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X?*t€"i %',f^ cxr^d EAST CENT ALBERTA NEWS VOLUME XXXXI No. 124 THB HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1953 Dept. Pro*,, m^ JanM *-— CONSORT PHYSICIAN UNANIMOUS Quartette To Appear In Hanna KOCKEY CLUB CORONATION COMMITTEE & RODEO CHOICE FOR LIBERAL CANDIDATE TO BE PRESENTED MANAGEMENT GET TOGETHER FOR • AT NOMINATING MEETING HERE WITHMCKETS CELEBRATION IN HANNA JUNE 2 Dr. A. M. Day In Field For Third Time—William Gibson & Wind-Up Banquet & Dance Many Turn Out Monday Night Arrange Proper Observance J. G. OdeU Re-elected—Calgary Lawyer Lauds Members In Memorial Hall Of Coronation — Tentative Plans Indicate. Most Of Federal Of Today May 7th Appropriate Program — To Be Announced

Dr. A. M. Day, of Consort was nom­ As a fitting windup to the past At a well attended meeting of re­ inated to contest Acadia riding for season a hockey banquet and present­ presentatives from many organiza­ thf? Liberal party ln the coming fed­ PLANS FOR ation of jackets to the Hanna Hor­ LARGE CROWD tions in Hanna ~on~ Monda y night, eral election, as a result of a nomin­ net Hockey Club will take place in plans were advanced for the forth­ ating convention held in Hanna last the Memorial Hall on Thursday, May coming Coronation celebration ln Wednesday afternoon. Over a hundred MAY DANCE 7th starting at 630 pm. The affair OUT TO FIRST Hanna on June tod. Mayor L P. and fifty Liberal representatives at­ is open to the public at a price of Shacker presided over the gathering tended from all parts of the greatly $1.50 per plate and the banquet will which formulated tentative plans for enlarged Acadia constituency. When be catered to by the Ladies Auxiliary the event. SHAPING UP to the Canadian Legion, rhe Hand LIONO GAMES the meeting was opened for nomina­ It ls proposed that a commemorative Hills Bronks, winners of the No. 9 tions three men were seleceted, Geo. ceremony open to all school children Highway League championship will Haverstock of Castor, Oeo. Gatty of May Queen Contest Has Club Project Is Big2 and adults will take place In tbe Consort and Dr. Day. Mr. Gatty with also be presented with the Herb Mc­ morning at the Hanna Memorial drew and Dr. Day was elected by a Three Young Lady The Janz Quartette of the Prairie province. Pictured above they are Crea memorial trophy. Bach member Success In First Arena. A committee will be appointed close majority over Mr. Haverstock, Aspirants Bible Institute, Three Hills, who wpl left to right; HUdor Janz, Adolph of the Hornets club will be the recip­ Venture and in due course announcement will who when the announcement was be conducting a Crusade for Christ Janz, Cornle 'Emu and Jack Symons ient of a handsome red and white be made of the actual program. Pol- made moved that the selection be With a Httle over a week to go the Rally at the Hanna Apostolic Church pianist. The public is extended a leather Jacket, as a token of the pub- Well over three hundred paying u^^ime commemorative service the made unanimous. Hanna Business and Professional Wo­ Thursday, April 23 to May 3. The cordial welceme to this rally, the He's appreciation of their efforts in customers sat down to twenty games ^-mce of the day will be taken up quartette Is well known for its re­ first meeting* taking place tonight at providing Hanna with a top quality **f~l-*_ 2JOa* with a splendid rodeo program spon­ Por the well known and highly es­ men's Club report arrangements well of Liono, when the gular radio broadcasts and for ita ft p.m. intermediate team this winter. sored by W. E. Fitzsimmons. teemed Consort physician this will be in hand for their annual May Dance Club opened the first of a series ot evangelistic work throughout the By coincidence Itt. Fitzsimmons the third time he has contested Aca­ and Queen Contest scheduled for the Following the banquet a short pro­ Liono games in the Memorial Hall dia federal constituency as a Liberal Memorial Hall, Priday, May lst. gram will take place and the present last Saturday night The proceeds „,,„<, falte on ^g 3^ day M the •J* v^H' *§Mfr *1 candidate. At one time he and the Tickets are going well fpr the pub­ +-S-I--5.+.**.-** ja*jons made, after which a dance will from the Lion games wiU be used to coronation and he along with his present Social Credit member Victor lic's choice of carnival queen with HOUSING IN Memorial Arena Assoc be held which will be open to the construct homes for the aged ladies assistants has uttmw-l close eo-oper- Quelch staged a "down to the wire" three young ladies Miss Pat Murphy, publlc. jof Hanna and district, The Lion's ation with -j^ celebrate committee Miss Marie O'Connor and Miss Beat­ Tickets for seats at te banquet table have been assured by the Town Ooun- -^ observing the day from a comm- finish and it was necessary for a re­ Annual Meeting April 27 cU count of ballots before Mr. Quelch rice Stewart as candidates. The queen will be avaUable from members of the °t a suitable building site, and if emorative and recreational standpoint. was elected by a very narrow mar­ contestants and their supporters have HANNA STILL The annual meeting of the Hanna Hornet hockey club starting Friday of ] patronage at the Lion games contto-, MayQr shacker WM e|KtH| cbBil, Memorial Arena Association will ues on a scale as of last Saturday in ' gin. been conducting a lively campaign for this week. man of the organization and along take place In the Memoriall HaU aU likelihood the first of these mod- , Mr. Harold Riley, QO. Liberal can­ the past several weeks and it is like­ with many members of various W&fr. BIGPROBLEM Monday, April 27 at 8 p.m. The fin­ ern homes will be built this year. didate for Calgary north gave a most ly that between now and the count­ ganiza tions in Hanna will soon form- ancial report.of the association will impressive address, featuring the ac-ing of the ballots on May 1st the con- Held on the first Hoor and tabulate the entire program. I* is e*. complishments of the Uberal party in test will have reached more lively be presented i and business of the INSTRUCTION TO basement of the hall, the flnt tame pected the committee will meet in the Accommodation Needed For organization Will be discussed. Elec­ general, but pointing out ln partie-1 proportions. The candidates urge ttiat opened at nine-thirty and by eleven 'very nea,. future and more complete tion of officers will also take place. ular the advance Canada has made their supporters buy their tickets now Newcomers—Committee thirty tbe last and moet valuable priae |detaUs wll, a^ -* forthcoming. In , This Is a public meeting and a large since the end oi tbe war to become I and thus assure themselves ol a BE GIVEN ON of all, an Astral Refrigerator bad hen a* meantime, tbe public i> reminded ' Issues Appeal turnout of citizens is urged by the one of the major nations of the world chance on several of the three beauti- played far and won. The Lions had the ' that a first daw and appropriate president Robt. Whyte. Mr. Riley stressed the fact that the | ful prizes offered the winning ticket C. K. French, chairman of the event well organized and wtih a two program for tbe Coronation Is being present Liberal government has in its holders. Board of Trade housing committee is I I I 'I > I 11 tjij I l I i i i I I l I l l l l I i COYOTE GUNS way microphone set-up there waa no arranged aad on the same day tbe leonflictton in calling numbers to the public will be able to enjoy a rodeo ranks cabinet members of not only Featuring the dance will be the again sending out an urgent appeal Wffl' targe crowd located an both HOOTS of I program of the highest calibre. national but international prominence crowning of the May Queen and ao n behalf of his committee for more Pest Control .Officers c men like, O. D. Howe, Jas. O. Gard- Maypole dance by youngsters under housing accommodation. ithe bulldlng..^*£|j£j-*a Further information aa to tbe Cor- : iner, Lester B. Pearson and a host,the direction of Mlss Jean Oolley. The requests is all the mats urgent Conduct Series Of 1 AU prises were wej». worth wnttm1j0^§fi0^Jt~*V*— ^|> -— ****** ***** wte*'- <•' it . _jtm**ta—mm*mmmt 1-ntlniK ttt— -—HII i r RELIGIOUS RALLY Mssh*n*g>i ' "«"> ' MM gard by taS rations"^r'SP^R^SwBe^ sal* e by' members of the Business and their families this week, rdS-ftlS** WBSHP* 'jtWW*(¥,-ii,mm-^ i ty and the like mittee wtt working in close co-opera­ This, he pointed out, was certainly a j Professional Women's Club, the pro- Pest control officers of the Special *- ****** *- **»«• lihood of more to come. The housing tion. great credit to Canada and Indeed a ceeds from which will go toward a committee seeks any type of aiScom- Areas with tbe co-operation of resi-j The Lions wish to thank the pub- tribute to the general make up of the | charitable cause In the community. modation Including one room, two dents ln the Area are about to start lie for its generous support with the Liberal party In this country. , room suites, houses of any type, etc., on an extensive campaign to control hope that the same patronage will be Re-Elected Secretary Wm. Gibson, prominent business in short anything that will provide g HANN^ j^.A^ TONIGH^ T the coyote population. In recent weeks enjoyed at each succeeding Lion game £ (Continued On Page Ten) Funeral April 12 For cattlemen have reported coyotes kill- A list of prizes for the May 9th Liono Liberal Meetings Rose Lynn Resident living quarters. ing new born calves, and immediate ' will be issued soon, and the public is Those who have accommodation of listic Program Open steps are to be taken to curb the coy­ urged to keep that date in mind, and Funeral services for the late Henn­ any kind available, are asked to get To Public ote menace. be in Hanna to play the giant Liono Liberal President in touch with Mr. French or mem­ lng Anderson of Rose Lynn who pass­ Schools of insCruction in the use of game. There's fun for all, and the ber* of his committee, R. Whyte, Mrs. -i) ed away on Wednesday, April 8th were I*he Hanna Apostolic Church, com­ cyanide guns or "coyote getters" will proceeds are for a most worthy cause. held from First United Church on N {..'-tubbs, Robt. Moore, N. J. Dever- mencing tonight at 8 pm. will be the et-ux. be conducted by O. Grover and J. Sunday April 12th at 1:15 o'clock scene of a Youth for Chrtot Rally;Beegton p^ control officers of the'||nnJrMlc AM-MIJ ,UIlureu nKaU with Rev. W. L. Gourlay officiating. Supplements to the town directory lasting each evening until May 3rd.jSpcclal y^as and Wm. Perkins, Dis- * * w^ ' Born iii Leonard, North Dakota Issued in 1952 by the Board of Trade Featuring the rally sponsored by the trict Agriculturist at Hanna. Cyanide! Play At Sunnynook the late Mr. Anderson who was 8d are now available. Ihey contain the Evangelical Churches of Hanna andlguns have proven very effective tin- years of age had resided in the pro­ changes of addresses of Hanna resi- district will be the famous Janz!der most conditions and are highly Over three hundred people Jammed vince since 1919. dents, as well as an additional list of Quartette of Three Hills, who have in j recommended. At * the schools of In- the Sunnynook Community Hall last ! Besides his wife he is survived by newcomers ln Hanna since the dlr-> recent years made a widely-known struction farmers will be instructed'Friday evening for the first presenta- one son Arnold at home, four daugh ectoiy was published. These are avail- name for themselves with their radio jn the proper method of handling and 1 tion of "Mr. Beane From Lima" a ters, Mrs. George Grover, Mrs. Jack[able at Jasman Agencies, French's singing programs, evangelistic rallies j getting out these "coyote getters." I three act comedy featuring a cast Sinclair, Miss Irene Anderson; Hon-1 RexaU Drug or other stores in Han- and personal appearances throughout J-J^. foUowing points have been sel- from the Sunnynook Athletic Assoc- 1 na; Mrs. J. Hovdebo of Calgary and, ******* Alberta and other western points., ected tor ^e holding of the schools iatlon. The roUicking comedy -net aS three grandchUdren. Also a brother Mr. French informed the Herald Public broadcasts over radio station and au farmers are Invited to attend: expectations and more aa those wbo and three sisters residing in the that with the completion of the town OTON. Calgary wUl be made direct Youngstown, 10.30-12 noon, Ihursday attended wUl testify. The comedy pre- from Hann1111 a eacea h daday U.S-A. ! census now underway lt was likely H* --* ~** y Monday Aprll 3^. Cereai 1.30-3 pjn. Thurs- '' sented at Delia Wednesday night and 1, Uu cu h Interment took place in the Hanna ' that a complete, up "to date directory " « Friday from 1 to 1.15 pjn. day Aprij 3©. Qyen 4-530 Thursday, will be in Cereal on April 34 and in cemetery under the direction of would be published by the Board of E^ ning services ln the Apostolic -April 30th; Hanna, 1050-12 noon on Hanna at the Memorial HaU on April Whytes Funeral Home. | Trade. Business men. as well as res- Oh""** Pastor Rev. H. Jost, wUl Friday, May lst. 25th. Curtain time is 8.15 sharp JOHN G. ODEU, c m e a d on un day of Hanna, who was electee to serve The paUbearers included Fred Allen Went, of Hanna, particularly new- ° ™f ** * •>**• ° 11f T Cliff Blair, John McCloskey, Mandus comers rave found the directory of AprU 26 and May 3 Evangelist Leo Mr. Cameron Kirby of Red Deer another year ns secretary-treasur­ services in the Berry Creek S.D. was a visitor at the home of his sis- er of the Acadia Liberal Association Larsen'- -Bi, b Curry and Harry Sward considerabl«--«—«w«e assistance.-i-.~.. Capitol Theatre commencing kt 2.30 Meeting On May 6th ter Mrs. P. Batter and tir. Batter at a meeting held hi Hanna last over the weekend. Wednesday afternoon. WM. GIBSON ln the afternoon and 7.30 in the even­ of Delia, long associated with activ­ Gun Club Meeting Hosp. Auxiliary Meeting ing. ! J. A Lukey of Sunnynook, secretary ities of the Liberal party in this Next Monday Night Friday Night April 24 The pubUc of Hanna and district ls of the Berry Creek School Division section of Alberta, who was re­ extended a cordial welcome to attend announces that a meeting of the OLD BILL OF SALE SHOWS elected president of the Acadia Lib­ A meeting of "the Hanna Gun Club one or aU of these meetings. school board wUl be held at Sunny­ eral Association at its annual meet­ will be held next Monday night in Tlie regular meeting of the Hanna 2 nook on May 6th commencing at 130 p.m. At this meeting the Board wiU ing last Wednesday. Mr. Gibson in the Memorial Hall starting at 8 p.m. Hospital Auxiliary wm takejilace at' (J t Iff t Distributors UTTLE RETURN FROM CATTLE his office of president has many vice Main topic of discussion wUl centre (he hospital Friday April 24th at 8.30 meet the teachers' salary negotiating committee. All members are asked to presidents to assist him, these being on a proposed site for the target P™; AU memers f the auxiUary and Announces Appointment visitors are welcome 0 . be present. We all know, especially tbt ranch­ appointed from key points in the ranges. A full attendance of members ers that the price of cattle ia not Great West Distributors, Calgary,' vastly enlarged Acadia federal con­ and prospective members is requested what it used to be several yean back. announce this week the appointment p|]m -foiliffht At All Andy Chase Wins stituency. by the . Leaves For India But, buyers and seUers alike, at least of Mr. John Armstrong as their agent Early Plowing Tide the biggest percentage of them ara for, bulk sales in Hanna and district. Saints Anglican Church somewhat "short in memory" and It Offices ot the company and the ware­ takes a little like the following in­ CRAIGMYLE BOARD OF TRADE house are located on Railroad Avenue Tonight, Thursday evening April 23 It's "chase me Charlie" for the formation to Jog our memories that lst Street West. The' new agent wUl at 8 p.m. ln AU Saints' Anglican plowing championship of the Han­ * "things could be a h ... of a lot carry a full line of the weU known church, Hanna, there is to be a pre­ na dlstriet, and who should be the worse." ' . '• I SPORTS DAY ON 18TH OF MAY Red Head products of gasoUne and sentation of the technicolor motion winner this year, none other than lubricating oUs, catering to the farm picture entitled "The Power Within". Andy Chase, fanner ln the Hand Bert Davis of Craigmyle submitted Hills dlstriet 15 j-jiles south west of The annual sports day sponsored and. local trade. By critics this picture has been spok­ a statement to the Herald this week Hanna. Andy won the early plowing by the Craigmyle and district Board en of as the finest production in Can­ showing what he received for five championship by turning sod on the of Trade will take place this year on ada of this type of film. It ls the head of cattle at the Calgary stock­ Students To Sponsor 8th of April. He was one day earlier Monday, May 18th, instead of the Colored Sound Films story of the missionary work of the yards to 1934. Bert had two calves this year having also taken the customary date of the 24th of May. Show On May 6th At United Church church. Its story begins in Ottawa which totaUed 820 pounds in weight, title last year on AprU 7. His near­ one steer at 780 another at *270 and Officials of the Board announce Robert McLaren and: his troupe with a service of worshippers in the est competitor "Frenchy" Durand stiU another steer at 1040 pounds. Bto that this year's sports day will feat­ The children of Hanna will present from the Naramata School, B.C.'are (nation's capital and the preacher is has since hung up the harness and net receipts frcki tbe flre bead of ure a first class baseball tournament to the public on May 6 an "All coming to the .First United Church, talking about mission work, his words turned out the colts, and now Uvlng cattle, after cost of feed, shipping open to six teams, which wlU do battle Variety Show" in the Memorial Hall Hanna, Tuesday April 28th to present, fade away and the scenes unfold in- In Oalgary. With thta earty start charges, handling etc. was exactly for a higher prize list than last year. commencing at 7.30. The show and a program commencing at 8 p.m. The*to the actual work that is being done, "Handy Andy" also bids well to he $43.70! An ironic touch to tbe iJMfB There will also be a softball tourna­ entertainment Is sponsored by the public is invited to a program which, where, only through the help of those ly small amount received to* Hi* ment for men and ladies and races, Hanna Branch of the Canadian Le­ Mr. Dennis Greenway, son of Mr. Includes colored sound films of the in more fortunate circumstances, can the first to put in a crop in 1953. etc. for the kiddies. As a fitting wind gion and the Ladies' Auxiliary, and and Mrs| Ralph Greenway of Gar­ Okanagan Valley and the Naramata "the Gospel of Christ be preached and • ••»•»»••« 4 4 4 1 •»»#*»•>•*>*»***»*»• i***0* **• * C^arKe *~ $1.80 for a up to the celebration a dance wUl be the kiddies and their directors bave den Plain who wiU leave New York school. Lunch wiU be served in the the ministrations of the word and ___ . ____ ' _ _-,hale and a half of hay. Mr. and Mrs. Jas Doncaster of |g; :-gS|j almigh* dollar held ln the Innes HaU, featuring mu­ been holding rehearsals for the past April 2rth on the liner Queen Mary church basement foUowing the meet-: sacrament be carried forward ln ob- t Calgary and formerly o*Mfce OwMK g now •»«»•» wa. sic by the Rock'n Rhythm orchestra several weeks. The proceeds of the enroute to Glvalior state, * India, lng. A noon meeting will be held at edience to Christ's command to utUe datermt Plain dlstriet taW dispoeid of th* g^ y-. ^ Hg gg J _ from Hanna. Posters giving further show will go towards a Memorial where he expects to spend the next Youngstown,on Wednesday, April 29th preach the gospel to every creature, tbom T details of the event wUl be Issued by Cenotaph to those who served in five years on missionary work aa a featuring tbe troupe. Rev. WUl dour- ' See the services among our Eskimo farm and holdings, tb* aale taking L*pe now and then would be ttat to the end of the week. The committee World Wars I and IL Tickets will representative of the Evangelical lay, minister of the United Church brethren being held in the shelter of place xm Monday of thta week. Ur. 'say that they certainly wouldnt want shortly be on sale by the sponsors reminds local baseball clubs to keep Alliance Mission. Mr. Greenway is extends a cordial welcome to every- j an Igloo. It ta truly an educational and Mrs. Doncaster, long time reel- the price of beef to drop to tttt al­ and members of the cast. the Craigmyle sports ln mind and a graduate of the Prairie Bible In­ one to eome and enjoy tbe splendid and challenging drama that every one!dents of tto district wlU mata thelr most unbelleveable levei tt waa, say plan to file entries at an early date. . ... •...... ••••..•. A. ... _.....»..... __..__. stitute, Three Hills. i program offered. lis invited to see. home in Calgary. to »fTTTTTTTTTffTTTl-TTTrTffTT

