'k.o n '~~v o~ > PRU-0-85-002 02


NOV - Sft; l985 This free service is provi monthly by the commun office of the University of Pu co Sea Grant Program. The s of the news clippings is ba issues related to marine re in and the U, S Islands. They do not nec represent an endorsement part of the University of Ricb or Sea Grant Program.


Fsta es una recopilacion birnes- tral de noticias sobre asuntos marinos circulados en los principales periodi- cos. El Programa Sea Grant tiene corno proposito mantener informada a la comunidad local, corno a la del continente, sobre todo lo que acon- tece en relacion a los recursos marinos en Puerto Rico e Islas Vtrgenes y que le competen a Seu Grant. Las opinio- nes y puntos de vista erpresados en este compendio noticioso no nece- suriamente reflejan los de la Vniver- sidad de Puerto Rico o los del Pro- grama Sea Grant.

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8y JONATHON C. Gi.ASS Daily News StaR

Coastal Zone Management Sailie committee members came our. oi Aclcms their workshop Tuesday with thoughts of shaking up the 6-year4ld program designed to guide development on the islands' coasts, The law gives each island's citizens committee the key role to Darlan Brin said the commit,- basis for jobs rn IO to 20 years, he implement the C~ program. but tees are authorized to do more told The Daily News. the committees have to assert than approve or deny permits for Johnson said she would support their powers, consuitant Sandie major developments. They also rule changes to lirni t the Cort- Adams said during the event at shouldlead in iortg-termplanning servation commissioner's power Bluebeard's Castle Hotel. for the islands' coasts. to modify permits. "You have not been playmg that LeBron said he advocates eco- Planning Office Director Rov preeminent role,." she said. 'The nomic grow-th as well as Adams explained the CZM law ',s authority is there to support an e ~wuueataI ~ot.eel.iorr uei ther pro-development nor activist commission," especially at a time when the pro-enviroirmerit. It is destgnecl to She found avid ..listeners. in government is soshort of money. strike a difficult balance betweeit members John Eerrrrer of St. The territory has ao resources the two. Thomas, Heien Marsh Johnson=of exceptits sun and sandto support LeBron and Adams endorsed the St. John and others. its most important resource its proposal to consolidate al! Bernier and Johnson said the humanpopulation, LeBron said. permit-grantiiig agencies committees have been losing "In order to make the human divisions of Planrting, Pub! ic power to the Conservationand resource work, we' ve got to utilize Works, Conservation and more Cultural Affairs commissioner these things around us," he said. into one agency. who administers the program, "We' ve got to capitalize them to 'lt would keep them out oi the supervises the CZVI staff that their fullest." hands of the politicians," LeBron ~yzes permits, and is closer to LeBron has been criticized for said. the day-to-day enforcement of working closely with developers The adminis tra tion proposed permits. and issuing modified permits to stricter rules on earth change Bernier agreed with Adams that help them. He stood by that permits in the inland areas, but the coinmittees lack full technical practice. Sen. Virdin Brown 'the same and legal help to act indepen- "It's been my policy, as well as senator who attacks me eve~ dently. the policyof the admirustratrou. to time I try to do anything" The committeesare hampered encourage development, uot to tabled it, LeBron said. froin acting independently of hinder it," he said. "We do that Adams also said it ~s troitrc Conservationbecause they rely on with a certain amount of care, but Brown, a champion ot env>rou- Conservation's legal counsel, when we find there are problems merrtai causes, is proposing a biiI Bernier and Adams said. we don't just serid the person requiring Senate approval oi ail Conserva tion Commissioner away from our door." major C~ permits. That would Angel LeBron, whohas had malor When Bernier asked if LeBron dilute the CZH committees' great disagreements with CZM mem- would encourage development power to act independently of bers in recent months, said he has tha t hurts the environment. Conservation and other political no problem with the committees LeBron said he would not. But he bodies. assuming the leading role. wouid direct the CZN staff to help Other CZM members attending "I' ll give them aQ the legal and the developer find ways to resolve were Albert Paiewonsky and consulting help they ask for," the problems. Austin Monsanto of St. Thomas, LeBron told The Daily News. "I Bernrer expressed a shghtly Henry Thomas of St. John and don't care where the money comes different view. He believes the Jean Larsen of St. Croix. from. I' ll give it to them." governmentmust encouragebusi- Adams a Senate aide in the nessesthat create jobs, but if the development of the federal CZ'4 government gives away its most law, then an aide to former valuable resource the Conservation Commissioner. environment there will be no 0 C 0Cl 0 Cl ClW o v C. ! CCCl $ Cl p i Co/A L 0 0 0 J3 C ! X =8 0 i 0 Cl I 0 v Q LC 0 0 0 CCH 3? 02 Q I 0 0 p Z.= Ci Cl t7 0 0 Jl 0 LC 0 3 0 '< CQi 'Jl 0-' 3 0 Cl Cl % C,pc 0 O C 0 0 0 C C CJ n c ! CJ 0 4i LQ 4 0 v 0 !ON 0 ? LC Lg Cl m Q = 0 Ci C. LCOi 0

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Thanksgiving Regatta Announced

Press Peiassei I C C C Coral 8ay,SL ~, hes started aclO 0 OC C gearing up I'or its fourth annual O C ar Thanksgivingweekend regal.ta, and 0 O :'8 il' the weather behaves as it. should 0 fast . year l laus cut the 0 0 0 ~ 0 SSW OOC C 0 C attendance to just over forty~e O 0 asr0 0 entries - it should be the tsiqgest 0 ever, 0 ~ 4 0 ac~ 0 ac This year, as in the past, CJ 0 0 Friday the 29th starts festivities,

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By SHERR!A. H!LDEBRANOT TheGallows Bay prolectentaiis removing aoout 15,000yards of dredgedmaterial at a costot' 5110.0r St. Croix Bureov "The Port Authority.wont recoupany money.' Hardingsaid. "but the communitywill, The Port Officials of the mimwruise ship Sea Goddesshave Authoritviboard is oreparedto dowhat s iiecessary not deep-sixed their plans to use Gallows Bay as the to keep that ship coming in." luxury!incr's winter horne port. despite reports to Hardingwas critical oi coinmentscoming irom the contrary. the CommerceDepartmeni. which encompasses A representative oi Merwin Shipping, St. Croix tourism. agent for the vessei, said he was leaving for Miami "There'sno communicationin Commerce.' he Thursday to speak with Sea Goddess ot'ficiais about. said, "The only one who can say ii!hat ship ~.ll their plans. The representarave. who asked not to be comea their agent.and that s MerwinShipping. ' identified. would make no further comment except 'I'hc Vorwcgian-registered. Finnish-buii i Sea to terxn press reports that the ship would make San Goddess is a luxury liner i.hat accommodates ':16 Juan its home port premature. passengers !ooked after by 80 cre.v memoers The director of operations for Sea Goddess began home porting at Christiansted last ail and:s Crutses, Arne Baekkeiund, wrote o V.I. Port scheduiecl to return.Vov >~ Authority Director John Harding in May saying that The cost or a weeks cruise!'or a coupleis >T.duo because the ship had scraped bottom there in the I'oster said. spring, maintenance dredging would be needed for it Travelers on ihe Sea Goddess are affluent cruise to continue to use Gallows Bay. shippassengers with very high spendingpower. Baekkelund got no response, according '.o assis- said Frank Comito. St. Croix Chamber oi Commerce tant tourism director Janet Foster. In an Aug. 30 ox':utive director. Merchants. he added. 'haie !etter to t''aster, Baekkeiund sara tne sea Goaaess found theseare a totally different type of custom- ers." couldn' be committed to using the bay unless the dredgmg began by Sept. 15. Meantime, ~he presence !ast year of 'he Sea Harding said Thursday he has met with Goddesshas attracted a brandnew luxury ship ro St. Backke!und sirree Lhen, Hc added. 'To the evient. Croix for theseasonafter iievt. Foster said. that they re not coming in. it's not because we didn t The Windstar.a 535-millionluxury vessei'vith six do what they wanted done," sails un i80ioot masts and a capacny or 'Oti Harding said maintenaiice dredging doesn! gen- passengers, is being bui!t in . 11~ schedule@ erally require a permit from the Army Corps of to makeGallows Bay its horneport beginningin Engineers if one has previously been issued. Bui. the December 1986. channel hasn t been dredged since the Corps Originally did the wOrk. and there ib iin CViering permit, so VIP% must obiain one. The Authoritv got verbal approvai.froin the Corps !ast week. Harding said, bur he has seen nothing in writing. Meanwhile, ihe contractor VIPA hired to do the work, Water Wizards of Si. Thomas. has started another prolcci in the Hriiish Virgin [slands, Harding sa rd.

Oar yblew' Phoaeby STEVEROCXSTEr N The Sea GOddeSSPayS itS flrSt COil at Charlotte AfTialie last fa!L

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ZClO 0 dI EIQIlyCyews PIIdca dy . iEVEROCPEiE AI The MV Stardancer leaves St, Thomas harbor after her first visit to the territory Monday. Capable of carrying 1,600 passengers and 500 cars, the Stardancer will coif on Si. Thomas twice in November before cruising to Alaska. Capt. Bo Lewenhagen was presented a V.L flag and plaque by Commerce Department durIng a brief ceremony aboard the ship.

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"It normaQy takes six weeks A St. Croix firm has started for a permit, and they told us dredging near the pier at we could get it in two." Hard- Gallows Bay to prepare for the ing said. "We just got the anticipated Vov. 2 arrival of permit today." the Sea Goddess cruise ship. Harding said the authority V.I. Port Authority Execu- thought it had enough lead time tive Director John Harding when it began working to get said Tuesday that Zenon Con- struction is "clam shelling" at the project underway in July the pier using a bucket and Senate President Derek drag to perform mainte- Hodge said VIPA should make nance dredging, rather than it a top priority to do using a suction method. "whatever must be done" to Water Wizards of St. Thom- ensure that the luxury ship as, nnw at work on a jab in the returrrs to St. Croix for the British Virgin Islands, has been '~inter. contracted to start dredging Hodge was critical of the the channel on Oct. 28, Harding authority for letting the said. dredging issue "drag an from . While the project won't be Apri! until just two weeks prior completed by Vov; 2, at least it to tile ship's planned return." wiK show Sea Goddess afficiais 'The port au thori ty has that '"we're, making our best known all along what was efforts," Hardidg said. needed to make sure that this "The most critical part is the very valuable ship returns to mud around the dock," he saicL St. Croix." Hodge said. "If '".navigating the channel is what it needs ls permits, it most difficult when the wind is should inake certain that every a t 25 knots, which doesn't avenue be explored and no happen until around December come up with excuses after the when we get the Christmas fact. The Sea Goddess is too winds." important to give up without a When asked why dredging fight." got underway less than a week Arne Baekklund. director of before the ship is due after Sea operations for Sea Goddess. Goddessofriciais explained the said it was dangerous for the need for dredging in April. ship to maneuver in the Harding said, "You can't just cha nnel because o f s i 1t snap your fingers and get it build-up, and that sitting in done, you know." mud at the pier could cause The project had tn be put engird~ damage if mud was together and get VIPA board sucked in. approvai and bids had to be The Sea Goddess is slated

By JQNATHON C. GLASS Daily News Staff

Senators questioned erratic enforcement of the territory's environmental laws Tuesday when the Finance Committee reviewed the Conservation and Cultural Affairs Department's budget, Conservation Commissioner Angel LeBron said be would not use environmental laws to discourage economicdevelopment here, but one senator suggested restricting LeBron's powers. Senators aiso questioned the budgets for the division of libraries and the V.I. Council on the Arts. "'I'm afraid the departznent under your stewardship is not looking out for our natural resources,' Sen. Iver Stridiron told LeBron. ' Nor are you protecting the environment. 'In your zeal to do the bidding of the chief executive you have, to put it mildly, skirted the law. You are a

scope of thosepowers, LeBron suggested Conserva tion, There is no easy solution to the the Education Department and the self-appointed and self-annointed problem now that the boardwalk is College of the Virgin Islands CZM committee of one." built, Huff said. Sen. Adeibert merge their separate library He referred to criticisms Bryan suggested tearing it down. systems. LeBron has modified permits LeBron said CZM has shrunk to John Jowers, executive director approved by the islands' five- a "skeletal staff." He needs more of the V.I. Council on the Arts, member Coastai Zone Manage- money to hire more scientific defended his office's contract with ment committees, expertise. Frances Poteet, a Texas consul- LeBron said he is only using his He also supported a Govern- tant. authority under the CZM law to ment House proposal to consoli- The National Endowment for modify permits when developers date all agencies granting building the Arts suggested she be hired =.o ask for non-substantial changes. and environmental permits under develop a five-year plan for the It is impractical for the CZVI one office. council last year when the lack of committees to meet to review Conservation's budget has been such a plan jeopardized its each modification. cut by $500,000ln each of his two $201,000federal grant. "The Legislature simply will years as commissioner, he said. Her salary, $22,000 for 40 days have to curb your authority to do Gov. Juan Luis is asking for $9.2 work, was paid with federal funds, that," Stridiron said. million in 1986, down from $9.8 Jowers said. That contract was LeBron said he had not yet million in 1985 and $11,4 million in renewed for $30,000 for the 1986 received a copy of the federal 1984. fiscai year. review of CZM that criticizes the He is prepared to live with Jowers. and council staff local program. The federaL agency whatever the Senate approves. he member Marie Daniels praised is asking him to respond to its said. In making cuts. he would try Poteet's work, saying it enables comments by Nov. 4. to preservefunds neededto match the council to get federal money to Sen. Virdin Brown questioned federal grants and operate natural distribute to local artists. why LeBron authorized the Silver resource programs. Bryan questioned why Jowers Bay Corp. to build a 300-foot If the Senate requires depart- did not advertise locally for a boardwalk along the Christiansted ment heads to cut jobs, it should consultant. waterfront last wmter without devise a way to place those "We could not find anyone with Senate approval. CZM permits for workers in private jobs, LeBron the expertise she has regarding water-based projects require said. the arts, or her expertise with the Senate ratification. Libraries Division Director NEA." Jowers said. Conserva tion attorney Wiley Henry Chang said his division has "It: appears to me your biggest Huff said LeBron gave the ap- lost 23 jobs, includitig 10 pro- grantee is Mrs, Poteet," Stridiron provai under his emergency fessional librarians, in two years. said. powers but senators were unable There is no librar lan in to get a clear definition of the Frederiks ted. Q O g Cd Cdf92Q 'A

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8y >ONATHONC. GLASS laity News Staff

torney, also decLined to give Planning and.Conservation can St. John is buzzing with reports specifics. ~valuate the CLtl boundaries of a commercial center along the "I think it's going to be an and recommend changes. Adams beach in Cruz Bay but ail parties exciting project for St. John," he said, adduig such a review is are keepingquiet until the plans said. "One that will be beneficial overdue. are final. for the whole island." But the changes have to gain A branch of the Sprauve family The developersinclude Maurice Senate approval so they become a is negotiatingto lease waterfront Pouiin of Lavender Hill Estate politicalissue. LeBron said. land directly south of the ferry condominiums in Cruz Bay and "The job of every planner;s '.o dock for a commercial center. a ttorney James Hindels of St. deal with poiiticians,' Adams Coas tal Zone Management Thomas. Both said they did not responded. committee members have been want to comment until the papers There are other irregular CZM shocked to find the land is outside are signed. boundaries. oarticulariy in the their jursidiction. Architect Robert deJongh said islands' towns. CZM member Henry Thomas he has done studies for a project CZÃ inaps show the waterfront said he was 'dumbfounded" to-. on the site but it is far too eariy to land on the north side oi 'he discuss them. The plans stUI could Battery in Cruz Bay is outsidethe tmd the line defining the coastal be greatly modifiecL coastal zone. zone, drawn in the late IP70s. Former senator Gilbert Sprauve The south side of the hill Below excludesthis prime beachfront, said Glbbs is his cousin but he has Bluebeard's Castle Hotel, where St. John residents have been no direct interest in the project. St. Thomas Cabie TV plans io asking him about the project for His mother owns adjacent land build an office. is outside CZ'i< ~eeks, but he does not know jurisdiction as well. details, Thomas said. and she received a letter from Elaine Sprauve,matriarch of Gibbsindicating the leaseis in the the family, said it is too early to making, he said. reveal tentative plans. "I was genuinelysurprised to learn the land is not within the "It's being considered for a CZM," he said. lease,but, no lease has been signed He was teaching at Princeton asyet," she said. University in the late 1970swhen Her daughter, Jane Gibbs, the boundaries were settled, he probablywill settlethe deal this said. fall, she said Thomas raised the issue of the She has heard plenty of rumors irregular CZM boundariesat a from peoplewho seemto know recent workshop, but no one could more about the family's affaizs explainthe rationale for theline in than shedoes. she said. Cruz Bay, "They're telling me things ! Planning Director Roy Adams don'tknow," she said. "We' ll keep and Conservation and Cultural quietuntil we havethe factsto Affairs Commissioner Angel giveyou. We don't believein LeBron chuckied and conceded givingout make-believe things." there were political pressures Shesaid the land is aboutone when the lines were drawn but acre and hasbeen in the family at they did not speak about this least 60 years. particularsection of beach. Sam Hall, Sprauvefamily at-

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Por JOSE VALDES De El Vueva Dia te para ei desarrollo de las in- LA CARGA maritima por el dustrias en general. Tambien puerto de San Juan durante hay que incluir-ei ritmo hacia 1985. que esca terminando, amba que 11evala industria de aunque no ha registrado un au- la construccion, que contribu- mento notable en comparacion ye en ei movimiento de carga con anos anteriores, se ha con un stnnumero de equipos y mantenido alrededor de los 5 materiaies disitniles. millones de toneladas cortas, A San Juan se ie considera de acuerdo con observadores corno ei centro transportador del puerto. La Autoridad de los principal del Caribe. donde las Puertos no ha ofrecido datos principales empresas navieras oficiaies a ese respecto. se esfuerzan por brindar un Sin embargo hay excelentes servicio de excelencia. prevale- perspectivas para ei transporte ciendo la innovacion. ia irnagi- maritimo de San Juan. si ctis- nacion, e1 esfuerzo y ia dedica- taliza ei anuncio hecho por ei cton. gobierno sobre el estableci- Se sabe que ei primer progra- mtento de nuevas industrias y ma de comercio exterior en ias "plantas gemelas" recibe ei Puerto Rico fue creado en apoyo de otros paises cari- 1964, cuando las exportaciones benos: ademas de los ya intere- locales alcanzaron alrededor de ' sados. $30 tnillones. v de acuerdo con En el sector portuario se co- estadisticas del Departamento menta que en el curso de este de Comercio Exterior para ano ha habido una redistribu- 1983 se exporto $1,2 billones. cion de la carga entre las etn- lo que dernuestra e! "creci- presas navieras. conforme las mtento vigoroso en los ulnmos facilidades v ei movimiento t>empos de ia economia bori- prornocional que han ven>do c ua ofreciendo. Fn ese sentido los Un transportador ntarinmo gerentes de estas empresas no senalo que "somos privsterna d trans- cada compania. siendo esta portac>on que tenemos". des- una practtca tradicional, aun- pues de enumerar las que Sea Land. segun se ha po- facilidades con que se;uentan dido observar. ha logrado un aqui. auge satisfactorio para la em- presa. y sus planes para el area dei Caribe son mas amplios y abarcadores. Trailer Marine Transport TMT!, ha hecho movimientos positivos para mejorar su mercado, y Na- vieras, es cierto ya su ascenso en la linea de recuperacihn. Entre los factores que contri- buiran a que la carga maritima mantenga su curva ascendente. se encuentra, stn duda, el ali- vio que representa que la sec- cion 936 continuaran operan- do en el mercado local, con sus mismas caracteristicas, lo que -tiene un significado irnportan- 0 C 0 Vl QJ V C PQ 0 QJ rQ C C Co~Old a~ 0 P C C e 0 IZ C tC ~ Q.QJ.~-0 4I C V 'IIQ Vl VI 0 ~ 0 K0Q. ~C IIJ I C QJ 0 QJ M C QJ QJ VQ 0 R. 'c Vl C ~.H L Cb ~ gC- l VI VI 0 QI C 4l 4. QJ 0 VI QJ 0 QJ ~~x QdC @ C K4IQJ C3 VI g C QJ QJ QJ~ 0 .J LQJ QJ 0 G o<~-= rQ Vl QJ QJ VI C rtI rQ U0IJJ 4l ~ 4 rQ C pQ C QJ~ tA C ~ V' QJ Qd C Qld a C C VI Ql C 0 Z IQI, c.'0 ~ 0 QJ IJ Q 2 QJ ~ 0 0 rm QJQCr Vl ~ QQD Q VI 0 C 0 QJ QJ0 QJ Q VI 4l ~ rl VI ~ '0 0 4l l Q C > c 4 C C C 4l Ql Vl 0 PQ ~ C L o~~ Q~ 0 C Qd 4l QQ Q C QQQJ J QJ C QJ A 0 0 0 0 K0


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O IJe - ~U - V Ih EI. NUEVO DIA-hCARTES 24 DE DICIEMBRE DE 1985 Ni ga cones, ni tesoros ::;;";;;:-.:-;;;;....,.,.,en Vieques ernbarcaciones encontradas frente a la costa sur de Vieques. Los galeones son barcos que supuestatnente no coritienen oro. y lbs tesoros son restos arqueoiogi- y Ruben BetTios,con sus preguntasa Antonetti. sacs- cos. segun uno de los abogados de la corporacion Mel ron a relucir teorias en el sentido de que ei Estado Fisher, Esta firma consiguio el "arresto" del hailazgo, Libre Asociado posibiemente no podria rec!amar ~u- dando iugar al debate que podria converurse en un risdiccion por falta de una!ey que as! io dispanga. A pleito judicial extenso y costoso, preguntasde ambos.Antonetti opino que bajodichas Y dicha rastreadora de etnbarcaciones antiguas circunstancias el Tribunal federal tends~a la palabra quiere negociar la biisqueda con el Gobierno porque, final. si tuviera que "pleitear". rnejor se retira dei proyecto, LA LKY del Almirantazgo de Estados L a!dos seria informo dicho portavoz en una vista del Senado. La !a que re~gria. si ese fuera e! caso. Sin embargo.:! cotnpania Fisher no va a gastar el oro que ha extraido Estado Libre Asociado podria argumentar que la Sec- de Vuestra Sefiora de Atocha en costos de litigios, cion 8 de!a Ley de las Relaciones Federaiesadjudi- dijo el abogado del bufete Fidler, Gonzalez y Rodri- caria los dominios de aguas ierritoriaies al gobierno' guez. de Puerto Rico, sostuvo Antonetti. "Fisher esta en disposicion de negociar y establecer Berrios pidio al licenciado Antonetti una aclaracion las guias aceptabies, desde el punto de vista arqueolo- sobre la participacion de los licenciados Francisco de gico, para salvar los artefactos," dijo el licenciado Jesus Schuck y Salvador Casellas en el pieito que lleva Salvador Antonetti. Dicha firma dijo que esta desa- el bufete Fidler, Gonzalez i Rodriguez. Porque si!os rrollando los trabajos de salvamento porque la inver- dos ex funcionarios. Casellas por haber sido secretario sion se puede contar corno deduccion contiibutiva eh ei Codigo de Rentas lnternas Federal,no porque espe- de , y de Jesus corno secretario de Jusucia. tuvieron acceso a informacion sobre depositos ar- ra sacar tesoros.del mar. queoiogtcos, dicha oficina. de la cuai son socius ..o Antonetu expreso que si Fisher decidiera retirarse, debe representar a Fisher, segun Berrios. ante la posibilidad de que las autoridades locales no For ahora. los restos estan a salvo porque la Fi:her iengan medios de rescate, los restos pudieran ser obje- acudio ai Tribunal federal I e! Juez Hector La!Ti~ ie to de saqueo. Fisher ha sacado algunas piezas descri- expidio una orden prohibiendo que oiras personas tas corno un canon, una bala de artilleria, dos clavos extraigan utensilios de ios barcos. Por ordenes dei de hierro. una argolla de ancla y un pedazo de cubier- gobernador Rafael Hernandez Colon. el secretario de ta en cobre. Justicia. Hector Rivera Cruz. estudia la posibiiidad de LOS LtTKNSILIOS valorados.en algunos cientos intervenir para estabiecer si el Gobierno puede rec!a- de do!ares estaban cerca de la costa viequense. corno a mar lo encontrado. una milla v a no mas de cuarenta pies de profundidad, indico el abogado cuando atestiguabaante la Comi- sion de Desarrollo Social y Cultural dei Senado. La noticia ha motivado inquietud en los circulos politi- cos ante ei temor de que se repita el caso del Atocha un valioso galeon cargado de oro y de tesoros queue hundio hace siglos entre v La Florida, Fisher teoriza que los restos hundidos no estan en la ruta por donde pasaban los galeones espanoles en tiempos de la colonizacion llevando los tesoros a Espana.Antonetti dijo que estanen la trayectoria que seguian los barcos que navegaban vacios de Espana hacia America. En efecto, de acuerdo con Antonetti, los restos no son de gaieonescorno regularmentese les ha identifi- cado desde que se corrio la voz del hailazgo. Si no hay cofres en el punto localizado al sur de Vieques, en la vista se destapo uno de contenido ideologico. Por e'em io los senadores Roberto Rexach Benitez X


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Lirt to>do communde 5600.000 sera uiilizado para la cortttsra de los terrenos de 'La Pocita". E1secretario de Estado, Hec!or Luis Acevedo. iriiciara los corttactoa con el propietario dei solar, -.Y llegan a un a -uercIo sobre "La pociia Olvmpic Tpwem. en una in prmacion que "u.-.l, . EL REPORTER~t sabado EL REPORTERO;ndjco que si e! Go,. ~e-,.; de:.= ezpropiar va a necesitar muchps miljones. Ag.-e-'~ EJgobernador Raphael Herriandez Colon v elalcalde de Gobiemopromueve elempleo enia cpnstruccicn ' ~~r:i, 1 Sanjuan MjtasarCorrada del Rio anunciaronayer que ladoamenaza con e~propiar. lograronun acuerdo para cpmprar p expropiarlos terrenos Ej acuerdose iogro ms unareunion de 'ushor. en cpntroversiadonde ublca la playa"L Pocjta- en ei Fp~ajeza.en la queademas pa~]ciparon 2. Sec-2tan Condadp,y paraejlp cada»o as'gno5300,000 q«'ran a Estado: el viceaicaidede San juan. pecrp ~,'azquez: Pjaniticacipn. P HerriandezColon senaloque el secretaripde Estado, directorde ia Autoridadde Tjerras, pedro Hernandez p HectorLuis Acevedp,recjb'o la encomiendade iniciar cell: ei arquitectojavier Bianco. dej Fpndpde Conse..a contactoscon ei propietanodej solar encamjnadps a cul- cion, y ei iicenciado.vjanuej i endez Saaved~ mjnar la expropiacronde dicho terreno, representaci<5nde los residentesdel area, El Cobernador v el Alcalde or'recieron una rueda de prensaconjunta y estirnaronque la expropiacion podria La«««versja por "1 a Ppcita"sesuscitp por la cons- costarun millon de dplares.Ej jvjunicipioy el Estado trucciondel Condominio Olympic Towers, en ej Condadc aportarancada uno $300.000 y ei resto de! dinero se espera que segun los residentes dej area afectara la ecplogiadel obtenerde donativos privados. lugary privaraa laspersonas de banarse en la playita. Ej jicencjadovjanuej tvjendez Saavedra. que representa Ademas.el Gobernadory el Ajcajdeintprmarpn que a iacpmunjdad, djjp que una tundacion pro rescate de "La l jegarona un acuerdo sobre ej desarrollo del .'rente partua- ppcjtp"se cpmprometio aaportar 5100,000 de los que han rio enSan juan. Hernandez Colon diio aue ei .v uriicipio pbtenidp$63,QQQ, Anadio que la FundacionAngel Ramps adquirira con rondos iederales terrenps en el sugarpara vecon simpatias aportar otros $250,000, desarrollarla "Plazoletade la juventud"y el Gobiernn JoseE ron,principal accionista de ~prfe Development Estatal desarrollara actividades para la juventud en e! 're=. Construction.empresa que construveel Condominio dej .Iuejje3. SABAOO 2B OE DICIEMBRE OE I985/ EL REPORTERO

