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DOI: 10.4197 / Sci. 23-1.13

Anacanthotermes ochraceus

:­ . Anacanthotermes ochraceus : . . .

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() '( ) ! " #$% $ " &! / +$ / ][ *# +% %" ,- )% &" . !$ 62)7 $0 1" 2 3-! 4 /")5 #$% ][ ][ " 9-' 3 (William et al.) %8 . *$ % : ; ¯= ' .= > 5

+? @$ 9-' *.) > ""' A- ][ ][ ¯1 ! / $0 +? B /> 2#' $ A- $ 2#

! !C #? (Termopsidae) -# "( /> [ ] $ 9-' >( > +? A- * (lee and wood) :- ! 2# Rhinotermitidae - Mastotermitidae - Kalotermitida - Serritermitida- and Termitidae /#$1 ¯= > DC E F " .[]#$1

– – :* - G$ "' "$ !- - > ' D '( ( "5 #? / ][ – )? "5 /"$ !- @$ 9-' 9 ][ : > H Anacanthotermes ochraceus, hybostoma, Psammotermes fuscofemorlis, Heterotermes aethiopicus, Microcerotermes diversus, التركيب التشريحي والنسيجي للقناة الھضمية ألرضة الحصاد الصحراوية ١٨٣

Microtermes najdensis, Amitermes messinae, Amitermes vilis, Amitermes sp Trinervitermes Arabia (= T. saudiensis ). " *E []!- ¯= 9-' ) -' ! : !- " $ > * / '0 Microcerotermes gabrielis, Anacanthotermes ubachi, Anacanthotermes vagans, Eremotermes sabaeus Amitermes stephensoni, Microcerotermes parvulus, Microtermes yemenensis. Hodotermitidae A. ochraceus

C > " )? /Anacanthotermes H " H *-& [] B ?0 H C " . ¯= 9-' H &! A. ochraceus > * > !- -& /!- G E [ ] =$ !- " $ ¯$ "5 / > .!- ¯=

"$ !- (") F ?= []&" $" ) ") * = :' !

' & " $" ,- J# *E / I=$ A. ochraceus -) -$-$ G(0 & = + DC 0.-% !0 *) ¯. DC ( . = ¯. "5 /$ *'. 6 ". ) ") ! = ! DC* 3#E , K -? E2 CL E. ! 9-' E /$ %" = " .GCF ' 4 -' *$

[] / * ? (Wiggles Worth) 3) "? ! 9-' "'0 -' ) .! GCF > 32% 3-% * 5 : /+% 9-' @CF /. G( ١٨٤

*M @( /-! ! =$ "? . []GCF! ".$ =$ ) I) +% (--$ ,C! / $ +% ! GCL [] ? ,C /$ " ( " 0 3' . F) 9M +% * (() N2$ J "- " 9-' @CF *K 1F ..-% = > " * ? $" *E [] [] . Bacteria ! / Protozoa [] 3) (--$ " B=$ . Fungi =. ][ E 0 . - % " ! > /(--$ $" DC " ,C > C 9-' $" -? "( / ($ ) * ? +! I * ? I ))%0 /") ' - -?$ $" I "'$ "5 /O-% /$ *! . DC ! $/

A. ochraceus ") $ " 9-' 3 ! :' DC .$ *-%" (% / ! 9-' ! :' 2% .= ¯. ? *-' ? ! ¯ /+% B=5 التركيب التشريحي والنسيجي للقناة الھضمية ألرضة الحصاد الصحراوية ١٨٥

E B5 "' ! 6) ") - 1F B "? ..-% ¯= &2& B /"

' $ '. ) OC : ! C% !$2 ¯= 9-' 3 =$ !" +$ ?0 $, ­-% /B ­% G' * B O#" !" " 4 --5 ?= DC* B ! ! /"#( 9M ) "( "5 /L0 1F " +? " .:' ?0 F 60 ! -? H ¯ " ! 6) B / I=$ $2 /! ¯ /+% * " ¯$ /+% 9-' = ¯. : & /)7 ' *-' *E '$ * ,C / =$ /? +% !/ * /3 =$ .-% " B /(= : * * F) ") B G' -). " ! DC & B G& C C%; ! ! +$ ! ! B ?= DC* /%" : & /=% . $ * " $

