publlshed at the News building, 3311-31!9 Duckworth Street, St. John's, By WAYFARER N~wfoundland, ~ Robinson & Company, Limit· cd END------OF AN ERA was then worth $2.10 .-u..a cord In the thirties the newsprint and Is now $7.13 a· cord. A MEl'tiBERS 01<' mE CANADIAN PRESS industry went through its camp cook then was paid $80 The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to worst and most prolonged a month and now his pay is thr use for republication of all news despatches period of d e p r e s s i o n. $328 a month. In the same per· In this paper credited to It or to the Assoclatell Production fell everywhere. iod the board rr.te at the · Press or Reuters and also the local news publish· The price of newsprint camps, in spite of the great ed therein. dropped to $40 a ton and wood rise in living costs and the at the stump was worth only much better fare that is now All Press service and feature articles In th!s a little more than a dollar a provided, has risen only from YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES I'aper are cop~·rlgbt and their reproduction is cord to the seml·nourlshed 60 cents to $1.10 a day. The ~ prabiblted. men who worked In the result of this has been to give Canada ...... $12.00 per annum logging cr.mps. The Commls· to the Newfoundland logger Uaited Kingdom and all Member Audit Bureau of • sion of Government en· the highest take-home pay of Foreign Countries ...... $14.00 per annum dcavo'ur to impr~ve conditions any logger In eastern Can&da. Authorized as second class mall Post Offices Circulations. In the camps but economic clr· Department. Ottawa cumstances forbade any lm· The Woods Labour Board portant progress. Nor was was,in effect, a standing con· THURSDAY, MAY• 1, 1958 tltcre much that a logging un­ clliatlon committee. Often dis· Ion could do in the fact of p:e· putes occurred around the lishment of a flexible floor price ar­ vailing world conditions. Ilut council table. Dr. Gushue rangement. After all, there is no the first union was formed In recorded a few years ago in a Mental Hospital At Work 1·eason why the system of floor prices 1936 and two years later there speech to Rotary thr,t there were four rival unions com· were times . when relations ~ . .. · The present Hospital for Mental should 'not be applied to important were strained to breaking -~~:'~· peting for the thousnnds qf •'J. . minerals as well as to farm and other men who got part-time work point. But always they were :.t~·. r.nd Nervous Diseases is indeed a far 'Tf" ·,:_ in the woods. · resolved and there is little . . cry from the old Lunatic Asylum even food· products. doubt that this was due to two .. : -'1 • • • , . if the time spread ls only a matter of Floor prices have the virtue of It factors-one the anxiety of ~ ... : was a time of grave un· . ' .·.·, ~-: twentv-five '·ears. being alterable or removable as rest nor did the competition both company and union repre­ .. ' ' senatives to maintain harmony The old Asylum was often a placE' necessity and market conditions may bel ween unions do anything to ·. \ relieve the situation. Agitators and the other the good fortune of horror. One non-resident physic· determine but tariffs can often become went to work on men who of the Woods La 1'1. ur Board in ,, prop fot prices that are artificially did not understand w h y the quality of its various •·...... J inn did what he could without other chairmen. high. We feel that a subvention to conditions were as bad as . ' . :• tnedical assistance to help the Un· they were and focussed their * • '. . . I fortunate patients housed in this Canadian producers to allow them to resentment on employers and But the Woods Labour compete with imported fluorspar contractors. In the resultant Board has suspended its acti· •• ;;F~· ~, T....J) V•"sit The ancient and congested institution. But \'ities for the present to await would be a much more sensible means confusion, one of the unions . ;-tJ ' there was a period when the place went to the Commission of the outcome of A.N.D. Com· was one of dreadful squalor and a of meeting the special requirement of Gorernment and proposed r. pany loggers who h::.ve voted the moment than would the imposi· meeting or all the logging for an international union, the ' T d . . - reproach to the entire community. I.W.A., as their collective bar· --1~~-·-.J ~~N~~r!!nBffJ. A] · tlon of tariff protection. unions with the newsprint C d The new wing completed after companies under government gaining agent. The I.W.A. does ana as ra e Edson In Washingfonit:~i:;y~inBr::!.~ ~; union and the pmvision of a medical ~posorship. Out of this grew not want the Woods Labour the \\'oods Labour ,Board Board. The stabilizing element "th The Emp;,.e Wednesda~·. ~12y 28, for~ Etaff of five or six highly-qualified has been suspended and may Wl .u. nek visit to England wl which was to prove the most · p • l A lflll be the guest of fri• doctors made reor.;{anization possible.' stabilizing clement in the his· be Jn its way out. D II S s OlD ~ 't.rr. Brazill came here Increase Disallowed Iii • • u es cores orne s Within a matte1· of five years, tho:! tory of local labour relations. Wo yaers ago after 1 l\•Iental Hospital in St. John's had For the first time an award of Set up at first under Sir AI· What do the loggers hope to About 20 per cent of Canada's Summl"t Tus~Ie Starts ·rom a lifetime of SCf\'i( higher railway freight rates by the bert Walsh, then Labour Rein­ gain from their change of exports. goods \'alued at $4.M - be Canadian Marconi co acquired a high reputation among lions Officer. the Board was allegiance? Not more moner billion in 195i, went to Common· !lOSt of which he S]lent Canadian psychiatrists and specialists Board of Transport Commissioners nm:le up of representatives of under present conditions be· wealth countries. it was report· By .PETER EDSON le Harbour. Lahrador. has been disallowed by the cabinet. the fuur unions and the two cause the cost of wood at New· ed recent!)· in "Foreign Trade," I Stan Brazill's name is in mental health. foundland mills is alreadv as fortnightly publication of the De· NEA Was 1ington Correspondent atniliar one in north~~~ This refers only to the 3.6 per cent newsprint companies under a This week the public will ha\'e an gol'ernment • appointed chair· high as it can go. It has been partment .. of Tra~e and Com· WASHINGTON-·\NEA )-It's a \'icton· foroundland ~nd L~b:·r.dor opportunity to see the institution at mcrease which has yet to go into ef­ man. Pit·prop contractors and contended thr.t union leaders merce. F 1\'e leadm~ Common· , ·· s. to manners frnm al became complacent and did wealth countri.es took ?1:er ~~ U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles if Ameri. f;the l!iobr. Besides p• work and become acquainted with the fect. sawmill operators were not in· eluded. Judge Higgins became not maintain enough direct per cent of 11.115 ~4 : 8 bl!hon .m can, British and French ambassadors to 1\foscowall his duties with the '· remarkable progress thsan!y the Commonwealth alone declin· heads of go\·ernmen~ finallv get their feet under alter of no mca~t alnl p:·oblem remains one of accommoda- ed as dispensable. 01 • • • mean that peace w!ll not reign cd bv about $85 million in the the' same conference table: And an end result .erervf1·ce·metdo tha~ rc!~~~~ But the basic fact seems to be that but. there 1s c<;rt:lm to be a ~arne 11 eriod. This decline resul· the Prime Minister is determined to 1\ study of comparative maJor change 1n the m<;thods ted chie!ly from smaller ship· satisfactory to the westem powers is by no means .otth. By radio he k The present rate capacity is about statistics or remuneration in· of approach to the solution of ments of a few important pro· assured. · ~ple informed of all ·I try to hold the line with respet:t to dic..,tcs what the Woods La. woods l.abo~r problems.. Eco· ducts to the United Kingdom and . . ~ant news, and to b1 li.OO beds but nearly 900 patients have the cost of living and has made this bour Board was able to nom1c JUSilce was not mvlov· the l'nion of South Africa Sales Secretary Dulles has mamtamed all along, con· noflotony he put on ~ to be providt>d for and there is a sub­ disallowance of the last railway rate achieve for the benefit of the ed in this situation. An out- of wheat to both these countries sistently, that there should be no Summit meeting )f' hi~ own .pro~ucing :;tantial wniting list of patients in need . men who work in the woods. side union has simply been fell in 1957. and shipments of without preliminarY talk· hv ambassador f . benefit of h•S listener! increase an example. A few day~ The Board was formed in able by a well·organized and aluminum to the United King- . . · ' ~ · 5 or oretgn 11e hope that Jllr. of hospitalization. Some of these are earlier, talking to the convention of 1940 and at that time tlte gen· intensive campaign to sell it· rlom and of aircraft to South mm1sters. who now operates a era) lubour rate in the woods self to the men who may have Africa also decreased. the latter The Russians at first refused to have anvthinfloi'e in 3 B: ttmong the thousand persons who have the Canadian LabOU!' Congress, Mr. Span! rd'~ been treated in the out-pl).tients' was $2.75 for a lD·hour day. pr.id a high price if the chang~ becmL~c a large contract for mili · to do with such preliminaries. But on Feb. 3 the·.,mJoll:thyee~ledryft::'u 1n"tur.~~ ~[. Diefenbaker had issued an indirect The present rate is $10.50 a means the permanent ·end of tary aircraft was completed. ' 1 clinic in the past year. warning against new wage demand.> day. Pulpwood at the stump the Woods Labour Board. Exports of many other products. conceded there would ha\·e to be some preparation.rlll visit for the first t The number of persons applying at this time. ------however, rose significantly over On Ivlarch 1 the Russians gave again and pro· !or treatment is a clear indication of 19 exports to the l'nited lX>Sed a foreign minis\ers' meeting to be held ir. . But so far as freight rates are con­ •t ~~nuda's BirtluJay~ the changed outlook of the general Letters To Th Ed I or Kingdom consist mainly of hasic April. . SPANIARD'S BAY . i cerned, there still remains the need e public towards mental illness. That materials and foodstuffs such as Now the Russians concede that the ambas!'adori·-congratulations ar~ 1 .. 1 to set up a new equalization system ' change is not total. There are still St:CH GOINGS ON! ·Also. it is my earnest hope wheat. flour. lumber. metals and a! talks should be preliminarv to a foreign ministerso Jim Gosse from th• that will give some protection to the Editor Da'l N . that conditions in Newfound· minerals. We also ship these. to . b h . . · c. Class. Jim will ccle' persons who regard mental illness in D . ~?. '1~ts, • d' d land will shortly improve ai- other Commonwealth countnes. meetmg to e eld m m1d-!vlay. •lrthday with bump~ c people in the most remote provinces. 1 the family as a disgrace to be hidden eal ~·- er. rea mo though any permanent im· but manufactured good~ p!ny 3 Western powers and the Russians are still poie!lay, ~ray 1. Newfoundland is always hardest hit that ~~er~~ S nOI~~~ns!c~l. c~l·. provemcnt is hard to forsee much more important part than apart on what will be talked about at these session<. J:\·elyn Neil will hi> I if possible from the rest of the world. u?'n s . ee ~rl ten r It is my belief that N~w- they do in our trade with Bl'i· . rrlday, lila\' 2. Eest I by new increases for two reasons. One 111 I But this feeling has been broken down ~at Lees }~!!. Ap~,;t 1st. e~l· foundlnnd shall never be any- tain. The Briti~h West Indies, The Russ1ans want to have the ambassadon:ome from· mom. dad is distance from the centres of supply 1 ' to a very substantial degree. It is llon of. the N.r..WS. • rcahz· thing but a land of unemploy- Australia. New Ze~land. and t.he ~alk only about the time and place for the Summit.era Shirley and Olive and the other is our total dependence cd I \1 as one of those 80,000 ment from time to time un· t;nion of South A!nca are all lm conference and ,,,,_o s!Jould be t!Jere. The Lewis Chlpm~. becoming much more clearly recogniz­ Newfoundlanders of doubtful 1 th A . k t . portant markets for our m;~nu· • u ld on imports. intelligence who seemed (to ess e mcrlcan mar e Is t 11 d' . . S . . d f .. o on Frl ed that mental illness should be re­ , . L available for her fishery pro· factured products.. wan a Jscusswn of umnut top1cs e erred to he is wished i' ..1 1ss ees tot 1east) to have d t garded in much the same light as It is useful to know that the pros­ · t d · d d d uc s. foreign ministers meeting. one b.Y momn I pective increase will not become ef­ ex1s e m a aze an con· N f dl d f h . C d ' E f 1 I physical illness. And while Jess is fused condition on polling day ev: oun an IS IS ~ow aiia a s xports On this Secretarv Dulles says no again ami )', and therefore failed to visual· c.anad1an f1sh and Canadtan . • · · · · extend best 1 known about the than the body, fective but it is even more important mind to obtain a readjustment on a general ize the "X" in its proper per· ftsh products are exported to T A }' He says U.S. Ambassador Llewelyn Bridget Flynr a. great volume of information has spective and consequently the. u.s. market on a quota 0 ustra Ia in Moscow has no instructions to talk about is on Frida basis that will relieve us of some of been built up and intensive research wen t to our rcspec ti ve po II mg. bam. Yours !lncoreJy, p 1ace an d w·h o '~•']l 1 a tt en d. Jf .tl 1a t' s a11th e examshas just at !\lenfini is producing not only more under­ the onerous burden which the suc­ stations and placed the ·"X" Canada's exports to Australia want to talk about, Ambassador Thompson will present w1 cessive increases since 1949 have im­ (of all places) opposite the 0. R. LUSH. remained fairly firm in 1957, .and 1 · standing of causes but also new Liberal Cr.ndidates names, totaled over 20 million pounds, to withdraw and await new Washington cone uslon . I posed upon Newfoundland consumers. · C · I Tl · " h 'II t · d" t' b work. methods of cure. t h ere by alienating ourselves WRONG Jlo'UMBERS? writes .l. C. Bnlton. ommercm 11s w o WI a ten ques IOU can e a wishes for a 1 j The incidence of mental illness is from Ottawa for the next five Counsellor in S:tdney. in 8 rc· ticular sticker. For some time the Russians ha go to ~tr. AI Years accord1'ng to her nega Ed1'tor ~y Ne"'S, crnt Issue of "Foreidn Trade." b' hd high. Much more institutional accom- tive thl.nking. · · Dear ir:-In tltis" morning's This figure, close to "the six·year been compla!·n,·rlg tl1e.v do not lla\•e equal1't,", lrt ay .··; modation must be provided to meet It would be against all .idltorial you say that the a1·erage of 21 million. pounds. bargaining power in Big Four conferences, \\'herr and ~ .~.-; ., :. : ·i· , most urgent need. But Dr. Pottle reasoning to think that a.ll Oil average number of calls p~r was reached in spite of Austria· thev are outvoted three-to-one. wish for ~Irs. R< . l' Strength For The Day us 80,000 pe. oplc should belong telephone is 1500 in Quebec, !ian import restrictions and in· .; a .. h b and his stafi at the Mental Hospital to tha intellectual cl&ss (who Ontario ant! British Columbia crcasmg· m· d us trta · r•za rmn. . President Eisenhower, in his Jan. 1~- letier \· .;eryllfay appy6. . .·.:.·I ' have good reason to be proud of their B~ EARL J,. DOUGLASS would wash the dishes?), but and 3200 in Newfoundland Before the war. Canadufh ex-P!emier Bulganin, declared the United State: · David Pike wil must be given credit for You ask whether any~ne manufactured products of many was willing to admit to the Summit confcrel'' birthday on 1 ' w, 1 , ~ , I achievements in the past few years ------­ having common sense which can explain the differenc of .YJles we.ere exported to ~ustra- 7 Happ•· b1' th" :_.) and many families in Newfoundland RIGHT NOW commodity we displayed plenty 1700. e h.a. but 1mport. o~ these 1s. ~ow "leaders of other states which have recognized · · hlm by his" have excellent cause to be grateful of on March 31st. In resisting Could this be due to wrong l'lrtually p~oh!blted. Howe~er, sponsibility in relation to one or the otner of !);. P · • 11 · D' f b k , ? Australia s\111 absorb~ substan· .,[arllyn .·~j that this modem institution exists, We read, at times, the harrowing rime " mster le en a er s numbers.Y · t tial quantities of newsprint, alu- subjects we are to discuss." :c! Hatcher, 1 .. ·.: ·• "vision'• of chasing rainbows ours ru 1y 1 h t 1 Mrs. c. 1 ·•· :. .''·: that it employs the best approved accounts of men and women brought in the Yukon and by our un· HERBERT OUTERBJUDGE minum, asbestos,. suP a e puu P No U.S. list of acceptable leaders has ever will be . . · lumber.· automobile parts and I remedies, and that it has been able to face to face with the exposure of diminished loyalty to Premier Apr1l 25, 1958. components. canned ~almon and made pub ic. of lila wrongdoing. Perhaps they have been Smallwood (God bless him!), special steels. These commodi- The assumption is that the Russians would for her i bring so much relief to so many who and by our gratitude for all . h l't' day to ren the benefits which we had re· TRAnER PARKS ties, Wit smn 11 er quan 1les 0 1 to add Poland and Czechoslovakia, also Red have been entrusted to its care. fJUietly stealing a bit here and a bit other goods. brought Canada's there from an employer or friend, Or ceived from the· Llberr.l Gov· (Sault Star) exports to 20 million pounds last and India to the original Summit club mE!mlJersh they may have been carrying on a ernment at Ottawa from 1949 Municipalities should not bar year, As for subjects which the ambassadors until June 1957· trailers altogether if proper Though there is no possibility :ut''""·lll secret love affair. Or they may have I was naturally "fit to be space ma!' be found for them. o[ an imme d'mte ea.smg· o1 1m·· discuss in Moscow, Secretary Dulles says the . Help For Fluorspar been selling influence or accepting tied'• at having our supposed But tlicy should be located port ·controls that m1ght present should be the nine points in President Eisenhower The application for a tariff on im-· bribes as a public official. Then one stupidity criticized by your where such parks do not de· an opening for Canadian manu- Jan. 12 letter to Bulganin. Columnist and in order to re· tract from any portion of the factured goods, the list of com· ported fluorspar is soon to get a day there is a blow-up. Some circwn­ gain my composure became municipality. modities under g!obal licensing For those who may not remember, these point hearing before the tariff board but stance, perhaps a very little circwn­ Immersed in the crossword And they should obtain suf. has b~e'! stead1ly expand~d. ,are: the question still is whether higher stance, opens the cage door and all puzzle which the "NEWS" in· ficlent In revenues to pay for A_ustraba. has ~ccepted t~e nrm· eludes In its issue each morn· anv services which may be re· c1ple of unportmg essent~al r~w 1. End use of the veto in U.N. Security LOIHI".,.••• duties or a floor price will better meet the hideous and vicious facts rush out ing. Midway in the puzzle I ·1r d rdl f h w materials from the best hn pnce on peaceful settlements of international disputes. ltllllWitur the need of the industry for assistance. -;throl!gh the neighborhood, onto the needed a four-letter word qu e ' rega ess 0 0 and quality l sources of supply, meaning dregs or worthless sma~l. or how great, those and Canadian firms are expect- 2. Carry out 1955 agreement on German The mines at St. Lawrence are fl;'ont page of the newspaper, into stuff, which worked in as services may be. ed to benefit when the number fication. the only Canadian source of this valu- criminal court, off to prison. Then Ices. ugh! that word again. of products under global lieens- That rather inelegant word, BROt\DEN FREEDOM ing increases s t i II further. 3. Grant Eastern European countries able flux. The operations of the sub- there is weeping and wailing and however, gave me an idea for (Calgary Herald) These commodities can be pur. term illation. sldiary company of Aluminum of gnashing of teeth. a more suitabfe caption for At a time when every effort chased from any source, regard· 4. Agree to use of outer space for peaceful Canada continue because the mine has We can only have sorrQw for any­ future columns of the type to is being made to determine. ll'ss of the currency involved. which I am referrlng:-PAT'S what can be done to att.ract poses. an assured ll}arket. The other opera- one who has become so involved. At LEES BY PAT LEES. more people of high quallflca· HERO DEAD 5. End unrestricted production of tion has halted because it cannot sell that hour it is no one's right to sit in JUST MARY. lions to the teaching profes· PASADENA, Calif. lAPl-One weapons. . its output on the open market in com- judgment. Then do we need to recall sion It Is unwise to suggest o[ the heroes of the Kathy Fiscus ~OPE FOR IMPROVEl'tiENT any measures I;Vhlch will make · 6. Divert nuclear weapon stockpiles to nPHu•· petition with imported fluorspar. the words, "There but for the grace rescue attempt was killed Tues. uses. Editor Daily News, It a less attractive profession day in a cave·in. On April 8, This is the reason for the request of God go I." Also we need to .re· De~>r Slr-l'tlay I congratu· to people o£ abillty. 1949, it was Bill Yancey, 47, wi)O 7. Stop testing of nuclear weapons indlefinitE!J~; late the Con!crvatlve victory for tariff protection. But the rigidity .member that a 'Wrongdoer almost One or the attractions of first went down a rescue Mhalt 8. Begin reduction of conventional arrnan1e•" of recent date and express the the teaching profession is that to a nolnt 95 feet below the sur· of tariffs' and the danger of tampering never suffers alone. There are others hope that this change may it offers a political and Intel· lace where Kathy had fallen dowr. · d military manpower to guard against w!th them in the present state of the -usually entirely innocent persons­ prove of bene!!t to Canada lecttial freedom that Is some· an abandoned 14-inch well ca!lnG .~ack. world economy see~ to make this . who at least share his suffering, per­ and especially to those' Can· times not so readily avai~able in nearby San Martino. Tuesday adlans who need work so bad· to people employed In private Yancey was traJllled as a sewe1· 9. Begin technical studies to implement anY curt leSB serviceable than the estab- haps asswne the greater weight of it. ly, toncerns . ditch he was inspecting collapsed. ture disarmament pact.

