, I ootov eturns ga1n• rem 1nII . . ', ' ~wt~f~~· TO·NiGHT'S PLAY I•Jmst::N·rs 1!.15 THE DAILY 'NEWS CHOPIN "YOUNG WIVES' 1\'allablc al TALE" ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, THURSDAY, ·NOVEMBER 22,' 1956 (Price 5 cents) ~ol. 63. No. 287 . I Charles Hutton &Sons ------~------~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ Safe On British. Soil • c~eaJung ___ yptians Welcome .N. orces

• I I : ·i. I I · I ... ' ~~' . ' .. ifI . .,~I .ri' li,

family consisting of moll1cr, father, ~~:1( FllEE SOIL-Hampshire, England-A Hungarian refugee II, ..•~.~i i·.;iJ'. Engli~h They were among the firsl party • of ... :,1,; soil after arriving at Black bush Airport. :1 1 · ·::.:.,.~,- ::o·.•:!l here from \'ienna.-ON------Photo), 1·) lj is s:nCI~t:t. lSY to u,..­ :I~ i . ' I'\! and cail. I


ou.r.noR • B. r. (Cl' Rt:tt•, ~:- :..un;dt • . s G:-lrt n!

.j . i ,): ; •I ,: I I \ 1i \ I ,. ' t l I GROin; Visit'or II; Cll. :'\ Z pro\ irlc' l~~th ~ . rro',\'c ••, !liO ~ thi:-rl •••••,.,. Raps . ' I' ;n;.:rir :.1 . i l ';' I

.'·. I• ' .., f • . ·I··' .. ' ~ ~. '' ,. ! . : ·(· · . .· .· ..


.r: : ., ' . ·,;:'t'. , .. ,' ·' • I;·~ : 'ii) 1:.· : ! ; ~ . . ' .. ,j'' .. . i I . ' i ·.. ~ ' : . ,. ,.. eatl1er I.I Hampers '1 ,. reigl1ter ··Salvage '. '' cr~ unloaded a cargo of 5Ulphur ancl canned goods but Wcdne~­ day's driving rains put a halt to lhc operations. Divers Inspected underwater damage to the hull 'to determine what temporary repairs will have to he made before 'the Wolfgang H·~ added: "We waiter! ~~ Russ can be pulled from the rc!cky hoped some help would eom.e. We shore and lowed to drydock in weren't sure where or how .•• .'' nearb~· Lauzon. Then he collapsed in a chair, Greatest dan~crs UJ the ship are S(}bbing, the po11~rfu1 tides and swift cur. Hoffman's companion3 were rent of the river which threaten Gyoergy Nemeth, 23, and Goeza tn sweep hrr llownstrcnm. Tw11 Herceg, 24. ·The three of them Qnrbl!l'. harbor tugs h'ave re· were due to leave Montreal later malncd with the Rli.IS since Moo· ror Toronto where they will make da~·. helping to hold ho~r In posl· Uteir home. lion during ebh and .nood tides. Hoffm3n escaped from · ud~pest Salvage work Is 'hclng carrird In a car with £our urtiverslty .stu­ out· jointly by Foundation Marl· GRENFELL DIRECTORATE-Members of the Board of Directors of the Newfoundland Divisi~n of the International Grenfell Associ­ dents. He applied for his Cana· time I.td., and the Dal'ie Shit~· dian· visa· in Vienna. 1 • building Company. ation were elected to office al the Association's annu.al general meet ing Tuesday. This Daily News photo shows a group of the Directors .. Other H u n g a r i a n refu~tees ~hoard the plane w~re Ernoc Kug. Cunartl officials said unloadinl! Reading left to right they are:-Dr. L. Miller, Mr. Eric Bowring, Mr. C. Whiteley, Dr1 C. Macpherson, His Honour the Lieutenant 1 ler, a 45·ycar-old ~hoemaker and operations also were ~lopped on Go\•ernor, Colonel, the Hon. Sir Leonard C. Outerbridge, President of the Association; H. R. Brookes, Secretary of the Association; the Asia, which was towed to Que­ hi~ wife, They are gohig to. Van· bec followlnJ[ the c.ollislon. Mrs, Maurice Job Taylor, Rev. Canon Richards, and Mr. Herbert Oulerbridge. couver, ' I


•• !

Kiwal Mus~ Festi, Judg ng are I for the 19~ ·YOU, CAN. KEEP AWAY Festival \\ . held here in s· ErncsL Campi .. D.;\., ~Ius. J)'. (( v.. uon. II A.u _ C•mduc COUGHS AND COLDS orcntsU'


I r------~

' Don't worry about exposure I'VE CHANGED TO THIS TREATMENT e .There is no real reason why we should fear expo· ':.. sure to the winds and storms of winter. The im· THAT HElPS NOSE, THROAT, AND !:.. portant thing is that you k,eep strength and vitality •c·l1•••h"' S. Dcnlor:, C/ll$1 AT ON,CE! , ~~liA,m.ao.r, Examircr. ~ ·at high peak by keeping the system well nourished. ' of ~Jusir.. I.ond1 But it's all toci true that when neglect enters and we .,•• ,...... ,c, Densl•Jnc C fail to keep the avenues of health protected, expo· (1928-19481; \\'a sure to sudden climatic changes often proves serious. •'.D'~""' AssociJUon Often because we fail to use means provided to · help over times of stress, exposure gets us in the form C?f the so•called common cold or cough, which if neglected is likely to run into something more !erious. Use every means, including a good tonic to keep well-nourished and the body strong to resist lnfectimi. Take

The Tonic That Stimulutrs AtJPctite loiJ •r oil Drvgglolo e ooJ GoMtrol Ctoltro and Re$tores Vim and Snap to the Body

GERALD S. DOYLE Ltd., Dlat~lbutors, ST. JOHN'S

A. Col!ms. f.R.c.o. Den or :\lu~u:. ,, 1\'olfviile, X orm FIGHT YOUR COLD and SYMPTOMS FOUR WAYS • Be ready at the slgn of cold sy.mptoms. Take''' first The Vltamlnl of Cod Liver .Oil are a DICill• one Dr. Chase's Brand Tablet. Then another .every ally for the peraon who wanll lo $.••P healthy four hours up to a maxlum of four In one day. Each Kan4y lnnlo,. Siu "I and well during lhe cold aunle11 day. of Fall tablet contains not one but four proven cold symptom nap COlD ni~PTOM\ 111241\011\S I and Winter. Elthar In Cap1ulaa or In the Blue fighters. - Dr.Chase Boule, Doylo'a Newfoundland Cod Liver Oil I,. ANO Ia an excellent way to take your Vi lamina. All TABLETS a good all-around tonic:, lake Doyle's. Cod HERE'S WHAT THEY DO FOR YOU 0 .Aflifi',.,IIUioflllll& ..... II Tlo.LI'"' Liver Oil . .-- · ·· · - .. - - · 1. Fight fever, muscular aches. 2. Fight cold symptoms, pain, ~eodaches. 3. Fight drowsiness, dipiness. · .4. Fight the cold bug which invades nasal passages. -ytiu1/leellike. 11_ new person



Water St., St.John's I ..

ST. ~OHN'S, NEWFOUNDL~ND,1 The .Daily 1Vews THU~SDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1956 .. Kiwanis Local Lions Cadets Music Visit CIRr~nville Group Festival 1'he we~kend of November 11th to participate In the Remembrance sion of thanks we send an mvi­ will Ion~ remain as a very pleas- Day service held by member,a of tation to cadets of Random Squacl· ant memory for thlrty.flve Air the ·canadian Legion, The order ron to Yislt with us at St. Johri's fudet~ of the 1110 Lions Air Cadet of service was as follows: Ode to on the earliest possible opportun· Squadron, for altha! lime the hos· Newfoundland by congregation and ity, JU d ge S pltallty of Newfoundlanders and choir: words ·of remembrance· by _ ...... ,. ~rr the acljucli· the Esprit de corps of the Air .the post president of the Can· · · .... - Cadet units were amply demon· adian· Legion: two minutes silence, !\.J.CCI'delll Vl'ct·1 ·ms ·.· ~· :. : ::lt' JJlj7 Kiwanis. stratcd. The occasion was a good· and Last Post sounded by L. A. c. · l"r,t: 1·ai 11·hid1 is to ,· ~~ill ''lsit between 1110 Lions Air Sinnott or the Random Squadron. Improved : ;, .. , ·:I ~t. ,John'~:-,1 Caclct Squadron and 567 Random The following wreaths were then ., .. ,.(.l • 1 ~Ill , Squnrlron at Clarem•illc. lalcl as the choir rendered '0 God Victims of ,vc~tcrda)''s motor . l· ... IIJ'hrll ~at·. ·: The week-end began as the our help In ages past': Major .· f.\. \lu· II '' 1\un:l, l:l.U., 'en !lets hoarded a .•pcelnl car pro· Boyce Smith on behalf of the accident on the BrDJkflchl Bridge . . ·1 il·'" I< \ 11 · I· .II.CJI., \'hied for them on the express Sat·' Town of Clarrnvllle, membct·s of were all report~d last night to. be · ·.;, .. 1• .. · .• turt· of 567 Random phone and Telegraph company and all more ihan 20 accidents ~ere "C" COMPANY COi\1MAl\1>ER Lt. John O'Flaherty of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment discusses with Squadron, Als.o on himd to proi·Lrlc the Newfoundland Hardwoods reported on the Brookfield Bridge Bandmaster Edgar Adams (center) and Bandsman John Hibbs (left) details of the Topsail L.O.A. Band's J transportation for the cndets were Ltd., they Inspected the cable of. in 1955, i l· members of the IndeJiendent Order lice and all Its amazing devices. Official Investigations into· thE entry into the Royal Newfoundland Regiment. The Band will in future do double duly. It will retain its ' .. of Odd fellows who are the• Ran·j This office Is the eastern ter· construction of the bridge were official capacity as Bancl of the Loyal Orange Associat ion and take on the new duties of a Militia Band. dom -Squadron sponsoring body, minus of the new Trans·Atlant!c touched of by the accidents. ! :I ~nd the Clarenvillc Lions Club Telephone cable and the Colos and Safety officials, however, cleared I ·.·.:'. who co·operatcd with them m pro-jcresoung plant where the process the brtdge of any blame forth~ l'hllng accommodation and trans· of creosotlng ralh·oad ties was accidents. Ch alk er And . Vardy OOU'bl QwnerShl•p . ~I port. demonstrated for the benefit of Specit·l dual caution signs were .• l Upon arrival the cadets were im· the cadets, , . erected on the curve approaching mediately transported to the Odd· At 1600 hours Cadets from both ,the bridge and up to yesterday it p l ! fellows hall, the headquarters of Squadrons met for a social hour, was .free or &erlous accidents. . Att . d f r M t . ! . I the Random Squadron, where they refreshments were served by the en c0 n e en ce ys erl 0us :, .• ·~ ~ nr:.lo: .. T.D .. :lt.A. were officially welcomed by F/0 sponsoring committee or the Ran· A} C • · . .. · Bottle ... "" !\•~"rrr Tnnity Col· A. DI'OVcr on behalf, of the Ran· dom Squadron, giving the cadets! s { ounctl Th l . ,, \b•·r 1"ndon· Director· dom Squadron, His \\orsbip Mayor a chance to Intermingle and gtt, e Honourable J. ~· Cha ker, Minister of Ec~nomic l The ownership of a bottle 0 r1 the other rchicle . L . ". Dr·c;: .' 1r cotir~c. En~· Boy~e Smith on bchal,f o.f the town to, know e~ch other better before R CJ •£ Ad , Development, accompamed by Mr. 0. L. Vardy, Director · "Newfic scretch" was at doubt in' Both the driver of the car, how· ••;'~lQI'· \\'arden, ~tuslc of ~larenl'lllc, Mr. \\ llham Stone, bemg disnnssed for a night on the e• aSSl y - amS of Tourist Development, will be leaving St. John's over . ~lagistratc's .Court in St. John's. ever, and a passenger in it sai~ · • 'chairman of the sponsoring com· town. h · d h · . ' yes~~rday afternoon even after 1 they had never seen· the mystcrJ- , mittee on behalf of the lildepend· A social hour was held In the A p •t I e week-en for t e purpose of attendmg the e)eventf· considerable debate, cross·examin· ous bottle before. They had no ent Order of Odd!ellows, After this evening f~r the accompanying per- Venue r0pe1 y annual Federal-Prdvincial Tourist Conference, which . alion and rebuttal by prosecution 1 idea from where it had come sho1·t ccremon)', the cadets were )sonncll g1ving them a cl!ance to A St J h , 1 t Ott M d N b ? 6th ' and defense. 1 ~mless it had been left in their assigned. to the homes of the var· I meet and talk with all those whose , . o n s. res dent. has ap: I opens a awa l on ay, ovem er ~ , An ROIP officer testified he. \'chicle-a rented ear-by who· ious Random ·cadets and with I good work and co.operation had I plied ~o t.he Ctt)' Coun~ll for re· , . · j h d h members ol the I.O.'O.F. and Lions made the trip such 1 wondel'ful classlf1catron of property _on 1 rhe. conference, wh~ch 1s to be .4. • t d had round the 9o~Ue within a few t e\·cr a used t e car before. ' Cl'Jb, success. I Adams Avenue as a commercJal hcl.d rn t~e Hous.c oi Comn~ons' i\ppoin e fed o! a car whrch he had stop-: . Parad~ fall·ln was called for The Cadets departed from Clar· nrea. .Mr, H. K. Wyatt made the Blllldlng m the ~ edcral Capll~l,: • ped on the suspicion that the 'l'h·~ mystery ol !he bottle's own· 09.30 hours November 11th. at th•: enville on l\londa" morning for j appeal In a letter to Council yes· will be com·enl'll.unuer the charr. ~· DireCtOI• driver .was drunk .. He said further. ership remained unsolved even t d h 11 bl 1 that he had heard the nobe of the 1 after ~lagis,trate O'Neill had dis· I.O.O.F. Hall and the parade was' Ireturn to the city• with many re· i er ay. . . mnnship oi t e onourn e • can bottle hitting the ground after he. mbsed charges of drun!< driving assembled as follows:-F/L P. D. grcts that such a wonderful week- He pointed out to the Councrl 1I.esagc, i\linlstl': ol Northern .. had slopped his car and was get· and of possessing a bottle of liquor 1':1trick, Parade Commander, r-;o end had come to an end. Richer In that there are ~ nu~ber of com·, Affairs and Nalural Resources. n. 0 01 Angu.~ Drover, Parade Adjutant, new. friendship! and experience mercia! cnterpnses m the ar~a I Acting as Dcpu·:;.· CIH)irmen for · ling -~-~~ . __ q~_:ti~n th~ driver _, _":'itho~t. .'~:~ .~~~p.er,_~::_~~ ·- ... ·-··-- . P/0 M. Powers, ·r-;o L. Durant, and having sampled true hospi· s~rrounding his prop~rty .and Ja:d the conference Will be the De· 'i P/0 E. Drover, 1, 2, 3, Flight tallty so freely given, his Ia~~ h?ld no rcstdenhal l'alue puty i\!lnlster of Northern Af· Guest Speaker· Report On Commanders, W/02 E. Vey, Par· The officers, sponsoring eom· Mr. \\ l att s lcttc.r told. the Coun· fairs and Naturnl Resources, R. de Warrant Officer and W/02 mlttee and cadets of 510 Squadron could only sell hrs property Gordon together wltb a ~U h~ 1 I Robcrts~n. ~loores Band Sgt. Major. The wish to express their \'ery great or commcrc a! use.s .. The letter ll\1r. D. Leo Dol:m Director of At Radio Communicable colour part~· was made up of Sgt. appreciation to all those who in sa~d Jhe 1co~m erclhahzatlon had the Canadian Government 'l'ravel D. Coffcn, Sgt. F. Thistle, Cpl. w. any way contributed to the won· on Y eve opec 1 n t c area over 1 Bureau En~I·neer·s i\'[ect· Churchill del'ful success of this visit the past len years. ' ' u - 1f .Diseases I The moved off at 10.00 To tile Ma)·or of the Council discussion '11 1· A l'cr" coin!lrc.'hcnsl\'e agenda N.· o rurtl1•r o' 11tbr•aks -• •om· p~rade Clarem·ill~, th 1 tt dcferl•~rl " Mr ..r. J, Kingan, l'icc.pl·csirlcnt " " 111 ~ hour.1 In the followinG formation: officers and cadets of· Random I. e c er. , has been prc!lltr~d. providing for d rnuni,.ablc dr'•ca>c ·n •pidemic e I an genera 1 manager of Inc can- • " 1 " 510 Squadron Band, Colour Party, Squadron, The Independent Order discussions to be held on all adian :'olarooni Company, who ar. form have been reported to the De. 1,, . · 510 Squadron and two flights of of Oddfellows, the Clarenville t . the Canadian ril·cd in the cit)· on Tuc:day, was partmcnt of Health in St. John's. 1 1 Boat•d Rej'ectS . · -··~ 1, . "I''" \It" Bae., 567 Squadron. Escort was provided' I,ions Club and to all the. good 1 major aspcc s IH · ' the guest speak·~r at 3 meeting Two w·~cks ago there were rc:10rls .r ·• ( 11 llo:.n nf tllc h>· Cpl. Gillett of the R.C.:'II.P, ladies who were mothers to the C • • • tourist Industry lrom both Dom· of the St. John's branch of Hadio. of measles, ~carl~t fever and c;hic· ., ... ·:~. ,\l~l·' '':orlia l.'nl·l T.he par~de arril'cd at the Claren· cadets Rnd made them ~t home ounctl DeciSIOns I Inion and Provincial standpoints. Engineers last .ni~ht. I ken pox epldemi~S from \'ariOUS · : •1··~:" I;· \ !'. l'llle Umted Church at 10 .. ~5 hours away from home, With thrs expres· I ' ~I r. Kingan will also inspect parts of the provm.cc. . . ·------' A report to the r.ity CouncJl The ~cwfoundlanrl represent.. . 1 · + The report of Actmg Chtef Medt .. · i U , company opera 1mns nn c ec 1rome ff' h D i yester day from the Zoning Board alivcs atnlrlpal~ t 11al I~1 years, , • , X Gil 1 and early warning ~ignals at Pep· rat Health 0 1ccr .1 o n aves, 1 revealed the rejectio~ of tw~ ap· conference will once again pro· I , ,Fl.!ASC~S J, KA' A ~ : pen·cll Air Force Base. )'e>t·~rday, •hawed just four new peals of Connell tlecrsion~. ·tde an excellent opportunity for !he Boa1d of Dlrect.m~ of A. . cases of measles in St. .ll'hn's and Nucleus Regimental 1 The Board considered an ap~·eal ' · I Har\'e)' and Company L1m1ted has M . ' C one in Foxtrap. There were two ol a Council decision not lo per· the exchange of ldeall' and ln(or·l. announc'cd the appointment o( ru:w cases of scarlet fever-{)ne in ' 1 aO'}Sfrate s Jour! . mit a LeMarchant Road resident matlon which Is a vital part of i FRANCIS J. KAVANAGH of St. l'' ~ St. .1o1m's and one in St. Law· • to convert part of his house to an Jnter·Provlnclal and Federal·: ,Jnhn's as a director of the firm.! A womao was ~harged 1•·ith dis·, renee. No n·~ll' cases of chicken· For R.N.· Regiment office and as well another appc~l~'provlncial co·opcratlon In f~rth·: Born in 1904, :.Ir. Kavanagh is the. orderly ~onduc.t while drunk, in: pox were reported this week,. by a Torbay Rood resident who son o! Joseph and the late Bridget, lh·~ mag1slrate s ~ourt yesterday • -.----- i:t l'·)al Ur.,·,;: •.h>oclallon hers Is the norrnai compliment, basis .as other members of the wished to establish a trucking ?ring the growth of a progressive Kal'anagh of st. John's, and was; morning, She pleaded not guilty' BIR.TJID,\ \ .PART~ ·: ..c·~ for>«! •' tonnrng the 1or a military bras; band: . mllltia .. The bar. d will 'take part stand and o!iioos. 1 rourist Dcvclop:neut Polley. educated at Holy Cross School. ! and said that she had. bcc_n drink·~ . L1ttlc Shc1la I.ukms, o( 6 . Dar· ,, :1 a n ~.ll't'll\al band for: New member~ will be .recruil· In all militia parades In public, His father who is 84 resides at' mg but she was not f1ghhn~. She J.llng Street, celebrated her 7th "'!•l .\c.•·l•.. lln!ll;lnd Hegt., cd from the gr.neral area of St. but continue to parade as an 39 Alexa~dcr Street. "Frank" claime? th~t she had b~en kno~k· 1 birthday yesterday with a party at Kavanagh entered tho. employ of cd dnl\n b~ t_he other 110man 11ho 1her home. , • i:. ~~ .lu·, .. • Tilr Topsail .John's, Bandma~te1 Adams rc· L.O.A, band.!or members of that · · ran awa)' w1th her money She· ------.. ·---·····-· .. -··- , :•.· ruc·n11~ lcceJI'ed Into l'caled that an)l mer in the area! organization. · A. Harvey and Company JUSt .11 1 f' d. s· 00 . not ~uilty and their c.a •es were 1 (t I • h 1 · 1919 d was found ~u1 y am me a. . " . • ·<• .. ;~'·t' . I'" -'omp~ny en who arc lntere~tcd may Inquire 1\lilltary traln!r.g and drill will a cr ca1 mg sc oo m , an 1 T. . t . ·t. · k·' 1 0 postponed until November 29tl) 01 Reject .Applicati.ons has proved himsel! a va'ued em 110 mo orbs PIC .f up n d D b 'th B 'I 1 ••oo '·:• '"' nr· 1101rt o! 1: from him or fron1 the Royal take up a consldeubly part of · ! . · 1 Tuesda1· were charged with drun. 1 an e_c~m er ~. · a1 o •" · · l.rr.,p '' llu(·kmaster'J ! Xewfoundland Ueg:ment, Buck· the band's parade time· at the ployce. ~mce that date. ~tartrng as ken dr.iving. They both pleaded I each· w1th ~oecurrllcs to the same : .•, : master's Field, a~ to how they start. Drill Instructor wlll be a Jumor, he worked hrs way up ·----· ______··- _ ___ ---·-: a moun \l's allowed. ·.: ··~;'m"'~ :,m n! th~ Can ' may become members.. · W02 Georr;e Ar.h of· "C" Com·l through the firm, ~en•ing in all llanagcr. 1\lr. Ka\'anagh is married; One man was com·icted 11f .• ;. ~~ 'l.ht::. lhr band A particular ~r.vitation Is eK· pany, the Roy3l Newfoundland departments and positions, until and his three sons and four· drunkeness on the street and fined 0 reaching his present post of Office daughters. I S2.00, . · . · ·;:· d '~ •'' Hil'nl ity as of· ' tended· to mu~lclans living In Regiment. For Certification h• or. ot llw Tup,ail l..O.A.: the Immediate ''lcinlty of Top· •. :.. rr.trel)' 13 ~'' 11 un :ulditlun· 1san and· along ·lhe South Shore The Newfoundland. Labour Relations Board rejec.:ied ;:;·t! a< ~ J'l:~lilh'lllal hand, I o! Conception. Bay since the c . "I A t'fi t' r t' f . d t d ·· ~~~' '''IY a· a prl\'ate i band.wlll do the. greater part of OUDCl pproves cer 1 ca 1on app 1ca I?ns rom. two umons an gran e I , ~o:n;·· . ~ Part·timc I its training at .thl L.O.A, Hall certification to another in its November meeting. , 01 . ler ·~·nr. lhr :\lllltla.! at Topsail. Plans approved by the City A release from the Board yes· I ···-- ·1· TAILORED a, n;~d, i.t nnw stands, ~ The hand will llold rehearsals Council yesterday had 1 total terday said a unit representing 1 The Board rc.t~ctcd a~pli~a· , ,.. ~t·~ In ~ddition to : two nights per ll'cek at Top8all value of less than $40,000, 315 employees of Fishery Pro· I lions for ccrtific~IIDn from fwlll· : 1 ...1 ··rr 11 f. ~ 31 \d~1m. How.: and one night p~r week at build· The· .plans Included two new ducts Ltd In Burin had been 'llngatc Trades n~d Labour Fed· I .~.~~~ 0 •: hr limited to i in!! 28, Buckmat:tcr's Field. On bungalows,. a number. o1 additions granted r~cognltlon as certified era! Union, Nu. 641, made on i ;:··i:;r , 111r t'l~mlllimcnt: militia parado nights members and -extensions and minor repair~. bargaining agr.nt as the Flsllei'·J h,chalf of a unit o[ empl~yces or i CHROMSPUN ,, ;• ... :~:~ rr: ~ 1 ~'.' ~., <~.1 ~non' wlll II'CRr lnfanh•y uniforms Rnrl Exact value Of the plans was men's Federal I.abo!ll' Union Nn .. ~otre Dame B~y lllcmm·l~l llos· I I r. ""····flrr mcm· receive parad~ raY on the same ~38,000. 24560. · 'pilal Assoclatwn, Tw!lhngate, I I· -----,--,------and from the same union on i I • ... --· -· h II · d d behalf o! a unl: of employees of ! ";- .. j HI CURTAINS ··:· '1. It,.,~ Ping T e Merta_ y Han .icappe ~:~~~~larke,COIItl'ar.tor,lnTwl~l·l " I 11 1 ' ' , ,., .~ ,~:'" .' lil1n rnlltlrll L·ludr.~ filii c<~ll, pla~·Un1e, m,enlal people such as women ilnd girl~ 1 The busincs~ part of Monday i 'l'he Board grauted u'ne applic· ; ; I 1 SPE\:iAl VALUE PAIR . ,. ; : 11 ,,,~, .; , r•. 1.~ll:l~ nl thr tralnln~. dinner time, rest pcr!od of I~ to 40 <~I the South Leeds night's. meeting included a fi. 1aliun for revoendo11 ol certifica· ! ·1 ;.:•,;., .• : II"'• ''"' 'hown. and. the preparations for · !iOIDR Occupation and Industry Centre nancial report rcceil'ed from ~lr. 1 tion from Local 1UB4 affecting 1 2.75 '.. ;: ... ': ,r wmhrr• ~nd of.' home a•ain, Throughout the day's and men and boys o' almost all Stewart A,1·rc, Con1•cnor of thr. s.tcwarl's Ltd., \\'lndsor. The ar· ·· , .," r•I lh r S''tl!'l)·'• · mrrt· schedule," the children ue· en· ages at the North Leeds\ Occupa· Financial Drive Committee, and plication was 1iled by Stewm'l's Hemmed, rec1dy to hang. Color~ Lemon, •. c:: 1 ~'·h~.ttn•n 11~11 on' rourar;cd to take p.at•t in helping tlontion and Industry Centre. read hy the Treasurer, Mrs. G. S. Ltd. , !:~. ·•hicl~ ·:~mhrr l.nth.: themselves and others. The timid Some of the women and girls arc Doyle. hTe amount received from An appllcatiun for art. amend· Dusty Rose, Green and Blue . . 1; .. ,,. ·'"' ri'Cfi\'Cd ·.share, as far they arc able, In able to engage In laundrv work at the drive,' alter expenses, was ap· mcnl to a certification gt•antcd ·-•llttml · a~ • ; ·.~ 1 ,., 1 ! · I• an excel· : the l'arious activities and the the Centre for wages and some of proximally $11,500.00, giving ample to Locnl 495 of the Brotherhood .• : ,;u, :'t. !ht wol'k hcing 1more active arc gently controlled, the more lntelllgcnt.men and boys· evidence that the Retarded . Chil· of Pulp, Sulphi\". anu Paper Mill 1 Sizes 4 ·X 72 - 41 x 81 -: 41 x 90. Chromspun the new color-locked . in to~cctw?; o! Leer!~..1 Another Children's Occu.pation are able to undertake various dren's Aid movement in St. John's Workers affecting the Bowater 1 ruud ~cellon ll'llh the Centre is malnt11IMd in West piecework assignments and en- Is being supported by a. sym· Power Co., Ltd .. D~er Lake was acetate that differs from ordinary textile fibres. Chromspun fibre resists the c 01 .ail ages. Leeds where a detachment mari· gage In shoe repairing for wages. pathetic and understanding public rejected by the Labour Relations '-Oiling, cleans easily, dries quickly •. Chromspun is outstanding among all .c~ ~~d sh011'1ng, an ex· slon bas been adapted as an Oc· The members of the Newfound· In large numbers. Board. The :~pnllcatlon· llad re· other fibres •. t1 ~Irs. c~mm cntaf)' were eupatlon centre for children S!Jf· land Branch of the Society· who quested tjlnt linesmPn pe exclud· i

/ THE DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, NOV, 22 ' •••••• 0'

