The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India) Contents

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The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India) Contents Since 1953 IETE IN THE SEVICE OF THE NATION TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERS lg oh;± djokogS th IETE 2017-18 64 ANNUAL REPORT The Institution Of Electronics And Telecommunication Engineers (India) Contents Highlights 2017-18 Notice of 64th Annual General Meeting……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 05 Programme……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 06 64th Annual Report 2017-18……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 07 Technical Programmes at Centres/Sub-Centres…………………………………………………………………………………… 17 The Governing Council 2017-18……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 50 Membership Strength as on 31st March 2018……………………………………………………………………………………………. 53 Executive Committees-Centres/Sub-Centres 2018-20…………………………………………………………………………… 55 IETE Annual Awards – 2018………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 62 IETE Academic Awards 2018……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 64 IETE Students' Forums……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 77 IETE Organisational Members…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 82 Auditor's Report & Statement of Accounts 2017-18………………………………………………………………………………… 87 Centres/Sub-Centres Office Bearers 2018-20………………………………………………………………………………………… 103 Vision Reaching the unreached and empowering the youth through Technical Education and Skill Development Mission Advancement of Electronics, Telecommunication, Information Technology & other related disciplines; to contribute in nation's Human Resource & Infrastructure Development through our engineers A Proud Moment for IETE Prof (Dr) K T V Reddy, taking over as President IETE Prof (Dr) K T V Reddy became the 42nd President of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India). He was installed as the President IETE by Vice Admiral AR Karve, AVSM, FoC-in-C Southern Naval Command during the inaugural session of 60th Annual IETE Convention held at Kochi on 17th September 2017. As President, Prof Reddy worked towards restoration of recognition of the Institution. Under his leadership, Institution has made significant contribution in all fronts. He motivated IETE Centres, Members and all stake holders to become more effective in advancing the aims and objectives of the profession. IETE fraternity is proud to have Prof (Dr) K T V Reddy as its President, for the year 2017-18. IETE Activities at a Glance……….. Visit of Prof. (Dr.) K T V Reddy, President IETE in Office of Yoga Session at Mumbai during Governing Council Meeting Sh. C Vidhasagar Rao, Hon'ble Governor Maharastra Dignitaries at 3rd Innovation Meet on 01st September 2018 at IETE HQ 23rd Sir J C Bose Memorial Lecture on 30th Nov 2017 by Prof M Jagadesh Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Jawaharlal Nehur University, New Delhi at IETE HQ IETE Activities at a Glance……….. International Radar Symposium India (IRSI) organized from P r o f ( D r ) K T V Reddy, President IETE presenting Triveni Devi Memorial 12th Dec 2017 at Bangalore Centre Award for 2016 to Ms Manjula DG (ECS), DRDO Bengaluru. Dignitaries at International Conference held at Mumbai Centre on Prof B S Sonde, Past President IETE addressing at 22nd Sir C V Raman 14-15 July 2018. Memorial Lecture on 28th Feb 2018 IETE Australia (PAC) Annual Day celebrated on 22nd July 2018 National Technical Paper Contest (NTPC) organized by IETE Palakkad at Murdoch University, Australia Centre on 21st April 2018 Highlights 2017-18 lElections of Distinguished Fellows, Governing Council and President were conducted online. lDr M H Kori and Prof K Laxminarayana elected as Distinguished Fellows for the year 2017-18. lDr K Sivan Secretary Dept of Science and Chairman ISRO elected as Honorary Fellow for the year 2018. lLife Time Achievement Award to Padma Shri Dr T H Chowdary, DFIETE & Past President and Shri R K Gupta, DFIETE & Past President for 2018. lIETE 49th Mid Term Symposium successfully conducted at Visakhapatnam on 8th-9th April 2018. l22nd Sir C V Raman Memorial Lecture was delivered by Prof B S Sonde, DF & Past President IETE, Former Vice- Chancellor Goa University at IETE Bengaluru Centre. l23rd Sir J C Bose Memorial Lecture was delivered by Prof M Jagadesh Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi at IETE HQ. l64th IETE Foundation Day celebrated at IETE HQ and Centres/Sub Centres on the topic “Changing the World through Data Science”. l50th World Telecommunication & Information Society Day celebrated at IETE HQ and Centres on the topic “Enabling the Positive use of AI for All”. lInauguration of New ISF at Centres and Sub Centres. lSummer School in Electronics & Computers (SUSIEC 2018) was conducted at IETE Bangalore Centre premises during 29th April 2018 to 20th May 2018. lDepartment of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt of India has renewed recognition of IETE of SIRO on 01st