• 1' 1958 NFLD. THURSDAY MAY 1 1958 ! iOur Kitchen _ Spaniard's ·Bay !Table BAY, April 29 It isn't modern, In fact its age . Is anybody's bet to wage; I 3. is the six!~·· 'C. E W A Wedding Right now it's In the rickety I stage, church. ~fspaninrd~!d~E: Masq. ue.rad.e RecollectiOn- And Anm.·versaries "IT" Is our kilthen table. building 1, one of the . EDITOR'S ~on:: The Family Council conlilll tf • wooden ones in New· p" flectl•ons It's beyoml ·repair, It has serv· judge, I psychiatrist, three clergymen, I aewapa... editor I and replaced the arty R. SPANIARD'S BAY, April 29 ed Its day, women's editor and two writers. ~acb article II a 111111DIIJ'1 ef ,,...... Church t difference It the c~mnm11ity it is l'l;lble : -The Central Branch of the following Is taken (with per- people, I was not permitted to vcrsarles: ~~ s:y k't h t bl Iput an end to this affair. Imake~ if 1 go with this affafr: mi!Ps: marinm o! yest~r· C.E.W.A. held a masquerarle mlulon) from 411 outoblogra- attend any of what they called Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn R. ou our 1 c en a e. SUE l\1.-lt no longer mat· The truth is 1 am very much u!ed it as a landmark to PBI'ty in their rooms here on phy by J. J, Gone, born In "rowdy dances" because most Smith, their fifteenth on Thurs· If 't !d t 1 h t 1 ; ters. in love with Ernest and quite their conrs<'> h~·. . . Wednesday evening last for Spaniard's Bay In 1879, now of them ended In a fracas. A day, April 24; 1 'h~~~ld te~,k w a ta es I • • • . mistaken, so I've decided to n recent year> the .bulidmg ·members only. Costumes were residing In the U.S.A.) pack of cards was not allow· I Mr. and Mn. Fred Nell, !liAR! AN R Recently I m settl for whatever brand of nnilrl'~ 01:r . cxtcnsii'e ~c· ! m. any and varied and the d 1 h h th 1 1 th M 3 Of good times hard limes ~lck ' · , · - · · c. and ll Iabrie Is tn /JUdges, lllrs. (Rev.) &aac But· SPANIAR~'S • B~Y, April 22 ~eren t~ee "d~~~f.~ ~~~~."games ~~. sa~d r.~~s. ;{om~s Gos"e, and well;' ' i troouced ':lY best fncnd, Sue, affection I can ge~. I don't ex· l,•nt ~hape. ~iany new lnr·ller of Bay Roberts and Mrs. -We always knew when some I was crazy about the sound their twenty-sixth on May 3; It would sometimes whisper. I to my cousin, _Er.nest. I thought I. pect approval. I JUst want to hal'r hren added to Allan Stoodley of Coley's Point, fond Dad bought his offspring of the fiddle and those fast Mr. and Mn. Samuel Vokey, sometimes yell, /they would hit ll off well to· ~now :vhether or ~ot ,I'm right .t< ·1ltl'l'i•'l' morr bcaufi· ·, foud it rather difficult to selftct th 1 t b t 1 th M 3. Our familiar kitchen table. gether. . . ! m feehng that Manun. 5 o~trage l . 1 b i , H • a new pair of boots, particular· stepping tunes of a jig or a e r w n Y·l X on ay I was right, but not m the 1 and her threats to rmg tn an 11 111 1 it• pinr ••r~a:l, n 1 a w nner. owever, as she !y If the first time worn oc· reel, so one Friday evenillil 'Twas on it that our meals were ; way 1 had hoped. Last week Sue , alarm are out of place. ·Engl :1nd i$ stl a very 1 well, :Mrs. Le\'l Pye was award· the family. In those days all over Brazil's .hill where one of veterans In Englad In World fed· h:>ve tclicved it of either one 'believe Sue thinks it Is, either. · instnnm•nt. "· new bP.!l · cd the first prize, Mrs. H. W. new shoes squeeked !Ike the those shindigs was going full War I and who a·re now debar· Before 'and after Grace was of them. I can't udersntand I Sue should ask herself why rl~rtn'nic. wllh chimes, Sheppard was winner of the very devil, Walking down the tilt. It was most surely a red red from certain benefits. said ISue's being so foolish, but she she made this confession to adMd Jr;; th:tn two yePrs second prize for her portrayal aisle of the church, whose floors letter day for me (or rather, (ill Concerning widows of 1 'told me she found Ernest f · ~! ria 1t a t II . bitt it i; ;1111 l.t~aterl by ol a \'ef'' old la.dy of the gay were bare, In those new shoes I h I I kl h At our old kitchen tab e. ao· .. a n. w s no a neccs· \\ d ' h n g t) s tt ng on the tc en veterans under 55 years of age . Icinating and irresistible. sary from ::.ny rationa~ point 1 1 1 1 ~r 11<' 1·~;. c un er i n net es; t e lh1rd pr ze went sounded like several dry-hinge door step and looking through who have children under 16, It served when mother marie , I have begged Sue to break of 1•iew. One reason may be Sue th;H ;ol'n n heat· ; to Norman Pike for the barn doors swinging In the the open door at the furious being unable to accept employ· our clothes thi_s affair ,, ".wanted to do a little m~tlrm ~Irs. 1 1 o~f a~ ou~c. ~~!- "boa~tin~" ~,·;tem 11 .111 he m~~allccl. f~:nctest costume, . wind, each with Its own partlcu· dances and listening to the Iment and yet who are not Of serge or tweed or calicoes: mce g1rl and th1s w11l rum her. ; nbout her escapade. If th11 IS m·w 1' th~ P.cl · Ca~on The usual c_up of te~ With lar sound. Some of the parish· dulcet music that I loved. I still eligible for assitance under Just how she managed only She says it no longer matt~1·s,; the case, she is certainly lar E. I.odrr whu 11111 .~:e molln!l cake a~d cooktes follo~ed and lonets who were-already seated love jigs. IDVA. heaven knows but I think if she goes on this i more childish and less respon·· 311 _, I' city Jlarh

iliiormcd n! •1ll t!tc im· , interested In the work of the fore the day of ready made number of da)·s in quarrantina thanks to offlcers and members 1 all the laughter and the tears . ~rn hemisphere. new~. and to br~~k the ·association and of the school, clothing. those same folks cal.le to the and their wives for serving re· ... 1 am one. you are the oth· , ;; ll along, con­ be put on pro~rnms J too. No one owned a piano In the house but were fully prepa~ed freshments to those present. "TWO YOUNG LOVERS" cr . : . time has passed. _we're' · Of _the 500 or more ki~ds ol c•wn pro1lu~i ng for the : M G d P'k d t community but one or two to guard against contagion Following the meeting at mid· Once upon a dreamy evening growmg old ... yet we still a~e bats m the world, _the fruit bats mmit meeting 1 0 0£ his Jistrnm. · rs. or .~n :\~ ag~~ll' families were wealthy enough through the liberal use of night all intermingled and spent , .. as the sun was sinking low two young lovers ... and w1ll , \also known as flymg foxes) are 1 1 ciors or foreign · thnt ~lr. Brazill. i ;~t ~s pre~~i ~np~c~iJ!~t !\~~ to possess a melodeon, or par· camphor. This was sewn in a 1-cry pleasant social hour. . . two young lovers strolled be, till life is told. : the larr,est. now oprr:•t~s n ~roc~rv i P 0t ~ . as G c • d · • · lour organ, and played it en· little bags suspended around . . · . · · a rtcia reens 1a e as secre· h · k d d · d · ::·"'.:,:•~:'""r':'"'''Y:r::~r,•r'!f',..,.~~ ' :; -.·e an.1·thing m Spnn~nrd's Bay, w11l 1 tar~· and ~lr. E H Voke of. tirely by ear. Most kids, how· l e!~ nee. s an epos1te tn I crrr)· mmute ol his stay \ fcred to hold the purse s?oulu e1•er, had 11 mouth organ, a thetr ''anous pockets or under·, 11:1 Frb. 3 they . _old countr~ which he \ thrre be any need of such. jew's·harp or a simply construct· clothing, That was the theory of: ~c preparation. mtt for the first time. Rev. Canon T. E. Loder was ed aceordeon. There were sev· that period, but whether or not i ~..:ain and pro· • present and addressed the eral old liddlers who scratch~d It was dfectlye, I cann~t say. I 1meeting brle!ly He pointed out out square dance tunes orlgnl· The followmg year, m the to be held· in 8Ir thd ays i that the !loor. of the auditor· ating In Ireland, Scotland a~d f~ll. and shartly after the fish· BAy A •1 ~ 9 1 ium which sill! needs Borne England. These dances were m· ermcn returned from Labrador, :c ambassadori­ ...... ' ~rl t 1 i finishing touches Is useable but variably held In some home a few cases of small poK were . G f arcthex ~nc ~c /that it needs to be wired tor where the kitchen was large reported In St. John's and Har·! reign ministers J ('lim Jo~se ~iolm 1 be t rahc_e li:hting The interior walls enough to accomodate an 8- hour Grace. As a result the I' ~;;, 1.~h \~I ce e ;aT~ · IS, stlil re~ain to be compfetpd handed set, that is a dance Iauthorities ordered all people . ".1 umps 0 urs- .1 The Canan had other remarlt~ where eight couples participat· over the island vaccinated and "' are II nollesll:·•. 1 d A ffi 1 1 sti •. :La.:· :'\~il will he elel'en on i which undoubtedly left an lm· e ·. ra e Was generally as·j' soon vacc 1nat ng stat ons were F. M. O'LEARY Ltd. . )In\' 2. Best wishes j r.res~lo~ upon his listeners. soc!aled with such dances where set up mostly In schools who~e from ·mom, clad and ~:s. : . Prmc1pal W. Hedderson and articles of one sort or. another · pupils had already been dis- and 011\'e i htgh school teacher Roy Mer· were won through drawmg num· missed. Fortunately there was l.ewi, chipmn~ will be ; cer ga\'e words of encourage. bers on bits of paper, the lucky ~o epidemic, but as a precau· )Nr> olrl on Friday, ~!:t)' ; ment by outlining the Immense number having b~n prevlousi.Y lion schools and church~s were and h~ i' wished a 1-erv ' \'Blue that a parent·teacher or· selected 1nd held m secret until closed and group meetmgs of one ill' momml' d~dri\· ; ~nnizatlon can be to a school. all the !lUmbers were drawn all sorts were prohibited, the famih·. ·' ' I' W~ile fund raising was not the and paid for. Because my par· (To Be Continued) ex•cnd be;t ll'ishcs t!J ch1ef purpose of sue~ a group, GET OUR Bndget Flynn whose I it could nssist flnanclnlly 1£ It d' L . t . t i> on 2.1 rhose to. Small at o· Frida~·. ~lay attendance~ cana •an eglon IS fl( ha~ ju.;t finishrd II'TII 1 i'TA groups, said principal ~ her exams at ~lemorinl, and I Heddcr$On, Is not confined to SPECIAL. ideal present would be a 1 Spaniard's Bay; this seems to d .ton !u!_ conclusion to a universal. But. he added, u,;··-ticms.ll~~~·~~ work. ~·enr Ib~those parents who clo feel that Co·mman ,(onventl'on,WI nar·lhi~.; wishes lor a 1-cry hapry 1 they can contl'lbute some of ~o to ~lr. Allan Hutch· 1 !heir time and talent to ntsl~t SPANIARD'S BAY (Special) 'many of the members did not LOW PRICES THIS WEEK · birthday is on Sun·j m the 11:ork of the school often -The District Command Con- !know was that pensioners who ~lay 4. find th~1r work \'C~)' re~vardinP. I ventlon of the Canadian Legion are fishermen are treated dif· ON ALL (Cash Sale only} fercnces, chilrlren anrl grandchll·j hy h~vmg the satisfaction of I was held at Spaniard's Bay on ferently to other pensioners. wisn lor ~Irs. Robert Chip· knowmg that the~· ~re doing Tuesday evening, April 21. Fishermen may earn up to six a IW)' happy birthday on 1somethinq . construchve and About 150 officers, !eluding hundred dollars without affect· MAHOGANY or BIRCH DOORS • ~l:.y 6, !worthwhile. · some from the Provincial Com· lng their pension, while other COMPLETE WITH WEISER LOCK AND 1 PAIR .. Dal'id Pike will celebrate It was unanimously mand, and representatives from pensioners have their pensions LUMBER ~Jr I d~lded .1m it (' nnf <>r'l>nr! b2rthday I to nroceed with the lnehllatlon the Department of Veterans' (but 1at.er renewed) BRASS HINGES. o~ Wednes~a~·. ~uspended 2 x 4 5, 6, 7, 8. etc., ·etc. e rerognized '· H~ppy b1rthtlay is w1sh- of lights in the auditorium and Affairs, and members attended. tf they work contmuously for 1 for h1m by his boys and that the pTA will sponsor a President Gordon Young of a period not exceeding twelve REG. $12.00 · SET t.!.e other of tht social in the' auditorium of the the Spaniard's Bay Branch open- weeks. Copies of the new ap· NOW ONLY Hatcher, dau~hter of school on Monday, May 12, to ed ·the meeting, ~elcomed the ·plication fo~ms were left .with ~Irs. C. Hatcher of :" has ever bee: rai;e funds for this project. officials and vlsltmg members the secretaries of .the Individual HE/\DQUIIRTERS etill!re~;!.. will he se1·en on The meeting clo~ed at to and hten Introduced the Dis· branches. Mr. Colhns ass~red all seventh of Ma,·, nnrl 1\'C p.m. with prayer by the Rec· trlct Commander, E. L. Powell, veterans that every div1slon of ASK I'OR $9.49 that lor her it will be 3 tor. of Carbonea.r who presided· over the DVA is available to them at Ml\SONITE· da)· to remember. the convention from that point. all times. us District Commander Powell then Dr. Campbell was the next BRAND introduced the oficlais of the speaker and he spoke on pen· ABOUT PRODUCTS HELD OVER ote of Thanks Provincial Command, Mr. Gor- slon matters. Personals (Subject to withdrawal any moment) SPA)';'lARD'S BAY, April 20 don Warren the vice-president, Another very important mat· ise·nh.o'Arer'·l;d"~ parents, wife, cliildren , . Mr. W. R. Martin the Provincial ter discussed was that of the SPECIAL LOW PRICES ·cnt E olher1 members of the fam· SPANIARDS BAY, Apr.ll 29 Secretary! Mr. Charles Parsons position of men who served In MASONITE of the lnte Nathaniel Drover -:\lr. and Mrs. Josiah Ne1l ar· the Provmclal Treasurer and the Merchant Marine during. 1ber, these point Spaniard's Bay ~·Ish to ex- .rived home alst week, having Rev. G. H. Maldment the Pro- warfare At the present time nRoofmaster" Asphalt Shingles their sincere thanks to spent a very pleasant winter vinclal Padre. Mr. Wickford they ar~ not eligible for assist· Exterior Siding those who helped in any way with their daughters, sonR·in· Collins Introduced the officials ance unless Injured. The con· ~ WONDERFUL OUTSIDE BOARD; 3/16" THICK· alleviate the strain ancl laws and l!randchildren In Mont- from the Department of Vet· vention 'supported unanimously NESS. NOTE THE LARGE WIDTH: 12", 16" AND Only $1 0.75 per sq. Security during the Illness of and rr~l. Their friends are Indeed erans Affairs, Dr. Campbell the that recogltlon be give the War· 24" JN 4' x ·g• LENGTIIS. PRACTICAL ••• PERMAN· 1! ional disputes. Fll•OWirll! the death of a lnv· pleased to see them again. Senior Pension Medical Officer, time Merchant Marine. This ENT , , . RIGID ••• IMPERVIOUS TO WEATHER .1\ND OiliER ·n German son, husband, father and Dr. L. D. Young and Mrs. and Mr. Palrick Neary the matter will be brought before , , . NO WASTE , , , PRDJED, READY FOR PAINT· For the manv acts of Young wish to say thank you Pensions Commissioner. the Dominion Command which lNG. ~ ROOFING PRODUCTS E!llf-cile-11~~;~~~ and for sympnthy ex· for the thoughtfulness and kind- After his opening remarks to meets In Edmonton in May countries !:o b~ flowers, messa~es, ness of friends on last Friday., the convention , the District when representatives will en· and cards, they offer to Mardie Mercer arrived home commander. Be called upon deav~ur to establish eligibility a profound thank you. from the Grace Hospital on Mr. Wickford Collins the rep- of this group. Mr. W. R. Martin, · for peaceful 1\londay ·of this week. Her resentative of the Department who spoke on other questions as BUILDING friends hope that she wlll be of Veterans Affairs who spoke .well, regretted that Nt~wfo?nd· ·tion of For Toron t0 soon well enough to return to at length on certain explana- lands seamen were not eligible. ~~IIIUAFtD'S ·BAY, Aprll 29 school tlons of, the War Veterans Act. Mention was made of the new MATERIALS ' Of welfare cases as It ap· provincial magazine, apart from v~rnot·l· Roberts, R.N.. Miss Pearl Chaulk of. Deer pertains to veteran~, Mr. Col· the national "The Legionary", ·---~..... the General Hos· I.:ake recently spent a vacation tins stressed the importance soon to be published. It will be DIVISION: ~~:. ~:Js~~~. ~~~ with her sister, Mrs. Charles that the Individual branches known as "Newfoundland Vet­ of Spaniard's Bav. Gosse here. can play In helping to prepare erans Magazine'' and will cover of last week Head constable w. Gosling, Information promptly and to exclusively the Newfoundland SHAW STREET, ~UI1'rl~l~r, Toronto she accept· Mrs. Gosling, their daughter minimize the delay In sending scene as It afl~ct veterans. 1 Position on the Btaff of Sheila and her husband, Mr. applications to the proper of· Delegates were g1ven advance :' o~. the Queen City's hospl· Edison, visited here on Sunday flclals. One point took up con· copies. DIAl. 8029 J .mplement anY ne wish her all th~ sue· from St. John's and were the. slderable Ume as It affected Delegates,from Trinity South she could desire In her 11 uests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur many of the older pensioners, brought two resolutions: IIOtiUo11. Sheppard. namely, casual earnln&L What (I) To the Provincial Com·


