LGBTQ Liaison Is Appointed
YALE GALA YALE’S LGBT ALUMNI/AE NETWORK NEWSLETTER Yale Amends Non-Discrimination Policy in LGBTQ Liaison Is Response to Student Campaign Appointed University Is the Final Ivy to Add toward making Yale a more safe place Trumpler selected to be Gender Identity and Expression for all its students, faculty and staff, regardless of their gender identity or University’s first adviser New Haven, CT TheYaleCorporation, expression”, said Hugh Baran ’09, coordi- for issues of queer the governing body of Yale University, nator of the Queer Political Action Com- voted this semester to add gender mittee (QPAC). “I’m glad that the student life identity and expression to its non-dis- University has listened to its students By Cullen Macbeth, crimination and equal employment and made this important change, Yale Daily News Staff Reporter opportunity policy. The vote comes in which will not only provide real pro- From in the Yale Daily News, September 20, response to a student campaign, spear- tection to students, faculty, and staff 2006. Reprinted with permission. headed by the undergraduate-run across the University, but also sends a For the first time, the lesbian, gay, Queer Political Action Committee, powerful message about the Univer- bisexual, transgender and queer com- that began last spring and drew the sity’s commitment to equality, diver- munity at Yale has a new liaison for support of over 1,000 students, fac- sity, and respect in our community.” formal communication with Univer- ulty, staff, and alumni. In addition, the “QPAC looks forward to working with sity administrators. Yale College Council, the undergradu- the administration to ensure that the Maria Trumpler, who will be direc- ate student government organization, University’s policies reflect the new com- tor of undergraduate studies in the overwhelmingly approved a resolution mitment to equality that has been artic- Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality endorsing QPAC’s proposal.
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