ABN: 50 748 098 845 National Council of Australia Inc NATIONAL COUNCIL Units 4-5 22 Thesiger Court Deakin ACT 2600 PO Box 243 Deakin West ACT 2600 Telephone: (02) 6202 1200 Facsimile: (02) 6285 0159 Website: www.vinnies.org.au Donation Hotline: 13 18 12 Date: 18 September 2012 Committee Secretary Senate Select Committee on Electricity Prices PO Box 6100 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Attachments to Submission No. 36 Senate Select Committee on Electricity Prices By email:
[email protected] The St Vincent de Paul Society has previously analysed energy prices, including electricity prices, in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia which are contained in several reports. These reports detail electricity prices for at least the last financial year (July 2011-July 2012) in each of those States. We now provide the reports as attachments to our submission: 1. Victorian Energy Prices from July 2011-January 2012; 2. Victorian Energy Prices from January 2012-July 2012; 3. New South Wales Energy Prices from July 2011-July 2012; 4. Queensland Energy Prices from July 2009-July 2012; and 5. South Australian Energy Prices from July 2009-July 2012. We would also like to draw the Committee’s attention to excel Workbooks that the St Vincent de Paul Society has previously prepared for Electricity Standing Offers and Electricity Market Offers in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia. The Workbooks can be accessed at the following link: http://www.vinnies.org.au/energy These Workbooks may be useful to the Committee as they include comparisons of electricity prices by different energy providers and include, among other things, peak charges, fixed charges, discounts, termination fees, late payment fees etc.