- ______..._,# ...... ,,. ____,,.-..:-~.1· ... ,..,. • ·---- Personal Chit-Chat ¥ FOR THE LADIES *i You and ~/. ftln'ING FLORIDA return home this week·end • 1 Stilnulati~tg friend· c • I ' . ~~------~--~~~~------._~---- ' may enter your . now ·; . Kn• .Tessie Ehlers and her completely cbange 11. Don't · IIID. J:ric are at present visit· FASHION SHOW get your dander up if someone Ia norida on a health and The Zonta Club of St. John's at work says somclbing you hoUdaJ trip. will hold a fashion show, spon· don't like. Now is the time tG sored by Gourley Gowns saloon IUI'D the other cheek. Don't . .ANNUAL MEETING at the Newfoundland Hotel on throw up your bands in despair The annual meeting of the Mt>y 15th at 8.30 p.m. if work seems piled up. Attack Mfld. CODference brimch of the Tickets for this show are on lhe job with vigor and you'U Women's Missionary Society of sale at O'~lara·Martin drugs, finish it. tlle United Church of Ct>nada Rawlins Cross, Gourle)' Gown~. Past ... In 1900, a man could Future ••• Grocery stom 'lrill be held on May 7th. 8th.. Military Road, Nu-Vogue beauty expect to spend 32 years of his be open which carry and at Cochrane Street Salon. Rowan Street, Te>sier's 9th. ~B:year li(espan working for ~ but frolen goods, and Centenniel Church. !\Irs. C. Max· Cake and Flowership. ~Iilltary ltvmg. TOd~y, be spen.ds .4- will sell in dozen Jots. well Loveys will be here from I Ro!Xl, Waterford Nurseries. 234 years of h1s 66-year bfespan . . Toronto to represent the Home I Duckworth Street ·and the Vogu working and bas 24 years for no .pens?able pr~blems. :Million Board, and will be the Duckworth Street and the, growing up, education and re- pubhc will bcncfat by '""'"'' •• . ·JUe&t speaker at two evening ! Vogue Galler~·. Water Street. tireJm:nt. prices. · meetings. The public is cordial· · -- : lJ invited to attend. 'W.A. APRIL lllt:ETING The Day Under Your Sign The April meeting 6! tlw Wo· 1 ARIES (Born March 21 to Ap•il 20] LIBRA (Sop!. 21 to Oct. 221 JIIRTBD.\Y PARTY 'm~u·s Association of Goiver ~luwr m.~urulcrr-tatl!lin' colll•l mar day, Yc.ur .,-j~bc, c3n Le [ulhtled, •.o ;;:~ Jim Patterson of 8 Rotlnel' :Street Unill'll Church was held hnt ynu ~;.,n :.,'oicl 1t. v.hat )OU w2nl. Street celebrated hi~ lOth birth· on April 25th. The presilknt TAURUS (Apr:! 21 to May 201 SCORPIO (Oct. 21 to Nov. 72) IJc.r.'t Jt() ctn Jrtn•lir.£' ~prce:. ~t~k to Don't Le imt•'lticnt. You11 in' ite . day on Saturdr,y, April 26th. :\h·s. !". DoyP w:ts in the chair cl)mrntvm.IJ,UhUIIS. by ''Jllmping tl:.c &\111· ·with a party for a number at and welcomed a large attend· GEMINI (Moy 71 to June 211 SAGITTARIU:. I Nov. 21 to Otc. 211 the Officers Club at Pepperrell : ance Of membPrs and guests. \\'•t pn.t ,.u.o.ol1al•tY l.i.:lws.;l.l~l. \"GU Cvt1line :.cti\·i.t:~~ tn job ma.\!t.·, i Fire Brigade con · ·.'\.ir Force Base lor his friend;. :llr;. E. tuff conducted the de· ... houl'l m.·.l.(' tJI"Cl'Tr ., M"''· l'a••1t11{ ~oc:1' purs.ui11. pumper to the n~arb: CAPRICORN I Doe. 27 to Jar.. ··Jim leaves here this month with . cotional period, r,nd after the A lhtre 1n your rrr.gr;.nt, dr~(·a~ soon bad the f1re his family to spend the summer , conclusion of the' business per· r. •• tlr.g' in-.iutio:'l, However, around 11 the guc~t of his grandparents . iod an interesting talk was giv· AOUARIUS (J••· 20 to Feb. Ill flared up again a at Bangor, llninc. · en by :\Irs. J. E. Butler. on the ~11\l>IIVM 1'.1::ch i.i truo..:Uing lO"J n ,,. of the Bri2ad1 · work of the St. John's Prcsbr· :fO"'\I:t•l T'.)\1, • into service, this ti . The annual meeting of the Auxiliary for lhc Blind was held at the CNIB headquarters on Wcdnes­ PISC~S I Feb. 19 to March 2DI . OS HOLIDAY tery. A >ocial hour was held at ~.aclies was totallr extin~ the end of the meeting. Tr .• • •: i~ .. l-4..h11\e~s rc.u.ocs m;,'" · · ~Irs. Reginald Haney. Kin~· cla,· mornin~ and the oific('rs fur the ,-c~ll' were cl edcd. Thcv are sealed. left to ri[!ht: Mr~. G. Rennie. rt:J·l pl'n~. · hOuse was bat!ly rl~ we understand im · Brid!:e Road. and her cfaugh· OS'rhr. I' \('1' Sprc(·h' PL \ Studr~-.... }' 'S'f~~··11AJ, . . I treasurer;. :\'It'S. . H. D. H.oberb. first \'ic:e-prcsiclenl:. Mrs. . .J. r'. O'Lcnry. . . sccrctar~·. StandingC' left to right. 'j •· ttr. ~Irs. C. :'\. Patt<'n. arr at carried. . j rreseal ri;itin~ . :'llrw Yot·k on ;or a onr art pia~· 1fes~i~·~~. i\Irs. Arlhur .Johnson. past prc~iclcnl: i\lrs. Hnrold Al dcrdicc. 2nd \'ice-president: ~Irs. George Tessier. , holiday ;wl exprct to l'cturn to whirh t•krs pl~ce from Wednc,. !\Irs. A. W. Blnddr.:·. :\lr~. H. Jlcrdcr. i\lrs. F. .1\1. o· Lear\·, Nlrs. Leslie :'l'larshaJl. ~.J:·s. A. H. Crosbie and the city tim wcck·rml. Cadet!ii cia\',:11~1. ~lal'T1;o ~8thplays to will Saturd·.,· be ;,i·c;cni- ~Ia\' 'I,, rs. "'·c J • unet ·r ertnn. I 1···ne pre:;tr· l cnt. 'I'' rs., ) 01111 n~·' re IS· · ott 1 o f tl 1e Cl·1 ~·l.·-1 D m1· wife ally imoortant and inten,"l•. the C'.O. of the Sr 1 ~·ear's winner of the Engineers' bottle half full. In comparison. does. but I don'! want to ;liscuss esting io her. But sht· · \'isited man)' int FEILDIAN LADIES : \\'h·es As~ociation prize of S50 F • · d them all the time. I thought it expect e1·en their father to lncludina Si~P" The Feildian Ladies associr.- I offer~d to tht> Engineering De· rI en s By GRACE ~1. SP :\RKES The boys >ing and play well, tion will hold their month])' partment at ~lemorial Univers· · The Boy Seoul,; have donP it they are entertaining and de· we went out more. ma\'bc that t~ hear about them or t:1lk Station C..I.O.~ meeting today at 3.15 p.m. in 1ty for Drawing to the Engineer· , ...... u· ,.., "' . ~~:tin. in the words of :\11·. Tom scr1·e the highest praise for would give my "He >omethin~: them all the time. !.trl. the Harward ~lemorial room at • mg Department at ~Iemoriall : Furlon;:, "with usual apologies hard work, and local colour. ~lse to tl.!ink anti talk about. But· Alter. all he is leading 8 : most enjoyable rla)', Bishop Feild College. I Uninversit~· for Drawing 100. Sople people make it a habit to nohorly, nothin~ sact•ed in The Saturday closing, the 1! doesn I work. all'a)' from the famih· tl!ol ts · --r- I llr. Clarke was presented with ito arrire e1·erywhcre at lcn~t the show excepting the Church hca1·y jail sentences, the Un· "All the way to whercl'er 11-r sorbim: Ia him. And if he 1~ BELATED GREETISGS 'his prize by the President. ~Irs. i 30 minutes late. :'ol:1yhe the~ and the Crown. and with malire employment Insurance for fish· . :are going she kecrs up a steady his wife he certainly exprcls; Obituarv Belated birthday greetings! Cynthia Hunt. at the April think it mak~s them look impor·. towards none." crmen, the music festival fam· I led her birth· 128. at the home of ~Irs. w. L. H you accept an' inl'itation for from the opening number to bing in this show, which will be ta!km{: about-you guessed it- lie, hr would nrohablv like to day on Monday. I Ball. 140 Hamilton Avenue.~ seven o,clocl\ don't mentally ti~- the la&t. wh!'n "a Ia grand Pn tonight and Saturday at our children. her out occasional\' and br ; 1Following the presentation to ure that .you'll try to be thcr l>y OJlcra'' they do Lukcy's Boat ."r ne~n feel 1 am taking a ~~ to forget for a' few hours t. 1 Bishop Feild College. miA:" out-but a mother wh•t her great concern in life i! : FRO:\! OKL.\HO"A i :'o!r. Clarke, J. G. Walker, seven tlmty. to the tunes of man)' popular ~\ _.,,.m,g ~lr. His Honour the Lieutenant' ts ~o ~oncerned ~~·ith her child· children. For a little wltik years. DeeeMerl was ~lr. and :llrs. G. I. Almarorlt> ; entertained the club with his ! hit numbers. some negro spir· Governor ancl pari)' attendetl ren s l~1·es she thmks the smal· least. he would like to feel he: this town where ~t last night, and were welcoml'(l and their two children ha1·e re· , excellent cPior photography. ' Dal"}y Recl"pe \it.uals, a frw . ~ewfou~rllanrl le>l tl!mg that ha]~pens to one. of her unrlh:ided attention. the 1 fx>r many years. prior eentl~· mO\'ed to St. John's from :Two new member~. :\Irs. Wanda · •:.tr>. anrl sufftc1ent wtt to with a !(uarcl of honour at lh!' l them •~ tlw most tmpowant thmg he had 1t durmg the court~· II the Canadian mainl Oklahoma, and are living at 14 . P~rle)' and :\Irs. Florine Coles · 1 '',;hake your ~irlrs tn ~cr.'' door. anrl entertained bv ~lc· m,the w.orhl. days. yas well known here Major's Path. Sergeant Alma· . were welcomed to the associa· • • 1 Tlw "' ;>ocwtt milk 1 ··sc:-t•t•ch, ~J"re St·twch. Sli!t Don't mi,< the JlOkes fun at nothmn f .do or that haJtprt~s to ccn,·~rsation is her thllc;. tt, of Melford, Co· ! 111( " as •mr.ortant as what Nap- And that. unfortunately, m1r rt Butt, o( St. John ~r. and :llrs. Ge:'l'ge P. )!c· LEFT "'OR I.O~DON 1 eg~ d . _,_ 1 . . ~lore Scret•ch. anrl Scn•c,·h to lainmcnt. II rven -·! Klvain ba1·e arrh·ed here from y d F k H · l I orange. grate nuu anr JUice the J.r,st Drop," and lc:t\'e the the Silver Thaw. pend• to ~~~arls.___ elude lhcir father. tend deepest symp•tl ~~ ----·-·---·------t;latives include ·~!~. California ann hHe their resi· 1 om ------·- ·---- ·- ...... 1 ·--- -- . .. ------in;:.e~\~~a~~; ~i ~~~~ Alr~:~~~ ~~~i~hi~il~np ~~ft' rpunr 1 1 DOCTORS STRIKF. J(addock and Mrs. Jol denrr on thtP :lla.ior r~tlt. ~h·. at Ga1ukr r~turn aftrr ,·aration· t·rnmh~. Rr~l r~~ IH'II ;~nn acltl\ y Ch"}d' WI 0 e Party or , \'l E-:XA ZAPl - Doctn 5lirltnc · hinr 11 ith 0 1 crumhgend refl'r.< lo the m fRO~I ONT.\1110. 'Ill'- N I I I IEALTH • lr. and ~tt '· J Dunr;,n h~1 ~ --- ~rl'l'" 11 ith pn111 111~ ~'~'":•u• n1 ~"r - American Woman emrn:encies. The doctors "lof Europe. .rer~nt])· ~rr~1·ot1 hr.r• frnm On· I LtF'T C. IN llt1 SI~ESS nidt \l'tlh ~.,uri• of ,, hll'i'"rl thP city to pay increased bon~~ -- tarto anti a1 e hun;! at PB Bar· Mr. T. F. \lrNam~r~. former · rrram 1f 11 ,., a11 '"'""'·1011 for m;h!· S~nda~: and ~!angEr~! ApproximiliPI~ two-t ncs Road. ~lr. Duncan I~ an om· : Pmato l'•l'retar) to thr llon.\ ------____ ...... -· . '1,.\:"\l' f.\C'TtlR!; EnF.R INTO 1011rk. \nun~ doc.to:~ h~rr rl'the women in the t:nil ployee of Canadian .Marconi. 1\\' .•r. Brow no, left h1· T.r'.A. AlwR)'S tr)' tn ~r• 11 prnIP. who wrilr eh~nt ollt~r 1 1/J:-iDO:'\ I noul~r:;' - : ~IV!ng treatment at St. Clare's I' The Re1· ..1. Forrl. Churr.h of ishml(~. il 1111111 1~tr t:rnwth. nf_ chilrlren ~•nail rrintrt! rntlrt·u fw.lttnll: ···rather Tur~·l~y f~r~rn ~ Rr.: )'IIIII' k· !:'lr~to~l'llisor, I> n 11 n ~ for ~·~ I r;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;_;;;;; __;;.;;;-;;-;;;-.;;-;;.;;~;;;;;;-~ Rom~mh~r~ to · l~lli10rr n<·lnn .... nr In rlrlnl'nl' halt II tf a young lh•urr. lnl·rlir,]<~ra<'ofnl linr• rlrrss fnr 1\'!lh :-rn'til I ~tockin" lldorr 1'01111 1rr~1· thrm ~lor i' ~rnwi11~ tnn loll. . rhc>ler· with :;oo.ouo rlo:-r.• ~~ l OPEl i j It will lengthrn thrir life. i ~lo't (JIIe~linn< on 'tinllllatim! nrck, cmpirP hndit·r >!nnnth fit ~dian Salk rolio vat·cinr from' i b th ·,--·k- - ·-~-~-rl---; ·, ::rowth rome from lhP pnrrnts t~rl. flaril~;! ~ilbowltl': holrro. ronto. to be di\·crted to L~ , e •· e !(Ue'f ~pen t h rr r,c tlu da)'·' ] of ho1·s· around n lo 12 ·wars olrl. Printed Pallrrn ~i!l2: ~li~~'ro' . airrort. Special trucks wcrr I, mee.mg o . e a 1e ra · Pc·rhnps they do not realize that . 1' ing in Manchester to take th! WH~fA. wh1ch takes place at 1 at about thesP a~cs boys arc , Sizes 10. 12 .. 14. 1\i, 13. 20. Size 113 o'clock. ~· oft<'n ·shorter than· girls. Gene· . ; 16 dress and bolero rel]uire 4'• · gently needed 1·accine into 1 -- rail)', howel'er, the hoys shoot '. ' yards 35-inch Iabrie. : storage at l.h·erpool. anrl 1---.. ------· I!RlDGE P \RTY up pass the girls l~ter. .. Printed dir~>clions on each pat· i A -TI 1 more for a copy ol our I The .Ta,-rrr-rll' hrld R bririgc I' ~loot of the (Jttestions on deln~·· ' ternSend Jlat'L Jo'IFTY l~asier. CESTS accurate. lin coin~ Brooks l\ecdlecraft ' ITwo romplete patterns t11epart~· \'er;•. Pn Perlin"nnd;t~· Srhool evrl'inq in Rirlat ,'pnrrnts ing t;rowth of co111ein their from teens theor ' (stamps cannot be acceptedl for ~iris i 1 ted right in the book - · of tl1e :'irwfour.rll"nri So<'ir!Y from lh~ drJ. tllcll'lA~IF., I want to order: crochet. uren. ,olr>. Tom ftm·le. thr "'"'·' mtr•n••lm~. 1" 1111 ' 1•·r ,. Send orrl~r to A:<":'oiF. ADA:\1~. \ tin~. embroider)'. buck · 11 t f tl 1 r:;rr of ST. .TOII!\''S nATI.Y lfllllls, toys. clnll~. pre>ident IIPlcOiliPO th~ ~ttr,l>. 1\}NI' ;trr 111311). fat•lnrS wltil'il N·l FLATS werr prP•cntrrl hr \!t'<. r•nll'l' 111111 lP ra r 11 crnw 1 anr ;>o;EWS. Pnll1·rn nrpl. r.o FROXT Pri7.~' · 1 l'ff ST .. WEST. TORO!'\TO. 0!\'T. "~ . FOR THE NEW 'r. s. Ahrnhalll tn .\11'<, ·.lnii!P.' !IH• lwi~hl arhirrrrl. Therr arr. , Trl11!1lrton. fll''t pmr. <•1"1 ~Irs. I""">;·II r n r. 'a 11 rrrnf'r~. · 11¥ AUC'IA II ART , - . - : s.IPphcn .I!Prrl!'r, tlte ton;ola· I T~l''l:r ~I'[' ni!IIOSI l't•rtainl;· rami· . \\' Office. has offtctal. ho11~s the ~rlucalt,nal Puppy fares form "lie pockets !Millry w~~ in rlt~r~e of !It~ thrn 1.. -~r~t-old t!~~~.~111rrs RIC .1 lh•• ,1nh of con 1 inl'in~ thr ~al~ in ,·amrmcn 11111 JlrPrr thM. thr on tin> pitwlnrr -- lillie ~it''· hom~ cnnkinl: •alP fpr\. .to !lll h~s IRII. (ot'<'l~n t·ounlt'irs that ·the aur· al·et·a~r... \mrncan woman •~ Ill'· are ,ttrr In lorP it. ~P'I'·CII~~· ftll' N · · ' ..... _ II 1~ r~rl;un!l' trnr lh;1! •.rx 1, a~r Amrri!·an frmalr. is nnt 11 tuall)' a vrry grnr!'llll>. ~im·rrr. ;m•. mothrr: . n fat·tnr tn hrt~ht. Rny>. ou l.h~ rlnminre•·in:: rarrr.rist nr Pmpt;·· harcl-wot·kinJ: p1•r,;nn. ~!i>s Gri- ~TakP a 1•inalnrr. sunrlrr"'· nr rr=----·-===:a.. :li'I'I'H~.r, ar~ laJ!rr ancl hranrr hrarled glamor "irl. ~el' a~:ls that thrsr ft11Riitir;; ;;J;irl. ['altrrn j(lor,: trano;EWS, oBo~ , I)' mte~ested m a recent rcpo~ , people and responsible for the "When ~·ou arc overseas. you · !lnuschold Arts Dt•pt. 60 FRO~T ;fs qoo i comparmg the stature ~f Ame~J· country's skyrocketing juvenile are so much more tlmn your·· ST ... WEST, .rono:>TO .. 0:\T. W'll1 , can-born Japanese children m delinquency also are prel•alent self." she declares. "You are the : Print plainly JliAl\lF.. ADDRESS, 1 TCA Choose a flatteri~g Flat·heel Pump from our California with children of the she says. ' American Woman." \. PATTERN NUliBF.R. : with Gifts and DHic selectlln of slim, graceful designs, in Suede, Cafl samP ~ex nnrl at!e in .Tnnan. In orrlrr to correct these im· SINCE BEGINNING her joh. Senrl T\'.'E'iTY·FI\'E CEN~S from Friendly ll was founrl that at r:w:: a~r rr·cssions, Mi" Grh:cr i.• organ· ~Ti.tnundrtl -· c -- · - • • •• ·• • -: • sa lei and Patent leathers, with smart new trims and from r. to Hl thr Amrnran-horn ·•· " II 'rl . Jo lrat·n ltow muclt 1· s wr1111 ,. 11 •5 rlouht.. about he• at hsflc ahthl~. Netghbours end · 1•· 10 ~ n wor r 11'1 e rampat~:n · ' ·· · · ' 'l 11 · · 1h 1 bows. Colours: white, beige, red, tan, brown, Dutch. .Jnnanr:;c hovs were tallrr on the,1 which will comhinl:' th ff f. ar<' alrr;ul)' doing in 'lw S ' compw;ns w wnewr Civic and Social trav1 1 cluh~ ~t ;r,·era~r than hn)'S of th~ ~arne Itlw liSlA with those e[ ~ ~r s od . foreign fiPlrl. She sUI'S il is nnrd p;·oplro s••e hrr pal!tlln~s .tlte)' W tt l d navy and black, Narrow and medium fittings. . a~~ in .lnoan: This wa~ tnte nl·! forei~~ \\·nmen's grm~'·'· .•. an • to find a woman·~ .or.~anizJI~on ,mtply ~;~'~·. ::l!n.w mlrrr~l"n;!-:: e. are. eo ers Apple s~ nf Amrnean-horn .T~pn:1csc' RECE:\TI.Y SliE liAS been' that 1s not carryin~ nn some kmd ~he .rrels II>. a:ca.l, clue to h01. On the occcsron of: ~trls. hut only up to the age of sohnrlin~ out these or"anizati . oi intcrnalional llrn"r~rn. the) are Uunkml!. she •a)'S, The Birth of a LADIES' SIZES 14. 'to del . . h. t k' Ml' r'' on:~ I Proierts include s~nrlin" reprc· "berause that's Ill'' llhrasc when : "'I. o~· T , · f ' et mmc w a ml 0 proJ· · · · · M t1 • thi " 1 t ·" ~ity call 2503 4- 9 Jce~· . ~'·' •• r I1 h cnnl' 1usums. o . eels wnulrl he most effective in scnlath·cs t~ international wom· tcn• s no "~ r ~c o sal. - • • • lhts sturl)' was .that cnul!on; p r m tin g U.S. womanhoorl an's conferences, airling lhr --·- · ------0 0 ~Ill· 'houlrl he u~ '<:ci~rr ···n.io~·s swimmin~ .. In ~rnrrnl. al lhr lll't•srnt lunr . npPd 11'hich will rithrr ,prrrl ~~ rook in!!. rrfini~hinj: furniturr :1n

