January, 2007 Vol. II, No. 1 greenkindgreenkind magazine $3 by Patients for Patients© • Medical Cannabis Community TThehe RRe-fe-feminizaeminizationtion COLLECTIBLE ofof MarMaryy JJaneane POSTER INSIDE From the PATIENT Community: RESOURCE • Stories • Articles DIRECTORY • Legal Updates The story of Granddaddy Purple DispensaryDispensary ProfileProfile www.gkmagazine.net SafSafee && AffordableAffordable MedicalMedical CannabisCannabis 12 noon to 8 pm • 7 days a week ATM, VISA, MasterCard, Discovery American Express and Diner’s Club accepted Registering online and via fax Ph: 310-246-9345 • Fax: 310-246-9358 1649 So. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 10% OFF WITH THIS AD to new patients only and not to be used in conjunction with any other special or discount
[email protected] ! www.PureLifeAlternative.com 2 greenkind The Patient’s Choice greenkind 3 TheThe ReRe-feminizationfeminization by Melrose Sanchez ofofMaryMary JJaneane ccess to marijuana for females prior to the The root of all healing and physical comfort is the ability to passage of Proposition 215 in 1996, usually eat, sleep and be pain-free. This is the foundation of all medical came through a male family member or treatment. Our own Mary Jane offers all three to her patients, and friend. The clandestine-underground nature frequently marijuana is recommended as a support to other pre- AA of obtaining marijuana caused many females scribed medications and treatments. The female influence is being expressed subtly, yet in a to- pause. It did not stop women, especially those in need of tally professional approach to the dispensaries role in today’s so- pain relief, and those caring for the critically and terminally ciety.