Lok Sabha Debates

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Lok Sabha Debates Wednesday, April 26, 1978 r n . s i . v A a . - K . t f Vaisakha 6, 1990 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES ■■V . j),- 1 r'7 t ""S (Fourth Session) s A 7HI*M 33* (Val XIV contains Nos. 41—50) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price', Rs'4.00 CON TENTS No. 44, Wednesday, April 36, ipySfVaisakha 6 , 1900 (Saka) Columns OraJ Answers to Questions : ^Starred Qustions Nos. 865, 868 to 870, 872, 876, 879, 881 and 883. 1— 34 Written Answers to Questions : Sta 'red Questions Nos. 864, 866, 867, 871, 873 to 875, 877, 878, ■ 880 and 882.........................................................................35— 45 Unstirred Questions Nos. 8120 to 8193, 8195 to 8262, 8264 to 8298 and 8300 to 8319. .... 45— 230 Matters Under Rule 377— (i) Reported hunger strike by casual workers of LIC Calcutta. Prof. Dilip C h a k r a v a r t y ................................................230— 32 (ii) Reported decision of Bengal Immunity Ltd. Calcutta to close its factories and sales offices. Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu 232 (iii) Reported smuggling of Hashish, Charas, Opium etc. Shri S. R. Damani 232— 33 (iv) Reported AIR Broadcast alleging ticketless travel by some Congress (I) workers on 6-4-78. Shri Vasant S a t h e .........................................................233— 34 Papers laid on the T a b l e ...................................................................235— 37 Re. Business of the H o u s e ...................................................................238— 39 Committee on Public Undertakings— Ninth Report..................................................................................................239 Committee on Subordinate Legslation— Eighth R e p o r t .......................................................................................240 Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes— Nineteenth and Twentieth R e p o r t s ...............................................240 Committee on Private Members’ Bill and Resolution— Eighteenth Report ................................................ 240 Coal Mines Nationalisation Laws (Amendment) Bill —Introduced 241 Demands for Grants, 1978-79— Ministry of Home Affairs 241 Shri M. N. Govindan Nair 242— 45 Shrimati Rano M. Shaiza 245— 49 Shri Baldev Singh Jasrotia 249—54 Shri G. M. Banatwalla 254 "“59 Shri Ram Deo Singh 259—56 * The sign -I- marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. w Columns Shri Kanwar Lai Gupta .... 266— 76 Shri Keshavrao D h o n d g e ....................................... 276— 84 Dr. Sushiia Nayar .......................................285—98 Shri China Basu .......................................299— 302 Shri Hari Vishnu K a m a t h ...................................... 302— 10 Shri Kusuma Krishna Murthy 310— 18 Shri Nathu Singh .......................................318— 27 Shri B.C. Kamble .... 3*7—30 Shri Somnath C h a t t e r j e e .......................................? —35 Shri M. Satyanarayan R a o ......................................>51*—54 Shri A. Bala Pajanor 354—^3 Shri S. D. Patil 363—73 Shri Ahmed Hussain . 373—75 Shri Bakin Pertin 375~79 Shri Dhanik Lai Mandal . 379— 88 Ministries of Communications, Energy, Finance etc. etc. 391— 98 Callirg Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance— Reported Mine Accident near Kota resulting in some deaths. 336— 51 Shri Sarat Kar 336— 38 Shri Ravindra Varma 338—39* 34*—43> 345—46, 349—5* Shri Saugata Roy 339—4* Shri Mahi Lai 343—45 Shri Chaturbhu) 346— 49 Appropriation (No. 3) Bill, 1978—Introduced 399 Motion Under Rule 388 - Suspension of rule 218 (2) in respect of Appropriation (No. 3^ Bill, 197$ .... 399—408 Business Advisory Committee— Sixteenth Report 408— 422 Half-an-Hour Discussion Pi ice Hike on Tyres 408— Shri K P. Unmkrishnan 408— 12 Shn Jjotirmoy Bosu 412 Shri George Mathe\ 412— 13 Shi 1 George Fernandes 413— 22 LOK SABHA DEBATES 2 LOK SABHA THE MINISTER OF STATS IN CHARGE OF THE MINISTRY OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT (SHRI CHAND RAM) <a) to (c) A state- ednesday, April 26, 1978/VaisafcHa ment giving the required information 6, 1900 (Saka) is laid on the Table of the Sabha Statement The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of There is some drift of Indian Mer­ the Clock chant Navy Officers abroad for em­ ployment on foreign registered ships [Mr Speaker tn the Chair] Of the annual addition of the certifi­ cated officers, it is estimated that approximately 15 per cent to 20 per ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS cent m the Nautical Branch and 5 per cent m the Engineering Branch leave Indian ships to seek employ­ ment on foreign ships Luring away of Shipping personnel 2 While the drift of Merchant + Navy Officers has not crippled the working of the Indian merchant fleet, *865 SHRI FAQUIR ALI ANSARI. there is a shortage of officers tor effi­ SHRI PRADYUMNA BAL cient manning of the fleet The man­ power requirements are under con­ Will the Minister of SHIPPING stant review and to meet the shortage AND TRANSPORT be pleased to the following stfeps have been taken Itate by Government — (i) The pre-entry qualifications (a) whether it is a fact that foreign for Training Ship ‘Rajendra’ have shipping companies are lunng senior been raised from Higher Secondary technical personnel out of the coun­ to Intermediate Science and the try as ha<5 been reported in the Blitz duration of the period of training dated the 18th March, 1978 under the has been reduced from two years heading ‘Stop the shipping brain to one year with effect from 1975, drain’, resultmg m the increase of annual m take of navigating cadets from (b) the particular measures adop­ 125 to 250 per annum. ted to stop this brain dram and (u) A special one year Industry- oriented course with manne bias (c) whether there is any proposal in the Directorate of Marine En­ to enact a legislation to prevent tRe gineering Training, Calcutta/Bom­ manne staff from joining foreign bay has been introduced from 1979 ships in the same manner as applica­ for Graduate Engineers m Mechm- ble to aviation personnel’ cal/Electrical engineering in addi­ tion to the regular four years course 736 L&—1. 3 Oral Answers APRIL 26, 1978 Oral Antwtrt in Marine Engineering in the insti­ w f a r w m ft f t ** $jr *t % tution, resulting in the increase in the annual out-put of trained en­ rr4v*m rrf#$ irr 1 2 s gineer officers from 100 to 300 per It 25* vr | annum. <fifW 2*mrSnnnncfoff**rt 1 (HI) To the extent the annual out­ put of trained navigating and en­ artf f inrft *rft *pt *nar?sr gineering cadets falls short of the t, ft* ?ft f r * 1 % * t m «rrarr t industry's requirements, the Ship­ ping Companies «re permitted to fRVR vt q* *rfar ff&nr recruit direct deck apprentices and *tt w tit t o t q r m f 1 *aftrft junior engineers. w m «rtar f fo * 5* % * r 3. Government are also considering ?rfiR wnir »rfa the question of taking’ powers to ffflw if f*r«r^Y f , wfvrft $ft»r suitably restrict the holders of Certi­ ficates of Competency issued under ^5viNvT^iA|iA^emTrw!^t 1 the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958, for & yffinr y* Tfr g ftr flfirefopr ft f t taking up employment ofc foreign src»Frt t1«pt <srw wffir wti % wrt; ft ships or under foreign employers, so as to increase their availability for employment on Indian ships etc. ^ | ^ arm f*r *rmsr f t *st *wht MR. SPEAKER: The Member also t, art wretor yftfiwT fiwnr % wanted to know as to how many have gone out of India during the last 5 years? f i e n w *arr^TT fa f t w 5 ^mr fo?rft sfta SHRI CHAND RAM: About 15 to 20 per cent of the trained officers *np; »ift w f »rft'? sfiwrw have gone outside *nrf*r 2 ft 1 ft >rt «ft toTfc w?ft *mrft: fiifrir ^ «rt»iT rroft <jrt J?» ^?pt irn> ffJST * %*rr#?r ft w r <^ft % fa* W *FW '?5T* *ft | ? u‘9rm*r tPtx f«RT *rarT5f*r p r <1* wrftar vt t& m i **rft ft #»r |?t vt T t ^ % # r ft v tf TOTT f*RTTT W* W ft TTflT | *rr ftn»rfc!f f t f ? ft, ?ft WVWT ft «TT «WT fjRTT ftpVT $ «W<t«TW W T ^ *tf ^ 1 w m | ftn*£flw*r w n w ftx m ftmiirwit wm arr^ «rt | frnsfcr ft^rr ft Tf»? ? 1958ft V1T«TTW WTXtT Wt T*ft PRTT WrfV I? ^ w mn ft 2 «rfir ft, ??rft w w ft*T 1 sm f fa* v* vrft *ft m v ft *rf t, ^rmr ? f *Tfo fa%wre t m i f r r f t ft r'griftfoqa | > it* tut : ftrftw ^ v m ?f*r»r % «rrer <tt *ft ftm *R w f t f t W Nr*r f f*nr ^ wnft 1 1 f»r ftV«r t| t vrvif t w It i^Whmns , 1978 Oral Answers Oral Answers VAISAKHA 6, 1900 (SAKA) Dral Answers 6 ;rr.r;:r');:r mwr if crT ~ ~T t'fT rnif; ~ ~fifi ~T ~'h tfifm~T'i payment of royalty or on outright purchase basis. ~'f-€'li ~ ~f ~ lD" ~1 m ~ 12 fiIt;r mzr ,mt " J;N~ l!~lfiij- ~~. ,- ~~~ if; ~1l:!; 250 ~ ({f ~- ~'h:~f~ '" ~ ~ ~irr~f<rT~rn '<f~-~f ~ I Privately produced films are also Iftf~~ 2 ~nr~ 'filf 'li~ ~lfT ~ ~ I if1'CIi) ~ if ft;~f ~ ~~ Ofrt ij- ~rf<ti'~T~ telecast provided they meet the re- quirements of Doordarshan. Such ~ qifuR;re'hr fim' ~n:t I OI'T";f;T~T~ ~ a'ii <rrs ~Wr \ifTif 'liT ~ films are screened by Doordarshan to ~ ~'tiZ;"!f '3~ii'f~~ 'f~1~r{ ~ I supplement its programmes, They.
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