D!CE RAKK4 CRUZ "Erro" el Tribunal Federal rescate de los buques. YOULNDA VELE2', ARCELAY EL iKPORTKRO Otro argumento iegaJesgrimido por Rivera Cruz para rechazaria arden dei Tribunal Fede- El Departamento de 3usticia cerro ayer ias ~ ral es que la 11ma Enmienda de ia Constitu- puertas a cualquier negociaci6n sobre los cion de Estados Unidos prohibe que un buques sumergidos en las aguas de Viequesai ciudadano en este caso ia corporaci6n de Fis- asegurar que el Estado Libre Asociado es ei her! inste una accion contra un estado en las "unico que tiene potestad para reclamar" ei cortes federales, hallazgo, y que e1Tribunal Federal "erro" ai El funcionario aclaro que, aunque Puerto asumir jurisdicci6n y otorgar su custodia a un Rico no es estado de ia Uni6n, "esta clara- empmsario norteamericano. mente resuelto por los tribunales federalesque se le reconoce ei beneficio de ia prohibici6n". Un estudio efecltuado por Justicia, a peti- Ei efecto es que ei ELA eM protegido de ci6n del Gobernador, concluy6 que "es contra- litigar sus derechos sobre los buques en ia rio al DerIecbo y a la Constitucion de Estados Corte Federaly que dicho toro debedeciararse Unidos" la orden emitida por ei Tribunal de sin jurisdiccion sobre el asunto. Distrito Federal a hvor.de Hei Fischer Enter- Rivera Cruz sostuvo que si Fisher u otra prises, inc que le concede la custodia de ios persona insiste en seguir "escarvando" en los buques, ordena el amMo de los mismos y navios podria incumr en conducta delictiva protege las operaciones de salvamento que por apropiarse de propiedad del Estado. sobre los buques Ileva a cabo dicha corpora- Asegur6 que Puerto Rico tiene mecanismos ci6n. El Tribunal Federal otorg6 en octubre iegaies para protegersede personascorno Fis- pasado la custodiadel hallazgo a la empresa her y que no es cierto lo que alegansus aboga- incorporada en Puerto Rico por Fisher, un dos, de que en ausencia de iegisiaci6n buscador de testes. puertomquerTalo que impera esla Ley Federal El secxIetario de Justicia, Hector Rivera de Almirantazgo. Cruz, instruy6 a los abogados del Departa- Indic6 que en este caso no aplica la iey mento para que el proximo lunes soliciten al federal porque Puerto Rico tiene derecho Tribunal Federal dejar sin efecto la orden. sobre ias 10 rniilas nkuticas dentro de ias cua- "El efecto inmediato de esta medida es-sacar les estan los navios, reconocido por la Ley de de este caso al Tribunal Federal, ya que nunca Puertos que data del 1880,antes dei cambio de debi6 tomar ingerencia en el mismo. Los soberania. buques.se encuentran en aguas temtoriales de Preguntado sobre ia raz6n paraque algunos Puerto Rico a una milla y media de la costa legisiadoresradicaran proyectosde !ey sobreei sur de Vieques y el Estado Libre Asociadoes particular, el Secretariorecomend6 que "antes el dueno de los bienes abandonados en las de decidir iegislacion adicionai hay que decidir aguastemtoriales, por lo que tiene ia potestad para qub la queremos". para reJamar los buques y los objetos que en "Las ieyes de Puerto Rico estabiecen clara- ellos se encuentran", asegur6 el Secretario. mente nuestros derechos. No R cual es la El director del lnstituto de Cultura, doctor Rnaiidad de esos proyectos", dijo. Elias Lopez Sol4 quien tambien esfuvo en la Sostuvo que aun cuando los navios estuvie- con ferenda de prensa, indic6 que estk en vias sen en aguas donde practica ia Armada de de buscar asesoramiento de un arque6iogo Estados Unidos, dichas aguas siguen siendo marino, ya que tiene entre sus prioridades el dei pueblo puertorriqueho. EL NUKVO OIA-SABADO 28 DE DICIEMBREDK '1985 Por los galeones al Federal

Par ANOREA MARTINEZ y la Ley de Alrnirantazgo de los Estados Uni- De El Nuevo Dia dos, entre otros. I AL ABUNDAR Sobre las COnCluSiOneS del, EL SECRETARIO de Justicia dijo ayer que informe, Rivera Cruz dijo que "conforme a las . abogadas del Deoartamento acudiran el proxi- leyes de Puerto Rico y cle Estados Unidos y en '. ma luneS al Tribunal Federal a Salicitar que se esas circunstancias, la undectma enmienda de; dele sin efecto la orden que concede a la cor- la Constitucion de los Estados Unidas prohibe i poracion de Mel Fisher la custodia de dos na- que un ciudadanO, Camo en este Casa la es la vios espanales que se descubneron a poco corporacion de Fisher, ir ste una accion contra i mas de una milla de la costa de la isla munici- un eatadO en laS Cartea federaleS'. ExpliCa '. pio de Vieques. que ia refenda enmienda impide aue se abii-, gue al EL& a litigar sus intereses y derecnos El secretario Hector Rivera Cruz dio la arden sabre las embarcaciones en la esfera federal y luegOde finalizadaun eStudioque el Gaberna- "ese tribunal deoe declararse sin lurisdiccion dor encornendo a Justicia para determinar si ei sobre el asunto". Estada Libre Asociado podia exigir, amparan- !, dose en las leyes locales e internacianalesvi- A pesar de Puerto Rica no ser estado de la gentes. la custodia de los galeones. Idnion Rivera Cruz aclaro que los tribunales, feclerales le reconocen a la lsia el beneficio "El estudio Canaluye que es el ELA el dueno que establece la enmiencla ance cle la canstitu- de loa bienes abandonados en los terrenos surnergidos dentro de sus aguas territoriales, cion de Estados Unidos. por lo que tiene potestad para reclamar estos La pugna por el contrOI de las restOs de los buques y los objetos que en ellos se encuen- buques naufragos se desato tras el luez fede- tran", dijo ayer Rivera Cruz. ral Hstctor Lafitte decretar el pasado septiem- bre una mOCiOn de arrestO sabre lOs navioS a El analiaia fue realizaalO por abogados de laa favor de "Mel Fisher Enterprises' con el fin oe I divisionesde Opiniones,Legislacion y Qtigio que ninguna persona pueda extraer los valo- Federal de la agencia y su preparacion tomo rea que pudieran hallarse en su intenor. unas dos sernanas. Entre las areas que abarco I apez Saba dijo, par atro lado, que el Insn- Se inCiuyen la Ley de-1ouertOS de 1880. aun tuto cata buscando personas con la prepara-- vigente en Puerto Rica, el Tratada de Paris de CLOn adeCuada para efeCtuar explaraCiOnea ar- 1898, la Ley Foraker de 1900, el Acta Jones de queoiogicas submarinas ya que actualmente 1917, la I ey 600. que rige laS r eiaCianeSentre en Puerto Rico na existe nadie can esa espe- ' i' Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico. la l ay de Minas cializacion.

St. Croix l ne Daily Hews, Saturday, Dei:ember 28 i >8S 580 SW'IfH set today years. "It's been different m cn derinite'y a chauenge " year The St. Croix Doiphins By CARLOSMcGREGOR usually hast off-island teams v'ho Surfers and sai!boarde~ wi!: be COme here far training, bul the on hand Lo direc! the sw;mme~ St, Cro i x Bureau teamS will be arriving later thiS The event wiD coma', of four year," she said divisions..age 10 aocl unde. 11-12, More than SG swimmers are As a result of lhe late arrival of 13-14, and 1S and over %tone~ expecLedto compete today in the off.island swimmers. the swim wiU receive awa r ds ah annual one-mile sea s~ im will basically feature local corn. HasLed by the V irgin Isla ncL~ petition including the SL Cr oix Registration for the even'., Swimming Federation. Lhe sv im Dolphins Among lhe locals v;ill be spomored b> Sl ~ix Cable W', iS to begin at noon al Lhe Olympic competitor Jody will be at 10 a.m al Lhe Olympiar. F'rederiksted Pier and end at Lav acts 2'.ool. Rainbow Beach, where a barbecue Nev kirk said the open sea sv irn «ii] be held for Lhepa rticipants. is always "a nice challenge The According to Anne Nev.kirk, water there is usualil, flat though. federation presidenL, participation But any Lime you Come oui ofw. has been up and down in recent poOl and enler the open Sea, il is I r

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By SHIRR! A. HILDEBRANDT 0 St. Croix Bureau Q I There will be no cruise ship port in Christiansted Harbor at least not in the near future. Z District Court Judge David O'Brien has reinstated a May 1984decision by the St. Croix Coastal Zone o Management Committee denying the V L Por t 4 4 Authority's application for a permit to build the port, The judge pointed out, however, thai the Port Authority caa make a ne~ application to the CZM Committee and give l "a fresh start toward approval." Port Authority Executive Director John Harding said Monday he hadn't seen the opinio~ but that no new applicatioa could be submitted without VIPA

thing not permitted under V.I. Thomas airport involving landfill board approval. law. and how that project was "We have a legislative mandate O'Brien had to determine if the monitored for environmental to develop a cruise ship facility for board violated the V.I. Code in purposes. Christiansted and to the extent we taking evidence from the Port A slide presentation on dredging can. we' ll pursue it," he said. Authority that was aot presented also was showa, and another The port was one of the Rogge to the CZM panel, and if the board expert witness. Darlan Brin, of- projects approved by the 15th applied the proper standard of fered a rebuttal to the CZVI Legislature in December 1983. review to the CZM decision. Committee's fiadings. Hardiag was not optimistic In his decision, O'Brien points O' Brien did not accept the Port about the chances for a second out that much new information Authority's argument that the permit request was brought to the Land Use information was supplemental aad Board that was not presented to 'I doa't know if we have the subnutted as background. and the CZM panel. resources available and I doubt wrote, "What the Authority de- the results would be differeat," he As examples, he cited a pres- cided to do was make a pres- said. "There's no assurance we' ll entation from an expert witness. entation that was more complete ever get a permit. The results are David Grigg, who explained the to the board than it made to the going to be the same unless we operation of a hydraulic dredge. CZM Comtnittee, answering ques- get a different CZM paneL" problems and solutions concerning tions on subjects it had not given turbidity aad dredging, a descrip- sufficieat weight to before the Members on the CZM St. Croix tion of operations at the St. CZM Committee." Committee who denied the permit were attorney Kenneth Rosskopf, Dr. John Ogden, Phillip Gerard, Jean Larsen aad.Ruth Beagles, The committee now consists of Gerard, Beagles, Larsen. Leroy Arnold aad Oscar Henry, The Board of Land Use Appeals in August 1984 reversed the CZM decision after hearing an appeal from VIPA officials. But attorneys for three community groups, the V.I, Conservation Society, the St. Croix Landmarks Society and Gallows Bay Homeowners Association, contended that aew evidence was presented at the Land Use Board hearing, some- cn 0 '0 r ID o 3 r D75r 4 ' C D.. O. 8 cn sa sa .*Sa ro Fi 0 0 ~O o g ha CDC vc rg C Cl Ch C 0 0O'r" O >'O 0 l7l 0. O r c D 0 FCh w =.c 3* C ln ER 0 CD O C Z' cn rn v g s=. O O th $ 3 vQ g -Wraa Ch .< rsl C C I Q 0 0 E CD0 i= o ! c ~ O c CD 5 CDSa C 0 Ch Y 'F ~. 3'sa 3 P cn 2' CDr O Pn cJ ~ 0 1 sa C~ cn cn O 0 l ~ 0 O O I Cn C O Da K V

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e When whales sound or dive baleen was used as support deepbeneath the surface they material for corsets. But for all can reach a depth of 325 feet and the whale hunting that went on in remain under for about 10 to 15 the 1800sit was nothing compared minutes before resurfacing with a with the slaughter that occurred whoosh of water from their-snout, just a few decadesago. Scientific studies are being At the beginning of the 20th conducted all over the globe into century there were perhaps the humpbacks' migratory 100,000humpbacks in the world. patterns and their complex Vow there are an estimated .000. method af communication. The From the mid-20s when the first songof the humpback whale factory ship a vesselequipped ta almost rivals reggae in take on board and completely popularity, Hurnpbackscan be processthe whales killed by heard alone onsingles the hunters! was invented. the Vational Geographic Society put rrumber of humpbacks decreased oneoutin January of 1979! or dramaticaily, accompanyingvocalists Judy By 1946the situation had Collins, David Crosby and became critical and the Graham Vash. International Whaling The singing of the humpbacks Comnussion was set up ta hasso far provided our best establisha quotasystem far aII insight into their intelligence. types af whales. So endangered Unlike the mechanical and were bath the right whale and the repetitious singing of a bird, the humpback that the commission - eerieand mysterious underwater placed a moratorium onthe songsof the humpback evolve, bunting of thesetwo species. seermnglycomposed as they ga Although it is difficult to count along.The songsof two whales and for a decade no new consecutive years are mare alike studies have been conducted into than twa sangsseparated by their actual numbers there is several years. evidence that humpbacks, Every year, however, the new unhunted and unharassed, are songis the only oneheard, increasing in number. But it is a althoughhumpbacks seem to slow process. Calvesare only born remember their songsfrom year onceevery two years, and only to year. As each tropicai seasan one at a time. It takes three years begins, the whale sings the for a humpbackta reach sexual previous year's songwith changes maturity and 10years to reach i ts occurring only as the winter average 29-tan weight and 40-foot progresses. length. Earlier in this century, the This is why both the iVatianal over-hunting of humpbacks Marine F isheries Service and brought them to the verge of conservation groups are sa extinction. Their slow, regular protective of the whalesduring migratory pattern which takes their brief sol ourn in the Virgin them close to shorelines and their Isian@. No one knows exactly how rather naive attitude toward harassment, or just human humans made them easy prey for presencealone, affects the whale hunters. humpback's natural behavior. But In the 19thcentury, the main in nature the balance between objectiveof the whaling industry survival and extinction is a was to capture humpbacksfar delicate one. I.et us hope that for their oil and baleen. Whale ail was ance man can tip the balance in in great demandfor lamps and the whale's favor, KL VOCERO, San Juan Mihrcoles 18 de Diciernbre de 1985 Coxi 'rescate' l2 ciierd,as Behahi li tauri zoz'a portuarxa SI

SAN JUAN IAP> El se logr6 un acaerdo can el gobernador Hermhndez Co- Servicio Fedard de Aduana l6n anunci6 ayer la rehabiTi- mediante el cual se procede- taci6n ds Ia zona partuaria ra a construir un paseo que de Sen Juan. un.predio de 12 canectar5 el Museo del Arse- cuerdas de texreno trente s nal con la placita frente al 1a babia, en un plan qus Correo de San Juan. El brea incluye la ezprogdaci6n de del Mueile u~p al tres estab varioe edi5cios, entre ellos el dedicada a actividades raia- qne aiberga el negocio "La cianadas si turiixxnp Se 3iviexa". El Goberxiador hi- madelari el Mueile 3, se rela- zo el axxnncio en ocasi6n ds la caiizark el termi~ de las inaugixraci6n del remodelado yxaguas de la ~ sl lado Hotel Quality Royal y Casi- del sdiflcia del Departamen- no, antes El Gran Bahia, la to de Hacienda y se habiiita- seguxMhvhosgederiareabier- M un kraa de restaurantes ta eel mes. que tendran todos vista a la "Mediante estos planes, bahia. 'rescatarexnos' la zona por- El brea del Muelle 3 hasta tuaxxa del Vieja San Juan pa- el 6 cetera reoxMntada a ra ~mr un ee~o lograr faci1idades y medios impresionante, donde la recreativos. En los terrenos gran ciudad se unirk con la al Oeste de la Calle Nolasca belleza aitmmdmte de la na- Rubio. el Departamento de turaieta", dijo Hernlsndez Re~cion y Deportes cans- Col6n. Segun el Gobernador, truira una plaza para la ju- la rebabilitaci6n de esta zona ventud, que es~ termina- incluye un diseno abarcador da en 1986."La plaza prove- que coxnprende un sinnuzne- era -especio para presentar ro de detalles, entre los atracciones musicales - y te- cuaies destac6 la remodela- atro papular en una alterna- ci6n de bx antigua cecal La tive a los miles de j6venes Princess, que sera sede per- que se dan cita las Qnes de xoanente de la Compania ds semana en la viej a ciudad ", Turismo. Al pie de la mu- sgreg6. Kn axnbos ladas de raila de San Juan, frente a la Plaza de la Juventud se La Pxincesa, se construirk desarroilaran areas comer- un pasio desde dande habr4 ciales y de oticinas. El Go-' un ascensorque Uevark a las bernedar afirm6 que un pro- gerscinashasta la placita de yecta signiticativa para des- la Ckmara de Comercio. El tacar la nueva t6nica de ascensar ester' disponible recreaci6n sana y familiar quienes estaciouen del trente portuario sert la autos en la playa ds esta- expropiaci6n de la estructu- cionamiento en La Puntilla, ra que alberga el club "La agreIph. Riviera" y otras estructuras El Gobernador senal6 que en el brea.

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"Seria.la llave magica. Si Puerto Rico fuese repu- VO~DA Ver.EZ ARCELAY blica tendria todos sus derechos soberanos; no EL REPORTERO tendria que reclamarnada". admitio a insistenci. de El Senado radic6 ayer una mocion de interven- ! osperiod istas. Puerto Rico tiene actualmente jurisdicci6r..obre ciony paralizacionde una orden ernitida por eljuez tres leguasmarinas, o nuevemillas nauticas, de sus federal Hector Laffitte, que adjudic6 la jurisdicci6n de dos galeonesespanoies descubiertos bajo las costas,a tenor con la Ley 96-205del 12 de mayo aguasde Vieques a EstadosUnidos y lacustodia del 1970. La Lev de Pesca establece una jurisdiccion de tres a 10. 5 rn i llas. hal]azgo a una empresanorteamericana. La Cornisi6n de Desarrollo Social y Cultur ! '=.. La pugna por los galeonestambien provoco la Senado se encuentra investigando aque!los a=-,:.'- radicacion ayer de tres proyectos legislativos que tos relaciorrados con los derechos dei EL%:- s = reclaman para Puerto Rico la jurisdiccion de mar aguas territoriales, la zona adyacente y a -o;-.- territorial hasta un Iimite de 200 millas, conforme con el derechointemacional. asunto que ha venido economica. discutiendose por anos. Las aguasterritoriales cnnsisten La determinacion dei juez federalLaffitte de!21 12 millas mar afuera; la zona aciyacente " de octubrepasado, que declaro el hallazgocorno de otras 12 millas adicionales y la zona 2 jurisdiccion federal y entrego su custodiaa ja distancia de 00 millas a partir de Ias;r - =: .- empresanoretamericana vie! Fisher.ievanto la pre- ,'arabo crrtic6 eI Jictamen dei! uez ocupacionpor la inexistencia de un consensoentre riCO COrna imprOpia a ir tervenCian ~2 las leyesque tratansobre el arnbitomaritimo de la Federal en asuntos de iurisdiccion pue.. Isla. Asegur6 que la discusion sobre fans~..;.-.='.- " El presidente de la Camarade Representantes. debio plantearsenunca ante el r'arole er=i ". Rony jarabo, anuncio la radicaci6n de los- tres no era propio que se interviniera con biene Q 0 O aa o a ' O tn 0 O nl 0 0 nl O 0 9! A O rl O O nl 0 O

I Ch an gl Z' Zo . a V l O O ln 0 ln 0 l ln 0 a. y a J O g na 9% ln 'V 0 O 0 o'5 gr I Jl 0 C M~' I a- y O O ' Pl 0 O en 0 0 0- "4 i ay' Vl Qt ! 1 7a nl ~ a l Ql ln Ql O nl ~ 0 ! '5 al Ga0 Z

IJJO a.c ln 0 a a c 0 gCI O 0 J w O v ~e~a 3~a ln I 0 OOoou Ch EL NUKVODIA-VIERMKS 20 DK DICIKMSRKDK 1985

iNiOA RC FR5 Rl servicso de leeches de Vkegves manos la suerte de mls de nueve mil habitantes Senores: Hen sido muchas mis quejas a la Autoridad ds carecen de lo que ie llamamos ssnsibiilidad humana, no podemos entonces esperar por miiagros. lOS PuertOS para que de una veZ pcr tOdaa comiencen a prester mas atencion al decrepito Estos insesibies qus ss Ia pasan pavoneando de sxtremo a extremo en los terminaies de lanchas servicio de ianchas que cata presta a los esperando a que los usuarios le nndamos cuito para ciudadanos de Vieques para que se le busque unos rsmedios a corto piazo a la mayor brevedad. demos un espacio sn una de las embarcaciones no debian ocupar dichos pusstos, Siempre que he levantadc la vcz de prbteSta a Son estos mismos senores los que por su traves de sate, si mas leido rotat~vo en ia isla, he insptitud hen perrnibdo que las seis embarcaaones rSCib~dOei enCOnOde IOSempieadOS que Se Se con que cuenta la Autoridad para brindarnos sl sientsn aludidos, He podido llegar a la conclusion de que mis servicio se encuentrsn en las condiciones de abandono en que ss encuentran. La dejadez que ssnalamientos no han aicanzado sus propositoa, puss cade dia que tranacurre ei servicio se torna estos senores manifiestan ante los usunos es digna peor. Es por silo que, luego de heber hecho un de que ss investigue responsabiements, Seria saiudabie hacerlo ahora y no esperar a que ocurra lo analisis mes profundo de Ia situacion, he llegado a convencsrme de que le estaria pldiendo peras ai qus hernosvenido cbservando en la Autondadde Acueductos y Alcantarillados. De ssa manera se le cimo si la Autoridad insists en: Continuar usando lOS CritenOS que ha venida uaandO para "reClutar" a pondria franc a las barbariedades que muy a menudo se escuchan en los airededores de los su personai, Hasta que ese sistema no sea , taiieres de la Autorldad de los Puertos. revisadoy, por ends,mejorado. se continuarael Por lo Iim~tadodei espacio me iimitare a citar graVISimc errOr de COIOCaren pueatca sotamenie una. Ia qus para mi constituye el ecto sumamerne sensitivos a persona-. sin los mas eiementales principios de urbanidad. Personas maa hcrripilante que hays eSCvChadOde parte de unc de IOSCapitanea de laS matanaveS.Cuandb Se que lamas han escuchado los tsrminos; reiaciones hurnanas y pubilcas, Esos mismos individuos qus reparaba la embarcacion Graclosa, alla para e! mee de luliO, "On mOtivOde Celebrareelaa fieataS al usted recurnr a silos para soliatarie servicio primerc teens que reverenciarlos denotan que , patronalesdeVieques, este senor dilo: "A mi no han sadocoiocados alii por padrinazgo politicos y no me imports que una vez terminen las fiestas la por sus propios meritos. Ahi radica el mai, mal lancha se ? expresion impubiicable!. I,No que ha venido agudizandose administracion tres p~ensacate senorcue de eso ocurrirsufririarnos las admlniatracjon y que en eatos momentos se hace consecuencias nosotros los visquenses que hacemos uso de esa embarcacion los 365 dias del mas patents. Si IOS hombrss que tienen en sus aho?j,No piensa eats supuestoservidor publico que eSe ea Su inatrulnentc de trabajOy que a su veZ este pertenece al pueblo-al cual el liens que responder? Cuandc eatOS atrOpellOS Se denunCian, entonces ia gerencia, inepta a la cuarta potencia. imparts instrucciones para acallar ias voces diaidenteS fOrmulandO denunCiaS ante los Iribunai s. t,Hastacuando senores, hasta condo? Muchisimas gracias. Respetuosamente, Pedro Baiardo Candominio Sandy H~lls Luquiilo. Puerto Rico 00673 C 0 Q 'a0 CCl C

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M Ia ta P C CP 0 J cJ I 0 0 Ia c I 0 Zl Q Cv In 04 Ia Ia . Q C In 'a 0 C, 4' c C--~! .0 0 Ia 0 4l Hl I I4 aI 4 Ia C C mI 0 aa r V aI Ia 0 C. Inv E Ec~c ta O~~ CI C0 V ta In 0 aI Ia 0 ~ aI C7Ia aa 4J al Q E C O C 0 O~CIn 0 ~ In z E ItI In V C C - al C r. C Ia C 0 alE c~~ 0 0 CE0 =.'- V Ia or In 0 0 Itl ZO 0 te In V la~o .9,0 0 C 0 0, ~ Pg In 0 0 In' 0 CC 4P Ill CJ C 'zE~= v In !0 ~ 0 'O ~ Itt aI ~ 05 0 al I CP ta Ca ' dJ In .0 g ca 0 0 CI C In 0 0 III ! 0~0,B IIa Q, ig I ~l= O'C ~tac v aI 0 0 0 Oe~ I IJ '-~co 0 ! c I V p C5 yg IQ ta 0 0 C ow c 0'0 aI 0 'p! C ~ c~-C 0 g ~Co I Ko c > la, Cc 0 Ia 0 K 0 '00Ia0-'0< 0 C t Ia Ia I fal In 0 ca E aa C V caa aI Ia O Q~al4K Ig ~00 0C aa~ 0 al 4 ~~.0 l 0 0 Q In ca~ al g e.o v z." o C I gl C ~ 0 Ia C ttI 0 v ~ 'O IJJ 4 M c - > 0 ca 0 D V ~ 0 0 C Q 4 IJJIv THE sAN JUAN sTAR satutdav. Ivaverna~ sp, t9tr5 Leader Figueroa braces for final Hobie push today Yogi Berra coined the phrase: It ain' t 10. over till it's aver. "I went down on the reaching leg," That means that despite Enrique Fi- explained Figueroa on his capzatioa in gueroa's solid 12 paint lead ln the Absoiut the first race which accounted for the Vodka Hobie 14 World Championships- 11th place. "! guess I was pushing it toa he's not home yet. hard." Figueroa, who won the Hobie Cat He rebaunded ta capture the second World Championships as a 17-year-old in and thir d heats easily and overcame Brazil in 1981, posted finishes of 11th and Metcaife near the end of the B sector of a pair of easy firsts Friday for a total of the triangle in the final race. 8.75 points compared to runnerup Gary "I'rn not making excuses" said the two- Metcalfe of Australia whose first, second time world champion, "but I didn't espe- and thir d gave him a total of 20.75 cially care for the course. It was too markers. cramped - I felt like I was playing follow- The final two races in the colorful 36- the-leader out there." boat competition will take place today in Tahiti's Salmon, considered the best !sla Verde off the beach behind the competitor from that tiny Pacific atoll of Palace Hotel. only 500 square kilarneters and the win- ''I'm well aware that the bottom could ner af two of the eight championship fall out tomorrow, but I intend ta keep series races here. had no qualms about my concentration. I feel confident I can the course - it was the choppinessof the take this thing," said the 21-year-old seas which bothered him. Santurce student. "We aren't usedta rough waters."said. He's right. The 11th place finish in the Salmon who placed sixth, 21st and 19th first race Friday is his "throwout" event Friday. "At home we sail on a lagoon- so far,.but a disasterousplacing in one of where it is windy but smoother. Some- today's events combined with a very tirnes we go out into the open ocean. This strong showing by Metcalfe could put the has affected some of us, although we Aussie right back in the running, Tahitians! are doing well." 'I'rn really only here because I'm going "Even if it was a cramped course - and for the triathlon." said the 21-year-old I don't believe it was - there are a lot af construction foreman who won the world different things you can try. The wind 16 championships in Ft. Walton Beach, was normal, About as normal as tt can FIa. in 1984before capturing the world get," said the Puerto Rican leader. 18-foot title in Port McQuarrie, Australia in February af this year, The winds blew in about 19 ta 20 knots If he does win here today, he will be the for the first race and averaged 16 to 17 only hobie skipper ever to win world during the second and third heats creat- titles in all three divisions. ing almost "perfect" conditions. The worid championship meet point Heading into today's two final races. record is 15 1/4 set by Metcaife in the 18 Tahiti's Nina Salmon is in third place foat division last year in Australia. Figue- with 31 points with South African Allen roa. if he continues his current pace of Lawrence in fourth with 31.75 markers, five firsts in eight races, is a cinch to Philippe Hars, also from Tahiti - which easily outdistance that record. placed nine competitors in the final 36- If Figueroa succeeds in copping this holds down fifth with 34.75 with Kitty year's world title, he will be only the Salman Tahiti, 41.50!, defending world second person ever to win it twice. champion Bob Curry USA, 45.00!,Claudio Caiifornia's Jeff Canepa, now retired. did Cardoso Brazil, 50,75!. William Edwards it at Mastavi Bay, Tahiti ln 1974 and at South Africa, 52.00! and David Kruyt Palmas del Mar in Puerto Rico in 1975. South Africa, 55 75! roundingout the top Sy FRED REAM O c I 'I V Vl 0.' 0 I Cd I ~ I I CJ Cd 4J cd'p v «0 0 I « 07 VVnnf 0 C 'Cd V ad 0 I C/l JO cn 0 0 O CJ O V »cn Cd V w 4J Cd « V g.r" iL C NC~- C cnn0 CS 0, ~ 0:- $0 0 vc V OL4047 a 0 2'C VCCC In VOCE vvva C CdvQ Q O V O Vl a5+ g 4J 0'O'O 0 0 0 ac RV CdO dd VI Vl 0 0 CI CdIn 7 V cn ~ "a al Cd«0 VI OW Cd7 «0 V Cd I~ V0 al 0 O'" 0' C C C 0 CCJCd 0 ch 'O ~ In 0 Vl N 0 Cd» j ! C cd 0 CO V vl Cd. > Vl 7 Ih CJ 0 Cd -7 V Cd Vl ~0 COCC-- C C V 0 nC.'CJ cd7 2 'C O Vl 0 O '0 C C 70 CJCVld CJ cd «OC 'C N V C V "~ Cd»I C V vi 0 gW v ch 0 Ocdcad.+0 0 C cnO Cd 'g 0 cd 0 0 ~-C 7.0 ! g C N nC +4J'I OOV-0 ale 4 Cd C ca Cdc 0 C Cd Ed I C V o~~ C C af 0 7 CCJ C 0 V V~ 0 CJ I 0 cd 0 CJ 0 O Cd CJ Cl' O oz» «4 ~ 4/J O vI cdn7 2 e C. ! 0'adc