'. •• ST. JOHi-1· 'fHuitSDAV :. y 1' 1958 RecenUy published estimate~ of the Canadian balanace of in­ Bank of Montreal ternational payments in 1957 - 1 point to the size and nature of Nehru Appeals Looks at t he s e · h1fluences. In 1957, ' Canada incurred a deficit in· goods and service transactions \ Situation abroad of $1,383 millions, . $11 I CARBON EAR o For ·Retirement millions more than in 1956 ... Off. a y e e rations NEWC DELHI '(Reuters} - on the brink of a precipice." And MONTREAL, April 24-While setting this deficit, .the Inflow. of B dl N B . f C 1 b Jawaharlal Nehru, who has led meanwhile, he added,· "the prob· Canada almost certainly will ex· capital - largely of a long·terin • the. Indian republic since Its crea· !ems of India are bearini down perience a sizable deficit in nature -·was $1.278 milliol)s, Ire e W S r I e S CARBONEAR, April 28th.- tion in 1947, appealed Tuesday for on us." trade and service transactions $127 millions less than in 195G. b F Y ~ast week there was l!luch ex· a retirement rest to give him A reporter questi~1ned him on with the rest of the world in 1958 As in previous years, the f!Qw Y . to her home In the capital. The cttement here, followtng th~ time to think about the nation's his re•ignation plans and he and ca11 expect a substantial in· of funds from foreign c~mpanfes tX'\llO:'\EAR. April 281~.- CARBONEAR, April 28th- friends she made while here winning by .the hockey team of future. said: "Whether I retire or not, nux of long-term capital, those to Canadian subsidiaries contb~u "'unrlin~ of the fire smm Mrs. Frank Saunders is making u~e happy to know she Is so the Conception Bay North hoc· He told a meeting of his .::on· 1. do not become ineffective. 1 contrary balances may not be as ed at avery high rate In i!ls7 : ,, Tu••;day morning la!t good progress, following a major well _ key series, which conclude~ on gress party he has proposed his may return·when 1 feel like it ... large as those of 1956 and 1957, although there was a minor ile- ht11 th•• Volunteer Fire l!rl· Qperatlon on Wednesday last. - Monday, April. 21st. when the retirement as prime minister to 1 think 1 may have some further according to the Bank of Mon· cline. Canadian borrowing· in : d man~· citizens to the - Mr. Frank Saunders who ac· Shearstown T1gers were de· the president of India, Rajendra years of effective service, be· treat's Business Review for· Ne\\ York, on the other hand, in 111,,f \lr. Clifford Garlanrl, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Tlbbo of companied hil wife to St. John's feated in 'ibree straight games. Prasad, and he asked his follow- cause I am bodily fit and though April, just issued. creased, the B of M says. ··'$ut !\lrlto. wh~1·e a fire was Grand Bank, who recently re- on April 20th, returned home Following the presentatlo.n ers for their guidance pending a I cannot judge my mind, 1 do not . Under the title "The Oscil!at· whereas in 1956 the volume ten· rll·u~drn1ay. the re~ult beinlt· turned from holidaying on, the today, of prlzea the team and their final decision. • · think it is slipping." mg Dollarr", the B of M rev1ew ded to rise as the year progres· ~· dh· ~ultrd house. The fir(! Canadian mainland and the supporters moto;ed to Carbon· The party's parliamentary sec· One of Nehru's supporters said I says that last August the Cana· sed, in 1957 !he tendency was in ,1(' .· 1 rli·,~,,,,•r••rl b~· :llr. William \!.S.A. left today (Monday) lor Mr. and Mn. Fred Northcott, ear and we m1gh! say th~t retary, AI g u r a i Shastri, an· In the lower House last week that dian dollar reached a premium the opposite direction." ·with . nrl. fathrl' of Clifford. who their home, after spending two Mrs. Don Parsontlnd Miss Joan jubilation was camed, on untll nounced the party will hold a spe· he thought Nehru should drop of more than six per cent in \more than three-quarters of the tn thr firr alarm. Just hCIII' weeks here as guests of Mr. Saunders w~re visitors to the the wee small hours of Tuesnay. cia! meeting to consider the pro· some of his extra duties and 85• t~rms of. U.S. fu~ds, highe3t tot_al n~t sale o.f new securities firP ;:.tri<•d ls not known I and Mrs. John Rorke Sr. Capital on Saturday, the latter Then Wednesday afternoon a posal sume overall supervisory power. smce tradmg stallstlcs were es-~ hemg m the f1rst half of ·the 1gn ·ht' "" nt'l', whose wif~ - two to visit Mrs. Frank Saund· motorcade ·st.arted at Hr. Rock Nehru. sa, said be felt he had Nehru was not in the House at tablished before the war of 1914· year . ., i~ :1·· t;r;tt'r Hospital, cook· :llr. and Mrs. Cecil Oates and ers, who Is I patient In tHe .Hill and proceeded to Brigu5, to have a period away from "this the time and did not reply. 18, From th!s peak,. bo~vever, This sharp decline. probably 1,, h~<':tki:1't and then went ~liss Ruby Russell woet to Grace Hoapltal. making detours ·to. Bay Roberts dally burden" in order that "I In his address Tuesday Nehru! the dollar shd sharply m the I mo;e than any other element, . ,~;.~k :•l t:;nland's Coopera~e Lewisporte on Thursday, to and Shearstown. H was headed can think of myself as an indivld· said he thought the ti~e had clcsl~g months of 1957 and the was res~?n~ible for the. "precipi- ' ~ nil ;~>r••arance ~l'erythinq attend the funeral of the late The annual meeting of the by n truck bearing. buglers and ual Indian citizen. , ." come for him to place the 1ssue premmm was below one per 1 tate fall m the exchange rate . 1\. w!:cn h~ clo~ed th~ Mr. 1\!ac Russell. Also In at· Carbonear Presbyterial was h~ld drummers from the Air Cadet _He said he is anxious to fit him· of his retirement before the cent in January, with a gradual of the Canadian dollar In the last 111 tendanre at the funeral were at Freshwater on Wednesday Squadron, followed by the team self for the tasks that lie ahead. party. recovery now being experienced. four months of 1957. In recent Thr Fir,· Hri~ade connecte•.l Lewis and Arthur Russell, !Jrot· last, under the chairmanship of and sixty-eight motor cars filled "I feel that it might help me N e h r u admitted sometimes Such exchange rate nuctua- months, however, there has been , nm·rr I•' !he nenrb~· pond hers of the deceased. .i\ll but Mrs. Hector Strong, the pres!· with supporters. Along the line to do so if I am away from the feeling tired and dejected after lions "constitute an important an increase in the volume of 1,1 ,,;, : :·d the fire under 1 :Miss Russell returned · today. dent. The attendance was not of route there was a continuou~ centre of activity and responsibll· his lJIJ.z years of service but he element of uncertainty in Cana· Canadian borrowing in New :..0 ; ll•"' ,.,~r. around noon Lewis will l'islt his family at large due to the fa,ct that dele· line of spectators and at tty." added that the "dominant sensa· dian business," the bank says. York and the Canadian dollar i f!:;:·coi up a~:ain and the St. John's before returning to gates from parts of Trinity Shearstown the motorcade was Nehru said he is "greatly con· lion" has been a "certain exhilar· especially when, as in 1957, has risen in terms of U.S. funds 1 :cr•1 n: 1hr Bri~arle was St. George's, and Arthur w!ll South were unable to attend. welcomed with the firing of cerned" over ·the international ation at facing the great prob-~ there is a large demand in Concluding the B of M says, he ~··-··" • .,, "'. ri•ihrl m;;nr intrrcstin<: ! health. gratulate. The term Outsider has been out a set of questions which try, then for samty s sake lets -Twenty girls who went danting " 1!11 ;r t. ther to ,, · inrludin~ · Si. ~ ~~·e 1 ~nnrl<~l. th~ l ana wpll known herr and ,ert Sane~ antb "· · .lerBrer. WANT CANADIAN HELP organizations and teaching in Th d prl A ·-:- The 1three questions I ans· I r ., ,rrtcrl To her dau"h· ,ecompan)'Jnlt em was ro. 1 th S d . S h 1 1 ere passe away on prl , th ff' t' . If " 1 ·, • Samuel Dawe an honoran·mem_. O'ITAWA tCPl -Dr. A. R.l e un n~ coo. ·21st after a very brief illness wereu n e a ~rma ne or I r. ~lr' \!r.~ l·r:nw of To~· :her of the Chapter •Mr Ru~spll Windt. UN director • general of The. deceased was a special! Wiliiam Murray in his seventv: .' the benefit of those readen ~· FIVE OSEt2· 01.1 . :u~d son,, Charle~ I also a ast rand · ~as'ter ·and , refugees. has asked canada to 1 f~vour1te of young people anrl fourth year D~ceased starting ' who think they can read all ~·i.f'!a • r.r .~1<' 1 ford. ro~n.. . and ! )Irs. ~~s;ell gdeeplv appr~clate ' lend a hand In clearinl! the last Ichildren loved. her for what ' wo'rking at· a very early age, · kinds of low motives into my g lint.. ot St ..11\hn '· \le !'X· 'this visit anrl it wili help In no Hungarian lefugees out of camps she was. a shmlng example of 1 when he went to the Labrador columns) were:-do you note 1 1 d~~~e•1 >rmoolhy Other~ sm~ll ~A\: to lighten tb~ir sor· In Austria, and Italy. Dr. ~lndt all a chrl~tlan shoul.d be. ~or to fish. Following that he spent in national elections? Do you ••·•••m····· rnrlurlt' ~!··. RobPrt . . · ' . said Tuesday Prime Minister years she had been 1n falhng I som years in the mines at Syd· read and enjoy large clrcula· . ~nrl ~~~·'· ~ohn U~cll, i ro\\ · _ Diefenbaker gave him a sym- health and on Good Friday ~he ney,e later at Buchans and' fin· tlon magazines? Do you be· fiLE th1.~ II·•· n, nephe\\ and me~e. :. Mr C. O. Steeves, district pathetic hearing. There are 8,000 suffered a fall: the res.u~t bemr.: ally at Bell Island. He was well lleve human life has divine . ·- . 1 freight agent. C.N.R., and a Mr. refugees In Austrian camps. a fractured h1p. SurviVIng ar~ known and liked by all who origin and purpose and Is 1 nr ~~~Pndary twan song IS a 'Ka\•anagh, of the same office. 1her husband, a .brother, Frank knew him. He was a good work· not merely the result of Wltbou~ music, since the were in town on WednesdRY Saint . George Is the patron ~ J: Taylor, of tb~s to~vn, and a er and was highly esteemed by chance and evolution? (I gave . refer. to the mut'l! swan last, on bu~lness. . saint of En land Portu a! and. Slste~, 1\lrs: Jes~l? Pike, at St. ! his several employers. He leaves myself the ~enefit of the Europe. \ R i g ' g j Johns, to \\hom \\e extend deep· 'to mourn his passing his wife doubt on this last question, ~~ - uss a. est sympathv I ' b II Mrs. rurze who was taken Ill I j F 1 t · ·k 1 11 Th Sarah, five sons, William Jr. as no·one can e rea Y sure Arproximateh· two-third~ of; while visiting Rev. and Mrs. B. Regular air transport routrs c:l •u~er~l 1 1;~h P a~e . n 1 ur;~: Michael, Andrew, Philip and of the answer anyway!) • ''"~en in the Uniteri,StAIP.s 1 B. Snow, is now enjoying her now connect !\'erv part of the: a~~~d:J 'Rei'' ~~ ~as 1\;rr.rb~ • John; three daughters, Carmel The other questions were all 1 '''·•·1ng machines In 1955. l usual health and has returned world. • : nduete'd ~e· vic· in ·th ~~::0~: ~:tlrs. Nicholas George), Cather· answered with an emphatic ,liriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. ' 1 tern:'en/wa e 1 the U c· Rona.ld Crawford) o[ "no" by this Outsider. Tlwy Ill ' Cemefer~·.~~d s n e · . . lll~th1s ('~Irs.town, Jenme ~ll!rs: Leonard I ranged from whether 1 like TV 1Granaman, of Ca!1~orn1a, U.S.A. spectaculars, children (in ~en· • two brother~. Phthp of Bell Is· era!), AmPric;m cars, football Obituary land, ~nd R1chard of this town; and baseball and whether 1 t.M:o s1sters, Mrs. Ellen Cotter, trusted the motives of Jl•'li· ~ Bay-de-Verde! and Mrs. !If a~)' I ticians, (rxcuse me while 1 OPENING MAY lst ARTHUR R. EARLE Fitzgerald, of Tilton, twenty·SIX , giggle) The crowning querv CARBONEAR, . April 28th.- grandchildren and many other wa did I think most marrie;l 1 The sudden _pas~mg of Arthur relatives and friends. pe~ple lead satisfying· lives? 1R. Earle on. Apnl. 21st, brought Funeral was held from his Jud in from the number of i sadness to h1~ family and a host )late residence on Wednesday rt'gl g 'tt n b m&rriage , of friends and relatil'cs. Art 1 Rev Fr. Joaeph O'Brien con· a .tc es wrl e • • Y 1 .was a likeable chap, his ready I ducied the funeral obs~quies ~md~nce ths~e~lahsts, . ~roul~0 Ismile and obliging ways marie ' and Interment was In the R. c. Jmagme a. or ~ maJOrl Y a ropy of :-TCA's-- : him a favourite. At school he cemetery To the bereaved rela· ll.eople mamage lS a. calculated :\eclllecraft was a good pupil and keen ath· lives we' tender sincere con· nsk .based on ~ temp?rary ~t- EJilGliSH 110let~ patterns lete but unfortunately his edu· dol trr.clion that m1ght (If you re in thP hook - catloo was Interrupted by a 5e. ence. luck~) outla~t the first couple s~~\.\.Y \.UNN £nricheli Flour r llrsign.~ that you vere coronary condition, which b of k1ds! Cymcal? I suppose so order: crochet, confined him to his bed for 0 ituary . . . but In the case of women 1 cups F\ve loses 1 cup mille ·>roirler,·. huek , about twelve months. especially, one could hardly tsP· salt 4 tbspl· buHer ,.,. nolh. I Undaunted by his condition ..___ ~all. en~les.~ ~ousehold chores a 1 NEW OFFICE and with a fervent desire to MAC RUSSELL sallsfymg life. 1 tbSP• sugar 3 ell9'• sepai'CIIed conquer hi saffliction, he after· CARBONEAR, April 28th.- If, In order to qualify 11 I Powder 4 tsp•· bak n9 • In . i wards attended business school ~ews of the accidental drown· an "Insider" I have to de­ • Rub buHer lllo "' II In St. John's and obtained his ing of !\lac Russell, son of Mr. veiop a taste for TV, foot­ • three hmes. 'k ·ft d"" Ingredients &eat e911 yo• s • book-keeper's certificate. In end 1\lrs. R. A. Russell; of this ball heros, rude and badly· S' • ' • of f\ngen. September last he took work town, shocked the whole com· brought up ebi.ldren and vul· t"" blender or tips . • dry ingredients. 1n the with the Avalon Telephone Co., munity. Mae was drowned while gar chrome plated auto­ pas • , 'lie 011d shr "' • 10 St. Johns, where he did sati~· fishing in a pond near Le\YIS· mobiles, the by all mean1 ltloroullhly, odd m~ ed egll whit~ pour ill., : I factory work until the closing porte ·on St. George's Day. • label me an Outsider. If, to be fold In stlifly wh•PP 30 minutes at 400 f, ; ' hour of the day of his demise. Deceased was well and favour· on the Inside looking out, I If tillS· &alee . Ye~, Arthur Earle was a cour· a~ly k.nown here, co~lng h~re must nurture a sl.aperlng buHered mu Ill • ~geous young man, his example with his parents when m bi.s late ! sta"'?'·eyed attitude towards as a true christian, his deter·! teens he made many fmnrl~, ! mamage, religion and poll· NEWFOUNDLAND mination to carry on, in spite ; many of whom had. followed h1s I tics, then I'll stay on the out· of difficulties, leave behin4 him :climb in the. bu~mess life of j side forever! This recipe is one of hundreds ' an example which anyone would : our Island With mterest. For : Another question that amus· do well to follow. ! years he was an em~loyee . of ed me was "Do you believe I • Left to mourn his 'passing are I the Bank of Nova Scotia, servmg there's no ~thcr countrv where to be found in the re,~ised, • • his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses ~s manager of two or more of you could live as happily?" If. · Earle, three brothers, Clarence 1 ~ branche~, the~ he severed I answer "no," I apparently do illustrated Five Roses Guide ' at Manuela, William at Port h1s eonnecti.DD wt0. the Bank not regard myself as fully be· HOTEL Saunders and Jack at home; and accepted a position as ~an· longing to the society in which to Good Cooking. aeven sisters, Mary (Mrs. A. ager of Lewisporte Whh odlesa ~trhs, I live. Not to the particular Broomfield) and Doris (Mrs which position he el at e . d h' Roy Moore&) at St, John's, and time of his death. psychologist :ovho concote t ~~ \Send for your copy TCA announces the opening ~f a new b J M'ld d Mae Russell was a frlendlv set of questions anyway. An rlghl now. Jut Mad rl nCha, rlB atrl ara, toyche, I ret chap he had two loves apart o!her psychologist, seeking to oHice in St. John's. Open daily for ticket. an s ne, a orne, o • . . + discover whether I was well or mall your nam• I whom we extend deepest sym- from his family, the great ou.· b dl d. t d t J'f ld and addrns and sales, reservations and in.formation on air : pathy. doors and children, children re· a Y a. JUS ~ o I e, wou : 0 50~ to:- travel anywhere in the world. · The respect and sympathy of turned his affection. and h~n· rr~b~b.l~. ~ .~nt~ .. the ~o~rrrsmlf ! F. M. O'leary Ltd., · the comlnunity was shown in , nreds of children arr. m?urn~ng .ns"hete 1 Y1e. · ~ndt ebl c : 51. John's, Nftd". : the large number who altennr

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lVorltl ·~,velzLs· ·Jn. ·Pictures.. ' • .. '

~EW YGlRK--Ka1man Oswald means to keep spring long after the cherr:· blossoms he is painting up ,n . . . w. Germany-Ann:;tas Miknyan. Soricl Firs! Deput~· ~rim~ 1\linis!er. is ~hown (ce.nt~r) Central Park ha\·e fallen. He is using blui.o;h·pink pint for the bi•Noms

. .,~· .' ,;. . ~~.. :.~. ' WASHINGTON. D:C.-Five Russian \'elerans. \\'ho met U.S. soldiers at the Elbe Ri,·er for a historit handshake 1:~ years ago called at the White Hou:;e anc~ delivered a giant cc:cmonit cla~s con· .$2,500.00 ~;ion and .. 52,200.00 'rice 1.100.011 . . Sl.'r.'Ml.DO ... 5900.00 n . -~1,5[>).00 .. 51,100.00 . $1400.00


~LL Ltd. ~L 8·0031

'~any.-:-West Gennan Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (second from right) is shown as he "cniiucrs~~t lu·s~ Deputy Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan tsecond from left) in the Palais Schaumburg. AUGUSTA,· Georgia-Pres!dent EisenhDwer chats with Re\'.- ·Ch<1rles H. Gibboney. P~tpr of· 'Reji Alnb:n off1ce. At left is Soviet Ambassadorto West Germ~ny Andrei ~mirnov; West German Memorial Church 'in /w:;mta \'i!:.::re. the Chief Executive attended Sunday sei'\·ic~s." He i~ in A,tigust; . ~ten!rnai:tr ~~r Rolf Lahr, center, and West German Bundestag (lower house) President Bugen for a golf vacation.-tl.N: .Photo). · ,, . ' ..•t.-(I.N. Photo), _