o * PAGS TWO THE HANKA HEBALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1953 M . • — monwealth, with its tremendous re­ Actic.s Speak Lt er Than Olive Bran sources, fully developed could be a 1%*. HANNA HBRALD great deal more self-supporting than Mail Bag est- CAST CENTRAL. ALBERTA NIW! ls now the case. Opinions of Hanna Herald reader* Itt McCXKA PUBLISHING COMPANY Other Editors Commonwealth trade could be the A Strictly Independent Weekly Newspaper Published greatest unifying factor in strength­ on subjects ot public Intereat •very Thursday ta The Herald. BuUdlng, Main Street, Say ening the Commonwealth of Nations Hanna, Alberta, Canada individually and collectively, against Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers' foreign antagonisms. FAITH NOT ENOUGH THE EDITOR, Association "REALISM SUBSCRIPTION RATES BASIS OP CHARACTER Hanna Herald, Three Months in Canada $ -88 Very realistically, the sommunique I wish to comment on your Easter She Months to Canada 1*58 The most valuable lesson a boy can learn is stated that the present stage of eson- editorial appearing in the Herald of One Year in Canada \ 2.50 omic instability in the world, with One year in United States 8X» that the world does not owe him a living. April 9. If I read correctly, the cen­ great fluctuations in prices of raw tral idea expressed Is that if man is Authorized as Second Class Mall by the Post Office This lesson, well learned, will give him a materials anA*4Hflatlon in every na­ Department, Ottawa to realize his search for the good sense of responsibility that will urge him to a tion, the restrictions and controls on life, he must have faith; faith as ex­ Hanna, Alberto, Thursday, April 23, 1953 worthy purpose in life, and a sustained effort to imports must continue. . . emplified by the life and death of 'There is the assurance that when •J Christ. fit himself for the responsibilities of manhood. world economic stability is reached PREVENT PARM ACCIDENTS "The faith that we can do away It will give him a vantage point from which the cause for a continuance of these with war and poverty and disease he will be able to see through many of the soph­ restrictions will have gone. must take possession of us before we Again at this time of the year emphasis are istries that are rampant in the world today. "Dominions and Colonial territories can move into a world set free, of laid on the prevention of accidents on the farm. will welcome the United Kingdom go­ these scourges." This is very true. The time and place to teach this truth is vernment's assurance that it will do During the rush of spring work in particular, Yet mere faith, the simple belief from childhood up, in the home, and by the its utmost to encourage investment the usual precautionary measures in operating that some time, some how we will parents, for the teaching must begin early and for developmental purposes. . . enjoy the "splendor of human life at farm equipment may be cast to the winds, in it must be emphasized by constant example, which "It was praiseworthy of the dele­ its best, "is not enough. There is now haste to get the spring work done. If the total only the home can give. gates to the Conference to stand so justification for the belief that time minutes taken in observing safety rules all added solidly together in defence of Imperial must in the end present us with the The worst thing a boy can be taught is that Preference, particularly as It is we*1 up to one full 24 hours day, it wouldn't mean fulfillment of our dreams. the world owes him a living. Imbibe him with known that the United States would much time lost in the total hours of work spent Time guarantees us nothing. Indeed this notion, and it will be a wonder if he doesn't like to see its abolition, and the ab­it might well be that the unfolding of in getting along with spring farm work. "An rogation of the Ottawa Agreements. drift into a life of crime. —Truro News time will reveal humanity stripped of ounce of prevention is worth a pound of eure," "The United States has shown HO its civilization writhing ln a new should be a by-word among farmers operating tendency to give any real encourage­ barbarism. It is within our power to FRWPR OOI t> TRRTH ment to Commonwealth Nations to machinery this spring, and throughout the whole attain our dreams but we must act. export to it. and it would be disastr­ War can be made to cease, the hun­ yew for that matter. Safety now will enable you Perhaps you have noted it. Thero are few­ ous if the United States were allow­ gry can be fed, we can be free of dis­ ease. In the light of human progress to enjoy what fruits of your labor there may be er gold teeth to be seen, when people smile or ed to dominate the British market to next fall! the disadvantage of the Dominions. we are justified in the faith that .snarl, than there once was. "CO-OPERATION these blights upon' our happiness can The reason is two fold. Dentists usually do (Continued On Page Nine) SUNDAY POSTAL SERVICE "Nonetheless, the expressed desire I MAIL BAG not now make a practice of filling, or plating, of the Conference for closer co-opera- teeth with gold. And those with gold in their tion with the United States is most | Whether the public knowns it or not they teeth either are dying off, or having the teeth satisfactory. are getting something that a lot of other towns removed to be replaced by boughten teeth. "Th3 visit to America of Mr. Win- j in Alberta do without, and that is Sunday postal ston Churchill is the direct outcome : service. The Sunday service to local boxholders It's only a few decades ago when it was a of thnt desire. was instituted many years ago, by the late Wm. mark of distinction to have gold in your teeth. BT B. J. DEACHMAN "The Conference communique en- I visages a long-term policy. It realises I Sterling, "postmaster and the same service has It was almost an emblem of high caste. Jt set "MY WEEK" one apart from people with ordinary teeth, or that the world's economic ills cannot been maintained by succeeding^ postal officials. be settled all at once. Some will take teeth with more ordinary fillings. It is not compulsory for the staff to main­ "ANALYSIS OF MAJOR FINDINGS hang together they will hang separate years; some may never be settled at tain this service, and it is only out of the "good­ As in all fashions, it eame to have its dis­ OF COMMONWEALTH ly (economically speaking). all. Thus the emphasis is on progress CONFERENCE by stages. ness of their hearts" that mail can be picked up advantages. Gamblers, racketeers and such gen­ "The hope of salvation for the fut­ From R. J. Deachman's Office — V.ur e depends on the sterling area be­ "The danger is that the time that in Hanna on Sunday between the hours of 11 try sought to achieve an air of respectability by B. Fellows ing in balance with the hard currency elapses may be so long that some na­ getting gold in their teeth. Which reminds us of tions may slacken in their efforts and a.m. and 1 o'clock. Needless to say the public The above analysis appeared in the area—that Is tersely, the United Sta­ 9 M! I certainly appreciates this privilege. But, there are the situation which arose in a wartime port. The January Mth issue of the New Zea­ tes dollar. even lose sight of their goal. land weekly paper "Freedom" which 'There is thus a great responsibil- always those who call for mail after 1 p.m. and young ladies of class in the city were wearing "Thig can only be achieved by the S3HIH1S white rubber galoshes. It became a bit confus­ comes to the desk of R. J. Deachman ify on the politicians irrespective of find the post office closed. To these we might and will I think: prove of interest to Commonwealth nations acting toge­ party, in each country, and of indus­ H33NV3 ther to secure a surplus in their trad­ give a bit of advice. If you want your mail on ing when all the women of easy virtue started his readers. It reads ta part as fol­ trialists, both primary and secondary, ing accounts, and in increasing pro­ Sunday, get out of bed in time to call at the parading the streets in white galoshes. lows: to see that hard and intelligent work Give generously duction and keeping down costs. The ls put into production so that quality One reason why the use of gold in the fill­ "Some of the findings are exceed­ regular hours, otherwise wait until Monday morn­ Commonwealth Economic Conference will be maintained and costs will be ing of teeth has diminished is because impres­ ingly vague. Others point to goals communique does well to emphasize to Alberta's ing. "The early bird gets the worm," and the that can be achieved only by hard reduced. Without those things the sions had to be made of the cavities and the fill­ this point. plan envisaged in the communique early bird gets his mail bn Sunday in Hanna! work by people in Commonwealth I "SELF-INTEREST ings made to order. This was a slow process and nations. The need for Commonwealth will be in vain." | The communique hopes also for a $200,000.00 1 unless great care was taken, the fillings might co-operation is stressed as well as ;BEWjU^Qi THE RACKETEERS ,(reer expansion ot world trade. This The Red Cross emblem is the noFnt well,"or stay in long. And we even know with the"TJ.S.A. aiWtui-Wgn •cGUfttries. CANCER CRUSADE I "It is one thing to 'concert meas­ iwill be difficult to achieve, for the world's symbol of mercy and compas­ The Canadian Institute of the Blind has re­ of one woman who became allergic to gold, it ure for increasing the economic reason that each nation, be it a mem- sion. It Is the symbol of man's desire Canadian Cancer Society 231—7th Avenue East, Calgary cently warned all citizens of Alberta to be on being necessary to have all the gold fillings re­ strength of the Commonwealth coun­ I ber of the British Cammonweolth or, to help his neighbor in distress. In | a foreign nation, is bent on attend- J the month of March give generously Alberta the lookout for anyone canvassing in the name placed.—Windsor Star tries, including the Colonial territor­ ies,' but quite another to accomplish ing to its own immediate self inter­ to your Red Cross. of that institution. There is only one campaign , it by action. ests. WHAT IRRIGATION CAN DO conducted by the C.I.B. and that is in the fall Chief obstacle to accomplishment is "This has taken the form of en­ of each year, anyone accepting money in the the rise of nationalism that sees in couraging the development of manu­ facturing industries behind high pro­ name of the institution now is unauthorized. Large tracts of Arizona and New Mexico every suggestion of 'pooling resources' tective tariff walls. Each nation is an­ are, or rather were desert, but since the end of a threat to sovereignty and national Top Traction For Year-Round farming The warning should also apply to various Independence. xious to sell to the others, but obst­ racketeers that will no doubt be plying their the war, and more particularly during the last inately persists in putting obstacles two or three years, they have been converted in­ "Though the Commonwealth coun­ in the way of other nations trading trade in Hanna this spring and summer. Mer­ tries own a common allegiance to GOODYEAR to fertile areas. And with the fertility of the soil with it. chants in particular should be well acquainted the Queen, and this acts as a great "As a remedy for this situation the with whom they are dealing, the organization re­ has come a great industrial boom, including a unifying influence against the rest of Commonwealth Economic Conference SUPER SURE-GRIP presented by the canvasser and who the proceeds large influx of banks, insurance companies and the world, each Commonwealth na­ communique utters little more than TRACTOR TIRES real estate men. New industries and new busi­ tion pursues its own policy in accord pious platitudes. « are for. Many a business man has found to his with what it believes to be the self- ness of all kinds are flocking in. Arizona and "By far the most hopeful sign of With the greatest pull on earth, sorrow that he has in all good faith supported interest of its own people. Commonwealth progress is the deci­ Super Sure-Grips do more work New Mexico have, in fact, only been "discover­ "Be this as it may, a great cause per hour, with less fuel io any soil something which in the end turned out to be a sion to welcome the formation of a conditions! Let us show you why. bare faced racket and one which didn't do him­ ed" in the past few years. *• of Commonwealth strength is the British corporation to aid develop­ fact that each nation is required to self or bis community one bit of good. Beware In population, Arizona at present is the fast­ ment of undeveloved or partially de­ operate within the sterling area, the veloped areas throughout the Com­ of these petty racketeers who may he campaign­ est growing State, having passed California in centre of which is London. If the monwealth. ing under the name of some well known organi­ percentage gain. The region is still one of vast Commonwealth countries will not "There Is no doubt that the Com­ zation, or collecting money for some cause which distances and few people. But rate of population I^XwmoiusoNs actually is designed to line their own pockets. growth has been nearly three times ftie national {aCROSSWORD By A. C. Gordon •» • • average. Arizona-New Mexico had 1,031,000 peo­ THE LIBERAL CANDIDATE ple in 1940 and 1,510,000 in 1951, for a jump of i J* b |V j^ 4 LOOK WW THt-HIGH SISN-'OF QIMllTYl more than 46 percent. Total U.S. population rose 73 II 1 A familiar figure in political circles in Aca­ 16 per cent in that time. TMree years ago the n dia Federal -Constituency Dr. A. M. Day of Con­ population of the chief city of Arizona-Phoenix- Urn s /7 ii 1 IV7 f//,nu\^ tal is great. Arizona now has the fastest growing Hom«gu«rd Iniuhtion In In selecting Dr. Day as their choice for can­ Qd HI Vx -V3 •VV IVJT didate we believe the Liberals in Acadia have income, percentage wise, of all the States. New w-)ll» tnd ceiling protect, ig,in,l winter's cold tnd made an excellent move. Dr. Day is widely known Mexico is second. Arizona tops all other states IV9 SO *iL IWMH'I h««t. throughout a now enlarged constituency. The in­ in relative growth of farm income, retail sales, tegrity and personality of the man stand him in bank capital and number of trucks. New Mexico &T • Prevents heal loss in Winter — good stead. There, is no question of his sincere- leads the field iu relative growth of bank de­ 1 Saves up lo 40% in fuel posits. \*l W • Keeps home cooler in summer •fty of purpose, namely to serve the electors of • Fire resistant Acadia to the utmost of his, ability. One can rest With these developments a tremendous im­ Generalities • R e p e 11 s mice, bugs and otber assured that if anything can, be done to improve . petus has also been given to farming. A $50,000- - vermin ACROSS 35—Carried 7—Create a breeze the lot of the electors regardless of political be­ 3 7—Pluck 9—Mystic Sanskrit word • Approved to insulate homes built 000 irrigation scheme has been'brought to com­ 1—Snug retreat 40—Printer's measures 11—To the right under National Housing Act. 4—Certain 42—Abbreviated gram 12—To raise liefs Dr. A. M. Day will be there to do liis best. pletion and a farmers' paradise has resulted. One 7—In behalf of 43—Comparative suffix 14—Young birds - • WiU not settle EyJE; In selecting Dr. Day as their standard bear­ million acres of lush land has been created with­ 8—Decay 44—Rodent 15—Enrollers for the 10—"Hen fruit" 46—Negative military Latest Method of Installation in easy reach of Phoenix and the climate pro­ 12—Ancient tun god 47—To slander 1 7—To haul er the Liberals have a man of the highest calibre, 13—Adversaries 50—Latin Abbreviation 19—Badges Macleod's use modern portable blower equipment — 16—Man't nickname for "that is" 22—Artist one wito is a credit to the party and who we vides year-around farming, several crops being 51—Club 24—Preposition 1 by experienced IS—Compass direction SSSfSlSS"* ft —. Work d'Tfrom 20—Every one individually 53—A flap 26—Lubricate outside of building, no fuss or botRer. "firmly believe would serve the interests of the obtained from the same land and that spells 54—Force 28—Born (abbrev.) 56—Exceedingly 21—Legal Nomenclature 33—Smooth For free estimate and advice on electorate with sincerity of purpose, and the ut­ high profits. Where there are no irrigation 57—Let it standi 34—Either Materials (abbrev. )1 36—Engagement any insulation problem contact your most integrity. schemes thousands of prospective farmers are 2 2—By meant pf DOWN 38—Devoid of contents and Labor 23—Equine cbifipartment 39—Parts of speech nearest Macleod's Limited store. drilling for water. If they find it they can get 25—Mechanics,: man 1—Not at all 41 —Unruly crowd Guaranteed 27—Freezing j 2—Previously , 45—Point The United States Army has called for 32,- rich in no time. 29—Assimilated form of 3—Negotiate 4 7—Consumed the prefix "in" 4—Yet 48—Educational Associa­ 000 draftee* in June—21,000 less than the draft Arizona and New Mexico were the last 30—Behold I 5—Legal matter tion (abbrev.) 31— Exists 6—Latin abbreviation 49—Cain's Mother quotas assigned for each of the previous fonr States to join the Union. They are now the fast­ 32—Compass direction meaning "for 52—Shortened thoroughfare 33—V ii»h ingredient example" - 55—Pronoun monthi. est growing.—St. Thomas Times-Journal. ANSWERS ON PACE TEN MAClEDtfS 217-2nd Ave. West, H*nn» I-:--- /Mp^ts^^-; 1

