f^W • ^•^ismm^'-1 l-^'-PfP^PIipP^ •n —— •*-~~~-mm»-~ *l ]|JI, , 1-jj-ftWUlWmi X?*t€"i %',f^ cxr^d EAST CENT ALBERTA NEWS VOLUME XXXXI No. 124 THB HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1953 Dept. Pro*,, m^ JanM *-— CONSORT PHYSICIAN UNANIMOUS Quartette To Appear In Hanna KOCKEY CLUB CORONATION COMMITTEE & RODEO CHOICE FOR LIBERAL CANDIDATE TO BE PRESENTED MANAGEMENT GET TOGETHER FOR • AT NOMINATING MEETING HERE WITHMCKETS CELEBRATION IN HANNA JUNE 2 Dr. A. M. Day In Field For Third Time—William Gibson & Wind-Up Banquet & Dance Many Turn Out Monday Night Arrange Proper Observance J. G. OdeU Re-elected—Calgary Lawyer Lauds Members In Memorial Hall Of Coronation — Tentative Plans Indicate. Most Of Federal Cabinet Of Canada Today May 7th Appropriate Program — To Be Announced Dr. A. M. Day, of Consort was nom­ As a fitting windup to the past At a well attended meeting of re­ inated to contest Acadia riding for season a hockey banquet and present­ presentatives from many organiza­ thf? Liberal party ln the coming fed­ PLANS FOR ation of jackets to the Hanna Hor­ LARGE CROWD tions in Hanna ~on~ Monda y night, eral election, as a result of a nomin­ net Hockey Club will take place in plans were advanced for the forth­ ating convention held in Hanna last the Memorial Hall on Thursday, May coming Coronation celebration ln Wednesday afternoon. Over a hundred MAY DANCE 7th starting at 630 pm. The affair OUT TO FIRST Hanna on June tod. Mayor L P. and fifty Liberal representatives at­ is open to the public at a price of Shacker presided over the gathering tended from all parts of the greatly $1.50 per plate and the banquet will which formulated tentative plans for enlarged Acadia constituency. When be catered to by the Ladies Auxiliary the event. SHAPING UP to the Canadian Legion, rhe Hand LIONO GAMES the meeting was opened for nomina­ It ls proposed that a commemorative Hills Bronks, winners of the No. 9 tions three men were seleceted, Geo. ceremony open to all school children Highway League championship will Haverstock of Castor, Oeo. Gatty of May Queen Contest Has Club Project Is Big2 and adults will take place In tbe Consort and Dr. Day. Mr. Gatty with also be presented with the Herb Mc­ morning at the Hanna Memorial drew and Dr. Day was elected by a Three Young Lady The Janz Quartette of the Prairie province. Pictured above they are Crea memorial trophy. Bach member Success In First Arena. A committee will be appointed close majority over Mr. Haverstock, Aspirants Bible Institute, Three Hills, who wpl left to right; HUdor Janz, Adolph of the Hornets club will be the recip­ Venture and in due course announcement will who when the announcement was be conducting a Crusade for Christ Janz, Cornle 'Emu and Jack Symons ient of a handsome red and white be made of the actual program. Pol- made moved that the selection be With a Httle over a week to go the Rally at the Hanna Apostolic Church pianist. The public is extended a leather Jacket, as a token of the pub- Well over three hundred paying u^^ime commemorative service the made unanimous. Hanna Business and Professional Wo­ Thursday, April 23 to May 3. The cordial welceme to this rally, the He's appreciation of their efforts in customers sat down to twenty games ^-mce of the day will be taken up quartette Is well known for its re­ first meeting* taking place tonight at providing Hanna with a top quality **f~l-*_ 2JOa* with a splendid rodeo program spon­ Por the well known and highly es­ men's Club report arrangements well of Liono, when the gular radio broadcasts and for ita ft p.m. intermediate team this winter. sored by W. E. Fitzsimmons. teemed Consort physician this will be in hand for their annual May Dance Club opened the first of a series ot evangelistic work throughout the By coincidence Itt. Fitzsimmons the third time he has contested Aca­ and Queen Contest scheduled for the Following the banquet a short pro­ Liono games in the Memorial Hall dia federal constituency as a Liberal Memorial Hall, Priday, May lst. gram will take place and the present last Saturday night The proceeds „,,„<, falte on ^g 3^ day M the •J* v^H' *§Mfr *1 candidate. At one time he and the Tickets are going well fpr the pub­ +-S-I--5.+.**.