/+F 5 /H ¯ 5 ! 6) B G& :' 1F " =/ /! G7 4 3 =$ B ! G& DC /*#CL B *% # B ! ?= DC* /B G' B /*$ ! " .") - ١٨٦

+= =$ ! 9-' O B G' B ' /G' 9-' ")5 B B G*1 " /G -? G' %" E. . 9M ? *- +?&

B=? --5 ! O ($ >. $ ' $* &') E. /+= G7 -5 +$ ! B =-% F) % .*-' $" + G7 $% 9M

0 ?)2 = ! 4 Petri dish I ¯= 9-' - B B . H B H" ¯= & ¯=-/ G( ­? " /I - $ ! 5 "" ! * '0 /H "" 9 = ?= * = " 9M "- B ,C %@/ 5(/ ٕ) 0/ +' I M "%$ * ? " .* ? *E 4 * * * ? " ). & J$ ,* *$ "" C

,! 3K OC Bouin's Fixative & ? /H -& ,-% Formalin 40% (25 ml) Picric acid (70 ml) /'$ * " & B .Glacial acetic acid (5 ml) ?5" " O G Washing$F -' O* !ٕ & "#( (7 %-./ '" = A) ! ,$ B=? Paraffian wax B = %8 Mayer Hematoxylin -$! F) التركيب التشريحي والنسيجي للقناة الھضمية ألرضة الحصاد الصحراوية ١٨٧

[] Eosin (William et al.) .! "#$%

2 )1 ) "! -/ 01 )+ ( &' () -3 3 # "1' 0% &4 &' 4 4 56 (1' . -%1/ &/ 7 -!/ -8


) : ! " ­$%

) fore gut FG (% ) mid gutMG (! –OE ( )&' hind gut HG ( crop –C (*!+) oesophagus ,!-) gizzard –G ( )* mesenteric caeca MC (!/% (0$ ,$1) stomach –S ( )- –IL (2) malpighian tublesMT ileum IP (2 ,0) ileum () – )"!!( colon CO pouch ١ RP ( ,0) rectum –R – :.anus – #%A (3 + )) rectal pouch" 9:

The fore gut ! -! -!/ 1% Oesophagus 1 # 1 6)8 % % -%1/ 1% ( &') villes 6 6/ &' . Longitudinal and circular muscles ١٨٨

*-' ¯-= >=? " $ # 9-' ! ?= *=F

? K GO B Crop -) ) .Intima -%" = ? ( !) !$ 5 *2' E2 / ( !) ! =$ ?= (! #2= 2% & " 0 E2 .GO B )5 " / ( !) -) 3 " " !! .(!) * ) " 1 )? -) )

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٣ $ -) (250X). التركيب التشريحي والنسيجي للقناة الھضمية ألرضة الحصاد الصحراوية ١٨٩

3-% ( !) Proventriculus " Gizzard )? " ! $K %" = ,$ -' G( ' ' /-) "" 9-' #2= 2% " / *( !) -%" )? 3 9-' " ) /! =-. *K #2= 2% ( /! $ DC .(!) * B ? $ 9-'


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*+ 0 (ce) &( ( /- *+ $ # ," . . . (1000X) ­2# -2# $ #+)3 #+) 4% ١٩٠

-? # ) 9'" =$ ) "

" " # 9-' /Oesophageal or cardic valve -$-$ ,C E2 /" B ) & /Stomach " 3 ?= 9=F L E2 / /( ! -) '=? 9M =$ GCF "' B D" ) /!! ( / !) G( C '=? $" . # 9-' =$ %" 9M " )? .-% G( (. !)


. -/ # ( ", 0 $ +* 2 (% 57ٕ . . 4 (250X) (in)


.(250X) %) 2 *+ (in) 7 5, $# . التركيب التشريحي والنسيجي للقناة الھضمية ألرضة الحصاد الصحراوية ١٩١


4 (in) '7 ) 2# *+ # %) 2 ) /- . .(250X) $&," 4 (ce) &( ( ()


2 4 ( ) )3 *+ () %) 2 ) $# . ((cr) 5" ( (cg) % ( (cl) 2 () %) . . (250X)

The mid gut Ventriculus Stomach +F =$ 9'" $ # 9-' /!! ?= 9=F L E2

D2% .$ *E =$ ( .(!) Sac-like H! Malpighian - + =$ * " .(!) #2= ١٩٢

/=$ * " @$ + DC % /tubules Pyloric valve ) 9'" ) .-% =$ ). .( /!) G* 5 GCF % B


0 2 %6 + ( 4 ## * .