TH* HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 2$, 1063 PAGE THIEi i II n.i.i •minium r i ,i SN**>**»*li*»|i •Ask' itZ ft] i*-W TtUiJt-C tSUL CLASSIFIED PACE l/***** ECONOMY RACF. J

POR SALE FOE SALE FOR SALE CHURCHES ADVERTISING RATES Girl's Wool Gabardine Weather Proof­ NATURAL FINISH BUFFET—excell­ 32 VOLT LIGHT PLANT—With 1800 NOTICE TO CREDITORS CLASSIFIER ADVERTISING: ed Utility Coet—size 12, color sand. ent condition. Apply Mrs. George watt windcharger and 2,000 watt AND CLAIMANTS Three csnts per word, first insertion, and 2 cents per word each subse­ Boy's cotton gabardine weather proof­ Gibson, Oyen, Alta. —23-24 motor complete. * 0049 D^L. Gase UNITED CHURCH quent Insertion. Figures in groups of five or less, dollar marks, signs, specially equipped. 14 ft. disc also Chinook—11 ajn. ed utility coat liae 6, Tan color. In the Estate of EMMA REES, late initials, etc.. each count as one word. Minimum prlee first Insertion, 75 SALE BT TENDER 12 ft. drill. Apply P.O. Box 39. En­ Youngstown—230 pjn. Both fully-plaid lined, excellent of Craigmyle, Alberta, married woman cents; minimum price subsequent Insertion, SO cents. Engraved brands condition. Phone 154. —24 Notice in hereby given that sealed diang —24p Hanna—7.15 pjn. sing 7*0 25 cents each additional. tender* win be received by the Spec­ deceased. Divine Worship Notice is hereby given that aU per­ J^'M Police*---14 cents per count line per insertion. Minimum 75 centa. SALE BY TENDER ial Areas Board for the holdings of FOR SALE Sunday Schools Lard »f Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Etc—Not exceeding seven lines 11.50 Caleb W. Jones, Rancher of Dorothy CERTIFIED SAUNDERS WHEAT — sons having claims upon the Estate Youngstown—II am. per insertion. Over that space, 14 cents per count line, per Insertion. Notice is hereby given that sealed of the above named EMMA REES, tenders will be received by The Spec­ Alberta, from bona fide residents of 98 percent germination, 2nd gener­ Hanna—11 ajn. all Headings count as two lines. In computing the number of lines, count ation registered. Victory oats 85 per who died on the lst March 1963 are Hanna reception of new church six worc)3 to the line. ial Areas Board for the holdings 'Of the Special Areas. The said holdings George Albert Wright, farmer. Young- consist of: cent germination. Apply Karl Moser ! J**** *:?* *-* ^ ^It^S .membe™ «* the ^ening eervlce-fol stown, Alberta, sole executor of the Patented Lands: Acadia VaUey. -2*-6p !?, 26th -£?• J"5L,a ^ 8UtTnJ lowed by a"social h-S^ln the chu^h FOR SALE 1 duly verified of their claims and of pm-io,-,. FOR SALE OR TRADE Estate of Richard D. Wright, from EH 1-29-18-4*. B% 36-28-18—4 any security held by them, and that 6 ROOMED BUNGALOW—with glass­ 1950 CHEV—for sale or trade on bona fide residents of the Special Provincial Landa: HELP WANTED You are all so welcome at service Girl for general housework. Apply to after that date the Administrator wlU Rev. WiU L. Gourlay, BA pastor ed in verandah, with bath, all house. New motor, 1100 miles, bal­ Areas: The said holdings consist of: Grazing Lease No. 82366 issued for distribute the assets ot the Deceased plumbing fixtures installed. Also ance cash. Apply Box NO. 418, Han­ Patented lands: a term ot 13 and a quarter years from Mrs. J. Dove, phone 337, Hanna. among the parties entitled thereto double garage. Will sell completely na. —23-4p East haH 16-28-10-4 January lst, 1960, consisting of all —22tf having regard only to the claims ANGLICAN SERVICES furnished or without furnishings. Provincial Lands Sec. 25. and the WU 36 of Tsp 28, fUed or which have been brought ™to Hanna and the Epiphany Mission Apply Central Meat Market, Han­ FOR SALE Grazing lease No. 80695 Issued for R18, W4, containing by admeasure­ MALE HELP WANTED his knowledge. AprU 26th 3rd Sunday after Easter na. _ditf Brome Grass Seed, Grade 1—$17.00 a term of 20 years as and from April ment 957.47 acres more or less CLERK FOR NIGHT DOTY—union ALL SAINTS' CHURCH, Hanna wages and aU union benefits. Ap­ Dated at Land Titles Bldg., Calgary 8 a.m.—Holy Communion per hundred. Grade 2, $16.00; Grade 1, 1843, consisting of Sections 9 and An offer has been received from a Alberta, 17tli AprU, 1863. FOR SALE 3 $8:50 per hundred. Crested Wheat 10, West Half and South East Quar­ non resident of the Special Areas in ply immediately to Manager of the 7 30 p.m.—Evensong We Carry A Complete Stock of National Hotel, Hanna, Alberta. D. L. Sloan, grass seed Grade 1 $30.00 per hund­ ter 11, West Half 15, all in 28-10-4 the amount of $5000.00 which Is the Deputy PubUc Trustee —24 Church School MONARCH KNITTING WOOLS. red. Pasture mixture $25.00 per hun­ containing by admeasurement 2,066 upset price, terms cash, the highest —23-24 10 a.m.—ages 9 years and up Also Slnyjlicity Patterns. See Chad- 11 a.m.—ages up to 8 years dred. Alfalfa seed and Innoculation acres more or less. or any tender not necessarily accepted LOST bourns. —sotf supplied at cost. Call or phone R510 An offer has been received from a Sealed tenders with the words WANTED The Epiphany Mission WEANER PIGS.—Apply Ben Adolph, EXTENSION LADDER—between Ce­ DeUa, or write S. A. Elliott, Delia. non resident of the Special Areas in "Tenders for the Jones Holdings" on real and Hanna on No. 9 Highway 3 p m.—Sheerness AOUSE FOR SALE the outside of the envelope must be Spondin. —24-5p Reginald N. Wright, Vicar 5 ROOMED STUCCOED HOUSE—on —22tf the amount of $3,500 which is the up­ Finder please contact Macleod's Ltd set price, terms cash, the highest or ln the hands of the undersigned not Hanna. —24 water line, complete with water and later than Saturday, May 8ttt, 1953. FLOOR SANDING LUTHERAN CHURCH sewage. Good location. Apply Box FOR SALE any tender not necessarily accepted. Five Room Semi-Bungalow in Oyen, Sealed tenders with the words A certified cSeque for 10 percent of Excellent work at reasonable rates. Sunday April 26 500 Herald. —let! Phone 213, Hanna. LOST Alberta. Complete with oil burning Tenders for the Wright Holdings" on the amount tendered must be enclos­ -24-5p At Sedalia curling rink, new brown St. Peter's Scapa FOR SALE heating and cooking equipment in­ the outside of the envelope must be ed with the tender. leather wallet without name, contain­ Oerman Service—.1030 ajn. 7 ROOMED HOUSE—water, glassed cluding 150 gallon tank. Some other ln the hands of the undersigned not Dated at Hanna, Alberta this 13th NOTICE TO CREDITORS ing $1. Finder keep dollar as reward. Sunday School—11.45 ajn. ln verandah and back porch, hot furniture, floor coverings and Vene­ later than Noon Saturday May 16, day of April 1953. Return to Reatha Herron New Brig­ English Service—12.30 p.m. air furnace, close to recreational tian blinds $3500. Terms cash. Ap­ 1953. Hanna, Alberta AND CLAIMANTS den. —24 There will be a special rededication centre, newly decorated. Could be ply E. E. Trewin, Oyen, Alta. A certified cheque for 10 percent Special Areas Board service for the church on Wednesday converted to two suites. Apply M. —23-24 of the amount tendered must be en­ —23-24-25-26 IN THE MAT IER OF the Estate of EYESIGHT SERVICE April 29 at 8 p.m. Rev. K. Holfeld, Taylor, 313—5th Ave. W., Phone 347 closed with the tender. ELLEN JANE AGAR, late of the Dist­ Alix R. McTavish R.O. graduate op­ president of the Canada District of Hanna. —24 FOR SALE Dated at Hanna, Alberta, this 20th FOR SALE rict of Cereal, ln the Province of Al­ tometrist will visit French's Drug the American Lutheran Church wiU Registered Shorthorn Bulls—1 year old day of AprU 1853. 1 TON FORD—special equipped with berta. Married Woman, deceased. store on Tuesday afternoon AprU 28. officiate at this service. FOR SALE low set, dark red. Sired by Olds Mon­ Special Areas Board stock racks and extention, Al shape NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN that Dependable eyesight service and re­ Redeemer, Hanna 2 REGISrERED PUREBRED ANGUS arch's Quaker 13th. Masters Brothers Will accept cattle or late model all persons having claim upon the pairs. —24 Sunday School—10 ajn. New Brigden, Alta. —22-23-24p Hanna, Alberta BULLS—1 five years old and the —24-25-6-7 swather ln trade. Apply P.O. Box 39 Estate of the above named ELLEN German Service—7.30 pjn. other 2 years old. Exceptionally Endiang. —24p There wUl be a special conference FOR SALE OR TRADE JANE AGAR, who died on the 25th ANNOUNCEMENT good animals. Apply Harry G. Nel­ SALE BY TENDER day of February, AJ>. 1836, are requir- Do you need extra cash? Women are servlce °** Tuesday evening April 28 son, Box 109, Hanna. —23-24-25p 8 Young Belgian, 2 Arabian Horses- FOR SALE v trade for stocker cows or what Notice is hereby given that sealed ed to me with the undersigned by the earning extra money by making a »» "• • P-=> *f JJ* Kurtz of the tenders wUl be received by The Spec­ .y, ft COCKSHUTT nLLER — with 18th day of May, AD. 1963. a full state few telephone calls for us each day P«thUls parish wiU deliver the ad- FOR SALE have you. Also 1 of 2 registered seeder attachments. Price $125.00. ( e 8 Hereford bulls 2 & 3 years old, one ial Areas Board for the holdings of ment, duly verified, of their claims from their own home. Excellent op- . ^ * - ____, „ „ . _ . __. SMALL 5 ROOM SIUCCO HOUSE— Ernest Paterson, Irene Paterson and Model D. John Deere Tractor, old and of any securities held by them, portunity. For full particulars write j Rev. Irvin H. Hohm, B.A, BJ>. full basement. Using town water, weighs 1710. I am reducing my type. Apply L R. Welch, Phone horses that I have bred from reg­ Leonard Paterson, Farmers of Spon­ and that after that date the Admin­ Box 522, London, Ontario. —24 but sewer to basement only. No din, Alberta from bona fide residents R1425. Hanna. — 24-5p istrator wiU distribute the assets of CHURCH OF CHRIST plumbing. Here's your opportunity istered sires for over 35 years. For Sunday April 26th the past 3 years have used a reg­ of the Special Areas. I*he said hold­ the Deceased among the parties en­ ANNOUNCEMENT to finish a nice little home at low FOR SALE OR TRADE titled thereto, having regard only to 1030 ajn,—Bible School istered chestnut Belgian stud with ings consist of: Hanna Teen Town'will hold a bake cost. Very centrally located. Inves­ Patented Lands: 7 ROOM HOUSE — 8 hUles N.E. of the claims of which notice has been sale in the Ideal Grocery store on i 11.30 aon.—Morning worship tigate. , life premium Saskatchewan breed­ Hanna. Also 1 rubber tire farm so fUed, or which have been brought 730 pjn.—Evening worship ing certificate. M Givens, PoUock­ N% 27-33-11 4 Saturday April 25th commencing at COUNTRY GENERAL STORE—about SM 34-33-11 4 wagon. Will trade for cattle or to his knowledge. 230 o'clock. Mr. Alvin Rowledge of the Alberta vUle, Alta. , — 23-4p Bible CoUege will be the guest 30 miles northwest of Hanna. Good S.E. 28-33-11 4 what have you. Apply Otto Stem, DATED this lst day of April, AD. mixed farming district. Railway, Phone 306, Hanna. —24*-5p er for the day. Everyone welcome. FOR SALE S.W. 26-33-11 4 1963. CARD OF THANKS |——— — elevators, electric light school grades REG. TAMWORTH BOAR — 2 years WA 30-33-10 4 WALTER K. WEBB, I wish to thank the attending phy­ 1 to 11. Stock approximately $7,- FARM FOR SALE ALLIANCE TABERNACLE old (with papers); also ten grade Provincial Lands: The ESTATE OF JOHN J. SAUN­ Solicitor for the Administrator, sician, the matron and nursing staff 000.00. Private residence lf needed. of the Hhnna hospital for tbeir ef­ Sunday Services Tamworth Gilts from registered Grazing Lease No. 80722 issued for DERS invites tenders for the purchase 1630A Centre Street No., Sunday School—10 ajn. Here's a great opportunity for some stock. Apply Andy Andrus, Finne­ Calgary, Alberta ficient and kind attention rendered a term of 20 years as and from April \Q__ the following Worship Service—11 ajn. one. gan, Alta. —24-5-6p 1, 1943, comprising the foUowing lands 22-23-24 me whUe I was a patient in that in- The South Half of Section Fifteen stitutlon. We are having faithful attendance WE SPECIALIZE IN THE SALE OF Sec. 3-34-11-4, NV4 34-33 11 4; Ntt H. J Jost pastor —21tf FOR SALE ta-te of the VUlage of Youngstown, > to extended to us at the time (rf REGISTERED HEREFORD BULLS— the amount of $10,000.00, which is the I -^ i^j bA& a house barn and the Province of Alberta, Farmer, da- U,, bereavement. Ate fer the beau- HOUSE FOR SALE ages rising two and three years. upset price, terms cash, toe highest or otber bmMings and is situated near cefs^7- . ___-_ _. «. .. *** **~~- tribe-lea received. CHURCH OF THE «AZARENE 8 ROOMED HOUSE — 3. bedrooms, Choice at either $375.00. Apply N. H. Thomas, R.1, Hanna, TrtiOfie KftlS '"mlm-TLl-mm^^im.^^ t to Notice is hereby given that inp«s| -Un. Hennlng Anderson and ft*a> iBunda; glassed In verandah and back porch sons having claims upon tha matmbw.twt tir. • • . fiu> unmi rnn'i n*M>»