I I I V I V V C f aJ !"0 - r. V ~ 0 V C CJ al OM Q ca -V jl' A .0;Cd Id In I V Jl III I ca o 0 v jJ r CC CdI 0 ad N Cd 0 0 V ag.vl I I V V I cn I V '=XV N O 0 C V j Vl C ca 4J al 0 OW~0 O cn Cd ca JC JJ CJ CCJodlaC N ad + c C ~ V C 4J I !I V cn C ch Cd'4 0'=- V cnr. V 0 0 Cd~ V V O Cd 0 ddI c V V Q cnV~~0 0 « I ~ dI '» 0 V Cd V~- ~nd CJ -VO~VC V "- IJJ V '=hajj 0 Id V Ch~ V 0 C 0- Id r V CdV P c Cd I ~ I ch0 '0 I cr R'0 ! 0 Cd Ca» ad~ CCICd V ad Id al j 0 0 -~0! V J4COdl Cdch I V V» adJCC ~» C ca« V» C VI CdI CZ cn I Cd CdCd j W Cd V V C C ad Cd C V In I » Ih C C j 0 V V ! 4J c I In CJ 'V VI vln 0 «. 7» 0 Cd C 4 ch 4 !4J cacZ- Ca C Cdaj C » Cd ad vl. V r .0 47 V aJ VIK » al CII Cd IJ Vl j ca C~ C 4 K» I CJ

V Cd Cd C V 0 I V C V C C j C C cr ca I Vl Cd OCJ CdlV CdcadO C~-0 » cal C Z = C Oc cd/V «. C V cnc 4J I I » ca 0 C 0 C C 4 V Id .O Cd~ R. « 7 g CJVI V 0.« 0 40 Cd V I I ca 0= 4 aJ cn 4J V O Cd VI CJr cn CJr « V Cd I C 0 O P»» C oo.'0 Cd ca, O C -r VJ Ia '»cnCca Cd «~oca-V» 4 V cn VI « IC I r.c! JC 0 Cd -0 I 'C JD I V 0 0 cn 0 C 0 V l. O 0 ca V aC~ C C caCJ j Q 0 C C C C r. -Ch . r. Cd V ~ C CdlC C «g r.»» 0 OO» 0 I 4 ddCJ cd ca V ca I 'N qa '0 E .7 'c = g V C Cd ~$ ad'cd « rl W Cdad V v . ~cnlV74JO CdCd r~ 0 cd CJCJV N cn CdC C cd aC r I r. PB V 4JI CV Ge Vg KL VOCKRO, San Juan Lunes 2 de Dlciernbre de 1985 Boricua Enrique Figueroa Conquista titulo ¹nd''c! Hogtie l4

SAN JUAN - AP! El puertorriqueho Enrique Fi- gueroa, ganando siete de las nueve regatas vklidas, obtu- vo ayer el CaxnpeonatoMun- diil Hobie Cat 14, venciendo al australiano Gary Metcsl- fe, quien fue proc}amadovi- cecampe6n con 33.75 puntos. Figueroa,de 21 anos,impuso un record en este tipo de campeonatomundial nkutico al ganarlo con puntuaci6n de 10.25, la raks baja en la his- toria. En el campeonato partici- psron 72 departistas de 18 paises. El brasileno ChmNo Cardoso Qnaliz6 undecixno. Figueroa gan6 cate ano tambien el caxnpeonato de Estados Unidos en el bate Hobie 16 y adelant6 que par. ticipara en sl pr6ximo cam- peonato mundial en esta es- pecialidadque se realizark en agostopr6xizno en la Isla Fi- ji, en el Paci5co. Metcslfe, al concluir se- gundo en este mundial ce- lebrado en las aguas de Isla Verde, sector .uristico de Ssn Juan, fall6 en conquistar la triple coronamundial. Ac- tualmente, es el campean mundial en Hobie 16 y 18. En tercera posici6n fmaliz6 Nino Salmon, de Tahiti, con 43;00puntos, seguidodel su- dafricano Aoan Logens con 45.75. Kl estadounidense Bruce SAN}VAN Enrique Figueroauna vez fina}izadoel even- Curry, quien lleg6 a San to, regresaa la playa,en su Hobie Cat. Foto ELVOCERO!. Juan corno campe6n mun- dial de Hobie Cat 14, Qzeliz6 riodistas que el estar compi- Verde le ayud6 notabiemen- octavo con 64.00 puntos. tiendo y practicandodurante te para reconquistar este Figueroa dijo a los pe- 10 anos en las aguas de Isla campeonato mundial. TheDaily kews, hhonday,December 2, 1985 Magens Bay protest small but spirited

Sy JONATHON C. GLASS Daily News Staff Sen. Clement Magras said he is The numbers were small but the sure a Senatemajority will defeat political impact may have been great the rezoning requested by hotel when demonstrators r allied Saturday developers James Armour and against hotel constr uction near William and Sharon Criswell. Magens Bay, 'There are seven votes on St. More than a dozen speakers, in- Thomas and not a man who dares cluding five senators. blasted plans vote against it," be said, referring for a 390-room hotel near the western to th» preservation of Magens. edge of St. Thomas' most popular "We' ve got IOvotes." beach. Sen, Iver Stridiron was not so "If Magens Bay is developed we sure. He urged the crowd to notice are locked aut and I don't intend to be which St Thomas senators locked out in my home," said James Allan Paul Shatkin and Eric Baker of Virgin Islanders United. Dawson did not attend "It "We mustn't gtve away our birth- speaksvoiumes," he saitL right far a few trinkets,' said Sen. Seas.Brown, Magras, Stridiron, Virdin Brown. one of the project's Lorraine Berry and Adelbert strongest critics. Bryan spoke 'against the hotel 'Something's got to be green for- plan Sen. James 0'Bryan at- ever," said V.I. Conservation Society tended,but did not.speak. President Roy Watllngton. "It's ei- DelegateBau de Luga also sent ther green forever or concrete forev- a messageopposing the hoteL The Phmning OfQce is expected About 30 cars formed a honking to make a recommendation on the motorcade from Fort Christian to rezoning in time for a Senate Magens and the crowd never tapped hearing in two to three weeks, 150, Some organizers expressed dis- saicL Planning Assistant appointment at the small number but Director Brian Turnbuli, who at- vowed to make the most of their tended the rally, confirmed that power. time frame, 'Virgin Islands 2000 is dedicated to The land now is zoned Iow- the proposition that any number af density residential, allowing people can make a difference," said houses on half~ere sites. Mllyn Krigger, president of the Tbe speakers favored preserva- group that was the rally's prime tion rather than housing, but they sponsor. bad no unified idea of how to buy The Conservation Society, St. the land to keep it green. Thomas Historic Trust, League of Berry distributed two proposed Women Voters and Virgin Islan- ders United also were weII repre- sented at the three-hour rally that ended at sunset with a cand1elight procession by the waves. Magens Bay, speakers agreed, not only bas unique ecological and archeological resources, but also an unmatched glace in the hearts af St. Thomas residents. "Magens Bay is St. Thomas' safety valve," said Peace Corps Elementary School principal Yvonne Bowslty. "For many peo- ple, recreationally speaking, MagensBay is ail they have," I Ch g PV R3 r T gg0 S f Cy N I. creeI c tg rcNS Ia ~«0 3 + Nr III rc I ch N 8 S 3 ac =,C To" W g * * T ac0'Fe coo e O'Ng 0 N Neg0>oaa a.ev O rrtN C @2 0 ~«o C5 S e car< 0 Tg ' C 'CcrR e T«We aa 4. ar 0 0 0 fr ~0 0 « ID 00 ar eros e o rga 5 Ac 0 * QIII - a: 4. S Cl"Y g 0 WN e d Syaoeowp~O C Ih 3 Oa aa 0'0 * e rc e 0'Rem C 0 0 g paa ~, i Oa Q, S N o Cz Ih e 0 N 0 0.000 g T 0 'C ig+TTNO T e 0 0 «> 'p. p e cce 'g «0 o.gI- ~ C MOV Ch 0~are~ChN ~ R PK, 3 Is - taa c,'C' N TR e E.«~ 5gch N aa I TN 0 + «o 'C . 0 «ga ChIR ev Te - gF 0 g * .Ch 0 +aa g p 0 4, e g T e e 0 N -' "~ e K" N C, N e N S e C 0 T No

Chch 10 rc Ma0 rr 3 I0 S S 0rhe0 S 0 Taa g ar e lc e e e0 * f M 0 T 0 04,eeC IWT 0R9e rea e e 0 00 e 30-eg 8' 0 ~d N e «N «N--g 0 ~ S 4 e-'NN3 IdrA ~e 0 0 aa e Q ~ 0 Q Q «aa v C c S~ aa Q M d -m o I M r 0 ChCF' v V, X 0 0 ch N «re gR+ g =C> 0 cr. aa e 0~ Ng R'g 0 e c ~~e « x N 0' Q 4: 0 7e T T9.. T rhNovae e C7I 0 rc 5 « a al +lc 0 0 g~R N 00SN «aa T. PJ O Cc'N P Id «3 0 B T N Ch0 N o&c- p S. '1 g v >- =8 0 . Ih R.~ ~NO 0. 4 0 e . e eg O TCM cccP S 0 p 0 e ac 4 C 0 N « IR m g go

Ch 0 0 0 hr Z eQ C.'g w e IYI Q N.0 0 I yrh R.Og W aa T 0 «« g Q o I h e'0 3 .OO p o5- 0 e 0 e* 0 +«0 0 N 0 c g N C,FSo -m1 0 0 o~g 0- 0 o Q 0 0 Ch R e-. g p

ef I T 0 N Co XnW >00 C< o e 0 V el-. P;K5g g 0 e ~ 0~< s cn ge Ch Rr~ «A~*, K. gCN N o 8 0 o -~ R.~e * 0 .-.0 0 e CCp co«p 0 * 0e* g F 'C p C'.0 o ac.0 rg «e Ve 0-. ac K= 0 +M@ c 0 o" 0 T N CeOOM C 0 g. g 0 «« ChB e '9 0 Oa0 0 * 0 e "Ze .* S.p . C aa 5 >0~ N 0 0 g cc VJeM e g 'C m ar 0 -0 P N N R.t" ~ ~To * 0 «chN e rc& NO e * -- rh'- o ~ e0 g L' =e e"-.Nave 0 N N + Chac g O - m 0 aa e N OCI ~ o Ch" 0 * ChO ie N 0 0 hhrh ««, 4, CC e ac SeaLegs. Hood decided she needed I'cz tons Andrew Barios on Saiice, a more ballast, Sutton said, Soling, captured second,fallowed Numerous speciaI awards were Increasing her ballast and by T. Colter on Fast Idiots, an given out. Theseincluded a gift reducing her sail area demolished Olson 30. Caught in a spot without certificate at a local saiimaker ta her chance to race for the cup. wind for part of the race, Brian Oracle, which blew out a sail; a McLernan finished fourth on his Sutton, who has since reduced "broken thumb award" to Brian J-24, Antidote. Nefertitl's ballast and increased McLernan who raced both days its sail area to larger than The highly competitive racing with a fractured thumb; and a original, lamented that he had no class had three boats start several "humanitarian award" to Jack real competition Saturday. He secondsearly. The resulting Nichols for rescuing the disabled said he wished his good friend confusion over whether there was diving boat, Paul Adamthwaite had been able a general recall and whether the A "battle of the big schooners" to make the race in his boats had all legally restarted pris went to Ragland, which alwayswompetitive Stormy kept tongues wagging for the rest Weather. of the day. didn't finish but gave everyonea Second-placehonors in Cruising visual treat with ail her tan hark Multihull class honors went to sails flying. III went to Vamp a CRC40 sailed Adi Arlt on Caroa Kane, a R9-foot by Jeffrey Gowing. Cat Lady, a catamar m. Romany Road, a Beneteau 421 with Paula Bertolino 40-foot trimaran sailed by Hank at the helm, captured third, Tonnemacher, persevered to take fallowed in fourth by Jack Nichois second-after learning it had made on Dancer, a 56-foot AhR. Dancer a course error and resaiih~ part might have had a faster step if she of the race. The twa other entrants had not taken time to rescue a in the class failed to correct drifting dive boat en route to the similar mistakes and did not fmish. frrnsh. Fifth piace went ta Warren Friday's Single-handed Race Stryker on Dulcinea. a results were: Ken Damon on RhodesMeSigned 43-foot Bounty. Bounty, first; Jeff Carey on Dana, The four-boat racing class using second; Dan Dickison on Coup, the Performance Handicap Rating third. Formula rule was won by The top boats in the Gaffer's A}ligator. a J-29sailed by Franco Race were. Breath, Goelette, MercateUi, despite reports that Penelope,Perseverance and Aliigs.tor had sailed about twa Anuanua. Nanny Cay race awards miles off course by following the for the mark problem went to cruising classes' course. Perseverance, Sevruga, Snafu and

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THE SAN JUAN STAR T~sctay. january r,

Airline adds flights

U.S. Virgin islands Gov. JUan Luis, right, shakes hands with Steve l.enosik, manager af the San Juan office of the Virgin Islands Seaplane Shuttle Inc. firm, prior to boarding one of the firm's planes at Isla Verde for a flight to St. Thomas. The airline recently expanded its service between San Juan and the Virgin Islands, adding regu/ar service to St, John.

The Daily News, hhanday. December 9, 1985 DOt"khurt tiring

The Virgin Islandsduck hunting Hunters are required to season begins Saturday and ends purchase a "duck stamp" at the Jan. 31, says Angel Le8ron, com- main Post Offices on each island missioner of the Department of before the season begins, LeBron Conservation and Cultural Affairs said. Hunters also must obtain a V.I. The daily bag and hmits are not hunting license from DCCA's to exceed four daily or eight in Bureau of Environmental En- possession, and shooting hours are forcement offices on St. Thomas between one-balf hour before and St, Croix and register their sunrise and sunset daily, LeBron guns with tbe V.I. Police De- said. partment.

The season is closed on the For more information call the ruddy duck, tbe white-cheeked BEE at 774-3320,extension 165. pintail, the West Indian whistling duck, fulvous whistling duck and the masked duck, he said. TheDaily tVews, hAanday, December 9, t 985

New store offers W V~KRO, San Juan Martes 10 tie Diciefnbre de Iclo= fishy fun Exigen licencia

Dolly News Staff CABO RQJO AP! I.os pescadoresque acostumbran There's something fishy going llevar personaea Isla de Mo- on in Fort Mylner shopping ns tendon que obtener una center, and its name is El Gran licencia de la Cornisi6n de Aquarium. The full-service tropical fish Servicio Publico, a6rm6 el al- store opened Dec. 2, and owners calde Santos Qrtiz, al dar a Diane and Louie Ortiz say fish conocer las gestiones que se lovers wiH be able to find a wide hacen al respecto. Ortiz range of pet needs there. For explicit que la Guardia Cos- those who don't have fish, Kl Gran Aquarium has a large selection. tanara, adernhs, tendra que Pineapple swor dtails, marbie tnspeccionarvaries etnbarca- moilies, rainbow sharks, tiger ciones y no intervendra con barbs and blue parade are some los pescadoressi Hevan me- of the gibed creatures swimming nos de seis personas corno around the store's aquariums. Diane Ortiz said the concept for paar! eros. this fishy business began two years ago, "I got my husband an aquarium and he feil ln love with it," she said. "We' ve got three aquariums in our home right aow." Along with partners Melissa Roberts and Delita Delagarde, Ortiz said, the decision was made to open a store catering to fish lovers. But if fish aren't one's pets af choice, the store can special order dogs, cats and birds, Ortiz added. The store also carries and services aquariums, so customers don't have to worry about main- taining their tanks, Ortiz said. And those who'd like to do it themselves can take advantage of the store's books an fish care. Medicines, conditioners and "fish treats" are also in stock, she added. El Gran Aqaiirium, which is next door to Jacksons Florists, is open Monday through Saturday, In

2 C



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EL REPQAYKRO/SABAQO 14QE DIC/EhlSREDE 1985 EstBblecerlBnprocesadorg de tiburones en Puerto Rico UPI! B temible tiburon considerado por crea un ambientepropicio y natural pan la crianza muchos el "asesino de los mares" pudiera repn.'- del tibur6n", dijo Campos,para senalar que el pn>- sentar para Puerto Rico una fuente econ 6mica sus- ductolo tenemosy ahoralo quefaltaba era pescarlo tancial si se incrementan su pesca para exportarlo a y convertirlo en una rama prosperade la industria mercados corno el Jap6n, don de tiene gran pesqu era, demanda. Su plan es estableceruna linea de empaqueen Elmo Campos, propietario de ia empresa Empaca- Viequesy almacenarei tiburon en vagonesrefrigera- dora del Caribe, dijo adem8s que si se aumenta la dos, que a la vez de ser mejorespara conservareI pesca del tibur6n en Puerto Rico se contribuiria a frio, son mas econ6micos para propositos crear "un balance eco16gico natu% para el hombre, in dustriales. y a su vez incrementaria la pesca de otras cspecies a nivel cornercial". "El tibur6n, al no ser una de ias cspecies escapa- das tradicionalmente, representa un peligro para h crianza y desarroilo de otras cspecies marinas de utilidad, corno ei chillo", dijo el industrial, quien se propone desarrollar una industria pesquera en la isla-nena, Vieques, para generar 19 empleos directos ' y 24 indirectos.. Asimismo, senalo que se podria generar "un pro- medio de $540,000 en divisas, y reducir la importa- cion de pescado y mariscos". Camposhizo estosplanteamientos ai comparecer ayera vistaspublicas de ia Comisi6n deAsuntos del Consurnidor del Senado, para orientar sobre c6mo encauzarun proyectopiioto. experimental,relacio- nado con el desarrollo industrial de la pesca, empa- que y mercadeode la carne de tibur6n. Explicoque el tibur6n esabundante en los alre- dedoresde la Isla, yaque esees un selacioque secria y vivecn aguascflidas y profundas. "PuertoRico geograficamente esagraciado con la segundafosa marina mas profunda dei mundo, esto SABADQ 14 DE QICIEMBRK M 19SS El Nuevo DSa

El tiburon: fuente economica EL TEiVfI3LZ riburon considerado por pescade otras cspeciesa nivel comercial"."El muchos el "amino" de los mares - pudiera dburon, al no ser una de las cspeciesernpacadas representar para Puerto Rico una fuente econo- tradicionalmente, representa un peiigro para la rnica sustanciaI, si se incrementa su pesca para crianzay desarroHode otrascspecies manas de exportarlo a rnercados, camo el Japon. donde utilidad, corno el chillo", dijo eI rndustrra!, riene gran demanda. quien se propane desarrallar.una rndustrra.pes- Elmo Carnpas. propietario de la Firma Empa- quera en Ia isla puertorriquena de Vieques. para cadora del Carrbe. dijo. ademas, que si se au- generar 19 empieosdirectos y 24 indirectos. rnenta la pesca del tiburon en Puerto Rico se Asimismo. serralo que se podria generar "un contribuiria a crear "un balance ecologico natu- promediode 540.000dolares en divisas.y redu- ral para ej hombre. a su vez, incremenraria la cir la imporracron de nescado y mariscos.


I I El temible tiburon considerado por muchos el "asesino" de los mares pudiera representar para Puerto Rico una fuente economicasustancial, si se incrementa su pesca para expor- tarlo a rnercados,-como el Japan. donde tiene gran demanda. Elmo Carnpos, propietario de la Firma Empacadora dei Caribe, dijo, ademas, que si se aumenra la pesca del tiburon en Puerto Rico se contribuiria a crear "un balance ecol6grco natural para el hotnbre, a su vez, rncrementaria la Iresca de otras cspecies a nrvel comercial". "El tiburon, al no ser una de las cspecies espacadas tradicionalmente, representa un peligro par'a la crianza y desarrollo de otras cspecies marrnas de utilidad, corno ei chiHo", dijo el industrial, quien se propone desarrollar rrna industria pesqueraen la isla puertorriquehade Vieques,para generar 19 ernpleos directos y 2k indirectos. Asirnismo, sehalo que se podria generar "un promedio de $540.000 en divisas, y reducir la importaci6n de pescado y mariscos, Camposhizo estos planteamientosai compareceraver a vistas pdblicas de la Comision de Asuntos del Consurnidor de! Senadopara orientar sabrecorno encauzar un proyectopiloto, experimental, relacionado con ei desarrollo industrial de la pesca, empaque y mercadeo de la carne de tiburon. Explico que el tiburon es abundante en los alrededores de la isla, ya queese el un selacioque se cria y vive en aguas calidas y profundas. 0- ~~!5 f,'@Le« IS'8 Sc'0 IS O g C c CD g < -. C D~ 0r ~ Po . D D D gJ~ W S0 FI 0 0 O h IS «I S' «D DCa CD«c~C 0c g g CGIS C«CCCI Ql e CS 0 0 8 O ~ O O' + CD~ IS 0 Ql I« D 0 D IS 0 Sc gg0 ~0 D DDC + cDg 8 D gq IA C 0 g ~~0+O0' g C CD ,'.K N ~cc C 'C ~ «CD ~ 0 "OKO' e< O.«cDc P 4g QO 0 P 0 D CD ~ ce IO 0 D A~e

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sr ~ersse3 / MAHTES 17 DK orct&ABAE QE 1985 Respaldan reglamentacion en balnearios UP!! DesaINencias deGobieino, ademas de la Santiago Nieves,al apoyaria legrslacron.sugino Federaci6n de Pescadores,respaldaron ayer !a iegis- que se estudie la misxnacon ciudado parano arectar iacidn encaiuiuadaa reglamentar ei uso para fines adversarnentea los pescadoresartesanaies que recreativos de !as areas de balneario, ademas de dependen de la pescapara subsistir. establecer limite de distancia, veiocidades y medi- Por su parte, Soto iavorecio que aquellas licen- das de seguridadque deben observar las cias que se requermanmediante esta medida para embarcaciaoes. operar ias einbarr~ones, se haga en iorma prorra- K] secretaxiodel Departamentode RecursosNatu- teada,de acme conel momentoen que se compre rales,Alejancho Santiago Nieves; el director de la ei navio. Oficina de AsuntnsLegaies de la Junta de Planes, Ki iuncionario de pianificaci6n considera este BenjaminSotr3, y el secretariode la Federacionde metodo factible paraei cobro de ias iicencias que se Pescadores,Carlos Piovanetti. comparecieronayer expedirianpor entenderque "seria.poco razonabie a vistaspubUcas de la ComisionCarneral de Recur- que una per@la que comprara su embarcacion a sosNatures y CaHdadAmbtental, que estudia este mitad de ano,tuviese que pagar por una licencia que proyecto. no ha utiiizado por un periodo de tiernpo" La, medida. de iniciativa novoprogresistay que Mientras tanto, Pivanetti, ai respaidar el pro- cuenta con ei cnn.~so de mayoria y minorias, yecto, solicit6 que se estudien ciertas areas de ia surgi6a raiz de dosaccidentes ocurridos en las medida que, a su juicio, requieren ciarir>cacion, playasde la Isla, enei queei masreciente tragedia entrelas quemencion6lainclusion de ios lagos, por- cobr6la vidade Tammy Esposito, esposa dei jef'e del entenderque la legislacidnva dirigidaa protegera NegociadoFederal de lnvestigacionesen Puerto los banistasy estasno son h'ecuentadospar elios. Rico, James Eiycsito. ChCv ~ vv ' Ch C OCI C + o C. 4 'CCD c o M Q o o c c Pn R o ~ c Och~~eO~C e v c I * I Qt' cn o c." Cvc' v I ~ OCICnW+C e c > ch 0 Cv C c cc.o -- C CI Ch cn cn I -o ~c o o c I ~ epic V ec> c c * o =.ph Ch Ch ' 'Tlc~~a,e c ChO e1 ~ Cnl o 3 v.' o e o Cho cS ~ Ch c jo e g: o o+c c Ch c BSP "c * c ~ ~ <- n ~'P 7t '7. o e I CL Ch'CC oF'C o e ~o cn~ c o I c' V, c C: C '1 o K cn cn PXr. g Ch C' c o g p ChC ~ CCl Nv $o P.c~ Ch e Ch C4 Chv ChC CLO cn C.e c Ql o ~ c- CCCcg ~ 8 o c DCC ego ~o gm N c C >k o sa c-o 92 Q V ' Cn ea c' V. V' * o

