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r o Bushwalking C it Club newsletter Canberra Bushwalking Club Inc GPO Box 160 Canberra ACT 2601 Volume: 49 www.canberrabushwalkingclub.org Number: 8 Annual General Meeting September 2013 8 pm Wednesday 18 September 2013 In this issue Main hall, 2 Canberra Bushwalking Hughes Baptist Church, Club Committee 32–34 Groom Street, Hughes 2 President’s prattle 2 Worn Boot Bash 3 Walks Waffle ELECTION FEVER 3 Membership matters We 3 Training Trifles need 3 Simulacrum your 4 Review: Snowy Hydro SouthCare vote 6 Roles of the Committee 7 Bude statements 7 Independent auditor’s report Who will YOU 8 Budget statements vote for? 9 Notice of motions 10 Activity program 15 Bulletin Board Or why not 16 Feeling literary? nominate for a 16 Wednesday walks position?

Important dates 18 September Agenda General meeting 1. President’s report 4. Motion – proposed changes to Constitution and Standing 25 September 2. Walk Secretary’s report including Resolutions Committee meeting the Greg Buckley Award and gifts of appreciation to walk leaders 5. Handover to Returning Officer 25 September 3. Treasurer’s report and Motions ………………… Submissions close for a) financial statements October it Supper b) membership fees 30 September c) transport rate 6. Elections for Committee Family & Community Day d) appointment of auditor 7. Other business 7 October Labour Day Committee reports

Canberra Bushwalking Club Committee President’s President: Phillip Starr prattle [email protected] 0419 281 096 ell, the Federal Elections are over but the more Treasurer: Julie Anne Clegg Wimportant elections are still to be held. Next week [email protected] we elect our committee for 2013/2014. It would be 0402 118 359 wonderful to see so much enthusiasm that committee positions are contested by ballot. Please consider put- Walks Secretary: Linda Groom ting your name forward for the position of your choice. [email protected] At the AGM we will also be considering proposed 6281 4917 changes to the Constitution and Standing Resolutions as outlined in the previous it. General Secretary: Tim Wright [email protected] My recent ankle operation went well and if recovery is as expected I should soon be out and about stirring my 6281 2275 fellow walkers in the usual manner. It is disappointing Membership Secretary: Roger Edwards that Stan is temporarily out of action with a hip problem. I wish him a good and speedy recovery. [email protected] This prattle is kept short to allow space for the usual 6288 7863 or 0406 378 217 AGM stuff. I will have much more to say in my annual Training and Safety Officer: John Evans report. [email protected] As sy this i m final Prattle I take the opportunity to thank 6288 7235 or 0417 436 877 all those who contribute to the success of our great Club. My term as president has been all the more enjoyable Conservation Officer: Nathan Holt because of the effort put in by so many willing members. [email protected]

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o Phillip Starr b o



o C 0414 628 429 President Web Manager: David Briese [email protected] 6286 3479 Worn Boot Bash Editor: Alison Milton BC’s Worn Boot Bash has a fine pedigree. The [email protected] Cinaugural ‘rules’ had it starting and finishing at a well-known house in Kambah and involving 35 km 6254 0578(h) or 6289 2717(w)) and a few hills. The first, organised by Rob Horsfield Assistant Walks Secretary: Keith Thomas in August 2002, had participants crossing the Murrum- bidgee River in chest high water early in the day and [email protected] later in the afternoon. 6230 1081 or 0421 607 667 Since then there have been 10 annual WBB trips and Social Secretary: Quentin Moran participants are presented with a handsomely illumi- [email protected] nated commemorative scroll to mark their achievement. 6288 9840 This year the WBB will be run on the Canberra Cen- tenary Trail on 12, 19 and 27 October, giving walkers Publisher: Gabrielle Wright plenty of options to come and go as they please. But [email protected] remember, at least 35 km and 3 hills to become a WBB- er. See the Activity Program for details. 6281 2275 All members of the Committee can be contacted in one email to [email protected] CHECK IN: Ring Keith Thomas on 6230 1081 WEB SITE: www.canberrabushwalkingclub.org

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Page 2 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2013 g ro F e re o b ro r o C

Committee reports announce that Mike Bremers has won the competition with a photo reproduced below and will receive Walks a prize of home-dried fruit to fuel Training his future walks. Waffle I’m very grateful to the dozens of Club members who provided photos Trifles for the competition. A selection of ast summer, the management these will be added to the web site to of walks in hot weather and nother terrific CBC annual L give new members a better idea of NavEx is being conducted by fire-risk situations became a ‘hot’ what walk gradings mean. This may A topic. Several members suggested Rob and Jenny Horsfield, with 35 at- take a couple of months – we’ll let tendances at the first four sessions. that further information and advice you know when the photos are up. were needed. After some months of At last month’s general meeting a

g o r preparation, guidelines on manag- F


e r o relevant presentation was given by b


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Linda Groom o C ing risks in fire-prone conditions Walks Secretary the SnowyHydro SouthCare Heli- and very hot weather have been copter Rescue Service. The issue of added to the Club Documents page what position format to use when of the web site. The guidelines have reporting your location was raised. been approved by the ACT Rural Although most bushwalkers use the Fire Service. MGRS format, rescue coordination In summary, CBC activities should Membership centres need your location in degrees be cancelled in areas – except urban and decimal minutes. Do you know areas – where there is a Total Fire matters how to set up your GPSr to show Ban. Both leaders and participants this? Some GPSr models may allow should be aware of the need to you to show multiple location fields Please ensure that you keep the in different formats, so you could carry additional water and take Membership Secretary informed other precautions in hot weather, have both your preferred MGRS and of any changes to your email ddd°mm.mmm’ formats. and know where their nearest ‘safer address. place’ would be if a fire threat arose A report outlining the emergency unexpectedly. Want to know how New members: John Hendriks, evacuation of a walker in Kakadu taking refuge in a body of water John Jones and Alison Mungoven is available under item 32 of the compares with hiding in a wombat Training and Safety area of the

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e Roger Edwards r o




r o hole? Check the guidelines. C Club’s web site. The party was well Membership Secretary On a less sobering note, readers equipped and organised a timely of Walks Waffle may recall that a and effective extraction. competition ran over winter for the CBC ‘Stretch Your Legs’ events best photo to illustrate any of the continue unabated, with walking, walk gradings of Easy, Medium, riding and driving to a variety of Rough and Wet. I’m delighted to urban and bush trigs. 193 different Mike Bremer’s prize-winning photo members (that’s over half the Club’s illustrating Easy-grade terrain by membership) have been out and about the Murrumbidgee with 35 different leaders. 75 trigs have been visited, so we’ll no doubt see them all before the events finish. Cheers and happy feet

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e John Evans e r






o C Training and Safety Officer Simulacrum Last month’s Camel Rock, near Churinga Head overlooking Ettrema Gorge. No winners.

Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2013 – page 3 Review of General meeting Review: Snowy Hydro SouthCare

he presentation at the August transported to T2013 general meeting was given Canberra Hospital. by Kate van Haalen, the Media and Communications Manager The helicopter is a of Snowy Hydro SouthCare Aero Bell 412 helicopter Medical Rescue Helicopter Service. and is crewed by four Kate has been the Media and Com- people: a pilot, an munications Manager with Snowy aircrewman, a doctor Hydro SouthCare for three years, and an intensive care and spoke about Snowy Hydro paramedic. The aircrew SouthCaren i general first, before are sourced from the discussing the role of the service Canadian Helicopter close to bushwalkers’ hearts – what Company, based in to do in an emergency situation Adelaide. The doctors where the helicopter is required. come from Canberra helicopter costing $3000 per flying Hospital and are highly experi- hour, without staff. Snowy Hydro Snowy Hydro SouthCare is the enced. The paramedics are sourced SouthCare is funded by the ACT and helicopter rescue service for the from the ACT Ambulance Service. NSW governments and fundraising, ACT and southern NSW and is Kate mentioned that the service has donations, merchanise, bequests etc. essentially an ambulance in the four full-time pilots, four full-time sky, based on the . aircrew and one engineer. Snowy Hydro SouthCare operates Snowy Hydro SouthCare has a in a large region – its operating area number of functions – responding Kate detailed the types of missions is from Orange in the north, to Hay to accidents and Triple 000 calls, that the Snowy Hydro SouthCare in the east, to the Victorian border transferring patients to higher level undertakes. These are: near Eden, and north to Ulladulla. health care, and participating in Lake Cargelligo, at the end of the • Primary missions, where the Snowy Hydro SouthCare region, operations and helicopter lands at scene of an disaster relief. The service is on is three hours flying time from accident, such as a road accident Canberra. standby 24 hours a day, 365 days or farm accident; per year. Kate’s presentation looked at a • Secondary missions, the service’s Kate highlighted the large and number of issues of particular most regular mission, involving interest to bushwalkers, such as increasing amount of work Snowy transferring patients from rural Hydro SouthCare is performing. what happens when a Personal hospitals to Canberra Hospital Locator Beacon (PLB) is activated, Since the service began in 1998, for higher level health care and more than 5200 missions have been and when is the appropriate time to transferring patients to Sydney; activate. undertaken. In the last financial and year, Snowy Hydro SouthCare Kate indicated that once activated, undertook 498 missions, an increase • Non-medical missions, such as disaster relief. Two examples of a signal is sent via satellite to the of 50 missions on the previous year. Australian Maritime Safety Author- Snowy Hydro SouthCare’s missions this are the floods in the and the 2003 bushfires, where ity (AMSA), who then activates are listed on its website (www. procedures and engages emergency snowyhydrosouthcare.com.au), the helicopter performed water bombing missions. services. AMSA will look at the highlighting the types of missions location and terrain, determining and locations. For example, on Snowy Hydro SouthCare’s 2011–12 what services are required, task- 4 September, the helicopter went to: annual report highlighted that 39 per ing the Snowy Hydro SouthCare • Perisher Medical Centre on a cent of missions were primary mis- helicopter if required. primary mission to retrieve a sions, 59 per cent were secondary and two per cent were non-medical. In respect of when to activate the patient with a suspected head PLB, Kate spoke with the Snowy injury; and Unsurprisingly, Snowy Hydro Hydro SouthCare head pilot, who • Crookwell, attending a motor SouthCare is expensive to oper- advised activation when you con- vehicle accident, with a patient ate. Kate said the service costs sidered yourself to be in grave and

imminent danger. But there is no g $6.5 million per year to run, with the o r F

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Page 4 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2013 g ro F e re o b ro r o C

Review of General meeting black and white answer – assess each situation and whether your personal safety / life is in danger. PLBs have been activated because of a range of issues – snake bites, broken ankles, being snowed in, being lost. Kate recommended that activation is a last resort and to try other forms of raising the alarm first, such as a mobile or satellite phone, CB radio, a walker returning to the car to raise the alarm, or being able to get the person out. If the PLB has to be activated, ensure the beacon is in open area, at the highest point with its aerial up. An issue raised with Kate prior to her presentation was first aid dos and don’ts. Kate indicated prior- itising shelter, first aid, preparing Finding a safe landing spot is not always easy rescue parties and that once Snowy Hydro SouthCare is there, the circle if necessary to find a landing from a primary accident, that person crew will prepare the person for spot, winching down medical staff is charged through the ambulance transport. then finding a place to land. The service, which looks at the kilome- Kate highlighted the importance of Snowy Hydro SouthCare has night tres travelled. The fee is paid to the staying in the location where the capability, such as night vision gog- Government and does not cover beacon was activated and carrying gles and a thermal imaging system. the cost of operating the helicopter. things to help the aircrew see you, Search and Rescue operations are One question was what can people different, Kate indicated, with the such as an orange tarp or flare. The take on the helicopter. Kate advised crew cannot communicate with Federal Government paying for there is a weight limit and that the search aspects and, if medical you unless there is mobile phone hefty packs cannot be carried, and coverage. Kate also mentioned that assistance is required, the patient is that personal items must comply billed like an ambulance. helicopters have lot of downwash with aviation rules, such as mobile and that clearing away what you phones being switched off, no One other question related to can (sticks, rocks) is helpful. Also, lighters etc. accidental activation of a PLB, preparedness is fantastic i.e. carry- something I fear I’ll do one day, ing a PLB, wearing the appropriate Of particular interest to the audi- and the disposal of the PLB. Kate clothing. ence was the cost of being rescued recounted a story of the helicopter by Snowy Hydro SouthCare. Kate being called out to Gungahlin, near Use of the helicopter’s winch is the advised that if a person is retrieved last option, and the helicopter will the Mitchell Waste Transfer Station, as a PLB had been activated. Kate mentioned that the AMSA website (http://beacons.amsa.gov.au/index. html) has information on disposal of a PLB. If the PLB is accidentally activated, Kate recommended turn- ing it off and notifying the Rescue Coordination Centre in Canberra. Kate’s presentation showed the importance of the Snowy Hydro SouthCare to the region, how vital the service is to residents in the region, and the importance of the community supporting its work – we never quite know when we might need it. Nathan Holt

Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2013 – page 5 Committee roles and anything else that enriches the AGM election: Role of Club officers community spirit of the club. ere is an outline of the positions Membership Secretary Conservation Officer up for election at the Septem- H Maintains membership records Coordinates the Club’s conserva- ber AGM. If you would like more tion activities. Advises the Club on information about one of these posi- using an on-line software package, answers membership inquiries, conservation issues, campaigns and tions, please call the current office projects. May represent the Club at holder (see back cover of this issue) handles receipts, processes mem- bership applications and renewals. other conservation meetings such President Banks cheques for membership as those of the ACT Conservation fees. Informs the Treasurer of any Council. Prepares submissions on Oversees all Club activities, chairs payments banked. Member of the important conservation matters. the Committee and General Meet- Training and Safety sub-group. ings and is responsible for ensuring Assistant Walks Secretary that important issues are considered Editor Responsible for obtaining pre-trip by the committee or are otherwise documentation from leaders before dealt with. Represents the Club in Responsible for the preparation of the monthly newsletter. Seeks, walks and checks leaders in after many of its dealings with outside walks. bodies especially the Confederation encourages and receives written of Bushwalking Clubs NSW Inc. contributions and photos and fol- Sometimes has to ring forgetful Assists other officers where needed. lows up receipt of regular reports. leaders to check that the party has Frequently must deal with enquir- Edits content as necessary. Designs returned. First point of contact ies, suggestions and complaints. and prepares the layout for publica- for leaders in case of emergency. Member of the training and safety tion. Liaises with the Membership Obtains completed Acknowledge- sub-group. Secretary regarding the number of ment of Risks and Obligations copies required and arranges print- Forms from leaders and keeps them General Secretary ing. Creates a Word document of for the record. Maintains statistics the edited Activities program for the Takes minutes of Committee Meet- on trips; assists in identifying Web Manager and the Walks Sec- potential new leaders. ings and records the formal business retary. The newsletter is currently of General Meetings, including the prepared using Adobe InDesign. Responsible for obtaining incident AGM. Maintains official records Experience with InDesign would reports and for making recom- of correspondence. Prepares cor- be desirable. mendations to the committee based respondence for signature by the on these. President, if requested and works Training & Safety Officer closely with the President on mat- Member of the training and safety ters of general importance to the Develops and implements a training sub-group. and safety programme consistent Club. Member of the Training and Publisher Safety sub-group. with the Club’s objectives and responsibilities. Manages the updat- Collects CBC Newsletter (it) from Treasurer ing of the club’s notes for leaders publisher on 2nd Wednesday of and participants, where necessary. Manages the Club’s finances. Main- each month. Receives and checks tains day to day accounts and Manages the activities of the train- mailing labels from Web Manager. financial records; prepares the ing and safety sub-group. Arrange and manage the prepara- annual Financial Statements and tion of Newsletter for posting. Posts draft Budget; advises the Commit- Social Secretary newsletter the following day for tee and Club members on financial Identifies, arranges and introduces Friday’s delivery. Obtains required matters including membership rates guest speakers for general meetings. stationery for posting. Copies and transport rates; acts as Admin- A few days before the meeting, printer’s invoice and forwards it istrator of the Bank Accounts, invites a club member to write a via email to Treasurer for payment. Merchant Facility and PayPal in short report about the talk for the Makes out a report for inclusion in regard to changes in authorisations monthly news letter. Ensures that the forthcoming monthly committee and access of other officers to those someone is appointed to thank guest meeting. facilities; manages Investments and speakers and that a bottle of wine is Web Manager cash transfers between the credit presented to speakers who are not facilities and bank accounts; pays club members. Responsible for the maintenance all accounts; issues invoices and of the CBC web site including deposits cash receipts as needed. Responsible for the setting up of posting the it newsletter, updating the room and buying and preparing the News and Members sections Walks Secretary supper at monthly meetings. Is and advising members. Maintains Responsible for organising the the contact person for the owners/ the walks program on the club web walks program. Encourages mem- managers of the meeting venue site. Further develop the CBC web bers to lead club activities, checks and holds and is responsible for site with new features as approved that leaders have the skills needed the keys to the venue. Manages the by the Committee. The website is to undertake the walks they propose social program of the club including currently prepared using Adobe and seeks out new leaders. Manages providing input and ideas for the Dreamweaver. Experience with the Register of Leaders. Member of Christmas party, the January BBQ, Dreamweaver would be desirable.

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e e any celebrations relevant to the club r o b o r r

o the training and safety sub-group. C

Page 6 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2013 g ro F e re o b ro r o C

Financial statements Statement of Income and Expenses: July 2012 through June 2013

Income This Year Last Year Members subscriptions $10,578 $9,320 Interest income $884 $945 Book and Badge sales $247 $840 Other revenues $15 $0 Total Income $11,725 $11,105 Expenses Bank Fees Bank Fees $9 $276

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r o Merchant Fees $264 C $0 PayPal Fees $232 $179 Total Bank Fees $505 $455 Conservation $99 $99 Depreciation $360 $325 Donations $255 $250 General Meetings & Xmas party $1,633 $1,375 It printing and postage $1,790 $1,704 Post box rental $161 $150 Postage & Stationery $75 $386 Bushwalking NSW Affiliation Fee $1,625 $0 Public Liability Insurance $1,316 $2,979 Total Bushwalking NSW $2,941 $2,979 Registrar-General fees $0 $56 Training and Safety $300 $142 Other expenses $0 $47 Web hosting and enhancements $0 $302 Stocktake adjustment $0 $882 50th Anniversary Activities $0 $4,713 Total Expenses $8,119 $13,865 Operating Profit $3,606 ($2,760) Net Profit/(Loss) $3,606 ($2,760)

Independent auditor’s report To the Members of the Canberra Bushwalking Club Inc accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. These Auditing Standards require that I comply with relevant I have audited the accompanying financial report of ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and the Canberra Bushwalking Club Inc, which comprises plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assur- the balance sheet as at 30 June 2013, and the income ance whether the financial report is free from material statement. misstatement. The responsibility of the Treasurer and Committee An audit involves performing procedures to obtain for the Financial Report audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in The Treasurer and Committee are responsible for the the financial report. The procedures selected depend preparation and fair presentation of the financial report on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards of the risks of material misstatement of the financial (including the Australian Accounting Interpretations). report, whether due to fraud or error. In making those This responsibility includes establishing and maintain- risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control ing internal controls relevant to the preparation and relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation fair presentation of the financial report that is free from of the financial report in order to design audit procedures material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes the circumstances. evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates Auditor’s responsibility made by the Treasurer and Committee, as well as My responsibility is to express an opinion on the finan- evaluating the overall presentation of the financial report. cial report based on my audit. I conducted my audit in Continued next page

Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2013 – page 7 Financial statements Budgeted Receipts and Payments: July 2013 through June 2014

Bank at 1 July 2013 Budget 2013–14 Actual 2012–2013 Cheque account 5,779 Cash on hand 88 Cash reserve account 5,793 Term Deposits 17,885 $29,545 Income Members subscriptions 8,900 10,578 Interest income 885 884 Book and Badge sales 250 247 Total Income $10,035 Expenses Bank Fees (525) (505) Conservation (110) (99) Donations (250) (255) General Meetings & Xmas party (1,650) (1633) It printing and postage (2,000) (1790) Post box rental (160) (161) Postage & Stationery (100) (75) Bushwalking NSW Affiliation Fee (1,625) Public Liability Insurance (1,665) (1,316) Total Bushwalking NSW $(3,495) Registrar-General fees (55) 0 Training and Safety (800) (300) Web hosting and enhancements (100) 0 Total Expenses $(9,245) Capital outlays Creditors at 1 July 2013 $(982) Snow equipment (600) Software (3,000) Total Capital outlays $(4,582) $(1,765) Bank at 30 June 2014 $25,753

continued Notes to the accounts I believe that the audit evidence I have attached a Balance sheet including last year’s figures, and an Income and Expense I have obtained is sufficient and report with a comparison to last year. appropriate to provide a basis for The accounts include an estimation of interest as yet unpaid on term deposits, adjustments my audit opinion. for: prepaid hall hire, cash on hand, and the cost of book and badge sales. An additional $5,000 was placed in a Term Deposit during the 2012–2013 year. Auditor’s opinion Finding Your Way in the Bush stocks are valued at cost of $3.92 each, cloth badges are In my opinion, the financial report included at cost of $8.90 each. 26 copies of Finding Your Way in the Bush and 15 badges presents fairly, in all material were sold in 2012–2013. respects, (or ‘gives a true and fair Fixed assets are shown at their written down (depreciated) value. Depreciation is applied view’) of the financial position of at 25% of the previous year’s written down value (i.e. the ‘reducing balance’ method). the Canberra Bushwalking Club Inc as of 30 June 2013, and of its finan- Capital purchases included a Laptop for $815 and snow equipment at $950 in 2012–2013, cial performance and its cash flows and Web Publishing $3,000 and additional Snow Equipment purchases of $600 in for the year then ended in accord- 2013–2014. ance with Australian Accounting Other revenues are $15 received as hire fees. Standards (including the Australian Conservation was the membership of $99 to the ACT Conservation Society. Accounting Interpretations). Donations included $200 to Westpac Helicopter Service and $55 to Consact for their Trivia John Kyatt CPA (retired) night. 23 August 2013 Training and Safety was reimbursements of $100 each to Linda Groom, Peter Conroy and 3 O’Neill Street Queanbeyan Barb Vaschina We paid for web hosting during the year, but the service doesn’t start until August 2013, so this is included as an unexpensed prepayment. In the budget Members’ subscriptions are based on a paying membership of 370: 320 @