See our lovely floor display of IHO Refrigerators and Home A HELPFUL HINT ON CITY DRIVING Freezers, also Propane Stoves and Servel Refrigerators. Ask about our budget plan. As low as $20 will buy you a lovely Fridg. *

Don't Forget to Take a Look at the Completely New and Changed R Line Trucks

GOOD USED ARTICLES LESS 10 PERCENT FOR CASH 1947 Farmall A 2 plow tractor, Al shape, a bargain at $725. John Deer AR, in Al shape $700.00 Massey 102-G-A.T., new th-es $900 & $1200 Cockshutt 30, Al, 1949 $1500.00 W-6, Al Shape, 1947 Model - $1695.00 1939 Chev Car new motor, fair shape, 2 new tires, a snap at -*. $395.00 Used 41/2 and 6 ftO Tillers $175.00 to $200.00 You 'll Dance For Jdy When You Have SPECIAL—1052 Two Ton Fargo Truck, heater, anti freeze, box and stook racks and power take-off, Al shape at a Your Car Serviced At K&B Motors The Bargain Price. 2 Good Used Late Model Kitchen Stoves $100.00 Sound Of That Motor Will Be Music To th« IM* yoa A BARGAIN— MM may to 1951 IHC Half Ton with Heater, Anti Freeze, Air Foam Cu­ Your Ears. shions, Color Red, Traction Tires, Low Mileage. This Truck M IM mnr of VM* mm m rtir Looks Like New , ~ •• .'....$800.00 under list Sec the Above at Tour Looal I.H.C. Dealer ITA HCWBT Mm UMITB

Clarence Mohl Hanna Alberie PHONE 121 HANNA w—r

(•- SiBi-PP



^ /

* AGS FOUR THE HAHHA HBRALD and EABT OENTBAL ALBERTA NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1953 day ls the Lord's Day, lets keep lt led to the Davey sale on Saturday »—<• ful to see that the container ls not Holy. and came home rather disgusted and too full and that you have a clear Some very nice films were shown to quote Gilbert, "only two bucks for path before you J— Ramblings From The by Donna Mae Wigley on Friday a wagon." Are matches kept out of the reach NEWS NOTES night Including the Grey Cup finals. One of the boys asked Mr. Colbert of chUdren?— Several footbal conscious students why he wanted to leave the Home and By Your District Home Economist Are flammable liquids, insecticides, from the high school were Interested go back to his little grey home in the disinfectants and poisons properly and came over. "Behave Yourself" a west. He remarked he was a Uttle MISS L. A. SHATZ marked and stored?— comedy full of complications was well lonesome. WeU we hope the bright Do you Wipe up grease Immediately attended and very much enjoyed on lights of Stanmore will cheer him UD after it is spiled?— Monday night. a Uttle.Bye. Is Yow Kitchen Safe? Do you keep a stepladder stool con­ Is non-rubbing wax used on linol- We were sorry to hear of the pass­ Many serious accidents can and do veniently located tn the kitchen and eum?— *_% ing of Mr. Bowman senior. Young Mr happen in the kitchen- Accidents oc­ use lt to reach objects on high shel­ The first periodica ito print an il­ Are sharp knives kept in a closed Bowman is the young man who keeps cur through carelessness and poor ves and for sit-down Jobs?— lustration by halftone process was the rack out of chUdren's reach?— our whiskers trimmed and our locks management. - A thoughtful home- Have you good lighting in the kit­ Canadian Illustrated News ln Oct Do you cut away from you when shorn. We are glad to see him back maker should be interested in check­ chen?— Youngstown Home 1869 this iUustrating process led to using a knife?— again after attending the funeral of ing her kitchen management and Is your kitchen adequately ventil­ the development of coated papers and Do you use large pot holders to lift his father. Some of. the stubble around safety practices to avoid hazards. ated*}— the large industry which today sup. hot pans?— Word was received this week from the winter's accumulation of debris here was getting rather long. How do you score on the foUowing Do you lift heavy articles by bend­ around the buildings. Mr. McLellan A few of us rambled over to the plies them. Do you lift covers of steaming con­ a lady saying she missed the Home check list? ing your knees, keeping your back ! has also been testing some of our own local talent show sponsored by the j tainers away from you, using the co­ news in the Herald. We trust we did Have you arranged your kitchen straight and straightening knees as grown seeds for germination. If the Community Club. It was unanimously I Prince Edward Island originaUy had ver as a shield to direct steam away not offend our friend but we told her equipment and cabinets into a com­ you lift?— test is good we shall be offering green agreed that the 'boss" makes a pretty ' the Indian name of Abegweit and from hands and face?— she had better be more thorough in pact working area with enough room pea seed as well as sweet pea seed good bathing beauty. Gilbert Mac- later the Prench name of Isle de St Do you ayoid loads too heavy for Do you use a rotary or wall type scanning the pages of her newspaper. to work safely j— for sale. Lennan our 'dealer and trader' ramb­ Jean. your strength?— can opener, not a knife, to open cans? The Ramblings have been published but for reasons unknown to us the Do you have space ln the kitchen Do you start Jobs in advance and Are electrical appliances disconnec­ Another of our friends passed away Home picture had not appeared. for the children to play and watch plan ahead?— ted when not ln use?— | suddenly on Sunday night. Mr. Pento who was in his early eighties suffered safely?— Do you keep hot Uqulds well back Have you an accessible first aid kit The grand spring like weather is a stroke Just after retiring for the Do you take frequent, short rest from the edge of range or table and in the kitchen?— really being enjoyed by aU of us. The ! night and passed away about ten- periods- see that handles are turned away The correct answer ls "yes" to all seats on the outside of the Home have fifteen. The remains are resting at Do you store articles within easy from the edge?— of these questions. Both management been well patronized this past few Whytes Puneral Home at Hanna and reach?— In carrying hot liquids are you care and safety are famUy affairs. Kitchen days. The old horse shoes have been at the time of writing funeral arrange management that assures safety for tossed around a bit and Mr. McLel­ ments had not been completed. Mr. the homemaker and her family, offers lan has been very busy racking up | Mellom is a patient at the Hanna security, health and even life itself. to the WA. Presbytei*y which was j hospital and Messrs Hofer and Bar- Let "Safety" be your Watch word! held in Red Deer Thursday and Pri­ • rett are still patients there. day of last week and reports a good Two birthdays were celebrated here ...* attendance and splendid programs. NOTICE this week. Mr. Sam Brown was 81 on EXCEL Mr. and Mrs. S. Thayer, Mrs. Chap­ Sunday and Mr. Tony Presu was 75. lin and Miss Doreen Bishop were Han­ 1 Sam treated all to ice cream on Sun- na visitors on Saturday. I day while Tony treated his Immediate EXCEL, AprU 20—We are all pleas­ Mrs. Davis of Oyen spent Sunday j friends to a bottle of orange crush. To Our Many Customers ed to see Mr. H. Corkish able to be with the Corkish famUy. The Rev. Gourlay of Hanna United USED TRACTOR around again after being in the Oyen Mr. and Mrs. S. Regan and Sharon church was with us on Sunday. The While we are making alterations in our store for the hospital several days. spent Sunday at the P. E Bishop I size of the congregation was a little Mrs. A. E. Wetheral was a delegate home. „ | disappointing. Suppose a great num- next ten days we ask your indulgence. Business will be as | ber of the village people were enjoy­ usual with a little inconvenience. ing a little drive in the beautiful , warm sunshine. We have heard that there is a fhoir over at the village church. If this be so we would like ATTENTION them to come and help us with the Have Been Cut singing. Next Sunday we shall have tt We wish to announce that we have in stock the new one or more of the Madges from Rich- reducing wafers by Sharpe & Dohme ask your Doctor re­ CATTLE and HOG dale with us. The time will be two- thirty. A cordial invitation is extend­ To Rock Bottom garding same. Simple to take and pleasant. ed to all to come and worship. Sun­ 2—80 Olivers reconditioned, 1 at $850 and $895. Also, we now have in stock Selsum the revolutionary SHIPPERS Dandruff remover. Ask your Doctor re this item as it can 99 Oliver, good $995.00 only be sold on prescription. We will be shipping Hogs and Cattle from the CN.R. Stockyards On 70 Oliver Al repainted, reconditioned 6 speed $775 1945 Model D John Deere $995. 1948 Model 44 Massey, repainted and overhauled DEVEREAUX DRUG | WEDNESDAY, MIL 29TH $1295. PRESCRIPTION _j| CHEMISTS AU Stock Must Be Loaded by 12 Noon 1947 Model U with new tires $1750. For Best Market and Service Slap Your Livestock To The 1949 Oliver 88 Standard $1900. 1949 L.A. Case with hydraulics $2300.00

Fovrd Ferguson and Power Mower $795.

TRACTORS 1938 Car, new motor, new metalic paint, ex­ cellent condition SWEETHEART. Heart-design brace. WD9 IHC Tractor Al, cpt let matches the case of this dainly, ASSOCIATION LIMITED 17 Jewel Elgin DeLuxe. $70.00 30 MH Tractor cpt PHONE 40 Geo. Anderson, Mgr. Hanna fC | ELGIN-Ihe only watch with lh* ^, »*i heor» 'haf never breaks, the guar- DC4 Case Tractor cpt ^---t anlted DuraPower Mainsprinf). A.Aminqii£soNSi •jfr-pQPOE • DESOTO T New W6 IHC Tractor, hydraulics etc, cpt Berke Jewellers Phone 13 Hanna 2—Oliver 70 Tractors cpt Hanna Alberta YA Case Tractor

John Deere D, new tires, overhauled Implements 8 ft M.H. 509 Tiller, Al what? 6 ft Heavy Case Tiller, 2 years old It's Time We Gave Your Car A Side by side on the merchants' shelves — 6 ft M.H. TiUer cpt Canadian materials and "imported" goods. Do you Lift! get any advantage when you go for "imported" products? 12 ft Renn Cultivator with rod weeder — And a complete Spring inspection and servicing. In textiles, at least, the answer is simple. Canadian First well Lubricate the chassis . . . drain and re­ mills turn out fabrics and yarns that match or Used 3 Bottom IHC Plow better the production of any otber textile country fill the transmission and differential and repack front oj tbe world in quality. 8 ft Case Cultivator, nearly new wheel bearings and rear springs. Then, weU drain They are made by Canadians who are paid good Canadian wages; they are designed to please the crankcase, lower the car, check battery, lubri­ Canadian tastes, meet Canadian needs. We have a limited supply or new tillers and discers cate generator and distributor, refill the crankcase This is no plea to shun "imported" materials. on hand for immediate delivery. Drop around and They should be considered along with domestic and check tires. You drive out in a car that was like products by every Canadian consumer, hut on ai see us. strict wbat-do-I-get-jor-my-dollar basis. NEW. Cost, surprisingly moderate. Come in today. Ask for Canadian textiles if you want die best for your money. i'WSt fit il DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED 1K & B Motors Moore's Motors Manufacivnrs of Top Quality • Canadian Produett Which Carry Tht _^ MASSEY HARRIS SALES and SERVICE The Modernized Garage femout Jrad. Nam. HANNA PHONE 78 PHONE 62 HANNA