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z over all was the Hobie 33 Replay. Second behind Mad Hatter was roundingswere usually ugnt, Replay, sailed extremely fast by Dazzler, Mike William's Beneteau The Grand Prix was the end of a Mike Lemon and a crew that 32. Dazzler scored 1-2-2+3-2, successfulseason for Rudy includedsailmaker Nick Bailey, throwing out his sixth-place finish Thompsonand the Pearson Flyer was hindered by two Did Not ta tOtal 11.7 points. Behind Dazzler he and son Chris modified by Starts in the six-race series.- in third was McLernan's J-24 sawingthe hull all the way around Replay's first DNS was a result Antidote, Antidote was sa the deck is now about 10 inches of not having raced the first time disqualifiedfrom the last race closer to the water. the club attempted to hold the after failing to yield the right of The Boat af the Year trophy is Grand Prix on Oct. 4 and 5, way to Kevin Dixon's Sand Shark. awarded to the boat scoringthe Thosedates were scratchedby Throwing out the DSQ, Antidote best corrected time in the club's winds of up to 40 knots from a scored 2-3-3-2-2 for a total of 20;4 annual eight-race schedule, tropicai wave blasting through the poults. beginning in February wi th the territory. Boats.whocompleted The Granri Prix is a series of Lady Tristam Cupand ending the single race sailed before the normally! five 5-mile races on a with the Sir Francis Drake Race event was postponed had a sixth Gold Cup coursewhich severely in years when the Grand Prix is finish in the event scheduled for tests crew work. A single circuit of not postponed. It's a prize five races, and they could throw a Gold Cup courseincludes five rewarding dedication to be out on out their worst finish. mark roundings,three windward the course for every event, Replay's secondDNS was legs, two spmnaker reaches with a McLernan said. caused by last-minute work on a gybe in betweenand one run. Besides having the boat's name new mast. Once installed and Each race took only about an hour enscrihed on the perpetual trophy tuned,the light. weight Hobieflew in the 10- to 15-knot winds typical and getting a keeper trophy, the weil both upwind and down, last weekend. boat also receives a set of dress scoring 1-3-3-1 in its dass. The starting line set by John flags, On the night of the club's Alligator, co-skippered in the Jouett and his able i ace Cammodorets Ball on Jan, 18. the Grand Prix by Franco Marcatelli committee crew usuaily was boat is honored by being lit up a t and Peyton Coffin, finished Iourth, crowded as boats streaked aver the dub dock with its dress flags followed by the Olsan 30 Fastidiats juetet the guu. The ftequeut heuy flying. and Class Act. Class B was darmnated by Peter The Daily News. Wednesday, Geceirjber 18, 1985 Holm berg, who skippered Sam Lang'S veteran J-24 irfad Hatter ta five straight bullets for an Olympic scoring system total of Ne.w ferry ma ing zero. With finishes like that, Hoimberg probably didn't care he didn't havea throw out supplied waves in old route by sailing in the bad October weather, cording to company treasurer hy JONATHONC. GLASS John Smith. It has: Daiiy News Staff ~ A scemc deck. ~ Views from the interior first The newest boat on the St. floor as weil as from the deck. Thomas-Tortola run is a $525,000 ~ Expensive iMltsubishi engines beauty. that he expects to perform better The Native Son is 68 feet long, than the General Motors engines with a capacity of 147passengers. in the earlier vessel. It was built in Louisiana and was With two boats. the company christened on St. Thomas Satur- has a lot more flexibihty The day. Native Son is carrving passengers For the officers of Native Son for the Norway and other cruise Inc., the new boat represents a ships that anchor in the harbor. bounce back from near It is available for charters on bankruptcy and high hopesfor the per passenger or flat ."aces,Smith future. said. A charter for 100 people to "It's an accomplishment," said Virgin Gorda would cost about president Henry Thompson. "We $2,000. feei in the marine industry there is The company is considering money to be made." special trips like a run fram St. The company sold its first boat, Croix for Three Kings Day. NSI I, before buying the aew one. Thompsonsaid. It also owns the Oriole, Thompson and Smith praised The NSI I was bought brand Banco Papular for financing new, but it was not suited for the 8200.600 of the purchase. The St. Thomas-Tartala seas and company and other investors put nearly ruined the company that up the rest. began in 1977.Thompson said, All the officers Smith, The company bas done better Thompson, George Turnbuil and with the Oriole, a used ail rig boat Walter Pickering were born on it boughtin 1983.With a special St. Thomas or Tartaia. They section holding five- tons of cargo, believe more island natives can the Oriole breaks even just by get into the marine industry. carrying fresh produce and mail, Thompson said. Thompsonsaid. Their main competitor is the The Native Son has strong 90-seat Bomba Charger awned by advantages for this route, ac- Bingley Richardson. L ~e~o~~~o "tE

YOLANDA VELEZ ARCELAY KL REPORTERO de los galeones El presidente del Senado, Miguel Hernandez Agosto, orden6 ayer una investigaci6n inmediata sobre el sobre esto cuyo resultado sera rendido hailazgo de los galeones encontrados proxi mamen te. en aguas de Vieques y las repercusio- Santiago, por' su parte, rechazo nes en el derecho de jurisdiccion de cualquier responsabilidadpor la per- Puerto Rico, dida de este hallazgo para el ELA y Mientras, el secretario del Departa- coincidi6 con la senadora Veida Gon- mento de Recursos Naturales, Alejan- ~aiez de que el Instituto de Cultura dro Santiago Nieves, no descarto la Puertomqueha tiene "e] 100 por existencia de Iingotes de oro en ]as dos ciento" de la responsabilidad. naves descubiertas. Fue imposibie lograr comunicaci6n Santiago aseguro a EL REPOR- ayer con el director del ICP, Elias TEROque ha recibido inforrnesde que Lopez Soba, para que aclarara. los dos galeones espanoles tienen oro, Aunque Santiagodijo que a laagen- "Si no nos los quieren pasar a nosotros cia que dirige no le correspondeIlevar es porque hay barras de oro, corno me ~ Iliderato en la protecci6n de hallaz- han informado", indico Santiago. gos arqueol6gicos en ios terrenos EI funcionario se refirio a ]a orden sumergidos o aguas terzitoriales dei del juez federal Hector M. Laffitte que pais, puso a la disposiciondel ICP ia ,adjudic6 el hallazgo de los galeonesa asistencia tecnica que necesite. la jurisdiccion de EstadosUnidos y su Santiago reconocio que "existe un custodia a la empresa Mel Fisher. vacio legal" sobre lo concerniente a Ayer mismo, el senadorMiguel Her- hallazgos arqueoiogicos bajo las nandez Agosto orden6 a la Comisi6n aguas. Recordd haber apoyado a la de Desarrollo Social y Cultural del senadora Gonzalez en su intento por Senadoque realice una investigaci6n. que se aprobara un proyecto durante Recomendo que se le de especial a pasada sesion ordinaria, pero el interis a los derechos del Estado l.ibre rnismo no prospero. Asociado sobre el mar territorial; la zona adyacente y economica; el patri- monio historico y cultural, y las cuali- ficaciones que deben ten er las personasque pretendanexcavar sitios arqueologicos en aguas puertorri quehas. El legislador tambien autorizo a la Comision a iniciar las acciones legales que procedan para evitar la destruc- ci6n, mutilacion o despojo de sitios arqueol6gicos. Hernandez Agosto tambien requirio informaci6n al juez Laffitte acerca de su failo sobre Ios galeones espanoles que se estimadatan del siglo XVII. El Departamento de Justicia inform6 ademasque desdehaec "a]gu- nos dias" y asolici tud del Gobernador, se realiza un estudio "abarcador" ooily~ Photo by SkffRRfA HllnssRaNO7 Students of Camp Arawak's hotel training class the ninth annual Conch Shell Regatta, a benefit for serve plates of Crucian hamecooking Sunday at Arawak, on Nng ChristianWharf parking iot. Conch Shell Regatta more than sailing

By SHERRIA. HILDEBRANDT Clara won a prize for her beanbag- posed a probiem, Debb>e webber ot St. Croix Bureau taesing prowess at Country Day Sunstrokes i~sage Therapy could School's booth but the dart game, take care of that with a miru- sponsoredby St. Dunstan's School, massage. The primitive toot of a conch shell was a little more challenging. blown by Chet Fitzgerald signaled No fair is a fair without clowns, and the start of Sunday fun for St. Croix "Pretend you're good and mad," members of Courtyard Players made residents at the ninth annual Conch urged Margaret Edwards, who was sure there were clownsaplenty while Shell Regatta. Clara's companion Sunday, they sold balloons to children young There was as much activity in the Freannng in concentration, Clara and old. harbor as on land, where a street fair whippedthree darts toward balloons Participants in Arawak's hotel in the King Christian Wharf parking on a giant corkboard, but her aim training dass dished up plates of lot. kept non-sailors smiling was off. Crucian homecooking, served at throughout the day. Ted Raub, aged 3'+, couldn't quite tables made in Arawak's carpentry The regatta, a benefit for Camp class. Arawak, included sailboat races for muster up the energy to get his all dasses of boats, Hobie Cats and beanbags through the holes on a Marge Tonks, vice president of windsurfers, and started from the smiling clown backboard, but he Arawak's board of directors, said the wharf ~here swimmers plunged into appeared undaunted after his at- Conch Shell Regatta is Arawak's the water toward their boats. As soon tempt. biggest annual fund-raiser, Every as a swimmer was aboard, sails went At St. Joseph's School's booth, year the board hopes to earn $1,000 up and the competitorswere off to a fairgoers tried their skUl on a wheel more than the premous year. course around Buck hland and back of fortune and, nearby at the gypsy to Cbristiansted, Last year's regatta brought in tent, others learned what their $6,000, but Tonk hopes this year' s Once the boats were off, the crowds fortune held as Madam Zodiac and turned their attention to the fare event will bring in even more than Madam LaZhonga peered at palms $7,000because of sunny sk>es,a large offered on land. and contemplatedthe future. For Clara Eltman, age 4, it was a crowd and the many activities for chance ta test her carnival skills. And if tired feet or sore shoulders young and old. IIC rn ~ ~n ICI r IJI L 0 CJ O 0 0 0 T5e pailv News November 25, 19 85 0 0 I p ICCI CJ 0 rn CICI 0 n n I C IJJJ0 Q 0 I I CICI O 0 Sea Goddess threatens 0 C r/I C rn C CJ E CJ g dl 0CJ 0 » ptJII up anchor 0 0 0 0 '0 O O CJ '0 M prn C0 R CJ By hAEi.V/N CLAXTON 0 'JCI rCJL VJ 0 0 Z. St. Croix Bureau CIC n Q rn O JC I I The luxury cruise ship Ses Goddess of contract problems, He said he may rot be comiag home to St. Croix was told that the delays were atter Dec gg unless the Part Authoritjr caused by the failure of Water rO bO resumes dredging of the Gallows Bay Wizards' equipment. C 0 C rn hannel this week. Harding said he was never 4~ 0 informed of the tourist ship' s rn The cruise ship, which homeports in intention to change homeport. He 0 St. Croix during the winter, has yP rn 0CJ said also that he was unaware that 'JJ tened to move to San Juan in the ship had been experiencing 4t 0 0 January unless dredging . of the 0 problems. 'n CC "'Janaelbegins by Friday. ln October, Sea. Goddess of- n 'C 'V !a a Telex to their local agents, ficials threatened not to return to V Merwm Shipping, the Sea Goddess' the territory unless the channel II owners Friday condemned the Port and area near the dock were CJ Authority's failure to fulfill its earlier dredged before Nov. 2. rn 0 promise to dredge the harbor, rn But when the Port Authority had I Z "The substance of the Telex was that the area near the dock cleared and Q began dredging the channel, the unless the Part Authority stops 0 LQ cruise line took it as a good-faith M CJ dragging its feet the ship is going 0 0 effort and made St. Croix its cn 0 0 to Puerto Rico," said Gene I rn Bryant, president of Merwin homeportfqr a secondyear. Shipping. The threat of changing Bryant said the $34 million homeportsbrought aa outcry from 0 vessel struck ground on its last tourism officials, legislators and Q .J two visits to the island. He said not St. Croix residents, Among those 0 0 only was the paint scraped from most concerned were businessmen -EE rn the bottom of the vessel. but such who did thousands af dollars in 0 0 0 a situation could lead to the vessel business with the vessel each getting out of control. week, rn I "The ship's owners are un- "The Sea Goddess people now 0 derstandably not pleased about believe that. the Port Authority is 2 = 2 JJI the situation," Bryant said. 0. not serious about keeping its .J 0 Port Authority director John promises to clear the channel,' r Harding has blamed the delay on CJ 0 rn contract problems with Water said Janet Foster, assistant 0 n cn director of Tauriszn. "These peo- L Wizards, the St. Thomas company CO ple are losing their patience hired to dredge the channei. .C I J because the Port Authority doesn't j "We are working on the problem 5Q -~O 0 and we expect the dredging ta seem able to get the Jobdone," O cn C m continue next week," Harding said CC Frtday, He declined to comment on the nature of the contract problem, but said it has halted 0 CCI ca Q CJ rn IJO dredgmg for more than a week. g N But Bryant said the Port E -" CCJCII Authority never told his company 0 CICI 0 0CrJ 0 C 0 r U a rn L 0 ;-M CJ 0 4J rn I cn Q CJ rn aP 0 '50 rn rn 0 rn O ! 0 Z r ~ ~ -QCJ m IJJJI IJCI ICJJ CCI0 O rCJ J I CC 0O 0 CCI 0 0 0 rn .C C I Cj 0 C C 'la ~ CLrn "0 4l Q»I e' 0< C OX C dajx rg Cd C -e Lec e %0C C Cd rn dl » !c~'» e ~ c dj CdjCl L~ x I LZ4 e»OC C 0 I Cd 0 dj C C Cl

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OTRO PELIGROSO campetidor. e,' Por MIMI ORTIZ austrahana Gary,'vie calfe. quien ha ga- De El !Vuevo Dia nado este aha los campeanatas mun- diales en Hobie I6 y 18 y busca su EI. PUZRTORRIQUESIO Enrique tercera corona. se mantuva ayer en la Figueroa Suarez gano ayer sus dos ca- sexta posicion, por segundo dia canse- rreras y paso de lider a las semifinaies cutivo. de !a VIII Capa A.bsolut Mundial de Figueraa. quien conoce las aguas de Hobie Cat 14, que continua hoy y ttta- isla Verde hace diez anos. lucia 'alegre hana en la playa de Isla Verde. y canfiado' ai canciuir sus dos pruebas A.l comando de la cornpetencia por segundo dia consecuttva. Quique' Fi- de ayer.!a ultima con un minuta sabre gueroaconciuyo el dia con puntuacion ei segundo cornpetidor, de 4.25 y quedo primera en el grupo de Salmon. que se dio a conacer en la 36 navegantesque iograron pasar a la Isla cuando ambo tercero en la Mun- sernifinaL del total de 72 campetidores dial de 1915 celebrada en Palmas del que miciaron la regata rnundiai, prove- Mar, ha obtenido honrosasposicianes nientes de 18 paises. en cataCopa. mas nuncaha logradoei - El bortcua de 21 anos y natural de titulo. Santurce. quien fue campeon mundial El competidor puertomqueno. que en ei 1981 comptttendo en Brasii, es viene de ganar las carnpeonatos nacra- utto de los favaritas para mantenerse en nales de Estados Unrdos en Hobie Cat la primera postcion hoy y coronarse 16 -celebrados en Traverse Ciry- ha mahana: hay tres carreras senaladas logrado en lo que va de esta Copa. tres para el dia de hoy I dos para cerrar el pnrneros lugares, una segunda post;ian campeonata mahana. y una tercet. Junto a Figueraa. atras cinco puerto- Figueroa tambten ha ganado los carn- rrtquehas lograran clasrficar en el grupo peonatos naaonaies de Estados Unidos de 36: Enrtque Juncos entro en ia nove- en Hobie 14. los ahos 1981 y 198". na posician. su. hermano Carlos en la La accion se reanuda hav a !as ! 0:30 dectmasexta, Enrique Figueroa Tarres de la mahana. detras dei Hotel Palace ocupaba ei lugar nurnero 1 ~.mrentras de isla Verde. Jav>er Ortiz liegaba en la 20 y Pedro Colon en la 35. La mayor arnenaza para el utulo a que aspira Figueraa Suarez pareceser el veterano Kitty Salmon. un experirnen- tado navegante de 44 ahas natural de Tahiti. que Con vientos de 15 a 18 nu- dos paso aver peiigrosamente de la ter- cera a ta segundaposician, cancluyendo la travesia con puntuacion de ~.5. Ei sudafricano Allan Lawrence ' avanzo del septirno ai tercer lugar. mientras que Bob Currv. el actual carn- peon rnundialde Hobie 14.que acupa- ba la segundaposicion. paso al cuarta puesta. EL VOCERO,San Juan Viernes 29 de Noviembre de 1985

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ZR g.i mm DD9 ~ e n~ Ies I e adame- g c Debe DD cD 0 m ~ cD THE sAN JUAlvsTAR yyec'nesdey,xavemrser zo. rsrl5 Engineers Corps dUe to let $50 million in contracts The Army Corps of Engineers is expected to award A third contract will be awarded for the restorarion o-; flood control, sea erosion and other construction con- the base of the 16th Century fortification. tractstotaling an estimated $50million to local contrac- Total cost of the three contracts is estimared by the tors in the current federal fiscal year, the regional head corps at $15 million. of the Corps announced this week. In additiOn, the COrpS expeCtS to award contracts In Lt. Col. Stanley G. Pheruambucq,district engineerfor fiscal 1985-86for floodwontrol projects on:he Guarrajibo Puerto Rico and the IJ.S. Virgin Islands. said three of the River in Sabana Grande and the Savan Gur area In St. contracts, for some 910 minion, will be awarded for work Thotnas. on the Portugues-Bucanaproject in the Poncearea. Other projects planned by the corps for the fiscai year That project involves the channelizationof about 7.8 include stream bank and shoreline protection!n Rirrcon miles of river and the construction of two darns, the and El Terrapirrn in the Piriones area of Lorza. Cerrillos and Portugues. The COrpSalSO planS tO begin !raVig3trurIa,'-marrrre. The Carrillos Dam, on the Bucana River, will cost $68 nance work!n San Juan and Arecibo harbors next mor.r.; million, according to the corps. Work on it began,a year and tO begin deepening Ponce Harbor:f feder al and loca. ago. funds are made available in 1986. The project is aimed at providing flood protection. The corps also expects to award a conrract for rhe o~; recreatronai areas and more than 33 million gaQons of phase of the Agua-Giiagua project a combined t.; ' drinking water a day for the Ponce region. and water tranSpOrtation System in San Juan Irr 4Iay Total cost of the portugues-Bucana Project, expected ro be completedin 1991.,is estimated at 3381million. It is 3 joint federai

EI. MLlNDO8 JULES 21 OE.NOVIEMERE 1985 'Colgado' el proyecto de les embarcaciones

Por Luis A. CaMn rrEDACCIONDK Et MUNDO Kl- proyecto sobre las em- La Cdmara de Represantan- barcacionesno pudo ser consi- tes y el Senadono pasaron jui- derado en la sesion extraordi- cio sobre las medidas que re- naria que concluyd a la glamentan, al uso de medianoche de ayer ya que ha- embarcaciones en las playas bia que someterlo al proceso del pais y la que autoriza al de vistas publicas porqua dis- Banco de la Vivienda a hacer pone penalidades. unas amisiones de bonospara Ademis, porque hay ciertas cubrir los compromisos sobre dudas sobre la jurisdiccion fe- subsidios en al programa de deral respecto3 las aguaste- viviendas. mtoriales. TheDaiiy t4ews, Thursday, November 21, 'l985

cn so o c e e c C e O Q o L O CO c L N .CE c 40 r o = CaeLC O O O o I V! o c o o L c 0 O O Pl = 2 Z c a~ E~ a IRCg ea o ~c OÃc Q e c ~>RO o L L e L o O e Qc I M Q e O L, o o c MQ QQ o~ e M e 3 c '" o 0 c bo c 00 Q ocL e ~ c L O o O o o c L p w O p o o 'a O c'-- ~ o I ca 0 COO L Q O o o. e c J i e CJ e CJ u Q C L 75 e g ~ O 0 c o o > L J! e 50 ~ C4 49 h0 o ul o c o O g o O J92 o C ~ e c L ~ O n e 'o O L w e Ol e o c ! ~ e O O e o o o c O ~ L' o 0 o I e co> o O o o Q c m Q c !C c a ! O V! B O

The Oaiily News, Saturday, November 23, 1985 CZAIIboard member named in conflict charg

By REGiNA BOYD Daily News StctH

dotag aaw ts stmply ta protect aa Conflict of interest charges were old contract with Allen-Williams. flied Friday with the Commission forklifts and has done business This company is compelled ta pay on Ethics in a dispute which may similar ta Charies' for sevea me my equipmeat was baught be a spinoff af the battle for years. to service the project. " control of the Wyadham V'lrgin Claire Romney did not return Charles said that based on the . Graad Hotel. calls ~ f'riday, but Rosemary AUea-Williams agreement he was In the compiaint, Derrick aad Sauter,secretary at D 8 C, spoke able to borrow money to purchase Claire Romney, president and vice for the company. $700,000worth of heavy equipment president of D 0 C Heavy "Charley says, 'I want all the neededfor the hotel jab. Equipmeat Rental, say Reynard work or you're not going to get "I have no problem with Man- Charles, owner of Charley's yourpermit,' " Sauter said ager Bruce! Hearas just the Trucking, is using his position aa She charged that the CZM board mea lower dowa," Charles said. the Caastai Zone Managemeat had pressuredTrammel Crow- Charles ' company resumed Commission to obtain or keep the new owner/operatorsof the work at the botel twa weeks aga- contracts. Virgin Grand ta renew a after a three week layoff due ta The complaint states Charles water-hauling cantraat with the dispute, be said. 'has on mare thaa one occasion Charles while it did not force Crow ta reinstate other contracts with "They knocked me aff because usei his position on the board to other companies, such as thee for af my connection with Allea- influence the use of his equip- refrigeration ar electrical. Williams," Charles said. "Some- ment" at the Virgin Grand con- Other members af the CZM body told them I was owned by struction project. board cauld not be reached. Allen-Williams. I'm still working, "How could that be true?" Charles agreed tha t permits but f'm under tremendous pre- Charles asked Friday evening issued by CZM da stipulate that ssure." when be first learned of the Crow must comply with ail tbe Aside fram the Virgin Grand compiaint. "I- was working for terms of the Allen-Williams VlrgmGrand before I got oa the contract, ia their complaint, the ~ It agreements includiag contracts Romneys pointed ta three sections signedwith subcontractors. of V.I. law that cover conflicts of Charles says he has been in. the "I always abstain from voting general trucltiag and construction int,crest by persons serving a on anythiag tnvalving Virgin public ageacy, which they say equipmentrental businesson St Grand," Charles said. What I'm Thomasfar 25 years, and employs cover Charles. about25 people.He was appointed to the CZNI board about a year ago. D 6 C exnploys 17 warkers 14 of whichare presentlyworking at the Virgin arand site with bulb- ose rs, backhoes, loaders and

EL MUNDO a DOMINGO24 DE Nqy~iV~R~gSS La SerieCope Absoiut de Velerasinciuyo, adw ~Seinicia hoy mdsde PuertoRico, a cadauaa de las regatasdel CarnpeanatoNacioaal de EstadosUaidos - dos de la clasede 16 piesde TraverseCity, Mich.,4-14, aqui el Mundial septiembre;uaa de la divisi6ade 18pies de Clear-' water,Fla., 29septierabre -5 octubre;y atra de Ia ciasede 14 piesde Lake Mead,Nev., 27 octubre- 2 de 'Hobie Cat' nov4embre. Lv&s de L00 de los mas importantes navegantes Estees el segundoabo caasecutivo que la Vod- mundiales de veieros de cascos multipies de 32 ka Absolutauspicia un campeanatomundial 'Hobie ' ,naciones,competiria ea ei CampeoaataMuadial Cat". Kl ailo pasadoauspcio la competenciarnun- ' de la Copa Absoiut de Navegacian a Vela, err la diai de 16 pies ea Fart %alton Beach, Fla. ' clase "Hobie Cat", 14 pies, eu el Ociana Atllarico EL "Hobie Cat" es un catamarande pesoiigero cerca de isla Verde dei 24 ai 30 de noviembre, que capaz de obtener uaa velocidad que excede Ias 27 se iaicia hoy. mph. Las cornpeteaciasde navegacionde veleros De acuerda caa Sandy Banks, director ejecutivo- se llevan a cabo alrededordci mundo e iacluyen de Ia Asociacian Mundial de Ia Clase 'Hobie", ia los campeonatas de regatas aacionales y muaida- regata de una seraanade duracidn marca la pri- ies en cada tamabo de embarcacida. mera vez que un campeoaata "Hobie Cat" interaa- ciaaal ha sido programadopara las aguasde Puer- to Rico. La regata, actava competeaciamuadial bieaal ' de "Hobie Cat" 14 pies, sera puesta a la vela desde la playa freate al Hotel Palace ea la Isla Verde. La competenciapara ei tituio mundial de barco de veLa,camienza ei martes 26 de noviembre, con- A. Reginaamenaza ecosisterna marino 72 embarcaciones naveganda ea un curso alfmpico triangular de 3 1/2 millas ea uaa serie de carreres Ante la ameaaza que representa ei barco encallado A. Regina rouad-robin una contra atra!. KI"jueves, 28 de para los arrecifes y carales ea la Playa P5jaros de la isla de noviembre, ei numero de corapetidores se reducirk Mana. el Departameata de Recursos Vaturales DRN! podria a ias 36 mejores para la roada del campeonato aptar por retirarlo dei iugar, la que caallevaria un costa de pragramadopara ei vieraes y sabado-29 y 30 de aproximadameate medio mil16a de d6lares, noviembre- cuando se deterrrtiaa& el campe6a Asi se desprende de un estudio reallzado par personal tecnico mundiaL de la Junta de Caiidad Ambieatai. ei Grupa Green Peace, ei Los capitanes de Los Hobie 14 que no ester Servicio Federal de Pesca y Vida Siivestre, y ei DRN, que fue p~lificados para La competeaciateadr4a la dado a la publicidad ayer, aportuaidadde abteneruao de los lugaresdisponi- E1 peiigra taayor que temen las tecnicas es que dada a su bies, de ntimera liraitado, para la roada de ciasifi- caadicion de avanzado deterioro, el A. Reg>aa se vire a se parta, caci6a de hoy, mabaaa y el martes. lo que afectarfa seriamente los litorales areaosas y rocosos, La caatidad de lugares dispoaibles ~ deter- ademks del prapio arrecife de coral ea que se eacueatra enca- minadapor el numerode participantescoa }ugares Llada ei barca. automiticameate abteaidos en sus propios paises Se indic6 que gran cantidad de fragmeato de coral petreo de por campeteacias nacionales. varias cspecies aua esQa vivos, pero se teme que los mismos "En abos recieates Puerto Rico ha gaaado una eveatuaimente morirN par el auge en sedimentacion al inter- posici6nprominente en ei muadode- Ia corapeten- rumpirse los patraaes de carrieates mariaas a causa dei A. cia veiera 'Hobie Cat', al producir una-nueva geae- Regina. racidn de navegantesde veleros de casco raulti- Uaa de las opcianes que el DRY habra de coasiderar serd la ple", dije Banks,"Kso, en combiaacioncoa la posibilidad de sacar dicha embarcacion del lugar y huadir/a a exhuberaatebeliexa tropical de la isla, hace de uaas profuadidades y condicioues adecuadas. Puerto Rico una eiecci6u casi natural para el sitio Otra opcian seria vender ia erabarcacioo corno chatarra, pues de la competenciamundial de este abo". Ia operaci6a de salvamento teadria un costa de apraximadamen- "Es realmente un honor para nosotros auspiciar te media mill6a de d61ares, segun indic6 el grupa ambiental este campeonatorauadial ea Puerto Rico corno Green Peace, parte de la Serie CopaAbsoiut de Veieros 1985", Se apunt6 ia posibilidad que existe de que las condicianes de indic6 por sa parte Michael Rom, presidentede fuertes oieajes puedan partir el A. Regina y se derrame el Carillon Importers. "Kste paraiso es por cierto el combustible que aua queda a bordo, couvirtiendose asi ea uaa perfecto esceaariopara taa importaatecompeten- fuente geaeradora de desperdicios soiidos que ocasionaria dabos cia de veieros,y estoy seguroque praporcionard Irreparables a los arrecifes coraliaos, litorales arenosas y roco- inaumerables recurdos gratos a los "Hobie Cat- ' sos. ters" de todo el mundo". The San Juan Star S urldaV, NOVember 2 4, 19 85

