S~lvation Arm Red Shield Cam j . ' . U.S. PERSONNEL· ' . STATESIDE PRICES NOW AVAILABLE ON PONTIAC AND BUICK, NEW' SEE THE DAILY rra Nova Motors Ltd. &~~ Vol, 65. No. 106 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1958 lPriee 1 eents) Charles Hutton &Sons Rescue Besieged ! Prepare For DHAL •• young British~!~~ official and.. -~!?!fi.:~~ 30 the siege of the official... Fitzroy";,;,,May . Day Troubl.e.. ; loyal Arab soldiers, besieged for Somerset, and the loyal troops. i ~ .. eight d~ys by'rebel tribesmen in . Som~r.sct. 34, an assistant Brit· I vALLETTA. 1Ia1ta · lJnion and party leat!crs " I mountnmous country near the tsh pohllcal agent, and the troops · .. I Aden· Yemen border. were res· were trapped by at least 300. ( Reuters)-Bntl:;h troops ~m·e a.isuranccs that no ~.r 1 1 ~ued Wednesday night by a Bl-it· 1 r.ebels who ~~rrounded their 90>~· i and police prepared for a disturbances would tak£ ; t~h·led force a.ftcr sereral hours ;!lun-a forllfiCd .summer hou~e: huge Maltc-c Mav Do\' Jllace. · o: hea1·y flghtmg. ncar Fort Assam·. Othrt· rebels I 5 • ~ l Jhe British commander ot spread out ol'er a wide area of! celebration here today· i\'1intoff's resignation II.!'ries - loe11l soluirrs - and the barren mountainous countr)'· ·after a state of public l·,r-t \\"'n], let! ' his company of turbaned troops sidr. : . ·l· . " ... , • to prqtest ' ;' rou~ht for more than 12 hours un· British infantr~· ~uppm·trd ·ly. emelgenc:r \\a!i ptoc atm- demonst;·ations agains1 1 f.er. hca1·y gtmlirc and ad I' anced planes and armored cars laun· ' ed Wcdncsday. lo\vard 1 two miles to r~ac h th c bes1egc · d 1 ch.. e d a dawn attac k· \\' cd nesuay.•I 1, GO\'CI'llOr Sir Hobc,'t Britain's. policy . r.. \. L. Stone. agent-operator for the Cannclian National Railwa~· at Deet· Lake. \\'iJS presented ll'ith a part)'. \\tth t;;o naure troo••s. they he· . tim i\'Iediterranean ts1anc • 1 I c 0! ~~Ill! on April :!2nd by Mr. Cyril I. Jl•ll'rner. ~upcrintendent of the line. for his alertncs~ . .i\lt The Lrrie~ r~ta~J~bhcn tt~em· • ~an fighting their w~y up .a I.·, La~·eocl' ga\·~ p~mmswn colonv. L<wcock then tool; ;rlvrs m ~ nrw poFthon domrnat· ; ;j(JO.foot escarpment m a hul to 'fot· the mectmg m a ::!0.- . · , :·I· d. d · · ! lll8i:ic a .-uggestion on freight handling. ln thl:' pa~t freight was handled between the Millertown · -·-- -· ·-···--·-- 'free Somerset and rr~ain rontrul . O\eJ 1ne t~ tin s a m1ms· j ir,tl ;md l!owle:y by \\'a~· freight train!', and in future will be hauled hy fa~t freight trains because '\,I 'E ) 1 or .. ~he western mtlon of thi,: OO~-~~a.t ~.thlehc _ft~:.d a.~~. tration. ~u.>pending public. :,[:·. :-: ·'-'!;r.·~ sU«J:!.estion for more efficient serd~c. The impro1·ed sen·icc climinntes the ne~essit.'· o[ ·lu.av 11( I~tt!islt protectoral~ ncar the tel maktn,., the cmcl,.,cnc .