HI TE COLLAR Official Publication of the Office Employes International Union No. 218 FEBRUARY, 1964 OffatI 17 OEIU Wins Representation At Midwest Mfg. Corpn. Office, clerical and technical employees of the Midwest Manu- facturing Corporation at Galesburg, Illinois, by a 58 to 39 major- in Pulp and Paper ity, voted to be represented by the Office Employes International Breakthrough Union. The balloting was conducted by the National Labor Rela- tions Board. The victory cli- Industry in Western Canada maxed art organizational cam- Local 333 Wins paign initiated last August by John Richards, O.E.I.U. Inter- At Meadow Gold national Representative. Recog- Columbus, Ohio:-Local 333 nition of the union was request- reported the successful results ed last September by a letter to of an NLRB election at the Mr. John Zahora, vice president Westerville Meadow Gold Dairy and general manager of the com- Products Company. Clerical pany. A petition was also filed employees of the firm voted 6 with the National Labor Rela- to 4 for 0.I.E.U. representation. tions Board requesting a secret The company, a subsidiary of ballot election. the Beatrice Foods Corporation, International Representative has a long established contract Richards, in announcing the with Local 153 in New York election victory, reiterated the City. need for continuing contact with those members who have indi- a wonderful initiative, which was cated their support of the union clearly evident in a government- and those in doubt up to and Leaders of the new O.E.I.U. unit at Port Alberni, British Columbia, shown with Vice President William supervised vote in which over including the date of the elec- Lowe (third from right), are, left to right, Barry Bonfield, Archibald Cardinal, Linda Fenske, Ronald Mrus, 80 per cent of the employees tion. and Clive Heatherington. voted for O.E.I.U. representa- As a result of this election, tion. approximately 100 new mem- Contributing strongly to the bers represent the first office ditions that are superior to those At a recent meeting, job stew- bers employed at Midwest have O.E.I.U.'s campaign program, group to be organized in the in Western Canada. ards were elected, and they are been formally initiated as mem- Vice President William Lowe pulp and paper industry in There is no doubt that many Messrs. Archibald Cardinal, bers of O.E.I.U. Local 221, reported the organization and Western Canada. other office and technical em- Clive Heatherington, and Barry Galesburg, Ill. certification of 60 office and For years, the O.E.I.U. has ployees of the pulp and paper Bonfield. Negotiations are now Valuable assistance in waging technical personnel employed by been bargaining collectively with industry in Western Canada will under way. The committee, the campaign was rendered by the MacMillan, Bloedel and the major pulp and paper com- recognize the significant advan- headed by Vice Pres. Lowe, con- Local 221 Pres. Dale R. Grif- Powell River Company at Port panies in Eastern Canada, and tages of O.E.I.U. membership. sists of Mrs. Linda Fenske, fith, Secretary-Treasurer Mary Alberni, B. C. as a result has been successful Brother Lowe reported that Archibald Cardinal, and Ron- Hayes, Janice Jordan, Pauline The newly organized mem- in establishing salaries and con- the new members demonstrated ald Mrus. Hendrickson, Harry Simon and John Miller. The new unit has already held Ben Cohan Banquet in New York Raises $5,000 for Retarded Children their first meeting and those (Continued on page 4) OEIU Local 153 Secretary-Treas- urer Ben J. Cohan (left) presented check to Congressman Hugh Carey of Brooklyn, for the Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy Institute for Retarded Children. In the jam-packed Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Roose- velt in New York City on Jan- uary 18th, 800 members of Of- (Continued on page 4) WHITE COLLAR Official Publication of the Office Employes International Union No. 218 JANUARY, 1964 a4=4,&07 OEIU Scores in York, Pa., Milwaukee, Tacoma,N.York The Office Employes Interna- Sign With tional Union in the past month President Conveys Borden's and scored gains at the Standard Intl. Paper Local 46 Sign Register Company, in York, Pa., Joe Nedham, Local 29 Busi- His Appreciation the Milwaukee Message Center, ness Agent, reported the success- Negotiations were successfully the Tacoma Credit Bureau, and ful signing of a one year agree- completed with the signing of a the Allied World's Fair Service ment with the International Pa- year agreement between Local Corporation and Riviera and per Co. 46, Tampa, Fla., and the Holiday Inn Motels. The contract effective August Borden's Dairy Inc. In York, Pa., another unit of 1, 1963, included a 4 per cent The agreement provides for a the Standard Register Company across-the-board increase with a yearly increase of five cents (5c) was added to the OEIU