The fringe of tropical storm Kate buffeted the recent consideration for the upcoming Hobie 14 World Champi- fifth annual Kelly Cup last, dampening literally! the onship, and the special Saint Germaine prizes will be . spirits of what is always one of the best regattas on Club awarded at the annual dinner dance in December. The Nautico De Puerto Rico's calendar. date for this affair now will be December 18. instead of Weather conditions played havoc with the regatta from the 13, as previously scheduled, day one, An expected 70 boar. turnout was reduced to 50, ~ ~ 4 an incredibly high participation and a tribute to the Kelly Club Nautico de Puerto Rico rnernbers - note these Cup reputation, considering the inclement weather. changes in the calendar: Dec. 8, second regatta for the The first race popped off to an exciting start, with the Kelly Cup with a 9:30 a.m skippers meeting and the first mast of Gilberto Lopez's spanking new Jeanneau 39 flag at 11 a,rn. The trophy presentatron wrll be at the splitting in two in the jockeying for the start. Although annual dinner dance to be held at the Caparra Country the 25-knot winds which often gusted to 35 didn't damage . Club on Dec. 18, any other yachts, the crews which finished knew they had The Commodore's Cup is being moved to Dec. l3, with really worked for their supper that day. a 9:30 a.m. skippers meeting, an ll a.m. first flag and ln Class A, Eugene Balzac's Flako came in first, with trophy presentation at lsleta Marina. The Commodore Melissa's new sails powering her' to second under Carlos Cup presentation will be at the annual dinneridance. A Cabre's stewardship. Tom Hill and his Titan IU complet- reminder: the yearly meeting of the board of directors af ed the Class A standings with third place. Juan Gonzalez's Club Nautico will be held on Dec. 3. Aventura hauled in first in Class B. followed by Horacio Cabrera'sSuspiro ln secondand AntonioVelasco's super finish in third with a complete teenagedcrew an ArreboL Watch out, Papuso, looks like you've lost your Arreboi to the younger generation! Class C Crursing saw Bill Rossy pilot Jagueton to first, with Jose Rodriguez on Dofia Gordi pulling in secondand Dottie H under Bob Fisher bringing down the third place slot, Guillerrno Mulct skippering Memo cornered first in Cruising D, Picante under the leadership of Luis Rodri- guez Piedra plucked second and Chrlssy, steered by Jose Fuentes Jr. grabbed thUd place, A nice addition, and one that hopefully will continue in future regattas, was the competition of an all-woman yacht; Dorran Goldberg and Georgie Otero put Bravo through its pacesin the in Class B. Second day activities were greeted by 30-knot condi- uons gusting to 40. Then and there the race committee consulted with some of the Kelly people and it was decided to postpone the second race after a survey indicated that almost everybody had decided not to compete, However, typical of the Kelly Cup people's gracious hospitality, the social show kept going and all participants were feted at a lovely dinner/raffle at Villa Marina. Gango Benitez of Ondina fame won the wind- surfer raffle. The concluding regatta will be held on Dec. 8, out of

Revrerl peto Two unidentifiedwindsurfers compete during Sony WindsurfingInternational at Sydney's Long Reef. V. cn o. a 0 0 V 0 . * Otl tD C 'J: V D 0 C n ~ n n 0 0' r' V a C' r 0 ' C rr '0 rv 0 j t. Cn o. 0 0 V cn D C 0 C n I D al ' a Ita ' C al K» D » coa VcV y V.c V VI D: 0 ln ~ >oa I 0 0 In D I a' r e~ o~ 0 Ch C 4 a-' s C tn C r In o 0 VI In C. 0 0 C D ID n C' C 0 C. f: o D C * n n Cc 0 VIn V. P- D 0 0 CD la.r C D 0. C tn cn n r. 0 0 I V. 0 In 0 I P - D n 0 Oa V 0 tla 3 DI a tD D Oa V I C a D r 0 0 0 0 cn IJ r. V l6 3 +. D tn * 0, O C. o 3 a-=c C V' 0 r CC l5.Ila

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Cr.0 ~ Ita Oa t ~ OE0 C C 0 V C C C a: cn C. I O tD C. Pp CC V: C 0 ln C D: C, tD Cn 0 ln C ~ ~ a: cn l C. 0 CDC c' 0 0 v V V C C C a' It 0 ln B> JOB MARTIN V, 0 e C V a P' 0 5 Oa C C ln 0' n ~ S C 0 0 S 0 C' » v. r C C. Vtn a: OalD: 0 0 n r. ta 0 0 r O D: r 0 C oa V. n V' C. tt. ! C. 0 F P. 0 t C 0 I 0 D C r v. " V. 0 'l r 0 0 r.' C r. C C a-' Oav P K. C

r. D.. cn V' 0 0 C I v F 5 P C D V: C v. 0 Cr. C ' p,' 0 C C' ~ C 0 tn 2» K. C ZC o 0 r CC 0 t $ OC, o. o D o p In F 0 S M - Ia. 3 +oe t V V, D 0C C. V. - R.-. o C C. V. ~C Ql C Cr 2 ~ D V. 0, C » v, V. C C Cn 0 C C C -'.V. O It oa In c c m ~ tn CI I v. Pv P oa ll C C C V P' V. C 0 C I P,' ln V ~ ~C 0 r 0 DV 0 Dl C0 t-. o c P o ~ I C ttD ta Oa C r " tn C Cr I C In o ~ h C 'r c C a. Ot C 0 W S C' CII» » 0 r D C JHE SAN JUAN STAR Sunday Nbvembei 24. 1985 Australian Hobie Cat sail~~ seeks series sweep here

SoeeieiTo The STAR Australian sailor Gary Metcalf, winner of the first two legsof the HobieCat World Triple Crown. wiii attempt anunprecedented sweep of theseries when be faces over 100top multi-hull sailors from 32 counrries iri the Abso}ut -. CupHobie 14 WorldChampionship this weekin Isla Verde, Metcalf, of Gold Coast.Queensland, won the Hobie 16 -World title at Ft, Walton Beach.Fia., in September.1984 andcaptured the !8-foot world crown at PortMacquarie, Australia,in February,1985. He is attemptingto become thefirst sailor to captureconsecutive world titles in each Hobie Cat class. Scheduledto challengeMetcaif for the 14-footworld ritle are local favorite Earique Figueroaof Santurce, ~innerof the 1985Absoiut Cup Hobie 16 'U,S. Natronals; BobCurry of Tampa,Fla.. the 1985Absolut Cup U,S. Hobie14 champion and defending 14-foot wor!d champi- on:aud Carlton Tucker of Ft, WaltonBeach. winner of the 19~bsoiut Cup Hobie 18 U.S.Nationals. OBicialopening ceremonies for theweek-long compe- tition will be heidtoday at 9;30a.rn.. on the beachin frunt of the Palace Hotel-in Isla Verde. A qualifyinground will be held after the opening. ceremonies,continuing until iMonday,for any Hobie 14 skippernot pre-qualified forthe event. These skippers wil vie for a limitednumber of openberths, determined by thenumber of sailorswbo eiect to compe~eafter winning automaticbids throughnational competition in their home countries. Competitionfor theworld utie beginson Tuesday, with 72boati: e~iltrirr the 3N-miletriangular Olympic course in a series af round-robin races. On Thursday, the field will becut to the top 36skippers eligible for the championship round, slated for Friday and Saturday. iVovernber29 and 30, to determine the Absolut Cup world champion. In addition to Puerto Rico, the 1985Absolut Cup Sailing Series included each of the U.S. National Championship regattas two for the 16-footclass at TraverseCity. Mich., September 4 - 14. one for the 18-foot division at Clearwater. Fla.. September29 - October 5. and another for the 14-foot class at Lake Mead, Nev., October 27- November 2. TheAbsolut Cup Sailing Series is beingsponsored for thefourth consecutive year by AbsoiutVodka, imported exclusivelybyGarilion Imporrers, Ltd., of Teaneck. N.J., in cooperationwith the WorldHobie Class Association, theleading organization formulti-hull sailors throughout the world. »V 0 V V ~ V V, ' C» 8 C cd el ei 44 ~Uca C aa cn 0 C ec 0 4 V 0 cd pc~cac QV !cacao 5 < C V ce e cn 0 OW v 0 O~o C-~ ca I Og 4c I~ C 0! cn0 V» 0 C ~ =' CD AW C cc4 V edQ cn V V cdcn I C C O C Ch C C C V '~'C ~ et C g o Q cd C 2 VCX ado cd O'C C C.ec dl 444CL

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3 CI C X e v * I CIIJ O o '-v g. + ttYIjl ~ * e 5 CY 0 gy g 00 e g gl CA CAe I w 0 v e e '- o' R Rl Ch ~ ~ e e I 4 CI e O 0 I 0 Al e ch 0 $ F .OX Al cj 0 + 0 I Kl e M 0 M I 300 40 =~4K 4 CIA 3v o 3 3 0 40 g'0 Ch e ~ * e I 0 e 0 0 trl O 4 e gca4i g 0 Q 4'R jh IQ 8 QA v M e+ FO ca 0 0 e 0 ~!hcj v- cjC ~ 40 * c, R.~~ e' ClI e At cn cp EL VOCERO,San Juan Sabado 16 de Noviembrede 1985 60 emIbarcscionee ln la Regata KejLiy'

Par Eduardo Vaiera Melisaque habiaterminada segundoei ano an- A-juzgar por el entuslasmoreinante Ios organi- terior, gan6la categorfa"Racing A", seguidode lib- zadores de la 5ta Regata Anual Kelly esperan que eraay DonQ. En el grupo Racing"B" la victoria la cantidadde participantessupere a todaslas edi- correspondi6a Ori6n,ocupanda Cachando y Sara ciones anteriores. los luga res inmediatos. De acuerdo al comodoro del Club Nlutico de En ia claseC, botesJ-30, Aventura, Issyy Don Puerto Rico, Domingo Velasca alrededor de 60 em- Quijoteterminaron en Iasprimeras tres posicianes berCaaianeshabr5n de luCharpar IaSm4ximos ha- mientras que en la clase "D" {Cruising! Red Fever nares en ]as4 categorlasen las cualesse divide Ia sali6 vencedar,Sun Bum, segundoy Dottie I, ter- jornada marina,adem5s del certamen"Overall". cero. La campetenciaque se efectuaA hoy Mbado Finalmente en la Clase "'E-KISS"- J. Nieves en 16 y mananadominga-17 en aguascercanas a Fa- Carecil,un Hunter25 salio por Ia puertaancha, jardo, est4 abierto a embarcacionesde quilla sen- carrespondiendolea Caramboia de O. Perezei se- cilla. Par su parte Wilma Garrett, una de las orga- gundolugar y a Juliande H. Tarresel tercer pues- nlzadores del eventa senaI6 que no hay que ser sa- to. cia del Club Nkutico de Puerto Rica para participar En el 1983, las m8xirnos honores carrespon- en el misma el cual debe atraer nautas de Ponce e dierona undeportista de islasVlrgenes, Don Neri, lslas VIrgenes,adem0s de los residentesen el Area quienal mandode Uprisingno s6logano la clase Metropolitana. "A" sinoque alcanz6 el cadiciada".Overall prize", De hecho Ernesta Manzano procedente de T&n ill de Tom kill lagr6 la segunda pasician Carloia Amelia, St. Thomas, Islas V'Irgenes al man- en Ia ciase "A" y el tercer Iugar, Iona de Jacaba do de su bate "Alligator" fue ei ganadorde la Copa Gold. Kelly,impanieridase en Ia categoria"Racing A". En Robin Luke con Granslammer se impusa en Ia segundo lugar terminb Arquero cuya capitan es rdase"B" sohre Andres Nevaresy

La ambarcaci6aOriana. garo 1aBegat'e de 1982y repi5oaa 1984 4oO C C .' O cO ClI 4S CL'~ ss Ci oz CS CCS o 4S t Ccs4S O boa 4S C C" 4S o 4s Cc 4Sa lh O4SO ~ SIs

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between these two points. Ey ROLF OLSKR Of The STARStaff Jaiidagian said Greenpeace 'has -iso asked for a court-ordered removal of the A biologist with Greenpeace, the inter- ferry through the federal Department of 'national environmental protection orga- Justice. Department officials "feel we nization, said Saturday he is optimistic have real solid ground to stand on." he that Congress will quickly appropriate $1 said, referring to Section 9 of the Endan- million to remove the A. Regina, the 363- gered Species Act which considers de- foot ferry grounded on a reef near Mona struction of a habitat as a "take." or 'h= Island for nine months. capturing of a federally protected animal "%e hope to have action this week," or plant. said Burce Jaildagian, head of Greenpea- A Greenpeace team, including Jailda- ce's international sea turtle division, in a gian and a salvage specialist, went to the telephoneinterview from FIorida. wreck several weeks ago. determining Jaildagian said he and other Green- that it was feasible to puli the ship from peace members will lobby in Congress the reef and sink it in deep ~ater. Costs this week for prompt emergency funding. would run from $S13,000 to $927,000. he He said any money appropriated would said. go to a federal agency, which would in A bouyant foam would be injected tnto turn hire a salvage ~ portions of the vessel, which would then Greenpeace stepped in after the Puerto be towed off along the same tract thai tt Rico Department of >Natural Resources took going into the reef. In a report, given launched a letter-writing campaign ask- to DNR, the salvage expert said;he ing environmental organizations to he p Regina does not represent a technically press the federal government into push- demanding job, but heavy swells could ing for removal of the ship. hinder and prolong the task. He said the . DNR wants the vessel moved because removal could take 30 days in unusually it is grinding down the reef, ~hich is a moderate ~esther but might take several feeding site for the endangered Hawksbill months if the weather was severe. turtle and the threatened Green turtle. It is feared that constant pounding by The steep-cliffed, flat-topped Mana Island the waves will break the ferry into is home to unique fIora and fauna, and smaller unretrievabie sections in 12 to L8 DNR officials often compare it to Ecua- months that might further damage the dor's Galapagos Islands. reef. DNR says a plume of sediment Puerto Rico's Department of Justice caused by the grinding of the ship's hull -'5 filed a civil suit last month in U.S. smothering parts of the reef, and that ' District Court demanding that the vessel coral is being damaged by debris ~ashed be removed. The motion also seeks overboard. $S00,000in damages to pay for completed Removal would cause insignificant ad- and on-going studies of dainage to the ditional damage to the reef, DNR Secre- reef and to motutor the reef's recovery. tary Alejandro Santiago Sieves said The suit was filed against Tourship Co., Friday in a press release. S.A., the operator of the ship, and against "It is urgent to stop the tendency the owner, Armatur, S.A., a company with toward abandonment of wrecks in one of an address in Bastia, on the French island the planet's most pristine habitats by of Corsica. unresponsive ship owners and insurance The ferry ran into the reef shortlyafter underwriters," he said. midnight Feb. 15, and now lies half- In April, a Dutch firm tried unsuccess- submerged at a 20-degree list about 1,000 fully to salvage the vessel, further dam- yards from the island. The ship had begun aging the hull. A lawyer for the owners operatingonly three monthsearlier, ply- said in September that the ferry is consid- ing between Mayaguez on Puerto Rico's ered a total loss because the cost of ~ west coast and San Pedro de Macoris in recovering it w'ouid far exceed its value. the DominicanRepublic. MonaIsland!ies 4CICj CIJCdCCI C C 0 R C 47 V D CdC C cd cd Cd ~C~ccc I o tu O cd cd m Ch eL' Cl C E K ay LLL cNp- o~ ap 2=2 0Z CJ l2 O 8 cc 40 Q 2 O LLJ Cd- ' ,Llegan los VJ I Q, O O cd ZI ~C C a74 ' barcos de ~C Ch cd cd Cd OUI'ISITIO 0 LLi v LA AUTORIDAD de los w ~ cd Puertos informo que hov lu- 2.' o cd O cd nes. 18. 1legatan al puerto de Q + San Suan los barcos de turismo The Victoria a! tnuelle 1-E. v o Cd C e~ .

V ~ O O ' cd cd r cd ~cdocdCDg + eL~ C5.M-~ O c ~ Cd ~ ! cd ~ g c O cd Viu K J c O Dg~cd~ O O O~ ~ Cd h vI O C Cd P Q I cd Q 2 O cd I 0 O' v cd C C a, v C O'Cr' ~ ~~ cd I C cd -dC cd'! 2 o. oD o . o V7 4l cc Icd OcCI CO ~~ ~ I5 ~ ~ "o ca Fr

EL VOCERO, San J van Lvnes 18 de Noviembre de 1985

C 44' C CLUa 4I It! C 4J C4J c g E 0 a~ 4, E 0 44I 4J 4I W C c 4I I 4J c00 IJ S

IA 4J 'V IAC Py IA IAJ c v C 4l 0 Cl R cc c Z C ~ 0 V IIA IA IJJ

CJ c I 4J R V c CJ 4l 4J Ml 4I IA V Z C c R R 4J J c gg E ~ I IA 4J 4l v '0 V Itl V 4J 4I "C4 J 4J ~4J vR c t4 4J I V% CJ I gl III v NJ IA IA 4i -v Z A R C 4l 4i CI- 4J IA .v ovIA I 4i H. REPORTERQ/ LuNes ~8 OE NovleMBREDe ~985

Autoridades buscaban anoche embarcacion y tripulantes cion '"I'res Hermanos", de 40 pies de eslo!a, con tres LUIS GARCIA OE kA NOCEDA El. REPOFrERO personas a bordo debid haber regresado ayer a puerto y hasta las 5.00 p.m. de ayer no !o habia Tres embarcacionesf'ueron reportadas camo des- h echo. truidas por el fuerte oieaje que azot6 Ia regi6n oeste Dijo que la embarcacion se encontraba en aguas y las autoridades buscaban dar anoche con un de la isla de Mona pero no se sabia s! salio de esas cuarto navio con sus tripulantes que se cree debio aguas una vez sus tripulantes se percataron de! ma! regresar ayer a puerto. tiempo. Identific6 a dos de los tripular! tes corno Ios Mientras tanto, el Huracan Kate se encontraba a hermanos Fundador y Esteban Barber. residentes de las 6:00 p.m. de ayer a unas 280 m iI lasaJ noroeste de Puerto Real, Cabo Rojo. Puerto Rico, y segun informo ayer tarde el Servicio Hasta Ia tarde de ayer no se sabia eI nombre del Nacional de Meteorologia SNM!, ei sistema no tercer tripulante. representaba peligro para. Ia isla. Durante la mayor parte del dia de ayer el fuerte .Sin embargo, anoche seguia en efecto una vigi- oleaje que azoto la costa oeste de Ia Isla destruvn lancia de inundaciones repentinas para todo Puerto varias embarcaciones de pescadores en la bahia de Rico y asi corno una vigilancia para embarcaciones Mayagiiez, ademas de danos a varios aimacenes de! pequenas. mueJJe. Segun inforrn6 Jose Col&i, deJ SNM, para hoy se Las olas, que alcanzaron Ias 20 pies, penetraror! espew 80% de probabil idad de aguaceros y tronadas, al aimacen num~ 1 de Ia tutor!dad de Ios Puertos algunas localmente fuertes con posibles inundacio- de Mayaguez y se cree que 48,000 sacos de cemento nes en areas bajas. "Cumarebo", traido de Venezuela hace varias sema- Expiico que de registtarse tronadas durante el dia nas, se danaran con el agua, se inforrno. de hay los vien tos en rafagas podrian alcanzar !as 35 Decenas de pescadores del sector EI Seco, ei . miJJas por hota. Barrio Mani y Ia playa de Cuanaiibo er! Mayaguez, EJ ultimo boletin de ayer del SNM, emitido Ias reportaron que las nasas usadas para sus oretc!os se 6:00 p.m., Iocalizaba el centavodel Huracan en Ia perdieron en el mar. Cada nasa t!er!e un valor de latitud 21.3 norte, Iongitud 69,5 oeste, a unas 140 $200, se indic6. miJJas al noreste de Punta Plata, Republica En ei sector El Seco por lo menos dos embarcacio- Domirucana. nes heron destruidas por el I'uerte oleaje ca!cuian- El sistema se movia anoche a unas 12 millas por dose Ias perdidas en unos $40.000. Asim!smo. hora con vientos maximosde 85 millas por hora, y Departamento de Recursos Iaturales informo que Ia pasaria a unas 100 millas del norte de la Republica embarcacion que esa agencia usaba para ! Ievar e! Dominicana. en direcci6n hacia la parte este de las personal a la pequena isla de Los Ratones, en isla Bahamas. Ayer se puso en efecto un aviso de Joyuda, Cabo Rojo, fue destruida tambien por e! hutacan para esas Isias. fuerte oleaje. EJSNM pronostico anocheque para hoy se espe- U Defensa Civil de Ia regi6n oeste informo que raba que las marejadasen las costas norte y oeste tres casas del sector La Cocora de la pIaya de .~Iaya- serian de 6 a 9 pies. giiez fueron destruidas y otras cinca afectadas. Las Desde Mayaguez, la agencia de noticias Prensa familias afectadas fueron movilizadas a refug ios por Asociada informo que las autoridades locales traban funcionarios de Ia CRLV en esa ciudad. de localizar una embarcacion que se supone debio Las perdidas en Ias casasdestru!das fueron calcu- haber regresado a puerto ayer. ladas preliminarmente en unos $30,000 y en Ias Inform6 que eJ mayorista de pescados de Cabo residencias afectadas los danos fueron calcuiados en Roje; Tomas Rosas Quinones, dijo que la embarca- $11.0Q0. P. LI C. C C M 5 ~' lD i C rv h I/I CV lD lD 2 lD ~~~79 8 P2 0 Oi l/I Cv lD P, h P,Z !D P 2 i. C C Ci rb Pl lD W ~ P g lD w C 4A ~! lD. » C P 3 T l/I 'r lD l.=.p P. PC 0 l/I A~ A~ lD tv ~ l7» Y P PI I C I/l 4A 'J'. 7 P, C P Y C w P, ~ lD > lt A P.Y-C- 3» C I

~ Y P. vl l/I I. lD C J P pp lD Y C IJ~ J l 4! /I» l A~ PP. lD P. P, P L' C P. V ~ P Tm CI C. ~ P lD l/I l/7I C. I J t/I P l/ P =. Z P. Cl 'P I7» 3 ~l rv 4I

C P »» l à P. C: ~ lDI lD Zl P. C Ch 0» P, ~ Cv 46 Dl P CJ lD p7> C M Y O lD a5 dl 'e 0 C Q 4} «» O Sl 4l 0 D al cd~ 4» o o C ag 4 cJ 0 '» Cd I aj» 0 aj 0 0' E0o 0 0 CJ C al 0 " i jcj Cd o C g C O O al 0 I c E djj'0 CJ 4X dd Cd C C dd 'ag o >~ 4l 0 C a5 Jl g 0 0 5. 0 . dOI C 0 C 0 dl o 0 0»4} 7l C «ag C dO 0 3 c 4J al ~ ~as ag 4 0 C 0 o C» «4J 0 0 « 0 al 0 0 0 C I C0 o O ~ 0t dj 0 as a} 0 C 4} o ~ E = dj} EE 0 t}C} 4 - ai 2 -" ~ 2 o~H 4} djj « a C al 4 CI5 al cC «o« C L ag»oo« Le N aj 0 ag a5 0 C. g Cd4 cd Sl 0 5 ICI C 4 q 0 Cd I o toagdjj 4» o C 0 4} 0 C4» ag a} 0» C I» o C 0» CJ 0 0» 0 O cd 0,« C al 0 al cd al 0 dl Oj 4} 0 o C C 4 4~ 0 0 dd 50 T'= c~ al 4} C CdC 0 al C =Eg al . 4} rAl ca E 4} 4l tQ 'Cl 0 Ja C Cd 3 '170 3 C 0 al Cd gg c E 4} 30 ~ » 0 4} O C '0 Q " E PeCd O P C .5 « C 0 < a. C al 5 « » 0 0 « 0 dl al ia c E C cd C o att o la djj4C 0 0 I sj C 0 ag CJ C " ~QQ al td a5 0, ca0 al ~CJ O a} E p 4} 2I C Cd} Vl R.E3 CJSC al C QeI 4} ' Oo ! 8 E c 4l ~ C « Cd 0 4} E o Eg al 4} c E 40'I 4l Cd E C/I »» Cd 4} 0C 0 ui E cd 0 CJ aj « C 4 «C5 a} Sl cdCC 0 al Q aj Q la « »~g O 'I . o al dgl aj ca I 4j 03 4 C I 4I 0» C cd 0 0 o CJ~ 4 Sl Cdy! 0 O C >! 4} o g E al M aJ 5} 0 C & c 3 OI 0 }4 ag 0 O CJ 0 0 04} Cd0 0 Z 4l » 3 C o

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C"~. V + ~ ~'~4%' T', I J I.-g gag O Cgg C~gg p cDOUI o ID 0 O M 5 P 0 g D D-'R - 5 e>CP.

I I ~4 p g 5 p ~020P> t~ ~DI 0 PgO l+~4 I I."."jI II'; o ND N,I r IP!.% B 5 - 5 ~ CJ I I o co The Daily Hews, Friday, October i8, 1985 Sea Goddess may yet return to ca/I St. Croix home


Officials of the mini-cruise ship Sea Goddess have not deep-sixedtheir plans to use GallowsBay as the luxury liner's winter home port. despite reports lo the contrary. A represenlative of Merwin Shipping, St. Croix said. "The only one who can say if that ship will agent for the vessel,said he was leaving for Miami comeis their agent,and that's SherwinShipping." Thursday to speak with Sea Goddess officials about I'he Vorwegian-registered, Finnish-built Sea their plans. The representative,who askednot to be Goddess is a luxury liner Lhal accommodates II6 passengers looked afLer by 80 crew members. It identified. would make no further. comment except beganhome porting at Chrisiiansled last tall and is to term pressreports that the shipwould make San scheduled Lo return Vov. 2, Juan its home port premature. The COslof a week's cruise for a couple is 87.000. The director of operations for Sea Goddess Foster said. Cruises, Arne Baekkelund, wrote to V.I. Port Travelers on the Sea Goddess "are affluent cruise AuthorityDirector John Harding in iilay sayingthat ship passengerswith very high spending power." becausethe ship had scraped bqttom there in the said Frank Comito, St, Croix Chamber of Commerce spring,maintenance dredging would be neededfor it execulive director. Merchants, he added. "have to continue to use Gallows Bay. found these are a iotally different type of custom- Baekkelundgot no response,according to assis- ers." tant lourism director Janet Foster. In an Aug. 30 WIeantime. Lhe presence last year of the Sea letter Lo Foster, Baekkelundsaid LheSea Goddess Goddesshas ai.tracted a brandnew luxury ship to SL couldn'L be committed Lo using the bay unless the Croix for the season after next. Foster said. dredgingbegan by Sept.IB. The Windstar, a 835-millionluxury vesselwith six Harding said Thursday he has met with saiis un 18t>-footmasts and a capacii y ot .'00 Baekkelund since Lhen. He added, "To lhe extent passengers, is being built in Fiance. It'»cheduied that they're nol coming in. it's nol becausewe didn't io make Gallows Bay its home port beginnmg in do what Lheywanled done." December 1986. Harding said mainienaiice dredging doesni. gen. erally require a permit from the Army Corpsof Engineersif onehas previously been issued. But ihe channel hasn't. been dredged since the Corps originally did the work. and i.hereis no exis ing permit, so VIPA mustobtain one. The Authority gol verbal approval from the Corps last.week, Harding said, hut he has seennothing, in writing. Meanwhile, lhe contractor VIPA hired Lo do the work. Rater Wizards of Sl. Thoinas, has started anulher prOjei.l in Lhe British Virgin Islands, Harding said. The Gallows Bay project.eniails removing about 15.000yards of dredgedmaterial al a costof allo,000. "The Port Aulhority won't recoup any money," Hardingsaid. "bul the communitywill. The iPort Authorityi boardis preparedLo do what'snecessaiy to keepLhal ship comingin." Hardingwas critical of commentscoming from the Commerce Department, which encompasses tourism. "There's no communication in Commerce." he The Doily News, Toesdov, November 19. 1985 Conch Shell, Thanksgiving races set for next 2 weekends