.(100X) (mg) %) 2 $6 (hg)

١١ . /)0 4 ## * $# . (100X)

Peritrophic #CF GF =$ 9 GCF = -%" " GCF = /! " ! membrane 2% =$ #CF ). (!) .#2=

التركيب التشريحي والنسيجي للقناة الھضمية ألرضة الحصاد الصحراوية ١٩٣


(%) 2) 52 4 4 (pm) &7 7 /- . . . (250X) 7 (w) (-0

( ( !) =$ 2% > &2& ( !

/* (7 (M O"; 2% /Columnar cells " " +- /Goblet cells ($!) -F 2% /* J ­)1 ! 2% 4& > /3 * /$ = ?

Regenerative "" 2% 3 F) 2% B # 9-' #2= 2% ). 2% ! / F) (nidi) .* ) *#2 "'

() & # 9-' 9M =$ "" , E2

01 ( !) Mesenteric caeca +" & "5 C /( G( C 2% ( / * E $ 9-' &2& & 9M ? * ) (7 (. 4 (!) (M *K .* -' $ =$



,4 ( ") ( 2 #" 6 ( l ) ,# .

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The Hind gut "F! K 4 ( !) .-%

O E2 /Ectodermal invagination "!7 ?= ?= % 3-F /#2= 2% ""' "( O"; Villes G& !! ?= ( .= 2 @% ?= *5 #" 2'

/Hairlike Spiny - ! Projections ( *! G( C + /Pyloric valve ) " .-% " ( . Malpighian tubules -

&2& 3K /= K ") Ileum .#.- ( # 9-' ! / ( !) * ?- +! ( ! G(

.#.- " - + ) - (* !) small sac F) H! Ileum .#.- + I. ( !) Tube extension "" - 2% *E .(/ !) .- ¯= ' ? ) C /Pouch # 9-' ""1 F) H! #2= ( 2 ( / !) .#.- + /.#.- -%" 3 9-' G& التركيب التشريحي والنسيجي للقناة الھضمية ألرضة الحصاد الصحراوية ١٩٥

-% +! 9-' + 3 G 0 E2 .?5 ?= # 9-' DC 9M +- #2= 2% B ? ! 1 . (--$ $ ' >


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5# 6 ) $+ 0&0 " $# .

&2& " *E ( !) Colon ? ' >=5 $" G &2& * /! $ ?= 9=F -%" "- G& ! $K "( ? . !0 5 ! ?= =F /3= "( #2= 2% *! /& 3 9-' ( !) " /= 2 *- ? .&! /!$ #" 2 /" .?- % * ( !) - + " E2


.(250X) $+ ( " ) $# . التركيب التشريحي والنسيجي للقناة الھضمية ألرضة الحصاد الصحراوية ١٩٧


.(1000X) (t) ) $%6 /- $+ $ # ," .

O = O" ! Rectum ?$- #2= 2% C%K Papillae - 9$ ! /?$ 3 " G& 9-' G( O .( !) Rectal glands ?$ ""F 9'" %- (/ /B$ ( !) Rectal pouch ?$ + 9-' ?$ % >=? .-% 3. " .?5 #" 2' 9-' O /(/ !) >=? ? B .#.- + *E 4

.( !) Anus . .-% *


(p).(400X) +)% /-) ) +)% # . ١٩٨


" +. & (-2 $ ( +)% " . 3 (mi) . . (400X)

Alimentary canal * ? $" DC 9M C / $ = ! / A. ochraceus ") %" 0 *E ! /.-% /=$ *. 4" D? ¯$ B DC ¯= ." @$ " '=? = 2% , ,C B .[] * ? ? & .*#CL > = / > 32% * ? = B @$ "5 /.- #$ 9-' @CF * / " 9-' @CF *= ? / = $ *5 CM / #L 5 G&$ -) /+% 9-' @CF ") .[]#$ *#CL B )5 * D? ¯$ ' 3-% C / $ = /.- * *5 -5K 9M * ? = 32%1 C " . التركيب التشريحي والنسيجي للقناة الھضمية ألرضة الحصاد الصحراوية ١٩٩

3 DC /(--$ 3 9-' @CF * 4 GCF > " /?5" #! / #2 9M .[](--$ - $ /* ? G(

Fore- ( ¯= &2& * ? 3K [ ] . .-% ?! Hind-gut .-% Mid-gut =$ /gut

!$ ?= = /-) Oesophagus GO ) /-) 9M GCF B" "'$ C /GO #" 2 2 ?= 9=F = & 9-' -%" " O J# B E C ¯= .%"- = 2 %- #" / E = $ +! C " /[]?$ $" [] " 3 / (Ranjini and Mohamed) " ,C B 2 * " !$ 2' +! Iphita limbata GO .%"- #" %- =