THE. DAILY. NEWS·. Newfoundland's Only M~rn;ng Paper In The News [Wjll~fli~;'4f_'Qi~!f;~~~\i~t1fH\t;1fil.. Tht DAiL'r; NEWS Ia 1 .mornlna pap• By WAYFARER established In IBM, and publlahed at lbt , r..ewa Bulldlna, 300·309 ·ouckwortil Street, FACTS AREN'T him credit for natural attributes St, John'a, Newfoundland, b)'. Roblnsoll • AI.WAYS t'ACTS which contributed to his "pros­ Company, Limited. While we we1·e away, a copy perity, they . tn·efcr to ponder MEMBER OF ·THE CANADIAN PRESS .was sent us of the ropt'oduction whether he had employed un· The Canadian Press Is exclusively ·enllllr.d in a B.B.C. magazine of a broad· ethical means of getting ahead. to the use for republlc,tlon of all newa cast on Newfoundland. by a 1\lr. Diogencs, yoti may recall, would wall\ the streets of ancient Greece " . dcspatchea "In this paper credited to It or IG HaJ\lbleton. We recall that this had been previously the subject lit broad daylight with a lighted The Associated Pt·ess or neuters and al'o tht of a cl'llical editorial 111 the lantern in his hands. When peo· local ncwa published, therein: NEWS. There muy be no need pie asked for an explanatiun, he All Prm aervlce and feature arllcln . 111 lo consider it again on a specific said he was in search of truth. this paper are copyrlsht and the It· reproducllull basis. But the fact that the B.B.C. ~lost or. us should figuratively Ia proltlblled. could become a medium for the lake our example from Diogcncs. - cl!sseminatlon of information that We have reason to doubt much $10.00 of the stuff that comes to m Canada ...... , ...... per annum '' is bt'imful of serious lnaccul'&· .. des Is ~omclhing to give 'one under the guise of accurate in·. L'nited KlngiiDm and all formation, Forel&n Qluntrles ... , .SIUO per annum Member Audit Bureau Of · pause. How many facts in ar· Authorized as second clan mail PoJI Ollie• tlcles. and l'adio talks . arc truly Clrculatlona. facl~? And we are in grare dan· 'fhe worst feature of the rlis· Department, Otllwa, ger of being filled with mis· co1•ery or grn1•e inaccuracies in Information undc1· the ~uise of a I!ewspaper article ot· broadcast talk i; the doubt it casts upon THUR~lD.~ Y, NOVEMBER :22, 1056 information~ · ------~--~------~------. . .• all Information we read nr hear Here in Ncwfounr!land, thereafter. One hcat·s a so-called lhl'ough the years. 1\'e have been expert talk about the situation Future Gas Rationing In Britain often the \!lctims of inaccurate in the ~Iiddle East. We are con· The ucarson' s" journallsrit. Sometimes the ar· strained at once to ask whether Whatever may be the outcot'ne of the tlcles about which we have com· his information on the Middle Mr. Donald Gordon has lately tied liP East is any better than some· Midc}le East :~ituation, it has all'eady plalned have been right in their the fetory "William Carson" with thP. facts and wrong in 'their perspec· body else's information on New· operation of the trans-insulat' railway' brought a first taste of a new austerity tlve. Nothing comes more vividly foundland. And, as a conse· ser\'ice and the Terms of Union. The to the people of Britain. Gas rationing • to mind In this connection than quence, accurate commentaries the bitter muck·raklng of Walter are discounted and all media of excuses are curiously .speciou~ when they h11s been ordered and British cars will lnfor.mallon arc suspect. That, limited to gas enough to ll'!t them Davenport In Collier's in 1941 come from the logical and eminently be when tliat distinguished journal· we think, is the most serious ef· practical mind of the President of C.N.R. travel 200 miles a month. Worse even 1st came to see the first Amerl· feet of broadcasts like this or ...... , than this is the reduction In the supplies can bases In Newfoundland. We Mr. Hambleton's. He professed We know, of course, without his re· to know Newfoundland and ht minder, that the "Carson" was built to of diesel gas and fuel oil which many met Davenport, In fact, he came one evening to talk with us ht presented to his ,listeners a ser. comply with one of the terms of union. homes and hotels use,to mlllntaln their . our home. He seemed to have lously inaccurate picture. · • .But it is also a fact that C.N.R. has reae h~nliled lh11 were Very is no evidence yet that more than a usually more interested in sen· which careless visitors can rei" ment of Newfoundland's communications resent themsel\·es as ·1\'ell-inform· fir;l lo1·e-thc tbcah•~. France and tile U.K. are openly defying the lienml I'.P., llr. 1' .. transport and service group will be sationul untruths !han in unsen· '!'he Reluctant Debutante, raten cease-fire resolution on Egypt, ~o their troops cann"r IJe ustl llr$. Hanley, with the mainland. That must end. ~ational truths. There is an un· Nl commentators on the New· The fact of the mattet· is that the provided, · · foundland scene and perpetrate a traditional British nrawin~·room police action. The United States dnes. not want to Hlld tia Scho· l1appy :endeney among people to· comedy, opener) ln ~cw York m Both 1\olr. Peat·son and the Pl'ime Min· dill' to prefer to hear the worst so many g1·oss errors. We sup· Egypt. Thr·t would gil'e the Russians the opportunity they of. the Star ot "Carson'' can supply a fat• superior ser­ pose we must suffer them but Odober afler more than a yea · in been seeking to mo\'e in. teacher;;, the pa islet· have skirted amund the subject · of 'somehodv elsr. Eren success is London. Yice on the S~·dney-AI'gentia route where t.. t none think we sufler them The General Assembly has lherrfore had to inm 11 ct l'S. of pupils, patro when they ha\'e been asked if Egypt has ~uspecl. People look at a sneers;· Mis; ~las;ey wa~ 17 when she there is a much larger population to ful man and rather than gh·~ glal!l)'. tary l~eneral Dag llammarsl;jold to try to get r"mmitn:rnll refused to accept Canadion~ in the U.N. ------f'.lll under the eye of author \\'il· sen·e and a fat• greater surety of full use Jiam Dnuglas Home, seekiJS a trcop> front the smaller nations for re;;toring peace to Emt. force. But Mr. St, Laurent was slightlv ___ ,...... __...... -.. ---·---~ ·---·----- of her facilities. That seems to be the likeh· .Jane. Article 43 Jlf the U.X. charter pledges all mrmb~r nwc:tl.'•"· .more explicit than his External ACfait:s practical route. But, at any rate, it is ln 'the middle of h~r fir;t ~park!. llli\ke armed forces al'ailable to tbe SecUI'it'' r,,._,,..,J nn ill time we had done with cir~umlocutions mini:;ter. He said that this was a matter What Others Are Say1ng ing soc·ial ;eason, ~he had been These troops were to be undet' direction nf ·a r \ \lil1t1r' I·>'•'.- wry presented to lh~ Queen and in· fm· the U.N. which would have the final Committee. It is malic up nf neputy chich d from in the discussion of her ultimate destin· tend'.lll tn finhh the season befo~e ~:;ff t~l wot·d to say about the composition of the ------permanent Security Council members. ation. .".nd !'vir. Gordon's letter to the police unit, A nnmGE rAm FOR was fined '50 for shooting t going into repertory theatre •o Board· of Trade seems full of roundabout ~tart an ~cting career. This Military Staff Committee stili exist~. Th• t•irrent ~r•.tr.r~ -.:•.• : \ 'l11e pos;tion is Jikel," to be clat•t'ft'ed Winnipeg 'frihnnc • ~wan, but unfortunately tile cnly Shp was standing out;;id~ the and e\·ash•e answers.· ' ·' 'fhe Bro3klyn Rrir!gr. has fin· lesson ~c toook away from the members are Lt. Gen. Thoma~ \Y. Herren fnr th• Arm•. l'trt.!l today by Mr. Hammarsjkold's statement ally hcP-n bought and paid for- court i! thr·t he probably. made Royal Academy or Art after a ·mira( F. W. ~lac~labon for the Nc\')', Lt. Gen. Chorlr; E. StmTI The "Carson" should be placed in a to the General Assembly but ij. does seem and this time not by a guilihle a mistake hy being honest. '!'he theatrical performance with her for the Air Force. mother, Adrianne Allen, former sen·ice whet'e she can do the most good. clear Nasser Jtas opposed visitor to New York hut by the hunter did not deny he !hot ~hat Pre~i~ent. wiCe of ~octor Raymond Massey, The question of the Argentia dir.ersion Canadian parhclpahon and it is no•" .. people who ;,chtally live there. the swan; indeed, be was at Sllme the brother of Governor·General THEl' ~IEET WITH tbeir opposite nnnohrrs lr~m frar.re. ni!Jd'tteted would ne\'E'r have arisen if the colossal " " New York civil officials announce pains to make fbe point clear, qt!estion of wheth!'!r Nasser or the U.N. that. the city has finally retired and hy his forthright action Vincent l\las~cy. U.S.S.R., and Naticnalist China every two werk•. Thdr . blunders of the Port aux Bnsques har· Will have the last word on the campo- all bond~ issued to finance tbis earned some consideration. He SUCCESS SUDDEN last only a few minutes, however, for they hnl·e hrrn stymltd bour works had not occurred. Nobody Home spotted her at once and since 1948, when they reported they could not agreP. nents of the police force. famous bridge across the East hr.OllGI.A!lS In the play, Miss Massey por­ suggests a beltet• solution, fli~ht sen~e Mr, I•TI.I.F.R EXI'LA:>:ATION of gerse. trays a bored young lad who Gordon's quibbles to the conlran· tiol- J'A.Ci: llP TO Ul'T!I Fran1·~ Aclu!'lle wl;;hes onl to rellll'll In her horses l'.K. l' ~ wi thst and in).!. • w It It Th1• Fr~nch iwre now come RF.:\SON JIOR I.EA\'1:-iCl In lhp countt·~·. whilP her moth<'r, Bomb~t·s . , • , .. , , .. 77~ 600 !.~fill Sill e a rc~ 1.e the ~xtent to which frar dnm· up with an autmm>tic l'onlrnl or The Printed \\'ord riayed hy ~~ i.~s Allen, bu,ily Fighters . . • . , , . . • . 3lio 400 :.! ~.;u 'l' ll' 12 lnatu! ti1e lives of mullltud•s.• automat 1on. 1 ('entre nC P1•ople are well. known to be ttt·pdge~ up prospe~li\'e snitors. Army dil'isiGns .. • ... 16 B·t:! ~~~ '!'here are many l'arleties of fear, but let us Scientific, Industrial nne! ,\lari· mnre Interesting than anyboclr 1.1 :\o~P She says it wasn't an)' Paslel' Battleships • , •• , • • , 3 2 3 look today at that type of fear which arises either time R~fearch at !\larsei!les has else. Get together a group and step into a role shr had played in Jordan P"onders Suicide <.:a·rl'iers • , , , , , • • • • 6 4 f, ~0~~ from the feeling or frllm the knowledge that some- developed a tape recorder con· ·you have the variety of shades rr.al life. And acting besic'oe hrr ! l truisers • • , , . . • , • • g 16 J,l The cabinet or King Hussein or Jot•dan bnd,l' II In I position to harm~~~ by the disclosure trot· 5)'St{'ll1 lo operate the 1113· and conlr;.sts that make up a uwn mother wasn't mnch help 21 nestroy~r~ ...... •• 24 :!4 Hl has t~d\'i31'rl him to end the little Ar<~b of certtrln Information. Thi~ situation b usually chine tllols In automation. While work of art. Excitement, differ· eithrr. !2 "An)·way,'' ~liss ~Ja,sP,v point1 911 countr~··;= lon:.(·stancling treaty with Brit- rlescriben· by the WO"rds, "bavinl aomething on the employee operates a ma· encr, wcndPr. F.l'en thP mun· Submarines ..•.••.... 12 I2 \ · 1 · 1 11 h somebcd''·" chine tool, rotary switches con· dane list from the p·erso11ncl nut, "she is the fourth mothPt' 1'\'e lltn ,,. 111: 1 Wl in\·o}\·e t e sunender of • , . nerted to the h;:,ndles produce office hPadcd "Employees Who hail ~incp thP nla"y .1tarted." I tll1llllal Briti$h subsidy of twelve Somet!mea auch a situation ''ery real. At signals that are record· Have Left Our Service" makes PRF.FERS CITY the 11 mu~ical "I'm a town girl. you know, not million pounds. This sum is the -main other times It Is the feelinl that seindal or pun· ed I'JI1 tape. '\\'hen played back, lnsrh·cd reading, especially in at all like .lane in the 11hy's. 1 financial prop of th~ kingdom. . 1 b 1 It fr tltese 1ignals nclil'~le phonic the 'column that gil•cs the reason Jordan, fot'n1erly TransJ'ordan, '"as ' s men may reau ' not om what somebody wheels at nine 'siow-rolation for lea\·lng. Here is the Hor· adore !'\o~w York and lh 3hops. As y really know a hut from what be claims !tJ know,. poles, and by powerful mech· atlo Alger hero of the modem for horses, I like to look at them, state brought into being by Britain after not from some 111llty act but from the Intention anlcal coupling the machine may day "returning to scbcol.' Look but r i t! in g them is another matter." ' the first world war, With Irak, its richer of som~body to twbt eertal11 Innocent f&ets about then be operated automatically. at the lr..tter·day pioneer "going Miss Massey has mel her Cana· neighbour. it was· set up to provide another'!nta the appe~rance Gf guilt, unworthiness, This forni of automation is be to Labrador." What giant this dian uncle onll' a few times­ . I kin.acioms:. for the two sons of the' old or scandal. edadapted Items. for amall mass-produc· itof iswhom, recorded In this "he push-button prefers heavy 'age, once when he attended the play in J,ondon. I King Hussein, Feisal and Abdullah, fol- 'l'ho best way to confront fear, whether It work"? And the!) there are tbose •"1'1\'l never been to Can;;da but lowing the seizm·e of much of Arabia airses.from a consciousness or guilt or from a !ear who find the work too 'heavy al· I'd love to go. Maybe I'll ha1·e fi by Ibn Saud ·of Saudi Arabia. The BritisH that Innocence will be besmirched Is to face up BULGANIN 'fO EISEN· ready; "offered a position with chance before I return to En~· to the fuels andJ settle ariylblng that has tn be IIOWER the union". says the list. 1 All t h ave not on Iy sponsored t h c two king· . U~SR llulletin these living char;,ctcrs in one hal· land." .l doms but given them great financial and settled. An Innocent person defymg a black· Esteemed Mr. President: We ful of names from one small plant. economic support in the past • maller cr a scandalmonger has real power, for convey to you our ardent con· "And thrown in lor gocd measure, TJ U d f• } d l B t A· b t' l' h · the person he confronts is .a coward, a liar, or gratutr.ll.ons imc! best wishes on or for laughs, the young man who 1e n er IS 1e U ra na tona tsm as now gone both the occasion of yOlrr election as quit his job because it says richt ·· beyond the limits of reason. And the ' president. We know ycu as a dis· here, "he got married". Lak'e Jordanians, fondly imagilrtng that the The person· who bas to cbnfront guilt which tinguished figure and lender o£ R.A.F. bases in their country are essen, rosltlon.he !mows Butreally the exists,arne isprocedure in a. more is call~ddif!lcull for thetlie Unitedcasing Statesof international .who strives ten·for Dogs suffer • from nervous TORONTO (CPJ-'fake a body and wildlife biological staff, shm1s I tial to the British, 110\V are prepared to there-facts h~ve to be faced and accounts !Javc sian and the establishment of troubl,es even as their o~vncrs do of water within ellmmuting dis· that the lake has !lood up w~ll risk. the· subsidy in order . to deprive to ~~~ squared e\'ent).tally. Evaslon, alcohol, de· , peaceful r.nd fruitful relations -anx1ety, !ears,, ag.sresstons and tance of 1,500,000 people, gi'le for more than a ecntm·y against Britain of the• b 'I'l h 1 h _ dl . between all states and reoplcs so on, and velcl'lnarlans now treat anglers 'virtualiy a free rein for an assault by· commerci.! and ~e ases. 1ey ope ·a SO n1 a 1 :-t esc .,re dea y•• Happ 1ness hes. on 1y In for the establishment ot prcci!c: them ivith a tranquilizer, Paxitai, about 11 months of the year, and sport fishermen. 'l'he biRgest · . that .other Arab nations will make good commg to the best poss1ble terms wllh, ,facts. ly our eountHcs. We have been 6tmllar to drugs !or the relief of the result should be disastrous to teclivoe factors appeal' to be its the money they will lose. -0-- and romain cbampicns of the anxiety In humans. the fish population. bigness "lind its abundant food sup !n this belief, they are likely to be WHO TOW THE BUJ.L? . mo!t fruitful and friendly rela· In Lake Sl!llc~, lt lsn't.If any· ply. nustakcn. And by endt'ng the. Brl'tl'sh . I.1.ters to London Times !Ions between our peoples. and thing,Some the of Jakethe reasonsIs under-fished. for th!J arc lakes"There whleh are offer not a manygame fisheryinland treaty, they may nm the rlsk of bank· -.Sir:.:_Your correspondent Mr. Tucker. slated our states. We sincerely whh KEEPS PERCH outlined In 8 recent analysis of equal to· that of Lake Simcoe, .. ruptr~·. But nationalist extremism Is the . that 1 bull kept firemen away from the scene of you, Mr; Pres!rent, the greatest. 1\Iuscles .In a blrd's legs are so southern Ontario's favor!!. fishing Dr. .McCrimmon ",.;· "F,, ·: f d I a f!re, Wl1lch cost the owner of the barn £3,000, success in your 1\Ctlvlty; we wish arranged that the bird cannot fall hole, published by the prol'ince'; lakes orr~r the sport fisher:· ~ t'nem~· 0 renson an r King Hussein sinl"e 'the bull did not like the red. !Ire engine. you slrenglh P.nrl good health. of its perch while it is asleep, deparlnto!nt or lands and forest;, ~uch a wi~.~ choice In kinds 0 fi'·." acrept,; the ad\'it'c of hi~ cabinet, Jot·dan May one' ask lithe farntPr sued the Indiscreet per· The muscles keep the to~s bent BIOT.OGIS':."'S STUDY during all ronr ~ea•on~ or h~ will be cutting of! its nose to 'spite its son who told the hull the fi"re en&ine was red? FOR SIIOOTINc; A SWAN while the hird is on the perch "FishlnJ~ in Lak, Slmroe," • year. l'itill few~r lake~ could ha,·e lace. · • !ulla are .eo](lr·bllnd. Calgary Herald , ancl th.e. toes cannot open until it !38·PA,lle study b)' Tlr. H. R. '{c: .mxintained the qu~lil.v 11r fishin: 1 , A Calgary bunter last week raises Itself ,Into th4 air. · · Crimmon of the depart;.:. • '• ll'hlle !yin& adjacent to t.be mt'lst

I,·, ' ' . ' 5 EWS THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1956 _- ·. YN 0 ~1t •

• way you'll

' l look. 'this Christmas • • • •

i 1- I 1n ' II.. ' ·.f •. l a l 1: 1~ • ·:·' i' ! ,I !l :1: Ul I ;:·R\E .\u-1ra1in-- ·RIIsf:ln's Eh:biela Kt·esingka with piglalls Mying makes I l :r,r ~;;;, 1:~ imwl jump training at 01;-·mpic villngc.--(l.N. Photo'. '~ . ; '•' 'I ! .. . l' from ! ual Concert And Prize Distribution,. - I : Edward's _High School, Pla_centia I •' l I~ rtptlll:t Ayre' s· \ and tnt l:llltt! r:~:.~.' (Hr.m:. :\111·embcr l Joan Davis, 2nd p)Jice In clas&, musis, practical and theory, prize I ';:ypl n~w. At! J!· • E:mc, lh:h ~chon! held Ccntenar~· Scholarship, prize and and diplomas. ,; ust lorrt to 1~ ;111d ' ocr:l•c• dis· diploma. Anne Grlfllthr, mualc-priclical ,j!, of rr.!• • f,r the ·~hoi- Desmond ~fulrooncy, honours, and theory; prize and dlplomu. .. )li; 1~55 5ti .•1:d I<·JJ of its prize and diploma. Ell ceil Collins, Music-practical I Pl'f'SCnl b:·!• •r.•l ~it I• paNel !'as11: Francis l\lcllugh, Eugene and theory, diplomas. l1: . t Srcur:t• (',,ur,. ttt P<'il•l· .. : 1!J, 1r .. Alma Warren, Gerald Tobin, Michael Lillian Lye, lllusie - practical :· I !I .-\!,t·l": !oil'. Tht ':r.:o thr ·.• .. rid. l'r""·ut fot'! llreurhlr, Daniel ~lclsoac, Ivy and theory, diplomas. h;.ndlrd thm. · 11rr .. \ <'t) B<·l·o·r••tul : \\';m·en, Ellzaht•th Grand)', Elhabeth Munay, Music-theory Y 1 ou'U like the colours H:r.tl'l'. llr I' .1. ltanl•·'·· l -liploma, 1:, \lr,. IL1:!,.,. nu•mht•;-~ , Ciralle X Grade V i p:,t.~.t:. ",:.,,1 I\ nard.: lla)·mr~thl 1\al·una~h. 1st place In Maureen Power, l~l place In re· .~ ~~~ ~:::: .. : till' sr... l'la;~. pmc and diploma. IIi cion, prize, 1st place in class, :c;:~r:·. :n. ~''"''•::· ••ll 1-~ugene Canning, John II ill lard, prize. · ' stripes ...... 49·50 I .1 l.r,.!,r,: ' .l liordnn Pittman • . · Tommy Greene and Gerard I . \·.s. u.s.Jt. .\:· u.,r.~.,... ;·. ,.:. \u~t·li· 'l'ht•n•su \\'Jish, -.diplom:t am! Pomeroy (tie) 1st lllace In class i . 1 ~ • j :.:f.ll ti(\(1 .... !."'"''· 11 .. ,,,~, .. ~: ol \It,•, J>l'll.t' lur ll(lllllc:tllon Ito ~!ltd>'· priZt! and diplumn. ' Fancy greys, blues and browns ...... 53·sp LIGHTERS :.!:)tl J(J(t Eilt·t•n llathln·i(•k, clipluma for 1-'lltl·: m-:P'J', i•RIZES FOR :o J: '(ll':ll'tit·~l music. F.SSA\'S AND POS'rF:RS 3 '\ollt I • 1•rdlith licion, prize 1st place In class (tie) a Gaelic Inscription dating frPm #T: JOHN'~, .. ~n". h:· /sl place In -prize and diploma, Music, prac· lhe rinhlh centurv. It Is a rrl~c WWf.'OfJNDLAN& - ' Sth~brshrp ar~ In elm, Ileal and theory, prize & diplomas. of the Irish ~nd Scotll~h mlssinn­ ' · • Prize and Kevin McCormack, 1st place In ~riPc ll'hn help~d brinv Chrht· t dan (tie) prize and diploma, ianlty to thl~ puty ot GP.rmany .

• . ' THE DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, NOV. 22 ' 6 .: .. The Family Personal·

:Messrs. Ellol Hiscock,· Eric BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Green, Thomas Brinson, Pierce His friends and family send be· Green and Junior Green of Win· !a ted birthday greetings ' to Mr. trrton visited the city Tuesday. to Albert Hollett, Out~r Battery; who celebrated his blrtllday Tuesday. attend the wrestling match at the I ' Sadium, and returned home alter WEDNESDAY FELLOWSliiP match. . The Wednesday Fellowslllp club of Cochrane Street United Church S·o .. o Flattering! 1-'RO~t CALIFORNIA mel In the League Room of the llajor and ~Irs. Robert Tl~·dcs· Church on November ·14, 1\!lss )c1· and two children recently mov· Stella Burry was the guest speak· cd to St. John's from California cr, and was presented wllh a par· and arc lil'lns at 34 Cairo Street. eel of used clothing .for use in her ~tajor Th·dcsley Is stationed at welfare work in the city. Each Pcppcrrcll ArB. member was given material to be used in making a Jayclle !or some nO~I TORONTO needy family. Final plnns were )lr. Ra)·mond Brou~hton arril·· also made In connection with hos· In here by TCA ~londa~· from pita! work for club members, and , T1•ronto to ~cc ~is mother, ~Irs. work for this project Is planned Ezr~ Brouchton. n[ Bril:us. who ls for the next meeting., ~rriousty ill at the Grace Hospital. FROM TI~XAS J.lcut. anrl Mrs. ltcrlin Quimby RinTIIII.\ \' r.\RTY and their three chilclrr.n. arrl\'cd l.ittlr. Sheila J.ukim·. 11! li Dnr· here· rccclltl,v !rom Tcxns and arc lin~ Street. rclrbratrd her ith lil'ln~ at 17 Smith Al'cnuc. Licul. hirthclay ) cstrrday with a Jlal't~· at Quimby is sl\ltionerl at Pcpptm·ell her home. ArB.

1.11~1-: GUJIIES WF:LCOm: WMiON The ~rconrl in a ~cries nl Lone The rci!Uiat• monthly mcctin~ of 1 Guide pro~rams will he held o\'ct' lhc Welcome Wagon Newcomers' radio >tation l'BN on Thur~day Club ll'lll·hc held on Frida)', Nov. r1·cnin~. :->ol·rmhcr 22, at 6.4~. 23, at 8.15 p.m. at the YWCA, ~ln. Bli~~ ~turph)'. l'rul'lncial Harvey Road. Election nf o!!lcer~ l.nne Guidr Commi~sinncr, will ,for the ensuing year will be held ronduct the proj:ram with ~Irs. at thl~ meeting and a full allcnd· · Etl~ar E~cott, ~ctinl! Captain of ance is requested. the 2nrl l.onr Guide Compan)', prr•cnlin~ "Our Library" to the Lones. Guides from the 5th and ON 24th St. John's Guide Companies unrlrr their Captains, ~!Iss Pa· triria Holrlen and Miss Lorraine Fahc)', will take part in the camp· fire. ' U!

Do vou find it a little hard to make fish meals Good luck r~allv does make a diH'ercnce ... in interesting? Well, just try this fish pie, made flavour and in ihe lightness of your tt'ppin~. with sweeter, fresher Good Luck Mar!!arinc! It's And you'll also find that Good Luck ac•u.diy delicious, "·hen you make it with Good Luck costs less than anvthing vou could usc as a in the liP:rg 3!10 in the lllpping, too. You'll lind suh~titute. · ~ ·

--~-- ...... ~-- ' GOOD LUCK FISH PIE FILLING Melt 3 tbsps. sweeter, fresher Good Luck ~largarine'·---, in a ~auccr&n. I Remove from the heat and blend in 4 tb~ps. flour, l;)tsp. !alt, ~' t>r. pepper. Gradually stir in 2 cups milk. Cook the ~aucc. lllrrin; I constantly, until smoothly thickened. Rcmov'e from heat and w 1 ~ I tbsp. grated onion, 3 tbsps. chopped sweet pickle, 1'.: cur-' Jra1~cd I cooked vegetable such a~ peas, beans, carrots, ct.:. ,md I': cur• \ flaked, cooked or canned fish. Ttun into greased cas~crclc, pla.c ia I ----.------_..hot oven (400') while making topping. A Christmas gift your little girl ------, will enjoy all year! Her b~loved doll will look brand new in these GQOD LUCK FISH PIE TOPPING •- - •-'·1 udorable togs. Smartest [ashtons­ ' easy sewing. A 'fcil' guy ~craps Sift together into a mixing bowll\4 cups sifted pa,try H•'lll WI 1'·1 will make the entire ward­ cups sifted all-purpose flour), 2111 tsps. baking powder, I; t>p. 5al!. robe.,-hat; jumper; jacket, biQuse, Add 3 tbsps. chilled Good Luck Margarine, and cut in finely. Good co~t, rot:.~ •. pajamas, ancllingerie! Luck alwo~ys blends beautifully with '.lthcr ingredients. :'>li.t in 2 I ! Pattern 4.131 is for dolls 12, 14, tbsps. chopped parsley. M;lke awell in the flour mixture and add \i 16, 18, 20, ·22 inches tall. Yardage cup milk all at once. Mix lightly with 1 fork. Drop dough by large requirements in pattern. spoonfuls onto hot fish mixture, making 6 mounds. Return to _the This pattern easy to use, sim­ hot oven (400') and bake until biscuits are cooked-about 35 ple to sew, Is tested for fit, Has nun~ complete illustrated instructions. Send 'lliiRTY·FlVE CENTS (35 ------,..~J Cl~nts) in coins (stamps cannot pe ______, accepted) for this pattern. Prmt plainly SIZE, N A ~~ E, ADDRESS, STYLE NU~IBI-:R, 457 4 14\'2-24~ Senrl order to ANNE A ll A M ~. GOOD LUC.K RECIPE r.- ca~c of ST. JOliN'S DAILY NE\\'8 . rur' l'attP.rn llcpt. 60 FRONT STREET ' ·6~./1-.t~ .//Je..tts No wonder Good Luck b the SlltCtc;t, fr~hest spread ~l'll ,an · · WEST, TORONTO, ONT. The Good Luck "recire" call~ for scicctecl ingredients ... hltndld with just as much care as you'd me in your own kitchco. And Good 10 Luck i~ made daily, right here in Newfoundland ... so it's bound BETTER be as fresh as morning! That's why Good Luck is so dclidous as a BREAKFASTS? Manners Make spread on bread, toast and melted over hot vegetables. Good ~uck is nourishing, too ••• Vitamins A and Dare added for extra nutn!IOlt· Begi~ 'em witb · .. Fri.ends Good Luck belongs on YOUR table, every day.

t' Horsey Orange Juicel An older couple moved out l•f No better way to start their large hOU!

•, I ' Vitamin "C" for the two of you and will be so NEWFOUNDLAND'S FAVORITE MARGAP.~" for health toot easy to care for." But ·some people have the un·· fortunate habit or alll'ays seeing tb~ hOle instead of the doughnut. \ '

THE DAILY NEWS, ·. NOV. . 19.56 2

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..··.·\ . 1}. 0 '· .. . . ·.

·. . . . I . " ~.

·;.; 111 jl:r rt lry r~:~ll;r'{ ' ;• .. .. ::. ~~ C' -~rtl . cinu, ON MANY OF -OUR •• ~.AND WE'VE USED ·cARs· AND TRUCKS GONE WILO ON OTHER ' I PRICE CUTS • • • • JUST A FEW SAMPLES


Y2 PRICE $475 ' I Yz PRICE $4 75 · ·Yz PRICE $550 Yz PRICE $175 ' 1954 FORD 4 DOOR 1952 PONTIAC 2 DOOR SEDAN 1953 STUDEBAKER J948 4 £)0QR. SEDAN . 4 DOOR SEDAN TwO-tone Point Job Air Conditioned Heater and. Defroster Heater and Defroster Good for many more miles Air Conditioned Heater and Defroster Light Grey In Color lS Heater and Defroster Outside Defroster· Seat Covers of driving REGULAR PRICE $750. REGULAR PRICE $900. REGULAR PRICE $1100. .. 'In REGULAR PRICE $600. ' :'r!r·S:. '!,ll;tliy Y2 PRICE $450 Yz PRICE $550 ;u a Yz .PRICE S375 Y2 PRICE ·saoo ~ J950 DODGE l !-1 TON CAB 1952 DODGE I TON CAB 1950 FORD !-1 TON PICK-UP 1951 FORD 4 DOOR SEDAN AND CHASSIS and CHASSIS Heeter and Defroster . Heater and Defroster Heater and Defroster, Good Tires He-ater and Defroster Privately Driven Good tires and battery Good Tires Good Batfery . Privately Driven , New Battery l 'j REGULAR PRICE $450. l YOU .·SAVE $555 YOU SAVE. $445 YOU SAVE 5415 l! ...~ ' Y2 PRICE $225 .REGULAR PRICE $2150. . REGULAR PRICE $1795. REGULAR PRICE $2250. !. ,. ~ : c·t'r' . . SPEClAL $1350. i I :! '.:· 1952 DODGE ~ PICK-UP SPECIAL $1595. SPECIAL $1835. pla'c 10 TON . i l955 DODGE 4 DOOR SEDAN 1954 PONTIAC 4 DOOR SEDAN 1955 METEOR 4 DOOR SEDAN I •:;' +' . : 1 Heater and Defroster Air Conditioned Air Conditioned Automatic Transmission i.' i ; fair Tires Heater and Defroster Heater and D!froster Air Conditioned : . 11. : Two-tone Paint Job Two-ione Pai~t Job Heater and Defroster . ,: Good BatterY · . . . ~ Attractive Seal Covers .. Attractive Seal Coveri Attractive Seat Cover~ . ' .~ ! r.• . ' . ~ ~ , ~ I "

r: . ~ . i' •. r-­ ·;I') .- IOi I YOU SAVE $600 YOU S·AVE $315 ALL· CA,,S ARE jl: t i' I :' 1sp. ~all. YOU SAVE $405 ,~·. . : ,., G"od REGULAR PRICE $1750. PRICE $1 050. : ~ • J REGULAR PRICE $1200 REGUL~R ' . . FILLED WITH .l i . SPECIAL $1150. \ j SPECIAL $795. SPECIAL $735. ' . . : . 1953 METEOR 4 DOOR SEDAN r • 1,955 PONTIAC 4 DOOR SEDAN 1-953 FORD 1 TON PICK-UP ANTI ~ FR·EEZE Air Conditioned · ,.. ' 3S mins. Air Conditioned ' ' Heater and Defroster Heater and Defroster Heater and Defroster Good Tires READY TO. GO Tires· In fair Condition Good Battery Good Tires ' . '

>.• ThJs drastic Pre-winter Sale has been made . . necessary by t.he amazing success of our 'Trade . I • Now· Policy~ and the phenome·nal demand for our 195~ Surprise PONTIACS which are s~lling REAR OF NFLD~ H.OTEL .. beyond a.ll expectation .. ' . ' . ,. OPEN EVE~INGS P.

' . ~~~~·-~.~~~'~~·· . I ~

i f.' I • ..... - ···- l" , •... · .. :,.~·:~· . .·• .. ·-.


