2020 Crime & Safety Report:

This is an annual report produced in conjunction with the Regional Security Office at the U.S. Embassy in Canberra. OSAC encourages travelers to use this report (as well as the Crime & Safety Reports for other posts across Australia) to gain baseline knowledge of security conditions in Australia. For more in-depth information, review OSAC’s Australia country page for original OSAC reporting, consular messages, and contact information, some of which may be available only to private-sector representatives with an OSAC password.

Travel Advisory

The current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this report’s publication assesses Australia at Level 1, indicating travelers should exercise normal precautions. Review OSAC’s report, Understanding the Consular Travel Advisory System.

Overall Crime and Safety Situation

Crime Threats

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Canberra as being a LOW-threat location for crime directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. Property crimes, such as burglary, breaking and entering, and theft occur throughout Australia, and are among the crimes most likely for Australians and foreigners alike to encounter. Physical assaults are relatively uncommon, but occur with greater frequency in specific locales, predominantly outside of the city center. Crime in the central business district includes illegal recreational drug use and associated behavior, particularly after midnight.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics National Crime Victimization Survey, 468,200 Australians (2.4%) experienced physical assault in the 2018-2019 reporting period; 600,900 (3.0%) experienced “threatened assault;” 231,000 households (2.4%) experienced a break-in; and 439,600 households (4.6%) experienced malicious property damage. Between 2008-09 and 2018-19 there was a decrease in the victimization rate for all selected household crimes, including Break-in (3.3% to 2.4%); Attempted break- in (3.1% to 1.9%); Motor vehicle theft (1.1% to 0.5%); Theft from a motor vehicle (4.5% to 2.5%); Malicious property damage (11.1% to 4.6%); and Other theft (4.4% to 2.1%).

According to the Australian Federal Police, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) experienced approximately 30,000 criminal offenses between January and September 2019. This marks a decline from the approximately 43,827 offenses recorded in 2018. (Note: the population of the ACT is approximately 415,000.) Offenses in 2019 included 2,050 assaults, 175 robberies, and 2,024 burglaries.

Overall, 2019 witnessed a very slight increase in crimes against persons. Canberra recorded four homicides in 2019; six homicides occurred in 2018. The rate of vehicle thefts remained nearly unchanged from 2018. Most vehicles stolen in the ACT are not taken for financial advantage. With introduction of alarm systems and vehicle immobilizers, most stolen vehicles follow a home burglary (thanks to stolen keys).

China 2017 OSAC Crime & Safety Report: Wuhan Australia has extremely restrictive firearms legislation. The purchase, licensing, and storage of firearms is very limited compared to U.S. standards. Firearms use in crimes is rare, though organized criminal elements (including so-called “Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs” and drug trafficking groups) sometimes use guns.

Cybersecurity Issues

Cyber criminals continue to gain access to networks primarily through targeted emails and spear phishing campaigns; this is the greatest threat to cyber security in the region. The chief motivation for cyber-attacks was financial gain. This aligns with the cyber threat of most concern to the private sector, which is theft or breach of confidential information or intellectual property (IP).

Travelers should monitor the SCAM Watch website maintained by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) for the latest information on how to recognize, avoid, and report scams. The Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN) provides information on how to recognize and avoid common forms of cybercrime, including advice for victims. Review OSAC’s reports, Cybersecurity Basics, Best Practices for Maximizing Security on Public Wi-Fi, Traveling with Mobile Devices: Trends & Best Practices, and Satellite Phones: Critical or Contraband?

Card skimming is relatively low compared to most countries; however, card skimming operations are discovered. Cover ATM keypads when entering their PINs. Taxi drivers and international organized crime groups have also been used card skimming machines, although the rate of incidence is low. Review OSAC’s reports, The Overseas Traveler’s Guide to ATM Skimmers & Fraud and Taking Credit.

Transportation-Safety Situation

Road Safety and Road Conditions

Authorities enforce speed limits strictly via cameras and police traffic patrols. Holiday weekends typically see a rise in roadside fatalities, as many Australians drive long distances to popular beach destinations. Police frequently conduct roadside alcohol and illegal drug tests; these are not optional, according to Australian law. A driver is in violation of the law if driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .05% or greater. This level is lower than that of many U.S. states. Consume no alcohol before driving.