'Wmtk--- ''z^®-Uzzz_ a-';£jiJS& THE HANHA MfttALD and BABt OBXTftAL ALBBRTA MSWS, THURSDAY, APBOL 29, 1963 . -•3s? PAGB fTVB ***-*- •** •' p • •-••yi^w*»w«>-»»yyp-«»rf|jpji>M*)L^, _ MT-Can- successful' when the group met thia Sask., visiting with I*.' IdWdfcin'ifW. Vahderfcoif rf -Aed-fry. Jutes*, ^tttflg week. Panel members were -ba. k. ~f. [mother. *Amelia Zuchdt-dorfl* Mobrldg-J,' sA;. (*"";mediatel, y ttSosfhsg the Oowrner- Peers, Jean Cherniak, Mrs. D. R. • Helen of Mobrldge S.D. spent a few Mrs. John Chtipp offlmey-: MtyK lOeniS; «rffo***ridmlnut*riiw tbe Ferguson, J. Westcott, K. Peers, DCa| Mrs. A. Zuclistprff and (laughter seven sons, Otto ott New Westm»np|f^™,"L^JTv^S*' . """",'B *~ Ferguson. In charge of the questions ! hours with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ros- B.a, Charles and lb/ah * yb'atfT**"*^^^^ and answers were Oester Neilson and enau while here for the funeral of town, August, Calgaiy, John, Chinook gLS.J^SL^ __ Angus Mactavish. The "experts' were the late Mr. Carl Rosenau. and William of Waukesha, Wis, «^B>Lfan*^ * *^*- •?tonoW1' *"-" stumped only once. Mr. W. Zawasky was a Calgary vis­ are M grandchildren, 61 great grand- ***• " t ",L.^_1r% . TM opening exercise of the evening itor last weekend. . . , children and one great great grand a short devotional, wu conducted i»y rhe show on Saturday* night April' &&&-* #^PSf* •**_* **^Sr! J§y£M'#*tm» <* the Ota- led-tjrjftipn of Canada wete Mew Bran- Mrs. i. Westcott. A tew games of 18. - will be "Ivory Hunters", a . very '. F-meral J^rl% ^ held m Clti- remarkable show. Also an added feat­ nook cn Thursday April 9th with Rew. *4fto£ WrtVa Scotia, Ontario and Que­ ping pong preceded the lunch which bec. was served by Mrs. J. Westcott and ure will be "Chinook on Parade." Ph. Unterschultz at Calgary officlat Please try to attend. lng. Interment followed in the Cfttn- Mrs. H. Krempien. The next meeting A virus is ft minute germ so on April 38th will have on its program Carl Rcsenau 99, died April 0th at cog cemetery, the home of his son August in Cal­ that it cannot be seen even with the mock radio show. gary. Mr. Rosenau, better known as 'iild tif tbe highest power lens mic­ Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Shannon and "Grandpa" Rosenau was born In *•" "**- •*»* *"'"' •*• *• **-* •22* roscope. family motored to Lacombe last week leaden, Germany. He came to Unit­ tt m >- tr, f-' end. FoUowing their return Garry had ed States in 1881, moving to Ohinoofc" the bad luck te break the bone ta his ta 1912 where he engaged in farming. ankle , while out leading his calf In I960 he took up residence in Cal­ whieh he has been training for the gary. 4H Achievement Day. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. The Mission Circle met at the home of Mrs. L. Jensen this week. They "1 made two baby quilts during the af­ ternoon. An Easter program was pre­ sented by Mrs. J. J. Carry and Mrs. Jensen. The next meeting on May 7th wiH feature a Mother's Day program "."¥* and will be held at the home of Mrs Lloyd Oood. Servitors were Mrs. L. Jensen and Mrs. B. Hubele. MARSHALL Mr. Jake Mahura is again in the district attending to his farming in­ °WEltS° NEWA&ESOUE AIRCRAFT FOR parachute trailing behind. Designed landing runs, has resulted in filling terests. RCAF—-A feature of the handing-over primarily as a search and rescue and a major rescue requirement. The Ot­ The Folk Dancing Club are plann­ ceremony to the RCAF of the new de northern supply plane, the air per­ ter also possesses the added features ing a folk dancing demonstration and Havilland "Otter" aircraft held at formance of the Otter makes it the of being able to fly safely at low dance in the hall on May 8th. Admis­ NEW KtANOS roronto, was a display by an RCAF answer to a flyers dream. The ab­ speed and altitude, good ground visib­ sion 35c. An interesting and enter­ three-man para-rescue team seen here ility to carry 6 stretcher cases along ility, and well-planned exits for para- taining evening is promised. Featuring such makes as: in one of their practice jumps. The with two passengers and a crew of rescue personnel to jump from. KIMBALL GULBRANSEN third man can be seen just leaving two, coupled with its performance in SHERLOCK - MANNING the aircraft with the as yet unopened making extremely short take-off and Chinook Clab Extendi & MOZART Thanks For Support We offer Amazing Values ln N. Peers. The next meeting will be Reconditioned Pianos Mew Sciefff/fic formu&s on May 2 at the home of Mrs. H. CHINOOK. April 13—The Chinook ot all makes jn mean Longer Lasting Valley Chamber of Commerce Krempien. Community Club wish to thank all ir who donated sandwiches to the last up. Mr.' Wm. Perkins DA. from Hanna dance. The elub plan a big "May Day r $250 Hears Utilities Spokesmen accompanied the 4H Calf Club boys Calico Ball" on May lst with prizes, on their tour of the farms last week spot dances, novelty dances and sur­ Used Piano Bargains Also with them were L. E. Niwa, R. prises galore. Please keep the date in Under ACADIA VALLEY, April 18 — The spending two weeks with Mr. and MacFadyen, N. Skappak, R. W. Shan­ mind and be sure to attend. $250 MARSHALL-WELLS Chamber of Commerce sponsored a Mrs. H. MacFadyen, while her mother non and O. W. Lemke. Mrs. Henry Peterson, Gloria and PAINTS VARNISHES •NAMELS meeting at which a representation attends a famliy wedding in New Mr. and Mrs. T. Shubert spent a Margaret spent holidays at the home from the Canadian Utilities Ltd. metYork . brief holiday with their daughters in of Mr. and Mrs. McBain south of SOLO St with a good crowd from the munici­ % Calgary. It was Mr. Shubert's first Cereal. pality who want their power line. The The Community Club met ta the holiday to the city in 31 years. A birth-Say party was held visitors gave detailed information on shool auditorium last Saturday with Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cowan Monday April 13, for little J ••-**?. the costs and procedure necessary to 24 ladies present. It was decided to (nee Margaret Cameron) a son. Mrs.Rosenau . Twelve Mends wsr* te MARSHALL-WELLS STORES _%,:..jwhui' obtain the services of their company. send $10 to the Salvation Army. A M. Cameron is spending a few weeks A lovely lunch of sandwiches, **-*•*»•- r >; Nothing definite has been stated con­ letter of thanks from the latter was in Calgary with her daughter and day eake and ice cream was served^, L. D. WARWICK - OWNER cerning the building pf the power read, thanking the club for the col­ family. Mr. Charyk recorded the birthday line, but hopes are high that lt "will lection of used clothing that had Mrs. Wm. Grudecki wae a Calgary party along with the children's games PHONE 149 HANHA be built either this fall or next year. been forwarded to them. Several of and songs. Also a number of pictures visitor recently. Of the party was taken by Mia Charyk The possibility of the line running the ladies expressed their wishes to Listed among the winners of Acad-*, through to Empress may be a determ­ learn more about the.dresses made by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Landeen and emic awards given at closing exercises children spent holidays at Craik, ining- factor. the C.N.I.6. Final arrangements for of the Faculty of Education U. of A. A very good crowd attended the the coming bazaar were made and Calgary Branch were the names of showing of the National Film Board committees appointed. The roll call Mrs. Doris Peacock (nee Salmon) and pictures in the school auditorium this was a bazaar donation. Free raffle was Mlss Dolores Skappak both tn second week. As usual the films were of a won by Mrs. F. C. Peers. year Bachelor of Education. Congrat­ high calibre and well worth seeing. A most inspiring "Easter Message" ulations. Baby Barbara Illsey, daughter ot was read by Mrs. P. Dyck. Delicious Mrs. Stanley Tomasawetea and Rev. and Mrs. Illsey of Empress is refreshments were served by Mra A- dnwhut

A NEW IDEA FOR GREATER CONVENIENCE And, if you desire, ybu can bave the smoothness oderation The front seat of Dodge two-door models is divided \4-% god ntg^ej^-jfcay Qp4w JfrM^JJfljElipt' .: se that rear seat passenger* can gel in and out with minimum disturbance of front teal riders. j^ailab-fepn^pyfair aodMgent tWUtt flKeirtra, ', Yfith Hy-6rive you drift directly into High— theft you can stop and go as you please without YOU ENJOY GREATER SAFETY is best touching the gearshift or clutch, Better All-round Vision — New, curved one-piece windshield v v J! and down-wept hood give you a closer, wider view of the road. •V-J .' C^ "** c**jil' '''?3>. "- b*i !f *^a "Higher, wider tide end reor windows provide excellent all-raund Discoyer this amoving new Dodge for yourself. in all things vision. Wide-sweeping electric windshield wipers give constant- Come Jn today and arrange for a road-test. speed, efficient performance. Unique Safety-Rim Wheels — Standard equipment on all r^&j Chrytler-built cart — help hold tire on the rim in case of a blow­ tl out, allowing safer, straight-line stops. MS Dual-Cylinder Front Wheel Brake* — Dodge has twe hydraulic cylinders in each front wheel brake for balanced control — providing more stopping power In front where it it needed. PODGE FAMOtKfOR OfPENDAff/UTY •rake linings are of rivetlets Cyclebond lining which provide longer, troublefree life with no chance of drum scoring. THE HOUSE OF DODGE MAYFAIR • DODGE MGf NT • 0ODOE CRUSADEji| SEAGR-A A. A. HUTTON AND SONS

EN WHO THINK OF TOMORROW PRACTISE M0BERATt#N TODAODAY Phone 13 - irffiSn-t' r-..fitft>mtf Hanna, Alberta

1 ^v: "Ty"""' w-•%-{***


ments outlook lt represents. alizing plans, already well- matured, $8*^^'43§$*i£ In 1947, torn and saddened as he for what is to be done this year. mz^tfm McGill Graduate Called sat anftong the hostilities of the U.N. The broad picture of what Canada Oeneral Assembly as Canadian Min­ will do ln 1953 is already clear. By and ister of External Affairs, he arose one large, It will be her biggest year yet World's Best Doctor day to utter this statement that is ln putting wallop in NATO's military likely to live long after he is gone: power in Europe. Canadian-born William Osier dis­ Osier left McGill to teach at the "Nations, ln their search for peace She will complete establishment of covered no miraculous cure er wonder University of Pennsylvania, and later and co-operation will not, and can­ a 7,00-man, 12 squadron, 300 plane drug. Yet at ltls death he was "thd went to John Hopkins, ln Baltimore. not, accept indefinitely and unaltered air division in Prance and Germany, most beloved physician since Luke," By 1906 his fame was such that a a council which was set up to ensure doubling the air strength she had a- claims the April Reader's Digest. wealthy Canadian offered McGill $1,- their security and which, so many broad at the end of 1952. She will Osier was a brilliant diagnostician, 000.000 to bring Osier back. But hia feel, has become frozen in futility and maintain the 5,500 man 27th army a practitioner in "psychosomatic med­ choice was made when the King ol divided by dissension. If forced, they brigade in Germany and move it in­ icine' long before the term was in­ England appointed him Regius Pro­ may seek greater safety in an assoc­ to its allotted strategic position front­ vented, and the most effective public- fessor of Medicine at Oxford. Later iation of democratic and peace-loving ing the vital Junction of the Ruhr health crusader of his time. His book* the King conferred on him the baron­ states willing to accept more specific and Rhine rivers and their industrial international obligations in return and articles numbered 1,200; one of etcy which made him Sir William. In powerhouse. With her arms produc­ for a greater measure of national sec­ the books led to the formation of thq World War I, Osier was consultant tion rolling in high gear, she will urity." Rockefeller Institute for Medical Re­ to Canadian and American hospitals provide her allies, free, with hundreds search. in Bngland. It may become the passage Cana­ of jet fighters, air engines, mobile The Digest article traces Osier's He died in 1919, but 30 years later dian history chooses, above all others, radar, guns and other equipment. career from his birth ln an Ontario the Journal of the American Medical to associate with Mr. St. Laurent's The number of European airmen parsonage in 1849. His first aim was Association claimed: "No one has in name. Two years later his prophecy trained here since 1951 will rise be­ the Anglican ministry, but his early any way taken hs place as the world's was fulfilled. In the election campaign yond 3,000. of that year, 1949, he chese as his curiosity about natural science shift­ best doctor." By the end ef 1953, Canadian mu­ ed his focus to the study of medicine. central theme the hope and the as­ piration embodied in NATO. Here at tual aid—arms shipments and air Graduating from McGill Medical training—will have amounted to more School in Montreal, Osier pursued his last, he preached in hamlet, town and As I See It! city, is a foundation on which peace than $800,000,000 since NATO started studies ln Oermany, Austria and Bng­ and nobody has ever attempted, pub­ land. In London, his discovery ot the can build. Here is hope for peace. A few weeks ago in Toronto he licly at least, to gauge in dollars and "third corpuscle" contributed much to By Peter Grable brought his vision up-to-date with cents the value of the military forces the knowledge of blood clotting, and OTTAWA—A child with 14 parents FIVE BROTHERS COMBINATIONS Korea with fifth brother, Roland on all" on a Japanese biliard cue, one this sober caution: she is sending into Europe. McOlU called him home to become, wlll celebrate its fourth birthday IN ARMY—Believed to be the only the high seas enroute to Join them. of the many souvenirs brought back This ls the military front. But Can­ at 24, a proiessor of physiology. April 4, preening itself on a formid­ "What we need to be concerned a- two five brother combinations in the Three members of the Lortie family from the Far East. Left to right are, ada has insisted from the start that At McOlU, Osier's investigations of able record in doing what every par­ bout is to prevent false confidence army are the Lorties from Quebec are veterans of the Korean campaign Armand, 17; Frederick, 19; Arthur 20; NATO must have something more trichinosis revealed that the disease ent wishes every child would do — I that the danger of Communist aggres­ City and the Seguins from Ottawa. having returned from tjie Far East Maurice 21 and Raymond 26. Arthur, than a military front, must become was widespread and brought about keep the peace. sion has receded enough that we can To make it more unique is the fact just in time for last Christmas. The Maurice and Raymond served to­ afford to relax. I believe the danger the first municipal meat inspection. The North Atlantic Treaty Organiz­ deeper, must broaden into non-mili­ that they all serve with battalions of five Lorties are stationed in Quebec gether in Korea, Raymond having has receded somewhat but it has re­ While at McGUl, he also did much to ation was born on April 4, 1949, arrd tary fields. I*a.Mr. St. Laurent's 'first' Canada's famed Royal 22nd Regiment. City with the 2nd Battalion, Royal been wounded twice. ceded only because the free world ap­ change the gloomy aspect of hospitals it already is credited with hurdling of 1947, the government has added its Four of the Sequins, Henri, Peter, 22nd Regiment. Above, they make a pears to mean business; and, if we by suggesting flowers for the rooma the year—1952 — Wastern statesmen primary parentage of Article Two of Maurice, and Aldege, are serving ln pledge of "All for one and one for are to be secure, we must continue to and pastel colors for the walls. marked with trepidation as the year the Atlantip Pact's Charter, the art­ of supreme crises when they founded mean business." icle that holds out a vision of an policies." menace of Communism. They remain year old prodigy called NATO has O.S.A. NOTES it. This is Mr. St. Laurent's theme for Atlantic' Community of nations co­ a cardinal principle of Canadian pol­ been too busy so far learning this This unique international experi­ 1953. It also is the theme that will operating in the "strengthening of The possibilities of Article Two are 325 people are expected to attend ment—unique because lt is an exper­ background April's meeting of the 14 their free institutions and eliminat­ profound. They go far beyond halting icy, Mr. St. Laurent's government has strange trade of keeping the peace to conferences and conventions at Old iment both ln collective security and nation NATO council in Paris in fin­ ing conflict in their national economic the immediate or even long-range repeatedly affirmed, even lf the four- I give them the attention they deserve. School of Agriculture during the next in collective development—has come a two weeks. long way in those four years and ln Garden Club Leaders' Conference the six years since Canada's 'Prime will be attended by 66 leaders of rural Minister St. Laurent placed the first garden clubs of the province, April 8 embryo vision of its possibilities be­ and 9. Hie Home Economics Associa­ fore free men In 1947. tion of Alberta will have Ita annual But less than three weeks after the G<90 convention here on AprU 10 and 11, birthday, NATO's council will meet in accommodation is planned for 70 Paris to chart the next stage, the pro­ members. gram for 1953, in the drive for firm A spring conference for 30 women security. The NATO child has not yet in the women's section of Alberta's mastered his craft. He still has a long extension service is planned for April way to go. 13, 14, 16, and 16. A leadership con­ It ls Mr. St. Laurent, who ls widely ference of the Farm women's Union credited with fathering the concept of Alberta is slated for 140 members of NATO, a concept now so broadly during April 13, 14, and IS. On April accepted among Canadians* that it 16 the PWUA will have a board meet­ tends to obscure the profound change K USERS BUY ing attended Ity 20 executive members in tbe nation's pre-war no-commit­

NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Hanna Co­ operative Association will be held in the Memorial Hall, Hanna, on THURSDAY, APBIL 30, 1953 HEVROLET TRUCK: "TH? -f^ijl_jy8t^:in*'i'~mbr~p —-,.*—- —. Business: Oeneral ••.-.- April 10, 1953 Hanna, Alberta THAHAHYOIHER MAKl!