·. ~·-


I toe

TOROSTO rLO~JSO STOrKs Br Thr C:~nadl1a Prr•• ey- Toron!o s:ork 1:-.~ancr-tprll 3" , L O•u !10 261\ 23 H +4 l.UR BOARDIN\ HOUSE c--.()d~ lot, xd-~x-dlvldrnd. xr-Ex· . L Shoro 645 4T ~ 470 + 15 ri~ht1. x11·-Ex-warrantr.1 ' L Wan 1000 21 21 21 Harbour Grv.c C , lQuo:atjons tn cr Ch'cr 1 Lollcll ~ 148 138 147 + 10 14 • 1 Lrncourt dOOO R nt 8 .,. 1 North High 3 T m·ont·O ;u mes I t~m~~ s: ~~~; ~~~.• 1~ 11 - )'CBterday afi Akallcho 20QU :,a 53 53 ' I ~locc.na 2000 2~ 282 285 the Board of Govet l l ; Lornao wts &00 30 30 3D H \lb. E PI 1000 overruled a Allam ' • $1~\1 16'• l~'• • '• 1L1·ndha1 490 21 2 20 - 1; Altom wll 72110 m MO 570 , 20 Mocflo 18!00 81; Mi 8 - lo :,.. .••••.•• Point conccr~ Amal Raro 8MC1 45 4l 4l • 5 Lvnx 300 911 m 9\i • lo Annai Bidrop 4000 18 17 IS + 3 S Minda 4000 7 7 7 - \1 was considered. Bonville 3000 '>• 5 5'i -1 N Mylama 4M2~ 19 15 II +2 "YE:sterdltY afternoon Bousead 4300 IO'i 9 9 -1 Newnor · ~~ T\1 811 T Boucan ll'Wl 37 37 37 Nick Rim 10100 as 80 15 +3 considered but Bo)'mar 115~0 10 a• 1 9 Nir:u!nJ 2100 149 142 149 +I by the Board nralOrnt 4:.\ 600 595 600 Nor;:old 9000 8 e 8 + 1.~ Broul Refl '2551 53 51 53 t 1 :>orlortlc 1000 II II II + "' so Harbour Gr Branaman 1500 ~ 1 I ISormrlal 1200 245 240 2~ -10 tlte 1958 Higl Bunrswiek IM 240 240 240 +2 :>orpax MOO 20 19'1 19\1- \1 .. Rullad 2500 ~ 1 g :>1 Rnnk 390 5 41 5 +2 champs · of Co , ·Bull RL 1\100 7 7 7 1 :"\orthop &550 315 305 310 ra~le 1223J :U"z 29 3~ .-3 Nonp A wll 550 21! . 215 215 -5 for 1958. I t:amr Chlb ~50 ~ 4!10 ~10 - to I Ob11ka 1000 10 5'> 5'1 + 11 The Soper Trophy, f .. camr RL 1300 !7~ 550 gg5 • 20 ' O:am• 2000 ! lo e Camr RL 13om !l 11 IJ 14 .) Pro"'" ~i5l'O.-t'Q' 211~ 2!'10 2~1 2!..1~ ~-J Qur Cop 1100 26 %4 21 t'G Arrow 3000 24 :!J 24 • 1 Que Lab 3300 7 6 7 c Ham,.·ell 28900 28 ~~ 28 -3 Que Lllh 100 Slo ~10 510 -5 C~lorben .:5lO 3o 29 30 -1 Que ~Inn 1000 13 13 13 C )lnrru• 1:>10 34 53 53 • 2 llunston 150 14 U 14 .Newfound I. Con ll S 830 Sl7 '"• 11 • '• Quemont 305 BOO 795 795 -l C ~~o~ul sou 1~0 116 118 -2 llo~rock 2300 8b 86 85 C :'11orri~flll 2301.1 19 ~~~ 2 t312 ,. ~ 2 Rtstpar 7000 71 65 71 -+1 c :llo•hrr MO ll l3 5l Rjx Athab 2100 34 34 )I -1 Services Con ~rtul 11:1133 38 3.; J712 +21 2 , Jtuche 12000 14 13~~ 13\)- 1,.; ·, C l'mlt 1167 12 12 12 Rork"·ln 16()0 32 30 30 C Red l'nt• 3"'" 9 H'' ·•'•- 11 St Michael 3000 9 9 9 tl PASSENGER NO C Ur;<'llllrl 2500 1J 13 13 San Ani 440 50 49 50 C Sonnnrm 5000 8 A 8 + >2 Sond Rlv' 5300 14 mi 14 + ~ ST. JOHS'S LEWLt;l no ~ud 131:0 73 72 73 .-1 Sltorrltt 3675 100 395 39~ c Tun••t•n o;lo t:•, 12 12 ·'• Sl;ma 300 450 450 450 -s .... · .. SERVlCE III.V. DOS) Cop 'orp 1000 :o 20 20 - 11 Sll MUter 12BOO 12 5t 60 -3 · M.V. Bonavista for COJlflftd 3000 129 125 125 -1 SIICOI 7800 12 10 12 +t Coulre 100 60 5.!1 59 Sloean VR 1000 5\ii 511 Slil + Iii ports St. John's·Lewis~ Crrs:aur 3000 10•1 10 1~\i • 1; Sldcona 19H 18 lB II - 11 PORT OF SPAIN. Trinidad Britain's Princess Margaret. \rearil F. vice will sail from 11 l'rowpat 10500 9> 1 9 9>1 .- '• Stanltllh 1220 150 147 1541 +J cu,co 79337 19 17 1~ +!'.> StaniRh Wll 1710 83 tiD 12 gown of richly embroidered and seqr .::d satin. is accom: . ·,icd b,· r.:-:~J-~tal Wharf Noon, 1· 0',\ta,on 3000 20 20 20 -1 Sllnrck 5740 258 2.10 252 ~ D'Eidona 1000 9 9 9 Sloeloy 9000 1111 II 1111 1 I llOH1 H5 147 • 5 TaurhniJ 8750 75 75 75 +Z ------· ·-----... --- ·- ·-·St. John's tomorrow t•r t:'"' Sull 1100 175 171 175 .-4 T&urc•n vt 1500 841 15 If -1 t:"'' mn :~66 37 35 31 •% Trck·H 1833 164 110 164 +4 All81o Trl pr 2DD S43 ol3 43 I satada-s s ,:zo 531 31 ~~ I make connection at F;tdr t•h 5!'•(1{1 2Kt 1 !!St; 28',:. - 1~ ~Thorn L 1100 1 'lt 7 --2 Arauo s1oo $17'• 1•·'• m4 IShowin 765 sz.~•, :!.1•, z.~•· ·,. ~ IVith !llotor Vessel for ·.. ~o;t £uJ lOtiO 111 2 11'<:~ Jll,; _ ~" Tiara. 3200 "1 61.1 51,1 :....t Ar&UI 240pr 50 $WI.:~- • 49'-• 49h ~ ~ Slmpaons lOll Sl9~.. 19 1t 19~: :; 3.~ Dr 10"' I f.u•··ka t:.(l{l m, 23 23 -1 Tomblll 12DD 2!1 29 2!1 Ar""' ~;{)pr <1o m 43 o Southam 5n s~o12 lO', I"'' .. ,, l' llRun Placentia Bay. .I t:xpl .\II 300011 I~'• t••• 191, + 1o 1 Towa~ 1000 7~1CUJ4 7~ +I~ Asbestus !ilS Sl8 1.~ li\• :Z8 StePI Can :WI ~ 53 ."i:J . e -{' .-aiL'on fl55 S21'-: 231., :!3lt , U :\1ont 2000 7 8\t 7 AU .. St•el 2ti0 $16', 167• l6'o- \o! Trans C 1'1. 835 ~6 1 i 26 ~•'i ~ li I CONNECTION SOUTI I f'.lro~a)' 2J~I H2 131 1311 · tl Monl 20000 7 .... 7 +I Bail S M, pc lUO $:.!J1:; Zlt-.r: 2P2 I tn Steel :!00 S\Jl.., 13'• l~JI, ,. t:. J.'Pd Kirk ;ou tili 91 2 ti~~ -t lil ! \"andooo '10M '1 7 7 Bank MoDI o90 $12'. 1:;, 42'• ' ~. i Walk Gil' .\20 m 27 ~; I SER\'ICE IJ!IO T '' 1 315 2-1\i z.1 S56 ;;o 2111 ""' •35 1 A (;,,;twin n•, \'rntur.. 121'1 2411 + \1 Rank ss 56 : W•bb Kn•l' ;1~1 300 Train "The Caribou I t'rll 1\jrk 700<1 61 1 61, 612 + Ltll'jolam &00 120 118 120 +I I t'rubl!'\hl'r 92!'! lfil 160 160 -4 \'feedon 1000 19 11 11 -1 ;~~~r~on,e pc~~~ :!l ~ !! +t~~~~~~j!~~ A ~~ ~~~~~ i~:\~ 5ri~! + ~~ ~ nswerst. John·s 5 p.m. Satlll 9 I (;auwm 1300 s•; 9 + ~ 1\'lllroy 2800 72 18 70 C.i;ti;..N111 , i4n ~9 t)5 60 + J ~ \\'Ill W11 11:10 38 38 31 :l''8a ~m sf:,, 3r• 3!,, T '• ·~· Abitca ,;~s.l~~u\, '7 l i. , 3rd, will make conn (i•·tt1 :\lmts 4i~ $1Pt ll'"i lJ3a *''1 , \VUtllf')' :$00 14~ 14 14 -l BCE rpr za $79 79 79 Ang rutp 175 S2l zs ~; _ : BY EDWIS P ..lORI• 1\ .. Port. ~UX Basques I tiL•Ht-x :"'.rt til :.z 1J1.~ 111.• _ (,. 1 Winch JOOO 5 5 5 - \1 BeE 5\opr tso ~''• w; 5111 Ant snd too s.1•, s•. ~·· ·I .. . . . Baccaheu for regul I (iLtult \'K r:ou 691) l'i7S ti!JO .,. 30 II \\'r RRrt 758 140 137 14Df40 RcCEF'osr•P•'t zZ0,,. s4a 48 411 He Pack ,, 100 112•, 1~·. ~~:: -- ;•. ~ltth tclcnston \'1c•.l:::: 'south Coast Serl·icc, I B 5 1 l;l.uit·r ~,;oo 1!10 170 180 -1 rate l.ead 1200 IO 10 10 1ol 10 JO 10 I <.:an [) sur 325 S2i l ~t':: 2:t ~ ., 'J 11nl\'er~al, a rew rrm;.: ..;t l;t<·lln I ran JOO 12 IZ 12 1 ~'1\Brar 12820 19 til_ IJ +II Be Pow xr 1G86 S37~i Jil.2 3;~, - :s., Cdn row ztn. !:'"• ~ :1 I t.ohl F..:t..,:le 50 tit:~ ~ 1 t.La .,. '-' · Yukeno 31:47 S 4'7 44\ -1 Cat Pow :; Wl\> sa•, 68>1 - !1 c rartr 23n 531'1 w, l1'• ii are in orrlcr. SOUTII CO.\ST SE l~lllt1 '1an ~~~~~ !!l :29 :9 Zenmac: 30500 41 3Rl, 41) -1 Con C•m 41~ SJO 29;. JO Con Gao 511 SJO JO 3•1 - " Q \\'ould \')II '"'·' ' ,,.. s s B II r i l;f' l'r1o" l'oiHI ~>; 9 9 -1 · Zulopa lii()Q 17 17 ' IT -2 Can Ctm pr 537 $28!, 2B~.., Z~'J ! Uom f:nt 102 $19la 1!'1:2 l~l:- \1 - • I • • ar an·n 0 t • nd1 Suus &'Ml H rurtt I 25 125\s 25'• H .. I' ~ ~ ! FndrY 251, -114 i oom Ollclolh t~u 134 Jt about the hcallli i1>p~r•• por~ South t'tJast Sc tJn.~nduc lHlu 121 t:.!O 12ft .;.I 1 \'ukon C(ln 3410 72 II 71 +:1 CI 1-'ndry 411 10n $95 95 9S -3''J , Ford A ~s SiJ iJ n - li! · · ,.,. :\1 n - ·1 f I ,;,··~hk ·~.. ts•, 18 18 _ •• OILS C•n Mall pr 225 $25 :.• 25 + lsi' ~lex t.P trn Sll-'o u-·, ti•, - t; I'ICWJIIg · --. I'> ~. Sal rom th" Oork (iull l.ud IINIO i ';' ; -1 csi~ so u1 Ji 3; !\W Paptr ttoo 524 ::v~~. ~:1r,- \• A-Onl:: :\ f~··,~, ,-;;.r:•''; ·wharf Nnnn, Sfllur• (;unnkr hi~~u 17 lti-'i 1.;J4 - t.t Aemc Gi'l !M)O lA 11 11 +1 C Bk Com l:!ll H.~ 13 .Jj Prem Steotl l20 :l-;G 3.~ J_.n sUhJ'cct '1 h~ inr:\11:, · 3 d I 1 1 I r;unn•r 11" 11120 t!M BOO BOO --.ltl : AJn 1800 70 ;o 70 C: Brew 930 $2!H, 29'" ~~ 2 ._ 11 !\foore l2j Sti9 :.~ fi9' f~ 1 - !, • • <' n, t r • I Htm.J Rnck 28tl00 10 .9~~ !1 1.3 + h ; Am Ll'dur f.200 11 17 17 -1 c Hydro c ~iO s;:~, 7~·.. ;), •. l4! Que Phnnfl 350 SZ1 ~:! 1 ~ ~::!'l- hi TPlcri~ion ilsrlf fipr:; r·· ! Hr;.uw .. y 2.8&1 6 5R .59 ~ J • Amurex 500 210 2R 210 H. 410$ 11•,· 17'< n•, + i; : RM Rear A ~~ m 15 •~ 1 duce ew ~fr~iil. h:tl ,r.:r · CONI'i.:fTION R.\ \' I I lh•:tlh · 2CWI ':' 1 7 1 Anehor liOOQ :2 2tM 22 -1 C lnl Pow 923 $17'• 17 17'• - '• i J1eno1d '" 51~ I~ 1 ' • WEST RUN Pl \('1'~ Hi •h·Bell A om m m Aoamera 1518 187 17! 187 + 7 c Jnl Pow pr 265 S·-17~-i 4i:l• 4jl., T t, Is c Pow 6 pc ~0 StJ(1z ll11:! l:'lP-: ; complain tJ! fatigur lf" .. ·.. llollln(cr m 22_ 21'• 21'• -'• Ballrv SA 3:15 BOO 7P 0 BOO •40 ~dn Oil 182 S2Wo 21'• w, .,;, IT Fill A o·; ~7 3.~'• ~1 •>; l~tirel_,. short pcriorl• of r. Rt'gula.r 8 ~.m. tt•a .,I llud B11y 47 mot, l'oS l'o- '•OO Boll S 5'• 200 121'• 21% 2m t ,. CPR 1335 $24'• 23'• %4\, + ... 1T Fin 5 25 3•0 3 •• 3 •0 1 S Wnt Slt'k'l 901 ;a.,a il• 7•• .. \ll 1 Bata 1000 f~i S',l 6J,i - ~ ~dn Pet nr too SJ4V, 14'< 1m + v, I Trans ~~~ 1195 ll'a 49 5!'• .3•• i ing. It has been pou: o,· r t. Johns, ~tond~y_. lnt Ran 22 %7 23 %7 , 3 1 Calolta 1600 52 52 52 + 1 c \k'lchkers 275 $27 26'• 27 d Un Amsr 8 1310012 ! :., 6. -.3•.· ,' rrolonged sittind ir. r.-.• wiU 'mak.P. connrcltl lnt Ran 2:1800 27 2l ~7 +J Col Ed 200 121 21 21 + Iii Cac s utt zt30 SJOI4 to IOI< Wotermao " • • "' t h Irish Cop 1900 109 IM 109 +4 1 C Oll Lds · 1100 185 1113 1113 -2 cogbt • 1113 S13 · 12'• 12,, msr;s i pcsilions while watd•.: •.: ·gen ta \l'tl ~lolor \' Iron Bay' 300 170 170 170 I cs 011 wll ~ eo 7~ 75 -5 : +% : sion can produce scr c.' lhPlae Run J Waitt too 14 14 ll Cdn All ou m 415 405 m +10 g~m~~nt 93~ :fl,, \:, 1 U!; 1~~~.. 1 ~~·· J~'• J;'• W('~l 8 ~nrl · Jacobus 1-10 115 111 115 +B C Deca w11 500 11~ 1 1 Cb)' B 50 IS11 11 17 Anthonian 2\1{}0 II II 11 ; latory diEorders in :•:1 Cel\ha a~·. Jaye ~;•pi 9500 63 II 63 -2 Cdn De•· 3950 5~ 5~5 530 Ds S!l: 26;) rS26'> 26z 26% + " ' Baker Talc 640050~ ~· 2o 2fi -I '. Tltrcn C3'.c·. }1,'1\'e lJ•· I' ·,·.:. Jranrllt 2500 9!1 9 9 -1 c HIJh Cr 1000 31\1 3111 31~ +1\ii D ooBrdg 375 5~2 22 22 • 10 . llond Ore v 4 4 4 I " ' ' CONNECTION I;R~ ~:~:: ~:0 }a'"" ~8 1! - 11 c Homeatd 918 m 181 !B! +1 D Cl pre lll5 suaw,a 11 "' 11, 4 _ ' Bateman ;oo 19 19 19 in which blood clots i::, · • SER\'(Ct; K•rr Add 7369 SIBIL ta 4118"- c Huaky . 2m Ill~ 1014 ll\4 + Iii D Coal pr m $11>, IIV< 1114·- 1; I Beatrice 3500 5 5 5 'ed in the blood \'C'. "':< Jf:i ,. n + V. Ho1tcy Wll 780 505 495 505 K 1 ll•mbe 1100 195 192 192 -7 C PrOApect lim 170 170 170 ---~~~~~~~~~~~·~nt~CICI~~~~~~~~=~~~~E~~~~::::~-,.:._ D FndryCnnrt 3oo25 $29$111.< 29w, 2914'4 1IUunnFI• Bornltt 6il)(IIJ:;oo 2017 17Ul : :!tl17 .p,·11.;.: pntients had sat in ..•. Train "The (.aribo. Kll•m wto 600 50 50 50 Cdn W 0 214t t5 t 95 +7 __ llom Slnre• z2o $l9t; lB 59,, , nou•rad ;oo1 9'' 9'z ~·, • '' · • • 1 · Tl " · Sl John's ~londay. 'I Kirk Min m 4l 44 44 -2 Cent Del - · lDom Tar 9U St2•, 12.., 12•; 1 Calumet t5oo 6 • " • pustllons w~:,'· ung will niake connection LabkeradColrn 450 115!11 15'i 15% + ~~ ' Charter OU 2045 7411 715 730 +20 c AUmbH 151 • I I Quoalo 100 9\) ...... + 11 D Moen•• 1175 110 10 10 Dom T•xl 1:!5 ,, 8'• H'• Cdn II•' '"' 53U 5Ju _... •. 10 Q-1 am •• rllld h•· • I '"""rle IVith ,, . i La 1200 100 100 100 Com Ptlt 100zoJIO 2001552 ~10 t:ll I 1 10 1 1 ~lot. C Mlc Mae 100 250 SSp !50 +! Rtof Expl 1000 811 ~li ~\o -1 D Sl•el 3W $19\1 19 19 -1 Dow Urew zl'i >:<5 3o 3; c l.itluum 5 "' ' "' · '' ~I n IIIJI !l I • rv ' or e Ccn Peak 146i 7 7 7 +I Ricbwll 20.10 120 m 120 lnl•nd 10UU S6 5'• 5• - ... f!u !'mot ""' SIB'• w. 18\i ~ '• c;anala•k 3tJOO u ~~ " ' I'' .. y ~a att er "'" ,.. ' :·for the Green Bay s, ewe It Pete 500 71S 710 7!5 +a Rocky r ~33 10 9~i 10 Nor Star 550 Sll 13 13. I" •.am PJay 11~ sr.·,.., l'j J71. ~ h t_anur~ma .'-.UII -jl) .au .... (·d :-llll'l' tht• IJ:rlh I •• , .• . 5 Cree wta 600 178 175 175 -3 Reynlllt 500$11 •• lllo ll'i + lio l'bina x ....· 2ti00 SN 6'~ 7 + 14 toundatn zj Sll 2< 2~ 1 ( •nt ll:lll ~-··' ' ':inti I should like lo ; n. JOHN'S-CORNE .Io:x.celsior ~000 52 46 50 -s Sapphire 100 61 81 61 Simp1ons 432 , 19 19 19 ! Fraser 1llJ i:.!~ "l~ :!~ C:hunn.m -ltJI''' 3 ~ ~ .,~ _"·j YOU CAN MAKE YOUR MONEY Dev-Pal 8310 1211 125 128 Sapph deb• 7ti $30 30 Jl1 - ISledmon """ 129 211 • ;; g•nn,[J•au 2UJ ... ;; J.,., + 1.; '''" ,; ' -l j; an)' d:mgrr ill l . SER\'ICE 1~ ':<~1> I ~ l'uuu"~" 11 1 Duvex 1500 7~ ·n:. 71h- ~ Scurr)' 700 194 192 192-2 IWalk('n 3i09 S2i~4 21Fa 2nf. + 11, :en ..rnam uu ssa. 5i ~5 .._: Iknj:-uu 1" l-ilt ~~:-~ t..t·~ .. '"· l..'hildr~·n.·-·:\lr~. H S S' N th R Farao :.!67.5 &90 57S m +2Q Seeur Frte 2150 440 .U5 440 -~ 1'olal llllu: 2141 (J(I(J .. I UIIl' lUll $Jl•, 34'; "''- ., ltvl••" '""'' ,; ,... ,, ' A--If yuur 11<·~llh regular ports St. J~ GROW FASTER BY EARNING = 1 Home ou A 80 $15l. lSI;I 15~ +" sr,ooner 2500 221.~ 21\2 :221,:. + 1'.:1 I Illume O~J A ll:Ji $15·:"' lfll, t5J, .. 1'J !Uillt' . :/I() ~~··· L:\•,. l:.·.t. ... " ~ou~L I dt) nut ~(l(' B k . 'II Homt 011 B 888 Sl5~o 15 15'i + % s anwrll 2000 72 n 72 + I MOSTilt'AL cLo•tNG sto~s ""'~•. ou B '~' Sl5 '" IJ f:'"" u:1 !u~'" " 11' • " .t roo servtee WI sa H B 011 G ' 350 ·~~- 16'i m• Tex Cal 20300 56 51 5.1 +2 . . . en H Smllll !55 $2; !; • l<~kun ,,,, ~"'' 2.1', "'' should ht• alii' S11l'('i;11 Dock Coastal Wh ~.. 1100 '7 •7 •7 -1 Tr c !ln.n "" til' a.: . s, The Canadian Prt>SI llud D:tr fUll ~.tl" 'UI ~ ..\J.- l:o J'·mo lOt~ -1 .; ~ -·1 r I . a· H.mJumpPIId 1!100 2t zt 2t tri!~' 011 an BOO 4ss '4so ~ • 'I All!llbl ~6\, llud Bay Min ~~~~-~Imp ID\' A too ·s~:.: ·B·,: '"• ·- '• r~'""" :c<• s:. s:. 5:. urtl•'l' pn·gHam·y ,., . K~nday, lila)· 5th. Jupiter 400 219 215 ZJ9 Un Oil• lO:"IIJtt 187 18..! 46Q +10 Ablt pr ~~ Imp 5111 1 '!old Au 1000 22., 22 ~2 . -1 : Q-1\'ould \'011 gi · ~· t 3000 32 300 1 N Brlalal 52800 7 4 4 -3 w Manlll 300 17 !87 17 -3 Brazil 6 M c'ou lnt N•ckrl 640 r.o 69'< 70 + "' t.unnar ~;: ~~~: .:_ ;~:opinion about larync:· ,, FBElGUT ST. JOHN N Cllamb 100 112 112 112 +2 W Ccbt OG 1841 liB 166 1!6 -2 c Cement JO N ~~- cor :• 1"1 Paper 127 S891> 89!.; 891> - 14 : Hollinger 1351~ ~·· l 4 : troubl~s me e\•erl' Iince 1 · BROOK SER' ~ C:~l•• 'l: ~ ~ ~ +2 W Deoalta 2100 !55 153 155 +2 C ement pr 281\ Noranda 3811 ~=: b~te : !:!:1' 36'oa J6'!0- li • ~~~u"...dd 1500 IBI< 18 181' 1 I • I' CANADA K ., KQI lie tl W Dec wll 4200 :15 fi i: !3 c Steamahlp 37 Price 37 lnlfr PL 210 ;:;1.., ~~~ ~~.,. j Labrador 200 13,, 151, 151: _:: ,; cold-A. F. I. . reight for regula 0 100 111 111 11 11 1 NC , . :w Yu Cu 17S~AM~~ c::'B Com ~5 ':' Pow 311!! JamAica 200 129 29 29 Hll Llngside 200\J 4 4 < 1 A-The larvnx. (lr '· "'" JOhn's-Corner Brook 011 200 340 335 911 71 15 65 1 2 NCO wto 100 150 110 ISO +I llonl !lila CPR rew :••'• oyaJ BIDk ~ • MacMill B 25 S26 26 26 I Morrill 6()0 '- ,2 - .. 1 . lies in thP thi·oal, anrl 1! · eluding WILD C( NCO pr 220 131 :10 31 +1 MOIII 252 tulil 4:1'1> 421; + \0 !0',· Rcyallto 11\o ~!au Har 132' p~ m 711 Mld Club 2000 ll 41 • - 1 Okalla 370 120 liB 12 NS 237 15 se 56 + ;. ~~!~;~~! 1. ~~ ~~~orp n•, Mass Har pr zJ5 SsG'• u•, 86, Mugallor 51)1) to to Ill thi~ stmrture thai , 500.< ~loopre 201 .16 ss " • I ' •t I k' em R Pan Wut IlliG· 29 2!1 21 +7 Tor·Dom 42 + Oom t• 22 53 Mmey pr zlO $-17 47 4 Monlgory 7211 10 611 6R ··J '· IC I as spca ·mg or ' anger accept' ~7 tu~ 42~ ~ 1 ~lee! 7 Permo pr 7140 184 155 114 +I mnrsraiALS Fou 4 " ~r n Sift! 1314 Mont Loen 400 st& lll!t 151!1 x Formoq 3oo : i ThP riru N M)'lama 5000 11 '1 17 '' 1:•, ~I C:tllsi' colds or other i1:'· day and tomorro1v, F' FOR ANY TERM OF FIVE TO TEN YEARS Pro•o · Gu WO :15 141 t10 C Brew 415 t2!111 29V. 29;2 + !,i 100 • Aprll30b N 511 Car z2.1 $20 20 20 S Pac Cllal 2500 124 m m -5 ------·-----;_;;_;~. Noranda 235 S38~l 38 v.. 38\ii N Sanuaao 2u 7 7 7 can. and often do, scnir · to. 5 p.m. • INCLUSIVE. Mn.n"'""nal Olllvl• 75 S3o 30 3o N Vlllray 5 4 · 4 2~ + 1!t arpa and produce h•1a:· v 1.11 ~ Pac Pelt 150 Sl6h t~7fo t6lil + '' II! ~prln& 26900 27 25 and other ·gns of I.".. ,·.. · 8HI.PPER. S PLE.•.• Patr·llero 25 SilO no 110 • IN ~ ,nray 500 4 • 4 + " 51 " " 4%% FOR THREE AND FOUR YEARS. M IJ The Caoadtoa Pr... Powell R 305 529% 29 29 ~4 + 'II ~w Amulr1 500 10 Ill 10 Under such circum 31!1 3110 + 'h Obalskl 5500 10'' 10 I - \1 J • ~._ t 0 t . Met Roe AV can 11142 113\il 'IJ~'< 131, _ ,, Okalta -10 116 m us -5 tis keeps coming back :1: ....,- _1;111ran ee m1 OUR ·DEBENTURES ARE EASY TO BUY FRtiGHT SAILINGS · Stook lllea BIJII Low ctou Cb'l• Roe pr 50 199 71• 9910 991> _ ;, Po to 20 29l 295 295 -5 qucnt intervals or prr,:;:; ·~~ tnp of tlte S.S. 952 6 6 1 AND ARE AN APPROVED ~t~~~~ pr i: :v. ~~ ~v. t ti ft:~·~:•;:t: ~ :gJ% 3~~"' 4 ~ 1'- lit 6:~~:. ~ ~oo ~oo ~ ~is long. some other causr n11'"4"' ght must be at E M.S. "BEDFOBD D" ~~oma 4TO 1241> :HV. 2m + ¥o Royallte 200 Sill> m; nli - o,; Pato 200 295 r.l5 295 -5 suspected and an examinal;· ~d not lalcr than 14 14 TRUSTEE INVESTMENT. HALIFAX • ST. JOHN'S AI~~ nr ~ :m ~~ :m + ~~ i:J 111 ~~~ 'g ~11 gv. + ¥• ~~~~~:: ~ ;~ ~ ~ ~~ this area is then strongly·_, Thursday. Leaving Hallfa1: ..:'::::t5....:.:1.!:.:.111:.:._::5t:::I1:....:11::11:..:+.:111::.:.:S:::•:II::d•::·S:._:A:..__;50::_.::136:__;3::6:__:36:._,::+3 1'itt Gold 5000 4 411 41'1 ht • A_•_r_Pu_,ll>~P_r Poreuplne 500 9\2~ 9 9 mmen~cd." F retg . W1 11 be WRITE OR CALL 10-DAY May 2nd .....· ...... Due St. John's May 5tit rorta'e moo 37 35 37 +2 Q-T am 43 and h.1re ~' ao May lOth ...... Due St. John's May 12th rrovo no 230 2.1 :zs shots of l't't"mt'n R for r' I~ the Railway Frei1 n"""'• 5B~M n 65 71 +fi " ports lh May 20th ...... ; ...... Due St. John's May 22nd ISbcrritt too 390 3~o ;oo -1•' in my hack. Ahml' a ' ~n ~ May 28th ...... Due St. John'• Mav 30th F~rness, Withy & Company Ltd : S.oqo R ;1<111 Q9j 89j t9• +S :Jft~r r starlc~ fakil': ;:.,· ' ineludtng F June 6th ...... Due St. John'• June Bth ·r "·" ~~~· " 1• •• • 1 CoaAhm St. John'• Titan 35Pn 46 4.1 4~ -3 I noticcrl a ~li!!ht ~r,.·· ,,. , ~ ans co~ :The Eastern Canada Liverpool S&. John'• Boston llallfaz M.Pl. "BELLE ISLE (IP j ·::~~~~~~~ ]~~~: u;~ lR~ JR~ ;. 2 on zny f;u·r. Cnul~~ tr:; .. HALIFAX· JOHN'S 1 1 ST. to to Hfl& to to to \·:ilflr L•lh le)N li :z: t;•2 ~"''·~ ., ':.r an~·thin~ to rio \rith :l:r • Leavlnl Hallf11: \'enturu J(lu $2t 24 :~ 1 \·dn.cuard • liZOu J.i:j, 15'1 J5l 14 s tots7--:\1rs. L. n April 29th ...... Due St. John's May 1st St. John'• BeNton Hallfa1 St. John's Liverpool r;r~lnia 1000 I~ 16 18 A-H ~('Cnl~ 1110,, ::·•'.1-r'; May 7th ...... Due St. John's May 9th Savings And Loan Co. ~::~:rne · ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ +l thr· l'il + IS me mr on )'our facr. ••• Q-1 have been in Ihe t. "Newfoundland'• May u May 21 May 27 May 31 Jne. 2 1 lm1111dlate eleara11c:t . S.lu to closo: Indutri•ll 13.500. with what has been diagnr · For per dlreet aaWqa. ''Nova Scotia" May 28 Jne. 4 Jne. 10 Jne. 14 Jne. l!l miD•• NOW READY TO SERVE For. rate1. apace and otller lnform~tlon apply: and oils 4.15,11()Q. auricular fibrillation. W,. "Newfoundland' Jne. 14 Jne. 21 Jne. 27 Jly. 1 Jly. 3 you kindly <'Xplain litis 8 ~ NEWFOUNDLANDERS HARVEY & CO., LTD., Genara/ Agents: Dial 27 51 -~Irs. A. p p.m. R. N. COLE Special •Representative, St. John's, Persons contem.Jtating passage to Europe NEw 1·oRK ctostso stocKs / \ n· · · rli•' I. • Br Th• raoadtn Pr.n t -. ns ts. the nam<' ~n , . AT Dial 2207 · should make bookings well In ad1·ance. , Beth Si,«l 3~ , Keoneoutt 66.. Ont• ktnd of trrt!gular !it•;irl . Bor~dllorner 261, Montr w 35', 11 is a s~r·tous coudilion or to C an 0 551;.2 NY Cent ts•, I ,; ~' 164 WATER ST. AIR PASSAGES ARRANGED BY: B.O.A.C.. K.L.M.. PAN I1cono Edison 54 Radio Corp 32 · does require the use of care~ THE ROBE~T. REFORD COMPANY, LTD., Agents AM~RIC~N AIRWAYS, SCANDINAVIAN, T.W.A. and con F.l Auto FJ :6•o Sid Oil ~ I m, J d d f • enl 0 'PHONE 3335 P.O. BOX 175 necllng Atrhnes. , G•n F.t•• ~·· Uld Alr~,; 11 6 ~, . c 1(t~en rugs an rrQ•t , ' ' MONTREAL and TORONTO linort,····r 73'· ~-.n.dlum 29 I ,.alion. Tt rna)' or n,a,· no. HI:AD OFFICE ' HAJ.JFAX. N.S. 'Gt ~or R~· 36'• \l ..tnJn 58'• asso~t'at•~ -·tth oth•r fort11~ I Consult us reQardiDi your travel problems. j IDI T and T m 0 .. ell " c , -----·------~----~------~ heart disease. 11