In the event of a motor vehicle accident, stop and assist any injured persons. Each party must provide their name, address, and registration details to the other parties involved. This includes the owner of property damaged or injured person (or a person representing them). Report all motor vehicle accidents in the ACT to police within 24 hours, either in person at a police station, by phone at 131444 (Police Attendance Line), or online. Persons injured in a motor vehicle accident in some states of Australia may have coverage through compulsory third-party insurance as part of the standard motor vehicle registration. This insurance only covers compensation for injuries, and does not include damage to property or medical costs. In the event of an accident involving an unlicensed vehicle, the driver and owner may be financially liable for damages paid to the injured person.


China 2017 OSAC Crime & Safety Report: Wuhan Traffic operates on the left side of the road, and all vehicles use right-hand drive. Seat belt use by drivers and all passengers is mandatory, and fines apply for not wearing them. Motorcyclists must wear helmets. Texting or holding your phone while driving is against the law in Australia, but you can use a hands-free system to communicate while driving. Roads and streets are frequently narrower and less graded than U.S. highways. Outside major metropolitan areas, most highways are two-lane roads with significant distances between destinations. If driving in rural areas, be alert to free-roaming animals, such as kangaroos, and "road-trains" (several semi-truck trailers connected together). Passing road-trains is dangerous; pull over to allow on-coming road-trains to pass to avoid being sideswiped. Exercise common- sense when driving in the outback.

Review OSAC’s reports, Road Safety Abroad, Driving Overseas: Best Practices, and Evasive Driving Techniques; and read the State Department’s webpage on driving and road safety abroad.

Public Transportation Conditions

Buses, taxis, and car services are generally efficient and safe. Be mindful that many taxi services video record passengers during the trip. Review OSAC’s report, Security In Transit: Airplanes, Public Transport, and Overnights.

Aviation/Airport Conditions

Australian international and domestic airports meet International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards. The Australian Federal Police oversee security at all international airports. Australian international and domestic airports meet International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards. (CBR) is a major commercial airport shared with the Royal Australian Air Force. The Australian Federal Police oversee security at all Australian international airports.

Terrorism Threat

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Canberra as being a MEDIUM-threat location for terrorism directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. There have been seven terrorist attacks and at least 15 disrupted plots in Australia since 2014. ISIS leadership has repeatedly identified Australia as a desirable target. The potential return of dozens of Australian foreign fighters continues to pose a long- term risk, while homegrown extremists with basic, readily available weapons may be the greatest near- term threat. Active shooter incidents and vehicle attacks against mass gatherings continue to be of high concern to law enforcement. Most recent terrorism-related incidents have involved young, homegrown Australian extremists influenced and inspired online.

In January 2019, several diplomatic missions in Australia received suspicious packages; some included threatening letters and material purported to be hazardous. Among the missions receiving these packages was the U.S. Consulate in Melbourne. Australian authorities promptly and effectively responded to this event, and soon thereafter arrested a man believed to be responsible. None of the items sent were hazardous to the health of the public.


China 2017 OSAC Crime & Safety Report: Wuhan In response to potential threats, Australian authorities have updated the National Terrorism Threat Advisory system to inform Australians about the likelihood of a terrorist attack, and to enable authorities, businesses, and individuals to take appropriate safety and security measures. The new system includes five tiers, ranging from “Not Expected” to “Certain.” The current terrorism threat advisory level is “Probable,” signifying that while there is no information regarding a specific, credible plot, individuals or groups have developed both the intent and capability to conduct a terrorist attack in Australia.

Individuals who see suspicious or unusual activity should contact Australia’s National Security Hotline at 1800 1234 00. Report life-threatening situations to the police at 000.

Political, Economic, Religious, and Ethnic Violence

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Canberra as being a LOW-threat location for crime directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. Incidents of civil unrest are relatively uncommon. Occasionally, organized protests occur at and around various government and diplomatic facilities; these are typically peaceful. The potential for violence during protests does exist; avoid confrontation with protestors. Australian policing authorities are well-trained and equipped to manage such events.

Anti-U.S. Sentiment

Incidents of political violence directed against the U.S. are relatively infrequent. In 2016, U.S. Consulates in Melbourne and Perth experienced an increase in protest activities. Assorted protest actions included a sit-in within the building lobby and the display of placards. Most protests near U.S. diplomatic facilities continue to be peaceful. Visits by high-level U.S. dignitaries will occasionally attract various organizations to whose members protest a variety of topics.