June 2018 till 31st March 2021. lA MoU has been signed with the M/s Springer for publication of papers presented during various IETE National and International Conferences. lStudents Day Celebration at HQ and Centres. l31st GISFI Standardization Series Meet on 5G was held jointly with IETE & IEEE at IETE HQ, New Delhi on 08th June 2018. lFour Zonal Seminars alongwith ISF Congress conducted in each zone. Tirupati Centre from South Zone conducted seminar on 19-20 February 2018.Yavatmal Sub Centre from West Zone conducted seminar on 17 March 2018. Jaipur Centre from North Zone conducted seminar on 21st April 2018. Ranchi Centre from East Zone conducted Seminar on 12-13 May 2018. lFinancial assistance of Rs 4 lakhs towards the publication of IETE Technical Review and IETE Journal of Research (Rs 2 lakhs each)was received from Dept of Science & Technology (DST). lIETE has also started conducting end-to-end OMR based recruitment examination for external agencies. Successfully conducted examination for RITES and three times for C-DOT. lVarious Women Oriented Programmes were conducted at IETE HQ and Centres/Sub Centres. lTwo Apex Forums were conducted by IETE Centres. IETE Pune Centre conducted Apex Forum on “Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence” on 28th Feb 2018 and IETE Palakad Cente conducted Apex Forum on “Mobile Phone: Gateway to Financial Services” on 3rd March 2018. l03rd Innovators & Industry Meet 2018 was organized at IETE HQ on 01st September 2018 IETE TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERS lg oh;± djokogS Phones: 011-43538821/22 Fax: 011-24649429 E-mail: [email protected] Website: [email protected] THE INSTITUTION OF ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERS 2, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003 Prof (Dr) K T V Reddy Lt Col Dipankar Sen (Retd) President Secretary General IETE TELECOMMUNICATION 31 Aug 2018 th ENGINEERS Ref:IETE/322/64 AGM/2018 lg oh;± djokogS To, All Corporate Members of IETE 64th (2017-18) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE is hereby given for the 64th (2017-18) Annual General Meeting of the Institution which will be held at 1630 hrs on 28th Sept 2018 at Hotel The Grand Mehfil, Amravati - 444605. You are requested to make it convenient to participate in the 64th (2017-18) Annual General Meeting. Thanking you, Yours faithfully Lt Col Dipankar Sen (Retd) Secretary General A G E N D A ITEM 1 TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE 63rd (2016-17) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 16th SEPTEMBER 2017 AT HOTEL HOLIDAY INN, COCHIN - 682028. The Minutes are available on our website No comments have been received. The Minutes may be confirmed ITEM 2 TO CONSIDER AND ADOPT THE 64TH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GOVERNING COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 2017-18. The 64th Annual Report is enclosed herewith and also available on our website ITEM 3 TO CONSIDER AND ADOPT THE AUDITED BALANCE SHEET AND INCOME & EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MAR 2018. The Audited Statement of Accounts for the year 2017-18 is given in the 64th Annual Report hosted on our website ITEM 4 ANY OTHER MATTER WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE CHAIR Any other point, to be taken up at the meeting in accordance with Byelaw 70,may please be sent to reach the HQ Secretariat by 21st September 2018. Annual Report 2017-2018 5 IETE TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERS lg oh;± djokogS PROGRAMME STUDENTS' SESSION AND 64th AGM VENUE : HOTEL THE GRAND MEHFIL AMRAVATI – 444605 Friday, 28th Sep 2018 STUDENTS' SESSION 1500-1600 hrs Students' Session and Award Ceremony 1600-1630 hrs Tea 64th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1630-1830 hrs 64th Annual General Meeting 61st ANNUAL IETE CONVENTION On “SMART ENGINEERING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (SEFSD)” VENUE : PROF RAM MEGHE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH AMRAVATI (MS) - 444701 Saturday, 29th Sept 2018 0600-0700 hrs Yoga Session 0800-0900 hrs Registration 0900-1100 hrs Inaugural Session 1100-1130 hrs Hi-Tea 1130-1215 hrs 50th Bhabha Memorial Lecture 1215-1345 hrs Technical Session I 1345-1430 hrs Lunch 1430-1630 hrs Technical Session II 1630-1645 hrs Tea 1700-1930 hrs Cultural Program 2000 hrs onwards Delegate Dinner Sunday, 30th Sept 2018 0600-0700 hrs Yoga Session 0930-1030 hrs 41st Ram Lal Wadhwa Award Lecture 1030-1100 hrs Tea 1100-1230 hrs Technical Session III 1230-1400 hrs Awards Ceremony (Including Best Papers) & Valedictory Session 1400 hrs onwards Lunch and Departure Members are requested to kindly refer their copy of the 64th Annual Report (available on E-mail/IETE website) while attending the 64th Annual General Meeting on 28th Sept 2018 at Hotel Grand Mehfil, Amravati Delegates who wish to attend the 61st Annual IETE Convention should register their names with IETE HQ, 2nd Institutional Area, Lodhi Road New Delhi – 110 003 Email : [email protected],
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