• meeting:· and demonstra· t> J '\ cmrn bordct·. deehntion · ~ · 1 <1\I.•~ wa,\' freights through the Gnff Tnp~~ils during the sercre ll'itttcr snow conditions. The G 'L I At the ~arnr timr. inlrlli~en~·.~ A ' ' ... · · lton:, for three months. •.. 1 i l'::u: .·i•u\\':; 1\h·. Slllll{\ tcenter\ rr.cei\·inrr the cheque frum i\lt'. Merrer ;left'· Lookill:! on is i'dr. A R. i rcat a \CS report~ said a \'cm~ni ~llllOIY ('Ol·; 1l( mt~Sifltl to former ' . " . • . : umn was on its. wa.r from· r.lat· :prime minister Dom ll1m- L• \1' 1r •lar\.y presiden I . , right), chief•tr:lin dcspiltrhcr. · t t t 1 t · t S "k 5 ' l ------------..... ------···------··----··--·- -- --- ··--- - - -- ----- . - ---- I tri e . .~,;·,0~~!~;1 l:;c di:~~::t::·i ::e~~nC· i ~off's "~riva~e meclin~" Lcli Tabone ~ai~. L~ycock t . al.' ·( l'lllC·\''lJ "' , . Yemrn. newly federated mth 111 Empire Stndtum \l'dl etdcd "tlle6ally 10 as· . " ,.,.. ,_,,a~1 or Rtch. II S. ·. E". t' U ., I >\ hI b b I 1 . 1 ' . I J, ·~ ani Dalr\' of Chkago announcer!' le ~~tan· .,~ ~ wn 111 cr : ra ' e Y mem JCt's 11p care s ·sum tng con tro . He urged ~.~ tl t \ •• ' rl . rr· . I IHepuhhc. r.laml' ~0\'Ct'CI~ntv I· h' 1 I t tl ' I t d 1 Netherland's .. 1.a s nrnml! an umon o tela s 0,.er thft western ·Arlorn protector· I m IS a JOI' par y or 1e : t 1e gm·ernor o ec are a l1irtee11 Adrift On ! nll flv to Montreal \\' d d · " · ' ·I 1: l ·. : ' e nes .RY 1 alt and is renurted to hare sup.: General \Vorkers Union state of emeroency and • • T nt~lll 111 an effort to em! a strtke 1. 1 ~· .0 .b 1 · "' ' I Pr1nce 0 \•,:hkh. h<~;~ tied lip foreign ship·: ~l~~: .. arms to uiS~I en( tn CS•: Wh.ich S(Hged i1 genera) . :iUSpen~l the C~11Sti~Uti0!1 J pm~ m Great Lakes pnrts. : stnke Mondav. :to recbfv the SitUation. I :• lazing Trawler I Vl.sl"t Ottawa .llpoi~le1·t~~~h~~~ ~:~~~:~rrh\l~a:n;~;: Tl S • V . ·-----·---···· .. ·:x ·l'~·-Tin<<' R<>l' .1~11 :'llulgnwc. :-. ..s ... l;~tc Tnc;dn::: tlw trnwll•t• h;; l'~tlar. Twn ~thrr. I~.o~·le, dircetor. a~d past !lr.~s.' Ie ovtet eto N . c f '. flom (,rr<'I'''•">•.!. :-i.S, mght for the ftshmg grounds.; mrcra(t-a Dakot<• ami canso-; OTT·\\'>·\ •CPl- Prince Bern.' 1oent of the Sh1ppmg Federation: assei.. on ers •. g !Cherluicd I•• iull a lJomber, Skippered by Capt. Uriah Hillier, I circled the area above the ceiling hard ~f 1:he Keth•rland· arril'es or Canada. · ' UNITED :-lA'fiONS. N.Y. !CP1 · ::· 1 . ·' W F••M't•t· t·m: at 'J'or!lay,l of l\lulgrave, the vessel is owned I of fog. They carried lifesa\·ing 1 her Snturda~ to ~pen asnine·day The announcement came afler l gthe United Stales. Britain. · J .' at dawn today as the by Acadia Fisheries. 1 equipment to be dropped if the i ,.i i~ to C nada a two - hour meeting bet1xeen IFrance and Canada conferred · w• th R d L d Tt!llmt~ for the trawler I Her distress signal Wednesday i Sheila Patricia was located. 