. k' D Ave., 2nd. . . I Aloysious Coffey, Custlett, P.B.; I Jamc~ H. Robbins,. -64 Cashin lrmed Foi·ces. other printed l)iattcl-'fcn cent> · Carm·an Noseworthy, 15 Smith 1st.' · .\venue; lsi. · 1 f\ per ounce. . .an . · on· o· rs ' Ave., lOth.. · , \ .Ills'~ Marjorie Lonl!, 31 Raleig~ Ro.!Jert. :-cei_rl. Chapel Al'm; 2od. i · :\ir Pm:rel P.Jft;-One dollar d. B · '. . · Frank Joy, 6 ,John st.; 1st. Street; !st. 'Jal LtltleJohn, 12 Boulevard:. Ne\\'S . for the fu·st ~1;11 , ~u.nces and Bl 00 Wallace Brown, 98 Blackmarsh Cit·aham Tucker, 62 ~Jon roc. St.; . 3t'd, 1 · 40 cents for eado arochllonnl [our lsi. · · ! Sl.; I V.'m. E:lrle, 18 Mayor. Ave.: 7th. Gerald Squires; ~24 Casey S't.; Leo Tobin;· St. Mary:s 3rd. Rd 4 h . . 1 \\'alter Trenchard, 2~ Cairo !' oum•t•s. : · .\Ibn Butler. 11 JL1nkm St.: Blh. 11th. · Phtrlck B. Woods, 85 Carter's ~ar~ld Steele, 9 Maxse St.; 2nd.: l~dgar Tucker, . ~0 Le~!nrchant; 3rd; · , . • '\ ANNOUNCEMI:NT BY NAVAL Surfac., Mail • trbcrt Yetman, :!35 .Cralgmll· 'Martin Coone)', 200 New G.ower Hill; 1st. Leo Doole. ~Iundy Pond Rd.; ··Ro~d: 1~t: . . ; Clifford Barnes, Log) B.ty Road, i HEADOU,o?.RTERS Ll'lli!I'S-Fh• ''cl't~ rm· ihe H 36 St 62tl. Owen McEnegart, Blaketown; lst; ~. • 1 1 t·t:cd Iavernor, ·18 Raletgh Sl~;, 4th. · 1· ...... first ounce ~net three rnls for 5 113131 ltr A\'e.: l>t. 1 11 Rankin St· ~olier:··MeG1'ath, 194 LcMarchant 1 t · · ' ' 1 • ~ ~h. · ! \\'m ..Jackson, 46 Call-er Avenue;· . ~lathng atTangemcnl tm eac·h addilinwtl c•untc ~l:a!lhell' !lui er, ., Rd.; 14th. \nchacl. Murphy, 83 • Carter's Crosbie Lester, MI. Pearl; ~th. ; . Ronald Bishop, 26 Vimey Street;.' 4th. . . pel's?nnel in tHiC~ i\lagni~iccnt' Pos;carcls-Fou'· ce;;ts each. 3r~ern~rd \'lrounl. Gould'~ Rd.; Kenneth . Kelland,. 32 Lh•erpooll Hill; lsi. . . Roy Andrew.l,· 202 Hamtllon :2nd; . . " . , . Gertrude. Ryan, 46. Calver Ave· lea~m~ ~horlly as a troopshiP for: Xcii'Silapei·s. periodicals and --d Al'e.; :!nd. . ; Patrick. F.. Woods, 130 Cashin Ai'c.; lith. 4 ·n si :1 Haroid·E;yoy, 32' Vt!IICY Al'e!Juc;~ue: 2nd. ' the i\luldlc Ea~t, ~ere announce~' other tJrinted m~ttcr.; - Twn ~- Gr~r·r Folle\l. 23 Cah·e.r ,\ve.: '\'m, Peckham. 100 Empire Ave: i Ave.: 6th. Wm. Sullivan, 3. .uggan ., i !st. . . M d 'II St. I • I DugaM D~f!rt p~~t Un;.on;~'t.. l?d~y by scrvtc~ postal authol'l·, rents for the ftrst ,two. ounc!'s, ;_, ~.. ~ . __ . ht. : Frank B_ alrd, 240 New Gower. 4th.. . · 2 II 'It ' ,James .' an en e, · ~ ary s;: Gregory Co ey, acen 13 · y; Illes . · -· one ern! fo1' NH'i' artditional two -"" .. - ~I mccl 1 VIctor Annre11s, 20 ami on ·tsl .. ·, . · . 2n•l. · . • , The following address should , · llrnry l.Hklll. 1.• · ~m 1 Robert llurrin. 27 Morris An.: 1St., l~t. . . Av~.; 11\h.. , . · Mr~. l'e~rl C~der: 121 Campbell' Mrs. Betty Snow,. Gand~r! 2~d;.[ be user!:· :nunc~~- , ",_,,., IC·cn •·rnts .' 1 1 11 in; 1\rl.: ;\th. • .. •·lr• lsi. . ! Andrew Coady,,13 St.; Charles '' h1thourne, 4th .. AI'P.nue: 7th; · ! E1•elyn Harris, Qmd1 Vtdl Rank Name an(J Official !\um· .PaJLel. 1. · · 't 11 ~~·c., Hutching~ Gos~c, ~Irs. 11 1 11 \.llbrrl rla~·toll. •• 0• ·'··' .. : Chrstcr Howsr.. 2A Moni.l Avr..;' hl. Rrucc ~lcDoriald. PAP!l: l5t. ! \\'m POii•cr, M Lil;ingstone St.;: !load; 2nd. . bel' I • . ;pound \I'll . a tr•J pc_mnc ~~~- 1<1 II l~t. : .Jamrs Hc~ley, i28 Coshin Al't.; Wm .•loy, HMCS Avalon: l.lt. :ard. . .. ··.. . ' . ; .Jean· Bi~.en. 'arti11r. '!~! ~!: 1 12 Hill:\"~~· 42 3 1 rhi~f Jih,"a";~~. ':··~~;(1 5~~·! .. l;t , , Pearl; 3rd. . . John Flynn, 38 Barter's Hill; Rd.; 2nd. ·Btl · • ,. ' . 3 d u . ' : ]';ewspapers. r•rrHorltcals and_ he wanfpc) a •·tvntr~l t "'1." tan ~!~!. ~·!w )I'll\~·. Geor~f s. Garrett Brown. 23 Mill Bridge 4th. . . • Augustus Taylor, 43 Cornwall. ~-·nne Balsom, c/o 'Grace Hos·\ r \Vm. Earles, ~9 froude Avenue;;------··- · _.. _.. : nai~tin~" "ncl the f. if , horl h~;r. J 5~:d. !!t. • ., k· 1\d.; 22m!, ll!iss Anne Peet, 71 Calver Ave., Cresccnt;'lst. . . I pit·l:, !st. Sth. . : 1 ,~t, . - . clrr~~hl._that lhp pamtrr ,ho" rl IP. ! !\~i! ;;!.!nl!:· · G~er~E · Broo ' ~Ia I')' Cape, Rp;;'s Farm, Boule· 64th. David Taylor, 43 Cornwall qres·i Ella canning, ·c/o Grace Hos-1_ \\'m. Marche, 5 O'Neil Avenue:. Sgt. John Norman, Allandale ""· Sll!l~er. . 1::. • . • ,, , , \'arcl: 1st. . George Clarke, Cuckold's Cove; cent; Jst, pita!; st. · \!st. Rd.: 24 th. . Thr natnl1•r 1n 1 1 II'~' ~1:1rn ~r'~:" !::nril :la:l.£~ · Gror~e · Brook,\ Ronald Cape, Ross's Farm, Boule- 4th. Raymond Taylor, 163New Gower Austin Dinn, Top Batlc!ry Road; 1 Raymond Walsh, 142. Forest Rd.: F.clward Crane. 78 Flower ll11i: p:lll .•''" lhr h•~· ~lrt' pf .\I .. II ,a 13 :~: .• , . •• , , . vard: 1st. Vincent ::\Jc~onalcl, 128 Prowse St.: 1~1. ' 7th. . · 1 1st. . · d.. , ".'HI 'zt·r~n,J"';., ' · ar.:l c·,mc ,o 31 19 Tc!~r. :toM~· Geo.~£ ·' Brook, 1 ,John ~!cerate, Salmonler: 2nd. A\'c.: 2nd. . Cectl !,>carcey, Top Battery; 3rd. .Tames Anile, Top Battery Road: 1 Const. James Carter, 24 Brazil· rupl. c. Bilrhum·. :12~ Pr•nnywr•ll < anada In ..... ,,. :lllchael Hearn, Salmonier; 1st. Neil Crickard, 152 Duckwort~ · Thomas Morrissey, Top Battery; 2nd: _ ' ' Squnt·e: 15th. ' Rd.: 131h. ------1111 --~!:!. Hc!lcr Baile~·, George's !llichael Walsh, Salmonler; 1st. St.: 1st. I lsi. · 1 !limalrl ~1. Dinn, · Tnp Battery Wm ..Jaek~on, 46 Calver Ave.; "'''·in Furrbtall. ~J:illllt'b: 6th. • ; C'lnli'IL\rK E:nnk: !;!. T B. Rol~nd Sheppard, 40 Gilbert Wn1. Doran; 36 Gower St .. 1st. i Allan Cook, Portugal .cove Rd.; Road; 6th. · 4th. . .. ~lirlfael Corcoran. llin•riwad DC:\1-:DI~. :\. Z. tCP !-A lr:r:r rt:.:e H1•!loway, ~lonroe, · ·• St.; 3rd. [ Joseph Kcll)', 79 Pennywell Rd.;' !st. . · 1· James Rl'an, 46 Calvet·t inenue; Gertrude Ryan, .'46 Calv~1· Ave·! St. ~lary'>: 2nrl. •rhlin" named Tallr-r was h:-:r~'Jt !;L .. . . . : James Taylor, II Plank Rd.: 7th.: lill. , ' . . :lliss,-Jane. Austin, 36 Scott St.;. lsi. · . nuc; 2nd. ,John Pikr, Pine llud ,.l,pt~: lsi. i;,. S. ".t. ~1d\ay whrn it 11·~, \1\ \1~;; f.:l• Pelle:. Harcmut, T.B.,, . Clayton Stockll'ond, 233 South·: Alden. ~loone~·,,25 Newtown Rd.: ht, . , I Chr>lr.•· Tucker, 310 Frr~hwater Dr. Grc:·. Sanatorium: lsi. Clirford Andrews, 85 Grcnfrll llir market for ;ale a.< do2 m•at. Jot stde Rd .. :ith. :8th. . . A~·mm·e Spurrell, Laughltn Cres·, Roncl· 2 ~d. . . , • Allan Parmn~. Sanatorium: 1st. A•·c.:. 3rd. Taller sinrp has r-~r:ormr.d llrll "r;. l:lizahcth Elnilr)·. George'~ Llo)'d Sheppard, 40 c:ilbcrt S,t.; Vincent ~lcGtnn, 8 ~layor Ave.; cent: !st. . i Br~ndan ~!alone, 201 New Andrew ~!cDonald, Sanatol'ium;: Wilfrrn Blackmore, 104 Fre>h· in hnr•e ;ho\\'; and Ja;t month. '11 Er·o,,h. 1;1 1~1. :!nrl. . i Anthony Thoma5, 1~1. \\'aiel'· Gower Street; 2nd, 3rcl. Iwater Rd.; 2nd. · a~e HI, hrok~ thr :\r wZrabn~ .\n:u• d.;rkr. l'.;!'honc;r: 1~1. ~Jr.•. Aene; Oelaucy, l'ornrt · 1\rnnrlh W,al~h, 26 Goodrtdgc, fo1'rl B~id~~: ,7th. M·n·iah

~:h. 1 4th. ! !If. LeGrow, ~lenlal Hospital. i 2nd. :::;!. Lc~l\t Arklc!, nOll': 6th. . Gerald Kcnncdv, 26 f'roude I M. ~lurphy, ·Mental Hospital. I Lr.~lie Pikr, 431 Watr.r St .. 3rd.; .l;r:lr! Dill~n. 13j :-lew Gower; Al'e.; 1st. . ' I A Decker. Mental Hospital. I· .Tohn J, Squires, 75 Queen's Rd.; S:. 4th. ~Irs. Emily Short, 47 Vickcr•s·, · Pat Finn, Mental ·Hosoilnl. 4th. • .. E~ir !Iammond, 43 Portugal A\'e.: 28th. 1 Robert Lockhard; C.JON: John A. Kai'Rnagh, 108 L1me St.; r~1e R~: lith. ' James Hutching~. 23 Barnes Rd.; I G. Ottenhiemer, CJO~. 4th. · . "• Cop:. L. Ea:on, 12 Springdale ! lOth. l Ron Brnwn, CJON. T.ester Bennett, 188 Pennywell ~t.: 3rc. ~Irs. ~Jollie Chafe. 17 New Gow· i ,Joseph Shapter, 147 Pleasant St. . Rd.:}~t. t';p:. \1'. ~OlCI\'Orthr. 3 llrlell er St.; 5th. · Al'tn' Dawe; 134 Case)' St. i "tlham Bennftt, 188 Pr:,nnywrll S:.: ~~~- Harold Hammond 162 Empire: Vern Rn~~. 71 Alexander St. :Road, 1st. . ~-'r.~.' hnc!, iO Flower Hill; An.; 2nd. ' ! Verna Hemmens, ?0 'Pleasant Preston Wiliiaml, 31 Hamel St.; ~:~.. ~larvyn Green, 49 Bennett Ave.: : St. 1 . ·. I ht. . . i'~rc r::•her. 7J Spri~~dole St.: 2nd. : Brid~:tt Mahoney, 233 .J!amllton ~ .Jacob Btshop, !11 SpencPr S1.; i:o. Harry ~lacey, 159 Gower St.;: A1·~. : lst. . . ll•lc·o!rr, f':mell. ~orth Vnllry. lOth, · f Wm. A. BosP, Gnoseh~rr)' J.anr: • Jarr~tl Brown, 23 ~1111 Brul~e; C f;: ~n•'. Thom;:.l Finn. Plal'rntia: J.;t. : 18th. · . · , , : 2 n~. • , .. \1 1bo1: Do•rr.c~. \l'inlrl'lnn. T.ll.; 1\~lph Crumm)', Kitchncr Ave.: . Pte. R. p, Hall, ~42 \\ alcr Sl., , • amr~ F1111 lcr, 4P .roh St., ~I h. ~r·' 91 11. · · i !st. · George Dru~~ell, Blackhead Rd.; !!·'" ,. lln•1 nry. 1:13 l'r011'!r .hmr' Wal~h. 21 Summerl'ille i Harry rowrr, 2A Gnwrr St.; ~rei. :!rd. . . . . i .I• t: l;t \l'r. 5th 1 Arthur Pnii'Pr, 17 N'-w r.owP.r ~t. · Chmhne Jlradhur:·, -41 Sdt~hnry ,, .. , 1 •rnlinr li;,rcfoot, ~2 ' ~~;:,,' Ol.lrr l':mnn~. I·~ Winchel·· 1~1. . ' l St.: Ath, ''""'rr '' .. ~n•i · t•r St . 2ncl · Ho,qrcllll'nr~. Jl'rrr.d~nd; 2ncl. • .\laxwrll Smitl1, 44 Gror~e !lt.; l''llli;m C•. ·:. 1 Tones ofblue5, greys and brown' .T- f:onhin•. P.\1'11: J •t. Freel Gunwdl J.o~l' Bnv Rei, , Mthur Ahiloll, Porlttgal Col'r. · ~1·anc1~ Gndrlr.n, Watet-fnrrl .! I' .~ 1 • 1 the 1 1 · ptn \1';. nge bright, 197 Em· Al'e.; ht. · 11· 1 N . , centia Bay; !st. superb quality 1 o o eharacter t I I rruns. ' . • ·~ 2nd. . Edward Snow Empire We~t· 1st OUR rl D!!llorthy 102 Carter! Raymond J{enned)" Sl Flower 1 Jock TJuard 1 c b 1 · ' · ' · Hill; 1st. . ' ': :~.~. · amp el Ave.; Mr~. Rose M. Roche,· Ml~dle Gordon Faeey, 104 Carter'• Hill; Street; 24th. : · H-r • \\' Cove, 4th. . · th KeVIn Murphy, Kenmount Jtoad, PROGRESS' 8R41DD (LOTtf~S 1 7 and distinction. ~ ·\I[~~~ oodland, 62 St. Clare' Nath. Tuckr.r, St. Phillip~: 2nd. Herbert 1\feadus 237 uth ld nth. • s0 : • •. 1·;,. ;· . Alb~rt Ll!Grow, Baullnc; 2nd. Rei. 3rd ' · s e George . W. Squires, 41 Beau- ; ~"~ 1 ·• .Jar~ Hanlon. Nagle.l Hill: Michael O'Rourke, Outer Co1•c: 1 iiu'be;t Griffith 223 ~ th ld mont Street; 2nd. • : · i ·. .1 . i ht. j , s, , ou s e ~obert J. Dwyer, Nagle's Hill; AND EXCLUSIVE IN ST. JOHN'S WITH . '• : ·1:.• l:.Jrn Oulrk. 1\illmde:. Hth. 1 Archibald Smllh; Torb~y Rd.· 1 Rd., 2nd. · 8th.· . · · : . r. ... tcr Tmard. 3 O'Neill A , . ' 1 t · . ' Charles Carter, 84 Springdale Rex Hcrden, 3 King's Bridge :. U: 1e, I ' ' . , , ' St., 1st. . ·' Rond; 2nd. . • kbcrt R ~ John Hlckn~. Flatrock, 1st. • Peter Templeman 14 Rendell G d Pike II Mill B ldg · 3 d ; Hcbci ~~ ·, alul ct. Torbay: ht. Raymond Helpard, 24 Field St.; Place• 2nd ' "~~~~~ And;cws Ma:uel:• 3r d. 1 · •··1 :-1. nc · lllackler AI'~ .,• 12th • . • • · Tho!!Jas' ' Hennessey, 11 West- Claytonna Downton,• .37 Flemming• r · .\l>·on ,. . • Bert Davis, 15 Cornwall Heights, mount· 3rd · ·· · · Street• 3rd .... ul. 1,am, u7 Lr. II St • ·1 h ' ' "' ' ·· • Do~aJ.; Tiz d • ·• e ·• st. 4! • · · · John ·woodrow, 37 Kltchncr Douglns Aspell, 53 Cook Street: c :~d. zar • ~o May~r Ave.; Do~glas Porter, Fo~trap; 1st, Ave.; '1st. '· , · 1st. · · : ~1iss Mildred St tt · .Jonath~n Porter, Foxtrap; ts.t. Adrian nawe, Bay Roberts; l3th. Ft·anit Not:man, 93 Campbell ,:bflJ Al·f; 1:-t. • ra on, ~9 Camp. . ~l!t. ~dwarll Po.~l'f• R~MI',. K1•11· Allrt!d l!odxer~. 36 J•'rnnklyn Al'<'!llll'i .~n~l. ' .' , " lth. P.ell. 11 . · na ~ IIlii; lfil11. · AI'~. lith. . t:tl~s Snuth, ·157 Gn\1'~1· Sh·e~t: ~I· I ' ' Hll't'r. !ii l.t••lir• St;! 111'1'1 llr•is~ull, :!H Jli~J,l St.: 511!. Fl·~nl;~qi~ 1 1llr)', 39 IJn)·l~:s AH.; l:lnl. · · : • THE· STORE WHERE STYLE· BEGINS r · ~ .IIi ... J;, .• ,,,,,n . 1 'l'ltlun~s ,\h•t'arth)', 17 Ula1·k· lr-t. . .. · . ' · j ltl~hard Sqnil'<'.~ •. 73. Camphtll ;.,. Sl: !ilh . t:.ol'wu, :s:J l'nw· lll~t·~.h lltl.: ·til h. . '~~~·~.' Olii'f Jo:llintl, 6 ~in~·~r s'l.; i\l'rnur: 21111...... • J 1 · . I l'1•lt•l' ll:u,·nou, 711 ~.lc'l'r,l'llltt•ting, llllt.. · . . . i\ugu~ II:•I'II~)',.Bel,l Toland, 2nd. : " Ill u... \··II ; ·~1.o1. · S~tmmt•r St.: \ Jltl.; !!ud, . · · · 1 Cilaclslun~ ":lnsnr, Oli. !'Jlll'fl'i .1~~~r.11h llya1i, lit• II Isla tid: bl. '----~--~~------~ • ~;.,,., . ~ I Slt•t1h1•11 G:u·lantl, 72 'Mrl'l')'· , i\I'C.' 2nd [,t!\'111 Whelan, I Ehsary Eslale; 11 11 :n~.: ~ 1 ~ • '••:11·;·, 114 C:il'l'UI:u·] m~••tlnlt 'llrt.: ·4th. ·, ·. · .. !leg \~;10dford,· Porlugal · Cove ! 13t!1• . ' • ·. 1\'Jlt~; na " I R. f'. ~IHrtin, 68 Cornwall Cres· lld.; 31'11. : . •.. . . I Stel'e llcJ'drr, 17 Dat•hng Strer.t; lllh c.~. J~ Ronclotlrl)' St.; cent 2nrl. · , · 2nc1. . . · -.

n~hrrl f' ". • . II R; Jl. Mny>r. 31 Lr.-Ji~ SL: 1~1. . Dou~Jas· Wlnrl.lor, 27 Victor!~ I . ~a~ph('ll Jlutlcr, liA RRIP.JJ:h 12 r..-.· :rh I, f.nnc·rnl Hr.: 1.~1. . nnhPrl Efforrl, Port ·lll~nrHnrcl; St., th. ' . . I Sh~rt, J~l.' ...... ,\1-;/;t'ltl I')·~· ~:H Hlmllton :·1.11. . , . . . . .' Tony l'n)l'rr,, Gould~s: .2ncl. . · .Arl.rian McGrath, Cmtle(t, P.B.; . . h. • . . . _ I --LMltr clun~·; Kelhgro!w~; lat.· .Jack Dun ph),. ·17· · Cra!xmiller l31. . • . . ) . .. ·'. r

~- ltiURSDAY, NOV. 1956 Sunrays In The ·~tissionary iona~ra~~mmi~s~r;ee: Visits\HARBOUR GRACE NOTES Cathedral Service, St. By MISS RITA LEE Paul's Church Hr .. on~i~vc~ lslHr:Grnce~m~~.Mre.:------~-----~------~-~---~--~------~-- Kneeling in the Cathedral one HS t;R.\l f. - • Cirl (;uidcs, Crocker; Captain; llrs .•1. 'G. Davis, · Thursday afternoon. HARBOUR GRACE- Al Even· 11 1 s }• I son at St. Paul's Church on Sun· · .' ~·'"n:l•rr \ 11;1 memhcrs ·Asst. c.:ptain. I. Belly Parmltcr, C 100 I was trying to pray, and thinking 111 p · I } Tl Sunday day last, the service was of • ·[:•. nr:"' ~·... ;d~tinn were: Onn Sheppard, no.berta Telford, cop e n le on the wonderful works of God missionary nature, hymns, pray· ::·r l o,Jl · · · n•il !rom the 1 .Joan Ash, Alber! a Sellars. 2. Joan R II D ers and sermon emphasizing thE .:.' ;.l !::''~- r;munis>ioner., Smilh, Claudine Noseworthy, Ver· When a beautiful ray of sunshine 1 t News a y ay important topic or missions. . 11•' 1'•'' "' l!c:.rl· ronll•nt. na Parsons, Sandra Jlrench, Diane illumined the race . or the 1 1 Lord. The special preacher for the oc­ ,: i\•"ll"·' ~ .. at tho tiuide I Yetman. 3. ~hll'lcl French, Sylvia I HARBOUH GRACE - Rev. A. Service casion was Rev. Harris M. Batten . l·: :"• J.\:":,;:1' 11 •. ; ~1 drmn·: :\o>ewurlhy, .lcssi.e Sellars, Lin~a' ~. Uoin:JCs was the guest preacher 1 1 walched the race of Mary and Rector of Upp~r .Island Cove, whc :: • ·" r ·' . r '.(r;. Eri11in ntundnn. 4. Phyllis Payne, Connw 1;,t a mtsslunary meeting, held at 1 1 1 HAHBOUR GRACE-The annual the Child which she heltl In preached a shrrmg sermon from ,. • ·"""'1" '' ·f · • :\nseworlhy, Audrey Sheppard, llnnt's Harbour on Tuc!day, No· 1 Rail~· Da~· programme gi1·en by her arms ·1 the text, Acls. 1, Vc~e 8, "Anc Irrnc ~!arlin, Lorna Pasher. 1 \·ember 13th. the United Church Suday School 1'he glorious ~un shone out again ve shall be wttnesses -and frorr ..• r• 11 !w wrrr ~;- ' 2nd II arbour Grace, llrs. Dove, , i\lrs .. llo_nald Barnes, who hHd look place· on Sunday, November showing the beauty of her 1John 3, verse 11, "And testify that f··· ": 1 • 1c1r toarl ;Inn!. l'aptain; Mrs. James Parsons. Asst. I been vtsltmg her (Jarcnts, ~lr. 4th at Coughlan Hall. and was charm< . we have seen." ' • : .. ~:~~:.:, 11 ;~ 11 rktlmr. ;~n~ r~ptain. 1. F;~~·e I.e bans, Sandra I~nd llr~. William Wnrreu, WalcL' directed by ~Irs. Val Webber. ' •· In spite or the. very Inclement ·nr.:r '"' 1 ~,. ;,nd 1\Nr Stcl·cnson, Lottie Mullett, Jo~·cc :Street, 1!>~, the pa~t ~hree months The service was conducted by ! .ookiug at the ~taincd windows, we~ther there was a good con1re· . B-: 1,. \l :• Ftmlnw. a5: .J ancs. Gloria ,lanes, Rub~· Peddle, lett .. du~tn., Ute 11 cckend to. take Hcl', A. N. Holmes, and the pro· the face~ of Jesus, Mary and galion, and the entire se.rvice. was • ·::-. r.tc .I · . Drown • . P ., Gl G dd pas •• 1ge on H.M.S. Nova S<:otta lor •·· ..... t!:rlr lr;.nrr•. ltntl c11 cy. ~. ' cnc 1n ° .en, Eusland Mrs Barnes hnd been gramme was as follows: Joseph 1 saw an luspiring one. .•]: .. •:c:l ·r lluhPrt>. and llcrtn!dc Shcppurd, __ Bcttr Smtih, restdlng. in diirerenl parts ol A£· Opening Hymn: "Come Children, 1'he beautiful sun shone out again · . w :. Jlr· .I. .\ llr) · q·nllua Dwyer. Dats)' Sheppard. ricu for some years, her husband Join and Sing" and held me there in awe. y C· l ' . . . tllr nell'· 3. Susan l.cbans, Linda Ash. 4. being employed with an En"lish Prayer, OUn~ 3ll.aUa S 11110 • L' .. ·, 1.....····~; , ...... \1. , . rr;rnta· ··ranee~ •1 anes, Darts · •T a nes. Rub\'. Cable Company. Mrs, Barnes " w11 I Opening Sentences. . , 1 saw st. Joseph and St. Anne, l"' } 1 1 11 1 Colour Party, Hr. Grace Guides. Scripture Reading - Chtldren s the mother of Mary so mild Wfee \ F· .. ,~.!'· ''"" ' ;' "r 1• ,~·tot'l' Penney, Hettie Slone. be joined by her husband in Lon· Boo}r ·•• ,,. ·\• 1:Ill 1r 1 '" · p t' I d ll was d' I · Programme. Joseph, the foster father, was ~ ,, • o! 1 r-· · ' · 11 hrh"ll ar tell ar commen A on don and after spcn mg l1c1r · :• \(:; r' 1 " 1 ~'~· n ~-! ior: !livrn tn Forgct·nte·not Patrol. led lteavc will be resuming work wltll Welcome Song-Primary Class. there by the Virgin's side HR. GRACF.- Younl! Canada's Recitation: "Jesus the Loving Book Week observance co:nmenced ·:.r ,; :: 'r .~. ··":'·:n.r>. ~~~s;rcl ·by Faye Lehan;. o£ whom the full! his compauy in some other place. Saviour-Philip Pike. 1 h t b 1 :~; l -~! ... , .. >~or; r~,l ur, l'<~lrol wnn lhetr Scr\·lce Bars. ! ~Irs. Burnes has been pleased to Solo: "Wonderful Things To 1 loo~ed t ten at t c a emac e I on Thursday afternoon .at the Hr. ,:::r;:J::. ~-. ~::.I,.M~ r ra~ ..•\ Guiders. ~Irs .•T. Dovr. llrs.. 1.' m~ct so J~any of Iter hometo~\'11 Know"-Carol McKay. With the golden Cross a.bove I Grat:J! Library. The Ltbrary wzs .. :: ::r':·:. ·· : Jrr II. Par~on~. ~h·s ..1. G. DJris, :\lt·s. A.' frtcn1ls wlule here .and takes wtth Exercise: "Children's Power"- 'fhe mn sh~netl througfh tHh_e wl·m,dow I opened that afternoon lnd many i . to remm me o Js O\e, children look advantaze of the . ·.· li: ,.,.. 'r t.ualc•. rrorkrt· ~nd ~Irs L~slle Sheprlrrl her their' good wishes for Iter· Begmners. I h 'th • •• , •..•• ,.,, 111 ; l•rrn prr~··wcrc presented with their War·i~elf, her husbund and son in their Recitation:, "Seeing God" - extra hours to visit and e at Wl .r:.:;·.;:i.: ,... !::en ll<~!. II'NC ranis. . home in England. ..· Daphne Pike Y£'s, the wonderful sun t.hat after· i the Librarian. One class from the • • ::· ;., : : 1 ~" ,t p;,rt of the Alter sercral Guldr. songs had .llllss J_oyce B~ay pal~ a bnci Solo: "Loving Helpers" - Lois noord "rb 1ome:~mg that IUnited Church School (Mr~. Pel· · · :· .• · •• ··~- ~~·:1 Jo; tilr t;uh!rs bren ~~~~~~ b)' the Guides, the cere· mit. to St. Joln.IS o,n Tu~sday. Simmons. I coun n~ow: ~~~ the 5k . ley, teacher) came and spent an 1 5 •· ....._,, 1111 111 J.u 1·.r· mon)' rtosrd with the Gl~idc . lltss ~~~~· Dam, \'.oodvtlle ,llo~l, Exercise.: "The Rainbow Treas· It ~~ ~hove and ga,·e me rob~ hour .in getting Information whleh 5 1 11 ... 1.,.,., 1"11 w;r.' l'ral'l'r and sin"ing of th~ :'\ahon·. 11as a \tsttor to St, Johns n ure"-Juntor boys. for thought, pertatned to Book Wctk. They . · " j'fhursday oi last week. Off~rtory, brought along several well drawn . :.: ; 1 "'t:rni»hl'l· .11 Anthem. . . . . , ~!iss llctty Mac Simmonds, St...... '· ...• _1 v~·rnlatioll ol .\ cup o£ tea 11as then set~~~: John's was a recent visitor to her Offertory Prayer. The candles in the illumlnary slow· posters and there wtre adciel! to ' ; •. ." .., . :r . .r t!l thr :~1· h:'" mcmbet·; of the Lt~cal Assocta· i patcnis here, ~!r. and Mrs. Gordon Pageant: "Tile Things That Are ly burning down by some very fine ones from the i ;;, God's." Gave me thoughts of eternity pupils of the Presentation Con· ..: •. ,:· !! .: : :: .. ::•·r l'l'r· lion 1\'!:o were lints Sll'en the .op· 1 Simmonds. . ,, .:: . r ·• .• , • ·r.;• rlunn::: I he portumty lo mer the Commlsston·l :\lr. ad Mrs. Samuel Wells arc Cast of Characters: Business · where angels wear their veri!. The Library walls ue t!eellr· man, Frank Pelley: Stenographer, crowns. nted with these posters bearing ' l'r. 1presently· visiting their daughter, .\It•. and :\Irs. Pennel, Slation Resi- Annie Parsons; Voice of Rally Day suitable slogans. With the extra -·-----,-··-- I Postcard, Diane Archibald; Priest, These candles are lit by friends opening afternoons, it is. hoped .- Rohrrl .~1 ieLeod! Kiwanis Notes t~fr~· and ~Irs. Ronald Jones, New Edwin Martin; Church, Susan Le· for friends who are no longer that a record numbe rof children -- ll'el'llcan, with their daughter were bans; Pharisees, . Senior Pupils; here lind visitors will take time to tome Hr. Grace Brownie Pack: At rear Commissioner Martin, Department Groups, Cradle Roll l\laybe in Heaven above, our pray- and see what the Library Is offer· .\rli~l 11:\IIBOt.: RGRAC'E - The reg·, guests of Mr .. Jones' parc~ts; Mr. with mothers; Beginners' Class, ers will be answered there. ing them In· recreational and fn· ularl)' weekly meeting of the Har· ~ nnd ~Irs. Cohn Jones durmg last Divisional Commis~ioner Mrs. Fowlow, Brown Owl Miss Primary, Junior, Young People, formative reading materiaL hom· Grace Kiwanl~ Cluh wa~ week end. Roberts, Tawny Owl Mrs. Alley. !VT :1 f. ,:t; \tT • .·\ 1 rry held at Plk~'s Hotel on Monday, ~Jr. Robert l\lcLcod, who. had Se~;or. C~s\r N Lel> F My little tribule to those candles usrc Y rs. · ans, aye that light the church each · · .·. ··· · · ... ,. r• 11 "' pro· . Xor. 20llt with Presldcnl Frank been paylng a two day bustness ·:·;: . .'; '':·.:· :.:·~·~;;,,·,. .(lf St. ~Inures Jll'csidin~. trip to Harbour Grace, returned to Lebans, Karen Webber. d Harbour Grace Newa 1 Decorations and Orient~! Set·: ay . . _.,' 1:.: ... ' ... ll"rrlnc;da~· . Sl. John's on Wednesday evening. tlngs: J\lr. n. Hatch. Farewell, httle candl~. My tnbute On Page 26 · ;: ~: I' :1!·· llr:ll. Rev. 1\iwanian Art Pike was ;ong I Whlle here he was a guest at Junior Choir Selection: "God to you I haYe'"_ pa~--- ···--·---·- ··--·-·· · . ·, ·, · :. 1'11:.:rman, and ma3tN' with K.iwnnlan Frank Shep., Pike's Hotel. Reveals His Presence." ~~ · . "ril-known ;mrl pard at the ptano. Miss 1\lyrtle Oldford, Clarenv!llc, ~lr. George Pike, Sunday S<:hool .. ..:·.: . 1 :;1r rl"~mn;. . . . • Iwas a recent guest of the Umlcd _ .... ···L , ,. ,. John"• Gu~sts pte5elll IIC!e ~lr. Pte 1,ett Cl J\1 of Rev A N and Superintendent, expressed his 111 1 pleasure at so many parents he· BRICK'S TASTELESS :. ·.:·._ ~- ·. ",' ·,. ~ :· ; "r(l;;n of th~ reporting staff of the E1·e· 1, • rcHl anssc • · • 1 1 1 ' • • •• .. • .. • • "' ' ~ ,. • 1' I I D K S It '' r~ 0 me · ing present, in spite of the inclem· ·: •. 1." • : •• ;· 1 .,·n:<·ll hy tiw i nmg . c egr~m ~nc .r.. · ~ man i • ~ilss Ruby French receutly went . ll:o:h Sdwoll ot th;> IOII_n llho 1\Cie accorded ito St. John's for a brief visit. ent weath. Will Help You Make rli:·rrtion of. the u.ual llelcomc. I 'I d 'Is D W Bragg re· Each child did his or her part . ~' r. an ,., r . , . exceedingly well, and the Bencdic· ::: .. r._:· ·:-... Following the singing President tuJ•ned home on Saturda~ last. bn at the close of- the programme Rapid Recove • ·: .• : ...• ·:.' ct hy an hnur. Frank turned the meeting o\'er to 1 Mrs. Bragg had been vlsilmg her ended a l"ery enjoyable after· ~:- r • :: ··~:! ·tor)· rrndrr·. 1\lwnnlan Bill Oke, chairman of! sister, Mrs. E. Bartlett and faml~y noon's Rally Day service. : :... c.. :JL·:: · ;:, lr by ~It·. the cl'euing, who Introduced the 1at Buehans while Mr. Bragg was · :.!;L· · '' H.· 'rndn:on n! . gurst speaker, Rev. A. N. Holmes 1 on a tour or school Inspection on After Sickness ... ·~.:c.: t-:.ll;d. and .I tones ' who tonk as his subject "The Ro-1 the S. W. Coast. · · · ·• > ~ :;t~!:.:~-t· lrnm the 1mane•! of Newfoundland Place l\lr. Llewellyn Crane of .the Sea Cadets : ;·.' :;;·:._:::.:1 11' ;mrilcnce,, i\'nmts." The address· was humor- Department of Fisheries left last 11 1 r _., c '·=· ••· r. ot Ius prn·! ous anti informative and in clps· 1 week !or Ottawa, and from there -Beothic f:~rps ··.·· ~!~ '!d.· ·d ";,. thanked, ing flel'. Holmes referred to a' will proceed to Vancouver, B.C., .... :·. ''·"· t.~.' ·,• :.• rnrlor,rrl b)' trip he had made in a trawler to lt'n departmental business. ;·;· ,.-,r .. . the banks and on their way to The friends of Mrs. Esau Nose· • ! 1 f · 1 t· C t M HARBOUR GRACE - The regu. .. L_ \. t .;;::· .!1· n n·tulc~ed lhdr port-St. Pierre-at the close worthy, Noad Street, will re~rel Hr. Grace Gmde Com pan es, e t to rtg 1 • ap . ~s. lar weekly parade of R.C.s.c.c. · · · · "':t· :.:. ~··a::; whtch of thr: e\'t•nings wi:h the sun set· I tn learn that she has been obhged 1 Parsons, Lieut. Mrs. Crocker, Capt. Mrs. Dove, Commis· Beothic took place at the usual place on Friday evening last, and LRICK'S TASTlLESS ·.:·; · ,. :, i'••P'-·1r part of the tin~. hc•hinrl. the clirrs he caught _to enter hospital at St ..John's for sioner Martin Divisional Commissioner Fowlow BroWn :::·. ::' ~~~ tmprcsston of a doorway In treatment, and wlll wtsh her a . ' · . ' following tbe usual routine; a iRADE SIJPPLli:D SY .. : ::.r· r.:, ::n: .. 1un. candy tlw race of the eli!£ and asked the speedy recovery. Owl M1ss Roberts,. Tawny Owl. Mrs. Alley,, L1eut. Mrs. presentation of slimmer's badges ·:.I ::. • \',:.· tullowrd helmsman if he had seen 11. He , Mr. anti Mrs. Allan Davis are John DaviS, was made to the following cadets ~~~~~~~/7.)~ : ·. · · · : •·) · .. riw F.. ll Of repli~rl thnt lw had nften and 1 spendinG the winter months at, .. ·······--·. __ ------who passed their junior awimming 1 11 lesls while at summer camp, They ~. · · i• ··. •. :·.-••• 11 ' ' PI' I'· r~l!crl it !he Iron Door. He won·\llnrkland. I Po D IS ] 0£ X GERALD S. DOYLE ar~, Rodney Stevenson, Gordon . ' ·. ~ .. ;;dr:lntaj;(', llrrt•il if it could hal'e been thr I I ppy ay ' a e mas """' "]J;ij'j:J · ' · · :... I ~lr. t;orrlun ~all1l' >ight which led our celr·! ~h·s. Graham Babb, who had: , • Simmonds and Gerald O'Brien. · : ··i .. 'Lnd·· Hoh· hr·,1t·,·cl ,1\ewfoundland pnct. ~lr. h.... 11 • • I 't I tn:at·'t 1.·. t ·::-.II. \\(•11· . f I . I •• recei\'Jnll lllSPI a Collect 1011 ·I S } C l'r~tt. lo IIT!le oo<• o us on • ·men! al !il . .rohn's {m· the pa>t i . l... ea s omnlen'. ces · :.:. :· ... n~·,·::,~; 1 P";;~;;~\~; •!nnding poems "The l!·uu Door" i monlh, arrived home last week I IIAHBOUR GRACE-Girl Guides: -- ', :: :.·.:· .. r : nrl quoted a fpw l'erses from tl.; and is recuperallns at her home 1 or the Harbour Grace companies; IIARI:IOUH GRACrr-The sale of, s ~ 1 1 0 .... ·. ,, 1 1;., , nit rtatn· :\ h:art~. ' 1~ of ll!nnks was Ill~\'· :on No ad Street. I a~.;isled !he Canadian Legion on · uf 'f. B. Christmas Seals opened at ! .,, ..• ·."· •.. · .t;.t·tro:·y. fri hy htwamnn \\arren Goodllin: Rev. G. and Mrs .. ~owlow,. November 10111 by selling poppies.\ Harbour Grace on aSturday morn· . in ;1nrl duly,, accordP.il_ ~he. l'el'et~nd i Heart's Contenl, wer.e \'tsttors. to' Despite the l'er)' bad weal her I ing last and cadets from H.C.S.C.C . · ~·:rkrr. l !'C. me elm" II as clo. ed :Harbour Grace on Frt~a~· ei'Lntng.lpre\'ailing throughout the day Beolhie capably handled the dis· Tn11 mth thr i\al!onal Anthem. · • illlsses Dorothy SJn)'ard . a.nd the Guides did an excellent job I tribulion of tl:e seals to each n Cnwwil ··-·-·--· ---·--· IJoan Whelan spent the Armtshce and are to be commended for householder. In several cases, the • •• hrcn installed and the walls' holiday at Gander whet•e .they their thorough canvass of the 1 money for these was 11.assed in its· '\· '· •: i: •·r \• 1·: Til• H~r· >lt~a!locrl with hardboarrl, all add·, were guests of Dorothy's sJ:;ter, town under condilions that gave r.nvelope to the cadets who called 1 ·' •· T ·• • .,. .. :1 met on in;: grr.at:y to the appe~r~nce and I. ~Irs. Apdrew Dawe. T~cy returned many of them a g_ood wcttir~. The . !Jut the lads will be covering iheir LADIES'. DEPARTMENT ·... ''·'"· ·.•. '"·' mhrr 13th., com·emence of lhe htuldmg gen·. hy T.C.A. on ~londa). d total amount rr.cel\'cd \I'M ~Ha2.!12. • ground on Saturday next to pick · • .' plan~ lor rrally. 1 ~li~ses Phylhs Stevenson An 1 Seventy fi1•r percent of thi• II" ill · up the contributions from those · · \!ml1 im· The Department ol Pnblle Works Rowena Pike, students at ~lemor· t assist tho!e of our local nlernn.; . who ha1·e not already responded. WE ARE DISCONTINUING OUR ·LADIES' WEAR :· !:t !NI tn rn3d ha• men employEd in surfacing . ial Unlversil)', spent the wecken~ ~in their need. ht !his conneclion, ll"e are ask­ . · 1:- ''''r1n~ the the road from Cathedral Street i with their pnrents, Mr. and :\Irs, ! ~fr. George Sv:eelilpple. Trea~- ed to remind people to have their

