Phd Intledudev Brochure 20191009.Cdr

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Phd Intledudev Brochure 20191009.Cdr Doctoral Programme International Education Development Peking University Admissions Guide 2020 CONTENTS 13 Faculty 03 Introduction 13 Core Faculty 15 Adjunct/Visiting Faculty 03 Our Program 06 Peking University 17 Financial Aid 07 Graduate School of Education 17 Application Instructions 09 Program Requirement 01 02 International Education Development (IED) Our Program The international education system has made tremendous progress in recent decades, having t ra n s fo r m e d t h e e d u c a t i o n a l o u tc o m e s o f hundreds of millions of children globally through both inancial and political commitments. Yet the quality of education received by many is far from that promised by governments and international o r ga n i s a t i o n s , re p re s e n t i n g a s u b s t a n t i a l education deicit, a key challenge for the future. T h i s , c o m p o u n d e d w i t h i n e q u a l i t y a c ro s s countries and social strata, shifts the focus of International Education Development (IED) from targeting access to education to ensuring its continued quality and equality. Indeed the former Millenium Development Goal to ensure universal access to primary education has since been modiied to ensure quality education by 2030, as the fourth Sustainable Development Goal. Furthermore, looking to the and novel solutions. China's educational education globally, participants can future, there is an ever growing demand for the education system to produce the development has surprised the world, develop a more holistic understanding of relevant skills required by the economy. In the meantime, the advent of the Internet not least by Chinese students irst the ield and its future. of Things, Artiicial Intelligence and Machine Learning are transforming labour t o p p i n g t h e P I S A i n t e r n a t i o n a l markets globally and the skills required by employers. Thus there has never been a examinations in 2009, and presents The PhD in International Education more pertinent time to establish this program and to ensure that IED can rectify l e a r n i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r o t h e r Development (IED) is a brand-new, these prominent global social issues. countries to follow in China's footsteps. English language PhD program offered With China seeking to be a key global by the Peking University Graduate leader, change instigator and participant School of Education, commencing in Fall in global governance, Chinese initiatives 2020 and designed to further talented To solve such problems, it is insuficient on the former challenges of Chinese will seek to meet global challenges, using students' desire to learn more about, and to simply transplant Western solutions e d u c a t i o n a l a n d e c o n o m i c local knowledge to help develop a global c o n t r i b u t e t o r e s e a r c h i n t h e to less developed countries, due to the development, in mere decades, China vision. Only through innovative policy development of international education. d i ff e re n c e s b e t we e n E a s te r n a n d h a s c r e a t e d a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y could the shortcomings of the Chinese E d u c a t i o n D e v e l o p m e n t i s s u e s Western perspectives, as well as renowned educational system including economic, social, and educational system transcend all nations, and our program between countries in the global North universal, high-quality, nine-year be corrected. This impetus is needed in based in the ever growing and inluential and South. Local solutions to local compulsory schooling; Project 211 and other nations, which the program aims to China, represents the successes, lessons problems must be pursued. Thus, this P ro j e c t 9 8 5 d i re c t ive s ro c ke t i n g instil within its participants. Thus, and experiences to be learned, seeking to program is uniquely able to draw from Chinese universities up international through considering both the history and address global issues. t h e e x p e r i e n c e s o f C h i n a ' s university ranking tables; and the trajectory of economic development and unprecedented forty-year period of transformation from cheap, semi- economic growth, poverty alleviation skilled labour to a skilled labour force and educational development. Drawing enticing huge FDI, focussing on local 03 04 International Education Development (IED) Our Program Peking University The program boasts an intellectual agenda scholars and practitioners will not only be Peking University was founded in 1898 promoting internationalism, innovative your teachers, but also assume the role of and is located in Haidian District, North- research methods, challenging case studies mentors, advisers and experts. An intimate We s t B e i j i n g , wh e re i t s t a n d s a s a and research opportunities, emphasizing cohort of talented international students c o m p r e h e n s i v e a n d n a t i o n a l k e y p ra g m a t i c s o l u t i o n s a n d b o l s te r i n g w i l l e n a b l e s t u d e n t s to d eve l o p a n university. Upholding a spirit of academic leadership skills, in seeking to relect the impressive network and to really get to f re e d o m a n d i n c l u s ive n e s s , Pe k i n g agendas of prominent international know their peers and their faculty. University has been devoted to excellence organisations. Our curriculum relects in teaching, learning, and research in a This program addresses the growing both a cross-national, cross-cultural and wide range of disciplines, and has been demand within universities and other c o m p a r a t i v e f o c u s f o r b e t t e r home to a number of experts and scholars p u b l i c b o d i e s , n a m e ly g ove r n m e n t , understanding educational development renowned both in China and around the international organizations, research and our passion for bolstering education world. Peking University is a prominent institutes and NGOs, for individuals with development across the globe, at all b a s t i o n i n t h e c o u r s e o f C h i n a ' s teaching and research work, but also for intellect, wisdom and creativity in solving education levels. Coupling a strong modernization, with the university's the promotion of interaction and mutual global issues of education development. theoretical and empirical grounding with traditional emphasis on patriotism, promotion among various disciplines. Thus, we offer our students opportunities practical solutions, program participants progress and science, together with its Peking University embraces about 7,000 to gain hands-on professional experience w i l l b e a b l e t o c o n s i d e r i s s u e s o f educational standards of diligence, outstanding faculty members and over through our practicum and internship international education development more precision, factualism, and innovation, 42,250 undergraduate and graduate programs. critically and analytically. have been passed down from generation to degree candidates, including almost 3,000 The program is a four-year, full-time generation. The university has effectively international students. It has become a This program leverages both the high- p r o g r a m , w i t h b o t h c o u r s e s a n d combined research on important scientiic cradle for high-caliber talent, an incubator quality teaching resources and research dissertation instructed in English. After subjects with the training of personnel for innovation and research, and a capabilities of Peking University, the completing the required credits and then with a high level of specialized knowledge platform for international cooperation Graduate School of Education therein, and s u b m i t t i n g a n d d e f e n d i n g a P h D and professional skill as demanded by the and exchanges. Peking University is the China Institute for Educational Finance dissertation, students will be allowed to country's socialist modernization. It ranked by the Times Higher Education as Research, as well as the practical training graduate and will receive a doctorate in strives not only for improvements in the 31st best university globally. and expertise of the Asian Development Education or Management from Peking Bank, World Bank, United Nations and University.
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