Twp. Council to Pu~Chase Land
BY'<..: I.I .E TOD,' · Taxi operators make money by driving the CHESTERVILLE~11 'J/w customers away. _OJ'' DUN OAS COUNTY THE LAND Of MILK ANO HONEY • · COVERS EASTERN ONTARIO'S GREATEST DAIRYl'NG 5ECTION1Il] Sixty-fourth Year, o. 24 Chesterville, Ontario, Thursday, March 13, 1958 Single Copies, 7c Storage Depot Planned-- Twp. Council to Pu~chase Land The regular meeting of Win chester Township council was held in the Presbyterian Hall, Public Speaking Contests Morewood, on Monday, March 3, at 11 a.m., with all members present. The minutes of the last Cover Many Subiects regular and special meetings were adopted as read by the Casselman-Gilroy W inners clerk and signed by the reeve. Council decided to purchase Chesterville High School pup man, "Birds I Harn Known;" two acres of land on Highway ils engaged in annual compet George Butcher, "The Royal 43 on Lot 12, Concession 5, as a itions Friday afternoon in pub Canadian Mounted Police;" Mel storage place for township equip lic speaking. They were compet anie Fyke, "Japan;" June Edge ment, snow fence, posts, etc., as ing for the Dr S. H. Hutt Shield ley, "The Cr owd May Be much of this seems to stray dur and the Rotary Cup. El ev~n Wrong;" Beth Laprade, "Friends ing the summer, never to return. students took part in the con and Neighbours;" Nancy Moore, The land will cost $400. There is tests which were chairmanned "Snowflakes;" Arne Vilmansen, a possibility that a building will by Mr C. A. Graham, one of the '·The Strategic Air Command." be erected in the future for the teachers of the school.
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