-** ja*jons made, after which a dance will from the Lion games wiU be used to coronation and he along with his present Social Credit member Victor lic's choice of carnival queen with HOUSING IN Memorial Arena Assoc be held which will be open to the construct homes for the aged ladies assistants has uttmw-l close eo-oper- Quelch staged a "down to the wire" three young ladies Miss Pat Murphy, publlc. jof Hanna and district, The Lion's ation with -j^ celebrate committee Miss Marie O'Connor and Miss Beat­ Tickets for seats at te banquet table have been assured by the Town Ooun- -^ observing the day from a comm- finish and it was necessary for a re­ Annual Meeting April 27 cU count of ballots before Mr. Quelch rice Stewart as candidates. The queen will be avaUable from members of the °t a suitable building site, and if emorative and recreational standpoint. was elected by a very narrow mar­ contestants and their supporters have HANNA STILL The annual meeting of the Hanna Hornet hockey club starting Friday of ] patronage at the Lion games contto-, MayQr shacker WM e|KtH| cbBil, Memorial Arena Association will ues on a scale as of last Saturday in ' gin. been conducting a lively campaign for this week. man of the organization and along take place In the Memoriall HaU aU likelihood the first of these mod- , Mr. Harold Riley, QO. Liberal can­ the past several weeks and it is like­ with many members of various W&fr. BIGPROBLEM Monday, April 27 at 8 p.m. The fin­ ern homes will be built this year. didate for Calgary north gave a most ly that between now and the count­ ganiza tions in Hanna will soon form- ancial report.of the association will impressive address, featuring the ac-ing of the ballots on May 1st the con- Held on the first Hoor and tabulate the entire program. I* is e*. complishments of the Uberal party in test will have reached more lively be presented i and business of the INSTRUCTION TO basement of the hall, the flnt tame pected the committee will meet in the Accommodation Needed For organization Will be discussed. Elec­ general, but pointing out ln partie-1 proportions. The candidates urge ttiat opened at nine-thirty and by eleven 'very nea,. future and more complete tion of officers will also take place. ular the advance Canada has made their supporters buy their tickets now Newcomers—Committee thirty tbe last and moet valuable priae |detaUs wll, a^ -* forthcoming. In , This Is a public meeting and a large since the end oi tbe war to become I and thus assure themselves ol a BE GIVEN ON of all, an Astral Refrigerator bad hen a* meantime, tbe public i> reminded ' Issues Appeal turnout of citizens is urged by the one of the major nations of the world chance on several of the three beauti- played far and won. The Lions had the ' that a first daw and appropriate president Robt. Whyte. Mr. Riley stressed the fact that the | ful prizes offered the winning ticket C. K. French, chairman of the event well organized and wtih a two program for tbe Coronation Is being present Liberal government has in its holders. Board of Trade housing committee is I I I 'I > I 11 tjij I l I i i i I I l I l l l l I i COYOTE GUNS way microphone set-up there waa no arranged aad on the same day tbe leonflictton in calling numbers to the public will be able to enjoy a rodeo ranks cabinet members of not only Featuring the dance will be the again sending out an urgent appeal Wffl' targe crowd located an both HOOTS of I program of the highest calibre. national but international prominence crowning of the May Queen and ao n behalf of his committee for more Pest Control .Officers c men like, O. D. Howe, Jas. O. Gard- Maypole dance by youngsters under housing accommodation. ithe bulldlng..^*£|j£j-*a Further information aa to tbe Cor- : iner, Lester B. Pearson and a host,the direction of Mlss Jean Oolley. The requests is all the mats urgent Conduct Series Of 1 AU prises were wej». worth wnttm1j0^§fi0^Jt~*V*— ^|> -— ****** ***** wte*'- <•' it . _jtm**ta—mm*mmmt 1-ntlniK ttt— -—HII i r RELIGIOUS RALLY Mssh*n*g>i ' "«"> ' MM gard by taS rations"^r'SP^R^SwBe^ sal* e by' members of the Business and their families this week, rdS-ftlS** WBSHP* 'jtWW*(¥,-ii,mm-^ i ty and the like mittee wtt working in close co-opera­ This, he pointed out, was certainly a j Professional Women's Club, the pro- Pest control officers of the Special *- ****** *- **»«• lihood of more to come. The housing tion. great credit to Canada and Indeed a ceeds from which will go toward a committee seeks any type of aiScom- Areas with tbe co-operation of resi-j The Lions wish to thank the pub- tribute to the general make up of the | charitable cause In the community.
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