Tajikistan National progress report on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (2009-2011) - interim Name of focal point : Mr SHOMAHMADOV Alisho Organization : Committee of Emergency Situations & Civil Defense Title/Position : Head od department of information management and analysis E-mail address :
[email protected] Telephone : Fax : Reporting period : 2009-2011 Last updated on : 9 March 2011 Print date : 09 Mar 2011 Reporting language : English An HFA Monitor update published by PreventionWeb http://www.preventionweb.net/english/countries/asia/tjk/ Page 1 Page 2 Outcomes for 2007-2009 Area 1 The more effective integration of disaster risk considerations into sustainable development policies, planning and programming at all levels, with a special emphasis on disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness and vulnerability reduction. Outcomes: On March 30, 2010 Government of Tajikistan has approved a National Disaster Risk Management Strategy and its Action Plan for 2010-2015, which was developed throughout 2008-2009 with the initiative of Committee of Emergency Situations (CoES) and financial support of UNDP and ECHO. During 2009-2010 disaster risk reduction issues have been mainstreamed into development plans of 15 districts of the country (namely: Panjakent, Ayni, Gornaya Matcha, Isfara, Konibodom, Baljuvon, Nurobod, Kulob, Khovaling, Jirgital, Vakhdat, Tursunzoda, Shurobod, and Rumi). It is planned to expand the given initiative throughout the country. Given initiative is financially supported by UNDP and SDC and all the relevant information can be found at www.khf.tj . Currently, a unified network is being established, which will connect headquarters of Committee of Emergency Situations (CoES) and its 7 regional branches for constant and immediate exchange of information.