Minutes of the Proceedings Legislative
PARLIAMENT OF NEW SOUTH WALES No. 26 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL THIRD SESSION OF THE FIlTIETH PARLIAMENT WEDNESDAY 13 OCTOBER 1993 1 The House met at 2.30 p.m. pursuant to adjournment. The President took the Chair and read the Prayers. Members present- The Honourable Max Frederick Willis, R.F.D., E.D., LL.B., President The Honourable Franca Arena, A.M. The Honourable Andrew Bruce Manson The Honourable Richard Thomas Marshall Bull The Honourable Douglas Frederick Moppett, B.Sc.Agr. The Honourable Doctor Meredith Anne Burgmann, The Honourable Stephen Bruce Mutch. M.A.. LL.B. M.A.(Syd.). Ph.D.(Macq.) The Honourable Elaine Blanche Nile The Honourable Janice Carolyn Bumswoods. The Revcrend the Honourable Frederick John Nile, B.A.(Hons), Dip.Ed. E.D., L.Th. The Honourable Virginia Anne Chadwick, B.A.. The Honourable Edward Moses Obeid, O.A.M. Dip.Ed. The Honourable Paul Francis O'Grady The Honourable Lloyd Duncan Watt Coleman The Honourable Doctor Brian Patrick Victor Peuutti. The Honourable Ronald David Dyer. Dip.Law, R.F.D.. M.B.. B.S.(Syd.), F.F.A.R.A.C.S.. Dip.Crim. F.A.N.Z.C.A. The Honourable Michael Rueben Egan, B.A. The Honourable Edward Philip Pickering, The Honourable Keith James Enderbury B.Sc.(Chem.Ene.).- ,. F.I.E.Aus1.. F.A.I.E., The Honourable Beryl Alice Evans, B.Ec. M.Aus.1.M.M. The Honourable Patricia Forsythe. B.A., Dip.Ed. The Honourable John Francis Ryan, B.A.(Hons). The Honourable Jennifer Ann Gardiner, B.Bus.
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