The German Coal Phaseout Law FACT SHEET
The German Coal Phaseout Law FACT SHEET • On Friday, July 3, the German parliament passed the coal phaseout !"#$%&'"&"#()'$*+',-./0'1&"#()'234#5"26'27%#"'*&'&"8'"9"58#*5*8)'("&"#%8*3& law. It designs the path to phase out hard coal and lignite-fired electricity generation (combined ~30% of German electricity !$/&6"%'90:6% generation in 2019) by 2038 at the latest. ;7 +,- • The law requires to pay compensation for companies closing ,45.'90:6% 72D'+,-''' their coal plants as well as to regions where coal has a significant economic effect. In addition, also electricity-intensive companies <656:"=&6) 34(54#6 2>? +,- will receive compensation due to foreseen increase of power prices 781 +,- following from coal phase-out. !"# F40G")) D;'+,- • The coal will be substituted with renewable energy sources and !"# $%&'()*"#+ natural gas. The government’s target is to increase the share of -"%.'/0"& renewables in electricity production to 65% by 2030. 12 +,- E0&"% D1'+,- Launched in the 1990s, the Energiewende is an evolving concept !"#$%"&'(") -C.%090:6% 28'+,- ** +,- which aims at reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), increasing @4&'"5.'0#A6%'B0))4&'B$6&) energy efficiency and the share of renewables while phasing out 22 +,- nuclear power. While originally controversial in German politics, !"#$%&'()*+,()#-.&/0&$12-.(.&$(+-&$34&(#-.(,2//&$54$6/%7286(&9:9 the Energiewende has gained broad political consensus across all parties since the 2011 nuclear accident in Fukushima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