/#2= 2%- =F Crop -) " & ! 2% = & 9=F .-%" = /% #" 2' * = " 2 B ? !$ 5 #" 2 #2= ? J# ¯. .-) /GO -) "" " 1 /GO $" /[]?$ $" B ) ") - /[]" 9M ) " $ -) *E . ! G( ! / "0 $ ?$ ' # 9-' ! "5 /GCF > = /-) / ! . ""' F) ­) # 9-' / ! /= ' *E/ ٢٠٠

F) -) %8 41 . []G G$.% ! /$ /[]( C 5 ¯= ' ) /

.Blaps H G"$ G) G$.% " "' 9M

! $ 9M ( ?= Gizzard )? " ! = ,$ -' +! ( /#2= 2% = " %" 9M #" 2 " /. /GCF = 9-' )? $" B J# DC ¯ .)? % 9M = [] ?$ * ? 0 G(0 )? " 4 / ?$ (% /-) " 9-' @CF / . C E /$ ! /) 9M

( " # 9-' Oesophageal valve # ) " D" B ) & /=$ 3 " / 6? /[] ? ¯$ E2 DC * GO GCF ? /%" E ) C* $ +! $" ." 9-' =$ 9M

3./ /¯5 GL Peritrophic membrane #CF GF ?= ! /-%" " GCF = /! " +! .[]#2= 2% /* ) /GCF ). /" ! /# ) * " " 2% =$ GF 0 (. 1 / ! " 2% B D(. "5 /+C / . ¯5"/ ./ : & -#$ CL 9-' @CF " / "0 ¯5 ! " C 5 .) E التركيب التشريحي والنسيجي للقناة الھضمية ألرضة الحصاد الصحراوية ٢٠١

[] Peritrophic membrane #CF GF ). . ; +) /GCF Epithelium cells #2= 2% ") =$ %- Longitudinal = %"- Circular #" 2 " .=$

- - " 2% /=$ #2= 2% > &2& "

/ " / Goblet cells - $K! 2% / "0 &! Columnar cells " ! "5 /" 2% "'5 Regenerative cells "" 2% $. ! .[]?$ $" B J# DC ¯. .' 2% K /") - =$ 9 "" 2% $ "

[] / Apocrine ? (7 9$ ¯= ' '$ ,-*$ #2= ""M * ? " ! B " 0 +- .(--$ " 3; *#CL ! ")

" G( ") =$ $" DC / '0 $ -= ' ' /$? L /' 6 6 C ¯ =$ - $ []%8 D!C B 3-%

. /G( 9M $? Nezara viridula *! # /! B$ .-%/ /¯ )5 / ( 9M $? Gryllotalpa %8 /B$ G( Blaps H G"$ G) G$.% ,C! &2& 9M $? =$ Lethocerus ¯2 G ¯ /¯ .-% GCF > 32% 9M @( ! =$ 2%1 DC .G( .@ % ٢٠٢

Mesenteric caeca +" &2& " $" *E F) ( # 9-' /E $ 9-' =$ "

9-' ?$ $" !C " / 9M " Small projection +" ""' ?$ $" 3 .

C 5 & / 5 / )) +" " 1 /" -) / ""' == -) . /#L C ! #$ 9-' @CF .[](? +C C * /

[] Poekilocerus bufonius == 9-' ?$ $" " "? 3 % 01 /Apocrine 5 (M C 2% O +" "% 9M B" )' (. ٕ /GCF *M $=. / == B ? -5 ""' F) ") - +" #! " (( * ) (M $ .) ") - * ? (--$- *

) ") Malpighian tubules - + % =$ 9 * ) .-% =$ )1 =? * $ $ 9-' + DC E /(.-% 9 " [].-% $" D? ¯$ B DC . &! =$ +! - + $ +! 3K /? -= - + . .-% J$ B ** ' ! /B " /#2= 2% " ?= - + ! ""' 9-' O 5 "" .' التركيب التشريحي والنسيجي للقناة الھضمية ألرضة الحصاد الصحراوية ٢٠٣

/[]%8 1 41 .[] 3-% ( + +!