MARINE SCENE STAFF The Conch Shell is remarkable Entry fees $20 per yacht and for its waterfront LeMans start in $10 for sailboards and Sunfish- One of the wackier and downtown Christiansted. the fact are due before 4 p.m. definitely the most all-isiand- that much of the island comes to All fees and proceeds from the sailing events in the Virgin Islands have allMy, wharf-side fun and . games and food sold at the is scheduled for Sunday in that every faction of St. Croix's waterfront party will help Camp Chrisriansted, St. Croix. boating community joins in the Arawak train disadvantaged WhQe St. Crout hosts the annual race, youths to help them survive in the ConchShell Regatta as a benefit world of work. for the Camp Arawak youth The Conch Shell schedule begins Six classes wiII begin starting at training program. the Coral Bay. at 4 p.m Saturday with a cocktail 10a.m. Sunday, then r ace around St. John, Yacht. Club is gearing up party-skippers meeting at the a course in the Buck Island for its annual Thanksgiving King Christian Hotel Channel before finishing back in Regattaset for Nov.29 through 30. headquarters for the race. the harbor to the applause oi the wharf revelers. The St. John race begins at 10 a.m. iVov. 29 with the skippers meeting for ttutt day' s single-handed and gaffer races. A sailboard race also is possible, Boat show honors dependingon the amount of interest. At 8 p,m, that day the skippers meeting for the following best boats, crews day's races will be held. Ail meetings will be a t Redbeards, There is no entry fee. VIARIiVE SCENE STAFF yacht in the show, Drinkwine On Nov. 30 the Thanksgiving said. Day Regatta will include Balloting and judging has The separate, large and competition in six classes, skimmed the cream off the functionalgalley of the Irwin 66 boats and pirate costumes Drumbeat took the best galley For more information. cail featured in last weeks V.I. award in the sail division, while Cora] Bay Marine at i i 6-6859. Chartery'acht League Boat the galley of the 90-foot,Cheay Show at Yacht Haven Hotel. Leepo~er yacht Odyssey III Of the nearly 150boats, the took that title among power old world charm of Orpbee!II yachts,Drinkwine said. bewitched voters to pick it as Perhaps the award that was the show's best sailing yacht. the most fun winning was the said leagueexecutive director costume prize at the Jeannie Drinkwine. Buccaneer 's Ball held Nov. 13 at Cabrita Point Pavillion. Orphee! II is a classic 96-foot Nearly 98 percent of the Alden ketch built in Shield won by Lloyd and estima ted 300people who Finisterre, France. whose table Jennifer Rovaie of the yacht is graced with Limoges china attended the party Tri-'Wor ld. cosponsored by Pan American and Baccarat crystal and The new award for the crew WorM Airlines and the league whosefour separate "who exarnpiifies the standard came in costume, and judges staterooms are cooled by their of excellence and own skylights or their own deliberated for 2>y hours before choosingBrian andLaurette professionalism of the VICL individually controlled air membership" was given to conditioning. Mugford of the yacht Kwa them for saving the life of a Heri, Drinkwine said. The interior is aII mahogany snorkler at Buck Island on Duly and the two guest bathrooms The Mugford's won two 25. include bidets, bathtubs and round-trip tickets to Rome donatedby Pan Arn, shesaid. The prize for inost showers. professionalcharter ya chi The spaciouselegance of the Others won a hostof prizes donated by local businesses, broker went to Lynn Jachney of 1 &foot, $2.9 million Bonheur Lynn Jachney Charters Inc. of earned it the title of best power The most serious league prize was the Golden Sails Marblehead. Mass. ed I Po'e~ In 0+7 s 0 $~ 3- ! o rD v' 0 «t =a Yo crn c o 2 ~~ - ~ C c. 3. ~ ID DrO e p rn 0! p C e N ~~'Q IJCIC ~C; D: > C VDVg .. D» 0 nr e . ~. CD~ r. y 0 « e * . a«neo'~erne~ i=a' o n «DDC -- e 0 ~ 0 rn e 0 n C e e g e e C Ie 0 n H ie: . o e 0 V D $ CV ~ cd 'C 0 o nn~o «ODC «no r' ! y C Cn 3 rn 0 ~7 O c rnc 0 ~ . «DQ0 g e!DICcn c C 5 o 0 0 * ~ n 0' e 3 >a 3 Wce «DD y o DV e er-. 0 0 Cgn I >'ee c 2 03 3 '0

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C CI I 4l The future is rushingtoward the Virgin Islands,but somepeople wonder if anyoneis lookingbeyond the daily whirl of budgets,insurance problems and electionsto prepare for it. Z "There's too mph helter skelterplanning," said o Dale Hamilton of Virgin Islands 2000, a new group CI focusingon the political,social and economic issues Cl thatwiLL shape the islands'future. Thegrowing preoccupation with the budgetand economicdevelopment neglects the long-rangesocial effects of development.said group chairwoman Marilyn Krigger. VirginIslands 2000 has grown quietly for a yearand hasseveral dozen members. It madeits first major publicstatement Tuesday when members gathered at the Drake's Seat outlook to opposethe proposed 390-raomhotel above Magens Bay. - The proposedhotel near St. Thomas'most popular beachhas spurred controversy since developer James Armourannounced it, Krigger said it is a pivotalissue

stake in maintaining open space the and promote for the islands' future. and scenic beauty on the island, public discussian of that issue. "You don't have to sell your soul said Linda White-Benjamin. Virgin Islands 2000 does not to feed your stomach," she said. Tourists do not come to see hotels advocate any status option. but it "Why do we have to give up our ringing every beach. favors more selfMeterminahati. most precious physical spot for "We' re closing ourselves in," Control of immigration and tbe benefit of tourism?" said Lois Hasseii-Habteyes. customs agencies that control the Control 'of the land is crucial to The group is urging the gov- islands' physical boundaries is control of the political and social ernment to buy the hillside above crucial to autonomy. Krigger said. environment, according ta group Magens to be preserved instead of Armour and his partner. members. subdivided for houses. Members Criswell Development Co. of And it is real estate developers did not reveal their ideas for Dallas, unveiled their hotel plans who control the Land, rather than raising the money. in August, The design with one political leaders, who are doing "We have to find a way, Where access road. native stone the most to shape the future, there's a will, there's a way," architecture and limited one-floor Krigger said. Krigger said. "If this area is buildings behind the trees along The recent surge of two and important to the people of the the beach would minimize the ~tory buildings on the St. Virgin Islands, it's our job to environmental impact, they said. Thomas waterfront further shows preserve it." The hotel would be several developers' ability to gain control Virgin Islands 2000is planning a hundred feet from the western over land that seemed to be free motorcade and rally at Magens edge of the beach. for pubLic enjoyment, she said. Nov. 30. Cars will gather at I p.m. They have questionedthe gov- Virgin Islands 2000 is not anti- at Four Winds Plaza and the ernment's ability to buy the land development, but Magens is.too College of the Virgin Islands, meet and warn the alternative is a valuable ecologically and cultur- at Fart Christian at 3 p.m., then patchwork of roads and houses ally for a hotel, members said. proceedto the beachfor speeches. such as those in Estate Peterbarg "It's obvious business fuels our The group is inviting business on the other sideaf Magens. economy," Krigger said. "We and civic leaders and wants to see The Senateis awaiting a Plan- think it would be great if Mr. if they share Virgin Islands 2000's ning Office report before Asmour, . would build.'. his. hotel. '= concerzt,Krigger said. scheduling- its - hearing - on the somewhere else," ' ' ' ' ' ' Tbe group'slong-term purpose rezoning that is essential for the Other taurism businesses have a is to study the islands' status with hotel. 4J al O 4J~ 3.» ! 4J C g al, cd 4I C cn ca .Ca! !cg al ! 0 ! 0 p aJ 0 g, C ~ YJW co CJ 0 0 c al Cl 0 0 0 CLOTS mao aS~ N gh 0 ZReg o N J2» 4 o -ca ad 0 0 0~ ! 4I C w O.gw ca O C ~ al 'cc o 0 al N»S aS O SJ o 4J ca N N ~ al 0 al 0 as 0 In R ca 3N~ aS N 2+P~a'0 ~304 Nem 4J ~2 C 4J ac ad» ca N C & 0 c ! C» 0 N aJ'5 aS 0 3 aS L al C aJ aS ca Va

N N N 0 ! '0 W J al 4| g aJ n I 4J O 4SCQ aJ N 0 In C N L 0 = 3 ! A 0 !,I 0 0~.ca C ac L N al 0 C 0Q I aJ C5 0 aJ OW C 0 'CI C al CJ 0 4I aa ac 0 '4 cn L 3 4l 8 al A CI al aJ L N 0 .» aS cn v 3=an. g 0 cct0 4I cn C N '3 e b0 al » 0 0 ac 0 aS al 4J~ 4IL 0» 0 0 cn al aS 0 al aJ 3 4l »0 L cJyha cn 0 aJ»a aaQ. 0 !+W aJ N cn O 4J aj k 4l C cn L 0 al 4l u! < O'L 0 cd 3 4J 4I ILL44J SJ 0 a. ~C cn al C ee CO as al ca al -NOI,L al 0 0 C al al al c4 C O In ~ cn ~0 g 3 nl 4J 0 ! I 0~+ L uc'!, 4J 0 ~ L 0 N 0>0 ca aJ 0 N 0 0

N al L L W al In L 0 0 0 al rr caaJ 0 3-cn 3~ c cn ' 3 al »0 g o 0 2 0 !oa- N ac 'U ca >E~g cn 0 a ac ~ !,L 0 " d!ccs al 4l C al 0» C C~ OZ L ~ N 0 C 4IC '4 CJ an c ~+ 0~ CP pal o C pgL N~~ cg al aJ~ 0 N al C O OL~L 4I~ L 0 0 O'L 3 5 I 4I ~ ca 4I 4J 0 Cl al 0' LO caSp O c4,C O L Ve " Z0X Z N gg c4 N C~al 0 C C ' ~ 0 csSS cn 0 aS aSaa4c w C N al 0 Q 4I a~~'L SJ 4J 0 0 g 4l aJ N aJ SCX 0 3 c 0 In aS L ca cn 0 N0 b0 CSc4 L I calmaJ o '40 4J ca CW~ C 4, 0'0 ca ~4 Nam' 4J a3 0 0 nl" ~ ce c ! L.al 0 4I aJks alh ww »X~~ 3 en~A C ~ EL VOCERO, San Juan Miercoles 20 de Noviembre de 1985 Instan mayor consumo pescado

SAN JUAN Kl proble- Modifioar hahztos ma de la industria pesquera en Puerto Rico se debe, has- Corujo indic6 que para ta cierto punto, a que en cambiar esta situaci6n, lo muchas ocasiones nuestros que tendriamos que hacer es consumidores no estrin utili- modificar los habitos del con- zando la gran capacidad del sumidor, para que se acepte recurso acuhtico dicyonible, el pescadoque se producelo- se5al6 a la Comisi6n de calmente,ya quehay la capa- Asuntos del Consumidor del cidad para abastecsr el mer- Seato, una especialista del cado. "La tarea que tensmos DRN, Iris Carujo. En su es desarv~ el gusto al con- comparecencia ante la Comi- sumidor para que utQice ese si6n, presidida por el ~or recurso que estk disponible, GilbertoRivera Ortiz, expre- en abundancia", dijo. s6 que en la Isla se consume pedio en grandee cantida- Una de las ideas que hay des pero que, "el pescado para tratsr de solucionar el que se consume, por prefe- problerna de que no se est@ rencia del consumidor mis- mo, son otras espeies, que consumiendoel paean que no son las tipicas de Puerto tenemos en abuncbmcia, es Rico". pa~sar la carnede tibur6n, La especialista, quien com- una de las cspecies uuks paveci6 en uni6n al licen- abundantes,para convertirla ciado Jorge L. Cuadros, ase- en bacaho,expres6 la depo- sor legal del DRN, y con el nente. se5or Ferrier, funcionario del Departamento, manifest6 que una de estas cspecies es el bacalao, Agreg6 la depo- nente que esta situaci6n tiene su trasfondo hist6rico porque "antes no teniamos los sistemas para conservar el pescadofresco y la gents se acostuxnbr6 a comer un pescadoque estabapreserva- do, corno el bacalao". The Daily Hews, Thursday, Hovember 7, t985 Brown may challenge judge' s ruling on barge suit

legislature's. "procedure and By REG'lNA BOYD prerogative." Daily Hews Staff Shatkin said, "We' re concerned about the -integrity of the Legislature. " When the lawsuit to stop the According to Brown, Meyers removal of the barge Miss Oppor. said under the rules af the 16th tunity was dismissedTuesday,' the Legislature. committee actions sefiators involved felt the judge' s are subject to the approval of the ruling infringed on the legislative fuU Legislature something not committee's authority. obtained by committee members Sen. Virdin Brown Wednesday said he has not yet seen Territori- before they filed the lawsuit. "! donot concur with the judge' s al Court Judge ishmael Meyers' uiterpretation of the Legislature's ruling, but says there is a "dis- rules. ' said Shatkin. "We who tinct likelihood" - he and other composed them might have better senators will challenge it on two insight." fronts. Brown argues that the First, Brown says they must file Legislaturedelegates its authority another suit and seek a re- to its committees in certain areas straining order to prevent the and that committees sinking of the barge and do this specifically the Conservation q ~y. Committee regularly act for the V,I. Port Authority Executive entire body. Director John Harding said Under the Coastal Zone Man- Tuesday he had notified his con- agement Act, which Brown helped tractor they can begin removing write, the Conservation Corrunit- the barge, which is to be towed to tee is aL'owed to grant CZM an area near Cyril E. King Airport permits if they come before the and sunk, to form a portion of a committee while the Legislature is reef. not in session. If the Legislature is in session, the permit request is Brown and Sens. Allan Paul treated like airy other bill and Shatkin, Derek Hodge and Hector must be passed by the Rules Cintron, all members of the Committee and the full body Senate Conservation, Recreation '"This year. most of the permits and Cultural Affairs Committee have been acted on while the filed suit against VIPA. They say Legislature is out of session." VIPA doesn't have the coastal Brown added,' zone permits legally required to 'The CZM Act states the Con- movethe ship. serva tion and Cultural Affairs Commit tee must act on all The senators may file suit indi- vidually, rather than as a com- permits dealing with trust lands." Brown said. mittee, Brown said. In his dis- missal ruling, Meyers told Following that law. it is only senatorsthey don't have the right logical that the committee can file to file the suit as a committee, a lawsuit involving a permit for activity on trust land, he added. Now Brown says they also will take the court to task for usurping Vl 0 I In + e Om m vgCQ m e tg 45 Vl «0 0 C 0 VI C ~ -I ' g ' Q '0 a V~Q 0 m m g -'c 0 etgctae m Q~cl Q 0 mooe c Cm u C OW «QZ 4<~0 mCI am k m QCQ 0 Q «L +«~~ao m ec mevl O 45 0 ~ Q Ov e o ta 4l 0 vl 0 CI m m rara Q Vl oepc C Q 0m C mvl» o Qoep C 0 Cl C 'Ze-ecO 45 Cl o C Cmcoe3 Q tn e»vi CQ g Cl QOOO Cl Cl ta C5 0 tg m- 0" mot ~0 'm QO 0 -Om Q c ceo Oc- t C 00'C O Vl 0 amp c vl» ta VI 0 45 i Q 45 Qeom -e mom Cmm 4 0 O OCQ ~ QCmm" e Q2 mm gg gd Vl » P0v K 0 vl 0' » 8 n Q-cern e -ac~ 4l Q'0 vl m ~m Ccmm e m e C tn o m ~ a L gaea ~'Ccoom 0 o os 0 m» v c ~ mo C otn Oema~ Qtaom Cl m VI Cl 45 0 oa~amE e ~'0 tn m 0, Cl 0 0 a cl o»~ 0 4 5g - Cl o- Qo~. 4e~ n 45 o Cl C 0 045 a vl 0 e Q R. 'ct C 0 c Q Q ~ c a a o u' a~ o i~-mmva04 =0 emop t tn etc C4 an tg Q C Q g a g '5gC O Clm > C Q QQO.C e Qz 0 e e ge tn nOCOQCCQQC' go 0 ~ tn C m tn m o 45 0 tn j o 45 a tn C o '0 u o Cl O4l Vl 0 4l ~ CLm 45C 005 c «m 4 0 tn 0 ta C c e O Q C ~ Q 0 45 ~ CI» tn »QM Q» ~ a C Q mc C g C Q e o Nm-"m 0m Q «2«coo QEO a a ~-mce 0~c» e p m ~ tn tn 4 0 m am 40 m ~ e< 03+o 0 0 m e 0 C5 > ga g 0 '0 0Ce ~ 0 -VI 4~ m 45 oaEQ< opec'co~o 45 VI O» Cl - e c e4 me> m Q» C m+0 I5awm tntl o ta ~+ O.m0» Q -QC5» 45 e > me 0e Cl CI 00 -0 m~oz ~ O 0 mo K~g mn.O c a «Q m Q 45 ~ O m 0 C vl C e vl e C 'C, 4 Cl 0 m tg Vl Qw 0 Vl Q C C%Vl CulN~0 40 om 4'45 C Q m Vl m c I m 0 o- m e e O.e Q m om~~Q a~ .o a~ 0 m 0» 0 zm 0 o C+0 tn o 0 Q ~0 Q m c o C C =CI oem~ L g 4CI CQ C m in C ~ Vl Q ~ llew a 0 F»»-Q vl Cl O»»» O X 0 0 Q 0 mccgo OeaetgC c m e c Q tn2omm g P, 4'55 ch o Q «vl 4Q» ta a at Q m 40 ta VI vl O 0 X 4l Vl tn Q VI 4l 0 ~ u Q VI 0o o ta m e 4 45 moc 0.2 Q C 0 o45 m Cl e tg ~ ig 4l m 0 - e t 4 ea c I tn QCeo C m e!5 z ec Vl g oe 0 >Qo Q 0 C III CJ I Vl 0 C 04L tn tn Vl 0 Vl o '0 cooobam '0 0 m 45» mc O.O in Q 0 C Q in Cl Q 0 m v n o Cl c e 0 4 tn e 0 0 Vl Cl Q =op g O.va C C la co 4l 0 C 0 "2 rg,c m ~tj 0 Q tg» oeo 45 C 4I 3g o Q~ Vl e 4l Vla~ 0» P 0s m 0 u 0 e tn oeo tg e E Qtn mca~C C c Q vl m e . x m 45 n Ee CL$ III 0 E 45 " Qo-~c O 'U m» 4l O» Q g e g 0 - a o e 0 4 0 0' Cl tn iC 0 C ~ m e m v VI~ 0 u 0 I5 mot ~ mv :0 ta 0 m g O taE e e «w 45 a QQ+ C m 0 C,C P ~ ln YQ tg C«C 4 C 4u 4 a» C e C Vl ttl 0 O 0 vl o 0 oIn e n 0 e >C ae» 45 Pm> c 4- o Q C Vl mocpe I a Q a tn 0 w mmceK~ 0 E~ Q in Vl VI Q Q e c Csee CA Ci ta eVl e Cocotn C 4l tg Cl & tn ge ICC 4l tn 0 0 tg 0 0 tn o 0 tn m 0 a E w Z! 0 0 tatn o 0 O'0 - gEQ CL0 «» L 4l C 0 o45 ~ p'C OC 0 a Q C g Q o vl 0 e co 0 Q 0 0 Q a 45» C a CaoC. e Q 0 C ~megcin Cl e2 VI I O 0 4l C tg m E ! ~ a o Q.m in m m > VI O. lQa P5-eo Qu mo~ 0 n» g 4l o. 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eg gEppprsRo r VfsRNES8 DE NCVIE~RE GE>985 Ayucja federal para proyectos cle pesca E1 Gobierno Federal otorgara a 4 vez que se identifican posibles $1,186,750 a la Isla, segun informo e! fuentes de energfa. de minerales y de comisionado residente Jaime B. Fus- otros reamos maritimos no vivientes ter, para ser usados en proyectos rela- ea la zana cionados con la pesca y la vida Fuster iadico que Miguel Soto y silvestre de Puerto Rico. ivluniz, o6ciales de! Departa- Los fondos en cuestidn provienen mento de Renames Natura!es. partic!- de! Departamento del Interior de paran en el pmyecto de sondeo e EE.UU, y se usaran en programas diri- imestigaaanes,que incluiri e! lugar gidos a restaurar la pesca y la-vida masprohzndo en ei OceanoAtlantico. silvestre de Puerto Rico. cenano a Puerto Rico y que tiene una Agrego Fuster que el dinero puede pmfundidad de 27,000 pies. usarse para adquirir terrenos, realizar El ~o de Iahistoria geo!ogicade estudios y otros fines que mejoren y !as tierras sumergidas seri util, espe- forta!ezcan !os recursos naturales en ciaimente en Ia eva! uacion de! poten- cuestion. Dijo ademas que le tocaran ciai petroiem de la region. $800,000 al programa de la pesca y Por otzo !ado, Fuster in formo que! a $386,7o0 a! programa de restauracion agencia ACHE otorgo $19,704 par de la fauna siivestre. un pm~ geriatrico a la cornurL! dad Anuncio Fuster ademas que el Carolina en Trujillo Alto. Departamento de! [n'terior y e! Ceolo- g!cai Survey, en colaboracion con e! lnstituto Brit&ico de Ciencias Ocea- oograficas, han comenzado un estu- hio abarcador del suelo marftimo de Vuertb Rico. El proyecto persigue hacer un estu- d!o completo de las 30,f60 millas cua- dradas del suelo oceanico airededor de la Isla. Este proyecto ayudara a deter- minar las areas submarinas peligasas,

h4h de 70 embarcaciones en Regata Kelly M Quinta Regata Anua! Copa Kelly se!le- capitaneado por Emesto Manzano, procedente vara a cabo el proximo fin de semana en !as de San Tomas. aguasadyacentes a la costade Fajardo,espe- Segun se in formo. e! evento ha ido ganando randose la participaci6n de sobre 70 mayores adeptos ano tras ano desde e! inicio embarcaciones. de! mismo en 1981, cuando fue ganado por E! Arquero. El evento estara abierto paraembarcacior! es El sabado 16, primer dia de la regata, se de vela de quilla sencilla, dividiendose e! iniciara a!as 10 a.m, con! a salida de la Clase D, mismo en cuatro categorias a traves de dos dias siguiendo las otras cuatro clases en interva!os de competencia, Se competira en Racing A y de 10 minutos. A! siguien te dia. se iniciara una Racing B, asi corno en Cruising C y D. hora mas tarde. Domingo Veiasco, comodoro de! Club Nau- En presentacion hecha en un restaurante de tico de Puerto Rico, sefia!6 que no se< requi- San Juan, se informo que!os ganadoresrecibi- sito pertenecer a dicho organismo para ran trofeos confeccionados por el estadouni- participar en la regata, que e! afio pasado fue dense residente en San Juan, Jerry Saint ganada por la embarcacion Alligator, un J-29 Cermain. C e» CM c taa'.lS K ~ g ~ e m C en e X n e C m'~ gk 0 g X~ae e aS e X 3 C <6ta ml C ~ ~ ~N o Q n Cl I 0 C Z 0 =~~ m Ji C C. 5

C 't7 e v e e C 4 m Q 'a. X J O e vQC n o I e 50 0 ~ c c e m as 55 i m aS~ z m3 0 ~» a CJ aS N aS e Q tome n n O w 8 m ~e ! at a5~ 0 e 0 p e e». erne Z0 v n aS 'n Mboc 4 v c $ o~ge c8 56~< -' v c m a5 E he M

C We C e as~ C O aSe e aSe 3 m a5~i g e < 0 e ~ Zi -' > 0 -'.aSS O'U a5 m~~ 0 R,"0'~~omBO 0, ck ~mge g e Om~ e -C 2C"cem e a5 meCC mm~pC,Sv~ccv»C,CO aS Oem 0 r~ ao 0 0 Cv -» o 0 $ m O em ~ 0~go 48gV- ~»~OOC aSopom+< mme e4aSe Cvm~as eO'0 ~ ~C» aS g.»0 C ,< 55 Ow.eC X g a5C 0 mC0 0e C O l e e m ~ ! 0 H

~92 O'I c B2 e R a ml2eQeemem33=~- m90'0 mP~ !

m e O al 0 aS c" o-'mee c o lr e e.o 4. m M o e» c aS C ~ ~0 oval 0 aS a5 m 0 0 e <'g 0 as 'O5meB~cc K ~ 0'e c 0 aS m >00 m + m mge P a5 m a5 Cv.» m aS 0' 0, e e ~ 4 aS m m e O j aI e L 0 m~ m~ C O.c aSOB e aS h g lSSl a5 aSm Q m~ 55 0 e T Q ~ wo e~' 0 emo e g ~ O a5 Ce ~ 4'~7 9.0." m m c~~ os&6 c aS e I c P aS 0 s, 0 0 c oa.leCm0 HU c~ 8 0 m 0"» we3 n .444' 0 N,N C a 3 CD C. m N . tt0 DQ m--0 =. 0 C 0 D'W D m D > 0 P O CDCD 0 OJ2 g D ~ P 0 CDCDCD . '0 3 wc»m4m CD Ct 0 C N ID CD4 0 n Vt » DI 0 O. ' n 4 h tt 0 D m 0 +a «O D' 4 Cm D O cD mam DI I C 0 CD Dt N 0 0 CD 3 P D Vt o m O N n 4 0 0 Vl D h Pl N D m O 0 C m Q ~ g D 0 c m D0. 0 Cn 0 CDh C 0 . C. Ln 4 ~ 0 D! DI D 0 0 K I I C ~~ »C t 0 + O Q D Dt h 0 3 m D N D I C 0 cn n cD 0 0 C C. C . tDt O D N Q n 0 C 4 Dt 0 0.'O O Vt m O DI ~4 0 A L Vt 0 0-m D D Q m jt D Vt > O 0 CDlmcmc DN D 'g m O 0" . 0 Vl Cg N CO CD 0 3 Vl 0 4 D m h 0-0 D~ 4 DI h 0 C 0 0 0 Om O ~ m D m m o 0. 0 D CZWOO N N 3 vl 0 CD D Dt D N 0 0 D 0 N D D DI D ~ D CDCD I

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4 onQ- C 0 0 N O a 0 n C m 0 0 D Vl h ' D m C vl N 3 O 0 C D O CD N n N m 0 CD Vl 4 O 0 vl m 0 0 m C C C N p. O .QN D 0 t n «Vt Dt 0. CD D mg D 3 O ~ D n 3w 0 V 0-CJ OO 0 O C 40 C. 0 I7 C 3 2 m D N 2 C D D ~3ON n DI CD O m m N D ~ C.O N 0 C 4 ID 3 cmm o hC. C n CDm 0» 0 .O O 7 C N C 0 3 D Q m D O N 3 O O~ N C D Q lit 4 D 4 Q C 0 0 + Vt i i D> D 0 Nc=m C Dt 0 n a D 4» Vt NNOC 0 m D Dl D - D C 0 g N ' D 0 Oil h N. VJ T g 0 N m »' 0 D V Cl 40 D 0 Dt n 0 0 0 m N N W D 4 Dt 3 D 0 -C N Oogc 0. m D Q DI C 0 Q.Q m i i ~ Ct R m ~ CDN » 3 Na- Qom O D ID! 0. g 0 3 mt D N-m4 D Dt 0 DI Dl Dl 4 D C O Vl 4>,N D 0 N n pm D 0 O h CD D Dt C D 0 D Q~ 0 3 n N Vt O 0 0 n ~»C 43 '0 0». O N D VI D Q D NOC TI~ + N VI ~ I P4I D 0 h N m 0 DI m Dt 0 D 0 C D CD o N,Q 0 » QW N Dt 4 D 0 0 OCD 3 . Dl -' C. 3 DI a 4l n D 0 n

EL NUEVO DIA-SABADO 9 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1985 Opinioncia los Lectoi'es

Senores: Parsee que no pero si. el reciente accidente e-: .e perdio la vide la eapOSadel Direotcrdel NegOCiadcde lnVeStigaCiOneS Federal en Puerta'! RicO.fue algo aue oudo haberseevitado. Esta rnuertetiene una gran infiuencia en el futuro tvristico de la isis, industna ya de hecho. afectada., El estado gasta millones de dolares de los contribuyentes en realizer campahas para atraer tunstas a nuestras playas y sin embargo ei Estado no cuenta con un reglamento que protela los banistas que disfrutan de este caudal. No existen rnedidas preventivas y si miies de medidas o promesas remediativas; Esto ciaro esta, por ei gran interes que se toman los responsables par que esto suceda. Atentamente. Luis E. Diaz Ponce, P.R.