'l'hev I ~I . ~· . d'. ct f tn th union and shipping represcnta- Wednesday on how to meet the' . I e ea er '.i Paltici& with ~ crew of 13/ \;·as relayed to shm·~ slnlion by . were ordered bacK lo base wheit 'Nell~t•r~nd~ 1 ~ M~~~rea\'~0 Don·ni j lives in the mayor's office. j threat of a S01•it•t wto in the · ~ 1 . r~n.e.l~ alirc \\'edn~sday . anothet' Vt'SSL'I. '!'he trawler's life·) vi~ibility d~(·reased from th·e : ~ir 101.1 at;~ a ftc:; a bt:ief st~ 1 . Attending .wer~ reprtfl_til>latil'l·~ 1 ~~·ruri.ly Council. of tl•e. t nitfd . , . 1 • • . ; • • • . • • • • • , • • _. sot.rltP~.,I ut Capt> Can:;o. ; boats appm·entll' could not be mtles to zero. Two Cnnsos and : , 1. , ··u , n . Ott . 1. I u! the stnkm~ lnt~rnatwnal Or. · Slates pl~n for mternahonal m· ~IO~l Oil lleutu'' ·- II''' l\hlthhchc\ ,al(t he cono1den 11 1 1 0 1 1 ' i IDwet·cd, and her steering gt•m·: a ]lakota will lean• Gn•enwood 'H<'·\"F \l~irc:·~ft ~~\w~uledu~,~ a~ i ganizution of ;\lasters. ~Iates and • 'lll'ttinn or Uw Ardi 1•. • •I.<·I~t Gam:tl .\hdt'l :\as~ar oi Ill'~ th•: hest way ul ol.t<tinin~ commo . 'had been tlamagNL :tor the st•ar('h am1 al dawn to.: .· :~ h,., t 9 • · VDT 1111 , : Ptlots of Amt•rica anti tlw Great 1 The fonr·nation nwrting a\.< 11 l·mtt•d .~rah Ht•puh\•(· \\t•dncsda,· dtlles and ra1~· matertals ar~ i 111 ' 1 1 Ill 'ea.' h a?dr~'cm• heat!· \ I.AST l'OSITIOS uay. · ~ •1 c a ' a.m. ' .un. il.:tkes Shipping Association. : di;;cuss(•rl a Swedish proposal t11 ~pet.Il hrec hours talks With tradt• tran~actwns on the ba~i! . here sutd three search ll~t· last reported )lllsition \VIs 'l' tl t I . tl . ADI . I The pilots called a strike ~Jlril link the 1' S l'!••olution on i>ro· 'SOiwt lead(•t·s. tndudmg l'rcmter. o, mutual Interest. 11 · ere forced back to has•' · · ' \I'll wr raw''"' m lr HI'L'a · 1 tl 1e 1·a1 11·t· 3 I h1 · 11··ll ·1 tl •11 d :. · · ·. · I · ··· ·· · · ''ltrtt·l 1"il ·1 · 'l'l · S ·· 1• d f · ed e\'enin w .· ..' ·. • suutht•a>l of the south enlr:mce , art aiding in thf' hunt. Tlll'l' art• . n . : ' ' ' • a 1 21 to force foretgn shiPs to usc po~ed mspect10n techmquc talks . " . s ' ' · . w • O\ let ca L'r re Cl r . !o t1 h~n \lslbtl· ·of the Sll'uit of Canso 'fonv 1\'il· · tl A r F' 1. .· ·t · \ · 'Sl'I'Ws nt umners and rccepltons ·its pilots through tilt• entire G1·nat j with the sumnlit meet in" ' :\asscr was a,·complllll('d hy \asser as a hero who had hotsled . ' ae<-r· •·aSI1d to zero. llowcrer .. braham mananer of Acadia Fish· t rwtl cUS(hlO'lalspu;.rl,r't~la~tsacn•r(\ sllllll anr: nltl\:t' a wreath Sunday at! I.akt•s watcrwav instead of o~l\· lnfonrr'd diolomntic ~·,our•·<·- .nwmllt•rs of the r.~R delegation.: the bumwr of lhe struggle for the .
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