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o $20, and 50 @ $50. C

Page 8 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2013 g ro F e re o b ro r o C

Financial statements Balance Sheet June 2013 Assets This Year Last Year Current Assets Cheque Account $5,779 $8,433 Cash on Hand $88 $176 Prepayments & Debtors $938 $500 Non-current assets Cash Reserve Account $5,793 $5,628 Term Deposit $12,791 $12,376 Term Deposit 2 $5,094 $0 Books and Badges $2,025 $2,249 Global Positioning Systems Global Positioning Systems (2) $270 $128 Accum depn 2 * GPSs ($174) $0 Total Global Positioning Systems $96 $128 Personal Locator Beacons Personal locator beacons (2) $1,211 $540 Accum depn 2 * PLBs ($806) $0 Total Personal Locator Beacons $405 $540 Projector Projector $2,278 $307 Accum depreciation Projector ($2,048) $0 Total Projector $230 $307 Snow Equipment Snow equipment $950 $0 Total Snow Equipment $950 $0 Laptop Laptop $815 $0 Accum depn Laptop ($116) $0 Total Laptop $699 $0 Total Assets $34,887 $30,337 Liabilities Creditors $982 $38 Total Liabilities $982 $38 Net Assets $33,905 $30,299 Equity General Reserve $14,151 $14,151 Publications Reserve $13,868 $13,868 Current Earnings $3,606 ($2,760) Accumulated results $2,280 $5,040 Total Equity $33,905 $30,299 Notice of motions Financial statements 2012–2013 such rate being half the rate per kilometre allowed by the Commissioner for Taxation for work-related expenses That the Club adopt the Financial Statements for for an ordinary motor car with an engine capacity of 2012–2013 as published in the September 2013 it. 1,601 to 2,600 cc, for the preceding financial year. Schedule of Receipts and Payments 2012–2013 Members’ Subscription rate 2013–2014 That the Club adopt the Budgeted Receipts and Payments That the subscription rate for the 2013–2014 year be 2012–2013 as published in the September 2013 it. set at $20 per member for an electronic delivery of the Transport rate newsletter or $50 for a posted newsletter. That the transport rate be maintained at 37c per kilome- tre, from the date of the 2013 Annual General Meeting,

Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2013 – page 9 Activity program Activity program Arrange for your Club-related activities to be included in the program with Linda Groom (Walks Secretary) Ph: 6281 4917, Email: [email protected], Post: 96 Strickland Crescent, Deakin ACT 2600

Information for participants Distance and difficulty Transport Distance: Costs are 37¢/km/car, divided equally among all participants. This (S) Short – under 12km/day amount may be varied at the discretion of the leader, depending on the condition of the roads and other factors. The figures given (M) Medium – 12–20km/day are for the car as a whole and then, at the discretion of the leader, (L) Long – over 20km/day an estimate or range per person. Park admission and camping Note: In calculating distance, 1 km is added for every 100 metres fees are additional costs which leaders should list separately. climbed. Duty of care Terrain: Every person taking part in a CBC activity acknowledges that (E) Easy – fire trail, tracks, beaches etc he/she does so voluntarily and that he/she may be exposed to (M) Medium – bush tracks, alpine areas, some scrub risks that could lead to injury, illness or death, or to loss of, or (R) Rough – much scrub, steep climbs, rock scrambles damage to property. Each person is required to sign the Club’s (W) Wet – compulsory swims, many river crossings ‘Acknowledgement of Risks’ form. Visitors are welcome to join (X) Exploratory trips. However walkers are strongly encouraged to join the Club after a maximum of three trips. Booking Contact the leader early rather than late. Book by Thursday For further information see: 2.00 pm for the following weekend (both one-day and multi-day www.canberrabushwalkingclub.org walks) so the leader has time to arrange transport. Check with the leader about: Check-in after walks Before a trip leaders are to email or phone through the names XXthe need to carry water, tents/fly, maps, etc of their party, and by 10 am the day after their trip report XXappropriate clothing, footwear X their safe return or trip cancellation, to the Check-in Officer, Xany precautions you might need to take for severe weather Keith Thomas ([email protected], changes. 6230 1081 or 0421 607 667 leave message if no answer). The Ask about anything you’re unsure of, especially if you are new to Check-in Officer or the Walks Secretary (6281 4917), not the Police our Club. or other bodies, should be the first point of contact for worried relatives if you are late in returning.

Equipment hire Map scale is 1:25,000 unless otherwise stated Take advantage of the excellent gear that the Club has available for hire before lashing out on your own equip- Book by Thursday 2:00 pm for the ment. The Equipment Officer is Rob Horsfield, who can following weekend so the leader has time to be contacted on 6231 4535(h) or to borrow the northside arrange transport PLB, Keith Thomas, 6230 1081 or 0421 607 667. The equipment available and current rates per weekend/ week are set out below. Hirers are responsible for col- Saturday 14 September: Booroomba trig and lecting and returning the equipment. The hiring charge Blythburn Cottage – L/M (but not the deposit) is waived for members who are ‘first From the Tidbinbilla Road north of Castle Hill, walk time’ weekend walkers. through the ‘Booroomba’ property to Booroomba trig A deposit of $20 is required and part or all of this will be (which is nowhere near Booroomba Rocks). Steeply refunded, depending on the condition of the items upon down to cross Blue Gum Creek and visit Blythburn return and whether they are returned late. Cottage, built around 1885 (the site of an all-female dairy!). Exit via track into Namadgi National Park, Item w.e./week crossing Blue Gum Creek again and so to the northern Olympus two person tent $15 / $40 end of Bushfold Flats. Join the AAWT and ascend to Macpac Microlight one person tent $15 / $40 the north ridge of Mt Tennent and down to the Namadgi 3 season bag, mat and liner $10 / $25 Visitors Centre. I would encourage walkers who wish to extend their day walking to join in. We have Assorted packs $5 / $15 nearly 12 hours of daylight and can take the walk at a Trangia and fuel bottle $5 / $15 moderate pace. Around 20 km and 800 m climb. Maps: Snow sleeping bag, mat and liner $15 / $40 Tuggeranong, Corin Dam, Williamsdale. Leader: John Personal locator beacon – nil (see website for conditions) Evans 0417 436 877, [email protected] Transport: GPS – nil (see website for conditions of use) ~$10 per person; car shuttle required. Further details at Check you have ALL the bits and pieces you need www.johnevans.id.au Limit: 12. when collecting and returning gear. 14–15 September: Woila Clearing – M/R This walk is out and back from Pikes Saddle, descending and returning on a long spur to Woila Creek. The country is spectacular. Map: Badja. Leaders: Jenny & Rob Horsfield 6231 4535(h). Transport: ~$100 per car. g o r F