Senores: La idea de prohibir el uso de embarcaciones en ioS balneariOS me parsee-un tanto draconica. ~ Por que no hacen lo que se practica en e! CentrO vaCaCiqnal de Bcquercn dOnde nay un area CerCada pOr bcyaS con diferentes entradas para que las lancnas puedan entrar y arrimarse a ias playas y donde esta prohibido nadar. Es muy penoso lo que sucedio en Isla Verde y extremadamente reprochabie y cnminai que hayan abandonadO a una perSOna herida en el agua danoose a la fuga. pero tambien nay que educar a ios banistas, en especial a los que se barmandesde Pine Grove y Casa Cuba ,' hasta La Piayita Guest House. En eaa area hay una Cayeria que Obliga a laS lanChaS ammarae a la Orilla para nO chOCar con los Cayos. Ahi y en cuaiquier otro baineano de P.R. estaria bien que se pudiera restringir ei paso de botes pero cerrar todas las playas de P.R. Me parece que es corno cortarse una pierna porque le duele un callo o una uha. Espero que ias personas que implementen cuaiquier regfamento lo ca W~O C Q 0 I as ss g~ aces «,C as C d50 0«QC 0 ca caA C 4 >g0 ~ ca csLP> 0 w ca Q 0 ~U o ca C aa ~ LI 7. ~H C al 0 O Ja 0 «~ Q L car C C ~0 aal C ca 0 L. d5 as Q 41 C 0 c- 41 dS 55 aso Q 41 C Q Q '«C a M aa w Q ca 0 Q ca car,...41 dS X W» >cJS dl Cr CO gmI ca C Qso r. «ds 0.» ac ssas Ics ca Vda I as 455ta V~~ ca 0"- 41 da ca 0 sa4l g ~ 0 0I v0 atQ c ~+SS Q as g C ss Q .V 0 0' 41 r c C C 2 dl ca rs»r CLV «as lc.««c Q Cr ca C C 0 Q sascn ca 'al C Q LccsBy JOE ac~+ MART CN Qr,a AND Bll.L Q WOODS C O~ aa ss 41 ls C 0 sl 'C al L,ca 0 C ~» 4 L» a 41 »Q ala ds ~ sSv sa ~ as « ~ Q 0» al ~ O CI Q 0 ccs ca ar'Sa C al C 4l 0 acaa 4J V as Ia ca CCJ ie CI5~ L I Ia 0 ~ ~ ca ca 2 C.als ca gsO , ca O'Sa L QV~gca»Q,C C Bsso aa 41 Q C ss C «0 '9. C a. or U 0 ICS ac~-3 0 ca o Z r C C 0 o C «.'3 o c 0 c v f c 0 sl Bo, C' 0 Ja ~ 0 O c r w a .as ca~ Q c ~ Q c C g CCI ~ -o a'9E cis 0 r r ca O ~ I sJ cdO C~ Cas ' C~ ~ C 41~ O as 3 C >+~ ca .«Cd@ 0 caLa 0 + r ro~aas aa 2 a C.CO '«5 aa CIJ 'C« C o r 0 Q ! Q sl' ca V «sl ~ .~ 0 occ0 as Q d5g C 0 Q N C V C 0 «a gs 0 III 2 v > c g~r g C ~ a44 CJ5r ~ » ~ dl w 0 C ss C c« ca ad % C Cr 0 CT C Q Le 0 0 C as 4aahva ~ dsawca d5 0

as as war Q CCSQ 0 V as CJ as ca ca COr 0 41 al 0 aa 0 aa Q CJ. or r ! Q ! C ~ ~Q4Q-Kacs C sl as Q al C sS 0 al a al r us ca V a5 C ss c C ca r ds I c ao ds r al as Q 0 0 C.«ca C IXl o 0 C5 CJ C0 O««ca 0 V ~ sJ 0 41L« 0 as V ca as V 0, Q Q g 0 css 0 ~ «c C 0 dSQ 0 as C QCQ» C Q «0 Q O0 410 sl 0 rl De ca ca acs' as CJ V ' Q -~ ! 0 C Cc C Q 41 ca CI5 C c al ~ C Q C 0 L Q as C r aa ca dl V 0 Q C C 0 ss al ca '0 C dl 0. Q ca ca r Qa'r 0 CI5 ca ss 41 Q 'O rca0 ca ss Q Ia ass0 '7 Cd9 sa r ss 2 sJ » ca aa«C 0 C C ! C LS ca ca r '0 Q ~ 0 4l C ~ as » Le ca Q QLC 0 C o C Q al Sl ds'v c I- 4 Q ~ 0 Qr 0 Q c a 0 V g5 c. ao Ia I as 0 c C sc SJ V sJ C V r C 0 C C a» 0 c 41 ds raQB C 3 a 41 ca 41 V C 0 V I Ia ~ al ca 3 sl C aa v ca ca 0 0 4l ss al 0 C 0 «Q Q! 0 ca a L Q 0 ss dl I 0 Ilaa ac»L 41r C IL Q ca al. acs CSIO Ia c Q c 0 4l 0 aa g C o 'g gored as CJ cll Q» cd 0 'r 41 c ca 0 ca C L 4l as ~ ca Pl 3 0 2-al V Le O C ca Q C. LC L CI I ."- s5 Cd V 0 « La»ca C ~ L « Ia«a C yE 0 Q O' V E aac 0 g< !-' 0 0 0 dd 41r r al 0 oaa a C M r 0 o cdr V 2 ' r ac! ca« »L I« V dl al

as o ca C Q 0 0 ' ' 0 c LsaX sa ca Q 4 d5 ca p sJ Q 0 a I a~~~ 0 ca L-rcqW c r 0 O.c ~ 0 as alE I« al C.aa 41 Q ass ca a~ 0 ca rE- c dl Lc I C o Q sl 0al r adQ ds Q 0 c Q ass 41 41E C ~ C r 4~ ca a Cg as cz vrcr vcaca C Q as aa Q ««4 Q Cll 0'aaQ« » ss C C « 3cr ~~Q ~l- rc C 0 r ai 0 C» ss ca CQ aa c ~U ca Q c 'O~ dsrQg yZ c «cca «QLO-.C 0 0 dS csl ~ aa4l 0 crQ ~yea~ O Q Q 'CI r 'V ca V dl wz 0 0"-v ca av~ 0< V0 r IC5 p Q ag C sa CCL 0 C a~ V cd ad~ 0 C ca O ca~ 0 C 0 0 al as A4 >= ~ cr V ca ad ca ca SJ al as C C Q V ~ g am r Q c. 'a 4- ~ c ca ss ca< as ~ c C L. v Cn LcCa~ g Q» Q V g g ca C 0 ccs N ca Rr C ca Jl Q 41 0 ~ 0 lascar C~ dl < aa sa C ~ aJ 0ss 0 -R. 0 PL LI CscaaQQQ'L ~Caca aS«V +all '0 Q I 41 Q C Pn0 ca r v ~ cs',ca ca r C s5:o ~ al al C aa I« I C as C 0 Pnp rv cs- E E Q r 0 Q ca QrV I a~m 0 Q SJS14 I« C.» « or--»Q~ 41 if! rl Q 'I y ca 41 o 'sa ca~ Qr ~ 'A 41 Itf Lc QO 0 C ca Cd al al Q"gr a C. C Q! ca s5 V0 «' ass~ ~ aa dl I ca ~ crccav SJ I 0 al r V0 Q as ss 41 0 ca 41 Q al Q V C '0 0 Lc as L ca al C, ass . c Ja«Ia Q C5 o V Q rr>a ca C c aslE al Us E Cd ca sJ C cv~. 0 cae r a

D' e i I QI CI z cT 0 V: I C lO A C 0 ld V; ~ DD O eI Cd 0 V'Id 0 ldr 0 0 VI DD ld 0Id V O. C 0 D O Id 0 C Dd e 0I0 C I S 0 Id eO. 5 7e + D+ Id 4 4 0 0 I 0 CI O Dd DD DD 0I 0 ld C 0 OhDV 0 J' Dcl 0 l5 ld Dd DI 4 Q 'C ~ ~ Id l7CI DD Cl I I 0 * 0 DD Ãt5 PJ 0 X -'e 0.0 2 I4 e C0 O C U OD e td 4 p DDO e Cl O 4 0 e laI ~ 2 * CI 0 DD Cl O D C. e QD 0VI e 0IC C C6 z04r C O U R Id D: d X IvOa 0I 0 ~ e DD =» 2 g 0 0 C DDI 0 $0 dhOlh CO 0 0 I 0 » e C'- C 0 p 0 O ID I 0 e ICl O Dil R. Id 0 CL 0 Dde o.0 eDI 0 C C ~ ' C 0 VI 2 Id CD vela. pero aseguran que si alguien estuviera AnteriorITlente mencionamos camo los interesado en practicar el hobby de los veleros a pionerosen estepasatiempo se las ingeniabanpara-- escaia no es requisito ser un experto basta con navegar sus veleros. Sin embargo, hoy dia las tener interes y ganas de aprender, porque regatas de modelos alcanzaii un grado de gran nosotros con gusto les ensenamos ". afirmo autenticidad gracias al uso del control remoto Moreno. que permite a los participantes controlar los Es inuy posible que usted se este preguntando movimientos de la embarcacion desde la orilla. que tipo de veleros es el que se utiliza en estos Esle sistema es el mismo que se usa en el casos. De acuerdo a los iniegrantes de la pasatiempo de aeromodelismo y en el de Asociacion estos veleros a escalase hacen siguiendo modelos de carros. los disenos de un velcro de tamano normal corno los que compiten en Iasgrandes regatas o disenos I equipo de control remoto consiste del que han desarrolladolos mismos aficionadosde transmisor.el recibidor.-Ios serbos que operan este depone. a vela y el timon, las baterias y el recargador de En estauit>ma categoria se destaca el AMYA baterias. El precio de este equipo puede variar entre OPEN. el prefendo de los velerosusados en el club $5~ y $800y dependerade lo que ustedquiera y v quefue disenadopor Bud Salica.de pueda gastar. Pero. de acuerdo con los expertos, con Brookfieid. Illinois. Salica logro consu AMYA un buen mantenimiento hasta el sistema mas OPEN crear un bote de buena navegacion y que barato le dara buenos resultados. a la vez resulta economico para principiantes. Hay Gran parte del hobby de los modelos es crear unas I 0 personas en el club que han escojido este desirezas en cuanto a manejar el modelo. para esto modelo corno su preferido. es necesario practicar y coordinar la vista con el muscuLo, "La Puerro Rico Silent,Bode Yacht in embargo,otros aficionadosestan usando Sociery, es el unico club en la isla, que usa otros modelos. Ios cuales vienen disponibles sistema de control remoto en modelos de veleros", paraarmar uno mismoen formade "kit". Dos afiitna Moreno. de los queutilizan los miembros de la Asociacion Muchas de las personas que pertenecen a el son el HUSONG y el TRADEWIND que tienen club son profesionales que han preferido un hobbv un casco.de36 pulgadasde largo v 600pulgadas sano y entretenido, a otros tipos de diversiones cuadradas de vela."Cualquieri de los tres que no dan la oportunidad de compartir con toda la rnodelos es apropiado para comenzar en este familia y es este precisamenie uno de los hobby" afirmo Dorian. atractivos mayores de este tipo de acti vidad. Dna de las cosasque mas impresionande este Si a esto se anade que el ambiente que se pasatieinpoes la bellezade de losveieros. El casco respira en una regata de este upo es uno de amistad de estosse pueden hacer de diversosmateriales y companerismo, a la vez que se estnnula la coma por e~emplomadera de balsa,que luegose competencia sana. es muy probable que sean cubre con una capade fibras de vidrio, conocido muchos Ios que pronto aumentaran la comunmentecorno fibergtass. Uno de losmodeios, membresia del Puerro Rico Silent Mode! Yachr un velcro cuyo cascoesta hecho con maderade Society. Los que esten interesados en recibir mas secoya redwood!, es reaimente majestuoso. En el informacion pueden llamar al senor Peter Moreno ' mismo. realizadopor Ken Merron, aigunas al telefono '789-7880. 8 piezas.corno por ejemplolas poleas.y el mastil,son de laton orans!y sonperfectas reproducciones de las piezasde un velcro tradicional. El costo de los modelos puede variar, dependiendodel presupuestode cada persona Por ejemplo,cualquiera de los tresveleros que se usan en ei club. el AMYA OPEN, HUSONG y el TRADDVLND. no costaria inas de $200 dolares, si usted mismo lo hace, pues muchos de los materialesse consiguenen cualquier ferreteria o "hobby shops" y los pianoscon las dimensionese Instrucciones los puede conseguir con los mismos miembros de la Asociacion o a traves de revistas especializadas. Si ustedgusta de trabajar con las tnanosy es creativo puedeque estesea el pasatiempoideal para. usted. "Para mi esto es corno una terapia, luego de estar en la oficina toda la semana", opina uno de los entrevistados. Pero si a usted lo que realmentele atrae esel navegary competir, tambieti puedeadquirir un modelo ya montado. EL VOCKRO, San Juan LLtnes 1l de Novieebre de 1985

IB C ~ NO 0 0 I aa aa Ehe Oaiiy News, hhonday, November 11 1995 ss 5, ~ ~ 0hs 0aa 0 0 aa aa ~g C4 RQ 0 P Grand aa ~ Virgiri c4 aa 0 ial ban is lifted, as 0 .aa ai aa~ 0 'o ~ aa o g o o


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OITI Z0 rm R07 ITl MAR I'ES i2 OE NOVIEMBRE06 l985 EL R'E?OR~="'-:

ESTAQO LIBRE ASOCIADO QE PIJERT CQRPORACION PARA EL DEsARR AOMINISTRAClON DE LOS RECVRSOS IACUSTRES Y FLVVIALES DK PUERTO APARTAOO POSTAL 2829, SAN JUAN, P 00903-2829 AVISO IMPORTANTK PA PESCADORES Y PUBUCO EH La Corporacion para el Desarroilo Administracion de los Recursos M Lacustres y Ruviales de Puerto Ric CODREMAR, exhorta a todos los pes pubiico en general a disfrutar de la facilidades de su biblioteca, ubica segundo pisa del laboratorio de lnvestigaciones Pesqueras,,LlP, loc el Barrio Punta Guanajibo de Cabo Nuestra biblioteca cuenta con una variedad de publicaciones. Algunos ternas son: La Nasa de Varillas, No Vulgares de Peces en Puerto Rico, Econ6mica del Cultivo de Peces en y muchas mls. Para mas informac pueden comunicar con la Bibiiotecaria, Sra. Roxana Fernandez Azizi, ai 833-2025. El horario es ei siguiente: Martes : 8:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Miercoies: 8:00 A.M - 3:00 P.M. Jueves y Vlernes: 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M, tLos esperamosf 0 jct O' 0 Cd'0 O Pg2 w 3 g c O ~ I 0ec e ec'g eO Drc 0 c 30 ~0<0'CD ~ o O td e cd 0 p, Cd o td e 0 cd R Ra c 0 c c c Dlt cd 5 tjcl~ rn e 0 e 3 i o cd o e CD c jtr 0 Dr Cd ~ 0 ÃI O dr O e I ee ~~M jti Y O '8 Cd e~a ov 3"edr jD e0 0'c 0 R4 3 1 Cd g~ e e ID jtr ttr o ,ego C 0 O ~ td Cd RIC+ * 0 In jtr Y Y * Cd 0 ~0 0 e 0 e 0 CD cd jp Vl Ql 0 ID dr cd iteR O' Dr *0 RY rc e* el~ege 0 0 oread e e 0 03ce~a Cd cr e Cl V oev oo'~e'd 0 d 0' 0 ID cCd ad * 0 R e V 0 cd rn e 0 e cd td Q I m'lg O ~ c 0 jtc o w 0 c tQ c jtr 0 Y * c jtr ~ O 3 c ytt ~ R td Ql R Dr 7' R tjtt c I td R 0 0 Dr Cd *

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Desde luego,si oo hay leyes o regla- Las lanchas mentacidn adecuada para el oso y dis. frute de Las playas y manejo de las emharcaciones,Tos accideutes seguirkn en las playas ocurziendo, lo mismo en Isla Verde que', Con motivo del mds reciente acci- en cualquieraotra pLaya. dente en la playa de ala Verde, en que Es hora ya de actuar para evitar nuevamente una Lancha de motor oca- tales accidentes. Para e0o es uecesaria sion6 un accidente fatal, saltan a la la acci6ncon junta de las agenciasperti-' mente diversos aspect y reaUdades uentes del gobierno para bregar con que desearia trasmitir a las autoridades este probiemaeficazmente. pertiaentes, Los tuuhlstasde la playas publicas a~sit'm m4s protecci6n. uo solamente de las Lanchas de motor, she tambidn de las emharcaciones de vela de tipo deportivo tales corno los "hobhie-cats", los"mian surfer's" y otrosque se pasean entre los baiHstas, muchas veces sin darse cuenta los mismos de la cercania de dichas emharcaciones. Kstas tam- biN son potenciaiescausantes de acci- dentes. Es obvio que hasta tanto se des- ignen sonas para las distintas actividadeseu las playas pdhllcas no puedehaber seguridadpara los badis- taa

Es de astsscimientopublico que la playa de LsiaVerde, comprendidaentre el cementerio Puerto %co Memorial y el Hotel EL Saa Juan, es la mds coacu- mda por los baitistas del koreametropo- Litana'En los fines de semana, y espe- cialmente en verano, son miles los bahistas que visitan esta Crea. Sa embargo, la misma carece de vigilancia adecuada; oo hay salvavidas; oo bay boyas o marcas que designenel 1baite para las embarcaciones.Los bo- tes de vela pequeilassalen y regresana la orHLa, a gran velocidad, par cual- uier parte de la playa. Los jugadores e paleta especiede tenis de playa! se aduenandel Area de playa haciendolm- posihleel pasode baftistasy a riesgode coger un pelotazo. Tengo la impresi6n que esta situa- ci6n en la playa de hla Verde se debe a que usta uo estd considerada corno pla- ya pdbUca"oflcial", coma lo es la playa de Boca de Cangrejos y otras. Pero la reaHdad es que esta es ia playa mls concurrida y donde precisamente han ocnrrido dos graves accidentes en un corto plaza. CD h 0 I ID C J 0 !CD~an, In C Q. A c CDrlD J 0 Vl CD P Ch«' In Ag h I C ~ 0 C 2X C C 0 "~ 0 CDZ C In CD In t' 0 0 CD W LI 0-~ ~ a. ~ cu C CD hli CD 'C CD 'D CD C h CD l5I M 0 C C -.CD ~ 7» a~ g ~~CD- V 0 a < ~Ho gCQM QJ In Ol h C "p 0' 7» 0 ~C r y ~- A C V g w g h ~Y25 0 C C V CJ . CD OZl C CD 2,'00 g «g Oih Ã] X I 0 0 CD «CD Cn h g~=CCD~ 0 A CD h 3 . 'C z 0 In C g 0 C, C CD Dr 3 Dr g > b' C 0 In COV-0-- ' ~~ V ID 0 0 0 > ID ~» 0 w C < 0 ~ CD 0 2 Ml kl ln tn CD Dr~ h ID 0 X 0 Cn Cn + 0 In C 0 CD gg 0 ~DI CD~ 3 ~ 0. ID N CD 0-~rn CD ID In 0 h R 2 Cn CD

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Ice DEPARTA&IEXTO UE RECIJKSOS iVATURALES , Prla. 3 Ij2,Puerta de Tierra,puerto %co 009u6



El Departamento de Rccursos Naturaies, bajo la autaridad que le confiere la Ley para la Conservacion,el Desarrollo y Uso de los Recur. sos de Agua de Puerto Rico, Ley Num. 136 del 3.de junia de 1976, y a tenor.con las dlsposiciones del Reglamento para el Aprovechamienta, Uso, Conservacrony Adrninrstracion de las Aguas de Puerto Rico, estd Uevando a cabo el Regrstro de Derechos Adqurrrdos para extraccron de agua. Toda persorrao entidad que entienda que tiene un Dere ho Adquiri- da para aprovechar aguas de Puerto Rico debera salicrtar el recorrac>- rniento y registro de tal derecho por el Departamento de Recursos'Va. turales. Los DerechosAdquiridos son todos aqueiios usosy aprovechamrentos beneticiosas y razonablesde las aguasadquiridas al amparo de la Jegrsla- cion antenor a la Ley de Aguasde Puerto Rico de 1976, incluyendo los que corresponden a cances>onesde la corona espahala,y aquellas visas de aguaque hu5Jesenexisudo dentro del aria anteriorai 3 dejunro de 1976 o que fuesen a comenzarcuando se termrnaran obras de construc- tion en progresoa dicha fecha. Tada persona deberd soiicitar ei reconacimrento e inscripcian de su Derecho Adquirido antes dei dr'a 14 de dicrembre de 1985, merliante una Salicitud de lnscripcion. El Secretaria de Recursos Vaturales no tendra obbgacion de considerar ningun derecha que na sefiaya reclama- do para dicha fecha. Los forrnularios- de Salicitud dc Inscripcion de Derecho Adquirida pueden obtenerse persanalmenteen la Oficina Centrai del Departamen- to Ave. MurtozRivera, Parada 3 I/2, SanJuan!, en lasofictnas regiona- les o escnbiendoa la siguientedireccion:

Departamento de RecursosNaturales Secci6n de Perrnisosy Franqutcias de Agua Apartado 5887 Puerta de Tierra, Puerto Rico 00906

Las Declaraciones Juradas rarricarlzs e tenor can el Avisa de Irrrerrrs Gcneml publicado por el Departamento en dos periadicos del par'sdu. rante los mesesde abril y mayo de 1979 reran consideradascoma una Solicitud de Inscripcion de Derecho Adquirldo. El Departamento podra reauersrleal Salicitante ta infarmacion adicronai que estime pertinente paraevaluar su solicitud, queno esteincIuida en la DeclaracionJurada. Para mas informa'cion relaclonada can este Avisa pueden comuru. carseal Departamento,al teldfono7244774, Ext. 262y 288.

dro S ag Secretaria Ei' MUNDO 8-VIERNES 15 DE NOVlEMBRE 1985

A la extrao rdinaria el proyecto de Justicia de las lanchas Kl gobernador Rafael Her- Qrdena, adernls; al Director nandez Col6n ampli6 ayer'"la Kjecutivo de la Junta de Cali- convocatoria de la sesi6n ex- dad Ambiental que realice un traordlnaria de la hsamblea estudio sobre otros iugares en Legislativa para considerar que sean necesario instalar tres nuevos proyectos. sensores adicionales para in- Una de las rnedidas estd formar con mayor exactitud y destinada a reglamentar el uso rapidez a la ciudadania en ca- para fines recreativos de las sos de inundaciones. zonas de balnearios y areas La tercera rnedida estk en- aledaftas. caminada a enmendar la Ley La pieza legslativa estable- de Armas para prohibir la fa- ce limites de distancia y vdo- bricaci6n, importaci6n, ventas, cidad y medidas de seguridad alqui!er, uso y portaci6n del que deben observar las ernbar- artefacto conocido corno la caciones, naves o vehfcuios de "Estrella de Ninja", navegaci6n. ha Oficina de Prensa de La Establece tampa normas Fortaleza inform6 que, por ins- hajo las cuaies deben Ilevarse trucciones del Goberuador. se a cabo las actividades=en di- reunieron el miercoles en el chas areas y faculta al Depar- Departamentode Kstado legis- tamento de Recursos Natura- ladores representantes del les para adoptar reglas y Partido Popular Democrattico, reglamentos necesarios eu la Partido Nuevo Progresista y implementacidn de la ley. Partido Independentista Puer- Se dispone tambiW el requi- torriquerlo, ifegkndose a un sito de licencia para operar consenso para presentar las embarcaciones o naves, nume- medidas sobre las embarcacio- raci6n e inscripci6n y fija pe- nes en los balncarios y la de nalidades por violaciones a la lossensores de Mjo deagua. disposiciones de la ley. Participaron en la reuni6n El comunicado de la oficina los legisladores populares de prensa de La Fortaleza Prmby Santiagoy Gilherto Ri~- anunciando la arnpliaci6n de la vera Ortiz; los novoprogresis- convocatoria extra ordinaria tas Josrl GranadosNavedo y indica que este proyecto fue Miguel Miranda; los indepen- sometido por el Departamento dentistasRuin Berrfosy Da- de Justicia y que recoge el vid Noriega; el secretario de contenido de una medida ante- Estido, 8~or Luis Acevedo, rior presentada por el senador y el de Justicia, Hector Rivera novoprogresista Miguel 'Mic- key' Miranda. Otra medida asigna a la Junta de Calidad Arnbiental $240 rnil para que contrate con el U.S. Geological Survey el establecirniento de sensores de flujo de corriente de aguas en diferentes sitios de Puerto Ri- co. I 0 C.' C .m m m ta m D al c D n Cl m 05 a5 m aSCeal n Ca5 -ca Q 0'o c v5 c m 0 tn 0 0 m m eE'g CD 0 m al~D'o 0 ~«a 0 m-- vl zI C g5e m! Q v c vleoa, tn 0 e oZ'c om 0 a5 n D n a5o 0 0 «4 555 m c 9e C 0 o a5 = « CS 0 m V o 0 .Q o o 0 C + l55 l55 C m c/0 al Zf

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Considered one of the world's most By SHERRYA. HtLDEBRANDT luxurious nuni-cruiseships a weeklong St. Croix Bureau cruise costs $7,0tl per couple she attracts some weU-heeled visitors,

The Sea Goddess got a rainy welcome The ship can carry a maximum of 112 Saturdaywhen shesailed into GallowsBay, passengers and 85 crew members. This but ber greeting was anything but stormy. week tbe Sea Goddess wiU entertain 91 "This is s very happy occasion," said a passengers, according to a worker representative from Merwin Shipping, the on the ship. Sea Goddess' St. Croix agent, about ber A group boarding Saturday af- first cail of the winter season. ternoon, greeted at the gangway As recently as a week ago. it remained by a pleasant Norwegian hostess uncertain if the luxury cruisesbip could make it into Gallows Bay because the . dressed in white, carried leather channel and the docking area near the pier luggage bearing first%ass Paa needed dredgmg to make the ship's entry a ' Am and Concorde J et airiines safe one. tags. Sea Goddess officials last sprig re- "This isn't your polyester auested that the V.I. Port Authorit crowd." remarked one St, Croix complete maintenance dredipng by the merchant who asked oot to be ship's first cail to prevent her from identtf>ed by name, scrapingand sitting in mud. Shuttling guests from Alexander Hamilton Airport and Gallows Compbcations with permits from the Bay kept a number of taxi drivers Artay Corps of Engineers slowed up the busy, project, VIPA Executive Director John "We reallv need this business," Harding has explained. said one, "I'm glad she's back for Zenoa Construction of St. Croix "clam the winter." sheUed" the pier area bv using a scoop "It's a relief," said Janet method, but dredging still needs to be Foster, assistant director of started ia the channel. Water Wizards of St. tourism. Thomas was scheduled to start work on tbe Referring to exteasive media channel last Tuesday, but no dredgitig coverage of the uncertainty sur- equipmeat was visible Saturday in Chris- rounding the Sea Goddess's winter tiansted Harbor. home. Foster added, "I stiU sav The Fiaaish-built, Norwegian-registered tbe pea is mightier than the ship made an elegant complement to I .' r GaUows Bay on ber first trip back to tbe Caribbean siace she left for the Mediterra- nean ia April. She is painted white and tan with a lavender stripe across the side. The Virgin islands flag waves above a top deck. ch I ' ch C V» ch Q C cd,« g cd aS cd c V cd g Pa@< V aOCV gV>~c Q dc 0 ! ch4C as V Y O,c V cd cd I 0 c~'o ch I O»ch C-CCcn cn» V 0 V+ cd C C cd ~v PeV ! ch VQ dd! cO0 V CQ! gC v «I I Q V.! cd IV cd cd C V V C C I 00002oO" cd In 0 ~ 0 V N:-'*:. cd cdO 0 ch cd C ~ C voc I O ~-OVO~V~ '9 0 ICI 0 as C no I C Q ~ 0 'O 0 C cd cd ch~ cd» 0 o C C 0! OC cd VC~ V 'd.O "'= -'4.~ cnC ad4W V ch ~zh ~8 V I I C Q C ag 0 :dV CW V P V C 'o Vm S~ 56 Y ,0 2 I 'C Q ! 0 ch'V OI'Z C0 ch V aS CO 0! Ccd0-C~vg~ cg cd Ih C Icd I cd 0 4 4 C V -V !.~ocdVQCcdO 0 4"OV V ~.- 0 as Qo I o v'sO< ~OK O V Ch O'= C C cdV C ~QS C cnO V Ih ,OCV C cd Ag 0 D V '0 o 0 >' + o p 0 v' o~ I 0'C .-O cd HOCO'YVQW Q as Csl 0 I-'c V 0 !,o Og Cg v'cd JJ4 I Q 0 V 0 OQ C aS V V~ CCI Vcd C 4 cil ch C V O C V M chrN 0 V V 'V Z cn0.-0 ~ ch dd 0 V ch OOaCS ! g i cd~ V C C ~ 0 ~ ~V V V V'0 0 0 E dl 0 vcoccZo 4.- V 4 0, ~