Religious/Ethnic Violence

There have been anti-Muslim demonstrations in major Australian cities following high-profile international attacks involving ISIS. Australian policing authorities are capable of managing such events.

Post-specific Concerns

Environmental Hazards

Australia can experience extreme weather conditions during the warmer months, creating the potential for large-scale wildfires. Bushfire season is October through May. In addition to claiming lives, bushfires can result in major property damage. All States of Australia have encountered devastating fires in the later part of 2019 and continue into 2020 with loss of lives and property.

Anyone planning to reside in Australia should devise a bushfire plan of action. The ACT has a website that provides information on the locations of bushfires. Review travel plans, develop contingencies for bushfires and flooding, and follow the directions of authorities.


China 2017 OSAC Crime & Safety Report: Wuhan Critical Infrastructure

Critical infrastructure is relatively stable and secure. Major attacks on critical infrastructure are rare. The most likely threat remains natural disasters (e.g., cyclones, bushfires, and flooding). The Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO) has responsibility to provide intelligence and threat assessments to relevant Commonwealth Government departments, the Australian Federal Police (AFP), and State and Territory police.

The National Counter-Terrorism Committee (NCTC) coordinates Australia’s critical infrastructure protection arrangements, including representatives from the commonwealth, state, and territory governments. Australia relies heavily on intelligence and information sharing for critical infrastructure protection.

State and Territory police meet with owners and operators of critical infrastructure, in accordance with jurisdictional arrangements, to provide context to the national and localized security threat. Police communicate directly with the owners and operators of critical infrastructure if there is an imminent, specific threat, and will coordinate the operational response. Police also gather and disseminate intelligence to relevant agencies as required.

Economic Concerns

ASIO has emphasized that the private sector is not immune from the clandestine or deceptive activity of foreign governments. ASIO works closely with private-sector organizations to counter such threats.

Several economic espionage incidents have been reported, particularly those targeting the natural resource sectors. Economic espionage has occurred through cyberattacks originating from overseas countries.

Australia has strong counterfeiting and piracy legislation protecting patents, trademarks, and designs. Intellectual property owners are responsible for enforcing their own rights through private proceedings. Organizations should also ensure they do not accidentally infringe on the intellectual property of others.

Privacy Concerns

The Australian Privacy Act 1988 is similar in content to that of the U.S Privacy Act of 1974; it places strict controls on the storage and release of information. Be mindful of where you store personally identifiable information, and who has access to it. Private and public organizations must have the consent of an individual before conducting any background investigations. Failure to obtain an individual’s consent can result in serious prosecution.

Personal Identity Concerns

There are no legal restrictions on same-sex sexual relations or the organization of LGBTI+ events in Australia. Australian federal law prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation. Australia defines marriage as “the union between two people.” Australia grants temporary and permanent visas to same- sex partners of Australian citizens. Review the State Department’s webpage on security for LGBTI+ travelers.


China 2017 OSAC Crime & Safety Report: Wuhan Australia enforces laws prohibiting discrimination regarding access to premises, facilities, and accommodation. Many of the downtown areas of Australian cities were built in the 1800s. These areas often have narrow sidewalks crowded with pedestrians and tourists. Generally, most public transit, parking, streets, and buildings are accessible to disabled travelers. Tourist spots at the beach or in the Australian outback can have varying degrees of accessibility. Many accommodations and venues provide accessibility information on their websites. Review the State Department’s webpage on security for travelers with disabilities.

Drug-related Crimes

Australia has a number of drug-related issues, including a growing drug user population, international drug importation, local clandestine laboratories, and an increasing number of individuals arrested for drug trafficking. Cannabis is the most widely abused drug in Australia. Australia is also experiencing an increased use of illegal prescription drugs, performance-enhancing drugs, and synthetic drugs (e.g., Kronic and Spice). Cocaine remains popular. The use of the synthetic drug ICE, a crystalline form of methamphetamine, is growing at an alarming rate. ICE users may be responsible for an increase in burglaries and assaults across Australia.

The ACT Policing Annual Report for 2018/2019 indicated that there were more than 1,226 drug seizures and 622 total drug offenses recorded. While these figures are proportionally much lower than other Australian states, it reflects a further decrease over the 2017/2018 reporting period.