rlown through Bears Co1·e .. This George Stevenson and Mr. and I' nrer Canadian Legion says that I money ready for the cadets who 1 _, DEPARTMENT. ALL MERCHANDISE MUST BE CLEARED l . · ::: ,,.,, rrcrnlly 1, said to be In preparation for :O.In. ~-. Pike. Ihr. number of poppie~ sent from · t•all on them on Salurday, Novcm- · . • 1 '(" '"· ··':.:·:,!m: o! their the paving or this lhoroughfare Rev. H. M. and :\Irs. Batten 1 headquarters was insufficient for 1ber 24lh. A !J!i C'•nm:c ·floor has • during the coming senson. were guests nl St. Paul's Rectory the demand, and the shortage The cause is a worthy one, and BY THE END OF DECEMBER. GET YOUR SHARE Of I -· · · "' - · !:.unday evening, Rev. 1\lr. Batten likely lessened the receipts con· ·deserving of whatever support '' being the special preacher at siderably. one feels can be afforded. I I I C:vensong at St. Paul's Church. Following Is the list of collect· · EARGAINS NOW- AT Misses Elizabeth Rogers, Shirley ors, wards and amounts: C d p . ..' Clnrkc and Marina Lynch of Up; Bear's Cove to Cathedral Street: ar · arty I per Island Cove were guests of Audrey Sheppard and Lorna c•• I' . ;.;1·. and Mrs. Arthur ,Rogers last l'asha-$6.98. I S ,' C t' I ·• ce ICIDUS, 31,.J w weekend. 1\liss Rogers Is on the Cathedral Street to Cochrane . eiies on lllUCS J (~~:torr. tk(", IIIII: I' or tc;.ching staff of the C. of E. Streel: Claudia Noseworthy and I tt;tr.dlhlt rCI\lh\ when School. Varna Parsons;-$12.85. I HARBOUH GRACE-The scrles !C~ hkc at homr u1e Mr. AIIred Shepp~rd, 9.N.T. De· Cochrane Street t.o Lel\tarchant of Auction Forty.fiv C~ d p rt· partment, St. Johns, vtslled hls Street: Belly Parmtler and Joan les being held each e~lonJay ave· fllt-ri1in1= l"lti1rhmann's home here over the weekend. Ash-$18.46. · . . . e .\ui't llr1 \\a•t. Mr. W: H. Sheppard, auditor LeMarchant Street to Victoria mng 10 the C.E.l. Hoom conlmu~s with the Workman's Compensation Street· Diane Archibald and to _l!e populnr. Monday night 5 ··-1 Board was al Hr. Grace last. week Susan. Lebans-$15.82. ·pnz~ winners were lllrs. Hl\rl'Y )< X X on ~eparlmental busines~. I .Victoria Street to No ad Street: i St~~~~tsons:r~~s Mr. w~ 1 fYd ~~t~~~~. Hilda Yetman, of E. I.mda Ash and Grace Pyne - . through lh winter 1months I X ~h;s ~· 1 COATS - DRESSES SUITS ~e7?~ .. teacher, Chapel· Arl_!l, \'Jslted her B21.00. ~, . , . e • . ·. . . LADIES': . - X uncle anti aunt, Mr. and Mrs. ! Noad Str~el to Downing Slreet: de;ht~./=~~~~c~a~r r~c 't o~kwl~· 'I I I, 1-'!,IJ•• ;"'o bo~t W k l ,Jo~iah Yetman, Harbour Grace ! LoUie ~lullett and Annie Parsons and Sl Cathe ·inc's ·Guild. · to.ok '1: or n X Santh during ~:1e weekend. !·-517.70. ·: ' · ' r , , BLO.USES .-. SWEATERS SLACKS 1 !•• ,; lup lukawarm water 2'12 cups (about) one•· Mr.' and ?.Irs. Ba5il Willtm. St. i Downing Street to l'ipetrack: nlace a~ St. Pauls .l;lall on '~ cd·, I 1 sifted all-purpose llour ~< John'~. aud l\lrs. Lawrence · Pcn·1.Toan Smith and Susan Barnes - llt'srlay' ~nrl Thurrstdi~Y evetn.tn~lsl loblupoon granulated 1 to make a sliff dough. anr 1 1 a WI l~gor )< n~ 1• were guests of 1\lr. and Mrs. Sll 22 · paru~n ars us eve!! ' ~ ...... I . Gc'orge \\'alters recently at Har· .. Pip~track lo Cross Roads: Ruby : hll given 111 the next notes. SUITS- RAIN or Sti.INE COATS­ I '""' "" ~ Wll!'l (Cr\f•'lh t~f 3, Turn out an llghtly·floured SLACK J l tnvelope 1 board and knead until emaath X bour Grace South. Peddle and Gloria Janes-$4.92. I _,. Flehthrnann't and ela1tlc. Place In greated X 1'he marriage of' Verna, daugh· · Crosstraeks to Riverhead: Gert·l ···n· • S - I Auive Dry Yeall bowl and brush with melted ter or Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Noel, rude Sheppard, Ruby Penney -; Ivme . ervices HOSIERY ' .: ht,t:,d I 0 "'inutet, shortening, Cover. let rila In X Harbour Grace Soulh, to l\1~. $4.38. ' l~!N llir well, warm place, free from draft, X Bertram No!eworthy of Bryants 'fhe Hill: Diane Yetman, Sandra: CHURCH OF ENGLAND cove i5 to take place on Novem· French-$11.68. St. Pattl's . ( 1. ~,;, 1"o Y•••l mldvoe until doubled In bulk-about itur, lr ~ · The "A [c\Y days aco R vcntl'ilottuist stcnd of ordtnPry dances, had bet· nc•·~d in the pJnd, the h,"diun gnv~~n,: ,·,CII_ "When the S.S. Grand. Lake was Inl.V I all() ' about leaving ior Halifax last trip !lOVe an exhillilion ol his cloq. ler not appl~· " H y .J struclm~ a S1 2JO IJ"J h '' a ol •• two very good boon i:ompanjons ucnce, from ll,'i,nd.ow in, the , F.·o,u.Nn_ . _,. REGINA !CP.l-A colon• 300 Dr. nuucrt .W.Ncro, the· muo· ninc·stor.cy buildin•.' '11 11 ··.'t.l . y S il II I I FOUND iJ t •W J.U IIJ IJ·t 1.c~n grcb~s. • cum's assistant director, said "the , • o····~. . Of . A .n or s orne. • 110 po Icemen - ) 1e, •. western b:rds which act:es ll'lth a ,•v1pp; r. were wishing • rew or their 0 F~ 1es . 5IXty·. . ears ' . go. friends adie,u as they had dcctded were. patrolling, \\ at~r Street and Ithe di!lercnt. ~ovct·t~mcnt.ai ?!lice• 'lsually nest in bullrushes, h a , downy young all seemed r.bout the S\l'lmming p~:Jl. • er.t:1 to try their forllmcs in a foreign hcarmg a cry for asststancc, start· and the Mumctpal c~uncJI Chamh 'teen found ncstin~ on dn· land "" s:mc age and could not have he en --· ·-~ erl across th~ street as from crs; several thousand yards or. 1:e· n island in O~d ·wives 'Lalle, ;;:; more than a day or two old." In htedic:J lan " ··- common scene which at times in· clime. On~ of, them created a 2111 thence the I'OJce apparently carne. tape, presumed to .he the JOtn .1ilcs southwest of Regina, · Wh h '''itis'' mc3ns infl .c.~~~ \\'hen The Whalers Sailed duced on the subject a \'cry little !f!Crrlmcnt for a while, lie Wl.lell they cnrn~ to a hal(, the property o.f the ·satd gonrnmcn TIJ.c bl.J'(ls '\'ere dJ'ct a boat between the steamer ;nci the wharf and had ;o be rr~cutd. Pat ~lurphy on being put on board wanted to return asain, and nn lindinl: no other means rin s ou ramatic new eau reaped from the rail or the ~tramcr and attempted to swim ashore. Another man on going to the wharf and lindin~ no boat to Brun~ll'ick has b1 take him on board. stiu·tcd to swim a new mining fe it, hut wa~ hauled out before he the finding o rot 1crl' far. A number of others metal rcsour fell in accident!~· and were rescued ics descri by the Jpectator.•." enew· ri in com ort, excitin new rem a o, mineral find in SSAKES ALI\'E Tht following incident happened surge in Xn:·n : uound the year 1866, at Harbour a wirle vancty r.racr. -·--"·,··. n:! i111d rarmir ",\bout :tO years a~o. four of d boal·buildil :hr rrlrbntic' of Harbour Gt'ace Edward 1: 11rnt up to the head of the har· is chiefly lir '•"Ur 11 11h rd pol~ one. ni~ht, anrl - ower, an itS sti rice ow f hlo't there, ' ~·'nn Hcurrrl a whole bnilt load. • t .\hrr prpp.rin.: the lai'~C~ nl thrm lnr packinc. a~ Cor their nwn r•r•nn;;l u•c. they ~trewPd scorP.' •. •.;.: i. or the mt along tht middle o( ' 'I·; \\';~! cr !itrrrt oppo5ile the public t~nk anrl then wrnt homt with thrir catch. A number ol men l'.rre proc~eding along Waler Slrtcl on lhe mornin~ alter the rei catch, when to their astonish· -. mtnt and disma~·. the ~treet in rront ol them appeared to be one ,,·ri~gling nm~ or snakes, ·.. Some of them had often seen 5nakes before, but never an)1hlng to equal this. The~· were badly ~cared, while a local newS]laper had a t1·•o c(llumn article on the I sn~ke~ the ne~t mom!ng. It was hrarlcd a •wonderful phenomenon' ~· ~rl Hery imaginable reason was c'nn for the occurrence except thr ril!ht one." APROPOS THF; EEL . We can quite understand how that those rels were alh·e and wri~gling about the road hours a!tcr the1· were taken out of the water. It 'ts no exaggeration. Eels can remain a:il'e for a long time on dt ,. land. We had proof of It once ;1·hilt> !routing, We hooked a ,.,.n· lar~r rrl and lnnrlcd It. We h:Hi to kill it l'.'ith a large stonr tn onl~r to extr!eale the hook, ancl !cit it on 'the rocl:s under a boilinl! sun. nnd w~nt to other pat'\.~ ol the pond to fbh. Whrn we return· rrl tulh· two hours afterwards, the eel w:is still ])·in!! motionless in Dodge Mayfair 4·Door the same pla~e anrl as we thought ;.s dear! as a doornail. Rather than leave it to decay on the rocks, we threw it hack into the water when to our amazement and surprise it New BEAUTY with FLIGHT-SWEEP STYLING Ne~1 COf~FORT with TORSION-AIR£ RIDE ~·warn orr as if nothing had hap­ pened to it. Cute animals, these eel~. Come see the low, sweeping lines of Come try a new kind of ride­ ,\ CJI,\R)IJNG SCESE this exciting new Dodge, close-up. Torsion-Aire. A revolutionary nmv While this charming scene h~~ See how its distinctive "twin lights" torsion-bar suspension system learns J nolhini: to do with sunli~ht anrl accent. the massive bumper-grille , . , up with new super-soft tires, famous ONE ~harlow and ~unn1· shimmering~. or • sun~hinr ra)'S that crown the pine how the soaring tail fins dl'amatize Oriflow shock absorbers. new clad hill!, it was ne1•erthcle~1 a its forward-thrusting look. And note "Levelizer" rear springs and new · real and charming scene, natural, that its long, low, Flight-Sweep de­ low-friction steel'ing to p>-.:>duce in­ nr1· natural. sign gives you full road clearance. credible handling case and riding In those o!rl days. too, it 11·as a Dodge is a beauty inside, too, with comfort. Torsion-Aire seems to car· better-than-ever visibility, more pet the road; lakes you 'round spacious comfort, handsome uphol­ curves with almost no "lean"; lets SHEARLING steries and appointments, as well. you stop without annoying "dip". GAITERS An all·rubber pullover boot with adjustable New POWER with HIGH· TORQUE V-8 GO New SAFETY with TOTAL-CONTACT BRAKES riveted r.tra}' and buckle at top. Cotton fleece lln· ln~ and Inside Shearllng Come test the new power Dodge Come prove the new safety of cu!f gives you. Accelerate swiftly and Total-Contact brakes . . . brakes· smoothly. Pass safely with power to that stop yqu more surely from any spare. Cruise quietly mile after mile. speed. Totaf-Contact design spreads THREI Dodge's new 'high-torque V-8 will brake pressure evenly over entire meet or ·surpass any demands you brake-lining surface. Because of this FOR. THE BE might make ·of it. Yet it's so ad· new design you can stop, in an van~ed iq design it produces peak emergency, up to two car lengths power on regular gas. Or perhaps shorler than cars equipped with · you'd prefer the famous Dodge 6. ordinary brakes. What's more, brak­ Take your choice. With either 6 or ing lakes much less effort ... requires V-8 the big buy is'Dodge. much less pedal pressure. ~edalf; m Push-button driving lets you select your drive range with the touch Because "Total-Contact brakes with Cycleb;nd (rivelless) linings J(./JUtd fEI of a finger-shifting is completely automatic. Old-style shift lever is make uniform contncl over ·entire lining area you noi only stop eliminated. Proved-in-use push-button controls are located safely safely, but brake linings wear evenly, last longer, too. 1 ;m/4 CHILD'S. si2es 5-12 on your left. Operation is mechanical, trouble-free. You're always a step ahead in cars of the ForwarC/ Look> !Brown) ••••••••• $3.60 ' ' rilom! CHILD'S, sizes 5-12 MANUFACTURED IN CANADA BY CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED IRed) •••••••••••• $3.75 JUNIOR'S, sizes 13·3 (B··own; ...... $3.95 JUNIORS, sizes 13·3 ,. IRedl ...... $4.15 BOYS' r.ize~ 1·5 IBrown) ..•.••... $5.25 Now,. more than ever, the bigJ!Myjl the low-price field THE MAYFAIR • SHOE SHOP ~ 165 VVAT~R STREET THE- ROYAL GARAGE LIMITED .. (Bclwecn 1ue llo~·al Store• · · HAMILTON STREET "... . and th~ Model Shop) v~..;....nov21,22 _____ , • ~· Watch CLIMAX- SHOWER OF STARS, Thur~days, 8:30 P.M., over CJON-TV Channe! 6. ~ '


ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLANI:t 1956 Kremlin Struggle New File On For R~etum Of ~taUn Regime LONDON (AP) -Pravda'a at. tack. on Yug,oslav President Tito The East Coast Is viewed here as new evidence ,. 'It" t•E;\\t~. 'lui sign~ arc appearing ol new tis rust. Individual by Individual, . that the oldline Stalinisu, prob­ 3~ ;~. ·'rih'·''''l.'' /lol1jox stimuli to Its economic li!c, such community by community, and ably with army support, aregain· ·. ' '' ~-\ : ,:,, '1'1111:, 1 ·as the rxislcnce o! oil, a product pl'OI'incc uy province, the Atlantic ing in the Kremlin 1trnggle for 1 1 11 power. - '··,::. 1 "~ 1 i,;n: r t'rurincc;,, lor which a sca_rch is now. und~r atea of Canada is awakening from -..- · , ·, .• tl:l' m·~lcdcd, ll'l')' over onc-tlurd ol the tsland s its long sleep of apathy and despair, Pravda, the· Commlllllst party, _ newspaper in 1\loscow, attacked ... .-:·.~'i ;:, ,,:t·•ri• chihlrcn art•n. sdzing · opportunities, taking Ti\o for blaming "Stalinists" in .: .. •• . 111 • "''''II in· 1111'/i'\DLING FISIJERIES chances, and looking to the future · ·'. :··::·;,·" '.'p:;·:t ,,t •Jtlli· · Fish were once practically the instend ol turning to the past and the Kremlin for Russia's troubles · ·: .. "1' .... ,. , ,,•hhn~ n•· ;ulc llnsls ol the r·conomy ol Nell'· dreaming uf other and better days, In Hungary and Poland. It AC· . , of : ·,: ·:: ':;;.·,: p::. ,·~"'.'" th~t lllllndlanll, hut the lisher!es are Laments about the area having cuscd him trying to 1pllt the Communist world. ., '" til. ir own now dwindlinc: into secondary im· been given a raw deal at the time 11 This· could mean Stalinists are !'··:· :!I:• unprccc· nnrtMtcc with new mineral dcvcl· of the Confederation arc no longer <· .::.·· shaping the paper's editorial Une r:.·:·.,.l ,1.:1:· !h.>t is 5o ntlmcnts nnd the forest industries hcnrd. The last of those who rais· and the r·e by signalling their ·, ~ .: .. ·,, ,:: :::.- nld pro1·· pushing farther nnd farther into cd the Union Jack at half-mast on ascendancy. · . , •...... i:• : .... :-.;, w llmns· a great untapped interior. To these: Dominion Day, ln mourning for ttie .: . ,.,,.,,,,:nu·s e1· ·u·t, I measures more than 27 feet f h 1 M t i c \ : around Its girth. o I ~ Am~rca~ ea. ompany. OT'l'A\VA (CP)-Followin)! is the I to assemble such a force for dls-1 o! the force permits him to deter· OTTAWA (CP) - MaYor Char· I ------The t.:anndtan fmanclet, Mr. John text of the ordcr-in-co•mcil com· patch in part b~· 11,ir and in part mine where and when the battai· 1 lotte Whitton, in that way men BIG BREEZE Udd, , hns ann~U!Iccd plans ior niitting Canadian troops •n the UN by lDICS ~lagni!icent: ion can best be used. say women hal'e, .has ha~ ll_Je last • 20 1 spcndmg $ mtlhon on an lntc::ral· 1 Middle East police force: And whereas the United Nations Therefore his excellency the word on the Campeau mc1dent. TOKYO ( AP)-)Iotors, ge~era ed ferr?·mangane~e Rntl_lngot, !~on 1 Whereas by a resolution dated commander has nnw indicated governor g~neral in council, on the Tit«:! incident occurred at the ing 45 •()0{) hor!•~pol~er Wlll shr,.ap

enterprise .. The Brunswick Mtmng Nov. 4, 1956, the Ass em- that the most valuable and ur. of the minister uf 1 firemen's Ballla•t week Contrac· the brecle !or. a lwtnd tunnhel: Gen·~1·aJ !•~commendation 1 ;~·1 an~ Smel\mg C~mpany has under· bly of the United Nn\ions cstab· gently .required contribution that national defence, h pleased, here- i tor Robert Campeau a~cidentaliy i an's _aeronau tea · rescarc . In' ." 527 10 taken a million pro~rammc. Jishcd a United Nations command. Canada could rtiake to the force by, to make the following order: stepped on the hem of the maho(> I' tu~e exTnhectst, hlave os~~at~~~ob~~ 19 8 ana the Anacon Lead 1\linc! arc Cor an . emergency International at present would be to supply an , •own He ripped off two feet of tl " · c. ~nne co~ ~~h 5 c~d getting ready . for prociucll?n, force to secure and superii'C the augmented transport squadron of A.uthorlty ls hcreb~ gtven f?r the ;nd inter sent her a $100 clnqu~ $500,000 wtll be used m hio • P • Across the pro\ince •. near Sa!nt cessation of hostilities in lh·2 Mid· the RCAF and administrative anrt m~mtenan~e on actLvc servtceo of to cover repairs or replacement. plar.·2 research. ___ ...... ·- John, a n~w $60 mllhon n~wsp~m; die East; technical clements of the arm ~· offums and men of the R yal • t th' t meeting and chemtcal pulp plant ts bctn., And whereas member nations conting~n! to help in or~aniling the Canadian Navy' the Canad!an Refem~!al oCou~ctf o~ Wnmcn, She had suggested the ~100 be consldcrecl by Sir ~obert lllc· were invited to ·contribute self· administrnlion at the bas~ oi the a~my nnd the Roy ad~ Ca2n"a0Qdtan I ~~· th~V~itton termed the ripping used lo provde a few frills far Alpine and Son!, Llmtlecl, of Lon. contained battalion g r 0 11 p 5 10 force in Egypt. A1r Force, not exec; mg ,o m I • tss n ''illc"al subdivi· 1 tho~ oldest women in the St. Charles cl?"· and the Butler Company, of which Canacln agreed, ns a rc>ult ;·. . .,.,...... number at any one tLmc, as a part of h~,r gm\11 a h d as•urccl I and St. Patrick's old rolks home>. r "'· of which preparatoins were mark And whereas the Un.lted Nallons of or in Immediate support of an stOn. Howl!ver, she a "r draw· 1· "There never was a woman." . .wa Scotia the comparatil•cly conu~ander has also advised tha!, eme,rgcncy interna~ional fJ:ce or· ?lr. Campe~!1 that, b~nla"~ wiis I sain the 60-year-olrl mayor, "~o smnll ~lerscy Paper Company has the dispatch of the battalion shou!d i gamzed by the Umtcd Naltons to mg the hne the. fr o d to old that she "·asn't interested Ill been bought out by the Bowater ~fololOV Pl'eacltes n.~w hr. deferred until consi•:era·l mcure and supervise the cessation adequate for many promena es new clothes ...." Co~Mal~n. whi~ ~~s ~ e~ !wn ~~d~t~h~e~d~e~b~i~le~d~r~c~ql~li~re~m~e~n~~~o~£dh~o~st~il~it~ie~s~i~n~t~h~c~l~!~W~d~lc~E~a~d~.~c~o~m~e~.··~~~-~-~~~-~-~-~~~~~~~~~~-~-~-~-~~~~-~ pand these newsprtnt and putp- Communist Line --~~- ' making facilities. The Hearst Cor· l poratlon, of New York, is consid· T 0 ArM.sts .. crlng n new newsprint plant at . I· Sheet Harbor, and Swedish Inter· ! LONDO~ t Deput~·: ''•: I e~ls arc studying the possibility Premier Vyacheslav 1\lolotov laid t nf slmlla~ d~velopments with the down the Communist party line to * *·* * * * * * * ll fore~t resources farther easiward nussian crcatii'C artists In a in the pro1•ince. In thl~ province, spr.ech reported Tuesday by Mos- 35 In New Brunswick, vast sums cow radio. , D • • ha1•e hecn spent on the construe· SANTA SAYS This apparently sl!:nallcd the re· lion o£ permanent defence estab· E turn by ~!oloto\' to the Sol'i·~t li~hment. Imperial Oil Limited ideological ~tagc from which he HO I HO I HO I YOU-'Ll HAVE A BARREL OF _,..., has built a new S30 million rcfin· has been absent !or many months ery on lhe shore~ of Halifax Har· -e\'er since he got into Ideological Alon~t I-UN WHEN YOU SHQP AT THE bour. the South Shore and trouble and had to publicly con. 1 the Bay o[ Fundy coastline of the fe.1s his errors more than a year ONE POUND CARTON province, a score ol boat-building ago. yard., nrc turning out thousands Molotov's lnstruc.tions to the So· o[ plcasu<·e cra!t yearly to meet \'let cl'~ative artists sounded like HUBS TOYL.AND of the growing demand that has come the same sort of instruction~ Is· In the wake of !welling pay packets sued in Stalin's lifetime by Stal· AN EXCITING SELECTION· OF TOYS • • • • and a shorter workin~ week In the In's righthand man on the artistic DOLLS, CARS, TRUCKS, TRAINS, GAMES, United States and Canada. The front, partY secretary Andrei temoo of eonslructlon Is second Zhdanol', AND HUNDREDS MORE • • - TO MAKE YOUR only to that of the golden era of 'l'hc former So1•ict toreign min· EWEL wind, water, ·and wood of the 1800s, Isler told the artists to stick right CHRISTMAS DREAMS COME TRUE. when Nm•a Scotian woollen ships to the Sol'ict Communist party dotted the seven seas. Output is line in lh·~ir worlc, with the purchase of a even greater than in the flourish· He declared: "We adol' a!e n log rum-running. days of North high !el'cl of Bolshevist idea con­ Amerlca'5 prohibition era. SEE FOR YOURSELF! rt. tent In the ercath•c work of our I The fishing Industry of the prol'· artists,'' . ; . !nee has never been so flourlshlnl(. Trnnslatetl From Communi~! The growing popularity of fish jargon this means: "W~ want sticks in· the United State~ anti propaganda." OVER 2.400 SQ. FT. OF FLOOR S~ACE C~nada during the past few years ---- has lrd to a call nn this Industry T.OT8 OF CAUBI\GF. · for ~tcadily Increasing supplies. .' , • ,. Th~ long-ailing coal 'lndu~try i.• 1 ,SBIS, Sask, !CP)-~It s, ~nlln THREE POU.ND TIN llying desperately to regain lost! \1 olfe took a 12 • pound c lha~e J!round In the face of eomp~tllion I heat! off a plant in her garden OF PARKING SPACE.· from oll ancl imports of United lnst .Tunc, This fall it had another • LOTS fOR THE BEST CHRISTMAS BAKING EVER! sl~tes coal by mechanizln~ its deep 10 heads of cbhngc, although not •nhmnl'ine ·colliP.rles att

~P.ri'P local demands, to supply thr rohusl members of the Canadian 1' big American de!encc bases located 1 fnmily.

r .;.:12:....------·------__;--T-H_E_D_A_I_LY_N_E_WS, T~UR~E~Y·i·lOV. 22•.