B =$ " =? % Gryllotalpa . - + .""' + 9M >. * /$# 5 =$ .-%

*E / G( 3- ") B$ .-% .#.- : = .-% G( &2& ! $"

$" B ¯. DC /Rectum ?$ /Colon /Ileum .[]-.-% 9-' ?$

? G( = .-% 0 $" *E C * 7 $" B 3-% DC / - * [] [] (Ranjini and Mohamed) " /$ 9-' %8 [] 9-' (Chang et al.) %8 ¯ /Musca domestica 5 9-' [] 5 9-' (Olakkengil and Mohamed) " ?!1 Iphita limbata G( = =$ 5 C /Orthaga exvinacea Hampson " 9-' @CF /*$" 5 * ? .-#$

!/ / #! 9-' .-% O 61 -$ (M ( ? #! DC 5 = 9- 6 0 -' @CF OC +% " (--$ " * ? .[]­

) " ") .-% " (

)% # 9-' ) C = '=? /Pyloric valve E % 5 I. ! /.-% =$ ) ٢٠٤

*M 7 ¯$ ! 5 .-% 9M =$ ?

/#2= 2% ! Ileum .#.- '=? *E .J# 3 ! G( &2& 9M ( /[]= #" 2

""1 - /.#.- Small sac F) H! : /6 *-' /Ileum pouch .#.- + 9'" B$ + & /Tube extension 9-' !/ / B ! .#.- + ! . ") - * ".$ =$ !$ ! 9M (--$ " - %

+! 9-' Ileum pouch .#.- + G $" 9M +- #2= 2% B ? ! C -% ' '0 & -% +! DC ? G( C +- "5 C* /(--$ $ Protozoa /?5" #! B "'$ GCF $$0 0 " 0 * ? & 4 /(--$ 3 - $ / # / 3E M .(-$ (M (. - * E &; -' @CF "5 OC "$. +% = ! $ . $ "5 OC / #CF .[]=.

#" 2 /#2= 2% / Colon? ! " ! $K "( 5 .#.- - )5 # 9-' /= ? "0 !$ /% #" 2 .-%" 9-' D5 B ¯ J# DC .-%" = 2 .#.- 2 [] '=? $" . (Wiggles Worth) 4(-? التركيب التشريحي والنسيجي للقناة الھضمية ألرضة الحصاد الصحراوية ٢٠٥

?= 9=F -%" "- G& &2& " *E ? /! ?= =F /3= "( G &2& * -5 ! $

. 9-' @% $" *M 7 ¯$ DC /= 0 5

") Rectum ?$- $ +! ! = #" 2 Epithelium cells #2= 2% /Intima " ?$- G( ( .Longitudinal and Circular muscles papillae - 9$ ! /?$ 3 " G& E2 /Rectal glands ?$ ""L 9'" /?$ 3 ( C%K .%"- = 2 %- ! /!$ #" 2

! /= O" ! Rectal pouch ?$ + #2= 2% ?$ G( *? "0 ?5 %- #" 2 $" B $" DC J# ¯= .%"- ! = 2 .[]?$

? /+! - $" GM $" J# 6?

I !7 * "%$ A. ochraceus ") * ..-% G( ¯5" +!


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التركيب التشريحي والنسيجي للقناة الھضمية ألرضة الحصاد الصحراوية ٢٠٩

Anatomical and histological structure of the digestive canal of the harvester termite, Anacanthotermes ochraceus

B. A. Al -Hawsah, A. A. Al-Robai, and Z.I. Al-Fifi Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah - Saudi Arabia

Abstract: The present study has been concentrated on the anatomy and histology of the digestive canal of the Harvester termite, Anacanthotermes ochraceus. The result demonstrates that the digestive canal is longer than the whole of their body and has three small and symmetrical gastric caeca in anterior of the hind gut. The most striking modification takes place in the ileum, which is composed of a valve (small sac) controlling the entrance to the hind gut, a small tube extension forming the beginning of the hind gut and the third segment ileum pouch of the hind gut, where many symbiotic organisms are found. It seems that the lengths of the digestive system as well as the modification of the ileum are structural characteristics of the termite, enabling the insect to digest cellulose materials. The histology of the digestive canal sections indicate that the morphology and structure of the tissues are similar to those of other insects. However, the posterior of the gizzard projected into mid gut and their tissues disappears while that of the mid gut gradually appears. Well-developed pyloric valve controlling the movement of food from the mid gut into the ileum is found. The colon is a narrow and contorted tube with three cuticle covered folds and doubled ends.