January 2010 A monthly sitrep. for the Rhodesian Services Association Incorporated Registered under the 2005 Charities Act in New Zealand number CC25203 Registered as an Incorporated Society in New Zealand number 2055431 PO Box 13003, Tauranga 3141, New Zealand. Web: www.rhodesianservices.org E-mail
[email protected] Phone +64 7 576 9500 Cell +64 21 045 8069 Fax +64 7 576 9501 Please Note that all previous publications are available on line at www.rhodesianservices.org/Newsletters.htm Greetings, Welcome to the first issue of Contact! Contact! for 2010. Looking back over the years to the first Rhodesian Services Association newsletter that I produced in the beginning of 2003 we have come a long, long way together. Every issue that I produce is followed by a flurry of emails that reinforce the reason to keep on. Thank you all. The regular columns by Stompie and Grunter are absent this month as they are both having some time off. You are welcome to email them with any material; Stompie’s email
[email protected] and Grunter’s email
[email protected] I have made some changes to the website. This link http://www.rhodesianservices.org/our-supporters.htm is directly off our home page (look at the top of the page www.rhodesianservices.org in the green strip) and goes to ‘Our Supporters’. This lists authors and businesses who have donated goods for auction at the RV or who will make donations to us from generated sales of goods, as well as businesses who are our regular trusted suppliers.