HANNA CO-OPERATIVE ASSOC, LTD NOTICE OF DIVIDENDS The dierctors of the Association at their meeting* held April 10, 1953 declared: A dividend of 3% on Paid Up Capital Stock. A Purchase Dividend for the year ending January 31st, 1952 of 2% to Shareholders and 1% to Non-Shareholders, payable in goods. April 10, 1953 Hanna, Alberta GEO. B. ANDERSON. Manager



LEYTOSAN is very economical to use. lust 10 lbs. will treat 320 bushels which amounts to the small cost of Zyi cents per bushel. You will be well repaid with greater crops and better grades. No matter the size or type off truck you need—what better proof could there be that a Chevrolet truck is your best buy! // you prefer a wet treatment use Leytosol "C". Check the According to registrations (obtained from sources sub- vantages over other trucks. Such preference must rest on - scribed to by the industry and considered to be reliable) a firm foundation of good, sound value. And, of course, it wireworm menace with Ley­ truck users in every single province bought more Chevrolets does — as owners of Chevrolet trucks can testify. tosan G-91. again in 1952, than any other make. Chevrolet trucks are widely known for their ability to And so year after year Chevrolet's popularity proves hold hauling costs down. They are known for their power, beyond any question of doubt that Chevrolet and only / a their stamina, for their exceptional gas and oil economy, as •&VBO LET Chevrolet provides the sturdy durability, trouble free per­ • ••••.-.i ,.:: • •ff-fl-f,*' ,Yn -y well as their low-cost upkeep: And on these same counts, formance and long low-upkeep life that means real satisfac­ you can expect 1953 Chevrolet trucks to be even more REDUCE your seeding costs by tion to truck users. eliminating wireworm from your fields with outstanding. Leytosan G-91. Leytosan G-91 is a dual treat­ Yes, it is difficult to imagine more convincing proof of ment possessing all the qualities of Leytosan in Chevrolet's superiority, for such clear-cut and overwhelming So before you buy any truck, see how much more controlling soil-borne diseases asd in increas­ preference can lead to but one conclusion: Chevrolet trucks offer you. Stop in and see us soon. ing germination. Chevrolet trucks must be better, must enjoy solid ad­ A GENERAI MOTORS VALUE CT-5531 for furthwr InlozmattoB, wrritw: Phone 7 a LEYTOSAN (CANADA) LIMITED JIMMIE'S SERVICE STATION Hanna, Alta. 345 HIGGINS AVE.. WINNIPEG Craigmyle CRAIGMYLE MOTORS Alberta


more familiarly known in his boyhood peg, succeeding the late A. in Haana is married and haa a fam- Thia pmHlnw entails tke direct rea­ Wishful Thinking "Duffer" Uy. M$hy friends in Hanna wUl be ponsibittty of nislntalnl^ — ur Mil- Herald • II rts News pleased to have this bit of informa- lions of doUars af stocks wt wtpM Visions Golf Club House tion. raUway materials throughout the west and ol distributing tham aa re­ Put Hanna On Hockey Map CJML APPOINTMENTS quired for the efficient operation ef (By Bob) has a pint of bitters before him and the system. Ifs tbe middle of July and a gang is convincingly telling the boys of how Wilfred Huddleston has been ap­ J. J. Dauben has been appointed of "nickle snatc/fers"' haa Juat com­ last week he shot six under par. pointed general storekeeper of the travelling passenger agent far ° tta pleted the 18th hole at the Hanna Over in another section of the room Canadian National Railways' western Canadian National Rallwaya a* Be- golf course, and while Dr. Laing, Bill some of the boys are enjoying a game region, with headquarters at Wlnni- glna. Clipper, Bob Moore and the rest of of cards. I can hear Earl Code's laugh the bunch are figuring out who made as he tells the one about the old; fel­ the money, I'm going to drop my low who taught him something about clubs and head for the clubhoi^se. this game. Another group is playing Gosh it's a treat to get In >6ut of darts, while stUl another is having nngtfrne through that sun, and as I slowly wind my sandwiches and a "spot" of tea. Sev­ way through the ow*rhanging pines eral of the ladies are making arrange­ The fcookies ••• and through the cool, cool shade of ments for a mixed tournament and the bushes, up the stone walk and what they should wear at the club across the green lawn to the door of •lance in another two weeks. tiie huge, red and white stone club­ Bob Scott from the Beaver Lumber house. I can hardly believe that this has Just come in with several guests is the Hanna Oolf and Country Club. from out of town. He is showing them Quickly talcing off my spikes and through the place, explaining the dif­ stepping into a pair of leather loaf- ferent types of wood, which go into era I make my away across the plush I the fixtures such as counters, tables, blue carpet to, yes, you guessed it, to lockers and last but not least the the tap room. There Bob Morley, com­ dance floor. Looking north from •Aj/0. plete with white coat, is busily polish­ where I am sitting I can see Dale ing tall, clear glasses. Bob with his Smith and two or three of his pals neatly trimmed mustache and all a- j out on the putting green, and over a little farther BUl Watson is paying a The team that pot Hanna on the activities with a team banquet* and Back row, left to right, Lyle Grover round, appearance of "spit and polish," in that exceUent English accent, says: i kid off for retrieving his balls on the hockey map this past season the get-together, at which each member manager, Oeo. Paterson, Geo. Mac­ | driving green. No doubt Smith and GREYHOUND llanna Hornets and their officials of the club and officials will be pre­ Lachlan, Arnold Grover Jack Camp­ "what wiU it be Robert, an ale or a cold beer?" "One, beer, Bobby, my j WatsoWatsonn wilwUl l soosoonn be heading for the Enjoy the spnnq freshness oi Ihe Rockies via are pictured in the above photo sented with leather jackets. Read­ beU, Roy Seward, Cleve Rae, Jim club taken at the close of the hockey ing from left to right the officials Fielding, Dr. 8. E. Argue, team phy­ boy!" says I, and as Bob pulls the house, their tongues are about GREYHOUND I Travel through them to the verdant season. With a late start the Hor­ and members of the club are: F)ront sician. Missing when the photo was cap and places the pint and glass on hanging out. Paaiic Coast alive now with the gayness ol sprina- nets played in all approximately 17 row, Ed. WeUer, equipment mana­ taken were Jack MacLachlan, Eddie a silver-tray. I sink, yes, literally sink WeU, I can hear the bunch coming time. ^ or 18 games and had their share ger; Sid Silverman, coach; Danny Cherkas, johnny Cherkas, Jack into the comfort of an easy chair, in from that eighteenth hole. The CHECK THESE LOW RETURN FARES of wins, especially In the latter "Tugboat" Smith, Tommy Lefley, Horner and Vic Bonenfant. which for aU the world was made for argument' doesn't appear to be settled stares of the season. On May 7th Stuaft Orover, Stan Cherkas, "Curly a tired, hot golfer, who Just took a by the tc*ie of their voices. They are from HANNA te the club will officially close oat its Campbell, Stan James, BiU Stubbs. dollar and a half off those "donkeys" bursting in the door now, and I must still out there arguing about it on awake from my dream, take another VANCOUVER 42J5 the eighteenth hole. drink of luke warm water from the sporting organizations and the golf red lard pail that sits on the corner, club is no exception. Ways and means I toas Bob the money for the beer SEATTLE 41.15 Dr. George Wilkins Elected and *$er a long draught, I set back go out again and make another dol­ of raising mote money are now be­ lar and a half) ing decided, and this week all mem­ in that chair, kick the shoes off. and PORTLAND 42.6« bers have received by letter a scheme begin to look around to see who else SCHOOL BALL PLAYER President Of Hanna Golf Club whereby money may be raised. Secre­ is. enjoying the comforts of the new SAN FRANCISCO %ZM. MINISTER IN OKLAHOMA tary Watson would Uke a reply to clubhouse. Over in one corner I hear this letter at an early date. several of the boys talking. Taking a LOS ANGELES r%.W% Dr. Oeo. D. Wilkins, who did such Greens—E. W. Code, V. Ulmer, H. In the photo of the 1920 baseball • • • look In their direction I see Jesse i a capable job as president of the Berke. Bloom with his hands stretched out team appearing in lait week's Her­ Bob Morley has again accepted the [Hanna Oolf Club last year, was re­ Tournament—Bob Moore, Mrs. L. explaining to Herb Berke and brother ald the whereabouts was unknown of Job of greens-keeper. Bob did an ex­ -elected to that office at the club's Bloom, Dick Jones. Frank just how close he came to one of the players Bernard Leicht. Your Iwl Oroyhound A-joni will arr-**n-**-*, cellent job last year, and his return onual meeting held last Thursday Publicity — Dr. Vardy Laing, Bob making a birdie on the fifth hole. In Mrs. Mike Tatarnuik, formerly of your hiiwrarr Hotel Accommodation and to the "fold" was heartily approved evening. Dr. Wilkins takes over what McCrea. the group, which is centered around Hanna, and now of Empress, writes Si-jhtSMing Tour, tfuou**rt» ""»&." at the annual meeting. Keeping a golf oks to, be the most promising and BuUding—Bob Scott, Bob McCrea, a nice low-legged table, is also Pete to say that Bernard is now living in Club in good shape is a tough job. uccessful golf club fri many, many Al Isbister. Hancharyk. Pete as like the others a place called Ceiling, Oklahoma. He especially with the likes of Oeo. Wil­ ars, and that goes back twenty to E. R. "Bob" Morley, who acted as has been residing their since 1940 renty-five years ago. kins, Hugh Jasman and Sid SUver- where he is the minister of the G REYH OU greens-keeper last year again accept­ wards banishing that ancient curse y |Over fifty men and women attend- ed the responsibility of overseeing man to contend with. of being a "golf widow." Church of Christ "Bernie" as he was c _y tfj?^ the annual meeting, which featur- work at the course this year. • • . the showing of two first class films pees were set at the same as last One complaint from many of the golf as played in International "waders" is that the water hazards ^m i year, namely: Family $12, gents $10, Itches and the" rules pertaining to ladles $5, students *4- A green fee of are too deep I A suggestion has been Change to tke Jlf£IV/irst choice of thousands game. The films were shown fifty cents was set with the stipula­ made that these fellows make use of Dugh the courtsey of Mr. Percy tion that resident golfers may play a the local swimming pool, as a golf •rshran, to which the club extends maximum of five games only With the course is no place for bathing. ppny thanks. payment of fifty cent green fees, af­ ****** In all likelihood the first event of ^The business end of the meeting ter' that they wiU be expected to take out_ a .club *jnembershlp.ri the season will l^e a i*f)t**-**il two bail eupied almost two hours and maay fourSome or a tombstone tournament. the discussions forthcoming from Either event will give both ladies and hose present. Sifting the discussion Golf Notes men an opportunity to turn in their .down, plans this year include ways score and obtain handicaps for other means of building a new club events later on. Either one provides A highlight of the meeting was the regulations concerning mem­ plenty of fun and a big turnout is discussion on a new club house. With bership and ln general a plan to expected. greatly improve last year's activities the prospective membership this year •» • • now is the time to start action on 'which went into the books as being Judging from reports the fair sex this objective. Thp building commit­ the best since the end of World War will be turning out in larger numbers tee has some plans that may develop II. than ever. At least six of the men within thfe next week, and believe Election of officers resulted ih J. have bought new clubs for their wives they wUl meet with the approval of A. Bloom being elected vice presi­ and while it is a rather expensive the membership if they materialize. dent; W. T. Watson, secretary-treas­ •'initial outlay," it goes a long way to- urer and Mrs. Phyl Kllpper and Mrs More will be heard about this in a Connie Armstrong as executive mem­ very short time. bers. The following committees were • • • appointed: Finances are the bug-bear to all iwwmm.

Thousands of drivers are changing lo Ford because they've found that Ford's smooth Strato-Star 110-Hp. V-8 engine if the type of engine that powers the finest cars, though Ford is priced with the lowest. They've found that Ford offers a choice of three modern transmissions (Fordomatic*, Overdrive* and Synchro-Silent shifting) and an unusually wide selection of styles, 1951 Chev Powerglide in two tone gteen with radio colours, interior trims and fabrics. When you add up all the vitally and sunvisor important "extras" that Ford provides—like its smooth "Wonder Ride", hs Full Circle Visibility, toft foam rubber 1951 Chev Styline , dark bide, radio and air seats, Centre-Fill Fueling and Key-Turn Starting—you conditioner, low mileage begin to realize how much more there is to Ford than you ever expected in a car that's priced so low. When Ford 1950 Ford Coupe, nice shape, good price gives you so much more ... WHY TAKE LESS THAN THE BEST? 1948 Chev clean car throughout 1948 Mercury Sedan new tires, Al shape FIRST WITH THE FINEST FEATURES 1946 Mercury Sedan new paint, seat covers, heater TRUTONE Al shape WHITE makes paint dollars go farther, because it has 29% more hiding strength even than before. Takes less paint, Trucks less work. And TRUTONE WHITE # AtHMEffliM 1940 3 Ton Ford •lays white ... actually cleans itself. 1950 ya Ton Chev Sheds dirt and helps prevent ugly 1946 Studebaker 19$l 3 Ton Chev stains from eavestroughs, down­ spouts, etc 1939 V2 Ton Chev 1941 VA Ton Chev Keep your ftouaa whHwr and YOttl. PO.IO OlAlIt Will OIADIY AMANOI tOf YOU TO... / On Display At .mortar wftft THUTONf WHITE. THE CENTRA!. OARAGE Jimmie's ce Bea var Alberta Phone 102 BiU Hipp**^ « * »' s m^-€ Alberta ffl Lumber Ltd. Alberta LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF VALUE WHEN YOU BUY A USED CAR-SEE YOUR FORD DEALER Hanna Hanna Alberta IS