·~~~..<:~,.o;:,o<:)~~oc:::..c:;:o...~~~r.">o'~~ • ~ ... ~~ Paran1ount Cornwall ·.::.000:::· f ~··~: ~·c;:o.o~'::>"iro~~~'....::.·a""=>'m~n::><;re~·s'>'O""=>'O~n~-'C>o~"=>"1z~e~A...o::::.l..:;::,...r~~::.<:o><::d...:;:,. To-morrow To-dav Now Playing r!age. 1 •. CBN . 7.15-tncrcdlble but True. irl THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 7.30-News. "RED SUNDOWN" "BENEATH·THE CJON.'fV Tonight 7.45-Royal Stores Theatr.. A..M. WITH RORY ·CALHOUN 12·MILE REEF'' Down 7.30-Sia;n On. CBC News. 8.00-News, Casino. . 8,30-News, Parade of Hilt. 7.35-Top of the Morning. TBUIIBDAY, NOVElUBER %% 7.30-Early Show. 8.00-CBC News and Weather., 8.110-Fireslde Theatre. 9.00-News, Town and Country 1.15-Muslcal Clock. • 11.31).....(:llmu. Show. 5.00-Bowdy Doody. 9.30-Listcners Dige!t, • . 1.110-Momin& Devotion,, 5.30-Kids ShDW. 9,3.8-Jackle Rae. ,.. · 9.15-Program Preview. 11.00-Weatern Theatre. 9.45-Dosco News. 8.~1\anch Time •. 10.00-Squad Room. \• 9.!!0-0n Parade. 6.30-New• Cavakade. 11.01-New-Publlc Service. 10.30-News. !1.30-Reeords at Random. 7.00-To be auounced. 11.10-Late Show. , . 10.00-Muslcal Program. 10.31-London Studio lllelodlcs. 10.00-0iympic Report. 11.05-National Ncwa. 10.15-Iris Power. Answer to Pttvloua Puzzle 11.15-Sports Final, ... . 10.25-CBC New•, J So They Say 11.30-Houseparty, News. !•'· 10.30-Pops on Parade. 1.01-Queen and Sign O!f, 10.45-BBC Variety. A.CaOSI · DOWN , . 11.15-Atlantlc School Broadeast. 1From-to 1-ln 11.45-Sacrtd Heart Pro1ram, wone . the belfry VOCM P.M. 4 A-of hay 2 Once again TliURSDAY, NOVEI\IBER 22 1!!.00-Announcers Choice. I Can't make 11 . 3 RUIIII,I 12.15-Dinner Bell Breakdown. - ta It houses 12.30-Farm Brozdcut. IZ-portln ofAccuEe ''-/ 11.28-0n the Air, Dawn Patrol a atorm 5 A.ulstant r · • 1:!.45-lltid Day Serenade. 7.30-Breakfast. Club and News 1.00-Doyle Buplletln. IS Falsifier 6 Jacob'a - U Bread •pre ad 7 To - · 9.00-A Date with DenyJ. 1.15-Laura Limited. IS Tile- Is human 25 Rant and- 41 Paddle your 9.15-Foxglove Streat. 1.30-CBC News and Weather. Command- 8 Prescribed 20 Follow own - 9.30-A Uate with Dcn11. 1.45-Aunt Lucy. ments . amounts 27 Fllght·ot steps 42 Annoys 10,00-Ncws. 2.00-Words and Music. 18 Speeches 9 OtherwiEe 28 Man'• 43 Light fabric 10.05-A Date with Den1a. 2.30-Atlantlc Si:hool Broadcnrt. 18 Thronged 10 Req4!re nickname 44 Organic 10.55-News. 2.45-The Happy Gang, 20 Acts 11 Throw 29 War god compoWld 11.00-Burtona of Banner Street. 3.15-!llusical Program. 21-the IIQht 17 Taro roots of Greece 46 Negative 11.15-Big Mountain Show. 22At loose- 19Reposes 31 Moral words 12.00-News 3.30-Trans Canada Matinee. principles 47 Laughter 4.30-CBC News. :z• The fine - 23 Baseball 12.05-Ruml.illn' With Regan. 26 Group of teams 33 Perfume sound 12.15-Bank of Happiness. US-Timely Tunes. three singers 2f Far - and 38 Dlscolora 48 Belgian river 4.45-Chlldren's Story. :17 Health resort loll,la&o 40 Is ready so Prosecute · 12.311-Ncws. 5.15--llluslc of the West. 12.45-Fi$hermea'a For•~ur. .. 30 Food &erver . 1.15-Sportscut. 5.30-Fisheries Broadcast. 32T!dler ~ ~ 16 6 I~ [10 I 5.45-Kindergarten of the Air, Jof Parsce ncred . 1.30-News. writings ,IL ' !) li 1.45--Simon Mystery. 6.00-lntcrmeuo. :!,01'--Ramblin with Regan. li.25-Prograrn Preview. ISLanded propert1 II~ lb 17 2.55--News. ' 1!.30-Supper Guest. 35Assent 3.00-Dollara en Par•d•. li.45-:>:aturai Histor'l.'. 3'{.Show 18 I? 1P 4.00-Ncws. 7.00-CBC News and Weather. disapproval w 4.05--Sl!m's Corral. ~ ,u. l3 7. 15-Curtain Calls. aD Cravats lm 4.~5-New~. '7.30-Tops Today. ofODroop l.'j ilS [Zit p ~ I" 5.00-Bob's Bandwagon. 41 Vehicle f® f~ 5.30-:Melody Man. 42Sac:o-­ 1~1 I~ 133 6.00-Newfi and Weath«, of5 Lawl~"ness '" u 6.15-Sportcast. 49 Fol'!llvene&s ;of '~ fil Alr,er!can ~ 6.25-Lost and Found. Academy of 30 ,J7 6.45--Ncws. Sciences (ab.) ~ ~fl 7.00-Ralnbow Riddles 52 Heal, as 'Ill ~I " 7.Hi-Dr. Paul. I& 7.30-Bargain Hour. broken bones 'f:l 1(1 &3 Preposition 1'2 ~ Yl> .Ill 8.00-Back to the Bibe. 114 Pronoun "" ~ 111'1 w II 8.30-Pursuit. ' !5 Turfs. 9.00-Boston Blackie. 56 Essential [>I ss ,91 btint 9.30-0id Favorites. !1.45--N cws . . ELVIS PRESLEY S7An-to I~ !il> 51 the groW\d tl 10.00-Hour of Charm. Answers His Critics 10.30-Reviva! Echoes. Love him or hate him, 7.45-Doyle Bulletin. '.15-Canadian News and Spl}rts. 10.45-Ncws. Elvis Presley is the "Hot­ 8.15-l\lusicnl Panorama. 7.30-Round the World New1. 11.00-Sportscast. test act In show business" 8.30-Frnncis Chaplin-Violinist. 7.35-Wcather Roundup, 11.15-Sandman Serenade, News. and ·this week the NEW 8.45-0lymplc Reporlcr. 7.45-News Summary. 1.00-Ciosedown. Star Weekly brings you a !1.00-Dcsigncd for You. 8.00-N!Jd. NCWI. new story on today's most !1.30-Winnlpeg Drama. 8.05-Provinc!al Weather. 10.00-Citizcns Forum-Strikes 8.:!0-Shipp!ng Report. controversial entertainer, d.25-Kiddlcs Corner. vous The former $45 a week arc nc1·~r necessary. 8.30-Nfld. News. TIIURSDA Y, NOVEl'tlBER 22 trut'k driver answers the 10.45-Vancouver Chamber 8.35-Complete Weather !louD~ critics who call his act Orchestra. up. 6:00-Sundial and Ncwa. "vulgar". 11.30-CBC National News. 8.45-Morning Mrrry-Go Round. 6.30-World News. 9.00-Nlld. News. 7.30-World News. See the picture or Can­ 9.05-Duke Box Review. ada's Champion Baby in CJON 8.00-Brcakfast Club. 9.25-What Di!!erenca Does It 8.30-Make up your Mind. the Rota Pkture Section THURSDi\ Y, NO\'E!IIBER 22 1\lake. and try your luck on this 8.45-Rcx Koury, Star 6.311-Bob Lewis Show. 9.30-Ncws. 9.00-lt Happened last Night. week's $200 Ca,h-Words 8.30-Nfld. News. . 9.31-Duke Box Rel'lew. Puule in the NEW Star 10.00-Coffce Time. 6.35-Weathcr. 9.45-lluriel McKay, 11.00-Turn back the Clock. ------~------Weekly now on sale at all 11.45-Fishermcn's NAws and Fore­ 10.00-News, Courtship and Mar l1.30-Pcpperrcll Juke Club. newsstands. . 1 (Dst. rlage. 12.10-News and D.B. Today ~C·omi T1ot N£Wl HIWl N'Wl ku Wotldr · i 7.00-N!J.d. NewK and Sporlt. 10.15-lmprisoned Heart. 12.30-Hillbilly Matinee. ·_The Sl. John' 7.05-Local Weather. 1 10.30-~lid·~lorninl( ~lelodles. 1.00-Behind the Story. mercia! Boldin! 10.45-Hit or the Day. 1.15-Serenade in Blue. . annual presenta 10.50-~lid·~lorning :ruc!day night i Mcloclies. I.:JO-~Iaster~ of lllelody. auditorium and , 11.00-Ncws. 1.45-Bob Crosby. 11.01-.Tohn Turner's Family. . hundred tilled · 111.31-Casino. .:, 2.00-~latincc. lorium for the 2.30-0nc ~!an~· Family. : 12.00-Neii'S, Tops Today. ment, Following 2..15-Curt ~lassey. . or the l'arious l 1.00-Local and National ~ews. 3.00-Bo:dng. 1.05-Weather Forecast. spent the 1 4.30-Pcrry Como. card play 1.10-Tops Today, 5.00-World Nell's. 1.15-Ncws. to the 11 5.15-World of Sports. fimts. 1.35-Daily Interview. 5.30-World Nell's, 1.40-Sport~ Review. 5.35-Washingtnn and the World. : . ·, 1.45-Behlnd tho Scenes. 6.00-World News. ON THE STAGE 2.00-N ews. 6.05-Latin AmericanA. 2.Dl-Second Fiddle. 6.30-Sports Today. At Bishop Feild Hall 2.15-0ut of the Dark. 6.45--Flnal Edition. 2.30-News, Matinee. 7.15-Pepperrell Today. 3.00-News, Housewives Club. THE GREAT RIB-TICKLER I 4.00-Gen. Provincial News. 7.20-Service Club News. 4.01-Caslno. 7.35-What's My Line? · 4.30-News, Ranch Party. 8.00-Conversalion. r "YOUNG 4.45-Snddlo Serenade, 8.30-Arthur Godfrey, 5.00-Ncws, Bob Lockhart Show, 8.50-Spotllght Story, 6.00-News and Weather. 9.00-CBS Radio Workshop, TO-DAY TAlE'~ 6.05-Bulletln Board. 9.30-Truth or Consequences. .f .. WIVES' 11.10-Natlonal Ncw1, 9.50-Saga. 6.15-Sports Parade. 10.15-Pepperrell Sports Desk. SEATS FOR TO-NIGHT 11.:!5-Provlnclal News. • 10.30-Service Cluh Dance. 6.30-Startlme. 11.00-Music tlll Midnight. 2.25, 1.70; 1.15, 60c 6.45-Lorne Greene Sh01v. 12.00-Slgn Off. 'Phone 6221 after 6.30 p.m. •• Advance Bookings at Bowrings . ,;·...... \ •' NEXT WEEK: \ 'SEAGPLLS OVER SORRENTO' . ~ I . . I I --···-·-···-··----- ·------··-- ' ------·TO-DAY NOW PLAYING Special :. Added . I !,. ! . I i TO-MORROW

··.• U R [

I. ·~·I t.•·. . . i'...... "'lGIIRT MIDDL!nN • JAMES MILUCAN • UJUARON •A Ulii/Lns.IL·IIIIEO:IAIIGIIAL fJCIURE Also-SPECIAL FEATURETTE · iiMES OF SHOW& AU.T No 'm A/so-NOVELTY EVENING SHOWS: 7.00 P.M.-9. P.M; EVENING-" ANGELA" •••••••••••.•.. 7 AI513-NOVELTY EVENING SHOWS: 7.15-9.15 MATINEE 2 P.M. "JIALLS OF JIIONTEZUMA" .... · .... " "" "' MATINEES: 2.30 - SATURDAY 2 O'CLOCK . t:VENJ~;G SHOWS: 1 P.M.-9·P,M. ADMISSION PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT• 'MATINEE % P.M • ,.' MATINEE I P.M. EVENING-ADULTS •• , •.•. 75c. . CHILDREN ...... 35e. .MATINEES-ADULTS ...... SOc. • CUILDREN; ...... %5e, .l NEXT ATTRACTION NEXT ATTRACTION J, RICJIARD TODD-JEAN PETERS In "A !I-IAN CAI.~ED NEXT ATTRACTION JOSEPH COTTEN - RHONDA FLEMtSG - LAST TIMES TO-DAY PE'fER"-A ~lOTION PIC'ftT!lE YOUR IIEART WILl. WILUA!\1 IJOI.DEN-DERORAJI KERR in "THF. PROUD COREY In "TilE KILLER IS LOOSt:" - CHERISH. FOREVE!l! AND PROF ANE''-DRAi\IA-ROliANCF.-VISTA VISION. · THRILLS-DRA~IA. "PRICE OF FEAR. II ~E DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, ~OV. ?.!• 195:..o.6""!'"'"'------:--~------~------....:...~----...:...------_;_~ ' I Oly111pic Gan~es Orreps st. Pats Takes Ov~r Flyers 8-0 Buckmasters l Third Spot In League Over Oilers Win 6-4 Today· In · MelbQurne The Buc'tmasters continued their By STUART UNDEUI!ILL 1tc.•ck before placmg 1t m r1;e The Margene Flyers chalked up wmmng streak m the C1vii Sm•1ee lllelbournc )tcutcrs) - Th3 19jG Ol)lllple bJ11l Thc1c 1t 11111 hUin J)ou· 1,/lol.v Cross 7-3-Ttvo Pel'iods their second wm In two starts Hockey League last mght as they\ 01) mp!c Games, tcstmg ground mght and day unlll the G:mc3' last night In Commercial hockey cd"ed out the hard working Un· for the II orld's amateur spot to end JJ. i tlwut Penfllties as they walloped the Imperial Oil • e.;ploymcnt Insurance CommiSSIOn 1 men, opens tdday on the brick· I Si!\'G OLY~lPiC IIY~IN •• nw• rd wttl third place I circled a lone Holy Cro~s defence· by a lopsided score of 8·0. Spark· by a f-4 score. It was a goal for 1 red track of lllellxlurne's cmkPt After mas~cd choirs ~mg a spe· ~(, ,nal Tramlng last man and fired one pass !!lurphy to ed by three goals by D. Youden : r• 1 111 I The St. John's Hockey League Igood and all teams mll ha~e a goal a:"imr nght down to the last ground. clallj'-composcd 01) mp1c J,ymn, an 11 '•h 111 ,, •'"'lltrd the lloly gh·e the Holy Cross a two goal and two by Albert Power the will have to go directly to the dif[icult time gettmg past h1m. wh1slle w1lh the Bucks scormg A capacity crolld of 110,000 1\ Australian compehtar w1!1 take the 1." l,' i' ,,,,rr ,,r 7 3 ln the lead. Eight minutes later Kelley Flyers had an easy night. It was Stadium Hockev Committee to • • • the1r msurance marker with on!~ expec!•!d to be prcocnt to hear !h~, oath of amateumm on behalf of t•' • .'. tnr w rhr season I and B)rne combined with Kelley their second big victory In two trash out practice hours for tile I The St. John's Commercial 20 second!; left in the game. Duke of Edmbur;:h sa)· "I de- all compelltcr> .. .·~ •;·'',',,·~ rlurd prrwclh barrage I doinR the needful. That was all nights. On Tuesday night they junior and senior all stars as far Ilockcy League mav crQwn nc11 \ The big star of the game was cJ:y-c open the Oly mp1c Games ~f ~t~ndm:1 on the rostrum facing .~ 19 1 , thai l'"'u~hl I c game the period. trounced Haney and Company 7-(J, as I can le.arn through the grape· champions this ) car, a look at the UIC goaltender Fanny Brcn· aa, celcbrahng the 161 1 01) m· the r:) al box, Wllh the ·' 1stralian 1 1 : :' ~ •· f••r 11111 pmorls on I)' I It was the third period that They held a two goal lead In l'lnc. The Stadium hours arc all Tucs1lay ni~ht's game imlicntes. nan 11ho shone m the nets Time pmd of the modern era." fla;: m hiS right h?.nd and sur­ • • '· , rn ·r•'rrtl all hy the\ most the game goals were scor· the first period and added two booked up and for the league to A team kno\ln as the after lime he pulled orr great saves Greece, • or the' ancwut rounded by of othcf 1 11 or ~1argenc I hom~ llag-beal·~rs •· ~J·r' , 1 eel 11lth St. Pat's four and Holy more In the second. In the third get practrce hours the HockPv Fl)crs (rom Canada Packers and 1t 11as due to hln performance Olympics, Will lead the pradc uf 1 cnmpchng nahono, he 1111J d~ • ror 11 .r 11111 fur the lmh 1Cross tall~ lng three. The third period thcv accounted for four Committee will have to step In ga1·e last year's champs, Ilarvey that UIC J;ept on the tarls of the 1 ~or~ than 4,000 athletes of 69 na- cla~c 1 and see what can be done. & Cmnpanv, the orst beating Buckmasters. lions as they march around the ''\\'c s11car that we 11tll take i ,:r; ·'"', 1h•' lo•t to the period was only ua old when one being' scored on a penalty 11 1 ·, • ; : , 1hr11 upNlC~ and Kctlc~·. and B) rne again combined shot. The Imperial had tbelr • • • they bal'c received since the re At the end of the f1rst per10d the, track to take up pos1l10ns on the part 111 the Oh mp1e Game:; in fa1r 11 on Bucks held a 1·0 lead on a goal1 grassy ccntrcfrcld The nr\lons 1compet111on. rcspc~tmg the rcgu. l! • r lt~ltll.•ll< b) a 7·51 111th Kelley again dmng the scor· chance to break the shutout In the 11 I have no confirmation of vhal of the League. The Flyers Murray Long after he prcked follow in alphal:dtcal order, ex 'lnllon, 11h1cb them and 1 b~ 1 go1·~rn , 'r"r r •( ( ,nct rncountcr. lng to gh e the St. Pat's a 4 0 I third period when th~y were this as this column Is written In do\IUCII the champs bv a 7·0 up a loose puck in front of the cepl for Australia \lh1Ch, as ho,t • 111th the dcs1rc tiJ par!tc1pate 1n : \ , •• 1 ~ 1 1hr llol\ ~ros5 rc• lead, The St. Pat's shot Into a a11arded a penalty shot but Hard· advance of "What may result score. llaneys arc as strong as UIC nets With only one mtnute nahon, brmgs up 111 the rear. 1the true sp111t of >!XIrtsmanslnp : • • " h '1 nun~ rn eel·, £1\'C goal lead at 8.16 when Greene lng In the Flyers nets made a nice 11 within the past 24 hours, but last I'Car and Ibis sho11s that played in the game. se1entcen sec- The athletes 11111 be 11clcom~d £or the honor or our country and •. .'. ~~· 111h 1"''h teams hal'· 11ent solo and scored one of the sa\c on the shot, sizing up the situation as the i\largene hovs arc now on onds after the start of the second by W1lfred Hughes, cha1rman of the glor) of sport." ' '. ",1•1 , "h nicest goals or the game Murphy The first goal of the game came It now stands I ean see where the road to vlctorv. It's early period Tom Efford bed up the the orgamzing comm1ltec, bef01 e It 1s the f1rst hmc the Olympics lrahan pound~ , •.• r.·ur 1"I' pn111t collcr· of !he game was scored whe~ Col· 1mo1•ed Into the !coring columns. to take an their business to the JUdgments. a1c bad. e~ can lng a pass from Frazer hcd up the gro.unds -533 50 Even the s1X • shllhn~ • •tr • ,r., " ' lh rnr n£ St. her! mol'cd in and beat "hclan 1Gordon Christopher scored the last St. Bon's Forum, I seem to p1ck up pas.scs and hold game One mmute later the Bucks 1 '!he last runner 11111 c,•rn the •tanchng room hckcts - about 67 ,, '"' , ., rl i· . 11 d.l! 11 1th one from close ln. goal for the Flyers when he scor· • • • on to !hem. they don t scc;n to be I shot mto the lead when Grant got name once around lhn red cmdet l''nls-arc at a huge prcmmrn . .. , ···1·1· J,r!l) al•o o[ LINEUPS ed the last goal for the Fly ; '_,,. ,, .• , \' 1111t 1110 goah ST PAT'S-Whclan, Dobbin. Dit· when he scored on a penalty she~~~ The Stadium did not 11 ant to able to control their stoppm:: ~nd h1s second goal of the game alter ,. c.·mr , ,d ~ ~oal and an ion, Murph)', Snow, Greene, Snow, The game was unller the control Jose the Commercial League, and the~ seem to he lost on fast ICC. I helng assisted by ~!cPhcc Thls "~ 1 0 I • t , T"r •hrC~ Jln)l Crn;• goals :\lurphy. Kenn>'• :'l!urphy Kelly, of Maurice Emsley and Jack Bad· early Tuesday morning they were What they need IS several gooc~ i one gonl lead was shorthvcd how- • y mPIc 0 es 1 told that their hours I\ ere a vall· pracllccs on good lee. That Clcr as the UIC came back one ,, I .·m~ ,,, l!urrhm~•. Phil· Lawlor, Dunne, Phelan cock. rna~ I .. .- r,,Jhrr. all una-lcd HOLY CROSS-Murph)', Hut· able again to them. I£ they had to make a dlffcr;nc,c • mmute later w1th Lawlor scormg sit back and not make a move, I aftcr,takmg a pass from E•crard. MELBOURNE iCPl - c 'IELBOUR"'E (AP• • 'J'• ..n ';·1 • ••• : ,I "' 1hr game was ings, O'Regan, Carey, Colbert, h tl h Tomorro11 night's game at the I Wrth the game hed up at 4-4 w1th . • ana I ·' " • · oe ..,.,. , ·•' .,, llun1 r ,f ~~ Pat's nho Chapter, Gof£, Philphott, Coady, c I anlces tf{~ lat I cy t~ou 1ci lbc Stadium should draw one of the only ten mmutcs left m the game' dian ncll';papers IIlii be coh1m •a HI. She "' not afra.d "' tltr •rcond bert (HCJ, 1617. play In exhibition 1ame1 against We have i\lacDonald here on lstlcngth to take the honours tin• turc oJ anH•nc and -he Jht mr~ht p1ck Bell Island. ;o··' •a• rr.l·lr"rrl "' B) rnc Penalties-Snow !SP), High lllllary 10 let's 11se him, to coach •cason. Hoi\CI'Cr thc1r performance I Cur line NotCS The As,cmbled F1~•cr arr nzhlh f"\orc·l to b~at permission to have their ,Tunior •. • ·•.·r lhr llnl\ 1 r~•• hluehne Checkinl( and misconduct. 110 let! 11et SO!Jiethlng done. \las an1tJung but 1mpress1ve. This 1 _..__ large staffs [1om all parts of tJIC u, off then 1crent p~rform·nczl. team plus everal or their Senior • • • I could ha\c been brought about h) 1'ERR,1 NOV4. MOTORS N/GH7' 11orld The AP 11111 have 15 on lb fhr' ha1·~ b c c n con•LI~nliy players play an exhibition game Bob Evans h rated as one of the four ur cs llhich hale hit the Scctwn "E"-lst Round 1 reporting staff. headed b' gcne1.11 1111 1 1 ~0wl" on Bell Island on Nov. 30th. and best goalies ever to don a pair of Iteam. The Guards are not as strong L. Brett 6 R. Goudcy 7. sports cd1to1 Ted Sn11ts of :-Jc11 1 permission wu also granted lea· pads rn the St. John's I a m their fJTSt games but as I J. Chef\ ers 3; A Moore 8 ' York The Reute1 s 1eportm;z stall ! AP > - Frank ~lemonal 5 ~n;LBOUHNE Presentation gue players whD play on the Me· Stad1um. Never heard of him! soon as they can get their te.am i A. Foster 8, J K. Clouston 6. I of 1i 11111 be hcac··~d h) clucf nc11·1 G11 t h r 1r Au•trahan s1•imm:n~ mol'ial University team to play Then )'OU will as soon as the' back to normal thCI' 11111 be a hard G. Bearns-4. A Bo)d 6. cd1tor SHine) Maoon of Landon coach. th.nl:, the Au~"es m~~ be In .an exhibition Jame at the scnror league gets under way. Bob I squad to heat I[ the Guards can 211d Ronnd asSISted ch1cfl~ Ill' \'c1 non J[tll m fa, .a b1~ ·hock m the Oil m'l c Prince of Wales Arena against 1s tr~ lng out with the FeJldians he up the Breen. SqUires, Duf.l, A Moore 2; n. Goude I 4. I ~an. Reuters sports cd1tor from w lltls dcop1le a number of nn Bell Island on December lsi. d If 1 t 1 A Foster 3. A. Bo)d 5 London and Stuart Underhill, a ptcS an )OU wan o sec some real Cett lme thcv Will ha1c the Fclld Fmol• canadian from \'ancnuiCI nn\1 ••II team tnel• 1 •· ' W w tson A Reuter~ London ot"ff It', th't rcl'rnt fmc -howtng, .n good goal lendm!: drop do11 n to ,scorm~· punch checked. To he up 1 T some of the Fcildian practices. He i tim Jrne 1111J be no ·easy Jnh. 1 A Bo ad 1 w. Watson E War r nl. that ma:.c, Guth11c 11ar) 0 1 arpent1er 0 Is a nmnlander emploved down The) rc fast, \mky and danger· I I' (. • t R G' I g • Our "11111mcrs put up tl••1r C here with a. ma1nJ and ·f 1rm He I' ou• Th e~ 'h a1c scorcc 1 0\cr nmety w.rrn, l'lllcr'• .ra)w. su on Knollhng, ouc A C). Cox : b~·t t•mcs at the Oil mille tr~l·l • W/resl}e Tu.a.!;!day tmd out IHth the f~1m teams of per cent nf the f1cld gpals so far Scctwn "F"-lst Round l•c sa1d l~•lan dccathalon hopefuls a pentier, the famous French aero- ' plle-laultmg at the Olrm batic wrestler to appear In the eNatl•ona League THURSDAY ~IELBOURNE (APl - Ru,sla • Plr l'lllagc Wednesda)'··~»On maln event at the St. John's lilt· HARRIS AND HISCOCK NIGHT head track and held coach sa1d 1 Apparent!) It didn't take moria! Stadium. (Last name 15 sl.tp) alter a [mal pre OhmpiC 11orkout Soon after R1chards left, a Rus- 1 This ~oung Frenchman, discov· By JOE REICHLER 11ho 11on 20 Cor the se1enth hme, -6 30 p m _ toda) hi' team "Js m goorl concl1 nct and C. Russell took, I he Uurd on failures in Haw au and Japan, have been allowed ~ crs arc requested to make a specJal doubl~ one also 'I he lop scorer • When neuralgiC pail\ strikes, you ,..,;t T!am Although B1g Newk won 27 The goal would have "lVen the effort to attend. was ". Feehan or the Nfld. Brc11. rehefmahurry Andhere'oawaytocetlt. Ar~rugr- The St. Bon's senior hockey team Doctors generally Will tell you that 1\0U• ~111 & r games and lost only seven for the Leafs a 2·2 he with the Red Wmgs blue light, connected with the time cry llllh a nice total or 134 II hilc rale1c pam may be largely caused by ounrlry Troph)' 1\ hold a practice tonight at the m N.H.L highest winning total of any Dod- in the game played ln Toronto. clock, then came on and automat· R. Noble of Munns had a high of preuure. SensstlVe nerves are irritated. Forum beginning at seven o'clock. 132 Loc::al areas be~me sor~, swollen. All players are requested to 'at· ger pitcher since Dizzy Vance won However, 1\fr. Campbell said the ically shut off the rcil hght. • I You can get ble<:ed rehef-fast-by tend thls workout. Toronto Maple Leafs stag· 28 In 1924, he just managed to dlsallowlnq of the goal w~s "an The referee and the linesm~n Tn the th1rd game of the evening rubbing Absorbme Jr on the sore, &\\allen lmrf Al I areas It actually helps to counter pru· ed a three-goal rally in edge out ~is, mound mate, Sal error o[ judgment" on the part of ha'd not noticed the fla•h of res No. took til o off A' res I sure 11 h1ch may be cauSing your mtsery. At Maglie for top honours The 30· the references and under league by- the, red light and disallml ed the No I. The game "ere hmshed by I the tame tJme, 1t v.z.rms and scothes the se~:ond period Wed· year-old 1\laglie, 11ho won 13 games !ailS n r t h C. Sturge double one L Andre11, I Thousands u•• Ab•orb1ne Jr. for ft j 1 · th B k i d o P o cs 1s agams 1 sue er· goal. . • nesday to earn a 3·3 tie a er o mng e roo s n ml . rors can he entertamcd. lllr. Camjlbell added (double one) and B Stagg double ••llef from neuralgiC and rhoumattc Feild Senior llfah received four Ilrst place H th t t in re· f ll1o H Noseworth)' ,, as top pmn, achmg muscles. Only $1.25 with New York Rangers, t d 183 1 t t f · h P mar 1e e s a emcn 1 "This decis1on of the re erce as ·. at all drugstore:~. votr;g n 5 0 tms sec· Jection of referees Frank Udvari demonstrated by the motion pic· wtth a Iota! of 120 whilr' who haven't won a Na· ~~rina~he ~o~cr \\ I \ • I '• 1~1 Practice Tonight AARON THIRD ' in dl•allowlng the goal. tures, was an error. In my opin· · earns and L Andrews had onr tlonal LeaJ[Ue Hockey Henry Aaron, lltllwaukee's fine RED LIGHT FLASHED ion, it was a11 error in JUdgment hundr~d each. The fourth game of young outfielder who won the lea· ' lltr. Campbell said motion pic· -as to the precise time when the the mght was won by default The Felldlan Senior hockey game since Oet. 24. b~ Due to line trouble it was guc's b'ttlng crown with a mark lures showed the goal was scored puck entered the net-and not an Bennett Brewery as the Standard learn will hold a practice tonlg~t of 328, finished third with 146 I a spilt second before the end of error rn the mterprctation or ap· fal,lcd to have a full team for th~ at the P.V{.C. ,Arena at 6.00 to Impossible to receive a points although he did not rceClVc I the game. The red light which rn· phcat10n of a playing role. As game 7 p m. All last year's players with play by play description a single f1rst 1ote. Warren Spahn, dicates a ~oal has been scored was such 1! cannot he entertained ao, A mcchng of the execnlliC con uniform~ are asked to please bring them along tonight. of the game. the Brav~s' l'~teran southpaw star visible for 1·5th of ~ second. A a gro,unds for protest . " mitlce 11111 be held at the R111g I

