Canadian Labour Archives: Some Recent Acquisitions Gregory S
International Labor and Working Class History . Number 17, Spring 1980, pp. 42-45 Canadian Labour Archives: Some Recent Acquisitions Gregory S. Kealey Dalhousie University The following list is selected from a longer version compiled by Nancy Stunden and published in LabouriLeTravailleur 5 (1980). It is drawn from entries in the 1977-78 Supplement to the Union List of Manuscripts in Canadian Reposi- tories. Lists of earlier acquisitions are contained in Bulletin of the Committee on Canadian Labour History (1976-1979) and in Archivaria 4 (1977). Public Archives of Canada (Ottawa): , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Canadian Labour Congress (additional) files 1960s and 1970s. 40.35m. Canadian Railway Labour Association correspondence, etc., c. 1940-70. 5.8m. Canadian Union of Public Employees 29 Sep 2021 at 04:35:10 files c. 1944-76, c. 22.3cm. , on Cohen, J.L. (1897-1950) files and documents of important Toronto Labour and civil rights law- yer. 10.5m. Finnish Organization of Canada records 1891-1976, 29m. IP address: International Association of Machinists Canadian Office Records, 1901-76, 19m Local Lodge Records, 1908-67, 90cm. Labour Council of Metropolitan Toronto (additional) files, 1956-71, 7.8m Ontario Federation of Labour files, minutes, reports, 1946-76, 10m. Ottawa and District Labour Council minutes, 1899-1968, 5.6m Downloaded from Reports and Correspondence 43 . Parent-Rowley files of important textile organizers, 1939-69, 3.4m Textile Workers Union of America (Canada) National Office Records 1948-77, 20m.
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