'*! PAGE BIGHT THB HANNA HBRALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBBBTA NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, . "inii JI.'.'I.')*«I Mr. Tony Dlemert. After the card Benton is getting its share of chic­ wood were mart-led during the Easter Mr. and Mrs. G. W. TurnbuU and from the raffle, the articles being playing was over, a dainty lunch was ken pox during the epidemic. holidays. famUy, Mr. and Mrs. John Paetz and donated by Mrs. Martha Falconer. served by the ladles. Mr. Don Chalmers of Calgary Waa family were Sunday visitors at the Five dollars of this is being donated Messrs Jim Wong and Ping Wong in the vicinity on business recently & —.4 home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Turn-* to the Red Cross. The next meeting have sold their B.O. cafe. The new his mother Mrs. D. P. Chalmers has SEDALIA bull. wiU be held on May 13th. management has already taken over. returned to Calgary with him. The Big Stone F.W.U.A held a : Oyen Home!Gripp "Walking to Missouri;" Monica Without a doubt Jimmy and Ping will Mr and Mrs. Jas. Oolley are visit­ meeting at the haU April 8th with Last year Canada was exceeded in ing Mr. and Mrs. I\ Colley at Huxley ' Shultz "Lullaby" sung to Oerman; be missed by all the Wen people. SEDALIA, Atfril 30 — Mr. Edwin ten members present. Remnants that gold production only by South Africa and School Association held a most and Mr. and Mrs E. Coley who spent Sylvia Faichuk "How Much is That However we wish them _4/e\l and the Carleas of Devon is Visiting with his were received from Eaton's and Simp­ and Russia. successful amateur hour in the school the winter here returned to Huxley auditorium last Friday evening. There Doggie ta the Window." |best of luck wherever tHey may decide relatives here, ix sons were passed out to make bazaar with them. articles. Seven dollars was received Boy: "I Saw Yonr Ad Un The Herald" was a record crowd as contestants and Instrumental: Dolores Jacobson, to go. We might mention that the Mr. John Rude of Camrose is visit­ spectators alike seemed keyed for the piano "At School March"; Marvie new people are from Chan's Cafe in Mrs. W. Hanewlch has returned to ing hl^ sons and expects to stay for her home here after having spent the evening's entertainment Following is Carran piano "Bicycle Walts." I Kindersley. spring work. Have a Home that says Ages 10 to 13 Vocal: Leonard HaU Patients ln the hospital the past two winter in Calgary. an Itemized list of the contestants and Mr. L. Blegen, has been to Calgary their selections. "Little White Duck;" Kathleen and weeks are Mrs. Alf Jorgenson, Seda- for a few weeks. rheresa Bosch "When It's Springtime "»: Mrs. wm. Trevor, Esther; Mt. P. —.41 Pre School Vocal—Maragrette Fur­ to the Rockies."; Louise Ortpp "Mom i Symes. New Brigden; baby Anthony With the extended winter curlers neaux, "Me and My Teddy Bear;" 2nd ESTHER and Dad Walts." ,Bakoway, Esther; Mr. Henry Corkish have been enjoying a few more games Raymond Bosch "I Went to Your Instrumental: Theres* Bosch piano'Excel; Mr. Alex Bosch, Oyen; Mr. M. ...+ Mr. J. Hume is at home again after Wedding," wintering in Calgary. •Doll's Dream;* Louise Gripp piano!Neville. Oyen; Mrs. Oeorge Ross, New ESTHER, April 17 — The farmers Ages 6 to 9 Vocal: Carol and Janet Mrs. Adams arid Ross had the meas­ "Angel Voices Ewr Near* )Brigden: Mr. Martin Russ, Sibbald; here are worred over the lateness of es lately. Ages 13 to l«; Dennte. Phyllis and'Paulette Prtsch. Oyen; Yvonne Ire- the season as there are still several Mr. and Mrs. Kobi and family of Diane Void. StttoaM: Junior Choir : land. Oyen: Mrs. Ethel Olsen, Oyen; spots that are drifted with snowbanks Veldt are vistifrig Mr. Kobi's sister Oyen United Church ITerrance Kelley, Chinook; Mrs. Emily When work does start there will be a Mrs. E. Carleas for a few days.* Instrumratal Li-UK* Grip*? and Bd-1McLean. New Brigden; Mrs. Mike rush to get the seed in the ground. na Funwaux -School C****- Smigelski. Benton; Mrs. L. Halliwell, The April meeting of the Rush Ages 17 and Orer; Bot. ShieMs: Joe!Oyen: Mrs. Annie Rugsven, Oyen; Centre W.I. was held at the home .—* and Phil Bosch; J<* Bosch. Millie ;Mr. G. Grover, Oyen; Mr. Sidney Gray of Mrs. J. Barnett with nine members BIG STONE Flug and Frances Hertz. Benton; Garry Shannon, Acadia Val­ and two visitors present. The roll call + Instrumental: Joe and Phil Bosch ley, Mrs. E. Berg, Oyen. was answered by each member wear­ "Accordian Walta." rhere will be no United Church ing an Easter hat designed and made BIG STONE, AprU 14—The wint­ Fill in Numbers: Tony Bosch, accor­ services on Sunday April 26 at Cer­ by herself. Some very original and ery conditions of the past week left dian solo: quartette. Mrs. Pringle Mrs eal, Excel and Oyen as the minister highly decorative hats were modelled much snow to this district making It H. Hall. Ben Weiler, Tony Bosch: will be away. Services will be held as The ladies decided to send a delegate Q late sPri"g- Bob Shields, solo. usual at Sibbald and Oyen on Sun­ to the convention to be held in Ed­ Mrs. I. Erickson and Mr. C. Colberg The Home and School Association day May 3rd when the great event of monton in May. of Rosebud were visitors at the home Pentecost will be the sermon subject. of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Van Dam for wishes to thank all who took part in A"-short report was gives by Mre. On Monday April 27th a delegation the Easter weekend. and helped make this amateur hour j W. Pratt on the cancer drive. $63.50 of Presbytery will visit and hold a the success it was. A dance followed has been collected to date. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carlson, Mrs. Say­ the amateur hour with the O.K. or­ meeting In the United Church with ers and Lome of Calgary were Easter Build, remodel, repair with the official board and Joint congre A tea held on March 20th in aid visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. chestra in attendance. of the The Ladies Hospital Auxiliary group gations. The finances of the charge' ^ood Relief raised a sum of C. W. Laughlin. MURRAY is very pleased with the success of will come up for review and also the *W6*«. Arrangements were made for a Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wilson and tlje tea, bazaar and sale of home ccok personnel of the pastorate after Mr. Grandmother's Day party to be held family of Red Deer were visitors at ing which was held in the Berg's Mo- Pringle leaves at the end of June. May 7th. A paper was read by Mrs. W the home of Mr and Mrs. Martin INSULATING SIDINGS | tors showroom last Saturday after- On Wednesday April 29 the Rev. Pratt on "Value of the United Nations Paetz for the past week. noon. About $240.00 was cleared. The Robt. McLaren and a group of young organization. Mrs. Alary held a con­ Choose irom a pleasing variety oi brick, stone test which was won by Mrs. Affleck, and shingle designs. Count your fuel saving ladies wish to take this opportunity people from the Christian Leadership dollars when the snow flies. Most oi all, you'll of thanking Mr. Berg for being so 1 Training School at Naramata B.C. the consolation prize going to Mre. appreciate the cosy COMFORT of your home Barnett. A lovely lunch was served by when it's clad in this thick insulating siding. Without Help generous ta letting them have the will hold a meeting in Oyen United use of his showroom and propane I Church at 7:30 p.m. when pictures Mrs. Hewines and Mrs. J. Hoffman. Keeps out summer heat tool We'U be glad to Without Spilling Esther residents were saddened to give you complete particulars. stove. Ihanks go to everyone who will be shown and addresses given on hear of the death of Robert J. Greig, JVMowf Uavlng Tractor patronized this worthy project. th« work of the school. All are wel­ a former resident of the Esther dis­ Mr. W. A. Cunningham spent last come to attend and all young people 1 to tt orer 100 different trict before retiring to his home in week in Calgary. are especiaUy urged to be present. The traetora—adjustable to reach­ Ontario. Mr. Tony Bosch was also a Calgary group will be entertained to supper es up to *4 ft All models built Back in the traces for another sea­ ALBERTA LUMBER LTD. •wtia-eturd-f, tt— ot rae— visitor last week. and billeted overnight in homes of the congregation. son's work ls Mr. C. A. Johnson who weight. Positive ta up or down Mr. G. Gibson spent a few days in has con e out to hl action. Easily controUed. 10 the city this week. Mrs. Frank Logan of Cappon spent » s Esther farm af- Alberta n ter spending the winter at his Cal -saaOy mounted, labor-aavlnc The Joe Ferguson family motored to a few days ' town visiting with her gary home. Your Murray and Donnacona Headquarters •ttaohmanta make your NEW Calgary last Sunday to attend the parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright. A bridal shower was held in Ex­ ta-V-HCBN Loader a real year graduation of Miss Joan Ferguson celda School, Tuesday in honor of •round helper—alwaya ready who is a member of the graduating newly-wed Mrs. M. Hazelwood. Mrs. to handle hardest lifting, load- class of the Calgary General Hospital BENTON Hazelwood has been the teacher in In* or stacking Jobs. Congratulations Joan. Excelda School for several years, and Visitors at their respective homes wiU leave at the end of June to re­ Good Used Trucks ast weekend were Misses Jean McKay ttop In and rry Out BENrON, April 20—Messrs F. Pope side on the groom's farm in the New and Shirley Acheson both of Calgary. n's Modern Man-Saver A. J. Thurston and J. P. Thurston at­ Brigden district. Mr. and Mrs. Hazel- L-130 IHC 1 Ton 1962, like new 3400 miles $2450 The regular meeting of the Home tended the Liberal convention in and School Association was held ta Hanna last week." L-120 IHC Three-Quarter Ton Truck, New 1952 *he school Monday evening April 13th Dean McKelvine, Terry and Michael Model, $300 Under New Price The guest speaker was Mr. Gordon Devereaux and Victor Thurston at­ Oyen Sales Hay, inspector of schools at Hanna. tended the auction sale at Gladden For Guaranteed 1949 1951 One Ton Ford, good shape $1750 His main topic was "Modern Trends last week and caUed on friends in 1950 One Ton Mercury, good shape $1450 in Briliffltifntf. ami mil present -Found ICindersJey. *'Wt»z*s-?rr«- & Service Ml*. Sky's speech most Interesting and M. L. Mainhood visited his daugh­ & 1950 Half & One Ton 1951 Half Ton GMC, 7400 miles, like new . $1700 MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE & OLIVER beneficial. ter Elsie In Kindersley on Thursday. 1950 Half Ton GMC Good Shape $1250 FARM MACHINERY The C.W.L. whist drive on Monday Mrs. J. P. Thurston was the lucky PURITY 99 GAS AND OILS April 13 was very weU attended. Top winner of the wool comforter at the I Trucks 1947 KB5 iy2 Ton GoodjFARM TRUCK . $1100 PHONE SI OYEN, ALTA. honors went to Mrs. A. K. Lee and Oyen Hospital bazaar last week. CaU At Two 2 Ton Fords, each $500 1948 Half Ton Chev., overhaulel $1000 Central Garage , , Fargo Used Cars Youngstown Alberta 1949 Half Ton Austin $750 —23-4 1951 Meteor, Like New $2000 t 1 1951 Chev. 4 Door Sedan, only 13000 miles, This Car Is Good Value at $1975 4 1951 Pontiac 4 Door Sedan $1895 1941 Chev. 5 Passenger Coupe, a Good Car for A Young Fellow, and a good buy at $550 E 1941 Ford 4 Door Sedan, Good Shape $550

It's rW New Machinery On Hand i FARMERS WD9 and W9 Tractors. Farmall Super M Propane Be sure to ask your Imperial Oil Agent about the new Gas Tractor Just $232 More Than Gas Tractor economical 30-gallon non- returnable drum. Two Super W6 Tractors Available by April 15th . 6 and 7 foot Tillers on Hand. 12 and 15 foot Oneway __ IRE Discalls on Hand. 10 ft. Tiller Less Seeding Attach­ ment, used one season $200 under list marvelube. IHC Packers and Flexible Harrows on Hand sjssolubeHI? Good Used Tractors Model P Minneapolis, like new, used three seasons, MOTOR Oil* Tires used one year $2150 W 9 Tractor, good shape $1500 Farmall M Overhauled, repainted 1947 Model, like Marvelube and Essolube Heavy Duty keep pistons clean, help prevent sticky new, a real buy at $1300 valves. Provide long-lasting piston sealing power. Stand up to continuous Fordson Major, good value, valves ground and re­ Siwc. December 1951, Tbe SovaJ Bank of Piooeering in remote areas is nothing new to high temperatures. Combat acid cor­ rosion. Help prevent the formation of painted, price only $1000 Canada has provided \stwwk'm% merries to tbe Royal Bank. It is a strong tradition. Today, sludge. Protect working parts from pitting and wear. Case DC4 Overhauled, 1949 Model $1500 construction exesrs warkia-g tm tbe -jifwrtir lut example, we maintain offices at Churchill Either Marvelube or Essolube H.D. Case Model S Overhauled and New Rubber . . $800 SBr : power aad aJunumun fntjttt twww fair iag ca ffad»fl-n's Bay, Mayo in the Yukon, and provides money-saving protection for your gasoline tractor, car or track under Cockshutt 30 Complete with Cab, Overhauled with shape cm B.C/* n^el mmwuuim -MM*. Port Radium 00 the fringe of the Arctic—the all possible conditions of service—no M*.'U matter how tough. Use Essolube H.ft new Pistons and Sleeves $1600 Branches and sab-hrsoMbes are e/f*r*tm% **faftbe»t-north" bank in Canada,. Whenever with absolute confidence in your Diesel mt Keiwano, Tafataa Lobe, Kedbab-v ttwwww and wherever the need arises, The Royal Bank Tractor. Cockshutt 80, good value $950 damstte, Kfldala, Skies Lak* mi otW al Canada beads north with the men who Farmall MD Diesel, Slightly Used and Just Like New strategic points in this great are establishing Canada's new frontiers. 2e£ your $ IMPERIAL OIL'agenl Ki* THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Earl Lamson Berg's Motors A 1IO 1ANK SERVING A OROWINO COUNTRY Phone 14 Oyen,-Alberta Lkiili*^.^^- Y:_\l -zt "':'-i:..'r'-- '• \ • .-:.-•,.. '. Phon*»*m***-*******W-—. I ll I n ' 'i


mm-imm- ™y^yvv--' •• ra.(S**4y.i_, gJ51Braf#?a.iM;;iw.aJy*s rmn m


ience in the grain elevator business. and pasture management practices. He was born at Brantford, Ont. and Balanced manning is a project that oame to Calgary as a aid in 1909. The can be used to work into aultable next year he entered the employ of DEPARTMENT OF MMMK crop and forage rotations tbat will the Alberta Pacific Elevator Company give increased yields and at the same In 1812 that company became the Al­ time build up the soil fertility. berta Pacific Grain Company under FARM NOTES Inquire about the above policies the management of John I. MacPar- (W. J. Perkins, District Agriculturist) from your District Agriculturist. lane, who later became president. In the years Mr. Oliver spent with that, •Or­ Coyote Control company he arose to a position of Farm Safety and Yon tion ln areas that they may be suit' It has been reported that coyotes considerable Importance. Will 1953 be another year of disas­ able. Por our Special Areas, Ladack are beginning to concentrate on young trous farm accidents. Let's stop this J.I» i> _-._• _ 1- ._ calves in a few areas and even young Ip Juljl 1926 Mr. Oliver entered the alfalfa and crested wheat grass would .. __ annual loss of life and limb which . „ „„j * . j. i. _, colts. Why not try cyanide coyote ated lands in Alberta averaged 27 service of Alberta Pool Elevators ai be recommended under suitable con- ! . \_ , ' ___ ' assistant manager, the organization amounts to nearly 300 farm dwellers bushels, while oats averaged 40 bush­ ditions i getters to help against the destruction Increasing Production then being launched on its extensive killed and over 28,000 farm dwellers els and barley 36 bushels per acre. 'of these predators. Qyanide guns can elevator building program. In 1929 the injured. Pasture Improvement la designed to ^ a d from your pest control These averages cover a wide range obt lne pooling operation was united with Farm tractors cause 60 per cent of provide a means of demonstrating the -* ^eas Offices at of yields but serve to emphasize, ofUceTS at Specia Of Irrigated Land that of the elevators and Mr. Oliver the fatal accidents on farms! Why value of improved pastures mixtures Hanna and Oyen. nevertheless, the need" and probabili­ was appointed assistant manager of not stop when making adjustments to ties of raising the level of production the combination. machinery; keep guards in place over W. L. Jacobson, Irrigation Agronomist that some forty percent of the irri­ on irrigated lands. power shafts, belts and chains; take A hi%h level of production has been gated land in Alberta is devoted to ! In mating the announcement Mr. Several factors are generally found particular care when attaching mach­ achieved on many irrigated farms in wheat, while nearly fourteen percent Plumer said on behalf of the direct­ to be associated with higher yields ors: "We bespeak for Mr. Oliver the inery to the tractor? southern Alberta, largely through di­ is used for oats and barley. Little more Chicks Thrive and j under irrigation. These include the same high type of help and support Industrial firms have found that a versification of crops, use of fertili­ than sixteen percent of irrigated land more extensive use of legumes in rot- which has been accorded our mana- ten minute break morning and after­ zers and irrigation. However, all on the larger projects is used for al­ ation with other crops, the use of gers in f^ p^ and fu**y expect anc* noon will reduce accidents 40 percent farmers have not been equally suc­ falfa, other hay, and pasture crops. Grow Ranidiy on barnyard manure and ammonium have every confidence, that our or­ and increase production 25 percent. cessful, either in diversifying their Most surprising of all perhaps is the phosphate supplemented, where need ganization will continue to be a cred­ Why don't you consider this for your crops or achieving high yields per acre fact that some sixteen percent, or ed, by readily available nitrogen fert­ it to every person connected with it." spring program, especiaUy when you Chick A main reason perhaps is the fact more than 100,000 acres of the irrig­ ilizers applied during the growing sea­ are working long shifts? that the average irrigation farmer is ated land ln this province, is summer- son and, last but not least, it is FLAX Remember—Haste is the cause of GROWING MAS growing more wheat than anything fallowed eacff year. found that lands which are easiest to our high farm accident rate. else. The latest available records show During 1949, wheat yields-on irrig- irrigate are usually most productive. The flax crop has paid well in most Crop Improvement PoUcies JS* CONCENTRATE The high yields obtained under ir­ years, and A. M. Wilson, Field Crops The Department of Agriculture has rigation where these various factors Commissioner, Alberta Department of crop improvement policies that are de­ A balanced growing ration and good management is Agriculture, suggests that the present are brought into proper balance serve signed to improve farm practices car­ the key to a profitable poultry business. MONEY­ acreage rrtlght be increased, particul­ to emphasize the possibility of irriga­ ried, out in any area. MAKER is a feed you can count on to put vigorous tion agriculture. On the other hand, arly by farmers who have grown flax pullets in the laying house earlier in the Fall. It pro­ successfully ln the past. Weeds have Forage Crop Seed Production is yields may be quickly reduced where vides all the essentia] body and bone-building nutrients THS been a problem ln flax fields, but the used to encourage pure seed produc- WESTf RN 'SHIRl*' one or more of these or other essen­ to nourish your birds tb maturity and early egg use of 2,4-D in removing stinkweed v-msr* •VMIWCAN MADE _""AnWWjS* tial factors are neglected. even stands, care In treating and production. 1 and other broad-leaved annuals has planting is essential. Treatment with *&ty\*rritD FOR PERFECT fn "" The large area of irrigated land made flax growing more attractive. any of the mercury dusts will prevent now devoted to summerfallow presents Unfortunately, wild oats are not so seed rot and give some protection a- Chick Feeds • Finest quality, hard-wear­ a problem, not only from the stand­ easily controlled and flax production gainst soil borne diseases. ing fabrics. point of lost returns but also in soil on wild oat infested land should not ARE SOLD BY be attempted. • Pearl 'Dome fasteners. conservation. Soil structure ls des­ You are there to help when a young All U.G.G. Elevator Agents and Satin-lined back yokes troyed where soils are left bare and Redwing for central and northern bride bursts into tears as she vain­ unprotected. The solution, in part at Money-Maker Dealers. and collar stand for Alberta is still the surest flax crop. ly tries to wash six inches of slime least, would be to grow more forage added comfort. In the south, Dakota and I*u>>al are and mud from her new furniture. and reduce the area now fallowed. • Tops in quality, the varieties recommended. To obtain You are there to help through your Perhaps the only good reason for Red Cross. yet modest in summerfallowing irrigated land is MAIL BAG price. * to take it out of production while it (Continued from Page Two) 47 years of service to Farmer and Stockman. is being levelled for better and eas­ be removed. But they will not remove •*•»»»: "I Saw Your Ad In Tbe Herald. ier irrigation. themselves. Progress has not come automatically, but rather by way of T. E. OLIVER APPOINTED resolute determination and courage­ ACTING POOL MANAGER ous action. We must act to eradicate the poverty, ignorance, injustice and T. E. Oliver, who has been assist­ greed which give rise to war. we must WELDING! ant manager of the Alberta Wheat act to feed the hungry and cure the WEEKLY Expert Workmanship On All Pool, has been appointed acting man­ sick. Types of Electric & Acetylene . ager to fill the vacancy caused by the Your editorial presents a glimpse of Welding death of the late R. D. Pudy. This a better, happier, world. What a pity announcement was made by Ben S. if because of apathy and neglect it Farm Repairs A Specialty Plumer, chairman of the Board of should remain forever a world of Directors. dreams. Crawford's Welding Mr. Oliver has had 42 years exper- H. S. MCRAE BUSINESS & Repair Shop D. CRAWFORD Opposite the Creamery Drive it Hanna _ _- . . __ Alta. NOT BEYOND ... see how much MOTOR The Central REPAIR TUNE-UP Meat Market Keep Yonr Tractor, Car or your money buys Truck in Efficient Order at "QUALITY MEATS—FREEZER FRESH FRUITS -ft Hanna Auto VEGETABLES Specialists P. KENNEDY, Prop. Bring It To The HANNA FHONE 36 K&B MOTORS Specializing in Ante Body Repair R. Pogson, Prop. Phone 78 n«»»« Plymouth 50c Now! ANYPLACE AN ENRICHED BREAD IN TOWN! From PHONE 244! DAY or NIGHT! IDE Ho need for "hoofing" It when TIRE SERVICE you can go by'taxi so cheaply! HANNA BAKE SHOP Specializing In Use the cab when you go visiting . . when you're In a hurry . . on Tires—Oil Chancing—Greasing the way to a train . or when t CONFECTIONERY Vulcanizing you're shopping Roy s Taxi Service Pbone 110 AE NO EXTRA COST! Located at The Hanna Garage