THE DAILY Baseball Roundup ~ts· Grace Wins 1958 ockey . Cha.mpionship 1 Barbour loi'<.•:C l. of E. 1 hc1al ICC st;-.~hum and through· I School hot· key team were i out the season a great improve· chan1ps of the Conccp· 1 mcnt in the calibre of play of aa1· North lli~h Sehoul ' nil playcl's was noticablc. The · 1 r~trrd~Y afternoon spirll ol good clean competition n1c ·aoard o! tlo1·crnor• of was very -evident and wllh such lracue Ol'rrl'lllcd a .protest the !llgh School tca!'ls of Con·

colrl·'• roint cunccrntnll the 1 cephon BRy North w1ll be offer·. · '(;race 3·2 l'ictory in :in!! uthcr mr·in hockey centres >ccond ~amr of the llebt of ! throu~:l~uut t.hc province lots of scric,. compchtlon 111 a few yeRrJ time. Gn·~C mrt Colc:··s ; CURTAIN DROPS in two ~ames of the th1ee , L . , ... · and took l'ictury : ast n1 ght s exlnb11ton game t~~r~~intrrs in both con· i at. the Harbour Grace Stadium 1'h · 1 k their first win i brmgs down the curtain on · r) n~hl bl' a 4·3 score' hockt\Y at the Stadium !or this T •d~ 1. ni.nht bv a 3·2: ~cason but it doesn't mean that vnb t11Tr••• • a,· t~inht'~ "a me 'the doors of the Cy Moores u 0 '· 11'· ~ "' P I " 'II b I d t'l ·I 0 b1· Cole,··, Point: a I'.C Ill e c ose un 1 • P:~:ic~~ cof ihc rcfrrcc and h?ckey . rolls around again. . could not be placed · \\ or~men were scheduled to t~ro~~··ians heads until the :start today in getting the ice off c II'~; considered. i and as sobn . as this !s don~ afternoon the pro· · contra7tors ~Ill start 1mmed1· omider~d but was not · ately Ill puttmg down a $15,000 :,. thr Board of Go\'· j floor which should take from A HAPPY TEAM: The Mammy's Bakery hockey team beam for the DAILY NEWS camera at the Com· 5 ~ Harbour Grace was . three to four weeks to com· mercial Hockey League's presentation of prizes at the Old Colony Club on Tue~day night. They won . the 1958 Hi~h School ; plete. As soon as the floor is I champ• of Conception • lt·ld wrestling promoter Tom I every trophy with the exception of the M.V.P. which went to Paul Bryant of Terra No,·a Motors. m·th lor. 1958. i Dunne will be bringing o\'er his Members of Mammy's team are (left to right), Front Row: Leo Gosse (who also copped the award for Soper Trophy. cmblema· ' mat~en to. pc.rform at t~e Bay I the goalie with the best a\'eragc, Bill Tumcr. Joe Gulli\'er (who won the high scoring trophy), Stan or the rhampion.;hip, was Stadmm Cl ~n week. It ts also to th~ tram lr.;;t night :plan-ned to mtroduce .roller skat·\ Breen (who took the award for the outstanding ( a~·er in the playoffs!. Back Ro\\': Noel Hutton. coach. the Stadium during the play· mg to .the ~rca late~ 111 the sum· Ralph Boyd. manager: Lloyd Smith, Bob Snow, Jim Bradley. Ed Woolgar. Carl Nosewo:·th~·. Hubert oJ an exhibition game be· mer If ;;mtable arrangDIItents . Nixon. Frank Ryall and Carm Bishop, l\Ianagcr. l\Iissing from the photo are Gerry Gulli,·er and Jack the ch:>mph>ns and a cr•n be made. I tram from the t:nited Reardigan. --~------and Roman Catholic which ended in a three fir. The ll.\11.\' :\E\\'S o[ICI's con· ' Senior Hockev iun> to the Ha!'llour squad on annrxing thr hwour:< and al~o rxten!IF of praise to the othcl team,; in I he league. Thil t hr fir;t year the league in a re;:ulalion arti· Newfound land Services

.,. \ '·



•n rrdrr. •. t•n!d ~·o11 ~a~· 'h•• lwalth a~pecb ··· \lr,r:.s •:,··: ~ fd\ ~l;:.pN·t~ ..,,"' hr mduderi ·... ···•·It rlo~s · nnt -·r:,;:'. hut some ,,f fatigue ·: .. or: p1·riorls of ,.,,, fot·rn pointed -~ .":ttim: in .,, h;:r i1althing :•rnd:1r~ .serious :: ·n:·drr.s in the · ,, · ., h;l\'e been ': to:""d clots hac! ; :1~· h~nod \'CS~els , · h.1d ~at in

: •• 11\lif.J h:t~ Uccn . ·•,,· ,,,, th of tl1i< ;., 1:1 ,. 1o knoll' if ·• ... ·,, '" hal'ing !:


· :1 rt·!J:II\l'd. \\ • ·:;11 ynu t;:i\'C me ., about lilr)·ngitis? , ' mr ,., ('n· time I ' ,. I •

' . Th" is the name IIlLI of irr~gular deft) ·receh·es his i\lV.P. award £rom a ~rrinus <'on.dii!OP I Vince Rossiter at the annual dance and prcscn: -Supper Serenade. 11.01-The Best from the West ' t 9 52 • 7 4 10.10-Doris Janes, 6.1!>-Sportscast. 8.30-News. "' J os 6 ~ rfo Q 4 2 10.20-Ruth Harding. 6.20-Supper Serenade. 8.31-Best from the West. l!OUTII A 9 .. ! 10.25-CBC News. 6.45-News. 9.00-News. • • 10 10.30-Muslcal Program. 7.00-Break the Bank. 9.ol-Big Six Program. ¥ Q 6 3 2 8 . I.' 10.45--~lusical Programme. 7.15-Hank Snow Show. 9.15-N!ld. Soiree. t A K 11.00-Fred Waring Show. 7.30-Cream of the Crop. 9.30-Ch!'>pel by the Side of "'A K 3 the Road. No one vulnerable ll.ll)-Parade of Stars. 9.4l)-News. E • 'h W • N rth f.41S-Dosco News. '" s ou. ea. o 11.30-Nf!d. School Broadcast. 10.00-The Adventures of Casa 10 00-N 1 • Double Pass 2 t 11.4KSacred Heart Pr~ Nova. • ews. p 2 NT p 3 NT ..-gramme. .,.. 10.30-C!ub "590." 10.01-Untold ·story. p::: Pas's · p::: · ' Also-UP-1 12 00-Announcer's Choice 10.55-Newa. 10.30-National News. Openinlli lead-• 4 \ ; 12:11S-Dinner Bell Breakd~wn. 11.00-Sporwcalt. 10.41S-Hou~eparty. TIM 12.30-Farm Broadcast. /ll.lO-Forecast. 11.00-News In a Minute. I EVENING SHOWS: 12.45-:l!id Dar Serenade. 11.15-Club "590." 11.01-sporta. By OSWALD JACOBY 1.00-Dilrle Bulletin. 1.00-News and Close Down. 11.111-Houseparty, Newa. I 1.1l)-)lusical Programme. ' 1.01-S!gn Off. THE game was duplicate and 1.30-CBC News and Weather.,· CJON ------'the final three no-trump con· LAST T 1.45-~lusi.:a! Programme. YO us tract fairly rer.sonable. A spade 2.00-Words and :llusic. was opened at all tables and By MERRELL BlOSS: FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS 'THE MJ.~ 2.30-Variations on a Theme. : ------South held off until the third •i 2.4l)-The Hr.ppy Gan11. THURSDAY, May bt. THURSDAY, May 1st, lead. 3.15-For the Piano. 6.30-'Ihe Bob Lewis &now. 8.00-Natlon•l Anthem and Most South players simply ran 3.30-Trans Canada llatlnee. 6.30-Nfld. News. Sign On. five diamonds and hoped 4.30-CBC News. 6.31S-Weather Forecast. 6:J5-Sundlal. against hope that Er.st would let 4.35-Timely Tunes. 1 6.41S-News and Forecast. 0.80-World New• and go of a spade. Needless to say, 11.00-Ch!ldren's Story. •• ~,.. 7.00-News and Sporta. Weather. no !)ne obliged and South had . ' . . 5.1l)-~lusic of the West. 7.05-Local Weather. 7.30-World News and Supply. to lose five tricks . 5.30-Fisherics Broadcast. 1 7.15-What's Conkin'. 8.0D-Breakfast Club. One South player got a better :" . I 5.45-Kindel'garten of the Air, 1 7.2ll-Bob Lewis Show. 8.3D-Herb Anderson Show, l!lea. He knew that this par· 6.00-lntermezzo. 1 7.30-Round the World NewL 9.00-lt Happened last night. ticular East WN a greedy play· ti.:'!:-Programme Preview. . 7.31S-Weather Summary. 10.00-Coffee Time. er and would not settle for a 1 , . I 6.30-Suppcr Guest. 7.45-Nfld. News and Weather, 11.00-Turn Back the Clock. one·triek set when he might do ·-I 6.45-Western C~ra,·an. 1 8.00-Nfld. News. 11.30-Juke Club. better. So South cashed the I 7.00-CBC News and Weather. 8.05-Prov. Weather. 12.10-World and Local New• I ace And king of diamonds and . I 7.ll)-Roving Reporter. 8.11S-Shlpplnfl Report. and Weather. shifted to the queen of hearts . I 7.30-Tops Today, 8.21S-Kidd!es Corner. 12.20-Juke Club Continued. The Idea WAS that East might . :. ·I 7.45-Doyle Bulletin 8.30-Nf! d. Newa. 12.30-H!llbilly Matinee. play him for two di&monds ouly 8.15-Home and School. 8.31S-Weatber Foreeut. 1.00-Behiod the •Story, and uld off that heart lead, i' 8.4e-l\lus!eal Program. 8.40-Bob Lewis Show, 1.1l)-0ne Man's Family. Unfortunately for his scheme, ! 9.30-Prairie Playhouse. 8.41S-Mornlng Merry.go.round. 1.3o-8trlke it Rich. East went right up with the BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By EDGAR MA~ I 10.00-Business Barometer. e.D~S-Mualc for MUlloDI. 1.4~rand Central Station. ace and settled for the one-trick ·' 10.30-Portrait of a Woman. 11.30-News In a M!nuta. 2.00-New Yorkers. ~et. You see, East knew that I 10.40-Citizens Forum News. 9.31-Westward to Music. 2.11S-:March of Events. South held another diamond. I lo.411-Vancouver Chamber 9.45-Laura Chilton. 2.00-Robert Q. Lewis. How did East know? East &nd Orchestra. •0.00-Newa In a Minute. 3.00--Ebony and 1\·ory. West were using the defensive 11.30-CBC National News. 10.01-l\lartln's Corner. 3.05-!lluslc Room (con!.). echo to show an even number of 'I 10.11S-Golden Madonn1. 3.30-News. cards In a suit. With four dia· TION .. _, 10.3(). ~News in 1 Minute. 3.30-Baseball. monds, West would have played A complete llne 10.31-Startime. 11.30-Check!n' In. I high low on the two diamond AUTO ACCESSOI -. I VOCM !0.4~Eleven for the lltoner. 6.00-News. /leads. As It was, his first dia- always in slot i 10.55-Songs of our Time. 8.05-Spotllght on Music. , mond play was the deuce and DIAL 90141 I THURSDAY, May 1st, 11.00-News In a Minute. . 8.30-News. his second the five. This showed 8.30-N ews and the Breakfast 11.03-Three Generations. 6.35-l\lus!e. three diamonds so East had not Club. 11.30-Honour Your Partner. 7.00-Sports Today. problem. 8.00-Forecast. 11.41S-Swift'a Money Man. 7.15-Bob and Ray. 8.10-Jack Berch Show. 12.00-News in a Minute, 7.30--Hometown News. 8.25-News. 12.01-Town and Country. 8.00-Sports Today. 8.30-H!t of the Day. 12.30-Newa. S.lli-Univcrs!ty Explorer. 8.M-Sports Calendar. 12.31-Town and Country. 8.30-Book Review. Q-The bldudlng has been: 8.40-Breakfast Club. 1.00-Local and National 8.55-News and Weather. North East South West . i 9.00-A Date With DenyL Headline News. 9.00-FBI In Peace and War. 1 • · Pass 2 "- Pass I 9.11S-Betty and Bob. 1.01-Town and Counll'J 9.30-Jack Benny. 3 • Pass 1 MORTY MEEKLE 9.30-Date With Denya. l.OIS-Weather Forecut. lO.oo-'Final Edlt!on. You, South, 'hold: .. f 10.00-News. l.l!S-News. 10.15-New Yorkers. 44 3; ¥K 2; t 7 5 3 2; "-A THE NEXT ONE THAT~ . · 'I 10.05-A Date With Denys . 1.31S-Editorlal Comment. 10.30-Saga, K 9 7 6. THAT 15 GOING 10 GET i 10.30-Burton's of Banner 1.40-5ports. 11.00-Muslc Till Midnight. What do you do? ~UED FOR UNFAIR lo.4s-.A Date with Denya. 1.41S-Art Baker'• Notebook. 12.00--Sign Off and National A-Bid three no·trump. You RE5TRICnON :AST END BAKEB OF TRADE/ .• i 10.51i-News. 2.00-Newa In a Minute. Anthem. have a heart stopper Blld four THE FINEST Bl 11.00-Juke Boll Jamboree. 2.01-What's Cookin'. d!amond1 and only two Uttle CAKES and PAS : 'i . lUili-News. 2.03-The Story of Jane spades. !1 Made in Newfou ... 12.00-Bargaln Jtour. Armltag.e TODAY'S QUESTION BUI O'CBIP 12.15-Ramblln wltb Records. 2.11S-A Woman Confesltl. CJON • CJOX Your partner continues with & ~ DIAL 2161 12.30-News. 2.30-News iD a Minute. bid of four diamonds. What do " 12.41i-Forecast. 2.31-Matlnee. you do now? i ~UILDING MA Tl l.lli-Sportscast. • 3.00-News in a Minute. Answer Tomorrow 1.' 1.30-Newa, 3.01-Western Jamboree. Tv 1.45-Musle Stars of the Cen· 3.30-News In a Minute. TIIURSDAY,. May 1st. ~~~ ETER DAWE, 2.30-0pen House. '1-~s -lk!w ST. and TOP ~~======~~-~,~A:niW::W~to~P;.~:Wo~ua~~---~~-, 3.00-Nursery School Time. 3.11S-Matlnee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~L~~~~~~~~~~~:_ ...-..__,~-~- 1 For all your B1 . Garden StuH . •BARBS ~ ~==~====="'·...;.... __ . , Re4Wrementa 1 UO-Howdy Doocl,. / 80181 - 801 li.o 84 Plvlnl . ' ounsts jlltftlt ' 27Wblrt 411lnest · au~ bus later than usua I. IM Lllfl fll rr-l""''lr"''r-1!-r-. Beginning May 18th. a unique , experiment Is being started at verslty, all of whom recently un IIOecuirat="~ the Hebrew University In Jeru. derwent an Intensive course with salem. It takes the form of a Mr. Rosen to learn the skills I··~IICJnlt lr-IH--t--f-f-1 "1chool" where, during the and methods best suited for tea· coune of one week, tourists will ch!ng Hebrew to primarily Eng • BUGS BUNNY •=: be able to learn 400 • 500 words llsh·speaklng people. 4llutblll club of conversational Hebrew. The A new course wlll start every 41111pjrt I MIGHT AS result shouJ.j not only help to Sunday throughout the summer WELL! WERE'S 41 'l'IDIIImonlll stimulate a dealre on their part classes being held every day (lb.) ·NO SLEEPtN' IN ...,.,.., tocontlnue their studies .on their from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., followed 7N/S..OINT! . ·I return home, by luncheon with fellow·atudcnts u:Umarr, Plans for the "school" were and with teachers. In the after. IIVD:umed drawn up by the Hebrew yn!ver. foon the participants w!ll be Ill Ptltm ;lty's Adult Education Centre taken on tours of Jerusalem and • ., Latlllr together with Mr. Aharon Roaen, Its surrounqings, whilst film· WWker · !Oordlnator of preparatory Heb. shows, dancing and folk singing llllcatteri ..•ew studies for University stu- a~e being arranged for the eve. DOWN Ients from abroad and a pioneer nmgs. · lBweet­ :n the development of Hebrew Canadians may register for llta•aJ• .:mguage teaching m e t h o ds the course by writing the Cana. IMala:ytlan The teachers (39 selected from dian Friends of the Hebrew Unl­ Clllot almost 300 candidates> will be versity, 2025 University Street 'C""''on ·-- _.._..._..._..._..._... YOUDi Israeli students of the Uni Montreal, Quebec. '

./ .... '

1' 19~8 THURSDAY 1958 &round leader played by Stone for his role of the eoura.eous, -L-E 1tJ)·-· w-ITH' . we_ek when they learned from·a body Is spending over $200 a phone calls m&y not mean. a to rescue a nurse played by aalle, athletic and ID!Irt Amerl· .t"a Spectator query 1 was writing day to make you-nervous. thing; it's fairly common. Then Zaa zsa Gabor from the virtual can who outflsht~ and outwits vcttJB J"E'fT the article." That's a lot of money." you say ·people have been harem maintained by the Red Stalin's henchmen. and he has a a' .1& . "You were never ·bothered • She gave her ::.nswer with an around here asking about you. capitol dictator. They undertake the worthy team-mate In Stone, who like this before?'' angry gesture. "Are you imply· Could be you applied for a jolT mission at the behest of the makes an appealing 11 well as by ID. LACY "Can you give me the names lng this is all my imaginaliq,n?" some weeks ago, or opened a nurse's twin slater, who Ia also effective underground leader. of thes~ firms?" "Yes and no," I said c'are- charge r.ccount, and they're Now Playing played by Miss Gabor. In her dual role, Mlu Gabor' --""" 14 ...,. _.,,.._...~ "Of course: Modem Electric, fully, thinking it would be ex· malting a routine check on-" IS TilE The picture. atarts with a has a field day, for the twin ala- Wren & Company. Popular Elec· citing to see her breathe lire, "But I haven't applied for , wrm shocking scene In which Stalin ters she portrays have entirely THE STORY: David Win· IHenderson, w h a t' s Y o u r tronlcs, and Twentieth Century and she looked like she could job or opened any accounts re- ZSA G;\!lOR Is shown w&tchlng with ndlstic different characters and per· tlno, a New York detective, trouble?" Power, Inc. Two weeks, ago I do it easily. "Let's examine cently." __ pleasure while a pretty girl sonallties and she establishes Is ln•rrupted to ulk to a "Since the beginning. of last finished working, for over three your statement calmly. Those (To Be Contl~necl) Girl in the Kremlin," played by Natalia Darryl bas each with equal authenticity. woman who complamed that week my phone has been ringing months, as a typist for Modern '. Fniwrsal·lnternutional pic· her bend shaved to the bone. One scene which shows Holly· she was being followed anti at odd hours of the night and Electric,· to confirm my material •< •" ... ~ > ~· ., ' ' • • I co-starring ·Lex Barker, There was no _fakery about this wood craftsmanship at its best bothered b)! men. Wlndno either nobody answers or a &nd secure data. The magazine Zsa Gabor ami Jeffrey scene, for Miss Darryl actually depicts the twin slaters In a Is surprised to find her !man's voice goes into the most approved an outline and last opens tomurrow at the sr.crlflced a ~eautl!ul bead of knock·down and draii·OUt battle. yonng and nice lool.i.ng, not obscene talk. Various men have week I started my final research 8 Thrntrr. is a r~al blue-black haar to win t.hls role. Stalin Is played by Maurice "eraekpo~." 0 , been t~ the .superintendent an.~ a rough draf~." rlonk·and·dRgger f1lm From then ori the falm pro- Manson, who Ia aided by a re- downstaars. makmg ridiculous Can you ldenllfy the men 8 the' srnsatlonal prem· ceeds'al a lftoeakneck pace, full markable make • up job to give VIII . . inquiries about me. They're also ~ho've moleoted you as. work· 00t J,,·cph Stalin escaped of thrills and suspense, to the an utterly convincing portrayal SHE was using a me~ m1ld been to my neighbors. I know mg for any of these outfits you . 111~ m ~hr Kremlin at the final and actual demise of the ot "The Beat of the Kremlin." perfume. I thought our apl'lrt I'm being followed on the mentioned?" \ ~~ the prrsent soviet Red dictator In a horrlfylnll Other important supporting ment was small but It wa, !!lad!· street. In fact on Monday, Tuee· "Certainly not," she said im· "anen~um·rd his death. · climatic sequence the nature of roles are capably handled by son Square Garden co~pared to day and this morning when I patiently. "They're obviously -· ----·--- ' . involves the ef· which it would be unfair to William Schallert, Aram Katch· this cell.· There was JUSt l'ilOm went to the library-and l!;ter hiring, .• uh .•• private detec· NOw PLAYING , s.on.\mcric n pla)'ed by Idisclose here. er and Michael Fox. for a narrow foam rubb~: couch when I was shopplng-1 have lives, I suppose, to do this.'' 3 • an · a Furopean under· Lex Br.rker Is a perfect choice against one wall, a desk with a been jostled by several differ- "When do you leave the house 0 an' 1 • typewriter between two small ent men," sehe said through the every day? Any set time?" windows, one of. those •ed can· smoke or her cigarette. SHE waved her cigarette as If -:-:;~~~~~~~--;;;;;::::::=:~=~: ~amount vas African camp chairs In front "Exactly what the word means it was a baton. "No special time. r,.... ·,·:·· Pa.L c; of an unpainted bookca~e stuf· -tripped, elbowed, pushed Usually in the morning, some- · ,.._ ~~~~U 1111\1£? fed with books, a coffee tab!~ around." times in the afternoon. De- '!"" \S S 11 ftL I1 piled with magazines and old The last thing she looked like pends upon when I get. u·p." . i • Tomorrow newspapers, a battered file cab· was a neurotic babe. "Having "Miss Henderson, you're sar· ~' -H"X"R"""'b"X"l["'E"f"""INn---- !net, and what had to be the r.ny trouble with your boy ing they have at least one man, [ ''UNDERWATER WARRIOR" world's smallest combination friends?" and most likely two, shadowing . ' sink, stove and refrlger.l'o•. "No, this Isn't ariy so-called you a11 day. not to mention n · 1 Can one man sink 1 battle· Closing the door ~he pnt her boy friend trouble, as you put guy working nights on your f ·. ship' _ Or destroy an enemy hands on her h1ps, asker!. it. I know exactly why all this phone and doorbell. An all·day ... mln~fleld?-Or demolish a forti· ~~~~Inking of buying my place;'' is 'being done." shadow job co~ts about 75 bucks k.: fled harbour? , , , "Impossible! Give me claustrophobia. "Okay, why?" I asked watch· per man, wh1ch means some· ~: Fantastic' Unbelievable'" said Miss Henderson. Where do you lng that wonderful full curve _.. ' TO-MORROW the mllit~ry experts! B~t the want me to sit?" move a little every time abe TO DAY'S EDSELebrity \ V. T. men of the United States Navy's She polnlted at the couch 1 breathed. Underwater Demolition Teams which \\BS covered with a I "Have you ever read the ADVENTURE f... SUSPENSE I,,. ROMANCE! proved the experts were wrong. coarse deep red material. I sat Weekly Spectator? I aupposc , , A d n se how they and she curled up In the camp 1 not" . Mit. J. c. WHUTCitOFT, 108 di~ ~r~: :of~s~~natlneg new mo· chair. She lit a cigarette and "I hardly ever get my noggin : livestock ~change Bldg., Calgary, tlon picture-MG~l's UNDER· I shook my head before she up out of a comic book." Alberta. The WATER WARRIO! Starring Dan could offer me one. It was SHE gave me a warm smile. ease a~~ comfort Dailey! See the fabulous ex· crazy, pretty as she was. "Sorry, I was rude. I'm a free· or dnvmg, ev;n Also - NOVELTY plaits of our Underwater De- She said, "I do wish you'd lance writer and at the moment . rverrou~~au.~, molltion Team heroes on land stop lnspect.lng me - it makes working on an article for the i ~~=t~~~~s ;d~~ TIMES OF SHOWS: , , . under the sea , , . In com· m~ f~el ?as 1£ I have two hea~s. Spectator-~his is a we_ekiy lib· :is a car of superb bat , . , and In love! See them Wmtmo?. Arc you or. Spamsh eral magazme. My article ex-; riding quality E\'EM:'tiG SHOWS: 7 PJt.-9 P.!ll. i\IATINEE: 2 P.M. Also-UP.TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS train In the world's toughest descent. You look Latm. As you poses a newly formed monopoly: and perform· school-where 1 man doesn't m_ay have guessed_. I'm Puerto in the electronics business. I'm ance." Compare TIMES OF SHOWSa get bawled out for his mis~ Rlcan-;;-Hondura IS my real Icertain the fir_ms I'm writing ! the drive and the ride of the 1958 takea - he gets killed! Watch na,r;'~· . abou,t t-re trymg to stop the ; Edsel , .. the one car that is really 1-:\'ESISG SIIOWS: 7 P.M.-9 P.!U. ~IATINEE: ! P.i\1. them plunge Into the Arctic's I m part Italian. Nnw Miss Iarticle by making me a nervous new. Feel the real difference behind ------lc).' waters , • , and defy vicious wreck." the wheel-see your Ford-Edscl NEXT ATIRACTION man-eating br.rracuda In the screen newcomer Claire Kelly 1 I nodded and wrote In my dealer, totlay/ RITA IUYWORTli-FRANK SINATRA In "PAL JOEY" LAST TIMES TO-DAY depths of the Carribean! See in the thrilling story of our 1 book, "This chick is in a bad EDsEL them In combat action where Navy's dt>redevils of the deep 1 way,'' as I asked, "What makes Drive 19 58 -~IUSIC-SONGS-R0:\1.\NCE. man has never dared to fight -UNDERWATER WARRIOR! ! you. think these business com· 'THE MP.N IN THE SHADOW' before! Don't miss Dan Dalley, Jn Cinema Scope! Starting tomor- 1 pames are back of this?'' ' FORD OF CANADA James Gregory and beautiful row at the Paramount Theatre. I "Because this all started last ,