J.C THE DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1 ~ • 9 OUR BOARDING HOUS~ With MAJOR HOOPLE Stock Market Report' I Steamship M;ovemen~ • FlJRN~SS WAHREN LINE sailing Nov. 28 (CornE TlliiOl'iTO fLO~Il'iCl STOCr.l Con Gll11tl MOO 10 9\j 91\ - \1 ~ "' n, Caud.lan r"•' CG Arrow . 3000 20 20 ~0 . -1 Nova Scotia due Boston Nov, 15. Philaaclphia and New yfll\ T•,.•t• Stea l:n•a.nl• Net. tt e Guayana IJ.IJl,_ :1.1 ~ 23 -1 1 IQuot•tfon• In rrnu untou marl>td 1. c Hallin ,,.... lA 157 160 -s Leaving Bostgn Nov. 16 and Hali· . 'NFLD. CAN. STEAats.di 2-0I!d tot, •d-Ex·dh'!dtnd, xr-Ex·riJh\1 l'on Howey 3800 350 310 .~n -ID fax Nov. ,o, due St. John'• Nov. I Belle Isle due St. Johft' w-t·"'·•rnatl.) c-.on M s 133.1 U7!-l 2'1!; :.•m - H 1 ~ht !! Morrllon 1000 II 19 19 -I 22. Sailing again same day for • 22, sailing Nov. 24. Satu Rlr- La" Cla11 Ch'rr 1: Mooher 1000 5! ll ~J -1 Liverpool. ~ 'Bedford II, leaving lla!iJ liiNf.S t:on Nichol ~333 10 tn 1n - 1'1 11 . I Abbioan 31900 M 16 It 41 c Nonhld 2500 71 11 71 -1 Newfoundland leaving Liverpool 124, due St. John's No1•• 2 ~ Atad \lno 7DOQ Wo 1~\i 121\ + \i 1: Porsh :UOO 10 :o 20 · Nov. 21, doe St. John's Nov. n, Nov. 27. Ahltthn 1[00 l! I I 3 :IIi -~ C Jled Pop 1$00 " ~I ~~ Leaving for Halifax and Boston Belle Isle II leat·ing ll·l~ ··~· t:pl 6000 12 12 12 -1 r. ned Pop 1:1011 21 :11 21 Allam ~'Gn IJJI;, m; 15\i - II C ReJcl lfiOO II· 78 fO -3 Nov. 28, due Halifax Nov. 30 and 28, due SL ·John's Nov 11 .\110m drb 3 Ito to 10 -1 c Sannom~ lOCO t 1 t il A:tom M• :W 113 71! 715 Con Sud 14110 110 :»8 •s -1 Boston Dec, 3. Leaving Boston Dec. 3. · ' Afn J.ardrr ' 11100 15 16 lA conweot 300 370 501 1\6.1 +5 --'111 Nrpho 1000 :10 171 "71 -1 Copper Corp 1300 Ill • 109 IU +I Dec. 4 an~ Halifax Dec. 8, dut Bedford II leaving AJ!IC' 11 -1 11 Dec. 5, due St. John's Dec. 11. 71 due St. John's Dec ""'"' 10300 0 8 0 Datno t3lll ll I 10' ' 10 Allu \'\ ~ 9 I t . D'Ara100 ~1700 3l ~'11'1 211\-31\ Leaving for Halifax and Boston Dec. 11. · ' ;\tlln·Jiul 3500 0!\ 10 10 -11 Do Cour 3l:tl 30 41 II -2 Aubtllo ::.100 10 10 10 - II Do Cour wta 1100 14 II II Dec. 12, due Halifax Dec. 14 ·and . CLARKE STEMISUIJI Aumacha 11200 31 32 32 -$ Door Ho111 5100 SO · 4.1 30 +' Boston Dec. 17 .. Leaving Boston Eiespoint due st. :Aumaquo 7600 12 12 1~ ll'Eidona 7118 ~II 14 · II Aunor 100 ao 190 110 +0 Dosmo•l 3100 5 II 13 H _Dec. 18, due Hahf~x Dec. 19, Sai1·123, saliing Nov. 26 14•nlllleld 6000 9 eu, Ill - netta 11ooe 1 71\ 1 +1'1 lng fr!)m Halifux for Liverpool Sheldrake leavin• ll•m•l 300 10 38 40 • !liadtm JlOO 15\1& 15 llll +1'1 ,lii"'UO . ~)()0 57 n 57 -1 • Dec. 22. • ::.3, pue St. John's "N • Dttll 11000 I 711 I + 1'1 1 01 2 ·lar)min 1000 25l ~2 252 -1 Diadem 3100 m• 13 15\'a +1\ Dec. 22, cjue St. John's Dec. 28. Nov. 30. a, .aa .. !'ololol 14~ 57 51 · 57 11om• m tlZ!1 12\i m +It 'luka 1000 1&\1 I 13 KenYillt !!OSOO 4 11 I +2\1 Newfoundland leaving Liverpool Novaport lea1·ing "B·Duq 73&7 170 . 160 113 Korr Ad~ loU '11\~ 1114 16\1 Leaving for Halifax and Boston 28 due St. John'! Dec Btlchrr IIMU ltl 116 190 Ke)'mot 1120 41 II 41 -1 1 1 lltthloh tm 190 110 190 +10 Kllembo llDO Ill 2113 110 t5 Doc. 291 due Halifax Dec. 31 and Dec, 5. · · Bt•·eon 1000 !l2 :!2 22 -1 KUembo \\II 1100 79 80 71 t 4 Boston January 3. Leaving Boston North Pionee· Je· ·in S Blerolt 2000 m 10 10 -T Kirk Hud ~o 30 ~ 30 . · 1 1 'Bl<111fl wta 30 10 110 110 ' Kirk Min 2100 130 Ul ):.'9 i 3 Jan. 4 and Halifax Jan. 8, due St. i N.B.. Dec. 11.' lfalifa I. ,JIIdeor 2400 50 U 30 H Labrador 310 1111; It\\ 11\1 Hi 4 ·stack Ba~ 1300 70 61 61 -3 John's Jan. 10. Sailing for Liver- i due St. John's2 Dec i· l.ako Cinch 1300 19 1\5 1\5 -2 1 loused 2100 IZ to 10 -3 L Ulllaull 340 170 180 160 -1~ pool Jan. 11. . : Dec. 18. · ' Bou1an \1600 110 ~~ U -~ !.Ike Ltn1 l.loo m; 12 tl - !1 'lo)"nllr IMO I B I I, Short 1730 310 300 JOO -5 FURNE~S RED CROSS , I , North Pioneer lcarinl St •rllund 3000 62 ~ 6~ - S l.lmaquo 300 250 ~0 :so 101 _, Fort llal!'~lton due St. ~o~n s . N.B., p_ec. 24, due St. Joh!· Drout n .., aOM uo • J.eUch fiii'J ?I 71 Tl -t 1 l1111nhun1 2!011 ' ft 9 •1 1, L Lac 1170 l7l 110 17 til N~v, 22, tathng Nov. 24 (Hahfax i :!8, sathng Dec. 29. ,BnlnJmiD !00 I I I l.omeao 30:10 10 lO 10 -1 8runoton !:!COO 1: II It nlouvlcouJ1 2'100 I 1111 11\1 and New York). j North Coaster lminl lltuno"l 1 ~,.,.,,. soo· tl.!l 117 111 -• Nov. 24, due St. John's No1·. %6,: sailing Dec. 28. lt,I~:~Vi•resldent--11 · !lunt.rr H1ll roo 10 to tO -1 ,\laodonal• 500 ez 61 IZ 1 Mae!lt 2000 10 I I -~~;r~~hlb tT::s1 ~131/\~ iL -I ~lao~tno 2100 IS II 2 3 tl ·l·dn A>Ioria !00 20!' ~01'.: %ul.'o ~ 1\ I ~lacLeod ~100 123 I:U I:U -1 nnam 1200 60 37 6D -• Madten 2100 1H M 11! H can t:rin :1300 76 73 i3 -: I Marntt soao t 1 · I t l'Jn Mel )7/0 171 U: 177 1% llaturtlc 1100 U3 113 15 t'aui•r mo 7u.J &75 m -::l Manrast \l 3!00 5 II 13 - Cent Pal 100 !OJ 105 ID! -6 llar&IIO 100 I I 8 'l:l!CIIl Ru 1130 l%0 {l! 4:0 -3 Marcon 100 ll 1\a 11 +I Cllr.kirt; IDOO 71o 71> n; · llaTIIImt lliD 11 %05 2119 ChOliOT\Ie 00 :.i 2S 26 !\1:\I'Hn tOOO 1~'/J 12 2 - ~ ,Ch1b Jar !:!nl 29a :ttl 29t -2 ll•lbrun 1200 li6 Yl 63 -3 Cc 01ib Kl) 31l0J 39 38 31 llclnt)" . 30 11W• 76\o 76'• l11ib M :Joo 21u :J11 :.au ., J ltcMum 1!00 ll!i II llh- !i •j'hlb t•pl 1000 til ~~ •• - ~ Merrill ~6~5 9~ 190 Jl +6 1'11h1U 8.)0 f6 10 'i'l -1 llon•l~• lllltlll su ~ lO ~c.obu a a • l"ul\lnlt~l' Hl1111l 'I 'I 1 1·:••1 ~~~lm ~lUll Ill 1:!J; tr. -1 l'unl•i!il" t.:till\1 :t.ll ;!'.i :r:.i -:\0 1-:"•l Sllll l:llll till 4ti!l 4t1U -.i ( · 1\rllco'- t.!1,j ~J Jll :11 ·· l 1·: ...1 :\lrla'-1 l(h)il 45 42 43 -'..' 1 • Ht'li& 1; ~'iii,;J ;.!II 1'4 :Jil • I 1:01~l.. ~linin~: :17tid 4~i ~O:i ~U -1 I' l';.alUUiiU 17~0 13 t3 17 •· 1 ~:tdr1rll llDil m~ lO 11 -• ' • (.'un I' lad 6~0 Ill 10 U - 1-:1 l'rnr•Y 76li7 31 l'' lD Hrnown tlill IJ(Kl ~;;, 97.\ • ~-' t:l S•t 4.111\1 II \till 17 -1 I" ''"" "'' J&u lti\ ~~.\.\ ::r~ , 10 1-!UI-e~il ' :!97l~O 63 $1 '1 , ,. ''~~·rn a M • •• . 1:,1 .\11 230~ 12 . ·~ 12 ' --'~ :~~.~n_:s_;~-~ .. -~:~ .. __ l'all-onbda• 18GI 13~!• 31'• 31 -1\• -·j huday l30J 130 1~0 143 •3 • • ··au \\II ''7M 70 70 70 •• t'td !(irk 1000 ll.l;. 21 21 •·nnc'Jtlll' 3000 1:1 t2 13 t"robhher · ·11~.!5 33 f15 ~ -10 . FllRNESS I wlrar..:·oeur 3)0(1 1 J l:l ' 1l t'robl•hrr 11:2! 311! :73 *"o - 2G Rf'robllher 1:%!1 JU 275 m -:o ; r.•llwin 31\50 32 :II lll I nonh 'ooo 2:! ~ :.~ - Gra Srltn 31)110 ID ~ II -II rAI'IIt YK m m m •·480 ona 140 oW 19 ~~ +I J'ie\\' Cal 1300 JJ ll 3 TO CORHiR IROOK: i Now Delhi 500 36 ll ll - S N•w lllckta 1100 IJ6 IM 131 -I .•trort Avalon ...... Nov. a N Fortune 1000 17 IS 16 -I N GoldVIte 2000 1!> S 3\~ TO RALIFAX: N llarrlcana 300 11 11 II -• N Hl'hrldae llOOO :16 31 31 -lit Fort Hamilton ..... Oct, %7 New lloiCO 500 II te · II +: Fort Hamilton ..•. Nov. 10 Ntw Juon t:lOG I I t + " N Koloro t!OO li IS 18 Fort Hamilton .... Nov. 21 Ntwlund 3000 2t 21 28 -• N Manllobo :sao II fO 10 -1 ·.TO NEW YORK1 N Mind• 5500 11 31 n -2 N Myloma lOO 'to to 10 - li Fort' Hamilton ..... Oct. 27 Newnorjh $500 10\i t 101'1 +11 Now RDIII'D aOOO 11\i 10 ~!', + 1'1 · •trort Avalon ..... Nov. 3 N Senator 200 -1 7 T Fort Hamilton· ... Nov. 21 Nickel Jllm 2100 S20 15 3\l -1 Nlp\IIIDI :1600 211 210 :1111 -~ t~'IU NIIW · 21100 9!i 9!; 9•,; - \0 Veuela tall Newfound· Nor Acme 1100 54 541 5I +1 11 land Outporll Inducement Noranda 912 151 P "" .. ellen. Nls\0 . - 20:10 11'1 Pli flO - " Nor /lome 8100' 1-4 10 II 1' •calla Corner Brook alter :->oranda "2 "I $3 53\i :-loreold :300 1!11 13\; 1!\i St. John'a. Norme1al 307S Ill ~ M.l ~ 10 Norr•x &1200 13 ' II 10 • 2 · '1 Acc~pb re!riRetation Nom·ncnm 13Cl ~l 4l I% -1 Nor lnra .1011 6•; 6!i AI.\ to no. N non~ln 3l%ln 103 9~ 96 -1 Sorthsron ms 43~ 1!1. oo -s Nnrth C:•n ~~ Ita 1141 Bl N•ululamo IWI 1l 31 U -1 O'Rrlrn 600 ,lo ~A Sa -1 GESER.\L AGESTS ouma 11100 15 16 II -! Uk• Rna 3\1)11 1n ~n sn Guide Ran·ey &: Co .. l.td. Olal 21~1 OLtor)' 1!1\41 ~''I :J(l :Ill Part~· or ·W. G. ~lnore Dial 5890 Ontn\tr""' 2000 6 6 ~ I Opomhka .\150 1111; ttli 11\fo- !i . Captain w~ . 1 1 Ortnlldl »CHI 21 2~ 'b' In char•1 FUR~ESS WlTHY Oolsko AIDO Jl l2 32 -1 ll'er h • Poe I:ul 7llnn 14 n 13 -1 e er two & CO., LTD. P•mou,. tonn 47 11 14 -1 Joan Saund, PU111Ufl .\1'100 91;.i I I r or lit~ toon • 1 a Rallfll Sah1t John, !'>.B Pmlee no M Ml Ml Pot•r :U(III rn A! Ill -7 .New Yorlt ~oatreal Pa)·tnultr 1lllCI ~~ U S% -1 ~~~~t~rro" 3.%~JU I! 11~ 0 ,ll~ _5 ·:.Nfld.-Caqada Steamships Ltdi _, FREIGHT SAILINGS

. ~. M.S. "BEDJo'ORD II" t HALIFAX • ST. JOHN'S . -·~ Leuinc llallfu: • November 24\h...... Due St. John's Ncvember 26th Decemb~r 3rd...... , ,. • Due St. John's Dec~mber 5th December lith ...... ,. .. Due St. John's December 13th December Ilith ...... Due St. John's December 21st December 28th . , .... Due St. John's December 31st 111.5,' "BELLE ISJ,E II" HALII-'AX • sT. JOHN'S l · Lea,·in; Halifax: · · . November 28th ...... , ,. .Due St. John's November .3oth December ?th...... , ... Due St•• Tohn's December . Dt11 Dcc~mbcr 15tlt., • , , , , , , . Due St. John's December 17th lh to see .. l December 24th.. .. , .... Due St. John's December 26\b . an lhrv 1 las it 'it For Immediate clearance per direct sailln~ll. sen In tl f'or rates. space and other Information appl)': ' I V• Should th' HARVEY & CO., LTD.,. General Agents; Dlql, 2157 1 tho~~ 1 .-R.N. COLE, Spec1cl Representative, St. John's, Oiai :?207· 11 the arl'· : • or to l'iGlJant j ; been In TtlE ROBf!Rl REFORD COMPANY, LTD., Ag1ntl ~an If he ; 1 Montreal and Toronto · o[ and ll'h !. H~AD_OFFICI - HALIFAX. N.l. aU he SUI I· I I· · r: 1 I. I t 1 iL I , l; .-J . '

·;·. 15 y NEWS. THURSDAY, NOV. 22 1956


Mr. and Mn. Herbert Swain spent the week-end here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted 1

1 Chur1•hill, South Side. They havt> now returned to their home !'ar on Bt>ll bland '"''d

~[13 ! •fl ..llo •4~ 101 zH ~~, '"~ll . ~ .

.:.;lfi:,:__;.______.....; ______~~-~--....;..---~------!..T•~~ DAILY NE>~,·~~·~~~RS~.t.,Y, NOv. 22 ------~------' FI~TE!O.'I Y.E~~6 Ai::o I FE~~ FOI from 6 to 11 inclusil'e were was incurred when the toilets of 2nd, ·Audrey Kirby; 3rd, Elaine 1 ... 742 placed under a subject tcacl1ing the old building were completely 1 Horwood. ' Both sides nrl. timctoblc with a threefold objcc·. rcno1·atcd at a cost of somc~vhcrc, Graci~ 6: Is!, Norman Penney;: North East South Wrst til·c. tirst to ~cc il class.es, as low . in. the l'iclnity ~f 81:!00. Shghtly i 2nd, H1lda Saunders; 3rd, Greta: I'+ Pass 1• Pass a$ ~radr li wunld bench! or lose 01 er SBOO of lhts 1~as raised by I Reid. · , · I 2"' Pass 2 + Pass under ,.uch an sec· the Horne and School Association Grade 7: 1st, Carol Moores; 2nd, 2 .to Pass 2 N.T. Pass anan~ement, 1 1 4 ofl Pass Pass Pass 1,ndl)' to gil·c the higher grade: for that purpose and passed Ol'cr, Ger.;!~ Taylor; 3rd, Victor French. tr.Jchcrs ~n opportunit~· ol earlier to the School Board. ! Grade 8: 1st Charlie Moores, Opening lead-• 3 ;;cquaintancc with the pupils. and This concludes , m~· report but i 2nd, llildred Howell;· 3rd, Heather thlrdly to make usc of the natural before_ I sit down I should like to i llloorcs. . ;;r.titudr some teachers have for bring to ~·our attention that we • Grade ·9: 1st Ccctl Horwood; BY OSWALD JACOBY \ certain ~ubjccts over others with hai'C facing us many problems, I2nd, Ruth,' Taylor; 3rd, Warrick One of the most important fig. the hope that they would find it some or which arc local and ap.l Butt. · · · ures In European bridge (or the possible to pass along t1mt aptitude ply to uur own school but others I Grade 10: 1st, Ralph Moore. 2nd, last 20 years has been Baron 'I 11 hi h 1 · 1 1 f I Fr d d Robert de Nixon, president of or lii:in;: to the pupils. " 1 e our 1~ c app y to us as c t zens o I ' e s aun· crs; 3rd, Doreen the European Bl'id.,"e League. He 11bsen·ations were not all con· Newfoundland, others ·which we j ~loores. rlusivc we still feel thnt, pro1•ined should consider as C1nadlans. ,Just Grade· 11: 'lst DUncan Jerrell will scrl'e as non· playing captain c 1 f .,. o[ the Italian team, champions ol the teaching is rcawnably good, to mention two or three: As New·' II' nner o Electoral); 2nd, James Europe, when they play in New cla~scs as low as grades 6 and 7 !oundlanders we should be con·) Thoms;: 3rd, Carr Stevenson.: York next January for the learn most consistcntlr when they sidering the advantages anet dis· En gUsh_ Prize~:· · · . world's championship. ar~ under the control of ·one advant:ges ·or Centralization of G~adc ·1: LornA' Boutcher; Nexon's own skill is sllown in tc:chcr. Education; ·the question of whcth· Grade 2: Elizabeth RUs!cll. the way he played the South This 1-car we have enrolled to cr· or not we ·should be lcl')'ing an Grade 3: Sandra Stentaford. cauls, shown here. The bidding nate 393 pupil; ann we noll' ha1·c EducaUon 'l'ax in Ncwfoundlnnd; Grade 4: Jutt.a •'Hcin, ·· may rot be to everybody's taste. rr~ccupicrl or rather 1 ~hotild sa)' the worsening of the situation with Grade· 3:A~drcy Kirby. . hut the final contract was ccr· rr:nvaded thr la>t available room. respect to Reiling enough quahflcd Grade 6.· Htlda Saunders. · tainl~· logical enou~:h. \\'r now ha1·c 10 rc:ular class· teacher~ to fill our schools, i.e.; Grade 7: Gerald Ta~'lor. West opened the three of r~ 111115 and . the room !ormerb· the· proble!n of rccr·uitmenl a.nd rc· Grade 8: Mildred Howell. hearts. and East put up the ¥nown a~ thr music room which tcntion of teachers; the problem' Grade 9: Jennie' Oiltcs. , IJUeen. What should South do? ,.,,. ,;cn·c~ ao a cnmbination, can·! that confronts us respecting our Gr.adc lO: Fred Saunden. I Suppose South ·.wins wilh the t•cn. nflirc. record room, educational curriculum. whether it 11: Judith Earle, i ace and rulfs a heart in dummy. stora~c 1 Gr~dc room and committee room is also meejs the needs of today, whether !\\. & J, Moores $25), /le ~~·iil.l~e a~lowcd lor g~~ to hjs l'•rn' for l'crtain classc• durin;! it d1scrirninatr.s too much againsljl Special Prlres: land 11'11 th I c lfcfn ° ramhonn. .. ·. 1 1 'I 1 · h · 1 Kind t • 'I · an can en ru ano 11 1cr ear 1 thr week. Our ~taff h~s mcrc.ascd t 1e c c1•cr pupt, II' 1ct cr tl s or ergar en. •• a.nuscrtpt, Rod in dumnn· ·Now South cis 1 ' --- rr"m 10 to 11 and no•v comprises,, is not lending I? del'clop a race llloorcs, Linda· Wareham; Healt.h tangled up' and will ~~·entu~ll;. ~li,;~, ~1. Pcnnc 1·, v. Da1·is. B., of mediocre indtviduals; whethcr.\Inspeclion, Harold Skinner, El'lC lose two clubs the ace or dia· :\<>rl. F. ncirl. B. Pike. J. we arc going to be able to mal;c Stcntaford and Louise Parsons; monds and a 'diamond ruff Roonc~·.! ' r. Pcnnc~·. an:t ~!ems. E. Pike, 1 It pos~iblc for those lndil·iduals \Progress, Garry Parsons, Marilyn 1\exon solved all of his' prob­ II'' ('aral·an, 11. Da1·i~ and H. French. who arc so Inclined to rcccil'e Rowe; Industry, Johnnie Clarke, !ems bv simply refusing the fil'sl .I Our Public Examination results l'oc.ationi:l training in the field in j Kathryn Taylor; 1\!crit, Eric Stenia· trick. • were a~ follows: winch their aptitudes lie. On the I f~rd, Susanne Gillespie, Sandra East returned a heart, but G.ra( l c "H-·- "O wro 1c "',,,... 3111 ,.. , -~0 :-lationai field there is the quer. , \\alters,k d Betty· Forward; Hand· durnm"' ruffed and cashed the p; ·.;cd-SO'"'• pa;s. t 1on of whether there sho.uld or · wor an Colouring, Mabel Burke, ace and jack of spades, Declarer Grade 10_ 8 wrote exams; 4 should not be equalintion of edu· Duncan Howell, Jennifer Penney, could now lead a low diamond cational opportunity for all Cana .. Lrnn Earle. tn the ten In order to draw the ras;cd-50';. pass. . Gracie 11 _ 13 wrote exams; 9 dian children and whether or not Grade 1: Progress, George For- 'rest of the trumps. He could pa>;~d-jO'r pa~'· there should be Jo'ctlcral aid to ward, Glcnis Penney; Industry continue with the diamonds, and Three of our grade II'~ secured mal~c that a rcalitr. Harold Gillespie, Peggy Hiscock: still llad the ace ol hearts to con· ~c pupt'ls The local problems that appll' Merit, Richard Young Glen!~ lrol that suit and thus make sure I10nours an d one of t " · • p ,. . · ' 1 h · t t 11 uncan Jnrctt, won the c.arbonear· to our school arc l'ery Cl'idcnt an? e~ncy, N1gel Bishop, Linda Pen· o ts game con rae . Ba,· de Verde Electoral Scholar· 1 arc on us now. The most lmmcdt· ne~ · ~!EXICO CITY !AP) - ~lcxico 1 : II ate is the question ol accommoda· Grade 2: Progress, Peter Moore ~ np. Student ,\cth·itlc~ · · lion for nc~t ~·car. Our enroll· Linr1a Butt; Industry, Da\•id Nichoi and Italy hal'e signed an agrc~· menl to Increase th·~ir exchange The mcmb"crs 111 the staff and mcnt has increased by 1·3 durjng and Sylvia Noel; Merit, Dianne THEN I!D ae:,;· RECWJE 11-1 or mol'ics and to encourage joint MY F,d.VORITE e.EFO;>..s !TS the whole school is a~ain indebted I these last 5 years. In 1953 our net Dean, Jeanette Parsons, Graham productions by Mexican and Ita 1· to pupils who acting as enrollment was 295, our enroll· I Horwood, Noel, SNATOlED AWAY! .---,....j 16 1;~. 1 ~Voodrow ian mo\'le makers. Pre!ects did a great service to ~en! for t!1e lliQnth of October Grade 3. Progress, Gerald Par· the school and to their fellow us 303. \\ c arc certain!>• going 1 sons, Shirley Parsons; Industry, The Chairmnn, in his final re· pupils. Thcl' were: Reg Parsons to need another r?om next year. Keith Burgess, Christine . Pike; .marks, thanked all who showed 1head boy prefect). Carl Ste\•en· Where arc we gomg to find it? :\lerlt,. Elizabeth Taylor, Carol their interest in the school by ·on Ernest Cole Fred saunders Of course it could be postponed Oates, Ernest Soper, Robin Taylor. their attendance the Principal and ~·h~rlie :lloorcs, George Cole, Ji~ a year or so b~· discontinuing the Grade 4: Progress, Rolf Krone, st.af! for their ' fine work, the rennc1• and Cecil Oates; Judith K!ndergarten class. Do any o( you Pauline Parsons; Industry, Wendel youthful performers and :llr. Ern· Earle 'chend ;:irl prcfcctl, Patricia ~tsh to do that? If the BQard con· Forward, Margaret Osmond; Merit, est Pike, their teacher, for their Tal'lnr, Ida Soper. Doreen Reid, ttnurs to receive the Iinancial sup. Ann Skinner; Peggy Ann Cameron, fine performance o[ "1'he Princess • Ro~•e Forward, Cynthia Taylor, port that it ha~ rcceil•cd for the Frank Davis, Donald Horwood. wlio wanted to be a Fairy,'' the I ,lunc Soper, and' Flor~ Hedges. 4 new rooms lh~t were bu!Jt in , Grade 5: Progress, Harold Evely, donor~ of prizes, the pupils and, This ycar· Prefects will he pres· 1953 lh~n it will be a -long lime I Sandra· Moore; Industry, Max last but not least, the hon B. J. t 5 I rntcd to you ~ little later in the b~forc ~our problem is solved. Yon Powell, Anna Penney; Merit, Abbott and Mrs. Abbott. The Na· I 11 ro~ram. mtght possibly ha1·e reached the Eleanor Moore, .. Da\'id . Russell, tiona! Anthem brought the eve· The ~chool canteen w~! a~ain stage of discontinuing grade 1 or Carol Jerrell, Bruce Norris. ning's entertainment to a_ close. oorratcd ny pupils who sacrificed even. grade 2 before you are In n Gra~e 6: Progress, Willie Butt, T)le report of .a speech day th~ir recess periods In do it. position to open your required new Sharon Whyte; Industry, Ross His· would not be complete unless we The Student Book Socict~· was rooms. . . cock, Elizabeth Young; .Merit, congratulated all those who help· a;ain In operation, the work being Pracllcally every year I have ~lary Parsons, Elke Hein, Johnnie ed make It a success and particu· handled by Doreen Reid. presented to you the dire neces· Penney, Ronni~ Howell. . Jarly the prize winners. Howel'er, The school was again organized slty of a Principal's and ·record Grade 7: Pr!lgress, Harold Noel, in congratulating them we would as a Thrift Club and savings office. llost individuals actively Jean Parsons; Industry, Fred like to give a word of encourage­ ~tamp; wc:e sold. Red Cross associated .with education find it Powell, Carol 'Moores; Merit, David ment to those who failed to win Branches were organized and op- incredible_' that In a· ten room ~loores, ··Raymond 'l'lo~l,· Noel one. Examinations don't always crated in practically all of the school there 'should be no such Hedges, Billy Dpvls; Billy Cam- show a faultless picture and we cl~ssrooms. · office. . . eron, . .. : · think that the following little A magazine subscription cam· Then there is. the need of a Grade 8 Progress, .George Cole, poem will show what we mean paign was carried on by some of science laboratory if the sciences Heather Moores; Industry, Ernest better than any of our words tht> pupils and while they did not of chemistry arid physics continue Prystavik, Heather Moores; Merit, could. ~I'll ll',sny subscriptions It was not to be taught. It Is Impossible to Christine Frn~en, .Jacqueline· Bur· A CJIII,D'S F_UTURE thP fault or lack of trying on their teach them_ as they should be den, Virginia Taylor,· George Cole. To Ask part; it was just that they did not taught without a science lab, Grade 9: Pro!ll'ess, :Roy White, Where are the playmateS'of yester· get the support. 'fhe studen\5 from Ladles and gentlen1en, these ore Jennie Oat~s;· Ind'ustry, "Edgar dn)', their pocket mone~· and otherwise your problems and they ure going Hiscock, Ruth ·Taylor; 1\!er!t,' Rose The fellows we knew at school? raised some money for the St. to be your problems regardless Forward,. Cecii·.Oates, Flora Hed· What has become of the studious John Ambulance and the splendid of who is your Principal. You ges; Chemistry, Rulh Taylor• ·one, I. sum of ~65 for the. Polio March of are 11oing to have to lace them If French, Cecil'. Horwood. ' And where, oh where, is the fool? ,. Dimes Campaign. . ·y.ou hope to keep pace with cduca· 'Grade ·10: ·"Progress, Doreen Oh! 'what has become ol the Several concerts, pi~~·~. etc .. · ltonal pro~:rcss toci~y. Mo_orcs; Industry, Fred s~unders, oraior, were st.H:cd h~· l'arlou~ classes anrl BOYLE SCIIOI.ARSIIIPS Dnrccn ,Reid; Merit, Fred· Saun· Whose. pa~sion wa5 In recite? troUpl'. l'upils from ;:radcs 7 anrl The Chairman mncle a release dcr.1, Ralph 'M.oore, ·norten Reid, And thr. bashful one·, who would I :1 presented ~ 'short pia~· ~t our· on thP. "Boyle" Scholarship~. They Patrick Ta~·lor; ·Chemistry,. Ralph I .not speak ,; piece ... Ui~trihution of l'rizr.~ pro~ram arr th~- ~cqucst of lhe ·late Dr. Moou; f'rench, Ralph Moore. . ·.unless he succumiJcrl to fri.l:ht? lP~t fall. rupih of Kindrrgarle!l Robert .Wrlliam Boyle, anrl arc In Grade . ! I: ['ro!irm. ,. ·D;wid And what has become of the model I and narlc 1 sta~crl a \'cry pleas· memory of his parcnt.1, the intc Thoms, Mtlcircd Pemiey; Inpuslry, boy . in;: Chri~tmas ·pros:ram .lu~t before Dr. Albert Boyle'.and Mrli. Sophlr. Rei: !'arsons, Anthony ~oores, Who was ahva~·s teacher'~ pet, Ihr. closin~ nf school for· the Maddock Boyle: He . pointed out Ju,dith Earle; Chemistry. and ·And where, oh where, Is the tough \ C~ristmas reces~. A concert wa~ that while the manner of; award- French won by Dunean Jerrett. )'oung one, , 5 sla~ed' b~· pupils nf grades 4 and ing them had not yet been fully Diplomas (In order of merit)· The one we can never forget? ~ 1i sometime In March. The school decided upon, It was sale. to ~ay Grade U: Cecil Horwood, Ruth And Answer r putlc!pated In a Kiwanis 'POll• It would be In time for ne.xt· year's Taylor, Warrick, Butt,· Arlene The studious one as we have been ' snr,ed oratorical contest: ·a~ain I ·speech· day,' and· 'added that· the Rhelnhardt, Flora Hedges, Rose told, am 1nrrr to say that we won no scholarships should, Indeed, be an Forward, Jennie ·Oates, Mdriika Is· driving a hack these days, I trophies bul_ we did gh•e a good Incentive ·to' stuclcnl! to' work Voss,. Shirley Rossiter, Cynthia While the fool owns stock In a ac:ount of ourseh·es.• harder than ever.· Taylor, Margaret Hiscock;' June bank or two, ' Practic~Jlv ~II nur P.litible boys PRESENTATJO~ OF DIPLOftiAS Soper,· Roy Snow; Ada··Earle. Ed· And a railroad· thaf always pays. WEre memlJen of the Air Cadet AND PRIZES gar Hiscock, Anne Earle, Betty I. The _or.atnr that we knew so well • Corp!. In fact, 1 ll'oulrl sa)' that · Diplomas were' presentee! by Penn~y. Cecil Oates, Lorraine Par· Is a clerk In a dry goods store, our ~enio.r hoys ll'erc the nucleus ~Irs. B. ,J. Abbott: pr17as by Mrs. sons, Myers Oates~ ·- , While the bashful kid we knew of the Air C~•lrt~. ., W. B. Johnson, who had as as· Grade X: Ralph Moore, Freder· has been ,\tJd·tlrs slstants Misses Florence and Melba lck · ·.Saund~rs, Doreen Moor~s. -In Congress ten 'years or more • • The school still continues ·us Penney, members of the teaching Doreen .Reid. . , . · The m'odel boy is behind bars co:nnrc~enslve pro1ram of games staff. · . 1 · Grade . XI: . Duncan Jerrell, For stealing ·a neighbour's cow. and P.T. and th~rc Is considerable · PRIZE WINNERS Jam.cs · Thoms, :carl Stevenson, And you ask, "1vhat' of the tough c~"l~ct'tinn rlemonst·:tcd In the Po~ltlon Prizes: Judith.::;, Earle, Anlhon,l' Moores, ~·oun~, one?" · i~t·"n?l a'1rt ~x\·rn·l ~norts com· Grade 1: lsi, Lorna Boutchcr; fieginald Par5ons~ -~llldrc~ Penney, Oh. he's a preacher now." r:t:tiuns wi:h which this school 2nd, Paula l!owcll; 3rd, ·Pauline Ernest A. Colo, David. Thomas;· (l"ith apuloglcs In the c~mposel') ·. .,· _. ' I .. ·'