When In Hanna Stay at CHIROPRACTOR THE NATIONAL HOTEL NEW 108 H.P. ENGINE AMAZING BALANCED RIDE BEAUTIFUL BALANCED STYLING b Yonr Spue New! More power. More pick-up. More re­ New truly balanced suspension controls roll— The new Plymouth "is lower, sleeker, more Causing Illness? beautiful, yet offers more head room. There is serve for your safety. The new Plymouth gives pilch—jounce... levels road three ways. Gives In many cases, people who com­ over 8 inches more hip-room for rear seat and Eat at the National you smooth, lively performance . . . famous you the smoothest, softest ride you have ever plain of poor health find chlro. passengers. practic helps them after all ete experienced. falls. Thi* science works on the Plymouth long life and economy. FOR BETTER I NEW HY-DRIVE* SAVES YOU GEAR SHIFTING COFFEE SHOP nerve centers of your body. BETTER VISION Investigate Tliis Way to Just put in high. You can stop, go, drive in COME TO SAFETY-RIM WHEELS Health Now New one-piece windshield is optically curved traffic without changing. Wonderfully easy— GEUDER ELECTRIC In case of a blow-out, Plymouth Safety-Rim to minimize reflections. 15.7% more total glass simple — works from standard gearshift. ROT FELAN Hanna Dr. J. S, PAXMAN Wheels hold the tire safely on the rim—helping area gives better all-round vision. Electric wind­ Hy-Drive has oil-cushioned smoothness—fast Phone 321 Phone 300 you to bring the car to a safe, straight-line stop. shield wipers maintain constant speed. fluid-torque pick-up.

MORE THAN EVER, THE NEW '53 PLYMOUTHS ARE TOP VALUE IN THE LOWER-PRICED FIELD ALPHA FOR DEUCIOUS FOOD IT'S BUILDING THE SUPPUES *Hy-DnVe is optional equipment at extra cost. Cars as illustrated include certain extra t—...drivw...tompar....al your CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-FARGO DEALER'S BUTTER & EGGS and equipment items. Check with your local dealer MANUFACTURED IN CANADA IV CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, UMITED for information on standard equipment. MILK & CREAM NEW LOOK FENCE POSTS Belvedere Four-Door Sedan, Special Club Coupe (). Cranbrook Four-Door Sedan. Club Coupe, Coupe, Savoy-Suburban. Cambridge Four-Door Sedan, Club Coupe, Suburban DELIVERY "The Better Bealth Foods'* CAFE "Yoar Pick of the Yard at Reasonable Prioea" K. & Bo MOTORS Central Alberta Dairy Pool Leniuud Wong A Stanley Wans SCpTT J. A. RASMUSSEN, Mgr. BANNA ALTA. PHONE 17 LUMBER OOBVANT Hanna, Alberta (1 Block North af Phone 78 V-WI

*&£ If-feJS."• *$£i$js p

PAGE EIGHT THE HANNA HEBALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS, THURSDAY, APBIL 23, 1953 ••isi. _Jf**gg-»a*«-*"i "Tenders for the Jones-Macartney Mrs. «J. R. rait and Mr and Mrs. her wedding day. Her only Jewellery Liberal Meetings ganizer, and Mrs. H. Lund of Hanna, Classified Advertising holdings" on the outside of the en­ OBITUARY Walter Miller were visitors in Calgary- was a rhinestone necklace and match­ who urged that women take a more man of Delia was again returned to velope must be ln the hands of the Tuesday of this week. ing earrings and bracelet. active part in politics which only SALE BY TENDER LIONEL RED) ROOKE the office of president of the Acadia undersigned not later than Saturday The matron-of-honor, Mrs. J. Doug­ meant that they were taking an inter­ Notice ls hereby given that sealed May 16th, 1953. Lionel Reid Rooke, three and a half • * * Liberal Association and J. G. Odell of las Gray, wore an ivory frosted taf­ est ln their own welfare. tenders will be received by the Spec­ A certified cheque for 10 percent of year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Mr. Ray Granthum of Calgary ls a Hanna was re-elected to the office of ial Areas Board for the holdings of feta gown, complemented by a corsage the amount tendered must be en­ E. Rooke of Polloekville, passed away visitor this week at the home of his secretary-treasurer. Other speakers, Mayor I. F. Shacker, Liberal can­ William H. Jones. Wm. Murdy Mac­ closed with the tender. sister Mrs. John Parker and Mia of pink roses. The bridesmaid, Miss were Wilf Edgar of Innisfail, presi­ didate ln the last federal election artney, executor of the Estate of Wm. in Calgary on March 30th. Dated at Hahna, Alberta, this 22nd Parker. Marjory Van Brunt wore an acqua dent of the Alberta Liberal party, tendered the thanks of the gathering H. Macartney, deceased, of the postal He was born in Hanna and besides nylon marquisette gown and a cor­ day of April, 1953. Jas. Connors of Edmonton, party or­ to Mr. Riley for his address. diatrict of Bindloss, Alberta, from SPECIAL AREAS BOARD his parents is survived by a twin sis­ sage of pink roses. bona fide residents of the Special Hanna, Alberta ter Barbara and his grandparents Mrs Young Couple Married Areas: The. said holdings consist of: rhe bridegroom, was attended by —24-5-6-7 O. Rooke, Calgary, and Mr. John Patented Lands . In Hanna April lst Mia Jack Spence* (ind the guests were Cameron of Hammond, B.C. N.W, 33-20-1-4, ushered by Mr. Jim Van Brunt. Funeral services were held from All Saints' Anglican Church was the Pt. N.E. 34, YOUNGSTOWN A reception for thirty guests was Jacques Funeral Home on Thursday, setting for the marriage on April lst All 8-21-1-4, area 726.80 acres more held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. CENTRAL GARAGE or lees April 2nd with Rev. Houghton offic­ of Melverda Verone, only daughter of i Dealers A. Lukey, Sunnynook. TTie toast to Provincial Lands: YOUNGSTOWN, April 20—Mr. and iating. Interment followed in Queen's Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Oliver of Arne- ' the bride was given by her maternal All those parcels or tracts of land, Mrs. Jas. Blckell were visitors to Cal­ Park cemetery. I son, and Sydney David, youngest son ; grandfather, Mr. C. A. Campbell. situate, lying, and being in the 20th gary tills week. of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gray of • Township in the lst Range, West of The bride's., mother chose for the Mr. Peter Davie is spending a few Shy: "I Saw Tour Ad In The Herald." : Cabin Lake. Rev. R. Wright officated the 4th Meridian in the Province of occasion an afternoon dress of Amer­ days ln Calgary this week at the early afternoon ceremony. Alberta, and being composed of.: ican Beauty rose, black accessories Used Cars The annual Mother's Day Tea and The N.E. of Sec 32, N.E. 33, N.W. 34 Given in marriage by her father, Bazaar sponsored by the Ladies Aid and a corsage of white gardenias. The all those portions of the N.W. of Sec the bride wore a ballerina length gown groom's mother wore a navy blue 27, of the S.E of 32, of the S Half of will be held on Saturday May 9th. 1951 Ford Customline 4 Door, radio $750 Down | of pink nylon i.et over taffeta and a sheer dress with black accessories Sec S3, and of the S.W. of 34 lying to The Youngstown Community Club matching net jacket. A crown of pink and a shortie coat of winter white the north of the left bank of the and Board of Trade held its annual 1950 Ford Customline $650 Down carnations and net held her chapel and a corsage of red roses. South Saskatchewan River and all general meeting on Thursday last. Re­ veil in place. She carried a colonial i that portion of the N Half of the NE port showed a successful year with a The bridal couple left on a honey­ 1946 Chev, overhauled motor $300 Down of Sec. 34 of the said township lying large portion of the credit going to bouquet of pink and white carnations moon trip to Great Falls, Mont., and to the west of the left bank of the the retiring president Mr. N* VanDam and a wliite linen handkerchief car­ on their return will reside on the said River as shown upon a map or ried by her maternal grandmother on groom's farm at Cabin Lake. 1946 4 W.D. Jeep $250 Down plan of survey of the said Township who gave his time and efforts un- dated the 30th of September, 1930: stintlngly for the benefit of the club. 1938 Ford Tudor $90 Down All those parcels or tracts of land, We also wish to thank the boys of •-. situate, lying and being in the 31st the Special Areas and others who Township, in the lst Range West of worked a number of evenings putting 1935 Ford Coupe $75 Down the 4th, being composed of: ln the new ceiling which certainly has S.W. of Sec. 3, all of Sec. 4, E Half proved an asset to the Wail. 1941 Plymouth $150 Down of 5, all Sec. 9, all those portions of Spring Is Here! The 1953 slate of officers are as the E Half and N.W. of Sec. 3, of the 1937 Plymouth $50 Down W Half of Sec. 10, of the S.W. of follows: 1933 Chev $70 Down See. 15, and of the 8.E. of Sec. 16 of President, Mr. A. Mclntyre; vice- Get Your Seeds While There the said Township lying to the West president Mr. Dale Laughlin; sec- of the left bank of tl)e South Saskat­ treas. Mr. Albert Marr; directors, Miss chewan River as shown upon a map Grace Church, Mr J. L Bickell, Mr. J. or plan of survey of the said Town­ 6eamish, Mr. N. VanDam, Mr. E. Is A Good Variety. We Have ship dated the 23rd day of November CAPITOL Used Trucks 1920: Ward. The lands herein described contain­ I"he club decided to hold the an­ I A Good Supply Of 1951 1 Ton Mercury ing by admeasurement 3,298.30 acres nual Youngstown Sports Day and THEATRE more or less, and being designated as Oldtimers gathering on Victoria Day 1950 1 Ton Ford Ranch No. 80351 May 18th Following the close of the 1948 */2 Ton Ford new motor, new transmission An offer has been received from a meeting the Womens Institute put on Fri. Sat. 17-18 McKenzie Seeds For Your non-resident of the Special Areas ln a variety program the highlight of this the amount of $23,000.00 which is the 1946 V2 Ton Mercury program being the Spring Fashion Ronald Regan—Doris Day upset price, terms cash, the highest Parade. The evening concluded with 1941 V2 Ton Ford or any tender not necessarily accept­ convenience. Also Fertilizer ed. a very enjoyable lunch served by the 1949 V2 Ton GMC Sealed tenders with the words committee. THE WINNING TEAM 1934 V2 Ton Ford $175. A Saga of Baseball History Michigan Peet Moss, nature's best soil builder 4 Licenced Mechanics M HANNA ART FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION Depicting the life story of Yz Peck cello bag 69c of Grover Alexander Announces a Display of School Art Presto Fertilizer 5s 49c At the 25 lb. Vigoro $2.20 Mon., Tues., Wed. 27-28-29 CENTRAL GARAGE Annual Hanna Art Festival Immortal Classic by Longfellow Foundation A, seed potatoes arriving shortly— Phone 102 Hanna, Alberta Memorial Hall, Hanna Netted Gems, Warbas, Irish Cobblers, Early Ohios in i SATURDAY,MAY 9,1953 AT 2:30 P.M. 100s—25s—101b. bags IN TECHNICOLOR The competition includes entries from schools in LlM-Kta.r. Berry Creek Division No. 1, Sullivan Lake School Envision No. 9 and also Craigmyle and Hanna schools The General Public is invited to attend

STOP WIREWORMS I in Grain One treatment with Lindane Insecticide Seed Dressing will protect your grain from wireworm damage. Come in and see us for this and other Green Cross Insecticides today. ^LINDANE NSECTICIDE SEED DRESSING

*Reg'd trade-mark

The difference between healthy wheat and wheat infected with bunt (STINKING SMUT) • No Poison Labels ... No Toxic Hazards • Increases Yield .F| • Costs only 3£ per bushel to treat

• r I • Contains Anti-Dust agent • Cuts Dockage Loss Awetretfd • "Micronized"—Better s th. I9S2 "A NEW BEAU"...just arrived I tetmhlu- In town I iust for you... and just coverage of kernels I Aettdrmy apt to be tht forever-after love 11 mold "Coronation" tJ Medal of vour walk-life! Smoothest, foot-lovlngest, flex-ond flatter leather V b ... crafted and shined to a mellow WASHER tl glow... with an adorable tilt ta Itt Com* in and see thit superb fi exclusive snub-toed moccasin walll Pyrex Diningware and let ut f Brown, red, black, navy. It's the wit with soft, more thow you the all-new Thor a natural body lines — soft canvas Sizes 3V, to 10; MA to I widths. construction — no front body cut Coronation Wather. tl — slightly less shoulder width— ls a straighter, mote comfortable CHICK THE n waist line, flapped pockets and tl vented backs. Hand cut and CORONATION'S tailored to your measure, tl these new suits give you an SPECIAL NEW FEATURES ol S8.95 All potlitM-l lMtkm appearance of distinguished style-wise smartness. sc br U-HBIUK Single-Dial Control Bell-Timer a' tl MClAf Auto-Controk cl Seo the Coronation •• •• ** Agitator Handle Iti Smith's Shoe Store CHARLIE'S m Men's Wear W ACTiOH |jC|Al Hoctro-Wnte w Hanna Alberta " ™ • W Pump Control re Hanna Alberta Today! fo