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Por JOHN T. SKILLY De El Nuevo Dia EL SKCRETAMO del Inte- i rior, Don Hade!. dijo "que las esfuerzos para estudiar los re- WASHINGTON - El De- cursos de petroleo y gas en partamento dpi Interior y el Puerto Rica e Islas Virgenes re- Instituto Britanico de Ciencias presentan otro paso hacia 1a Oceanogra6cas ban comenza- cansecucion ordenada de todos do un estudio de reconoci- miento de aproxirnadamente los recursos energeticas y rni- 30,006 millas cuadradas de nerales de ia nacion". plataforma submarina cerca de El delineamiento y reconoci- Puerto Rico y las Islas Vir- miento comenza esta semana y genes. es conducido por ia doctora Kathryn Scanlon. una geologa El proyecto seri de incalcu- marina dei USGS. v por vIi- lable valor para medir el po- guel Soto, del Departamento tencial de petroieo y gas en el de Recursas Naturales del area, segun dijo el Departa- ELA. menta en un comunicado de La doctora Scanlondijo que prensa. Hasta el momento se ias nuevas tecnicas desarroiia- ban efectuada varias perfara- das corno piloto del programa cionesen ias costas sur y narte espacialhan mejaradoel pro- de Puerto Rico, aunque aun no cesarnientode imagenesdei se ha hecho mar afuera. sistema sonar. 'Las imagenes sonar pueden Alejandro Santiago Vieves. proporcionar pistas sobre las Secretario del Departamen to mejores rnuestras exisientes de RecursasNaturales de Puer- mar afuera, para complemen- to Rico. dijo "que ei EEZ alre- tar la rnformacion que se con- dedor de Puerto Rico y las ls- siga de los estudios realizados las Virgenes es 18 veces mis en la costa", decia ei comuni- grande que ia porcion terrestre, cado. y que es tiempo que romemos los pasosiniciales para enten- El proyecto que supervisa el der la naturaleza de esasrierras cio Geologica de las Esta- submannas y su valor futuro dos Unidos USGS!. es parte de un importante programa del pata Puerro Rrco v los Estados Unidos". Departarnento del Interior para rastrear y ciasificar 1osre- cursos no vivientes de aproxi- KL KKZ en el area mcluye a madamente 3.000 rnillones de gran parte de la rrinchera de acres localizadas en la Zona E- Puerto Rico. el lugar mas pro- conomica Exciusiva EEZ'!. de- fundo en el Oceano Atlanrico, clarada por el presidente-Ro- can rnas de 27.000 pies de pro- nald Reagan- en l 983. El fundidad. decreto del EEZ co~cede a los Estados Unidos jurisdiccion sobre los recursos de la piata- forma submarina dentro de un radio de 200 millas nauticas de la costade los EstadosUnidos. 1 sus posesiones y temtorios, c ci, tD DCt CDtn ~ ~D' Vl 0 « v 0 v t e Vl !A/ I c. aeI h v CA Ch «Cvh g Q Vl h c CDV DD «n g CO tn~ At r 0 Vl C 0 v 4 tD Dc v h V!O ID 42 DC I 0 CD Vl DC V J 0 Occ CD CA v ce

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v ~ v ccc Ot= >DD=. c' - ="7 c: Ih c lc O V r, c .I p.' In I v O O lDD «A I/I h 'v V' C O I/' ! D. Democrats urge preservation of Magens and

Daily News StaR hill above the beach. The Senate 0 has not announceda hearing date for the issue. Z0 St. Thomas Democratic Party Neither the Democrats nor D leaders have come out against any others who have suggestedbuying Ivl developmen t in Zs ta te the land have put a price tag on it. Zufriedenheit above Magens Bay. The government's property rax The party's St. Thomas execu- office has some records on its tive committee urges tbe govern- value. The main 132-acreparcel is ment to buy the 166-acre parcel assessed at %75,000. That repre- there that includes land being sents 60 percent of the appraisal considered for a hotel. value, which would be SI.1 million. It should be preserved as a Tax appraisals cannot necessar- green belt for its ecological and ily anticipate market value, which archeoiogical value, as weil as the is determined by the agreement enjoyment of future generations, between buyer and seller. said Democratic District Owner Homer Wheaton heir Chairman Maryiyn Stapleton. of Arthur Fairchild, who donated DeveloperJames Armour, along two-thirds of Magens Bay to the with William and Sharon Crisweil public 40 years ago paid 3B,43B of Dallas, are trying to rezone 50 in property taxes on the 132-acre acres for a 390-room hotel on the parcel this year. Lost Navy drone surprises boat captain

Sy PHlLlP kARRIGAN located on the drone's top side. Daily News Staff and a bag Grimes said is used for companied by two others when he flotation attached to its rear saw the device bobbing in the Grirhes speculateda broken side Loak in the water It's a fish , waves. fin may have r esuited during it's a buoy ... no, it's a Navy target "At first, we thought it was a aquatic target practice. allowing tfroae buoy," Grimes said, but on closer the drone to drift off course. That was the last thing Gilbert investiga tion he recognized it A spokeswoman in Rooseve!t Grimes expected to find when he took from his days in the military. Roads public information office his boat out to sea, but his rescue of Opening a hatch in the boat' s confirmed the drone had been the fluorescent orange device stern, Grimes and his comparuons reported found in St. Thomas. She which looks like a missile with fins pulled in the drone as far as it could provide no other informa- provided its safe return Wednesday would go and towed it back to St. tion. Thomas Sport Fishing Center, to Rrrosevalt.Roads.nazi station The spokeswoman referred Grimes found the drone, used for '- where the Caribe Maid is moored. questionsto a Cmdr. Srausbarg- target practice, Tuesday afternoon Grimes called Rooseveit Roads whose first name she didn t know about 18 miles north of Little Tobago in Puerto Rico to report the but he was en route ro St. in the British Virgin Islands, he said. drone's recovery, and was told a Thomas at the time of the cail. Grimes, the captain of the charter Navy craft would be dispatched The drone attracted curious fishing boat Caribe Maid, was ac- Wednesrfayto collect it. onlookers a t the Red Hook The drone is a cylindrical device marina, and led ta some con- that is 12 feet long and. Grimes cerned calls to The Daily News. said, weighs 400 pounds. The front One caller worried the device end is rounded, aircraft-style, might be arr explosive missile. with small fin-like projections at "These things just float around the rear and two larger ones on on remote control," Grimes said. either side. adding with a laugh, "If I can get A parachute was contained in a it started, I'd take you guys for a small compartment centr ally spin,"

Ear!y Naverrrber 1985 CaribbeanBaatirig

Handicapping is Major Topic of D'Iscussion at. Caribbean Yachting Association hieeting

By Norman Farina Johnson observed in his are as follows: 5e dados Corrasgandeftt President's Peoort: .,LJhe CYA Cooa Vaiesco regatta n The thorny question of what riale i» in laCt a perrarmanCe rule Puerto!ico. riarch I ath to i6th type of handicappingsystem Louse based on measurements wnich ihe Qoiex Peoatza ~ri '.he in the Caribbean wes among the eilowS the performanCe Or a bpat 'LO U.S.v I . march 2'5th La 30th several issues discussed at Pe be ra i.ed, given certain basic t he 8.V 'I Regatta. 'pr"I Caribbean Yachting Association's measuremeni.s, this .allows the I ltrt to th. Annual General Meeting, held Caribbean Neasurers Lo gaugethe Antigua Sailing Week. zoril recently in 8ar bados. perfor mance of a, multitude of' Mth to May 4th. Accordingto Lhe Association's boat to within a close measure or Cackspur Qeoai.ta Secretary Dick Stout.e, the various performance I thrnlr that the 8arbadOS, rtav 17th ta,gnrr handicapping systems such as the r esuits in Antigua have proven this As tor the Caribbean i~trignnv I984 CYAr stingsystem, the PHRFLo be true and. although we have Championship, the U.' vir gin and the IOP were discussed at heard criticism of' aur CYA! rule, Islands was chosen t.o hold [he 'Iength at Lhe get-together which we have aiso heard and seen many I986 event., orpaapiy at the end af was attended by representatives instances ar aur rule rating the July see r eiated storv this issue i From several regionai yachtinq performance or boats more 'arhen election 'Lime tame associations, accurately than IQA or Lon rules araund, 'OhnSOn waS re-eleCted a Stoute told Caribbean Saetinq for rPai matter. second Lime as Pr esident ~hiie that the meetinq r ecoqnized that As Lo the issue of cr ew i tike Qostant of r;nrdoo w!II eisa the CYA rule did not g>ve limitations, CYA head argued: ser ve .ror another y ear as reasonable handicaps Lo the very Our association has paid a great Vice-Pr esioentisauth pot er' light displacement boats and this deal o attention to the pr oblems Homberq af the JS'vt ~as eiecieo was ~mproved by a proposed surroundingcr ew Iimitaiions, both as Vice--"-residentinor!h i evlslofl. in respect of performance and 8arbadian yachtsmen Dick Stoute However, ther e was unanimous safety. The Chief -measurer Seer etaryi and i9arr v: rvhane agreement. thai. there w as is endeavouring I.o take this rreasurer' were also re-elected definite need to have the CYA rule problem into consideration in Lhe Al Nprer, another Varbadiari, For use by all member countries draft changesof' our rule. the new Chief ' easurer ol 'he bien it sui ted their needs and The deading on venues of cont,r oi iina boov ''ar durinq inter-island competition. regattas in earlv I%86 was among inier-ierritorial r egional vacnt In his contribution to the other highlights of Lhe AGrt Ihe racrno fram Puef'to

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Pollution Scare in Hull Bay

Hull Say is pailutad. That may Wehad the recipe for real grass When their poster seem like too strong a word, but roots democracy, 4 lot of haiLair people saw the name Eddie and the peopl~ kids included!have gotten and a lat of indignation, a I'aeling of fiavemants and Concerned CiUzens skin diseases fram the water ln being abused and threat.ened, We and,may decided ta clieck it out. Hull Say. had a cauple of options open to us The paster didn't say anything Onemother whose irve year old but. that didnt became apparent. about the Health Commissioner son's beily had an angry red until we talked it over. makings special guest,appearance. infection this srsnmer thinks it.'s We could petition the Or that. he would srni!e and shake from his piaying near the shore of goi~ent. writs the local hands,but not say anything about. Hu!l say. Others, adults, newspaper', or sue the baflk wh!ch the water problem, or lack of it, in complained of the same kind of' serves as a receiver for the Ersss Hull Say. infection an other parts af 'their Vue area. Needlessto say, the last One af the people who knew bodice, especiaily infections idea was a little sophisticated. It about.the letter with twentywix interning open sores. neededa lot. of' laaking into. Tests signatures that had been written to You wouldn't believe it to loak wouid have to be made, letters the Health Commissioner asked Lhe at the wate' at sunset, atl placid written, pictures Laken, doctors Commissione. about it, and gol. and harmless «xl blue, but the aimdavits conf irmed, irtc. atc. etc. stanewailed,Ma answer, Barely people who were infected hrNe What did happen was kind of «~reiedgernent. 5ut what. can talked it. over among themselves surprising The mother whose san you erpect". It:s a complex and say they know of oniy one had the sktn Infection took option problem and a very large water source they have In numberLwo. Shecalled the Daily department. he runs. common: Hull nay. News and was advised to write a R lollow up calls to the proper When the Lapic of' water letter ta the Heaith Commissianer . desk. ai. the proper bureau, in the pollution came up at a recant. They said i t would be polltie. right dfvision of the very proper sLarsetgathering of beer drinkers inform him of Lhe prablern. they Health Department., action was and sunset watchers a surfer advised, and give him time to Anally taken. Tests were made mentioned, others canfirmed, react. results pendtngjand inl.areal.in seer'ng swirls af r aw sewage . W .-... reacted...-... purety the proper circles was activated. sometimes surf'acing while they coincidentally, by appearingat a The testing agencydidnt know surfed. Nice picture; huh? fund raiser the following weekend anything about the letter with ithe Everyone hissed in bison which at Larry's Hideaway. The group Lwentymrx signai.ures but they spurred a Frenchee t,o say it was which. brought htm ther e called were reedy to hear ail the coming down f'rom the Brass Vue itseif the CancerneclCitizens. Tbry complaints. AA.er they sent. the deveiopment over the summe and had recently circulated a petlUon Last crew out., they had a good wes sure it wasn't working the which garnered about 500 picture of whet the problem is, way it should. Another guy. a signatures denouncingthe plans of The cr ew they sent.from the Health diver. said the new pipe to carry s landownert,o change his zoningin Departmentdove on the pipe and the refuse out into the current order to allow htm Lo open a I'oundit to be intact. The only beyond the bay had breaks in it b~taurant~uest house at the problem with the pipe is that il, aiready from the battering of the end of' the road that leads to the might be too short. They tested sea. And on and on it wenL People boatramp, maybe200 yards from the waters both in the deepwater were pointing their Angers the water's edge. The petition of the bay andalso alongshore. erer ywhich wsy, Weall got.pretty arrjued that the cathaiic sauls of The spokesman said that. the worked up and decided to do the children didn' t, need another water appears to be f'ree of fecal something about it, haven of' tamptatton to spend their matter but conceded that conditions money and waste their time, might change f'rom day to day He

C cint >nues ! wasgrateful l or thecall because it government ' have La gain by residenLsnMght i'eel safe from remindedhim that the 5rass Vue delaying impiementaUonof the water~ pathogens. ~a was one which would need consent decree, the governor lookinginta andcorrecting; His askedthe legislahre throughhis Nordsi de Jiary by vary expecLaUonscame to light lwo release. He recognizesthat. the 5chlueter is a new column weeks later. A recent news moneywill have to go for repairs which will appear r egularly release i'rom ihe Governor said of the treatment plants and to pay in Caribbean 8oating. He that. other waste water plmts on statutory lines, promises o uncover Il| le SL. Croix and SL Thomas a e in A letter from the U.S. JusUce known P ems prvmari ly fram violaUon of federal law. Departmentconcludes, 'll, shouid Nordside and iil Nordside A consent decree was executed be nated that the decree does no 8ays reagans 8ay and Hull last rlarch between the U,S. and more than require the Virgin Bay. respects,sly'. be says the Virgin islands Goviirnment lSlandStp da what it already Shauld his inc'crests range from after the locai governmentwas be doing, that is, operaUngits Tsar o i art'una 8ays. found Lo be in violation of federal sewage treatment faciliUes in Sc'hlue&r has li ved on she clem water standards, The decree compliance with its discharge Nordside over six years. He which eilows the goveriixnentto permitsand the ClemWater Act. has conc'Jbuled Po C.4, sn fhe operate the plmts as they ~ Indeed.each day in whichthe pest and has had mac'erral givesthe government unUl October Virgin islandsdeiays in takingpublI'shedin various marla- 21st Lo get. the pimts up ta steps ta bring about compliance.zines, and newspapers.. stanclardor else be subject 'Lo another day passes ln which contampl. proceedings, penaiUas pollutantsare beingdischarged into and other appropriate reiief, its waters' to the detriment of both accordingta the V.l. Saverisnent the environment and the health end news reieesa. weifare of its citizens. Sovernor Juan Luis asked the The Chiei Executive urged Legisia~ ta approve legislaUon residentsto take cognizanceof the ta allowthe governmentto fulfill event. of Coostweek and to its obligaUons,Lo correct the psrticipaLe fitUngly in its wastewater deficiencies. The observance. He failed Lo niention- criticai questionis whet does ihe on which beach or beaches

Puerto Rico's Kiko Oalmau Featured in Magazine Ad

Kiko Delmau,generally regard- a white smd beach, looking over ed as Puerto Rico's top all around his shoulder nonchalantlyet the boerdsailor for the pest few years, camera. Underneath his picture, was featured recently in a two full Kiko is quoted as saying: "Puerto page ad for the Puerto Rico Rico has 272 miies of unforgettable Tourism Department appearingin beeches- especially Secret Spot, nationalU.S. magazines. Crash5oat and Angry Ladies. l iko is shownriding the r ail off -J.L. eL, RepQRTERO / VIKRNES 1 DE NovtehISRE oC >9gs Interrogan al rescatador gp |"ggQEspostto

RITA rMS PKRKz SOTO KL REFORTERO Eicuerpo mortaimente herido de Tammy Esposito fue rescatado dela playa deisla Verde ei domingo pasado. a unos 40 pies de la orilla, segun se desprendio deitestimonio deia persona que lagr6 mscatar a la senora tras ser arrollada por unalancha, y a quien nnaimente la Policia pudo localizar eimiercoles enia noche. Kl interrogatoriodei testigo, cuya identidad no fue dada a conocer,estuvo a cargode agentes dela Divisionde Homicidios deiCuerpo de Investigaciones Criminaiesdela Poiicia,quienes investigan la muerte d'e la esposa del director deiNegociado Federal deInvestigaciones, JamesEsposito. Seinformo que el testigoreside enRfo Crande y acostumbra irai area de isla Verde a disirutar deia playa,coincidiendo eidomingo enla tarde con ei incidente enei que perdio ia vida Ksposito. Kl capitanSebastian Ortiz, director interino del Cuerpo de lnvestigaciones Criminaies,dijoquelas declaraciones deeste testigo agreg6 muy poca inr'orma- cidna laya recopilada porlos agentes dela Division y dei FBI, que colaboran en la pesquisa. Deacuerdo al capitanOrtiz, tanto las conr~dencias corno los testimonios recibidosen ei CJC coinciden ensenaiar que los tripuMtes de ia embarcacion erandos hombres y parlo menosuna mujer, presumibiemente jovenes. Ayerlos agentes delClC asignados a lainvestigacion semovieron a iYayaguez y Humacaopara verificar varias conRdencias recibidas recientemente. Elcapitan Ortiz declin6 entrar en las motivaciones deicaso pero indico que mientrasno haya evidencia que demuestre lo contrario partiran de la premisa quela muertede Esposito fue un accidente, Encuanto a ladescripci6n dela embarcacion,sedijo que es blanca, con capotaazui, de unos 16 a 20pies de esiora y ".on un motor hera de borda. ~9ientrastanto, el FBItiene bajo examen la lista.de 5.000 embarcaciones que le entreg6el miercolesia Autoridad de los Puertos a los 6nes de detectar aquellascuya descripci6n coincida conla embarcacion que,presuntamente, le ocasion6lamuerte a Esposito.Seespera que ei FBI comience a locaiizar a los duenosde ias embarcaciones y descarte aquellas que no puedan reiacionarse conei incidente.De esa forma ira mduciendose el marco de la investigacion a las embarcacionessospechosas. Deotra parte, la patologa Yocasta 8rugal, quien realizo laautopsia alcadaver deEsposito, dijoayer que los golpesque recibio enla cabeza, laparte trasera del t6raxy eibrazo son compatibles conuna helice ancha delas de un motor deuna embarcacidn,porel ancho y la protun didad de las heridas. t.'no de los brazos dei cuerpode la senora fue pricticamente cercenado y enla b6veda deicraneo frontalrecibio una herida de 3 pulgadasquelo perforo,hueso que, segun la pat6loga,es uno de los mR duros en la cabeza. 1 de noviembre Qe 1985 Kl Reportero

Al vaiven de los caimanes Secretario de! DRN

NYDIA BAUZA Unidos United States Fish and Wild- Ante la situacidn generada. San- EL REPORTERO life Service!. El funcionario explico tiago Nievestomo la decisionde cons- que los estudios realizados encontra- truir un parquerecreativo de caimanes Los afamados caimanes boricuas, ron niveles toxicos de contaminantes, en la Is/a y envio a un empleadodel que tanto revuelohan causadoen ei incluyendo mercurio, DDE y Dieldrin, DRN a Estados Unidos para estudiar el pais 'desdesu subita aparicidn en la entre en el higado y tejidos grasos de proyecto. No obstan te, en ese LagunaTortuguero de VegaBaja, tie- un caiman que habitaba en la Laguna mornento surgingen el panoramael nen al Secretario de Recursos Natura- Tortuguero. Las muestras, que tam- rnillonario Arthur Jones, quien inic;o les dei "tingo al tango". bien incluyeron sueio y sedimento dei canversaciones con e! DRN para tras- lugar, fueron recogidas en marzo de ladar los caimanes puertorriquehos a Despues que AIejandro Santiago -este aho. su zoologico particular en Ocana, Nievesdio luz verdepara que los cai- 'Estamos recomendando que no se Florida. manes se pudieran cazar para con- coman los caimanes porque cabe la sumo humano y aceJerar asi su posibilidad que puedan tener mercu- EL DRN esperaba que Jones comer.- exterminio en la Laguna Tortuguero, rio", sehald ei Secretario del DRN, zara el traslado de los caimanes el ahora resulta que el prapio funciona- quien precisamente aparecio en una pasadomes de octubre,pero ef millo- rio no recomienda que se coma la fato de un perihdico de la Capital nario no se ha comunicado con Ia carnedei reptil, ante la posibilidad de mientras saboreaba un plato de cai- agenciaaun. EL DRNle concediol0 que puedan estar contarninadoscon man boricua. diasadicionaies para que el millonario mercurio y algunos pesticidas. fije una nueva.fecha para el trasladoce El dirigente del DRN dijo que al los reptiles. Un anuncio del Depvtarnenta de momento se desconoce de donde pm- Recursos Naturales que aparecepu5li- cadohoy en los principalesdiarios del ceden los contaminantes e insistio en pais adviertea la ciudadaniaen gene- que todo lo que se sabe hasta ahora es al que los caimanescapturados en la que "un cairn& dio positivo". Laguna Tortuguero en Vega Baja podrian estar contaminadoscon sus- Estimados iniciaies del URN sehaia- tancias tdxicas. ban que en la Laguna podria haber airededor de 2,000 cairnanes. Sin El Secretario de Recursos Naturales embargo,Santiago Nievesindico que sehala en ei aviso que no se reco- actualrnente podrian quedar "corno mienda ei consumo de carne de cai- mil y rnayormentepequenos, parque man de la Laguna Tortuguero hasta los mas grandesya los capturaron". tanto se hagan los analisis necesarios para determinar que dicho producto Los caimanes cobraron notoriedad estd! ibre de contaminacion de sustan- aqui cuando varios rnesesatras se des- cias t6xicas. cubri5 que cientos de los reptiles habi- tan en las aguas de la Laguna Santiago Vievesdijo a EL REPOR- Tortuguero. A partir de entonces, res- TERO que el DRN, conjuntamente taurantes aledahos al lugar han can la Junta de Calidad Ambiental, incluido en su menu a!gun plato con- estan realizando un estudio para feccionado con la novedosa carrre, "corroborar si los cai manes y ia corno caiman guisado, alcapurrias de Laguna estan contaminados". cairn& y sopas. El titular del DRN sostuvo que la Un proyectoaprobado en la Legisla- decision de no recomendar el con- tura autorizo al DRN a la caza de los sumo de los caimanes se tomo a base caimanes pero fa Sociedad Protectora de estudios realizados por el Servicio de Animaieselevo varias protestas por de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de Estados el exterminio de los reptiles. '7heQaily News, Saturday, November 2. 1985 EeBronsays his duty is.not to discourage growth

'You are the ones who can valid permit because Allen- Sy JONATHON C. GlASS make this possible," he said. "You Williams officials signed a docu- Daily News StaR have the leverage. We can only ment agreeing to assign ail its adinimster, but you inust de- permits to the acquiring company mand " Conservation attorney Whey Huff The Conservation and Cultural LeBran said he would like to has supported that view. Affairs Department will not stand have the authority to regulate Allen-Williams officials say in the way of coastal deveiopment earth change permits ln upland their company retains the permit that means ecoaomic gro~th for areas as weil as the coastal zone, until they sign the offic>ai CZAI the laiandS, CammiSSianer Angel because upland erosion is a major application for assigning it. LeBron promised local business problem. CZlC should not be drawn 'nta leaders Friday. Lack of staff, equipment and the dispute over the court settie- LeBron, as supervisor of the vehicles makes it almost im- meat between the two companies. Coastai Zone Management office, possible for his department to Babb and LeBron agreed. has come under fire for favoring carry out all its regulatory func- Babb said he would like ta see a developers over environmentaiists tions, he said. special CLVI meeting this weekend and modifying permits to allow Attorney Edith Bornn. who has to settle the question so as

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Uegan barcos de turismo CCHEU contribuira LA AUTOMDAD de los puertos inforrno que hoy lunes, 4, arribara al puerto de San a aumentar las Juan el barco de turismo, The Victoria, de Crowley, al mueile I-E. exportaciones Manana. martes 5, llegaran Sun Viking, al rnueile 3-E, y Por JOSE VALDES habla hispana, a traves de iado Caribe, al muelle 1-E. Ambos De El Vuevo Dta e I Hemisferio'. representados por Continental Entre ellos se senalo a Phillip Shipping. Tarnbien llegara ma- Moris International, Xerox. nana, ei Rotterdam, que repre- hA CONVKNCION Anual de Ia Camara de Comercio IBM. LTV Aerospace 2 De- senta Caribe Shipping, ai rnue- tense, J.C. Penney Campanv. lle 1-W. Hispana de los Estados Unidos ICCHEU!. que se efectuo en el Equitable Life Insurance. El miercoles ambaran Song Coors. Coca Cola y Amertcarr Of America. al mueile 3-E, Centra de Convenciones dei Condado. durante las dias 18 Telephone and Telegraph. para Southward al 1-E y Festivale ai citar algunas de Ias corporacio- I-W, El barco Farnella, que re- al 21 de septiembre pasado, ha abierto nuevas oportumdades nes que se hicieron represen- presenta Continental Shipping, tar. arribo a San Juan ei sabado 2, al comercio y la industria de la y permanecera en el muelie 3- Isla. destaco un dirigente de la La convencion de Ia C am ara W hasta hoy lunes 4. rnisma. refiejando optirnisrno. de Comercio Hispana de :'os Se esperan el sabado proxi- Senaio que en esa conven- Estados Unidos se ha cans erti- mo: Cunard Countess, de Cari- cian participaron destacadas do. ademas. en un punto de be Shipping ai rnuelle 1-E, persanalidades. entre elias, el "enlace entre los comerciantes Carla C de Costa Line, al 3-E, y vice presidente de Estados U- hispanos de Estados L nidos Sun Princess Cruises, al rnuelle nidos, George Bush. Tambien de Latinoamerica". Fue uau 6. fue un exito ia asistencia de Ios oportunidad mu especial para rnas altos ejecutivos de empre- Puerto Rico, que Ios industria- sas nacionales y rnultinaciona- les en general coincidieran Ies. cuyo primordial cometido que se aicanzaron meras mui durante Ia canvencion fue ei de positivas con miras a un auge Sea-Barge mayor en nuestras expartacio- "estabiecer contactos con pa- tenciaies supiidores y distribui- nes. que se refie,ara sin duda adquiere dares para sus productos", Asi en ei aumento de la carga mari- tima. corno el reclutamienta de per- contrato sona/ especiaiizado con el pro- El cornercio puertomqueho posito de "expandir sus opera- puede crecer i exrenderse mas. SEA-BARGE. la nueva linea ciones en los mercados de tanto hacia ei ecart coma ha- maritirna que sirve a Puerto cia ei Sur. ha expresado par Rico y a Florida.representada ! atraparteei presidente deIa en ia isla por Luis A. ~yala Carnara de Comercio de Puer- Colon. ha obtenido el contrato to Rico. serrar s larrue! Garri- para transpartarIa cargadei da. retiriendose ai everrto ce!a camandomaritimo rniiitar en- CCHEL'. EI i ipacio 'e I ~;oa- tre Jacksonville v San Juan. vencion en Puerto Rico Avaia Del Vaile intormo que sido tan rrriportante qac SeaBarge tiene salidas Ios vier- sible que err Ia renovac,oii de ia rresde San Juan a la Florida i actual direciisa de ':, iosiit.i- de la Rorida a Sari Juan cion figiire cI aomhre d' .ir.a I tgura de i II:dilsiria !,is.. Fsta nueva linea viene sir- vienda a Puerto Rico por 10 Sertaiair que Ia Camaia de serpaqasca rasecutiyas. sin cun-. Comercio Htsparra en soIo se:s gunainterrupcion en su itine- anos sc ha coniertrdo .o Ia rario. aseguroAyaia Del Valle, agrupacron de horr~bresde re- gocias hrsparias err Estados L- nidos de mayor poder ecorto- m ico I dest reza.