l' ' .

·f;r DAILY N·::ws, THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 19.56 ,; ov BY. JOSE SALINOS AND ROD. REED . Crump Sa,ys WatCh Germany. Neh~u To Be . ~ . ' ·. · Mediator In ·. · • . Hungary And, ·Britain In .. 56 01ympiCS. -BUDAPEST- Indi~n Prime Minister Nehru has been By JACK SULLIVAN travel in Canada, athletes don't ,wound in the thigh. · reqoosetd to act' as mediator in Canadian Press Staff ·Writer get ·enough competition at home Oificials said the injury is not I Hungary, ,lt was disclosed Wednef· MELBOURNE, CP - The Unit· or abroad. . ' · serious am! that Markus would , day, ' ed States bnd Russia may figure "If we can't win any gold med· resume trainiilg Monday, ! • A letter signed by :'The Federa· to clean up in· the track art d. field als I'd be happy to see ·canada The swimming and track and 1 hons of the Revoluhonary Work· uvents ·when the 16th modern and Australia win them. Let's field teams held time trials Sun- e1·s, Peasantry, the lnlelligenl!h Olympiad opens Thursday but keep this a family affair,'' Crump day bul no pcrformanClls were and Youth" asked N•ahru to med· q1ere is ope worlil-known• authority added. · . · given out. late• lie tween "I h e. independent who disagrees. H,c's Jack . Crump He wn careful not to mention Olympic officials rrjcclcd a pro· H_ungarian go v c r ~ ment, recog. a! Britain, who sent. out word the names of any possi,ble win· test by United State,~ track coach! mzcd by the Hunganan people, thr ~Ionday-watch Germany and Brit· tWI'S-"It's . purgRlory for an Jim, Kelly against tile acceptance I revolutionary or~anizations and ain, . 1Olympic athlete to name him as of late entries. · · Ip:Jrsons represenhng the broade~t As the athletes tapered off train·· a favorite." ' Kelly said that other countries slrat~ of the Hungarian people and lng in another chill, windy day at The British manager 5nid he had h~en given thr opportunity to the Soviet, government." The let· Olympic Village for the 50 nation mentioned ~pccifica!ly that Roger make late entries but that the fa· ler was dated Nov. 1~. ~t>OI1s festil'al, Crump warned that Bannister, the. first man lo crack cility was not offered to the u 5 K P. S. Menon, Indian amba:;. the Germans would be "the dark the four·minute mile banier, and team. ' ' sndur to Russia and Poland, 1\'ho horse~ of the olympic in track marathoner ·.Jim Peters. were fa I'· also holds the post of minister 'In h·om ~pl'inl tight through to the orilcs to wid their events in 1952 OLYnCPJC ~·EVER lilTS Hungary, is e11pccted to vI~ It tiistnnt events." find both failed, ~leanwhile, ·the Oh·mpic lever lludapesl within Ill>:: next few "l'hcy could be the sleepers oil BACKS PIRIE • ~it Melbourne as more than 10,000 da~·s. the games." ·· 1 · But i~ apparent Cnnnp is putting persons tried to crash into thr. . 'l'hc ~rey·haircd Crnmp, who has,~ lot or confidence in Gordon i'iric swimming stndium-which holris . • , . ,• : . been connected 11ith track and Jihis lime. Th~ 25-year-old paint 5,000-lo see the entrants pt·aclict.! , ~A\S CJIAJtl,llS Ml:Sf, field for most of his 50 ~·cars and.~alcsman, who (l·oins 3fl5·t1Rys a Oflicials o fa.big department) ;';1!;\V Y~RK.(AP)-R~dlo Frcr. is manager of the British team,· year, holds the world record for store asked for police help in I f.urope satd W~dncsd~r .it ne\'CI' 135 11 0 1 -- • Silht he' "wouldn't dare go home the 5,0~metre dash ln 13:36.8. He conll·ollinl! thousands o{ persons ! been ~ P ! CY to melle rebel· .--:--:--:-:--.. without at lea~! one gold mEdal" is co·fnl'orite ll'ilh Vladimir Kuls crushing through the prcmics in lion. It . sal~! So~ let 11rcss sla.te· l ------Britain'~ first since 1936 when of 1\ussia in the 10,000 metres. an· effort to t·cach a counlr.r !Dents tliat ll lncll>~d the rebellion AHCHIE 111 Harold Whitlock won the 50·kllo· Other United .Kingdom athletes where standing room 'tickets were llun~ary. are f~lsc. Joseph C. f~- metre walk and the 1,600·metre he ·is keen on Are Chris Brasher uvailable for track events. · Grew, l!Oatd _cbau'nlRn of Free ~ I relay team , beat out the United in the stceplP.chase and possibly As lrainin~ eased for the giant Europe C~mn.nllee. ~nc., the par·. t~~ . ~~~~l States. the 1,500, B1ian Hewson in the ;ports spectacle~ political ten. ~nt orgamzahon, sa1d: ·•u ~s . all r-1 MAY WIN FOUR 1,500, and Chris Cnataway and sinus again raised their head to msuH to the bra\'c llungamn ~J I i I I "We could even go back with Derek Ibbotson, both (our-minute plague the International Olympic people lo suggest that. tl!cY havrp ! r ~.~ I four winners,' especially in events miters, In the 5,000. · Committee, which opened a three- responded to any other mfluenet t!'l from 1,500·metres and longer." I .sent by the -the country has the potential, Marku~. of Tot·onlo who took n Hungarian Associations ol ;\us­ but dne to great distancPs to .•pill S11nr\ay and suffered a flesh tralia.

fi"' • • ~ • ·------~------~---- ..;{

than the Eskimos and we'l! score "Texa~ o! Canada." · Posted OI".Cr the gates of the f' fashion forecasts and some a. lot o( point~,'' he said. "It ~nl 'I'he 10·unit entry Is B.C.'s rebut- camp was a huge sign in Hun., really new and appetizing lunges .on wntch. !>earn can ke

ter from Kelowna, training ill t~r. Job, \\ alkcr sa11l. I site of thp British Columbia Lion.~ t.l·.! TI~IRD Cl\~CK · . · of the Western Interprovincial .SLIPPERS Iil \\ alkcr and hcs team Will be ; Fool ball Union. · ,I getting their thirll straight crack : I,AST :IIINUTil SWITCH ·christmas at the. Eskimos in Turonto Satur·l Frank Baker, ~'nncou\'er alcler· FOR THE II: . ~~y. Edmonton has won, both pr~- ' man, said plans harl been to inflale '1~us gamcs-:-26·2.1 In 'loronlo m 1 thr ·long cloth model with helium 19o~ on Parker's. S:i·yard run wilh, anrl ha1·e il float abo\'e the par- ENTIRE Rww»! L·.,. i i less than fou1· m.mutes to play and adc. held down by ropes. · . ' 31·19 last )">Car 111 Vancouver. •·We had to make a switch At r ;I The weallt~r could hal'e an im· IIH! last minute. We learned that FAMILY H portanl bcar1ng on the outcome o! all helium come~ from the United the game, Stntes on auota ~nd had to be ord· See our selection o£ leis· T~c Aluette~. th_eir attack ba~~d 1 e~>~l six months aMnd.'' ure·lovln~ styles thnt arr ·oll 11\amaly on passmg, are hopm~ \ So the nwdcl will be filled wilh for a dr~· field to give quarb~rbac!t hu"e air·fillcd weather balloons practicP.ble gifts £o1· any Sam Etc!tcvcr:y a chance tu. shake \ and m~n stand!nR inside the mon· (I ln,ose. h1s t11o top rece1vers- 1 stcr wtll work a wooden spine up member on your gift Jist. 'I U Qumn and Hal Patterson, 1·otctl 1 and down to give the illusion that this Y~ar's outstanding player in O~opog0 is 5Wimming. C~nad1an f!lotball. • . Leading off the B.C. entry will FOR WOMI!N I. fh~ Esk1mos, 11:1th the1r ztrong he a . large model . of a Paeific 1\Iocassin Elippers, Mule :unnmg. alta~k, Will have an edge Great Eastern railway cngint!, slippers, S~lin slippers with 1f t,hc f1eld 1s .wet. . • . hung with 5equin·studdcd watering · \\ alkcr constders Ins t'efenSIVe 1 cans and with flowers growing in ,'wedge hr.cls and many .Walker also disclosed that he the cowcatcher. other altrnrlivc style5, with or without fur trim. Sizes :viii not conch .th!l eastern learn Bill Clancey, retirin~ Lions di· 1n the annual all. • star game at rector, is in charge of E•~lling $10 4 tn 9. Pres~mg p~rsonfll bu5~ i' yancouver. kits to Lions supporters. 'fhey in· Priced from j !nc~s in ~he Umte~ States 'tnnde elude rain ba(s, raincoats and urn­ .. I It tmposstble · for h1m. to lake on brella~ inscribed with snch slo- ta th e. iob, \Viilkcr said. gans ~s "1\le and B.C.," and ''Lo-;e '1.29 $4.50 m-.r THIRD. CRACK that B.almy C.limate,'' ancl donP. '\ alket and his team will 'be iri· the orange and black colors of FOR' CHILDREJI .•.J. gelling IIY.!lr thirdstralghl crack 1 the co~st team. • T,"J, Slippers attracth·ell' styled and hi.:s_te.:.a_m_ll_'i-nn-i-ng_a_p_e_nn_a_n_t_,- ...r , u·. k ll tl' 'J',it ~trongly constrl!ctecl with S(){L or JlllC ey !Hall . e For instance, Cincinnati· !ans . ' hard soles and featuring anim· could pre>>ent a lair argument in ':J.. - I ~tfd, ornamentJt or Indian rlt· Chosen Most bch.11! of Frank Robinson, the pte· ' :''. cocious outfielder. The Redle)ls . ' sign 1·amp d~ca!G. · . ~- I:J PI 1 werC. In the thick o[ the race prac- Pricet! from 3 ll~JJ e ayer (ically down lp the wire, and there V is considerable doubt they would ,. ha\'e been were it not for Robin· NEW YORK (AP}-Selection' of son. 'Mickey Mantle as the American FOR MEN ' Milwaukee Brave.~ 1also · were '' WHOEVI!I:: TO!A.T C~ANIC 1 NOW PON T YOU GET League's mo~t valuable player for contenders to the 'bitter end. Would 15 OUT THE~E 50UNPIN~ E)\CITiiD. M.\'I'BE 1-lE'Ll this Year was easy, The Yankee Gent's morassin Slippers, HIS HO~N. l-IE DIDN'T GET TI-lE HOilN FIXED they have bt-:!n that close· with:'.ll r . p.\V A.N'I' ATTENTION AND 1'11 EM 'YOU 'CAN c~nl~e lieldcr sloocl out like pump­ Hank ,Aaron? We don't bllcvc so. gent's romeo slippers, ,gent'o f YOU,A!NE~. 1\l-IA.T GO TO !~EEP, km m a· barrel or apples. REESE A SPARKPLUG opera slipper~ and many ntllcr i. A~E ~·ou GOING Til, . The Ba!ll!bal! Writers' Assucb. ' PO ABOUT IT/ Ne\\'combe might lind romprti· styles. Sies 6 to 12. i lion commilter makinl( the choice tilln ei'Cn among his teammate.1. · 'l might ·as weiJ have been tryln~ \o We don't believe the club could Priced fram· • · pick 11 while marble out or a hat hav-e won without that perennial lhaf contained only. white marbles kid, Peewee Reest. J)lnior Gilliam $ ta ' . as far as the chance of I! o in g 1.65 ~6.60 was the most consistent performer '' wrong was concern)) throughout the season, and t a k e • But when it comes· to lit.?, Na­ away the power hitting o[ such FOR I!IOYS ,' . llonaJ League's most valuabl~. it musclemen as Gil Hodges anrl • .' ,'t. may not be so casy,.W c could be . ·' + Sturdy, comfortable sllppen \ . Dulc.~ Snider and ~·ou are takin~ styled with or without fur· 1.. · wron~. of course, The committee games out. of the· victory columl,, •' •• 'I'" . .,1 members might look at Don Ne·.l'· In Mantle's case, it's. highly ,. ~.It trim in a wide variety of stylea '. combe'.~ 27-7 record .for the E>!!a· .. . ;''. ' probable the Yankees could have YOUTHS', ~lzes 11 to 13 •' son and look no further. won without any other one play'cr If the big Dodger pitcher had with the possible exception of Yogi enjoyed a good world . series Wi! Berra, who finished second ·in tire 1.25 '•. 2.25 d'on't believe there would be • t'i! balloting, But without N.:antle we BOYS', ~lzcs 1 to !I sllgh~~st. doubt. about his choice:. doubt they. could have come home FLOP IN SERIES . first. 1.50' tD 3.75_ But.hc was pretty much o£ a fiop As previously mentioned, there in. the big show ancl there nrc fans are fanq who soured on ?'ewcomhe who would hold thls agalnst·hlm. after his world r>eries flops. Tiley DON'T WAll! SHOP. EARLY WHILE 'THE We say· fans, no't •commlllce mcl'n· rate him a front runner. a guv SELECTION IS COMPLETE bers, who we assume will apprcci-: ~1·hn chokes in the clnkh. • ate that the award is basecl on We don't flo for that. /lnyho(h' the. Kenson·~ play, and not 1yorld who ·wins 27 games Is J(oin~ t~ ~mr.s perform ancc. · ha\'c •ome of them ih there in '!'hat tltc Dod~crs woulri not ha1•r wi•1ch lhr heat wa• on. won the pennant ll'ithG.:cl N~ll'· Ilr .lust ~ot clobbci'NI l1v th " ·combc 'is obl•iou~. But thl" award Vankr·~.• th; ~ )'cnr, that's· all., isn't necessarily 'ba~ed on whether 'fhr.v're liRble' to do that to Any or not a ·npn .is responsible lur pitcherr

.. • . . ___ _ .... \ ·' ...... ·THE DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1956

i. .'

rl.\No, ORGAN TUNlN!i · ~nd No U.l.C. Benefits· Repairiug. Single Tuuing Six Deiiiarids· Dollars. Wm. HOPLEY, 10 u·.N. Cornatlon St. 'Phone 2BID·L. STADIUM For. Strikers nct1,1m. ' 011',\WA (CPJ- An uncmplol'· ' 1 SCHEDULE. EIIfl Deportatio11 mcnt I t1 sur a n c ~ commission ' j • . I I . .. . o~pokcsm.an ·~Rid Wednesday thatj -~,· n:·~n ·or No, 2 colliery at Spring· hill, N.. S., who went on ~trike I Of Hungariatts far insurance benefits. after a Ia)'· I off because of· mine disaster ·will .- • !lr ROD CURRIE l In prelim\narv \'otcs the Gcn· not ·receh•e a·full week's bcnefils.l ______.s--:-:- I r~nadiin ~rm ~tall ":ruer era! Assembly uph!!ld inclusion of The 700 m·~n returned to work .•. REDDY J(tlOWAti. I I t~lTED ~ATIONS, N.'\. (CP)_ a clause recalling the 11 principlcs · Moriday after striking since last -" , 1 ..."t l':\Jted !'\ations \\'ednesday of the 1948 convention against gen· Thursday. The Canadian Press rc· ~~·::r:l b) ol'erwhelmin~ \'otes f~r oclde, the attempt todestt·oy a ported 1\londay from · Springhill Save· your ;~ r~d ~~ thr dep~rtatton of Hun· natlo~al, racial or rellglou.1 group. thnl they had been p'\oomlsed a ' :;~:"m ant~ Russta. On the vote requesi~LI by BoliVIa full weelt's benefits .to cover lhe .Energy · h ~:1 f ;er.c, of \'Ole; in ~~·hi~h: the reference to that agreen\ent pct•iml· th·~ mine was shut down ·~' ;xo.,:ut:on, wert a)1pro1'ed in 1 was sustained 38 to 10, with 31 becau~c of an explosion on· neigh· ~use · I / i p,r~ ;.~d lhen ln whole the uncom·j abstentions .. Canada also l'oted in boring No, 4 pit. The official said '· ~:.t!~J ,,mn bloc, Poland and. {aror of that seciJon. . thnt no such promls~ was made on; ELECTRICITY :;,,,;Ia ;i'li: thr~c ll'a~·s. 1 One of the main surprh-2s of lhe, behalf of th~ commission, I MEWS l nr ~:TliM Cuban rc;olullon, ap- 1 l'oling was Poland's abstention nn • The No. 2 mine was closed fr~m •• ,.. ~d tw ' ,-~tc o! ~!\ to 10, • the Indian • Cc1·lon .• lndonesid: Nov. 1 to. Nov.!3. 'J'he offlctal L DRY ·CLEANERS -..t:Jtew/otHtdl£;,t/=­ I • :t~:d ~~i S.11ict and Hun~:arian ~motion Instead. of oppa>ing It :1'. ,aid 'th~ first two dajos or ~Ill!!· .1.I So ! Same ·oay C::ounter Service I -~;~~"'n·~~~~ ... ., ta~e immediatr ·did the other eight So1'lct blo~ 1!own came at the ~nd nf a W•~e!t LIGHI NWI• FRIDAY, Nov. 23 i . i I 0 ... A .. y • I ... ' • • ' . by request, ; .. ~. :o :~•·r thr dcpomlion •II countries. . . . In which the men had all·rady . . . . I ,_ H.:~.;"~ .l~ di7rn;" and to ·restore i OthcL'$ .ab~tainin~. were \'\1~ 11 • rarncd enn!l~h In rlisentitlr thr:n JUNIOR HOCKEY 8.00 p.m. !'" , ,:~n,!: dcr~~terl.. · ,l~1·ia, Chile, :o;ationalbt Chino, lt;nm .benefit~ for that .week, The Cheap, . Bcliahle Elcciri~ih Guards vs, Feildians : ,. ,,t~:r~ rc .. oluti9n. AP!ll'OI'('{i. Caiba. thr. ·Dominican .llcpubfi.~. lollo~l'rn= . Wt•!k con~lllulcd 11-Jr 1 In nncl Around St. John ~ TO 1: :. : <;r~~cl Hun.iar·~· to let U:'\: E;:)'pt~· Ethiopia, ,lord~n. 'ranam<1,, >l~~utor)' "waili.n~ period" during; ll'cnlial '1r ' Employee.• H. H. '. r.,. :·· ~. rt 1"'1 ~cal ;las n · anrt tavs, amot:ntcd to 1>8,909,· ;hot•ld ~0' ahro'ad ror a few wr~'k~. Arrivals of Newcomers to A1,1on~·mou~, PcppPrrell ! ·r l :;,. r!ollnr ~!HI HCrilnS: di· 000 P1'~1·lC1.I premise>. anri ~~.:i:io.ooo rnr mRkR, one 3031 dr. n. E. llenn~ll ... 10.00 DIAL 2321 ·•. '' '"'""ilriltl•·o ~ •mR •. a·r.· lnxr.•. lravin.a: ~. lo~l PI'Ofil of . "llr will lral'r T.nnnnn . F'rirl~y 1 --- · '---- Ln~·~ ~!. Sunrlr.Jl, r,. ·: .. ,; : '•o iHI\., Y " 1 t·a·rnlt rr· 1;3.i!IO.OOO. ~~·rnin~ hr ~lr ~·rrnmpanird hy · Mr. ano ~ln. C. 1\, Pepperrell ...... f 393 DI.JCKWORTH ST. "•.·; :•u;-;ucri 1:~ thr. monetary 1 • 1 ., .. I I , Lori,· Er rn.' \ Dicks ...... , .• >::::·~ ·t:r '· [ ll'lr cnr ~ tu ;lla•:clwlr.cn. in· · Copt. R. W. Ctara·.v, 1 "''' rirpro,it. lt'!'l'ra,rrl bv l'ludin!: an c~l!·.a dr~lribution ·nr: · · . 1 Mr. anr! Mr1. Wm. PPpp~rrell Ho~pital •:,.' on~. Ill\<) ,,. ~r . "'~ lll'r.I'!Oilo ~0 rents dcclarcrl lot• the QUill'tcr c· t ! .·1;11'·~ . Tl ' F ·.I u . , Mitch~ll ...... 1\.0l Stl. .Jr~~P Shirlr)', '·-·· In ··~a ell ~ IIP\1' hi;h of rndcd October :ll st. amounted to ley e C( p i 7: Peppcrrrll Ho!pil~l ~U~o'.PI~.ono. !.na11o other than ~3.1M.OOO, OJ' ~2·r,r• a ~harr.. There · ·, • 1 1 i ~'rhi\ Assistant ~lr. ,T, B. Norri~, '"l! . .;t S5-11.03i.Oan. wm al~o up remained ~60~MO which war. 'W'It11 P·arlles 100 i ¥ C.L.U ...... a.oc Mi~~ r.. Knight...... :.,,:•:·cr;?~J;·. rd'ccllng the grow·. added to undlmlcd pto!lt~: The • 1 Housekeeper ;::• .,.,;;: uf th economy. The 1 b8lance. of this account, aftc1• a . LONDO~ iCP:-Whal h~ppen• . · ~·~ ·i :mrci!;c ''a, ;lower than tran3fcr of Sl,OOU,OOO to Rest Ac· to. British rtebutan.l~s after tliM~ · , · • 'L : •. : : ~:..r a11ci ':Mn> t~pcrcn off count rlur·hu: th~ !'car. w~s $632,· first trcmttlous "cDming • out" 1 ELVIS PRES EY · ·~•:err -: ... •o•··~···L; rhr ~·ear·rnrt.l non a~ nf Oclnh~r ~~~t. p~rtll'~? What do they do when Answers His Critics· --· ·-· .. ___ ··-· ···-- · .. · --- lh• "sra~nn" en1b? 1 Love him or hate him, Public· Notice DcalltJ \' 1A N · J p Tp~ ~n~w~r ~e~m~ In be ·that Elvis Presley is the "Hot· . I i\ I' mo't nl 'thoro ~h·p '110 tbe dizzy ~ • ~ aIlona ra )'Cr' ronnrl of cockhrl p~rllo~. nnncc~ te~t act In show business" and tliiA week t.he NEW Swimmin ....'r pool · ! ~"rl an-ni:hl ·hall~ anrl .•tart l!rt. . Our counu·~·. God. II'! olfr.r Tl:·~r. i tinz to ~rip, with life. Some ta'kr St~r Weekly brings you a .,, ,~ , 1 , 1 ~,'1 - H'R'''OOD ! And ·.Plead her cause on bcnrled' Job. ~nd >nme ~n hnck to n quiet new story on today'& most ; ~:..; l~'tlii.I:• ·- "· , AP.~ t-There'• ' a · knee··~· . , . · . , 1 111r 10• .lhr. countr~·. • I controversial entertainer• ...... , ... "' .. , • ti Her mtohl lie know l1e1 rn 111)' 1 Thi< l'errtict on the post-deb The former $45 a week · · • .... , ,•.• a1 at 111e ·'1 ar n 11•· 11 . . I . · ' ·.t:• ~·:· none of th ~i craft , 1 • • • , c?mr.• from two of thP. prettiest• truck driver an~wers the 11 1.:::··, •:r~!J;-ce• ••c~'de thi~'· nf l\ho;~ ':~l.ce. the~ nught)· RI'~.llll. . . . ll'hit·l. 1n-~·car-old Frances Sweeny: "vulgar". ~.... , 1,· b tt 1 1. . 1 · In me~k hunuhtl' 11c Pl'R>' P~r! her friend Pennv Knowles · ..'. · :'"~· .,~· 1 ~, 0~ 1 ~ 11 " 1 ~d'' 1 • 1 God .bieJs America tooay, 18 .. Miss Sweeny. daughter of th~: · See the picture of Can· • .... J ..... , n~~ ·. cnou•11 ra IO· · · I '':; ' ccb•lt 1~ ·kill a • man In· · · · Duchc~s of Argyll ,vied with act· , ada's Champion Baby. in ;:•~:h'. 1 God bless her !lag arrayed on hlglr res~ Anna 1\!asscy a~ Britain'~~ the Roto Picture Section ,.' and try your luck on this .; r:1 llmL, r.amlllQ Facilil. ~s 1 Its silken folds ag~in.st the sky; "d?b of thr yea~" ln 1955. . i t~, ~""! i, CilU~il wa, desf'netl: ~er hom~s. her instrtutlons rieur, Snoporlln~ th~1r own tlwor·.1· thai I week's. $200 Cash-Words :,., :··.... , P~l"l.•·~ . ' , t. te g e 1 f rorn gun·cruwncd fort to lluu,~ · tno;l !IPbUI;ontrs hra·umP wnl'ldn~ P.tt1.zle in the NEW Star SPONSORS OF THE ELKS BANTAM HOCKEY ·LEAGUE 11 0 1 11 1 ~!:1"' •. : \)! :-.JtH:.:.Lou' · ·' • un • \'Ul'iuu • 'iUir- · . ur• l'rwt•l"'· ' • :' t'll'· 1..... a rtt•r tl WI· I' r·n·s t ~·Pa1· on 11 H' Weekly now oil sale at all 1 11 .; .. ;,,, .••nd ,~ 1 111 prol'idt• ~la.rtrn · Lunt, hear hel' l'luldrt•n when th,·~·; c•hamm•gnr · t·i;· • lt .. II•• ,,i"e• n.ew~st:mds; · I LEONARD MILLER, M.D., :.,.;a·c:. and ·l'l·~ntbts with re· , >ay ,. : Sll'ei'IIY. arul Knnwlr~ hnl't• h·• , Deputy Mlnhltr of Hnlth. ' -t. ,,., lntu:·ma\lon. . . · <•od·hl.c.;s Amt'ltca today. . I !:•k~n .to?,•, m?dt•lli.ng ~ki t•lolht'' ,Tt.. .~.I!WI li£14'1 NliWI liW W..lolr i nul'20.~i.~od • ' :l)· I :.,:·::.JJ tlwrc arr bout 15 ·m·n . , Ill • Prnadlll) ~lor c. . . ·--... ! .. ' ~ • •.•• ,. ~:crcd arou~rt th~ Loo~ down from ,Beaven rn Thy. ."'1'1:·~ ~imolr. ra.ct l; that we' 1·;, 11 ·u.s.. CA,SH DRAWING ' ~I ' . 1,,:·:~ ,;.:m• nnr nf th~ fir>t buill lo1e , 'rP~Il<. ~ol .debutante~ ~~~· more. {In aid of their Philanthropic Projects) ' "·· :. ·· .,, :nrlu;tr~·. with. pril·atr And shn11cr lhcs hlessin~; frnm I salll MB< S11·e~n1', a prhlr, ~r~rn· f· I "• "'~;:. (nr th~ rxriU$h·r mr of ~bnl'c . . Ir)·rll brunrttc whn•r 1n.i5 a•nmiM· : ~ ~ ·. ' hrr~ht.~. n~,, 1\'0< -~~:::on•, TOUR·IS.T HOME cr;;; ·:·: On .>nO\\'•Ci\pprrl anrl . party nnr. or lhr i ; ' I • . ·~ :.unny \'~leo, h1••••t ~nla•h~• · PLANNING ON A ·VISIT TO ST. PIERRE 1 ., !1 11ru .\rrr.,\n \:"Cr. ller and "\l'r nrrlrr ' . •nl'~·washr.rl Jlrand~. i 1111i~trr. i~tlns·m~l 11. BIG .C.ASH . PRIZES T •• ;l.:l'nl> !•~rl:t:· 1; simi'!~ ·m . flower,1· daln~; i I'Hli~, """' - 11ilh ju!t half ~ ' .~::~· ;·;~~· 1h! !.'~"'· fl~:b ll'llh Throu;h<'Ul ·Iter land ;h~d fre~·: rln••n !rientls .... · If so, write or wire now for hotel ·•• l!""r !-•J 1 rr~· .. ~t~-1 h ! ecn- , dom'·; ra~·, · · : f-lo"· th~t the~'re ·~:t·d~b.:: t!i~:· !r~1 '• "J•!- 1!!1 1 ·•·mt·ht;;h tron Gcd bl!s• 'Am~rica lM~:·. : l•k~ t~ be hken ~~rioidr. Look. ~•~:~: :: .I !IA·b:·-m.fcot squar~. · , : !n~ h~.d,. l'tt th'-t .-hmnr~u; ~·ear MRS. ··HENRI . LeFEURE ~TOTAL VALUE s2500.oo-. 12 f·~t Jn o~pth ind ftlled 1'1th ' May she b! ju~t~ at h~me, abroad, I ••·h·~n the~ h~d th~ hi< Mr\ie~ ~ntl wwr. : And merctlu! I! Thee, oh God, I u•pr~ nr~!entetl Ill th, '-111~!n. \JJe•1 FIRST PRIZE ...... $1000.00 '!'he sllll, blue-~reen water net: Grant that Thy word shall be her l•el jt \1·~· fun ll'hil• it l~s~~~-but ST. PIERRE ~:\!r pr~l·!dE; shielding for lh! I guide, . . "m,•t m thp ;toriP• •bout it ~·!r~ '. ~adw•ct~~·t ;Qurce but 11 p!rmlts i Let wisdom in her midst ahide, hi~'hlv · exai(J!en~d." · Second Prize $500.00 Third . Prize ...... $500.00 ' c!~1r ''l~·r tn th~ ballom of the: That all th1: world may wltl. us fo'l~,·~wePnv pl~n. In ,...,rk nn1•• ,.. ]'' . I ' ':!r ;m!. Til en a 13 inch pipe, 2•;.. say until Chrl~tmas, "It', An lriter••l· Fourth Priz:a .... :... $100.00 Fifth Prize ...... $100.00 'I . I ;~:~!: m dian~:tcr. rrotrudc; from 'God ble1; Amerle~ toda)', in~ r:oaggerated. The government Mar~aret Whl2hnm, wa 5_re!fardcd l'IION'l'Y'S, Huwau Sl IIOGAN'S llllUGS, Nrw Gowrr Street /-;,/:::.~ For Expert . I I NORBERG'S, Portugal Cove Road Wli.I.I:\MS GROC£ltY, 1'atri1·k Slrr"l 1.,, m1o.c, of test lube m~ can be conll·ollcd press reported the~e a~ the "deb uf th.> ~·~:ir" In 1931 ;; crcd rnt~ the cc·., of the pi pi' arr. som"' cnses In the dl>' ~111 whPII •hP mndp h~r '~lltiering de· J. JONES, Wnter S1. 'l'fiEi\'I'R~; PIIARMAI'\' . St, ... ar. a1 ummun1 ryllmiPr, IJ(It In big. nu1nh~rs. but: 'l'li~:l't' were nun\' rmnmrnto O'DONNEI.I.'S 'TOBACCO, Water F. J. WADDF.N & SONS, New tiuwer· SU·rtt 1 \IITRI'IIY'S BARBER SUOI', Wate1• St, .\1. CON~'J.:<"I'JO!']ER\', .Jrg,·r >lru•• 1,,, .,;,,. ._ M ~!Ill hi r n lh . fa ' 1 · hl f II ~:J Beauty Care WARD (iowrr .Strrt·t Ill' I}". '. . ' ··---··.. -·-·-·--...... I P 0 I( . !Jirnt ('I~ I'PIPJII OllPP~ 1e 1'1101\1.-t'S CONFEt:'rlONERY, Queen Street 'I'll E lllJB · · 11 1 • I !trill• ~~~~~· b~ lll'u II'UIIlPII wl•·•n ~lis~ !;1\'PPn'l 0'1"1'0 H\'fiN t: .. Al~xasute1· ~u·eet \\':\l.SII'S BAKERY 1 11 11 ~'·''!'d. ~f 111 1 !h1• "'"'' un 111.-1 t111l 'til~ amouul nf 1h!•.·ldm~ r~· "•·:llll<~ t•ut'' 1!1-t I'P!JI' ·~t 'M 'sein­ ~y DIAl 5477 · WIU' ~llliH'II\' llr\I!IIJ-:11, l.r)larrhaut Roat! IIOOK ~IAIIK, Jtawllus' Cro;s .tJ.~lt,d >ll••l.rlt:k. 'l'h•~· c~n he; 'tlliredttu· an airhurnc reactor :lll•l till"lin~.h:tll •oltenth•d Ill' m~lll' 'II· ~lt·KIN L\ \"S, l.eM:m•hant l!oad )lrlltJN,\I.IJ'.S, Rawlins' (.'ru~s ,.~~:~:·~ ~d llllh rnh:11t .·rod~' inr• lhe ell~ct of r·adl:atlun on riraroy r·i~l_ly promlnPnt · PP.J'~im•. '''l'i•e 1111.1. '1'01' G'.-\ ltACiE, J•m·Cn!!al Co\·e Roail ~IUl\1'11\''S Dlll!GS, Rawlins' Cros1 ,,.' /' CORNW,\JJ, DRU.tiS, llamillon .\Venne 1 ~'F.AR'S r.nocimY. w~tP.r st. r·• ~l· A • .• n nuc ~Rr 1p A~trp, wnot • · ~nu · other ~ub·l !'i\l'rrnl' • ~~~ rl'' ·w 0 ,,. ~~ 7 •Hn~-h:at T.A. BUilDING DUCKWORTH ST. · .r •1 n, ol b ncrc3~~r1· lo flnrlt stan~c 3 in the pool. · 1 I h,P.r mother's _wa~ oe1·en hett~r." · i " ' ... ' ' .. - . . . ' . . . / .. , ·-· THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1956 /