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Activity program Sunday 15 September: Peak 1409 – M/R CBC members are assisting by leading 45 minute early Peak 1409 is the prominent rocky shale peak visible morning walks through Floriade. This is an opportunity from Canberra as being in between Tidbinbilla and the to see Floriade without the crowds – the walks finish Brindabellas. Located only a few crow-flying kilometres before the gates open to the public. Participation is open NE of Corin Dam, but along rough scrubby terrain. The to Club members and the public. No need to book; meet walk will commence at the dam, proceed around a bend in at the temporary traffic lights on Commonwealth avenue the Cotter River and then follow ridges up to the summit. by 8 am. Map: Canberra. Leader: Christine Francis If the road is closed, we may need to try an alternative [email protected] 6254 2436. Transport: drive route from Fishing Gap. This is an exploratory walk for yourself. the leader. ~600 m climb. Map: Corin Dam. Leader: David Dedenczuk 0417 222 154 (m), 6295 6065(h), Friday 20 September: CANwalk Floriade 8 am [email protected] Transport: ~$15. walk – S/E See details at Thursday 19 September. Leader: Jenny Tuesday 17 September: Jerrabattgulla Creek, Horsfield 62314535. Southern Tributaries – M/R/W/part X The walk is in a Preserved Forest area in the Tallaganda Saturday 21 September: Serenity Rocks – M/M Park the cars at Mulloon Creek. Walk on track to Serenity State Forest, 20 km east of Jerangle. We will revisit Rocks through attractive bush with spectacular views at the southern Jerrabattgulla Creek system where I led a lunch before returning to the cars. A pleasant walk, about walk on 5/3/2013. The going was slow on that trip so we 12 km, 300 m climb. Map: Bombay. Leaders: Tom didn’t have time to explore one of the bigger tributaries. Gosling and Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), I also plan to have another look at the waterfall that we [email protected] Transport: ~$15 per found, this time from below. Start on the Jerrabattgulla person. Bookings to Stan please but Tom will lead the Forest Road at approx. Krawaree 277278. Follow a fire walk on the day. trail north for 2 km to Jerrabattgulla Creek. We will then follow a creek to the base of the falls and continue Monday 23 September: CANwalk Floriade upstream to a creek junction at Krawaree 271294. We 8 am walk – S/E then follow the side creek south for a few hours until See details at Thursday 19 September. Leader: Linda we intersect the Jerrabattgulla Road. Note: the southern Groom 6291 4917. tributaries are densely vegetated and much of the walking is difficult and suitable only for experienced walkers. Tuesday 24 September: Creeks and Spurs, There may be some wading to reach the base of the Western Side of Mt Clear, Namadgi NP – waterfall. An alternative walk will be run, at short notice, L/R/part X if the forest access tracks are wet. Maps: Jerangle, From the Mt Clear campground at the southern end of Krawarree and South Coast Forest Map 1:150,000. the ACT, we will spend most of the day off-track on Leader: Ian Wright [email protected] 6286 a route that links up some of the many small creeks 1473 Transport: 200 km ~$74 per car. Limit: 8. between Mt Clear and the Naas Creek, though we will not be going to the Mt Clear summit. Some of valleys are Wednesday 18 September: Wednesday Walk grassy but there will also be scrubby spurs and ridges. Medium/hard walk for fit and experienced walkers; Minimum distance: 16 km with 500 metres of ascent. may include off-track walking and rock scrambling. Maps: Bredbo, Colinton. Leader: Ian Wright iwri5712@ Leader: Peter Wellman for BBC, [email protected]. bigpond.net.au, 6286 1473. Transport: ~160 km return, au 6288 5985. ~$64 per car. Limit: 8. Wednesday 18 September 2013, 8 pm Wednesday 25 September: Wednesday Walk MONTHLY MEETING Medium/hard walk for fit and experienced walkers; may Annual General Meeting include off-track walking and rock scrambling. Leader: Philip Gatenby for NPA 6254 3094, jandp.gatenby@ Main hall: Hughes Baptist Church optusnet.com.au. 32–34 Groom Street, Hughes Thursday 26 September: CANwalk Floriade 8 am walk – S/E Thursday 19 September: Navigation See details at Thursday 19 September. Leader: Christine refresher #7: GPSr and PC Francis [email protected] 6254 2436. An evening looking at interfacing GPSr to PC. Use of digital mapping software (eg. OziExplorer, Garmin’s Saturday 28 – Monday 30 September: Royal BaseCamp) and maps (e.g. NSW LPI TopoView digitised National Park – M/E 1:25000 topo maps for PC, OZTopo vector maps for I have booked accommodation at Bundeena, a large GPSr) to plan, record and analyse trips. We’ll also look house. We will drive down on Saturday morning. In the at Google Earth and other software. Bookings to: John afternoon, we will walk Lady Carrington Drive, once a Evans 0417 436 877, [email protected] Transport: road but now a walking track through rain forest etc. On Drive yourself to UTM 55H 685271–6088292 (MGA94). Sunday, we will do the spectacular and beautiful walk Bring a little supper to share. Further details at www. along the coast of the Park, from Bundeena to Wattamolla johnevans.id.au and return, about 6 hours walking. On Monday, we will do the short but also beautiful walk from Garawarra Farm Thursday 19 September: CANwalk Floriade to North Era beach for lunch (3 hours) before driving 8 am walk – S/E home. Map: Otford. Leaders: Michael Sutton and CANwalk is an association of many Canberra walking Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), stan.marks@ groups, facilitated by the Heart Foundation. Several

Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2013 – page 11 Activity program infrastructure.gov.au Transport: ~$60 per person. Groggin on the first night and pack camping beside the Accommodation: ~$120. Bookings to Stan please but river on the next two nights. Car shuffle required. Maps: Michael will actually lead the walks. Tom Groggin, Youngal, Scammels Lookout. Leader: Mike Bremers 0428 923 408, [email protected] Transport: ~$120 per person. Limit: 5. COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday 25 September 2013, 8 pm 5–7 October (Labour Day long weekend): at the home of John Evans Hume and Hovell Walking Track – M/E-M/ 38 Rocklands Street, Duffy partly X A pack walk, but Saturday and Monday are fairly short (about 8 km each day) and on Sunday (about 16 km) Submissions close for we only need to carry day packs. From the Brindabella October it Road we follow the extensive Micalong Swamp to a campsite near its southern end where we stay both nights. 25 September 2013 On Sunday we walk a circuit to Mt Nimbo and Jumpers Hill and, by comparing the explorers’ journal notes with the terrain and scenery, try to ascertain which of the two Tuesday 1 October: South Coast – summits Hume and Hovell climbed. Return to the cars Burrewarra Point to Tomakin – M/M late Monday morning. We mostly stay on the walking Long drive (2¼ hours). From Burrewarra Point car park track but we need to leave it in the vicinity of Mt Nimbo walk on track past WW2 radar station No. 17 Radar and Jumpers Hill. Map: Rooftop’s Kosciuszko Northern Station RAAF to lighthouse Burrewarra Point Light Activities Map 1:50,000. Leader: Jeff Bennetts 0418 thence clifftop footpad and little-known beaches West to 662 870(m), [email protected] Transport: Barlings Island for lunch (some rock-hopping required). ~180 km, $68 per car, $17–$23 per person. Limit: 12. Good chance of whale sightings close inshore as this is middle of Southerly migration period. After lunch a (5) 6–10 (11) October: Blue Breaks – M/R choice of a scenic inland walk along Bevian Rd, returning Drive to Yerranderie Sat 5 Oct for a five day walk in the through Mogo State forest to junction of George Bass Blue Breaks, exploring Lacys Tableland between Lacys Drive and Bevian Rd; or a short drive to Broulee for level and Reilly Creeks. We will access the plateau via Tonalli stroll around Broulee Island (Broulee Nature Reserve). Pass and descend to the junction of Bull Island and Green Car shuffle between Burrewarra Point and Bevian Rd. Wattle Creeks before returning over Vengeance Peninsula Around 14 km and 400 m climb (10 km and 100 m for and the Axeheads. Drive home Fri 11 Oct. Magnificent Broulee option). Map: Mogo. Leader: Eric Glass 6286 spring flowers and spectacular cliff views; mostly off- 3316(h), [email protected] Transport: ~$130 per track with some rock scrambling. Run jointly with Coast car. Limit: 12 (3 cars) and Mountain Walkers of NSW. Maps: Yerranderie, Burragorang. Leader: Meg McKone 6254 5902(h), 1–10 October: Southern ACT border walk – M/R [email protected] Transport: ~520 km This part of the ACT border from the Clear Range to return, ~$50–$66 per person. Limit: 8. Gingera is challenging bushwalking through some great country. The leader has recently checked it out and Tuesday 8 October: Kosciuszko NP – thinks of it as good value as a long-distance walk. Map: Burrungubugge Hut Ruin – M/M–R ACT 1:100 000. Leader: Rob Horsfield 6231 4535(h) From Locked gate on the Island Bend FT, follow IBFT Transport: TBA. Expressions of interest are requested to Burrungubugge river. Follow direction of the track sooner rather than later. marked on the Kalkite Mountain map to Hut – from a recent report the track is over grown. About 11 km and Wednesday 2 October: Wednesday Walk 300 m, a mixture of FT and off track. If time allows, visit Medium/hard walk for fit and experienced walkers; may the weir on the Gungarlin River – add 4 km and 100 m. include off-track walking and rock scrambling. Leader: Leader: Max Smith [email protected] (please John Ellis for BBC [email protected] 6241 2658. contact before 4 October). Maps: Kalkite Mountain and Geehi. Transport: ~$140 per car Limit: 8. Thursday 3 October: CANwalk Floriade 8 am walk – S/E Wednesday 9 October: Wednesday Walk See details at Thursday 19 September. Leader: Christine Medium/hard walk for fit and experienced walkers; may Francis 6254 2436, [email protected] include off-track walking and rock scrambling. Leader: John Danaro for CBC [email protected] Friday 4 October: CANwalk Floriade 8 am walk – S/E Thursday 10 October: CANwalk Floriade See details at Thursday 19 September. Leader: John 8 am walk – S/E Evans 0417 436 877, [email protected] See details at Thursday 19 September. Leader: Christine Francis [email protected] 6254 2436. (4) 5–7 October: Tom Groggin–Maguires Bridge – L/M/X Saturday 12 October: Canberra Centenary Starting at Tom Groggin we follow the Murray River Trail (Duffy to Federation Stone)/Worn downstream mostly on track for about 35 km to Maguires Boot Bash – L/E Bridge on the western side of the range. Day 2 is about The Canberra Centenary Trail is due to be opened in 21 km and includes 700 m of climbing. Days 1 and 3 October. There is more information at http://www.tams. are shorter but day 3 may involve a river crossing (if act.gov.au/parks-recreation/recreational_activities/ safe) and/or several km scrub bashing. Car camp at Tom canberra_centenary_trail. Let’s get an early look at it by g o r F

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Activity program walking it in 3 non-contiguous days. This walk is one Saturday 19 October: Canberra Centenary of the 2013 CBC Worn Boot Bash walks. Side trips to Trail (Hall to Duffy)/Worn Boot Bash – L/E Narrabundah, Cooleman, Arawang, Wanniassa, YA 90 The Canberra Centenary Trail is due to be opened in and Davidson trigs. Around 50 km and some climbs. October. There is more information at http://www.tams. Some walking in the dark involved. Walkers can join act.gov.au/parks-recreation/recreational_activities/ and leave the walk wherever they like, but will have to canberra_centenary_trail. Let’s get an early look at it arrange their own transport. At least 35 km and 3 hills by walking it in 3 non-contiguous days. This walk is to qualify for WBB. Maps: Canberra, Tuggeranong. one of the 2013 CBC Worn Boot Bash walks. Side trips Leader John Evans 0417 436 877, john@johnevans. to Percival trig, Gossan Hill, Black Mountain, Dairy id.au Transport: drive yourself/car shuttle or pickup. Farmers Hill (these 3 not trigs on the list, but hills), Further details at www.johnevans.id.au Narrabundah trig. Around 50 km and some climbs. Some Saturday 12 October, morning: Botanic walking in the dark involved. Walkers can join and leave the walk wherever they like, but will have to arrange Gardens and Black Mountain – S/E their own transport. At least 35 km and 3 hills to qualify A walk of about 2.5 hours through the Botanic Gardens, for WBB. Maps: Hall, Canberra. Leader: John Evans and around and over Black Mountain. Includes a steep 0417 436 877, [email protected] Transport: drive climb. All on walking tracks, though some parts of the yourself/car shuttle or pickup. Further details at www. tracks have loose stones and steep and uneven surfaces. johnevans.id.au Bring a drink and a snack. Meet at the bus shelter in the Botanic Gardens car park, ready for a 9.30 am start. Sunday 20 October–Saturday 2 November : Part of the CBC contribution to the Sportenary program. Blue Mountains – M/E – L/E–M Map: Black Mountain Nature Reserve .http://www. Up to two weeks of day walks in the Blue Mountains tams.act.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/13246/ based at Blackheath Caravan Park, with a choice of cnpmapblackmountain.pdf Leader: Linda Groom 6281 camping beside the cars or staying in a cabin. Walks will 4917, [email protected] Bookings appreciated but alternate between medium and long; whilst mostly on not essential. Transport: drive yourself – remember to track, substantial ascents are involved some days. Walk bring change for the parking. options include: Devil’s Hole/ Nellies Glen; Junction Sunday 13 October, afternoon: Lake side Rock/Grand Canyon; Glow Worm Tunnel/Dry Canyon; Narrow Neck/Clear Hill; Newnes Pipeline Track; walk – S/E Hippocrene and Vera Falls; Six Foot Track Megalong From Yarralumla Bay, the walk will follow informal to Coxs River; Fortress Ridge; Mt Mouin; Mt Hay; tracks, which meander past tranquil corners of the lake. It Blue Gum Forest; Deep Pass/River Caves Canyon; Mt will return through the bushland and meadows of Stirling Solitary; Blackfellows Hand Rock/pagodas. I am happy Park, past the hut sites of workers who built the Hotel for people to stay for all or part of the period; feasibility Canberra. About 5 kilometres on tracks or grassland. and cost will depend on how well your available dates Meet at the parking area next to the Elizabeth McKay match others’. Maps: Katoomba, Mt Wilson, Jenolan, Aquatic Centre, Alexandrina Drive, on the eastern side of Jamison, Rock Hill, Ben Bullen, Cullen Bullen, Mt Yarralumla Bay for a 2 pm start. No need to book. Map: Morgan, Hampton. Leader: Jeff Bennetts, 0418 662 870 Canberra. Leaders: Linda Groom [email protected] (m) [email protected] Please send expressions and Peter Conroy. Transport: drive yourself . of interest to me ASAP (especially if wanting a cabin) Tuesday 15 October: Bag Mt Clear trig – L/R, to get the best options for sharing. Transport: depends ptX on which walks you do, and numbers travelling at the Walk the fire trail from the Mt Clear camping ground car same time; it is 600 km there and back not counting day park to Long Flat, visiting an old stockyard, Sam Aboud’s travel. The club’s standard transport cost rules will apply. dunny and a sheep-break of drop log fencing. Off-track Accommodation costs: see http://www.bmtp.com.au/b- to join the Mt Clear FT at Top Flats. Follow the FT up to accommodation.html Limit: 12 at any one time. Mt Clear, stopping to view the occasional border marker. Tuesday 22 October: Southern drive to Return to near SH1524, then drop 300 m off-track to Chalkers Chimney. Exit via leads through open forest McCormack–Fitz–Boboyan–Wrights Hill – to Naas Creek. Around 23 km and 800 m climb. Maps: M/M Colinton, Bredbo. Leader: John Evans 0417 436 877, Drive the Boboyan Road to the southern border of the [email protected] Transport: ~$12 per person. ACT, with walks to: McCormack trig from Smiths Rd Limit: 8. Further details at www.johnevans.id.au (3.2 km), Fitz trig (0.7 km), Boboyan trig via the Yerrabi Walking Track (3.3 km), and Wrights Hill trig off-track Wednesday 16 October: Wednesday Walk up the border and back via the Grassy Creek FT (6.3 km). Medium/hard walk for fit and experienced walkers; may Around 13 km and 600 m climb. Maps: Williamsdale, include off-track walking and rock scrambling. Leader: Michelago, Yaouk, Shannons Flat. Leader John Evans John Ellis for BBC 6241 2658, [email protected] 0417 436 877, [email protected] Transport: ~$15 per person. Further details at www.johnevans.id.au Wednesday 16 October 2013, 8 pm Wednesday 23 October: Wednesday Walk MONTHLY MEETING Medium/hard walk for fit and experienced walkers; Upcoming CBC trip to Kakadu may include off-track walking and rock scrambling. Presenter: Cynthia Burton Leader: Henry Hatch for NPA [email protected]. au 6290 1138. Main auditorium: Hughes Baptist Church 32–34 Groom Street, Hughes

Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2013 – page 13 Bulletin board Saturday 9 November: Monga Forest COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday 23 October 2013 revisited – Painting and/or photography – S/E A short walk into Monga N.P. where soft light seeps into 26–27 October: Wambagugga Creek – S/M lush rainforest, inspiring your brushes and your cameras. with M/R option Hopefully the waratahs will be in bloom. Map: Monga On Saturday, walk half a day with packs to a spacious Leader: Alison Milton 6254 0578(h), 6289 2717(w), grassy campsite beside Wambagugga Creek in the Deua [email protected] Transport: ~$88 per car, NP, with an option to do an afternoon circuit without $22–$29 per person. packs to the Shoalhaven River. On Sunday, a short Saturday 9 November: Hospital Creek optional climb (100 m up, 0.5 km) to a knoll; back to Waterfall – S/R the cars, probably before 2 pm. Apart from the optional A pleasant round trip from the car park on the Old knoll, gradients are gentle. There is 3 km of fire trail and Boboyan Road. Maps: Rendezvous Creek, Yaouk. the rest is off track – tussocky grass and fairly light scrub, Leaders: Jenny & Rob Horsfield 6231 4535(h). and some logs to climb over. There is rock hopping and Transport: $40 per vehicle. thicker scrub on the side trips. 7 km to the campsite and a further 10 km in the optional afternoon circuit. Suit Sunday 10 November: Nadgigomar Nature walkers with experience of several CBC day walks who Reserve – S/M wish to try an overnight walk. Drive is about 2 hours from This 10 km walk through gently undulating open Queanbeyan. Map: Snowball Leader: Linda Groom. eucalypt forest in a little-visited nature reserve, will Transport: $80 per car. Limit: 12 include climbing Sunset Mountain and Mayfield, a total of less than 300 m ascent. Possibility of wild flowers. Sunday 27 October: Canberra Centenary Map: Oallen. Leader: Cynthia Breheny 6247 6857, Trail (Hall to Federation Stone)/Worn Boot [email protected] Transport: ~$70 per car, from Bash – L/E Spotlight in Queanbeyan. Limit: 12. The Canberra Centenary Trail is due to be opened in October. There is more information at http://www.tams. 11–~19 November: Australian Alps Walking act.gov.au/parks-recreation/recreational_activities/ Track (Kiandra to Tharwa) – M/M–M/L canberra_centenary_trail. Let’s get an early look at it by Looking for walkers interested in joining me for a 10 days walking it in 3 non-contiguous days. This walk is one of full pack hiking along the AAWT. Approx walking the 2013 CBC Worn Boot Bash walks. Includes One Tree distance each day will be 14 to 20 km. Will have a day trig. Side trips to Oak and Old Joe trigs. Includes Majura plus stop at Blue Waterholes area. Car shuffles involved trig. Includes Mt Ainslie (not a trig on the list, but a hill). and option to join or leave group at Blue Waterholes. Participate in the Centenary Trail opening. Around 50 km Experienced full pack walkers only. Joint activity and some climbs. Some walking in the dark involved – with Shoalhaven Bushwalkers. Maps: http://www. this walk will start after the CCT opening, around 10am. australianalps.environment.gov.au/walktrack/map-guide. A very late finish. Walkers can join and leave the walk html Leader: Paul Ellis 6258 1949, borstal@shoalhaven. wherever they like, but will have to arrange their own net.au Transport: tba. Limit: 8. transport. At least 35 km and 3 hills to qualify for WBB. Maps: Canberra, Hall, Bedulluck. Leader: John Evans Tuesday 12 November : Booths Hill – M/R 0417 436 877, [email protected] Transport: drive A scrub bash up to the top of Mt Booth. About 700 m of yourself/car shuttle or pickup. Further details at www. climbing and 6 km of scrub. Afterwards a short drive and johnevans.id.au walk to Boboyan Trig and Fitz Trig. Maps: Michelago, Yaouk. Leader: Roger Edwards 6288 7863, rosemarie@ Wednesday 30 October: Wednesday Walk grapevine.com.au Note I will be away till about 1 Medium/hard walk for fit and experienced walkers; November, if booking before this suggest send SMS may include off-track walking and rock scrambling. message to 0406 378 217. Transport: about $45 per Leader: Barrie Ridgway for NPA [email protected]. car. Limit: 8. au 6287 3633. Saturday 16 November: Tidbinbilla Peak trig Tuesday 5 November: De Salis Knobs Ridge, bag – L/R Namadgi National Park – L/R Part X From the Mountain Creek car park in TNR, stroll up the Following an early start from the Orroral Tracking Station Camel Back FT to Camels Hump. A possible extension site, we will walk 10 km on tracks to near Cotter Gap. We to Pierce trig. Return along the crest of the Range and will then spend most of the day off-track exploring the in via the old radio transmitter. Climb via Johns Peak (a maze of granite outcrops, hidden in thick forest and scrub little exposure) and SH1491 to Tidbinbilla Peak. Exit via on De Salis Knobs Ridge. Another 10 km track walk back SH1556 and thick regrowth down a handy spur to re-join to the cars will make this a long day. Minimum distance: the fire trail. Around 13 km+3 km and 760 m+some 28 km with 500 metres of ascent. Maps: Rendezvous climb. Map: Tidbinbilla. Leader: John Evans 0417 436 Creek, Corin Dam. Leader: Ian Wright iwri5712@ 877, [email protected] Transport: ~$6 per person. bigpond.net.au, 6286 1473. Transport: ~95 km return. Limit: 8. Further details at www.johnevans.id.au Limit: 8. Monday night 18 November: Oak Hill – S/E A ramble around the boundary of the Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve along the ACT/NSW border and up to Oak Hill trig (798 m). Walk distance: 6 km. May also