ranks minimum of fifteen dollars per hour. Substantial improve- by a 12 to 1 win through a Na- ($15.00) per month. ments were made in the insur- tional Labor Relations Board Paid vacation allowance has ance program and the proba- election. This victory, among been expanded to permit four tionary period was decreased the employees of the production weeks of vacation after 20 years from six months to ninety days. standards unit follows closely on of service. Employees with five years of the heels of a previous success Other improved benefits are service will now receive three among the office and clerical in the area of pension and sick .weeks of paid vacation. workers of the same company. leave. The Local 46 Negotiating Local 14 President Edward Committee consisted of Mrs. Springman and International Wilma Hayes, Ethel C. Ewing Representative John Fitzmau- 'Work' Issue and June Hermann. The Com- rice led both of these campaigns. mittee was assisted by Intl. Vice- Defeat Seen Pres. J. 0. Bloodworth. Impressive Win In Oklahoma At Tacoma, Wash., Walter Local Re-Signs Freeman; Business Represent- The National Council for In- 29 ative of Local 23 scored an im- dustrial Peace has predicted that Grand Auto Stores pressive win at the Tacoma Credit Bureau. In this instance, Oklahoma voters will reject a A new settlement has been the employees chose the OEIU so-called "right-to-work" law reached covering 35 members NLRB election by a score proposal if the issue reaches a employed at Grand Auto Stores, in an of 21 to 10. Negotiations are statewide vote next year. reports Local 29 Bus. Rep. John The council noted that the Kinnick. now in progress. measure to outlaw union shop The new contract covers the Pool Efforts agreements had been rejected by main office and all the branches At Milwaukee, Jerry Clark, overwhelming majorities in Cali- of the company. A $13.37 per Business Representative of Lo- fornia, Ohio, Washington, Colo- month wage increase was effec- cal 9 and International Repre- rado and Idaho when it was last tive on Sept. 1, 1963 and an sentative Arthur Lewandowski on the ballot in the 1958 elec- WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, D.C. additional $14.00 per month pooled their efforts to win an tions. will become effective Sept. 1, election for the telephone HOWARD COUGHLIN, PRESIDENT 1964. NLRB operators employed by a tele- Signs With Bible Co. OFFICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION Life insurance is raised from answer service, known as the Columbus, Ohio-Local 333 SUITE 610, 265 WEST 14 ST., N.Y.C. $1,000 to $2,500 and im- other Milwaukee Message Center. The and the Union Label Memorial provements on the health and YOUR THOUGHTFUL EXPRESSION OF INTEREST vote was 14 to 10 in favor of Bible Co., Inc. entered into an welfare plan have been made WAS RECEIVED WITH DEEP APPRECIATION. Local 9. However, challenges agreement which calls for sick especially in lowering cost of I SHALL CHERISH YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT will delay the official certifica- leave, bonus pay and wage in- dependent coverage. Other gains tion for several weeks. creases each six months during IN THE DAYS AHEAD. SINCERELY, include the establishing of Vet- In New York City, Ben J. the life of the agreement. LYNDON B. JOHNSON erans' Day as a paid holiday. Cohan, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 153 announced that the employees of the Allied World's Fqir Sefvice Corporation and the OEIU Executive Board Completes Busy Meeting Allied Exhibitions Maintenance Corporation recognized Local (Picture on Page 4) 153 and have agreed to nego- tiate a collective bargaining The Executive Board of the series of Educational Confer- Pension Plan. These Local Un- officers to purchase new lapel to cover clerical Office Employes International ences. ions did not previously partici- pens and quills for members. agreement workers employed during the life Union, at its December meeting Adopted a broad Civil pate on behalf of their full time Urged all Local Unions to the New York World's Fair. in Bal Harbour, Fla., completed Rights resolution presented by field and office staffs. waive initiation fees for teen- of This is the first company to be work on a full agenda. Among the OEIU Civil Rights Commit- Effectuated numerous agers hired for summer employ- organized at the New York numerous other actions, the tee, composed of Secretary- amendments to the OEIU Pen- ment in the year 1964 providing site. Local 153 is Board: Treasurer J. Howard Hicks and sion Plan and rules for the op- such teenager contemplate a re- World's Fair presently organizing three addi- Paid tribute to the memory Vice President Edward Spring- eration of said plan. turn to school in the Fall. tional companies in the World's of President John Fitzgerald man.
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