REAL ESTATE STOVES Barber ELECTRICAL FRUIT STORES HARDWARE STORES MATCiiES APPLIANCES BRYMAY SAFETY R. W. f..AI~.!IJES TI1lli THE l.'ENTRAL BAKBEB EMPIRE FRUIT STORES HARRI!! & HISCOCK LTD 1\0TICE SHOP. We are now operat­ For the Freshest Fruit In GENERAL HARDWARE MATCHES For Appraisals ol Real Estate IN STOCK mrun,.TION Distributed by Ing six chalra, You can bt BAINE JOHNSTON Town call Distributors for Sunbenm and Auctions in private BOSTON BREEZE A complete line of assured of the best possible EMPmE FRUlT STORE Electrical Appliances. FRANK Me NAM.\RA LTD. homes. OIL BURNERS AUTO ACCESSORIES COMPANY, LTD. Queen St. Dial 5143 • 44 a!11·ays In stock 1ervlce plua the leaat po• A1ency Deparlment 144 Patrick Street,. Dial 2852 Sporting Goods and Spcrts DIAL 9031? Immediate Dellve11 DIAL 90141 slble waiting. 24 New Gower IU Water 81. Dial nM 37B Duckworth St., Dial 3911 wear f01 all occaf.~ns. JOII~ D. O'DRISCOI.L DIAL !12718 Street, opp. Adelaide Mo­ ~OUR FRIGIDAIRE I Locations: . DIAL 501G MEAT MARKETS No. 1 Bidclord Place tors. If you prefer appoint-­ DEALER TRASI- FOUNDR1 LTD. ment service 'Phone 11387. FIRE IN$URANCE HEATING JIM ~HIELDS Cnr. FRESIDVATER nnd SERVICf STATIONS 362 WATER ST. HEAP & PARTNERS CROSBlli co. LTD. PENNYWELL ROAD of CONFECTIONERY (NFLD.) L're. . D. C. BISHOJ.> t AL~IEH'S SERVICE Manufacturer• _._.___ Armature Wlrln1 Materials, Wlrt and Agents for 127 NEW GOWER ST. DIAL 3469 MAID OF AVALON "'orkl UNDERWRITERS AT DIAL "31 Complete up-Io-date STATION REID'S CONFECTIONERY Ca b1 es, Motor", Starters, ., 7 TOPSAIL ROAD and 38 Lalnpl; Switches, LlsbUn• LLOYDS. Cimplete Plumbiog and Meat Market REGAL RANGES Cigarettea. Fruit, Ice Cream • WASHING • GREASING Bambrick Fixtures, etc. - LOW RATES Heating ServlcP DIAL 3815 • '133S ar.:\ Drlnb. WAREHOUSE PRINCES !f, ____.D,.IA;;;L;.,oS;o,03;;;1 ___ ------'!'IRE REPAIRS street PIANOS and ORGANS DIAL 3jl8 Dial 7101·2 We Give Good Serriefl, Rowan Strut. Dtal 111184 DIAL 5085 FISH STORES ~f.,~fi.~~CLOU:LON, McCLARY AUTOMATIC ~. L. COLLIS MARSHALL MOTORS TOBACCOS WARM AIR CONDITIONING Piano and Organ Showroom: FISK TTRES ~~~~-- c:~NTRACTORs ~EL~EC~T~R"""'IC"!"!A... L"""'s .. ER_v_lc_E_ cxTY FISH sHoP ZlO WATER ST. ·roPSAIL ROAD Guaranteed againsi Cuts, GEORGE D BAKERY ------JONES ELECTRIC S8 PRESCOTT Rl'. DIAJ, 4183 Dial 4902A Blowouts, Bruises, WASHINGTON HAROLD SNOW DIAL !228 Factol'J: Water St., Hr. Grace Under Inflation. Call THE FINEST BREAD, & SON: LTD, 8t PDRIEASLC~ ft. . Service, Quality, Variety P.O. Box 358 . MARSIIALL MOTORS Distributed bJ CAKES and P,\Sl'RIES .,._, HEATING Water St. :>Ia! 80031 FRANK YadP in Newfoundland lnduatrlal Electrlclaa SpeclaUsts In Moton, FURNITURE MOVERS MeN AMARA Hill O'CHIPS 11 RamiiiOII street. Generators, Steam Irons and c. A. HUBLEY, LTD. PHOTOGRAPHY SHEPPARD'S SERVICE LTD. DIAL 2668 Office 1274 Rn. f35'7 all Household Appliances. '="!~~~'!!"!'!"~~...,.-- PLUMBING and HEATING :"!'~~~~~'1111111'~-- STATION Dial 11143-44 CONTRACTORS CARLAN1 'S STU ____;.,,;,_ __ CeNTRACTORS ELECTRICAL SEf.\'ICE :~=£RlfL'~~VERS Rep. General ElectriC! ;) DIO TmE REPAmiNG For all JOur PAINTING, RIDEOUT'S JIJLECl'RICAL TORBAY ROAD 38 Kinlll Road Dial !911 1l PLEASANT ST. WASHING DIAL 2958 BATTERY CHARGING TAXICABS ROOFING, and CHIMNEY SERVICE Packing, Crating, Shipping Wedding Photos, Portraits­ REPAIRS. l!ectrlcal COntract. Agents for Allied Van Lines HEARING AIDS GREASING DAWE, LTD. and Commercial Photography DIAL U09 A-1 TAXI At reasonable ratea. 401 Water Street, T. C. HIBBS, MaDarer ST. and TOPSAIL RD. CALVER AVB. For all your Building PHONE 914SOH. It, .Joba'•• Newfomullalld. Res. 84SB: Office 90081·1 BELTONE HE/ lUNG CAMERA SHOt SEKVICES DIAL 3150 • mt Rfqulrements call LEDREW'S EW.ESS LTD GLASSES 81 LONI'!'S BILL ======----'-ho-ae_au___ 1M IT, An)·where, Arrt plaee, BOlli - 80115 DIICKWOITJI BELTONE DIAL 7612L DRUG STORES Local and loDI dlolanu llllmlll, HEARING Newfoundland views artistic· SERVICE Arr1 tlmo. ENGINES pocklnl, eraiiDJ llld alllpplaJ. o OIL FUII!IACE \' .RANDELL, LTD. GLASSES ally mounted and framed. e IIEFRIGEBATOII !f HOUR SERVJCB --~------..+ > ·------., d I. MtmbenA1enla of for C.W.A. UDIIod Voaond llllu,M.M.T.A See our selection. o WASHEnl BUn. DING c ON·~~oRS DRUG STORE - aa 8ARBOUit LTD. D... LtDIEW. MAIIAGEI CALL e BANGE8 REQUIRE~ENTS LA.I'tiBERT'II COUGH SYRUP Dlstributora of: otrloo till, W•rt•oa•• tom 8. W.SHOR1 NORMAN DICK LTD. ACE AND SUPER TAXI DIAL 7168 can be obtained at Kelvin Marine Dleaela ------PAPER PRODUCTS DIAL 7166 WATER ST FOR THE MOST EFFICENT l:omJ~Iete up·to-da'e ser\ice GIFT SHOPS CONNORS DRUG STOIUC Kelvin Ricardo Gas En11lnes. SERViCE FOR SERVICE IN TOWN CALL Merrymeeting Road ISf WATER ST. Full Line of Spare Parts. HOME INDUSTRIES THE LA WRENl,E ACE or SUPED TAXI DIAL 716R LARACY'S PIANOS AND CRGANS DIAL !101 •n • 4'74 WATEa 8T, NFLD. CO., L'fl). Tuning and Repalrlnl. DIAL 553t · 1731 REME!If" ~ . ·"E BROP DIAL 4811 New .Loeatlon: Over ThirtY rears• experl•nc. Gifts Toys, WHOSE BIRTHDAYi \ssur:rs competent servlcinJ. SUPPLIES DRY CLEANING Noveltit s Carda Certalnl)' a handmade article %119 • 211 DUCKWORTH S'l. E. R. ROGERS UPHOLSTERING !XCAVATING for au ,... utiion• from NONIA If only the Best Paper and Paper Products U McForlant li. will do. WHOLESALE ONLY 'Phone 811!2 STA1JONERY DOWNS DRY DIAL 4265 EXCAVATINf' AND DAIL 6288 · 7636 STANDARD BEDDmG ED CLEANING LTD. SNACK BARS Complete Church Furnish GRADING GROCERS · HOME CONTRACTORS COMPANY, LTD. Covering St. John'• with UnYJ llflll~tat to Rim RADIO TV REPAIRS lngs and Religious ArUcleJ Oralltr., c;rant Trae••· HOME 1'-fPROVEMENTS " ED'S LUNCH . SPI-~CIALISTS Ia Fast, EFIIcleot Service. cntobld ltont, Rotd OraTtl dtll•md DIAL 4552 I3.DO per ton. B' WALSH IN NO DOWN•• PAYMENT -::~~~~~~~~~- DIAL 5370 UPHOLSTERING Ill WATER ST. 14 IAMILTON AVE. IIURPBT IXOAVATIIIG BEST LEADING EASY MONTIILY PAYMENTI . GREAT EASTERN OIL WELL COOKED FOODS Coven oo. LTD. GROCERY LINES o Slonn Saolltl ond Doou CO" ... PANY, Lorn Tailar·made Slip DIAL- ftellt 111!-lla • o Add thai exlro roomo. IV• J.J-' FREE DELIVERY DIAL 1441 Wetor 11. Well 11. lob't. You Choice of what you need • Modernize :rour llltcheu REP.AIRS TO RADIOS, T.V. Contaet COiffiTEOUS SERVICE ,;.·· DIAL 1110 w. •. PA&IONI LTD. AND ALL ELECTRICAL ELECTRICIANS 78S WAT ER ST. WEST Loar Pont aoa4 Dial ..,r APPLIANCES. SOFT DRINKS USED CARS if:r~~~------F_L~O~RI!!!!"ST"!!"S~"'!!""!"'-- CHURCHILllS JEWELLERS DIAL 3001 to 3085 HOW!:E OF SUPERMARKET WEST END TELEVISION ~t:~c?lfs~~~~D FLOWERS PORTUGAL COVE T.V.·Radio-Car Radio Repairs Al.LIED AGENCIES ADE.LAIDE MOTORS LTD II DUSTBANE al Serving St. Johft'a THOMPSdN JEWEWRY ewtoundland'r Cleanest 24 Hour Service for Rep ra from 'l locaUons: You can b117 your «roceriPS SOS WATER ST. 701 WATER I!ITREET F RES R IE FOR A CAR YOU CAN Word, Obtainable at to Motors, . Generator• IIIII n7 RM'..ttTON AVENUI Just 11 cheap aa In St. John'r WheD aelectlng a Diamond CALL •s Wllb Free Tricolour FlashUI• DEPEND ON CALL ~ I, COLEMAN LTD. Houaehold AppUancea. DIAL aeest and have them dellvared to Rin!l sea our private Diamond At Night, Day, Holiday or CALL 56'75 WELAIDE MOTORS LTD. your door without charge. 13ooth. Sunday· for Fast Service and ALLIED AGENCIES atlbbUCXWORTB IT. DIAL 1111 1t1 WATER ST. DIAL son L\L 2411 DIAL 7418 We lift D.P.II. &tampa DIAL 4511 Guarllltecd work call 77'J:7A. 117 New Gower St. For Our Readers'. Convenience ... ~· / ----·-- ..


.THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF C. OF E. I. F. Perlin & Co. NOTICE WANTtD SCHOOLS. IN ST: JOHN'S f:O'R R·ENT Limited , Applications for Moster· FOR OUT-OF-TOWN ' Second-floor Apartment, situate 1588 PATRICK : lnvite1 applications for the following sr; rir~l , :llurlga~r Rond· Plu~ber'! Licenses will. bt: HOTEL STREET, consisting of bathroom, two bedrooms, ·.positions: nl~l!n·inJ: hl Scl·~cmher, 1961i' received by the underSign- Woman Cook KIN! living-room, kitchen and large attic. , ed up. to 5 p.m. Wednes· ·: 1-ST. G!ORGE'S SCHOOL (8 Rooms) This Apartment is furnace heated and furnished , . . l h •. II . day, May 7, 1958. to live in. ;'\o 1ll'C IS '1Crc )' ~ll'rn HI 1 and has hardwood floors throughout, 1 ·Newspap PRINCIPAL. ·in acrordancr with the t~rms of (Sgd,) E. G. POMEROY, Apply For further particulars apply •th~ I'Jrrd of Tr11st >ecurmg the 1 S 1 B d f j' P.O. BOX E5091, 2-JACOB BRINTON MEMORIAL SCHOOL THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY abol'c b>ue or bonds, the (Ql·J' ecre ory, oar o . lowing bonds 'ha1·e been called Plumbing Examiners ST. JOHN'S (7 Rooms) PRINCIPA~. . 'PHONE 5196 P.O. BOX 20.80 'for redemption anrl will he rc- · · · ·------· · ,Highway B · SERI ap!!S.28.ml i deemed on the :list )lay. )953 Sea!ecl tenders wall 3-BISHOP FEILD COLLEGE-SCIENCE I onda~·. TO· DAY' ...... : 3t 101 with accrued interest to ceired up to ·· MASTER (Physics, Chemistry. ~--- 'that date, at the otficc of The I 1958. for the . 1 concrete substructure; ani,. Rc~·al Trust Company, St. John's NOTICE 4-BISHOP SPENCER COLLEGE-Science on surrcnrler of the said bonds · tton of Baile)' brid~~s , SWITCHB,OARD with coupons due on the lsi . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'that· as of the first . Big East River and B ·and Mathematics; 2 TEACHERS for day of Septernher. 1958 and all : day of May, 1958, the St. John'~ Bus Service will . Pond on Rocky Hr.-Pon . ders road. 2 16 subject teaching including Latin · subsequent coupons att2cherl I be operated and managed by the St. John's Plans and specificat' 6 17 OPERATOR thereto. Holders of bonds are the structures may be · .. I and Botany. required to pt·csent their bonds Transportotion Commission, composed of the 8 25 at the Roads nr,noNI11on• .I ·for rerlemption at the aforesaid following: Court House. St. 10 30 ., 5-FOR THE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL­ office on the said date and in ;·\ WANTED copies may be obta' • I case such bonds are not pre· (1) MR. LEWIS H. M. AYRE-Choirmon 13 'I (now under construction) application to the . I srntcd on the said datr all in­ 15 Experience Necessary . (2) MR. WILLIAM FITZPATRICK IClerk of the Dcpartmc,: 21 ' to open September 1959: , tercRI on the snirl hands shall deposit f~ S25:00 for . Must hove Grade XI. cc;~;e a, lrom the aforesaid 31st 1 {a) PRINCIPAL; (b) VICE-PRINCIPAL; , wh1ch sum w1ll he · (Additional tu pre>ent >taffl day o• ~lay, 1958. (3( MR. REGINALD C. KNIGHT ; to the tenderer if the . (c) 10 ASSISTANT TEACHERS Apply in person :\!2 D2R · socrifications are ~~II 032 It is requested that as of the first day oi the Department. All applicants to be experienced )!2fl May, 1958, all invoices and correspondence be Separate tcnrlcn ':•· .\tlfl !. addressed to the St. John's Transportation Com· made on forms pro\'ilir' Teachers with Grade 3 or 4 Certificates. STEERS LTD. )!~•l Dcpartmc.lt and mu-: . W•-l mission, and it is further requested that all WATER STREET ST. JOHN'S miltcd in scaled Cl\1 : • Applicants to ~~tipulate subject or ~nth .\pril. Jn~R. cheques be mode payable' to the St. John's drc;;cd to the Dcpui·. •.::· ap30.m I of Hi;!hways. The 11orl: TilE RIJY.\!. THl'ST CO. Transportation Commission. •aubects preferred. ml.2 dcr 1give the name of 1:.· Truster. arc to ;>c wrillcn acr(l•; . ~pr~O.rn~·i.l4 ------~--- of ~n\'clopc. \ ' Apply to the SECRETARY, I . the 1 l':ach lender mu.: 11• " care St. Michael's School, Bennett Avenue panicd or an appro' rei ap30.11_1ayl.3 cheque for SIOO ~· ~ . w. u. that the tenderer '' r!i if ccssful enter into • HUTCHEN'S GROCERY • KNOWLING with the Department. ST. JOHN'S CENTRAL ccs>ful tenderer will he ~RIZE MEAT !\lARKET, -----~---·------GENERAL ed to rieposit further 53 William Streel PUBLIC t'OTICE brin~ the total dcpo>it Dial 7450 and fi062 DRUG STORES INSURANCE ten prrccnt or thr ---·---··-· -··- I !\'1. CO'!\'NORS LTD. ROYAL COMMISSION SPREADS be ST. JOHN'S \\'EST ON PRICE the accepted tender, to ·Help. Kin m WATER ST. ~ FIRE. AUTO and CASt:,\!.TY THE LIONS CLUB BUYERS • SELLERS · as security lor the Public hearings of the Royal Commission on Price· satisfactory nor£nrmo nr<•~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~ H.R.CLARKE llial 2206 'Phone 2902 - 7811 Spreads of Food Products will be held in the SWEEPSTAKE ·contract. In lieu of ;, Topsail Road ------·- 1.:i8 WATER ST. · posit the succes>ful t~n: 92295 Dial St. John's North former Council Chamber, Colonial Building, St. ' may furnish a snrctt· hor.~ in aid of the 1.. liEALEY ------John's, commencing at 10.00 a.m. on Saturday, proved by the Depan m~n: . . I AYLWARD'S LIONS CLUB SWIMMING POOL the amount of 50':0 ol the: L.S I CrosJ Roads and Water St PHAR~I:\C\' May 3rd, 1958. sum tendered. .. I Dial 3026 Cor. ~lonchy & Etnplre An I ·f. John's t:ast BINDON'S PHARMACY · ~p~0.3i . ' ACOVSTICO!Ii' 0'1\RIEN CO AND WIN YOURSELF A METEOR ,I ---· ---·---.. ------' Cor. ROtnaventnre and Hcarin!( Aid Consultants. STAN FOWLER Empire Ave. 190 New Gower St. . DJ,\1, 5928 (Corner Brazil Square) -The Har1 24 Queen's Ril. -·---··-·------Dial 5264 I P. 0, Box 63 Dial 5:J31 is accepting op I ·---·--- 1\ENNEDY'S PUBLIC NOTICE I JOB BROTHERS DRl'G STORE, Concessions: 20! Duckworth St. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF Smith Corona· . I & GREAT EASTERN CO, I.TD • l>lnl 23RI ~ . CANDY VENDING i Water Stntt PUBliC UTif.ITIES I ·--- OIL & IMPORT HOT DRINK MAC\ . I Dial 2658, 4123 PARKDALE IN THE MATTER OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES ACT, TYPEWRITERS &~·CASHIERS NUT VENDING N PH,\RMM'l', CO., 'LTD. ·ELECTRICI'n· MEEHAN & CO. AND AMENDMENTS THERETO R~rlin, Trlr.l'ision Wn,hP.n, . COIN OPERATINC T.A. Bldg. Duckworth 1St, Elizabeth Me. DIAL 4052 Dial 91120 !lefri;:cr:Jtor> Dcrp Freezers, -is CHEAP in JUKE BOXES, PIN Dial 70,6·10·17 --- ·---- AND Elrrtt•ic nan~Cr5. MURPHY'S Fln~r Poli,hr.r~ NEWSPAPER DlSl Grnmophonr.~ DOMINION MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT CO., lTD. REG. T. 1\IORGAN DRl1G !'TORE, IN THE MATTER QF THE REVISED APPLICATION . . . 1 . ST. JOHNS. The Exchange wi ruhlic Adrlrcs., Sy~tem~. Temple Bid«· Duckworth St 119 ~lllillary Road OF THE AVALON TELEPHONE COMPANY, Tape Rrrordr.n. Dial 644& 56 NEW GOWER ST. '11 Nl to interested parti~ · . Dial 80310·7~56 . LIMITED, FOR PE:RMISSION TO ISSUE BONDS RH ;\IRS ,\ Nfl SERVICE THOMPSON'S 5 LINF:S UG Ht;;O'WE .'t:cddress lis~~d ;e~ UNITED AND SHARES DJ.\L 3001 to 300& 5 PHAR~1ACV, UNDERWRITERS, COM ... N.. ~.,..~. ' ERNEST HA Temple Bldg., Duckworth St 45 Quldl Vldi Road ' NOTICE is hereby given that The Avalon ·Tele­ WATER ST. CLOTHES make the man If CHAFf --··· -- ---···------' to.t•• .,. • u.•o·••··· . STEPHEN~ Dial 80370·775F -- i~n26, ty, rnokes lhe clothes -st-:Jellii's-· we!t- St. John's West • phone Com,\ ,ny, limited, has mode application Cheap, Reliable m1,6i •I ------to the Boord of Commissioners of Public Utilities JOHN J. FEEHAN I Electricity In and------'. j for permission to issue the following: CROSBIE & CO., LTD Around John's ' WM. L. CHAFE, Tailor Around St. John's 'I St. 1,000,000 - 5 ~ ~% First Mortgage Woolworth Bl~g. Water St. 1190 \Vater St, If 4 HOLD'WORTH .. Change of ST. i' Dial 5031 Dial 3531 Bonds ...... $1 ,000,000. ·I . CWE WISH TO J. I T.V. REPAIRS FLEMING'S 40,000 - Ordinary Shore PHARMACY, Warrants attached 1958, OUR -·. ~ 265 Pennywell Road SEALED TENDEHS addressed j CITY ANTENNA SERVICE. Dial 9!!931 at $8.00 ...... 320,000. Television Antennas In· tu the undersigned and endorsed STUDENTS CH 40,000 -Ordinary Shares $5.00 .. 200,000. of a stalled. Part~ sold. Phone "'l'emler Ful' llw suppl\' ELECTRICAL 1 92.7tll or 90173, 40,000 - 5 ~% Preferred Shares 'lll:llllily · Ill' ! rt .,, TC what·t sllcl;s fm'Lilli!'":.,.~. Culv~rt, ~~u·m·eFerri'· ACCOUNTANCY AS A CAREER CONTRACTORS at $25.00 ...... $1,000,000. l:ond ll ist rict, Nt'\l'futuullallll :, ...... BEAUTY PARLOURS This issue is intended to replace the issue ! will hL' rett'il'ed h\' the Ol!ice · .'1'1', JOW\"S NORTH for which Hearing was advertised on April 21, !llanagl'r, until 12 ~·clot·k noon,' 1'111>: ('Jo:lt'I'WlED PUUL.ll' Al'COl!t>:TAN'l'S ASSOL'IATION OF NEW AUSTIW·' St. John's Central I May t:;, t9oH...... -"EWHJlcNDLANU, a ,\flomher of the l'ari l'~rl•-<:tentlal~" 1° Ra ()nidi Vlcll Road lll'L'CSSm'iJ)' UCt'el>lt•tl. ,I "Town of Mmml Pt•:~rJ" ... Must hav• 1 ~'1'. JOllN'!i ('ENTRAL , Ulal 57i!i .•••. MAX SUI.LI\'A:'ol i I Datt-rl :1\ :i1. ,John's lhi> ' Association Of Newfoundland . HORWOOD HUI.GEU'S Of(ic:~ M;mugcl', i •dav of .\t,ril ..\.D. w;;~. work,~- J CONJo'F.f'rtONERY, Armature Works Ltd. Department ol Public \l'or~s. I P. 0. ROX 7, • . J: G. r!IAS~lSI;, LUMBER CO., I.TD. 7P King's Bridge P.oad Nffd. I Cannrla • S'l', JOHl'\'S, NE\\'Jo'OU~l)(.,\l'\D, I CIPI·k ol the Elecuth·r Water St. W. Dial 301! Dial 6926 BAMBRICK ST. ·DIAL 7191 • 7192 '111¥1,2 (my 1,2 my.J,h aox