g walk up Old Joe afterwards if it is a good night, extra o r F

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Bulletin board 4 k. Map: Hall also see cbrwalks.blogspot.com.au/ search/label/Oak%20Hill for more info. Leader: Roger Edwards [email protected] Transport: drive Bulletin Board yourself. Note I will be away till about 1 November, if The Bulletin Board is for members to advertise (at no booking before this suggest send SMS message to 0406 cost) goods for sale, private trips or other personal 378 217. Limit: 8. bushwalking-related matters. The Club is not involved in, takes no responsibility for, and does not endorse, (23)24–25 November: Blue Waterholes – S/R the activities or goods advertised here. Hence, if peo- Car camp with day trips: Murrays Cave, Clark Gorge, ple participate in any activities advertised here, they Cave Creek waterfall (bring swimmers), mine workings, do so as private individuals, not as members of the Coolamine Homestead. Maps: Rules Point, Peppercorn. Club, and will not be covered by the Club’s insurance. Leaders: Jenny & Rob Horsfield 6231 4535. Transport: ~$200 per vehicle. Notices for the Bulletin board should be emailed to the Walks Secretary: walksec@canberrabush- Sunday 1 December : Booroomba Rocks – walkingclub.org S/E Park cars at the Honeysuckle Creek Campgrounds at Part of Bibbulmun Track, WA: from Denmark 1100 m and from there walk along the attractive and to Albany well-defined track to the foot track leading to Booroomba Start: Friday 20 September. Finish: Tuesday 24 Sep- Rocks 1372 m. From here a steady climb to the top where tember. 5 days walk from 16 kms to 20 kms per day the views will be spectacular. Enjoy lunch and return to with full overnight pack. Total of 85 kms. Shelters, with the cars about mid-afternoon. Around 10 kms + 370 m water, available. Return to Perth by bus on Wednes- climb. This is a joint activity walk with the Brindabella day 25 September at 3 pm. For more details, see Bushwalking Club. Please book ahead, and meet at www.bibbulmuntrack.org.au/trip-lanner/track-sections/ Kambah Shops by 8.30 am, parking opposite the petrol denmark-albany/ Leader: Els Wynen. To express station and from there transport will be arranged. Map: interest please contact: [email protected] Corin Dam. Leader: Janet Edstein janet.edstein@gmail. com Transport: $10 per person. New Zealand Expressions of interest are sought for a series of 2–5 day tramps on the South Island in February– CBC Xmas Party March next year. Food, utensils, clothing and sleeping bag must be carried but we will not need Sunday, 1 December 2013 tents as we will stay in huts. Walks will be of medium standard, on tracks or poled routes. Track options 6.00 pm include Rees-Dart, Gillespie Pass, Copland (as far as Douglas Rock), Inland Pack, and Lake Angelus. at the home of Janet and Paul Edstein You can find descriptions on the NZ Department of 19 Gamor Street Conservation website or I can send you links. It may be possible for you to join some walks only or do Waramanga others independently as well. You will need to make BYO everything (BBQ provided) your own bookings. Contact Jeff Bennetts 0418 662 870 or [email protected] preferably by end of August. I may host a planning evening in early 27–29 December: Mount Jagungal – M/M September if prospective starters would find that A three day pack walk in the northern-central part useful. of Kosciuszko National Park, to the isolated 2061 m Jagungal which has extensive views to the Kosciuszko Walking in Southern Patagonia area in one direction and Namadgi in the other. About 4/5 This trip now has sufficient expressions of interest on track; most of the rest is alpine or sub-alpine walking. and will be going ahead in February 2014. Leader: Some major ascents but the pace will be moderate. In via Gerald Dodgson 0438 119 803(m), 6249 6690(h) or Toolong Range and out via Farm Ridge and the Tumut [email protected] River. Map: Khancoban 1:50,000 or Toolong Range, Jagungal. Leader: Jeff Bennetts 0418 662 870(m), Great Ocean Walk [email protected] Please book by 22 December. Expressions of interest are sought from interested Transport: ~380 km, $140 per car, $35–$50 per person. walkers to complete the Great Ocean Walk in Limit: 8. November 2013. The walk will be led by Barry Keeley and organised by George Hill. We will camp at a Saturday 4–Sunday 12 January 2013: central point near Cape Otway and shuttle to the start Northern Kosciuszko National Park car of each day’s walk, which has a distance of 103 km camp – M/M (overall) over six days. This has the advantage of not having to From a camp by the cars at Three Mile Dam, we will carry big packs for the full distance. Accommodation do a number of day walks over the next week. Options will be in basic shared cabins with relatively civilised include: Manjar and Black Jack Mountains; Fifteen Mile cooking and sleeping facilities. You will need to be Ridge; Buddong Falls; Blue Waterholes and Cave Creek; reasonably fit to complete the walk successfully. Ravine; Yarrangobilly Caves area; Landers Falls and Big This walk is now fully booked with a waiting list. The Talbingo Mountain; and Tabletop and/or Four Mile Hut. contact is [email protected]. Maps: TBA. Leader: Jeff Bennetts 0418 662 870(m), [email protected] Please book by 31 December. Transport: TBA. Limit: 12.

Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2013 – page 15 Feeling literary? Membership fees 2012/13 Item Single Household Have you had a great experience on a Club walk? Been Hard copy it $46 $73 moved to write about it, either in prose or verse? Felt the urge Electronic it $27 $54 to see your name in print? Or even just taken some great photo shots that you would like to share. The Club welcomes contributions from members so why not write about an interesting experience on a walk or just an enjoyable walk. Alternatively, send in a photo or two with a Wednesday walks short paragraph about it/them. Medium walks (M/M, M/M–R, L/E–M) are conducted The closing date for each issue of it is the date of the 4th every Wednesday. Walks are conducted in turn by Wednesday of every month. Handwritten and posted mate- leaders from the CBC, Brindabella Bushwalking rial is acceptable, but email is preferred. We also welcome Club and National Parks Association (ACT). Details photographs, preferably as separately scanned items or about destination and meeting place are emailed to digital images. We can scan original photographs. Contact: those on the Wednesday Walkers email list. Contact Ph 6254 0578, [email protected] Barrie Ridgway [email protected] to get your Post: 20 O’Sullivan Street, HIGGINS, ACT 2615 name on the email list. Janet coordinates the CBC’s Alison Milton, Editor contribution to these walks.

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September 2013

Have your contact details changed recently? You can update your record by clicking on the your membership button on the web site or Email: [email protected]