HUMP~: >JOT MUC~ OF tt. John's General Hospital A CiNNERr W~EN! WAS Bur LaT sAw/ 01wlfe's Club. of the St. John's Senior League are requestl!d and Automobile Insurance. : Port nux Basque! with S.S. 1 Be safe, be sure, Insure. Tele- · Cooked Corned Beef i Bar Haven for regular ports · phone 2882;- P.O. Box ~ oan' t t r I I 0 0 I I I I 0 I I 0 .39c. · South Coast Service. to attend a Clinic in the Board Room at th!! Royal 'B&nk Chambers, St. ' John's. i •CONNECTION ST. JOHN'S· 1. The Stadium is now heated and is entirely INHEN YOUR HOUSE NEEDS Complete . lines for the i LEWISPORTE SERVICE . Stadium TO-NIGHT at 8:30 o'clock. C.·~nducred comfortable. Naturally, there will be no seat- a repair job dane, small or 'Easy' Aylmer Contest are i Train "The CDrlbou" leaving large rtr It needs to be paint· prominent on cur Gondolas. ! St. John's 5 p.m. to-day, Thurs· by Coach Duke McDonald. ing en the ice surface. · ed at low cost am! efficient Aylmer Green Peas, can 24c. day, will make connection at! service kindly call J. Strat· Lcwisporte with. i\I.V. Bona vista ! 1 . 2. Games begin at 8.30 but come early to get Aylmer Tomato Soup, ton, 42 Cashin Avenue.· Dial for regular ports St. John's·; ST. JOHN'S MEMORIAL STADIUM ··i·~' : .: Can .. , .• , , ..... , .•. 14c. .ll· I a good seat. 7508-F. jne12,1mth Lcwisporte Service. ; :.I ! j STADIUM Aylmer am •.•• , • , ..••• 33c. ! SOUTH COAST SERVICE : HOCKEY COMMiTTEE ' '1 i 1 3. last BIG BINGO before Christmas. f' i FRIDAY, Nov. 23: Wall Washing J S.S, Burgeo operating ports ' For forty yean we have eold 1 .,I 4. BINGO is under manageme~t of Jack : South Coast Service will ~an . l and recommended General i from the Dock Coastal Wharf ) Walsh's experienced Bingo crew with Jack, Junior Hockey : WALL WASHING-Walls clean- I (Under the distinguished patronage of His Grace Foods of Pratt Represent· · 5 p.m. Saturday. November 24th.· Archbishop P. J. Skinner, C.J.i\1., D.D.) ed by new mochlne. Results· at11•es. :r: . , . Jerome or Jimmy calling. P.A. system has 8:00 p.m. perfect; save~ pnlnt.-New· • CONNECTION BAY RUN Jello, 3 pk~ ...... 29c. a:! . been checked. Method Rug and Wall Clean· : PLACENTIA BAY .::r:. ' Guards · ers, Freshwatr.r Rend, 'Phone Minute Rice, pk, ...... l9c. ! Regular 9 p.m. train lea1·lng ~ The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass 91033. ag25,1m Si. .John's. !\I{lnday, November l i' :' GET YOUR CHRISTMAS MONEY will be celebrated far ' ' vs •. TODAY : 26th. · will malw connection at! i liiBSOr. \iUITARS - Horner I tHURSDAY NIGHT AT THE STADIUM ; Argentla with 1\!.V. Burin for the i • TH~ SISTERS OF SERVICE LADIES AUXILIARY .'I t' ' .Button Stop Accordeons and ll[o~r's Chocs., lb. box .. 89c. .:,. . ~ ' Feildians Harmonicas, Richmond Saxo­ 1 Bay Run Placentia Bay. j at the Basicila of St John the Baptist on FRIDAY even­ .... 1\IcCormlck's Chocs. • -i Cards: $2.50 each phones, Bcosey Clarlneta.­ i CONNECTION LEWISPORTE· 1, .• Charles Hutton & Sons, P ,(), lb. box .. , .... , .... , .79c. ! CORN!!R BROOK SERVICE ing, 23rd November, at 7.30 p.m. feb3.eod •• Saurkraut half-price, 1 Traiu "The Carlhou". leaving VERY REV. FATHER R. T. McGRATH, M.A!, P,P, can •••.••••.••.•..• 12c. · St. John's 5 p.m. Monday, No· 1 will deliver the se~inon. · ' . '-LL WOOL MATTR·ESSES are York Kam, can ...... 35c. 'I vcmbcr. 26th, will make con nee· 'l' .. picked, re-covered: springs tlon . at LewlsrliJrte with S.S. ---- -···--·--··· ------. ······-··· .. ' day beds rewired; inner York Wienrr' and . '' Beans, can .. , , . , , . , .12c. . Springdale for rl'l!lllar pnrts : spring mattresses recondition· 1 Lewisporte~Corm!r Brook Ser·; :· . , RENT t'l : ~ I TO ed. Write, Phone 38!H. wire Snowflake Lard, lb. , .25c. J. vice. : H. Keatl. 16 Mount Royal Icing and Cube Sugar NOTICE COURT OF REVISION i. ' l I IJ.od~rn, complete, new basement self-contained Avenue. :I :· I 2 lbs. , ...... , . 25c. FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES :.1. I .. A~ARTMENT, All hardwood floors, kitchen tiled Und~r the provisions of Section 230 of the City of St. ...., ,.. I . . . ~ ~th Youngstown fixtures, bathroom tiled, with Central Mortgnge -and Housing Of course we deliver-to FREIGHT SOUTH COAST John's Act, Chapter 87 of the Revised Statutes of New· ' ...''.I Corpontlon 1032 Gottlngen our immediate neighbour· j SERVICE cl ower; Iorge living room, bedroom with clothes. · Street, Halifax, N;S, hood, within minutes-else· ' Freight ls acl'epted daily at foundland 1952, His Honour the Lieutenant Governor . j:' ; : : . -~ ; ' ~~~1, also linen closet. Excellent for couple. NOTICE TO TENDERER$ where, r;ial 3320 and 1.the Dock Coas! 3) Shed for all in Council has a?pointed t.h~ undersigned to comprise ports South C~nst Service, ·but l rncc~ heeled included $115.00 per month. "Watch us r&cl: you to your 1 the Court of Revision for the hearing of qny objection Otofed ct Waterford Bridge Road. door." ' in order to gu:mmtee mooJement : I)V this trip ·of the S.S. Burgeo by any taxpayer or by ·the' St. John's Municipal . F'i·elght mu>t b~ "at Dock Coastal Council to the assessment of property mcide within the :· 90366 or CALL at 136 ELIZABETH AVENUE ~~-~~~ : ~hed n.ot _later: U1an. 5· p.m. City of St. John's during the presimt year, TAKE· O'KE·EFE'S lo·day, 'Thursday .... ! . NOTICE that the Court will sit at City Hall, Duckworth Street, in St. John's, every ·lawful. day from the First ·coRNER day of. N~vember to the 30th day ~f November in- ' . t'. . elusive between the hours of 2:30 p.m. and -4.30 p.m. STENCIL' .r . i . ' Dated the 24th day of October, 19~6. . I l . . . . ., JAMES M. BRADSHAW ' PAPER and. INK ''..I DONALD W. K. DAWE, Q.C •. 1 PAPER-24 x 36 and 5 x 16 WilLIAM G. ADAMS, l.lB. i .t '.'\ THE JUBILEE GUILDS oct24,30no\'6,9,14,22,29 INK-Gallons and Quarts \ For nov22,24 . ·FOR RENT .A. MacNAB &CO. Christmas Gifts 3' STOREY BRICK BUILDING, ·.164 WATER STREET· Now occupied by Imperial Life Assurance Company. LIMITED HAND·MADE IN NEWFOUNDLAND Occupancy December. · · . · Agents Dial 2444 Small parking space in rear of building. HAND - WOVEN· 1 Aprons, Tray-cloths, Guest-Towels, Sccuves,· Ties, Luncheon-Sets, Tea-Cloths and Evening Stoles . . Apply MRS. GERALD S. DOYLE . with Bags to match. P.O. Boic 652 Telephone 9-0995 ,1 9 53 HAND-KNITTED - Children's ·Pullovers and Cardigans, nov20,22 MORRIS Socks, Mitts and Caps; Infants' - Jackets, Bonnets and · $1 Bootees; Angora-Caps, Berets, Mitts and Ladies' Gloves; I CLOTHES make the man If CHAFE ooo·.oo I makes the clothes • 1 Men's Socks. I Baird. Motors Ltd i . CHRISTMAS CARDS - of local . Scenes, suitable for in· I WM~ L. CHAFE, Tailor i . dividual Giving or' use by clubs or business firms. DIAL 80378-9 4 HOLD ·woRTH ST•. nov22,decB J MERRYMEETING ROAD I ... . ' 20

\ ~ . OF MlLLE·Y'S ... THE ,TO-t HARBOUR GRACE-The month JJJAND CO. '-··~--~-~----·----· ly meeting of the Parenl!fcachers' LIMITBD "YC Association of the United Church BOOK School look place at Coughlan Hall on Tuesday evening, November I 13th. President ~Irs. Pelley was "!'he Heirloom Bible GIRLS in the chair •.Elected as Convenor' . r. FROM was Mrs. Edwin Ma1·1in, and as j ...... 2..:.00 I membe.rs, Mrs. _John McKay and. A Call For Dr. Barton Mrs. Gordon S1mmonds Others I will be added. ' Elizabeth Seifert r ...... 4.00 I A collection for prizes for last 1 Th£• Intruder year's successful students is to be · • TOOTON'S WHI.TE made shortly, collectors' being Storm Jameson ...... 2.7 5 Mrs. R. Pelley, Mrs. Earl Crocker Roll Shehandoah • and Miss Vera Pottle. Dr. Good- · 2nd FLOOR ' i win ami Mr. N. Lebans volunteer· Bruce Lancaster ...... 4.50 · e:l to chauHeur the co.llceto.rs. Mr. The Fountain Overflows 1 \. lloyles opened a d1scuss1on be' i tween parents and teachers by · Rebecca · West ...... 5.00 i Finest Selection of­ CONFIRMATION givln~ .. an .opinion as to the best The Warrior I INDIVIDUAL way m wh1ch parents might assist their children with their home· Frank G. Slaughter. 4 .00 _CHRISTMAS 1i·o~k assignm~nts. Several worth· Call Me Mother wlulc suggestions gave room for CARDS ~ARDS furtl1~r discussion ,and proved in·, Virginia Taylor Klose 3.95 tereslmg, Thn. Nun 1s St in Newfoundland The usual cup of tea served by "' ory . Sc to $1.00

lhe lady member provided oppor· Kathryn Hulme ...... 4.50 1 Both Boxed and Single. tunil11 for a pleasant ending to the Th~ Rcbsart Affair I e1·cmng's p:~grammc. , \ Jeanette ond 1 Francrs • Lelton • ...... 3.50 i SEE Of ships And Men 1 !\fternoon of An Autocrat I . , . Norah Lof#s ...... 3.50 . OUR SIZES 10 - 12 14 HH. 1 1 u.: .. ~ .. ~ ·;;,~·· 'ungantinc 1 Man and Boy ' Uncut wa~ uw1~cu. ll> the urm ul Ned Arms#rong ...... 4.25! '-======------~===:~ .Joyce llros. ul Caruuncar, anu I·-::----:---:~-----~------======in the montn u1 uctoucr, ld•&, The Leacock Roundabout 1 ·w· , , t?uk a cargo ur hcrriug from Stephen Leacock ...... 4.00. Olllall S to1Ullllll Uhattcau, Labratlm, bulwd tur L h · J\lontreal. Upun arrival there 1 ost In T e Barren ..... LuL,\L-... - •• u., alluut anoth:' Retiring from Busi they disposed ul uwu· cargo, Farley Mowat ...... 3.00 cr pic'l · .

loaded a genera! cargo or lluur,! The Vengeful Sea f Lemon Spong~ l'ie: JJOrk, butter, apple~, unions, etc., I · l'astry: une eight inch unbak· and left there about tne 17u1 i Edward Powe Snow ... 4.50, cd pastry shell. \ November. After landmg the: Diamohd ~ Hlling: Uue cup sugar, 3 pilot at Bick l:>ilnd, t11cy saiwd 1 . 1 taJJlcspoons nour, \4 cup mclled again, and ntct easterly winds 1 EmJiy Hahn ...... 4.50 : IJUttcr, 2 cups m1lk, 3 egg&, one SALE with thick fog 1ur uu·ec day~. · To! becken lemon, juice ann rmd n. cup), On Nui'CIIlucr ~1st, lttc ,,1nd Jllctlwd: Bleno~ sugar, flour and ESTABLISHED 1910 .s~ ·MILLEY LTD. choppc;l to Nurtt.wcst, blowing a Samuel Shellabarg~r · 4.50 butter. Separat~ e;ms. Beat egg gale With snow dnu frost. ALJout yolks thoroughly Add to sugar Balance of MERCHANDISE on hand ho3 to be Goodwin took place at the United of the wedding will appear in a 't a.m. on tile :!.:nu, InC SlliJl !'nil Dicks & Co Ltd llliXLUre. Adu lemon JUICC 41ld out by the end of this year. In view of the short Church on Sunday morning, Rev. later t~suc. asnorc on the S.\1• comer of \n· '' • rind and milk. Mix well. Beat News In Brief 1 of time we have decided to give old and new \ A. N. Holmes officiating, Mr. Moores, equipment inspec· t.lc~stl ailout 7 mile~ IL'um tnc Th ' 8 k II ·egg whites. stif(. F•·ld into mix· 11 ' nsoun GRACE - Birlhdav The marriage of 1\larion, daugh· tor, and Mr. Jo'leming, hoth of I S,\\. liglllhoUSI!. 'lucy ttUiCKly' e 00 se ers .lturc. !'our mto an unbaked paotry ers a very substal)tial Repuction, namely \l'l.shr.l~I ~I lod ~Irs. E. L. Janes and' t er o f 'I,. r. an d •nlrs. Hiram Taylor C·"· '' T ., h Rl'e recently i nstalled at,, go t t I1e boats ou.:, but they were·. 'PHONES 2008 • 3191 • 4425 : s Iw 11 · Bak~ in ll_lodcrn ?vcn 3i5

. ;ss • _au c Roberts who cclcbrat· to Gordon, son of Mr. and 1\lr•. the C.N.'r .. office here a J. set I bWampcd along:Hnc the suill be· I, : llcg. 30 mmutc; or until set. I week-end.rd thm birthdays during this William Walsh took place on• which will lessen line troubles and • they had to get away;------··----·---: . Stra1yberry G!:.zc l'ic. Pastry:· 1 h . . Irom~ore her. ~;me ! --·-----· , One H·mch baked shell. ! da~g~t!a~tis~/fw~la{~a!~~ ~~~~: Thursday evening, November· 15, fac1htate the work n! the key· Capt. Ed want Juy~e and 8 men • __ ------~~T~_s______' Filling: on~ quart fresh I' SO% OFF ______:.:.:.:.::...::.:::.:.:a::.t.:.t.:::he:_:U:::n::.lle:.:d:...::.Ch::,:u:::r:ch::_·:_A:.,:n:_a:c:::.•co~u:::n:t_:b::o:ar:_::d:s·______were drowned by the swamping j J\IADDEN-B·.•rn a't st. Clare's' strawherrles or :!·len ounce pack·,· ol the boats. Ca~t. U. Joyce was I :.\lcl'l'Y Hospital, ;-> 0 , ember 20, to ages of frozen bl'rrics. One cup 1 i mate, nnd he 11110 Eli Muorcti · i\lary and Len ~laddcn, a son. llrown sugar, ~~ teasp. salt, 1 i , managed to get hula of a rope,: · DOIV;.iEY -Bon. to lllr and teaspoon lemon JUice, a few 1 Regular Prices us: j and after a lm:g time in the : i\lrs. Ronald Duwncy on · Tues· drops re~, food toloring, 1~~ cups I I water, got on b·.;,rct the ship. I day, ~ovember ZUth at St. Clare's · water, 1 ,~ c~p corn starch. Any article that sells for $1.00 you con now buy 1~ The two surv1vo1~ cut away I;uercy Hospital, a son. 1\I~thod: \\ash and cut larger 50c. . the masts-the nssel being cuat- ___ _ bcrr:es In half. Place sugar and I ed. with Icc. Joyre removed his DEATHS a half cup ful cold water in sauce- This week we feature LADIES' and loE -BOXES (Fancy Wrapped) cuffs to get ho:d ol the masts i 1 pan and bring tu boil. Dissolve "MciNTOSH" APPLES ! and his handn were terribly i COTTEH-Pacscd peacefully : cornstarch in r~malning ~~ cup WOOL SWEATERS-$6.00 value, Now $3.00101 l froslbitten, nil hi< tingcrnails' away 10.45 Wconcsday, Novem·' cold water. Add gradually to value for $1.50 . . coming ~fl shu11ly afterwards. !~cr 21, CathcriHe Cutter, leav· syrup mixture. Cook over low i Moores feet were also frost·: mg to mourn hu>band, one broth· heat, stirring until thick and I Each week its tro() 1we will feature -BARRELS 1 bitten. The two wrvlvors rc·l cr Edward in ;.icl\ York. Funeral clear. Add s~lt, lemon juice and 1 MERCHANDISE. when ''WAGNER" APPLES ' malned on board tnc wreck all ' notice later. enough colormg to make a bright 1 all its forei 1 made the of day, and about Sl·1cn o'clock, red shade, simliJr to the berries.!' We wish to thank all our Customen and frlen~ ' they again abaiHl~ncd her to walk HEDGES-Pa-'.;ed away at St.· Pour hot mixtur~ over the her· General As~ for past patronaga and goodwill. tl th·~ S111'i1 1 ashore at low wuter. .John's after a lu••g Illness Hobert ' ~·ies. Mix gently and cool. Place 1 inspccti!ln , I They walked nine or ten miles 1'. Hedges, age 7~ years. Surviv· i 111 baked shell. Garnish If deslr· i -25 LB. BOXES May every good thing attend each and oil. on ea~h EVAPORTED APPLES ~ : around the S.\''· Ba~ to the light· I cd by one daughter, ;\Irs. Hay· I· cd with a border or sweetened 1 F.a>lern · house, up to u.cu· waists in: ward Fraizc, C:.rbonear, 5 sons, : whipped cream 01 spread cream, in Europe. : snow, clothes frown and arl'lved 1 George at Carbonear; Loclthard ' over surface and decorate with i dclcgat.2 . • t~ere nbout 11 o·clock. They : at ~lontr~al; Clarence and Her·! berries. i .Jr., rcplyir · 11ere well looltcd alter h•· the 1 bert at St. Johl,'s Thomas In. · The West End Bazaar bao.c; were EVAPORATED APRICOTS -25 LB. BOXES lighthouse keep~r, Edward Pope : Edinburg, Scot!a•1d: one brother, .Junior shoulrl hr taught not to· PER ALEXANDER STEW ART than Sov ; and his family, who by the way ; Herbert and :!! gr andchlldren.l allow other· children to lick m· · llunnan· {One door Eost Newfoundland Light and Power : had a family of ten or e!e 1·en! Interment will 1;~ in the United: bite his icc crean. c!•ne or candy./ al>o ~aiil. I children. : Church at Carl.lonear. :A sick child c~n pa~:; disease I ~che 1 1 Cold water was continually • HOWELL-P~~~c!: away sud·: germs to others In this manner. I u.s -33 LB. AND 130 .LB. CASES ' pumped out of their fostbltten l denly at Carbon ear on lliovcmber: ------'"'"''""""" the S COCONUT - Fine in the U hands and feet which sa1•ed them i 20, at 6.30 a.m. Osr.&r F. Howell, ! rr======i Union ' from being maimed for ll!c. They : wcll·known• of Carbon· i drn~gist 'I sources of remained on the lighthouse ani car. Leaving b n11turn his sad : winter, and on the 1st or l\!ay, 1 Joss arc his widow. 3 daughters, I i -1874, a. small iloat, about 15 or ll\Iyrtle [1\lrs. Nelwn Vaters), Car· 20 tons, from West Point came I bonear; l\lar:· (1\lrs. William Par· I down with a lnad of flour salv· I miter), Harhour Grace: Xina i Do-it:.yourself fans! ed from the Ortcnt and took the (Mrs. Fred Hartl. Clarenvillc; · T. & two shipwrecked mariners to two sons, Re!linald and Robert M. WINTER LTD. Gaspe, from there they went to at home. Funeral will take place GENERAL MERCHANTS Montreal, remaining there about lo·day, Thursday at 2.30 p.m. a week and theT1 took the train from his late residence. Burial I to Portland l\fnine, and thence at United Church Cemetery. DUCKWORTH STREET ST. JOHN'S by steamer to Halifax. There, MANUAL-Passed peacefully ! I they· took the S.~. lJ!bernlan for away after a short illness 3 a.m. i :I St. ,John's. From there they went Wednesday, Clan. Mabel (Black·j to Porlu11al Cow: In Couglllan's more) Manual, widow of Ernest , conch and on t11 Carboncnr-the l\lanual. Left to mourn two : PLASTIC FLOOR TILE only two survlvo•·s of the eleven daughters, Bdl~ (l\lrs. G. R. f men who had left the autumn Ct·lbb) of Ottawa; Eileen (1\lrs. J.,. In Convmimt Take-home Pack before for 1\fonlrea• on the ship F. Owens), Florida, U.S.A., two Orient. sisters, !\!arion of the city; I Pearl of Suuth o AfL'ica, two Easy to l11sta !I \ brol'hers, llm·old In the City; I • Cyril In Hamilton, Ontario, also Cuts U1itb Scis.rori ltuary two grandchildren. l·'uncral will . Ob 1 l take place Frid~y 2.30 p.m. from I l , 1 Albany Place to St. l\lary's \1/LI.IAM BROWN Church, then 111 the Anglic11J1 1 ti'...mstrong I H~RBOUR. GRACE-Word was Cemetery, Fores'. Road. · ! rece1ved al Harbour Grace on nov22 23 · · , SERVICE GAUGE . Honey7.£Jell Controls Friday by Mrs. Annie Elworlhy nf . WE~;'l'CO'l"I'-Passcd peaceful· ! ~ It~e passing of h~r brolhcr, Wil· Jy away at. his Jwmc, 28 MacFar· 1 . l ~ j ham. Brown,, wh1ch occurrrd at lane Street, Wcdnc>day morning, i VINYl TilE. 'hospital at ~ewport ~lews, Mas~.. Novcmbcl' 21st. ,John Westcott, i .. I : •.. i i~~;A. on 'Vcdncsday, November ex-Customs officer. in his 70th i ····· ·••• WE SE·RVICE THESE CONTROLS · year, leaving to mourn besides : i I, Th~ late Mr. Brown, was born his wife, se1·en sons. five daught· , at [,Jltle Bay l•lapds, when his crs one brother three sisters and ... father, the lntc Mr. Philip Brown, tw~nty-thrce gr:u:dchlldren. Fun· I I 0 o I o was. employed at that place. The era! on Friday at 9.15 a.m. to St. ········ family later moved back to Har- Patrick's Churc:l for Requiem CHESTER ······ Send all such items ·for examination, bour Grace and the deceased Mass • spent his boyhoQd years here. About thirty years ago he left ii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Harbour Grace for the U.S.A., and .... has been fishing out of Gloucester DAWE LTD. test and calibration to ever since, MOTHERS! if you ·

i' A few months ago he wrote that haven't yet changed DISTRIBUTORS FOR WORLD FAMOUr JOHNS-~IANVILLE, ... he hnd not been feeling well and ' your Baby Bonus Che­ ROOFING and ASBESTOS PRODUCTS. had entered hospital. He later reco'vcrcd and resumed fishing. que come in and re­ 1\laci\IILLAN & BLOEDEL SALES LTD., TIJIIBER, MOULDING and DECORATIVE PLYWOODS . ..I The News of his death came ·as a . shock to his relativts residing ceive your Free G'ft BuiLDING 1\IATERIAL IS OUR BUSINES~ AND . NOT A ' I' here, Arinic,. Mrs. Elworthy and to-day .•• SIDELINE. . . Hettie, Mrs. W. Regular. One bro· ' OVER 70:000 FT. OF FLOOR SPACE; OPEN SATURDAYS !her, 'l'homas, resides at St. John's ' At the and to all deep sympathy is ex· AND MONDAYS. ._ . ·-r11 • ·: .10:4 :ended in Lh"eir rcvcavemenl. . I.ARGEST ASSORTME:\''f OF BlJlLUING MATERIALS IN • ••• 5:2 NEWFOUNDLAND. I The funeral took place on Sal · ..\ :.. 'PHONE 5141 BUCHANAN ST. , I. urday from ,pike's unucrtaldn· . Parlour at Salem, ~las~ .. and in 1U: , ______...;. ______1.-tcrment was at Gloucester. 1 .. ,, '