• , 195B DAILY NEv.!S, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1958 15

KINSMEN Newspaper· BINGO lers For l1lfiiiiiiUII1 IIIII • 11111111 ._. Dan~lng, Dlnlng-Nitely. ay Brid Steaks Specialty. SERIES U Mon. to Sat. 5 p.m.-1 3.m. Large Selection of Late Model TO· DAY'S NUMBES Brookfield Rd. Tel. 90028 'f""n=l I *******.**** I,. ·.USED CARS B I' N G 0 I at our Topsail Road Lot 2 16 32 48 63 Velvet Horn I 6 17 33 58 65 8 25 34 60 72 Club· 1U 30 39 53 75 40 47 61 13 • TO-DAY 15 .41 50 74 21 43 68 CLUB OPEN 9 am. to 11 p.m. ~-- 3 FOR SAI,E-One new Milch 71 FOOD AT ITS BEST 11·18 Cow. Apply John Walsh, ... ·:' , ...... u.s. .... , ... . .- : : ~· p; Outer Cove. must 5 c '"' .1 Nllltmt...... : -- ·-·-·----·-- • UNCLAIMED • · :•:·o,·idrd by , 69 ------, CHARIS FOUNDATION GAR· .• I m:1s1 he I l Aren't you about due for a nertgus breakdown?" , MENTS. Your measure ma~· · i '"''rlcopcs A DANCE be .taken in your own home. ·, 11rputr •·oR SALE - One ne1r mUch ''INVEST IN REST." Sleep Prices are moderate. For PRIZES The Will be held at Cow nnd Calf. Apply Richard I comfortably. We specialize Charis Corsetiere Service 3·S 1, 000.. ST. KEVIN'S HALL, Field. Torbay. in repairing and recondition- 'Phone 3772, :\!iss Hilda Thorne. ap30,may1,2 IN THE •;'I"' The Gou Ids, FOR SALE-Chrsternetd S)tlle, ing all types Springs and , 1 Fridge, Office size Desk, Mattresll(!s. Guaranteed fr1day, May 2nd I Lamps, British India Rug work. Mattresses for back Wall Washing . <7x91, Baby Crib, Highchair ailments a specialty. 'Phone WALL WASmNG - WaUl With the Common does nnd Bathincttc. 1 Ph o n e 6449 or 3361, Standard clean~d. by o~ew ma~hine. ''MODEL'' SWEEP eaves l. :- : n to a • It d 91404·A Bedd!:Jg Company, Ltd., Results perfect; 0 rc hes t ra tn o en ance, :___ •--:-:=-=- , Flower Hill. feb20,tf. paint.-New Method Rug •;•.it up I'Driety Hl47 half·dollar: $20.00 Balsam Street). Specializing 2 s 7 2 2 : n' thr amount for 1801 large cent, etc. New in hair styling. Special today, NEW METHOD RUG CLEAN· 1 7 4 5 1 2 d lrnrlrr. to be Help. Kin Help Kiddies Engarged 4th Edition Pre· $12.00 cold wave, $8.00. Open ERS. Rugs and Carpet made. fnr thr proper WANTED mium Buying Guide, showing evenings. Dial 6534. 6 0 9 3 6 rcrformance o! to look like new. Von In liru o! cash A female COOK, also c latest prices we pay for coins, ap.25,m. Schrader proei!U add1 :vem t.Ucrr~ ..,fu1 MAID, for the C. of E. recently published! Send ~'ic PI A N-0-A.-ND ORGAN to life of rugs. Cleane~ In for copy. B. Maries, Box 833, TUNING-F 1 home or at our planl '' ~ surrt)' bond Girls Orphanage, Apply to Cal~ar,·, Alberta. or promp ser· TICKETS SOc .EACH • hr DPpartment 'ith refer·, my1.10,20,28 " vice contract L. Goulding, 'Phone 91033. New Method n! sor; o{ the L. S. P. U. the MANAGER W 135 Newtown Road. Dial Rug Cleaners, Freshwater All tickets are now on the market in your favour­ Road. · ences ,in person or by\ ROCK EXCAVATING SPECIAL· 90370· feb2S,Sm. ite neighbourhood Stores. Holders of tickets are A Special Meeting (Stevedores Divisi~n) writing. JST-The wise will realize: l R • asked to check and recheck them for these Lucky speed, accuracy, safct,·, low r, epatrs wi\1 be held TO·DAY, THURSDAY, MAY 1, Dial 91072 overhead, creates low estim· ·REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Numbers. .\. 1\\'J(;JIT, Will await Outport appli· ales. General excavr.ting, of Washing Machines, Floor On Bell Island tickets are available at Lawton's Orpuly at 11.15 a.m. All work to cease at 11 a.m. sel\~er and water lines, bed· Polishers, Vacuum Cleaners, 1 . S~ecd, aw a~. · . On FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NEWSPAPER DISTRIBUTION SERVICE · s E done. For gardening, garden Is.afcty low. o1 crhead. S ~" c.r 'I Ro.r, •P CIAL - $1ii.OO, cleaning (dirt removing), fenc· 1tnes, st cp1c ho 1 es, f oun d a. 1 1on,. . JOHN'S. The Exchange will furnish an application form Mona Ryan's )d g~ld ~~~~: :J.~~;O; M~~~-~0~ ing, limeing, interior and ex· i etc.! etc. General excavation !! JUNE 6th and 7th RESPECTIVELY. to inlmsted parties, Please write for same to the Beauty Salon_ I Perms $5.00 and up. Open terior ~aintlng wall and ceiling. I demed. address listed below. · • Evenings. Dial 6534. washing, home repairs, roof,. 'PHONE A. CHARTRAND, BASE EXCHANGE OFFICER, Speclalllzlng In ------!eaks stoppe.d, chimney repair· core Mr. Geo. Bonnell, ·HAIR STYLING AND ALl WANTFil TO BUY-Comics, mg, storm wmdows taken down. 'II 8 ERNEST HARMON AIR FORCE BASE, TYPES OF PERMANENT magazines, pocket books, Apartment and basement clean· Dunv1 e,. P. oy 0 STEPHENVILLE, NEWFOUNDLAND WAVING. guitars, violins, guns, type- lng and all home decorating. aprB,lmth FOR SALE ~op, Reliable Open from Tuesday to writers, sewing machines, For any odd job you need don~. ...:..------men'.. children's clothes Call us today, our prices are MOTOR VESSEL 'HELEN M. GILL' tricity In and Saturday, and footwear. John D. Snow, low for the fine work we do. CITY CLUB •nd St. John's 9 New Gower St. Dial 3568. The Reliable Cleaners Now moored at Newtown, 8.8. Change of Telephone Numb~rs Dial 5477 mar24toapl24. and Decorators. apr16,1m The regular quarterly Built at Trinity, B.B., in 1947. meeting will be held on Dimensions length 56 ft. Beam 17 ft. WE WISH TO ADVISE, EFFECliVE MAY 1st, CARD THURSDAY, May 1st, at .5 Depth 6 ft. Gross 33 tons. 1958, OUR ~XCHANGE NUMBER IS p.m. Fitted with 44 H. P. Kelvin diesel engine. . Listen to c. B. N. And 30 H.P. Kelvin gasoline engine. CHANGED FROM H. J. MILLER ... By Order TO-NIGHT AT B:JO P.M. Tenders moy be submitted to the following R. C. KNIGHT, address on or before May 17th TO (FIVE LINES) REAL ESTATE AGENT 4!?! 92035 immediately following Gerald S. Doyle Secretory FISHERIES LOAN BOARD, OFfice and Residence KING GEORGE V. INSTITUTE, -769 VVATER STREET News Bulletin, to hear ' AUSTI (opp. Leslie St.) NO DOWN PAYMENT VVATER STREET, ST. JOHN'S. PURITY FACTORIES LTD.' The highest or ony tender not. necessarily E HERE! . "Over t6 Years in the Business' HIS WORSHIP (Cut out for reference) 'PHONE 1395 accepttd. 'E NEED MAYOR H. G. R. MEWS' ADDRESS my\,5 'RADES opening the annual . • LAND· Add beauty and colour Motors SURVEYS to your home l''it h Aylward &Crosbie SALVATION ARMY VINYL RUBBER and WHITE ASPHALT TILES e The Aristocrat of Flooring BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS and NOTA'RIES· PRINTS RED SHIELD CAMPAIGN For Estimates on . ROME REPAIRS CALL FINTAN J. AYLWARD, L.~.B Gerry Halley CABOT CONSTRUCTION Starting Thursday May 1st & SUPPLIES LTD. Buyer .. Seller Sweepstake Survey~ Ltd. DIAL 5658 JOHN C. CROSBIE, B.A;, LL.L.B. nar2R,lm DRAWING will take place in Bowl'ing 90 ALLANDALE RD •.. Brothers w;ndow ••• 340 DUCKWORTH STREET, ST. JOHN'S 'PHONE 90876 POSITION AVAILA.8LE FRIDAY, MAY 2nd, at 9 p.m. lie DIAL 7642, 5247 in our Advertising Deportment, Applicants, Tickets may be purcho~ed from rnembers of Lions I ~lub outside of Store from 2 to 9 p.m. 1 'male or female, must be interested in the food '" ~rdion 6 of .. ,.,. Rnal'fl Ad. ·business ond must have some! experience in art 2 MAGNIFICENT 1958 METEORS" Ti••· Rr1isrcl work, which includes show-carc:J, writing and ,. .,,rlland. t9.i2. will be given away to lay-out of advertisements, etc. · ~',·rn that :hrrP WAN1ED 2 LUCKY WINNERS -ci:llc hereof, theU Apply, with samples of .work if possible; .wnor in Counc ·rickets will be delivered to Buyer& upon cCJIIing prt1d:m1ution to to the- ol th,• "Town of STENOGRAPHER 2815. .,-). 1 ;Jrnolal~" to MERCHANDISfNG MANAGER, Ticket will be drawn for by Miss Newfoundland, ~luunl reurl" .. Mu,t have experienced in general OHice 1 ~~- ,John's thiS AYRE'S SUPERMARKET LTD., If the winning ticket sh~uld be sold by a Lion 'I, •. \ II. l!l:.S. Work, etc. Apply by _letter to on Friday between 2 to 9 p.m. the seller\ prize c;, C'II.-\SSING. PARADE ST,REET ST. JOTN'S thr Ex.culive will be donated to the Pool, BOX 300 care Daily News ap30,3i

• . . :.,;~~ .' .. "'...... I 0 1'111 t .•' :...•.... ~~:."- ' .··"'"'"'" •.~. t& :,..~, THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1958 ..... ·'·",. .. · .'.,..":a-:' Steamship .ROOFING TAR Movements

40 GALLON DRUMS THE NEWFOUNDLAND ' • GREAT LAKES STEAMSHIPS ! LIMITED 1 M.V. Dundee due to arrive st. I ROOFING TAR John's May 3rd from Hamilton, : ·FREE ,·Mova.M Toronto and Montreal. 5 in x 5 in. or 5 in. x 7 in. 5 GALLON TINS M.V. Lunan loading at Mont· real May 1st, arriving st. SEA STORIES FROM John's May 5th. NEWFOUNDLAND· • M.V. Zcbrul11 loading at Mont· • 1 PLY FELT rul May - 8th, arriving St. by M1chael Glossy · John'd May lOth, • Harrington ...... $4.00 . - . 1 This is a collection of a dozen 1 NEWFOUNDLAND CANADA 1 and . a half thrilling true sea I . .STEAMSHIPS · : stories of Newfoundland that be- BLACKBIRD ROOFING Belle Isle II due Et. John's . long to the shining annals of lhe

1 ENLARGEMENT ·.Ia)' 1, sailing May 3. Newfoundlander's pride. , Bedford II leaving Halifax .\lay !!, due St. John's May 5, · WITH EVERY ROLL OF FILM DEVELOPED BY • HAYSEED >ailing May 6. LIVING LANGUAGE .. ' Belle Isle 11 lcal'ing HE·liiax SERIES 50 LB. BAGS May 7. due St. John's May 9. ! sailing May 12. 'French' . Bedford 11 leaving Halifax 'Spanish' 1\la)' 10, due St. John'b ~lay 12. TOO TON'S FERTILIZERS Hailing May 14. 'German' 1 Belle Isle II leaving Halifax , $11.95persel 100 LB. BAGS May 16, due St. John's May 18, ; Eaeh Net consists of 40 les· • , sailing ~ll'.ly 20. ' sons on Lont: Playing High • ' TAKE YOUR FILMS TO TOOTON'S OR ANY • 1 Belle Isle II leaving Halifax Fidelity Records with every­ TOOTON'S DEALER. iApril 21, due St. John's April day conversation manual and ••• •• : 23, sailing April 25. comprehensive Dictionary. I CLARKE STEAMSHIPS co. I • • \' GET YOUR FREE ENLARGEMENT CERTIFICATE. •• j • ~ulport due St. John's May , '------' • • •• T. 1 ,, PICK OUT YOUR FAVOURITE NEGATIVE. &M. WINTER LTD. 14. SC•lllng May 6. . k &( l d I •Novaport leaving Montreat! 0'( S 0 t ••• •• Duckworth Street I.May 7, ·due St. John's May ll,j i ., • v' GIVE .IT TO US AND WE WILL ENLARGE IT •• 18 20 · salling again May 13 Th B k II • • I FREE. ·I' "!!!m!a!r!,!!!!~llllll~.. ~~~~!! ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!.[ •Gulfport leaving Montreal 1 8 00 S8 ers •• •• I ;:: May 14, due St. Juh;, 's May 18, 1 • 19 'I I -···-· ···- -~touch. Three-strand bibs and STOCKHOLM - An audi· sailing again May 30. i Spm 4425 or 2008 or 3 1 •• • ' • topes of colored beads, pointed ence of 3,500 stared horrified as •Novaport leaving Montrcnll ------­ Fashion TIpS shoes and artiiciclal flowers add Plnito del Oro, 27, a trapeze art· May 21, due St. J11lm's May 25, I . :· :' fashionable touches to any sum· 1st plunged to the ground during, sailing again May 27. B A"d WA1'ERFRONT today for Grcenspond, Wesley- 1 LIST OF SAILINGS Montreal stylists have splash· mer costume. a performance. She suffered a •Gulfport leavlllg Montreal eauty 1 es Iville. Lumsden and Musgr&ve I The M.V. Rita Blanda • I td a fresh palette of color into skull fracture and other severe May 28, due St. John's June f, [ Harbour. 1 charge of Capt. Pickett ·I their three \'ersions of the che. The shirtwaist has won new Injuries. Doctors said she would sailing agllln June 3. j -- DIRECTORY . The }LV. Wrster~ Explorer, a full genen~ cargo and I mise for summer. Inspired by popularity for summer. Many live but ref7sed to say whether • No\· aport leaving lltontrcal A beautician with a large ! : 1s gcthng rea~y to .sal! to prose· for t~e usual ports on the chemise silhouette in its: st~·les have contrasting cumber- she would ever perform again. Jur.e 4, due St. John's June 'cosmetic firm gives osme beau· 1 ON DRY DOCK j cute the herr~ng flshen·. mormng. boxy, straight and bloused \'er·l bunds, lacy edges and pretty 8, sailing June 10. ty tips. Here they arc: I The ~l.V. Codroy, :\l.V. Arrtir · The :11.~. Lmda ;'\lay, and the The lt.V. G. S. Cutler 1ions. designers have mixed and j trimmings. 'Some have optional OTTAWA ICPl - The navy • Refrigeration. -- . . Skipper, M.V. Sea beacon, M.V.I whalers Fmback and Olaf Olsen cl]arge Of Capt. Maxwell matched brllllant colors into · belts to wear without in chem· Tuesday reported the death of FURNESS RED CROSS Women should choose lighter Earl Keith. and the U.S.,\. Tug are moored up for the seas~n l&aded a full general ra i their summer styles. The color i' ise syling or cinches at the waist leading seaman Robert F. Grundy LINE ,. 1 of lipstick as they grow 1 C50, 1222. There five arc rx·, as well as the Veteran and Cohn the ports in . ' shad~s u;~al ' \! story Is painted in apricot mint linr. of Hamilton Beach, Ont., in a Fort Avalon 'older. Lipsticks that a1·e too , peeled to be on dock for cnc : 11. and ~a1led yesterday ~reen and pale mauve tone>. - motorcycle accident last Saturday Leaving New York April 30. dark arc full of shawos. and older week. I Mix. m!lthc tqemes are .popular J Many of the prettiest summer at Helensburgh, D~nbarton. Scot·: Saint John, N.B. May 2, Hali·: mouths can't take shadows. · :AT A. H. .\!UR~AY_ & CO. l.'fD.!

in pink and muave, blue-greennd sties fa\'or a new Canadian fab- land. The navy sa1d Grundy was 1 fax May 8, arriving St. John's .. AT DOCK The S.S. Sunme 1s from Mon· \ brown·blue. Beige and na1·~· Iric. Arne) and cotton. It elnds a submarine trainee in Britain. ! May 8, Maving May 10, for New 1 Lipsticks in ease you don't , The s.s. Northern Ranger.' real, discharged the general

blue remain basic neutrals. but Ian easy-care feeling to the ~he· York via Corner Brook. ·I' know. fall into three color class·: M.V. Evelm Evans, Bar Haven, 1 cargo and was scheduled to often are combined into exciting mise, shirtwaist, summer suit or Personal daintiness in an lm· Leaving New "rork M&y 22. ifications-lure red, blue r~d i·and Bonavista under· repairs, sail last night for .Montreal. l'lriations. . maternity outfit. A crisp fabric, portant part of beauty. Saint John, N.B., May 26, Hali· and yellow red. All come m ·the M.V. Santa Addresse is - rOBAGO; BWI-Pri . . : il stays co~l and shuns wrinkles. Haith and the mental outlook fax .May 29, arriving St. John's both light and dark tones. Iwaiting to go on dry dock, the AT AYRE & SO~S, LTD. :urrent tour, j~ shU\\ ,, Prints headline the accessory 1washing Without a care in the add or detract from beauty, some May 31, leaving June 4, for New , Barhavcn will sail from the i The M.V. Ornate m charge of SEALED TENDERS add:~~~ . . I · B ··t· ·h G 1tory for summer. They arr Iworld. . thing '!!any women do not seem York via Halifax. Yellow reds are best ~or spri~g :Coastal Qock wharf in charge Capt. Rogers . is taking fr~i~ht ed to the undersigned and er:rosp1ta · 11 IS 1

round In hats, purses gloves and . to reallze. Leaving New York Jufle 10, 1 becuase of. the p~pul~r1ty of c1t- :of Capt. Brown on the south for the followmg ports, Tr~mty, dorsed "Tender for the s•l~p· 1~ar1·es. splashed with geomet- i :"lc\'cr. allow y~\~rself to be . . . . . Saint John, N.B. June 12. Hall· !rus col?rs m fash1on 10 that sea: ' 11 est coast ~crvice taking freight Indiz,n ~ay, W11reham, Fa1r Is-J and delivery of Spikes anr. Sa~·: . EM£N'S r~c. polka do.t. and flo~al ae-: caught 10 the, pos1t1on that you 1 Lipstick that 1s blotted will fax June 16, arriving St. John's, son. ,Generally. the other lo\\ passengers and mail. lands, Silver Fox Island. Greens·. to various settlements hNwe1 18 I ~1gns .. The s1alor hat. r1bbo~ed 1ha\'e to apolot:1ze for ~·our appear s~ldom mark the teeth-or the June 18, leaving June 21 (or ~hades can be used all )'ear , __ pond, Valleyfield, to Comfort I Brigus and Lewis porte'', ,, i!l :...;,;:.:;;;;;;,;;~;;;;.;.;.;.;;..~- I 'n wh1tc .. adds another suac)' · ance. !nm of a cup or ~:lass. ew York vi& Halifax. ; around. i AT 11. ~f. c. DOCKYARD Cove. . . . I recei\'ed by the Office Manag1· . SAGUENAY SHIPPING LTD. : -- ' The tug Peel with two scu11s, The ~l.V. ~Imam May 1s tak·' until 12 o'clock noon D• f M.V. "Sunprince" due St. A. ~~nrral_rule .for !!~d .ma~r· alongside, the ~T.V. N_utax, the ing freight for the usual nort~-~ !IIAY ~6, 195B. Je· en1 TIT "\T John's today. up 1' 10 stat t each da) h), u~m~ :\!. V. Christmas Seal In charge Iern ports, and the ~l.V. Jenmc Specifications and folm• ~ . s 7"1 , 11 y y e uggest I ou . 1"'"' I FURNESS WARREN LINE a dal:k haoc a~d )l~l~t jSI~k. 'of Capt. Troke is under TCP<·irs. I Elizabeth will be taking freight tender can be obtained it. thr----·-'---- J ' Newfound hind due St. oJhn's :~hanglllJ:. to ~ h~h~rr oun~ alton; The ~latthew II. is waiting to: in a couple of days for the! office of the District En~inw, · ·

! ~lay 1. Sailing again sl'.tmc day 1 a~d.dda~~ ~ipstlck at nonht to· an on dry dock as well as the; usual northern ports. · Building 29, Buckmaster's fitld,)"JN-GAPORE• ·- for Lil·erpool. : 3101 s a 0 s. ~·Arctic Veteran. : St. ,Tohn's Newfoundlanrl ' 1 · · M.V. "Sundial'• sail.ing Mun·[ FaHhion infl;;;;;;~ heaulh and !he ~1. V. Boltania ~ndcr rr·! AT BAINE JOHSTON & CO The Iow~st or any tcndP:· n(l! ··. ~ . trcal May 2nd., arrtvlng St.: the .

. ~ . .. · -~ ~ ,I .. . ~.. •