Police Response

Australian police organizations are well trained and professional. They have well-equipped emergency response teams (e.g. SWAT, EOD, Negotiator) that can mobilize and respond to any incident with short notice. Triple zero (000) is the Australian equivalent to the United States 911 system, and can respond to any emergency in Australia. Callers must provide basic information such as location and services needed (e.g. fire, ambulance, and/or police).

Victim Support ACT can help victims of crime cope with the impact of criminal incidents and can assist them in understanding their rights and entitlements. Victim Support ACT provides support, counseling, and other services, as well as information, advocacy, and assistance with the criminal justice system. Download the State Department’s Crime Victims Assistance brochure.

The Australian Border Force is the Australian federal government agency responsible for managing the security and integrity of the border. It facilitates the movement of legitimate international travelers and goods, while protecting the safety, security and commercial interests of Australians. Contact Australian Border Force at 1800 009 623 to report suspicious behavior or online.

Lodge complaints of any nature regarding ACT policing directly with the Australian Federal Police by completing a form online, calling or visiting any AFP police station, or contacting the AFP Professional Standards Office.


China 2017 OSAC Crime & Safety Report: Wuhan Medical Emergencies

Australia has a high level of professional emergency medical services. By dialing 000, any person can obtain emergency medical assistance throughout most of Australia. Ambulance service staffed by certified emergency medical technicians is the standard throughout most of Australia. Medical evacuation (medevac) via air may be necessary in remote areas as well as urban areas depending on the nature of the injury. Find contact information for available medical services and available air ambulance services on the U.S. Consulate website.

The following contact numbers may also be of assistance.

Health Direct Australia – 1800 022 222 (for general medical advice)

Poisons Information Centre – 13 11 26

ACT Ambulance Service conducts the day-to-day management of the Snowy Hydro SouthCare helicopter. Snowy Hydro SouthCare is a joint initiative of the governments of and the ACT and provides aeromedical rescue and retrieval services to the ACT and southeastern New South Wales.

Australia has a strong insurance culture, with citizens typically buying home insurance, motor vehicle insurance, and medical travel insurance. The primary body for the insurance industry is the Insurance Council of Australia. Australia’s Medicare system provides a subsidized health fund for Australian citizens and residents. However, travelers are not covered. The U.S. Department of State strongly recommends purchasing international health insurance before traveling internationally. Review the State Departments webpage on insurance overseas.

Compulsory third-party insurance may cover persons injured in a motor vehicle accident in some states of Australia. This insurance covers compensation for injuries only, and does not include damage to property or medical costs. If an accident involving an unlicensed vehicle occurs, the driver and owner may be financially liable for the damages paid to the injured person.

Air pollution is a significant problem during certain months in Australia due to bush fires. Air quality varies considerably and fluctuates with the seasons. It is typically at its worst in the bush fire season. People at the greatest risk from particle pollution exposure include Infants, children, and teens; people over 65 years of age; people with lung disease such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema; people with heart disease or diabetes; and people who work or are active outdoors.

Review OSAC’s reports, The Healthy Way, Traveling with Medication, I’m Drinking What in My Water?, Shaken: The Don’ts of Alcohol Abroad, Health 101: How to Prepare for Travel, and Fire Safety Abroad. The CDC offers additional information on vaccines and health guidance for Australia.

OSAC Country Council Information

The U.S. Consulates in Perth and Sydney have active Country Councils. Interested private-sector security managers should contact OSAC’s Asia-Pacific Team with any questions.


China 2017 OSAC Crime & Safety Report: Wuhan U.S. Embassy Contact Information

Moonah Place, Canberra, ACT 2600 Hours: Monday-Friday, 0800-1700 (excluding U.S. and Australian holidays) Embassy Operator: +61-(0)2-6214-5600 Website: https://au.usembassy.gov/

Other U.S. Diplomatic Posts in Australia

• Consulate Melbourne, 553 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, 3004, (03) 9526-5900. • Consulate Sydney, Level 10, MLC Centre, 19-29 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000, +61-(0)2-9373- 9200 • Consulate Perth, 4th Floor, 16 St., George’s Terrace, Perth, WA 6000, (08) 6144-5100.

Helpful Information

Before you travel, consider the following resources:

• OSAC Risk Matrix • OSAC Travelers Toolkit • State Department Traveler’s Checklist • Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)